How to dress a hole. How to make a hole independently and close the hole in the stretch ceiling

Life is unpredictable thing, it happens such things that it is better not to remember about them. So in the wall for some reason a hole appears and it is necessary to get rid of it. How to do it? Yes, everything is very simple.

This article presents step-by-step instructions from professional professionals. Do not be afraid to take care. After all, as they say, "the eyes are afraid, and the hands do." Moreover, any person will cope with this, the main thing to understand the technology.

If you select the hole repair sequence, it is necessary to repel from the material of the wall and the hole parameters. The wall may be brick, concrete or plasterboard, and the hole is small, large or medium.

So, pushing out from these parameters, we will deal with what.

Close a hole in a wall of brick or concrete

The order of work on the closure of the hole in the wall is completely dependent on the size of the hole. But before construction work, prepare a hole for this, it is necessary to clean the edges of the holes from any coating (plaster, wallpaper, and so on).

Further actions are selected only on the size of the break.

Little shaver in the wall

Most often, such traces appear after trying to score a nail into the wall, removing old nails and the like. To eliminate this trouble you need to prepare in advance: sandpaper, a small spatula, brush, vacuum cleaner, foam and gypsum material.

Before you start the closure of the breaks, clean it from garbage, dust and other extraneous materials.

Sequence of actions when closing a small barrack in the wall:

  • Expand Break, it is necessary so that nothing prevents penetration into the repair mix.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and get rid of the formed dust and garbage.
  • Wash the brush in the water, handle the hole. This is necessary to prevent absorption of moisture plaster from a mixture of cement or putty, because the quality of the finish is significantly reduced.
  • Take the spatula, and apply the repair mixture, while rubbing it inside. At the end you have a smooth surface.
  • Wait for time, and when the repair point will dry, using sandpaper to handle the surface.
  • An extinguished hole, paint paint, bleach the wallpaper or make the original composition.

Big Wall Break

This type of opening may occur for a variety of reasons. For example, if your child decided to see what inside. But do not panic! Panic - the worst enemy of repair!

Instructions, for closing a large barley in the wall:

  • With the help of a vacuum cleaner, clean the hole from foreign objects.
  • Mock the wet tassel hole from the inside.
  • If the depth of the opening does not reach five centimeters, then it is possible to smell it with a repair mixture. When it dries, the cracks that appeared re-smeared. If the depth of the holes reaches five centimeters and more, it is best to put the brick or its substitute and shook it into it.
  • It is advisable to apply a large spatula that is applied to the plaster. The surface must be perfectly smooth. Plots next to the hole must also be embedded.
  • Wait to complete drying, walk at the place of repair work by sandpaper. After that, fidgeted or take this place with wallpaper.

We return to life a wall of plasterboard

Plasterboard - a fragile material that damage is very easy, it often happens because of the mistakes of the owners.

What to do:

1. Take a pencil and ruler, draw a form of rectangular shape in the place of repair work.

2. Using the hacksaw cut the previously drawn rectangle, it is necessary in order to remove all spoiled material. Strictly observe all the borders!

3. Take a board from a tree, it should be a little already and longer bars in the wall. Enter it in the gap, press the inside of drywall and fasten with screws. For convenience, you can make a handle that after attachment needs to be deleted.

4. Plasterboard sheet must be cut in the same way as a hole in the wall, and insert into the gap.

5. Attach the drywall sheet to the wood board with the help of self-tapping screws.

6. Sharpen the edges of the "Patch". On the layer of putty, impose a special grid, then sharpen again.

7. Give time to dry. Then go to the place of repair by sandpaper.

8. Return to put a putty, it will be the last layer. After drying, go through the sandpaper again.

9. Now the breach is embellished, and you can proceed to its disguise.

These were advice of professionals. Now you can easily close any hole in the wall. You only need to believe in your strength, and you will succeed!

Photo of effective methods embedding holes in the wall

Today we learn how and what to close the hole in the wall and on the ceiling. By doing repairs, you will certainly come across the task of training perfectly smooth walls for sticking wallpaper or painting. The path is not fast and conjugate with a lot of construction operations.

How to close a hole in the wall of concrete

To begin with, consider how to close the hole in the wall of concrete. Let's go to our wall closer and see it:

Scary, nothing to say. When you completely remove the wallpaper and take away everything too much, then it will look like this. Everything must be removed before concrete. White spots on the wall can remain if it is pieces of an old putty or glue, which have already grown with concrete and are not subject to intensive cleaning.

After some time, you saw that somewhere foam fell badly (or a piece of foam fell out); In another place, unforced chill in the wall of a depth of about 1-2 cm were discovered; Plus, in the 2nd, 3-places it would be nice to close small chicklets. So imagine that to solve this, it would seem an easy task, you will need foam, plaster and putty.

But the remnants of dry mixtures were thrown out, and the mounting foam ended. No one at the same time in the store you will not sell 0.5 kg of putty, 0.5 kg of plaster and 2 "PSHIKA" foam. So you need to buy everything, in large quantities, spending considerable money.

Someone will say: Oh, why did I throw the rest of the plasters before the time, they would have come true for me so much. But, nothing can be done, you need to go to the store. And then, the worst thing, having bought more than necessary, the remains of carrying out to the garbage. And this happens quite often.

Some manage to keep materials, which is called, until the next repairs. However, it should be remembered that all materials have a shelf life: usually 6 months, a year, two, and then they must be thrown away. What to do in the current situation? It turns out that there is a way out!

If you search in stores, that is, the so-called putty-putty. In some cases, it can replace the usual putty, and in other plaster. I worked with a putty-smear on the mounting foam. She looks like this:

A distinctive feature of this material is that the thickness of the covered layer can reach up to 10 cm! Yes, but not mm, namely, see! The putty-putty is sold already in the finished form, it has good (cloudy), an environmentally friendly, not cracks even with a large thickness of the seal.

If you take a putty on the mounting foam, then it is also moisture resistant, has protection against mushrooms and mold. Designed for finishing both internal and external premises. Here is an example when this smear can be used. As I previously spoke, part of the wall, which was not stamped in an adjunct with the ceiling:

The smelting here is suitable as it is impossible by the way. It is better to take a rubber spatula to work. The material is pre-stir good.

A stubble stacking stuck stuck to the wall is also perfectly sealed with putty-smear:

In general, you leveled the walls, covered holes. Do not be lazy, go around and inspect everything around again. And if suddenly it turns out that there are places for sealing, then do not rush to buy huge packages of dry mixes for the preparation of solutions. Just remember a wonderful putty-putty.

How to close the hole in the plasterboard on the wall

Consider two options for solving the problem when the hole is small and large.

What to close a small hole

If a hole in the drywall is small - in diameter up to 5 mm, then plaster, putty for this will not need:

Close up such a hole can be acrylic sealant. The sealant must be acrylic, and not silicone. After all, acrylic sealant is easy to paint, but silicone - no. So, we take a gun and start thoroughly fueled our hole acrylic:

Excessive, which got out, smear with a spatula:

If acrylic passes inside, we take a gun and drink it into the hole until it climbs out. And then again neatly smearing the spatula.

The hole is embellished. The next day, when the sealant will dry up, just slightly raise with sandpaper-zero:

What to close a big hole

If damage is more extensive:

that sealant can not do. For these purposes will need a putty. But first you need to remove the chamfer:

and trim the extra paper, which can later be detached. You will need a blade or knife for this, you can even stationery. So, the chamfer was removed, the protruding paper was cut:

After that, you need to cubs the hole. We take brushes, primer and carefully loaded so that the primer gets and inside and outside:

When the primer dried, we take a plaster adhesive mixture and thoroughly stuff her hole:

You need to score as you should, do not rush:

After the mixture dried:

sand with sandpaper:

Then we take the knife and in this area with the tip of the knife, a rectangle of about 10 cm for 15 cm, cutting only paper so that the damage turned out to be in the middle of the rectangle:

and remove the paper:

Moreover, it is necessary to remove the paper carefully, completely, to the gypsum so that there are no paper scraps in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle.

After removing the paper, the surface will be loaded:

When the primer dry, glue into our rectangle cut from its sizing a piece of sickle (plaster grid):

After that, we put the putty in this area and start to putty:

As the putty dries, it will only be left slightly sanding the repaired place of sandpaper.

This article ends. Today, we disassembled in detail how and what to close the hole in the wall and the ceiling on concrete and plasterboard basis.

This issue is resolved relatively simply, and it is quite forces to anyone, not even a particularly experienced home master. The approaches to closing holes differ depending on which walls have to be dealing with brick-concrete or drywall. Consider both cases.

Repair of a brick or concrete wall

Here it all depends on the size of potholes or holes:

  • a small hole, a trail from a nail, a narrow crack is closed by an ordinary putty, which is applied using a spatula, allowed to dry out and cleaned with sandpaper. After that, you can paint a repaired place in the same color as the whole wall, or stick wallpaper;
  • a deep hole is a place where before, for example, there was a socket before the finishing putty, it is necessary to fill out something durable and inexpensive. It can be a building gypsum (alabaster) or a simple cement solution with an increased amount of cement (grade 1: 3 cement). Before climbing the hole should be cleaned from the cropped plaster and moisten with water. When the solution is completely dry, it is perfect with a finishing putty, capturing and adjacent untouched wall sect. After complete drying, the renovated area is processed by sandpaper;
  • deep slots between the plates do not close in cement mortar, all the same get out. In this case, a mounting foam can help, which firmly closes the slot. Then the frozen foam can be cut into a knife, removing over, and then put on, as usual

When preparing any opening to repair, it is necessary to remove the abstract remains of plaster around the edges of the hole. If something keeps badly, it is better to get out during the repair and take it again than after some time to get another portion of work.

We restore the walls of plasterboard

Small potholes, traces of nails and other damage on the plasterboard wall shout in the same way as on the stone. But the wall of HCL under the action of a random strike can simply sell through, forming a deep dent or hole. Here you have to change the piece of the surface. The procedure for the following:

  1. square on the wall, in which the dent is fully included;
  2. cut the marked square with a dent from the wall (the best electrolovka);
  3. using the carved square as a template to mark and cut the same square from the whole drywall;
  4. crop with a knife of the edge of the opening and cut square, removing irregularities;
  5. prepare two wooden strips a little bit of a slightly width of the holes and fasten them from the inside to the upper and lower edges of the hole (screws can be screwed out outside, slightly bleaks their caps in plasterboard);
  6. put the carved square into the hole and gently fasten it with screws to the straps;
  7. calve the gaps along the edges of the patch and let dry;
  8. clean the surface of the sandpaper.
  9. Repair completed

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Often during repairs it turns out that the hole in the wall was formed. So that the finish finish looked beautifully, damage must be embossed. The technology of restoration work differs depending on the size of the damage and the material from which the wall is elevated. Even a person without the experience of completing construction work will be able to take a high-quality hole.

Why holes are formed in the walls

When the old wallpaper or other decorative coating is removed during the repair, it is found that holes were formed on the walls. Before answering the question: how to close the hole in the wall, you need to figure out what holes are, and why they arise.

Small holes on the wall arise from dowels clogged in them, nails, screws or as a result of mechanical damage.

Holes after carrying out rosettes can spoil the finish finish. How to seal a large hole in a concrete or brick wall will be described below.

Through holes arise in the locations of communications in mechanical impacts when deep cracks do not repair for a long time.

Cracks are formed during shrinkage at home and when exposed to building vibratory loads.

The timely executed repair extends the duration of the operation of the building and provides a beautiful appearance of decorative trim.

Surface restoration with small holes

If a dowel remained in the wall, it must be pulled out from there. To do this, twist in a dowel screw, grab it with passatsia and loose movements are pulled out of the wall.

After that, the hole from dust is cleaned, which will be an obstacle to setting the surface with a solution. Wash the hole with water. As a mixture for sealing holes in the walls, you can use:

  • cement-sandy solution mixed in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • building gypsum;
  • glue by tile Cerezit.

The prepared solution should turn out to be a creamy consistency. If the hole is large, small pebbles add to the mixture.

Pushed the solution to the very base, they are well tilled with a thin stick or other subject. After drying the surface, it needs to be launched, filling the remaining emptiness and formed when drying the crack.

When the surface is completely dry, perform the grout of sandpaper.

Interpanel seams diverged

This section provides information, how to close the hole with a concrete wall if the seams diverged.

If cracks were formed in interpanel seams, they should be urgently repaired. To close the deep holes in the wall, use the mounting foam. It is sold two species: professional under the construction gun and unprofessional with a tube. If the house has a fixture for a cylinder with foam, it is better to acquire a professional type, since it has less consumption and higher quality.

Step-by-step instructions, how to close a hole in the wall of concrete:

  1. Clean the surface from dust, garbage. Clean the remnants of building materials.
  2. The mounting foam is better seized with a wet surface, so before it applies the slot is abundantly wetted from the spray gun.
  3. The cylinder shake well and fill the foam hole. If the hole is very deep, the foam is applied by layers. Each subsequent is superimposed after drying the previous one.
  4. For 1-2 days, foam expands, filling the smallest microcracks on the wall. Until complete drying, it is impossible to disrupt its integrity.
  5. When the foam freezes, its protruding parts are cut with a knife.
  6. Align the surface with plaster or putty, then cleaned with sandpaper.

When working with mounting foam, you need to be careful. The material firmly sticks to the skin and clothing. From the body you can wash off with a solvent. If you get on clothes it will be corrupted.

Repair of cracks

The surface of the crack is expanding with a grinder and leveled its edges. For better grasp with the material used for repair, two layers of primer are applied. The subsequent layer is applied after drying the previous one.

What to close the hole in the wall:

  • Cement mortar with the addition of lime. Most often, the cracks are formed in the places of brick docking, on the places of connecting a concrete surface with a brick wall. In this case, when repaired, the construction grid is used. Fill the cavity with the solution, the steel grid is placed on it. After drying the first layer, the remaining space of lime-cement mortar is filled.
  • From a mixture of concrete with paint prepare waterproof smear. Cement is poured into the paint, constantly stirred to obtain a mixture of sour cream-like consistency. Filled with this composition crack.
  • The joinee glue is mixed with a powder from the chalk until the creamy mass is obtained. Apply the composition to the cracked place. Speakers are immediately removed.

The crack is important to detect and eliminate at an early stage. Otherwise, it will gradually increase.

Restoration of the integrity of the wall after the transfer of sockets

When the outlets are transferred, extra holes are deposited by cement or gypsum solution. When the hole is big, the question arises than to close the holes in the concrete walls so that the material does not crack.

The technology of restoration work depends on the depth of the opening. If it is more than 5 cm, you will need the corresponding stone or a piece of foam.

Step-by-step instruction than to close holes in the concrete wall:

  1. The cavity is purified from dust and garbage. Wet water.
  2. We clog several screws around the edges, they will hold the solution and filler.
  3. Fill the bottom hole with a solution.
  4. Close the inside by a stone or foam.
  5. Fill the hole with cement or gypsum solution. If crashes were formed after it drying, close them again.
  6. On the dry surface, the finish putty is applied with a thin layer.
  7. The covered hole is cleaned with fine-grained emery.

Compliance with the technologies of performance contributes to the receipt of a smooth surface. It is not recommended to blow dust, it can get into the eyes, it is better to use the vacuum cleaner.

Repair through hole

The holes drilled through the montage of communications in the brick wall or in the panel are sealed with silicone sealant, mounting foam or cement-sandy solution.

How to sharpen cement mortar through hole:

  1. Purified from dust, wet the surface.
  2. Prepared cement mortar. Small stones add to it. If there are no, take a rag, make up the solution so that it is so impregnated. Stuffed fabric in a hole. It is well compacted. Multiple cuts may be needed to fill all the space. The fabric should not appear out.
  3. Mind the remaining space concrete.
  4. After drying, the finishing putty alignment is performed.

Technology using mounting foam:

  1. Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. Spray cavity from the spray gun.
  2. Place the space foam.
  3. After drying, a protruding material is cut off with a knife.
  4. Perform a finishing alignment with putty.

This method of restoring through holes is suitable for dry and wet rooms. Cement mortar can be used in the bathroom and kitchen, it is not afraid of exposure to high humidity.

Restoration of plasterboard wall

Plasterboard is one of the most applied materials in construction. They quickly and easily perform the alignment of the walls. The disadvantage of this material is its fragility.

As a result of non-accurate actions when driving and permuting furniture, the material may be damaged. If you do not calculate the load and hang on the wall of the gypsum a heavy massive shelf, it can fully snatch a piece of material.

Technology repairing holes in plasterboard:

  1. Around the damaged place outline the rectangle under the ruler.
  2. Cut with a knife on the intended line.
  3. From the back of the resulting holes attach two wooden slats parallel to each other, which will hold the patch.
  4. A rectangle is cut out of a piece of plasterboard so that it fits tightly into the scene of the cut.
  5. Paste the patch into place, fasten with self-draws.
  6. We swell at first the place of docking, and then the entire surface of the rectangle.

How to smell holes from the screws:

  1. Prepare a spacade solution. It is sold in a dry and finished form. If the scope of work is small, it is better to purchase a dry mixture. The finished putty dries quickly after opening the container.
  2. Fill with a hole with a solution.
  3. After drying, they rub the shallow emery paper.

If there are holes from self-tapping on the wall of drywall, they simply slip them.

How to smell the stroke at a time, you can see on the video:

During repair work, it is often necessary to restore holes in the walls. This type of work does not require certain skills. Even a teenager to close the hole in the wall. In compliance with the performance of work, no one even guess that recently there was a hole in this place.

A concrete wall is truly considered durable and durable, nevertheless, even in it, holes are formed over time. Damage is a different kind and this is a not surprising phenomenon. Therefore, many home owners with concrete walls often wonder how to close the hole, what to use to livel the crack?

The hole in the wall is not to build houses anew, so that even a beginner master can cope with this work. Do not have good skills in construction or in working with a concrete wall. In general, it is easy to close the holes, another thing to make it high quality and kindly, while not losing the aesthetic attractiveness of the wall.

Before deciding with the materials and tools, methods of climbing, attention should be paid to character, the size of the hole. It may have to make a large ordinary gap, and maybe a large, through hole.

How to dress a small hole in a concrete structure?

Small holes occur often and for various reasons. For example, you could not carefully pull the dowel from the concrete. In order to eliminate such damage in the concrete, we will need:

  • screwdriver or alternative pointed subject;
  • sandpaper;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • brush;
  • a slight spatula;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • as well as the choice of putty / gypsum solution / cement-sand mixture.

So, before making a mixture of a hole, you need a pointed tool slightly expand the hole. Then we insert it into the hole and begin to expand the rotational and progressive movements. After that, take the vacuum cleaner and get rid of excess dust and dirt.

Now handle the hole chosen by us by the primer, so that the putty is better concluded with concrete. We take a putty or other material we selected and smear the hole. At the same time, try not to apply unnecessary layers, so everything was evenly and beautiful. We are waiting for drying and we clean the surface of the sandpaper. Now the wall can be painted or plastering, in general subjected to the finish finish.

How to smell a big hole in concrete?

As you can see, everything is simple with small holes, but what to do with big holes? For example, you dismantled the old rosette or reinforced the pipe, and the hole remained. There is no putty for this, because it will have to be applied with a thick layer, and it will fall off immediately. In such situations, it is advisable to apply either gypsum or cement mortar, but only then the finish plaster. Best as a wide spatula.

The technology of mailing will be like this:

  1. Carefully clean the surface from dust and dirt, treat the primer of deep penetration.
  2. Get the hole directly. With this purpose, apply the gypsum if the hole is a depth of less than 50 mm. For holes, a stone, a piece of brick or foam, which is topped with the same plaster, attached to the cement of the cement. If after the sealing occurs on the surface of the crack, it is necessary to walk again with a small layer of smelting.
  3. Now align the surface. The defective area needs to be shuffled with the finish plaster. We apply it to a large spatula, waiting for drying and grinding sandpaper.

How to close a pass-through hole in the wall?

Close-through hole can be even needed. In this case, we will work on both sides of the wall. At first, we apply the same method as for deep holes: we take again either a brick, or the stone of the size we need, fasten it on the cement-sandy solution. Further putting on the selected piece of seal from both sides of the same solution. Then, after drying, everything, we apply the finishing finish with plaster and squeeze the surface of the sandpaper. As you can see, the technology is very simple.

But what to do, if you want to smell on the other hand, there is no access to the room? We use similar technology, only here you need support for stone. They will serve dowel nails, driven into the concrete into the operating hole drilled by the electric drill. Pick the stone as much as possible under the wall of the wall. And then again everything is on the old scheme: we strengthen the solution, dries, cover with plaster and sandpaper sandpaper.

Eliminate other holes in concrete design

But these are not all kinds of defects in concrete walls. What other problems with the walls and how to solve them more details:

  1. If a crack appeared on the wall of the wall and the ceiling surface, it is possible to close, as well as an ordinary hole in the concrete wall. But there is also a nuance that needs to be taken into account: initially the hole is expanding to size about 10 mm throughout the length of the crack.
  2. If the problem of the walls of the wall of the wall near the pipes, it is better to apply silicone sealant, and the holes make a bigger mounting foam. The foam is cut slightly deeper than the level of the wall, and then beautifully shuck the finish finish.
  3. Another option, not quite suitable on the topic, but also very relevant. If the hole appeared in the ceiling, not the wall. This may be as a result of detachment of plaster. Clean the concrete surface carefully. Do not forget that the reasons for such a defect can serve as a mold, so carefully cleaned and processed by antifungal agents. Although it also applies to the walls: it is better to prevent the appearance of fungus than then remove it from concrete surfaces.


As you have time to notice, close the hole in the concrete wall is not so difficult, you do not need any tricky narrow-profile tools, deep knowledge. The technology from location, nature and damage size depends. Some small holes can be embedded with a putty only, and for larger, the substrate is needed, as well as a solution of plaster or cement-sandy.

The main thing is to properly prepare the foundation, clean it, well apply the mixture you prepared, smell everything. If you stick to the steps of repair work on the closeing of holes, it is possible to do everything efficiently and beautiful, and also prevent further expanding damage. I hope that you have found an answer to your question, and this material was useful to you.

It often happens that before painting a used car we find a through hole formed due to corrosion. What can be done in this case, if you leave the topic of professional body repair and high costs. Is it possible to eliminate the hole yourself, and if so, how to do it? All this will be discussed below.

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Of course, the possibility of conducting independent body repair is associated with the level of damage to the car. For example, if the through hole is observed only in one place, and the body is not completely or its part, it is not completely, you can begin to self-eliminate. In other words, if a partial problem is observed, and not a set of defects, it is possible to do without specialists 100 percent.

Note. In addition, actually eliminating through holes with their own hands only if they are not too big. Otherwise, you have to order a professional service.

Grinding holes on the body putty

As a rule, more often the holes arise on the bottom of the car. And in this case, everything around is well cleaned, autocosmetics (rust converter) and many other sets are used. Definitely degreasing and primer.

The technology of direct putting on putty, without using a patch, implies an application from the reverse side of the lining section. Thus, it will be possible to significantly achieve maximum fixation of the composition. Use instead of lining as such is a metal mesh. Such even sold in the store, they can be independently made, etc.

The putty must be evenly distributed over the surface, filling out all the space of the opening. After drying the solution, the zone is treated with a painting auto shutty. Then, after drying, paint and put a protective film.

This elimination of the through hole body is the most. Specialists, however, do not recommend using it, as the putty will start to skip moisture and collapse. This method is most appropriate if the recovery is urgently, but there are no other alternatives.

Algorithm for conducting a process of liquidation through hole by applying a soldering iron

That's what you need to do:

  • To begin with, it is recommended to clean the corrosive place from rust. You can use nozzles and drill (also another set of tools).
  • A patch is cut out of a piece of metallic sheet. Option - use of cans from under auto chemistry, etc.

The patch must overlap the whole hole on the element of the car island.

  • A powerful soldering iron is prepared, with which the patch is placed.
  • Now you need to reveal the edges of the patchwork.

Especially attention is paid to the edges of the opening, where the patch will be put.

  • A piece of metal solder with a solid seam.
  • It is checked by measuring whether there is a patcher over the surface of the body bubble.

You can diagnose the protrusion using a flexible line.

  • The protrusion (if it is detected) is interpreted by the hammer with unsiler.

After the patch is drowning, it will definitely arise a small failure. It will need to be aligned using putty. We must not forget that the thickness of the powder layer should not exceed 2-3 mm. Otherwise, after drying, the layer is easy to crack.

  • Before putting the surface, the surface is competent: rye is considered a brush for metal, and then the eye is processed.

It is better to use the skirt on 120. We must not forget that the Matturity zone should be more than a direct plot.

  • Abrasive risk is applied on the surface. This is done in order for the putty to hold on to.
  • Now the degreaser must process all zones after sanding.
  • Pre-pin the surface. It is done no later than an hour after sanding, as the purified metal without LCP is rapidly exposed to oxidation processes.

The first layer is better to take phosphate primer. It is a primer of this type 2-component composition, easily bred with water.

Attention. Dilute phosphate primer is prohibited in metallic tank. The fact is that phosphate has a property to interact with iron, and it is not good. It is better to use a glass or plastic container.

If it was not possible to find phosphant grooves, the aerosol shorts soil in the cannons are also an option.

As soon as it expires 10-15 minutes after applying the first soil, it is necessary to move to the surface treatment with acrylic. This type of soil is applied already in 2-3 layers. The gap between the layers is withstanding for about five minutes.

Note. Again, the acrylic soil can successfully replace the composition from the air plane. This is especially true if there is no compressor.

Dry acrylic completely for 3-4 hours. If it is possible to apply heating infre, the drying gap will be able to significantly reduce.

It remains to sharpen the surface, then pollute and primed.

The method of sealing through holes with a patch is considered the most rational for a number of reasons.

  1. Spare patches hold much longer than just putty with fiberglass.
  2. Patch gives a more reliable connection.
  3. You can close the holes of almost any size (except for the too large, when only the special service is relevant).
  4. Easy technology. Even newcomer will cope with work.

Video on how to close the through hole

Other ways to eliminate

Recently, it is possible to close holes and other methods. One of them implies work with fiberglass.


  • The body surface is also cleaned and degreased, as in the two cases described above.
  • The fiberglass cuts out the lining, the size of which should be larger than the hole sizes by 2 cm.
  • The zone is pre-drunk, the composition is given time to frozen.
  • The pad is applied to a completely dry surface.
  • Fiberglass linings are fixed with an adhesive-resin composition.

At first one pad is glued, then the second, third and so on. Again, on the back it is recommended to put a lining.

After drying the glue body surface is treated and painted.

As we see, the holes on the body of the car caused by corrosion is easy to eliminate and with their own hands. Visual examples can be viewed on video and photos.

Sometimes on the wall appear, it would seem, imperceptible breaks from the self-tapping screws, which spoil the appearance of the premises. If closeing the small potholes becomes a matter of several minutes (eliminating the drying of the mixture), then remove a big hole a little more difficult. Large samples are formed as a result of replacement of pipes or mechanical shocks.

How to close small holes in concrete walls

If a small hole was formed in concrete, the following should be needed for it:

  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • screwdriver or other thing with an acute end;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • plaster or putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • a slight spatula;
  • brush.

Before starting to install, it is necessary to expand the break for a more convenient filling of the primer with a screwdriver or screw. The workspace is then cleaned from concrete garbage with a vacuum cleaner.

Primer is necessary for better gypsum clutch (putty) with concrete coating. Only by treatment with the ground, you can begin to fill it with putty. Then the mass is evenly distributed to the spatula so that it remains as few irregularities as possible. After drying, the wall is cleaned with sandpaper to eliminate the remaining defects.

How to close a large hole in concrete

If there is a large defect, it will not be enough to use a conventional putty, which one can crack over time.

For sealing holes in the wall additionally need:

  • building gypsum (you can use the construction mixture);
  • finish plaster;
  • wide spatula.

As in the case of small trollers, it should be carefully cleansed the front of work from the remnants of construction waste and concrete dust.

If the size of the opening in concrete is less than 50 mm, the hole can be calmly embedded with plaster or construction mixture. Sometimes when drying, the treated surface of the wall is covered by cracks. Get rid of them will help the second layer of plaster.

When the platoon is more than 50 mm, it makes sense to fill it with an additional object - a small stone or a piece of foam. The main thing is to firmly consolidate it in the wall. The stucco is superimposed on top of a stone.

Close-to-open hole in concrete

Through holes are distinguished by the fact that they need to be embedded on both sides. There are two common ways to seal through hole:

  • using mounting foam;
  • using plaster.

Mounting foam is very convenient for filling through through slots in concrete. The hole is filled with the composition and freezes. After that, it is necessary to perform high-quality trimming of excess foam.

To give the surface of smoothness, it is necessary to smell the resulting height difference with cement mixed with sand, and then apply a layer of plaster on the concrete. Fully dried finish plaster is drawn by sandpaper.

The technology of embelling holes in concrete walls with cement is the filling of free space alien item. It can be both stone and a piece of fabric, a tightly closing hole in the wall. Placing auxiliary item in the hole, you can proceed to the processing of a defect with a concrete mixture and putty.

Some builders use the following Lifehak: Welcome a piece of fabric directly in the cement mixture, after which it is put in the lumen of concrete. After the rag is completely driving, it will remain fill in the minimum emptiness with a solution of cement, apply plaster and align the surface.

Close up of other defects in concrete walls

In addition to holes from mechanical shocks and repair work, there are still several common damages that often suffer from concrete walls. These include:

  • cracks at the seat of the ceiling and wall;
  • detachment plaster on the ceiling;
  • holes near the pipes.

Close up of cracks and holes at the seat of the ceiling is made according to the standard scheme, but there is one significant difference: before work you need to expand the hole throughout the perimeter.

If the hole appeared on the ceiling in the form of detachal, the first thing you need to check the surface for the fungus. In this case, the processed place is lubricated with an anti-grapple agent, and only then continue the repair work in the following order: primer, putty, spatula spatter.

Defects arising from pipes close up with silicone sealant. But if the hole is too large, it is necessary to use the mounting foam, which is subsequently cut and covered with putty.

It often happens that when preparing an apartment to repair, it is found that all walls in holes and resemble Swiss cheese. Holes and ships remain from the old wiring, nails for lockers and shelves, former sockets and switches, and just from the stucco wall falling down with a piece. The ceiling window in the bathroom is also a corp. But not in vain say that the eyes are afraid, and the hands do. We roll the sleeves and proceed to the sealing of defects, especially since there is nothing complicated here.

Close up small holes

Small holes on the wall of screws or dowels for startering, we clean the nail of a smaller diameter. Purify the compressor to drive out from there dust, weanly wet water to equalize the humidity of the surface and the raw repair composition. The resulting holes fill in putty to the maximum depth. The last barcode is stripping with emery paper in the main surface.

What to do with medium soda in the wall?

Close the hole from the old outlet or neatly remote tubes of communications is not much more complicated than getting rid of a small hole. The principle of surface treatment is the same:

  • We delete all the parts falling off from the wall. Including suspiciously stunning - they can bring a lot of trouble at the end of the repair.
  • With the help of a brush or vacuum cleaner, we remove the outdated pieces and dust.
  • Abundantly spray the surface with water from the spray.
  • For better clutch solution with a wall, you need to use
  • We throw the hole with a solution from sand, cement and water (3: 1: 1) or we use the finished plaster mix, let me dry.
  • Control the process of drying: if there are cracks, we wash the primer, leveling the surface. We succeed, and then, if necessary, repeat the priming.
  • Finally, align the grinder or manually using the medium-trimmed sandpaper.
  • After complete drying, we can assume that the hole is embossed and the surface is ready for the finish finish.

Drying the solution takes at least 12 hours. At this time, no manipulations with the treated surface can be produced.

Through the pipes from the pipes are pre-supported on one side by a piece of plywood. Having chopped the surface on one side of the wall, similarly carry out the procedure and on the other.

How to close a big hole?

Sometimes it happens that not only pieces of plaster fall out when repairing the walls. They can join broken pieces of concrete or bricks. In this case, it is necessary to use additional reinforcement of the wall surface.

  • Similar to the previous cases, we clean the hole from all over.
  • Drink dowels or screw powerful screws. If the pothole is large enough, they need to be additionally linked to the wire.
  • We remove garbage and dust with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • Welcome the surface with plenty of water.
  • In the standard cement-sandy solution, add broken brick or crushed stone.
  • The resulting mixture close up the dropped piece of the wall, we give a solution to stand and dry.
  • If necessary, we are plausing the surface of the whole wall or locally plot of holes with a subsequent drying and rubbing the crack.
  • Now you can proceed to the finish finish.

Apply cement mortar should be subtle layers, giving them a good kneading. Fat layer is guaranteed cracking or fall off.

What to do with big holes in the wall?

After a non-accurate dismantling of pipes, large holes remain in the walls. To restore the integrity of the surface, you will have to first lay the main part of the broach brick. Expand the hole so to make the laying smooth. Then, laying up a brick on a building solution as the main patch. Further manipulations produce according to the algorithm described above.

Remove holes in drywall

Gently remove a small piece of old wallpaper around the hole. By wet surface, we applied with a knife diluted with water gypsum. Insert a new piece of wallpaper on top of it. You can also stick to the damaged surface with decorative appliqué.

In case of damage to the GLC, the fixing algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Around the hole with a pencil, a square or a rectangle, capturing a cracked surface.
  2. Haves drink a hole on the outlined lines.
  3. From the wrong side of the plasterboard screws, the two parallel tires on which the patch will be kept. Depending on the size, the number of tires increases. Wooden rails, durable plastic, metal profile can be used as a frame.
  4. To the new sheet of drywall, we carry the contour of the carved piece and drink it as accurately as possible.
  5. The patch is fixed to the reikas previously screwed to the wall, driving screws so that the caps do not protrude above the leaf surface.
  6. Seaming seams produce gypsum putty.
  7. We remove the irregularities of sandpaper.
  8. Further primer produce or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former hole, or on the entire surface of the wall.

There are cases when the damaged area is too large. In this case, we calculate that it is cheaper and easier to repair a piece or replace the sheet entirely.

If the plasterboard wall is not brushed through, but only slightly apart and went cracks, there is another way of sealing the surface: we stick to the damaged section, and then we wash it with the repair makeup. After drying, the surface is aligned with the skin.

If you consult a professional finish, he will surely tell me how to close the hole in the wall. But if you ask some, you will have to act independently. Having settled in the apartment, you will spend a lot of effort to set up space. On the walls it will be necessary to fasten the shelves and cabinets, household items, and so on. If you have plasma, it will be possible to secure it using a reliable bracket. For each attachment, it will be necessary to drill a hole that can later become a hole that requires sealing.

Preparation of instruments and materials

How to close a hole in the wall - this question is one of the most common during the repair. Holes usually remain and after current repairs. If you have conceived to transfer the lamp to another place, you will need to remove the bracket on the wall. Such a defect can be smeared with putty and to poll place. As soon as the composition hardens, stains the sandpaper and stuck with wallpaper. Some paint the surface of paint.

If the concrete fragment was deployed at the junction of the walls, then the hole cannot be eliminated by the method described above. You will need to use other materials and techniques. To work, you should prepare:

  • putty knife;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • tassels;
  • sandpaper;
  • mounting foam;
  • piece of foam rubber.


This list is complemented by putty and finishing materials. If we are talking about a cross-cutting hole or a chip volume, then a solution can be used. In order to facilitate the work and speed up the process, it is necessary to purchase a ready solution that is sold in a dry or liquid form, because it will be convenient to work with it.

Work with concrete wall

If you are interested in how to close a hole in a concrete wall, then first you need to assess the amount of work. If the defect is small, it is possible to eliminate it without preparation. But if the hole is with a large area, then there will be different. It is not necessary to hurry to perform work on an ambulance hand, because your efforts may be vain - a piece of plaster will go away from the surface.

To seal a big hole, you will need to provide a reliable grip between the solution and the wall. The hole is cleaned from the dust inspected inside. This will help the vacuum cleaner. After the surface is moistened to ensure reliable clutch with a liquid solution. If this recommendation is neglected, the wall will pull out the moisture from the mixture, as a result of which it will not be possible to form a monolithic compound.

If the hole has a size of more than 5 cm in diameter, it should be filled with a fragment of brick or concrete. The remaining space is flawed with a solution. As soon as it freezes, the surface must be covered with putty. After each operation, you must wait for the solution well grabbed. At the final stage, it is necessary to clean the repaired portion by sandpaper. Next, you can enjoy sticking wallpapers or staining the wall.

If you still care about how to close a hole in a wall of concrete, then you should think what material to use. If the repair is carried out in the house of the old building, where the old plaster crepts, and the finishing solution is raped from the corners, then the mounting foam can be used to seal the hole. The volume formed in the corner between the walls is filled with foam to 3/4.

After that, a special mixture is divorced for sealing deep chips in concrete walls. The remaining volume is filled with this mixture in several approaches, and after it is left until the hardening. The final finish must be performed using a putty. At this stage you can achieve a smooth surface.

Small hole in concrete wall

If you want to know how you can close the hole in the wall, then you must assess the scope of work. When the hole is small, it is close to the mounting foam. If we are talking about a defect with dimensions less than a matchbox, you can use putty. The surface before starting manipulations is determined from dust and wetted with water.

Putclone At the next step must be applied in several techniques. If the hole has a small area, but deep enough, it should also be cleaned and moistened inland walls. Next, start to rub the putty and smooth it from above. As soon as the mixture hardens, the place can be cleaned with sandpaper. At this stage, we can assume that the process is completed. Wallpapers are pasted on the renovated place or paint is applied.

What to do with cracks in a concrete wall

If you also turned out to be among those who are interested, how to close a hole in the wall of concrete, then you can use the same concrete solution that is great for seelings of cracks. Before starting work, it is important to check whether these cracks are not expanding. You can do this using paper beacons.

Before the start, the surface of the crack is determined and lubricated with PVA glue. Inside the next step, a cement-sandy solution must be applied. You can use and finished mixture.

Working with a hole from a dowel: Preparation of instruments and materials

To work to eliminate holes from under the dowel, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • cement mortar based on sand;
  • putty or alabaster;
  • small spatula.

To begin with, you must take a dowel with a diameter equal to the hole.

Algorithm of work

In order for the spacing or the solution to be better penetrated inside, the hole is pre-extended. You can do it all the same dowel, moving forward-back. Next, it is recommended to remove dust from the inside. Do not blow it out, since pollution can get into the eyes. It is best to use a vacuum cleaner.

If you wondered how to close a hole in the wall from a dowel, then the instructions should follow. According to it, at the next stage, the extension is wetted with water with a brush. It is necessary to do this in particular when you plan to use plaster or putty. If you neglect by this step, then the composition after drying can be detached.

Now you can make a hole with a solution. The most convenient to use the spatula. The composition is well tumped into inside, and the surface should not have protrusions. After complete drying, the repaired place is cleaned with grinding. In the end, it will remain only to paint this place or stick out the wallpaper.

Elimination of the space between the bathroom and the wall

Even if there is a small slot between the wall and the bathroom, it can cause major troubles. For example, water falling there can be leaked to neighbors. You can avoid similar consequences at the repair stage. Excellent for these purposes, a cement solution is suitable, which is a universal means. But this decision cannot be called the most aesthetic. After completing all the works, you will have to give an extinguished gap aesthetic appearance.

At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the space from mucus and dirt, and if necessary, remove the old finish. Only after can be proceeding with the preparation of the solution. It is important to achieve a consistency of thick sour cream. Before close the hole between the bathroom and the wall, you must estimate the size of the gap. If it is wide enough, the solution will spill on the floor. In this case, heal the mixture of the old rag and laid the gap. When the rags dried a little, moisture the gap and start pouring the solution there.

The external part of the seam should turn out as already as possible. Considering what material is based on the bathroom finish, you can choose a method of disguising a seam. If the walls are separated by tiles, then the border from its residues can be put on the side. If you used plastic panels, they are placed on top of the seam. You can use a border of plastic. But when the walls are painted, then the seam is covered with the same paint, but the surface must be pre-covered.

Sealing holes in the wallpaper

If a hole was formed in old wallpaper, but you don't plan to repair the repair, you can enjoy the hole, using some interesting ideas. For example, metal mirror panels are very suitable for monophonic wallpaper. They look quite attractive, and in the morning they are also happy with cheerful solar bunnies.

If you still can not solve for yourself, how to close the hole in the wallpaper on the wall, you can use a flexible stylist board. However, it will only suit those families in which there are children. To decorate the walls and sealing the resulting hole, you can also use vinyl stickers in the form of pictures. They not only do not damage the coating, but also do not leave glue on it.

If you decide how to close a hole in the wall, you can use a fairly interesting solution - photos. They can be strengthened on small cork panels, which are easily singered by pins. An empty wall with a hole on the wallpaper can also be decorated with a rather functional item - shelf. In the end, you can hang a beautiful picture in the place where an unsightly hole was formed on the wallpaper. Or hours.

Sealing holes in a plasterboard wall

There are many methods for these works. You can choose the most you like. On the processed hole, for example, you can put a pay, putting it on the plaster. From above, all this is fixed with adhesive tape.

The base is covered with putty and paint under the color of the wall. If the hole is large enough, then the salary can be fixed with a screw, then plaster and putty are applied again. The final stage will be staining.

When the home masters are asked about, on the wall, they often use a segment of the same material that is existed inside. You can also apply Faneru, which is attached outside the screws. This piece will not allow you to fall inside and add an additional fixation tool.