What types of home bedbugs are. What is homemade bedbugs? Watch what bugs look - short video

In the past century, the bugs were considered the usual phenomenon and were not afraid. The new generation of products issued to combat insects - pesticides and poisons, managed to destroy most bloodsuckers. But not all! The most stable managed to adapt to the poison, and continue to disturb our presence old buildings and new homes.

Blind varieties

Cracops are the largest detachment of insects. Currently, more than 30,000 varieties are known. In most cases, the word "bug" causes wild horror and is associated with bloodshots. However, not all cause harm to man and some of them can even be helpful. Types of bedbugs are characteristic of our location:

Insect bright coloring. It is found throughout our country. At any time of the year, except for the winter, lives in the leaves of plants and grass. It is easy to notic, as the soldiers of the soldiers are settled by the colonies. Food is unpretentious and satisfied with small. Enough the juice of the plant, which he sucks a trunk. The photo shows a representative of this variety.

It is easy to guess why he is so called. The bugs have a well developed sense of smell, and in case of danger, it highlights his smell. For a person is absolutely harmless. It feeds on the juice of the plant, and can be found on any vegetation. The apartment appears in search of asylum or crawled randomly. Looking at the photo, you will certainly remember it.

This type of insect makes a significant harm to grain cultures. It is not much difficult not to notice, as they live with the colonies and attack the vegetation together. In the period of formation and ripening of the erasev, the activity of a harmful turtle reaches a peak. Females lay eggs and after 1 week larvae begin to appear. The whole period of its development will dwell on the grain crops, and cause damage to the plant.

Picture photo.

Forest and field bedbugs for the man himself are not hazard. In housing, they are randomly and for a long time they are not delayed there.

Many have heard of such bloodsuckers, and what they are in appearance - know those who had to face them. It is difficult to notice insect for several reasons. First, it is very small. Secondly, leads a nightlife.

The length of the body of the hungry blood is only 3 mm. Taurus flat and almost transparent, with a brownish tide. It consists of separate segments that are able to expand as food proceeds. Due to this, the fusion insect changes the form - becomes rounded and increases to 8 mm. What do bore beds look , Look at the photo and video.

Piercing the skin with the help of a trunk. There are two channels in small jaws. The first is to introduce poisonous saliva with an analgesic. Thanks to this, a person does not feel bites, and the insect calmly trapes. The second is designed to eat.

The body is covered with vile and protected by a solid shell. Crush the hungry clop is simply impossible, even with a strong press on it. The full can be destroyed by the slightest effort.

Females are always more males. The photo of the female is located below.

According to behavior, the hungry and fusion bug very different. The first is very fast and movable. It is capable of climbing the ceiling and to dive on the sleeping person. Fused intavative insect and slow.

Blinds are striking with their fertility. One female is enough for your housing to be filled with insects in 2 weeks. For a couple of months you will not know how to get rid of them. The female postpones the average 5-12 larvae per day and 300-500 for their entire life.

White eggs, 1 mm long and look like rice grains. Visually picture can be seen in the photo.

Burning eggs are in one place, detect them easier than adult individuals. Ripening period 1 week. Not afraid of temperature drops and insensitive to most chemicals.

Immediately after hatching is able to drink blood. To start the mechanism of growing larvae needs at least once to taste blood. This explains the activity of insects in the first week of their appearance. Unlike adult cloud, they are unable to produce analgesic when bite. Therefore, bites are felt immediately and kill the cluster can be quite easy.

For the transformation in a full-fledged clop must be 1 month. During this time, the insect changes the chitine shell 5 times. Increases in size and darkest. Because of the transparent color they are often called nymphs.

The process of turning the larva in an adult cloud, look in the photo.

The larva bed of bed bed leads the same way of life as an adult person. Differs in the volume of absorbed food and the number of damping performed.

The insect lives a year or one and a half. With a decrease in temperature below 18 degrees Celsius flows into the hibernation. In the hungry state there is half a year. During this time turns into a transparent, flat bug. The view resembles the dead. When optimizing the temperature comes to life, and leads a normal lifestyle. They are afraid of low temperatures from - 15 ⁰c and high - from + 49 ⁰c.

Where are the bugs in the apartment

These insects love to travel. They gladly change one housing to another, and quickly adapt to new habitat conditions. Often, the people who do not even know about it are helping.

  • You can safely bring them into your home from guests or bring from vacation.
  • Purchase furniture infected with clouds. Not only commission furniture may be infected with clouds, but also a completely new one.
  • Put in your home the interior items from the place where the insects lived. Before you make something to your home, it is desirable to inspect it.
  • Bring a pet in the apartment can a pet.
  • There are cases when they appear in the house through birds and volatile mice.
  • The slits in the walls and ventilation hatches open the path of insects from the neighbors. For 1 minute, the bug is crawling over 1 meter. Can overcome a distance of 30 meters. If there is an apartment with clouds in a multi-storey building, then there is probability that they will appear everywhere.

Blinds lead an active lifestyle at night. When visiting an infected room during the day, you can be calm - they will not move to you. In bright light, insects are hiding into secluded slits and mask their existence. If you had to spend the night in such a room, then the female will have time to postpone the eggs in the folds of the clothes or settles there. By bringing them to your home, you put the beginning of a new bug population.

Cuts crawl to hunt at night. The most favorable time for them is from 3 to 8 hours. The bug pierces the skin with a trunk and admits an analgesic, thereby painting the process. Make it so far do not come across a capillary with blood. See photo.

Meal at the larva lasts 3 minutes, in an adult insect - 8-10 minutes. Satisfied, the bug is removed to the side. Analgesic action stops after 15 minutes. Man begins to feel a strong itching. However, the insect has already managed to console during this time.

Verified method!

To have time to detect bugs during bites, you need to sharply turn on the light and raise the blanket.

People with gentle well-groomed skin are attacked - it is easier to contact her. (What to smear from bedbugs) suffer more women and children. The bite resembles a mosquito, but with a clearly traceable boundary. (How to distinguish a bite of a coara bite) The distance between them is about 4 cm. Located close to each other merge into a large red stain.

Home bug feeds 1 time in 7 days. But traces of bites can appear every 2-3 days. Without food can exist more than a month.

Consequences of bites

  • There is a strong itching and pain.
  • Nervous exhaustion - at night the bugs do not sleep, and in the afternoon work.
  • In case of sensitive skin, an allergic reaction is observed, an increase in body temperature, sometimes loss of consciousness.
  • Perhaps the appearance of guns in the infection in injuries.
  • Children bite bites are extremely hard. With a constant attack of predatory insects, anemia is possible.

How to be treated bites

Special treatment is required in rare cases. It is mainly eliminated by itching and redness with hormonal ointments and antihistamine drugs. If an infection occurs, the course of antibiotics is pressed. Gel fenastil fits perfectly, balm Golden Star, Ointment Afloderm, Bapten and some others.

Sometimes you can do without medicines.

  • Rinse the skin with soap solution. It is well suitable for economic soap or antibacterial.
  • To the bites applied ice cubes.
  • For rapid healing, calendula, hunter, plantain, plantain are used.
  • Drinking soda dilute in water and wet the affected places.

Bugs - symptoms of infection

Homemade bedbugs - cunning insects. They are not given themselves in the first days of existence. Tele bites are taken for flea, mosquito or other insects, not so harmful. At this time, insects are actively multiplied, and at night we are mastering the territory. While you have time to finally reveal them, they were already able to get comfortable in your home. What should pay attention to?

  1. Tea bites

They bite painless. Analgesic is introduced, which dull pain. Choose places where skin is most sensitive:

  • hands;
  • legs;
  • shoulders;
  • face,
  • less often spin.

The reaction to bites depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In 20% of people, they do not manifest themselves. Others are a series of acne, which will be very scratching. The third requires urgent help, since there was a strongest allergic reaction. The photo you can see a visual example of a night attack.

  1. Blood marks for bed

Bedding stains appear for two reasons:

  • After the bite, blood from the wound continues to bleed and bursts the bed.
  • Lowering bedbugs satisfying, becoming nervous and vulnerable. You can crush them with your movements, and the blood get into the sheet.

The photo shows a visual picture.

  1. Black dots

Life products. It is possible to notice them due to the quantity, since they themselves are very small sizes 0.5-1 mm. Footprints from bugs remain in places of their cluster or in close proximity to them.

What it looks like, look in the photo.

  1. Footprints

Band beds are subject to mol. The husk and skins stay near the insect nests. If you managed to see such a picture - you are on the right track. What it looks like, watch a photo.

  1. Smell Klopov

With a strong infection of the room begins to appear a shrouded smell. Reminds the smell of firing raspberry or almond walnut. Furniture bugs owners of fragile glands. They highlight the smell to scare up enemies and in reproduction. If you suddenly felt such a smell - it's time to start looking seriously.

How to discover bugs in your home

Clapses like warmth and darkness. Most often they will be settled under the mattress, in the sofa, in the folds of bedding or sutures of upholstered furniture. Prefer certain types of material:

  • textile;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • paper.

Metal structures, cold and moisture they do not like and leave away from there.

Common habitats

  • Frame bed, mattress, upholstered furniture, blankets, pillows, bedding.
  • Storage locations under the sofa - linen boxes.
  • Furniture in the bedroom - dressers, lamps, watches, paintings, photos.
  • Curtains, eaves, blinds, switches, sockets.
  • Cracks in the walls and places of dumping wallpaper, parquet.
  • Plinth.
  • Carpets and carpet tracks.
  • Books on the shelves.
  • Window and door frames, mirrors on the walls.
  • In sleeping places of domestic animals.

Customize yourself that you have seen the picture will be unpleasant. How it may be, look at the photo.

The wrong is that the bugs live in old and dirty rooms. This is not so. They can safely exist in the house where the complete cleanliness, chic and shine. Therefore, do not lose time, but begin the search for a flavor.

Methods for the destruction of Klopov

After the detection of insects, the question arises: "What to do with them further?" It is more correct to seek help in special services to combat harmful insects. In fact, this is done as a last resort.

Destroy them in three ways:

  • Physical;
  • Mechanical;
  • Chemical.

The most effective is the last option. Chemical preparations are able to save even a strongly infected room within 2-3 weeks. For this require two disinfections: basic and to maintain effect . The photo shows how it should happen.

Photo - bed disinfection.

Ideally use all three methods together. To achieve the maximum result in a short time. As practice shows, the bugs are calmly adapt to most chemicals and become invulnerable. The struggle with them is a very time-consuming and long process.

Bedding bugs in our time are not so rare. Having studied detailed information about these insects, you can respond in time to their presence and take the necessary measures.

This material, we begin a large cycle of articles dedicated to the fight against homemade clouds. Our readers will learn everything about home bedbugs, as well as how to effectively take them out of a residential premises, without harming residents and pets, if any. So, what are the types of homemade bedbugs, as they look, where they come from how they breed and how to eat - we read on.

general information

Before considering bedbugs in detail, it is worth mentioning the main characteristics and nomenclatures that relate to these living beings. Homemade bedbugs are:

The remaining details from the world of bedbugs are in the following sections.

What do homemade bedbugs look like?

Adults from light brown to reddish-brown, shiny, oval shape, and have no rear wings. The front wings of them rudimentary and non-specialists are almost invisible. The belt bolt contains microscopic hairs that give them a striped color. Conduct size up to 4-5 mm in length and up to 1.5-3 mm wide.

The nymphs hatched and the nymnets (young individuals of the bugs) have a vitreous translucent caller. As I have food, the body color becomes even darker and darker, and acquires a permanent brown color when an adult individual appears at the end of the last molting.

Thanks to the translucent body of the nymph, one can say at what stage is the phase of their feeding at the moment, and regardless of the age of the nymph. Nymph has a bright red, transparent belly, which becomes darker, up to brown over the next few hours. The opaque black abdomen is a symbol of what a bug, at least digest its food within two days.

Adult claps can be mistaken for other insects, such as fleas, small cockroaches or carpet beetles.

Distinctive features of the CLUP are characteristic of them movement short, but very fast runners, as well as they create a characteristic unpleasant odor when crushing.

One of their individual characteristics of this type of insect is the allocation of special aromatic substances relating to chemical groups of pheromones and ceromonons. These substances help insect to identify joint sites of nesting, feeding and reproduction. The life expectancy of bedlop depends on the specific species, as well as on the deficiency of feeding. More This will be discussed below.

Claps can survive in a fairly wide range of temperatures and atmospheric compositions. For example, at temperatures below 16.1 ° C, adult insects fall into some kind of hibernation, which allows them for longer to exist without receiving blood portion and maintain vital energy.

Features of the nutrition

The bugs are mandatory hematophagami - belong to the group of bloodsowing insects and attack only people. In rather rare cases, when the blood of a person is not available, bugs can attack pets, in particular on dogs and cats. The blood of a human clouds provides a full-fledged diet, so they do not require additional searches for water or dry food. Additional moisture insects are obtained from water vapor in the surrounding air.

Blinds have a universal oral apparatus, which easily penetrates through the skin and pre-introduces saliva with anticoagulants and pain-poles. The first is necessary so that the blood does not curl during suction, and the anesthetic substances provide a decrease in sensitivity at the bite, which allows you to complete blood intake.

However, all these chemicals injected into human blood to the blood contain a large number of different protein structures. This leads to the fact that, as a rule, in the morning, when the action of painkillers passes, the person begins to feel strong itching at the bite. In addition, all signs are developing strong - swelling and redness. In people with conventional or reduced allergic sensitivity of itching at the place of bites, provided there are no additional lesions in the next night, passes in 2-3 days. Fully traces of bites disappear in 5-7 days.

Some people may have an increased sensitivity to the proteins of saliva bugs. As a result, a strong allergic reaction can develop, up to system-wide generalization - with temperature, total swelling, shortness of breath, heart rate disorders, and so on.

Under certain conditions, adult bugs can survive for a long time without feeding - throughout the year. These are peculiar long-lived recorders who are capable of stretching the consumption of nutrients from the blood generated once.

In normal circumstances, when the deficit in blood intake is not observed, the bug feeds over every 5-10-day intervals. Moreover, the younger insect, the smaller the period it can be without fresh blood.

It is necessary to note the very interesting behavior of the bugs during the power. These characteristic features, as a result, strongly affect the strength of allergic manifestations on the days next after night bites.

  • Blugs never bite in a bright day of day.

In addition, they are very buggy, so also their eyes are absolutely not adapted to see in bright daylight, which insect literally blinds.

  • The immediate attack occurs only at night, when the victim falls asleep and the lifetime of the cluster does not threaten anything.

Insect sleep stages are perfectly determined, thanks to a special sensitive to carbon dioxide, which he exhales a sleep. At such a moment, its concentration becomes much higher.

  • The rice apparatus of the CLUP is represented by two very powerful styles that have their teeth that are sharper than a razor.

By moving with these styles from side to the side, the bug cuts down sufficiently dense human skin, injected saliva and starts looking for a blood vessel. If he does not find it, he pulls out his styles and bites himself, if the capillary does not find again - the process is repeated. Thus, one bug per single meal is able to bite several times, and its all his bites are often located in one row, as in Lineber.

  • The bugs are rather intrusive and until they adopt the right amount of blood - do not calm down.

In general, it takes from 5 to 20 minutes so that the bug accepted the right amount of blood. The slightest rustling or movement in the dream of the victim is and the army of insects of various sizes is urgently reted on shelters, including those who have already begun to the meal. As soon as the situation stabilizes, they are slowly crawling out of the folds of the mattress and begin to move closer to their breadwinner.

Such features of the domestic cluster are provided in the incidence of multiple bite breaks throughout the body and give indescribable sensations in the form of an indiffered toide, which is very difficult to suppress even antihistamine means.

Where do homemade bedbugs come from?

In the old days, the appearance of bedbugs in the home Russian estates attributed to the lack of owners and even their rampant lifestyle. Girl went to the left - get a punishment in the form of a daily ferry and red spots throughout the body.

Of course, home bugs are nothing in common with the sexual life of the owners of the apartment, but with cleanness - quite. Claps appear in residential premises for the following reasons:

  • As a result of resettlement.
  • As a reward after overnight stays in places rich in clusters.

If a good service personnel works in the hotel, often changing bed linen, then bugs are not immediately noticeable. But this does not mean that they are not. On the first night, they can cover in the folds of the underwear, some personal things close to the body, pumped into an open suitcase lying under the bed. The same can be attributed for overnight people in foreign people, in trains and so on.

In this case, the furniture is usually left, referring to the far departure, so you need to be careful.

Homemade bedbugs multiply with the help of the so-called, traumatic seeding. Women's individuals have a reproductive sex tract, which is completed by the functioning eggs, but males cannot use this physiological hole for the introduction of its seed. Instead, the male literally punches the belly of females with the help of his subcutaneous genital organ, which introduces the seed into the cavity of the female body.

After fertilization, the cum for a long time remains viable in the body of the female, in a special area that carries spermathek. Here the male seed is capable of stored for a long period of time, while the body temperature of the female is optimal, and this is always while it is alive.

Eggs of home bugs female postponed until it exhaust semen stocks in his spermate. After the reserves end, it is possible to deposit several sterile eggs that quickly dry out and the larvae of homemade bedbugs do not hatch. And the female is again ready to fill its sperm.

Like males, females are able to produce anxiety pheromones to avoid multiple pairing, but they do it extremely rarely and there is a couple of reasons:

  1. First, the production of pheromones is an expensive process for the female organism in terms of energy consumption. And her females should be preserved to maintain normal egg production.
  2. The second reason to consider scientists is the possibility of re-pairing, it provides constantly updating of the seed in Spermatek, which improves the henophobe of the offspring. But this hypothesis is so far only theoretical.

What are homemade bedbugs?

Many sources, describing home bedbugs, begin to list several species, compare them among themselves and so on.

Other species "specialize" mainly on other animals, for example, the bat there are their bugs - Cimex Pipistrelli, and the birds are OECiacus Vicarius, who do not want anything in common with a person, despite the opposite assurances of some network primary sources.

Blinds are usually grouped together in asylum favorable for themselves. Nevertheless, some insects are able to live by themselves, away from the rest of the colony. To determine the best way, whether there are bugs in the residential premises - to explore secluded places of sleeping areas of the dwelling.

The favorite place of the daytime placement of the colony of bedbugs is space under mattresses, folds, buttons and other places where the fabrics are superimposed on top of another. Level rates can be found in the trim table, chairs, for wallpaper, clocks, paintings, cracks in wooden floors, under the edges of the carpet. It will not be superfluous to test your luggage if people recently returned from the journey live.

While bedbugs are most common in the bedrooms, they can also occur in other rooms, including bathrooms, guest rooms. In a word, where there can be contact with linen.

Dark blood spots on sheets and other bedding may indicate home bugs. As already mentioned, during feeding, they injected with saliva, containing substances that prevent blood clotting, and then they are looking for a blood vessel. After the bug has completed the power, the action of anticoagulants has not yet been completed and blood continues from the vessel.

In addition, during the power, bugs are often corrected. This leads to the presence of darker browning spots or smears found on sheets, pillowcases and mattresses. Excrecents consist mainly from the dropped and partially digestible blood.

In the case of heavy invasions, bugs can be more noticeable. Their clusters can be noticed in the folds of bed linen. A large number of chitinous intercessions dropped by nymphs will also be discovered during the next line.

It should be emphasized that the presence of live bedbugs in the residential premises should immediately provoke their destruction. Homemade bedbugs live long and multiply very quickly, so it will be extremely difficult to stop them.

What does a bug of home - photo, sizes

The size of the bedcloth varies usually in the range of 3-8.5 mm. The color and oval shape of the bug remotely resembles an apple seed or a rusty coin.

That's just the scatter of the color scheme, along with a changing form, is the reason why many take them for cockroaches, lice or even.

For example, in the photo from below, the real cockroach on the right, and on the left - the blood bond poured to the maximum. When a quick look can not be distinguished.

You can confuse the larvae of these two insects.

Perhaps, only the presence of paired appendages on the last segment of the abdomen and longer mustaches make it possible to distinguish cockroaches from bedbugs. If you did not guessed, the cockroach is only one one, that the extreme left.

With close consideration of the bugs in the larch stage also resemble the linen lice - their bloodsight colleagues in the workshop.

On such an external variability affect the degree of olte bugs, their gender and, of course, age. Consider every factor in order.

What do i look like and hungry

The bug increases almost twice after feeding with blood. This is due to the flexible segments - transverse strips on the trouser, able to lengthen and thus stretch the chitin sheath. As a result, the hungry individuals are usually rounded and flat, and full bugs are more oblong and convex. Determine how long and when the last time the bug eats easily in its appearance. Most often, the time limited to the blood circulation is not more than 3-7 minutes. Therefore, to see such a cloud as the one that is depicted on the left in the photo, it is possible to be infrequently poured to the limit of blood and stretched out as a two-dimincture.

And, nevertheless, full bugs are always narrower than hungry. The reason for this is blood pressure on the abdomen, also making the bugs in low-lines.

Depending on the nature of the nutrition, the color changes. At the hungry brown color, and the bugles drunk with blood usually brown, with a scarlet tint.

If the bug is black or dark brown, then the blood has managed to curl, if red, then probably the bug just.

The "Fun" property gives clusters useful for survival Benefits:

  • For example, harsh bug can easily spawn through a narrow crack or barely noticeable seam. Physical compression allows you to crawl anywhere - under frames of paintings and photos, in the bookstone and even an electronic device.
  • Hungry bugs move faster than usual, therefore, to start their lair, in such a state, they are almost impossible to catch everyone (to sleep, spell out, etc.) or have time to crush. As a rule, in such cases, most of the bugs are divided.
  • The barbop flashed to the surface with difficulty can be mechanically exposed. It is almost impossible to crush the shoe or sneaker. If you have been going to do it, it's easier to aim something sharp, like a handle or screwdriver.

How to distinguish a female of a cluster from male

As with many other arthropods, the female bugs are larger than males. As can be seen in the photo, the uterus has a rounded abdomen, the lower part of the body from her sides is wider, and in males it is slightly more stretched in length and as if pointed. As a result, males are on average less females.

What little bugs look like

Before becoming ready for reproduction, the bugs pass several stages of growth. A distinctive feature of all bedbugs, including bedding, is the type of metamorphosis - incomplete transformation. This means that the cycle of life of the CLUP is represented only by three main stages -, larva and imago (adult individual). No dolls and nymph do not happen. And the larvae is not caterpillar, but the same bugs, only in a reduced form.

Little bugs of color lighter, yellow shades, with a black point at the bottom of the abdomen. The larvae is growing as they drink blood, and linen, periodically dropping a rigid chitin sheath. Recently faded little bugs on white view, and sometimes transparent. As the blood flow and hardening of the chitinic capsule are darken.

The age of small bedbugs is easy to determine their size.

For example, the size of the first-aged bed larvae, just hatched from the egg, barely reaches 1 millimeter, not exceeding the size of the egg in which it matured. It is unlikely that you will notice such an insect if you specifically look for. In addition to all, at first, small bedbugs are still transparent, and they are moving smartly, which doubly complicates their search.

The presence of a different size and color of small bedbugs, depending on the age of one or another larva, often confuses a person who does not recognize the cloud in the outlines of the shallow individual. In total, larvae are five ages - in terms of the number of growth stages, when moving between which they linen.

On average, the little knop grows up to about 1 mm after each blood and molting. Taking into account its nutritional need, it is about one blood portion and one molting in 1-2 weeks. Month and a half - and he is ready for reproduction.

If you find a "nest", then, as a rule, bugs, eggs, larvae and their discarded skins will be collected in one place, as well as everywhere, it will be thickened with excrement in large quantities. The observation of such a place will be accompanied by the sense of them. Pictures depicting bloodsuckers in furniture are able to show it in detail how blesses look like, better than any verbal description. It doesn't matter where there are bugs, they always turn their habitat in what is shown in the following photos.

Having placed bedbugs in a glass jar and looked into it after that for the third day, we will see a similar picture.

Of which consist of how the parts of the bugs are arranged and work, consider below.

Bed Claopa structure: insect lovers are dedicated

The body of the CLUP includes three main departments - head, chest and abdomen, two last of which are segmented.

All this fastens a dense chitinous cover with thin short hairs.

All bloodsowing bugs are called bedtop, as the family is approved in the Biology Taxon. Blugs homemade, linen, mattress, sofa, furniture, indoor, household, apartment, human, blood (the list is not exhaustive) - just the integral names of the same type.

Contrary to this scientific truth, some are convinced, in the existence of this species, like a dodge bug. The definition of this mythic form is a simple subspecies of the bedcloth, which is divorced into clothing. Most likely, in such cases, worshi-wars are accepted for bugs in error, which, too, as noted, even with linen mites.

Others believe that they bite and drink the blood of people with green shoes, accidentally falling into the apartment in autumn through the window. For example, it looks like in the photo the so-called street bug.

Garden bugs really deliver anxiety, penetrating the houses in the autumn, especially in the warm regions. However, these are herbivores and with bedclosures they have little in common even in appearance. The same woody blop-shirt looks bigger, sometimes its size reaches one and a half or two centimeters.

And all this is not the dimensions compared to what big bugs look like. For example, 3-4 centimeters.

Or a gigantic span of a family of water bugs, reaching a length of 10-12 cm.

Compared with a large variety of semi-rigorous - water, forest and tropical clouds, the beds are pretty small.

Watch what bugs look - short video

Flexible, hidden and look different. Not chameleons and are not specifically masked. However, the form, size and coloring at different times differ, sometimes misleading as to which insects have to deal with. And only a comparison of the photo with a thorough examination of the doubts is usually not left.

To successfully overcome your enemy, it needs to be known in the face, so before you start an attack, it is reasonable to view the photos of bed bugs and make sure that the unpleasant visit you put these insects.

To date, there are a large number of types of bugs that combine a number of characteristic features: the presence of wings, a clearly pronounced pattern on the trouser, as well as a segmented angular body hidden under the wings. But in a rattle detachment of semi-rigid, precisely bed bugs are an exception, since they have neither wings, no drawing, and the body, on the contrary, has a rounded shape and a clear structure of the segments. Also, homemade clouds are characterized by the presence of a pair of eyes located on the sides of the head, three pairs of paws, long mustaches and a trunk, with which the insect and feeds on blood.

As for the eggs of bed bugs, they are in the initial stage very tiny: usually their length is 1-2 mm. It is very difficult to notice them, since they are practically transparent, their form resembles rice grains. It was the hatched young individuals that are very often confused with the lice, since their body is initially translucent, and only after several kilms, the color becomes more dark.

Causes of their appearance

To prevent quickly reproduction of bedbugs, you need to be careful, comply with cleanliness in the house and adhere to certain preventive measures.


As you know, the bugs most often live where there is a source of their food, but with an extensive infection of the premises of these pests can be found in the most unexpected corners. A loved place of the bedbugs is a bed or a sofa, so the first thing you need to carefully examine the mattress and what is under Him. It is also worth exploreing the seams, joints, breaks in a case or upholstery, a drawer for storing bed linen and lingerie: pillows, blanket, sheets.

But if we are talking about a very neglected dwelling, then insects will have to look even in the bathroom and in the kitchen, for example, under the sink.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Homemade bedbugs multiply by traumatic insemination, it means that the male is puzzling with his subcutaneous sexual body of female and introduces seed into its cavity. The seed falls into a special area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which is called spermatek, it is there that can be long in a viable state. The female lays eggs until all the semen stocks in Spermatem are completed.

All this only suggests that it is necessary to get rid of such unborn guests, and the faster it happens, the better for the physical, and for the emotional state of the health of the residents of the apartment.

Bed bug bends photo

Very often, home bite bites are confused with mosquito bite or allergies, so the appearance of red specks on the body does not attach much importance. In reality, the place of skin damage these insects have their own special specifics, the knowledge of which will help accurately determine the cause of redness on the body.

Groupness and multipleness are two main sign that the body is claimed by the clouds, and not any other insects. Only homemade bedbugs bite on one line, while every 3-4 cm occurs 3-5 skin punctures. As a result, characteristic "tracks" remains on the human body. The bite himself looks like a small clearly defined red speck with a small point and swelling in the form of a bumping in the middle.

The location of the bites - hands, legs, as well as neck. This is explained by the fact that homemade bedbugs bite most often not covered with clothing parts of the body. If a person sleeps without pajamas, then red spots can be found on the back, abdomen or sides. If the seats of bites are not calculated, then after a few hours, swelling and redness begin to disappear gradually. But not to pay attention to these stains is almost impossible, because after every night they appear more and more, and the occurring itch becomes simply unbearable.


  • red swelling specks on the body;
  • constant itching, burning sensation;
  • "Chain", in the form of which bites are located;
  • oslands or small groups of skin damage.

How to get rid of home

All this rather big range can be divided into several groups:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • folk remedies;
  • calling special services that eliminate bedbugs by the method of cold or hot fog.

At home use the first three ways, but you should not expect a positive
the result, if the bugs are already literally sissed in the room. Only in the early stages of infection, you can try independent methods to eliminate the problem.

The chemical method implies the use of various girlfriend jadhimicates: both purchased and prepared independently. Today, special stores offer sprays, aerosols, pastes and gels, chalks: "carbofos", "Forsyt", "Palach", "Tetrix", "Get", "Raptor", "Raid", "Masha and others.

You can also take advantage of appliant poisoning agents and independently produce compound solutions based on them:

Such solutions need to thoroughly obscure all the slots in the floor, the holes in the walls, as well as the plinth.

Folk remedies can also be connected to all of the above measures that will only add effectiveness in such a difficult business as a fight against homemade clouds. You can use acetic essence, tincture of valerians, carnation essential oils, rosemary, mint, which need to simply process some areas of the room. Score insects will help wormwood and the Pijm, which is enough to put in bed or near it. It is not superfluous to be thorough cleaning with a vacuum cleaner using a disposable dust collector, which must be thrown after cleaning.


  • close up of all gaps, especially near the pipeline;
  • regular processing of chalk of those places that are adjacent to communication channels;
  • checking a new apartment in case of crossing, as well as any furniture purchased for bedbugs;
  • frequent cleaning: cleaning carpets and curtains, wet washing floors;
  • use of a vacuum cleaner in hard-to-reach places;
  • systematic washing of bed linen, covers, clothes;
  • preventing wallpaper detection;
  • periodic examination of furniture, as well as books available in the house;
  • careful checking hotel room at a temporary stop in it;
  • storage of a suitcase or travel bag in a closed form;
  • attentive inspection of things after rest or working travel.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to avoid the appearance of non-crushed guests in the house, as well as those unpleasant consequences that may arise after their visit.

In nature there are up to 40 thousand types of bedops, which relate to the suburbs of semi-rigid insects. At the same time there are species that differ in red, green, brown or black, with different pattern on the shell. In addition, there are predatory bugs, herbivores, very harmless to others and deadly. They can be found in almost all corners of the globe: in the forests, in the gardens, in parks, in gardening and garden sites or in the housing of a person. Thanks to the possibilities of modern technologies of photographic processes, there is an opportunity in the smallest detail to display features of the life of the bugs.

Bed bugs most of all strain a person, because due to the peculiarities of their livelihoods, bugs cannot be revealed at an early stage. In essence, bedding and home bug is the same thing. He has other names depending on what place he chose to settle. For example:

  • Blug bed.
  • Klop furniture.
  • Blind of linen.
  • Bandwind.

Features of domestic bugs

Homemade bedbugs for one meal can have blood, the volume of which is 2 times the volume of insects themselves.

The method of breeding bugs is very unique, as the male has to injure the female. He pierces the abdomen of females and introduces cum through this hole. Sperm is collected in a special place, after which the process of forming eggs begins. The hole grows after a while, but a tiny spot remains at this place. By the number of these points on the body, you can determine how many times the female mate.

In conditions of lack of food, the female can use underdeveloped eggs so as not to die with hunger.

At the same time, it makes sense to note another interesting fact: so that the female was able to lay eggs throughout his life, it is enough for her one mating. The males show quite high activity and can pair up to 200 times a day, while they mate even with males. As a result, with the insemination of female, it receives a numerous set of the genetic material of many males.

When the female begins to postpone the eggs, it makes several eggs, several eggs in each. Below on images, you can consider what appearance are bugs. As a rule, the eggs of the bugs have miniature sizes, white color and differ in the oblong shape of the body. Eggs have an outer transparent shell, which protects the masonry from many types of chemical means of struggle. On each egg, if you carefully look at, you can see not a big lid.

There are a number of signs for which you can determine that bites belong to clouds. For example:

  • Bitches are located in the form of tracks.
  • In the place of bite there is not a big swelling, but in the center the point of puncture with the "shishche".
  • In the place of the bite there is a strong itching and burning sensation.

What is interesting: bugs are not carriers of various ailments, so as a result of bites, a person cannot seriously suffer. The problem may touch those people who inadequately responds to the bites of insects. This category of people includes allergies. There is also the likelihood of secondary infection, as a result of rings. It can be expected only from children who cannot serve a strong itch. There are many ways to get rid of bugs in the dwelling. At the same time, everyone has the right to choose the most suitable. Alternatively, it is permissible to seek help in special services. This is not a problem if there are extra finances.

What does the most dangerous bug look like: photo

Triatomic bedbugs are considered the most dangerous insects for a person. They are also called the "kiss" clouds, but, despite such a romantic name, they represent a huge danger.

Shagas's disease annually lies about 50 thousand people if not treated at an early stage. In this regard, this insect is increasingly called the kille bug.

Triatomic bedbugs grow long to 3 cm and differ in black or dark brown color. On the shell can clearly see the stripes of yellow, orange or red. These killer insects inhabit South America, therefore, what this kind of bugs look like can only be seen in the photos. Most individuals, up to 95 percent, prefer wildlife and only not most of them, about 5 percent occurs in rural homes or buildings of various purposes.

The bite of triatomic bedbugs have a characteristic feature, which is why they received the second name "kiss". Since the bug is not capable of contacting the skin of a person, he bites a man on his lips, introducing a anesthetic secret. In the process of saturation with blood, the insect highlights feces, in which the tribanosomes causing a grave occasion - the SHAGAS disease. If the bite is combed, the excrement begin to contact with the wound. The favorable exodus of the bite is the appearance of a strong itching and swelling, after which the bite goes in itself. If the causative agents of the disease were able to get into the blood, then in most cases a person awaits death.

These insects represent a greater variety of bugs family. The shirts found literally everywhere - on gardening and garden areas, in the forests, in the fields, in the squares, on flower beds, etc. They received their name due to the peculiarities of the body shape, which is similar to the wrong pentagon, if you look at the top. Almost all representatives of this variety of bedlops allocate a specific aroma, which can attract males and females, as well as scare natural enemies. Because of this, they are also called "stinking clouds."

Blinds-shirts, as a rule, do not attack a person. Their diet makes up the juices of plants, but sometimes they eat dead insects.

On the territory of the European part of the continent, up to 70 types of shchers are found.

Harmless bug-soldier

These insects are easy to find out on the red-black ornament located on the shell. These insects grow up to 1 cm long, no more. It is believed that the bug-soldier is a thermo-loving insect and occurs on most territories of the current Eurasia, where there is a moderate climate. These bugs live with colonies that consist of hundreds of individuals. With the arrival of spring, when the air temperature rises to the mark of +10 degrees, the colonies of the bedlop soldiers crawl out of their shelters and heat the sun. Winter they will lose in the state of the anabiosis, hawking in the economic buildings, in the creams of street fences, in the creams of dry trees, under the crust, etc.

These insects feed on the juices of various plants, piercing stems and leaves. After the invasion of the bedlop soldiers, young plants cease to be froned, fade, and often dying at all. In photographs you can see what such invasions of insects lead to. After their vital activity, berries, fruits and vegetables are becoming unsuitable.

Therefore, harm from the bed-standing soldiers for a person is that they are in disrepair of the crop of various cultures.

Adults are mowed quite interesting: they are connected by the posterior parts of their body. After some time, the female postpones up to 30 eggs, placing them in plant tissues. Somewhere in a couple of weeks from eggs, small larvae of bright red color appear. At the same time there is no black ornament.

This insect is also called herbal bug or garden bug. Forest clap is often confused with a tick. At the same time, the forest clop can be easily distinguished from a pentagonal mold tick, under which there are wings. This insect most often can be found in forest plantations, although it is not problematic to detect it in urban parks. Winter cold bug tolerates under fallen foliage or in the cracks of trees. Forest Claop has long trumps, with the help of which he pours plants and sucks juices. In the photo you can see how bugs look.

The bedbugs are not difficult to recognize on a unique coloring. The color of their body can be green or brown, on which a complex drawing is visible. In case of danger, the insect allocates a specific aroma. With the help of the same fragrance, insects attract individuals of the opposite sex.

This species of the shield multiplies in areas of life. Blind's eggs are distinguished by an unusual view, as evidenced by their photos. Forest bedbugs take care of their offspring, which you can not say about other varieties of bedbugs. For example:

  • The female feeds small larvae, bringing them food.
  • If there are no conditions for laying eggs, then the female can put them on the back of the male.

Forest bug does not carry a direct threat to human health, but at the same time spoils various plants. Adverse weather conditions forced forest bedbugs to settle agricultural land.

This insect sometimes appears in urban apartments, but it is quite by chance, since he prefers to be among the trees or bushes, including fruit-berry landings. As a rule, being in a person's housing, this insect takes all attempts to leave it. For a man, wood bug does not represent any danger.

Depending on the time of year, the color of this insect changes: in April, the wood bug may have a bright green color, and at the end of autumn - brown. This type of bedlop feeds exclusively vegetable food.

This kind of bedlop prefers to feed on grain crops. Insect grows to 1.3 cm long. The body color can vary from yellowish or whiten, to light brown or gray. Winter cold is worried in forest plantations, and with the arrival of spring, the search for winter crops begin, flying up to 200 km.

Flying a huge distance in the search for food, the bug-bug is accepted for the breeding process. After a couple of weeks, after the crops of winter crops were found, the female puts eggs. Eggs are characterized by an ideal spherical shape and green, as evidenced by the photo. A week later, larvae appear on the light. Before becoming an adult individual, bug-bugs 5 times linen. The insect is so harmful that his increasing population is capable of destroying the entire harvest, if you do not take any measures. In the photo you can see the consequences of the vital activity of these bedbugs on the field. Therefore, it is very important to start fighting this pest in a timely manner.

The water bug is distinguished by the fact that he feels great in water, but at the same time knows how to fly perfectly well. If you look at his body, then in shape it reminds a smooth boat, which is why this insect and got its name to the bug-Gladsh. The insect grows in length to one and a half centimeters. This kind of bugs refers to predators, as their diet makes small arthropods, some insects, as well as fry of some species of fish.

Klop-Gladysh inhabit freshwater reservoirs. Hunting potential victims, with an inverted abdomen. The female lays eggs in the depths of the reservoir. The larvae appears from the eggs that pass through 4 stages of development until the larva becomes an adult person. When the larva lins, then the discharged shell resembles a live insect. In relation to man, this insect is absolutely harmless, but can bite if they are in hand. In warm countries there are giant water bugs, up to 10 cm, which are hunting for not large fish. Because of this, they are also called killers of fish.

There are up to 7 thousand species of such varieties of bedlop. The order of 90 species occurs in the CIS countries, and the rest inhabit the territory of Europe, North America, Africa and other countries. Purents are characterized by larger sizes, for some exceptions. The body color may be the most diverse. The photo shows that the colors can be both classic and bright, which is characteristic of tropical latitudes.

In our areas, historians are found everywhere, both in the forests or in the fields and in the human dwelling or in economic buildings. In the daytime, they are in shelter, and at night they go hunting. In their diet, there are other insects or blood of small animals. Larger conifers, inhabiting tropics, can be touched and blood of a person.

The insect class is the most numerous class on the planet Earth. Species, subspecies, families are so much that it simply rolls away from information. It is possible that there are still types of living beings that are not known to modern science.