What better to build a house. We build a cottage: where to start, and what materials to choose which house to build for permanent residence

If seriously considers the option of moving the convergence, the question of which is better to build a house for permanent residence, goes to the fore. The choice of materials for the construction depends on the preference of the owner of the future housing, its financial capabilities, in something - from the current local traditions. Of course, the specificity of the climatic conditions of the region and the characteristics of the soils on the site acquired for the construction of housing is taken into account.

Today, both traditional and new technologies are used for the construction of private houses. In order to stop their choice on one of them, it is necessary to deal with what problems will have to face during large-scale construction work and during the operation of the finished building.

Criteria for selecting material for construction

When choosing a material to build a house, it is necessary to repel from a number of important criteria:

  • In order for the house to be comfortable for accommodation at any time of the year, choosing material for the construction, it is necessary to take into account the average winter temperatures of the region, where it is planned to be raised, comparing them with thermal insulation qualities of future walls and overlaps.

  • In addition, most potential owners seek to make their housing energy saving. That is, with minimal energy costs, to obtain comfortable temperatures in the premises, both in the winter and summer period.
  • The ability of building material becomes an effective barrier from external noise, it is especially important if the building is being built near the busy automotive track or railway tracks.
  • The durability and reliability of the residential building will directly depend on the strength of the selected material.
  • An important role is also played by the appearance of the building. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to decide: which variant of the material is preferable - requiring or not requiring additional finishes.
  • Of course, the pricing availability of the material is always important criterion. In many ways it depends on the construction region.
  • If the owner plans to build on its own (completely or even partially), then the priority of criteria may also be the degree of complexity of working with the elected building materials.

Main types of materials for the construction of a private house

Today, the construction of houses are used as traditional materials used, without exaggeration, centuries, and developed relatively recently, but have already had time to show themselves from a positive side.

So, by defined with the materials for the construction of the house, it is necessary to know that they are conventionally divided into four groups:

  • Natural wood (log or timber).
  • Brick, stone and shell.
  • Porous blocks.
  • Composite materials based on wood.

To determine which of the listed materials it is better to choose for a specific case, it is necessary to consider their physico-specifications and other features.


Silicate and ceramic bricks are used to build houses. Both alone and the second option are made in two kinds that differ in the internal structural structure - brick can be hollow and full.

Both types are widely used to erect house walls. However, different bricks can have and highly distinguishing characteristics.

Full and hollow ceramic brick

Full-year brick is characterized by higher strength, so it is able to withstand high loads. However, it has a high thermal conductivity, and because of this wall, isolated from it, usually require additional insulation and cladding.

Ceramic and silicate, full or void bricks - everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages

The hollow products are better preserved heat in the house, so they are often plated with a wall built of full-scale bricks, leaving the space between the walls, which is filled with heat-insulating materials - slag, clay, foam concrete or polystyrene foam.

Agree, with neat brickwork it is very difficult to compete in the aesthetics of the facade

Brick houses have a respectable appearance and a long operational resource, which sometimes exceeds the deadlines embedded in the design of the building. Buildings from this material are beneficial from other buildings with their strength and reliability. That is why, despite the emergence of innovative materials, the brick did not lose much in its popularity, as he successfully passed the time check. Proof of this is the structure erected sometimes several centuries ago, are still in operation.

However, despite the large number of positive qualities of bricks, this material has not only advantages, but also obvious disadvantages.

To the main thing benefits brick, and therefore houses raised from it include:

  • Environmental purity of the material.

Nowadays, the future owners of houses always pay special attention to this quality material. Brick structures in this regard are impeccable, as the composition of the solution from which products are made are made artificially produced or toxic components. Ceramic brick is made from purified clay, and silicate - from sand and lime.

  • The strength of the design, built of it, long service life.

Over the centuries, both single-storey and multi-storey buildings have been built in different countries from bricks, some until today's days are operated, not even requiring the restoration of the facades. Walls built of bricks made without disruption of technologies, and laid on high-quality solution, resistant to the effects of ultraviolet rays, to moisture, wind, to biological striking.

In addition, brick buildings are able to withstand various natural cataclysms, such as floods, earthquakes, etc.

  • Frost resistance.

This quality suggests that the material is able to fully maintain its operational and decorative qualities during numerous deep freezing and defrosting cycles. Today, different brick brands are presented, the frost resistance of which can be varied. Therefore, acquiring this material should be paid to the indicator F, which just shows this number of cycles. The indicator is higher, the more durable material.

  • Natural moisture regulation in the construction.
  • Fire safety.

Unlike wood, brick racks to open fire, as it is made of non-flammable material, besides the past quenching with high temperatures when it is firing. The brick is not ignited and does not support the burning of the arrangement of the construction elements. True, when exposed to open fire on it for a long time, it loses a margin of safety. This means that the operational period of the walls survived the fire is significantly reduced.

To the list of significant disadvantages Brick buildings include the following factors:

  • Cost of material.

By choosing a brick to build a house, you need to be ready for quite high costs, since, given the "modest" product size, they will be needed so much. In addition to the brick itself, it will be necessary to perform the inner decoration of the walls - it is plastering with the subsequent putty, color or. All these processes are also quite expensive, require a certain time.

  • High thermal conductivity of bricks. If the house is erected in the region with cold winter, where the temperature drops to - 35 ÷ 40 degrees, then the walls of the brick must be thick and amount to at least 640 ÷ 770 mm. Another option may be "sandwich" -then, that is, performed on the principle of "conductive masonry". In this case, at a certain distance, two relatively thin brick walls are presented at the same time, the space between which is filled with thermal insulating materials. Sometimes another method is used for insulation - a doomle is fixed on the facade side of the wall, between the elements of which mineral wool or polystyrene foam is mounted, and then the walls are facing one of the decorative materials.
  • Massiveness.

Brick houses are a very heavy construction. This means that they need to be equipped with a reliable and solid foundation foundation. Otherwise, under high load, it will notice, and with it the brick walls, as a result of which deep cracks will go.

Therefore, to build a high-quality capable of guaranteed to cope with high load, you will also have to be seriously spent.

  • The design of the brick structure should be carried out only a professional. Errors in the calculations of the foundation and determining the thickness of the bearing walls are not allowed. The project and calculations will also be expensive.
  • Gigroscopic material.

This quality is particularly pronounced by a brick made with a violation of technology, that is, not hardly hardened or too porous. In homes from such a material there is always an increased humidity, and get rid of it - quite difficult. Therefore, the walls have to periodically be treated, which takes a lot of time and delivers discomfort in the operation of housing. It is good that today there are quite a few funds that will help protect the brick walls from moisture - they are processed by surfaces at the very beginning of the building. It will help protect brick walls and high separating them from dirt moisture, splashes during the rain or from contact with snow nanos.

Silicate brick is more hygroscopic than ceramic. Therefore, it is not recommended to be used to build a house in the regions with a wet climate. And it is completely excluded when laying the base.

In digital indicators, the main characteristics of the brick look like this:

Characteristic nameFunny brickHollow brickSilicate brick
Density, kg / m³1600 ÷ 1800.1400 ÷ 1700.1700 ÷ 1900.
Thermal conductivity, W / ML0.81 ÷ 0.870.44 0.95
Strength, kgf / cm²125 ÷ 200.100 ÷ 200.150
Moisture absorption,%7 ÷ 8.7 ÷ 8.8 ÷ 10.
Frost resistance cycles50 ÷ 100.50 ÷ 70.35
Recommended wall thickness, mm at air temperature -20 / -30 / -40 ˚С (mm)510/640/770 380/510/640 510/640/770

The cost of bricks in the table is intentionally not specified. This parameter varies in very wide limits, depending on the type, brand, size, manufacturer, construction region. Even one seller has a variation of prices for the same, it seems to be products, but coming from different plants, can be very significant.

Masonry blocks based on cement

In recent years, building blocks made on the basis of cement are increasingly selected for the construction of a private house. Such masonry materials have a number of advantages over traditional bricks, and the first cost can be called the available cost. In addition, the blocks have impressive linear dimensions - one can replace from 4 and even up to 14 standard bricks, so the construction of the house will go much faster.

Today, manufacturers today supply blocks on a cement basis, but made according to various technologies and with various physico-technical and operational indicators:

  • Foam blocks and aerated concrete blocks.
  • Sloblocks and ceramzit concrete blocks.

To figure out what each of the named materials is, and what they differ from each other, let's see closer on their characteristics.

Foam concrete and foam concrete blocks

These building materials, at first glance, are similar in their characteristics. However, their manufacturing technologies are somewhat different.

Aerated concrete is made from cement, lime, sand and water with the addition of aluminum powder. Due to these components, a chemical reaction is activated in the process of manufacturing the composition, accompanied by gas release, which ensures the creation of a porous structure with an open cell. It predetermines very high hygroscopicity of the material.

Foam concrete products are made of cement, sand and water. But the main thing for the formation of the material structure is the foaming agent added at the stage of kneading the solution before filling in the form. The cell is closed.

Both alone and other blocks may have different density, and are divided into brands. The numerical indicator in the brand is just talking about the density of the finished material (kg / m³):

- D 1000- D 1200 - structural products, that is, intended for the construction of bearing walls. Insulation, they are not the most outstanding.

- D 500- D 900 - structural insulating materials. It is them most often and choose for individual construction, combining, so to speak "pleasant with useful."

- D 300- D 500 - thermal insulation blocks. For the supporting structures of the strength qualities of such material is clearly not enough.

Foam concrete is made in one embodiment, which is marked by D1300 to D1600. These are structurally replicated blocks having a high density, but also very significant thermal conductivity. As a rule, the material of this brand is made under the order, and in the practice of residential construction is practically not used.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks have the following characteristic features:

  • Easy processing. Blocks are easily saw using a conventional tree hacksaw. Thanks to this quality, any, even inexperienced builder can cope with the fitting of the material during the construction of the walls. Moreover, the block can be given an arbitrarily intricate shape.
  • The strength of the material. Indicators of this parameter can vary depending on the porosity and the product brand.
  • Low thermal conductivity. This indicator averages 0.08 ÷ 0.22 W / (M × ˚С). The brand D300 and D 500 are especially low, so they are great for additional insulation of houses for permanent residence. Walls from this material perfectly retain heat in the house in the winter cold and coolness in hot summer days.
  • Soundproofing. Aerated concrete and foam concrete possess weighty noise absorption indicators, and the final parameters depend on other characteristics of the material, as well as from the thickness of the walls. According to the standards of SNIP II-12-77, in private houses, the noise insulation level should be 41 ÷ 60 dB, and the soundproofing quality of the aerated concrete is usually superior to these indicators:
Made of material, most often used for the construction of a private houseNoise isolation level, dB, with the thickness of the walls of the enclosing structure, mm
120 180 240 300 360
D500. 36 41 44 46 48
D600. 38 43 46 48 50
  • Environmental purity of the material. Industrial production of blocks is carried out under strict control (especially for aerated concrete). In the laboratories, an inspection is carried out for the presence of radioactive materials and toxic components - they are completely excluded.
  • Mass of blocks. This parameter depends on the density of the material:

As can be seen, this parameter can be somewhat varied in one direction or another. It must be remembered - the higher the density of the material, the higher its thermal conductivity and worse sound insulation.

Along with the positive characteristics, these building materials exist and their limitations which also need to have information:

  • The foam and gas blocks are different, so during the work, with careless handling of the material, it can crack or split. In addition, this may occur when the foundation is shown. Therefore, the foundation under the wall should be as reliable as possible. In order to avoid sediment and cracking, each second ÷ the third row of masonry must be reinforced with metal rods.
  • Gigroscopic of aerated concrete can be attributed to serious disadvantages. This feature predetermines the increase in the scope of work in which waterproofing measures are included.
  • Mandatory internal and external finish involves additional costs.

What to choose - Foam concrete or aerated concrete?

With a mass of general traits, these materials and significant differences have. By what criteria, you can compare more detailed information in a special publication of our portal.

Ceramzite concrete blocks and slag blocks

These blocks, as well as the materials described above, can be attributed to a very affordable and preparing decent characteristics.

Their frost resistance and strength are commensurate with similar parameters of brick walls. The blocks have very large linear parameters and relatively low weight, so the laying of them are made in a short time.

Ceramzit concrete blocks are made of cement mortar with the addition of grams of shallow fraction in 5 ÷ 10 mm, or a claying large-scale sand.

Now, rash, which is the framework of houses, it is necessary to allocate their positive and negative sides.

TO advantages Correctly built frame houses include the following:

  • Ability to work yourself.
  • Low heat thermal conductivity helps to keep warm inside the house.
  • Relatively fast and fairly easy installation of structural elements.
  • There is no need to arrate the massive foundation, as the construction is easy.
  • The design does not give a shrinkage, so the house can be settled immediately after the finishing works.
  • It is not necessary to level the surface of the walls and the ceiling, as they are ready for decorative decorations both outside and inside.
  • Relatively low cost.

However, the frame design has a rather large amount disadvantages which can bring the disappointment to the future residents of the house in the process of its operation:

  • Low tightness of all frame structures, except for the half-timber.
  • Insufficiently long service life due to low strength and reliability of the structure.
  • In frame houses, it must be equipped with correct, otherwise due to insufficient air exchange on the walls and underground mold may appear.
  • Low sound insulation quality.
  • High fire hazard.

  • Insulated material in the floor and walls can be loved for housing rodents and various insects. And from such a "neighborhood" will be very difficult to get rid of.

So better, bar or frame design?

If you have to decide which wood shape is better to choose for construction - a timber or log, or to give preference to the framework design, it will be worthwhile to refer to a special comparative publication to it leads the recommended link.

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Above we figured out what materials can be used to build houses for year-round residence. Given their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, approximate prices in our region, you can decide which one is best for a specific case on a combination of all evaluation criteria.

If desires and capabilities coincide, you can stay on the best option and start developing the project of the house.

Such information reflected in the article, an interesting video on the same topic:

Video: What material is better to choose for your own residential building?

In principle, each material for the construction of the house has its indisputable advantages and disadvantages. The abundance of choice complicates the question of which home to build for permanent residence. One thing can be said for sure: for heavy and lightweight materials, the main thing is skillful hands of the developer. The error in the calculations will be in any case and pop up the next day or after 10 years, when it will be fixed very difficult.

What material to choose from what is better and cheaper to build a house? We will conduct a brief overview, as well as materials for their construction.

What are heavy and lightweight materials?

To heavy materials for construction include, as can be seen in the title, stones, Various Blocks, Bricks, Plates. For houses from heavy materials, a corresponding foundation is needed. The most often used ribbon, but if the ground is not the best, it can be combined by the pile screw.

When it comes to lightweight materials, it is meant tree, skewers. Of course, these are only conditional names for such houses, which does not mean that the house will be really light in the end. For houses from a tree it is better to choose the most good as possible. There are several hundred years old and the foundation should not let down.

For sander you can save slightly, selecting just a pile option. The term "shelf life" of the sump - up to 100 years, therefore, if the soil saves, it is quite real.

Brick - expensive, but for centuries

As they say, brick is all over the shoulder: hurricanes, frosts, unbearable heat - natural mood changed.

However, this material is able to withstand and not.

According to statistics, the "shelf life" of a brick house reaching 200 years.

Due to the fact that the material in the construction of builders has been for a long time, usually there is no problem with the hiring masters.

Assortment of brick species is also for every taste:

  1. Ceramic brick is made of clay, by forming and calcining in special furnaces. Possessed high strength, refers to environmentally friendly materials for construction. Of course, if made qualitatively and the norms of production are observed. It can be solid and hollow (inside up to 50% emptiness). For construction in priority, a second subspecies, since the more emptiness in the body of the material, the higher its heatfactory property.
  2. Silicate brick makes out of lime and sand. It is white and looks great, especially one-piece subspecies. Lightweight silicate brick - looks very sloppy, but possesses a higher thermal insulation property.
  3. Private and facial subspecies of brick will also find application during the construction of a capital house. Private - in the inner masonry, facial - will decorate the house outside.

Be sure to pay attention to the marking before ordering the batch of material. It is done in order to know whether the laying of concrete brick is the weight of the structure and natural phenomena. Typically, the material is marked with the letter "M" with two-three digits. The minimum value of the strength per square centimeter is 75, the maximum - 200.

Important: During the construction of the base, the minimum strength - 150, when building a two-storey building, you should buy parties with strength from M125. The more floors than heavier the attic, the coefficient should be higher, respectively, the brick will be harder, and the cost of the cubic meter of the material is higher.

For construction in Russia, especially in the outback, it is very important to take into account the fact that frosts in the winter can disperse on the joke. For frost resistance, the marking "F" is responsible, and the indicator varies from 15 to 100.

For a house facing at a moderate climate, the F50 marking is used, inside you can make F25 masonry. The higher the marking indicator, the more brick i will survive the freezing without damage to the structure.

Brief results and characteristics of the material:

  • it turns out an expensive box of the house and the foundation;
  • very expensive, presentable view of the final work;
  • phenomenal durability;
  • precipitation, temperature differences nipoese;
  • excellent fire resistance;
  • folded for laying the box;
  • pretty "dirty" construction, you need a lot of extra places around.

Output: Construction of bricks - costly and time consuming process.

However, all costs, including financial with interest, will be submitted on the long life of the construction. Properly selected brick and competent builders extend the life of the house to 100-200 years without changes in the original characteristics.

Concrete blocks

The second most popular material for laying the bearing walls, in comparison with the brick. Strong material, more profitable financially and much more simple in construction. In the summer - the house is stored in the house, in winter - warm and cozy, precipitation and other natural phenomena are not scary High quality concrete block.

Advantages of construction from concrete blocks:

  1. The first thing I want to mention is the fire resistance of the material. Concrete does not burn, therefore, unlike construction of wood, a home security from external fires and will withstand direct fire for several hours.
  2. The material is well tolerating frost.
  3. For those who are important good sound insulation in the house, construction is suitable from concrete blocks. Thanks to the structure of the concrete itself, there will be no surveillance noise in the house.
  4. With proper construction, thermal insulation is pretty good. In the aggregate with an external, competently built heating chain, you can achieve good savings on the heating of the house.
  5. It is possible to operate the construction of the blocks from the blocks, as well as from the brick. On average, without overhaul, the house will delight 80-120 years.
  6. Concrete blocks do not rot, not covered with mold and fungus.
  7. The versatility of the material allows you to build houses and houses, and garages, and multi-storey buildings of any type.

The disadvantages can be attributed non-fairable look at home without finishing. Therefore, when calculating the budget for construction, the external "marafet" should be taken into account. In addition, the construction should be made only in dry weather and takes a decent time, partly due to changeable weather. Due to the high level of groundwater in some territories of the country, waterproofing may be needed.

What you need to know about blocks from concrete?

Concrete blocks are several species and differ in each other:

  • brand (from 50 to 100) is an indicator of the strength of the product;
  • frost resistance - from 15 to 200.

Marking for strength should correspond to the total mass of the construction. That is, for the base is the highest value for the house in 2 floors - approximately M75 (depends on the disadvantage of the attic). Frost resistance, as has already been discussed, depends on the location of the future building.

Very important for high-quality construction explore the soil at home. To do this, it is better to be restrained and hired specialists, which will also be very expensive. But, if you choose the wrong type of foundation and the construction will begin to drive - expenses will be even large. For the "restless" lands are suitable for the monolithic type of foundation (if the house is not large), as well as pile and tape.

Output: Concrete blocks are only a little inferior to bricks on their qualities.

but price and Easy Construction More AttractiveIf you choose between two of these materials. Additional waterproofing costs may be required, as well as external insulation and finishing.

Construction of natural stones

Natural stones people enjoyed a very long time. Many old-timers remember times when the construction of this material was worth a penny, as the stone was not too valued and simply mined. Especially accessible was a natural stone in areas close to the place of production.

Now the situation in the root changed and afford construction of sandstones, shells, granite, basalt costs sometimes more expensiveThan I would like. More or less good case with the construction of natural stone is near the mountains, that is, next to the place of production.

Dignity Use of natural stone for the construction of the house:

  • for not remote areas, this material will be inexpensive, the farther from the places of production, the more expensive the quality material will cost;
  • the material is the cleanest in the environmental concept of all heavy building materials;
  • blocks of quite large sizes, so the construction will not be delayed;
  • depending on the field, the porosity of the sewer is different, and hence the thermal conductivity changes;
  • good noise insulation;
  • perfectly worries all weather changes, does not rot, not covered by bacteria with proper construction.

As with any other material, natural stones have their own limitations:

  • heavy: Nice, expensive foundation and additional costs when building a box;
  • different forms of each block create additional difficulties when docking, more cement will be required;
  • very serious waterproofing is required: the material absorbs moisture;
  • the facade of the walls from the sewer is separated by the reinforced grid, otherwise everything will fly away.

Output: Minor difficulties associated with the construction, more than paying off, due to the fact that the material is environmentally friendly, the house will slightly.

Choosing the right density (all natural stones are also marked) Stone, there is an opportunity to equip them and the base, and higher floors. And the cost per cube will depend on the country of residence of the customer.

Construction of thermopanels

Thermopanel or panels from a relatively new product for construction. If the material for construction is selected at the rate of savings, first of all, then it is possible to look at this option. Frames of thermopanels declare themselves as the heat-saving material. In addition, the construction of the house from the new material is quite fast.

The panel consists of clinker tiles and thermal insulation in the form of polystyrene foam. The main lack of frame thermopanels - they 100% synthetic material. That is, for connoisseurs of environmentally friendly buildings, the panel will not be suitable under any pretext. The material does not absorb moisture, is not subject to destruction, it takes a compression very well, pressure from all sides, does not burn, perfectly withstands any natural changes.

Others dignity Panels:

  • excellent appearance;
  • in a tandem with thermopanels outside the heat loss is reduced at once by 30-35%;
  • very dense docking panels, thanks to their extreme cutting.

TO disadvantages Already believed that they are not environmentally friendly. In addition, you can add this list to the fact that an additional panel of angular shapes is needed to form a house forms of the house. These building materials have passed all known tests, meet modern requirements.

Output: The use of frame thermopanels is an economical option that provides a very solid view of a ready-made building.

The outside side of the house without an outer decoration will be similar to brickwork. The clinker plate is connected to the expanded polystyrene with a special construction high-quality adhesive grade under high pressure, which ensures high strength of the final work.

Which house is better?

Wooden houses

The most environmentally friendly type of construction. A forest has long been used for construction. The best trees for the construction of the house - pine, cedar and larch. Coniferous trees are less affected by fungi, have good weather resistance indicators. Larch material does not rot, does not exceed. Natural resin has a bactericidal property.

From time immemorial, humanity has built their homes from a clean, breathable natural material - wood. A huge number of preserved architectural monuments are built of wood. The durability of such buildings is calculated by hundreds of years and amazing imagination.

Wooden houses from larch

No wonder this tree is called "Iron", those who dealt with this material know that this wood very dense and heavy. It has an awesome quality for wood - increased fire resistance. Over time, larch becomes only tight, this is the only tree that does not rot at all.

In addition, for people with problems in the respiratory bodies, the doctors strongly recommend more likely to be in the larch forest. It turns out that triple is better for health to live in the house from this material. Excellent house for accommodation with family, children.

Houses from Kedra

One of the most expensive materials for construction is Oak. By density is close to larch trees, withstands phenomenal loads. The house built from this material can withstand the earthquake by force of up to 7 points. In addition, cedar it has the property of thermal insulationMore than other trees.

Pine Brous House

Most popular material in constructionDue to the lower cost of a cubic meter of material. This material has good thermal insulation, allows you to build a house in 2-3 floors. The correctly assembled house will have a minimum of 150 years with timely leaving, replacement of the lower crowns.

Chopped house

This construction technology was worked out by centuries and reached us as much as possible. The trunk is cleared of the bark and will dry in vivo for a long time.

Professional builders know that the material that dries under the roof or canopy on the street, much longer retains its properties than dried in the dryers of forest-processing enterprises.

Chopped houses are unique, each house can be completely different to others. A highly built wooden house retains warmth.

In room there will always be a healthy microclimate, clean air. The disadvantages include the cost of building and its duration.

First the bar is purchased and dried under the flooring at least 3-4 months, then the box is going. The work of the masters also flies in a penny. Then the log house (read :) should stand the year or two, otherwise it will drive and go cracked. After the shrinkage, you can study finishing, carry water, connect to electricity, to put the windows and the like. All this takes a lot of money and time.

How do chopped houses do:

  1. The largest, resinous and thick logs are placed in the first rows - the crown of a church. Before laying, waterproofing is necessarily provided. You can use runneroid, hydroizol, etc.
  2. In each subsequent log, a longitudinal excavation is made for closer contact between the rows of logs. Thus all rows are collected.
  3. After the primary shrinkage (about 3 months), the logs are labeled, disassemble and collected again, paving all the longitudinal grooves with moss, pacles or modern materials.
  4. After a complete shrinkage (1.5 years), the logs are cautious using the insulation. The cauldium is produced only after the roof is ready and windows.
  5. Sometimes after 5-7 years, when a complete shrinkage occurs, it has to be caught again, as new gaps arise and warmly blows out.

Of course, the above stages are described only in general terms, but this will allow you to better visualize the stages of the construction of a chopped house.

Output: Construction of a chopped house - a way to show a fantasy for the full program. The design of this house can be absolutely any. The thickness of the walls, the lower crown makes the construction not only warm, but also the most durable Of all other wooden buildings.

Building from a rounded log

The construction of the rounded log is the use of smooth, the same in size and diameter of logs, which manufactured by an industrial method. Of course, you can use to prepare the material and your golden hands, but, as practice shows, it is a long and time-consuming occupation.

After purchasing, according to the construction plan, the customer receives ready-made, soaked in special compositions of the log, which you only need to collect in a log house. The more the house is planned, the more log diameter should be. Due to high-quality processing, The logs are well joined with each other and every crown is well sitting on the previous one.

The construction method from the rounded log is similar to a chopped method. The advantage of this type of construction can be considered environmental friendliness and excellent appearance, even without an outer decoration. She, by the way, is not necessarily obligatory for most regions of the country.

Output: The order and buying a rounded log will cost more than to purchase a raw forest and handitate the bark on their own, process and pull the log. But, in any case, houses from such a material look very beautiful, respectable. The house will be warm, breathable, environmentally friendly.

Frame houses

Another subspecies of construction, which is considered to be very new and seductive in its construction speed.

A rigid frame is collected from the bar, the main material is installed between the bearing beams.

It is less likely to make a frame of metal beams, they will be told a little lower.

  1. Frame-shield. A framework of bars is built, it is squeezed from the inner and outer side by plates from large shavings or other, the insulation is stacked between the slab material. The main advantage is the speed of construction. From shortcomings - the need to use the special equipment.
  2. Sip panels. These panels consist of insulation (polystyrene foam), plated on both sides of OSP plates. The walls, ceilings, floors are built from this material. These panels are less than in the case of a frame-panel house, so the crane does not need and you can build the construction with your own hands. Of all the skewers, this method is the easiest to builder-beginners.
  3. Frame houses. In comparison with the rest, such a building it will be cheaper than just. The frame is collected from thick boards, stuck on the foundation box. You can use glued bar, and not a board (half-timbered framework framework). The finished frame is filled with brick, stones, double glazed, wood.
  4. Metal frame houses. The principle of construction is similar to the previous, with the exception of the framework of the carcass. Metal bases are used, in combination with plates with insulation. Such homes belong to the easy, service life of about 80 years (according to the guarantee from manufacturers of such frames, which is not possible to check). Despite the thermocouples used, the heating of such a house will definitely leave more funds than on the wooden "fellow".

Output: Construction of a frame method is clean, inexpensive.

In addition, it is necessary to have little space, the construction site can be conducted from the body, without unloading the panel and the material, if the place on the site does not allow or occupied by plantations. To increase the life of a skeleton house, it is important to calculate correctly and construct Frame itself, seriously refer to the foundation.

What makes it cheaper to build a capital house?

As already noted, the house that will stand for centuries - he is a priori dear by its owner at the time of construction. However, for budgetary construction there are innovation of recent decades - carriers.

The easier the walls, the cheaper it will cost. If you use inexpensive sip panels, then the price will become even lower. However, many with distrust relate to the walls of the house, which can be pounded with a large knife, attaching a lot of effort.

From heavy materials cheaper all the construction will cost from cellular concrete or thermopanel. Expensive will be a construction from bricks and ceramic blocks. For these buildings and the cost of work will be higher, as the blocks themselves are not easy to rise.

The foundation will be the same conditions: the more durable, stronger, the more expensive it will cost both in materials and the cost of employees. Optimally for a small home put pile FundamIf there is an idea to add 2nd floor or a good attic - it is better to be restrained.

How to build a house on a small area?

For the organization of construction from heavy materials, you need a scope of the area. The plot will need to be divided into zones for the foundation, to place a warehouse with the material (minimum - canopy), to mix concrete. Also worth thinking about a bunch of garbage, which will certainly gather.

Debris, packaging, empty boxes, marriage material and similar working moments. For workers, there is a place to at least have lunch or arrange "smoke".

Worth paying attention to construction from frame thermopanels. Despite the fact that this material applies more to heavy, you can build from it directly from the car. In terms of terms, finance and costs on the terrain is a profitable material.

As for lightweight materials, it will take a smaller area to work at times. Most - to work with bar, logwill take the least carrier, especially, from sip-panels. If the site is extremely small, there are already plantings or space is only for home, it is better to give preference to the tree, sander.

What makes the ultimate cost of construction?

Evaluating and comparing materials, involuntarily arises: what, in addition to the main raw materials, will the money go?

Not every area owner can make a place to put on the table in front of builders the amount that will be required to build a turnkey.

Usually, especially for young families, it is customary to share work on the part and to build in stages.

So the final amount will be folded from:

  • complexity of the form of the house, its floors (complication of the work of the brigade);
  • internal planning;
  • insulation;
  • external finish;
  • roofing costs;
  • building materials;
  • foundation - almost 40% of all costs;
  • interior decoration;
  • the severity of the main material;
  • additional accessories;
  • communications;
  • waterproofing;
  • installing the heating system;
  • other minor costs.

The list is quite impressive. Depending on the selection of the material, it can both grow and decrease. However, the construction of their own housing is real Method for creating a really cozy dream housewhich somehow fantasized anyone else.

The abundance of building materials in our time is growing every year. The search for the perfect material will probably last more than one hundred years. However, in order to build a good-quality house in which it will not be cold, scary or expensive to live, it is worth contacting the proven materials.

There will always be out of competition brick and tree. These are the most reliable, long-lived houses that are inexpensive are in operation and are good in terms of environmental friendliness. If the question is financially - it is better to choose modern ways: frame houses, thermopanels.

Middle cash investment - from sandblocks, sand-cement blocks, concrete blocks etc. Block buildings are well preserved warm in winter, as it is cool enough, and a pleasant coolness is saved in the room.

Gasilicate blocks, aerated concrete blocks, arbolit, foam concrete, opilk concrete - a variety of building materials and technologies are presented on the market. But which one will make it possible to build really inexpensive, functional and reliable in the operation of housing?

The development of technologies is greater extent to monolithic and frame construction. If you pay attention to framework technologies, effective are loaf-structures, with thin walls made on the basis of a steel profile.

The finished object is characterized by a slight weight, high strength, the lack of "cold bridges". Based on the LSTK, you can successfully maintain low-rise residential construction of townhouses, cottages and other buildings of small floors (up to three floors). The cost of the finished object will be 13 tr / m² and higher.

In the modeling regions, it makes sense to ease the weight of the roof, reducing the power of the rafter system. This is not only economical, but also will affect the selection of the type of carrier base.

The first step towards effective construction should be an analysis of traditional housing, which is being built in a specific climatic region. Such functional and technological properties are optimal and economical.

Monolithic construction implies the installation of a removable or non-removable formwork, filling with concrete (heavy / easy - to choose from), erection of the roof. The cost of a finished house of concrete with your own hands on a non-removable formwork begins from 8 tr. / M², on removable - a little cheaper.

Another the method of building a cheap house is to use wooden bricks. The material is made on solid wood. Each module is equipped with a four-sided lock, which eliminates shrinkage and purge. The construction of the house will take 2-8 weeks. Manufacturers offer very Cheap wooden pine brick at cost 470 cu / m³What is easy to calculate the cost of costs, knowing the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls.

Aerated concrete blocks - what is cheaper

The advantages and disadvantages of blocks made from different types of concrete are considered in tabular data:

Block type pros Minuses Cost
Polystyrenebetone (concrete with polystyrene balls) Warm, lightweight, very cheap material, allowing you to quickly build housing.

Blocks can be made by itself, which contributes to greater economy.

Serious flaws with geometry will deliver problems with decoration. Blocks are sensitive to soil movements, which can provoke the formation of cracks. This is a great option for hozpostrokek - cheap, warm. The price begins from 3.1 tr. / M³
Arbolit (concrete with wooden chip) You can safely consider all previous advantages, but the arbolite is more flexible, due to the content of wood. It is less susceptible to the formation of cracks Walls can not be overloaded, the finish should begin as early as possible (by the facade), climbing should be avoided. From 4.8 tr. / M³
Aerated concrete (sand, lime, cement, water, gas formation) Ideal geometry, environmental friendliness, minimum glue consumption, no cold bridges (with rare exception), ease of processing During decoration, problems can arise with fasteners. During the construction of even one-story house, do not do without the arrangement of monolithic belts. For strength, light concrete is inferior to monolith, but optimal for private construction. Considering what kind of fetal blocks are pluses and cons, we should consider the price 3.6 - 4.7 tr. / M³
Foam concrete (water, cement, sand, foaming agent) The house of foam concrete does not require a deep downstream of the foundation, the material is easily processed, allows you to quickly implement a masonry that perfectly protects from wind, noise and frosts The construction of houses from foam blocks can be costly due to the fragility of the material - there is a fight during transportation, masonry. If you do not lay a reliable foundation, the hay can go crack 2-4 tr. / M³ (depending on the dimensions and production technology)

Based on table data, it can be seen that the cheapest building material for the construction of the house is aerated concrete, foam concrete. A ceramzite concrete block is also presented, but it is an order of magnitude more expensive. In one price category with foam concrete is opilk concrete.

The production of cellular and porous blocks progresses. A house from a gas-silicate in two floors, lined with siding, can be considered typical. The finished project is easy to choose online

Natural wood

Considering all the possibilities of choice, it is impossible not to mention natural wood. This is the most eco-friendly material that allows you to create durable housing. The construction of houses from a log or bar is based on cheap carrier grounds- Strong, finely brewed. Build a house can be quickly, and the finish will not be difficult.

However, nor a bar nor logs does not meet the modern requirements of heat shields. The house from the bar is cold, that is, a mandatory additional insulation is required. There is a special material with insulation, but it's an order of magnitude more. In addition, such a house is easily lit.

Wooden frame

How to build a house inexpensive? - This is a story about a wooden frame. From the master, no special skills will be required, a fairly small-breeding bearing basis. But, in such a house there is very bad sound insulation, because of the large number of insulation, environmental friendliness suffers, often there are rodents and insects. Need adjustment of the supply and exhaust ventilation. Extremely low resistance to natural disasters is also seen.

Panel materials

For a few weeks you can build a house based on reinforced concrete panels. After mounting the walls, you can start finishing work. The cost of material is 9-15 tr / PC, which depends on its series and destination. There may be a used wall material on sale, but it is not recommended to acquire it.

Sandwich panels allow you to build a house for a few months. The material is made in accordance with the typical projects at the factories, therefore monotony. If you comply with the technology of installation, you can get a great summer house, cottage, hosteling.

Additional materials

When solving the question of what the cheapest material for the construction of the house should not forget about other structural elements.

The more extensive home in the area, the higher its cost and costs in man-hours. By choosing a good project, you can build a good accommodation rather cheap

To save, you can Pay attention to the recommendations:

  • the cheapest roof is covered with ondulin, professional flooring, rubberoid, wave slate;
  • cheap windows can be equipped with both wood and metalplastic. The same applies to door boxes. If wood is used, it must be coniferous breeds;
  • the most economical material for finishing the construction is a flat slate, however, it is better to cover paint. In economy class, plaster, tile, facing brick;
  • for internal works, you can use the lining that can be cut on your own from the Unedged Board 25 mm;
  • alternatively, you can consider the purchase of plastic lining, however, on a high thermal expansion coefficient, which imposes some restrictions;
  • the inexpensive house is not too tough, so the DVP finish remains in question, the seams may probably crack;
  • building a house in one floor does not require costs for lifting mechanisms, forests, unnecessary assistants;
  • you should not fear procurement from domestic manufacturers. All materials, ranging from metal farms, ending with a variety of types of insulation, no worse than imported analogues;
  • it is necessary to understand that a certain part of the materials, which are somehow involved in construction, can be made personally. For example, a plasticizer for concrete with its own hands.

Do you need an estimate for the construction of the house?

Choosing from what material is cheaper to build a house, it is necessary to rely on the actual conditions of construction and the purpose of the object. The most economical on the cost of work concern the construction of summer cottages, garden houses, that is, seasonal living houses. If it is planned to arrange space for permanent residence, one should count on the increase in costs, albeit little.

The calculation of the estimated cost will optimize the course of work, which will exclude the failures of building materials to the construction site. Choosing even the cheapest building material, it is important to know which amount it will be necessary and what will be the cost of purchasing it.

An enterprising person found an unusual cheapest building material for the construction of the house:

If you recently acquired a country area, then the issue of building a small country house is very relevant for you. It can store economic things, an expensive tool, as well as create a small lounge and kitchen room. In this article we will look at how to commit construction of a country house Inexpensive with your own hands, and also learn which on what materials you can save decently.

Construction of the country house inexpensively with their own hands

Of course, like any construction, it is also necessary to start with the calculation of the budget. How much money are you ready to spend on this project? If enough, then you can think about the erection of a brick house. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the borrowed technology of a skeleton house. The advantages of this method are obvious - saving money, as well as the efficiency of the work. After a couple of weeks, your house will be ready for operation.

Stages of the construction of a country house:

Creating a project. If you do not want to contact a specialized agency, then you can create your own project that will be convenient for you. The main thing is that you have to do anyway - show your finished project to professionals to avoid possible problems in the future. As for the area of \u200b\u200bthe future at home, it all depends on your personal preferences and opportunities. It is enough 40 sq.m.

Buying building materials. What materials are needed to build a country house with their own hands? Today, the market presents a huge variety of high-quality, efficient and durable materials that are suitable for any construction:

  • Breed or timber. Wood need in any case. Depending on the quality of raw materials, the cost of the bar will fluctuate. Carefully inspect the material, it is important that he can be careful.
  • Brick or slagoblock. Possess low cost, durability and reliability. Although the construction of the house with the help of these materials will not significantly affect costs, be prepared to spend an impressive amount on the subsequent decoration of the walls.
  • Sip panels. Quality, modern materials that not only save your money, but also time. The house from SIP - panels is obtained warm, dry and comfortable.

Important! If you want to save money on materials, carefully study the market. You will be able to find high-quality raw materials with a big discount. You should not focus on branded companies, since it is they coaching more than 50% at the price.

How to start the construction of a country house in the country area?

The most important element of any country house is a foundation. It depends on the duration of operation of the design, its reliability and strength. Of course, the foundation should not be neglected, since any error or incorrect effect will immediately express in the cracks and splits of the walls. Before digging the trench for the foundation, carefully calculate the weight of future materials - walls, roof, trim, insulation and decoration. All this adds kilograms. Typically, the depth of the foundation of the house should be at least 1 m. After the fill, it must be left for a month for the rambling and drying.

Immediately after the foundation, you can proceed to the construction of the frame and the installation of the rafting roof system. It is also worth considering high-quality sewers. If the central sewage, then you should buy a septic tank with conclusions on the irrigation fields.

So, is it possible to build a country house inexpensive with your own hands? Sure. The main thing is to plan and not rush to buy materials from the first counter.

See also Video:

Garden cottage house do it yourself

Summer houses to relax do it yourself

Most summer residents live outside the city only in the summer and do not need expensive capital homes. They want to have a roof over their heads and residential space, sufficient to accommodate family members.

How to build a house with your own hands?

For this purpose, the optimal economic pension is best suited.

The advantages of summer cottages

Houseboards are popular thanks to the following advantages:

  • High construction level - 2-6 weeks
  • Low cost - from 3 to 8 thousand rubles per square meter. m against 18 thousand rubles. per square meter. m for houses with brick walls
  • Low weight, which allows you to use cheap small foundations
  • Restability to freezing forces
  • The possibility of making parts at the factory, which improves the quality of construction and simplifies the assembly
  • Without shrinkage
  • Wide range of architectural solutions
  • The possibility of warming up and adapting the house for life

Shield house design

The house consists of a wooden or metal frame, covered with shields.

The metal frame is made of a rectangular cross section, from a tree - from the rod. For external coatings:

  • Lamella
  • OSB panels
  • Profiled film
  • Moisture-resistant plates
  • Asbestos cement plates
  • restroom

Inner leather is made of moisture resistant materials.

If the house should live all year round, the walls are laid out isolated.

Construction of panel houses

Construction companies offer services for the construction of panel leisure houses on a turnkey or a set of details for their own construction. The first option frees the builder from most problems, and the other allows you to build a house for your Daco and save money.

Choosing a project

A high-quality project is the basis for success in building a house.

Serious companies that are engaged in the production of panel houses and key construction kits offer dozens of standard models and offer individual design services.

Individual projects are quite expensive, so they are rarely used for houses of economy class.

Creating a standard project allows you to save in the design and a wide selection of already trained architectural solutions - choose the desired design and location of the house.


Under the house of the light panel of gaskets and grooves are used with columns and ribbons and screw pilots.

  • Small hidden posts allow you to reduce costs and reduce construction time.

    Columns are installed in increments from 1.5 to 3 meters under the outer walls and columns, at the corners of the building and in places where the inner walls are connected to the outer walls. They are made of logs, concrete, red brick, bentonite and basic blocks. The depth of the coating is up to 40 cm, the cross section should exceed the wall thickness. To increase the stability of the column are associated with wooden or reinforced concrete rays

  • Countertops do not allow you to install a warm basement.

    If the project is provided for in the project, a shallow in-depth base substrate is applied under the outer walls, and the base under the foundation is made under the inner walls. The depth of the coating and the ribbon width are the same as for pillars. Ribbon made of concrete, quarries or foundation blocks

  • On the weak floors, it is based on screwdrivers.

    Their use allows you to rely on the house on durable land, which is deeper than the surface. The base on helicopters can be built for a period of 1 to 2 days without the use of heavy equipment


The panel of the panel house can be made of a set made at a factory or from purchased materials, its own forces or contractors.

The construction of the house turnkey eliminates most of the developer's problems, with the exception of monitoring construction work - it is impossible to check the quality of the frame assembly on its surface.

For self-assembly frame from factory details, you must follow the instructions and the mounting scheme attached to the kit.

The work reminds the designer's meeting and is quite possible for a developer who has experience in construction.

The cheapest, but the most alarming option is the construction of the lumber itself. Depending on the size and number of floors, the frame house is made of a 100 × 100 × 150 × 150 mm rod or 50 mm thick.

Installation of the frame is performed in the following order:

  1. In the top of the base there is waterproofing of roofing material
  2. For the foundation using embedded parts and anchor bolts for fastening the frame (thresholds) - beams, it is located on the edge of the house and under the prairies
  3. Place the logs and give rough soil.

    Falls at the edges of the base or beam beam

  4. Install the vertical skeletal racks - first on the corners, and then on the walls of the shelf 0.6 m, mounted on the slit, propylene in the bottom panel, fixing the clip and nails and the fixing the first temporary, and then the permanent residue.

    At the same time, they constantly control their vertical and location in the same plane. Corner racks are made of chopsticks, and you can use the edge plate of the same 50 mm width for intermediate use

  5. The top ribbon works in the upper places. Framework door and window openings

All wooden structures must be impregnated with antiseptic compounds.

Overlapping and coating

Wooden columns are placed on the top frame of the frame and are attached with the help of structural clamps.

The width of 3-4 meters is a plate size of 50 × 150 mm with a large range - 100 × 150-150 × 150 mm. The beam is 0.6 m. In this case, for overlapping the ceiling, screens 1.8 m wide (modules) are used.

Rafting clusters are made on the floor in the panel 50x120-50x150 m.

First, set the outer rafts, and then the intermediate elements that control the position of the rafter in the same plane. Then make a box and close the roof. Roofing materials for home should be light, for example:

  • Bituminous tile
  • Metal panel
  • Profiled film
  • Bituminous slate

Wall coatings

The width of the screens should be equal to the degree of installation of the rails of the frame and the length to the height of the walls.

The guards are on a job in the workplace in the following order:

  1. Plates are assembled
  2. On the frame of the polyethylene film was vaporizolation
  3. Spend an internal frame frame
  4. Frame addressed, the heater is inserted inside
  5. Protective membrane, resistant to wind
  6. Get outdoor skin

The coat must be compressed above the frame on half the frame frame width to hide them.

The protective frame around the perimeter is covered with a heater and tightly inserted between frame frames. Overlay is performed using nails. When using sheet material, it can be without a frame. The cutting plates are attached directly to the frame, and the heater is inserted between the racks.

As can be seen from the description, building a dacha house with a brigade of two or three people of secondary qualifications.

The use of factory modules significantly speeds up the assembly. In just a few weeks after the start of the frame setting, you can stay in the cottage and enjoy a vacation in nature.

Video on weekends

Simple holiday home

How to isolate a plate with your own hands before the track

Country houses from foam blocks: Build a house for the summer

Country houses from foam blocks have a small weight, fireproof.

Thanks to large blocks of blocks and precise size, construction is made at high speed. It is quite possible to build a house for the summer.

The use of foam blocks in the construction of various structures guarantees heat maintenance and rapid pace of work. The country house from this material will cost more than from the tree, but less than the brick.

What are good foam blocks

  • Have an accurate geometric shape, dimensions are well sustained.

    Therefore, you can easily lay them

  • Moisture-resistant
  • Inexpensive
  • Over time, strength increases
  • Have a very low thermal conductivity.

    For this indicator - one of the best materials for construction

  • Have a small proportion. Therefore, they are made with quite large sizes, which is positively affected at the velocity of the walls
  • Easily processed

But there are disadvantages

  • Do not bring big loads
  • Slowly gain strength.

    In this case, shrinkage occurs.

    Country house 6x6 do it yourself. Photo report. Part 1

    And as a result - the occurrence of cracks may occur

Use high-quality autoclave foam concrete - it is less prone to shrinkage.

To build single-storey country houses, the strength of foam concrete is quite sufficient. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the upper rumor to strengthen the reinforcement.


Usually, during the construction of a country house, a ribbon small-breeding foundation is used.

It can be done in different ways.

  • From precast blocks stacked without connecting free
  • From blocks, with device reinforced belts above blocks and under them
  • From rigidly connected reinforced concrete blocks
  • From monolithic reinforced concrete

The choice of method is made depending on the properties of the soil.

An embodiment of the reinforced ribbon is also suitable for subsidence, and for light-born soils. In the width of the tape is made with exceeding the thickness of the walls by 10-20 cm. The downstream depth is up to 60 cm.

The base is within 40 cm.

On the bunched soils, a device of a pillow of an unscrewing material is required.

Construction of foundation

Stages of the execution of a ribbon reinforced foundation with minor bulk.

  1. Marking
  2. Development of trenches.

    If the soil does not appear, the trenches are arranged in the width of the foundation. Their walls will play the role of formwork

  3. Flipping of the 30-centimeter sandy-gravel cushion layers with rubbing each layer.

    The thickness of each layer is 10 cm

  4. Laying of waterproofing material on the bottom and trench walls
  5. Installation of formwork under the aboveground foundation (base)
  6. Installation of fittings
  7. Pouring concrete

Quality Conditions of Fundament

To build a quality foundation, you must comply with the following conditions.

  • Proportion of components in concrete mix
  • In the concrete there should be no air bubbles (emptiness).

    To achieve this, use a vibrator or pinned concrete with a metal rod

  • There should be no breaks when pouring

After the fill, while concrete does not freeze, care is needed. It is necessary to close it from the sun, water in hot weather. In the frost insulation.

Roll waterproofing material is placed on top of the foundation.

The overlap of the bands must be at least 15 cm.

Laying wall

Before starting the construction of the walls, it is necessary to check the horizontal foundation. The permissible height difference is 3 cm.

If necessary, it should be equalized by cement mortar.

The upper plane of blocks stacked in the wall should be horizontal. That is, there should be horizontal not only the edges going along the wall, but also those who are across.

Horizontal control is performed using a level. The position of the block is adjusted if necessary rubber hammer.

First row

The masonry of the first row must be made with special accuracy - the accuracy of the construction of the whole house depends on this.

  • Find the highest point of the foundation using level.

    The first block is laid in the corner that is closest to this point.

  • Then the blocks are installed in all other angles.
  • Between the angular blocks on the outer edge of the wall stretches the cord-moor.

    On it is filled with the first row

  • If there are any irregularities of masonry, they are eliminated by a plane or grinding board. Pollution and dust removed brush


The armature is placed on foam blocks after filling the first row, and then after laying each fourth row.

In the corners, a smooth curved rod is stacked.

  • Bulgarian 4x4 cm shoes are made at a distance from the edge of a block of at least 6 cm
  • The grooves are cleaned of dust, moisturized with water
  • In the stroke, cement mortar is stacked at half depth
  • Stacked by a rod moistened with water
  • Reception is completely filled with solution

The monolithic belt is made in the level of the overlap.

It binds the bearing walls around the perimeter and gives the spatial rigidity of the entire structure.

For foam block masonry can be applied:

  • Cement-sandy solution
  • Cement-sandy solution with the addition of lime
  • Glue for wall blocks

A solution with lime is not as quickly grasped, it has good plasticity.

Glue allows you to do thin seams.

It has a rather liquid consistency and is not captured for a long time.

Cutting blocks

Usually a number cannot be laid using only entire blocks. It is necessary to complement it with cuts.

You can cut the blocks with manual hacksaw. The cutting line is applied with a pencil into two adjacent sides, so that the cut turned out to be accurate. The surface of the saw is aligned with a grinding board or a branch. The smooth surface is necessary to ensure that there is a good clutch between the solution and the block.

Bearing walls

After the masonry of the first row, it is necessary to wait 1-2 hours until the solution grabs.

Then the wall laying continues.

  • Corner blocks are laid, aligned
  • Putter stretches
  • The row is filled with foam blocks
  • Irregularities are eliminated by a plane or grinding board

The rebirth of the seams should be at least 10 cm.

The minimum length of the extreme blocks (angle, opening) is 11.5 cm.

Internal bearing walls are associated with outdoor dressing.


  1. On the bearing wall indicates the place of the adjuncing partition
  2. In this place in the seam there are flexible connections (anchors) from stainless steel. One end - in the bearing wall, the other - in seam of partitions
  3. Anchors are fixed by nails

Anchors are invested in a carriage wall through a row.

It is allowed not to fix them with nails, but simply go into the solution.

Door and window openings

Jumpers for overlapping can be purchased factory, you can make from homemade hollow foam blocks, having a view of P. in cross section

  1. Outline spookils on foam block
  2. Singing the grooves, split the inner part with a building hammer
  3. Hollow blocks in the form of an inverted letter n fit over the opening on wooden supports.

    It can be boards or bars. Supports can be nailed to the side walls of the opening

  4. Armature 12-16 mm is stacked inside the cavity, concrete is poured. Supports remain until concrete hardens

You can put foam blocks over the opening and on the corners of the metal.


Wooden beams are usually used for the ceiling of the ceiling in the house of foam blocks.

View of the roof, its design and form may be different. Its construction is not much different from this type of work when erecting houses using other building materials.

Outdoor finish

Although the foam concrete when exposed to moisture and is not impregnated with a greater depth, but the surface layer absorbs it is quite good.

So if the walls do not close the outer finish, they darken and begin to collapse.

As the outer decoration of walls from foam blocks can be used:

  • Hinged facing, installed with a gap (siding, decorative panels, lining house imitation)
  • Decorative plaster
  • Composite panels
  • Natural and artificial stone
  • Coloring silicone paints

The construction of a cottage house from foam blocks is relatively inexpensive, while construction occurs quickly.

If there are some construction skills, you can make such a house with your own hands.

Video on how to build a house of foam blocks

Building a house in the country area, everyone wants to build just such a living in which will be comfortable.

But comfort and comfort depends on the internal planning of the house. First of all.

And the planning itself depends on the size of the construction, from the number of people in the family, the presence of young children. It depends on whether you plan to live in the country only in the summer, or want to come here all year round. There are some things that you need to take into account when you decide how to plan a house.

Planning a single-storey country house

Even in a small house should be located at least three rooms:

The kitchen can be positioned so that the entrance to the house is carried out through it.

In this case, the kitchen premises will serve as a tambour, which delays cold air if you come to the country in the winter.

During cooking, the air in the kitchen is noticeably heated, which is also good, for home heating. Such an option is much better than the construction of a close tambour.

If you want to make a sense, you can be made of glass. Using profile, double-glazed windows and glass doors.

If you use the cottage year-round, you need to provide additional heating.

For example, you can plan a dacha house with a stove in the kitchen, the rear wall of which goes into the next room.

This furnace will dump two rooms at once. Well, in the bedroom you can install an electrical heater. There are many economical modern models.

It is necessary to take into account that the house is heated much faster if good quality double-glazed windows are installed. It should be noted that heat in the house depends not on the size of the windows, namely how well they are glazed. The best option is high-quality plastic windows with several glasses.

If the cottage house from the glued bar contains one room and the kitchen, then the living room is separated by a partition.

Bed is installed behind the partition. Such a house will be suitable for a family of two.

If there is another room in the house, even if it is small, then it is quite possible to equip a nursery.

And at the cottage there will already be a family of four.

These tips are suitable for those who already have a small garden country house. But many want to increase the number of rooms and think about the construction of the second floor.

Features of the construction of the second floor

Many people think that the wonderful option to increase the living space will be the arrangement of the second floor.

But you must first find out how durable the foundation is under home. It is likely that he will not be able to withstand extra weight. It is necessary to learn about it in advance, and not after cracks will begin to appear in the walls, and the house will be collapsed.

In addition, there are some more features. They must be taken into account before building the second floor.

If there is enough free space in the country area, it is always better to build a spacious one-storey house.

It costs cheaper, and live in a one-story house more pleasant.

No need to climb the stairs. This is especially important if there are older people in the house. After all, the stairs in two-storey dachas are usually steep. They are easier to build than gentle. In addition, the two-storey house is much more difficult to heat than the one-storey house.

If the second floor is equipped, you do not need to make concrete floors. It is easier to make them out of wood. The house will be warmer. The staircase is best lifted from the kitchen if it is located immediately at the entrance door.

Heat will not go to the second floor of the living room.

On the second floor usually make one or two bedrooms. Bedrooms are best done small to make it easier to fuck. After all, living in the country, a person enters the bedroom only to sleep.

But, you need to repeat that if the area area allows, it is better to build a more spacious one-storey house instead of the second floor.

Building terrace

Since in the summer almost all the time, people spend on the street, to the house you need to attach an indoor terrace.

It can be placed on the entrance side, then the terrace will play and the role of the porch. It needs to be provided with a good roof that will protect against weather and hot sun. It is necessary to provide for the fastening of mosquito nets.

Some tips were given, how to make a cottage house share comfortable.

10 steps how to build for the summer cottage house

If a person plans to build a cottage from scratch, then he can plan her what soul wishes. But here it is not so easy as it may seem. Below will be the most common mistakes that make a person, thinking about which house it is built in the country area.

Of course, all the tastes differ in everyone, but still, will be told about those things that help reduce construction costs and increase comfort.

Errors when planning a country house

Too big house
No need to build a house too large.

Thick walls in the house
Too thick walls require a more powerful foundation, and, therefore, extra costs.

Modern technologies make it possible to build light houses, for example, frame, or from a bar. A good insulation solves all the difficulties with heating, and the choice of high-quality material and qualified builders makes the house very durable.

Basement or basement facility
No need to make a large basement or basement.

These premises require high-quality waterproofing, insulation, ventilation and heating. For all this you need to hire specialists. Additional costs of building materials are required. Very significant. Also, it is not necessary to build too high base. This also increases costs.

If the house is planned to build a fireplace, then it is necessary to build it in the middle so that the heat from it dispelled through the neighboring rooms.

The fireplace, built at the outer wall, is completely undivalent.

It seems to be all things are very simple. But if you avoid these errors when planning at home, you can significantly save on building materials and construction times.

Video example of the planning of the country house with the help of specials. Program

Record from: 4-2-2016

Dachnips that are just going to build their first small house will be very useful my selection of 15 photos of the design of country houses. I must say, there is something to learn and what to seek, well, yes what to say there - it is better to see themselves!

I draw your attention to the fact that there are no schemes and plans.

All material is given exclusively for inspiration. But, an experienced builder, if you show him a picture with the structure you like, it will easily be able to build if not one to one, then close to the original.

The first house just conquered me with his canopy with a stroke roof. Here, if this shape of the roof, and would be the most ordinary country house! Agree, such a roof of a canopy, which is romissant by slender wooden columns, gave all the house sophistication and elegance!

Beautiful country house, you will not say anything!

And in this miniature house I really liked the turret at the very top. On the square, it is like a Saraiketka-today, but beautiful wall decoration, windows, roof tiles and this turret make it almost the palace!

By the way, floral boxes, fixed under the window very much improved the appearance of the facade, no matter how small it is!

This house is just very pretty, especially the lattice windows and the door.

This country house caused a storm of delight from my whole family.

I showed it to them by saying that we would build on our own same. And the miniature terrace, and the hearing windows on the roof! Just a look. A miniature copy of a beautiful country mansion!

In this house a lot of light.

Choosing a garden house and its phased construction

because he has very large windows. But in it, even in cloudy weather, the feeling of greater unity with nature! Unusually resolved the fronton of this house - it is decorated with two balusters.

And the second light under the roof is resolved in this house. Since it has no windows on one side that under the roof, the semblance of auditory windows is made.

True, the photo shows that the owners enjoy them as a workshop, but for the newly-handed dachas he could serve as a refuge for the night and from the rain.

A small wooden house with a canopy across the entire width of the roof.

A good solution - here you and the terrask patio, the wall of the house will take place from the wind, and the roof canopy will protect from the rain and from the sun.

This white house is just a fairy tale!

Elegant, romantic, with a pergola attached to him, he is so calling to settle in it and burning not to know! Still, the white color gives sophistication to any building, even very small.

This interesting asymmetric house has a skeleton design and trimmed with wood.

The originality of this construction is not only in its unusual roof, but also in the glazing of the two walls, which form at the output of the "transparent angle".

This house is simply attractive and kinder.

Blue Domishko under the tiled roof with white curtains looks very attractive.

It feels that the house has a caring owner!

And this light lodge in front of a small pond caused me to lose me. It is so small and so harmonious with his blue door and the windows with tlea curtains that I wanted to sit down in front of him, omit the legs into the pond and dream of an hour or other.

This house is resolved from the tree, it is though low, but very pretty.

Well, the last house in a series of 15 best is a house with a trapezoidal vest.

Beautiful, elegant, decorated with taste - what else can you say! And the terrace with it - on the stars in the evening there is from to admire!

Ideas of small cozy country houses

It would be possible to stop at this, but ideas on small houses so much that all the time I want to look for something, and share finds with you.

Let me remind you that in America and Canada, a passion for the design and creation of houses on wheels of an unusual form is very common. These are real residential buildings. I will continue to acquaint you with the interesting ideas of such houses. After all, if you exclude the wheels, then such houses will beautifully look at our sites! Here is a review video from the creators of this wonderful house.

There is no translation, but everything is clear.

My construction and life in the country

I would like to tell my story when we decided to live in the country and start everything from the very beginning. In general, it happened so that our apartments were not, and in recent years we lived on rented apartments. And therefore, life in the walls of others and frequent trips has led us - I wanted my own, peace and stability. But the way we live is not rich and nothing can buy, you decide to buy a cottage (4Sotki), and then another, we left the pages very cheap.

These sites are the same, we have prepared that they are forced to leave their homes all bushes and trees, and yet they had the resources that I entered sandstone and sand into the future of our home.

But a few days later we decided to give them a chance to defeat the house in the village, and then I brought a plate and two evenings (as a day I worked), the house was almost ready. He looked like a trailer, but we were not aware of beauty, more than the end of September and soon cold and winter. Below is a photo of creating a clock zone.

Construction of a cottage in the country - the beginning

He built him twice - he wanted it faster, but early it became dark, so he took with him the battery and lamp. So, this house was looking for another night - it was not yet dark.

He worked as a screwdriver and wire, the design was the easiest, so everything was done very quickly.

Construction of cabins in the country

Then I brought a foam, and the house was isolated by a foam thickness of 10 cm, and died with all the seams between foam and all the slots.

He made the front door. And the interior, while there were naked walls of the plates. The next day he brought 200 pieces. Red brick and two nights built a brick. The picture of the design of the furnace is not preserved.

Construction of houses rest

Dimensions of house 6.3 * 3m.

the internal space is 6 * 2.7, the overall living room is 16.2 square meters, in which four adults (I, mom and my two sisters) were included in the country, electricity, and this is what I thought in advance. I made a wind generator, I set a small battery and bought a converter for 12/220 volts. The power of such a power plant was very small, because the wind turbine was small and was the wrong dean, besides very low. But one energy-saving light is sometimes enough.

In general, the beginning was painful, but a week after the start of this construction, we switched to this period. The transfer was on October 2 of the same day as the birthday of the sister.

In the autumn, the forest was ready for the whole winter, and the porch was added to the house.

House isolated outside by vapor insulation, covered with film and inner shiny isolation. As a result, in the first winter we learned.

Winter in the country

In winter, we were already homemade wind energy for every 150 watts, electricity was enough for light, and sometimes on TV, just as the wind was very weak and lacked the battery, but I retained everything to improve, including a power station.

I described everything about the factory in the "My Little Adventures" section,

Therefore, in such Spartan conditions, winter lived. I and sister worked, paid in the spring, accepted 3 years ago a loan, and at the beginning of the summer there was a new loan, which spent money for trifles and bought a Chinese engine (110SS) for a tree execution, I went to him on a trailed trailer.

We bought a motor saw and two solar panels. up to 100 watts, so before March they bought new batteries for the power plant.

In the summer, the porch was covered with glowing insulation so that it does not overheat in the sun, and the solar panels were installed on the wall.

Even light on the street and in the house repeated wiring.

Solar panels

In summer, wood was prepared for the whole year, and the motorcycle produced 35 trips from the nearest forest plantations.

Therefore, I bought corrugated cardboard, tree, cement, and I put a new fence from corrugated panels in front.

Collect wood

In parallel, I poured a concrete pillow under the base of our house.

Under the foundation there was no bathing, it just grew and leveled the surface and shed a 40 cm wide along the perimeter of the house.

How to build a house in Dachau: Characteristics and Phases of Construction

Concrete thickness is 10-15 cm. Pictures are part of concrete. That's how we lived in the fall, a photo after the rain, there was a little disorder on the street when I was looking for and twisted banks under the winter potatoes.

Life in the country

Life in the country

In addition, 11 meters excavated in Dakhau, I myself dug it, almost a month I hurried and poured concrete with concrete, but I finished it.

So, the tile made his way. He dug the basement at the place of the future at home, filled the basement with concrete, and then the roof made a hatch. Small details were made in detail, but I will not list all the little things, only important. I wrote about the break here - well, with my work 2.


This year, at the beginning of spring, I took 7 cubes of plates, bought the ruins and cement and began with the main overflow.

The lower part of the photo is the preparation of irrigation panels. Last year, the center of the concrete base under the furnace was flooded.

Formwork for foundation

After installing panel panels around the perimeter, it strengthened 10 mm throw in two threads.

Then I put in concrete and, in the end, turned out to be so.

Filling the foundation

The panel was attached to the hex pins of 6 mm, and after the emission it is easy to remove and remove the shell.

Filling the foundation

Then build the wall frame. The size of the house is 6.30 * 10.80 m. The skeleton put one, sometimes the truth helped the sister to give something or save. All this turned it into the screws that pull themselves. From below, on top, then it used a homemade plate of galvanized sheet metal.

Decorated home with your own hands

Decorated home with your own hands

Decorated home with your own hands

Decorated home with your own hands

Currently, the money is currently completed at the moment.

Now you need to make money on the corrugated cardboard and place the frame around the roof.

Continued - the second part of the frame