Canadian house from panels. Canadian House - Overview of Modern Projects (110 photos)

Canadian houses, so popular in Canada, the Northern States of the United States, and in other countries with a moderately continental climate are considered energy efficient, inexpensive and rapid in the construction. Thanks to its technological advantages, they can compete with traditional methods for the construction of private housing from brick or gasoblock.

The main design of Canadian houses is a wooden frame based on a solid timber. Before mounting frame houses on the Canadian technology, a reinforced concrete clogged or pile-screw foundation is installed.

The framework of the Canadian house consists of vertical wooden supports that are at a distance of 60 cm apart. The distance between the columns is designed in such a way that it is easy to uninstall the house with OSB panels, which strengthen and associate the entire design. The carrier poles are connected on top of the lags of overlapping 200х50 mm from calibrated beams.

OSB boards are mounted on beams with standard hardware. The insulation of the house is carried out from the non-combustible eco-insulation 200mm, using hydro-vapor insulation membranes. Due to the processing of wood with fire-bioprotective composition of deep penetration, the finished design is reliably protected from fire.

The price of construction of skew houses on the Canadian technology is not fixed. You can familiarize yourself with the approximate cost, having studied examples of ready-made projects on the Woodhouse website. For advice, call the manager or order a callback!

Upon cooperation with us, customers invariably receive a number of additional benefits. In particular, a five-year warranty applies to the entire range of services.

How to build a frame house on Canadian turnkey technology with minimal cost

Currently, a lot of modern technologies used in construction. But it is still most profitable to build frame houses. The final cost of the project of the house is arranged by all customers who do not plan to spend a lot of funds, to expect their intercourse for a long time. It is necessary to take into account the construction of frame houses of turnkey makes it possible immediately after the construction of the walls and the roof make a complete finish, as the buildings do not give a shrinkage, and therefore you do not have to wait for the deadlines for several years.

The unique Canadian construction technology of frame houses, the price of which is also considered the most accessible of all available technological construction options, allows you to save and not abandon the additional cube, which will cost several times cheaper than, for example, the same area during the construction of bricks. We will carry out the installation of the house, taking into account all the rules and requirements that are used in modern construction. The specialists of Intel Group companies have tremendous experience in providing such services. Currently, to build a frame house on Canadian turnkey technology can with additional discounts on the promotion.

The most affordable price for the frame house on the Canadian turnkey technology will allow to solve the housing issue in a short time, and not to postpone it indefinitely. The practical technology of building a turnkey house on the Canadian system is designed to meet the characteristics of the climatic conditions of Russia. The frame house will be warm even in the regions with harsh conditions, for example, in the extreme north, such buildings have proven themselves even in cold winters.

Evaluate Canadian houses have already managed millions of owners who have been satisfied with all the terms of construction, payment, and most importantly, they received comfortable, modern, warm and cozy accommodation. Our prices for the construction of Canadian carcass houses turnkey will arrange the most demanding, client.

Initially, it is necessary to order a foundation for the construction of houses on frame technology for the selected project. Features of the construction of prefabricated houses allow you to make lightweight pile foundations. This in turn is a guarantee that all work will be fulfilled in the minimum time, the cost of the foundation itself will be 30-50 percent lower than when using traditional technologies.

Accordingly, the price of frame construction at home is immediately reduced at the zero stage. Only Canadian construction technology of frame houses, the price of which is reduced, allows you to get substantial savings, which is why such options are increasingly choosing citizens who have dreamed of their own housing for a long time, but by virtue of certain reasons, construction has not been solved.

The rapid design of the house projects in Intel Group is carried out highly professional engineers who always take into account the basic requirements of the client. If necessary, you can stop your choice on typical developments. Only we provide services in the construction of the house on the most affordable rates, if you compare in price of Moscow companies or other major cities in Russia.

You can find out what the price of a frame house on Canadian technology turnkey on our website or in the company's office with a personal visit. We erected the house quickly, enter the official cooperation agreement with each client who appeal to our company. The catalog contains a large selection of typical developments. This means that we will build a house on individual drawings or a finished project that has already been tested and worked with all the wishes of our customers. The price of the house will fully suit you.

In recent years, the share of frame houses developed on Canadian technology has increased in Russian construction. Subsequently, they were improved by masters from Germany, Finland, Sweden, which made a variety of additions, based on climate conditions in a particular country.

Canadian frame houses are erected in the form of a multilayer cake. First, the frame is made from the bar, and then the special panels are fixed on this design, which consist of several layers. The insulation is placed between two layers made of chipboard.

The panels are then climbing siding, lining or fivebrus, putting a special film for them, due to which the structure is protected from the negative impact of the environment and temperature differences.

Advantages of Canadian Technological Solutions

Houses on Canadian technology usually choose middle-class people. What are the advantages of this type of construction?

  • Buildings are elevated at cost-effective prices. Each of the frame-based buildings is two times lower than the option made of bricks.
  • The building is raised quickly in comparison with other technological solutions.
  • The presence of heat and good atmosphere in the house.
  • Save electricity costs.
  • Building service is cheaper in comparison with stone houses.
  • Easy repair work.
  • No need to install a heavy and expensive fundamental basis.
  • The possibility of great choice. The house can be built according to a typical project and economy-class style.
  • Originality of architectural solutions.
  • The construction can be conducted at any site.
  • Communications can be simply spent.
  • If necessary, building created by Canadian technology can also be quickly dismantled and installed in a new place. What is an explicit advantage of such frameworks.

Negative moments

Construction of houses on Canadian technology, unfortunately, has some negative sides. If the construction assembly is made incorrectly, then you can encounter high heat losses. But the house should provide ventilation so that the heat-insulating layers did not start.

Attention should be paid when assembling the design of the material by selecting the material. Raw materials should be dry. If you ignore this, then the appearance of mold and cracks, as a result of which the design can completely collapse.

Skeeping houses have low sound insulation than in buildings with more dense materials. But if when assembling, install an additional layer of material that prevents the appearance of sound and noise, then this negative point is completely eliminated.

Stages of building houses based on Canadian technologies

Before the start of construction, you can view the photos of houses, the construction of which is conducted on a variety of technologies, including Canadian.

Deciding with the design of the future building, it is necessary to develop a project. It can be drawn independently or seek help to people in this area. Having received the project of the Canadian home, you should purchase all the building materials necessary for the construction.

After clearing the territory allotted for construction, from various garbage, herbs and bushes should be done by the basic platform, which will serve as the basis for the rest of the design. The base site is the foundation and the floor.

Initially, it is necessary to carry out the arrangement of a draft floor. The design is manufactured from the cheapest materials, which is the unedged board. It is necessary to know that the walls and the floor in the houses in the Canadian style are made of one tree of wood.

For the stability and reliability of the frame design during the construction, special fittings are stacked and a concrete foundation is poured. A few weeks after filling the foundation, it is necessary to put the boards that will help designate the location of the walls and rooms in the future.

To prevent rotting, wood processing should be treated with antiseptic means. Between the foundation and boards, lay a layer of rubberoid and insulation. Boards are strengthened with special anchor bolts.

After the floor is made, you can begin to build the walls, checking their evenness using the level. If you do not comply with this, then there may be a skeleton of the design in the future.

Initially, the lower strapping in the form of a bar, which has special grooves. Squeeze and unscrew vertical boards with a height of about 2.7 meters. Then stack steel pins in the location of the racks. Collect the frame from the corner. Bruks are inserted into brazed, and then secured by temporary dashes. Similarly, the installation of intermediate bars is carried out.

At the next stage, the upper strapping is carried out. To do this, it is necessary to use similar bars with grooves that are used in the lower strapping. The fixation of the upper strapping is carried out by nails.

After the framework is made, there is a dismantling of temporary streaming and replacing them to constant. This will help give the design of additional strength and remove partially load.

Then they hold the ceiling beams. They are performed from bars having a size of 5 to 15 cm. There must be a half-meter distance between the beams. You should trace the beams and racks vertically, did not coincide. It should be installed in the house of the timber as a support on the site of the partition between the rooms.

Springs are installed on the frame from above. Their roles protrude boards with a thickness of 5 cm and width - 10 cm. Then it should be done at an angle of 45-50 degrees.

The attachment of the rafter is carried out by 15-centimeter nails. So that the design is durable, the skating board is stuffed to central rafters. At the next stage, a doomer is performed with the subsequent flooring onto her roofed. Then the roofing material in the form of slate or tiles should be put on its surface. Slaft nails help in the attachment.

In the future, it is worth doing outside the walls. Originally take the board and cut it depending on what size of the frame. Later the back wall is trimmed.

The fastening of the first board is starting below. Each of the racks attach the board with 5-centimeter nails. It is worth keeping the connections and grooves to be driven tightly. After it is trimmed by the entire frame, it is worth using a sealant to protect against negative environmental influence.

With strict observance at each stage of all precautions, a fast high-quality house is obtained. It can be erected independently or with the help of professionals. In any case, it is worth viewing all the pros and cons of designs to avoid unpleasant moments in the future.

Photo of Canadian houses

As a sample of practical, comfortable and reliable housing, Canadian houses have deserved authority worldwide. With competent warming, they are able to maintain a comfortable temperature of indoors in any cold months, even if there are harsh Russian frosts.

For many decades, projects of houses on Canadian technology have become even more perfect. Today is the perfect combination of lightness and strength. And in mind the increasing popularity of cottage settlements, the prevailing houses on the Canadian technology began to be increasingly constructed in our country.

To understand why it is worth choosing "sander", it is worth considering their features and advantages. It is mistaken to believe that qualitative should cost expensive, because prices for national teams at Canadian technology speak about the opposite. Such a certain plus is caused by an optimized and clearly calculated constructive project - no extra building materials of the future, no additional costs for unplanned delivery, no protracted job time. Canadian house is fast, warm, comfortable and reliable!

Prices at home

The aggregate of all the advantages of Canadian houses says that the North American residents with their harsh climate, as no one knows a sense in construction. With minimal costs of finance and time on the construction of frame country houses, cottages and mansions, their service life is not inferior to stone homes. You will get comfortable, reliable and high-quality accommodation in the shortest possible time if you order national team buildings on Canadian turnkey technology.

For true connoisseurs of the best!

Frame houses on Canadian technology have one significant difference - heat efficiency. It gives a huge advantage to owners - savings on heating! To warm up the winter house, you do not have to trap the clock, wait until the walls are warm and only then the air. Plus prices for Canadian houses are significantly lower than at home from foam or gas blocks. And internal decoration in such houses can be done immediately after the end of construction, not expecting when it takes time for shrinkage, like a bar or log houses.

Projects of houses on Canadian technology surprise a variety of architectural solutions. And the individual design makes it possible to implement any of your dreams - if you liked some kind of cottage, you have a drawing or even a sketch of the house, it can be performed on frame technology.

Advantages of Canadian panel houses from the company "Drepara":

  • The construction of a full-fledged residential building in the shortest possible time.
  • A wide variety of design options and applying architectural solutions.
  • Resistance to the shrinkage - Canadian boards can be immediately separated inside.
  • High degree of thermal insulation, allowing even harsh frosts with ease.
  • Reliability and durability in operation.

"Dreamevo" - for quality handy!

Due to its reliability, practicality and affordable prices focused on the domestic consumer, skew houses on Canadian technology are gaining increasing popularity in Russia. But who has to entrust the implementation of the project and the construction of your Canadian home and for what criteria to choose a company that will take on the solution of these issues? After all, one possession of Canadian construction technology is not enough. From how much quality materials use the company how reliable its suppliers is how professional and brigades are responsible, your home will last.

You can be absolutely confident that the house from Dreypeaevo will answer all the claimed quality and reliability requirements. Confirmation of this is a rich years of experience in the design and construction of Canadian skew houses and grateful customer feedback. After choosing a house on Canadian technology in our company, you will get everything you need for living and relaxing in your home. Our customers always receive a multi-stage construction quality control system - your object will monitor the foreman and technical supervisor. Your Canadian home will be exactly how you dreamed!

With options for finished projects with all layouts of rooms you can find on our website. Detailed information about the prefabricated Canadian houses, organizational issues, prices for the delivery of building materials, credit opportunities and installments specify the company's managers.

Thanks to the speed of construction, country houses on Canadian technology are widely demanded in the country real estate market, especially since they are simply ordered "turnkey". This construction method is very common in Canada, which gave houses erected by this technology their name. Well, since the climatic conditions of Canada are close to domestic, then the methods developed and tested in this country are relevant for Russian buyers. What can be houses on Canadian technology: projects, prices, photos in our article.

A small frame house built by Canadian technology Source

Canadian houses: a bit of history

The first frame buildings were known in Europe during the early Middle Ages. In those days, the structure was based on the system of racks and beams with connections located on the diagonal. The space between parts of this frame design was filled with stone, bricks or clay.

The colonists who came to Canada and the United States from Europe applied this technology that allows you to create at home at any time of the year in a short time. To protect against the harsh weather conditions of Canada, the walls of houses were trimmed with boards from the external and inner side, and emptiness was filled with any available material. Most often used mixture of clay, straw, sand and stone.

Houses in old European cities "distant ancestors" of modern framework technology Source

Thus, at the heart of the creation of houses on Canadian technology already in those days, the aid was lying to the instended panels, with which it was possible to build a high-quality warm house in the shortest possible time. Modern technology "Canadian houses" adapted for harsh climatic conditions has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of modern Canadian houses

The frame house for this technology is built from panels, covered with PCP (material created from wood chips impregnated with polymeric resins) and insulated expanded polystyrene. The dimensions of the panels are selected individually, taking into account the size of the finished building. The warmed panels are ready-made elements of walls that are strengthened at the pre-erected foundation. After that, the floors, roofs, as well as doors and windows occurs.

  • The main advantage of technology is the speed and ease of erection of the house. Mounting works do not require the involvement of specialized equipment and a large team of builders, on average, the house is being built within 2-3 months.
  • The framework of Canadian technology will cost about two times cheaper than a full-fledged brick house, while the functional characteristics of both buildings are similar.

Facing brick in the design of a frame house Source

  • Light panels do not require the construction of a powerful foundation, so they can be built on sites with any relief.
  • Polystyrene foam, filling space between panels, has high insulating properties. Therefore, the finished structure does not need additional sound insulation and insulation.
  • Unlike the dwellings created from Bruusyev or Breus, Canadian wooden houses allow you to install engineering communications within the panels themselves. Thus, the finished residential premises look more aesthetic, and the installation is spent less time and effort.
  • Wooden panels at the base of the frame create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.
  • Easy wall material allows you to choose various ways of exterior finishing of the finished building: decorative brick, plaster, boards, - all this is available for owners of frame houses built on Canadian technology.
  • Thanks to the manufacture of panels to order, the finished structure can have almost any architectural form.

Video Description

More about the advantages of Canadian houses in the video:

Disadvantages of the House of Canadian Technology

Despite the many obvious advantages, houses on Canadian technology have a number of features and restrictions, thanks to which they will be suitable for not all owners of country sites. The main feature of technology is restrictions on the dimensions of the finished building. The height of each floor should not exceed 3 meters, the maximum of them can be 3.

The compactness of Canadian houses does not affect their functionality and a pleasant appearance. Source

The environmental friendliness of the finished building can cause questions due to the abundance of polymer resins, sooping the product. However, this is a question of the good faith of manufacturers of such structures - if the panels are made in compliance with technology, they comply with all environmental safety standards.

Characteristics of the finished residential building In addition to the quality of the material are also determined by the professionalism of the workers team. If the conscientiousness of the contractor consists with high-quality components and execution of finishes for all the rules, the Canadian house is a comfortable and durable housing.

Features of the components of frame houses

Regardless of the selected technology, building a house on Canadian technology will be carried out in several stages. When choosing a material for each of the elements, it is necessary to take into account its functional characteristics.


A common option for the construction of frame structures is a ribbon foundation, which is a context of concrete, shipped to the ground by about 50 cm, the height over the ground is 20-30 cm. With properly made calculations, the ribbon foundation allows you to build a residential building on various types of soils, Including wetlands and mobile. The main disadvantage of such a foundation is the inability over time to produce global redevelopment at home.

Ready tape-columnar foundation "In the section" Source

Screw foundations can be immersed at a significant depth, which makes it possible to apply them to create a base under the house on complex soils. The main drawback is likely a tangible shrinkage of the design, especially in errors in the calculations or violation of technology. As a result, with finishing after the end of construction work will have to do some time. In addition, neither about the basement, nor about the ground floor in such a house it is not necessary to think.

Screw foundation from metal piles Source

The most reliable option is a slab foundation, which is a flat reinforced concrete "pillow" on which the design is erected. Because of the high costs, it is usually not used when prefabricated houses are erected on Canadian technology, but on sandstone or under the abundance of groundwater, it may be the only possible option.

Schematic diagram of the establishment of a slab foundation Source

Most often, the cost of the foundation is calculated separately from other works on the construction of a skeletal house. Experienced specialists will help the customer to choose the optimal type of foundation depending on the features of the construction and the surface on which it will be erected.

Floor covering

The basis of the future floor is the overlap of wooden bars, which are located on the foundation of the house. Most often for coating on the first floor, plates made to order together with materials for the walls of the house are used. The installation of this part of the house is made immediately after the preparation of the foundation, the plates are carefully processed by sealant. The next layer is insulation and vapor insulation materials. After that, the finishing coating is put on the finished "draft" floor, for example, laminate.

Black floor with insulation, prepared for finishing Source

The floor on the second and third floors is erected in the same way, with the amount of insulation and vapor insulation material used less than to cover the first floor. Sound insulation materials that provide comfortable accommodation come to the fore.

The basis of the structure on the second floor is the overlaps, on which the draft floor is located, insulating materials, plates and finishing (for example, linoleum).

Material for the walls of the house

Regardless of the architectural project, Canadian frame houses are at the heart of the panel sip, which are inlet stoves with a layer of insulation. As a rule, such elements are installed without an additional framework, but at the request of the customer, the house can be additionally strengthened.

Appearance of high-quality sip panels in stock Source

If necessary, heat-insulating plates made of mineral wool are added between the frame elements of the frame.

Outside the walls are covered with a film to protect against moisture and wind penetration.

Construction of houses on Canadian technology provides for the use of various facing materials: siding, the front panel of composite materials, a porcelain stoneware and stone tile, plaster or wooden boards. At the same time, depending on the selected option, the facing materials will be attached differently to the surface of the walls.

Modern materials help create any external finish Source

Regardless of the chosen type of finishing, it is necessary to take into account the ventilation gaps that help free air circulation and prevent moisture accumulation. Thus, the total thickness of the walls is folded from the panel, internal and external finishes, as well as a technological gap.

Roof of the Canadian House

The selected shape and materials for the roof of the house are entirely dependent on the amount of precipitation, climate, as well as wind intensity.

The main material for the roof is the panel panels placed on wooden rafters (durable beams forming the skates of the future roof). If necessary, the panels are fixed with additional thermal insulation.

After that, the roofing material is selected. The most common option is a metal profile - sheets of various shapes that protect the roof from external influences. For the comfort of tenants, such a material must be equipped with sound insulation so that the noise of rains is heard less.

An alternative is a soft bitumen tile, more easy and easy to install.

The choice of roof shape is limited to an average precipitation and taste preferences of the customer. For example, bay houses, most often has a standard duplex roof. It prevents water delay, neutralizing the possibility of leaks, and also allows you to equip a spacious attic room.

Laconic house with a bartal roof Source

The multicate roofs look more original, allow you to implement complex architectural solutions. The main disadvantage of such an option is complexity, and, as a result, high cost of installation work.

Book and film Larry Hon "Very effective carpenter"

Reliable and easy-to-install sip-panels, which are easy to mount without additional construction equipment, allow you to create a dwelling with your own hands.

Book and film Carpenter Larry Hon "Very effective carpenter" in details describe the process of building a frame house on Canadian technology. Each head of the book and a series of films is dedicated to the component of the house: overlapping, walls, roof, as well as independent erection of the stairs. At the beginning of the video material, it is described about the progress of the required number of building materials, the necessary tools are mentioned, and the course of the work itself is shown in detail.

Video Description

Film Larry Hona:

The work of the master shows that the construction of a durable building requires not only experience and skill, but also the selection of materials with the necessary technical characteristics. Unfortunately, when creating a house "There is no smallest things." For example, an incorrectly created foundation or violation of the technology of insulation of the roof leads to premature destruction of the house.

The process of construction of a frame house Source

Step-by-step video equipment Larry Hon complements the book, and also allows you to trace all the nuances of the construction of the house in order to accomplish the quality of the work of the construction brigade with all. This will avoid serious mistakes in the construction.

Any projects of Canadian homes and cottages can be built "turnkey". This service provided by qualified technologies working on approved technologies. Behind the construction of construction should be observed to check the quality of work, but at the same time the calculation of materials and the subtlety of the process is better to entrust professionals.

Video Description

Common construction of construction is shown in video:

The consequences of technological errors during the construction of the construction

The main mistake in the construction of the house is inappropriate savings. The cip of the panels is based on wood, so it is strongly recommended to pay attention to their quality. Raw, incorrectly dried or rotten tree is future clearances in the walls, drafts and rapid destruction of the house.

All joints in the finished design should be as close as possible to each other, all the gaps must be treated with sealant and construction foam. This will avoid unnecessary "cold bridges" (rain and wind penetration sites), which contribute to the destruction of the house.


Ready house of sip panels treated with sealant: seams tightly adjacent to each other source TUTKNOW.RU

Tightly adjacent panels suggest a mandatory installation of additional ventilation, as well as the use of artificial gaps. Before starting work, builders should be inquired, exactly what ventilation will be carried out.

The quality of the panels themselves made in the factory conditions should be checked before mounting the construction. As a rule, the panel sip created by qualitatively, have smooth edges, the correct shape and uniform color. It is not recommended to acquire cheap Chinese production plates that are not adapted to harsh weather conditions.

Popular projects of Canadian houses

The most common projects of houses on Canadian technology are single-storey, single-storey with attic, standard two-storey, as well as homes with a garage.

The traditional one-storey house with an extensive porch and a double roof is the best option for a small family. Finishing with plaster and wooden panels, as well as concise shapes create a completed view of the building. The absence of large windows and glazed veranda will save on the heating of the construction.

One-storey house with a porch and large windows Source

The original architecture of one-story building with an attic is created by improper windows. The bartal roof used in the architectural solution prevents moisture accumulation and protects the root from leaks. Glazed porch is a miniature analogue of a summer veranda.

The porch of a two-storey house adjoins the end wall Source

The combination of a small terrace, stone finishes and plaster gives a two-storey homeiness and kindness. At the same time, the architectural solution is highly compact and budget: the duplex roof is easy to install, the cost of heating is minimized thanks to the open porch and the terrace on the second floor.

Good two-storey house with large windows and terrace source EKZO.BY

Facing with natural stone and bricks - a sure way to give an accessible price and a laconic home of exclusivity and reliability. Small mansard windows, original decorated pipes and a modest porch give the construction completed view. An organically built-in garage with small windows can be used as a shopping building.

Two-storey house with an attic and built-in garage Source

Video Description

Experience shows that there are moments in the construction of the house where it is strictly not worth saving, but there are nuances where you can not save, but rationally spend the budget (which is a kind and there is reasonable savings).

What to choose - comparison of rates

Houses on Canadian technology erected by qualified specialists using good-quality materials - a great option for country housing. Order a frame house turnkey guarantees the accounting of many technical nuances that allow you to create a durable design. To simplify the choice, then presented on the Canadian household houses. Price from developers:

7,5х8.8 from 5.1 million 7.5x9.8 from 5.3 million 8.4х9.9 from 5.9 million
8,65х9.75 from 5.3 million 8x13 from 6.4 million 11.8x10 from 7.2 million
6x6 from 2.9 million 6x8 from 4.2 million 6x8 from 3.7 million
Source Dom-Expert.BY.
8x8 from 4.1 million 9,5х10 from 4.9 million 8x10 from 4.6 million