Contact and systemic fungicides for plants. Names and varieties of fungicides for plants Systemic fungicide for indoor plants

The fungus is a problem encountered on various types of plants. This microorganism is able to cause many different diseases that are negatively reflected on the flowering and fertility of cultures. Protect and cure plants will help fungicides.

What is "fungicides"?

These are preparations of chemical or biological origin. Used to treat and prevent diseases that are caused by the development of fungi. Such preparations have been developed for both street and home plants. The timely use of fungicides allows you to protect cultures from various diseases, as well as significantly increase yields.

Produces in the form of powder, tablets, spray, granules. They solve them well in liquid and easy to use.

Influence on the plant

There are two main groups of fungicides. Among themselves, they differ not only by the composition, but also by action. Knowing the differences and features of the means, you can achieve high results in a short time.


This species is intended for the prevention and treatment of plants from diseases. The main advantage of contact fungicides is that they do not cause addiction in cultures. The period of action of such a substance does not exceed twelve days. After the first rain, plants need re-processing.

Contact fungicides do not fall inside the plant. They protect only those sites on which are located. Therefore, when spraying, it is necessary to thoroughly process both the upper and lower part of the deciduous plates. The effectiveness of the means depends on many factors, namely from chemical properties and weather conditions.


Preparations of this group are capable not only to protect plants in the field of application, but also to apply to other sections. A distinctive feature of system fungicides is that they can penetrate inside.

Tip! Since mushrooms are able to produce resistance to systemic drugs to suspend such a process, apply the tool is recommended no more than 2 times in the season for one culture.

Systemic drugs effectively affect different stages of plant disease, and also able to protect new growths from infection. After two-six hours after processing, the fluids are not amenable to atmospheric precipitation. Even with a large amount of water, they do not lose their initial properties. The period of action of system mixtures is from 2 to 3 weeks.

Biological fungicides

This type of product has a number of positive sides. Live bacteria are used to create it, which negatively affect the pathogens of fungal diseases. Biological mixtures of contact action are not able to harm the human body, animals, insects and fish.


  • exposure period for about 14 days;
  • not toxic;
  • economical consumption.

If chemical preparations can be used only before flowering and after complete harvest, the biological mixtures are allowed to process plants and during the growing season.

Methods of application

There are several methods for using fungicides. Each of them has its own features in use. In addition to the disinfection of soil, grains and plants of fungicides can be used to process crop warehouses (grains, vegetables).

For soil

The main task of fungicides is to disinfection of the soil. You can use contact mixtures before and after sowing. The substrate is processed by watering, making a dry preparation with a subsequent irrigation. Fungicide can be used both for solid introduction and row.

For plants

Processing the leaves and other parts of land plants should be using a sprayer. To do this, you can apply both manual fixtures and professional appointments. Spray should only be mad weather. It is best to do it in the morning or in the evening.

Tip! To work as efficient as possible, the device should be installed on minimal spraying. This will help the medium to cover the upper and lower part of the deciduous plates.

This method of plant treatment is often used at home. The number of procedures depends on how long the drug retains its properties on the surface of the leaves.

For seeds

The most efficient way is to process seeds before sowing. To do this, you can apply both dry and liquid form of the drug. The most popular way is the processing of grains with powder. Also widely used sweatings of seeds with moisture. After such treatment, they must be carefully dryed.

Often, stimulating mixtures are applied on top of the fungicides, as a result of which a peculiar capsule is formed. When entering the ground, it is destroyed.

List of drugs

All types of fungicides have their own characteristics and a different way of use. There are a huge amount of preparations on sale, some of them are particularly popular among gardeners and dacities.


A mixture is produced based on live cells and natural bacteria disputes. The tool is used for street and indoor plants. Phytosporin struggles with different diseases. It is used against brush, fading, phytoofluorosis, black legs, rotted root system.

Bordeaux mix

Used means for spraying plants. Active substances are copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide. After processing, the drug retains its abilities to two weeks. This agent is compatible with almost all types of pesticides, with the exception of those in which Tiram is included.


The main components are composure of copper. The tool has a contact and system-local action. The drug perfectly copes with pathogens of fungal diseases. It is forbidden to use at the air temperature above 30 0 S.


It is used to protect various plant species. Used in liquid form. 120 minutes after applying, the means does not affect moisture and heavy rains. The chorus can also be used in the tank mixtures and combine with such fungicides as soon and topaz.


Refers to a group of systemic fungicides, has a wide range of action. The liquid is struggling perfectly with fungal and other types of diseases at different stages of lesion. Fundazole can be used with other types of mixtures, except for those that have an alkaline reaction.


Designed for bushes, trees and lowered plants. The main substance is Penconazole. Topaz - a dangerous agent is moderate. The last processing should be carried out at least two weeks before harvest.


It is used as a solution. The tool is well dissolved in the substrate and water, not polluting the environment. Absolutely safe for human and animal life.


In addition to protective properties, the tool also increases yield. The mixture favorably affects the root system and increases the grain germination. It is made in the form of pasta. Processing plants should be up to four times over the summer.


Often it is used in the lesions of the fungus of pepper, wheat, potatoes and other types of vegetables. The period of action of the drug is preserved over two weeks. Bravo is the optimal remedy for phytoofluorosis and medipalosis.

Bon Forte

This species is designed to treat and prevent diseases of home plants. Perfectly struggles with mildew and rust. Bon Forte actively operates on the development of the root system, and also increases the immunity of cultures.


This tool refers to the biological group of drugs. Designed for the prevention and treatment of indoor and street flowers. You can also spray with other cultures. Gamiir is produced in tablets.


Used for irrigation and spraying. The tool is made in the form of tablets. Alin is recommended to use two or three times over the summer. The interval between procedures should be at least 7 days.


Tool of biological type. It is used to treat rot. Can be used for street and indoor crops. The drug is valid for 45 days.


Perfectly struggling with phytoofluorosis and mildew. The main component is azoxystrobine. The first result is observed five days after spraying.


A feature of the means is that the components that are included in its composition are able to destroy the disputes of pathogens. The mixture is not toxic and safe for living organisms. Used in preventive and therapeutic purposes.


Refers to contact type. It can be used not only for the treatment of plants, but also for the disinfection of the soil. Perfectly copes with fusariasis, root rot and mold. It is produced in two millilita bottles.


This type of fungicide is used to treat pulse dews and crashes. Spray trees follows a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and two liters of the drug. Conduct the latest procedure no longer than 10 days before harvest.


The drug belongs to the group of biological agents. It works the mixture by increasing the resistance of plants to pathogenic fungi. The components from which the tool consists, stimulate the formation of lectins.


It is produced in the form of a white-white, yellowish tint powder. The tool copes well with diseases that affect potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, grapes. The prepared solution is used to spray the ground part of the cultures.


This is a non-toxic drug. It is represented in the packages of 4 grams. Processed cultures by spraying. Applying the tool follows no more than three times a season. The interval between procedures should not exceed 14 days.

Instructions for use

Before starting working with fungicides, you should carefully read the safety rules. Treatment with the drug should be carried out only in special clothing and mittens. After the procedure is to wash the costume, and wash your hands and face with soap.

It is also worth remembering that the prepared means cannot be stored for longer than a day. Liquid loses its beneficial properties and becomes ineffective for plants. Prepare the drug follows in a container that is not intended for meals. Store the acquired mixtures is recommended at room temperature in a dark place.


Plant diseases are the main problem of each dacket. The correct use of fungicides will help solve such a complex situation. Thanks to the unique properties of drugs, it is easy to get the desired harvest.

The cultivation of plants in the preservation areas near private houses, cottages or country mansions is the favorite occupation of many dachensons and gardeners. But at different stages of such work, it is necessary to look for effective methods for combating the impressive number of hazardous diseases and pests, which, as if an invisible attack, attack all garden crops and turn them into trash. To avoid such events, many dackets choose special fungicidal preparations that quickly and effectively eliminate the problem, performing complex processing of colors, vegetable crops and other plants from the development of hazardous diseases.

What is the high benefit of systemic fungicides, why such drugs have excellent antifungal and anti-stress properties, as well as what products do they deserve to be in your garden because of their working indicators and reliability?

It is important to understand that there are organic and inorganic drugs. In any case, the first, and the second type can become the only solution to combat various pests of fungal nature. Currently, the list of system fungicides is overflowing with a mass of various proposals. The list of available products is very extensive and is constantly expanding, so you can choose a suitable means for your household site.

Biological fungicides for plants are special substances of biological origin, which serve as an effective means for preventing, preventing and combating fungal lesions, insects and other pests that are harmful to roommates or gardening crops. Most of the drugs are indispensable to ensure reliable protection of seeds during the recreation period.

If we translate the term from Latin, it will mean "killing mushrooms". The timely use of fungicides for indoor plants or garden and garden crops will preserve the health of plants, improve the yield indicators, and also prevent the development of hazardous mycoses. For this reason, each self-respecting dacket must respond to the need to purchase such drugs for its site.

Characteristics and basic properties

With the proper operation of fungicides for plants, protection of fruit and vegetable crops, as well as room plants will be maximum. Such remedies are effectively fighting with pathogenic mushrooms and prevent their further development. If you do not know how to make the right choice, you can not figure out the names and models, trust the professional staff from hypermarkets for home, garden and garden or study the mass of available articles on the portals of the country farm. Such tips will help make the right choice, which is perfect for specific circumstances and situations.

Fungicidal substances may differ depending on some parameters that determine the effect of exposure. To make the right solution when choosing a suitable drug, such features should be taken into account.

By the origin of the fungicides are divided into:

  • organic (biofungicides, which consist of certain bacteria);
  • inorganic (preparations created by complex chemical reactions and compounds).

According to the degree of decomposition, allocate:

  1. inorganic fungicidal preparations that are long saved in the soil and have a big impact on pests;
  2. models of biological origin with environmental safety and environmental and soil;

According to exposure:

  • formulations from plant components. Are considered more "soft" and safe, but their effectiveness is not high enough;
  • compounds based on chemicals that work much faster, but very often contain toxic components and are able to harm human body;

Other features

Also, fungicides can be divided into different groups by the nature of the distribution of plant tissues:

For the purpose of operation:

  • for soil processing;
  • for taking pre-prepared seeds;
  • for spraying during the growing season;
  • for effective prevention fungus;
  • as a universal composition (sometimes it is used in the treatment of aluminated coniferous plants);

It is important to note that recently the incredible increase in the popularity of biofungicides, which differ in a more gentle action and good effectiveness are noted. Many dacms and flower products refuse to use chemicals, afraid that they can harm the plants and quality of the soil. Very often, such funds cause different diseases in humans, including a complex degree of poisoning, in case the basic rules of care are not followed during processing. In turn, biological fungicides for plants are particularly effective when protecting indoor flowers and crops that are used in food.

Features of application

Fungicides are presented in the form of special powders, which are entered into the soil or driving seeds, as well as in the form of solutions intended for spraying plants. Some varieties of drugs will be effective at different stages of life and the development of fruit and vegetable crops. If we are talking about the fight against fungal lesions of different cultures, it is necessary to comply with the basic safety regulations, protecting themselves from the negative effect of active substances:

Failure to observe any rules can lead to different negative consequences, cause an allergic reaction or poisoning. It is better not to risk your health and carefully treat mandatory preparation for the upcoming procedure.

Using preparations for indoor flowers and garden crops

For effective prevention of fungal diseases, contact and systemic fungicides are used. At home, experts recommend to apply biological preparations, which contains active bacteria. When operating in urban apartments, it is possible to use compositions in the form of emulsions, solutions and powders. As for chemical fungicides, they can be applied before the beginning of the growing season or after the completion of flowering and the collection of fruit crop. Biological preparations are suitable for use at any time of the year, and individual means can be applied when collecting fruits.

Indoor Flowers need intensive protection from a variety of pests and diseases, so their application must be mandatory. Otherwise, the intensity of the development of dangerous diseases will be very high.

As for the use of a solution and a powder on a fungicidal basis for the garden, such drugs will be effective when soaking seeds. Also, they can also be added to the soil when carrying out loosening and resistance. This will prevent the development of fungus in the ground and protect it from the development of dangerous pests. Spraying is carried out in early spring and by the end of autumn, which is an effective method for antifungal processing of crops, and especially such as peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.

In order for the use of the drug as efficient as possible, it is necessary to properly dilute it in accordance with a certain proportion and general rules. So, the breeding of fungicide occurs as follows:

Experts are not recommended to prepare too large volumes of fungicides. It is also impossible to leave the solution open during the storage period. This can lead to deposits, including poisoning of people or pets, which may accidentally drink part of the composition.

Features of the choice of an effective drug

If we are talking about the choice of a fungicidal agent, you need to know a number of subtleties and features that will significantly simplify the upcoming purchase. In the process, it is necessary to take into account the processing area, types of processed plants, the degree of toxicity and the extensity of the lesion. You should also consider the advice of professional agrotechnics, gardeners, gardens and connoisseurs of different flower plants. Do not forget that in nature there is a mass of pathogenic fungi, which can be resistant to any chemical compositions, so from time to time the drugs used should be changed by others in order to increase their effectiveness.

Among the most popular fungicides that have proven themselves in combating different diseases and fungi, the following can be distinguished:

Before buying one of the products you are interested in, carefully examine the instructions and treat the selection of a suitable proportion with full responsibility. This will avoid negative consequences in the future and to carry out truly effective prevention or treatment of plants on its pre-site.

Each vegetative season, robes and gardeners are fighting for a crop. Complicates their task the fact that plants suffer from variousdiseases and pests. People use against themfungicides for plants, list of drugsthis group is extensive and constantly replenished. How to figure it out in such a variety of chemicals? Are they universal and help solve all the problems?


Consider the most popularfungicides - list of drugsand their characteristics, but first need to know their classification. This will facilitate the choice and subsequent purchase of a suitable fund.

Depending on the chemical properties

By chemical nature, fungicides share:

  • on inorganic;
  • organic.

A group of inorganic drugs includes:

  • copper-containing - burglar liquid, burgundy liquid, twist and copper behind;
  • sulfur-containing drugs - colloidal sulfur, lime-sulfur decoction;
  • mercury compounds.

Organic fungicides for plants refer to various chemical compounds. Heterocyclic compounds occupy a leading role, these are various nitrogen-containing derivatives. Many organic drugs are effective against pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the action on the causative agent

On this basis, drugs are divided:

  • on protective (prophylactic);
  • medical.

Protective fungicides prevent the infection of cultures with phytopathogens, which have a negative impact on the root system and metabolism.

Phytopathogens are different pathogens of diseases. They distinguish biologically active substances that, in turn, negatively affect the development of plants.

Attending fungicides are drugs that cause a blow to phytopathogens that have already implanted in vegetable tissues. Harping contact fungicides cannot penetrate the tissue and have a local action. They are divided into electoral and solid effects. The first suppress the reproductive and vegetative organs of the mushroom, and the means of continuous action also suppress its resting forms. Therapeutic systemic drugs penetrate inside the plants, spread through vessels, stop new foci of infection and destroy phytopathogens.

For use

Fungicides for use are divided into the following varieties: For the processing of the soil - soil. They are brought immediately into the ground to disinfect it, especially this is relevant for soil in greenhouse and greenhouses. Fuligants are usually used - these are drugs in the form of gases or vapors.

For routing seeds - use drugs that are struggling with diseases and infections propagating seeds or in the soil. For planting plants in the growing season - mainly the fungicides of protective action that prevent diseases. For processing plants located alone. Have a contact eradicating effect, destroy the wintering pathogens of diseases and pests. Since substances are strongly damaged by the green parts of the plants, they are used early in the spring before the waking up the kidneys, in the fall and winter.

Depending on the nature of the distribution inside the plant tissues

On the distribution of the substance in the tissues of fungicides are:

  • contact;
  • system.

After treatment with contact preparations, they remain on the surface of plant parts. Contact with the causative agent, the active substance causes his death. The effectiveness of drugs depends on weather conditions, duration of action, concentration. Systemic preparations penetrate the inside of plants and spread through the vascular system, suppressing the pathogen in the exchange of substances or influence directly on it. Efficiency depends on the speed of the actual substance inside the culture, as well as from the weather (it affects a lesser extent).

Most system fungicides have preventive and therapeutic properties.


Fungicides are by their nature:

  • chemical;
  • biological ( biogenic origin).

Chemical fungicides are distinguished by an unstable effect, after the termination of their action, the processed area is again populated by pathogenic microorganisms. It would seem that plant and soil treatment on a regular basis will help solve the problem, but all chemicals are toxic, so it is constantly prohibited to use them. The composition of biological preparations includes various strains of microorganisms that destroy the harmful microflora. They have a persistent prolonged action, non-toxic, but effective only at the beginning of the disease or in preventive purposes.

Review of effective drugs


Biological preparation with growth stimulantfor plants . It is used to rout seeds and process vegetable vegetable, grain plants, ornamental and indoor crops. They also process potatoes, strawberries and apple trees.

"Abiga Peak"

The drug of contact action from fungal diseases. The active substance is chloropusary copper. Use for the destruction of fungi on the vine of grapes, vegetable and fruit crops, colors and plants of drug importance. With the correct dosage moderately toxic.


The biological preparation is used as soil fungicide and to treat plants from fungal diseases - mildew, phytoophulas, rust and others. In addition, it reduces soil toxicity after using chemicals. The relevant substance is the useful soil microflora.


Biological preparation of protective contact against fungal diseases. They are treated with agricultural crops. In addition, it stimulates the growth of plants and increases their immunity.


Biological fungicide with a protective effect from fungal and bacterial diseases,with proven efficacyfrom pulse dew. Fits most of allfor colors - carnations,rose and berry crops. Use for processing planting material - seeds, seedlings.

Bordeaux mix

One of the most popular and strengths against mushrooms. Suitable for the processing of fruit, citrus, vegetable crops, fruit and decorative shrubs. It helps to cope with phytoofluorosis, various spotnesses and rotches, as a pass.

"Bon Forte"

Comprehensive fertilizerfor room plants with contact action. Used as feeding, growth stimulator and therapeutic agent. Affects the causative agents of mildew and other fungal diseases.


Contact chemical preparation with an active substance chlorotalonyl. Proceed with grain - oats, wheat, vegetables and potatoes. Destroys pathogenic fungi, causing a phytoftor, leafy spotty potatoes and false tormentous dew. It is most effective as a prophylactic agent. Well maintained on plants, it is not washed off with precipitation and water when watering.


Fungicide of contact and system action intended for processing seeds and bulbs before planting or cleaning for storage. Effective against causative agents, which will be pulled on the surface of the seed material, as well as penetrating inside.


The drug of contact-system protective and therapeutic action is aimed at suppressing phytopathogen. It is used to treat plants from pasta, gray rot, mildew.


Biological preparation with fungicidal and antibacterial properties. Processing indoor and garden plants. Successfully copes with a kayla, fusariasis, spots and phytoofluoro.


Biological preparation is designed to fight root rot. Apply to protect indoor and garden plants. Tablets are added to the soil before planting seeds.


Fungicide of chemical nature, which is used for treatment and eradication, as well as for the prevention of diseases of vegetables and grapes. It has a stimulating effect, it is allowed to use during the harvest period.


Fungicide is designed to combat false torment dew on vegetable crops and with a phytoofluoro on potatoes. Active substances are well suppressed spores of mushrooms. Effective at the first manifestations of diseases.


Contact drug. They are treated with the soil, treated seeds and treated plants. The most effectively established itself in the treatment of rot, fusariosis and mold.

Copper Kuner

Contact preparation for combating fungus on bone, seed fruit, berry cultures. But only trees are treated in a state of rest. It is a bordeaux fluid component.


Another biological preparation inlist of fungicides. Suitable for indoor and garden plants. It does not destroy pathogens, and helps cultures to fight them yourself, that is, it increases their resistance to pathogens.




It is considered a universal biological preparation. Its active ingredients are bacteria that, falling into the soil, begin to settle on the roots of plants and synthesize antibiotics and enzymes. It is these substances that prevent the development of root rot. Also "Planries" increases the immunity of plants.


Chemical preparation designed to process gooseberry, currant, strawberries and raspberries. It protects plants from the most common diseases, such as a pair, spotty, powdery dew.

"Profit Gold"

Contact-system chemical fungicide, well-protecting plants from fungal diseases. Consists of two active ingredients. One of them is quickly absorbed by the tissues of the plant, the other remains on the surface. Processing is carried out non-flowing plants and after harvesting.


This is a drug narrow orientation. It protects the plants of the parish family from alternariosis, sugar beets from pulse dew and fruit trees from the past. Quickly penetrates the tissue and has a long protective ability.


The chemical preparation is equally well suppressing mushrooms and microbes. They are treated with grape vines, vegetable and floral cultures, fruit trees. He quickly prevents infection, stops the growth of mushrooms and dispute. It is allowed to apply it during the flowering period of cultures.



Chemical preparation with a systemic and contact action. It is used for the prevention and treatment of fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, vineyards from fungal diseases. It is characterized by speed, you can use with any weather. Malotoxic.


Chemical systemic drug, designed for preventive purposes and plant treatment, including room, from mildew, series of spotting and rust. Quickly absorbed by the culture, so the precipitation does not matter for it. The active substance accumulates in the soil, processing them is carried out no more than once every 3 years.


Highly efficient fungicide against pulse dew, spotty and gray rot. It quickly penetrates the plant and applies to vessels, preventing new defeats.


Chemical preparationfor garden But protects basically young shoots and leaves, has a local action, does not penetrate all the fabrics. Treats to them trees and shrubs in the garden, copes well with a monilial burn.


The chemical preparation that copes with the most resistant phytoofluorosis races. It acts locally to the lesion foci, has resistance to adverse weather conditions and long-term protective ability. The active substance is associated with natural plant wax and forms a film.


Preventive remedy for processing vegetable, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. Also, they are treated with bulbs and seeds. Reduces the risk of developing phytoophulas on the site.


Biological fungicide, designed for the prevention of rotors, anthraznosis, "black leg" and moniliosis. It includes an antibiotic, which also helps protect plants from bacterial diseases. It is permissible to usefor orchids and other plants located in the room. "Phytolavin" process grain, vegetable crops, currants, potatoes and hops.


Systemic chemical drug with a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The active substance penetrates the plant tissue through leaves and roots. Effectiveto combat fungus. Very toxic. Used to process seeds.



Biological preparation used to process indoor, ornamental and vegetable crops. Well protects representatives of family, pumpkin and crucical, berry and flower cultures well. Suitablefor processing coniferous plants.

Before choosingfungicidal drugs, you need to accurately determine the disease and be sure to consider the type of plant. The solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions that the manufacturer usually places on the package. There are also containedwarnings about toxicity and information about what protection measures are needed when working with this means.

The cultivation of garden-fruit, garden or decorative plants is the favorite occupation of many gardeners and dachens. However, it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to grow a healthy culture without proper care. It is important to provide each flower in advance with reliable protection against various diseases and dangerous pests.

Biological effect of fungicides

When leaving the garden, dachensons often have to use highly efficient drugs - Fungicides for plants, which are potent chemicals that can provide effective struggle with pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of fungal diseases, such as:

  • puffy dew;
  • gray rot;
  • root rot and others.

Fungicidal funds are divided into two groups of exposure method:

  • contact;
  • system.

Each gardener should know what fungicides are, how to use preparations in home gardening.

The use of fungicides for plants eliminates the probability of penetration of active substances inside. They manage to cover only the outer part of the culture, where the generative and vegetative organs of fungi are located, causing further progression of infection.

All tools are capable of acting over a different period, which depends on the duration of the stay of chemical compounds on the surface of the culture. A special result is noticed when regular processing every 3-5 days with an interval of 10-12 days.

The key feature of contact fungicides is local action on green plantings. They are not applied to the treatment of signs of lesion, but to destroy pathogenic fungal formations, which are on the surface or in plant tissues. It is important to understand that fungicides are not able to penetrate other areas of the plant, so processing with their help is completely safe.

Act systemic drugs Built on another principle: when processing, they affect all internal systems, moving along the tissues and bring a number of changes in the physiological biochemical processes that proceed inside the plants.

In the future, they decompose in the internal organs of colors, garden or crops, which causes the rapid formation of metabolites. In this state, a strong immunity is produced in a plant, which is capable of cleaning from harmful fungus.

Some gardeners adhere to the opinions that use systemic fungicides are unsafe because decomposition products formed after processing are capable of harm to the plant. To prevent possible complications it is necessary to use chemical preparations of the first type - contact. However, it is important to have all the processing procedures a month before harvesting.

Types and principle of operation

When searching for fungicidal preparations in specialized stores You can find ready-made solutions in the form of powder, suspension or emulsion with good solubility in water. Depending on the composition, there are several fungicidal preparations:

  • Inorganic. Among them, drugs 1-4 hazard classes for humans and warm-blooded creatures.
  • Organic. The composition of such funds contains active microorganisms that can have an inhibitory effect on pathogenic fungi.

For use in cottage sites, biological fungicides are recommended, since they are characterized by excellent efficiency and at the same time practically harmless, both for garden crops and the human body. However, when conducting processing events, all safety rules must be followed.

Chemical fungicides

Many modern dacms and gardeners are looking for maximum efficient drugs To combat diseases of fungal origin. In search of good decisions, they pay attention to innovative chemicals that guarantee high efficiency at small doses.

However, it is extremely recommended to get involved in such means, and not always declared in advertising efficiency is a reality. In the list of really good fungicides of chemical type, which managed to prove their effectiveness after long experiments and research, it is important to allocate:

  • bordeaux liquid;
  • copper sulphate;
  • aBIGA peak, sun;
  • cinb;
  • manganese;
  • soda calcined;

Such funds were tested by experts and earned the right to be called one of the most effective in their own way. However, during the operation of chemicals on the site you need to be extremely careful and carefully study instructions for use. Otherwise, you can harm both yourself and grown cultures.

Biological preparations

The range of fungicides with a highly efficient action is very extensive. In recent years, new solutions have been published on the market, capable of protecting plants from all kinds of diseases. Among them biological fungicides of contact. They are manufactured by a completely different principle than previous, chemical. The basis of such drugs contains active bacteria that localize the pathogens of mushroom diseases and have a destructive impact on them.

Biofungicides make it possible to effectively deal with the problem without damaging green plantings, animals, fish, bees, as well as people. If you wish to acquire good biological drugs, pay attention to the following list:

  • Gamiir P;
  • Triphodermin;
  • Alin-B;
  • Albite;
  • Phytoosporin;
  • Agate;
  • Planzir and others.

It is important to understand that it is necessary to start processing plants with chemical means of contact action long before flowering, as well as after harvesting. As for biological solutions, they effectively Work throughout the growing season. In addition, among biofungicides, there are also drugs that can be operated at the stage of ripening fruit. In any case, a novice gardener must understand that all fungicides are only preventive tools. If active substances reaches the pathogens of the problem, it causes their death. However, if the disease progresses, and the culture is strongly amazed, it will not be possible to solve the trouble with such drugs.

How to work with contact fungicides

As mentioned above, the use of fungicides is a rather demanding and painstaking process. Before starting work, you need to carefully treat security issues, having prepared specialized clothes, rubber gloves, glasses and a headdress. After holding processing works, clothing needs to be carefully wrapped, and the hands and face wash with soap.

Before starting the treatment of garden, garden or crops, prepare the finished solution, observing the correct dosage and all the recommendations that are attached in the instructions. Also, do not miss the advice of experienced specialists, guided by their personal experience and skills.

Special efficiency on the use of fungicides is noticed when processing early in the morning or in the evening, in dry weak weather. If the spraying was carried out before the rain or after it, it should not be waiting for a good result. Active substances simply wash themselves with the rain and will not come into effect. As a result, the defeat will progress.

When carrying out spraying, you need to pick up the mode of operation on fine spraying. The resulting cloud of the solution should spread to the lower and upper parts of the plant.

It is important to understand that spraying green parts of crops that will be used in food, it is impossible. To enhance security, it is necessary to have time to handle green plantations before the start of flowering and fetus tying.

Use the container where the solution was for re-work absolutely forbidden. Instead, it needs to be disposed of in specially designated places for pesticides. The storage locations of the fungicides must be limited from the total access, and the drugs should be kept in hermetic packages.

List of drugs

Most of the available fungicidal preparations possess high toxicity. Therefore, before purchasing them and engaged in your plot, you need to find good reasons. It is also necessary to carefully read the instructions for use and make sure that you can conduct processing events yourself. We highlight a list of the most popular and efficient fungicides for plants.


The composition of this drug from the contact system group is Copper and Oxadixila. It is most often used for preventive purposes and oppressing all sorts of diseases of garden and indoor crops. Great fights S. phytofluorosis, macrospory, black bacterial spottedness and other hazards. Lack of toxicity increases the safety of the means.

To start processing, it is necessary to pre-prepare a highly efficient solution. To begin with, the device should be pulled out 1/3 of the water, and then launch the mixing mechanism and pour a bit of the drug. In the future, it remains to pour the remaining part and to stir well. The finished mixture is used for a plenty spraying of culture that responded to fungus. In the process, it is important to use solely clean water.

As for the dosage, then optimal indicators It is kept at 1 pack of oxicoma for two liters of fluid. Sometimes you have to spend up to three procedures with a confidence of 10-14 days. For processing, an exceptionally freshly prepared solution is used.

Among sweese advantages funds:

  • highly efficient system-contact action;
  • the ability to continuous conservation effect;
  • minimum toxicity, if the processing is carried out with proper dosage;
  • economical consumption in preventive purposes.


This biological fungicide is different high efficiency When combating pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases. The biofungicide contains the controversy of the soil fungus Trichoderma Lignorum and the crushed grain substrate.

The drug is able to eliminate more than 60 varieties of pathogenic organisms, which cause various diseases, including:

  • root rot;
  • seed infections;
  • fusariosis and other troubles.

Action of active substances causes improving soil fertility, rapid saturation of the root system with additional nutrients, as well as an increase in the germination of the planting material.

To prepare a suspension, where the seeds are clumsy, it is enough to take 10 grams of the drug and dilute it in one liter of water. If the tool is used by watering plants, the optimal dosage will be the same as in the previous case. When watering, it is important to deliver a suspension right under the root using the average portions of water.

A ready-made solution for spraying is created as follows: 10 grams of funds are resolved on 5 liters of water.

Triphodermin has excellent prophylactic action during transfers. In this case, the rate of consumption is determined as follows: on a 25-centimeter (in diameter) a pot is used as the amount of the drug that is placed on the tip of the knife.

By the way, you can handle this means not only adult plants, but also young cuttings, putting it in the water, where they are kept before planting. In this case, the consumption is 5 grams of 5 liters.

In order to effectively deal with all sorts of diseases, it is necessary to prepare such a suspension: 5 grams of substance dilute with 5 liters of water. Then the damaged culture should be removed from the pot and clean from the soil composition.

The affected root elements will have to be removed, and rinse the main rhizome with a suspension. After that, the plant is better to transplant in another pot, where the fresh substrate was previously placed.

The problem of protecting garden, ornamental and crops is interested in many gardeners and dacities. In order to effectively deal with all sorts of diseases, highly efficient chemicals are often used, including fungicides. With their help you can fast and efficient Get rid of the problem and prevent further progression.

However, that the drug is very effective, but at the same time safe, when choosing a suitable solution, it is necessary to give preference to the means that have the smallest toxicity. When choosing the best drug, consider the recommendations of professionals, and also read all the accompanying instructions and recommendations. Such simple actions will prevent unwanted consequences from incorrect processing.

The last decades were really marked by the unprecedented growth of viral, bacterial, fungal diseases of all without exception of cultivated plants. Bacterial, virus diseases are practically not amenable to treatment, whatever actions are gardeners. With the fungal diseases (phytoofluorosis, gray rot, other types of rot, mildew, perronosporosis, fusariosis, swasterospose, root rot, various letters of leaves, other), with competent use, fungicides are successfully coping with contact, systemic.
Fungicidal substances (from lat. "Fungus" - mushroom and "Caedo" - kill), chemicals capable of fully (fungicidity) or partially (fungistacy) to suppress the development of causative agents of plant diseases and used to combat them; One of the groups of pesticides.

Fungicides are classified:
Depending on the chemical properties
They are inorganic (sulfur compounds - lime-sulfur decoction, hammer and colloidal sulfur; copper - copper sulfur, copper chlorine; mercury - chlorine mercury) and organic.
Depending on the action on the causative agent Fungicides are divided into prophylactic, or protective (warn the infection of the plant or suspend development and distribution of the pathogen at the site of the accumulation of infection before it occurs, suppressing its reproductive bodies - most of the fungicides), and therapeutic, or eradicating (act on mycelium, reproductive The organs and wintering stages of the pathogen, causing their death after the infection of the plant).
Character use Fungicides are also different: Seed Proters (used to combat diseases whose pathogens are distributed with seeds or are in the soil), drug processing drugs (destroy soil causative agents of plant diseases, especially effective in greenhouses and greenhouses), fungicides for plant processing during rest (Destroy the wintering stages of the pathogen, are used early in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys, late in autumn and winter), fungicides for processing during vegetation (mainly preparations of preventive action used in summer), for spraying and fumigation of storage facilities, in particular granaries and vegetable stores.
According to the nature of the distribution inside the tissues of plants Fungicides are contact (local) and systemic (intrastable).
Contact fungicides
Contact fungicides when processing plants them remain on the surface and cause the death of the pathogen when contacting it. Some of them have local deep action, for example, can penetrate the outer shells of the seed. The effectiveness of contact preparations depends on the duration of the action, the amount of fungicide, the degree of retaining on the treated surface, photochemical and chemical resistance, weather, etc.
Contact preparations are such as cinbocyne, polycarbocine, copper, sulfur, mandrel, burgundy liquid, others are not able to treat already sick plants, but reliably protect them from infection. These plants do not produce stability - this is their main advantage. But the term of the protective action does not exceed 10-12 days before the first heavy rain, after which the processing is repeated. The multiplicity of treatments for contact action fungicides is the largest: from 3 to 6 processing per season. These drugs almost do not penetrate the plant, protect only those places on which they are directly protected. Therefore, when working with contact fungicides, try to carefully spray not only the surface of the leaves, but the lower side of them too, since many types of fungi begin to germinate from the bottomside of the leaves.
System action fungicides
Under the system in protecting plants it is understood as the ability of the active substance to redistribute from the place of application to other places, parts of the plant not only on the surface, but inside the plant. Systemic fungicides penetrate into the plant, spread through the vascular system and suppress the development of the causative agent due to the immediate effect on it or as a result of metabolism in the plant. Their effectiveness is mainly determined by the penetration rate in plant tissue and to a lesser extent depends on meteorological conditions.
These drugs protect plants and outside and from the inside. Systemic fungicides are able to have a healing effect, but in the early stages of infection. Already after 2-6 hours from the moment of processing, any atmospheric precipitation (or watering) are not able to reduce the effectiveness of such drugs. And the term of the protective action is maintained from them for 2-3 weeks. However, pathogenic fungi very quickly produce resistance to systemic fungicides. To slow down this process, international experts on plant protection are recommended to use them no more than two times per season on the same culture. And if additional processing is required, you need to use drugs or contact; or a systemic fungicide, but a completely different chemical group.
Chemical groups of plant protection of plants (in brackets are given analogues)
1. Azoles (triazoles) - penetrate the leaf of the plant, moving behind the growth point, well protect young shoots to diseases, are well suited for the treatment of many species of fungal diseases of plants - Alto, Allegro Plus, Baitan, Bumper, Sump (Bogard, Dividend), Sports, Split, Topaz, Impact, Wincite, Vectra, Bayleton, Tozite, Val, Loszte, Real, Premis25, Raxil, Rex, Trexyl, Tilt, Sumi8, Falcon Combined Fungicide, Folicur Combined, Shavit Combined. (Preparations contain a different active ingredient).
2. Stretched - provide a systematic action, penetrate the plant tissue well, capable of moving behind the growth point, protecting shoots. They have high resistance to temperature drops, it is recommended as an excellent prophylactic agent. Have a wide range of action, applicable to many fungal diseases - amistar, but, strobe, flint, quadris, Cabrio Top (fungicides contain a different actant).
3. Benzimidazoles - have a system effect, it is recommended to apply the watering method, well spread on a plant with nutritional juices. Great for the treatment of many fungal diseases of plants. It is possible to apply as a criteror of seedlings and seeds - Ferazim, Terminator, Derozal (colugo-super), Stefazal, Bavemtin, Bavetin, Fundazol (Fundosim, Benomyl), Agrocyte, Val, Vincite, Tecto (Titusim). Fungicides contain a different active ingredient).
4. Phenylamides - aproomen.
5. Anylidopyrimidines - Horus.
6. Pyrimidinalkarbinols - Rubigan.
7. Ditianola - Delan.
8. Phosphonates - Altyt (aluofit).
9. Ftalalamide - Merpan, Foil.
10. Hydroxyanilides - have a protective systemic action, not phytotoxic for people and animals, an excellent remedy for rot and mildew - Telfor.
11. Carbamates - have a systemic action, it is recommended to use the watering agent as a prophylactic agent, well spread through the vascular system of the plant - exions, tattoo, Topcin-M (possess a different active ingredient).
12. Qualiocarbamates: have a contact effect, effective in the intervals between treatment for combining with other fungicides - polycarbacin; Ditin, Acrobat (Mankojeb); Anthrala; Ridomil Gold Combined (Mankoeb, Metalaxil). (fungicides with different active substances).
13. Piperazine derivatives - have a protective and trembling action, to apply well against pulse dew, rot and gray mold action - saprol.
14. Pyrimidamins - have a systemic effect, well apply against pulse dew - Rubigan, Milgo, Chorus (fungicides with a different active substance)
15. Imidazoles are effective against malievable dew and mold - Mirage, Trifmin
16. Derivatives of oxicarboxylic acids have a systematic action, used as a crunch of seedlings and seeds - Vitavax, Carboxy
17. Qualiocarbamates: have a contact action, effective in the intervals between treatment for combining with other fungicides - polycarbacin; Ditin, Acrobat (Mankojeb); Anthrala; Ridomil-Gold Combined (Mankucket, Metalaxil); Cabrio Top (fungicides with a different active substance).
18. FROSFORGANICAL - Effective against false mildew, powdered dew and gray mold - Altyt, Foleretyl aluminum, Efal, Mitsu Aluloff Afuguga
19. Acetamide and Oxazolididine derivatives: Effective against phytoofluorosis, alternariasis, Mildu - Tanos - Combined

Like insects, the stability of fungi on plants is produced immediately to all fungicides of one chemical group.

The best plants protection options are considered:
alternation of contact and systemic fungicides;
Alternation of 2-3 systemic drugs, but from different chemical groups.

For many years already produced blended fungicides consisting of 2-3 actors, and they:
At the same time and contact and systemic effects (R. Odram, Acrobat MC, Ridomil Gold MC, Sandofan M8, Tattu, Oxychik, Pilon, Artemi C, Polym DF, Arzerid, Avitsil, others). Use them by the type of contact preparations up to 4 times per season with the concentration of the working solution is usually not lower than 0.3-0.4% (30-40 g per 10 liters of water). Pay attention to the smaller concentration of solutions leads to poor results. So this is exactly the case when "porridge oil does not spoil" ... Prepare the solutions of the fungicides of this group, adhering to the recommendations of the instruction, but it is better to even make them more concentrated than it is written.
Only system action may relate to one chemical group or completely different. This is done only in order to expand the range of action on harmful fungi. These fungicides include Mikal, Archer, Rider, Alto Super, Falcon, Tanos, others. They are used no more than two times per season.

Currently, the active development and production of the so-called biological fungicides. Their fundamental difference from chemical fungicides is a non-chemical impact on the causative agent of the disease, for example, bacterial preparations contain a certain set of bacteria that can cause the death of a number of types of pathogenic fungi.
Types of biological fungicides are a lot, the main ones are: phytosporin, barrier, barrier, phytop, integral, bastophitis, agate, plant, tripides. Biological fungicides are distinguished by low toxicity and high efficiency.
Basic rules for use of drugs
1. Spray only in cloudy weak weather, as well as early in the morning - at dawn or in the evening - at sunset. The precipitation fell within 4-6 hours after treatment, reduce the effectiveness of many fungicides.
2. Be sure to use rubber gloves, because All means of protecting plants penetrate well through the skin and then absorbed into the blood. On the face it is enough to wear a light respirator or a dressing.
3. With the systematic use of the same fungicides, the effectiveness of them may decrease due to the formation of persistent races of causative agent. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to strictly observe the dose of the consumption of the drug and alternate the used fungicides. Due to the big value of F. For agriculture, the production of them continuously increases.
4. Try to spray the fungicides of the plants themselves, not the soil. High-quality pneumatic sprayer will help save money, time will save your health. Therefore, do not save on the purchase of sprayer.
5. It is forbidden to handle fungicides of system action All green or other cultures that use green stems or leaves in food, as well as radishes, radish, dickens, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherry, cherry (the last four can be processed only before flowering) Since all these cultures are very well absorbed to poisonous compounds, do not have time to free themselves from them until the moment of eating food, even if the timing of waiting is observed.
6. The working solution is prepared immediately before use, no more than a day can be stored.
7. Do not allow any fungicides to get into reservoirs, as this leads to the death of all living in them. The poisons are faster in the surface layer of land, which is not intended for use under the garden, hayflash, pastures, playgrounds. The sun, soil microorganisms are the main destroyers, neutralizers of any poisonous compounds.
8. Keep fungicides in a dry, dark, preferably a non-smoke room away from food products. All packages need to be sealed, since air moisture changes the physical properties of drugs. The shelf life of biological preparations is 1-2.5 years, chemical - 10 or more years, regardless of the shelf life indicated on the tare label.

List of fungicides. and instructions for them (incomplete list)
Chemical fungicides:
ABIGA peak, sun
Money-containing contact fungicide of a wide range of action (copper 400 g / l.). The drug is intended to combat mushroom and bacterial diseases on vegetable, technical, fruit, ornamental and flower cultures, grape vines, medicinal plants and forest plantations.
The drug is not phytotoxic when used in strict accordance with the designed guidelines.

Acrobat MC.
Fungicide of system-local and contact; (dimetomorph 90 g / kg + Mankoeb 600 g / kg). System-contact (locally systemic dimmororph and contact mancleb) Fungicide used to combat phytoofluorosis and potatoes alternariasis, peonospherioriosis of cucumbers, mildewa grapes A Also near other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance).

A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases (triadimetophone, 250 g / kg). It is used, in particular, to combat pulse dew (Erysiphe Graminis), fusariosis (Fusarium SPP.), Rust mushrooms (Rhynchosporium Secalis), septoriasis (Septoria PP.), Pyrenophore (Pyrenophora SPP.), Red-drier spottedness (Helminthosporium Avenae), PseudocerCosporella Herpotrichoides), Schminthosporium (Drechslera Teres).
Hazard class 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Bordeaux mix
Contact fungicide of a wide range of action (copper sulfate 960 g / kg + calcium hydroxide 900 g / kg. It is appointed to protect fruit, vegetable, berry, bachchev, citrus, ornamental, floral and other crops from a complex of disease.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is low wax for bees. It is necessary to carry out plant processing in compliance with environmental regulations.

Vitaros, Voice
Fungicide of contact-system action, for routing the planting material (98g / l tiram + 198g / l carboxin). Effective means for tranquing bulbs, clubnellukovitz and rhizomes of floral crops before landing and bookmarking storage. Suppresses the development of causative agents of diseases located on the surface of the planting material and inside it.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Ditin M-45
Fungicide of contact action, to combat phytoofluorosis and alternariasis and other fungal diseases (mancoaceb 800 g / kg.). Ditin M-45 Analog Profit. Protective contact preparation for plant protection against phytoofluorosis and a number of other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, raindling worms and soil microorganisms.

Fungicide from the class of strobilurines having mesostable activity (trifloxysturbin 500 g / kg).
It is used primarily on seed crops, for example, apple trees and pears, against brush, alternariasis, black (sage) spottedness, mildew, moniliosis, philostotosis and to prevent diseases during the storage period of fruits.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Green soap
Preventive remedy for pests and diseases. It is also used as a component of independently prepared means to protect plants. Composition: water, potash salts of fatty acids, natural fats and vegetable oils.

Kurzat R.
Fungicide of contact and locally systemic effect (copper chlorine, 89.5 g / kg, cymoxanyl, 42 g / kg.). Analogue of the preparation of the Ordan. It is used mainly to protect against phytoofluorosis on potatoes and false torment dew on cucumbers. The drug has preventive, therapeutic and overwhelming pathogen disputes properties.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance). The drug average in the soil (3rd grade) is practically not toxic for soil organisms and birds. The drug is modeled for bees (2nd class).

Karzat M.
Fungicide of contact and systemic effect (tsimoxanyl, 45 g / kg, mancoaceb, 680 g / kg.). It is used to combat phytoofluorosis and alternariasis and other fungal diseases: alternariasis, macrosporiosis, dry spottedness, septorize, rhizoconiosis, black spottedness, persosion, Mildu.
For a person, the hazard class of the drug - 2 (dangerous substance). Low wave for bees. (Grade 3).

Fungicide of contact action (Fluudioxonyl, 25 g / l). It is used to rout the bulbs of flowers, another planting material (tuberukovitsa, seed potatoes) from rot, before planting and during the storage period.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance). Do not fuel. Not phytotoxic. Toxic for fish, prevent falling into reservoirs.

Copper Kuner
Money-containing contact fungicide of a wide range of action (sulfate copper, 960 g / kg). Fungicide to combat diseases of berry, fruit (bone and seed), ornamental cultures, shrubs. Designed for use in personal subsidiary farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

System-contact fungicide of a wide range of action (copper 270 g / kg + oxadixyl130 g / kg). Oxych is used to combat diseases caused by mushrooms subclass of oomycetes. It is well suited for protecting potatoes and tomatoes from phytoophluorosis and macrosporiosis, cucumbers - from medipalization (false torment).
Danger class: 1. Hazardous substance.

Fungicide of contact-system action, to combat phytoofluorosis and alternariasis and other fungal diseases (copper chlorock, 689 g / kg + cimoxanyl, 42 g / kg.). Two-component libid-system fungicide for protecting potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes of open and protected soil, grapes and a number of other plants from a complex of disease.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Preview, VK
Fungicide with system properties, which has both protective and rostutymulating properties (propamocarb hydrochloride, 607 g / l). It has a wide range of activity against the pathogens of root rot and peridosporoz (Pythium, Phytophthora, Aphanomyces, Bremia, Peronospora, Pseudopeonospora SPP). It has a stimulating effect, increases the resistance of the infection plant, stimulates the rooting of the cuttings, growth and flowering of plants.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance), has a weak irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Profit, SP.
Fungicide to combat phytoofluorosis and alternariasis and other fungal diseases (mancoaceb, 800g / kg). The drug is enriched with manganese and zinc.
Hazard class: for man - 2 (dangerous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic, compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, raindling worms and soil microorganisms.

Profit Gold, VD
Fungicide of contact systemic action, to combat phytoofluorosis and alternariasis and other fungal diseases (cymoxanyl 250 g / kg + Famoxadon250 g / kg). Cimoxanil is quickly absorbed by the leaves and penetrates the plant, the phumoxadon remains long on the surface of the leaves. Designed for use in personal subsidiary farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Rajak, CE
Systemic fungicide with a long prophylactic and protective effect (diphenokonazole, 250 g / l). It is used to protect fruit crops from powdered dews, brush, curls of leaves, kokkomicosis, slurryosoporiosis. It can be used to combat phytoofluorosis and alternariasis on potatoes and tomatoes. It also applies when dealing with pulse dew. Analogue of the drug "Sorrow".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance). The drug is not toxic for birds and bees. The preparation is toxic for fish.

Ridomil Gold, VD, SP
Fungicide of contact-system action, to combat phytoofluorosis and alternariasis and other fungal diseases (mefhenoxama, 40 g / kg + mancoacer, 640 g / kg). Mephenoksam provides internal protection: systemic and translaminar action - protection of processed and untreated parts of plants, new growth and tubers, high level of efficiency against mushrooms from the class of oomycetes (pathogens of false torment grew), rapid decomposition in the soil. Mancucker provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide and a key link of an anti-system strategy.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the firm, the risk of phytotoxicity is not created. The drug is lowly toxic for birds and bees, but toxic to fish

Rusurl, SP.
Fungicide of contact action from a complex of diseases (iprodion, 500 g / kg). Rusurl is effective against a wide spectrum of pathogens: Alternaria, Botrytis, Oxysporum, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Monilia, Phoma, Pleiochaeta, RhizoCtonia, Sclerotinia, Sclerotium, Septoria, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Typhula. When the soil is stirred, it has a systematic action.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous). It is prohibited for use in the sanitary zone of fishery reservoirs. It is practically not dangerous for bees - 4 class of danger.

Sorrow, CE
Systemable fungicide with a long prophylactic and pronounced therapeutic effects, to combat a paired, powdery dew, leaf curl with phytoofluorosis and alternariasis and other fungal diseases (diphenoconazole 250 g / l). Preparation with long prophylactic and pronounced medical action. Analogue of the preparation "Rajak".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Tattu, KS.
Fungicide of contact-system action (mancoaceb, 301.6 g / l, Propamocarb hydrochloride, 248 g / l.). The drug due to trace elements (manganese, zinc), which are part of the Mancoacent, is stimulated by photosynthesis, which accelerates growth processes and increases Plant resistance. Propamocarb hydrochloride disrupts the biosynthesis of membrane structures and slows down the spore and the development of mycelium.
Hazard class: 2 (dangerous compound), has a weak irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Telfor BG
Fungicide of locally system (Fengexamide, 500 g / kg). Botrytis Cinerea, Molynieliosis (Monilinia Fructigena, Monilinia Laxa), White Gnill (SClerotinia Sclerotiorum) on fruit and berry cultures and grapes. It applies from the earliest time and up to harvesting. The drug also increases the preservation of fruits during transportation and storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Tilt CE
Systemic fungicide with rostimulatory activity (propiconeazole, 250 g / l). Tilt preparation through leaves and stems, thanks to the system action, enters the plants. The drug has not only a long protective and attending action, but also ceases to further develop a pathogen and suppresses his spore formation. In addition, the drug has marked rosetraulting activity. Attention! No more than one processing of the drug Tilt for the season of vegetation should be carried out.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous). The drug is not toxic for birds, is lowly toxic for bees, toxic to fish.

Tiovit Jet, VD
Contact fungicide and acaricide (sulfur, 800 g / kg). The drug to protect vegetable, fruit, floral crops and vineyards from real mildew, some other diseases and ticks.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).

Topaz, CE
Fungicide of systemic action, to combat malicious dew, rust and other fungal diseases (Penkonazole, 100 g / l). The best results give preventive use at the beginning of vegetation to suppress primary infection of the causative agent of mildew, as well as to prevent the dissemination of the disease or at the first signs of the disease.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately dangerous substance).
The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (3 class of danger), not toxic for birds and useful insects, is dangerous for fish. Not phytotoxic.

Systemic fungicide of prophylactic and therapeutic action (tiofanat methyl, 700 g / kg). The drug refers to substances close to benzimidazoles (benomyl) penetrates the plants, absorbed by the root system, transformed into carbendazim. Most effective in preventive processing, before the development of the pathogen. Negatively affects soil nematodes, a number of types ofphids. The drug is not effective against false incinerate dew.
Hazard class for man - 2 (dangerous substance). Does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Low making for birds, bees, 3 hazard class. Toxic for fish. Toxic for eggs for eggs.

Foundazim SP.
Systemic fungicide of a wide range of action (benomyl, 500 g / kg.). Analogue of the drug "Fundazole". For the whole season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and irrigation, since after the pathogens appear resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary for 1-2 seasons without applying drugs from the class of benzimidazoles.

Fungicide and vibrant with a wide range of systemic effects against a large number of fungal diseases of seeds and leaves of plants. Fundazole has both protective (prophylactic) and therapeutic properties. For the whole season, no more than 2 treatments are allowed by spraying and irrigation, since after the pathogens appear resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary for 1-2 seasons without applying drugs from the class of benzimidazoles.
Hazard class: Benomyl (Benoid, Fundazole, Fundazim) has 2 hazard class (dangerous compound) for a person, for fish. The drug is small toxic for soil organisms and birds.

Fungicide system-local and contact action (composure of copper, 900 g / kg). The drug to combat plant diseases: a pair of apple and pears, phytoofluorosis of potatoes and tomatoes, plum fruit rot, peach leaf curl, mildew of grapes, perronoscope of onion and cucumbers, rust and spotting ornamental and floral crops and pathogens of fungal diseases.
The drug Xom has 3 hazard class (moderately dangerous substance).

Potassium mangartanomioxid (manganese) It is used to rout seeds, bulbs, tuberukovits, rhizomes of flower plants at a concentration of 0.1-0.15% for two hours. It is possible to apply for a wellness irrigation of shoots, seedlings and adult plants under root in the fight against black leg, fusariasis, bacterios. Used to disinfect inventory and tools.

Soda calcined (lounge) is used to combat malievable dew. For spraying prepare 0.3-0.5% solution. For better adhesion to the soda solution, soap is added.

Biological fungicides

Alin - B, tab
Biological fungicide to suppress fungal diseases in the soil and on plants (soil microflora - Bacillus subtilis Vizrol-10, titer 109 CFU / D), close in its composition and action to phytoosporin. It is recommended: as arapeutic and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of mushroom diseases on all types of garden crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class: 4 (low hazard substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomophun and the environment

A complex drug with the advantages of contact biological fungicide and stimulator (Bacillus Megaterium and Pseudomonas aureofaciens, coniferous extract and a set of macro and trace elements). Albit is a complex drug with the advantages of analog preparations (Agat-25K, pseudobacterin, phytosporin, planeriz, silk, crystal, humats).
Hazard class: 4 (low hazard substance).

Gamiir, P, Tab.
Biological bactericide for suppressing bacterial and some mushroom diseases in the soil and on plants (Bacillus subtilis M-22 Vizr, titer 109 CFU / g.) Close in its composition and action to phytoosporin. It is recommended: as a healing and prophylactic agent, effectively suppresses pathogens of bacterial diseases on all types of garden crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class - 4 (low hazard). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomophaun and the environment. Does not accumulate in plants and in the soil, which helps to obtain environmentally friendly products

Glocladin, Tab
Analogue of tripides.
Biological fungicide to suppress the pathogens of mushroom diseases in the soil (Mushroom culture Trichoderma Harziannum Vizr -18) .. It is recommended as a healing and prophylactic agent when introducing into the soil, effectively suppresses the pathogens of mushroom diseases on all types of garden crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class - 4 (low hazard). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomophaun and the environment.

Biological fungicide treatment and prevention of root infections of room colors and decorative plants. Improvencer soil. Gearing in wet soil from the dispute, mycelium mushroom suppresses about 60 types of soil pathogens, infecting the soil and causing root rot.
Hazard class - 4. Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, useful entomofauna and the environment. It does not have a phytotoxic effect on protected plants. Does not accumulate in plants and in the soil, which helps to obtain environmentally friendly products

Phytolavin, VRK
Systemic biological bactericide (phytobacteriomycin). Used in the prevention of root rot, vascular bacteriosis, diseases of the black leg, bacterial burn, angular spotting of leaves, bacterial rotting of tubers, vascular bacteriosis on cucumber, bacterial peaks, alternaria on tomatoes, moniliosis, pasta, fusariosis, anthraznosis.
Hazard class: - 3 (dangerous connection is moderate). It has an irritating effect.