Fastening the suspended panels on the ceiling with your own hands in the kitchen. Plastic ceiling in the kitchen: instructions and photos of the ideas design of kitchen ceilings from plastic panels

Enhanced requirements are presented to the decoration in the kitchen. Moisture and temperature differences, couples and evaporation of fat, dyes and soot - all this is invariably in the kitchen and necessarily affects the material of the walls, ceiling and furniture.

Plastic ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands - hardly the easiest and most affordable way to provide an attractive look and does not repair the finish every six months.

Ceiling panels for kitchen

In practice, 2 types of finishing material are distinguished.

  • Plates of polystyrene - as a rule, have a size of 50 * 50 cm, very easy and very decorative. The surface of the tile is always embossed with a complex pattern, which, in fact, is its main attractiveness. For the kitchen, the material is chosen laminated, because it can be cleaned with a damp sponge, and cleaning in the kitchen room is always the ultimate question.
  • The panel ceiling in the kitchen in a more familiar sense is collected from polyvinyl chloride lamellas of different thickness. Can resemble a lining or form a practically even seamless surface. This option, without a doubt, washable, and sustainable and to rather aggressive domestic cleaners.

There are lamellas for the wall - more rigid and more thick, and for the ceiling - 0.5-1 cm thick. The latter require accuracy during installation or repair. This option is being implemented much more often, as it is distinguished by a variety and reasonable price.

Fasten the plastic panel to the surface can be directly if the ceiling is smooth, and can be installed on the suspension frame. Alternatively, a rush design can be used, where not aluminum panels are mounted, and plastic.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels

The material has a lot of advantages and is perfectly suitable for finishing the kitchen.

  • Speed \u200b\u200band simplicity of installation: It is possible to build a suspended structure literally in your own hands.
  • The material of moisture consists, and insensitive both to direct contact with water and the action of steam.
  • Plastic is very easily washed away from the soot or fat. The only thing that material can suffer is dyes, but it is unlikely.
  • The panels do not rot, are not affected by mold and are not deformed under the action of dampness.
  • The finish is lightweight, so the load on the base surface will not be.
  • The appearance of the plastic is extremely varied: it can imitate any natural material, reproduce any shades and patterns and even have a different texture up to the mirror.
  • Available cost forces even with the most modest repair budget.

Disadvantages of the product are following.

  • Flavoring - alas, plastic (even self-fighting) in the presence of fire burns and melts.
  • The material is deformed at a relatively low temperature - 100-120 C.
  • The decoration of the steamproof, so it is necessary to take care of additional ventilation.

Types of panels

Of course, the decorative features of the ceilings in the kitchen of plastic are lower than, for example, stretched, but there is a lot of opportunities.

Product shape:

  • Tile type - 0.3-0.98 m. Their surface does not happen, but to reproduce the finishing patterned tile is quite capable;
  • rush panel (lamella). The width varies from 0.13 to 0.3 m, and the length is 0.9 to 3 m. The so-called ceiling of siding in the kitchen is collected from the lamella;
  • sheet panel - It is characterized by the largest dimensions: width - 0.5-1.22 m, length - 0.98- 2.44 m. Montage with your own hands is difficult to perform, because with large sizes, the product is quite fragile.

The lamellas when installing are joined with each other. At the same time, different types of surface can be formed:

  • seamless lamellae When laying, a smooth surface is formed, on which the docks are practically invisible. This option is popular when making a ceiling "under the stone";
  • rusta - with the chamfer When the connection is formed decorative recess. Here, seams are part of the design;
  • models with embossed surface - Most often they imitate all the same lining. Too sophisticated relief can not be obtained. The strength and wear-resistance of such material is noticeably higher, however, it has the appropriate cost.

The color range of plastic is not limited, but the plastic ceilings in the kitchen should be selected according to the interior. Justice for the sake of white or even pastel color is already far from as popular as in former times. The ceiling surface with a complex pattern allows you to get special lamellas.

Made them in two ways:

  • thermal File - The ornament or pattern of natural material is applied to the film, which is pasted on plastic under pressure. The option is available in price, but no longer differs in durability;
  • direct printing requires special equipment, but the kitchen ceiling of this type is not only beautiful, but also will last much longer. The technology allows to solve the question of the decorativeness of the material nontrivial: on the ceiling from in the kitchen, a photo from the archive can be applied to their surface, and you can get an exclusive image.

The surface of the slats can also be different:

  • matte - with low reflection coefficient. Suitable for most interiors;
  • glossy - Glitter provides lacquer coating. For the ceiling from PVC panels in the kitchen, it is better to choose glossy, as they look elegant, more practical: have better water resistance. The laundering of their questions does not arise: the usual water, and soapy, and any detergents that do not include abrasive particles are suitable.

How to make a plastic ceiling in the kitchen

This work is quite simple. In addition, here when making an error at any stage - from calculations before attaching a plinth, there is always the opportunity to correct the shortcomings, not too increasing the cost.

Materials and tools

To finish the kitchen ceiling, PVC panels will be required:

  • actually finish - the number of lamellas determine separating the surface area to the area of \u200b\u200bthe bar. It should take into account not only the width, but also the laying method. For a seamless version, this value does not have, but when laying rustic - yes;
  • material for carcass - in the kitchen it is preferable to a metal frame, since the tree is not so steady to the action of moisture as galvanized steel. For the construction of the suspension system, the guide profile will be required - mounted around the perimeter of the room, and the ceiling - forms a frame. Here you will need a plan: looking at the drawing, it is easier to take into account all the features of the room and correctly calculate the number of profiles;

  • fasteners - determined by the nature of the basic ceiling surface: As a rule, this is concrete, so it will take a self-tapping screw or a dowel for concrete;
  • ceiling plinth - overlaps the joke of the trim with the wall.

In addition, such tools are needed:

  • screwdriver - for fastening the frame;
  • scissors for metal and knife for plastic;
  • pliers, hammer;
  • level, roulette, square.

How to make a ceiling in the kitchen

To begin with, an old finish is removed from the basic ceiling surface: paint, blotch, wallpaper. If the plaster is old and begins to crumble, it is worth completely freeing the ceiling from it. There is no place to stucify the needs, but it is necessary to brand the antiseptic primer.

If there are traces of rust from rubbing on the surface, or mold, the plaster will have to be removed completely, and in some cases - to get rid of the part of the concrete.

  1. The future ceiling must be accurately horizontally floor, so the distance is deposited from the floor. To do this, choose the lowest angle, mark the level of the frame, then exactly the same distance is delayed in other angles. The mark on the wall is made using a chocline, or using a cord running in blue.
  2. According to the marked line to the wall, the guide profile is fixed by self-draws or dowels.
  3. On the ceiling place the location of the ceiling profile. The step between the rails is usually 60 cm. However, when laying the ceiling sheets, the distance is determined depending on their size.
  4. To the ceiling, the ceiling profile is fixed using rigid P-shaped mounts. The step between them should not be more than 70 cm. The suspensions are installed on the ceiling surface first, and then fix the ceiling profile, focusing on the marked lines.

Be sure to install each element accompanied by checking for vertically and horizontality. It is necessary that the installed ceiling remains parallel to the floor.

  1. At this stage, all the necessary wiring and communications are installed, which must be hidden by the lamellas.
  2. In the perimeter below the guide profile, the starting bar is mounted. The lamellas are cut so that their length is 0.5 cm less than the distance between the walls.
  3. The ceiling in the kitchen of plastic panels is collected from the window, since this area is most highlighted. Lamets are inserted into the starting bar and attach to the profile by self-draws through the protrusion, and not through the main material. The next element is inserted into the groove of the starting plank and get into the groove of the previous slave. Fastening is the same.
  4. The last lamels usually have to trim in width. First, it is inserted into the starting bar, and then due to the flexibility of the material - in the previous one.
  5. The ceiling plinth is fixed around the perimeter.
  6. To install the lighting devices in the panel intended for this, the hole is previously drilled. Also, the material is also cut in advance with the purpose of hugging the pipe, box, protrusion, and so on.

Repair of the ceiling in the kitchen by plastic panels is possible and without installation of the frame. This method is implemented with a smooth ceiling surface and in cases where there is no need to hide communication or mount hidden lighting - backlight, built-in lamps. Such work is still easier: liquid nails are applied to the surface and alternately glue the lamella. Starting Plank in this case is not needed, and the ceiling plinth will need.

The ceiling from the panels in the kitchen is a budget, but quite practical and decorative option. It is inferior in a variety of forms of plasterboard, but due to the reproduction of any natural and artificial materials, no less interesting.

Plastic ceilings in the kitchen are very popular for external appeal, unpretentious care, resistance to moisture, pollution and temperature drops. The product is so simply mounted that you can install the panels on the ceiling to the kitchen with your own hands. Such an inexpensive and beautiful finish is distinguished by a variety of colors, options for textures, so each consumer will choose the product under the color and style of the kitchen room. The coating is attached to a wooden or metal crate. We will tell how to see a kitchen ceiling with plastic panels.

Some similarities in a structural plan with panel ceilings have rush systems. Aluminum decoration is fastened to a metal guide frame, called stringers. Due to constructive similarities, consumers are often asked, panel or rack ceiling into the kitchen, what is better? To understand what finish is better, you need to consider the features of each option.

Characteristics and positive qualities of the Ceilings:

  • Aluminum panels are performed as finishes, which are less, durability, durability, absolute moisture resistance and beauty.
  • Due to the different coating of the rail, they are matte, chrome, gold, silver, glossy, mirrored and colored. There are coatings for malachite or marble.
  • Due to different options for connecting the rails on the stringers there are many options for design ceiling. You can create multi-level compositions with smooth or clear boundaries of tiers.
  • Rush ceilings are lightweight in care, fire-resistant. They do not damage the mold and other microorganisms.

Important! The main lack of rush structures in the high cost of the material. That is why such coatings are not popular.

The ceiling of plastic in the kitchen has the following features:

  1. The coating is also resistant to moisture and is easy to clean. But in comparison with aluminum products, it is not so durable and durable.
  2. PVC plates can not be bend to create curvilinear surfaces and smooth outlines of tiers in multi-level systems.
  3. The main advantage of these coatings is an acceptable price and speed of installation.

Important! By cons of plastic panels can be attributed to low fire resistance. When heated, the material is deformed, and during the fire mounted and dripping, and also distinguishes toxic compounds.

Rush and panel ceilings are installed on the carrier frame. In the first case, it is only metallic, and in the second it uses a wooden or steel ceiling lamp. In general, both structures are that the base ceiling surface does not need careful alignment and preparation. Both surfaces are amenable to local repairs, that is, the replacement of individual spoiled elements. And those and other coatings can be disassembled and installed elsewhere. Both hinged systems allow you to quickly align the ceiling, hide its defects and make engineering communications in the undercarriage.

Attention! The total disadvantage of the rush and panel structures is to reduce the ceiling surface for several centimeters. The exact distance depends on the curvature of the base and the height of the frame.

Pluses of ceilings from plastic panels in the kitchen

On numerous photos of plastic ceilings in the kitchen look beautiful and respectable. This is the main advantage of these ceiling systems.

Other positive qualities of plastic coatings are as follows:

  1. Products are very popular due to an acceptable price. The cheapness is different and the finish itself, and elements for assembling the carrier frame. Moreover, the price range of PVC panels allows you to choose budget facing options that are not characterized by beauty, or more expensive panels with an exquisite pattern, original colors and an unusual texture that will become a real decoration of the kitchen.
  2. Fastening the suspended ceiling at the carrier frame is performed simply and quickly, so the job will perform even a beginner. The entire design in a small placement of the correct configuration can be collected per day.
  3. Plastic coatings are distinguished by moisture resistance, they can be washed, so in a room with high humidity and pollutability of surfaces, they are not threatened.
  4. The service life of PVC plates reaches 10-15 years, which allows you to forget about the repair for an impressive term. During operation, the material retains all its qualities and characteristics.
  5. In the sweatstattle, you can pave engineering communications, hide the defects of the base surface, building structures.
  6. In the coating, you can mount the built-in lighting or install attachments to better illuminate the dining room or the working area.
  7. The main ceiling does not need to be aligned and prepared before installing mounted PVC design. A new coating levels the base and will hide all its disadvantages.
  8. A large selection of colors, design options, decorating and plates textures allows you to choose a coating to your taste. On sale there are panels, imitating the surface of the fabric, marble, wood, stone.

A minus material is considered low stability to heating (with strong heating plastic deformed). During the fire, the coating allocates harmful substances. The budget options for PVC plates are often yellow and dump over time and do not differ in good docking of the seams (gaps are visible). However, this does not concern high-quality panels.

Important! Since the coating is mounted on the frame, the new surface drops at least 5 cm. If you plan to install built-in lamps, the height of the lowering can be more and depends on the dimensions of the device.

Selection of finishing material and calculation

Among the wide range of plastic products, you can choose coatings for gold and silver, with a matte or glossy surface. There are plates with a pattern or monophonic, with a smooth or embossed surface, with patterns and imitation of different materials.

The width of the panels is also different. The standard width is the distance of 250-300 mm. However, there are more wider products that this parameter comes up to 600 mm. The length of one panel is 2700-3000 mm. There are plates with different thickness from 5 to 10 mm. Durable thickened panels are suitable for wall decoration, and light material is often mounted on the ceiling.

The calculation of the required amount of materials is performed as follows:

  • The number of panels find, dividing the ceiling area to the area of \u200b\u200bone element. The value is increased by 15%. This is a reserve for trimming.
  • For the manufacture of the frame, metal and wooden rails are used. To calculate the number of items, on the plan of the room on the scale of the diagram of the framework, taking into account that the step of the guides is 60 cm.
  • On the perimeter of the kitchen is mounted guide profile for GKC or wooden burs. The length of this element is equal to the perimeter of the kitchen.
  • For the length of the walls, plastic guides for plates or ceiling plinths with a groove under the panel are bought.
  • In addition to the elements for assembling the frame, there will be suspensions for fixing to the base surface. The total number of suspensions are found at the calculation, which is 0.5 m of the frame you need one suspension.

Mounting technology of polyvinyl chloride panels

At the preliminary step, it is necessary to remove the old finish, which is badly connected with the base, so that in the future it does not fall on a new coating. If there was a mold earlier on the ceiling, then these sections need to be carefully cleaned and conduct antiseptic treatment with antifungal compositions. Also at the preparatory stage, engineering communications are laid - ventilation boxes, electrical wiring and preparing bases for heavy lighting devices.

Tools and necessary materials

To work, you will need the following tools, consumables and fixtures:

  • plastic finish;
  • ceiling profiles or guide rails from PVC;
  • perforated suspensions;
  • metal PP and PN profiles or wooden bars cross section 50x25 mm;
  • crab connectors in the case of using a metal frame;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill and perforator;
  • dowel-nails or anchors;
  • if the mounting of the plates is performed on a wooden crate, it will take a building stapler with brackets;
  • for fastening the finishes to the metal frame, tapes for metal are used;
  • pliers;
  • malyary cord;
  • a hammer;
  • construction or laser level;
  • roulette, ruler and pencil;
  • scissors for cutting metal products;
  • firefront or scope;
  • stationery knife for cutting plastic.

Wooden crate device

Make a ceiling of PVC panels in the kitchen with their own hands begin with assembling the carrier crate.

Works in such a sequence:

  1. With the help of measuring instruments, we find the lowest angle in the kitchen. From it lay down the distance equal to the height of lowering the new ceiling surface. If there are no built-in luminaires, then this value is equal to the thickness of the frame profile plus the thickness of the cladding, but taking into account the irregularities of the ceiling. In the presence of built-in devices, a decrease is equal to the height of the lamp plus a centimeter of stock.
  2. Next, the resulting mark must be transferred to the rest of the kitchen angles using a laser level.
  3. We connect the points designated in the corners on the walls. It is convenient to do with a painting cord.
  4. On the basic ceiling surface we make markup for the frame elements. On the markup in half the half meter, the perforated suspensions are fed. For fixing, use anchors or dowel-nails.
  5. According to the lines on the walls of the kitchen, the guides of metal PN profiles either wooden bars. Bearing elements fix with self-draws and dowels. Fasters mounted with a pitch of 300-500 mm.
  6. After that, the guides on the walls and suspensions on the base ceiling fix the longitudinal elements of the crate. They are mounted in 60 cm increments.

Tip! In a small kitchen, elements of a wooden frame can only be attached to the guides on the walls without using suspensions. This is permissible in the absence of heavy lighting devices embedded in the ceiling.

Installation of plastic panels on the ceiling

When the ceiling cuttlet under the plastic panels are ready, go to the installation of PVC finishes. For its fixation around the perimeter of the kitchen to the slats on the walls, plastic plinths, which have a groove under the panel, or PVC guides. Products fix with brackets or screws depending on the framework of the frame.

After that, we have to work in this order:

  • Polyvinyl chloride panels cut to the desired length. It should be 5 mm less than the width of the kitchen.
  • Ceiling assembly We drive from the window opening. The first element is mounted in spike to the wall. Short ends are breeding in the grooves of plinths. The product is promoting to the wall so far the thorn and part of the panel will not be included in the PVC Plinth grooves on the longitudinal wall. In the shelf of the plate we screw or drive the fastening element, which is installed in the place above the shells of the crate.
  • The next panel is inserted with the ends in the slot groove and moves to the previous item so that the spikes enter into the groove. Balance panel to the crate on the side of the open shelf. In the process of assembling the ceiling in some panels cutting holes for embedded lamps, ventilation grilles and risers of heating or water supply systems.
  • The last product cuts into a width from the side of the groove and starts a spike in the previous element.

Options for fastening polyvinyl chloride panels to the carrier crate

For fastening PVC plates to a wooden crate, we use a construction staple brand. The bracket ride into the open shelf of the element in the place where it is located above the frames of the frame. The bracket should flash the shelf and log in to the wooden crate.

To fix panels to a metal frame, we use screws for metal (fleas). Self-tapping screws in the shelf so that the fastening element passed through the mounting of the element and entered the PP profile of the metal frame. Give preference to self-stamps with a flat hat. So the fastener head will not interfere with the silent of the subsequent element, which should freely enter the groove.

When the kitchen repair begins, the question and the ceiling equipment arises. Many prefer to separate it with plastic. Consider what advantages and disadvantages have a plastic ceiling, and whether it is possible to install it independently, not attracting specialists.

The ceiling of plastic panels in the kitchen looks pretty aesthetic

Plastic ceiling of white color looks unobtrusively, does not attract too much attention

  • 1 Features of plastic panels
    • 1.1 Dignity of panels
    • 1.2 Disadvantages of material
  • 2 How to choose panels
    • 2.1 Quality - First of all!
    • 2.2 Calculation of the required amount of material
  • 3 How to make the right ceiling trim with plastic panels
  • 4 photos and video kitchens with ceilings from plastic panels
    • 4.1 Photo Gallery
    • 4.2 How to make a ceiling of PVC panels

Features of plastic panels

Plastic panels are a specific material that has a lot of advantages, but has a number of significant flaws. That is why it causes such a number of reviews that are completely opposite to each other.

So the standard PVC panels look like

Example of ceiling decoration with plastic panels

Dignities of panels

The advantages of plastic panels include:

  • low price. The ceiling decoration by plastic panels will be much cheaper than tiled or tension analogs. But at the same time cheapness does not mean that the panels have a cheap appearance. Competently picking the panel, you can decorate any kitchen;
  • easy installation. For mounting panels in the kitchen in a small household house with an area of \u200b\u200b6 m2, a professional is required for no more than 3 hours. Of course, if you are new to construction, then it will take more time, but in any case you will have time to finish the installation for 1 day;
  • moisture resistance. Plastic is not afraid of water, so this material is ideal for installation in places where air humidity is constantly improved: in the kitchen, in the bathroom;
  • ease of care. Plastic can be wiped with a conventional damp cloth. True, the surface will quickly accumulate soot, so cleaning should be performed constantly.

For better protection ceiling from soot and fat, install high-quality hood

The modern building materials market offers a wide selection of ceiling panels.

Disadvantages of material

As for the shortcomings, they are also present:

  • not very cozy appearance. Plastic usually crush offices, so it is associated with the office nature of the room;
  • over time, colored panels burn out, and white - yellow. Ceiling replacement will be required by about 5 years;
  • a few years later, seams appear on the surface of the ceiling. This is due to a constant temperature drop and humidity, from which plastic is gradually deformed.

After years, the ceiling may be a little yellowed

So, plastic on the ceiling may be present, but as a fairly budget option.

How to choose a panel

Not all plastic panels are the same. They differ not only in color, but also quality, therefore, making a purchase, it is important not to be mistaken.

Assortment of plastic panels is quite wide

Quality - first of all!

The poor-quality panels will not only serve much less, but also tightened the process of their installation. Choosing panels:

  • Inspect the smooth panels and the quality of their staining. The color should be uniform, and the panels from one batch are the same. The slightest difference in the tones on the ceiling will be very noticeable and spoil all the impression of it;
  • Each panel should be smooth. On the inside, the ribs are present, which should be invisible outside;
  • The outer wall must be the most thick and tough;
  • Check the quality of the panel connections. To do this, connect several pieces into a single integer. Look, whether the gaps were not formed how easy it was to connect;
  • Click on the plastic fingers. Dran should not be formed on it;
  • Check the bending panel. Bend it several times. The material should not be cracked, there should not be traces of bend on it.

  • Choose high-quality materials - and the ceiling will serve you for many years

    Choosing the panels, consider that they differ in production technology:

    • the easiest option is pure white material;
    • the most popular are the panels for which the image is applied using a thermal film;
    • the presence of complex ornaments suggests that it was not applied by a special machine to the method of direct printing. This option is the most expensive.

    Calculation of the required amount of material

    Before starting work, it is necessary not only to choose the material, but also to determine its amount. Typically panels have the following parameters:

    • width 25-59 cm;
    • length 2.7 - 3 m;
    • thickness - up to 1 cm.

    As for the quality of the profile, the perimeter requires a more reliable UD profile, the rest of the profile can be a CD brand.

    UD profile is more powerful and reliable than CD profile

    Now consider the total number of self-tapping screws and add 10% to the reserve.

    The plinth has a length of 3 m. For the amount of plinth, measure the ceiling perimeter and divide it to 3. As a result, you will receive the required amount.

    Sometimes to speed up the process of assembling construction, some builders use brackets instead of self-tapping and replace the profile on the bars. Keep in mind that the tree reduces the quality of the design, in addition, it must be treated with a special antiseptic.

    Calculate the number of necessary materials in advance.

    How to make the right ceiling decoration by plastic panels

    The ceiling technology with plastic panels includes six main steps:

  • Using the level, mark the places around the entire perimeter where rigid profiles will be attached. The installation should be clearly horizontally, otherwise the work will go to the pump;
  • Install transverse profiles that will keep panels as a result. Installation must be carried out with the help of screws;
  • Attach the L-shaped profile;
  • If you plan to install point lighting, then check the wiring at this stage. Swipe and release cables for future fasteners;
  • Gently cut the panels along the entire length of the ceiling. Secure the first panel should be screwed up as close as possible to the corner to the transverse profiles. The remaining panels are attached sequentially in the package of the previous panel;
  • Installation of the last panel requires special accuracy and is considered the most difficult. Usually it has to trim in width, and then insert gently in the bar;
  • Cut the ceiling plinth, fixing it on liquid nails. It is important to correctly make an angular joint. To do this, attach the plinth to one side of the angle, and then with the help of a building pencil, spend the line on the surface of the ceiling. Spend the same on the other side of the corner. Point of intersection of lines and will be a plot of plinth. Excess glue Remove with a clean cloth.

  • Initially, the framework should be made to which the panels will later be attached

    Wiring for future luminaires must be displayed even before the installation of the ceiling

    Attach one panel to another maximally densely and very careful not to damage the material.

    Plinth should be trim smoothly

    After completing the work, remove the spokes of glue

    So, plastic ceilings are often used to finish the ceiling in the kitchen. They are very easily mounted, and therefore work on their installation will be able to spend each. In the case of proper installation, they will serve you for many years. In addition, if necessary, the restoration of individual parts replace individual panels will be completely simple.

    Photo and video kitchens with plastic panel ceilings

    Photo Gallery

    Painting panels makes seams on the ceiling almost invisible

    Using multicolored panels, you can create a unique ceiling design.

    Applying a little fantasy, you can create an interesting design.

    It may seem that we have a stretch ceiling, since the seams between the panels are almost invisible

    Seams become more noticeable if the window is perpendicular to the window

    How to make a ceiling of PVC panels

    Popular polymer has become known in the middle of the last century. It is difficult to present the scope of activities where polyvinyl chloride is not used. Finishing materials are no exception. PVC products have found applied everywhere: in offices, social and medical institutions, residential buildings. Today, high-quality plastic meets all EU and Russia and Russia and Safety Standards. His ability to withstand moisture, ultraviolet and other external influences is unique. Without consequences, it withstands heating and cooling to + - 50 degrees.

    Ceiling design in the kitchen of plastic panels.

    As for the design potential, PVC leaves behind and plasterboard, and MDF, and other well-known finishes. In the kitchen, the plastic ceiling demonstrates the miracles of reincarnation both under the tree and under the stone or expensive fabric.

    Types and properties of PVC panels

    Externally, the standard panel represents two plastic sheet connected by ribbies. Due to the "airiness", it is much easier than most of their "fellow".

    PVC ceilings can be combined with any interior design.

    Important: The greater the rigidity ribs, the stronger the product. For a 3 m long panel and a width of 0.25 m, there should be at least 27-29.

    There is a big variety of PVC ceilings.

    The variety of products presented in the market is excavated - hundreds of shades have only a color scheme. Nevertheless, they can be divided according to the following features.

    Types of compound:

    • Seamless, where there is no connection of a certain species. The ends of the panels are customized to each other so that on a smooth, smooth surface of the joints are practically invisible. Seamless plastic ceilings in the kitchen photo fit perfectly into any interior.
    • Suture. Connect with grooves and spikes. The mounted panels have a visible joint resembling "lining".

    Unlike other designs, PVC ceilings are distinguished by the available price.

    Form and dimensions:

    • Tile panels are represented by sizes from 300x300 mm to 100x100 mm wide from 1.5 mm. Indispensable to create original ceiling compositions with alternating the tiles of smooth and textured, imitating wood and stone. Convenient and easy to install.
    • Rack. The elements vary in length from 900 to 3000 mm, width from 100 to 300 mm, thickness from 4 to 8 mm. Mounted as "lining".
    • Sheet plastic. Large dimensions of products overlap a significant ceiling area. Different flexibility and solidity of the structure. As a rule, they are attached to the aligned surface without a frame. Standard sheet dimensions are in the range from 900 to 3000 mm in length and from 900 to 1500 mm wide.

    Rack designs ceiling from PVC panels.

    Note! The optimal thickness of the panel ceiling in the kitchen should be at least 7-8 mm. A smaller size can lead to defaults during installation or after.

    • Glossy or matte. The gloss is applied with a layer of varnish after extrusion. Matte surfaces are not additionally processed.
    • Smooth or structured. Today there are panels with texture of natural materials - for example, wood or stone.

    Glossy ceiling of plastic panels.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    PVC panels did not accidentally gain such popularity. They are characterized by a number of valuable advantages.

    1. The ceiling in the kitchen of plastic panels photo always has a modern aesthetic appearance, which is achieved relatively small means and effort.
    2. Plastic is not afraid of water, which is solved by the problem with the flooding from an inaccier closed cranes with the floor above, as well as with mold and fungus, which this material is simply not "on the teeth."
    3. It is easy to care for him. For the ceiling of plastic panels in your kitchen, a rag and soap foam is enough every two or three months.
    4. Fire resistance is one of the most important properties of polyvinyl chloride, confirmed by numerous studies. For example, in France, PVC items are part of the category of faint and non-combustible products.
    5. Ecology. The polymer itself, which has a long service life, does not decompose and does not allocate harmful substances. High-quality products must have sanitary and hygienic certificates that are issued to the consumer for the first requirement.
    6. Uncomplicated installation, affordable even to a person without experience. The smooth ceiling of the panel is fixed using "liquid nails". For uneven surfaces, the frame (case) is first mounted on which plastic is mounted. Very convenient if you need to close the pipes and wiring.
    7. A small weight, which is especially valuable when transporting and delivering a cargo to the apartment.
    8. Availability. The ceiling in the kitchen from inexpensive PVC panels is quite a budgetary event.
    9. Wide opportunities in the decor. With the help of plastic, you can embody any designer project.

    PVC does not emit harmful substances, is an environmentally friendly material.

    The list of shortcomings is much more modest:

    1. The relative fragility of the material due to its hollow structure. Reliable Prevention Dentin - Neat Installation. When buying, pay attention to the composition: the high content of the chalk is a sign of poor quality goods inclined to deformities.
    2. "Chemical" smell that dispends a few days after installation
    3. Dark shades can fade in the sun.

    Installing the ceiling of plastic panels.

    Important: When choosing panels for the ceiling to the kitchen, it is necessary to carry out a strength test. To do this, click on the surface so that it rushes on average by a third and then let go. At the low-grade product will remain dents.

    Designer features

    The unique properties of the material provide a diverse design of finished products.

    PVC panels are glossy and matte, we successfully imitate wood, fabrics, natural stone. Traditional white ceilings sweating the panel of all rainbow colors, with patterns, drawings, including 3D made in the technique.

    3D ceiling on the kitchen room.

    Glossy or matte

    Here is one of the questions that the consumer decides. The difference between them in a thin layer of varnish on glossy. Both those and others have their advantages. Gloss visually will expand a small kitchen, will focus on sophistication. Matovost will add comfort and warmth.

    Matte PVC ceiling under the tree.

    Colored panels

    Give extensive opportunities for interesting combinations. At the same time, each will be the author and emphasizes the individuality of the room. It is only necessary to select the combined colors, as well as take into account the tonality of walls and furniture.

    White and pink ceiling of plastic panels.


    There may be any: floral, geometric, oriental, under the "marble". Used in accordance with the selected decor style. They look good in a separate ceiling segment, especially if you complement the pattern on the wall.

    Ceiling of plastic panels with drawings.

    Imitation under natural material

    It is performed by applying the painted and having a relief of the film on the panel. You can simulate everything from velvet before amber. Plastic, which is practically indistinguishable from natural stone or wood, looks spectacular and presentable.

    Glossy ceiling under the tree.

    3D drawing

    Real breakthrough in decorating kitchens made panels with 3D pattern. Three-dimensional pictures create a complete illusion of "living" ceilings. Especially good in spacious kitchens with a small number of furniture.

    Plastic without borders

    The ceiling of PVC panels in the kitchen. Photo design shows unlimited plastic capabilities. It will satisfy the requests of High-Tek fans, it will organically fit into the country, connects the scattered details of the fashionable eclectic currently, will create neoclassical multi-level structures. The most common kitchen interior is able to look modern and stylish with him.

    The original ceiling of plastic panels.

    The plastic ceiling may well claim the title of perfect. It is distinguished by unique performance, wide variability of texture and color, affordable price.

    Multi-level wood ceiling in the kitchen.

    Finishing the ceiling in the kitchen of PVC panels

    50 photo ideas of ceilings from plastic panels

    Often jokes that the housewife is a kitchen. Here it holds most of their time: fries, parait, bakes ... All these processes do not so favorably affect the interior of the room: the surfaces begin to fasten, turn yellow and dress up.

    For this reason, it is especially important to choose the highest quality materials. But I don't have to forget about the beauty: after all, the design of the room should be charm, and not lead to the desire to leave the room sooner. So, if we talk about the need to update the ceiling in the kitchen, then for these purposes, one of the successful solutions can be called the use of plastic panels.

    Pros and cons decoration ceiling plastic in the kitchen

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    If you are going to make the kitchen repair, the ceiling from the panels is a great option. Plastic panels are made of polyvinyl chloride. The positive parties to the use of PVC panels when finishing the ceiling in the kitchen can be attributed:

    • A fairly low value of the material. For comparison: plasterboard sheets will cost 2-3 times more expensive
    • This substance is considered environmentally friendly and harmless to the human body.
    • High moisture and heat resistance: they are not afraid of a couple, they do not appear on mold and fungus
    • Durability: The ceiling of PVC panels will be able to serve quite a long time
    • Practicality: Care behind plastic ceiling is very simple. To give him an initial look, it is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth
    • Pleasant look: Great variety of models will allow creating a ceiling of your dreams
    • High soundproofing: due to the frame between the panels and the ceiling, airspace is formed, which absorbs all sounds
    • Ease of installation: even a person without special qualifications and experience will be able to figure out the panels.

    Despite the great many advantages, without flaws, it also did not cost. They are as follows:

    • Cutting the height of the room: installation of panels is accompanied by the initial device of the crate, which becomes the reason for the decrease in the ceiling by 5-10 cm
    • Low strength: With point exposure, the material is easily deformed
    • Bad resistance to the sunshine: Under their exposure to the ceiling of PVC panels can quickly get drunk or burn out

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    Plastic selection for ceiling finishing

    Before starting the installation work, the future design of the room should be planned and choose the plastic panels suitable under it. To make it easier to disassemble the presented manifold, the main characteristics of the panels will be given below, which should be paid attention to when buying:

    Dimensions of panels

    They are:

    • In thickness - 6-10 mm
    • Width - 100-920 mm
    • In length - 3000-12000 mm

    Samples with a width of 25 cm and a thickness of 0.6 cm are more often on sale.


    For this characterization of the PVC panels are divided into:

    • Matte

    Have a slightly rough surface, because they are not processed by any dyes. They are not recommended to use to cover the ceiling in the kitchen: they quickly collect dirt and poorly clean.

    • Glossy

    They have a perfectly smooth surface due to the coverage of varnishes and dyes. This option is more preferable for mounting on the kitchen ceiling.


    The modern building market provides the ability to choose a panel with various designs:

    • White, matte and glossy
    • Monophonic glossy
    • Glossy options "under the tree"
    • With applied hologram
    • Glossy with different images
    • Glossy mirrored species

    With such a variety, you can create the most unusual and fascinating ceiling.

    Jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang: repair kitchen ceiling from panels" width="820" height="444" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 820px) 100vw, 820px">!}

    How to make a plastic ceiling in the kitchen

    Any construction work begins with the calculation of the required number of building material and tools preparation. This step should be taken seriously: spend time to buy goods or return unused balances, it is unlikely that anyone wants.

    Materials and tools

    Before purchasing the necessary materials, it is recommended to draw up a design scheme, based on which the panels will be installed. In this paper, the following points should be taken into account:

    • The distance between the guide profiles of the crates must be more than 60 cm
    • Vertical pliers fixing these guides, more correctly mount to the bearing plate with an interval up to 50 cm
    • For the arrangement of the frame, it is better to choose metal profiles that are not amenable to heat and moisture.

    Now you should go directly to the listing of the required list of materials. It:

    • Plastic panels themselves
    • PVC profile for ceiling
    • Profile for arrangement of framework: wooden or metal
    • Elements for fasteners: dowels, selflessness

    If we talk about the required tools, then when installing the ceiling of PVC panels can not do without:

    • Hands for metal
    • Building level
    • Screwdriver
    • Perforator
    • Hammer
    • Stationery knife
    • Stusla
    • Grid
    • 30 cm long
    • Marker

    After all the materials and tools are purchased and prepared, you can proceed to the installation process itself. It begins with preparatory work.

    Preparatory work

    This stage of performing no complex processes implies. All you need to do is:

    1. To take out all the furniture and equipment from the room, which can interfere or spoil during the installation of the ceiling;
    2. Remove from the old surface fragments of old finish;
    3. Process the surface of the ceiling by antiseptic;
    4. Pour and secure the electric wiring on the ceiling, if there is a desire to build point lighting or equip the room with additional exhaust fans.

    Montage Karcasa

    Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: ceiling decoration in the kitchen plastic Packs of photo" width="520" height="300" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 520px) 100vw, 520px">!}

    The next stage after surface preparation is the installation of the frame. This process is carried out in the following sequence:

    1. On the perimeter of the room on the wall, a line is drawn, which will serve as a mark of the location of the future ceiling. The line is applied using a building level to ensure maximum surface evenness;
    2. Then a previously prepared scheme is drawn on the carrier plate: it shows how vertical plumbs will be located;
    3. The segments of the support UD-profile are prepared: they measure and separated into the necessary parts, after which they are made every 0.5 m;
    4. Profiles are applied to the walls, they are transferred for holes for holes;
    5. Using the perforator on the ceiling and walls, holes are performed, dowels are inserted into them;
    6. Installation of UD profiles, vertical plumbers;
    7. Preparation of the necessary sizes of CD profiles;
    8. Elements of CD profiles are inserted into the UD profile grooves and are attached to them using metal screws;
    9. The accuracy of the installation is checked and, if necessary, reappears the CD-profiles of metal with self-assembly.

    Frame ready! Only the final step remains - installing PVC panels.

    Installation of panels

    Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: repair ceiling in the kitchen plastic Panels" width="620" height="465" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w, 70w" sizes="(max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px">!}

    Installing plastic panels on the finished frame is made in the following sequence:

    1. Prepared the necessary parts of the ceiling plinth;
    2. Using the stouch on them, joints for corners are performed;
    3. Around the perimeter of 3 walls, the plinth is fixed to the frame;
    4. Prepared and installed in the groove of plinth the first panel;
    5. After fixing the right position, its fastening to the CD profile is made;
    6. The remaining panels (except for the latter) are inserted into the skirting grooves, move to the previously installed panel to click and attached to the frame;
    7. The last panel is cut off not only in length, but more often and width;
    8. 4 part of the plinth is put on it, after which the panel is inserted into the groove of the last installed fragment;
    9. After fixing the last sheet, the plinth is moved to the wall, thereby closing the remaining gap.

    Thus, the process of mounting plastic panels on the kitchen ceiling is completed.

    Installation of panels without frame

    Installation of panels on the frame - a rather laborious process, and not everyone will decide to take up such work. But if you still have a huge desire to fade the ceiling by polyvinyl chloride, you can go and on a lighter way - to fix them on the ceiling with glue or foam.

    To do this, it will be necessary to pre-clean and project the surface. After that, the fastening process itself begins:

    1. Prepared (Cropped on the necessary dimensions) The panel falls on the floor of the face, after which the selected fastening substance is applied to the involve surface - foam or glue. It is recommended to apply a liquid in the form of a serpentine or snake over the entire surface of the material;
    2. Then the panel is pressed against the ceiling. At the same time, it is impossible to forget to check the evenness of its installation using the construction level;
    3. The panel leaves to dry for 40 minutes;
    4. How the specified time will pass, go to the installation of the remaining panels. Waiting for their drying no longer need.

    As can be seen, the fastening of the panels glue and foam is carried out much simpler and faster. The only problem: this option is not applicable for uneven surfaces..

    Repair the ceiling in the kitchen by plastic panels is an excellent solution due to their durability, simplicity in the installation and beautiful mind.

    Ceiling trim in the kitchen with plastic panels - Photo: