Laminate for floors with water heating. Water warm floor under laminate - will such a system work reliably? Features of the device of water heating

One of the prejudices relating to the laminate is that allegedly laminate under the warm floor is prohibited. There are other warnings as if the styling is possible, but only if the floor has a water, and not electric type.

I would like to immediately say that all these prohibitions are exclusively prejudice. As for the truth, it is possible to lay the laminate under the warm floor, the main thing is to use the right approach, do everything neatly and not hurry.

How and which laying laminate under the warm floor, and is it possible to mount it at all on the warm floor

Regardless of what type you have warm floors, it is necessary that a certain icon looks like that of the laminate you look like:

This icon means that this laminate under the warm floor is allowed to use.

Of course, Laminate, like any wooden flooring, does not like the situation with fluctuations in temperature. For this reason, after the delivery of laminate is carried out to you on the house, it is necessary that it is about three days in the same room where you plan to install it.

Laying of electric warm floor under laminate Vino

What is it for?

The reason is simple: laminate gets used to and adapts to those conditions where you later will exploit it. During this time, based on the temperature and humidity, the laminate will type the desired dimensions, and after you set it, there will be no essentials and extensions that create extra difficulties.

Laminate under the warm floor, important moments

In the event that the room already has warm floors in the screed, you must implement the following actions:

  • 1. To begin with, the screed is heated.
  • 2. After warming up, you need to turn it off 2-3 days before the installation of the laminate (if more precisely, you turn off it just when the laminate was delivered to you).
  • 3. And do not forget that after the work is over, within three days the temperature of the room must be unchanged.

With the beginning of each heating season, the temperature of the warm floors themselves should be gradually raised every day (approximately three), until you get a comfortable flooring temperature.

The same must be done after the heating season is over, gradually lowering the temperature to 15-18 degrees. After that, you can safely turn off the thermostat and enjoy the warm summer season.

How to fit laminate on a warm floor

To begin with, I would like to note that under furniture floor can have a higher temperature, therefore, during styling, it is necessary to carry out a stronger sealing of the seams.

We put the laminate on the warm floors in the screed

In the usual mode, the laminate is laid on the substrate, which is intended to improve thermal insulation and noise insulation, for this reason, the heat running from the heating element will be bad through it, without giving the floor to warm up. As for the laying of laminate without a substrate, then in this case it will be noisy. But, of course, from any situation there is a way out.

So that the laminate on the water warm floor lay well and warmed the entire floor, then the heating element is done a thinner screed. Yes, and the substrate takes the thinnest, for example, a 3-hmillimeter, which will later flatten up on the half-millimeter-millimeter, which will make it even more heat transfer, while the noise insulating properties will remain. There is nothing unusual in laying laminate on the substrate - everything is standard.

We are laminate for film or heating mats

Since the screed in this case will not need, then you can finish the work, you can literally in one day. Putting the heating film itself or matte under laminate, it is necessary to remember some of the features:

  1. - heating film / mats do not fit under heavy furniture;
  2. - On top of the laid films or mats, a thick polyethylene film is placed (about 80 μm), the essence of which is the protection of electrical parts in case of fluid ingress.

Choose a laminate on a water heated floor

What is better to buy a laminate on a water warm floor? Does this resolution have significant drawbacks? How to make water warm floors on the laminate? Many are asked by these questions, and therefore let's understand.

To begin with, let's determine the terminology. What is a water warm floor system?

This is the system of pipes that are laid down under the finishing coating and warm it up. The warm-up temperature will be slightly lower than the temperature of the human body. What is the essence of a similar heating scheme?

  • 1. You can connect water warm floors to any boilers having circulating pumps, even to solid fuel.
  • 2. In order to create a water warm floor, there is no need for reworking the already available heating system - you just update it by another contour.
  • 3. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact of temperature adjustment, or adjustment of the water circulation rate, so that the temperature of the warm water floor is in the right mode and did not go beyond.
  • 4. Another plus is due to the fact that the thermal source is located at the bottom, the heating of the air occurs throughout the volume.

Of course, everyone knows that the truth lies in the details. So, what do you need so that the warm floor function normally? Yes, the speech of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe good thermal conductivity of the surrounding pipe mass of the flooring. Just in order to ensure this requirement, the pipes of water warm floors are usually placed in the screed.

Otherwise, the pipe will warm out exclusively that part of the floor that passes over it, and the main part of the floors will remain cold. Among other things, the screed also performs the function of heat distribution. But then the question appears - and what is the point in heating the screed, if it is isolated from the room?

So the most traditional version of the laying of water warm floor - under a tiled or porcelain stoneware coating - it is they who have good thermal conductivity. Another good option is homogeneous linoleum.

As for the question of what laminate on a water warm floor to choose, the answer is actually quite simple. It is necessary to be tritely guided by common sense. Since the laminate is made of pressed organic, the thermal conductivity is quite low, it serves as a heat insulator. Accordingly, the smaller the laminate boards in the thickness, the more effective will be heating. Speaking of higher class laminate, it is necessary to understand that its density is higher, and the protective coating is thicker.

It is from this that its thermal conductivity depends. There are other reasons why you need to acquire a higher class laminate for your water warm floors. The higher the high class will be laminate, to a lesser extent, it will be inclined to dry and change linear dimensions depending on temperature fluctuations and humidity. All the more durable and durable it will be.

In addition to the laminate you choose, you can not forget about the substrate, because it also depends on it. We recommend that you stay at such a type of substrate under the laminate, which will be designed specifically for the systems of warm floors and have the maximum thermal conductivity.

We are properly laminate for a warm floor (water)

So, as you already know, the laminate for the warm floor of water is securely and safe. In this case, one of the advantages of water floor is that the heating of the base, for example, a concrete screed, is uniformly, which leads to an increase in the service life of the laminate. Let's figure it out in the main moments of the combination of warm water floors and laminate depending on the type of floor.

Immediately we note that in order to ensure the necessary level of moisture of the screed after the water heated floor is laid, a fairly easy-to-system. Thanks to this, concrete will be perfectly succeeded and warm, you only need to not forget about the gradual increase in the temperature regime. Before start laying the laminate, make sure that the base is in accordance with those conditions that are indicated by the manufacturer in recommendations for this flooring.

Features of the installation of laminate under water warm floor

Installation of a warm floor cement-sand tie

In order to make the installation of warm floors in this case, you must:

- On the floor, which is already aligned into the horizon (i.e., it has no more than three centimeters), it is necessary to put the polystyrene foam (its thickness from 2.5 to 10 cm).

- The following layer will be either polyethylene, or a foil foofol (the second version is preferable).

- on top it is necessary to put the reinforcing mesh, cells must be no more than 1.5 cm. Thickness - 2-4 mm.

- on top it is necessary to put the pipe (stitched polyethylene reinforced by aluminum polypropylene or metalplastic) and fix it with plastic clamps.

- It is also necessary to pave a damper tape throughout the perimeter of the room. Any streamlined material is suitable for the tape.

- Then you need to pour the floor with a sand-cement screed with small screenings. As for thickness - no more than 5-7 cm. There should be no more than 3 centimeters between the surface of the floor and the pipe (taking into account the thickness of the laminate).

- In order for the floor to gain strength, it will take three or four weeks.

- After the substrate is stacked.

- Before you start laying a laminate on a warm floor, you need to warm it up to the operating temperature. Also, as in the case of standard laying of the laminate, the edges should remain lumens (from the edge of the board to the wall), the width of this lumen is not less than 6-8 mm. To implement this, you can use the struts.

Installation of a warm floor on a dry tie

Immediately I would like to note that warm water floors under the laminate, with a dry tie - the idea is ineffective in terms of heat consumption.

The only impressive plus of this option - the installation is carried out much faster, since there is no need to wait until the concrete becomes durable.

So how do you combine dry tie, water warm floors and laminate? This happens like this:
- To begin with, waterproofing is carried out on the floor

- After the floor, fall asleep with bulk materials (it can be a claymzit flooring or ordinary dry sand).

- By the horizon you need to set the lighthouse profiles, with their help you can align the floors under the laminate, using the rule or simply a direct rail.

- The next stage is to lay the ribbon from porous materials around the perimeter of the room.

- The floor must be blocked, for this you can use two layers of plasterboard (as an option, plywood or OSP), the main thing is necessary - a mandatory cross-stop of the seams. The layers are fastened with screws on the seams in 5 cm increments for GLC and 15 cm for plywood and OSP.

- Everything else is exactly the same as in the case of a cement-sand tie. The floor must be warm up, put the substrate, and then the laminate itself.

Substrate for laminate Warm floor: What is suitable under water type, and what is under electric?

Warm floors, today, are no longer the subject of luxury and do not surprise anyone. Performing a warm floor possible in various modifications, depending on how the heater is arranged. It is important that with warm floors you can use any floor coverings, in particular, and laminate.

It is worth noting that in this case the "substrate under laminate - a warm floor" system works. Let's deal with what properties has a good substrate:

  • The substrate has high waterproofing and thermal insulation qualities.
  • It has an extremely high reflectivity.
  • Resistant to different temperature drops.
  • Resistant to deformation.
  • It has sound insulation properties.
  • Good vapor polypoletor.
  • Environmentally safe.
  • Easy mounted.

Laying of laminate on electric heap floors

Since the laminate refers to the category of natural flooring, it is natural that it has all the advantages and disadvantages of natural wood. It is just the reason that, laying laminate boards on the warm floors, it is impossible to do without a substrate. If you do not put it, the floors will be very noisy.

If the installation of the warm floor is carried out on the bulk gender or on a thin screed, the substrate will need the thinnest one, its thickness should be 3mm. As it has already been said, as other layers will be pressed on it, then under their weight, it is flattened to the necessary 2-2.5 mm and will serve as a good thermal insulator, and have high soundproof properties.

Requirements for the substrate under water floors

The main condition in the warm floor system is to ensure an increased degree of heat transfer. In this case, there will be no vain flow of heat. If the floors are based on pipes, then at a minimum, if an accident happens, the substrate will perform the function of additional waterproofing.

Alternatively, you can sometimes use a special molded foam coating - it can easily fasten the pipeline, and it will perform the role of the substrate.

Most often, the typical base of the substrate is foil, it contributes to reflect heat, because it is warmth should not heat the ceiling of your neighbors on the lower floor. If the foil has enough thickness, then it can be both polymers based (it is necessary to glue with a thin layer) and in its pure form. In principle, the degree of waterproofing of the heat-insulator is low. This protection must be worried about this protection and lay a separate layer of insulating material.

No special consolidation for the substrate is not necessary, since it is placed on the insulation. By installing water heat floors, use the reinforcing screed, with which the substrate is pressed.

The selection of a warm flooring system with a laminate coating has several features and subtleties. It is worth noting that this finishing material consists of wood, which is why it needs to be special care during operation. Many are interested, whether it is possible to lay a laminate on a warm floor, especially those families in which there are small children.

Apply laminated coating for the arrangement of the heating system of the floor is quite possible, but the laying procedure requires mandatory compliance with some conditions.

Feature of a warm floor

The warm floor is considered one of the most effective heating for home and apartments. The peculiarity of his work is that the warm air heated from the bottom is gradually rising, and the cold is lowered. Thanks to this, warm air is constantly downstairs, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling will be cool, so much freer is breathing, and the respiratory tract is not overwhelmed.

There are many different types of floors, in particular, such as:

  • infrared;
  • electric;
  • water.

Each of these species has certain features, but they are combined by general principles, in particular, such as:

  • there is a uniform distribution of heat;
  • heating elements can be hidden under flooring;
  • high efficiency of the system;
  • lack of dust circulation.

It is possible to lay the laminate on the warm floor, largely depends on the type of laminated coating, since not all its kinds are well tolerated with the heating system.

Pluses of using laminate

It is very important to deal with the question whether it is possible to lay a laminate for a warm floor, since the laminated coating requires special care and compliance with certain rules. Its laying above the heating system is quite possible, but it is very important to ensure the optimal temperature and waterproofing.

If you compare the laminated coating with other species, it becomes clear that it is just perfect, since when necessary, it is possible to get very easily to get to heating devices. Heating allows you to quietly walk even in the coldest winter, without fear of supercooling and unpleasant sensations.

When furnaceing the floor, a number of important rules must be observed, as well as correctly choose a laminate. In addition, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to put carpets, as they will prevent air circulation.

What types of laminate

Before deciding whether it is possible to lay a laminate for a warm floor, you need to understand what exactly is characterized by each of the existing heating systems. The water system is good because it does not depend on electricity, which is why there is a greater degree of security. With accurate observance of the laying technology, it serves for a long time, without causing absolutely no difficulty in operation.

The most sought-after option is the electric floor. It is characterized by ease of installation and maintenance. The main plus is that it is possible to control the temperature.

Another common petition is the infrared floor. It is much more technological, as it makes it possible to evenly warm the surface. With it, you can set the most comfortable surface heating mode.

Marking feature

There are several types of laminated coating, so it is important to know which laminate for a warm floor is better to choose. If you purchase ordinary panels, they will breed from the temperature drop. That is why this option is not suitable for warm floors.

Considering all these factors, some manufacturers have developed a new formula of laminated coating, which is simply perfectly combined with the floor heating system. When choosing a laminate, you need to pay attention to the permissible level of heating temperature indicated on the package. In addition, the documentation indicates the type of product compatibility with a warm floor.

These indicators are indicated using a special pictogram or inscription. If there is a water formula on it, this indicates that the material is suitable for the water heating system. The thickness of the panel must be at least 8 mm. The optimal variant is the class 33 laminate (12 mm thickness of the panel). A thinner product may not withstand the temperature drop.

On the floor, the laminated panels can be treated with the maximum heating value, which does not exceed 27 degrees. The packaging should also contain resistance and the amount of harmful substances that are released into the air. After examining all the characteristics of the laminate, you can pick up the best floor covering.

What affects thermal resistance

Just choose a laminate with a certain marking is not enough. One of the most important criteria is a thermal resistance coefficient. According to European standards, this indicator should be higher than 0.15 m 2 to / W.

This also applies to the substrate, so to obtain the required indicators, it will be necessary to simply fold the CTS substrates and laminate. The resistance level affects the thickness and density of the product.

If the value of the coefficient is quite large, then there is a risk of overheating the substrate. In addition, he can quickly break the warming circuit.

Water heating coating

Water heating systems are distinguished by multi-layered. The base is performed by waterproofing, and then stacked the heat insulation layer, which will not allow to go down heat. Then the pipes of a small diameter are mounted, which are overlapped with a concrete tie or gypsum. Only after that the floor covering is stacked.

In this case it is very important to know which laminate is suitable for a warm floor so that you can make the most correct choice. Laminated panels for such purposes should be:

  • made of high quality material;
  • have a high density;
  • protective covering.

If the laminate meets all these requirements, it will ideally be able to approach the decomposition of the water floor system. Heated with a similar basis is characterized by increased humidity. Conventional laminate panels are unable to withstand such conditions for a long time, but high-quality laminated materials can last their excellent type and performance. That is why choose best:

  • class laminate 33 (12 mm);
  • moisture-resistant;
  • with labeling H 2 O.

During the operation of the heating floor, it is necessary to observe a certain temperature mode. The indicator should be no higher than +27 degrees, since otherwise the panel can be deformed and losing their own appearance.

Electric heating coating

The electrical system is characterized by the fact that the cable element when passing over the current it produces heat. Cable can be with one or two veins. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine which laminate is suitable for a warm floor, and what kind of technical characteristics it should have.

When choosing panels, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the coating must be with the corresponding type of heating. In addition, the material must necessarily comply with such characteristics as:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • good thermal conductivity;
  • high resistance to damage;
  • safety.

In order for the floor with the coating from laminated panels to work as high quality, you need to correctly make a screed. Only in this case can be calculated on the maximum thermal conductivity.

Coverage for infrared heating

Infrared floor is considered the most expensive and convenient option, and the laminate is the most suitable coating for it. It is worth noting that it was created for laminated coating. The infrared system consists of a thin film with adopted special stripes. It necessarily stacked a substrate for a laminate for a warm floor, so no additional heating of the screed is required.

Selecting the laminated coating, you need to focus on such characteristics of the laminate as:

  • thickness - more than 8 mm;
  • wear resistance class 33;
  • availability of labeling.

The most modern option is the heated laminate. It is worth noting that with the arrangement of the infrared system of the floor, it is necessary to secure grounding.

Laminate with heated

The ideal solution will be heated laminate. By purchasing such a product, you can combine flooring with the heating system. Heating elements are located not under the floor, but directly in the laminate. As a result, they are not under the floor, but right in the panels.

Thermal energy when using this product easily enters the air. A big advantage is that the floors can be placed, making heated and unheated areas.

Choosing a laminate for purpose

Be sure to choose how to choose the laminated panels for purpose. The apartment or the house is divided into several zones, namely:

  • bedroom, living room;
  • kitchen, office;
  • corridor;
  • bath, bathroom, loggia.

In each case, the choice of laminate should be purely individual. Waterproof laminate for a warm floor is perfect for the kitchen. At the same time, laminated panels must have special water repellent compositions with a wax content.

The joints of the panel connecting must be carefully handled the sealant. The most suitable class of laminate is 32-33.

For the bathroom, bathroom and loggia when choosing a laminate, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in these rooms the temperature should be no more than 28 degrees. Be sure to install the thermostat and the temperature sensor. This will prevent overheating of the floor covering and deformation of the panels. Among the main requirements you need to highlight such as:

  • the presence of a water-repellent layer;
  • high-quality coverage.

Connection joints must be treated with a sealant.

Choosing a laminate for installation method

The method of connecting panels, in particular adhesive and castle, is of great importance. It is advisable to acquire laminated panels with a lock connection, since when heated they will not be deformed.

There are several types of lock connections that are simply ideal for laying a laminate on a warm floor.

How to choose a substrate

Laminate, designed to decorate the floor heated, must have a certain marking. The substrate for a laminate for a warm floor should also have the appropriate distinctive signs that are applied to packaging. Next to them indicates the maximum allowable temperature. When choosing a substrate, you need to consider such characteristics as:

  • thermal insulation;
  • noise insulation;
  • depreciation.

Be sure to choose to choose for a laminate. It should be taken into account that the substrate thickness must be no more than 3 mm so that even the most minor irregularities can be smoothed, but it does not need to be isolated below the heating element below. It is best to choose a substrate made of polystyreneol, plugs, polyethylene agent.

What products are better to purchase

Many users are interested in which firm to choose a laminate so that such a product has been served for a long time. A rather good product is HARO products, as it is characterized by a high degree of wear resistance, reliability and stability.

The most popular laminated panels are QUICK-STEP products, as it is performed very skillfully and the panels can be easily confused with a natural board. The floor from such a material will serve for a long time, and its aesthetic appearance will delight both guests and owners of the house.

Recently, the manufacturers of warm floors increasingly declare that their systems are suitable for laying for any type of flooring, including laminate, parquet board and an array. Is it really?

Indeed, it is possible to put a water warm floor under laminate with your own hands and safely operate it, but for this you will need to strictly follow the manufacturer's instruction and execute the recommendations specified by it.

Is it possible to lay water floors under laminate and parquet

There are justified fears regarding the use of laminate, array and parquet board as an outdoor coating for warm floors. This is due to the two features of this material:

It turns out that laying of laminate on a water warm floor (like any other glued sexual coating) is possible, but for this it will be necessary to choose the appropriate material and comply with special recommendations, relative to laying and operation.

In the operating instructions, it is separately indicated for which the material is designed for the heating. It is strictly forbidden to use a laminate with a water warm floor, designed for electric heating.

How effectively warm water floors under laminate

Initially, I would like to notice that putting laminate on the warm floors is not an ideal solution. As already noted above, the wrong choice of flooring can affect not only the deadlines for its operation, but also to affect the health of the owners of the apartment or private house. But if laminate is still selected, compliance with certain instructions.

Otherwise, the heating system "Warm water floor" laminated under laminately effectively heats the room. The material itself is quickly heated and retains warmth well. The thickness of the cake of the coating remains minimal compared to the tile.

Another advantage is the ability to mount a parquet board or array. The limiting heating temperature of the heat carrier up to 27-8 ° C is quite enough to maintain a normal, comfortable mode indoor.

Restrictions in water warm floor capacity associated with interpretation features make limited operation of the heating system as the main source of heating.

How to put a warm floor, instruction on laying

The selection of laminate under the warm floors is extremely important and affects the timing of the coating. It will also be necessary to strictly observe the laying order installed by the manufacturer:

Laminate laying should be assigned exclusively to professionals. Despite the visible ease of installation work, there are some nuances that often do not take into account beginner assemblers. As a result, over time, the design of the floor gives a shrinkage, the symptops appear, the joints are disengaged, etc.

The warm water floor device with laminate does not "forgive" any errors associated with the installation of the coating.

What to fill a warm water floor system (which screed)

The laying technology of the floorboard and laminate implies the preparation of the perfectly level base for the installation of the coating. Ways to align the floor, which are used in normal cases, are not suitable for warm floors. One of the reasons for the screens is just a poorly aligned floor before laying.

When choosing a composition for pouring floors, some features should also be taken into account:

- An ordinary cement solution under the influence of temperature difference begins to crumble, crack, loses its integrity and strength. Therefore, the technology of manufacturing composition for a screed involves the use of special plasticizers. At the same time, professionals are advised not to save on additives. The required amount of plasticizer is clearly indicated on the package.
  • Smooth surface - Laying of adhesive laminate requires a perfectly smooth surface. Often, the masters allow an error trying to align the finishing layer using conventional adhesive compositions for tiles. As a result, after time, such a layer simply lags behind the main screed. Lining under the laminate is also not able to eliminate all the differences.
  • Thermal conductivity - If we consider that for heating the room, the heating system must be preheated to heat the screed and coating, it becomes clear that the cement composition must have increased thermal conductivity. The efficiency of heat transfer is largely affected by the feasibility of using laminate or parquet.

  • All three of the above aspects explain why the largest manufacturers are recommended in the structures of floors using laminate to use ready-made mixtures. It is impossible to make a solution that fully appropriate to the technical characteristics of the finished composition.

    How to choose a water floor laminate

    What laminate for a warm water floor to choose? If it is firmly decided to use this particular coating, then you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

    The breed of natural wooden parquet, suitable for water heating floor, is glued directly to the base of the concrete floor. The use of the substrate is not provided.

    Mounting errors

    Montage errors allow not only newcomers, but also professionals in their case. Basically, miscalculations are associated with the following aspects:
    • The choice of material is cork laminate and another floor covering with a thickness of more than 10 cm, it is strictly not suitable for the warm floors. The lack of heat transfer leads to the need to increase the heating temperature of the coolant and as a result healing the laminate over 30 ° C, and this leads to the appearance of toxic evaporation.
      There are many samples of parquet boards and laminate, which recommended to be used for water warm floors.
    • Use with laminate of carpet - Another common problem. After laying the laminate on top of it a steering rug, installed furniture, etc. At the site of the underwear of the warm floors, an additional coating should not be, as this leads to overheating.
    • Violation of laying technology - The greater the prepared surface, the greater the likelihood that after the year of operation, parquet or laminate will not be made of screens and other noises when walking.
    Laminate and parquet board are not the best solution to the facing of warm floors. But subject to certain rules, their use can be effective and safe.

    Laminate is the most common outdoor material that is very popular in our country. In parallel with this, the popularity and technology of warm floors is gaining. Given this, some may have a question if it is possible to lower the laminate on the warm floors. The answer to this question will be positive if you consider some important nuances when choosing it. In this article we will help you to figure out which laminate is better for a warm floor.

    Marking - an important selection criterion

    Outdoor coating for electric heating

    Ideal solution - laminate with built-in heated

    There are quite a few people who are afraid to combine this coating with systems of warm floors. If you treat this category, then you will be interested to learn about the new development - laminate with the built-in heating system of Alloc Heating System. Comparatively recently in our country it became possible to purchase such a system. By purchasing it, you at the same time do floor flooring and its heated. Heating elements are not under the floor, but directly in the laminate. As a result, thermal energy easily enters the air. The heating element itself is located between the layer of sound absorbing insulation and the HDF carrier plate. Due to this, thermal losses are reduced to 30%.

    The following is a number of specifications that make this product unique in its kind:

    • The cost of the product is 30% cheaper than electric warm floor.
    • Power of slats 60 W / m 2.
    • You can lay the floors, making heated and unheated areas.
    • Excellent inertial parameters: 10 min at indoor room 20 ° C.

    Residential area can be divided into several separate zones:

    • Sleeping.
    • Kitchen, office.
    • Corridor.
    • Bathroom, bathroom, loggia.

    In each individual case, the choice of laminate for a warm floor by class should be made individual. Consider the features of choice for each room.


    In this room there may be several people at the same time. Given the constant movement, the high probability of falling in certain objects, the choice of fatty spots or water. The choice must be stopped on the moisture-resistant coating. At the same time, the bar must have a special water repellent composition, which includes wax. The joints of the connection of the panels should be carefully handled the sealant, as the kitchen is a place with high humidity. Stripping from this, the appropriate class 32-33. This type of product has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. But if in the base to put a system based on water heating and pour it with a cement screed, one can achieve the desired floor temperature and air, respectively.

    Bathroom, Bathroom and Loggia

    In these premises, the flooring of the floor heating is performed very often. It is important here to comply with one requirement - maintaining the temperature not more than 28 ° C. To monitor temperature control, the temperature sensor and the thermostat is set. Such care will prevent overheating of the coating and deformation of the panels. With regard to the requirements for laminate, they are like:

    • The presence of a moisture-repellent layer.
    • High-quality laminated coating.
    • Connection joints to process sealant.

    Complies with such requirements a product of class 32-33.

    Bedroom and corridor

    • The presence of sound-absorbing and antistatic effect.
    • Moisture resistance.
    • Fire protection.

    For such premises, you can safely choose 21 and 22 class. For heating of the floor, you can integrate electrical mats or infrared film floor. To implement a warm floor, you will not need to make a floor screed. As a last resort, perform a finishing screed that will eliminate all the irregularities of the base.

    An important role is played by the method of connecting lamellae. There are two: Castle and adhesive. To lay the lamella to the warm floor, you can only use the lock connection. When using the glue of the panel can float when the floor is heated and deformed.

    As for the castle compounds, they are divided into two types:

    1. Click.
    2. Lock.

    Lock Castle works on the principle of spike groove. CLICK connection is more complicated. For laying on a warm floor, in principle, both of these castle connections can be used.

    The CLICK connection method is recommended for a warm floor. This connection has high strength. Therefore, when fluctuating the temperature of the joint, the lamella will behave calmly and are not deformed. Plus, such a laminate does not require an ideally smooth surface.

    So, we learned about how to choose a laminate for laying it on a warm floor. An important role is played by the selection of the substrate. This is a separate topic, but if briefly, its thickness should not exceed 3 mm. To do this, you can purchase a substrate from extruded polystyrene with perforation. We will be interested in your opinion regarding the choice of laminate. Leave your comments at the end of this article.


    From the provided video material, you can get additional information regarding the choice of laminate for a warm floor:

    Laminate is one of the most popular flooring all over the world and the CIS countries in particular. The article will discuss how much laminate is better for a warm sex and, what are the features of the combination of such a coating with the heating system.

    Selection of laminate for labeling

    To date, there is not one species of laminated coating. For laying on top of the warm floor system, not each of these species is suitable. The easiest laminate will actually be good, because The operational characteristics of this material are very high, but as for heating, the flooring will be ineffective.

    The reason is the low thermal conductivity of traditional laminated panels. Accordingly, the use of a simple laminate as a heated coating will have to be abandoned, otherwise the floors will always be cold or have to constantly use the heating system at full power.

    Most global manufacturers took care to get high-quality laminate compatible with the room heating system. As a result, it turned out a number of products that are marked with special markings.

    Also on the package, the manufacturer indicates the maximum temperature to which the material can be warmed up, and the documentation makes information on the coated heating systems: electrical, infrared or water underground floor.

    If the laminate was purchased with the observance of optimal parameters, the performance of the heating system will be at a high level, because The heat-generated thermal energy will pass through the flooring, the maximum warm air.

    Thermal resistance of floor coverings

    In Europe, the optimal value of the CCC when laying on top of the warm floor system is not more than 0.15 kW per square meter. The same value refers to the substrate under the laminate flooring. The final CTS is a combination of the above indicators: for coating and for the substrate.

    The level of thermal resistance of the laminate is formed due to its main parameters: thickness and density. Naturally, the maximum warming will be ensured how the value of these parameters will decrease.

    The use of the coating with a large value of the CTS is fraught with overheating of the substrate and coating, and can also be contemplated by the heating circuit of the heating system. Accordingly, CCC is very important before purchasing materials. A high-quality substrate for a warm floor will provide a higher efficiency of the heating system.

    Laminate classification for various types of warm floor system

    It is important to take into account the class of laminate heating system. In any case, the flooring subjected to loads, but we are talking about the regular heating of the material, which is comparable to extreme loads.

    The temperature control can be adjusted by adjusting the power of the heating system using a thermostat and a special regulator. The constant exceeding the permissible working temperature is fraught with the deformation of laminated boards and the allocation of substances harmful to the human body - formaldehydes.

    Laminate for film infrared warm floor

    Infrared floor heating technology has several advantages. For example, heating occurs with not the highest power, but excellent heat transfer. Therefore, the film warm floor under the laminate is very well suited.

    To determine which laminate is suitable for a warm floor, it is necessary to choose from the following criteria:

    • resistance to wear of the 33th or 34th grade;
    • the thickness of the panels should be at least 0.85 centimeters;
    • just as in the case of the previous type of warm floors, there should be a marking that the laying can be carried out on top of infrared warm floor (read also: "").

    Laminate on electric warm floor

    The effectiveness of electrical heating elements when heating floors is no worse than in infrared films. Again, when choosing a laminate, it is worth paying attention to the labeling of specific varieties in order to determine the possibility of their laying on top of the electric heap system.

    The following features are also very important:

    • increased thermal conductivity of laminate for a warm floor with a power mill;
    • high resistance to abrasion during operation;
    • environmental purity of the material used in the production of material;
    • excellent strength characteristics against mechanical impact.

    Laminate with built-in heated

    Many owners are afraid to unite flooring from laminate with heating system, because for them manufacturers have developed a unique option - laminated coating, modified by the heating system of Alloc Heating System.

    In the domestic construction market, such a coating appeared quite recently and has not yet gained such demand as in European countries. There are heating elements in the thickness of the laminated panel, and therefore it is not a coating, but immediately air masses above it, which increases the efficiency of the system. Thermal losses with such a design decrease by almost a third.

    This type of laminate has the following characteristics:

    • material is cheaper by more than one third compared with the cost of electric heating floor and suitable laminate in the aggregate;
    • the power of one laminated bar is from 60 watts per square meter;
    • styling can be made with alternation of types of laminate, which will create indoor sections with heated and without it;
    • after turning off the system, the air warming continues for 10 minutes, which allows you to significantly save electrical energy if the thermostat and regulators are properly configured to automatically control the operation of the warm floor.

    Do not think that such a coating does not have a variety in terms of design. Production intensity increases every day, and then make ultra-modern floors, which will look original in the photo and with visual inspection, is not difficult.

    Selection of laminate for destination

    The apartment, as it should be divided into several zones:

    • sleeping rooms;
    • kitchen unit;
    • cabinet;
    • corridor;
    • sanitary node and balcony, as room with the most severe operating conditions of the floor covering.

    For each particular room, it is necessary to choose laminate for a number of criteria that may coincide with those that have been identified for the heating system, and can complement it.

    Kitchen block

    Loads on the floors in the kitchen are extreme, because in the average family, this part of the house is constantly busy in one or more tenants. The features of their activities are such that the floor constantly falls something, dripping, it is buried and soaked in various substances.

    Sanitary node and balcony

    These rooms are perhaps the most popular in the question of laying the heated flooring. The reason is that the temperature in them is dramatically reduced due to increased humidity in both cases and open air access in the case of the balcony.

    In fact, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 28 degrees Celsius for the normal use of these parts of the house. You can adjust the temperature with the help of thermostat and regulators, which will also be an additional protection against excess heating of the laminate.

    Directly to the laminate, when it is selected for laying in these parts of the house, it is necessary to establish the following requirements:

    • mandatory moisture-repellent layer;
    • high quality surface protective layer;
    • seal-treated joints.

    Usually all this corresponds to Laminate of the 32-33rd classes.

    Sleeping Rooms and Corridor

    The most suitable laminate for these premises is the one whose matte surface.

    He should also answer a number of requirements:

    • high degree of sound absorption;
    • antistatic effect;
    • resistance to moisture;
    • increased flame retardant.

    Usually the coating 21-22th grade is suitable. Electrical mats or infrared film are used as a heating system. Installation of the system can not even be laid on a high-strength tie, because There will be a thin finish layer, which will eliminate any irregularities.


    A very important part of the laminated coating is the method of fixing the panels among themselves. To date, two ways are known: Castle and Adhesive. For heated floors, only the system with locking fasteners is suitable, since glue cannot be heated.

    There are two main varieties of castles:

    1. Click. - Complex connection with additional elements that improve the fixation of the panels.
    2. Lock - The simplest castle of the spike groove system.

    The click is more reliable. Its enhanced strength allows you to protect the joints of the panels from the deformation when the temperature changes and the increased mechanical load. Moreover, laying the laminate with such a compound is not for the most flat surface.


    The article describes in detail the process of choosing a laminate compatible with a warm floor system. Do not forget that not only the coating determines the effectiveness of floating floors, but also other elements: heating system itself, substrate, etc. If there are difficulties in the laying of the selected laminate and the heating system, you can always contact the specialists who save time, strength and money of the customer, having completed work qualitatively.