Bottle lamp with your own hands. Lamps and lamps from plastic and glass bottles with their own hands

Make a lamp of the bottle with your own hands is quite easy. Of course, it's not as easy as folded paper airplane, after all, here you have to deal with a drill, if you want to do everything beautiful, but still not so difficult, how to build a chair, for example. We describe the general principle of creating a lamp from a bottle that you can customize under your own ideas. Successes!

Required materials and tools:

  • drill and glass drill, or
  • diamond disk for the Bulgarian (if you plan to cut off the bottom of the bottle),
  • any adhesive mass that can be covered with sharp edges of the drilled hole so that they do not cut the wire,
  • garland or lamp with a cartridge (depending on your goals),
  • if desired, various decorations such as lampshar, etc.

Table lamp from a bottle with your own hands

How to make a lamp of a bottle with your own hands: Step by step instructions

First of all, cool the bottle: it will facilitate the drilling process.

In order to drill or cut the glass, you need to be neat and careful. If suddenly someone from your friends works with glass, you can turn to this person; Otherwise, do not be lazy to buy a drill on the glass: so you will avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of a cracked or burst surface of the bottle.

By cooling the bottle, check the point in which you plan to make a hole. Breathe patience: drill better slowly, from time to time giving a drill to cool. The same applies to the Bulgarian with a diamond disk.

Drilling a hole, you completed the most time-consuming stage of all work. Now you need to remove the sharp edges of the hole so that they do not cut the wire of the lamp. To do this, you can use sandpaper, cleaning sharp edges, or any adhesive mass - for example, plasticine. For wide holes, the adjacent rubber sealer for the crane is also suitable.

The final step remained - or insert a lamp with the base in the neck of the bottle, or fill the garland bottle, stretching through a drilled hole wire to the outlet. If you cut off the bottom, you need to stretch the wire bulbs through the neck of the bottle, leaving the light bulb itself inside the bottle. In fact, the bottle lamp is ready. It remains only to decorate it: hang lampshade, paint, etc.

And so that you feel easier to decide on the design of your future lamp, we have collected for you 27 photos of the lamps from the bottle. Happy viewing!

Bottles unusual chandelier

Candlesticks from bottles as an exquisite decoration

The idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the bottle do it yourself

Tender decoration of the table with their own hands

Bottle with butterflies pattern

How to make such engraving on glass, we told in the article.

Bottle and garlands lamp do it yourself

Black label label with label

The bottle can be filled with pebbles ...

... or glass. Or any other small objects that seem beautiful to you and are not prone to fire.

Green Wine Bottles Lamps

Suspended lamps that will be an interior highlight

Bottle lamp do it yourself

Suspended lamps from cognac bottles

Bottle Table Lamp with Square Exotic

Bottle chandelier, perfectly inscribed in deliberately rough bar

Idea gift chemist

Painted Bottles for Lamp

A simple invention of the Brazilian mechanic - a light well made of water and a plastic bottle, has become an alternative to a 40-60 watt light bulb and a lamp, which is now used in hundreds of thousands of houses in Tanzania, Bangladesh, Fiji, Argentina, India and poor countries where people live in camorks Without windows and electricity.

Brazilian mechanic Alfredo Moser (Alfredo Moser) came up with a cunning construction, which each can take advantage of, since in Brazil, it is commonly divided by its inventions, and not to protect them with patents. In a 2-liter plastic bottle pour water and a little chlorine to prevent the growth of microorganisms. Then the bottle is supervised out through a small hole, made in the roof and the joint are filled with a frozen silicone sealant so that the roof does not flow during the rain.

Due to the refraction of rays in the water, the bottle effectively disperses the light indoors. Measurements have shown that one two-liter bottle gives a light stream similar to a 40-60-watt incandescent lamp.

Unlike the enterprising Edison, the Brazilian inventor did not earn no cent a "light bulb". He now lives in a simple house and drives a car of 1974 release. But it has something to be proud: the light wells of this type have already massively establish at least 15 countries. Although it is unlikely that the author himself could suggest such popularity of a simple proposed design, but the fact remains a fact. According to the director of the charitable organization MyShelter Foundation with Phillippine, by the beginning of the next year with water will be covered at home about a million inhabitants: "Alfredo Moser has changed the life of a huge number of people, I think forever," he says.

Of course, this model can be improved using a small solar panel and illuminate the room at night when there is no sunlight. But for millions of dense city slums of Central America, where there are very few windows and people live in the dark without access to light bulbs and light, this invention has become really tremendous.

The energy of the Sun is used in various spheres of human activity. It would seem that we managed to get everything from the sun, which can be warm, electricity, food, but the human fantasy is limitless, and you once again make sure that when you look at this homemade.

So, what we need:
- ordinary;
- metal slate for roof;
- purified water;
- sandpaper;
- silicone sealant;
- Chlorine

Cut a 9-10 inch piece of metal coating for the roof.

On the remaining 2 mm, we make cuts and twist them up.

We take emotional paper or metal brush and make scratches on the middle of the bottle so that the glue is better soaked and fixed it.

Glue bottle and apply silicone sealant so that the design is completely sealed and did not flow.

Take the workpiece and pour about 10 ml chlorine into it.

The rest is poured with purified water.

Light bulb is actually ready. It remains to install it. And it is installed right on the roof. To do this, we do a hole on the roof over the diameter of the bottle. Next, it remains only to apply glue to the roof of the room, which needs to be illuminated and install the bottle - the light bulb into place, that is, to push through the hole on the roof and fix it with glue.

For better fixation, you can drill a few holes on the iron piece of the bulb and fasten it to the main roof of the screws of the screws. Again, do not forget about the need to use the sealant so that our roof suddenly began to flow into rainy weather.

Finally, you need to take care of the safety of the lid of our light bulb, which can crack under the right rays of the sun. In order to avoid this, we put a plastic tube of larger diameter on the plug and cover everything with sealant.

Each house on the balcony or in the storage room, a garage or a barn, as a rule, a large number of plastic bottles and glass accumulates as the consumption of various products. Next, this trash is thrown into garbage. But you can come up with a more worthy application in everyday life, for example, make a lamp on a bottle or original chandelier. It is die by even inexperienced home masters.

In this article:

Glass bottle chandelier with their own hands

A chandeliers are used as the main source of light in almost every home or apartment. Such lighting equipment can be made independently in domestic conditions. And most importantly - such a lighting device can not be bought anywhere else, that is, it will be a beautiful exclusive product.


  • Glass bottles - the amount, the size of the blanks at will.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Glass cutter.
  • Wire.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Protective facilities - mask, glasses, gloves.

Having collected all the necessary materials and tools, you can start making a homemade chandelier.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1

It is necessary to soak the bottle for a while in the water. This will make it easy to remove the labels from it, wash off various pollution. After careful cleaning and washing, the workpiece must be enjoyed well.

Step 2.

After the bottle is dried, a cut is made at the desired level using glass cutter. To obtain as a result, an ideally smooth cut line, this procedure is recommended to produce slowly, systematically.

Important! All work with glass is necessarily carried out in the means of protection.

In the event that the houses did not turn out to be glasswise, the cut can be performed using an ordinary thread. How to do it right, there are many demonstration video on the Internet.

Step 3.

After the discharge made, the workpiece must be substitched under the faucet first with hot water, then with cold. Due to the sharp heating, and then sharp cooling, the unnecessary part of the glass will drop exactly along the cut.

Step 4.

The cut line is processed using sandpaper. As a result, it should get enough smooth and smooth.

Step 5.

Taking a screwdriver in the hands, you need to disassemble the lamp, gently pull the electrical wire. Then you need to gently turn through the neck of the bottle. The lamp is going back, its performance is checked.

Step 6.

Final stage - decoration of an exclusive illuminator. On the product, ranging from the neck, the ordinary wire of any color is wound, depending on the preference of the owner or correspondence of the color range of other elements of the interior of the room.

The illuminator is ready, it remains only to mount it in place. If desired, he can give any designer species, for example, paint. The main task is that the homemade lighting device organically fit into the surrounding environment.

Recommendations! To decorate the chandelier, a glass stone is perfect, but it is worth considering that the traffic light will slightly decrease. It is better to take the stones of different shades to reproduce the effect of the game of flowers. The main thing is that the product is organically looked. For fastening glass pebbles, special adhesive is used capable of withstanding temperature differences.

The homemade illuminator will be completely ready for operation only after drying the adhesive composition, it will ensure the maximum reliability of the connection of glass parts. It will take about a day. As you can see, make a lamp from the bottle is not difficult.

Desktop lamp made of glass bottle with their own hands

For the manufacture of an unusual night lamp in household conditions, you can use the wine container a kind of form. Features of lighting will depend on the color of the selected workpiece. In the event of the original decoration, the product perfectly fit into any interior solution of the room.


  • Wine glass bottle.
  • Diamond drill.
  • Patch.
  • Shade.
  • Table lamp of small sizes with electrically wire sufficient length and switch.
  • Defense means: mask, glasses, gloves.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Old towel.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1

From the bottom on the workpiece we plan space for the hole through which the electrically conductive will be traded. At this place glue the plaster. We put on the means of protection.

Step 2.

We make a hole for an electric cord with a diamond drill. For this, the glass blank is put in a towel and start drilling a hole. This event may be needed about 30 minutes.

Step 3.

After drilling, we soak the workpiece in hot water. Outlet labels, plaster.

Step 4.

Using a screwdriver, disassemble the table lamp, carefully, so as not to damage the design elements, pull the cord.

Step 5.

In the well-done hole, we produce the electrical wire, stretch it to the sorry itself. Back collect the lamp, fix the lamp on the neck.

Desktop night light from a wine glass bottle with their own hands. Checking its performance. If there is a desire, you can additionally decorate the product using a wide variety of jewelry. For example, you can use multi-colored glass pebbles.

Recommendations! For making at home, with your own hands, any decorative lighting devices are best used wine bottles, as they differ from original forms and sizes. It provides the ability to do really exclusive interior items that can decorate any room.

You can also make a similar lamp made of plastic bottle. On the Internet you can find many options for such structures made in domestic conditions with your own hands, with detailed instructions and video.

Plastic and glass surround us everywhere and very often bottles of these materials accumulate in large numbers and litto the balconies, garages, sheds and verandas. You can simply bring everything into a landfill, but it is better to try to use them like a material for creative ideas.

Even inexperienced masters under the power of creating an original lamp with their own hands from plastic or glass bottles. It is enough to inspire the ideas presented and armed with our advice and recommendations.

Wine Bottle Table Lamp

Beautiful and unusual night lights can be made of wine bottles that can have the most bizarre form. From the color of glass will depend on the features of lighting. Bottles lamps with original design fit perfectly into a modern interior.

For the manufacture of a cozy night light, one bottle is needed, simple short garlands, greasy tape and drill with a special drill for tiles and glass. The color of the light bulb on the garland is better to pick up the color of the bottle glass. For example, a light bulb with yellow light (warm lighting) is suitable for tara from dark brown glass, and a dark blue bottle will be combined with blue or white light bulbs (cold lighting).

When all materials are prepared, you can proceed to work. We take a clean dry bottle and wind up its lower part and the bottom of the painting tape in several layers. Next, we plan on the wall or day the place of the hole for the wire and drill the wet drill on medium speed, holding the drill directly and hardly fixing. If you follow all the recommendations described, the glass will not split. When the hole is ready, it should be treated with sandpaper.

The next stage is the designer design of the walls of the bottle. The most accessible option is to draw patterns with translucent stained inks. For these purposes, you can use homemade stencils. With a sufficient skill and developed fantasy, you can depict something abstract. It should be noted that without additional decoration such a table lamp will look great.

The garlands light bulbs are lowered into a bottle through the hole, leaving the necessary part of the wire with a fork. The lamp is assumed to orient up the neck upright.

Glass Peresvet: interesting ideas of suspended lamps for apartments and cottages

For the manufacture of the lamp, you can use not only wine bottles, but also curly cognac and liquor or miniature beer.

The composition of the plaffones of different sizes and forms will certainly impress guests. You can use the frame from the old chandelier, and you can fasten them like individual plaffones.

Glass is perfectly combined with a metal or wooden frame.

To carefully and safely remove the bottom of the bottle, you need to wind up a bottle along the "cut" line with a woolen thread in several layers, then tied the ends to remove the winding for wetting in acetone or vinegar and put on a bottle again. After that, the thread should be set fire and, turning the bottle, wait for it when it hurts to immediately omit the bottle into a pre-prepared basin or sink with cold water. The bottom with ease will disappear, leaving a smooth and smooth edge.

Another method requires tough fixation and glass cutter. First, with the help of glass cutters make a closed cut line. At the same time, the glass cutter is tightly pressed against the glass, and the bottle, groping between the bars, is slowly rotating. When the line is ready, the container is immersed in cold water somewhat higher than this line, and boiling water is poured through the funnel. Due to such actions, glass in the place of notch bursts, and fall off the bottom. It will only remain to handle edges with emery paper or bars. Perhaps the desired result will not be immediately, so it is for starters can be accessed on not the most beautiful bottles.

To embody the idea presented in the next photo, three identical containers made of light brown glass will be required. When the bottom is separated by the methods described above, you can start assembling and decorative design, which lies in the random winding of the copper wire.

The following version of the hanging luminaire is suitable for the kitchen and living room.

A comfortable and practical lamp for the illumination of a country porch or a gazebo for tea drinking can be made quite simply and quickly from the peeling beautiful bottles of noble alcohol. For efficiency, it is better to use energy-saving lamps.

The street lamp from bottles can be made on the basis of LED lamps on solar panels or using wax candles. Such structures are indispensable in places where it is difficult to stretch the electrical wire. Glass perfectly withstands contact with open fire, so the use of candles is completely safe.

Suspended lamps and chandeliers from elements of plastic bottles

The suspended lamp of a plastic bottle will be vague and ease of attachment. Options, how to make a plastic masterpiece set, but start better from the simplest. Consider several basic manufacturers.

Plastic lamps are well missing light and reliable in operation. This is an excellent option for a kitchen of a private house or giving.

For this option, use a 5-liter bottle and many disposable plastic spoons. The bottom of the tank must be cut off. In the spoogle cut off the handle and glue the thermoclaim to the surface of the bottle in a circle so that each subsequent row can go a little to the previous one. To close the neck, you need to make a "rim" from glued into the ring of spoons. Next, fix the cartridge and light bulb, as described above.

In the next embodiment, cut snacks that look like air 5-petal flowers appear as decor. You can use transparent bottles of different sizes, cutting only flat bottom. In this case, all the elements are connected by a rope or a caprony thread and fasten to the base in the form of a cut top of a large neck bottle. The collected chains can be of different lengths, which will give the product a more sophisticated look. The upper part of each chain should be glued to the base in such a way as to fully close its surface.

White plastic bottles with protruding bottoms from under kefir and other fermented dairy drinks can also be used. In this case, cut off the bottom with low edges. Elements connect with each other with adhesive shaped glue, having top-diameter elements, and closer to the hanging edges of the bowl - smaller. To mount the cartridge and wire, we use the already described technique using the upper part of the container.

Lamps from bottles can be made of available materials without excess costs, without special skills and quite in a short time. If you wish, you can try to test your strength on creating an exclusive plastic chandelier using the old frame.

Veusters from multicolored glass bottles from under lemonade or beer are very interesting and unusually watched. In general directions for the flight of fantasy, a great set.