The best time to plant petunia to seedlings. Petunia, landing and care or how to achieve lush flowering

Petunia is one of the most common and beloved plant gardeners, and I am not an exception among them. On my site, the color palette is changing from snow-white to burgundy and black, and bright flowers cover the ground with a multi-colored carpet. All summer cottage season.

In Nature, Petunia is growing in the warm countries of South America, and refers to the family of the Polenic, being distant relatives of tomato and eggplant.

Petunia is ordinary and terry. In ordinary varieties, the flower resembles a tiny gramophone, and terry have carved petals of an interesting form. Simple forms are more diverse on the color than terry, and there are two and even tricolor.

I prefer to combine all the simple forms, however, the terry varieties look very interesting in landings. However, they bloom less abundantly and are not so decorative, in my opinion.

This plant does not require complex care, unpretentious to the soil and grows even with minimal care, which includes a choice of space, watering and loosening.

It is abundant and beautifully blooms throughout the summer, very decorative and decorate any plot. Perhaps the only drawback of this flower - it does not winter in the open soil, so it is grown on the street as an annual. However, Petunia grows well in the pot, and it can be blossoming almost all year round.

Care for petunias, growing in the open ground and in Kashpo on the windowsill varies, so in order for your flower to be equally well felt in the apartment and open-air, the nuances and the subtleties of care need to know.

You can grow petunia:

  • seeds;
  • chat.

Traditionally, petunia is grown by the seedlings, planting seeds at about the end of February. Box with a soil before planning minutes for 10-15 needs to be put in a microwave, it will help reduce soil acid.

Sour soil seeds do not like, the germination in it is much worse.

From above to the Earth, the seeds of the petunia neatly lay, moisturize and cover the glass from above. Periodically glass need to be removed and spraying the surface of the soil with seeds with warm water.

After two or three leaves appear on spitches, small petunias can be searched on the pots, or in a box with an earth at a fairly long distance from each other - Petunia will grow very quickly and will interfere with each other.

Petunia landing in open primer should be made after steady warm weather and the earth will warm up.

How to put petunia

For Petunia, you need to choose a sunny open place in your garden - when sunlight lights, the plant will better grow and develop, although the petunia and semi-carrying flowers.

At what distance you need to land the petunia, depends on the place of landing and from neighboring plants. Petunia does not have a very powerful root system, rather superficial, and it is undesirable to plant close to other plants. The distance directly between Petunia needs to be made at least 50 cm, as the flower grows greatly

Looking out petunias simply:

  • make a small hole, well brazed soil and remove all weeds;
  • remove the petunia from the seating cup, carefully cutting it;
  • together with a lump of land, put in the landing hole;
  • put the roots of the earth;
  • pour the plant with warm water.

Prerequisite for good growth and abundant flowering - pinching. This procedure must be done. After you saw that Petunia was adapted in a new place, went into growth and released new leaves, be sure to carefully remove its top. You can cut it off with scissors, you can gently tear off.

Yes, your plant will begin to bloom a little later, two-three weeks, but Petunia will become much more magnificent, will release many side shoots, which will also cover with flowers, and will become much more abundant to bloom.

And one more secret of continuous flowering - be sure to remove those flowers that have already begun to dry. The sooner you will remove the shocking petals, the time and decorative will be the color of your petunia.

Side shoots that will release petunias after pinching can be subjected to the same procedure. Petunia is very grateful responding to this manipulation and will decorate your garden all summer.

Petunia care in open soil

As already mentioned, care for petunias does not represent any work, the most important thing is to free the soil next to them from weeds. It is necessary to do this for the following reasons:

  • petunia looks much more beautiful, when there is no weed grass nearby. However, this can be said about any flower;
  • petunia surface roots need nutrients that will take stronger and powerful weeds;
  • though petunias and resistant to diseases, but mushroom or infection can go from the weed herb.

Petunia needs to be subordinated - at the beginning of growth, as soon as the plants are rooted and captured in a new place, they should be presented with nitrogen-containing compositions, and later, when buds appear, phosphorus and potassium need for good blossom. It is best to feed the petunia with complex fertilizers, bringing them into the soil after watering.

In addition, petunitions need iron-containing fertilizer, otherwise the flower leaves will turn yellow and dry, as a result of which it will acquire a sloppy and unclean look. Petunia leaves have light green, and beautifully beautifully, so it is better to prevent them dry.

Waterproofing the petunia should be abundantly, but not very often, but not letting the earth to dispel. The soil near the roots should always be easy, since the roots are required to air, and slightly wet so that they do not dry.

To loosen the earth under plants should be carefully so as not to damage the root system, which is located close to the surface.

When frosts come, petunia flowers will be disguised, and they will need to snatch and throw it away, freeing the soil for new plants that you will land the next year. Petunia can be planted for several years at the same place.

It can be removed from the plants floral boxes, and grow from seed seedlings by the next summer. Its planting material is always better than purchased as you can be sure which flowers will grow.

Growing petunition in kashpo

Petunia is well suited for growing in pots, while they feel great and in the balcony, and in the apartment, and in the open sky. However, so that the plant felt well and beautifully looked, you need to follow some rules.

Start with a container. Choose a pot for petunia is quite simple - for ampel varieties you need at least five-liter caspo, for terry varieties there will be enough volume of three liters. At the same time, if you plant simple varieties in a pot, they should be from three to five pieces, otherwise the bush will look poor and slaughter.

Unlike petunias that grow in open ground, indoor flowers are more demanding to the composition of the soil due to limited space. Therefore, the mixture for indoor petunitions should be prepared specifically.

Special soil is sold in stores, but if you have no opportunity to purchase it, it is easy to cook suitable soil yourself.

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • and a leaf land, which should be about two times more than the remaining components.

For looseness to the ground, you can add a little perlite, and in order for the earth to remain wet - in advance the keyned hydrogel, which should be about one fifth of the total volume of the Earth in the pot.

Flower pots with petunias should be put on the sunny side, the light is very important for petunition. Usually the summer day they are enough for high-quality development, but in the fall and winter plants will need to be additionally highlighted, otherwise you will not bloom your petunias.

Caring for indoor petunias is generally the same as for those that grow in the open soil - they need to water, loose and feed. Similarly, an integrated fertilizer should be added to the container, just try not to overdo it, carefully following the instructions.

After planting the plant, it is necessary to quit, and further remove the filled flowers and fading dry shoots. Petunia in pots drying is much more dangerous than gardening colors, so it is very carefully necessary to ensure that the top layer of soil in the cadko is wet.

Petunia loves when they are sprayed on hot days with warm water from the pulverizer, they gratefully respond to such care. Do not forget that in nature Petunia grows in a hot and humid climate, and at home they need to try to create similar conditions. It is easy, the main thing is attention and patience.

In the summer to the first frosts, the pots with flowers can stand on the balcony or decorate the facade of your home, and after the first cooling it is necessary to put them into the room and put on the solar window.

If you do not plan to collect seeds from your flowers, then delete inflorescences before the seed boxes mature so that the plant does not spend extra effort on their aging.

To suitable potted pots, in a properly prepared soil, with proper care, which turns on watering, backlight, fertilizer and loosening, your petunia will delight you with your colorful bright colors all season, and upon the occurrence of spring you can render the tanks with plants to the street And planted overwhelming bushes in the open soil.

A beautiful plant belongs to the family of the Polenic, Her Motherland South America. Flowers look like a gramophone pipe. It is a favorite of gardeners engaged in landscaping and one of the most grown plants. Landing occurs through seedlings, it will allow you to follow the timing of flowering. Landing and care in open Petunia do not require special gardening knowledge as it may seem at the beginning. Its breeding can be engaged in breeding, but it will look fascinating on the area of \u200b\u200ba carpet from flowering petunias.

Landing in the open ground

In fact, it is grown as an annual plant with a height of 50 cm. Petunia varieties are divided into small and large-flowered flowering time. For landing Petunia in Open Soil, you need to choose a sunny area to pass the night cold and warm nights have been installed. She loves sunny warm, but, the direct sunshift on the petals of the plant spoil the exterior attractiveness of the plant. A plant breaks from the gusts of the wind so they plant in places covering from it. Suitable soil for petunia is loamy or sandy.

Existing primer can be corrected:

  • Poor soil - with the help of a hockey or compost or compost it fertility;
  • Descentable soil - bring sand, mixed with peat;
  • Sour soil - improve with lime.

The good quality of the plant is that it can tolerate the listened soil, but better if the land is a moisture ground, structural and loose soil is the most suitable option for cultivation of petunia. The timing of disembarking bushes in open soil depend on weather conditions during the rain and the wind should not be done. If the warm weather is observed at the end of May, it can be safely planted, and cold-resistant hybrids disembarking even early.

For landscape design, different varieties are selected and planted in a conceived order, making a distance between them 20 cm and 30 cm for large ampels.

Preparation of planting material

It is possible to grow a plant by sedale, landing seeds in February. Before landing, the land is prepared sterilized, the soil should be drainage and not acidic. There are no special devices for this, it is enough to put the primer into the microwave for 10 minutes.

If finished seedlings are already being seated, then a pot or a special meter meter is taken for such plants and no more than three bushes are planted, do not worry the petunias will grow quickly. So sit so that a powerful root system of the plant does not muffle other weaker bushes. Adhering to the instructions of the right planting plant is better and faster.

How to plant a petunia in open ground

Before planting, they choose a place where it will grow, deciding with it begin to landing:

  • Petunia exercise better in the morning and in good weather;
  • Bush take together with a lump of soil;
  • Put on the depth of the floor of the palm, about ten centimeters;
  • Large varieties of plants are planted at a distance of 30cm from each other;
  • After planting, the flowers are poured by nitrogen fertilizer.

It is necessary to follow the shoots, there are illness on them with ease, especially the "black leg" appear, in order for the manifestation of diseases to minimize the soil should not be overwhelmed and too dry. Spraying seedlings are carried out with a solution of manganese, it will not give the spread of the disease. The first seedlings appear on the 14th day. Transplant seedlings make when there are four leaves on it.

You can also put petunia seeds. In the late spring with well-established weather, the seeds are laid out in open ground and water. They grow metering seedlings, sensitive to watering and fertilizers. If they have come, then at the end of June you can see the flowering plant.

Petunia will bloom until October. If the seeds are grown in a pot, then you need to cover it with glass or food film.

For growing plants in pots and containers, special soil is needed:

  • Ferrous land;
  • Sheet;
  • Peat;
  • Sand.

In order to betray the land, the looseness is added clamzite or perlite. Also, the land can be purchased in a flower shop.


Petunia loves care and in response pleases its abundant blossom. By producing the first pickup of seedlings and when the first leaflets appear, the plant must be filled. For this use:

  • So that petunias grow well need - nitrogen;
  • To bookmark buds - phosphorus and potassium.
  • Extra-corner feeder is carried out by fertilizers with trace elements;
  • For a beautiful type of petunia, iron is needed;
  • Another plant loves potassium monophosphate.

Even for fertilizer uses a korovyan, before this is infused. In the plant, the requirements for watering are not whimsical drought resistant, can tolerate increased humidity for a long time, the bloom ceases with heavy precipitation. Stalling to cold, feeding makes every 20 days. With proper care, the plant does not hurt therefore it is desirable not to overdo it with watering and feeding. The plant needs to be periodically pouring, so the plant is cleaned of weed grass and gets air access. In case of rainy weather, the pots are entered into the room so that the plants are not damaged.

Tip: In order for the plant to be healthy, it is necessary to periodically check. Browse on the subject to identify pests and diseases. Conduct spraying with special substances of the entire plants from below and on top, separating damaged and flashing flowers.


In the classification of the plant 7 groups allocated:

  1. Grandiflora;
  2. Grandflower superbissima;
  3. Grandflower Fimbrich;
  4. Grandflower captivity;
  5. Multiflora;
  6. Multiflora captivity;
  7. Nana Compact.

Despite the "royal" Petunia names are rather unpretentious. Their height ranges from 40-60 cm, the flower diameter of 7-12 cm. A variety of color gamut, terry-velvety flowers, wavy.

No wonder Petunia has always been in demand for gardeners. Do not pay special attention to the plant gives owners a long and lush flowering to the cold weather. Try on your site or balcony to plant this miracle in the spring.

  • It is desirable to grow in one container the same for the growth and development of bushes;
  • Combining plants with different flowering period is not recommended;
  • In one pot squeeze the same type of bushes;
  • Do not transplant too often the plant;
  • It is possible to combine four types of petunition;
  • It is necessary to plant flowers in a symmetrical order in suspended kashpo;
  • Seedlings more place in the middle of the pot, and at the edges of low-speed views;

For designer performance, it is better to use pots or cheeks of white color, so a variety of plants color will attract even more attention. Landing petunitions in open ground and the departure is not a difficult occupation that occupies a little time.

Petunia is a flowering plant that belongs to the Polenic family. There are many varieties: terry, ampel, cascade, large-flowered, small-bedrooms. Also, the plant can please any flower in its diversity of colors: all shades of red, pink, blue, purple, white and so on. Any of varieties can be raised at home with a subsequent transfer of them to an open ground in the garden or in the boxes on the balcony.

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    Petunia reproduction

    To decorate your petunia flower garden, you can buy a finished seedlings and land it into the ground. And you can also purchase seeds or grow flower by shifting.

    For reproduction of a plant with cuttings, it is enough to keep the uterine plants. Petunia grown in this way they grow and bloom faster. But the plants sprouted from seeds differ endurance and abundant blossom.


    So that the seeds are certainly sprouted, you should choose fresh landing material. Sowing comes from February to April. In Central Russia and the Moscow region seeds, seeds are produced from February 1 to February 15, and in the Urals and in Siberia not earlier than the beginning of March.

    Seeds Petunia

    Before boarding, choose the right soil. For normal growth, a loose, light on mechanical composition, nutritious and neutral soil acidity.

    Seeds should be planted in special containers:

    • Embossed boxes.
    • Plastic containers.
    • Peat pills.

    Eat boxes

    Seying petunia seeds in seedlings is necessary on the surface of the Earth. They do not need to sprinkle them, just press.

    Shoots appear at a temperature of +25 degrees and air humidity 98%. To create such conditions, it is necessary to put boxes in the illuminated and warm room, and on top to cover with nonwoven web, glass or transparent film.

    Purpose material must be removed after the seedlings have grown a little.

    Peat tablets

    Petunia sowing to peat tablets are more efficient. Cultivation of seeds in this way does not require further plants in other containers. Thinking flowers can be planted immediately into the ground.

    Peat tablets contain a sufficient amount of nutrients required for young plants. In order to put the seeds in the tablet, it is necessary to put them in a plastic container, pour water and close the lid. After 15 minutes, the pills will scatter. It is necessary to drain the water, and after sowing seeds.

    Sat seeds in peat tablets are very simple. With the toothpicks, put the seed into the recess, which are topped above the tablet. Then close the container with a lid and put it on the windowsill.

    It is necessary to create the right conditions for germination of the plant and its further growth. It is necessary to open the container to ensure that the condensate is accumulated on the lid, not a drip on the sprouts.

    Plastic containers

    For the sowing, shallow plastic containers with a drainage opening are perfect.

    The container is filled with the substrate. Seeds are mixed with dry sinking sand for uniform distribution on the soil. Earth is moistened with a pulverizer. Capacities are covered with glass, film or nonwoven material.

    Picking seedlings

    Picking plants begins when leaves appear. Seared flowers must be carefully not injured them. They dig a plant along with the land to not damage the root.

    Seaming petunia is necessary in transparent cups filled with sterilized soil. During the month, Petunia will build up the root system. The growth of the leaves will begin after a month and a half. After the roots overwhelmed the earthen com, you can transplant petunias in large containers. The next stage will be a flower transplant to an open ground.

    Growing cuttings

    There are two types of petunias that do not give seeds - these are petunias of Surfinia and terry. They are easy to multiply with cuttings.

    For drawing it is necessary:

    1. 1. Collect the flowering bush shoot with two interstices.
    2. 2. Flowers and buds should be removed.
    3. 3. Cut slicing place to handle "root" and put in a glass.
    4. 4. Plant Plant in shadow.

    Three weeks later the roots are formed. Wintering plant at home at a temperature of 16 degrees.


    Before planting a plant on the street, it must be hardening for 10 days. Daytime temperatures in the first half of the term should be + 18-20 degrees during the day and night - +16 degrees. In subsequent days, it is necessary to reduce the figure for 2-3 degrees.

    In the open soil to plant petunia begin in the late spring - early summer. Sutting off young plants, it is necessary to follow the step-by-step instructions:

    1. 1. Plants are best planted in cloudy weather or after sunset.
    2. 2. Transplanting the flower is necessary with an earthen one of the pot.
    3. 3. It is necessary to prepare a yammer for a seedling with dimensions of 10 cm in depth and width.
    4. 4. Distance between petunias depends on the variety. Large-flowered planted at a distance of 23-25 \u200b\u200bcm from each other. Small-color - 18-20 cm. Ampelnaya - 28-30 cm.
    5. 5. After planting the plant should be poured.
    6. 6. The ground around bush must cover with a humor or peat. Such a shelter saves moisture and protects the flower from frosts.

    Plant care

    In order for the future plant to be pleased with his abundant blossom, it is necessary to start correctly to care for him during the landing.

    Care includes:

    • The right choice of soil.
    • Moderate watering.
    • Compliance with the light and temperature regime.
    • Plant fertilizer.
    • Topping.

    Choosing soil and watering

    For landing of petunia, you can use special soil mixtures based on peat or make a substrate independently. Before planting colors, it is necessary to displaced the Earth to Fungicide. It is necessary to protect the plant from various diseases.

    It is necessary to send seedlings in a timely manner and moderately. There are several Petunia Moisturizing Rules:

    1. 1. Eliminate watering watering. It is best to use a spray gun.
    2. 2. Do not overvaluate and do not overcover the soil. Spilled plants can get a black leg.
    3. 3. Put the plant from the pallet. This method will help support the desired humidity of the Earth.
    4. 4. Use soft water. Before watering, it is necessary to defend water during the day and add some lemon juice.
    5. 5. Water and substrate must have the same temperature.

    In sunny weather, it is best to water seedlings in the evening, since the day the water will actively evaporate.

    Lighting and temperature

    During the germination of plants, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature within +22 degrees. After the appearance of Roskov, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the content: during the day - +20 degrees, and at night +16 degrees.

    Plants are shoved by phytolampa. It is necessary for the seedlings do not stretch. Additional lighting is used after sprouts crossed. Lighting should last 16 hours a day.

    Fertilizer and pinching

    Petunia, like any other plant, is experiencing a high need for feeding. Use with special fertilizers, according to the instructions.

    For feeding, fertilizers with high potassium content are excellent. Use feeding before irrigated. The first fertilizer plants make two weeks after transshipment. Fertilizer is made every two weeks throughout the season.

    In order for the plant to be pleased with his pomp, it is necessary to make it pinching. The procedure implies the removal of abreast of shoots after formation of 4-5 sheets.

    Petunia cultivation on the balcony

    An excellent place to grow petunia is a balcony. Good fit loggias that come out on the south.

    The following plants are suitable for the balcony:

    • Ampel.
    • Garden.
    • Cascade.

    Ampel and cascade varieties are planted in suspended porridge or high vases on the balcony. Garden are grown in boxes that are placed on the floor.

    Sowing seeds and dive

    Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Soil can be purchased in a specialized store. The finished substrate should be mixed with garden earth and put in a warm place. Preparation should be engaged in February.

    In early March, the seating of planting material in the boxes begins. Previously need to moisten the soil. Seeds are stacked on the ground surface. The box must be covered on top of a film or glass. This creates a greenhouse effect.

    Box with plants must be on the sunny side of the balcony. Petunia will take up with good lighting. Purpose material is removed with sufficient germination of sprouts. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, you can start diving. Picking is made in plastic cups, in which you need to pre-make holes for drainage. In the tank, they will be before the transplant to the balcony containers.


    Petunia transfer to a permanent place occurs in May. At this time, plus temperature is installed and the threat of frosts disappears. For landing, it is best to use drawers and special vases. Petunia is planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. To water the plants less often, you can use the ground in a mixture with hydrogel in a ratio of 5: 1.

    Proper plant care includes:

    1. 1. Moderate watering. The land should not be overwhelmed or dry. Petunia in vases must be watered more often than plants in boxes. Watering is carried out in the afternoon, in the morning or evening. In hot weather, watering increases, and in the cool - decreases.
    2. 2. Timely fertilizer. The feeder is made every two weeks. Great fertilizers containing potassium.
    3. 3. Compliance with the optimal temperature regime. High temperature can harm the flower. In such conditions, the cobweb tick is actively developing. For timely detection of the pest, it is necessary to constantly inspect petunia.
    4. 4. Pag. The purchase is necessary for the formation of new side shoots. Thus, the plant will be more lush and will form a greater number of buds. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a month.
    5. Chlorosis can be determined by yellowed and faded leaves. The plants are treated with iron chelate.

      Puffy dew is manifested in the form of spots on the leaves. Fungicide "Topaz" is used to get rid of the plant from the disease.

      In preventive purposes, it is necessary to spray petunia every three weeks.

      Petunia is a flowering plant that can please any gardener. They decorate not only flower beds in the gardens, but also home balconies. You can grow a flower both seeds and cuttings. And the correct care will help to achieve lush and bright flowering throughout the season.

Petunia is one of those annuals, without which it is impossible to present the summer season. Gorgeous clouds and waterfalls of bright flowers are decorated in the warm season of the city streets and verandas. And each flower on the threshold of spring is worried about the question - when sow petunia on the seedlings and how to provide such conditions to it that will help achieve lush and long-lasting flowering.

From sowing to shoots

Petunia (Lat. Petunia) does not apply to those plants that can be called easy for growing from seeds. All the difficulty of planting petunia to seedlings is that this flower requires a sufficiently long period of vegetation before the first inflorescences will drop. This means that in the seeding calendar seeds of various plants, one of the first flower should stand Petunia. When to plant this flower to seed out - the question is ambiguous. Some flower products are recommended to do this in the middle-end of February, then the pet guarantees the buds in May.

Petunia seeds are very small - and this is the second difficulty associated with how to sow petunia to seed out. Such seeds (the size of less poppy grains) can not be soiled in the soil deep. Small seeds, getting into heavy soil, and even for a large distance from the surface of the soil just do not germinate. Therefore, in order to ensure friendly shoots, a number of conditions must be observed when crops:

These simple techniques will help to understand how to plant a petunia on the seedlings and how to avoid the richest mistakes that beginning a flowerflower when germinating its seeds. It must be said that since the seeds of Petunia are very small, then the shoots that appeared from them will at first be very thin and weak. So that the seedlings have gained strength and grate, they need heat and light. And the latter in the February windowsides of the dacnishers usually just lack.

Even in March, the level of lighting in ordinary apartments is usually insufficient to ensure that the southern thermal-loving plants develop well

Those who are looking for an answer to the question when to plant a petunia on seedlings, specialists offer two options: either pull with plant sowing until the illumination reaches satisfactory indicators (and this is the end of March-April) and then forced to spur the development of the plant, crossing Its stimulants and fertilizers, or spend sowing at the end of February and provide advice to additional backlight. The second option is more favorable for plants, because in this case they have the opportunity to develop in a natural pace for themselves.

From shoots to dive

If the flower descene fulfilled everything in the first stage, then it is waiting for timely and friendly shoots. Seeds are usually punctured within 2-3 weeks. Not all newbies manage to wait for germs, because it is expected for a long time, many people think that the undertaking failed and throwing the started. But you should not hurry and lower your hands. The main thing is during this period - do not overcoat the upper layers of the soil. If the apartment is cold enough (below 18 degrees of heat) and damp, then the surface pot can be covered with mold and all efforts will come to no.

Fungal diseases may affect the plants already, so it is very important to contain them in good conditions. Shoots should not be too close from each other, plantation should be well covered and ventilatedThis is the key to the fact that plants will develop correctly and gain strength.

The fact that the seedlings should be alarming. If this happens, it means there is a lack of lighting or crops are thickened, and often the first and second is also observed. In order for the grown petunias to grow correctly, you need to make them picking on time, that is, to send seedlings.

In order for the period from sowing to the dive to be successful, and the plants pleased their rapid growth and healthy appearance, flower needs to comply with several basic conditions.. The main ones are:

  • the best temperature for the development of seedlings is 22-24 degrees of heat;
  • watering is better to carry out right under the root (it is convenient to use syringe for this);
  • light day should be 10-12 hours (it is desirable to organize an additional backlight).

Given these requirements, it becomes clear, how to sow petunia on seedlings And ensure its correct care in the earliest stages of development, when plants are most vulnerable. Of course, the process of growing seedlings always requires a certain effort from gardener. But, while growing it alone, the amateur flower can be sure not only as the landing material obtained, but also in the fact that he settled on its site exactly the varieties that are marked on the package, and not the "cat in the bag" acquired At random vendors on the tray.

From dive to flowering

Picking seedlings produced at the age of 3-4 weeks, when 5-6 strong real leaves were formed. If the ground is loose, and the plants are sown not too tight, then they are usually not difficult to divide them. Capacity with seedlings turn over to extract an earth's coma, and then it is neatly erected, along the way, separating the plants from each other. If the soil is dense, and the roots in it are firmly awake, you can apply another method. The substrate is placed for some time in the pelvis with water, and after the earth wet well, the plants are easily removed from it and separate from each other.

Then each instance is seated separately into the prepared capacity. Sometimes the long main root is trimmed so that it is not bent, but this condition is not mandatory. It is better to choose a new container so that the root system is freely placed in it and had some reserve for further development. Too big pot for growing petunia do not needBut the constrained conditions also do not fit. The optimal volume of the picking tank is approximately equal to the size of a disposable plastic cup by 200 ml.

Watering and fertilizer

In the future, it is necessary to monitor the timely irrigation and fertilizer of plants. Immediately after the dive, fertilize petunia should not, but after 2-3 weeks you can make feeding with complex fertilizers for flowering plants. And to repeat this procedure is necessary every 3 weeks until the landing on the main place of growth, be it outdoor soil or balcony boxes. Sometimes, to prevent fungal diseases and strengthen seedlings, the plants spray with a solution of manganese. This procedure can be carried out at any time since the first weeks of the life of the seedlings. Adult plants fertilize at least 1-2 times a month.

If everything is done correctly and on time, by mid-May the plants will throw out the first buds. It is possible to plant in the open ground petunia in the middle of May in the southern regions and in mid-June - in the northern. When transplanting it is important to provide its pets regular moisturizing, and the soil intended for transplant should be air-permeable and loose. Plot for growing petunition should be well lit and exposed to sufficient solar radiation.

These conditions will help the plant to fully reveal their potential and deliver the flower with lush and colorful flowering.