The best colors in the garden. Unpretentious perennials, blooming all summer: photo and name

The decoration of the country area is a difficult task, requiring not only aesthetic taste, but also of certain knowledge in the field of floristics and gardening. Selecting the plant for the flower garden, you need to make sure that they will harmonize each other in shape, size and color, and will also comply with care requirements. If the landscape design - until the topic studied by you, we suggest learn, what flowers to put in the countryTo bloom all summer - photos and details.

Flowers at the cottage create comfort

Why do many gardeners prefer to arrange a variety of flower beds from plants that do not lose decorativeness all three hot months? The answer is simple - it facilitates care. When the period of flowering plants on one flower is long and completely coincides, there is no need to fill out empty places or completely replace plantations.

Plants for summer flower beds - annuals or perennials?

The range of blooming all summer of decorative crops is represented by annual and perennial species. Gardeners are actively used both those and others. The advantage of annuals is the opportunity for each season to draw a cottage in a new way. Even using last year's seeds, you can create different figures and combinations.

Perennials are characterized by simplicity of care. They winter perfectly, so they do not need to grown every year from scratch. In addition, during transplanting perennial flowers can be divided, thereby increasing the number of bushes.

Stock Foto Flowering all summer colors with description - annual


On the photo of Dorfotheca

Dorphothek feels well on fertile and well-drained soil at high illumination. The period of flowering is quite long - from the beginning of summer until October. Rate the magnificence of the dimorphotheki in the photo.

Dimorfooteque - flower, blooming all summer to the most frost


Unpretentious, light-affilome and cold-resistant plant. It does not require much soil fertilizer, but it should be mild and loose.

In the photo - cosmy terry
Cosmeya - Popular flower for giving

Eshcholce California

Although it is a perennial, we have it used as an annual. Beautiful flowers are often used under cut. On the provided photo it shows that all parts of the bush are high decorativeness: flowers and openwork leaves.

In the photo Emsholzolia California

Eshcholce California begins to bloom from the very beginning of summer and fades in October, gives self-sow. Special decorative exhibits when landing on a well-lit plot with seven-soil. Additional soil fertilizer is not required.

Eshcholce California flowers all summer until October

Mattiola Curry

Garden flower, nicknamed Night Nightwalk, won the hearts of many gardeners not so much appearance as a gentle aroma. Being in the summer in the evening, you will plunge into the world of fabulous fragrance spreading everywhere. As can be seen in the photo, the night violet can have different variations of coloring and structure of colors.

In the photo of Mattiola Curry


The second name of the flower is a lion zev. The popularity of the plant increases every year. Amazes variety of varieties: Bushes can have different heights, color and structure of colors.
In the photo of anti -rhrinum

A wide variety allows each year to experiment with new plant varieties. Antirrinum will blossom to bloom all summer, if you put it on the sunny plot.

Antirrinum - Great dacha dice for all summer

Stock Foto Decorative crops blooming all summer - perennials

Astration is large

There are about 10 varieties and is an unusually popular decorative plant on modern cottages. Pestry umbrellas will delight the eyes of a whole summer if you follow the basic rules of care.

In the photo Astration is large Astrastruy umbrellas make eyes all summer

Salvia Dubravnaya

This is all the famous sage. Salvia Dubravnaya is the most simple culture variety, perfectly carrying frosts.

In the photo of Salvia Dubravnaya, or Sage
Sage Flowers All Summer

Armeria Primorskaya

Neat bushes with delicate flowers require the most simple care and do not need shelter for the winter. Armeria Primorskaya loves the sun and sandy well-drained soil.

In the photo Armeria Primorskaya

Calmly transfer drought. Armeria feels great among the stones, so it is often used to create rocky flower beds.

Armeria Primorskaya - Beautiful Dacha Decoration


As can be seen in the photo, it is a plant with unusually gentle pink or white flower. Quite high bushes are most often used on flower beds as rear-view plants.

In the photo of Gypsophila

Gypsophila varieties flying at the beginning of summer, flower losing flowers at the beginning or end of August. What kind of gypsophila prefers in what ground prefers, you can understand the translation of the name from Latin - loving lover.

Gentle flowers Gypsophila make eyes all summer

Soft and ordinary cuff

The cuff is an elegant plant that attracts dachension of the beauty of leaves and small flowers. Creating flower beds, it is important to take into account that the cuff is a low plant (20 - 40 cm). Love of gardeners is explained by the long decorativeness of culture - all summer to the coldests.

On the photo cuff soft
Common cuff in the country

Derbennik Ivills

High plant for garden or cottage decoration, whose star-like flowers are pleased with all summer.

The popular phrase about the beauty, requiring the victims, can fully be attributed to the dacha: in order to make it truly beautiful, gardeners are often sacrificed by the time, time, money ... And what if there are little time or experience, but Beauty want? Nice to rest among the elegant flower beds and flower beds - is it really possible only at the cost of titanic efforts? Not at all!

Botanical tulips are unpretentious flowers. Photo

Of course, it will not be completely without difficulty, but to decorate its giving unpretentious flowers that do not require special troubles during landing, nor in caring, is quite the real task. And if you choose the right plants, given the seasonal decorativeness and features of the site, you can embody your dream and from early spring to a deep autumn to enjoy the beauty that does not require special victims.

Unpretentious flowers - beauty that does not require victims. Photo

Bulbous plants

Since it is before everyone meets the spring in the country, with them and begin. And believe me, there will be a lot of wonderful colors that do not take you any concerns - except from the omnipresent bulbs you need to protect, but for this there are special landing baskets - convenient devices that, over time and digging the scorched bulbs, will noticeably simplify.


A lack of lure appears at all "not on time." Photo

Bloom: From August to November (depending on the species).
Landing: July or August, at a depth of about 10 cm.
Height: 5-20 cm.
Growing conditions: Sun or half-day; Pwinned soil (for a non-laminate of autumn - slightly wet, dry is preferable for other species).
Use in the garden: Along the shrub thickets, on the lawn, in the mountaineering, in flower beds; Can be grown as a container plant.

This flower did not in vain got his name: he appears at all "not in time" - in late autumn, when the foliage from the trees almost sheltered, and in the garden it became completely empty and sad. And here, among the universal wilt suddenly these flowers are blooming, very reminiscent of crocuses.

Such a later flowering plus exceptional unpretentiousness is made (or Kolkhikuma - Lat. Colchicum.) desired guests of the garden. Put them in July-August, choosing sunny sites or towns in a half. And then you can forget for a long time about any troubles - unscrews feel much better if they do not even disturb them. True, a wonderful property?

Silent women are beautiful, but poisonous. Photo

However, it is worth knowing and take into account that (regardless of the type and variety). In all its parts, a colchicine is a potent poison, so it is necessary to observe reasonable caution, sazing it. Although I have in the garden, for example, unscrews appeared long before I learned about their possible danger, and grow to this day.

Lukovitsa unscrews You can use in our catalog, including offers of various online stores.

Botanical tulips

Botanical Tulip Late (Tulipa Tarda), photo

Bloom: From March to May (depending on the species).
Landing: fall
Height: 10-50 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions:solar sections with nutrient water produced soil; It is desirable that in the summer it was dry, and in the spring - moderately wet, but without water stagnation.
Use in the garden:group landings on flowerbeds and chapelts; relevant in; Very well look at the lawn; Suitable for growing in potted culture.

They say the botanical tulips are not except that blue - all other colors and shades of them bestowed. Then, the works of breeders were added to this, and today we can admire these charming babes, picking up the shape and color gamut to their taste.

Botanical tulip, photo

Unlike other relatives, the annual digging of bulbs do not require. You can land them in a flower bed or among the lawn, and the year by year they will become only more effectively, thanks to the growing nests of the bulbs and the abundance of flowers.

In our gardens, others are more common ( Tulipa Greigii.), Kaufman ( Tulipa Kaufmanniana.), Phoster ( Tulipa Fosteriana.), as well as a tulip of late ( Tulipa Tarda.), forests ( Tulipa Sylvestris) and Turkestan ( Tulipa Turkestanica.).

Tulip Turkestan (Tulipa Turkestanica), photo

Due to its small growth, these tulips are suitable for landing in rockers and alpinearia; They look perfectly on the edge of shrub thickets in lawns, but no less effectively and in or on. They plant them in the fall, like most bully, and flowering begins in April (the earliest - Kaufman, Phoster, Turkestan; Greag tulips bloom at the end of April, forest and late bloom more often in May).

Iridodikiums are undemanding babes. Photo

Bloom: April, in the warm regions - from the end of March.
Landing:from August to the first frost.
Height: 10-15 cm
Growing conditions: Open solar sections with lightweight water-permeable soil; If the soil is heavy, the sand should be added when landing. Preferably neutral or low-alkaline soil reaction; Unacceptably swivel, even temporary.
Use in the garden:excellent plants for rocaries, rocky gardens; It is not bad and feel well in leisurely trees with a bright crown; We are successful landing with groups on the lawn. Suitable for pasture.

We talked more about these plants in the article, and indeed, his flowers in the garden appear one of the first. In combination with unpretentiousness and undemanding, this is a great reason to settle them in your country.

Spring messengers - crocuses. Photo

Bloom: from March to May, depending on the type and variety; There are also species blooming in the fall.
Landing:spring-flower crocuses are planting in autumn (from August to first frosts), the Ossennpelving - early spring; When landing, it is advisable to use special baskets, because crocuses bulbs are more often than other molacukovichnye becoming the prey of rodents.
Height:7-20 cm
Growing conditions: Plots in the sun or in a lightweight (for example, under deciduous trees or shrubs) with an expandable soil.

You will find a large range of crocuses in our catalog that unites the proposals of many garden online stores. .


Muscari Armenian, photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety)
Landing: Aug. Sept; At the beginning of the summer, after completely rejoicing the leaves, the scratched curtains can be divided.
Height:10-30 cm.
Growing conditions: Preferably a warm solar place, but permissible and semolot; The soil in the spring can be wet (without water stagnation), but during the rest of the bulbs should be in dry soil. Plant tolerates badly, use for feeding.

Good selection of bulbs Muskari different varieties can be found in our catalog, including offers from many garden online stores. .

Narcissus - Popular bulbous flowers. Photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: The end of August - September.
Height: 30-60 cm
Growing conditions: Plots in the sun or in a half, with loose, fertile, water-permeable soil without water stagnation.
Use in the garden: successfully used in the design of flower, mixboraders and chains; It looks well under deciduous trees; can be grown in container culture; Suitable for pastures and for cutting.

Narcissus do not need a view. Photo

This flower, probably, does not need a presentation - you can hardly have a gardener who does not know him. I will note only one curious and useful feature: Narcissian bulbs do not touch rodents. Moreover, it is believed that they, as well as scare these animals, it is recommended to plant daffodils around the perimeter of flower beds with other bulbines.

Narcissus in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines offers from various garden online stores. .

Flowering: April-May.
Landing: The end of August - September.
Height: 10-20 cm
Growing conditions: Preferably, the place where in the spring, during the flowering period, the Pushkin will be in the sun, and in the summer will be in a light shadow (for example, under the crowns of deciduous trees).
Use in the garden: Group landings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; in borders along the garden tracks, on the flower beds and spring flower beds; The plant is suitable for pastures.


Hionodoxes - asterisks in the grass. Photo

Bloom: April May.
Landing: September.
Height: 15-25 cm.
Growing conditions: To the lighting of Hionodoxes relatively undemanding: they grow well and in the sun, and in light shading; The soil is preferred fertile, well-drained; Excess moisture is unacceptable.
Use in the garden: Very good in rockers and rocky gardens, since, unlike many Meltelukovic, do not tend to grow, exciting space; Successful group landings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; can be used in flower beds; Suitable for pasture.

And also unpretentious and completely simple in cultivation, white studs.

Drafting perennials

Perennial plants are wonderful in that it is not necessary to take care of their crops or cultivation every year. At the same time, they are good from year to year, getting stronger and becoming lifes. If such a plant, besides, undemandingly to conditions and care, is a real find for an inexperienced or busy gardener.

Flowering Aquillegia Charming. Photo

Bloom: from May to August.
Growing conditions: in a half; On wet soils, Aquille can grow and under the open sun.
Use in the garden:flower beds and flower beds; Low-minded species can be used in shady rockers; These plants look good on the shore of the reservoirs.

The Astilbies are attractive and flowers, foliage. Photo

from June to September (depending on the type and variety).
Landing:spring (April-May) or autumn (September).
Height:20-120 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: penumbra; Wet water permeable soil with high organic content.
Use in the garden: Group and single landings in the sparse shadow of trees and shrub thickets, on the shores of water bodies, in flower beds; Compact forms are suitable for container growing.

Astilbies in a wide range are represented in our catalog that combines offers large-scale landing material and seeds.

This amazing plant does not touch the pests, it is extremely resistant to disease, and the only thing that is required when leaving, - trimming faded inflorescences. In the arid summer it may be necessary to irrigate, but it does not need it on wet soils. Sometimes it is recommended to cover the plants for the winter, but my amusts, for example, winning and without shelter - however, it is worth focusing on the features of the species and climatic conditions.

Barwinok is an unpretentious soil perennial, photo

Bloom: April May
Height: 5-20 cm (soil).
Growing conditions: Singness or shadow - heat and straight sunlights of this plant are contraindicated; The soil is loose, fertile, without moisture.
Use in the garden:soil plate for shady corners of the garden.

In our gardens, the balquinine is more common ( Vinca Minor), which is found in European forests as a wild plant. Based on this species, numerous varieties are derived, characterized by various decorative features: some are particularly large or terry flowers; Others are unusual painting them (there are varieties of vertices with white, red and purple flowers); Thirdly - Pepling foliage. This kind of Barwinka loves moisture and shadow.

Different varieties of Barwinka small are represented in our catalog that unites the offers of large garden online stores. .

Brunners grow perfectly in a half. Photo

Bloom: Since the beginning of May.
Landing: Spring (April-May) or August-September.
Height:30-50 cm
Growing conditions: penumbra; nutrient wet soil; Brunner grows well on clay and drifting soils.
Use in the garden:under trees and shrubs giving a rarefied shadow; At the foot of the fences and walls, along the shores of the streams and water bodies.

Gentle blue flowers Brunners in the spring garden create a joyful mood, the shady corners are enlivened. Putting this plant once, you can subsequently not worry about him for many years. The only thing is that it is desirable to immediately provide him with a biggest place, since Brunner in favorable conditions grow well.

Peplarmed varieties are brought by breeders - with silver or cream-white patterns, stains or border on the leaves. Note that such plants need protection against sunlight and a strong wind - they are more demanding on the conditions than the usual Zelenoliste Brunner, which can suffer except from drought.

Perennial cornflowers sometimes little similar to their field "relatives", photo

Bloom: from June to September (depending on the species).
Landing:the end of April is the beginning of May or August-September.
Height: 20-100 cm depending on the type and variety.
Growing conditions:most cornflowers prefer sunny places, but some (corn and round corn) grow well in a half; The soils are undemanding.
Use in the garden:in flower beds, in combination with other grassy perennials.

All cornflowers are good in their own way. Photo

There are several types of perennial vasilkov, and each of them is good in its own way. Vasilek Mountain ( Centaurea Montana.It has several varietal forms - with white, pink, dark purple and purple-laveavand flowers. Vasilek large-headed ( Centaurea Macrocephala.) It is distinguished by bright large "shaggy" flowers of sunny yellow color.

Gerani grow well in half. Photo

Bloom: From May to August (depending on the type and variety).
Landing:april May.
Height: 10-100 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: Gerani are very diverse, and it is possible to choose a plant for almost any conditions both by illumination and by types of soil.
Use in the garden: All kinds of Gerani grow well along shrub landings, in bright fellowship; This is an excellent flower plant; Low-minded species are used in curbrad and as soil plants; Some species are suitable for rocky gardens and rocaries.

Wild geranium can live in the garden. Photo

In my garden, the wild species that you can read about the article were settled. Interesting information can be found in the article. And whatever the type of this plant you chose, geranium will not require increased attention to your person, but it will give, despite this, bright flowering.

Choose charming geraniums in our catalog, uniting the offers of various garden online stores. .


Derbennik loves wet areas. Photo

Bloom: From July to September
Landing: April-May or August-September.
Height: 60-140 cm
Growing conditions: The ideal option is a wet plot in the shade in the afternoon; Derbennik can grow even on very heavy soils; It makes a short-term flooding, needs good soil moisture.
Use in the garden: Suitable for landing in low, wetlands; It looks great on the shores of the reservoirs; It can be used in Rabatkov and Mixlers, provided that sufficient moisture in the soil.

Sunflowers - Doronikuma. Photo

Bloom: May June.
Landing: April May.
Height: 30-80 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions:sun or half-day; Purvating nutrient soil
Use in the garden: Spring flower beds and flowerbeds; Successfully placement of the doronicum on the edge of shrub thickets.

When the doronicum flowers, other plants are just gaining strength. Photo

Solar mood is provided when the doronicum flowers! These bright flowers, similar to chamomile, are very effective in flowering beds, because at the time of the flowering of the Doronikum, most of the garden plants are still typing the power, and the bulbous is already flowing.

When landing, please note: after the end of flowering, most doronikumov fades - they begin the rest period. At this time, highly smaller bushes can be divided and transplant. If you put the doronikum on the flowerbed, combine it with perennial or annual plants capable of hiding fading foliage in the early summer.

European swimsuit, photo

Bloom: from April to August - depending on the variety; more often - May.
Landing: April May
Height: 50-90 cm
Growing conditions: Plot in the sun or in a half, with well-wet soil; Not suitable for planting hot and dry places with loose limestone or sandy soil.
Use in the garden: Registration of the coastal zone of water bodies, streams; Wet genital corners of the garden; Successfully location of the bathrooms along the shrub thickets, walls and fences.

You can easily find the planting material of hybrid swimsuits, the flowers of which have different shades of yellow or orange. It is less likely to have a Chinese swimsuit - high (up to 1 m) Lodniming (June-August) plant.

Couping is an elegant plant for shady sites. Photo

Bloom: May June
Landing: April-May or September.
Height: 30-100 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: This is a plant for shady and sexual sections; On the wet soil makes the sun.
Use in the garden: Registration of shady sites, group landings on the outskirts of wood and shrub plantings, under the trees.


Labacker Vysolistics (Tollga) is not only a beautiful, but also a medicinal plant. Photo

Bloom: June-September (depending on the type)
Landing: May
Height: 30-250 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: The labaznik grows in the sun, and in a half, but the soil should certainly be wet; Severe clay clay soils with high humus content are preferred.
Use in the garden: spectacular plant for the coastal zone of water bodies and streams; Labacite Vysolisset (or Toll) can grow on wetlands, and a common labar suitable for rocaries or rabids with lime soil.

Choose labaris in our catalog, uniting the offers of various garden online stores.


The color of Lupins is very diverse. Photo

Bloom: June July; Repeated blossom - August-September
Landing: April May
Height: 80-100 cm
Growing conditions: the sun; Plicational, slightly acidic soil; Lupins do not like lime and highly fertilized soils.

Seeds of perennial lupins can be found in our catalog that unites the offers of various garden online stores. .

Meltolesalers practically do not care. Photo

Bloom: from June to September
Landing: May
Height: 20-80 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: The best option is open solar sections with a nutrient loan soil.
Use in the garden: On sunny plots.

The Melolepetnik is remarkable with his long and abundant blossom, and the care of it lies except that in the installation of backups for tall varieties - they tend to fall apart, especially in rainy weather. Yes, and consider: a gelector hybrid, or Erigeron, - the plant is rather aggressive; Once in favorable conditions, it actively grows and can capture extensive spaces, so it is better to immediately limit its growth.

Read more about this plant in the article

Annual flowers, blooming all summer (the name and photos will be presented below), will delight you with your whole range all season, since the beginning of the spring - before the onset of the first cold. This flower flower will not stop annual harvesting, planting seedlings of annuals. Let this beauty for one season, but the flower bed with blooming all season of annuals will be one of the most beautiful. Flowers on well-kept flower bed always glance, give positive emotions.

The desire to make a cottage plot with a little paradise has each of us. This is all available, moreover, you can arrange your garden in such a way that every year it looked in a new way. Valuable for creative dacha. The quality of the colors of annuals allows you to annually draw up new floral compositions.

Flower bed with annual flowers

For annuals there are many advantages: you do not have to worry, how they will winter, you can choose a place in advance on the site. If you correctly pick up shades, the time of flowering of individual species, you can get a magnificent result - flower beds, playing all the colors, summer flavors throughout the season. Most annual colors prefer sunny places, but there are those that are quite suitable.


For these plants, the entire vegetation cycle passes in one season, they quickly develop, bloom abundantly. The most unpretentious flowers for flower beds, blooming all summer, these are petunias, velvets, sage, calendula, nasturtium. In most cases, flower beds have a given form: rhombid, round, rectangular.

Most often, flowers on the flower bed are located in the same plane, but there are multi-tier, vertical options. At such places, low-spirited flowers are very profitable, they are planted single or with tall flowers. Most often they act as soil ribs, fill empty places between, for example, roses or other shrubs.

Velhets Karina

The velvets are distinguished by long bloom, have a bright yellow-orange gamut with brown shades, they are unpretentious, grow well in sunny sites and in the shade.


Lovely by all Petunia demonstrates rainbow shades, prefers solar places. She loves warm, blooms the whole season, grows to the first cold.

Blue Salvia

Salvia is an unpretentious flower, looks good with other plants. Flowers have the shape of candles, gamma shades are diverse, but a candle of lilac, purple, pink, red shades look especially beautifully on the flower beds.

A lot of varieties of Salvia are known, it can also be long-term.

Photo of Lilac Salvia:

Salvia on flowerbed

Calendula with yellow or orange volumetric colors is highlighted by a bright spot among his fellow. In addition to decorative qualities, it is medical, and its flowers with leaves can be used in cooking.

Calendula - annual flowers, photo:

Calendula ordinary

Nasturtium has many varieties, especially beautiful her terry varieties.

Nature of different colors

Loves light, the sun, but can also grow in the shade, though it gives more lush foliage than inflorescences. Valturia flowers bright orange, red, yellow.

Annual flowers, blooming all summer - Lion zev (antirrinum, "dogs") attracts attention to their unusual shape, combining paints (pink with white, yellow, just white or pinkish).


It looks harmonious when landing with other plants.

If you plant in my own, you will admire it for a long blossom, up to 35 days.

Queen - annotel

Even in a cut form, she lives for a very long time in a vase, does not fade. The more festive soil on the flowerbed, the brighter the flowers that can be both short and very high. The coloring of flowers in Queen can be monophonic or Pyro, it loves solar places, warm.

Calceolaria is another representative of the Flowers of an unusual form.


The buds of the Dorphothecks are simple to appear, but this is losing their charm. Flowers in shape are similar to chamomile, the height of the stems is about 30 cm, the color scheme is diverse - purple, orange, white, pink, double petals coloring. It has plenty of long blossom, unpretentious, not very afraid of pests, diseases.


Another popular representative among gardeners has a saturated color palette. These gentle blue, purple, red, white, blue and lilac bushes look perfectly at the flower beds, in suspended containers, along the tracks. Unpretentious, loving light and moisture annual flowers for giving. The photo and the name of them is well acquainted with dacnis - Lobelia.


Neoophila (American forget-me-not) is not very often growing on our flower beds, requires regular feeding, notable what can bloom during rain.


It has a subtle aroma, it looks great on the flower beds, thanks to its tender, but noticeable color. Depending on the variety, it can be white, white-blue, has purple, black or blue specks, groceries at the edges (with a white flower).

Non-flies with specks

There are very dark purple neutophiles, almost black.

Coreopsis - garden flowers annuals in size of flowers, height smaller than perennial.


They differ in abundant long blossom, feel well in the flower beds, in vases, near the borders, anywhere. Good feeling, absolutely unpretentious.

Brachik one-year thick growing can boast all the shades of a purple, lilac.


She is unpretentious, but more comfortable feels like a fertile sandy soil. He loves the sun, but also blooms well with cloudy weather, thermal-loving.

Annual flowers of Georgina are unpretentious, possess an interesting feature, the lower - the faster the color is given.

Annolete dahlia

The most common variety is a fun guys. Sharply, dwarf varieties are ideal for borders, flower. The flowers of annual dahlia bright, different shades.

Only because of one aroma of the charming, not like that, it is worth planted on the site of Mattioh (Night Phial).

Mattiola - Night Filiac

The genus of annual people has up to 20 variety of varieties of this fragrant plant. Flowers are small, thick, gentle-lilac, pink or dark purple shade. There is also white, pale yellow mattiols (Mattiola gray). She is easy to leave, blooming abundantly, loves the sun, but also grows well in a half. The plant has an average height, blooms throughout the summer.

Garden Annual Balzamin is a rather high plant (50-70 cm) with large flowers that can be terry or semi-marked.

Garden one-year Balzamin

Coloring Balzine is diverse: white, scarlet, pink, crimson flowers.

Duttle or Duman

Low-flowered datura - real garden decoration, blooms with large white colors shape of the bell tape. Also there are red, blue, yellow varieties. It grows quickly, features abundant, long blossom. Page is a tall plant (1 m or more).

Malva One-year-old

Malva Annual Beautiful, notic, due to its size (from 30 to 120 cm) and bright terry flowers. Unpretentious in leaving, drought-resistant, if faded flowers in time, then you can extend the time of its flowering.


From May to September, Vasileuk blooms - an unpretentious medium height plant, with thick small flowers of bright blue, rose, crimson, purple, white. It looks harmonious in mixed flower beds.


An annual bell tower is a low-powered plant with light blue flowers. He loves solar places, but can grow in the shade, although it is no longer blooming. Flowers from May to September.

Iberis Belleshnyy

The snow-white Iberis ("bitter") is one of the lowest annuals, up to 30 cm high. He is solurating, but it feels nicely on the shaded areas. The varieties of Iberis umbrella are found gentle pink, lilac, purple colors.


Teotelubile annuals

For places under the trees with a lush crown or sprawling shrubs, unpretentious annuals, preferring shadow, are suitable. Such flowers have thick foliage saturated with all the shades of green. Their flowering is not as abundant, like the Sun-Sulatchy fellow, but this factor does not diminish their beauty.

Cosme one year

Multicolored bright cosmemas - Telebobile Annual Flowers for Flowers, can create a joyful atmosphere even on the shaded area zones. Cosmeya for a long time, abundantly blooms, like a chamomile, a color gamut of pink with all the shades of pink, crimson. The shaded areas will noticeably "refreshes" the white cosmy.

They love the shadow of nasturtiums, forget-me-not, velvets, pansies, Malva - their buds have saturated paints, feel comfortable with any weather. With Brovalia, Fuchsia, Lobelia, Balzamin, you can create bright and harmonious group plants in the shady places of the garden.


It should be borne in mind that some teothelubilenom annual flowers for the garden react poorly to direct sunlight, they are recommended to plant them in the darkest areas of the site.

Curly annuals

Annual curly flowers are very popular with gardeners and summer houses. Their beauty is not inferior to many years of representatives, they grow faster, require minimal care. In addition to the external appeal, they can decorate fences, country buildings, use as protection from the sun over the gazebo. Curly flowers for the annual garden (those types that are not terrible drafts can serve as a kind of shield from wind for more vulnerable plants. In the presence of fantasy, you can create amazing designer compositions.


Beauty Ipomea prefers regular watering, sunlight, otherwise it is unpretentious. Reaches three meters in one season.

Curling fragrant peas loves moisturized soil and sun, but not straight sun rays. The color is very diverse, blooming from July to November, reaches a height of 3 meters.

Nasturtium curly Nasturtium curly (annual) and liatris (perennial)

There is a variety of the curly nasturtium (a large nasturtium), which grows up to 3 meters long. Kobey with large colors bells. Tunbergia winged with large orange buds. All of them belong to the curly lianam annuals.


It looks very nice, the quamoklite peristine (ruby stars) is very beautiful - it turns a large area with difficulty leaves, which is evenly not very often located bright red flowers, shape reminiscent stars.

Quamoclite Current (Ruby Stars)

Annual flowers, not afraid of heat

And this information will be interesting to my countrymen, residents of Kuban. Summer 2017 was very hot. Other regions complained about the cold summer, well, and we had the opposite. And on my flower beds, there were no special pompoms in flower beds. Some flowers refused to bloom, other flowers were scarce, and others simply survived in the conditions of extreme heat - it was a pity to look at them.

But there were flowers that did not affect the abnormally hot sun, nor rare, but pouring (in the full sense of the word) rains. But earlier I even smeared them. These were annuals, but they were boomed and grew at all where I needed. That is, the summer showed that these flowers are very life-in. In the conditions of that summer, only they bloomed abundantly and smelled.

This is Mirabilis, tobacco fragrant and Portulak. I will write short about each.


This flower necessarily grew up in the flower bed of my grandmother, moms and I also love him very much. True, in childhood I did not know his real name, we were all called His dawn. And he fully justified his name. Flowers opened in the evening, all night stood open and only in the morning, closed on the dawn. We had varieties with bright crimson flowers, but there are with white, yellow, pink and gentle-salmon petals. I saw even with flowers of different colors on one bush. At home, this is a perennial, in the conditions of Kuban can survive the winter, and may not, but then the spring appears in this place, from which only the strongest and healthy. I think that in the conditions of the middle strip it is definitely annual. By the way, many grown at home on the windowsill.

Mirabilis Unpretentious Plant. In addition to the evening irrigation, light loosening, removal of weeds last year, he did not receive anything from me, but was almost the main decoration of the garden. Color to the coldests. And they have come almost in December.

Easy tobacco

For me, fragrant tobacco, it is a flower that "planted and forgotten." This is an annual, but every year new shoots appear in the same place. I can only not let him grow out all over the garden. But, frankly, I do not really know. Flowers of fragrant tobacco are not very noteworthy, but in the evenings all over the garden there is such a fragrance that it does not want to get rid of "extra" plants. Also no special care does not require. Only shoots can "score" weeds, so their removal is necessarily at first. Then, when the plant is growing, no weeds are scary. They survive only the strongest and strong, survived the winter. Sometimes I transplant the spring tobacco plant from those places where I don't need it on empty places on the flower bed. Running, becoming a fluffy bush, he not only closes a naked place in the flower bed, but also creates a background for low-layer plants.


Portulak, this is also a flower from my childhood. Every summer I saw him in Babushkina, and in my mother's flower garden. We called it "Covers", because he covered the land with a bright carpet at the paths in the palanisader. It was Portulak who gave a flower bed for some completeness. What are the beautiful flowers in Portulak! There are simple, there are terry or semi-world variety of color. Flowers Portulak All summer, from June to frosts. The evenings of flowers are closed, but in the morning "burn" like multicolored lights on the flower bed. You can only sow Portulak once once, thanks to a rich self-sowing, every year you will delight you. Loves solar places, in the shade it blooms badly or does not bloom at all. Good grows on sandy soils. But he also likes my chernozem. I do not know how true my observations are, but it seems Portulak is better not to fertilize. Running, Portulak may even be weeds to survive. I never watched weeds on the place where he grows.

Choosing for the cottage annual flowers, buy seedlings or seeds you can in flower shops or supermarket departments. Today, the choice of sowing materials is so wide that finding the desired flower will not be much difficulty.

High representatives are great for the design of flower beds or mixboraders, in mixed flower beds they usually create the back background. Planning the design of the site for the summer season, take into account the combination of the size (height) of plants, their color gamut. Requirements of flowers to soil moisture, lighting, fertilizers should also be borne in mind. Sometimes the types of plants with one name can be both tall and low-spirited, medium. When buying seeds, learn the attached information. Annual flowers blooming all summer - the name and photo are always on the package. Try to cultures that grow next to each other, were close from an agrotechnical point of view.

Summer is not only the hottest and troublesome time in the life of each gardener, but also a unique season from the point of view of "magnificent". Most garden plants bloom in the summer, pleaseing the variety of forms, paints and sizes. But not all cultures are able to praise the lastness of its parade: under the hot sun they quickly bloom and also quickly leave the garden scene. But there are among the main actors of the garden show and special cultures whose flowering covers almost three months. They not only allow you to create "stable" compositions, but also simplify the care of the garden, being the first competitors of colorful, but demanding on the care of the texts.

Flower bed with perennials, blooming all summer. © Tejae Floyde.

All summer are capable of blossoming not only

When mentioning plants capable of blossoming throughout the summer, Petunia, Calibaho, Lobels and other annuals come to the mind come to mind. Seasonal plants really bloom from the beginning of June not only until autumn, but even up to the first frosts. True, the price for such a show is very large: annuals require care, and the care of the tireless. He is needed and growing in ampels and pots beauties, and plants in the ground, because in order to constantly produce hundreds of new buds, you need access to moisture and nutrients.

The cultivation of the textures, how beautiful they were not, not simplifying the care of the garden. Moreover, in the summer, when numerous garden troubles are still taking almost all the time, and the garden pulls the majority of attention, leaving the second role decorative garden.

But do not think that we are doomed to choose either something or other. Combat the cultivation of abundant blooming plants with the ability to enjoy a colorful show and leave a time for rest is quite possible, because there is an alternative to the years, and it is beautiful.

Flower bed of continuous flowering. © Lenastrid.

Garden perennials, the most universal plants that make up the basis of all beautiful blooming compositions, allow you to solve a wide variety of tasks. Of these, you can create continuously blooming flower beds and ramks, form an ensemble with different colors and visual effects, pick up the composition under the style or a certain topic of design.

The right choice of perennials allows you to create a garden, attractive from early spring and until late autumn. And for the summer, the time of blooming of most cultures, perennials passed a particularly rich choice of species. And among them you can find such cultures that will delight flowering throughout the hot period until the coming of autumn.

Among the perennial garden stars there are both plants that bloom only 1-2 weeks and cultures with a longer "parade", which lasts 30-45 days, and sometimes - and almost two months. Beautiful Lilyniki, Yarrow, Miscellaneous Floxes, Pupavniki, Lilies, Nyurists - a typical example of summer classics. And if you correctly pick up the varieties, the time of their flowering can be stretched from June and until the end of August.

Flower bed with long-lasting annual and perennial plants. © Stuart.

But there are also such perennials whose bloom from nature exceeds 65-70 days and covers literally all summer. They are the real stars of flower beds, mixboraders and chains that please the eyes and simplify the garden care.

We will get acquainted with 8 best perennials capable of blossoming all summer, closer.

List of perennials blooming all summer, see the next page.