The best varieties of Bulgarian sweet pepper: useful properties and description. The largest varieties of pepper large varieties of sweet pepper

The most popular late varieties:

  • Gladiator is a medium-bed high-yielding dutch variety. The fruits of the pyramidal form, in the biological ripeness of a saturated yellow color, weighing up to 350 g.
  • Aristotle ex 3 p F1-average variety, resistant to VTM and bacterial spot. The fruits in shape resemble a cylinder, red (ripened), thick-walled, weighing up to 200 g. It transfers transportation well.
  • Black Cardinal - A variety led in Italy. Fruits in the form of a truncated pyramid, black in technical ripeness and red - in biological, with a very juicy flesh.
  • The bell is - received its name because of the fruit unusual for pepper resembling flower. Fruits of spicy sour-sweet taste. The pepper of this variety refers to many years of plants, and for the winter it is recommended to transplant in the tank and placed on the illuminated place. From one plant collect up to 2 kg of peppers. Mature period 150 days.

Growing hybrid varieties, it is important to remember that the seeds will have to buy every year. These varieties with seeds are not transferred to the quality of the maternal plant. But it should be noted that hybrid varieties have indisputable advantages:

  • High yield.
  • Resistance to diseases.
  • Large fruits.
  • Excellent taste.

Popular hybrid varieties:

  • Madonna F1 is a resistant disease, high-yielding and drought-resistant grade with a period of ripening 60-65 days. Fruits with thick walls weighing 180-200 grams, light green shade in technical ripeness and red - in biological.
  • Maria F1 is a large-scale, medieval, high-yield hybrid. The fruits of a rounded, slightly flattened shape, weighing up to 120 g. The plants of this variety belong to semistembov, semi-peterminant, 80-85 cm are reached in height.
  • Othello F1 - early hybrid. The fruits of the original purple color in technical ripeness and brown - in biological, weighing up to 108 g. The variety is valued for excellent yield, simultaneous ripening of fruits, self-regulation of branching.
  • Maxim F1 is a medieval hybrid. Fruits obliged, 9-10 cm long, weighing 70-80 g, original purple coloring in technical ripeness and cherry-red - in the ripening phase. The variety is valued for the good endability of fruits, stable yield and resistance to verticile reflection.

Sweet pepper grown predominantly (even in the southern regions) by a seaside method. Seeds on, pre-prepared, sowed in February.

Preparation of seeds is:

  1. Disinfection - for half an hour to withstand in a weak (1%) solution of manganese, after thoroughly rinse with water.
  2. Processing growth stimulants.
  3. Treatment with antifungal drugs.

After processing, the seeds are sown in separate containers to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. It is desirable to maintain a temperature of 25-30 degrees to extend the seeds of sweet pepper. After germination of shoots (usually on the fourth day), the temperature is lowered up to 18 degrees for a week, after which they raise up to 25 degrees again. A decrease in temperature prevents the shooting of shoots.

  • The first time - after the appearance of three real leaves.
  • The second time - in the phase of eight leaves.

For taking 10l water:

  • Urea - 50 g
  • Potash salt - 30 g
  • Superphosphate - 125

After fertilizer, seedlings need to immediately pour clean water. As the seedlings grow, sprinkle the ground in the container. Two weeks before landing on the garden, the seedlings need to start hardening: the day of the plants are brought to the balcony or loggia (if it is warm weather), and on the night they are put on the room again.

A week before the bed can be filing the plants with potash salt, and a day before planning - a growth stimulator.

Such treatment contributes to the best resistant to pepper, reduce the content of nitrates in fruits 2 times and increased yields by 30-40%.

Seeding is ready for resetting into the ground aged 55 days: plants have 12 leaves, reach a height of 25 cm, a rather thick stem and acquire a smooth green shade. The soil must be heated to a temperature of at least 15 degrees.

In the soil for planting pepper, it is advisable to add 1 sq. M:

  • Phosphoric fertilizers - 40 g.
  • Humid or compost - 1 bucket.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers - 30 g.
  • Potash fertilizers - 40 g.

The seedlings are transplanted into the wells, which are pre-moisturized by 2 liters of water each. The landing density is determined by a variety feature:

  • Peppers of low-speed varieties are planted with a period of 15 cm.
  • Mattering peppers - at a distance of 25 cm.
  • Plants of tall varieties - at a distance of 35 cm.

The ridges usually make about a meter wide and half meter. Since sweet pepper is a thermal-loving plant, it is advisable to grow in a closed soil. To stimulate growth at the initial stage of development, it is recommended to remove one lower bud and all the leaves and branches until the first branching on the main escape. Patients and fruitless branches also clean.

An important part of the care of sweet peppers is timely and maintenance of constant (without sudden drops) temperature in the greenhouse. With a lack of moisture, the plant is striking gray rot, and the temperature drops are caused by a significant reduction in yield.

If earlier the peppers were grown only in warm countries, now culture has spread around the world, even came to areas with a cold climate. For the human body, a vegetable is used both yellow and red. And billets for the winter do not pass without using the best varieties of sweet pepper. Before boarding a vegetable, choose such types of culture that are matured in a particular climatic zone. For the cultivation of pepper Bulgarian, you need to create comfortable conditions with high air temperature, abundant irrigation, feeding.

Early Sweet Vegetables are suitable for areas with a warm climate and a long summer, where they can be seeded to place in an open soil in May.

Meet - Family Big

Pepper's seeds BIG, derived by Russian breeders, appeared recently. Translated from English family representatives are the name large. There are Big Pope with a purple fruit color. Pepper Big Mom - with fleshy orange, and big-battle - dark red. In the family there is a girl - Pepper Big Gerl, which brings orange with a brownish tone of the fetus of quadrangular shape. The benefits of orange fruits in the large content of beta-carotene, converting in the human body in Vitamin A. Vitamin positively affects the state of blood vessels, and potassium - on the functions of the heart muscle. In addition to sweet taste, they have thick, up to seven millimeters, walls. Plant resistance to diseases, good yield, achieving six-seven kilograms from one square meter.

Admiral grades

The hybrid pepper Admiral F1 gives fruit weighing over one hundred and fifty grams after 105 days. Original coloring vegetable from green to red with white stripes. The height of the vegetable bush reaches one meter and more.

Pepper Admiral Ushakov reaches maturity in 112-130 days. Cuboid fruits of bright red color achieve weight in two hundredth grams. And their thick walls are juicy and tasty.

The mid-freed pepper Admiral Nakhimov has thick walls, bright taste. Fruits weighing in three hundred and more grams of saturated red tone, juicy. Features of varieties in its resistance to viral and fungal infections.

About the best grades for 2018

Choose early varieties of vegetable - it means to get a crop of healthy fruits in early August. The best grade of pepper for 2018 for open soil is presented by hybrids:

  1. Swallow. Allocate in the benefits of a variety, you can friendly maturation. Collect harvest when conesoid fruits achieved biological maturity, will become green. An early view for marination, cooking winter salads.
  2. Merchant. Similar to pyramids perchins reach weights of no more than one hundred grams. They are convenient to harvest whole for the winter. Billets are obtained fragrant and tasty.
  3. Atlant. The hybrid gives the fruit three-chamber, with dense fleshy walls. Collect harvest after 110 days after the appearance of germs. From one square meter is obtained up to five kilograms of vegetable.
  4. Pepper topolyne. On compact bushes height in 70 centimeters after 110-120 days, conesoid fruits of the salad tone appear. The walls have a thickness of no more than five millimeters. You can get up to five kilograms of fruits from one square meter.
  5. Pepper flight. The grade is interesting to the compactness of the bush, the height of which is less than fifty centimeters. It can be obtained from one square meter to ten kilograms of dark red fragrant fruits. The hybrid is convenient for growing in small areas.
  6. Sort Belozerka. Gybrid reviews are only positive. The high yield of the vegetable is noted, the weak ribbill of its fruits in the thickness of the pulp in seven millimeters. The harvest of vegetable culture has long retains its qualities during storage and transportation. Pepper Cyril has similar characteristics.
  7. Middle types of vegetable in maturation periods include red miracle pepper. On semi-scattering bushes 120 days after the germination, four-granular red fruits appear. They have a sweet, without bitterness taste. They are best to use for stuffing, but in the fresh form they are good. The variety is not afraid of sudden temperature drops.
  8. One of the common varieties is the Pepper Babushkin Groke. The mid-grade bushes of the plant and are covered with green, yellowish and red fruits. Small by weight, they are thick-walled, which allows them to be touched by them in salads, cutting.

Pepper varieties for open soil are selected taking into account climate, weather conditions of cultivation. Before buying seeds, the characteristic and description of the variety of a vegetable plant is closely studied.

What varieties are better for greenhouses

All varieties of Bulgarian pepper are suitable for planing both in the open ground and in greenhouses. But if the climate is cold, and you want to get a harvest early, it is better to plant a vegetable culture under the film coatings. And here you choose the most common plants.

About Perezo Frost It is known that it is created by the breeders of Siberia, so for greenhouse soil is the perfect option. The main difference of pepper frost is:

  • the average height of the bush to eighty centimeters;
  • thick juicy walls in seven millimeters;
  • convenient form of fruits in the form of a pyramid;
  • high content of vitamin C;

Using pepper Frost Universal: It is good and in winter blanks, fresh vegetable dishes. Grow vegetable plant as well as other varieties, ever. Morozko's pepper is not afraid to stay without delicious fragrant fruits, billets for the winter.

Dachnips are not worthwhile by the attention of Pharaoh's pepper with excellent taste. And the fruits nests are a bit, and in shape it is convenient for stuffing. And in the greenhouse, yields of yellow and red pechanins are obtained 65 days after the seedlings landing.

Florango Pepper is pleased with superrange fruits. The hybrid is derived by French breeders, so it is better to grown under the film. High variety productivity - up to three kilograms from the bush. The grade is well tolerate drought, being protected by wide leaves. Tight fruits easily carry transportation, they are last saved.

The strong-scale bush of the Lydia hybrid is not more than sixty centimeters high. With compactness, the plants surprise the characteristics of the fruit. In the description of the variety is included together with the smoothness of cone-shaped fruits weight of a hundred grams, aroma and excellent taste of pulp. They are distinguished by the high content of sugar, ascorbic acid. And the yield of the vegetable is up to ten kilograms from one square meter.

Lydia hybrid is better fruits in greenhouse soil.

Under the film, the prince is comfortable, the prince of silver, the bush is compact, it reaches a height less than half a meter. Aligned smooth fruits have a universal purpose. Due to the small size, suitable for marinization.

From median hybrids uses Fisht F1, pepper, fruiting 110 days after the appearance of germs. Ideal fruit varieties:

  • weight at seventy - one hundred grams;
  • the wall thickness of five millimeters;
  • color of saturated red tone.

And the crop hybrid gives good - on average five kilograms from a square meter.

To get high-quality pepper sweet in greenhouses, it is necessary to follow the rules for planting and growing vegetable.

Large hybrids

Motherland sweet peppers are hot and wet territories of the American continent. It was brought to European countries after the opening of America. There was a vegetable from Bulgaria, so they call the sweet types of pepper Bulgarian. It is valued in a vegetable pulp, juicy and fragrant. The larger the fruit, the thicker the walls of them, the more useful substances in them.Giant varieties want to grow dackets to enjoy the sweet pulp of fruits.

One of the interesting hybrids of a vegetable plant is a pepper Siberian bonus with orange fruits similar to oranges. From one bush they collect up to fifteen cubic shape of peppers. And by weight is good - to three hundred grams with a thick wall in a centimeter.

The hybrid feels perfectly in the open and closed soil, giving from one bush to three kilograms of fruits.

About pepper Red giant It is known that a bush of its height of 120 centimeters, and almost square dark red fruits are larger than medium. Their weight in three hundred grams, and the thickness of the walls is in a centimeter.

Pepper Prince Igor gives yields in greenhouses in two or three times more than in the open sky. Mature hybrid fruits have a dark red color, suitable for processing for sauces, ledge. It is useful to use vegetables with Tolstoy to nine millimeters pulp, there are more sugar and vitamins.

Refers to the early pepper forest, and the fruit gives large heart-shaped. They hide the pulp in the centimeter thickness of the walls - juicy, sweet. But the magnitude of Perchin is small, barely reaches up to 170 grams.

The name of the grade Goliath speaks for itself. Vegetable fruits have the largest dimensions. The stem has to be supported so that it does not break under the weight of their masses in three hundred and four hundred grams. Hybrid Goliath can become a decoration of the plot and please high harvest.

Pepper is a bull - one of the popular mid-freed species of a vegetable plant. Orange fruits on half-meter bushes will decorate the garden. Cuboid thick-walled, they are distinguished by a pleasant aroma. It is convenient to cut them into salads, stuff. And the seeds in the nests are not so much. Harvests pepper bull gives good - up to five kilograms and higher.

Aromatic and useful sweet pepper today grown gardeners and gardeners in almost all regions of our country. Among vegetable crops, it is highlighted by a large content of vitamin C. Its in pepper is eight times more than in tomatoes and onions, twice as much as black currant. In addition, it contains carotene (vitamin A), vitamin PP.

Adults and children love. It adds an exquisite fragrance to salads, is perfect for the preparation of hot dishes, indispensable for preserving vegetables.

Today, domestic and foreign breeders brought numerous early causes of special interest of gargrin. They allow you to get an excellent harvest not only in favorable southern regions, but also in the complex climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals. The seeds of the pepper of the sweet early thick-walled (Siberian selection) were increasingly began to appear on the shelves of specialized stores of our country.

What to choose - hybrid or grade?

This indicator is important for those who more often use their own seeds. If your chosen pepper seeds of a sweet early large-walled pepper have a F1 mark on the package, this means that the seeds should not be harvested from this plant. This sign indicates hybrids in the first generation. They do not inherit varietal signs with seed reproduction. In other words, even if you collect the seeds of a loved hybrid, the plants that have grown out of them can be completely different on those who liked you last season.

Nevertheless, hybrids have certain advantages. Among them:

  • large fruits and high yields;
  • higher resistance to diseases than in varietal plants.

Atlantic F1.

Hybrid large-scale, early ripening. Bushes of this plant tall - up to 105 cm in height. Peppers are very large and fleshy. Their mass reaches 450 grams. Have an elongated, barrel shape. Such a hybrid is well developing in the open soil. It is resistant to various diseases.

Timing of ripening

Experienced vegetables know that it is best to plant plants with different maturations. In this case, you will be able to receive fresh fruits throughout the season. However, in the northern regions it is unlikely to grow late varieties without the use of greenhouses. Therefore, it is more expedient to use the early grade of sweet pepper for open soil, capable of giving good yields in a short and cool summer.

Below we give an estimated time limit:

  • early varieties ripen for 80-100 days;
  • hybrids and the secondary users will delight you by harvesting in 115 days;
  • late varieties for ripening will be needed to 150 days.

Seeds of pepper sweet early thick-walled (Siberian selection) should be sowed in early February, and for the southern regions - in the first half of January. In this case, peppers who are required for ripening are required 150 days will have time to give a crop in July. If you are going to buy seeds of sweet peppers, we recommend paying attention to the grade Test from the company "Siberian Garden".

This is a large-scale early grade - the result of the work of Siberia breeders. It is suitable for greenhouses and for soil. A bush is a height of about fifty centimeters, with very heavy and large fruits (up to 300 g), up to 25 cm long. The walls of them - the thickness of eight millimeters. A high-yielding grade - on one plant matures twelve fruits. Coloring - bright red. The fruits are very juicy, have a pleasant sweet taste with a thin apple fragrance.

Early Sorts for Open Soil - Ferry Pepper

Very popular variety. This is sweet pepper, early, thick-walled. The bush is considered average - about fifty centimeters in height. During the ripening period, the fruits are painted in light green, with full maturation - orange-red, weighing about 180 g, cuboid form.

Characterized by friendly and early fruiting. On the bush matures up to sixteen fruits. The variety is ideal for landing with a ribbon (distance 12-15 cm). Completely resistant to vertex rot, verticillosis.


Early, rather tall bush. During ripening, peppers are painted into a rich green color, after ripening - red, cone-shaped, large - weight of 180 grams, the walls of seven millimeters thick.

It has active crop ripening and magnificent taste. From the bush removes to eighteen peppers. Resistant to tobacco mosaic and verticillosis.

cabin boy

Running variety. Height 60 cm. Red fruits, weighing up to 180 grams.
One bush gives up to fifteen fruits characterized by high taste. Great for compacted landing.


It can be said that this is the earliest sweet pepper. The height of the bushes is 70 cm. Fruits orange-red, heavy (up to 220 g), cone-shaped shape, 6 mm thick walls.
Chardash is distinguished by active and friendly fruiting, the fruits are very beautiful, suitable for consuming both in fresh form and after processing. On the bush ripens seventeen fruits.


Many early sweet pepper varieties (for open soil) belong to thin-walled. This is counted and Pinocchio. Its walls - a thickness of five millimeters. The height of the bush is seventy centimeters. During the ripening period, the fruits are painted into a dark green color, with full maturation they acquire a bright red color.

Have a cone shape, long, weighing up to 120 grams.
Speakers together, the fruits are well stored, suitable for heat treatment. Resistant to most diseases.

Early high-yielding varieties of sweet pepper - Lumin

Probably, many vegetables will agree with us - this is one of the most popular pepper in the middle lane. Differs in low bushes (stramb). The fruits are average in size or small (no more than 115 g), pale green or golden white, sometimes having a pinkish shade. Fruits have a pleasant sweet taste and a weak fragrance.

Some varieties of sweet pepper (early) are well acquainted not only by vegetables, but also ordinary customers. An example of this is Lumin. This variety is often choosing farmers, so on the shelves of vegetable stores it is constantly present. This variety is unpretentious, does not require much care and gives a large harvest even in the driny summer, with insufficient watering. But in this case, the pepper may appear bitter, a little sharp taste. Fruits are stored up to 3.5 months, without losing a trading species, perfectly carry transportation.


Early (sweet) are becoming increasingly demanded every year. One of them is Avengo. He was noticed for a long time, but his dignity was already appreciated.

The so-called ripeness of technical fruits is reached on 103 days. At this time, they still do not have the fully of the taste and aroma, which are endowed with completely ripe peppers, nevertheless at this time they are already suitable for use. At this stage, the painting of fruits is cream or white. After final ripening, they get rich red. The weight of the fetus does not exceed 130 grams. The shape is elongated, cone-shaped, narrow. This is a thick-walled variety - the wall thickness of 9 mm.

Inside the fruits are separated by partitions on three or four chambers, have a large number of seeds. Hosts bushes, compact, having a middle height. They are not necessarily specifically formed. Plant is convenient to process and collect fruits.

Aivengo is resistant to major diseases, but in a protracted spring or arid summer, the harvest can significantly decrease. The variety is ideal for greenhouses. With proper care, it gives a crop of 7-8 kg from one square meter.

Marinkin tongue

Not all varieties of sweet pepper (early) can give large yields in difficult weather conditions. This variety derived by Dnipropetrovic breeders, resistantly transfers all natural whims, and is guaranteed to make a high harvest.
Abundant fruiting (more than 15 fruits) makes, tapping the plant to the support.

The bushes are average, sixty centimeters high. Fruits weighing up to 195 grams. The shape of the cone-shaped, narrow, slightly curved. Ripe peppers have a dark red or cherry blossom, a pleasant sweet taste and aroma. The flesh is crisp and very juicy. Wall thickness in the upper part of 13 mm, in the fruit of 8 mm.


Supermanny variety, as well as the previous, carrying adverse weather. Easily tolerates low temperature and rain. High-yielding grade.
The fruits of medium or small size, the mass does not exceed 140 grams. At the same time, on one bush to get tied up to forty five fruits. The form of their little rounded, cone-shaped. Ripe peppers of orange, yellow or red colors, with a pronounced aroma and pleasant taste.

Siberian Prince

Sweet pepper varieties (early) Siberian selection are designed for growing in Siberia and in the Urals. This high-yielding grade is designed for growing in the open ground. Fruits glossy, cone-shaped. Mass of 90 to 150 grams. In technical ripeness, fruits have a yellowish pulp and skin. Mature fruits are red. The flesh is delicious, juicy, fragrant, fleshy. Yield - up to 4.2 kilograms from one meter.


Compact early grade. It grows in the ground, but can grow in film shelter. The bush is low, 4-chamber fruits with a very gentle flesh, the wall thickness of which is 9 mm. The weight of one punch is 90 grams.

Bulgarian pepper is the decoration of any festive table, as well as an indispensable component of many salads, snacks, winter blanks. Bulgarian pepper - a plant that loves heat. For the first time he was brought in America, but today this vegetable is known and grown around the world. In addition to excellent taste, this vegetable is a source of natural vitamins and trace elements. The special pride of each gardener is an independently grown Bulgarian pepper. To hit all the wonderful harvest, it is necessary to choose the right grade and pepper seeds.

To understand all the abundance of seeds of this plant, it is worth directing them to three large subgroups:

  • early;
  • medium;
  • late;
  • hybrid.

Early varieties of Bulgarian pepper include Big Mama and the "merchant". It is worth noting that on the windows of seed shops you can see a much larger amount of varieties, but we will discover their attention on the best representatives of each group.

So, "Big Mom" \u200b\u200bis an early grade of Bulgarian pepper, which is famous for its taste, juicy pulp and the size of the fetus itself, which can reach 200-250. Externally, the vegetable resembles a rectangle, orange. Suitable pepper grade both for consumption in fresh and in thermally processed form.

"Big Mom"

"The merchant" is another popular grade of early ripe pepper, which is characterized by a juicy and fleet of the fetus of the right pyramid form. When you ripen, the fruits are saturated red color.

Over-timed types of plants

For this group, a longer season of vegetation is characterized, which lasts from 110 to 130 days. A characteristic feature of all varieties of this species is a long period of fruiting. The most bright representatives of this group are the peppers of the Atlant and Swallow grade.

"Swallow" won the love of gardeners by the fact that its seeds are distinguished by a high germination, and the fruits themselves albeit even a small size (up to 10 cm), but with excellent taste and high yield.


"Atlant" is a favorite variety of gardeners, but also the owners. The fact is that this pepper variety has a fleshy dense fruit, which is perfectly amenable to heat treatment and can be used to prepare winter snacks. Garders loved this variety, due to its resistance to numerous diseases. Mature fruits achieve really large sizes, about 400 g each. The peel is dense, but not thick, saturated red shade. Taste - pronounced sweet with the characteristic aroma of Bulgarian pepper.


Late varieties

Late varieties of pepper Bulgarian is most often aspirated in the southern regions of the country. This is due to the fact that the period of the growing season of grades lasts about 150 days and requires good maps.

The most common varieties of this group of seeds are:

Separately, it is worth highlighting those varieties that best use for winter blanks. For canning, such varieties are ideal as "ideal", "Adept F1", "Yantar", "Avangard".

Pepper Sweet "Adept F1"

Whereas for the workpiece in the dried form, cooks advise the use of oblong fruits, such as the "miracle paprika" or "sabelka".

"Miracle Parika" Pepper "Sabelka"

Ideally harm the variety data by drying outdoors. Choosing a stuffing pepper grade, it is worth considering the taste preferences of the family. Some love to make more fillings, and for most it is important to combine the taste of the filling with the fragrant flesh of pepper. Ideal for this type of culinary processing, such varieties of peppers like "Stepshka", "Divo", "Antey" are suitable.

Pepper "Antey"

Pepper grade for growing in Siberia

It is believed that the pepper is an original southern plant, but thanks to the efforts of breeding organizations, the varieties that can be grown even in a cold climethekteric zone are revealed. For this territory it is better to choose early and secondary varieties. Most of all in Siberia are popular with such seeds of Bulgarian pepper, like a Tolstosum, Schiegol, Golden Taurus. All, the above varieties are characterized by the presence of medium in size of fruits with a dense pulp, the thickness of which reaches 2-8 mm.

Popular hybrids

The peculiarity of all hybrid varieties is that they have excellent taste, high rates of yield, resistance to diseases and temperature regime, but, unfortunately, unsuitable for re-landing, that is, plants-one-year. The most common varieties are:

It is worth noting that any variety of peppers is a natural source of vitamins, trace elements and fiber. Not in vain, in nutrition, this vegetable is called the "fruit of beauty." By regularly using it in a fresh form, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, without the use of pharmaceutical preparations. 1 The fruit of Bulgarian pepper covers the daily need of the human body in ascorbic acid, vitamin E and beta-carotine.

Video - About the most popular varieties of Bulgarian pepper

Vegetable sweet pepper, which is often called the "Bulgarian" or "paprika", love many. This fragrant and juicy vegetable, in contrast to their relatives, has a very pleasant taste. It is remarkably suitable for the preparation of fresh and warm salads, gives a unique feature of vegetable stew, good in canned, fried and stuffed form. Such versatility makes a culture very common among fans vegetables, especially since the pepper is rich in various vitamins (the main ones are C, A, RR, B, K) and other substances useful for our organism.

Criteria selection of varieties

A relatively recently thermal-loving culture of the Bulgarian pepper, which appeared in our territories from the expanses of the American continent, was grown only in the southern regions. However, these days, with the emergence of a variety of greenhouse structures, modern underflowing materials and many zoned varieties, it became possible to obtain a full-fledged vitamin harvest even in the zones of risky agriculture. The main problem of gardeners was the right choice of a suitable variety, depending on the climate of a specific area, the conditions for growing and finalizing the fruits.

Among the many options for the seeds of the Bulgarian pepper on sale, you can choose varieties that suit you in terms of ripening, size, shape or color of fruits, cultivation conditions.

  • For growing, you can choose a pure variety or hybrid. In the second case, a symbol F1 is added to the name on the seed packaging, which means that from their own seeds, you will most likely not be able to raise a crop with the same varietal characteristics. However, hybrids are much more yields and better oppose diseases.
  • For a longer fruiting, it is preferable to plant varieties with different maturation dates: early (from 80 to 100 days), medium (from 115 to 130 days) or late (from 135 days and above). In the middle lane and the northern regions, grow late crop will be obtained only in greenhouse conditions.
  • If you like stuffed pepper or want to decorate your home garden, it is important to choose a variety with a certain form of fruit - spherical or elongated, with a ribbed or smooth surface.
  • When you put the pepper not only in utilitarian purposes, but also want to decorate your table and garden, choose a variety with a bright or unusual color of mature fruits. There are appetizing red and orange varieties in salads, original purple or ivory colors.
  • Depending on the conditions in which you plan to grow peppers, select specially derived greenhouse varieties or universal options that feel the same well both in the closed soil and open beds. You can choose a variety for a container landing to grow a vitamin harvest on the balcony or windowsill.
  • When selecting varieties, you must pay attention to its yield and resistance to diseases, plant size and leafness of the crop.

Which of the early grades choose?

"Asti" - Early grade forming powerful plants up to 70 cm high with medium and weight fruits. Cuboid peppers, golden-yellow when reaching full maturity, are distinguished by thick and juicy walls, excellent gentle-sweet taste and universality of use. The variety is highly resistant to diseases and can be grown in greenhouses or open ridges with equal success.

"Barchuk" - High-yielding grade of early ripening time, forms mid-grade bushes, on which small (up to 80 g) ripen, but the juicy and sweet cylindrical fruits. Picks have thick walls and bright red, after full ripening. In addition to increased yield, the virtues of the variety include excellent resistance to diseases, high product qualities, the versatility of cultivation conditions (closed or open soil) and applications.

"Wiel" - a grain and high-yielding grade, characterized by wonderful taste. The fruits of universal destination have a large (up to 300 g) size, prism and shape and bright yellow color in the stage of complete maturity. Plants are resistant to disease. The crop is well stored, it moves perfectly with transportation and has universal use.

"Vaudeville" - High-yielding grade, which is suitable for growing in the open ground due to the excellent resistance to most diseases. The average (up to 1 m) plants form a fairly large (up to 300 g) fruits of a trapezoidal form and a dark-red shade, which differ very pleasant, sweetish taste and universality of use.

Top Mediterranean Peppers

"Alligator" - The high-yielding pepper of the middle time of maturation, forms the mid-grade bushes and dark-red, thick-walled fruit weighing up to 160 g and a very good taste. The main advantages of the variety include excellent resistance to diseases, excellent tolerance of adverse weather conditions and good adaptation ability. Pepper is suitable for growing in a greenhouse or in open soil, universal in the use of fruits.

"Aria" - Mid-line variety with excellent taste of juicy and sweet fruits weighing about 120 g of a saturated orange shade. Pepper is designed for greenhouse cultivation. Compact plants up to 80 cm high are resistant to most diseases and differ in high yield.

"Saturn" - a high-yielding grade of universal purpose, forms low (up to 70 cm), but powerful and spreadable bushes resistant to diseases. Bright red cuboid fruits up to 200 g. Weight differ in very thick walls and a good taste of juicy pulp.

"Fleece" - Semi-scattering low (up to 50 cm) bushes of this high-yielding grade is resistant to disease. Dark-red, progly-shaped fruits with a good taste and weighing up to 130 g are matured both in the closed soil and on open beds. They are well suited for salads, canning and culinary processing.

Peppers of late maturation

"Bachata" - Medium-variety varieties with high yields of mid-diluted diseases resistant to diseases. Orange, prism fruits weighing up to 19 g are distinguished by thick walls and juicy, sweet pulp. Plants give a good harvest in the greenhouses, but can be grown in the open soil.

"Marshmallow" - One of the best late varieties of universal destination, is well resisting diseases and perfectly transfers dry periods. The bright red fruits of a spherical shape weighing up to 300 g are distinguished by very thick walls and the excellent taste of sweet, juicy and gentle pulp.

"Breeze" - It is distinguished from medium-varietary varieties with very tasty and juicy fruits of a small (up to 50 g) size, dark red and cone-shaped. Medical wool plants up to 48 cm highly resist most diseases and give steadily high yields both in the open ground and in greenhouses.

What kind of grade to choose landing into open ground?

"Avangard" - The variety of average maturation time forms a strip-raised (up to 3 m) bushes with large (up to 450 g), bright red fruits. Peppers are distinguished by excellent quality, good taste of juicy and fragrant pulp, highly resistant to many diseases, including tobacco mosaic virus. The crop successfully matures in the open air, universal for its intended purpose.

"Admiral F1" - a high-yielding hybrid of medium ripening periods, resistant to most diseases. The mid-grain bushes perfectly tolerate weather vapors, especially dry periods. The aliens of medium-sized fruits (up to 150 g) and the cone-shaped form are distinguished by thick walls, fragrant, juicy flesh.

"Darling" - Medium pepper, resistant to diseases and arid periods. This high-yielding grade forms mid-grade bushes up to 120 cm high and yellow or red cone-shaped fruits, characterized by thick walls and fragrant, dense and juicy flesh. Pepper is good in salads and for canning.

Such universal varieties and hybrids such as "Isabella F1", "Golden Rain", "Belladonna F1", "Swallow" and others will feel good.

Selection of greenhouse varieties

"Cockada F1" - high-yielding hybrid of early maturation and universal destination. The medium (up to 150 cm) bushes are distinguished by excellent resistance to disease. Scarlet cylindrical fruits have a fleshy, fragrant and juicy flesh and high commodity qualities.

"Meat 7" - A raging variety with a stable yield, forms semi-science strambed bushes, resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and other diseases. The pulp of bright-red small (up to 70 g) fruits - juicy and sweet. Peppers are perfectly suitable for canning and heat treatment, are perfectly stored.

"Red Cube" - Mid-verses of universal purpose is characterized by high yield. The average (up to 60 cm) plants are resistant to most diseases. Tolstoyed dark-scarlet fruits weighing up to 200 g good due to dense, juicy and fragrant pulp, have excellent product qualities.

There are a lot of other varieties and hybrids, perfectly suitable for growing in the greenhouse: "Red Baron F1", "Raisa F1", "Tile", "Ruby" and many others.

The sweetest varieties of pepper

"Etude" - The mid-ship variety is distinguished by high yield and resistant to the diseases of semi-technicenant bushes with a height of up to 1 m. Scarlet prism fruits have a wonderful taste of juicy and fragrant pulp and are excellent for salads.

"Bagration" - Early variety with a very pleasant, gentle and sweet flavor of fruits. The cone-shaped peppers of orange-yellow color weighing up to 200 g - very juicy and crunchy, so good in salads and for canning. The bushes are the average and empty, perfectly resist the diseases and feel great in the open soil.

"Mastodon" - High-yielding grade with early ripening time, forms splashing plants with a height of up to 180 cm, resistant to diseases. Cuboid dark-red large (up to 270 g) fruits are distinguished by a remarkably gentle and sweet taste of a dense and juicy pulp. They will decorate any vegetable salad and retain excellent quality when preserving.

They will not refuse such varieties as "Barin", "Nafanya", "Raja", "Cydon", "Tirada", "Accord", "Bourges F1" and "Waterville", "Burgeui F1" and "Waterville".