Medical interruption of pregnancy as passed. Safe limit for pregnancy interrupt

Abortion is a procedure that is carried out by the help of pharmaceutical preparations or surgical operation. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a pregnancy interruption operation can be performed on a period of up to 12 weeks inclusive. Medical abortion is more gentle than a surgical method.

The drug abortion is either a different pharmaceutical (pharmacist) - a gynecological procedure based on interruption of pregnancy without surgical operation.

The method is to use drugs, which includes hormones.

With the help of medicines, an artificial miscarriage occurs on the early pregnancy. The pharmacet does not affect the further reproduction of the woman, so it is possible to get pregnant month after interrupting.

Medical abortion: pros and cons

Compared to other alternative methods of conducting, the pharmaceutical abortion is more sparing.

The main advantages:

  1. It affects the process of gestation (determination of the period by the number of complete weeks of tooling, which passed from the date of the last menstruation until the removal of the umbilical cord).
  2. It does not have a further opportunity to get pregnant, so the woman can give birth.
  3. Minor pain during conducting.
  4. There is no risk of negative action from the introduction of anesthesia, as it is not used.
  5. The minimum percentage of infertility after the procedure.
  6. The duration takes little time.
  7. Fast recovery.
  8. Lack of injury to the uterus.
  9. High efficiency (98-99%).
  10. There is no risk of infection with infection (HIV, hepatitis).

But, despite all the advantages, the pharmaceutical abortion has the negative sides that need to be considered before conducting.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Balance of hormone balance in the body.
  2. The interrupt time is strictly limited (up to 8 weeks).
  3. Many contraindications.

Indications for drug abortion

A specialist may insist on holding a pharmacist if there is a woman:

  • serious illnesses that can harm the future child;
  • the high probability of chromosomal anomalies;
  • residence with a bad ecology, which can threaten the lives of the fetus;
  • narcological dependence.

Contraindications to pharmacet

Due to the large number of contraindications, a woman cannot be solved on the procedure.

It is allowed to conduct a pharmacet with caution in the case of:

  • ages of women above 35 years or younger than 18;
  • epilepsy;
  • long-term use of medicines affecting the circulatory system;
  • disorders of the menstruation cycle;
  • reduced amount of hemoglobin and high probability of bleeding;
  • abuse smoking.

The pharmaceutical abortion is prohibited in case:

On what time permissible interruption of pregnancy using tablets?

Pharmacate preparations: titles, description, prices

Medicines for pharmacet are difficult to buy without a recipe on a free sale, so their application should be strictly on the recommendation of the doctor. The cost of drugs is different in the manufacturer. For example, the French-made medicine is more expensive than Russian. The average cost varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles.

Trade names of drugs with an active substance Miфpriston:

The dosage necessary to achieve the desired effect may differ, but is mainly recommended by the reception of 600 mg 1 time and only under the supervision of a specialist. The drug can not be taken on a full stomach, from reception of food must pass at least 2 hours.

Medicines with an active substance Mizoprostol:

  1. Mizoprostol (China).
  2. Mizotab (India).
  3. Peaceful (Russia).

Mizoprostol is adopted in the amount of 400 mg per hungry stomach and after some time after the mifepristone.

Medical abortion causes all listed drugs. The active substance helps to disconnect the fruit egg from the uterine wall and bring it together with abundant bleeding similar to menstruation. Most often, the mifepristone is used first, then misoprostol.

The mifepristone reveals the cervix and the connection of the genital organ and the fetal egg is broken, and the misoprostol increases the uterine activity and the egg is removed from the body. Within 7 days after the reception of drugs, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

Description of the procedure of drug abortion

Medical abortion of pregnancy is carried out in several stages that help to avoid negative consequences and complications.

The stages include:

How much does the bleeding go after an abortion?

The first week after the pharmaceutical abortion of a woman can make the discharge of the blood of varying degrees of intensity similar to menstruation.

Threats and consequences after medication abortion

Medical abortion is able to provoke complications even with strict adherence to all recommendations.

The consequences are divided into several types depending on the duration:

Duration Development What relates Description
Short-termAfter a short time after receiving drugsVomotComplication occurs in 44% of patients when receiving mizoprostol inside and in 31% when using a vaginal form
NauseaIt appears more often than other disorders in the work of the stomach and intestines. Nausea can be caused by rapid reception of drugs or pregnancy in 6-7 weeks
AllergyDevelops to any components of the drug. The rash and urticaria are the most frequent manifestation of an allergic reaction. Very rarely there are more heavy symptoms in the form of a quinque enemy, respiratory changes.

To avoid symptom, after the procedure, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for several hours

Violation of stoolDiarrhea occurs in 36% of patients when receiving medicines inside and in 18% during the use of vaginal form. Antiodeary agents may not help. Diarrhea passes by itself after a short period of time
Painful feeling at the bottom of the abdomenSymptoms are seen in 96% of patients and is considered normal. Pain sensations are expressed both in light and strongly. The intensity increases after 30-60 minutes. After receiving Mizoprostol.

Non-sacred anti-inflammatory agents can be taken to eliminate pain syndrome (NSAID). For example, ibuprofen, nourofen, naproxen

CausesArise 1.5-3 hours after the use of medicines. To eliminate you can put on the stomach heating
Medium-term1-2 weeks after drug abortionBlood dischargeThe normal process is the occurrence of bleeding, which in volume correspond to menstruation (replacing no more than 1-2 means of female hygiene per hour) duration of 1-2 weeks. There are cases when allocations do not pass throughout the month, but they are not abundant and without pain.

If there are highlights of strong intensity (2-3 and more female hygiene for an hour) together with pain, you need to visit the doctor

Continuing pregnancyThere is a small percentage of cases when the patient has a fruit egg cannot get out of the body. This is due to different reasons: incorrect dosage, violation of the expiration date, inflammatory process
Pain in the lower abdomenIn the normal state, spasm must pass. But if the pain remains, it can talk about the appearance of an infectious process or the residues of the fetal egg. To make a diagnosis it is necessary to visit the gynecologist for advice and ultrasound diagnostics
Head and dizziness painSymptomatics occurs in 20% of patients. The cause of the occurrence is a big blood loss. If the symptom appeared together with bleeding, a doctor's help is needed
Long-termThey rarely appear in months or years, but the symptoms of such a form are difficult to cureViolation of the cycle of menstruationIf menstruation is delayed for 1-2 weeks, it is considered a sign of the recovery of sexual and endocrine system. If menstruation does not appear more than 40 days or, on the contrary, menstruation is strong, a specialist consultation is necessary, the inflammatory process is possible.
Infections and inflammationThe exacerbation after the pharmacet, which appears when the particles of the fruit egg in the uterus are found. Symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, unpleasant selection of greenish color with pus impurities.

After the diagnosis, the specialist prescribes antibacterial drugs and treatment under hospital

InfertilityThe cause of the occurrence may be a violation in the work of hormones or inflammation of the genital organs. Due to changes in the number of hormones, the process of occurrence of pregnancy is broken. Inflammation leads to the appearance of adhesions, and narrowing the lumen of the uterine pipes, because of this, the egg cell can not go into the uterus.

In most cases, infertility appears with a negative rees-factor in women and a positive partner

Violation of the psycheA failure in the work of hormones and the abortion himself adversely affects the psyche of a woman. Irritability, aggression or depression and lethargy appear. First, the gusts of anger arise with quarrels, then appear without visible reasons. Be sure to consult a psychologist, psychiatrist

Most often after the pharmacate arise:

What is prohibited after a medicated abortion?

After a medication abortion, there are some limitations.

Woman is forbidden:

  • have sex at least 14-21 days;
  • do charging (or other physical exertion);
  • visit the bath and bathroom;
  • scrape;
  • supercool;
  • use tampon. 1 month is recommended to use gaskets.

Fast recovery is to comply with all the listed rules.

What if after a medicated abortion test positive?

If a pregnancy test shows a positive result, we can talk about the presence of a fetal egg in the genital organ. The gynecologist conducts a surgical operation, cleans the uterus cavity from residues.

Where can I make a medicament abortion?

Medical interruption of pregnancy is to use drugs that can only be purchased through a pharmaceutical company. Most often, the Internet pharmacies are engaged in this. The pharmacet is carried out in private clinics or non-state hospitals.

Usually the price includes:

  • counseling;
  • gynecological examination;
  • various studies in conjunction with analysis.

To reduce the emergence of negative consequences after a pharmaceutical abortion, for 2 weeks it is necessary to follow their health. Special attention to pay personal hygiene, temperature change. If a woman has deteriorating dramatically, it is necessary to seek help in women's consultation.

To accelerate the rehabilitation, the patient must be followed by the following rules:

When a woman has no contraindications and a term of a small, the best solution is to treat pregnancy to medicinely. Be sure to go to the consultation of the gynecologist and do not engage in self-medication.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about medication abortion

Features of the drug abortion and the list of drugs:

Drug abortion (up to 22 weeks) is made using drugs (mifepristone, Pencrofton), which provoke miscarriages.

  • Up to 9 weeks (63 days of menstruation delay) is possible to conduct a drug interrupting outpatient;
  • From 9 weeks - only in the hospital.

In the late period from 12 to 22 weeks, pregnancy interruption is carried out strictly with medical or social readings.

The drug abortion is carried out outpatient with a period of pregnancy up to 9 weeks and, provided that the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

During pregnancy on time from 9 to 12 weeks and above, the drug interruption is carried out only in the hospital. Preparations in this period somewhat decreases efficiency (the less period, the more effective the drugs).

The procedure is performed using a drug called Myfepriston (Mifhegin), which reduces the effect of progesterone, which is the main hormone of pregnancy and is used in conjunction with prostaglandins - these are drugs that can enhance the cutting of the uterus and help turn the fruit egg.


  • Mioma of the uterus of large sizes (many nodes or node more than 4 cm and deforms the uterine cavity, the risk of bleeding is possible);
  • Allergic reaction to drugs included in the abortion circuit;
  • Suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • Anemia at which hemoglobin level is less than 100 g / l;
  • Hormonal-dependent tumors;
  • Hepatic, renal, adrenal insufficiency and some severe extragenital diseases (hereditary porphyria, severe bronchial asthma, glaucoma);
  • Smoking over the age of 35 years old + long-term intake of COP and pregnancy, which arose against the background of Kok (the risk of thrombosis increases, you can use drug interruption only after an additional study of the coagulating properties of blood).

In the event of pregnancy, on the background of intrauterine spirals, it should first remove the Navy, and then it is also possible to apply a drug interruption of pregnancy.

When using a drug scheme, it is impossible to feed the breasts, so the nursing mother is such an abortion method will not fit.

An alternative to drug abortion is a vacuum aspiration.

How is the drug abortion

The procedure of the drug abortion includes four visits to the gynecologist.

Directly abortion occurs in two stages: the first reception of the drug and after a day, two - the second reception. Bleeding occurs at the second stage and begins for 3-4 hours after taking a tablet.

Two weeks, a guideline control taking is required.

  • 1 visit: consultation and direction for analyzes;
  • 2 Visit: Reception of the drug;
  • 3 visits, after 1-2 days: Repeating drug;
  • 4 visits, no earlier than 14 days: control

Standard abortion tests

  • general analysis of blood and urine
  • group and rezes of blood,
  • brush strokes and oncoscitology,
  • examination for HIV infection
  • hepatitis B and C and Syphilis.

First reception of gynecologist

At the first reception at the gynecologist about the unwanted pregnancy, a woman receives advice on accessible methods of interrupts, receives directions for a survey and psychological consultation.

Prior to the procedure, an ultrasound examination is required, which serves as the basis for the appointment of an abortion and the exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.

In case of suspected ectopic pregnancy, the patient is prescribed a blood test on hCG twice with an interval of several days (the growth of the hormone of pregnancy in a few days is varied in the normal course of pregnancy and during ectopic or frozen pregnancy).

If, during the examination, the inflammatory type of smear or bakvaginosis is revealed, the drug abortion is carried out in a conventional scheme with simultaneous intake of antibacterial drugs to appoint a doctor.

An abortion requires the appointment of antibacterial drugs:

  • In patients without risk factors to attach infection surveyed for chlamydia: for the prevention of inflammatory complications once on the day of the procedure.
  • In patients with a revealed chlamydial or other infection, as well as in the presence of risk factors for the attachment of inflammatory complications (with bakvaginosis earlier in the smear): a course for 7-10 days.

Second reception

On the second reception to the gynecologist, the patient comes with a decision on an abortion and signs informed consent to a drug interruption.

The patient is issued 1 dose of drugs: First, the drug is an antiprogensterone action drug. Progesterone is a hormone of pregnancy, and when it is blocked by the drug there is a signal to interrupt and prepare the cervix to miscarriage.

Against the background of the application of 1 tablets for 1 day of special changes in the well-being, a woman does not occur. A weak pulling pain can be observed at the bottom of the abdomen, poor blood blood, sometimes - nausea.

Third visit of the gynecologist

At the third reception at the gynecologist, after 24-48 hours, the patient is given to take the second part of the tablets that are already directly cutting the uterus and miscarriage through the prepared extended cervix. In a different dose of drugs and the introduction method, the tablets can be assigned to drink inside, put under the tongue, introduce vaginally).

In 95% of patients, bloody discharge begin for three to four hours after taking drugs.

Almost always in women appear symptoms, which the doctor warns in advance:

Catching pain at the bottom of the abdomen, which every woman tolerates in different ways, depending on the painful threshold. In order to the anesthesia, the patient may take a tablet of but-shts, barallin or ibuprofen. After a few hours from the beginning of the battle, miscarriages will occur.

Abundant bleeding during miscarriage (more and stronger than ordinary menstruation). True bleeding rarely, in 0.2-1% of cases. A wrapping of a woman should such a volume of blood loss, in which two hygiene gaskets of the maximum size are soaked with blood for an hour, and it is repeated over the second hour. In this case, the patient must cause an ambulance, which will deliver it to the gynecological hospital. In the hospital in the development of bleeding, vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is carried out.

Increase temperatures up to 38.5 (it is often encountered, is a conventional side reaction to the interrupt tablet). You should contact the hospital if the temperature rise is maintained for more than 4 hours, with chills.

Diarrhea (observed in more than half of cases, is also an adverse effect of drugs).

Usually bleeding are completely stopped in 7-9 days. The larger the term of pregnancy, the time of bleeding. In some cases, until the next menstruation, brown oscillations are preserved, which can be considered the norm.

Fourth reception

4 Reception at the gynecologist - control. The patient is inspected on a gynecological chair, the control ultrasound of the small pelvis organs is estimated. Ultrasound is recommended to perform 2 weeks after miscarriage. By this time, the cavity and size of the uterus are reduced. Within 2 weeks after an abortion, the patient can take plant preparations to reduce the uterus: uterine collection, water pepper infusion.

After medication abortion

After medical interruption of pregnancy, sex for 3 weeks is prohibited to the patient. The ban on sex life is associated with an increased risk of infection attachment due to increased vulnerability of the inner surface of the uterus.

In case of desire to protect in the future with the help of oral contraceptives, 1 tablet from the packaging woman needs to be taken already in the first day after miscarriage.

Monthly usually start 3-4 weeks after the procedure and no different from ordinary. A little more abundant or more meager discharge, as well as not intense pulling pain in the first after a medical abortion of menstruation are allowed. Usually such violations occur after the procedure conducted in terms of more than 6 weeks.

If the patient decided to take oral contraceptives, the cycle will be installed in accordance with the scheme of their reception.

Optimally planning a new pregnancy is recommended 6 months after abortion. However, the body of each woman is individual, therefore it is strongly recommended to discuss this issue with a gynecologist.

Possible consequences

  • uterine bleeding, requiring instrumental emptying of uterine in the hospital (vacuum-aspiration of the uterus) and the use of reducing uterus of funds;
  • incomplete abortion (the remains of the fetal eggs are also removed by vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity in the hospital);
  • infectious complications (the risk of developing them is less than 1% of cases);
  • the progression of pregnancy in a situation where the fetal egg is not rejected.

With the ineffectiveness of drug abortion and pregnancy progression, the patient is proposed to interrupt pregnancy by vacuum aspiration.

Large research on the teratogenic effects of drugs for drug abortion on the fruit was not carried out, but 14 cases of the development of fetal vices after applying this scheme are known. If the patient suddenly changes its solution and decides to enter the progressive pregnancy, it should be prevented about these well-known cases.

Benefits of the method

  • high efficiency of the method (95-98%);
  • allows you to exclude surgical intervention, injury to the mucous membrane and damage to the vessels of myometrium;
  • with a drug interruption, a careful not traumatic disclosure of the cervix takes place;
  • medical abortion makes it possible to abandon common anesthesia;
  • medical interruption is not a surgical procedure, therefore the risk of ascending infectious complications is very low (less than 1%);
  • the risk of remote consequences is reduced for the patient's reproductive health, which is especially important for primariable women;
  • psychologically, a medical interruption of a woman to move easier than a surgical surgery under anesthesia.
  • Medical interruption of pregnancy. Clinical recommendations (treatment protocol). - Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2015.

Important! All materials are reference and in no way alternative to the full-time consultation of the specialist.

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Drug abortion of pregnancy is different as an unscheduled or tableted abortion. This is a modern medical procedure that allows you to interrupt pregnancy in a woman in the early stages. Surgical intervention in this case does not apply.

Intervention in the work of the body is carried out with the help of special drugs with antigestagnetic effect.

Medical interruption of pregnancy

Medical interruption of pregnancy in early time can be called a relatively safe method.

Applied tablets contain a special substance that blocks the effect of progesterone. The latter takes direct participation in the development of pregnancy and tooling the fetus.

The drug stimulates the process of peeling the embryo in the uterine cavity. With abortive effects, the embryo is independently separated from the mucous membrane and comes out. This is the so-called artificial miscarriage.

The effectiveness of the technique is approximately 95-98 percent.

How long can you do?

If a drug abortion is planned, the timing is strictly defined. The procedure can be carried out only in the early deadlines, not later than 5-6 weeks (up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last period).

If you, to what period, you can make a drug interruption of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the period in this case is placed only on the results of the ultrasound of the transvaginal method.


For the procedure, doctors use such drugs:

  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mytholian (China).

All tablets have a similar principle of action. Active substances block progesterone production in a woman's body. It is this process that participates in the process of pregnancy development. Reception The drug provokes peeling of the embryo shells from the walls of the uterus and its exit from the body.

Asking a question, to how many weeks do a drug interruption of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the above-mentioned drugs are not sold in pharmacies.

How is the procedure?

The pharmacet requires a number of resolving documents from a doctor.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy and term. An ordinary test for pregnancy and ultrasound is carried out using a transvaginal sensor. Eggs of the embryo should be excluded.
  2. Signature of patient documents for consent to conduct a procedure.
  3. In the absence of contraindications, a woman is given to take the drug in the doctor's office. Here it spends not less than 2-3 hours under medical supervision. This is necessary in order for in the case of complications, emergency assistance was provided in the case of complications.
  4. After a day, a woman can go home. During the period of stay in the doctor's office, the uterus usually occurs and bleeding begins.
  5. Three days after the medication abortion, you need to visit the doctor again and go through the procedure. This is necessary and necessary in order to eliminate the presence of residues of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

The question of the soreness of the procedure is often asked. As for pain, it is more intense than with ordinary monthly. After taking the procedure of the drug, a woman can feel the pulsation at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as grapple pain. You can consult with the doctor and take an anesthetic.


There are a number of contraindications for medical interruption. To absolutely, when the procedure is prohibited, the following are:

  • ectopic course of pregnancy;
  • the term of pregnancy is more than 9 obstetric weeks;
  • the presence of scars in the uterus;
  • allergic reactions to the used drugs;
  • the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • heavy hearts and vessels, kidneys, liver.

There are relative contraindications to the pharmacist, in the presence of which the patient may refuse to carry out the procedure (the question is solved by the doctor):

  • age less than 18 or more than 35 years;
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • bad blood test (low hemoglobin, coagulation problems);
  • smoking over the past five years;
  • epilepsy;
  • prolonged use of drugs with antithrombotic effect.

Consequences and complications

Normally, after the medication interruption of pregnancy, the woman feels almost the same as with a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

After the procedure may be observed:

  • spasms, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and painful uterine reductions;
  • vomiting and nausea, dizziness as a result of hormonal balance in the body;
  • bleeding that can last up to several weeks.

Hormonal imbalance after pharmacet may cause consequences in the form of a number of gynecological diseases, such as inflammatory processes, cervical erosion, mioma, endometritis, endometriosis. All this can cause infertility in the future.

To eliminate such consequences, it is necessary to undergo an appointed examination before and after interruption, compliance with the hygiene rules and all recommendations of the gynecologist.

The following complications are also possible as a result of the procedure:

  • Bleeding. The most frequent complication after artificial interruption. Normally bleeding should be. But their abundance, intensity and too much duration lead to serious blood loss, anemia and fatal outcome as a result. Anxious symptom when a woman has to use more than two pads (5 drops) in one hour.
  • Incomplete abortion. Means the partial liberation of the uterus from the fruit egg. Danger in the development of purulent complications and sepsis. For this reason, an imperative ultrasound study after the procedure. In the presence of residues, cleaning the uterus is carried out or vacuum aspiration.
  • Hematometer. This is accumulating blood in the uterus cavity, which leads further to purulent processes and sepsis. Anxious symptom: increasing pain at the bottom of the abdomen after taking tablets and no bleeding.

What are the signs of pregnancy in the early deadlines before the delay of menstruation? Read the article about dangerous and safe days for conception, as the fertilization of the egg, the sensations of a woman after the birth of a new life and characteristic symptoms occur.

How to cause monthly non-pills? Details here.

The effectiveness of the drug abortion, the likelihood of negative consequences and complications depend on a number of factors:

  • professionalism of Doctor;
  • women's responsibility;
  • perform recommendations after the procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications after interrupting, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Conduct the procedure only at a qualified physician. Independent carrying out artificial interrupt is dangerous.
  • Refuse the medal in the presence of contraindications and choose another way.
  • In the recovery period, strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, follow their self-meaning. It is not recommended to use tampon, it is better to use gaskets.
  • Refrain from sexual life for two to three weeks after the procedure. It can provoke bleeding and the development of inflammation.
  • For two weeks, heavy physical exertion, motor activity, alcoholic beverages, thermal procedures (sauna, sauna, etc.) are prohibited.
  • Recommended for at least 6 months after a pharmacist take hormonal contraceptives. This will help restore the hormonal balance in the body and prevent subsequent undesirable pregnancy.
  • With poor well-being after the procedure, the appearance of discharge with the smell, increasing body temperature should immediately make a visit to the doctor.

No type of abortion can be called completely safe. Each of them can lead to serious complications. Despite the ease of conducting a procedure for drug interrupting pregnancy, it is impossible to use it as an emergency contraception method.

A pharmacist is a forced measure, and if it does not work to avoid it, it is better that she was one-time in the life of a woman.

On the video about interrupt

Women who collided with unwanted pregnancy often wonder on what time an abortion can be made to what month the procedure is safe for health. Abortion In any case entails some complications and the need for recovery period. Everything happens individually and only after visiting the female consultation.

Description of the procedure

Abortion is forced Interruption of pregnancy, through medical intervention. Translated from Latin this word means "miscarriage".

By the manifestation mechanism distinguish:

  1. Spontaneous, which occurs for a number of reasons most often in the first trimester without the initiative of a woman. Some face him even before they learn about what a child is worn.
  2. Artificial. This class includes all other types of abortions that suggest outside interference on the initiative of the mother.

Causes of spontaneous miscarriage there are most different:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • weakness of the immune system;
  • previous abortions;
  • consumption of hormonal contraceptives;
  • smoking;
  • sex infections.

Regardless of which dates are discharged to an abortion, it is important to remember that this is an important step that requires great responsibility. After miscarriage, serious complications may be followed, from the mi of the cervix to not to wear subsequent pregnancies and infertility as a whole. It is necessary to weigh everything "for" and "against" in advance.

Methods of interruption

Legitimate in Russia are abortions, made up to 22 weeks. At the same time, it is important at what time an abortion is made, since up to 12 weeks it happens at the request of a woman, from 12 to 22 - with some circumstances.

These include cases when:

  • pregnancy occurred as a result of rape;
  • there are medical testimony;
  • the woman is recognized as incapable after the death of the spouse.

The answer to the question, to what period you can interrupt pregnancy, depends on the selected method:


For drug interruption, the first trimester is most favorable. The optimal period for an abortion is 45 days or 6 weeks.

Abortion is made using preparation of mifepristone. The means for several hours blocks the highlight of the progesterone hormone, which is responsible for saving the fetus. As a result, miscarriage occurs.

  1. there is no recovery period or in the hospital;
  2. minimum risk of complications;
  3. the lack of damage to the cervix, as with a surgical method;
  4. high efficiency;
  5. the possibility of successful conception in the future;
  6. this method is psychologically easier to be perceived by women.

Medical interruption of pregnancy occurs two hours after taking the drug and accompanied by bloody uterine discharges. They can continue for two weeks and be abundant. Also, the discharge is also accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, this indicates a reduction in the uterus.

Three days after drug interrupt, it is necessary to begin to be protected, as the conception is possible during this period.

Women who are in the early stages of the fetal to wear and do not want to keep the child, are increasingly resorting to the help of medicines.

This method is much safer and more efficient than surgical. Especially if there was a caesarean section earlier, and seams in the uterus did not heal until the end.

Plus, when using tablets, it is not necessary to be for a long time under the supervision of a doctor or use anesthesia.

Many wonder: abortive pills to what period can be used. The effect of tablets is higherThe sooner the woman decided to consume them . The maximum abortion period with the help of tablets is 6 weeks or 42 days from the first day of the last menstruation.

If more than 6 weeks have passed since the conception, and the doctor makes a decision on interruption using tablets, the procedure is carried out in the hospital under supervision.

The miscarriage occurs under the action of the following drugs:

Mifepristone Effective drug blocking pregnant progesterone hormone production. Reception of 600 mg of the drug 2 hours after meals. 400 mg of misoprostol are prescribed to fix the effect.
Pencrofton Analogue of tablets Miphpriston. It is assigned to 600 mg per one reception. In 8-14 days after the reception of the tablet, the patient should pass an ultrasound.
Mifhegin It is a steroid tool that increases the uterus tone and leads to its active reduction. Drink the drug once, in the dosage of 600 mg.
Mytholian The main active substance of mytholian is the mifprovon. Provides similar action by blocking a hormone progesterone. As a result, miscarriage occurs.

Despite the fact that abortion pills are recognized as the safest means, there are a number of contraindications to their application:

  1. malignant and benign uterine education;
  2. ectopic pregnancy;
  3. disease gasts or kidney;
  4. high pressure;
  5. blood blood clotting;
  6. epilepsy.

Above the tablets have a lot of advantages:

  • psychologically Easy Procedure
  • takes little time
  • does not cause complications.

However, it is very important to undergo an ultrasound examination 10 days after receiving tablets to make sure.

Vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion (or miniabort) - It is a getting rid of the fetal egg by sucking it through a special vacuum nozzle

This method is less dangerous than instrumental, as the uterus damage or the occurrence of infections are excluded.

Sometimes disputes arise, to how many weeks you can make a pregnancy abortion by a vacuum method, because sometimes it is carried out in a period of up to 12 weeks.

Vacuum abortion is allowed for a period of up to 6 weeks, subject to normal development of the fetus. If pregnancy is frozen, then it is possible to use miniaboration to 12 weeks inclusive.

It is also not recommended to do it on too early, since the fruit egg is still hard to distinguish. Therefore, the woman decorated to miniature and interested in what date this procedure makes this procedure should determine the type of pregnancy.

Late time

Abortion in late terms creates a threat to health and life of the future mother. But there are situations where such a method is inevitable.

It is important to remember how long the pregnancy can be interrupted. This period is 22 weeks. After 12 weeks it is believed that this is an abortion in late terms, since the child has main organs and systems.

Only a medical testimony can decide on interruption:

  • detection of pathologies for the development of the fetus or severe genetic diseases;
  • the presence of infectious diseases or cancer has.

It is important to remember that the abortion in the later dates is very dangerous, so the decision is made not by one doctor, but as part of the conservium.

Duration of the process

Sometimes women are not only interested in how much the whole procedure takes.

The later the woman decides to get rid of the fetus, the more the most greater consequences for her health. It is important to remember, to what period you can interrupt pregnancy with different methods, so that long expectation does not turn to surgical intervention.

Drug abortion (up to 22 weeks) is made using drugs (mifepristone, Pencrofton), which provoke miscarriages.

  • Up to 9 weeks (63 days of menstruation delay) is possible to conduct a drug interrupting outpatient;
  • From 9 weeks - only in the hospital.

At the request of a woman, an abortion is held only up to 12 weeks.

In the late period from 12 to 22 weeks, pregnancy interruption is carried out strictly with medical or social readings.

The drug abortion is carried out outpatient with a period of pregnancy up to 9 weeks and, provided that the pregnancy proceeds without complications.

During pregnancy on time from 9 to 12 weeks and above, the drug interruption is carried out only in the hospital. Preparations in this period somewhat decreases efficiency (the less period, the more effective the drugs).

The procedure is performed using a drug called Myfepriston (Mifhegin), which reduces the effect of progesterone, which is the main hormone of pregnancy and is used in conjunction with prostaglandins - these are drugs that can enhance the cutting of the uterus and help turn the fruit egg.


  • Mioma of the uterus of large sizes (many nodes or node more than 4 cm and deforms the uterine cavity, the risk of bleeding is possible);
  • Allergic reaction to drugs included in the abortion circuit;
  • Suspected ectopic pregnancy;
  • Anemia at which hemoglobin level is less than 100 g / l;
  • Hormonal-dependent tumors;
  • Hepatic, renal, adrenal insufficiency and some severe extragenital diseases (hereditary porphyria, severe bronchial asthma, glaucoma);
  • Smoking over the age of 35 years old + long-term intake of COP and pregnancy, which arose against the background of Kok (the risk of thrombosis increases, you can use drug interruption only after an additional study of the coagulating properties of blood).

In the event of pregnancy, on the background of intrauterine spirals, it should first remove the Navy, and then it is also possible to apply a drug interruption of pregnancy.

When using a drug scheme, it is impossible to feed the breasts, so the nursing mother is such an abortion method will not fit.

An alternative to drug abortion is a vacuum aspiration.

How is the drug abortion

The procedure of the drug abortion includes four visits to the gynecologist.

Directly abortion occurs in two stages: the first reception of the drug and after a day, two - the second reception. Bleeding occurs at the second stage and begins for 3-4 hours after taking a tablet.

Two weeks, a guideline control taking is required.

Visits to the gynecologist:

  • 1 visit: consultation and direction for analyzes;
  • 2 Visit: Reception of the drug;
  • 3 visits, after 1-2 days: Repeating drug;
  • 4 visits, no earlier than 14 days: control

Standard abortion tests

  • general analysis of blood and urine
  • group and rezes of blood,
  • brush strokes and oncoscitology,
  • examination for HIV infection
  • hepatitis B and C and Syphilis.

First reception of gynecologist

At the first reception at the gynecologist about the unwanted pregnancy, a woman receives advice on accessible methods of interrupts, receives directions for a survey and psychological consultation.

Prior to the procedure, an ultrasound examination is required, which serves as the basis for the appointment of an abortion and the exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.

In case of suspected ectopic pregnancy, the patient is prescribed a blood test on hCG twice with an interval of several days (the growth of the hormone of pregnancy in a few days is varied in the normal course of pregnancy and during ectopic or frozen pregnancy).

If, during the examination, the inflammatory type of smear or bakvaginosis is revealed, the drug abortion is carried out in a conventional scheme with simultaneous intake of antibacterial drugs to appoint a doctor.

An abortion requires the appointment of antibacterial drugs:

  • In patients without risk factors to attach infection surveyed for chlamydia: for the prevention of inflammatory complications once on the day of the procedure.
  • In patients with a revealed chlamydial or other infection, as well as in the presence of risk factors for the attachment of inflammatory complications (with bakvaginosis earlier in the smear): a course for 7-10 days.

Second reception

On the second reception to the gynecologist, the patient comes with a decision on an abortion and signs informed consent to a drug interruption.

The patient is issued 1 dose of drugs: First, the drug is an antiprogensterone action drug. Progesterone is a hormone of pregnancy, and when it is blocked by the drug there is a signal to interrupt and prepare the cervix to miscarriage.

Against the background of the application of 1 tablets for 1 day of special changes in the well-being, a woman does not occur. A weak pulling pain can be observed at the bottom of the abdomen, poor blood blood, sometimes - nausea.

Important! With a rezes-negative mother and a rhesus-positive partner, it is also recommended to apply an injection of a dose of antuxerous immunoglobulin for preventing rhesus incompatibility with a child with the next desired pregnancy.

Third visit of the gynecologist

At the third reception at the gynecologist, after 24-48 hours, the patient is given to take the second part of the tablets that are already directly cutting the uterus and miscarriage through the prepared extended cervix. In a different dose of drugs and the introduction method, the tablets can be assigned to drink inside, put under the tongue, introduce vaginally).

In 95% of patients, bloody discharge begin for three to four hours after taking drugs.

Almost always in women appear symptoms, which the doctor warns in advance:

    Catching pain at the bottom of the abdomen, which every woman tolerates in different ways, depending on the painful threshold. In order to the anesthesia, the patient may take a tablet of but-shts, barallin or ibuprofen. After a few hours from the beginning of the battle, miscarriages will occur.

    Abundant bleeding during miscarriage (more and stronger than ordinary menstruation). True bleeding rarely, in 0.2-1% of cases. A wrapping of a woman should such a volume of blood loss, in which two hygiene gaskets of the maximum size are soaked with blood for an hour, and it is repeated over the second hour. In this case, the patient must cause an ambulance, which will deliver it to the gynecological hospital. In the hospital in the development of bleeding, vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is carried out.

    Increase temperatures up to 38.5 (it is often encountered, is a conventional side reaction to the interrupt tablet). You should contact the hospital if the temperature rise is maintained for more than 4 hours, with chills.

    Diarrhea (observed in more than half of cases, is also an adverse effect of drugs).

Usually bleeding are completely stopped in 7-9 days. The larger the term of pregnancy, the time of bleeding. In some cases, until the next menstruation, brown oscillations are preserved, which can be considered the norm.

Fourth reception

4 Reception at the gynecologist - control. The patient is inspected on a gynecological chair, the control ultrasound of the small pelvis organs is estimated. Ultrasound is recommended to perform 2 weeks after miscarriage. By this time, the cavity and size of the uterus are reduced. Within 2 weeks after an abortion, the patient can take plant preparations to reduce the uterus: uterine collection, water pepper infusion.

After medication abortion

After medical interruption of pregnancy, sex for 3 weeks is prohibited to the patient. The ban on sex life is associated with an increased risk of infection attachment due to increased vulnerability of the inner surface of the uterus.

In case of desire to protect in the future with the help of oral contraceptives, 1 tablet from the packaging woman needs to be taken already in the first day after miscarriage.

Monthly usually start 3-4 weeks after the procedure and no different from ordinary. A little more abundant or more meager discharge, as well as not intense pulling pain in the first after a medical abortion of menstruation are allowed. Usually such violations occur after the procedure conducted in terms of more than 6 weeks.

If the patient decided to take oral contraceptives, the cycle will be installed in accordance with the scheme of their reception.

Optimally planning a new pregnancy is recommended 6 months after abortion. However, the body of each woman is individual, therefore it is strongly recommended to discuss this issue with a gynecologist.

Possible consequences

  • uterine bleeding, requiring instrumental emptying of uterine in the hospital (vacuum-aspiration of the uterus) and the use of reducing uterus of funds;
  • incomplete abortion (the remains of the fetal eggs are also removed by vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity in the hospital);
  • infectious complications (the risk of developing them is less than 1% of cases);
  • the progression of pregnancy in a situation where the fetal egg is not rejected.

With the ineffectiveness of drug abortion and pregnancy progression, the patient is proposed to interrupt pregnancy by vacuum aspiration.

Large research on the teratogenic effects of drugs for drug abortion on the fruit was not carried out, but 14 cases of the development of fetal vices after applying this scheme are known. If the patient suddenly changes its solution and decides to enter the progressive pregnancy, it should be prevented about these well-known cases.

Benefits of the method

  • high efficiency of the method (95-98%);
  • allows you to exclude surgical intervention, injury to the mucous membrane and damage to the vessels of myometrium;
  • with a drug interruption, a careful not traumatic disclosure of the cervix takes place;
  • medical abortion makes it possible to abandon common anesthesia;
  • medical interruption is not a surgical procedure, therefore the risk of ascending infectious complications is very low (less than 1%);
  • the risk of remote consequences is reduced for the patient's reproductive health, which is especially important for primariable women;
  • psychologically, a medical interruption of a woman to move easier than a surgical surgery under anesthesia.


  • Medical interruption of pregnancy. Clinical recommendations (treatment protocol). - Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2015.

Love about pregnancy makes a happy far from every woman. In some situations (as a state of health or on the basis of the financial situation of the young couple), the emergence of a new family member becomes an unpleasant fact. In this case, women prefer to interrupt pregnancy using modern drugs (medication abortion). However, when applying such a method, a huge number of questions arise. For example, at what week you can interrupt pregnancy with pills? To sort out this topic, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of such drugs.

What is pills?

If we talk about ways to stop the baby tooling, it all depends on the period, during which the woman is in position. If a solid solution was made to get rid of an unwanted baby, then the surgical abortion is most often performed. However, not everyone wants to go to a similar procedure. In some situations, abortion is allowed using tablets, but this is possible only in early time.

By and large, the drug provokes a miscarriage. That is why there is a big risk of complications, if this procedure is incorrect or it is performed at home, and not in a specialized institution. Before taking tablets, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will help determine the fact of pregnancy and its term. After that, it is necessary to pass the tests and make sure that the patient does not have any contraindications to the use of the selected drug. In addition, only the doctor will be able to say for sure, to what period you can interrupt pregnancy with pills in a particular case.

After that, the prescribed drug is accepted on an empty stomach (exclusively in the presence of a physician). A few hours after this must be observed by a doctor. If everything is done correctly, then a woman should have a long-lasting menstruation.

If we talk about how many weeks you can interrupt pregnancy with pills, then, as a rule, this period is not more than 48 days. After that, the abortion can be performed only by the surgical method. In some situations, such a procedure becomes more secure.


The question of how long the pregnancy can be interrupted by pills, directly depends on the chosen medication. Today, the following drugs are used for such a type of abortion:

  • "Mifepristone". This drug is shown to interrupt pregnancy for a period of up to 42 days of monthly delay. If a woman is healthy, she moves well with medication. In addition, this drug is considered the most effective among other funds.
  • "Pencrofton". The composition of this drug also includes the mifepristone. The medicine is used exclusively in order to interrupt the pregnancy in the early terms (pills).
  • "Mifgyne". This drug of French production is allowed to be used in a period of up to 6 weeks of delay. The main distinguishing feature of these tablets is their high efficiency. According to research, they work almost 100% of cases.
  • "Mytholian." This drug is considered more aggressive, since after its reception of the fabric of the uterus, the organism is rejected together with the originated embryo.

Speaking about which pills are interrupted by pregnancy in early terms, many remember "Postinor". Almost every girl heard about this tool. However, you need to remember that this drug is used exclusively in the first hours after unprotected intercourse.

In the package with "postinor" contains 2 small pills. The first one is taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, and the second is 12 hours after that. If you take these pills after 72 hours, then in this case the drug will not work.

Medical interruption of pregnancy

If we talk about the peculiarities of this procedure, then everything directly depends on how much time the woman is in position. Of course, the less her term of pregnancy, the faster, more efficiently and painless will be the effect of the drug. On the larger pregnancy, the chances of its interrupt are significantly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your body.

If we talk about how long the pregnancy can be interrupted with pills, it all depends on the specific situation, the health status of the patient and the chosen preparation. However, according to the opinions of doctors, it is best to think about such a method of getting rid of the child no later than 3-4 weeks. Experts explain this by the fact that during this period there is a complete hormonal restructuring of the body, but the fruit egg has not yet gained on the walls of the uterus. Due to this, the drug abortion brings minimal harm. In addition, drugs help block hormonal restructuring. In this case, muscle contractions of the uterus occur, which subsequently pushes a fruit egg from the body.

If you interrupt pregnancy with pills on a period of over 6 weeks, then in this case the drug can work, however, a woman has quite serious health problems and the possibility of further nursing children. In this case, the effectiveness of this funds at the later period of pregnancy is only 65%.

If it happened so that after the use of the drug, the woman is still in the position, then in this case, in no case should you leave the child in the medical indicators. This is especially true of those who accepted "Miphprovon". This drug may cause serious mutations and fruit pathology.

Indications for drug abortion

Speaking about what period you can interrupt pregnancy with pills, it is worth noting the situation when experts recommend to make an abortion. First of all, after passing the ultrasound, the doctor can reveal an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, almost all experts advise abortion, since otherwise such a pregnancy can threaten not only the life of the fetus itself, but also his mother.

Contraindications for medical abortion

In some situations, doctors categorically do not recommend producing such procedures for receiving aggressive drugs. First of all, it is necessary to abandon such a solution to those women, the period of pregnancy is already more than 7 weeks. Also, the drug may not work or have a negative impact if the patient has an intrauterine helix. The fact is that this product can be shifted and seriously damage the walls of the uterus during the output of the fetus.

Features of the drug abortion under the period of more than 6 weeks

If a woman still makes the decision to take pills, provided that it is in a position already a long time, then in this case you need to be prepared for quite serious complications. At the same time, in addition to unpleasant pain, weakness, dizziness and other symptoms, severe bleeding can develop. Therefore, in no case should not risk their health. It is better to perform a surgical abortion than to risk your life. Consider some of the characteristic symptoms that manifest themselves in women at later pregnancy during the reception of aggressive drugs.

Stomach ache

And in this case, the woman is experiencing almost such sensations as at the birth stage of the child. The pain is very strong and remind of contractions. This is due to the fact that the organism is trying to bring a fruit egg out of the uterus. As a rule, such symptoms are about day. After that, their intensity decreases. If the so-called contractions last more than 36 hours, then in this case it should be immediately referred to as a gynecologist.

Abundant discharge

It should be understood that the normal menstruation includes those that are most active for 1-2 days after receiving tablets. After that, women observed only the scarce allocations of the brown shade, the duration of which can be from 5 to 10 days. If abundant periods last more than 48 hours, it indicates uterine bleeding. This symptomatics is very dangerous, so you need to immediately apply to ambulance.

Scooty discharge and temperature rise

If the blood goes very sluggish, then this symptom is also a certain pathology. In this case, it is necessary to talk to the attending physician. Usually after taking drugs, temperature indicators can reach up to 37 °. However, if the temperature has passed 38 °, it also indicates that very serious reactions occur in the body, which may entail complications.

So, is it possible to interrupt early pregnancy pills? Yes, it is possible, but no later than the 6th week.

The preservation of the reproductive health of the woman involves the gentle holding of all gynecological manipulations. This applies to the abortion of pregnancy. It is known that the earlier the procedure will be carried out, the less dangerous complications. Optimally completely abandon this manipulation, but it is not always possible. Therefore, it is recommended under a small gestation period to perform an abortion with medication.

What is a medicament method?

Replacing the surgical instrument and vacuum aspirator on hormonal drugs allowed to develop a pharmacological abortion technique. This non-invasive procedure for getting rid of pregnancy in the early stages, which proceeds by type of spontaneous.

Its advantages are related to the following factors:

  • efficiency 98-99%;
  • no possibility of injury to the uterus or neck when performing surgical manipulations;
  • low risk of ascending infection;
  • there is no danger to get HIV, hepatitis;
  • there are no risks caused by anesthesia;
  • you can use primariable, the impact on women's health is minimal;
  • low stress, does not create a psychotrauming situation.

The procedure does not require a long stay in the hospital. After the patient accepted drugs causing drug abortion, at home can be expected to start bleeding. But independent reception of medicines without a doctor is impossible.

What is better, vacuum abortion or medication?

This is solved individually. But complications and the degree of intervention in the body during vacuum aspiration is significantly higher.

How is the time for abortion?

Dates for drug abortion are determined by the Ministries of Health of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010. They recorded that it is possible to violate gestation to 63 days, or the 9th week. But in world practice there are differences in what period you can do this manipulation. In developed countries, a period of 49days is defined, or 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Why is such a term definite for pharmacological interrupt?

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to acquire human traits, the beginnings of many organs, umbilical cord appear. At week 6, the placenta begins to form, the internal organs continue to develop. At 8 week, the embryo has already quite human look, it goes into the fetus stage. After this period, the formation of the vessels of the placenta occurs, so the medicinal abortion can cause abundant bleeding.

The following drugs for drug abortion are registered and used in Russia:

  1. Mythpriston 200 mg.
  2. Mizoprostol 200 μg.

Pharmacological abortion can be applied if the period of gestation meets the allowed protocol. The main condition for the successful implementation of the procedure is the day of pregnancy and the presence of an embryo inside the uterus according to the results of the ultrasound. After cesarean section, the medication method is preferable than.

Preparation for the procedure

When you first visit the gynecologist, you need to conduct a general inspection, a bimanual study on the chair and in the mirrors, the vagina strokes are taken. Also measured blood pressure, pulse, respiratory frequency. Next, the woman is heading for ultrasound to establish the exact day of gestation, the state of the uterus, a fetal egg.

Directions on blood tests, urine, glucose, ECG are given. Coagulogram is appointed if in history there were problems with a coagulation system of blood. There may be additional examination methods, the need for which the doctor is determined.

Method of execution

When visiting the obstetrician gynecologist, the patient signs consent to perform artificial abortion by pharmacological preparations. How does the drug abortion passes, determines the clinical protocol.

Under the period of gestation until 63 days, 200 mg of mifepristone is used, which a woman drinks with a doctor. Within 1-2 hours, you need to observe the doctor, after which you can go home.

If the term is 49 days, the next visit after 24-48 hours is taken 200 μg of misoprostol. During pregnancy, 800 μg of the drug is used 50-63 days. This drug must be put under the tongue, for the cheek or deep into the vagina. In the last method of administration, you must lie 30 minutes. The patient should be observed 3-4 hours. During this period, the majority begged. If this did not happen, the Mizoprostol tablet 400 μg re-accept the result.

Signs of abortion are identical to spontaneous miscarriage. A woman feels like a gravity stomach hurts, menstrual-like discharge appears.

How long does the bleeding last?

Most women expressed it lasts 7-9 days. SUCH DISCOVERS After the procedure is rarely observed until the next menstruation. If the manipulation is carried out for a period of 3-4 weeks, then bleeding is not much different from menstruation. With an increase in the term, blood is enhanced, it may sometimes be necessary to use hemostatic therapy.

After 14 days, it is necessary to appear for the control inspection. This is necessary to confirm the accomplishment of interrupt. If an unsuccessful drug abortion occurred, aspiration is assigned from the uterus.


The above drugs have serious side effects. Despite the high degree of security, there are certain contraindications to the conduct of medication abortion:

  • the term of gestation exceeds 63 days;
  • diagnosed;
  • large mioma, which changes the inner cavity of the uterus;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs in the acute period;
  • anemia with hemoglobin less than 100 g / l;
  • porphyry - a disease associated with a violation of the metabolism of the hemoglobin pigment;
  • blood coagulation disorders, as well as anticoagulant;
  • individual intolerance to one of the drugs;
  • lack of adrenal cortex or long-receiving glucocorticoids;
  • liver and kidney diseases that are accompanied by acute or chronic failure;
  • severe diseases of other organs;
  • extreme exhaustion;
  • smoking at the age of women older than 35 years;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • glaucoma;
  • sugar diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hormonally active tumors;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy with or after receiving oral contraceptives.

On the recommendation of WHO, an interrupt with the use of mifepristone is possible up to 22 weeks, but the severity of bleeding increases in parallel. In this case, during the procedure, the patient is hospitalized to the hospital, where there is a detailed operational and possibly emergency surgical care.

Fibromyoma threatens the development of bleeding, but if the size of the largest node is up to 4 cm and they do not change the uterine cavity, then you can resort to the pharmacological method.

Anemia also refers to relative contraindications. The consequences of drug abortion can manifest itself in a decrease in hemoglobin concentration: bleeding after taking drugs exceeds in volume and length menstrual.

Hemostasis disorders matter for volumes and duration of blood loss. If shortly before manipulation, the woman was treated with anticoagulants, then an increase in blood coagulation time will lead to more abundant bleeding. Smoking women older than 35 years old risk earning thrombosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, to eliminate complications, the therapist consultation is held.

The use of oral contraceptives for a long time before the pregnancy also affects the hemostasis system. But this contraindication is relative. If the results of the coagulogram did not detect pathological deviations, you can use this interrupt method.

If the pregnancy has come against the background of the installed Navy, then it is retrieved before the procedure. Further tactics does not differ from standards.

The infection of the genital organs is a pathology requiring the appropriate therapy, which should not be postponed. The drug abortion does not contribute to the development of ascending infection, and the treatment of acute infection can be carried out simultaneously.

Myfepriston and misoprostol penetrate breast milk. If there is a need to interrupt with GW, then it is necessary to grind milk to 5 days after receiving misoprostol. The child for this time is transferred to artificial feeding.

Bronchial asthma, elevated blood pressure and glaucoma are diseases that react to prostaglandins. Therefore, with these pathologies, the reception of misoprostol is contraindicated.

In addition, contraindications available from each drug should be taken into account. Mostly, they coincide with the above. Only cautious use of misoprostol in patients with epilepsy, with atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, ischemic heart disease, can be supplemented.

Possible complications

Despite the small number of complications, it is possible to determine what the drug abortion is dangerous. In 85% of cases, side reactions in the form of pain in stomach and bleeding are expressed moderately, special treatment is not required.

In other cases, manipulation can lead to the following complications:

  • expressed pain syndrome;
  • abundant bleeding;
  • temperature;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • progressive pregnancy.

The pain at the bottom of the abdomen is observed during the expulsion of abortion products. Its intensity may be different, but also matters the individual threshold of tolerance. Analgin, doll supplied to reduce pain syndrome. In WHO recommendations to reduce pain, ibuprofen is indicated. If the abortion hurts the chest, it may be a result of a high level, which increases with pregnancy progression. This symptom passes independently.

Bleeding is significant, if one per hour has to change two gaskets, and such a state is observed at least 2 hours. In this case, it is shown to conduct a vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterus in order to stop it. In severe cases, surgical cleaning is carried out.

In 2-5% of cases, the metabort is incomplete. Then it is also necessary to perform vacuum aspiration or scraping of the uterine. Less than 1% of cases ends with pregnancy progression. If a woman insists on an abortion, they use invasive methods. Those who changed their decision must be reduced to the possibility of the possible teratogenic effect of drugs on the fruit. But the data on the confirmation of this fact is not enough.

Reception of drugs can cause a slight increase in temperature, but it lasts no more than 2 hours. If the fever holds 4 and more than an hour or arose after a day after receiving Mizoprostol, this indicates the development of the infectious process. A woman with such symptoms should consult a doctor.

Infectious complications are not characteristic of pharmacological abortion. But there is a group of persons who have increased the risk of infectious complications:

  • migrated;
  • patients with sexual infection up to 12 months ago, but there is no laboratory confirmation of its cure;
  • patients with diagnosed;
  • women with lots of sexual partners or low socio-economic status.

Other complications in the form of dyspeptic phenomena can be a sign of pregnancy itself. In allergic reactions, antihistamine treatment is necessary.

Recovery period

After receiving the mifepristone and misoprostol, the menstrual cycle fails. But when it starts and how many months after a medical abortion are predicted hard. Masits the validity period of the procedure, after earlier interrupt, the cycle restore occurs faster.

The first menstruation can begin in 30-50 days. But the metabort does not affect the offensive, so in the first cycle it is possible a new fertilization. To avoid this, immediately after the procedure, the doctor prescribes combined oral contraceptives. It may be tools such as Yarina, Regulon, Riguevidon, Novineset, Lindnet, Jess. Selection of the medicinal product occurs individually.

Protects from unwanted pregnancy in 99% of cases. The positive effect is the regulation and restoration of the menstrual cycle. The minimum term for such contraception is 3 months, but you need to wait for the full restoration of the body to decide when you can get pregnant. This is usually a period of at least 6 months.

If pregnancy comes earlier, it threatens such complications as:

  • threat interrupt;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • anemia in a woman.

Tips for doctors regarding how to restore the body after a medication abortion, the following:

  • early start taking oral contraceptives;
  • avoid overheating and supercooling in the first month after the procedure;
  • do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, do not swim in open reservoirs;
  • do not take a hot bath, instead, wash under the shower;
  • follow their health, in the cold season to avoid clusters of people in order not to infect;
  • power must be balanced, with sufficient protein content and vitamins;
  • completely abandon alcohol, eliminate smoking;
  • at first, physical exertion should be limited. Those who are intensively engaged in sports or fitness, you need to give up a gym visit for a while;
  • limit stressful situations and emotional overvoltage.

Sex life after the medication abortion is possible after the end of the first menstruation. The uterus after an artificial miscarriage is an extensive wound surface with a nutrient medium for microorganisms. Sexual contact is always the risk of infection. In addition, active frictions can deliver unpleasant feelings or lead to renewed bleeding.

Positively on the recovery process affects the fisomes. The choice of a specific method of exposure must be coordinated with the attending physician, because This method of treatment also has contraindications.

If the restoration of the menstrual cycle did not occur within 2 months, it is necessary to refer to the doctor for conducting a survey and search for the causes of the hormonal failure. There may also be disturbed by the unpleasant sensations in the lactic glands that began to prepare for lactation. Therefore, in some cases a mammologist is recommended.

Despite numerous positive moments, the medal is not the ideal method. Any interference in the inner medium can lead to unpleasant consequences. To avoid them, it is necessary to properly approach issues and family planning, and not solve the problem after its appearance.