Mechanical crafts made of wood with their own hands. Wooden fantasy

Good day. Today we begin to unload articles on the topic of crafts from the tree do it yourself. In this first article, I want to show you what simple crafts can be made from wood - both children and adults. Many ideas will fit for labor classes at school - for boys. Some ideas will fit for school competition crafts from natural material. Some wooden crafts will be able to become decoration of your cottage or yard. Here you will find a storehouse of inspiration and joy from anticipation of such interesting and easy work. In this article I will prove - what to do beautiful crafts from wood maybe each. Because here you will find simple and worships. Even a fragile woman with a manicure can take half of the crafts from this article. So - let's fall in love with wooden creativity.

Let's start with simple magic.

Wood + Sun.

Crafts that are glowing love.

Here are the simplest and cute country crafts from a tree. For a craft, you need a speaker of the log (ask when you cut the sawing with a grinder of firewood to make some thin sleeps). Or you can without drink - just take the board of any size.

In the tree we drill holes such a thickness so that a glass pebble bought in the store is entered. Such sets of multi-colored decorative glass stones are sold - in the gifts department, and in the department where candles, vases and everything for the decor of the holiday.

You can screw such holes with glass just in the board - and hang it on the apple tree. You can drill such holes in the fence - if the sun is at least once a day shines at a low angle.

That's very beautiful. Magically. As in the country of Fay. Your children will be delighted with such a craft from a tree.

Simple wooden crafts

from sleep logs.

If you have in the courtyard in the courtyard there is sawing logs on the firewood - you are lucky. You can freely gain invaluable diverse material. Ask men to cut to you flat sleeps, both from small logs and from large. Lovingly fold them away from the woods of firewood and start to come up with future crafts from the tree. For example, let it be wooden owls. It is done just and looks beautiful. Spies can be tipped to each other with nails. You can plant them on liquid nails (like glue).

The surface of the sleeps can be rude unusual (as in the photo with a craft bunnies). And you can pass out sandpaper and even coat with varnish such an intermediate material. Or paint the color you need.

From large sleeps, you can make large country crafts from the tree. And small logs (from thinner bans and logs) are suitable for miniature crafts - for example, such birds. Brying of such a thickness you yourself can be knocked out - manually, without chainsaws.

Spiles from the logs can become canvas for artistic installations. Such wooden crafts paintings can be made from any natural material. Go to the river and find smooth flat pebbles. They will become a source of interesting crafts. Stones are easily painted with markers, office fat markers or just a gouache (after work, fasten the gouache with a lacquer for hair, or nail polish).

And here is another way to make beautiful air crafts from wooden sleeps. Openwork end-to-end pumping of electric jib (photo with a maple leaf) looks simply magical.

Here is a small master class, from which it can be seen how the process of drinking openwork patterns on the thick heap of the tree is.

First, we will supply the stencil with a pencil. Then drill drill holes in key nodes of the pattern. And then the jigsion go from one holey knot to another.

You can come up with the device yourself which will help you drink products from wood with the help of a regular drill.Do it yourself make an electric jigsaw. Holding hands for comfortable handles You just move the device - following your drawing lines. The thinner the drill the smaller details of the picture you can cut them out. Perfectly invented.

Or it is possible buy electroballs - It stands on average 100 dollars. You can find and for 50 it is not on an industrial scale to work, so it is not necessarily a very powerful expensive tool to buy.

Mosaic crafts

From spirits thick branches.

If you have a boring wall of the shed right on you on the summer yard. That you need to make it disqual. Explain the Saratik using a craft from a tree. Do it applique Mosaic From wood spins small size. Such sleeps are obtained if you cook with hacksaw (or chainsaw) thick bows or thin logs.

Foundation Under such a craft from a tree, cut out of the sheet of plywood. First, we draw a silhouette of the future craft on it. We cut the plywood base with a manual logby or special power tool. And we stick wooden rounds on it - on liquid nails, on joinery glue or hot glue from a pistol.

And even at home you can make from sleep decorative frame for mirrors from wooden greek(master class in the photo below).

  1. Also buy a circular mirror. Put it on a sheet of plywood - to circle a pencil.
  2. Around the resulting circle, retreat several centimeters (on the width you want for the frame). And with this indentation to draw a second circle.
  3. Cut a large circle from plywood. And enclose the outer ring with spikes from the tree. It turns out a beautiful wooden dealing frame - it remains on liquid nails into the middle of the mirror.

Puff crafts

from wood.

This is probably my favorite view of a tree craft. Here, the boiled shields fall on his friend creating a puff volume of crafts.

Here is a drawing of a cow of three layers of a wooden shield. The first layer is the body, the second - head, the third - bangs and nose.

You can paint all the layers of your crafts in one color (as a craft polar bear from wood) or in different colors (like a craft mouse on the moon - photo below).

Or you can leave the factory pattern of the tree (as on the crafts with the photo below).

Wooden Lisa It has a two-layer design - a layer of the back, and the head and tail are stacked on it.

Slicer duck It has 5 layers - the central layer of head, and two layers on both sides (tummy + wing).

The more layers You will apply on each other, the volume and convex will be your craft. Here is an example with a craft "Lions from a tree" can be seen like put forward the face of the beastThanks to the four layers of the thick wooden board.

If you paint your crafts. Dorisupe a fairytale, add small parts - folds, stains and so on. You can get very realistic and expensive crafts from a tree. Your little hobby can be your business. Such work can be safely put up for sale.

You can invent your characters yourself. Patch on a sheet of paper of their layers. Increase the cradle first in the paper template - to translate the contours to the wooden shield and cut off. Or find pictures in a children's brazer - and redraw them in an enlarged amount.

Crafts from wood

For school at school

In class lesson.

Such puff crafts made of wood can not be cut out of thick shields, but from thin plywood sheet. And then such work can be carried out in labor classes within the framework of the school program. On the topic "Lobzik on plywood".

Here's the idea - how out of 3 plywood shields Make a two-color craft-puppy. The first top layer of white plywood peeps only the tips of the ears, tail and one rear paw. We will cover the second layer (so that it darkened). Eyes, nose and lines can be drawn with a marker, or burn a special device to burning on wood.

In the same technique of shields with different colors, you can make a lot of volumetric crafts from the tree in school lessons in school or in a circle of wooden creativity.

Crafts from wood

in the form of appliqué.

In a very similar technique, you can make an applique of wood. It also takes the basis of a wooden tree array board (that is, not glued shield, but a solid board). Because we will grind it, and the glue shield from grinding can fuse and glue seams will be visible.

  1. On the paper drawn all the future handicraft. Shares lines to the details. Each detail is numbered. And is photographed (to then check the location of each element in the photo).
  2. Next, the drawing is cut through the lines to the elements. Each element we circle on a pencil board. Drink element from flat board. All elements are flat on top, rude over the edges of the cut and with sharp edges of the saw.
  3. Now our task all edges of each detail smoothed, wrestral. We put the sharp edges of the sawing agent. And we are calculated on the grinding machine (if you have it) or we make grinding by hand with sandpaper of varying degrees of rigidity-roughness.
  4. After grinding all the details stain in the satellite veil (Sold in construction stores). Depending on how many times you wipe the Detail of the Morilka - you will get the tone lighter or darker. Very bright details can be wrapped in just vegetable oil. You can check in advance Shades of painting on tree trimming left after sawing crafts.

You can also collect the details of the crafts from the tree in watercolor or gouache(Using not a brush, but a foam sponge). After painting, the item does not pack your hands, you can sprinkle her hair lacquer or impregnate with a cracker with another turning maker for wood (only before trimming what color will be).

It only seemsWhat a cow (in the photo of a craft from a tree above) is located behind the moon. In fact, all the details are in the same plane. On a sheet of paper. But thanks to the streamlord of the edges of the parts - everything looks in bulk, soft and as if depressed in friend. In fact, nothing is pressed - everything is simply lying along with each other.

Ideas for such flat craft appliques from wood You can take inside children's bookkeeping books. There are just pictures with large details. Children's picture-rationa can be found in Google - zoom and print. Or redraw directly from the monitor screen, putting the paper sheet on the glowing screen.

Methods of pollovka details

for crafts from wood

(instructions to help).

So that it was easier to open smooth edges of the details, without rubbing the corns in your arms, I want to give a few useful tips.

You can clamp a sandy grinding tape in special vice, also chocated from wood. This is how it is done on the left photo below. Or come up with your version of the device.

Here on the left photo - sandpaper turns around a thick plate with a semicircular edge. And the edges of the emery paper are wrapped in the grooves, and clamping the bolt twisted through the round cylindrical wood-clamp.

Also there are grinding nozzles on the drill. And then you can make a silvism of parts using rotary power drills and magic power strength.

Here we see grinding nozzles on a drill - plate and drum form.

There are grinding devices for a drill, where you yourself can change Entround paper - remove the old screaming sand and refill a new one.

By the way, it is possible to buy on Aliexpress at once the grinding drums on a drill for 3-4 dollars per batch of 100 pieces. If you can look and cheaper to find.

And in order for the drill when working, you cannot create a special fastening structure in your hand, which fixes Your homemade grinding machine in one place, and all that you will remain to bring items to the grinding drum.

The design of the mounting pallet may be different, with a wooden clamp (photo above), or with a retainer in the form of a metal bracket (as in the photo below).

With such an assistant to make crafts from wood with their own hands - one pleasure. Quickly nice and immediately beautiful the result. Such work can be put on the flow - and establish a whole manufacture of beautiful wooden (smooth and safe) toys for children, gift wooden paintings.

You can become a successful master. Completely unexpected for himself. That's so simple, looking at this article and falling in love with the idea.

Fantasy wooden craft is limitless. Remember the success formula - everything can be done from the tree. The main thing to start ... then continue ... and finish.

For example, puffing toys. Beautiful fun and for children and to decorate cottages. Such a hammer or woodpecker can knock on your door, reporting a guest on the porch. As in the fairy tale, you can drown for the rope, and you will open the door.

You can do your own decorations for the children's room. In essence, reincarnate and become a designer of interesting interior crafts from a tree. Any boy will be happy if his children's room will play with the jungle motifs.

You know ... I will probably continue the theme of wooden crafts for the design of the children's room in one of the following articles. I want to see what ideas are glowing here. And fall in love with someone in this good thing.

And also, perhaps, you need to create an article with wood toys for children - handmade. Also need to write. And then it will earn link.

In the meantime continue ...

Crafts from wood

and throwing material.

Where do future crafts live? .... Old half-satiest boards. For example, from grandmother's fence. Which usually go on firewood or exported from the yard as an extra garbage. Stop. Let's not throw them out. Run in this heap and create something wonderful - do it yourself from the tree.

Wooden mop-brush, if you cut it in half - turns into a mouth of an evil pp. A little fantasy and work. And now the service dog has grown and rocks on you.

Elegant artistic design. Tree and throwing material.

Any throw material (hardware, plastics) and old woods can populate your house with fabulous characters. They are alive. They have a soul and their own story.

Crafts from wood

Intense beauty.

Displaced veneer , from old furniture shields, quietly reacted in your Saraike - can also be a source for craft appliqués from a tree.

From this thin woody material It is possible to cut the details of the future craft right scissors and stick on hot gun glue (or on joinery glue).

And instead of a veneer, you can use a thin birch bark. And also make interesting flat crafts from the tree.

Crafts from wood

(lamps, firewood and bark)

Ordinary firewood from your lunite can become a source of inspiration for wooden crafts to the cottage.

If the round is crawled to cut down the painter, then you get a figurine with a person turned to you. It remains only to draw this face, add the elements of the eyes, ears, nose to it.

You can fold the body of the animal from the lanes and round chumbs. Churbans will be legs and laminated back. You can do the head from the round sleeve a small log. Or sleep the ax The face to the desired form from the same is full as the body of your four-legged trees from the tree.

Show fantasy, do not stop before a difficult task. Squirrel from a tree or a snail from the lane - there is nothing complicated. We turn on the head and sense of humor - it will tell the most ridiculous, but effective ways to convey the delicate image of the animal using a coarse tree and another natural material.

You can work with a chainsaw or ax - drinking or shining your craft from a tree. You can make such pretty pigs with your own hands as a funny craft from a tree to the cottage.

And in the thickets of shrub, you can put a beautiful proud deer - too, a simple and fast craft of wood and branches.

Wooden crafts

from the chip from the village.

It happens that when the cutting of firewood, a figured big chip is chopped off. This church often has a bizarre form - already similar to something (bird, panther, face profile). You need such a gift of fate carefully to put aside in order to return to him and complete the cradle, started by nature. Something to cut a knife, to allocate paint, stick something like an additional part. And it turns out an exercise from the tree with their own hands - beautiful and original.

These ideas managed to find me for masters of wooden creativity.

Now you can also make beautiful crafts from wood with your own hands. Especially since this article is only the first of the cycle on the topic of wooden craftswhich are understandable and easy to do at home. You probably already fell in love with some ideas and fulfill their determination - I hold the cams for you - let everything get out best. And your handicraft from the tree will enjoy your whole family pile.

Currently, with high development industry, find a subject or product that could not be bought is almost impossible. Of course, the resulting thing will fully meet the highest requirements, but it will lose its special personality and the uniqueness that wooden products can give, with their own hands made.

Stages and tools for work

We define that you may need to make wooden handmade products. The most important thing is the material from which the exercise will be performed. All are full prepared by a special method, for this they are dried to 15% of humidity, but experts claim that the best option is 8-9%. It is important not to forget that wood is different in its strength and structure depending on the type.

To handle the product, you will need a mounting table or workbench. Next, the electric tool is necessarily acquired - the milling machine, the circular saw and the grinding machine, as well as the rolling and fuganok.

It is useful and the hand tool to which all sorts of plans, chisels, hacksaws-awards are appropriate. In order to apply the drawing on the product, you can get bored with bormashins and engravers.

Wooden drawings are also needed, in order to understand what will be a ready-made object. It is advisable to independently develop sketches or borrow them from more experienced masters.

Connection of products on valve grooves

This is one of the easiest and most common types of bonding, so it is recommended for beginners. It will take to cut the same and direct bands whose width will be the same as the thickness of the workpiece, then insert these parts into each other.

Prepare two pieces of plywood or tree in the form of a rectangle. In the middle, the grooves, the length of which is equal to half the workpiece. The width of this attachment should be the same as the width of the part. As a result, it turns out a strong and stable cross. If the grooves cut down the corners, then it will be possible to create an angular solid figure. You can thus collect four blanks and get an excellent frame for a box or a rectangular shape for crafts. Such a connection is also perfect for creating round things, such as mills or turbine wheels; making souvenirs and children's toys; Furniture made.

Stages of water polishing

Primer. It is performed using a tampon wrapped in fine matter and impregnated with varnish, which is applied to the product in different directions and impresses it. This procedure is done in order to fill the smallest pores and cracks on the base of the tree. After drying, the surface is processed by fine-grained emery paper, and then the coating is again applied in two layers one by one. After drying, the product should be treated with the composition of the last time, diluting it one to one with the polish. The prepared thing for two days is in a closed cabinet.

Paste. For this purpose, the political is used, before work with which the tampon is wetted by a small amount of vegetable oil. It is brought on the side, and the composition is distributed in smooth circular motions. All processes are performed in three stages, and after each application, the surface is polished with shallow sandpaper, then cleaned from dust. If you do everything right, then a small gloss is after drying the last layer.

Polishing. It is carried out in order for the surface to acquire a mirror glitter. After all layers dried well after the arrangement, the base is a little processed by the smallest sandpaper, which is pre-wetted in oil. Then a small amount of political is applied to the tampon, and the surface is rubbed up to the appearance of shine. In order to improve the strength characteristics of wood products, this procedure is repeated several times. At the last stage, the surface is wiping with a soft cloth impregnated with water.

Effect of aged tree

In order for wooden products, with their own hands created, steel is exclusive, the effect of the composition is used, which can be obtained in three ways.

The chemical method is suitable only for hardwood, since they are in their composition have tanning substances. For this, the surface must be covered with ammonia alcohol, after which it will darken and acquire a characteristic gray shade.

Using the thermal method, you can form any breeds. Initially, the surface is processed by a verse, and after a soldering iron before the natural texture appearance appears on it. Then the brush is removed to the nagar. Everything is covered with varnish.

Mechanical method (it is often referred to as a beshlorination) is best suited for coniferous rocks. For this method, the method will need a metal brush that needs to cut the fiber of the tree - remove soft layers, after which solid fibers will appear, which will give the material a shape. With this procedure, you can hide small defects that appear in the process. In the last stage, everything is covered with varnish or paint.

Technology final processing

With their own hands created, after manufacture are covered with paint. Thanks to this, they will be particularly beautiful and practical. This is done using a tampon or a soft brush. Small surfaces, as well as wooden carvings, are best painted with watercolor thin brush.

Before use, the simulator is slightly diluted, after which it is easy to apply in several layers, the number of which will depend on the required color. Since all parts of wood absorb paint in different ways, it is impossible to cover the product to one product. After each stage, the details are completely dried completely, then you need to go a little on the surface of sandpaper, remove dust and apply the following layer.


In order for wooden products, with their own hands created, it looks beautiful, they need a special care for them. Couples and moisture easily penetrate inside, but just just and evaporate. To protect the coating, it is best to use decorative wax. Humidity will not be able to harm products that are covered with such a composition. It is applied with a brush in several stages. This layer will become excellent protection against minor mechanical damage. For applying, you will need a tissue tampon, which the wax is rubbed by wide movements in the direction of the texture of the tree. To dry it, it is necessary to withstand the product one night at a temperature of + 20 ° C.

If you want to diversify some kind of leisure, then we advise you, dear friends, join the joinery. This exciting occupation will be so tightened to you that time will simply imperceptibly elude, and you will learn how to produce yourself with all sorts of scenery for home, cottages, garden and, of course, the yard. In addition to all this, you will not torment the eternal question, what to give to relatives, friends and colleagues to work on their behalf and other holidays. Moreover, brewed materials for creativity at least a pond of a pride, all the old trees are on your household plot at your disposal. Even from unspoic hemp, yes, it is possible to create incredible masterpieces of art with their own imagination, which will admire everything without exception. So, we strongly recommend visiting our article, which will provide you with 10 photos of the ideas of beautiful and interesting crafts from wood with your own hands for beginners prepared. They will serve for you a bright example and the impetus for our own extraordinarily funny work. Video with step-by-step master classes will complement and enshrine your knowledge gained in the area of \u200b\u200bjoinery.

Original feeder from full

If your child is 11-12 years old in the work lesson, they asked homework in school or in kindergarten, make a feeder for birds, then such a craft from a tree should like it. You will not spend a lot of time on its manufacture, and the result will delight you and surprise others. Let's look at step-by-step instructions and understand how to make an interesting feeder out of your own hands.

You will need:

  • Log,
  • Chainsaw,
  • Electrolovik,
  • Chisel semicircular
  • A hammer,
  • Chain - 1 m,
  • Carbine,
  • Mounting loop - 2 pcs.,
  • Saws.


  1. Even a novice carpenter through our master class will be able to build a simple and original feeder from the log. From Polyan, we scream two circles on both sides, a small thickness of the chainsaw.
  2. Cut the wedge in length is full of approximately 45 degrees.
  3. I pull out a wedge out of it.
  4. We make longitudinal and transverse rods inside the linen, do not be angry until the contour is about 5 centimeters.
  5. With the help of the chisels and the hammer we will give the middle of our PLAN. Align the chipsets, making the inner part with a smooth.
  6. Of the 2 dumped circles, cut the side plugs. To do this, we apply the circle to the linen and on the inner contour we plan the size of the plug, and cut out it with a jigsaw.
  7. We insert the plugs around the edges of our feeders and secure self-drawing.
  8. Our snaps in the form of a feeder is ready, now we will make fastening for it.
  9. To do this, we screw the mounting hinges on the sides. They wear a chain.
  10. It remains on the chain to attach the carbine and hang on the tree.

Video: An interesting bird feeder with your own hands

Frame from branches of a tree

Photo is a preserved piece of happiness, captured in different periods of life. Having made your own hands an unusual photo frame from a tree, you will bring the highlight to the interior and surprise your guests. This framework will be especially relevant for a gift to loved ones. Even the novice carpenter can easily and quickly cope with such a simple task. The result is an amazing handicraft to everyone!

You will need:

  • Sprigs of different thickness,
  • Frame,
  • Adhesive gun
  • Electrolzik.


  1. Splits on wheels, about 5 mm thick. The more diverse the thickness of the twigs will be, the more interesting the ready-made frame will look.
  2. Now let's cross the frame with the ones with glue by placing them in chaotic order.
  3. The edges can be uneven, but it will give a special charm to your cradle made of wood made with your own hands.

Swedish candle

Such a candle will be indispensable in any campaign. You can prepare food on it or warm the water, it burns very long. This beneficial handicraft made by personally will save you in any hike, travel, fishing and even in the country. Make it insanely just. Let's see the step-by-step description and the principle of its implementation.

You will need:

  • A piece of logs
  • Chainsaw,
  • Liquid for ignition.


  1. In order to make this interesting craft from a tree with their own hands for beginners at home, it will be necessary to make a chainsaw to make the 4th intersecting in the center cut along the log. The cuts do not until the end so that the design does not break down, but a little more than half of the length.
  2. Now in the middle fill the ignition fluid.
  3. When you find yourself in the campaign just burn the log in the center. The flame will be strong.
  4. In order for oxygen to enter the place of ignition, take 2 twigs, preferably, raw and put them in parallel to each other. Now they can be put in dishes with food or water.

Video: Master class for the manufacture of a Swedish candle with their own hands

Owl of wood

To decorate the garden or, as an interesting handicraft to school, it will look good Owl from a tree. She is done with their own hands is quite simple, so with your help even a novice carpenter - a schoolboy can easily cope with such an owl. Before you begin, let's see how to make owls personally in step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Round sleeves with a tree of different diameters (1 large, 2 small and 1 medium),
  • Saw,
  • Self-tapping screw
  • Lid with plastic bottle - 2 pcs.
  • Flomaster,
  • Sackcloth,
  • Scissors,
  • Glue.


  1. The big sleep will serve the body of the owl.
  2. On the flat side from above, the two little drinks with self-draws. It will be eyes.
  3. A piece of medium-sized plugs and fastened on the sides of a big sleeve. With painted sides in different directions.
  4. Take the beak do it yourself from a small piece of logs, drink it. Place the bottom between the eyes, attaching the screw.
  5. From the burlap we need to make a ear, placing them over your eyes. Take a small piece, roll it into the tube, making one tip sharp. Split and with glue glue over one eye sharp part to the side. Similarly, we make the second ear.
  6. Eyes make out of the covers. At the eye for the eyes, we attach the lid with a self-tapping screw, and pupils fill with a black felt-tip pen.
  7. Owl is ready. It can be hung on the wall, as it has a flat side, either fix on the tree branch in the garden, decoring it another interesting handicraft made with his own hands.

This interesting stool of wood will be an excellent decoration of the country area, a bath or garden. For its manufacture with your own hands, you will not spend a lot of strength and energy. This stool is distinguished by the originality in the manufacture, since by and large it turns out by itself. You will need several actions at the beginning and at the end of work. For beginner masters, this is just a great way to hone your skills.

You will need:

  • Log,
  • Ignition liquid
  • Saw,
  • Preparation for the seat round,
  • Metal brush,
  • Grinding
  • Nails
  • A hammer.


  1. Take a log and make 2 cuts, perpendicular to each other, along the full.
  2. Fill in the middle a liquid for ignition and set on fire.
  3. We are waiting for the fire itself will make the legs for the tool and the car.
  4. With the help of a metal brush, we remove the residues of coal and gary.
  5. Then polish your hands the surface of the toaster.
  6. Hand attach the seat on the top of the toaster.
  7. Stool is ready! Excellent and useful crafts from a tree for the whole family.

Video: Master class on making herds with their own hands

Swing for a child do it yourself

If you want to please your child swing, not necessarily buy them. You can make your own hands from wooden skulls very beautiful and safe swings for young children. Safely they because from all sides there is protection against loss in the form of a crossbar. So, let's start the process of performing our homemade interesting crafts at home.

You will need:

  • Bar 3 × 4 × 37 cm - 11 pieces,
  • Board 4.5 × 1.5 × 37 cm,
  • Self-tapping screw
  • Rope,
  • Hacksaw,
  • Pencil,
  • Line
  • Drill,
  • Sculpture.


  1. To make our wonderful craft from the tree, put two bar parallel to each other. Top laying 6 duples with the same distance between them and tighten them with self-draws.
  2. We drill holes for fastening a rope from four sides in the corners.
  3. Next, we take the hacksaw and cut off the bar two pieces of 15 centimeters.
  4. Then in the center of the resulting parses drill holes, so we get the front racks of our homemade craft.
  5. We cut the semisantimeter trim in half and vertically drill.
  6. Take a new bar and put on the edges of small lumps with holes. In Bruke we drill holes.
  7. We repeat the same action with two bars and three plates.
  8. The new bar cut off two lumps, 7.5 cm long, and drill vertical holes in them.
  9. Take the rope and begin to collect our swings. We produce two different end of the sides of the seat in such a way that the middle of the rope is under it. So do swing on both sides.
  10. We put on the rack of the rack 15 cm on the front of the swing.
  11. 3.5 cm racks put on the rear ropes. Then put on the rear racks with holes with holes, so we make your own hands the back wall of our swing.
  12. On the rear racks we wear bars, 7.5 cm long.
  13. Installing armrests. On lateral rings we put on a plank.
  14. For the rear ropes we put on the two remaining drilled bar.
  15. On the front rings we put on a plank, which will serve as a side for a child.
  16. Now you can hang the swing in any doorway, or in the corridor.

VIDEO: Interesting wood handling with her own hands

Cutting board made of wood

Each of us in the kitchen uses cutting boards, so I want to tell about how to make a board with my own hands to beginner masters. Such an interesting handicraft can be used in the kitchen, give friends and relatives, or use as a basis for burning on wood or other works.

You will need:

  • Board 20 × 70 × 40 mm,
  • Glue,
  • Clamp - 2 pcs.,
  • Plane,
  • Electrolovik,
  • Drill with a drill
  • Sandpaper,
  • Creosote.


  1. In order for the aircraft to get such as required, the boards need to be glued together so that one wide board turned out. To do this, smear the sides of the boards with glue and with the help of two clamps tightly tighten each other.
  2. After drying the glue, remove the clamps and process the board using the plane so that it becomes smooth and smooth.
  3. Now draw the desired board shape and cut it out with the jigsaw.
  4. In the top of the board, drill a hole so that in the future our craft can be hung.
  5. We proceed all sides of our boards with sandpaper so that it becomes perfectly smooth and without burrs.
  6. After Occarification, treat your board with creosote. Wait for drying.
  7. The board made in a short time of time with its own trees, ready for use!

Crossing game - Tree Noliki game

From the tree you can create not only ornamental and useful crafts, but you can still make the game of cross - Noliki do it yourself. Such interesting work will delight adults and children with their unusual design. Such a game can take time at home and in the country.

You will need:

  • Circle cut, with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm,
  • Branch with a diameter of 3 cm,
  • Cautery on wood,
  • Hacksaw,
  • Sandpaper.


  1. In order to make an interesting handicraft from a tree with your own hands for beginners without any problems, it is necessary to break the branch to the circles, up to 1 cm thick for the beginning. We need 12 such billets.
  2. Using sandpaper, treat all sides of circles, as well as our field for the game.
  3. Now burn out on the big circle the field for the game, 3 × 3 cells.
  4. On small circles, we need to burn 6 testers and 6 crosses.
  5. Crafts ready for the game!

Snowman made of wood

Such an interesting and pretty child career will become a real decoration of room interior for the New Year 2018 or a gift for friends - schoolchildren. Make such creation with your own hands, children will be able to easily, only need to pay a little creativity of the time and strength, and also prepare a few spikes of a tree. Parental assistance and support will certainly be also not superfluous for beginners. So, proceed to work.

To create it will be necessary:

  • a piece of wood, 5 x 10 cm;
  • sandpaper;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • materials for the scenery of a snowman: buttons, fabric and other things that you like;
  • drill;
  • black marker;
  • pink colors;
  • paper;
  • compass;
  • polymer clay orange color;
  • brush and sponge for applying paints.

Work process:

  1. For the manufacture of this craft, you will need to distinguish work on the children's and adult. For a start, the child is 11-12 years old can freely draw a snowman template on a sheet of paper, and then cut it with adults.
  2. Dad or grandfather in turn carries these outline on the tree, circling the line with a black marker.
  3. A carpentry tool will need to cut a fabulous hero, and then polish all irregularities and roughness.
  4. After that, the snowman needs to bring closer to natural color. To do this, you will need acrylic paint of snow-white colors. Cover her all the product and take the time to dry.
  5. The cheeks are created by means of pink paint. The elementary touch of the finger is applied to the blush of our craft.
  6. Packs and mouth painting with a black marker.
  7. Nose - Carrot make it yourself from polymer clay. This part of the work will instruct your child. After drying, attach it to the product with universal glue. In the same way, attach and go to the bodybuzzle of a snowman.
  8. Handles make a tree branches, a gray or brown cardboard hat, and scarf from any segment of the fabric. Here and is ready for our cheerful Christmas handicraft, created with your own hands quickly and easily. For schoolchildren, you can come up with many similar products that they create themselves at home. Perhaps this creativity will turn into a real hobby of your child, and later, and in something more serious.

Vasuchka for live flowers

Another creative work for beginner joiners, which will be subject to schoolchildren 11 - 12 years old, is a vase from wooden sleeps and metal cans. Such a handicraft made with your own hands can be given to your mother, grandmother or girlfriend. Carefully look at the photo and proceed to the manufacture of this interesting product.

To work, you will need:

  • metal bank;
  • universal glue;
  • little spins of a tree.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Adults in advance must prepare wooden sleeves of small size.
  2. Pull the metal jar from dusting and pollution.
  3. In chaotic order, we stick a spike from the tree to the prepared container, ranging from the bottom to the top. The gaps should not be in principle. They need to be disguised with small circles of natural material. That's all! Our interesting handicraft can become a gift, and very valuable because it is made with your own hands.


So our article came to its conclusion, which provided you with some simple and morestary crafts from the tree with their own hands for beginners of joinery. The ideas and video proposed by us are quite varied and colorful, informative and meaningful. This material is quite abused for beginners who want to reveal in the area of \u200b\u200bthis carved art. Pay this information a little time, learn and apply your knowledge in practice at home to create the best work for beauty and benefit. By the way, if your children are also not indifferent to this type of needlework, then boldly bring them into their creative company. Together, as they say, and worry fun. For the children, you can find some simple crafts that they will be able to create a self-like self. Fantasize, embody your dreams into reality, decorate your creations all around, please yourself and your loved ones.

Alexander ForestLamp · 70,106 views

homemade wood with their own hands

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Crafts from Penkov: stylish ornaments from natural material

First of all, sawing wood branches, we get sets of golden "coins", which will certainly appreciate your kids: they are perfectly suitable as a building material as an alternative to an ordinary cube.

And to combine a pleasant with useful, find the device for electrical incorporation in the nearest children's or building store, and apply numbers on cutting numbers. Ready! Now you can unobtrusively teach the kids to count.

Another option is to burn the letters on small sections, and then glue small magnets to them. As a result, you will get a great set for learning kids alphabet.

Crafts from the cutting of wood can be perfectly fit into the interior.

Self-timers made of wood

If your sleep has an oblong shape, we propose to use it as a clock dial (the finished mechanism can be searched in stores for needlework or home products). Such an accessory in the style of Country can be made in two versions using a tree in a natural form or covering it with varnish.

Crafts from hemp can also be used to decorate your site, for example, making such an attractive path from the spikes of a tree, which can be supplemented with your summer path. Be sure to make sure that the wooden components are firmly adjacent to the ground to avoid trouble, and then place them pebbles and moss to give a new look of your carpet of gravel.

Decorate trees on your site by crafts from hemp, which may be natural! You can easily and simply make a rustic decoration from cutting a cutted tree, wrapped it with a thread of coarse sisal and hanging on the branch.

You can also connect individual parts to the garland, which can be used for the New Year's decoration of your site, while the ropes are better to further fix with wooden rounds with transparent glue. If you want to make such a garland brighter, you can always decorate crafts from cutting searches with scrubbed patterns or apply bright drawings on them.

For the festive design of the interior in the style of Country, you can use such an elegant path from the spikes of a tree painted with gold paint. A contrast shiningwood will serve bottles in which the festive decor will be reflected. A patio or a veranda can be separated in such an unusual and attractive decoration.

Crafts from hemp can be the main part of the interior in rustic style. In this case, coarse wooden sections serve as stands for candlesticks, well combined with a table from a raw bar and a cheerful tablecloth from the plaid. Please note: the compositions use pieces of wood of different values, which looks particularly effectively.

The same candles on hemp will become an organic addition to the Christmas tree. Especially they can be recommended at a high base under the tree, since in this case they bind the floor with a tree, filling spaces and giving it weight.

An option for fans of sinks from hemp: the visual center of this interior is a wall, fully trimmed with sections of trees.

Another important detail of this room is improvised individual coffee tables in rustic style, made from the "pyramids" of hemp.

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Sometimes with the help of simple things you can transform the house beyond recognition. And if it is also crafts for home with your own hands, then you will not only show individuality, but also be able to save. Moreover, it is not necessary to be an experienced designer or do the needlework.
The main thing is to observe accuracy, and then even with the help of items that are not used for a long time for their intended purpose, or the submitted means you will create beautiful and practical things.

Below we will tell you what you can do with your own hands for the house, as well as give some examples of phased work for creative home interior updates.

Original crafts for home with their own hands, photo

What to use for crafts

Any masterpiece begins with the idea, well, you can get inspiration charge, just looking around: What can be used when creating useful crafts for home with your own hands?

Here are the most common options:

Tip: To create different crafts for the interior, use your own hands and old items: suitcases, plastic and metal buckets, mirrors, furniture items. Many decor elements that have aged look, just decorate homemade rooms.

Of course, we cannot tell you about all the novelties of crafts for home with your own hands. But at all is not necessarily limited to these ideas: enter your own interior, introducing the entire family to the process of creating crafts.

Practical crafts

One of the interesting ideas for home with your own hands - shelf, created from the old staircaseas in the photo. To decorate it, we will need boards, paint of any color (it is better to choose an interior style), brushes, saw, sandpaper and glue. For starters, do the preparation of the reasons for the shelf themselves: count their size - and cut the boards to the desired parameters.

Tip: Sometimes the levels of the staircase on each side do not coincide. Enclose additional bars for alignment.

The boards that will serve the shelves are fixed in the staircase with glue. Next, the design is grouped. When everything is ready, you can proceed to painting and an additional decor. On the shelves of this type, you can store books, indoor plants, small accessories.

Ideas with your own hands for the interior, photos

Next useful thing for home with your own hands - desktop Organizer. It can be made it from wood, plastic, cardboard, glass and other durable items. We will tell you about how quickly and just make such crafts for their homes with their own hands based on wooden bars.

You will need several bars with a thickness of at least 2 cm: one of these components should be longer than 1 cm. For the decor of the organizer, it is better to choose several colors: you can paint each of the bars in your color. You will also need chisel, sandpaper, saw, hammer, drill, vice, glue, brushes, pencil and ruler.

Start by planning the design and purpose of the organizer. Depending on what will be kept here, we will have to do different works. For example, a long slot will be intended for a smartphone, which can be done with a saw. And for the handles or pencils you can make holes by using a drill. Some holes are made by bits and hammer.

Tip: In order for the organizer design to be smooth, pre-mark the markup with a pencil and ruler.

After all the holes and slots are ready, to process the surface of the bar of the sandpaper. The finished upper part of the organizer is glued to a solid bar. So that when drying, the design has not shifted, use vice.

In about an hour, you can proceed to further work. All slots and holes need to be lengthened, so do similar work for the lower glued bar, given the design of the upper one.

homemade wood with do it yourself at home

The longest bar is glued below this design.

Tip: If you want to make an extra paper slot, as in the photo - cut the two top bars, and cut the elements on the opposite side of the base.

Designer ideas for home with their own hands, photo

After completing the blending, you can begin to decorate the organizer. You can use not only paints, but also, for example, sequins or decorative stickers. Made at home beautiful crafts with their own hands, like such an organizer, will become not only an assistant in work, but also decoration of the table.

And below in the photo - an example of one of the interesting handicrafts for the house with your hands of small sizes: stand for glasses and cups. Make a sufficient amount of plugs from wine (about 20-30 pieces, depending on the desired stand sizes). Lay out these elements in the right form (circle, oval, square or even heart: They may look like anything) - and firmly wrap the wire.

Fill the empty space in the stand you can trim the same plugs. If you are worried that over time the stand will break up - secure the plugs with the glue, wrap the tape or prepare for them a solid tip from cardboard or wood.


With the help of girlfriend, you can do everything for home with your own hands. Quite often of wood, plastic or glass are carried out coffee tables. In the photo you can see one example of such a craft: The table is done very quickly, as it assumes only the connection of several wooden boxes.

Spread or connect nails compound desk elements, decorate it at your discretion, and also add a few inserts to create internal shelves - and a convenient coffee table is ready. By the way, the tree harmonizes with any materials and colors, so let's fit into the interior will not be difficult.

Ideas for home with your own hands, photo

In the creation of unusual and beautiful things with your own hands you can help your children. Tell them simple work: stick or paint the crawl, pick up materials and colors. It can be a plate and a saucer made of papier-mâché, practical pads for needles, painted buckets as flower pots, notepads for recordings and much more.

To the original children's crafts at home, you can attribute and comfortable hangerAs in the photo below. In addition to holders, it includes several pockets for storing toys, jewelry and other items.

Such an exemplary is made easier: elements from fabric are attached to the wooden framework, sewn themselves.

Crafts do it yourself for home, photo

With the use of materials that you have at home, you can come up with many more interesting decisions and build cool and interesting things and the necessary products.

Some crafts do it yourself for home - useful things and decor elements at the same time. So let's find out what will help us make your home even more cute.

On the eve of the New Year, we offer to make a mini-church - New Year Topiary with your own hands: the master class on the manufacture and video instructions will help make a festive craft without errors.

Photo of bedroom design options For young spouses, see this article.

Crafts for interior decor

Nothing does not attract the look like unusual wall decorations of large sizes. Therefore, if you have a big mirror - do it for him spectacular frame From the primary materials.

You will find many photos of smart and cool ideas for home with your own hands with decorated mirrors: the framing can be performed from glass mosaic, plastic, fabric, seashells or pasta, all sorts of different buttons, clothespins, cutlery, ornamental colors and other items.

What about such an idea? The frame is made from a plurality of multi-colored newspaper tubes of the same thickness.

We continue to make crafts and decorate the house with your own hands: the original ideas can be realized and using plastic dishes. For example, spoons that you just need to stick on the basis that can withstand such a decor.

The following photo is another idea for home with your own hands: Many tops from disposable spoons were stuck on a plastic bottle to create a form of a lamp.

You can make several such jewelry - and decorate the entire room with the updated handmade lamps, but do not forget that the plastic is fire-haired.

Beautiful crafts do it yourself, photo

Another idea how to make beautiful crafts with your own hands for the decoration of the house: This time it is about creating a spring atmosphere due to artificial flowers From the remedies. Such ideas for the apartment do not require special training.

The simplest floral compositions are created using flat stencils used for starchy fabric: buds are rolled on a wire - and secured.

But some kind of colors, such as roses, make it harder. For such a handmade decor, it is necessary to cut a paper or tissue circle with a diameter of about 15-20 cm. Next, the figure is cut on the helix - and tightened from top to bottom. Petals of such a flower must be accurately straightened, and the flower itself is to cry, so that it does not fall apart.

Such original ideas for the house will allow you to decorate the vase, as well as frames, decorative panels and other surfaces.

Next handicraft: do it yourself beautiful and cute things for the house from major beads. For example, how about the idea for the interior with your own hands in the form of a candlestick? Take a regular disk - and with the help of glue, start consolidating in a circle each of the beads. After drying the first layer, proceed to the following.

Council. So that the effect is better, use transparent beads that will pass through yourself light.

Beauty, right? Such creative ideas for the house will come to how it is impossible for the holidays.

Ideas for the apartment do it yourself, photo

And now making the most interesting for home with your own hands: decorate the window zone. Creaters will be creative and useful crafts here. And it is not necessary to sew them from the fabric at all: show fantasy - and create threaded curtains from handicrafts of small sizes.

You can make a curtain in the form of a set of vertical garlands of paper, cardboard or felt.

Original ideas for home with your own hands, photo

Using the mixture, designer approach and sweater, you can create other unusual and original things for the house.

So do it yourself with your own hands for home something new: it will become only better.

In the family - a little birthday? It's time to learn how to decorate the room to a child for a birthday - all the secrets and subtleties of the technology are described in detail.

Even dishes can become the place of the application of creative abilities. Learn how to use a variety of decorative ceramic plates on the wall at home, here.

How to make your home cozy with your own hands? Many ideas for decor and comfort - in the article at:


Check out the video, where five more decor's ideas are shown by crafts, made by hand:

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Home crafts with photo instructions

Such an element of the design, how the tree is sleeping is currently not in every house, even with greater confidence, let's say that it can be seen quite rarely. Because, Russian designers are just beginning to enjoy this practice. And the decorations from the spilles of trees are mainly creating people of the Hand Mete sphere. If at your disposal there is a preservation site, one way or another, you are engaged in trees. And the resulting wood you can turn into a magnificent decor. And in this article we will tell our readers about how to use a tree of wood for the decor.

Decorating walls with spike trees

Decorating with wooden sleeves of his house, makes it, first, unique, and secondly, makes a notch of naturalness, as if reuniting with nature. Basically, this decor element is used as decoration of walls. This is done quite not difficult. You just need to take either a branch, or a tree trunk and cut into thin bars, which later will be element of the decor. And any of the resulting sleeps will be unlike the other, and make bars what kind of sizes.

Cour from the tree is better to remove in the event that it is large, but if it is thin, then you can save it. The spears are recommended a little pollutory so that you or the guests do not accidentally bring the opposition. As you know, such a raw material for decor, like a tree lifting a variety of insects, and therefore bars it is better to treat special solutions. You can decorate them with paint or varnish. But how to separate the wall you make a decision yourself. You can completely cover the wall with spikes of trees, and you can only take part. No matter how you decorate the wall, look it will be just great.

Fastening of sleeps to the wall is carried out by special glue.

On a note! In order for glue to reliably fix the tree bars on the wall, it initially needs to be cleaned and aligned.

Unusually panel of spike wood

Woodwood in the interior looks quite beautiful. And make sure that the photos of modern interiors will help. In this part of the article we will tell about how to create a panel with the help of sleeps of trees?

So, the panel is a kind of composition, which just consists of wooden bars. And it looks just unusually and unique. That is, you will have a kind of picture that will make your interior unforgettable. Here, too, at your discretion, you can remove the bark from the tree, and you can not. In the thickness of the speech, it is not necessary to be the same, but the contour of the panel, to impart beauty, it is preferable to cut in one size. Let's just say, the picture you get a little abstract, as the tree is not exactly the material from which you can get a clear drawing. So here is a space for your imagination. Basically, the spils are grinding from the other side that will be attached to the wall, but the other is not touched, in order to give the composition naturalness. To impart uniqueness and exclusivity, you need to apply such elements such as branches, hemps and others.

How to make the floor with wooden sleeps

Currently widespread wooden floors. Therefore, it is not to be surprised that the spins of the trees will be useful for this part of the house. Well, of course, some small branches just do not fit here. Bruks to drink from trunks, well, or from large branches of trees. The size of the bars should not be small in thickness, because the floors are regularly loaded. And, of course, the tree of softer varieties will not suit. Otherwise, the service life of the floor is greatly reduced. This type of decor is considered the most difficult. For several reasons.

  • The first - ordinary glue here is definitely not suitable, you will have to resort to the help of a special solution.
  • The second is, after all the sleeps are on the floor, you will have to be very carefully and diligently grinding until all pieces get one level and become smooth. After that, you can start the procedure for the coating of the floor with varnish, in order to shine in order, and still varnish will create a protective layer from moisture, dirt and wiping.

Varnish should choose such that is designed for wood, since in most cases they contain elements that scare different insects. And also varnish will allow the floor as long as possible look like a new one.

Decorate the house with a tree with a tree

Wooden sleeps can be applied to decorate your home anywhere. The main thing is your fantasy here. These decor elements are limited not only by the floors and walls. Here is the main list of what can be done, or where to use wooden bars:

  • Various vases and flowers for flowers. Having spent some time and strength, you will get a wonderful flower pot, which is inexpensive, and will be an excellent decoration of your room. True plants and flowers are perfectly combined with wood, and when the vase or pot is on a wooden floor, it is just an amazing combination. The spears will help not lose the essence of that subject you decorate, only use the wooden circles of a small diameter.
  • Shelves for anything, stands are hot. The basis of such elements is a thick bar, from the barrel. As one of the ways you just grind it and apply varnish. But this method is most practical for the manufacture of shelves.

    But the stands under hot need in a longer manufacturing process. To make such a thing you need the same section of the trunk, and it will have to take out the middle. And in the recess is placed in a speech, only less in size diameter. It will make your product exclusive. If you have never done this, then practice on simple raw materials (take the sleeves of small sizes).

  • Watch.

    crafts from wood do it yourself video

    This element of your room will not only be a beautiful decoration, but also will perform, say so household functions. Of course, to make wooden clock, you need the most real working hours. So, you take a wooden sleeper and make a hole in the middle and spend the arrows holder through it (the entire mechanism will be with the inside of the side). After that, Freak directly watch arrows and everything, the clock is ready! And draw the dial or not to solve you.

  • Such decor elements, as frames for paintings or mirrors, can be saved with small twigs. In this case, these decor items will become truly unique and very attractive.
  • Stylized wreaths. You can also use artificial flowers in the decor, but put them in the vase - it is boring and too simple. This wreath is very simple. As the basis, round metal hoop is needed, and the ordinary wire of which must be given to the form required. Then you need to leave the shape of small sleeves, and then add the branches, cones, artificial flowers, and so on. You will have a unique wreath that you will proudly show friends and loved ones. Such a wreath can be hung in the hallway.
  • Hanger. The designer solution can be called a hanger made of spins, mean thickness inserted into a rectangular frame. Only it is necessary that the sleeps have the knots - they will serve in crochets for clothes. Such an hanger will absolutely gorgeously look in the hallway.
  • Tables and chairs. Everything is clear here! The tabletop serves as a big spoke of the tree and the legs of small on the diameter of sleep are attached to it. Typically made product do not paint, it fits perfectly into the interior of the cottage or private house.

People with a widely advanced fantasy can embody even more ideas using wood spins both elements of decor and things that will be useful in everyday life. So, for example, a cups for pencils and handles will look very beautiful. The field for rampant fantasy and the embodiment of ideas is abound. What would you do from sleep? Now in this article we will show you how they look awesome wood in the interior.

Old trees occupy an area that fit to determine for more useful and functional elements. Dry giants are only sipped dead branches and greenery residues, practically do not give shadows, but occupy a lot of space.

After heating and harboring, the most common wood ultimately falls into the fire.