Installation Gas boilers wall double-circuit. Installation of a gas boiler: What should I know? Closed Camera combustion


Gas boilers are intended to heat the liquid coolant in autonomous heating structures, the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers are performed in apartments or private households. Since these heating devices operate on an explosive form of fuel, it is necessary to clearly follow the rules for installing a wall gas boiler to provide absolute security for residents.

First of all, real estate owners should be known that all work related to the connection of the device to the gas highway and the heating system should be carried out by specialists in strict accordance with the decisions approved.

Independent installation of wall-mounted gas boilers

Consumers are often interested, you can either not install a gas boiler yourself? Before mounting the gas heat supply system, a project should be developed and coordinate it in local supervisory bodies (more details: ").
The project documentation indicates the parameters of the boiler, its location and describes the scheme, how the entire heating system will function. Only after its approval, some of the installation work can be done with their own hands.

However, not all manufacturers of gas heating equipment allow the installation of their heat units independently:
  • aRISTON, VIESSMANN, BOSCH and a number of others oblige buyers to carry out the installation of a wall gas boiler exclusively by employees of certified centers;
  • some manufacturers, such as Baxi, Ferroli, Electrolux are more loyal to this issue, do not prohibit the unauthorized installation of wall instruments. But in any case, for commissioning events, a service from specialists who have access to the connection of gas and electrical equipment will be needed for commissioning of the heating design.
Before proceeding to self-installing the boiler, it is necessary to make sure that such a work is allowed by the manufacturer.

Wall gas boiler connection circuit

Hinged heat generators are preferably located in a separate room. It is customary to call the fuel or boiler room. Requirements for this room depend on the type of the combustion chamber of the boiler, which is planned to be purchased (more detailed: ").

Outdoor type of combustion chamber. The principle of operation of such a device is largely similar to the functioning of a conventional stove and is as follows: the device using natural cravings, takes the air out of the room, and the exhaust gases are then removed through the chimney.

Gas boilers require a certain amount of air in the room, otherwise the gas does not burn completely, and toxic substances are formed representing serious danger to people's health. When the installation of wall-mounted gas boilers is performed, a window should be provided, which goes to the street, with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 0.5 "square" and a place for maintenance. The surface of the walls of the boiler house must be made of fire-resistant materials.

The volume of the fiber depends on the power of the connected equipment:

  • with a boiler power not exceeding 30 kW - 8 m³;
  • for 30-60 kW, it is 13-14 m³;
  • for capacity up to 200 kW - 15 m³ and more.
Closed combustion chamber type. Included to such boilers, a coaxial chimney is attached, which is a double pipe, which has an outdoor portion for the intake of air directly from the street, and the internal is needed to remove combustion products. When installing heat units with a closed combustion chamber type, a mandatory connection to the power grid is required to power the fan that creates air circulation by chimney. Usually it provides for this.

Wall-mounted gas boiler installation rules

Installation and further connection of the wall gas device largely depends on the type of combustion chamber and the number of contours (if only heating is planned, it will be one, and when heating plus is a hot water supply, then the system will be two-kinning). See also: "". This article discusses the installation of single-circuit boilers.

Stage first - mount on the wall. Pictured on the photo mounted gas boiler mounted on a special bracket included with the device. But the fasteners are not always suitable for it, and they often have to acquire separately, given the material of the wall to which it is planned to be placed. The fact is that the bracket must withstand a mass of the device and ensure it is absolutely even position. See also: "".

The surface of the wall behind the thermal unit is required to be protected by a non-aggravated material. The height of the installation of a wall gas boiler assumes that the suspension of the lower part of the heat unit will be at a distance of at least 80 centimeters from the floor, and the gap between the wall and the rear surface will be 5 centimeters.

Stage Second - Connecting the main heating pipes. To the boiler, it will be necessary to connect the number of pipes, depending on which system is mounted - one-tube or two-pipe. Before performing the connection, the plugs are removed from the unit nozzle. Specialists advise the filter on the inlet of the returns to install the filter so that the boiler does not get trash and dirt from the heat line.

An important value is water quality, or rather its rigidity when used as a coolant. To correct the disadvantage will help such a cleaning equipment as polyphosphate dispensers, and otherwise the wall instrument will quickly stop working.

When working, you will need to set the following items:

  • ball valve (gas), which is mounted at the entrance to the unit;
  • a gas meter and leakage sensor - they are cut into the highway in front of the device;
  • thermal span valve (according to fire safety rules). When the temperature near the wall heat unit rises to a critical value, for example, when a fire occurs, this device will automatically block the supply of gas.
Stage Fourth - Connecting to the power grid. Power supply is not necessary for all gas boilers, but only for those that have a fan designed to remove waste and the automation system. Usually draw a three-wire inclusion scheme and be sure to ground. The hinged boiler is better to connect to the power supply using a voltage stabilizer to avoid voltage jumps. Read also: "Installation of gas heating - from the choice of equipment before installing the heating system."

Stage Fifth - the arrangement of the output into the chimney pipe. Atmospheric gas boilers require a connection to an individual chimney. The scheme for connecting a wall gas boiler provides that the device is combined with chimney using a certain section of a certain cross section, which is resistant to high temperatures, mechanical wear and influence of combustion products.

Before proceeding to perform connection, you need to make sure that there is no garbage and soot residues in the chimney.

When installing the cutting pipe, which comes from the chimney boiler, comply with the following rules:

  • the vertical part located at the outlet of the device should be a length of at least two diameters to the place of rotation;
  • further, the pipe should be placed towards the aggregate;
  • a plot connected to chimney should have a minimum length if possible.
In boilers equipped with a closed chamber, the problem of removal of combustion products is becoming easier. They can be connected to collective chims or apply a coaxial tube, which is removed through the wall directly to the street. Behind the height of the suspension of the pipe is not required to monitor, because the craving creates a built-in fan.

Stage Sixth - filling with water. Before trial start, the valve is open, as a rule, at the bottom of the mounted boiler. Water is pumped until the pressure is 2 atmospheres. This process should be slow to remove the available air. The heating structure should be checked for tightness.

In the process of performing commissioning events, it is possible to ask questions you are interested in a professional on the use of heating gas equipment.

After completion of work on commissioning, the act is signed.

Thus, you can make the following conclusion: the installation of wall gas boilers can not be called simple. It requires relevant experience in the construction and plumbing sphere. At some stages, without the participation of specialists, it will not be possible to do. But if you perform a number of stages yourself, then it will be possible to save well.

Examples of wall-mounted gas heating boiler on video:

The efficiency of autonomous heating is directly dependent on the correctness of the installation work. In a set of gas boiler, an instruction is provided in which the unit for connecting the unit is specified. Installation of a two-circuit gas boiler must be carried out in full compliance with the requirements of technical documentation. If you are not sure that you can make the right installation of the gas boiler with your own hands, contact a specialist.

When choosing a place for a gas boiler, you need to consider all the requirements for the boiler room. If you choose a boiler with a closed type of firebox, then these requirements will be much loyal. Modern models of gas aggregates have exactly such furnaces in their design. The installation of such a boiler is possible even in the kitchen if its area is at least 12 m2.

Gas boilers are two types:

  • wall or suspended - mounted on the wall;
  • outdoor or stationary - installed on a special stand and are attached to the floor.

Gas boiler installation requirements

Installation of a two-circuit gas boiler should be made only on capital walls. All wooden elements must be isolated or removed. Isolation is made of steel sheet with asbestos layer. The boiler must have a free space around and easy access on any side. Installation height is at least 800 mm from the floor.

All fasteners for installing the boiler are available with the unit and are designed for the weight of the structure. The use of homemade fasteners is prohibited.

Installation of a stationary boiler is made on a concrete screed, covered with steel sheet and thermal insulation material.

Further installation and connection of wall and stationary boilers is made equally.

The main requirement of installing the gas unit is an even location. If the boiler will have a bias, the surface of the boiler heat will fail. The reason will be the uneven distribution of the coolant, which will cause temperature skew and rapid wear of the heat exchanger.

Gas boiler strapping scheme

After completion of the installation work, it is necessary to connect the boiler to the heating system and water supply. Scheme of the strapping of the floor boiler heating and the wall is absolutely the same.

Gas connection to the boiler without a specialist is prohibited and is subject to a fine. Commissioning boilers are also underway under the control of the gas service.

All other elements can be connected independently. Each boiler has almost the same details for connecting to communications:

  • coarse filter is installed on the reverse line of the heating circuit;

  • the magnetic filter is a softener of household water. It prepares cold water before it is heated in the hot water supply circuit;

  • mesh filter;
  • gas filter;

  • signs are elements of a threaded pipe connection;

  • flexible corrugated hose;

  • pressure gauge - instrument for measuring pressure;

  • thermostat - electronic automatic system for maintaining specified parameters;

  • coaxial chimney is a smoke tube, which is a substitute for the traditional chimney in modern boilers with a forced order;

  • safety valve for 3 bar is a mechanical system of automatic reset of the coolant into the atmosphere while increasing pressure to critical values;

  • the expansion tank is intended to compensate for the growth and falling hydraulic pressure in the heating system;

  • shut-off valve;

  • automatic air vent is designed to output air from the heating system.

In the connected form, all items look like this:

The simplest heating system and hot water supply using a gas double-circuit boiler has the same design as traditional systems:

The boiler is a flow of heating element to provide hot water supply and a closer in the heating circuit.

If you need to provide a more complex heating system, then a similar scheme can be considered on another example:

The contour of the hot water supply remained unchanged, but in the heating circuit additional elements appeared:

  • the hydraulic arrow is installed immediately after the boiler. This is a simple vertical reservoir. Its purpose is to ensure constant circulation of water (with a decrease in the flow of coolant on consumers), air output from the heating system, the distribution of the coolant with different temperatures, maintain the temperature difference between the feed line and the "returns" (this is a prerequisite for the normal operation of the gas boiler);
  • switchboards on direct and return lines are needed for the uniform distribution of the coolant between consumers;
  • individual circulation pumps for each heating circuit allow you to provide your temperature in all rooms.

Gas double-circuit boilers have an affordable price and allow you to provide room with cheap heating and hot water. The use of the gas unit is possible in the heating system of any complexity.

Use the gas floor boiler for home or apartment heating is considered the cheapest and qualitative option. To date, this issue is quite relevant, therefore there is a wide selection of modifications of both domestic and imported producers that differ not only at the price, but also the presence of various functions and additional options.

To independently understand the sentences and choose a good, economical outdoor gas boiler, you need to analyze a lot of information that will help you choose the optimal option.

Principle of operation

Gas heating device

Almost all floor gas boilers work identically. For their operation, natural or liquefied gas is used as a source of energy, which, during combustion, heats the heat exchanger inside it.

The latter is water that heats up and circulates through the system. In this case, for high-quality heating of the room, you need to choose a device with a high-quality heat exchanger.

It can be conventionally divided into several categories that differ in the material from which it is manufactured:

  1. Cast iron. It is recognized in the most durable, since it is not subject to corrosion and has high resistance to exercise. There are many cases when such an element worked 50 years. Among the disadvantages can be called that cast iron is considered fragile material. A sharp drop of fluid temperature inside it or mechanical impact may damage the case.
  2. Steel. Floor boilers with a heat exchanger from steel are significantly easier and more resistant to possible shocks. But a significant drawback reduces their positive characteristics. First of all, this is due to the fact that the metal will procee much faster than cast iron, besides, it is subject to corrosion. Therefore, the average life of such devices is significantly lower and is only 10 years.

To compare the efficiency, which has gas floor boilers, a table analyzing the use of heating devices operating on different types of fuel is given.

The information is presented on the example of heating for a private house with an area of \u200b\u200b350 m2. These are given in the average value at the rate of 6 months of the heating season.

Type of fuel Medium calorific value The average cost as of 2019 Annual fuel consumption when consuming 120gd and the volume of heated space 370 m3 The average efficiency and type of boiler used Total costs for the heating season, rub
Knocking firewood 14.7 MJ / kg, 2450 kcal / kg 1300 rub / m3 9.5 T.
Classic boiler, efficiency 66%
Peat briquettes 24 MJ / kg, 4750 kcal / kg 7000 rub / t 5.80 T. Pyrolysis type boiler, efficiency 86%
Classic boiler, efficiency 66%
Brown coal 19 MJ / kg, 4000 kcal / kg 900 rub / t 7.8 T. Pyrolysis type boiler, efficiency 86%
Classic boiler, efficiency 66%
Wood granules 19 MJ / kg, 4300 kcal / kg 3500 rub / t 7.5 T. Special automatic, efficiency up to 94% 25900
Wood briquettes 19 MJ / kg, 4300 kcal / kg 3900 rub / t 7.8 T. Pyrolysis boiler, efficiency 84%
Classic boiler, efficiency 64%
Natural gas 33.8 MJ / kg, 8000 kcal / kg 2.93 rubles / m3 3380 m3. Condensation, efficiency 103%
Classic, efficiency 91%
Electricity, calorifers 3.7 MJ / kWh 3.80 rub / kWh 34020 kWh 97% 129238
Electricity, water heating radiators 3.7 MJ / kWh 3.80 rub / kWh 33680 kWh 98% 127946
Diesel fuel, 1 l / 0.78 kg 41 MJ / kg, 11000 kcal / kg 23.50 rubles / l / 30.12 rubles / kg 31190 91% 95781
Gas propane - Bhutan, 1 l / 0.60 kg 47 MJ / kg 16,90 rub / l / 28,26 rubles / kg 32800 92% 81664


A single-mounted floor boiler is considered the most common. The advantage in its use is the following characteristics:

  • efficiency. The cost of such boilers of domestic production varies in the region of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. In addition, long-term operation is confirmed by reviews;
  • maintainability. If some types of imported devices find the item of interest may be problematic, it will be found in the Russian heating boiler in every city. And you can make a small repair with your own hands;
  • lack of complex electronics. It makes it easy to maintain it and use without learning;
  • low gas consumption.

Gas boilers for the heating of a private house are with an open or closed combustion chamber. The difference is that the first functioning is used by fresh air of the room, and the carbon black gas is excreted through the chimney.

The second - with the help of fans they take air from the street and similarly remove the exhaust gas outward. The work of the open boiler occurs on the principle of the gas burner: they are heated and heated the air around themselves. From this we can say that the efficiency of them is significantly lower than that of closed, from which everything is warm in the heat exchanger.


The cost of such a device will differ from one-contact 20 - 30% per largest. But this is explained by a number of reasons characterizing him with a positive side:

  • high heat transfer;
  • performing a double function: heating and providing hot water;
  • a wide range of options equipped with electronics, which allows us to talk about reliability and self stop when a malfunction is detected.

Installation of a dual-circuit floor gas boiler does not represent a special complexity. To do this, you need to connect it to the heating pipeline and connect with a water mixer. After that, contact the specialized workshop to call the wizard, which connects the boiler to the gas pipeline and will first launch the device.

Considering the principle of operation, you can allocate 2 basic actions:

  • during the discovery of the hot crane, a heat exchanger gas supply is shutdown;
  • in this case, the operation of the burner is shifted to heat the contour associated with the heated of the water supply. At the same time, the heating procedure itself is carried out in flow-up without the use of accumulative capacities.

Separately, it should be noted that the automatic shutdown based on the electronics will only work in the presence of power supply. When the power is turned off, the functionality of such equipment will fall sharply.

Special requirements

Modern gas floor boilers meet all safety requirements and comply with regulations. In some cases, the use of combined devices is practiced, in which when the gas supply is disconnected, the system automatically overlaps the valve and starts it from the electrical network. All for both the installation of a double-circuit boiler, see this video:

The most simple models are not equipped with automatic, so you need to switch them with your own hands. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically check its performance with possible disconnections.

Trust the installation of boiler to specialists

Gas is considered a source of increased danger, because to connect the gas boiler in a private house, it is necessary to invite a specialist licensed to carry out this activity.

During the construction of a private house to the question planning, it should be considered very seriously. The fact is that the installation of the gas floor boiler is allowed only when all conditions are met. They are regulated by the requirements prescribed in SNiP and Fire Safety Safety. Any non-compliance or deviation from them will lead to the fact that at best, with a periodic check, the owner will receive an administrative penalty, and at worst it will end with an explosion or fire.

These requirements do not apply to electric boilers, it is allowed to install them anywhere. But to achieve a disorder of aesthetics of the premises, it is recommended to use a special room for these purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of AOGV

AOGV optimally on fuel consumption and heat transfer

Outdoor gas boiler for heating a private house is considered the most popular for re-under construction or repaired buildings.

When contacting a specialized organization with a question, what equipment to establish in order to drop your house, most likely you will get an answer that it is the floor AOGV. First of all, this is due to the fact that in the ratio of consumption of material and heat transfer, gas leads in this ranking.


Main checking Installed gas boiler will be held in winter

The wide popularity of gas floor boilers for heating residential and non-residential premises is explained by the fact that such equipment has a number of advantages that are distinguished from major competitors.

First of all, it is a significant savings, the ability to perform partial installation with your own hands, simplicity for further maintenance and ease of operation. In addition, you can allocate a number of advantages of such equipment:


If you are afraid of the fire, do not choose devices with an open burner

Despite the fact that the floor gas boiler has such weighty advantages, before you give preference, you should familiarize yourself with the special conditions for its design and operation that can be presented as disadvantages of such equipment.

For some, they may seem insignificant, and for others, opposite - weighing. Here are the main of them:

  1. Before installing floor heating gas boilers, you need to collect a lot of permits. For example, coordination from the service of the State Technical Support, to provide a project of the upcoming installation, the act of checking the chimney, the plan of the room in which a certain place is assigned to its installation.
  2. The weak pressure in the gas pipeline may lead to what they begin to smoke, as a result of which the chimney is clogged and the efficiency of the equipment is reduced.
  3. Select devices with an atmospheric burner are undesirable to people who are fear of open fire. This is due to the fact that in such boilers the flame is in sight.

Being before the question, how to choose the best option for your home, you should pay the advantage of boilers equipped to operate in Russia.

This is due to the fact that the pressure in the system can change significantly, therefore, decreased to the minimum level, the import burner can begin to burn itself, which will lead to the failure of the entire boiler.

Choosing a boiler

What is the best floor gas boiler to buy for your home? This question is asked almost everyone who faces its acquisition. In this case, it will be faced with the following issues:

  • one-connect or double-circuit;
  • imported or domestic;
  • with an open burner or closed.

Deciding all these questions, the problem of determining the power of the device will rise. It should be noted that this value directly depends on the area of \u200b\u200byour home, the presence of warm pilaments in it, which is heated by some rooms, the number of living and a number of reasons. For details on the choice of a furniture for a country house, see this video:

For approximate acquaintance with the calculation methodology, you can use the table below.

House area, m2 Heating, kw Number of devices Number of persons Standard row of boilers, kW
Ns / a / nd (decoding is presented below)
100 19 10 4 26/25/26
150 20 11 4 26/25/26
200 26,5 17 4 31/34/35
250 27 20 6 -/37/38
300 31 26 6 -/45/45
350 34 30 6 -/45/45

Abbreviated terms in the last column, designated *: NA - wall boiler, and - floor boiler with atmospheric heating, ND - floor boiler with fan burner.

Observe security measures when working with gas equipment

Deciding to put such equipment with your own hands, so that it performs high-quality and economical room heating, it should be borne in mind that natural gas is explosive and easily flammable substance.

Therefore, even if you know how to install outdoor gas boilers for heating, it is impossible to do it yourself. As mentioned earlier, for this there are specially trained licensed specialists who will fulfill these works correctly, and most importantly - in compliance with safety.

The house by definition should be warm. Ways to make it so many. However, each owner strives to do this most economical and practical method. One of these options is the installation of a gas boiler. Heating gas is beneficial and easy enough to install and operate. Connecting devices should only be carried out by specialists, but the arrangement of the boiler room, the installation of the boiler, etc. You can also spend on your own, while saving a decent amount.

Installation of gas equipment should be started with obtaining permits and necessary coordination. It is necessary to order a project to gasify the premises, installation of gas equipment. The document is developed and approved by specialists from the gas supplier company. Having become acquainted with the project, you can proceed to buy the necessary equipment, the main characteristics of which should be present in the document. In addition, an agreement should be concluded on the supply of natural gas. After that, you can engage directly by installing the system.

Equip the suitable boiler room

Gas boiler is the main element of the heating system. To install it, it will be necessary to competently equip the room. It must comply with a number of strict requirements, the violation of which entails significant penalties and provoke accidents with the most severe consequences. Gas is an explosive and combustible substance. You need to be extremely careful with it.

The room in which gas equipment is installed must be responsible for a variety of requirements. The main characteristics of the boiler room are represented as a scheme

When choosing a place to install a heating gas boiler, you need to consider the following room requirements:

  • in one of the walls there should be a channel for the output of combustion products;
  • mandatory availability of natural lighting. The minimum window area is calculated by the formula: the cubic meter of the room is 0.03 square meters. window surface meter;
  • ceiling height at least 2.5 m;
  • planning, providing unhindered access to the boiler and auxiliary equipment;
  • the presence of a ventilation grille located in the lower half of the wall or door. The design area is calculated based on the ratio of 8 square meters. cm lattice for every 1 kW of the boiler;
  • volume - minimum of 15 square meters. m;
  • fire resistance of wall structures - not less than 0.75 hours;
  • the presence of a gas analyzer and an automatic valve response reacting to its signals, which will block the fuel supply in the event of a gas leakage;
  • competently organized chimney, the cross section of which should correspond to the power of the equipment;
  • the door width should not be less than 80 cm.

It must be remembered that the installation of gas boilers with a capacity of less than 60 kW is allowed in any room, except those that are intended for accommodation. It is also not recommended to install gas equipment in the bathroom or bathroom. Double-circuit devices are prohibited to mount in the kitchens. If the total capacity of the equipment is not above 150 kW, it can be put on any floor of the building. The larger power devices can be located only on the first floor or in the base.

Many prefer to place gas equipment in the kitchen. In this case, the norms regulating the installation of gas boilers require to calculate the necessary minimum area based on 1 kW of power accounted for at least 0.2 m 2 rooms. If the kitchen is combined with the living room, the presence of a gas analyzer becomes obligatory, which can notice a possible leakage of gas in time.

If the boiler power allows, gas equipment is often installed in the kitchen, even if it is combined with a living room. In this case, the presence of a gas analyzer becomes a mandatory precautionary measure

Gas Equipment Installation Technology

To install the boiler without complications, it takes to pay attention to the method of its attachment during the purchase of equipment. You should check the device's equipment and find out the presence of fasteners. If they are not, it is necessary to immediately buy suitable. In addition, when buying equipment, be sure to check the availability of a certificate. In the absence of a document, serious problems with registration are possible. The characteristics of the device and the serial number applied to the inner door of the device must coincide with the information specified in the passport.

Option # 1 - Installation of the floor boiler

Before installing an outdoor device, you should prepare a place for it. Let's start with the floor. Since the equipment has a lot of weight, the base must be durable. Perhaps you will need to fill the screed. The floor to which the boiler will be installed must be made of a non-aggravated coating material. If this is not the case, the hollow concrete blocks with a height of 100 mm are stacked over the floor and covered on top of a metal sheet with a thickness of 0.8 mm. As an option, you can consider the use of refractory plates permitted to use for such purposes.

Regarding the wall, the instrument must be set at a distance of at least 0.1 m, provided that the coating is made of non-combustible materials. If it is necessary to move the device closely, the wall should be refractory. In this case, the base is insulated with roofing steel, which is superimposed on a sheet of asbestos with a thickness of at least 0.3 cm. Isolation must overlap around the perimeter dimensions of the device of the device at least 0.1 m. All protruding parts of the reinforcement of the boiler or gas burners must be removed from The walls at least 1 m.

The equipment is installed on the prepared basis as soon as possible. For verification, a construction level is used. If necessary, under the feet of the device, a solid non-flammable material is lined. The boiler connects to the chimney and the domestic heating system. To prevent the rapid clogging of the heat exchanger before entering the input, the hard cleaning filter is installed. If the boiler is double-circuit, it is connected to a pipeline with cold water.

Outdoor gas boiler must be installed on a prepared base. The floor, if necessary, is enhanced and the basis of non-combustible materials is established. Most often it is hollow concrete blocks with a height of 100 mm, covered with sheet metal

Specialists recommend installing the boiler so that it can be easily dismantled. All pipes made to the instrument are installed, stop valves are installed. They will enable if necessary to dismantle the equipment without unwanted reset of water from the operating system.

It should be remembered that with your own hands the full installation of gas boilers cannot be produced. A certified specialist must be invited to be invited, which will check the accuracy of the installed installation, will fulfill the remaining necessary events and will start the system.

Option # 2 - Connecting hinged equipment

Competent installation of gas wall boilers begins with washing inner tubes. In them, during the assembly, a different small garbage could well get, which must be deleted. To do this, from the device remove the stubs necessary when transporting and under low pressure passes through it water. After washing, the equipment is ready to install.

The wall where the fixation of the device is planned, should be very smooth and strong enough to withstand boilers and related instruments. If the base is made of combustible materials, it is fastened to the non-combustible gasket with a width of at least 3 mm. In this case, the boiler is fixed at a distance of at least 4.5 cm from the wall. The installed device must be at a distance of not less than 20 cm from other equipment or flammable materials. It is not recommended to place a boiler near the window or in a small wall opening. Electricity source must be near the device.

The device is fixed on the planks that are attached to the wall at the desired height. It is usually located ranging from 0.8 to 1.6 meters from the floor. After fixing the device, the installation horizontal is checked using the level. All identified inconsistencies are adjusted, otherwise it can be negatively affected by the equipment. Connecting to the water supply. Before that, plugs from nozzles are removed. In water inputs, it is advisable to put filters, so the heat exchanger will be clogged less.

The wall gas boiler must be installed exactly horizontally, the accuracy of installation is necessarily checked by the level. Otherwise, problems are possible with the operation of equipment, right up to emergency situations

The gas pipeline is connected to the boiler only with a metal pipe with a rigid connection or through a special Sgon. Paronit gasket is used. Directly connecting the system is made only by certified specialists who will be checked how correctly the boiler is installed, and the equipment will be launched.

Heating gas efficiently and economically. However, do not forget that the gas is potentially dangerous. No need to try to make an independent installation of gas devices without special knowledge and skills. Error price may be too expensive. Regardless of who installed the equipment, the connection is carried out only by the specialists of the gas company. They also check the accuracy of the installation made. Do not save money on professionals. Even if it may seem that the cost of their work is too high, believe me that the life and safety of everyone who lives in the house is much more expensive.

Gas equipment should be installed only qualified specialists, as they have experience in this field and familiarized with relevant standards and legislative nuances. In addition, it is not enough to install the boiler himself, you need to correctly connect it to the water supply system and gas pipes. If there is no possibility to call the wizard or I want to try to mount the boiler yourself - an article for you.

Yes, but it is strictly recommended to contact professionals for help, as it will make and register the boiler will be the employees of the gas service that will hold verification on the fact of compliance with the rules of SNiP.

If the installation rules are broken - the boiler will not be posted as an arbitrarily connected and refuse registration. If the installer is confident in his abilities and read actual slips, Why not try to save?

Selection and equipment for installation

In many ways, the choice of equipment and accessories depends on Snip 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems". This significantly narrows the range of choice, since a particular boiler may not be suitable for the selected room due to the inconsistency of the area and the specific power.

IMPORTANT! Snaps are regularly updated, and the existing laws contribute to them. It is necessary to check the legislative and legal framework directly by the installation.

Previously, for example, it was impossible to install a boiler in the basement of the house, and now it is possible if the house is one-singer.

General requirements:

  • The room must be well ventilated;
  • The room should be window loops;
  • The area is the larger than the capacity of the boiler.

Where to start the installation?

  1. First you need to outline place Installation On the wall or on the floor, depending on the type of boiler.
  2. Check whether items and other auxiliary elements are enough. Generally, mentally put the boiler For the future place of operation.
  3. View instructions for installation.

IMPORTANT! Alone can only be installed in a small-sized or floor boiler (and not always). In most cases, the help of one or two people will need.

Requirements for the room

How to install equipment

Clearly follow all the rules and standards SNIP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems"without deviating them.

Any attempt to smit or change the classic technology can be seen by verifying.

And if that entail an accident or loss to other residents at home, the owner threatens administrative, and, in some cases, criminal punishment.

  • If a , paul under it should be perfectly smoothSince the pump that swing water can entail the vibration and shift of the boiler. If the vibration is strong, gas pipes or water supply system can be disconnected from the boiler, which will lead to a gas leak or to a flood.
  • If there is an opportunity to make stand under the boiler This will protect the design and strengthen the adhesion strength with the floor.
  • If you install the boiler near the plate, boiler or other heating elements, then the total power of the thermal field between them will be higher than the sensors show, as they measure it only inside the system itself. This rule is not specified in SNiP, but often is The cause of premature wear Mechanism or failure.


Required documents:

  1. Fuel consumption report specific apparatus. It can be performed as workers who install the boiler and the owner-installer itself. The technical passport of the device should indicate data on the flow rate of electricity, gas and water. For 14 days Gas service worker Must give out pre-consent on the installation of the unit.
  2. Project Montajawhich contains all items and installation steps, a scheme for connecting communications and chimney output.
  3. Technical conditionwhich indicates data on the installation and communications to the boiler.
  4. Certificate of device, viewed and certified by gas workers. Help on the standardization of the boiler.

After coordination of the project, you can start setting. Professionals usually lead installation Protocolwhere the base steps mark themselves to protect themselves in case of a marriage of equipment or an accident that loses losses.

The protocol is signed by the customer (the owner of the boiler). If running independent installation, in the protocol you need celebrate the main stagesprescribed in the instructions for the boiler. If an accident occurs during installation or a boiler will not function properly, the protocol will serve as legal protection.

ATTENTION! In the case where the installation is performed by specialists, and the protocol signs the customer, it is legal force, and if the installation is performed by the Customer itself - the protocol is the usual description of actions.

Gas Equipment Installation Technology

Despite the fact that all boilers have a similar design and work principle, for special rules and nuances of the installation.

Installing a wall boiler

IMPORTANT! The first launch is carried out in the presence of a gas driver.

Installation of an outdoor boiler

Dimka question

Grounding gas boilers

How to Make Ground:

  1. Need to take the basis circuit in the form of an equilibrium triangle Of the 3 metal rods of 3 meters long.
  2. You must connect the conductors.
  3. Using an Ommera measure resistance Inside the contour (there must be a value close to 4 ohms). If the value is higher - you can add another item to the contour.
  4. You need to continue until the port before will not as close as possible to 4 ohms.

For grounding, rods and tubes are used, which are connected by metal stripes. They are installed in the soil vertically, so that the system worked even in winter. It is recommended to cover metal elements. anti-corrosion solution.

Step-by-step video guide


When installing and installing boilers need to remember that it element of increased potential dangerwhich can lead to a crash or injury. Installation must be made extremely carefully, Following the instructions, and better, under the supervision of a specialist. We hope that our article will help you avoid frequent mistakes and save your time.