Is it possible to put the wall laminate. How do it yourself properly separate the walls with laminate vertically, horizontal or christmas tree: options, technique, step-by-step guide

Finishing walls with laminate - does not require professional skills and great physical efforts. In general, this material was developed as a universal floor covering, but soon it became clear that it can be used for other surfaces. First, his decorative species is great for creating various types of interior. Secondly, at its price it is significantly cheaper than many other finishing products.

Laminate has several significant advantages that allocate it among other materials. Some of them:

  • The coating has good wear-resistant qualities. They were laid on the basis of his direct destination. It is not exposed to most pollutants. Easily cleaner.
  • Decorative look - allows you to create individuality. A variety of colors and textures make it truly universal.
  • The cost is significantly lower than other types of finishes, while its durability is much higher.
  • It perfectly tolerates high and low temperatures, but not sharp differences. It has significant fire resistance.
  • Installation of laminate on the wall does not require much time. All works are performed very quickly.

Attention! Laminate has significant advantages. It can be used in any premises. However, it is not recommended to use this material - in rooms with high humidity.

Choice rules

Do not think that all laminate has the same properties. No, like other types of products, it has a number of varieties that determine its operational qualities.

  1. A distinctive feature of this material is the presence of abrasion resistance. It is determined by the class, which was assigned to him.
  2. For the walls of the walls, there will be no high class (the highest equals 34), but also the lowest one is not necessary (it is 21). It is better to give preference to medium values.
  3. Immediately defined with texture and color. It is very important if you want to work on large areas. The fact is that different parties may have significant differences, different shades. Therefore, the purchase is better to do simultaneous.
  4. The presence of a certificate of conformity is a prerequisite. Materials used to finish the premises must be environmentally friendly.

Selecting a laminate, like any other finishing materials, you need to pay special attention.

Installation on the wall

Laying the laminate on the wall is carried out in two ways:

  1. By creating a crate (frame).
  2. With the help of glue - the material can be glued to the surface.

Attention! To secure the laminate use special glue or liquid nails. Immediately it should be emphasized that such a type of finish requires no less preparation than the construction of the frame. You can glue only on the perfectly smooth surface. If you ignore this moment, then all the joints and swings will be visible.

Also, you can use plasterboard sheets, as a surface that will be chopped by laminate.

The first - glue

So, everything starts with training:

  • The wall is completely cleaned, all foreign elements are removed.
  • Immediately define, what kind of pre-finishing will be selected. It can be the surface of the surface or sheathing sheets of drywall. In any case, you need to get a perfectly smooth surface.
  • The required number of materials is calculated. The minimum margin of 7-10% is taken into account.
  • Prepared tool:
    Electric jigsaw or hand saw;
    Drill and screwdriver;
    trowel or gun for glue;
  • The elements of the door design are removed - platbands. They will need to be installed after all the work. If the doors are not yet installed, it is not worth a hurry. You can make the installation of the box, but not making a facing (not to use good) - until laminate is laid.

Directly installation:

Thus, it turns out a fairly attractive surface, but only if the basis was properly prepared.

Tip! It is required to monitor the difference of walls in height. This is especially true when the upper row is coming. The correct measurement allows you to carry out an exact trimming.

Method of the second - do the crate

It is believed that this technology is the most reliable. It is better if the material is selected that has a significant length of the planks. This will reduce work twice. In addition, laying of laminate on the frame does not require to conduct alignment of the walls, which saves the budget. But, there is one minus - the lamp "eats" some square.

It all starts with the construction of a frame:

  • The timing is used 40 * 40 or more.
  • Calculate the number of vertical racks. It is quite simple - proceed from the length of the chosen laminate, given that it should be attached in three places.
  • All rails - immediately drill (step 250-300 mm.). For speed, it is better to take one stencil hole as a base.
  • From the floor and the ceiling are meant one centimeter. At this height and the fastening of all vertical racks will be made.
  • On the wall, make marking the necessary intervals. But they should not be more than 40 - 50 cm.
  • With the help of one rail, which was pre-drilled, placed fastening sites (all over the wall).
  • Dowels are driven.
  • The first rack is installed. It is immediately naked. The main thing is to correctly make alignment. To do this, use the level, and under the rack itself put a substrate. Next, the procedure is repeated.
  • Thus, the frame appears, which covers the entire surface.

Wooden timber frame
  1. The first row is fixed by this principle: the first bar is screwed to the rack, it makes at the very bottom where the plinth will be. Using screws that have a hidden hat.
  2. For further consolidation, it is better to use kleimers. Docking elements comes from the selected lock.
  3. And again, remember that laminate laminate in a checker order.

The location of the castle, where kleimer will be attached, it is better to preliminarily clean. That is, a little drown. Then the connection will not be difficult.

In principle, the crate can be made not only under the horizontal location of the elements. If you increase the number of racks, you can create a diagonal pattern. But such work will require more strength and concentration.

On a note! You can use a metal profile that is used to fasten the sheets of plasterboard. Then you will need to choose the appropriate fittings. And it is also impossible to forget that the space that remains between the wall and the material can and should be used for additional insulation and waterproofing.

As a result

How to put a laminate on the wall? Very simple. It is necessary to follow a fairly simple technology and take into account the specifics of a particular room. And also forgive forever that this material is made mainly for the floor.

Laminate has long established itself as an excellent flooring. But this material can be applied not only for floor finishing, but also for decorating walls. Wall-covered walls look great and for a long time (much longer than walls with wallpaper or painting) retain an attractive appearance. In addition, the decoration of the floor and the wall adjacent to it is one and the same material allows you to visually increase the space, so that this technique is quite commonly used by designers, especially when working with small premises.

No matter how paradoxically sounded, but putting laminate on the wall is much easier than to make it laying on the floor. But before introducing you to the technology of fastening laminate on the wall, we suggest learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this method of decoration, as well as find out which laminate is suitable for these purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the "wall laminate"

Laminate - Beautiful and durable wall covering

It should be immediately noted that the walls of the walls are significantly larger than the flaws. For clarity, we combined both in the table.

Laying of laminate on the wall: advantages and disadvantages

Dignity disadvantages
1 Laminate is an environmentally friendly product.Laminate is susceptible to high temperatures. Using it near heating batteries or cooking surfaces is not recommended.
2 It has high wear resistance, so in the wall use it "will not be demolished".Wall decoration by laminate will cost more than painting or pasting them with wallpaper.
3 For wall decoration, you can use the thinnest (and cheapest) laminate, which makes it possible to safely save.If the laminate is attached to the wall with glue, it is necessary to carry out sufficiently volumetric preparatory work (in the case of presence on the walls of defects or irregularities).
4 It has many different colors and shades.It is sensitive to moisture, so its use in the kitchen or in the bathroom is undesirable.

You can wash with conventional detergents.

6 With the help of laminate, even strong defects and irregularities of the walls can be hidden.
7 It has excellent antistatic properties and almost does not attract dust.
8 Laminate laying technology on the wall is quite simple and can be performed without assistance.

What laminate is suitable for mounting on the wall?

As already mentioned, the thinnest laminate with a minimum level of wear resistance can be used to mount on the wall. So you can not "bother" with the class strength classes, and all your attention to focus only on its appearance.

When decorating walls with laminate, you can use the most inexpensive variants of 21-30 strength classes.

As for the locks of the locks (it can be adhesive, tongue, clerk or swing), then when laying a laminate with glue, this parameter also does not have a fundamental value, but when attaching to a wooden frame, it is better to choose a laminate with a cleaner or a klyaimar system of locks.

Clean lock is most preferable for laying laminate on the wall

Deciding with what laminate is suitable for wall decoration, you can move directly to the technologies of its fastening. There are two main options for laying a laminate on the wall: frame and fastening with glue. Consider each of them in more detail.


The process of fastening laminate with glue is the easiest way to install. But it is possible to glue the laminate only on a smooth and smooth wall (the permissible levels of levels should not exceed 3 millimeters), so if there are defects or irregularities on the wall of defects or irregularities.

Laminate laying tools set in almost every home

To prepare the surface of the wall, you will need a "standard" set of tools and materials for putty works.

  • dry or finished shtclotka (you can use starting);
  • primer;
  • spatulas of different widths;
  • construction mixer (in the case of the use of dry putty);
  • capacity for the preparation of the solution.

For the same laying of laminate, you will need a relatively small list of materials and tools:

  • laminate;
  • glue;

Note that the laminate under the action of moisture and heat can increase in size. Therefore, it is recommended to use high-quality glue or liquid nails of well-known brands.

  • hacksaw for cutting laminate (it will suit the usual hacksaw for metal);
  • metal Cornel and Pencil for Marking;
  • wooden or rubber hammer;
  • building level;
  • rag for removing excess glue.

Technology laying

First of all, it is necessary to carefully align the wall using the starting putty. When the shplanke dry (as a rule, it is necessary from 24 to 48 hours), the wall surface is ground to ensure the best adhesion of glue with the wall surface.

Laminate - the material is quite heavy, so it is categorically not recommended to neglect the pre-primer surface of the wall.

When the wall is fully prepared, you can start directly to laying the laminate.

It is starting from the bottom left corner. A glue or liquid nails are applied to the first panel. After that it sticks to the wall.

Use for fastening laminate only high-quality glue or "Liquid nails"

Depending on the brand of glue panel, it may be necessary to remove from the wall after a short pressing and give glue to twisted for 5-10 minutes.

Note that when laying a laminate on the wall, it is necessary to leave a small gap between the lowest near the panels and the floor. To do this, under the first panel you need to put small (1-2 centimeters) gaskets, which are easiest to make all the same laminate from cropping. At the end of the work, the slot between the wall and the floor will be hidden by the plinth.

Following the first panel to the wall, the next, the horizontal styling of which is periodically controlled by the construction level. The surface of the laminate is closed with a rubber hammer.

If the whole panel of the laminate is not placed at the end of the row, it can be shortened using a conventional metal hacksaw.

Stacking the second row begins with half of the panel (it is also shortened with the help of hacksaw).

The rows of laminate are stacked in a "chess" order

This is done so that the laminate lay in the "chess order", which allows the surface of a more attractive appearance.

If you glue the laminate without tempting glue, then after laying two-three rows it will be necessary to take a break and give the glue to "grab". Otherwise, under the severity of the upper rows, the lower panels can shift.

The frame for laminate is better to do from wooden bars

The fastening of the laminate on the wooden frame - the process is more time-consuming, but it allows you to avoid the need to pre-prepare walls. So if you are dealing with very uneven or deformed walls, we recommend that you use this technology. This method of fastening will also be the best option in cases where various technical communications should be hidden behind the laminate trim, for example, wiring or water pipes.

Required tools and materials

For the manufacture of the frame you will need wooden bars. The metal profile, which is perfect for fastening the drywall, use it is undesirable for the laminate frame, since it is not very convenient to mount the laminate panels with metal screws.

From the tools for installing the frame will be needed:

  • hoven for metal;
  • drill or perforator;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • level and plumb;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • cord or fat thread for the installation of "lighthouses";
  • dowel-nails, with which the frame is attached to the wall;
  • stapler, hammer and level (need for fastening laminate).

Work starts with the installation of the frame. The frame is set perpendicular to the direction of laying.

Sometimes, when creating an interior, unexpected solutions are taken regarding the use of a particular finishing material. An example is the use of outdoor laminate for finishing a wall, niche and even ceiling. Simulating valuable wood laminated plates make a certain charm in the interior, adding refinement and comfort. If it is decided to make a highlight to finish the room, it remains to find out which attachment method is preferred, and how to put the laminate on the wall surface.

Wall-mounted material - rational selection without overpayment

The idea of \u200b\u200bwall decoration laminate arose due to the similarity of this floor covering with natural wood, the texture of which this material and is intended to imitate. It can be used for interior wall cladding and natural wood in the form of clapboard - special sheets equipped with lock connections, but many stops the complexity of the installation of this material, the need to process it with various impregnations, painting it with painting and varnishing. Laminate does not require any additional events: after installation, the surface is ready for operation, while the outdoor board on the external qualities of natural wood is practically inferior.

Another common option for wall cladding with imitation wood texture is the installation of decorative plastic panels. The formation of a finishing surface from PVC does not represent any difficulties, it is much cheaper for money. But the strength of the plastic panels is low (easily damaged during mechanical exposure), the appearance and selection of various decorative drawings is so-so. In addition, the plastic combustible so that its manufacturers do not declare, and there are also questions about its toxicity. That is why preference is given to laminate on the wall, especially when it comes to residential rooms.

We found out that the material in question is quite appropriate to decorate the walls. It remains to choose the desired floorboard from that manifold, which is offered in a specialized trading network. Immediately, it is worth focusing that such a concept, as a wall laminate, does not exist - all varieties of material models are initially intended for the formation of an outdoor surface. Are any laminated boards can be fixed on the wall surface? In essence - any. But still there are purely practical nuances that should be taken into account when choosing a material.

First, this is the class of wear resistance. The higher this indicator, the stronger the decorative surface is less susceptible to abrasion, the formation of scratches, chips and other mechanical damage. With a wall-mounted installation method, the importance of this quality criterion of the laminated board is leveled, because for obvious reasons the wall is unlikely to walk or move furniture. For the laminate on the wall, it is quite enough class of wear-resistance 21-23, it is not advisable to acquire plates with a more durable surface, since the value of the material increases with the growth of the indicator under consideration, although it does not affect its decorative properties.

Secondly, this is the quality and type of castle compounds. With the floor installation of the laminated board, which is carried out by a floating method, the reliability of locks plays an important role, since only due to these devices the whole design is bonded together. When attaching laminate on the wall in any case, additional fasteners are used, which are carried out the main load. The lock at the same time only helps tightly adjust the individual elements of the design one to one, making the joints between the boards with littleness. The quality of the castle compounds also affects the cost of the laminate, so it is not necessary to overpay, seeking to choose material with durable and functional locks.

When choosing a laminated wall-mounted board, the main criterion is the decorative component. The main thing is to choose a material with that texture that optimally fit into the alleged interior design.

Application of laminated board - where is the option appropriate?

Creative fantasy When developing interior design options is not limited to some kind of framework, therefore there are no specific recommendations, where you can make a wall, panel or niche from the laminate, and where it is better to refuse it. But this is from the point of view of designer creativity. The practical approach to the question of the feasibility of facing the wall surface with laminated boards speaks of some restrictions of such a method of wall decoration. It is not recommended to use laminate for any facing in rooms, where there is or can be increased humidity or direct contact with water, so this method of cladding does not apply in bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, open or not insulated balconies and loggias.

In rooms with a normal microclimate, the use of the floor covering under consideration for the wall covering is not limited, but the laminate on the wall is placed at all. First, it is expensive. Secondly, this material looks much more interesting when they allocate a certain zone. For example, often in this way the panel is formed in the bedroom behind the headboard. Another option is a niche or a kind of shield that highlights the zone on the wall where the TV is installed. It is interesting to such a solution - the same material with the same decorative texture that is laid on the floor. This design version visually increases space, continuing the floor to the wall without a visual transition.

The traditional way to finish the hallway is the formation of panels at the bottom of the wall. For these purposes, various materials are used -, MDF, wooden lining, facing plastic products. Apply in this case and laminate - the material is quite durable, easy to clean and care for it, and this is exactly what is needed for panels in the hallway. In addition, laminated boards having high decorative qualities, well highlight individual elements of the interior in bedrooms, living rooms, and even children's rooms. In essence, indoors with a normal living microclimate laying of laminate laminate on the wall can be diversified by the interior in various versions, if only it was appropriate from the point of view of visual perception and combinations with other finishing materials applied in this room.

How to create a foundation for wall mounting plates

When the walls are trimmed with laminate, the requirements for the quality of the surface are the same as to the base of the floor when using this material in direct intended. The basis for which decorative lining is planned should be as smooth as possible. The laminated board is devoid of elasticity than the surface evenly, the greater the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the facing plates with the basis. The permissible curvature of the wall on which the installation will be made should not exceed 2-3 mm on the pattern of the meter, while the base surface must be vertical and lie in the same plane.

How is the necessary result of the preparation of the basic surface for the wall installation of the laminated board? Several options:

  • shuttering on guide lightams;
  • installation of GLK in the pre-created crate;
  • assembling the carrier or wooden bar under the subsequent laminator.

The first version of the preparation of the basics is the most economical in the sense of costs for materials. Plaster can be made by various compositions - plaster mixture, lime and cement-sandy solution, polymer-cement plaster materials. Taking into account the fact that we are talking about interior decoration, it is preferable to use plaster mixtures on a plaster basis for alignment of the wall surface, although other listed solutions are also appropriate and applicable. If an adhesive method is assumed to install the laminate on the wall, after drying the plaster it is necessary to soak the primer - the treated surface will be much better to hold the glued facing material.

Regarding the base from drywall. Why is it preferable to sow GLCs on profiles, but do not glit glass sheets glue? The plasterboard false wall based on the created crates is much stronger, the weight of the laminated plates is considerable. If the basis is formed from the plasterboard glued to the base surface, the sheets must be additionally fixed with dowels or self-draws (depending on the structure of the mounting base). Laminate is much heavier than GLC, if you take an identical area of \u200b\u200bthe other material, therefore, only the glue on which plasterboard is fixed may not withstand the proposed operational load. Plasterboard surface also need to be prepared. First, it is reinforced and filled with a solution all the seams, then the GLC is ground, and only after that (when the primer dries) laminated lining.

You can mount the laminate directly on the wall, if it meets the requirements. If the base surface is distinguished by significant curvature, there is an option to do without aligning it. For this, a doom is created, as carrier elements of which metal profiles or wooden bars can be applied. With the estimated horizontal installation of laminated rack boards are installed vertically. If there is a desire to lay the facing plates vertically, the carrier struck elements are mounted horizontally. The step of racks or horizontal crossing is made within 40-60 cm. Make a step less is not rational due to the overpowering of the material, more indicated limits are impossible for considerations of the strength of the base.

If wooden bars are elected as carrier elements, do not forget to treat them with antiseptic and water-repellent impregnations - this will extend the service life of the created crate.

Methods for fastening laminate - glue, kleimers or nails?

There is no single technology for fixing the floorboard to the surface of the wall, because no one has developed it. Laminate is an outdoor material, and the installation of it on other surfaces is not provided, so all methods for fastening such a cladding to the wall or crate are the fruit of the practical findings of the masters who had to do this. True, relatively recent manufacturers, which robbed the growing popularity of laminate wall use, began to produce special attachments for these purposes - kleimers. Fixation of an outdoor board on a vertical surface with kleimers and is one of the ways to fasten the laminate on the prepared wall.

The second method of fastening the cladding under consideration is the use of special nails with a very small hat (so as not to interfere with the locking of the lock connections), which are based on the basis with the help of a special pneumatic pistol. Such nails are more meant for fixing wooden lining, but the masters have adapted this method of fastening and for laminated board. Fixing with nails reliable, but causes complaints from many specialists. The fact is that nails are fixed too hard plate, and the laminate is created by manufacturers, taking into account its floating laying, providing for the possibility of free mutual displacement of the boards relative to each other during mechanical load or temperature deformations. Whatever it was, but this method is. Apply for fixing nails or choose another way - the business is the case, especially since the choice than to attach laminate to the wall, there is.

One of the ways of laying - on "liquid nails"

If the laminated board is fixed to the crate, you will have to choose from the methods described above (kleimers or nails). When it is a smooth plastering wall or a drywall, it is better to use the adhesive installation method. As a glue (again, guided by practical experience) it is convenient to use some varieties of "liquid nails" - universal adhesive compositions on a polymer basis, which are packaged in tubes designed for special pistols. The polymers that are the structural basis of such adhesives have sufficient elasticity even after complete hardening, which corresponds to the principle of floating laying of laminate on the wall.

Some masters share the successful experience of gluing a facing board to the mounting foam. So it turns out much more economical, if we compare with liquid nails, and much faster. However, polyurethane foam over time can lose its properties, gradually destroying, so there are not much guarantees about the durability of such a method of fastening. Is that makes sense to combine the use of foam as adhesive with additional fasteners, kleimers, for example.

Decorative trim - 3 main principles

There is such a way to put a laminate on the wall - first the solid shield of the required dimensions is assembled on the floor, after which it is lifted and glued to the wall surface. The original method, but has drawbacks. First, it is possible to do this only when the facing area is small. Secondly, this method does not work if you need to attach laminate to the crate. Another minus of such technology - need an assistant, and better - two, so much more often uses methods from an outdoor board directly on the wall or crate.

When installing laminated plates, the work begins to bottom from one of the corners. It will be more convenient to start right-service masters from the left corner, left-handers - on the contrary. Before sticking the laminate, or rather the first of its board, you need to hold a stand for the entire length of the waved wall. Stand thickness - about 10 mm. After completing the work, the stand is removed, and a deformation gap is formed, preventing the contact of the created cladding with an outdoor surface. The same gaps are made with adjacent walls and ceiling.

To on the wall, you need to observe the same basic principles as when the material is completely installed.

  1. 1. First of all, it is the disintegration of the seams in the neighboring rows (it is impossible that the seams match or were too close). It is usually done so that the seam of the neighboring series accounted for the middle of the board or with a small displacement from the center.
  2. 2. Given the possible deformation shifts of plates relative to each other, so that there is no voltage between the fixed material, we recommend processing the locks with a special gel, significantly reduce friction and additionally protect the seams from moisture from entering them.
  3. 3. With the simultaneous use of the adhesive method of installation and mechanical fixation (some masters, the combination of glue and metal fasteners consider the only proper technology for attaching the laminate on the vertical surface) it is desirable to use klyamimers, which can be shifted with facing plates. First, we get the board into the locks, glit, then we wear kleimers and fix them to the base.

Facing the wall with laminated board does not represent large difficulties. The main thing is to approach work responsibly, not to rush anywhere, correctly pick up the main material and means of fixing the laminate. Under the observance of the non-hard rules described above, the finishing activities do not take a long time, and the wall surface is covered by the board for many years will give the interior with sophistication, pleaseing households.

The possibilities of facing laminate walls in residential premises. To pay attention to when choosing a material and how to perform installation.

How to use laminate for decoration apartments

An unusual solution for the design of the walls can be a laminate facing. This material is suitable not only for the floor, but also for vertical surfaces of the apartment. This is a practical and relatively inexpensive way to make the room original room.

Features of wall decoration laminate

We are lining one of the walls or fragment of the wall. In some interiors, it will be relevant lining of the bottom of the walls. The decoration of laminate is suitable for interior in style: Loft, Country, English style.

The location of the lamellas can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal. They can be one color or consist of different collections.

You can choose interesting combinations and location of the lamella yourself using images from logs or sites dedicated to the interior design.

Advantages of laminate

Main advantages:

  • it is easily mounted;
  • it has a smooth coating that is easy to wash and purify from dust;
  • there are collections with moisture-resistant coating, they can be used to finish the walls in the kitchen;
  • a large selection of textures, colors and drawings;
  • available cost - for walls are the thinnest lamellas;
  • you can hide the irregularities of the wall.

Disadvantages of use


  • additional costs - installation will not work independently, without having an appropriate experience;
  • at low temperatures, the material will deform, so it cannot be used in country houses that are not heated in winter;
  • when installing lamellae on the crate, you need to reap the thickness of the wall to the edge of the laminate.

Varieties of laminate, which are suitable for decoration of walls indoors

The material differs in the type of external surface, it happens:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • with the simulation of the tile, may be glossy or matte;
  • with a decorative layer of natural wood;
  • with a texture surface.

Also, the laminate is different in strength classes:

  • class 33 is the most durable and suits more for floors in public areas with a large number of visitors;
  • class 32 and 31 are also durable and not deformed with long-term contact with water;
  • class 23, 22, suitable for residential premises;
  • class 21 is only suitable for wall cladding: living room, bedroom, corridor.

Material class Manufacturer usually indicates packaging, it can also be clarified by the seller-consultant.

Laminate is produced by a thickness of 6 to 12 mm, it differs from the type of compounds:

  • the tongue lock - consists of a groove on one side and a special spike on the other side;
  • clear Castle is a simpler connection type. Here the spike shape reminds the hook, it is raised at an angle in the groove and then straightened, while clicking. Such a connection allows you to make laminate collapsible.

Wall laminate finish: fastening methods

Main types of Material Material on the wall:

  • on a crate of wooden plates;
  • on glue or liquid nails;
  • using kleimers.

The choice of the type of fastening depends on the purpose of the room, the status of the walls. The frame is better to use in a spacious room, since in the corridor or small kitchen it will take a lot of space.

Before installing the material, it is necessary to prepare the surface. If the plaster or the wall has nervousness, it is necessary to align the base. Small defects can be corrected independently. These may be cracks, small recesses. If the wall defects are significant, it is better to align it using drywall.

Is it possible to glue

For gluing on the wall it is better to use a small thickness laminate. The wall at the same time should be smooth, without drops in height.

What glue to choose

There are several types of glue:

  1. With the temptation - after applying glue on the lamel, it is necessary to press it to the wall and then remove it. The surface should turn out from 5 to 10 minutes. Then the lamellas are glued to the wall.
  2. Without temptation. At first glance, this option allows you to save time, but after gluing two rows, give glue to fix. Otherwise, the entire finish can shift under the severity of the upper rows.

The use of a wood frame will help save money and time to align the surface. Rakes are attached to the wall perpendicular to the direction of laminate, and on the edges they make a frame. They are attached with a pitch equal to half of the lamella. This will ensure the convenience of editing.

Mounting with kleimers: installation options

For convenient fastening of laminate to a wooden frame, kleimers can be used. These are metal clamps that securely hold the panels and provide small mobility of the lamellas. Kleimers are of different sizes and have a coating that prevents the appearance of rust. Therefore, they can be used even in rooms with high humidity.

Methods for fastening kleimers

They are attached to a wooden crate or cover with a sheet of fiberboard or plywood using:

  • special brackets, for this is used construction stapler. When you press the bracket must fully enter the surface, if it did not happen, you need to drive the bracket with a hammer;
  • nails;
  • self-timers.

First, the kleimer is installed, and then its horizontal is checked with a level.

Selecting the option of the trim, depending on the wall and dimensions of the room

Vertical lamella installation make a lot easier. This option is suitable for low rooms and can visually increase the room height. For a small room, narrow panels are suitable. For a wide wall, it is better to choose a large width lamella.

How to mount the laminate on the wall of plasterboard

On this surface, the laminate is usually fixed with glue. Plasterboard needs to be preloaded. For this option use the thinnest laminate. Since with a large weight the wall surface can collapse.

How to sheathe laminate uneven walls

You can use laminate on uneven walls, but for this you need to use a tree crate.

The shap must be installed strictly horizontally and vertically, if slots are formed between the bar and the wall, then you need to install special strips of fine wood.

How to glue glue laminate with your own hands: Step by step instructions

Print laminate in the following sequence:

  • leveled with plaster wall or by plywood;
  • low-up lamellas glue several rows depending on glue;
  • after installing and drying the glue, plinth and decorative strips are mounted.

Surface preparation

It is necessary to apply primer on the wall to ensure the clutch of the surface with glue. After drying, it is started to install lamellas. You can also install a crate of bars and fasten the plywood sheet.

Preparation of a wooden crate

After buying the rails, they should not immediately be attached to the wall, they should lie in the room. During this time, wood can dry a little, it will help to avoid strain when fastening the laminate.

How to fix without crate

Without laminate lamellas can be glued onto the aligned wall. The second option: a sheet of plywood is mounted on the crate, and lamellas are pasted on it.


The first panel is glued with wave-like lines and pressed against the wall, aligning the planted line. Then climb a special wooden hammer.

How to fix horizontally: how to stick

A small gap between the floor coating and wall laminate should be provided. To do this, on the wall surface you need to draw a horizontal line at a distance of no more than 2 cm from the floor. After sticking lamellae, the gap is closed by a plinth.

How to lay out vertically

For vertical installation, you must first draw the vertical line on the wall, lay the lamellas from the bottom up. After installing the first vertical row, the next, aligning each element using a level.

Facing: how to do

Start cladding from the floor, usually from the left corner. After the installation of the first row proceeds to the following. After installing the two horizontal layer, you need to leave, as the glue must be captured.

How to make it yourself and secure on the wall of the tongue laminate: Mounting technology

The tongue laminate has a special lock connection. To install it, you do not need to use glue.

List of tools

  • kiyanka;
  • glue;
  • level;
  • construction corner;
  • hacksaw;
  • perforator.

How to make a frame under the coating

For the crate use rails width from 20 to 40 mm. Their accommodation must be placed on the wall with a pencil and level. The pitch of the rails is approximately equal to half the width of the lamella. On the perimeter it is necessary to make a frame from the plates.

How to attach the crate: fasteners

Rakes are attached using self-samples in increasing about 30 cm. The rails must be even and dried. Rake can be installed by drilling it through and hitting the wall. It can also be attached to it with a steel corner with screw holes. First, the corner is attached to the wall, and then the rake from the side is screwed to the corner.

How to lay soundproofing

Soundproofing is installed between the bars of the crate. It should fit tightly to the bars, usually use mineral wool.

How to put a laminate: how to mount

It can be attached to the surfaces in several ways:

  • gluing each lamella separately;
  • using kleimers;
  • small nails that are nailed to the bar, this option resembles the installation of the lining.

First, the lamellas are covered with glue, then insert into the lock and pressed to the surface. After that, carefully climb in the image.

How to install internal angles

When forming an inner corner, it is necessary to remember that the laminate at high humidity swells, therefore, from each of the walls it is necessary to retreat at least 1 cm. It is possible to reorganize the resulting space using a special corner.

How to arrange the edge: how to close

An external angle can be decorated with a plastic corner that can be purchased in a construction store. It can be from MDF for laminate color.

How to put corners

The corner must close the docking seam and have a hidden method of fastening. It consists of a plank and a decorative outdoor element. In the center of the seam is performed fasteners for the plank. Drill holes and install screws. Then the outdoor part is installed on top.

How to separate the surface

Hide the sides can be hidden using a decorative plank, edge ribbon. The tongue laminate can be installed horizontally, vertically, at an angle. In the last version there will be a lot of waste, it must be considered when purchasing the material.

The outer angle of laminate is usually decorated with a corner. Some manufacturers also produce a special profile with which you can make an angle more accurate.

Thicatle lamellas are easier to install, but for cladding walls use the thinnest lamellas.

For the convenience of mounting, it is desirable to trim and lay out the lamella on the floor. If it does not allow the floor of the floor, then you can upload two or three rows on the floor, gradually carrying parts on the wall.

You can use laminate not only for floors, but also for walls. Here you can combine different shades and use thin lamellas of a tongue or cliking laminate.

Useful video

On the wall, at first glance it will seem an unusual person who is uninstructed in the trend of modern repairs. However, there are no exotics here. In fact, this type of finish has not only an unusual, interesting view, but also very practical and durable. Laminate is already quite a long time used for laying on the floor in various premises - everything is accustomed to this. But the facing of this material of the walls is perhaps extremely rare. There are a lot of photos for which you can judge the interesting character of this method of finishing the premises.

In this article, we will consider ways to clamp walls with their own hands, the technical and aesthetic components of this method. The use of laminate for laying on the wall, finds more and more use in the inner interior of residential and office space. The use of MDF panels and various types of siding goes into the past. In the article we will tell you how to mount the laminate on the wall with your own hands, we will demonstrate the photo and video instructions.

Advantages of laminate for wall cladding

  • The main advantage of laminate in its environmental friendliness. It does not contain toxic evaporation, so it is great for wide use inside the residential premises.
  • Laminate was originally designed as an outdoor coating, therefore it has excellent strength characteristics, which means it will serve on the wall a very long time.
  • Since the cost of the laminate directly depends on the class of strength, the low-class laminate is perfect for cladding walls, and absolutely not to the detriment of quality.
  • A huge number of different textures and colors. It opens up big horizons for fantasy when finishing the walls.
  • Easy installation of laminated panels. So, put the laminate under the power even inexperienced in this case a person.


Unfortunately, this method and disadvantages have. Fortunately, their little:

  • The susceptibility of this finishing material to moisture. Therefore, during long-term contact of laminate with water, deformation may occur, or swelling panels.
  • Specific sensitivity to sharp temperature differences. This disadvantage must be taken into account, for example, when cladding the walls of the kitchen. With a particularly unfavorable temperature mode, the quality of the appearance can slightly decrease.

That's all right. It is enough to comply with some precautions, for example, it is not recommended to lay the laminate on the walls of the bathroom, balcony, or kitchen. It is best to use traditional, proven ways to finishing the walls of these premises.

How to choose laminate for wall cladding

  • Conventional shunt laminate. This kind is familiar to everyone. It is its most often laid on the floor. The convenience of using it is that the laminated panels themselves are connected by a special shunt lock;
  • Adhesive laminate. Such a type of panels are connected to the surface and with each other with the help of construction glue, or conventional liquid nails.
  • Laminate with Click lock. This species has a more perfect lock, which snaps, not allowing the disconnection of the panels. Such a laminate has a higher strength.

Laminate is divided not only in coloring and texture, but the main indicator is the class of strength. It is this parameter that determines the price of the material. It must be remembered - the higher the class, the higher the quality of the laminate. The advantage of using a laminate wall decoration consists also in the possibility of using low-class panels 21-31. After all, there will be no mechanical load on the laminate.

How to fix on the walls

So, to get a beautiful decoration on the walls, you will need to thoroughly align the surface. The beauty and accuracy of the cladding depends on it. Take advantage of this preparatory action as the most important. Considerable importance is how to fix the laminate. Laying of laminate on the walls is made in two ways:

  • Fastening to the crate. It is used in the case of large curvature of the walls. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to level the walls. In addition, under the crate you can lay an additional layer of heat-noise insulation. In modern budget apartments with "cardboard" walls, this method may be preferable.
  • First of all, you need to calculate the required amount of laminate. To this quantity you need to add another 10 percent on trimming and fitting.
  • Prepare the wall under the laying. The wall should be smooth and dry. If you decide to make a crate, it will require a little more effort from you. The lamp is performed either from wooden bars or made of metal or aluminum profiles that are attached to the wall by self-draws. The distance between the self-drawing should be no more than 40 cm.
  • Printing directly on the wall. Here the preparation of the surface for the salary is particularly important. A variable glue can be used: construction, liquid nails, titanium, etc. Application of glue produce a "snake".

Procedure for work

  • First of all, you need to calculate the required amount of laminate. To this quantity you need to add another 10% on trimming and fitting.
  • Prepare the wall under the laying. The wall should be smooth and dry. If you decide to make a crate, it will require a little more effort from you. The lamp is performed either from wooden bars or made of metal or aluminum profiles that are attached to the wall by self-draws. The distance between the self-drawing must be no more than 40 cm
  • The panels can be mounted on the wall as vertically and horizontally. If you plan to flicker the entire wall from the ceiling to the floor, start better.
  • In the case of gluing the laminate, it is treated with adhesive composition, pressed against the wall and fixed for a while until the glue grabs. The panels on the crate are fastened with the help of brackets, which are used for the installation of plastic panels.
  • After decoration of the walls, it is necessary to give them a finished type by installing ceiling and floor plinths.



In this video, the process of fixing the laminate on the wall is shown, with the explanations of the wizard performing the work:

This video will help to understand how to close the niche laminate in the wall: