What to glue a bamboo cloth. Choose glue for bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo wallpaper is one of the relatively new methods of wall decoration and ceiling. Distribution material received thanks to the fashion of the last years: the design of the dwelling in emphasized with natural style using natural materials. And not just natural origin, but emphasizing it.

Accordingly, not permissible in any interior. The material has a characteristic structure, it is best combined with the same textured natural surfaces and does not tolerate the neighborhood with metal and plastic. Wallpaper It is recommended to use for the design of rooms in environmental, ethnic styles, stylization of Japanese or Chinese minimalism.

Varieties of bamboo wallpaper

To know how to glue bamboo wallpaper on the walls, you need to figure out what they represent. This is a series of thin dies from bamboo pasted on a tissue base. The width of the rail can be different - 4, 7, 12, 17, 25 mm. The width of the roll itself varies from 90 to 250 cm.

The success of the finish began to use thanks to its excellent user qualities:

  • Moisture resistance - despite the fact that the bamboo refers to wood materials, its resistance to moisture is exceptional. Finishing is allowed not only indoors, but also outside. Punching bamboo wallpapers in the bathroom or in the kitchen is quite justified.
  • Excellent heat and sound insulation. In urban apartments, the price of this quality is enormous.
  • Specific texture - bulk, allows you to hide small wall defects.
  • Mechanical strength - bamboo difficult to pump or damage in any other way. Therefore, the blending of bamboo wallpaper is an excellent option for housing, where there are four-legged inhabitants.
  • The material is perfectly combined with wood, tiles, plaster, paper wallpaper. Color gamma includes both natural shades - from green to copper and obtained by additional staining. On the slab racks of different colors can be combined, creating a pattern or pattern. The master class of blending bamboo wallpapers on the video below offers both horizontal and vertical accommodation.

Only the features of the installation can be attributed to the disadvantages of products. It is quite difficult to achieve exact docking in color and drawing. Cut material is needed with a metal with a metal. When pasting, it is advisable to use a special composition.

Glue compositions for bamboo wallpaper

What glue can be glued with bamboo wallpaper, does not depend on the nature of the wall, since the decisive material is determined here. First, the bamboo does not tolerate water-soluble or water-containing compositions. Secondly, the wallpaper canvas is rigid, so the glue should have high adhesive properties.

For sticking wallpaper from bamboo, you can use special glue based on polychloropropylene or vinyl. The glue has a sharp smell, and since the bamboo wallpaper is properly sticking in a closed room, then work is recommended in the respirator. Also give a good result "Liquid nails" or adhesive adhesive like Pufas K12. In some cases, the use of parquet glue is allowed.

Preparation of premises and tools

Before deciding how to glue bamboo wallpaper, work surfaces should be prepared: walls, ceiling or individual sections. The material can also be frozen and brick, and concrete walls, but it is forbidden to glue a bamboo cloth on a layer of paint or chalk pair.

  • Floor and large furniture items are covered with polyethylene film.
  • The surface is cleared of dust, dirt or traces of an old coating.
  • If the irregularity of the wall is too large - the height difference is more than 3 mm, then the surface is aligned with plaster, then processed by primer penetrating action.
  • It is recommended to make vertical marking on the plumb.

Before glue bamboo wallpaper, it is desirable to give the material to acclimatize: leave it rolled for a day in the room, where the finish is assumed.

To work, you will need a standard set of fixtures:

  • Glue - recommended special, as it guarantees the best result.
  • Scissors or hacksaw metal - provides the most even incision.
  • Spatula for glue, preferably with cloths.
  • Rubber roller for pressing the canvas.
  • You need to choose clothes with long sleeves and respirator.

Because of the above price, the price of bamboo wallpaper is higher than the usual. This does not exclude the possibility of independent work, but will require attention and care.

Bamboo Wallpaper Wallpaper Technology

The blending of bamboo wallpapers is best viewed on the video, but also the instructions of this lesson will serve as a good help to spend the work correctly and efficiently.

Bamboo wallpaper canvas is cut in size depending on the method of sticking - vertically or horizontally.

Glue is prepared. Then the composition is applied both on the surface of the wall and on the wrong tissue side of the wallpaper. It is better for this process to use a toothed spatula. Construction master class in the video is recommended to wait 10-15 minutes. During this period, glue becomes transparent, partially absorbed, which will ensure the best clutch of the web with the surface.

If "liquid nails" are used for fixing, then there is no need to wait. The canvas presses against the wall on the markup without much effort, excess glue is deleted. Usually it is necessary for about 8 minutes to set. Then you need to scroll with a rubber roller. Only the cloth is stacked. After drying the place of the joints are hidden by paints or putty.

2-3 hours after pasting, it is necessary to check the quality of the collapse: to catch up with palm suspicious areas, to dissolve the roller. If the cavity is detected under the material, they are applied as follows: the glue is gained into the syringe and administered under the wallpaper, then rolled up with a roller.

On the educational video, it is described in detail how to glue bamboo wallpaper. It is worth paying the most attention to the placement of the canvas on the wall. Due to high rigidity and volume, the wallpaper cannot be sprinkled in the usual way or bend, so it is necessary to work with them neatly.

Bamboo wallpaper - Excellent finishing material: beautiful, durable, eco-friendly and is designed to operate in a variety of conditions. Finishing with wallpaper is allowed in residential rooms, and in the work rooms. The pasting is made in the same way, since it does not depend on the surface material.

The main requirement when working acts accuracy with the bamboo web. It's a shame in vain to spend such an excellent natural material. Following the above recommendations, you can achieve an excellent result without much effort and beyond recognition to transform the interior. Good luck to you!

In the past few years, enjoys extremely popular. From anyone unknown finishing material, such canvases were able to win the location of designers around the world. In order for the wallpaper from the bamboo to look at the wall perfectly smoothly, it is important to carefully treat them. Unfortunately, you will not be able to trust in any way as yourself. If only because you are most interested in a beautiful and durable result. Let's talk about how to properly prepare the wall, and how to punish bamboo wallpaper with your own hands.

Preparation of instruments

Before glue bamboo wallpaper, it is necessary that all the necessary tools and materials are necessary. So, for work you will need:

  1. Plastic spatula large size. With this tool you can quickly apply.
  2. Glue. About how to choose glue for bamboo wallpaper, we will talk a little lower. However, note that the consumption of the material is usually quite large. Therefore, it is better to purchase a glue solution with a margin.
  3. Tassels of different sizes. It is advisable to choose products on a nylon basis. It is the tassel that you will apply glue to the surface of the wall. Large-size brush will help quickly apply a fastening composition based on the basis. A small neon brush will help to handle hard-to-reach places and corners in the room.
  4. A sharp knife. Suitable as a stationery and ordinary.
  5. A piece of fabric, with which you will wipe the excess glue for bamboo wallpaper. It is advisable to choose textiles that does not leave after a pile.
  6. Hand protection gloves.
  7. Mask to protect the respiratory tract.
  8. Roller for alignment of the canvas.
  9. Hacksaw or electrolybiz. Tools needed in order to cut bamboo wallpaper as quickly as possible.

Council: Choosing a hacksaw blade, pay attention to the option with small cloths. Thus, you can smoothly cut the wallpaper without breaking the cloth.

Selection of glue for bamboo wallpaper

These canvases are much harder than their analogues based on fliesline, vinyl or paper. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the process of choosing glue for bamboo wallpaper. We recommend paying attention to such options:

  1. . The composition created in order to quickly and highly glue materials among themselves. Liquid nails are actively used when installing bamboo wallpaper. Remember that such glue spreads a rather unpleasant smell that can adversely affect your health. Therefore, if you chose liquid nails, take care of the protection of the respiratory tract.
  2. Roaster nails. This glue composition appeared on the building materials market relatively recently. He has good adhesion and almost complete absence of an unpleasant smell. The only lack of such glue for bamboo wallpaper is not able to apply it to the surface with your own hands. The fact is that the composition is sold in small cartridges that are refilled into a construction gun.
  3. Plow. The most fiscal common variant of the adhesive composition, which, however, is categorically not suitable for sticking bamboo wallpaper. It has a weak adhesion and is not able to withstand too heavy canvas. However, if you decide to stop in this option, for greater reliability it is necessary to additionally attach bamboo wallpaper to the wall using self-tapping screws.
  4. . The composition that is not at all in all building stores. Most often applied when sticking phlizelin or glazes. However, with a bamboo cloth, such adhesive also copes to excellent.
  5. . Adhesive composition of Italian origin. It is used to stick bamboo wallpaper or cork panels. It is distinguished by moisture resistance and good degree of adhesion.
  6. Lacrysil., glue that is widely used with natural materials (bamboo, traffic jam, etc.). This composition is sold already ready for use and does not need water breeding. It does not have an unpleasant smell and is safe for human health.

Preparation of walls

The process of sticking bamboo wallpaper begins with the preparation of the wall surface. Of course, in this situation, bamboo canvases have a kind of advantage over other analogues. The fact is that they are able to hide small cracks and other defects on the surface.

In any case, before sticking bamboo wallpaper, it is necessary to completely get rid of the previous finishing material on the wall. You can do this with a spatula. You also need to remove dust and dirt from the wall.

It doesn't matter how it was the previous finishing material: wallpaper, painting, chalk plaster - in any case, after preparing the surface of the wall, it should be as clean as possible. In order to align the foundation, you can walk along the wall putty. However, this is not necessarily. Dense bamboo wallpaper will calmly hide some drawbacks.

Note that before applying the cloths, the surface should be not only clean, but also absolutely dry. Therefore, if you use a putty or primer, be sure to dry the wall dry. As a rule, it takes 8-12 hours.

Bamboo Wallpaper Punching - Step-by-step instructions

After you have prepared a wall for sticking bamboo wallpaper, you must act according to the following scheme:

  1. Cut the cloth. Note that the bamboo is quite dense material, so to cut it, it is important to use a sharp knife.
  2. Prepare glue for bamboo wallpaper. If necessary, glue can be diluted with water. However, today there are materials that are sold ready for use.
  3. Apply the glue composition on the surface of the wall and the wallpaper canvas. Press the wall to the wall, hold for a few seconds and remove them.
  4. Leave the cloth for 3-4 minutes, after which you put on the wall again.
  5. To avoid aircraft accumulation under the web, it is necessary to completely smooth out the wallpaper on the wall of the roller.
  6. By the same principle you need to act as long as you do not curse the whole wall.

Important! Each subsequent canvas must be applied to the junction to the previous one..

How to glue bamboo wallpaper in the corners?

The technology of sticking wallpaper from bamboo in the corners of the room is slightly different from the mixing of vinyl and flieslinic cloths. First, you need to trim and install a roll in bulk with corners. If the joints of the joints are very noticeable, they can be blocked with putty, paint or molding. In order for the putty or molding to be threw into the eyes, they must be painted in the shade of bamboo wallpaper.

How to glue bamboo wallpaper on liquid nails?

How to glue bamboo wallpaper on liquid nails? This process is quite simple and not much different from the installation of wallpaper using another adhesive composition. First you need to cut the roll to the necessary dimensions. After that, prepare the glue composition and apply it on the wrong side of the Bamboo Wallpaper. It is necessary to do this with a big tassel.

On the wrong side of bamboo wallpaper, as a rule, there are two types of fabric: thin mesh and more dense. Glue "Liquid nails" must be missed in dense tissue.

Important! It is necessary to follow the instructions. Some types of bamboo wallpapers require so that liquid nails are applied to the entire surface of the canvas.

Then everything is simple: press the wallpaper to the wall and go a little on them. After that, you need to quickly and gently remove the cloth and leave it for 3 minutes. Now take the wallpaper again and attach them to the same place wall. Come on the surface of the roller to dissolve the wallpaper and prevent the appearance of bubbles.

Video: how to glue bamboo

In order to deal with all the installation processes, we recommend that you look a few about sticking bamboo video wallpaper. All stages of work are collected in them and various nuances are indicated.

The use of bamboo wallpaper allows you to bring originality to any interior. This is a stylish and eco-friendly wall decoration, which has recently gained popularity. In addition to external advantages, you will accurately appreciate the simplicity of mounting wallpapers from bamboo - after all, a little adopting, you will be quite able to install yourself.

Natural finishing materials are becoming increasingly popular. The popularity of bamboo wallpaper is growing. In our article we will tell you how to stick bamboo wallpapers. What is bamboo wallpapers are bamboo strips dried by a special way wide from 5 to 17, sometimes up to 25 mm, glued on the tissue base. Sometimes there are wallpapers in which the planks to the base, besides glue, are fastened with decorative seam made by kapron or natural threads.

Natural finishing materials are becoming increasingly popular. The popularity of bamboo wallpaper is growing. In our article we will tell you how to stick bamboo wallpaper. So how to glue the wallpaper?
What are bamboo wallpaper
These are bamboo strips dried by a specially wide from 5 to 17, sometimes up to 25 mm, glued on the tissue base. Sometimes there are wallpapers in which the planks to the base, besides glue, are fastened with decorative seam made by kapron or natural threads.
Bamboo planks are not painted and do not vocked. The whole charm of such wallpapers and is enclosed in the exceptional nature of the material. Depending on the grade of bamboo, the wallpaper can be white, pistachio, honey colors, beige or reddish.

Wallpaper for sale from bamboo or by a honey or rolls of fixed length. Width of the canvas - 1, 2, 2.5 meters.

Features of working with bamboo wallpaper (how to glue wallpaper correctly)

Wallpaper from bamboo glue only online. It is also like glue phlizelin wallpaper.
Before glue bamboo wallpaper, carefully examine the accompanying instructions. Keep in mind that work with this type of finishing material is different from working with any other types of wallpaper, it is not entirely the same as glue vinyl wallpaper.

It is possible to glue bamboo wallpaper on any surface, if only it was cleaned from the chalk of whitewash, peeling paint and loosely holding old wallpaper. Those. It is possible to glue wallpaper on wallpaper, but undesirable. No need to remove the wall to almost perfect smoothness. Small cracks and irregularities are perfectly disguised.

For a better effect, use the glue that is stated in the instructions. But both "liquid nails" are also quite suitable.
I expect the web of the desired size. Wash them off with glue "Liquid nails", but not skip, and strips. Usually, the withdrawal of bamboo wallpaper alternates a mesh cloth with a more dense. Here on dense fabric and smear (but! If the instructions say that the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe web should be smeared - enter this way. The manufacturer knows more).

Then tightly press the wallpaper cloth to the place on the wall, where it should be. Click, fly, and ... remove. Let us lie down for 3-5 minutes, and again we stick to the wall, to the former place, tightly pressing, now "coming down".

For reliability, the wallpaper from the bummy can be between the slats to nail to the wall with special decorative cloves.

On a concrete, brick and plastered wall, the wallpaper of bamboo on the "liquid nails" is glitched perfectly. And how to glue bamboo wallpapers, if the wall is made of drywall or fiberboard? In these cases, you can use PVA glue. And for reliability in the "strategic" places to secure with the help of a stapler and brackets.

How to paint bamboo wallpaper

Cut the wallpaper along - it is not difficult. Just enter a sharp knife between the slats and cut the fabric base. But in order to cut wallpaper, you will have to use the metal hacksaw. And it is better to use the electric bison. But the hacksaw blade should be with small teeth. Otherwise it will not cut, and to tear wallpaper.

Before starting glue bamboo wallpapers, as you follow the idea itself. The fact is that the walls, entirely attached bamboo, look uninteresting. Another thing - if a combination of wallpaper from bamboo different colors is used. An interesting effect gives a combination in the finishing of the premises of bamboo wallpaper and wallpaper from the traffic jam. It is interesting to look at the room where bamboo wallpapers are stuck as panels.
And yet, keep in mind: no matter how carefully you did not fit the wallpaper panels, the joints will still be noticeable.
Read more about.

Bamboo wallpaper

Probably there is nothing more environmentally friendly and at the same time more beautiful and creating peace and comfort than bamboo wallpapers.
There are all the finishing materials market - everything! It can satisfy completely any of the most refined taste, the whole thing is only in the amount of money from the buyer who are ready to post. One of these "Issists" is bamboo wallpaper.
They are created using fibers of a split bamboo, which are then glued to special rice paper. Located on paper in disorder, or in any combination, they create a unique picture that has a natural color. However, such wallpapers do not need any other color.
Bamboo is a unique plant that appeared on our planet more than 200 million years ago. Its bark is a stronger oak bark, and the products from the bamboo are experiencing even metal things. If you attach a bamboo nail iron plate to the wall, then after many years the metal rushes and disintegrated, and the nail will remain unharmed. Do you know that it is made of bamboo, not only nails, but also a wallpaper? You have a chance to make the walls of the walls of almost eternal.

Making bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo Wallpaper This is pretty expensive tool of decoration. It is not only in the high cost of the bamboo itself, but also in the complex processing process. It is known that fresh bamboo stems contain more than half of the liquid. When drying, there is a risk that cracks will appear on the surface of the stems. This will spoil the appearance of the material. Exclude such a special technique for the preparation of bamboo stems allows. Drying stops when the plant is still raw. The stalks are placed on a warehouse with special thermal conditions and are brought to the necessary state. After that, bamboo tubes are connected together, forming a canvas called wallpaper.

Certain types of bamboo are suitable for creating a facing material. These are plants that, after drying, can keep the initial color, which eliminates additional staining. There are bamboo wallpapers of yellow, green, brown shades. We are demanding snow-white canvas. Despite natural colors, bamboo wallpapers are still subject to some processing. Antistatics are applied to them. As a result, dust is not going to the surface of the facing material. Wallpaper is easy to wash. To do this, it is enough to spend on them a wet sponge. It is effective cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

Installation of bamboo wallpaper

Like any wallpaper, bamboo canvas are glued to the base. The glue is needed strong. Preferably, it must be a vinyl composition. Then you can arrange bamboo wallpaper concrete, brick and wooden wall. However, there is some exception. If the wall is plasterboard, then it is necessary to use not glue, but special nails.

Before fixing bamboo wallpaper, it is necessary to check the surface of the wall for the presence of tubercles, depressions and cracks. The working area must be absolutely smooth. If there is a wall defect, it is important to use special paper, a substrate to eliminate irregularities. Bamboo wallpapers are glued on a dry surface.

Bamboo Wall Care

Articles from stems must be protected from sunlight. Otherwise, the wallpaper will quickly lose the juiciness of colors and become faded. Some types of products completely change the color after burnout. During cleaning, bamboo wallpapers can not be concerned. It can damage the integrity of the facing. Between the stems are formed gaps. Bamboo wallpapers can be wiped with a damp cloth, as it has already been noted. However, it is necessary to use gentle detergents and avoid excessive moisture of facing material. If the wallpaper absorb water, they will be bubble and deformed.

Bamboo Wallpaper: Decor

Bamboo wallpaper is a very bright decor element. They look good in the Japanese interior design, indoors in the country style. Specialists advise using bamboo wallpaper partially. In this case, the plants stem will make a worthy contribution to the overall decor of the room, being a leitmotif of the entire design.
They will be remarkably suitable for the appropriate interior of the room, however, sometimes they take only niche, or part of the wall as the decor element.
In general, try using your fantasy or designer services, and your home using bamboo wallpapers will be much more beautiful and more comfortable!

How to glue bamboo wallpaper?

Bamboo wallpaper Along with other natural materials, they have gained increasing popularity in recent years. They are thin, but very strong bamboo rails dried by special technology and glued on dense fabric. Sometimes for fastening, in addition to glue, a decorative line is used. The threads for it can be taken both natural and from Capron.

The width of the rails in bamboo wallpaper - 5-25 mm.

Bamboo Reiki usually do not cover anything to keep their original color that you can beat in the interior. They can have various shades: yellowish, reddish, gray, greenish or beige, it depends on the variety of plants.

In order to stick the bamboo wallpaper, the wall is not necessary to do perfectly smooth and smooth - you can simply wear a loosely holding paint and remove old wallpaper. The chalk blame also needs to be considered a spatula. Since bamboo wallpapers are sufficiently dense, they will hide all the small defects and irregularities of the walls.

Instructions are usually attached to wallpaper from bamboo. Be sure to learn it if you want them to serve you for a long time. It is important to choose the right glue - this is a guarantee that the wallpaper will be firmly held on the walls. You can use the so-called "liquid nails", special polymer glue, providing a solid clutch of surfaces. On the walls of drywall and fiberboard wallpaper of bamboo glue with PVA.

Bamboo wallpaper cutting requires considerable effort, because bamboo is rather durable material. They lure them with the help of a wooden metal or an electric bike. To avoid damage to the rails, the hacksaw canvas must be taken with small teeth. If the wallpaper needs to be uncalled along, they are simply cut through the tissue between the rails with a sharp knife.

The cut piece of wallpaper is labeled with glue from the wrong side. The glue is applied to a more dense fabric, which usually alternates stripes with a cloth from the grid. However, attention should be paid to the instructions: In some cases, it is necessary to miss the entire irons of the wallpaper, otherwise they will be badly kept on the walls. After applying glue, a piece of wallpaper is tightly pressed against the wall, it closes and removed. Wallpapers give to lie down about five minutes so that the glue is better absorbed. This is necessary so that the joints of the panels on the walls do not diverge. After that, the wallpaper is tightly pressed against the wall, the excess glue is removed with a soft cloth. On plasterboard walls or walls from Feds, bamboo wallpapers can be additionally fixed using a stapler. Shakes on bamboo wallpaper, as a rule, are distinguishable.

To care for wallpaper from bamboo, you can use the usual detergent. It is also desirable periodically vacuuming them using a soft brush.

how to glue Wallpaper How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper How to glue Wallpaper How to glue Vinyl wallpaper glued wallpapers + on wallpapers You can stick Bamboo Wallpaper - Master Tips. Processed

Bamboo, serving the peoples of the east food and building material for many centuries, for some time he began to enter our life. We already appreciated bamboo bed linen, bamboo blankets, towels and socks.

And now bamboo wallpaper appeared. What is this finishing material?

Every year, the interest of the designers is increasingly drawn towards materials of natural origin. And indeed, their natural beauty makes it possible to remove from the bustle of the city everyday life, waking up the feeling of lightness and purity in the shower.

One of these natural materials is the bamboo.

Bamboo wallpapers have become a real sensation in the market of finishing materials. They can be covered with walls, ceilings, floors and many other elements.

For their production, specially selected bamboo varieties are used. The manufacture of bamboo wallpaper is a cut of the upper layer of a plant, which is characterized by the most pronounced bamboo structure.

Bamboo stems are subjected to special processing.

Initially, they are dried, and then fold into the room in which they create the necessary temperature conditions. After a certain time, the trunks of the plants are cleaved, the cuts of the upper layer are combined, sticking on the tissue basis.

The width of the REC is 5-25 mm.

For bamboo wallpapers, a standard width is characteristic - 100, 150, 200 cm. You can find an enlarged width on sale - up to 250 cm.

The length of the roll, as a rule, varies from 50 to 150 cm. Glue them both in the vertical position and horizontal.

Types of bamboo wallpaper

Considering which part of the bamboo trunk is used for the production of wallpaper, they can be two types:

  • Made from the outer part of the trunk
  • Made from the inside of the trunk.

1. Wallpaper from the outside Characterized with a clearly pronounced natural structure, because they are made from the top layer of bamboo.

The outer trunk provides increased stability of the material to ultraviolet radiation.

Such wallpapers have an uneven structure and color, visacy and small scratches that have arisen in the process of growing plants in the wild.

But it is precisely this is a bright indicator of a natural bamboo and gives the coating of natural beauty and a unique charm.

Thanks to the natural wax layer, wallpaper is resistant to moisture drops and do not require additional staining.

If we talk about the color shades of wallpaper, then they are pistachio, vanilla (yellow), lime (green), chocolate and turtle, which are obtained by uneven firing of the surface layer of source colors.

2. Wallpaper from the inside Smooth and smooth, as they pass pre-grinding. In contrast to the previous type of wallpaper, this coating is less resistant to fading, so they are recommended to be lacquered or painted.

Color shades of such wallpapers can be natural (light) or tinted (dark).

Toning is carried out by firing the surface layer of bamboo.

The advantages of bamboo wallpaper

Compared with other varieties of wallpaper wall materials, bamboo canvases have much more attractive qualities:

  • high environmental friendliness that allows them to stick them even in rooms for children;
  • bactericidality - bamboo fiber prevents the propagation of bacteria on the surfaces of the walls;
  • the ability to use for the wicked walls not only inland rooms, but also outside (subject to coating with a protective layer of varnish);
  • excellent properties of heat and noise insulation;

  • the natural beauty of the material allows you to create unusual interior details in different exotic styles;
  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • it is possible to make walls completely or used as a decor of individual elements and parts of the wall;
  • dirt-repellent and dust-repellent properties, thanks to which to care for them is very easy - enough vacuum cleaner or wet sponge;
  • the ability to hide small wall defects.

There are much fewer cons of such coatings, but it is necessary to know about them before buying bamboo wallpapers.

  • Shakes after sticking remain visible.
  • Cut the canvas along the rails can be an ordinary building knife, but for a cross-cut, you will need a hacksaw or bulgaria.
  • Glue bamboo wallpaper with special glue on an organic solvent, which has a specific smell.
  • Poor tolerate bright sunlight - a complex is lost.
Bamboo Wallpaper Sticking Technology

They can be glued to a variety of surfaces - brick, drywall, phaneur, wooden, concrete, etc.

Before sticking, new wallpapers are laid out in the room for several hours so that the bamboo temperature is equal to room parameters.

Wallpapers can not be bend and mive.

Do not recommend using water-based glue. Suitable vinyl glue or liquid nails. If you apply glue to wallpaper and on the wall, leave up to a slight drying for ten minutes, and then firmly press the wall to the wall, a durable adhesive layer is formed, which will keep the coating firmly.

Council. Take a small piece of wallpaper in advance, soak the glue and try to apply.

You will understand, have enough glue or worth adding more.

And one moment. Walls that are completely sealed bamboo look pretty boring. A completely different combination of different materials or various bamboo colors looks.

The excellent effect is combined in the interior of the armor of cork and bamboo wallpaper.

It will be great to look like a room in which wallpaper from the bamboo decorated only panels.

1. Preparation of walls. This process is to remove old wallpapers, wash off the old whitewash, clean the walls from the old paint. Bamboo wallpaper sticking does not require special preparation of perfectly smooth walls. Small cracks and irregularities are allowed - the bamboo will easily cover them.

Pocking bamboo wallpaper

Cutting bamboo cloth. Typically, the roll length is somewhere 9.14 m. The bands must be measured and cut before the start of work. Bamboo wallpaper glued only jack, you can not fascinate them in the corners.

3. Walls prepared, cut wallpapers are decomposed on a flat surface, the adhesive is also ready.

Soft nylon tassel carefully lubricate the canvas. The edges cover a thicker layer so that the joints are subsequently dispelled. If the wallpaper is glued to a concrete, brick or wooden wall, it is better to use liquid nails.

4. While the bamboo is soaked, we mean by lubricate the wall. If you reap the smeared wallpaper, they will "be risks", and if the air bubbles will remain inseparable. After the glue is absorbed, the bubbles will disappear.

Excess glue should be carefully removed with a wet sponge. Now apply wallpaper to the wall, pressing them with a soft cloth. Bamboo contact with the wall is allowed only once.

Wallpapers cannot be moved or corrected - it can damage them.

5. If the canvas stands for an angle, the edge must be carefully cut, because the bamboo cannot be wrapped the corners - it is rather fragile.

6. For alignment of the joints, use a soft plastic spatula.

7. The place of the junction with other materials is close to decorative molding.

When used as glue of liquid nails, they are applied with small stripes. Typically, the origin of bamboo wallpaper is covered with a mesh cloth, which alternates with a more dense. It is on dense tissue and a liquid nails are applied.. The smeared canvas pressed against the wall, bother and remove. It should lie about five minutes, after which it is glued again to the wall, tightly pressed, now finally.

If the wallpaper is glued to the wall of drywall or fiberboard, you can use PVA glue. For reliability in the most "responsible" places, the canvas are fixed by a construction stapler.

To spoke to the surface of the glue did not have time to dry, it should be immediately wiped out a clean cloth, slightly moistened in the solvent.

  • Try not to touch the wallpaper with hard brushes and not use to clean abrasive substances.
  • Do not allow moisture from entering a bamboo coating, because after drying, the wallpaper can be gripped, which will lead to the discrepancy of the joints.
  • It is not desirable to enter the direct sunlight on the wallpaper - they fade from it.

    If it is impossible to avoid sunlight, then in this room it is better to use natural shades coating.

  • Remove dust from bamboo wallpaper, using a vacuum cleaner.

    Strong pollution can be wiping with a damp rag and a weak detergent solution.

To prevent dust getting onto wallpaper, they are usually treated with antistatic.

Then the coating care will be minimized - only twice a year.

Armed with knowledge about bamboo wallpaper, you can safely and confidently begin the design of your own interior performed in oriental style.

We hope that after repairing in your apartment, the atmosphere of pacification and tranquility, inherent in Japanese culture, will reign.

Video: Instructions for gluing bamboo wallpaper

Liquid wallpapers - modern coating of a new generation

Paper wallpaper - a quick way to create a cozy interior!

Today, very popular wallpapers are made of environmentally friendly materials, and the bamboo is no exception. Such images are universal decorating material in combination with any interior, which creates additional comfort.

  1. Advantages of bamboo wallpaper
  2. Different pallets
  3. Selection of glue and adhesion
  4. Wallpaper bamboo background sticker

Advantages of bamboo wallpaper

To create background, we collect the stems of specialized varieties and wearing in a room with a constant temperature.

When the upper layer is removed, other bands are attached to the base of the tissue.

Bamboo bases can last many years and not burn out, so good thermal and noisy insulating properties are ideal finishing materials.

In addition, they will not affect air flow through the house / apartment. Antistatic processing gives dust properties. Such material does not require special attention. It is enough to walk with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush or wipe with a cloth moistened with a solution of detergent (in case of significant contamination).

A variety of bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo background has a rather diverse color palette, depending on the diversity and processing: from white to peach to white.

Natural bamboo bright tones and heat treatment can reach darker tones.

Different pallets

Preparation of walls for gluing

The closing process with bamboo lids is simple and can be without special skills.

You can stick to both cement and cement, as well as wood. Bamboo wallpaper can hide small irregularities of the wall, but this does not mean that you can ignore the alignment of the walls. A coating is applied on a uniform wall, which after drying leaves to dry.

How to bend bamboo background: gluing process, small tricks

Before gluing, it is preferable to create a layout that will prevent distortion and inconsistency of the pattern.

Preparation of walls for gluing

Selection of glue and adhesion

Glue better glue is stronger than used for other types of wallpaper.

"Liquid nails" are suitable for this, which are finely applied to the wall and material. When the glue dries, attach a little effort, press the edge of the blade to the top of the wall. To avoid the appearance of possible voids, it is worth walking along the top from top to bottom with a soft tissue. After sticking, you should make sure that there is no glue between the tissue lamelters and clean it with a clean cloth moistened in the solvent.

Selection of glue and adhesion

Bamboo wallpaper is the best option for those who want to make an original and pleasant interior inside the room.

Wallpaper bamboo background sticker

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Bamboo wallpaper pasted on the wall or ceiling will become an excellent alternative to paper wallpaper, because there are several reasons why it is worth choosing bamboo wallpaper, in addition, they will create a unique atmosphere of comfort and comfort in ethnic style. But, bamboo wallpapers are very different in their structure from ordinary wallpaper and require the use of special techniques in the work.

What do you need to glue bamboo wallpaper?

  • Toothed spatula or tassel;
  • Electric jigsaw;
  • Soft sponge;
  • Glue.

How to start sticking bamboo wallpaper?

It is necessary to start with attentive reading the manufacturer's instructions. On the peculiarities of sticking acquired bamboo wallpaper.

Since bamboo wallpaper produced by different manufacturers may differ in their characteristics: have a different structure, weight, different substrates under the wallpaper (tissue or paper) - you should pay attention to the instructions in the instructions.

Cooked for sticking bamboo wallpaper should acclimatize indoors during the day. It is possible to glue bamboo wallpaper vertically and horizontally: here everyone chooses the method of applying the wall from the aesthetic considerations and the tasks of the selected room design. In accordance with this, the wallpaper is cut into the bands of the desired size.

Do not forget leave several additional centimeters in the top and bottom of the wallpaper for stock.

If there is a drawing on bamboo wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the pattern. To cut the wallpaper along bamboo regches, you can successfully use the knife, however, if you need to cut a split on the rail, it is better to use the electric jigsaw.

How to prepare walls for sticking bamboo wallpaper?

To prepare the walls for sticking bamboo wallpaper, it is necessary to: wash off the dirt, sand and dust from them, consider the paint, the old wallpaper completely removed, small cracks on the wall can not be spacked, remove the electrical outlets and light covers of the switches.

If bamboo wallpapers will be placed on a new drywall, it should be pre-treated with primer to strengthen the surface of the plasterboard and ensure good fixation of the wallpaper substrate to the wall. After applying the primer, the wall should be completely dry.

What to glue bamboo wallpaper?

How to glue bamboo wallpaper

An ideal option will be the use of special glue for bamboo wallpaper. As practice has shown, the glue for the parquet is also well suited for fastening bamboo wallpaper to the wall. Excellent adhesive properties possess "Glue-Velcro" and liquid nails instantly fix wallpaper on the wall, so you need to work quickly and take into account the fact that the canvas attached to the wall is undesirable.

The process of sticking bamboo wallpaper

  1. Need to choose the starting point.

    Using the level from the starting point to spend line (vertical or horizontal - depending on the way of the wallpaper) and designate the edge of the wallpaper on the wall. This line marks the start of the stickers of the first wallpaper strip.

    The second and subsequent bands of bamboo wallpapers will be stuck in the order of the joint in the joint.

  2. Prepared wallpaper strip put the face down and apply glue movement of a spatula (or brush) from the middle to the edges. So that the glitched wallpaper is not shifted, the glue must be made to absorb over 5-7 minutes, carefully folding the top and bottom of the wallpaper sheet to the middle, thus preventing from drying out.
  3. Bamboo wallpaper strip applied to the wall, gently placing the side edge along the marked line.

    The remained few additional centimeters of bamboo wallpapers in the upper and lower parts will cut down later. Tightly press wallpaper to the wall using a rubber roller or smoothing brush. For better fixation, you can catch on the surface of bamboo wallpapers with a rubber hammer. Subsequent stripes are pasted in a similar way.

  4. If on the edge of the wallpaper came out excess adhesive, it can be removed with a soft wet sponge.

    For pasting bamboo wallpaper of corners, you need to cut sheets in an angle.

  5. Join points can be hidden using molding or thin straight baguette. The joints in the corners are aesthetically closed by a special corner.

Observing these simple rules, you can independently cope with the sticking of such an unusual but original finishing material, like bamboo wallpaper.

Interesting materials on the site:

The usual wallpaper is inferior to natural materials. After all, in his own apartment so I want to see natural canvases.

Glue on bamboo wallpaper should be applied from the wrong side.

Help in creating a new interior can bamboo wallpaper.

They make the design interesting and unusual.

However, before work, you need to know how to glue bamboo wallpaper. After all, the strength and reliability of structures depends on this process.

Bamboo wallpaper for interior

Products can be bought in building stores or interior solutions.

Bamboo wallpapers are a design fixed on a tissue basis. The size of the canvas and their appearance may differ. So, items 1800-2500 mm wide acquire for working with a large area of \u200b\u200bthe wizard. In the process of finishing, bamboo wallpaper can be cut.

To glue bamboo wallpaper you need liquid nails.

For registration of apron in the kitchen or other sites, you can purchase a bamboo wallpaper with a width of about 1000 mm.

In this case, the canvas will have an economical consumption. In stores you can purchase a product based on the desired size.

A distinctive feature of the designs is the width of the lamellae.

These elements emphasize the natural origin of the material. They can detect joints or uneven texture. But such a texture is the advantage of wallpaper. After all, in the interior you will not meet two identical canvases. They all differ in their appearance.

Products may differ in color scheme.

Various shades, from bright to saturated dark tones, allow you to successfully combine the canvas in the interior. One common colors is wenge. It is perfectly combined with furniture indoors, finishing materials and floor coverings. Therefore, designers are increasingly using it in their projects. After all, such a color not only complements the style, but also greatly decorating it.

How to glue bamboo wallpaper?

During operation, it is necessary to cut the products.

You can make the procedure using a stationery knife or scissors. These tools are relevant when it is required to divide the web along the lamellas. The cutting element needs to be carried out between the butt planets. Thus, the incision will be produced on the fabric. The procedure happens easily and quickly.

It is harder to cut the material across the lamellas. In this case, you need to use a garden secateur or electric saw. Tools will be needed for work, as the canvas has high density.

And it is impossible to cut it with ordinary scissors. For cutting, it is recommended to fix wallpaper on a flat surface. It is possible to do this with the help of construction scotch. After that make the procedure from the outside of the product.

Over time, bamboo wallpaper fade and lose their original appearance.

At the next step, you need to prepare a reason for work. Walls should not contain old materials, cracks and irregularities.

All problem areas are processed by putty. The mixture is applied to the surface, with a spatula distribute. In order for the base to be durable and reliable, it is also recommended to use primer. It will protect the surface from the appearance of fungus, mold and condensate.

Thus, the finishing works will need tools and materials:

  • wallpaper from bamboo;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • construction Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • electric saw;
  • special glue;
  • liquid Nails;
  • putty knife;
  • roulette;
  • rubber roller.

It is necessary to proceed to work only after the bamboo material breaks the day in the room.

Thus, the product adaptation occurs. In order to fix the wallpaper on the wall, you need to purchase special glue. It must be designed to work with bamboo wallpaper or heavy materials. Do not save on this agent. After all, the durability of the design depends on its quality.

The glue must be evenly distributed over the surface of the canvas and the desired area on the wall. The products are then left for some time so that the locking agent is transparent.

After that, the material is applied to the wall and carried out with a rubber roller. If some areas turned out to be poorly missed, it is possible to finish working with liquid nails. In any case, before carrying out the procedure, the instructions on the packaging should be carefully examined.

If during work on the canvas, flashes from glue are formed, they are recommended to be removed using a dry cloth or sponge. It must be borne in mind that the wallpaper is immediately fixed on the wall.

Features of working with bamboo cloth

Clause products into the joint to each other.

Bamboo Wallpaper: how to glue

As a rule, the seam of finished designs is visible. But this only emphasizes the natural structure of the material. Some masters use special profiles to create a harmonious image. They are also made of bamboo trunk. With their help, you can make a butt neat. To do this, pick a profile similar to the color with the main product. Docking structures help combine wallpaper. They can be positioned vertically or horizontally.

In addition to the described details, the wizards use edge profiles.

Thanks to them, you can make an interesting circuit of wallpaper. This method is especially relevant when the material is in a prominent place or highlights a certain area indoor.

Additional elements help to decorate the design, make it finished.

For those owners who do not know how to glue bamboo wallpaper and where to apply them, there are a variety of design ideas. For example, with the help of structures, you can decorate the window opening. Thanks to the designs, the design will be unusual and original.

However, it should be borne in mind that the overall style of the room should be combined with natural materials.

Products allow you to increase the noise insulation in the room, they are resistant to the depositing of dust and other small particles.

However, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to avoid excessive moisture during operation. When leaving the surface, it is recommended to give preference to dry cleaning. The canvas can not be stored in the basement and rooms with high humidity. For finishing works, it is recommended to choose places where there is no bright sunlight. Otherwise, bright colors of the material will become faded.

Before glue bamboo wallpaper, you need to decide on a common design. This design will become the perfect supplement for the Japanese style.

The combination of bamboo products with fabric wall decoration, wooden parquet, mat and details with symbolic ornaments will become an excellent room decoration. And if combining wallpaper with special bamboo panels, the design will be finished and holistic.

Bamboo wallpapers are a relevant supplement for any repair. With their help, you can make the finishing of the entire room or put a certain focus in the house.

These attributes create a special mood in the room. They make a luxurious and unique situation. After all, natural materials are unique. And the use of them at home allows you to enjoy the naturalness and purity.

How to cut bamboo wallpapers?

Bamboo wallpaper is a beautiful wall coating made of freshly cut plants.

Bamboo canvas for walls like glue (photo and video)

Material processing technology eliminates the use of any synthetic substances, glue and paints, and before submitted as wallpaper, it passes only drying and splitting into separate plates.

Bamboo is always included in the house in its natural color: white, beige, honey, reddish, pistashkov - as he offers a company Viir. All his shades create a unique natural interior in the house.

Features of the use of bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo stem wallpapers are found in the discharge of an exquisite decor.

They are amazing when creating a country style, safari, an ethnic. Interior designers advise to use bamboo partially - to highlight any zone, niches, arches, creating panels or panels. Planning work with this material, it is important to know some of its features:

  • Bamboo is for a long time. Wallpaper quality implies long-term use - for 30-40 years.
  • Pulling cloths along the plates is easy and imperceptibly.

    If necessary

  • docked in width, then the seam will always be visible. In this case, you can use the seam cover overlay - a couple of plates separated from wallpaper.
  • When the sunny balcony passes, you need to choose the time when the sun's rays will not fall on the wallpaper. Otherwise, when drying the glue, the bamboo may be sworn and fall behind the wall.
  • For use in wet premises, the material should be further treated with water-repellent and antifungal agents.

Bamboo withstands all kinds of cleaning and cleaning - dry, wet, detergent.

This property allows it to apply it for the decor of the hallways, corridors, kitchens and all places actively used by family members.

How to cut bamboo wallpaper?

Wallpapers from natural bamboo can have a different width, and the length is fixed in the roll or the Metrogenian.

Cut the necessary cloth wallpaper is not difficult. Cut, in fact, it will only have the foundation between the plates of the material - the fabric or rice paper, an easy-to-refractable tool.

If a narrower strip is needed for pasting walls, then wallpapers have to cut across the plates. To make it competent, without hurting their appearance, it is necessary to resort to some tricks:

  • Stand up with a scratch or marker on the plate of the cut line along the length of the panel.
  • The bamboo wood is very dense and durable, and the usual saw on the tree with her is unlikely to cope.

    It is better to use for cutting with a metal with smaller teeth who do not make burrs. Large teeth can leave unsightly torn edges behind the bamboo. When cutting, the plate should be kept perpendicular to the plate or at an angle to it if there is a markup.

  • You can apply an electrolovka and saw for metal having small teeth.

    With this tool, the work is moving faster.

The decoration of walls by bamboo wallpaper brings a lot of pleasure. This material does not require perfectly smooth surfaces and is able to disguise any cracks, roughness and gaps.

Natural finishing materials are becoming increasingly popular in the inner repair of residential premises, the blending of bamboo wallpaper has long ceased to be an exotic repair procedure. Wallpaper of natural bamboo planks allow you to quickly create a tropical interior in any room, beautiful and durable. The procedure for their sticking is characterized by a number of essential features.

Pocking bamboo wallpaper - for and against

These wallpapers are called "bamboo" on the most legal grounds - the entire outer surface is the planks of this bamboo glued on the special fabric. Pre-stalks are dried for several months, after which only the upper layer is cut off with them as a decorative element. To the obvious advantages of the "bulk bamboo" should be attributed:

  • Absolute naturalness and environmental impeccability. It is not only in the nature of the growing of bamboo trees - their wood is perfectly perceiving any painting procedures. Maximum from possible processing of bamboo wallpaper - a thin layer of varnish, applied in the factory conditions;
  • Natural beauty of natural tree. The qualitatively glued wallpaper from the bamboo is almost impossible to distinguish from massive wood stoves, even with their attentive study from the minimum distance.;
  • Antistatic and insulating qualities that paper and vinyl wallpapers do not happen in principle. In the room after such a finish, it becomes noticeable warmer, albeit not so much to exclude the insulation of the walls from the inside by the penplex only due to bamboo wallpaper;
  • Unique and durable design of the room - the prevalence of the repair method is still small, and the strength of the bamboo planks is very significant;
  • These wallpapers do not absorb dust. Who lived in premises with porous wall covering, will put this advantage in the first place;
  • With regular care (that is, periodically wiping the planks with light movements of a damp cloth) a prime-shaped type of wall repair will be preserved several decades - and this is not an advertising exaggeration, but a truthful bamboo fact.

If, after studying the previous six items, you are wondering why I still do not know how to glue bamboo wallpaper, the embodiment of the finishing dream?! ", Then do not hurry with delights. Local material based on a natural bamboo has significant repair disadvantages:

  • It burns out in the sun, even under the oblique rays of our shining through double double glazing. There are no residential rooms without windows - it became a lighted wall in a year or two will be a fundamentally different color compared to the rest;
  • Fire danger. Yes, bamboo wallpaper is processed by flame retardant at the factories, but strong impregnation is perfectly affected by their color. Framework in the bamboo placed rooms is very dangerous!
  • Relief wooden coating looks profitable from aesthetic point of view, but its strength to mechanical exposure leaves much to be desired. Even a rigid brush you can handle the lacquered strips, and the consequences of sharpening cat claws or stormy children's games will become for bamboo the most deplorable;
  • The limitations of the color decisions as the payroll for the naturalness of the painting. The natural bamboo is yellow, beige, greenish and brown, the same palette is limited to the color selection of such wallpapers;
  • Horificate coating and the complexity of sticking. Typical assembly problems We will try to illuminate below, but the high price of bamboo wallpaper remains an objective reality, which is given to us in the financial and repair sensations.

If you still decided to leave the walls with wallpaper from a natural bamboo, it is better to start with a corridor or hall - those rooms where there is no natural lighting. When choosing wallpaper, pay attention to the mounting planks to the tissue basis. If it is made not only by glue, but also with a stitching with special threads, the bamboo will stay on the fabric much longer and more reliable. The width of the rail can be from 5 to 25 mm - select the strips of the medium width, within 10-15 mm, and it is easier to cut and glue.

Glue for bamboo wallpaper - Conditions of self-sufficiency

With adhesive compositions for wallpaper from bamboo, the situation is several paradoxical. Special glue for bamboo wallpaper, which comes complete with rolls, is not a universal repair solution. It is much more important to carefully examine the instructions attached to the Wallpaper than to rely on this glue.

For plastered and / or covered walls, boldly use the branded adhesive composition recommended by the manufacturer. For surfaces from DVP, chipboard and plasterboard partitions, high-quality PVA glue is suitable, only gluite will have to be quickly, the PVA quickly "grasps". For walls with combination finish better apply liquid Nails, they give a solid clutch of the fabric base with heterogeneous surfaces.

Bamboo rolls are heavy and dimensions, they need to stick online. The direction of the salary can be both horizontal and vertical, the choice is dictated by the size of the room and the size of the rolled cutting. If it is repeated for each wallpaper joint, the durability of the "bamboo" repairs will increase repeatedly - unfortunately, the complexity of the finishes will increase.

How to glue bamboo wallpaper - Wood decoration by wood rolls

Typical blowing of bamboo wallpaper consists of the following mounting stages:

How to glue bamboo wallpaper - step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Preparatory

We clean the walls from the old plaster, from the rags of the wallpaper of the previous generation, the residues of paint or blames with steel or plastic spatulas. We do it immediately throughout the room to finish the "dirty" repair stage and go to clean work. Cracks, holes and potholes in the walls are better to close the alabaster or alabastrovo-sandy mixture (with large dimensions of irregularities). Wallpapers will close such flaws - but on a solid surface glue holds better and more reliable. Many masters advise to quickly "pass" the walls with a thin layer of adhesive plaster, then their subsequent pasting will become even easier.

Step 2: Marking

The pasting starts from the angle, moving towards the light source indoors (window or lamp). With the first experience with bamboo wallpaper, the bands are cut by one. This is dictated by the complexity of splitting. Cutting the Bamboo Planks is necessary, taking into account the subsequent fastening of decorative rivers, cut them with a cutting on metal or a sharp knife (depending on the thickness of the planks). It is necessary to leave the pure band of the tissue base, half-width on the size of the decorative rail. In addition, the fabric without bamboo is easier to join each other - moreover, you can leave a small lumen between the strips. The main thing is that the size of this lumen is permanent all over.

At the distance of the roll width of the corner, the point is noted, it is measured down with it a strictly sheer line. It will become a guide for blowing work. If the angle is an uneven, the wallpaper band will have to cut it, respectively, its irregularities - the strict verticality of the first strip is required.

Step 3: Majm and glue

First, the glue is applied to the rolled cloth, unsettled on the floor, evenly on the entire surface. While our wallpapers are impregnated with adhesive composition, lubricate the wall glue. We stick the strip - it is important to immediately attach it for sure. Ilozia bamboo wallpaper on the wall is unacceptable, by this, their sticking is radically different from paper, phlizelin, vinyl and many others. Therefore, the accuracy of the first movement is extremely important. After it, the band is painted from the middle to the center. In the same way, all bands are glued to the end of the wall, the last strip is cut along for the accuracy of the angular junction.

Step 4: Finishing

All joints decorate with wooden planks, setting them into fabric lumets. The fastening of decorative slats is performed in a step of 40-50 cm with the drilling of walls, clogs in them plastic plugs and twisting on self-sufficers. The upper edge of the wallpaper can be treated in the same way, the installation of gypsum tag or other decorative elements.