Which workers are compiled a staff schedule. How to make a staff schedule of enterprises

Personnel documentation causes a large number of questions. Often, interest is shown in relation to the correctness of the design, the preparation of the documents under consideration.

What is a regular schedule?

The schedule is necessary in order to form the staff structure in the organization and its number. When forming, attention is paid to the compliance of the document the charter of the institution.

It includes information on structural divisions, the names of the professions, the list of posts of workers. In the act, the number of state required for the organization is to be indicated.

When drafting, a form approved by the State Statistics Committee is used. The importance of the document under consideration is to streamline the workflow, its optimization. The document performs functions:

  • a visual structure of the institution is created;
  • specified state units;
  • control of quantitative I. quality composition workers;
  • tracking the size of paid premiums, payment system;
  • when vacant places, the choice of employee is facilitated.

For employer positive sides The document consists in the possibility of using it at the court hearing, carrying out about the reduction. It also explains the refusal to accept work.

In the case of inspections in the Company by the bodies of taxation by taxation or social. Insurance - This act is necessary. Despite the optional of the presence of a document that verifies the act to the possibility of checking the correct accrual of money to employees.

The photo shows an example:

Example T3 form

For different institutions

The act compiled relative to the institutions operating in the field of culture has features of compilation. As well as other varieties this document. The cultural institutions include:

  • clubs, located in the city / village;
  • cultural houses;
  • centers of culture;
  • autoclub;
  • agitbrigada.

Paper powers are assigned to the founders of the listed institutions. Among the specialists of the cultural organization are allocated: director, director, scenario, sound operator, musical leader and others.

The establishment of a regular schedule is interconnected with the number of organizations living in the village, the number of organizations operating the city for 12 months.

Also, the importance is available in us. The groups of teams that have the title of folk or exemplary.

After assessing the volume of labor, specific conditions of activity by agreement with the founder, additional posts may include additional posts. Also, a prerequisite for inclusion is sufficient financing.

The manager entrusted with distribution functions need quantity employees, taking into account the size of the payment fund.

On the photo example of the act:

An example of a compiled Act

With regard to a limited liability company, we can say that the act is required for the following purposes:

  • establishment of frame composition structure;
  • quality analysis and quantity of work performed;
  • the expediency of continuing cooperation with existing personnel or a set of new;
  • confirmation of the accuracy of the contributions to the budget;
  • pension contributions;
  • argumentation controversial issues In favor of the enterprise.

A person cannot be taken to a position missing in the document. When the list of posts is not included in the act, it is considered an obstacle to reducing the number of state.

In a situation where the individual entrepreneur employs two or more employees, he needs to make a staff act. This is due to the need to conclude employment contracts, where requirements for qualifications are specified, and the size of the salary is set.

About construction organization The schedule has distinctive features:

  • the establishment is not entitled to the authorities for the introduction of the titles of posts, which is associated with dangerous production (used to draw up the acts of reference books with challenges);
  • the presence of a special structure.

Example of a construction company

The schedule reflects the accrual for harmful and dangerous conditions labor workers.

Regarding the HOA special guidelines for the compilation of the certificate under consideration is not established. Due to the availability of a schedule in a visual form, it is clear how much money is spent on one employee and on the organization as a whole.

The document does not register the names of those who occupy one position, which is related to the possibility of configuration of the state after drawing up the act. Having come for an interview, the janitor must immediately have the ability to set the salary and decide on employment.

Schedule in HOA:

Example Act in HOA

The schedule for the store is compiled relative to the number of employees. It may be a small kiosk where only one seller, director and accountant, or a large supermarket with a decent personnel list.

Regarding each employee is an employment agreement. It indicates the position and the discharge by which the person is employed.

Also in the field of trade is subject to an agreement on the material responsibility for the property of the employer. The employee is obliged to ensure the safety of the values \u200b\u200bthat are transferred to him due to the conclusion labor contract.

The following lines may be present in the schedule:

Examples of information in the document

In the establishment of the field of public catering, the document has about this species:

For public catering

Drawing up a schedule in healthcare institution, for example, in the clinic placed on the head or employee who is authorized. Standards for the number of state are given in the orders of the Ministry of Health.

At the legislative level of the region, where the polyclinic is located, the provision is established regarding the possibility of the head of the preparation and approval of the document.

The name of the posts included in the schedule must comply with reference books by profession. An exception can be individual cases. If there are rights to benefits, this fact is to be included in the schedule.

The regular act of beauty salon is indicated:

  • hierarchy of units;
  • number of full-time units;
  • wage amount;
  • list of posts;
  • supplements and extra charges;
  • accrual procedure.

Example of an act for emergency service:

For emergency service

Educational institution:

For educational institution


For hotels

Step-by-step instructions for compiling

The act of the following steps is drawn up:

Who does it?

The legislator does not indicate whom the obligation to draw up a staff document is imposed. In practice, it is established that it can be:

  • persons engaged in senior positions;
  • a group of persons specially created for this purpose;
  • employee of the personnel department;
  • economic department;
  • yUR.Tevede;
  • department of Labor Organization and Salary.

It is required that a specialist of the Economic Department will take part in drawing up.

How many years is stored?

Terms for storage of documentation are established by Rosarhiv. According to the acts developed by the indicated department, the shelf life will be three years. The countdown starts from the moment when the document has lost strength.

When is changing?

According to the Directory, which indicates the qualifications of posts of workers, subordinates and bosses, responsibility regarding the design is imposed on the economist for labor issues. Considering the fact that not in all companies there is a specified position - management decides on the implementation of the work under consideration.

Sample order of change

As a rule, when drawing up an act used production tasks and scope of work. According to the specified data, the state is taken and the calculation of the funds necessary for the payment of advance payments established at the legislative level.

The structure of the enterprise is not eternal, as adjustments are made in it, it changes and develops. Changes can contact an increase in the number of zones, maintenance by the organization, the correction of activities that the enterprise is engaged in.

Due to the presence of such circumstances, the form of work is changing, which, it may be entitled to change the number of companies in the direction of increasing or decreasing.

The introduction of the adjustment is also associated with the change in tariff rates. Regarding the minimum wage is regularly made changes in legislation, by its increase. In this case, the employer with the power of financial opportunity has the right to increase the salary.

The adjustments are made to the act on the basis of documentation developed in accounting.

At wartime

Institutions and organizations of various forms have the right to take a schedule for a period of time considered by the military. Drawing and filling out the act does not cause difficulties, as it is carried out as well as the standard procedure.

The basis of the process under consideration is the mobilization task obtained from the military registration and enlistment office and other structures, for example, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the documentation obtained, the number of state is calculated, after which the information is entered into the act.

The hospital hospital received a task for a military period regarding the installation of additional beds in the amount of 250 units.

After familiarization with the requirement, the leaders decide how many employees will need for patient service. The following is drawn up and approved by making an order.

Structural subdivision

The first column of the document under consideration is called the "Name of the Structural Unit". When the schedule is compiled for commercial organizations, the restrictions on the names of the divisions are not established.

Only the terminological requirements are taken into account, indicate that it is not desirable to give the name to the division of a little-known foreign word.

In some organizations, the name of the division affects the employee of the accuracy of the benefits. An example may be health and education institutions. In such a case, the staff of the personnel department take over the task of correctly indicating the name of the unit.

In order to facilitate the work, classifiers are created harmful productions And other lists. Names enter relative to group affiliation:

  • initially indicates manual;
  • production;
  • auxiliary.

Is it necessary for sip?

Legislative acts are not fixed responsibility individual entrepreneurs According to the compilation of a staff document.

However, despite this position, the IP is not advised to neglect the compilation of the act. This is primarily associated with the fact that the entrepreneur employs employees with whom the employment contract is concluded.

Regardless of the form of a valid taxation system, the schedule design is allowed to exclude the imposition of a fine for the lack of this act. As an exception, we consider the situation when the entrepreneur has no workers.

Categories of posts

For 2019, the legislator did not develop rules regarding the unified formation of posts in the schedule. The standards prescribed in standards are subject to compliance in certain working conditions and in the structures of state importance. Many companies in the title of posts are guided by their rules.

An example of the fashionable name of the position in the organization may be a manager. In fact, this is the same cleaner. However, the position is called the Cleaning Service Manager. This name is applied in order to stimulate a person to work.

When the staff in the organization is small, then one person can immediately take two positions.

Explanatory note

This act is required when a new schedule is approved, where previously not involved posts are indicated. The note provides justification for the adoption of these changes. The same rule applies to cases when the number of employees is reduced.

Example explanatory note

The note is drawn up by the leadership of the unit, where there were innovations. The adjusted adjustments are necessarily subject to justification. The document is set by the leader of the Organization, which gives reason to believe that he agrees on such adjustments.

District coefficient

Foreign schedule compilers should keep in mind that in graphs relative to tariff rates indicates the amount of payment, which corresponds to the salary established by the company in the collective agreement.

The coefficients of the district value are to be specified in the surcharge rate. Similar payments are established in accordance with regulatory acts states.

The schedule necessarily indicates that the allowance is paid.

The viewed view of personnel documentation is not necessarily - most of the organizations are and guided in their activities by this act. This is due to paper functionality.

The need to maintain a staff schedule is not directly established, but is due to the provisions of the TC RF. For example, in Art. 15, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is said that the work on a certain position in the organization should be determined by the staffing schedule and in accordance with the formulation of the staffing schedule to be reflected in the employment contract. In paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1 of January 5, 2004, which approved the form of a staffing schedule, it was said that the approved forms apply to organizations regardless of the property form operating in the territory Russian Federation. Therefore, the staffing should be in each organization.

The staffing schedule is necessary for the systematization of the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization. It provides for a list of structural units, the name of posts, specialties, professions indicating qualifications, information on the number of full-time units both existing and vacant. Persons working in civilian organizations are not included in the organization for civil and legal contracts.

The only regulatoryly established requirement for a staffatic schedule is its maintenance as indicated above on the unified form No. T-3, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1 of January 05, 2004. Consequently, the content of the standard schedule is determined by its unified form.

An important point in drawing up a staff schedule is the correctness of the instructions of a specific employee.

In the event that the position of a specific employee provides for compensation and benefits or the availability of restrictions, then the names of these posts must comply with the names specified in the qualification directories. Compliance of the position of qualifying directories also affects pension benefits, additional leave. In other cases, the employer has the right to give the names that considers it necessary. In any case, the position of employed employee must comply with the one that is indicated in the staffing schedule (Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The obligation to familiarize the employee with a staff schedule in the legislation of the Russian Federation is not established.

The procedure for maintaining a staff schedule in the legislation of the Russian Federation is not established. Therefore, the employer independently defines for its organization the procedure for its approval, order and method of its conduct, the procedure for making changes to the staff schedule, appoints persons responsible for conducting a staff schedule, determines how to store it.

A staffing schedule may be approved by order of the head of the organization, or a person who, on the basis of organizational and administrative documents, is responsible for organizing recruitment and maintenance of a staffing schedule.

The form of an order of approval of a staff schedule is not established, therefore this order is compiled in an arbitrary form. The staff schedule can be approved once and a few years. The employer has no duty to approve a staff schedule, for example, annually. Such a need may arise in the case of changes in it.

Changes to the staff schedule are also drawn up by appropriate orders signed by the head or authorized person and are made by approval of a new staff schedule. The frequency of making changes to the staffing schedule is determined by the current needs of the organization.

The staff schedule is approved for the organization as a whole. Therefore, the approval of a separate staff schedule for branches of the organization (if any) is incorrect. This is due to the fact that the branch is separed division legal entity and must obey its centralized organizational and legal structure.

According to the requirements of the unified form, the staff schedule signs the head of the personnel service and the chief accountant. If these posts in the organization are missing, then the staff schedule signs the head or authorized person. The printing stamp on the standard schedule is not provided for by the unified form No. T-3.

Since the staffing schedule contains personal data of employees, its storage, processing, the destruction should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data.

So, if the regular schedule is contained on paper, it is stored, as a rule, in metal safes and (or) lockable cabinets. Storage premises must be equipped with locks and are equipped with alarm. At work desks, this document may be during the working day. At the end of the working day, he must be removed into the storage place.

If the regular schedule is stored on electronic media In information systems, its storage is made in accordance with the provision of security of personal data when processing in information systems of personal data, utensils. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of 11/17/2007, as well as local regulatory acts of the employer.

The destruction or deletion of the staff schedule must be made in a manner that eliminates the further processing contained in it of personal data while maintaining the possibility of processing other data recorded on the material carrier (removal, disappearance).

Storage time of the staff schedule is defined in the list of standard management archival documents generated in the process of state bodies, local governments and organizations indicating storage time, approved. By order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 558ot 25.08.2010 in accordance with paragraph 71 of this list, the staffing of the organization and changes to them are constantly stored. Offers, conclusions, certificates for the development and change of full-time schedules should be kept in the organization for at least five years. The same time needs to be stored projects of standard schedules (paragraph 72 of the List). Correspondence on the development and change of standard schedules is stored for three years (paragraph 73 of the List).

Hello! Have you ever heard of such a document as "staffing organization"? But this document, on the basis of which wages are accrued, and also accept and dismiss employees. Now we will try to tell in detail about what functions performs SR and how to make it correctly.

What is "staff schedule"

Each of you at least once in my life was in the personnel department of some enterprise. You probably saw countless folders and personal personal files. Surely many were interested in how workers of this department collect and memorize information about all positions, employees, etc.

And everything is quite simple. They have such a document as a regular schedule.

Station timetable (shr) - this is regulatory documentwhich indicates the information about all the positions of the enterprise, the number of full-time employees, the size of their tariff rates and the magnitude of the allowance.

In other words, this is a document that contains generalized information about the number of employees of the enterprise and available posts. In addition, the standard scores indicates the size wages For each post, taking into account all relying allowances.
Very often, this document helps the company managers during court proceedings. For example, due to the forced reducing staff, a worker was fired and he filed for former executives. In this case, SCR is direct proof of the legality of the defendant's actions.

In view of the importance of this document, all pages are numbered, curtain and fasten the seal.

  • Download a sample order of the approval of the standard schedule
  • Download standard schedule Form N T-3

Functions of a regular schedule

Like any document, SCR performs a number of functions. The main, of which are:

  • The possibility of organizing work time staff;
  • Accrual monthly salary to employees;
  • Official registration of newly accepted employees;
  • Leaving the internal regulations of the day;
  • Translation of executed workers with one post on another, etc.

Staff schedule - mandatory document

Each company has a large number of documentation. There are documents that are mandatory, and there are those that are created as needed. To the question "Is the shr a mandatory document?" It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer.

All due to the fact that labor Code Does not imply a mandatory availability at the enterprise SD. But if we consider this issue, based on the requirements of Roskomstat, it turns out that this document is necessary, because It is the primary documentation for accounting for payments for wages.

Although the legislation is not spelled out clear norms, but most organizations lead this species documentation. After all, the bulk of state checks begins precisely from the study of SD.

In fact, the presence of this document facilitates life not only verifier, but also leaders, personnel and accounting department.

What is the validity of the staff schedule

None of the official document indicates the exact validity period of the SD. The manager himself has the right to indicate the period on which this document is drawn up. Most often it is reworked every year, and in action are introduced from January 1. When compiling SR, it is indicated by the date of its action. But if you do not specify the date, then the document is considered perpetual and it is not necessary to redo it.

How many and where regular schedule is stored

Based on the Rosarhiva Resolution, SD, after the end of the action, should be kept in the enterprise for 3 years. And the storage period of standard arrangements is 75 years.

Staten arrangement - Optional document for each enterprise, which is created on the basis of a standard schedule. It is a mobile version of the SC and includes more detailed information about the company's employees (indicates the names of workers, a group of disability, etc.).

Who is

Before proceeding with the creation of a document, the head publishes an order to change the staffing schedule, where the employee will appoint it to be.

It can be absolutely any employee of the organization. But most often such work is entrusted by employees of the personnel department, accounting or engineering engineering.

How many copies of the shr should be in production

When compiling SR, one copy is made. Thus, the original and copy should be kept in the personnel and accounting department.

Change standard schedule

Sometimes a valid shr have to make changes. This is done in several cases:

  1. If the company is reorganized;
  2. If you need to optimize and improve the workshop of the management apparatus;
  3. If the changes made to the legislation require mandatory amendments to SD;
  4. In case of change of regular units ;
  5. Changes in the post schedule;
  6. Changing the salary in a regular schedule.

If the changes are minor and do not require the creation of a new SD, then the head issues an order to make changes to the staffing schedule. After that, the responsible worker makes amendments to the current document.

When making changes to the staff schedule, management is not obliged to notify employees in writing.

The second way to make amendments is to create a new shr.

With any changes to the SD, the amendments should be made in employment records and personal employee cards. Before this, you need to get a written permission for this action from employees.

For example, if the statement of the name of the position is slightly changing, the employee must be notified in writing about this. Only after this changes are made to his labor book.

If the changes relate to the salary values, in which case the employee is notified in writing in 2 months. These amendments are in parallel to the employment contract.

Is there a mandatory form of staff schedule

To compile the SD, most often use the unified. It is a blank - a table in which it is necessary to make data.

Most organizations take the form T-3 as a basis and "customize" under their enterprise. This is permitted, i.e. the unified form of this document is not mandatory.

In cases where the enterprise has a state management form, then the staff schedule is drawn up for all the rules.

Structure of the staffing of the organization

Shr consists of "caps", tables and data of people who signed this document.

The first part of the documents contains the following information:

  • The name of the organization, according to the constituent documents;
  • The start date of the SDC, its number and validity period. Numbering can be assigned arbitrary.
  • The date and number of the order approval of the staff schedule;
  • Common staff.

The second part is a totality of data for all positions. We will look at it a little later.

In the third part, the names and positions of people who signed this document are prescribed. Most often it is the head of the personnel service and the chief accountant.

How to make a regular schedule

We hope that when filling out the "caps", no questions have arisen, so we go to the filling of the table itself.

1 graf. . Name of the structural unit. You need to list them in subordination. For example, administration, secretariat, financial department, accounting, etc.;

2 graf.. Division code. Numerous units from top to bottom (01.02.03, etc.);

3 graf.. Position. The data must be made in the nominative case without abbreviations, in the singular, guided by qualifying and tariff reference books;

4 graf. . Number of regular units. In this column, it is indicated how many people of one position need to be an enterprise. This value can be both a whole and fractional. For example, 2.5 may mean that 2 employees will work at a complete rate, and one on the pollen;

5 graf. . Ocland value tariff rate or bonuses. It is indicated in rubles for each position. If, for example, 2 accountants work, but the head pays them a different salary, then a single salary is indicated in the standard schedule, and surrenders are prescribed in the surcharge rate. That is, the salary of workers in one position should be the same;

6, 7, 8 graph . Supplements for special working conditions. They may not be, then in the graphs are stucking. But if the employee works at night, holidays, removes san. nodes, etc., then by law he needs to pay certain compensation;

9 graf.. In just a month. Summarizes the data on the graphs 5,6,7,8, after which it is multiplied by the number of regular units for each position;

10 graf. . Note. An locally normative act may be indicated, on the basis of which labor is paid;

After making data, you must bother the result of 4 and 9 column. Thus, we will learn the number of regular units in the staffing and a month of remuneration.

Approval of the staff schedule

According to the rules of approval of the staff schedule, after compiling and verifying all the data, SD signs the head, chief accountant and the head of the personnel department. After that, the head of the enterprise issues an order for the introduction of this document into action.


Shr is not a mandatory, but very important document of any organization. On its basis, you can or accept new. In addition, the salary of the enterprise is charged with it.

This document is not strictly regulated, so it can be "customized" to each organization and redo if necessary. This is a wand-corruption of the head during the period of verification of state bodies.

MA answered questions. Cocharin, lawyer

Station schedule: solve abnormal situations

Strictly speaking, according to the qualifying director of posts to investigate the staffing schedule, the economist Qualification directory of posts, approved. Decree of Mintrud from 21.08.98 No. 37. But it happens that this post is not even in large company. Therefore, the design of this document is entrusted with personnel and accountants. After all, these people own information on the structural divisions of the company in their positions and their condition (occupied / vacant), the number of regular units and salary for each position.

So, if the head instructed you to draw up a staff schedule or amendments to it, do not be afraid. We have prepared a sample for you to fill the staff schedule in the "Document Proof" heading. And we give answers to some questions of our readers who have already taken up for this business.

Workers not necessarily acquaint with a staffing schedule

THEM. Pekarev, Novosibirsk

We do not have a staff schedule. And one dissatisfied worker began to threaten that he would complain about the work, because he was not familiar with this document when taking a job. Should we have been done?

: According to Rostrud, a regular schedule is a local regulatory act (LNA) in which I fix p. 1 Letters of Rostrud dated 03/22/2012 No. 428-6-1:

  • the current division of labor between employees;
  • terms of payment of their labor.

TC RF obliges to acquaint the worker with those from LNA, which "are directly related to the employment of the employee" art. 68 TC RF. Therefore, you it is not obliged to show an employee a regular schedule if:

  • there is his signature The fact that before signing the employment contract, he was acquainted with the job description, and with LNA, containing the rules for the formation of the amount of his work payment (for example, it may be a regulation on remuneration) art. 68 TC RF;
  • the size of its salary, Supplements and dumps indicated in the labor agreement art. 57 TC RF.

Starting Schedule keeps one who answers him

MA Markulov, Kazan

Is our regular schedule that our staff is kept by personnel? And how much do not need to be stored for no understanding staff schedules?

: You can store a staff schedule where it is convenient - no special requirements are established. If according to your regulations, document management / additions to the staffing schedule / additions is done by the personnel department - let it be stored there.

And keep the schedule itself and orders that change it, you need to constantly in the company, that is, indefinite p. 71 List, approved. Order of the Ministry of Culture of 08/25/2010 No. 558.

In the staffing schedule you can enter posts that are seen temporarily

I.T. Plekhanova, Podolsk

Periodically, we have the need to hire a specialist in quality. On the basis of a civil-law contract, the specialist does not want to work. Can we introduce a temporary position in our regular schedule, for example, for 3-4 months, to take it on an employment contract for this period?

: You can:

  • <или> Just make such a position to the staff schedule and not to note that it is temporary;
  • <или> Specify in a staff schedule that a position is temporary or replaced by a certain period. For example, it is possible to specify this in column 10 "Note" forms No. T-3.

But keep in mind: Even if in a staffing schedule, you will specify the temporary nature of the post, to conclude an urgent employment contract only on the basis of this you can not. If you take a specialist at the time, in his workforce, it is necessary to indicate the reason for "urgency", provided for by the TK RF. Suppose it comes to perform temporary or seasonal slave art. 59 TC RF.

Method for changing the standard schedule Choose yourself


Can I increase the salary in several posts and approve a new staff schedule?

: Any changes to the staffing schedule are made by the order of the head of the organization. There are no special rules. You can make such an order.

Order No. 13-5
on improving salaries and approval of the staff schedule


1. Install from 01.04.2013 salaries by positions:
- Master of the production site - 35 000 rubles;
- Assistant Master of the Production Plot - 28,000 rubles;
- Technologist of the production site - 38 000 rubles.

2. Approve a new staff schedule It can be done differently - the following is the following in the above order: "Make Changes in staffing No. 2 from 01.04.2010, taking into account the increase in salary according to the posts specified in paragraph 1." But such option will suitonly if you rarely make changes to the staff schedule.
It is more convenient, of course, every time to approve a new edition of the staffing schedule. It is easier to see the current situation on the state than to search for innovations in various orders with the heading "On Amendments to a Staff Schedule"
No. 3 of 02.27.2013 (attached) and introduce it into action from 01.04.2013.

And do not forget to approve a new staffing schedule to conclude with employees who change salaries, additional agreements to employment contracts.

Altage from the standard schedule you can only vacant position

ETC. Yudina, Pyatigorsk

The head requested me to remove me from a staffing schedule, which was held by an employee who came to the decree, and then on vacation for child care. And I laughed something, can I do this at all?

We explain to the head

If a woman who is on maternity leave will want to go back to work before reaching the child for 3 years, she is obliged to accept, even if her position is crossed out of the staff schedule.

: Your doubts are justified - "remove the position", as you say, you can only if it is vacant. IN otherwise We are talking about the reduction of the state.

When leaving a woman on maternity leave / on childcare leave until it reaches it for 3 years, there is a place of work. And reduce its position can not under any circumstances articles 256, 261 TK RF. This position is considered busy, even if the duties on it are assigned to other employees.

We need to index vacation, if the salaries have increased around the state

I.B. Lanina, Auditor, Moscow

We are conducting an audit of the company where there is an order to change the staff schedule in connection with the introduction of several new posts and an increase in salary by old posts. How to calculate the holidays - taking into account the average earnings of the employee, enlarged to the increase ratio, or not?

: First of all, see whether the salaries have increased by all employees of the company, individual employees or a whole structural unit (department, workshop, plot, a territorially separate branch or representative office of firms clause 16 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Sun of March 17, 2004 No. 2). Depending on this and act p. 16 positions, approved. Government Decree of December 24, 2007 No. 922:

  • <если> The salaries rose to all employees of one unit or firm without exception, consider the increase ratio and increase earnings when calculating the release;
  • <если> The salaries rose to individual employees, it is not necessary to consider the raising coefficient and index the average earnings for the calculation of the vacation.

In the staffing schedule may be vacant positions.

MA Pushkareva, Pushkin

We quit the personnel inspector, his responsibilities by order of the director laid on an accountant. How to reflect it now in a regular schedule? Is it possible to exclude a personnel department at all from a staff schedule?

: Can. But first check with your supervisor, whether he is going to hire frames in the future. If so, then it is better for a regular schedule not to touch, let him be a vacant position.

If you take a staff of personnel workers no longer planned, you can prepare for approval to the head:

  • <или> Order of changing the staffing of the staffing of the personnel department;
  • <или> Order on the introduction of a new version of the standard schedule that does not contain personnel positions.

The standard timetable is the salary in full

S.E. Khoroshev, St. Petersburg

We take two deputy director. But one thing is at a complete rate, and the second is on the Polish. How to reflect in regular units and what to write in the column of the staff schedule "Salad": a whole salary of position or half?

: In your situation, the staff schedule can be filled as follows:

Structural subdivision Position (specialty, profession), discharge, class (category), qualification Number of full-time units Tariff rate, salary, rub. Dumps, rub. Just a month (gr. 5 + gr. 6 + gr. 7 + gr. 8) x gr. four Note
name the code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Administration 01 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Deputy General Director 1,5 20 000 - - - 30 000 -

Or so:

  • the condition for payment is proportional to the spent time.
  • According to equitable posts can not be different salary

    Etc. Pashkevich, Moscow

    A new employee is now coming to the vacant position of a specialist. The director said that he had a salary will be higher than an employee who works for the same position.
    But I doubt it: Is it possible to put two positions in a staff schedule with different salary?

    : Nelz Ya Letter Rostrud dated 04/27/2011 № 1111-6-1. Usually, if the workshop detects such discrepancies during verification, he fines for violation of labor legislation and issues an order to establish the same salary by the same position Definition of the St. Petersburg Horses dated November 14, 2011 No. 33-16864.

    We remind a manager

    Install different salaries to people working on the same positions, It is impossible. If one employee wants to pay more than the rest in the same position, you can either rename his position, or to establish some surcharges.

    Therefore, discuss with the head to introduce changes to the staff schedule:

    • <если> You have a local regulatory act (possibly a payment regulations), there are any compensation or stimulating surcharges to the salary, they write down these employees the same salaries, and for a specialist more high level Set the surcharge. See what suitable surcharges are in the company's domestic act. For example, the surcharge for knowledge of a foreign language, for professional skills, for performing particularly important tasks, etc.;
    • <если> You have no surcharges to the salary in your company, then write down the names of the posts in the staffing schedule. Suppose, specialist and lead (senior, chief) specialist. And do not forget to prepare a separate job description of the leading specialist if you do not have it.
    Station schedule: Form and content 04/14/2015

    Station schedule: shape and content

    Special local act - regular schedule. This is a very important and mandatory document.

    Attention, not to be confused!

    Employers are sometimes compiled "similar" to the staff schedule, documents: "Structure and staffing" or "replacement of posts and regular arrangements." These documents are not identical to a staffatic schedule, and their presence does not exclude the obligations of the employer to conduct a staffing schedule. Document "Structure and regular numbers" Contains a list of structural units according to the degree of importance for the enterprise (first the administration, for it, accounting, after production units, etc.). Inside the structural divisions, a list of positions in a hierarchical order indicating in the appropriate column number of full-time units for each position.

    Document "Substitution of posts and staffing" - This is the working version of the standard schedule. It is drawn up on the basis of a staffing schedule, and surnames and initials (or surnames, names and patronymic) of workers opposite each position provided by the staff schedule are made to it.

    Form and content of the staff schedule

    The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation by decree dated 05.01.2004 N 1 approved the unified form of a regular schedule - form No. T-3.

    According to Part 4 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ "On Accounting" (hereinafter - the Act of Accounting), which entered into force on 01/01/2013: "Forms of primary accounting documents approves the head of the economic entity According to an official to which accounting records are entrusted. Forms of primary accounting documents for public sector organizations are established in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation. "

    Guided by this provision, now employers independently approve the form of a staff schedule.

    However, today, they, as a rule, take for themselves the same form that the State Statistics Committee approved, while sometimes complement it with the graphs and columns they needed.

    We give the "original source".

    This form is usually taken as the basis of employers when developing their option.

    Instructions to fill the primary personnel documentation (to the decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of January 05, 2004 No. 1) contain recommendations on the execution of a staffing schedule, which are fully applicable to those cases when employers will improve the standard schedule form:

    "When completing the graph 4, the number of full-time units according to the respective posts (professions), according to which the content of the incomplete regular unit, taking into account the peculiarities of part-time work in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is indicated in relevant shares, for example, 0.25; 0.5; 2.75, etc.

    In column 5 "Tariff rate (salary), etc." It is indicated in ruble terms. accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, employment contracts, agreements and local regulatory acts of the organization.

    In columns 6-8 "Supplements" show stimulating and compensatory payments (premiums, premiums, surveys, incentive payments), established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (for example, northern surcharges, surcharges for the degree, etc.), as well as those introduced at the discretion of the organization (for example, related to the regime or working conditions).

    If it is impossible to fill in the organization Count 5-9 in ruble calculus of communication with the application in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation of other wage systems (confusing, mixed, etc.) The indicated graphs are filled into the appropriate units of measurement (for example, in percent, coefficients, etc. ).

    Approved by order (order) signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person».

    In developing and approved by its form of a staffing schedule, the employer may supplement the form new graphs and columns (for example, to include information about premiums, a piece of payment system).

    When filling out the form of a staff schedule, it is important to control the information (salaries, number of full-time units, names) corresponded to the real state of affairs and other documents, did not contradict the law.

    Structural divisions in staffing

    The names of the structural divisions are written completely, without abbreviations.

    What sequence is the structural units indicate? The law does not respond to this question, leaving it at the discretion of employers. In practice, various approaches are used:

    According to the degree of importance (first the administration, behind it, accounting, after production units, etc.),

    In order to reduce the number of structural divisions,

    In alphabet order.

    Some companies are accepted by instructions on personnel centers, in which, among other nuances, the filling of personnel documentation determines the sequence of the indication of structural units in the staff schedule.

    If the number of employees at the employer is small and the structural units simply not, then Count 1 can not be filled. Also in practice, in such cases, dummy can be put.

    Some employers are not included in the staffing schedule such structural units as branches and representative offices, I mistakenly believing that they should have their own regular staff schedules. This is not true.

    The staffing should be carried out by an employer.

    We believe that branches and representative offices should not approve their full-time schedules, since they are not independent legal entities, independent employers (Art. 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    The staff of the organization should reflect the entire structure of the organization, all its divisions, including branches and representative offices.

    For the convenience of work for branches and representative offices, copies of the staff schedule or discharge from it are made.

    IN count "Code" The codes of structural units are specified, which are assigned by the employer. Codes make it possible to easily determine the place of each department or group in the overall structure of the organization.

    Name of posts, professions, specialties in the staff schedule

    The name of each post (specialty, profession) indicate completely, without abbreviations.

    According to Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if, in accordance with the TC RF, other federal laws with the performance of work on certain positions, professions, specialties, the provision of compensation and benefits or the availability of restrictions, the name of these posts, professions or specialties and qualification requirements should be compliance with the names and The requirements specified in the qualification directories approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or the relevant provisions of professional standards.

    Positions (specialty, professions) are usually indicated by seniority, that is, in hierarchical order: head, deputy, specialists, technical performers, etc.

    If there are positions (specialty, profession), not consisting in any structural unit, then they can be issued as "other personnel."

    Salary of employees in a staffing schedule

    It is impossible to establish salaries below the minimum established by law.

    According to Part 3 of Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation The monthly salary of the employee who fully spent over this period of the standard of working time and fulfilled the norm of labor (labor duties) cannot be lower minimum size wage.

    According to Part 11 of Art. 133.1 Tk of the Russian Federation The monthly salary of an employee working on the territory of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation and in labor relations with the employer in respect of whom the regional minimum wage agreement has a minimum wage agreement in this subject of the Russian Federation, provided that That the specified employee is fully worked out for this period the norm of working time and the norms of labor (labor duties) are fulfilled.

    In a regular schedule it is impossible to install different salaries for the same posts and "forks" of salaries.

    According to Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the employer is obliged to provide employees equal to pay for the labor of equal value, so if you are two accountants working on one job description (i.e. with the same official duties), put different salaries, then, in our opinion, it will not comply with the law.

    Some employers establish in the staffing of the "plugs" of salaries, i.e. In the graph where the salary size should be indicated, they write, for example, "from 20,000 to 30,000".

    The possibilities of establishing "forks" of salaries Labor legislation does not provide.

    According to Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation salary (official salary) - a fixed wage of the employee for execution of labor (official) duties of a certain difficulty for the calendar month without taking into account compensatory, stimulating and social benefits.

    According to Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation compulsory for inclusion in the employment contract are the conditions for remuneration (including the size of the tariff rate or salary (job salary) of the employee, surcharge, surcharge and incentive payments).

    If you install the "plug" of the salary in the staff schedule and then also in the employment contract of the employee, then, in our opinion, it will not comply with the law. From this situation, you can go legitimate by installing fixed salary and appropriate premiums, premiums.

    The book is designed for the most part beginners in personnel office work, but will be very useful and experienced professionals with experience leading personnel work in organizations and entrepreneurs. In the first volume, it is described in detail about the design of various personnel documents, on the admission of workers to work, translations to another work and other changes in the conditions of employment contract (by agreement of the parties and on the initiative of the employer), the movements of workers to another workplace, on removal from work, instructions to employee additional work In order of combining posts (professions), expanding the areas of service, an increase in work, the performance of the temporarily absent employee concerns the protection of the commercial secrets of the employer and personal data of workers.