The minimum size of the air conditioner is the indoor unit. The indoor unit in the air conditioner device - the principle of operation and technical characteristics

Usually the width of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is more than one meter. This is the standard. However, if the block is less than a meter wide, about 70 centimeters, then it can already be called small. There are also models with a width of about 50 centimeters, but they are completely unpopular, so we cannot say if they are good or not. We have compiled a rating of the best and smallest air conditioners, which customers say positively.

The smallest split systems

1st place - Ballu BSWI-09HN1 ($ 396)

However, first of all, its dimensions are worthy of attention - 70 × 28.5 × 18.8 cm. Therefore, it will ideally fit into a small room. As for the functionality, everything is in order here too: there is an anion generator, an anti-ice system, an inverter! Certainly one of the best compact split systems.

2nd place - Ballu BSWI-12HN1 ($ 440)

For about $ 440 you can buy Ballu air conditioner BSWI-12HN1 - wall-mounted split system with inverter compressor... The device has a capacity of 7.5 m3 / min, a cooling capacity of 3.3 kW and an energy consumption of 1 kW. This system is more powerful than the previous model, which is also reliable and of high quality.

Despite the higher productivity, the dimensions remained the same - 70 × 28.5 × 18.8 cm. With a width of only 70 cm, this model fits logically into our rating. And it ranks second, in part, because customers refer to it as an efficient and reliable air conditioner. Of course, the device is worthy of attention.

3rd place - SUPRA US410-07HA ($ 267)

Excellent quality split system. The capacity of this air conditioner is 6.33 m3 / min with an energy consumption of 850 W.

Indoor unit has the following dimensions: 68x25x18 cm, and its width is 2 cm less than the width of the previous air conditioners in the rating. At the same time, there are many positive reviews about it, in which many buyers first of all note its compactness. The model also copes well with its intended purpose - air cooling - so we can recommend it.

4th place - Pioneer KFR20IW ($ 250)

For only $ 250, you can buy a compact and very good air conditioner from the manufacturer Pioneer. Model productivity is 8 m3 / min, energy consumption is 685 W.

The dimensions of the indoor unit are as follows: 68 × 26.5 × 19 cm. Also noteworthy is the presence of a deodorizing filter and an anion generator. Of course it is not main criterion, but a very solid advantage.

Overall, this is an excellent budget air conditioner: it is quiet, has good performance, filters and small dimensions.

5th place - Zanussi ZACS-07 HPR ($ 292)

Wall-mounted split system, designed for indoor use with an area of ​​20 squares. Its capacity is 7 m3 / min, cooling power is 2100 W, energy consumption is 650 W.

There is a fine filter, a deodorizing filter, and an anion generator, which makes the model good decision for allergy sufferers. Its dimensions allowed it to be placed in the rating of compact air conditioners - 70 × 28.5 × 18.8 cm.

The air conditioner is modern and beautiful appearance, works very quietly and does not interfere with sleep at night. It is also reliable, which is only confirmed by the 3-year manufacturer's warranty.

Small mobile air conditioners

Usually mobile air conditioners are small a priori. However, there are also quite large models with a width of more than 60 cm. We have selected the best compact mobile air conditioners with a width of up to 50 cm. Only those models that are positively responded to by customers are included in the rating.

1st place - Electrolux EACM-10DR / N3 ($ 412)

An excellent mobile air conditioner that will cost the buyer $ 412. It is a highly efficient mobile unit designed for indoor use with an area of ​​24 square meters.

Its dimensions are as follows: 45 × 74.7 × 38.7 cm, and one of its main advantages is precisely its small dimensions. It should be noted that this is a pretty serious model. There are two separate air circuits, thanks to which the cold performance is greatly increased. About the model positive reviews so we put it first.

2nd place - Electrolux EACM-12EZ / N3 ($ 447)

Mobile unit with a capacity of 8.167 m3 / min and a power of 3500 W in cooling mode. Compared to the previous model, it is a more compact air conditioner with dimensions of 43.6 x 74.5 x 39 cm.

This is a great model with good quality assembly, plastic and high performance. It is worth noting, however, that some buyers complain about noise and the inability to regulate the air flow - these are its disadvantages. Perhaps the only ones.

3rd place - Electrolux EACM-12EW / TOP / N3_W (342 dollars)

The mobile monoblock is priced at $ 342 and has the following dimensions: 43.6 × 79.7 × 39 cm. Its performance is lower than the previous ones and amounts to 4.83 m3 / min. Perhaps that is why the cost of the model is lower. Nevertheless, the air conditioner will provide a comfortable microclimate in a room up to 25 square meters.

High-quality assembly and good materials, low operating noise and complete equipment - these are its advantages. Perhaps, this model cannot be called the most compact, but it still deserves attention as a small mobile air conditioner for the home.

4th place - Zanussi ZACM-09 MP / N1 ($ 370)

The manufacturer Zanussi does not lag behind in the development of mobile air conditioners and offers us the Zanussi ZACM-09 MP / N1 model for $ 370. The performance of this model is small (5.4 m3 / min), but it is quite enough to create coolness in a room with an area of ​​25 square meters.

The dimensions are as follows: 35x70x32.8 cm. The air conditioner itself collects positive reviews, which is not surprising. This is a high-quality and reliable device from a Japanese manufacturer, which has already proven itself from the good side for a long time.

5th place - Zanussi ZACM-07 MP / N1 ($ 335)

The only difference between this model and the previous one is performance. This mobile air conditioner produces an air flow of 4.9 m3 / min and is intended for use in an indoor area of ​​20 square meters. Otherwise, there are no differences. It is a compact and good mobile unit that will last for many years.

During the operation of the household split system, you may feel bad smell rot along with the air currents from the device. It indicates the need for preventive cleaning of the unit. In addition to the repulsive amber, clogging of units can cause rapid wear of the power unit, increased power consumption and the occurrence of allergic reactions in humans.

You can entrust this procedure to an employee. service center... But if you have been using the split system for a long time, then you can cope with the work yourself, saving money. You just need to familiarize yourself with the disassembly procedure and preventive cleaning.

Indoor unit dimensions

Before installing the indoor unit of the air conditioner, you should inquire about its dimensions. This is especially important when renovating, because modern technologies quite often provide for the installation of suspended ceiling systems that can affect the height of the ceiling, like the parameters of the described device.

On sale you can find non-standard models that have unique dimensions. The block length usually varies from 700 to 800 mm. Somewhat less common are products up to 900 mm. Experts recommend taking into account an average length of 770 mm.

As for the height, it is usually 250-290 mm. The average value is 270 mm. The depth is of little interest to consumers, but it reaches 240 mm. Minimum value equivalent to 170 mm. From this we can conclude that the average dimensions of the indoor unit of the air conditioner are 770 x 270 mm.

Knowing these parameters allows you to determine at what distance from the ceiling and walls to hang the equipment. Contradiction in this issue a great many. In some instructions the minimum distance is 50 mm, while in others it reaches 300 mm. The optimal value is equal to a figure from 60 to 150 mm.

Specialists usually install an air conditioner with a distance of 100 mm. Before installing the indoor unit of the air conditioner, it is important to consider whether there will be curtains in the room. The step between them and the split system is usually 150 mm. This value can be increased up to 250 mm. The average distance from the block to the wall is 400 mm.

Indoor unit classification

In order to carry out disassembly, it is necessary to determine the type of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, which can be presented:

  • wall split system;
  • ducted air conditioner;
  • cassette device.

The most common are wall models, which are more affordable in cost and are sometimes also called household. Their installation can be carried out in a room for any purpose, and a power within 7 kW allows you to cool up to 70 m 2 of the area. Such blocks are usually installed in the upper part of the wall, close to the window, since the design provides for the presence of an outdoor block, and the nodes must be interconnected.

Wall-mounted air conditioners are not able to supply fresh air to the premises, as this requires a separate ventilation system. If you are wondering how to disassemble the indoor unit of the air conditioner, you can familiarize yourself with this information below. It is for such a device that the recommendations are given in the article.

In addition to household air conditioners, some manufacturers supply semi-industrial appliances to the market with a capacity of up to 10 kW. Outwardly, they resemble traditional split systems, but in terms of their parameters they are semi-industrial equipment.

Ducted air conditioners are installed with false ceilings that completely hide them. The distribution of cooled air is provided by means of heat-insulated air ducts, which are located in the space between the ceiling. Such structures can cool several rooms at once. The power of the equipment reaches 25 kW, which makes it possible to provide cooling for a cottage or several rooms in an apartment. The main feature of channel systems is the ability to supply fresh air in the volume that is guaranteed by the functioning of full ventilation.

Cassette A / C units require a false ceiling during installation. Compared to ducted designs, cassette units distribute cooled air through the bottom of the unit. It is covered with a decorative grille and usually has the following dimensions: 600 x 600 and 1200 x 600 mm.

Disassembling and cleaning the air conditioner

To clean the indoor unit of the air conditioner, it is necessary to disassemble it. For this, screwdrivers of various configurations and sizes are prepared. Care should be taken to provide a collection box for the fasteners. You will need an electrical and functional diagram of the device. In some models, they are printed on inner side top cover.

To clean the internal elements you will need:

  • clean rags;
  • detergent;
  • vacuum cleaner.

The first step is to de-energize the air conditioner. This complies with electrical safety regulations. Remove the plug from the socket. The top cover of the unit is removable. The bolts are unscrewed, of which there can be two or three. They are usually closed with decorative plugs. The top cover of the indoor unit is removed. If it is covered with a layer of mold and dirt, it should be washed in the bathroom with detergents and brushes.

When disassembling the indoor unit of the air conditioner, you will need to remove the air filters. They are made of plastic and are designed for rough air purification. Sometimes they are fixed on the lid or inside the air conditioner. The filters are washed under an intense stream of water. The brush will help with this.

The air flow guides must also be removed. The blinds are removed from the grooves. To facilitate the process, you need to bend them slightly. These elements direct the flow of cold air into the room and also need enhanced flushing.

Removing the bottom cover

The next step is to detach the bottom cover. You will need to remove the drain tube and power cord. In the process, press the three latches and disconnect the drain tray from the unit together with the outlet hose.

Removing Terminal Blocks

The indoor unit of the air conditioner has terminal blocks. They are disconnected during disassembly, and then the electronic control unit and the transformer are removed. In order to take out the first one, you need to squeeze side mounts, and then pull the device towards you. Before this, the ground wires are unscrewed.

Removing the fan motor

The fan motor can now be removed. To do this, unscrew the bolts that are attached to the chassis. The evaporator rises and the motor is pulled outward with the rotary fan. The motor must be separated from the fan, but first you have to warm up the head of the bolt with a soldering iron. This will unlock the thermal lock on the motor pulley. Once the fan blades can be removed, they must be washed. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Cleaning the outdoor unit

Outdoor and indoor units of air conditioners are equally in need of maintenance. The frequency for the first is twice a year, which is true even with intensive use. A vacuum cleaner must be used for this, but the device must be powerful enough to extract dust from external filters and heat transfer radiators.

Independently or with the help of specialists

If the unit is located at an impressive height, then you can unscrew the protective grill and vacuum it, as well as wipe the inside of the dust. V otherwise you can seek the help of a professional who will remove the air conditioner using climbing equipment or a tower. Cleaning yourself can be done using compact senders, but the air conditioning system will have to be de-energized and turned on only 30 minutes after the end of the service.


During the operation of the split system, dust settles on the fan impeller, where a "coat" of dirt is formed. This impedes the flow of air when blowing through the evaporator. The latter freezes over, and the user does not receive normal cold and intense air flow.

Cleaning the fan of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is required even if you see black flakes flying out of the device. This suggests that the amount of dirt is so great that it does not hold on to the internal nodes. As a preventive measure, from time to time you can dismantle the fan and flush it chemical means... But not all models make it easy to remove this part of the system.

The indoor unit of the air conditioner is a part of the split system located in the room. With its help, the air in the room is heated or cooled, which helps to create the most comfortable temperature conditions for people. This module has many varieties and can be installed in any convenient place. Installation work is carried out quite simply, so even a person without experience can easily cope with this task.

General information

Before choosing optimal view and the dimensions of the indoor unit of the split system, it is necessary to study in detail its structure and principle of operation. This information will help you choose the most effective option, which fits perfectly into the interior of the room and takes up a minimum of free space.

Is it worth disassembling the indoor unit for air conditioner service

Indoor unit device

The indoor unit of the air conditioner belongs to the technical complex structures... It includes a large number of main elements and a few additional details. When properly assembled, this makes it possible to obtain an efficient device that will maintain the given temperature conditions in the room.

Structural elements that make up the internal module of the split system:

We disassemble the indoor unit of the air conditioner for cleaning

Principle of operation and additional functions

The split-system block does not differ in the complexity of the action. It can be easily understood not only by a highly qualified specialist, but also by the person who is considering it for the first time. The operation of the device is possible thanks to the refrigerant. It is a liquid gas (freon) that helps cool hot air to the desired temperature.

The device operates according to the following principle:

In addition, the component parts of the air conditioner, the main module of which is located inside the room, can contain several auxiliary electronic devices that facilitate control and add new possibilities. Among them are the following:

  • a self-diagnosis sensor that allows you to detect some malfunctions and warn the owner of the device about them;
  • function of controlling the device from a smartphone;
  • devices supporting automatic operation the device at a given mode;
  • liquid crystal display, which displays all information about the operation of the unit.

Installation of the indoor unit of the Daikin FTXB25C / RXB25C air conditioner

Varieties of modules

Air conditioner manufacturers produce a wide variety of variations of indoor modules. This helps consumers choose the most convenient option that is ideal for a particular room.

All modules differ from each other not only in the way of installation, size, but also in the presence or absence of certain characteristics. This helps to choose the optimal dimensions of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, as well as the mounting method.

Wall option

This type of split system module is considered the most common. It gained its popularity due to a large number of advantages over other designs. The wall-mounted unit is installed in the room and serves for the intake of warm air, as well as the transfer of cooled air. An external module, which is located on the street, is connected to it with the help of wires and special tubes.

The wall construction has only one significant drawback - the complexity installation works... Their implementation requires not only special equipment but also highly skilled workers. However, this negative side of the wall unit is compensated by a sufficient number of advantages. Among them, the following stand out:

  • compact size that allows you to install modules even in the smallest rooms;
  • low noise level during operation;
  • a large number of different functions that are typical for almost all device models;
  • the ability to rationally fit the block into the interior of the room.

Cassette type

The main hallmark this type of split-system modules is the ability to attach the unit to the ceiling and hide it in suspended structure... This helps not only to save all the free space of the room, but also to perfectly fit the device into the interior.

Internal modules of cassette type are considered to be the most efficient. They evenly distribute air currents throughout the room and help create comfortable temperature conditions as quickly as possible.

Other advantages of this design are:

  • the ability to control using a special wall or remote control;
  • invisibility in the room (visitors will only see decorative panel built-in indoor unit);
  • correct distribution of warm air flows;
  • high power, which makes it possible to cool the air in large rooms.

Due to the latter advantage, cassette devices are used to maintain the desired temperature in large offices, restaurants, shops and sales areas. These devices are perfect for rooms separated by partitions, where it is not possible to install other types of blocks.

Despite the large number positive aspects, cassette modules also have disadvantages. They must be taken into account before purchasing a device and starting to use it. Otherwise, you may encounter various difficulties that complicate the installation and operation of the air conditioner. The disadvantages are:

  • the need to equip a false ceiling;
  • the complexity of mounting a hidden unit into a pre-installed suspended structure.

Floor-ceiling construction

This is another fairly common version of the device. The indoor unit can be installed horizontally (on the ceiling) or vertically (on the wall close to the floor). This design is used in all cases when there is no false ceiling in the room and the power of the wall-mounted air conditioner is insufficient.

The floor-ceiling module of the split system has a number of positive characteristics, thanks to which it is very popular among the owners of large retail premises and offices. The main advantages are:

  • high performance indicators;
  • the possibility of air cooling in rooms of complex configuration (elongated, round, shaped);
  • uniform distribution of air flows over the entire area;
  • no direct hit of the cold stream on people.

The floor-ceiling structure has several drawbacks. Because of them, not every room owner will make a choice in favor of this device. Among the most significant are the following:

  • high cost of the module;
  • high cost of installation work;
  • large size of the air conditioner.

Dismantling, cleaning the air conditioner.

Duct products

They are intended only for complex air conditioning of offices, apartments and entire buildings. All indoor units are completely hidden in the attic or behind false ceiling... Only the ventilation grill and diffusers (devices used to regulate air flow and pressure in a complex system) remain visible.

The duct-type design requires the equipment of an additional air duct system. Typically, these elements are made of flexible materials and hidden behind the ceiling. With the help of special pipes, they are connected to the external module, which is located outside.

The main advantages of channel devices:

  • lack of visibility of the indoor module and most of the construction details;
  • the ability to transfer fresh air through the air duct system to the room;
  • the ability to reduce the temperature in several rooms at once.

Duct air conditioners are very difficult to install so this process can take a long time. In addition, the cost of installation work is quite high. Other disadvantages include uneven cooling. different rooms buildings, the difficulty of maintaining a given temperature, as well as the need for space to accommodate all elements and the module.

What to do if conditioner drips First of all you need to get to the drain.

Column apparatus

Air conditioners of this type are used to maintain the temperature in a room where a fairly powerful flow of cold air is needed (museums, theaters, restaurants). Their internal block has the dimensions of a refrigerator and is installed in a place inaccessible to people. The curtains of the module can move in different planes, which allows you to precisely adjust the direction of the air flow.

The main advantage of this device model is its high cooling capacity. In addition, the installed equipment is located in a separate room and does not violate the decoration of the ceilings and walls of the room.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • large weight of the indoor unit;
  • significant dimensions compared to other models;
  • strong flow of cold air created around the module.

Mobile equipment

This option is used only in cases where it is not possible to install any other type of air conditioner. The mobile device is a unit that contains all the components of the structure. It must be located in a room where the desired air temperature will be maintained. The advantages of such a device are ease of installation and the possibility of frequent transportation or movement from one room to another.

Disadvantages of mobile installations:

  • heavy weight;
  • low productivity;
  • high price;
  • inconvenience due to condensate drainage;
  • the need to remove the air duct outside the room;
  • high noise level.

Euro Air Conditioner - What are the types of air conditioners?

The indoor unit of the air conditioner is the most important element design that allows you to maintain optimal temperature conditions in the room. At the right choice model and compliance with all installation rules, you can quickly cool the air in the room and avoid any problems with the operation of the device.

Modern split systems include outdoor unit and indoor unit of the air conditioner. When installing an air conditioner of a multi-split system of free configuration with one outdoor and several indoor units, it is possible to select the indoor units of the duct, cassette, floor, ceiling type air conditioner, which allows you to perfectly fit the indoor unit of the air conditioner into the design of any, even the most sophisticated, interior. Let's consider in more detail the device of the indoor unit of the air conditioner and their varieties.

Indoor unit of the air conditioner. Device

Indoor unit of air conditioner wall type consists of:
1. Front panel- is a plastic grill through which air enters the unit. The panel can be easily removed for servicing the air conditioner (cleaning filters, etc.)

2. Filter rough cleaning - represents plastic mesh and is designed to retain coarse dust, animal hair, etc. For normal operation, the air conditioner filter must be cleaned at least twice a month. In the newest air conditioners of some manufacturers, an automatic filter cleaning system is used.

3. Fine filter- there are different types: coal (removes unpleasant odors), electrostatic (retains fine dust), etc. The presence or absence of fine filters does not have any effect on the operation of the air conditioner, but it does on the purity of the air inhaled by a person in the room. Air conditioners with serious air purification systems are more expensive. Air conditioners of the "Premium" segment are equipped with such filters (for example, Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-FD25VA and MSZ-FD35VA air conditioners).

4. Fan - has 3 - 4 rotation speeds.

5. Evaporator - a radiator in which cold freon is heated and evaporated. The air blown through the radiator is accordingly cooled.

6. Horizontal blinds - adjust the direction of the air flow vertically. These blinds are electrically operated and their position can be adjusted from the remote control. remote control... In addition, the blinds can automatically oscillate to distribute the air flow evenly throughout the room.

7. Display panel- on the front panel of the indoor unit of the air conditioner there are indicators (light-emitting diodes) or LED displays showing the operating mode of the air conditioner, the selected temperature and other necessary information. If there is a self-diagnosis mode in the air conditioner, the display shows an error code possible malfunction... It is very convenient.

8. Vertical blinds- serve to adjust the direction of the air flow horizontally. Typically, in domestic air conditioners, the position of the louvers can only be adjusted manually. Automatic adjustment capability vertical blinds with a remote control is present only in some models of the "Premium" segment.

9. Condensate tray(not shown in the figure) - located under the evaporator and serves to collect condensate (water that forms on the surface of the cold evaporator). From the sump, water is discharged to the outside through the drain hose.

10. Control board(not shown) - usually located on the right side of the indoor unit. This board houses the electronics unit with a central microprocessor.

11. Fitting connections(not shown in the figure) - located at the lower rear of the indoor unit. Connect to them copper tubes connecting the outdoor and indoor units.

Wall-mounted indoor unit

The appearance of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, or in other words, its type may be different. The most popular are wall-mounted split systems, which include wall-mounted indoor unit... This is the most cost-effective multi-system layout because wall mounted indoor units are cheaper than other types of indoor units.

Duct type indoor unit

These indoor units are used where a covert installation of an air conditioner is required and there is no desire to place anything on the walls or ceiling. Channel-type indoor units are usually placed in dressing rooms or hidden behind a suspended ceiling in a specially designated area. These units require a service hatch to carry out periodic service... Cold supply or warm air into the room is carried out using air ducts.

Cassette indoor unit

This type of indoor units is used when it is not possible to place wall units. The cassette indoor unit can be single-flow and 4-flow. Single-lane cassette units are commonly used for air conditioning in apartments and country houses... For large, voluminous office space, shops, etc., four-flow cassette indoor units are used.

Air conditioner dimensions of the indoor unit

As you already know, a split system can include Various types blocks, respectively, and the dimensions of the indoor unit differ. The dimensions of the indoor unit of a wall-type air conditioner differ depending on the manufacturer and the capacity of the air conditioner. The higher the power of the wall split system, the more indoor unit dimensions... The average width of the indoor unit air conditioner is from 780 to 1100 mm.

Offered by some vendors such as Fujitsu. The Fujitsu Standart air conditioner has a small internal block with dimensions of 260x790x198mm. In line wall-mounted air conditioners Daikin presented the latest Daikin Emura FTXG25J split system, which has the thinnest indoor unit size- the thickness of the block is only 156 mm!

LG offers original wall indoor units of air conditioners LG ART COOL GALLERY square shape... These indoor units have a unique ability to replace images. You will be able to install in indoor unit of LG air conditioner any picture or photo.

Air conditioners with 2 indoor units are most often used for air conditioning several adjacent rooms. This system uses one outdoor and two indoor units. Indoor units can be both wall-mounted and cassette or duct. Systems with two indoor units are called multi split systems.

Often, during repairs, many people think about installing a split system and plan to design rooms for the size of the air conditioner. The internal block of this device must be placed in such a way that it is not only correctly located, but also looks the most harmonious in the intended interior.

The purchase and selection of the air conditioner itself is often planned closer to the end of the repair, and you need to supply the "power" now. So this article was written for such cases. In it, we will consider in detail what distances must be taken into account for subsequent installation, and we will identify the most universal dimensions of indoor units (wall-mounted household devices).

First, we want to warn you right away that there are “non-standard” models of air conditioners that can have unique dimensions and characteristics. And therefore, this article should not be taken as 100% universal.

Air conditioner size. Internal block of a split system

Often living rooms have a small area (up to 25 sq. m.) For such premises, air conditioners up to 2.7 kW are suitable (not to be confused with power consumption) - they are usually called "Sevens" or "nines"... As a rule, "sevens" and "nines" (of the same model) have the same dimensions, as well as the same tube diameter. Therefore, further we will take into account the same dimensions and characteristics of the considered standard sizes.

Overall dimensions of the indoor unit, which we are primarily interested in

  • block length. The most standard length of indoor units is 700-800 mm. Slightly less common up to 900 mm. By personal experience it is best to take into account the average length of 770 mm.
  • block height. Most often, these dimensions are in the range of 250-290 mm. For planning purposes, we will take into account 270 mm.

The depth does not interest us much (170-240 mm). Thus, we have identified the average size of the indoor unit 770 x 270 mm.

Distances from walls and ceilings

  1. On / off air conditioners. We output the cable in such a way that it, subsequently, is under the indoor unit ( to the left by 300 mm. and lower by 100 mm. from the center of the block).
  2. Most