2 MU discharge of a single tariff mesh. What is a tariff rate

Investment - Construction sphere

Tariffs Payment corpse B. Construction

1. Tariff regulation of remuneration in construction

The main task of tariff valuation of remuneration is the establishment of optimal proportions between labor measure and consumption measure. Tariff ignition serves a tariff system representing a set of rules and standards that ensure planning the wage fund in the estimates and differentiation wages Workers in contracting organizations, depending on the quality and working conditions. Accounting for the amount of labor is to reflect the duration of labor in time in the wage, as well as the intensity and tension of labor per unit of time. The amount of labor is taken into account by technical rationing, which assumes the application of time standards, the rules of development, service standards, on the level of execution of which, i.e. The degree of labor intensity depends on the amount of payment. Accounting for labor quality reflects its complexity and qualifications of the employee, the conditions in which the work process is carried out, including the severity and harm to health. Accounting for labor quality, or qualitative differences in labor, has its ultimate goal to ensure equal payment for equal labor, regardless of the specificity of the content of specific types of labor. This goal is achieved with a tariff system as a wage control tool at the production and other levels of personnel management. One of the fundamental principles of the organization of remuneration is its differentiation, i.e. Establishment of the necessary differences in wages of workers defined by taking into account the number and quality of labor, efficiency and work results. Tariff system Provides differentiated remuneration of workers, depending on the following criteria: the complexity of the work performed; working conditions; labor intensity; responsibility and significance of the work performed; Natural and climatic conditions for performing work. The tariff system is a totality regulatory documentswith which payment regulation is carried out different areas : by categories of workers (workers, employees, managers, specialists, technical performers); on professional and qualifying groups; by industry, sub-sectors, production and activities; on the levels of complexity and working conditions; According to the territorial areas of the country. The tariff system includes the main elements with the help of which tariff terms of remuneration of employees of enterprises and organizations are formed: tariff nets; tariff rates (wage rates); tariff qualification directories; Official salaries; Qualification directory of employee positions; as well as the coefficients of district regulation of wages of employees of budget industries. The tariff mesh is a scale consisting of a certain number of tariff categories corresponding to the tariff rates and tariff coefficients. It is characterized by a range of tariff coefficients - the ratio of tariff rates of extreme categories and tariff coefficients - the ratio of tariff rates of all categories of the tariff grid given to the lowest category or to the average level. The tariff rate is the specific wage of the worker, which is reluced by him for the implementation of established production tasks in the works corresponding to its qualifications. In construction, uniform hour tariff rates were established for workers partners and volunteers. A single tariff-qualifying reference book of works and working professions (ETKS) is a systematic list of works and professions of workers, intended for labor billing, including the work of work and the billing of workers. Tariffication of work determines the compliance of the work of the professions and qualifications of workers and attribute it to the relevant payment group, depending on its complexity, nature, working conditions and features of this production in which it flows. Tarispensing workers is the assignment of each specialty of a certain tariff (qualification) discharge that meets their qualifications. The system of wage differentiation in enterprises includes various types of surcharges and allowances, including compensating additional labor costs of workers in conditions deviating from normal, as well as taking into account the increased intensity of labor, surcharges for work at night, on weekends and holidays, allowances, allowance, associated with the special nature of the work performed, for the length of service (continuous work experience), allowed to persons who have scientific degrees, titles, special merits, etc. The tariff part of the employee salary today is 60-70% of the nominal (accrued) wages. When determining the remaining amount of wages at enterprises (premium, compensation and other payments), tariffalization methods are applied in a small amount and are calculated on other grounds. The view, wage systems, the sizes of tariff rates, salaries, premiums, other incentive payments, as well as the ratio in their size between certain categories of personnel of specific enterprises (contract construction organizations), the state is not regulated, are determined by them on their own and recorded in collective agreements. The system of tariff rationing in construction combines all levels of labor management in construction: definition of contractual (estimated) amount of funds for labor payment on the object (construction project); - Formation of employee remuneration fund construction organization on the annual program of contracting work (for a planned period); - Differentiation and organization of wages in a contracting organization for employees (specialties and qualifications), in periods and objects. Primary planning Wages are carried out in estimated calculations on construction sites on the basis of estimated tariffs and total labor costs of the project:

3P cm \u003d T cm × 3 slave

Where: 3P cm - Wages of workers in the estimated value of the construction of an object, rubles; T cm - the average (estimated) tariff rate of remuneration of workers in the estimated calculation on a specific object, rub. / Ch.-Hour; 3 slave - labor costs estimated calculation , C.-hour. Currently, labor costs are determined in a generalized form, without division in the specialties and qualifications of workers, the purpose of estimating planning the cost of construction is the formation of a full wage fund for the construction project, and the tariff rationing in production conditions provides differentiation of workers' wages in contracting organizations. The principles of continuous planning and compliance of management functions in construction lift these tasks into a single system through tariff rates of remuneration of workers' workers. The rule of unity of control functions provides that the actual costs assigned to labor should be equal to (or are close) to the planned amounts of funds for these purposes. The administrative and command provisions of the tariff ignorance are preserved by the Gosstroke of the Russian Federation in the methodological provisions to determine the amount of funds for labor payment (MDS 83-1.99). The estimated system recommended by the estimated system is based on the binding of estimated wage rates to the level of the subsistence minimum (the level of poverty) and to one for all construction workflows of 1986 (Resolution No. 115 of the Central Committee of the CPSU, see the USSR, the WCSPS of September 17, 1996 No. 1115 " On improving the organization of wages and introducing new tariff rates and official salaries "). Until now, the Soviet tariff system of remuneration in construction remains unchanged, the range of tariff mesh, tariff coefficients and a discharge classification have been preserved. This provision not only does not meet the tasks of market pricing, but its use in practice has led to serious negative consequences in the development of the country's construction complex, the main of which are significant deviations planned in the estimates and actual wages of workers in real construction. As a result of the introduction of administrative recommendations in the construction complex, part of the wages went into the shadow, semi-criminal region of the economy, lost confidence in the estimated calculations and the corruption pressure in the industry increased. Problems of tariff rationing should be considered in a single wage system But separately on two levels: wage differentiation in the enterprise and estimated planning of the wage fund in contractual construction agreements. In enterprises, tariff systems are established in the organization itself based on their own interests, motivation and opportunities. At the same time, general scientific and methodological principles and rules for building tariff grids, as well as general-industry and federal conditions and restrictions on the classification of works and work specialties are used. In the estimated rationing, tariff rates of wages are determined by the Parties to the Parties, and the methods for determining the contractual level of rates should take into account both the possibilities of the customer and the needs of the contractor, i.e. Modern method of monitoring the regional labor market should be used.

2. Tariff nets of remuneration of construction workers

The tariff rationing allocates the following factors of influence (in order of priorities) when building a tariff system of remuneration: average wage level in the system (absolute value); structure of the range of tariff rates of industry workers; ranking rates on the professional composition of workers; Differentiation of rates of each specialty for qualifying discharges. The diagram 1 shows the main characteristics of the tariff system: the average level and range of tariff rates; Wage ratio by specialties and discharges. All indicators are linked to general System Tariff regulation of remuneration in the construction used both for wage planning purposes in the estimated cost and for the distribution of labor costs by contractors in a contracting organization. Differentiation of wages at enterprises is performed in order installed in the directory (ETKS) - first, workers are divided into specialties and professions, and then, within each specialty - on qualifying discharges. The tariff wage system at the enterprises of the construction industry includes a vertical tariff net that organizes the differentiation of remuneration on working specialties, and a horizontal tariff net, which refines the level of remuneration of qualifying discharge professionals. In market conditions, construction is defined as a civil law activity, where the only legitimate and legitimate grounds for determining the cost of future construction are the situation agreed by the parties and the rules enshrined in the contract. In the system of market relations, the agreement between the customer and the contractor on the magnitude of the average wage for a particular project (contractual tariff rates) are a necessary and sufficient condition for solving the main estimated (planned) and production problems of workers' remuneration and employees in the construction of this facility.

Chart 1.

Factors of influence and priorities of the tariff system of remuneration

The main factor of influence on the level of wages is the average level of the tariff system. By the value of the absolute value of the average tariff rate (or average wages), on the one hand, it is possible to determine the estimate amount of remuneration of workers on the project, on the other hand, the calculated characteristics (tariff coefficients) allow you to obtain unambiguous values \u200b\u200bof planned wages for workers of any specialty and Qualification discharge within the established tariff system. The form and structure of the tariff system range has the following on the impact on the level of wages of any employee in construction. The most important parameter of this level of influence is to determine the ratio between the middle level of tariffs and border indicators - the minimum and maximum wage. The gradation of wages for working specialties, professions and positions, in today's conditions, is the main parameter of the tariff system of remuneration at the most common market influence. Estimate the work of workers of different specialties is possible only on the basis of the comparison of the need and usefulness of their labor in the labor market. This circumstance predetermines the obligatory conduct of a full-fledged market monitoring of wages by employees professions. The smallest impact on the level of wages in the tariff system provides differentiation of remuneration on qualifying discharges. The possibilities of the discharge mesh in changing the wage level are insignificant, is within the cost of labor in one specialty and practically do not affect the amount of wages on the construction object as a whole. However, currently discharging tariff rates are the main category in determining both the wage in the estimated calculations of the cost of construction and in the organization of wages in contract activities. The traditional model of the tariff system, operating to the present, establishes a united workers for all professions in the construction of a discharge wage grid with a range of 1.8 (the ratio of maximum and minimum rates). This range in payment of labor determines the egalitarian model of the income differentiation of the population, which will be applied in the administrative and command system of public administration, and leads to the "equalization" in wages, without stimulating the development of the country's economy. Moderate (market) model involves a range of income of the population in size (6-8): 1, which can be considered as a guideline in determining the range of a modern tariff system of remuneration in construction. The planned economy has established uniforms for all sectors. national economy Tariff nets of remuneration. The tariff system of remuneration, indicated in the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU, see the USSR, the Central Bank of Ukraine dated September 17, 86 No. 1115, is currently unchanged. In the estimated rates of the Gosstroke of the Russian Federation Fer-2001 and Ter-2001, the tariffs for the remuneration of construction workers were adopted according to this resolution, in which the range of wage differentiation coefficients is 1.8. Today, tariff nets with a large number of discharges are applied in the country, for example, an 18-bit unified tariff qualification grid for budgetary organizations. Such tariff nets are combined into the overall system wages of workers, employees, specialists and managers. Such a system is suitable for centralized distribution and wage management, but not allowed and is not possible in a civil-law market relations, for contracting activities in construction, although Gosstroy RF in MDCs 83-1.99 persistently recommended an 18-bit mesh for construction. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unification of wage tariffs for the budget sector and for civilian legal relations at the enterprises of free entrepreneurship in the country as a whole is not Nova and returns the construction complex to the administrative and command management system, does not correspond to the market economy and directly contradicts the Constitution, Civil and Labor Law. The optimal number of discharges in the tariff grid, proven in practice in today's conditions and provided by the regulatory infrastructure, is 6-8 digits traditionally adopted in construction. When developing brand conditions of remuneration of the enterprise, it is entitled to maintain previously developed and existing interior ratios of tariff rates in a 6-bit tariff grid (Table 1) or take any other tariff terms of wages.

Table 1

Tariff discharge meshes of estimated-regulatory bases in construction

Indicators of regulatory bases

Qualification discharges

Tariff rates (rubles / ch.-Hour)

Tariff coefficients

Tariff rates (rubles / ch.-Hour)

Tariff coefficients

Tariff rates (rubles / ch.-Hour)

Tariff coefficients

The enterprises have the right to independently install any types and wage systems, their differentiation by categories of workers and the appointment of incentive payments depending on the purpose of production, the motivation of personnel and financial capabilities of the enterprise. The problem of wage differentiation in the enterprise largely depends on the validity of the tariff system used and first of all from the tariff coefficients. The quality of tariff coefficients is determined by the tasks of the branded remuneration system, the motivation of personnel and objective working conditions. The number and absolute values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients in tariff nets of wages depends on the following parameters : range of tariff mesh coefficients; the number of tariff discharges in the grid; Forms of changing coefficients in the range. The range of coefficients is defined as the relationship between the maximum and minimum wage rate in the tariff system adopted at the enterprise. As a rule, the minimum rate in the form of the coefficient is taken as a unit, hence the value of the range is equal to the maximum coefficient in the tariff grid. The range of tariff mesh coefficients mainly establishes the degree of differentiation of wages between employees of one specialty (or group of professions) in the enterprise. It is possible to establish for all working specialties a single tariff mesh with a common range of tariff coefficients. The magnitudes of the absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients are given in the tariff grid in order to analyze its internal structure. At the same time, the relative increase in each subsequent tariff coefficient compared to the previous one shows how much percent the level of payment for the work (workers) of this discharge exceeds the level of payment for the work (workers) of the previous discharge. The magnitude of the absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients is important to ensure proper differentiation of remuneration of workers depending on the tariff-qualification discharge by their work. The degree of increase in tariff coefficients must correspond to the degree of improvement of the qualification level of workers, assigned to the upstream category. The number of discharges in the tariff grid determines the number of categories (levels) on wages between the maximum and minimum wage at the enterprise. A large number of discharges in the manufacturing grid (more than 10) makes it difficult to promote a specialist in the wage hierarchy, and its growth in discharge is insignificant. This reduces the motivation of employees in advanced training and skill. A small number of discharges (less than 4) also does not stimulate the employee and makes it difficult to increase the qualifying level. Forms of changing coefficients in the range depends on the tasks that the company solves with the help of differentiation of tariff rates and determines the types of tariff nets that differ in the nature of the change in tariff coefficients from discharge to the category. The most characteristic and representative are the following types of tariff nets: with progressive absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients; with constant absolute and regressive relative increase in tariff coefficients; with regressive absolute and relative increase in tariff coefficients; with progressive absolute and constant relative increase in tariff coefficients; A graphical representation of the change in tariff coefficients according to options for tariff grids is shown in diagram 2. Analysis of typical forms of tariff nets shows the impossibility practical application Type grids. The high increase in tariff coefficients and, accordingly, tariff rates of lower discharges with a decrease in wage growth with the achievement of higher qualifications does not comply with the requirement to continuously increase staff training. In practical activity, branded tariff nets are accepted with the characteristics of the plots between the curves and. The parameters of the tariff coefficients correspond to the indicators of the tariff mesh adopted in the estimated-regulatory framework of 1984 (Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, CM of the USSR, the WCSPS of 26.12.68 No. 1045), and the parameters of the change in the coefficients correspond to the tariff mesh adopted in the estimate-regulatory framework for the construction of 1991 2001 (Resolution of September 17, 1996 No. 1115).

Chart 2.

Types of tariff grids with coefficients depending on the main parameters of the system

The most simple and understandable in the design and use of tariff meshes of the type and for which we give a complete scheme and formula for calculating parameters are simpler. Type 2 - linear dependence of changes in tariff coefficients. Uniform and continuous growth of absolute values \u200b\u200bof tariff coefficients. The value of tariff coefficients on discharges (to ρ) is calculated by the formulas:

To ρ \u003d 1 + a × (p-1), a \u003d p max | p min -1,

Where: to ρ is a tariff coefficient for discharge (P) in the tariff grid; P is the number of the current discharge in the tariff grid; R min - minimum discharge number (1); R Max is the maximum discharge number in the designed tariff grid. Type 4 - Exponential dependence of the change in tariff coefficients. Uniform relative increase in the values \u200b\u200bof coefficients. The costs of the skill of qualifications for each subsequent tariff category are calculated on the principle of complex interest (indicative function). The tariff coefficient for each discharge (P) in the tariff grid is calculated by the formulas:

The tariff coefficients calculated in this way, for the received range - 1.8 in the 6-bit mesh, correspond to the coefficients adopted in the estimate-regulatory framework 1984: To 6 \u003d 1,125 5 \u003d 1.8; To 5 \u003d 1.6; To 4 \u003d 1.424; K 3 \u003d 1.266; To 2 \u003d 1,125; K 1 \u003d 1.00 For the practical application of tariff nets of wage differentiation at enterprises, an important indicator is the concept of average discharge and an average tariff rate. In a diagram 2 for the middle of the range in the variant, the qualification level corresponds to the third tariff category, in the option of the tariff mesh - the fourth discharge, and in the tariff grid of the middle of the range of coefficients corresponds to the middle of the tariff mesh (discharge \u003d 3.5). Thus, when comparing various tariff systems and in the formation of tariff grids for wage planning purposes (estimated tariff grids, it is necessary to navigate the middle of the range, and not on the average tariff rate, as is mistakenly done. The middle of the range and the average tariff rate (average category) coincide only in grids with linear dependence. In production tariff nets there can be no discharges with fractional indicators. This is contrary to the concept of division into categories and discrete change and measure the level of personnel qualifications. IN practical work The average tariff rates of wages are often used, which can be obtained from the tariff coefficients of the designed tariff nets with the coefficients of bringing. The actuation ratio is accepted for the average value of the range, and the above tariff mesh for average payroll rates is calculated by dividing the tariff coefficients on the coefficient of cast, calculated as the ratio of the tariff rate of the average tariff level construction work on tariff rates of each discharge.

3. Wage tariff rates workers

The tariff rates of workers are the absolute amount of remuneration of various groups and categories of workers per unit of time for the implementation of labor standards (labor duties). Tariff rates can be used in the meters: month, shift, hour. The ratio between these indicators should be taken according to the calendar data for the current year or on average data over the past few years in the amount: 1 month \u003d 21.6 shift \u003d 167 hours (for the 40-hour working week). The salary size of the workers determines exactly the tariff rate (in working voltages - in determining the amount of payment for the spent time, in workingout partners - when determining piece-rates). The wage ratio of workers of various specialties (at the minimum or middle rate) is established only at the enterprise itself. The procedure for the formation of tariff rates of remuneration in the specialties and qualifications is mandatoryly enshrined in the collective agreement. Tariff rates of wage are established for all categories of the tariff system adopted in the organization: in the specialties - in the professional tariff grid and on qualifications - in the discharge tariff grid. The formation of tariff rates of wages in specialties, professions and positions (vertical tariff ignorance) is the main element of differentiation of workers' remuneration in construction. The tariff coefficients of the vertical mesh of remuneration - by profession, are calculated as the ratio of average wages at the enterprise and average rates adopted for the working relevant specialties. Table 2 provides an option of a system of tariff coefficients and appropriate wage rates for certain specialties of construction workers. The tariff grid by the workers' professions was developed on public data jobs in St. Petersburg for 2006.

table 2

Table of branded tariff coefficients and rates in the specialties of construction workers

Name of workers specialties

Tariff coefficients


Construction workers - only average including: ArmTurger Asphalt concrete Concrete Waterproofer Hourftic Loader Painter Installer on the installation of steel and reinforced concrete structures Deputy Universal Plasterer Electro and gas welder Electrical installation
The average wages of construction workers in the specialties are adopted (conditionally) for the average wage of the 1st working and builder in the organization (recorded in the collective agreement) in the amount of 12.5 thousand rubles per month. The average wage of the working and builder includes payments from all system sources of wages (without taxes) in the organization at the beginning of the planned period. If there is a tariff grid by profession (vertical tariff rates) and installed at any time of the average (calculated) rack of remuneration on the organization, tariff rates by profession are determined by automatically multiplying the average rate on tariff coefficients. Determination of wage rates on discharges (horizon of tariff rates) in the branded tariff system consists in multiplying the value of the tariff rate (minimum or medium) by profession on the relevant tariff coefficients on qualifying discharges. Table 3 calculated current wage rates for the discharge system of the estimated Base of the GESN-2001 at the calculation of the current average wage of one worker - 12.5 thousand rubles per month.

Table 3.

Tariff rates of remuneration on the discharge grid of the REST-regulatory framework of the GESN-2001

Indicators of the discharge system of remuneration

Qualification discharges

Tariff coefficients (to the 1st category) Tariff coefficients (to the middle, 4th category) Tariff rates (rub / ch.-Hour.) Tariff rates (rub / ch.-Month)
Tariff rates are established for each tariff-qualification discharge on average for all construction workers or individually for each construction specialty. The size of the first discharge tariff rate cannot be lower than the minimum amount of wages provided by the Federal Law. At enterprises of any form of ownership, the value of tariff payrolls of wage differentiated by profession and discharge depends, first of all, on the financial condition of the enterprise and is established individually in accordance with the tariffs taken in the collective agreement or in contracts with employees.

4. The procedure for the development of branded tariff conditions for remuneration of workers

Development of tariff wages at a particular enterprise consists of several interrelated stages: 1. Determination of the level of average wages in a contractual organization for the planned period; 2. Formation of tariff coefficients in the specialties (vertical wage rates); 3. Development of a grid of tariff coefficients by qualification categories - discharges (horizontal rates); 4. Calculation of basic tariff wage rates; 5. Verification and control of the developed brand system of tariff payment. 1. The average level of remuneration of workers' builders in contracting organizations is established at the level achieved in the previous period and, taking into account the current and future opportunities of the organization in labor costs. The average wage level is determined on the basis of reporting materials on actual data, the provisions of the collective agreement and the prospects for the development of the enterprise, its economic and financial state. The average current tariff rates calculated on the actual data on remuneration in the previous period include costs for all system types of remuneration in the construction organization. Current wage benefits are the rates of the wage fund (Fot Workers), which unite tariff, premium and compensatory salary payments in construction. The average level of tariff rates in absolute amounts is made taking into account the estimated ratios of the tariff and the extra-tariff parts of the proprietary system of remuneration. In determining the average tariff rate on the organization, it is advisable to navigate the optimal for modern level The share of the tariff in wages is approximately 60-80%, followed by its increase to the pan-European standard (at least 90%). The tariff part of the average wage becomes the base rate of differentiation of remuneration of workers in the organization. In this example, the design of the branded wage system was established in the organization based on the planned average wage workers on the planning period and the level of the tariff part in the total amount of remuneration. In the example of calculating the brand system, the average wage was adopted in the amount of 12.5 thousand rubles. per month, and the ratio of tariff and premium wage parts is established as 80 and 20%. The basic rate of the branded tariff wage system is 10.0 thousand rubles. per month (12.5 × 0.8 \u003d 10.0). 2. The tariff ratio of remuneration rates by specialties are established at the enterprise in groups of professions. The list of specialties and their grouping are individual by organizations and are installed in the personnel management system based on the main problems of production. The tariff ratio of remuneration rates by specialties is calculated by the attitude of the amount of these rates and the average wages of workers in the organization (tariff part) for the planned period. The data of the professional tariff grid presented in Table 2 is accepted as the calculated example, according to regional monitoring of labor wound. 3. The tariff coefficients in terms of qualification (discharges) are developed in the branded tariff net of remuneration in accordance with the tasks and requirements for the personnel. In practical activity, it is possible to expand the current 6-bit mesh by adding new categories of the minimum and maximum level of wages with the formation of an 8-bit mesh. It is also recommended in branded tariff nets on discharges to increase the range of tariff coefficients with 1.8 in the traditional grid to 3.0-4.0 in real conditions of wage differentiation in contracting organizations. Options for such branded tariff grids are presented in the diagram 3. The tariff mesh reflects the power dependence of the growth of tariffs for discharges, the grid is a linear dependence. In branded tariff systems, it is recommended to use type tariff meshes. Such a construction of the branded tariff mesh is an addition to 8 discharges with the preservation of the 6-bit part of the traditional view and the range of coefficients to four, allows: to maintain the current system of tariff-qualification characteristics (according to the Director of ETKS works and working professions); maintain the order and methodology for calculating the coefficients of the tariff net; use general rules calculation of coefficients for unqualified workers (not passed attestation); Payment of increased skill of the specialist is possible to take into account at the rates of the tariff system, and not in the subjective premium form. According to the calculated data, a branded grid of tariff coefficients on qualifying discharges of construction workers are being developed.

Table 4.

Mesh of branded tariff coefficients on qualifying discharges of construction workers


6-bit mesh 8-bit mesh Tariff coefficients of the 6th and discharge system (to the minimum rate - 1 category) Tariff coefficients of the 8th and discharge system (to the middle rate - 5 category)

Chart 3.

Branded tariff nets on qualifying discharges of wages

Middle discharges for tariff grids are taken for the middle of the range (in diagram 3) with rounding to the nearest whole discharge, because In the production tariff normalization, the fractional amount of the discharge does not make sense. The discharges 2-7 of the branded tariff mesh correspond to the categories I - IV of the traditional grid and the current characteristics of the work and working professions in the ETCS, which allows them to be applied unchanged. The discharge of 1 branded 8-bit mesh (for unqualified workers) makes it possible to include in the system of tariff regulation of wages of students, interns and, most important, "guest workers" - hired workers from other regions and foreign construction workers who do not have construction licenses. The level of the rate of an unqualified worker establishes independently by the enterprise and is within 0.5-0.7 of the wages of the qualified working I-th discharge on the ETKS. The highest discharge in the proposed tariff grid is assigned to individually highly qualified masters in the specialty. The level of such tariff rates is established outside the formula for calculating the coefficients for the remaining discharges. 4. Calculation of tariff payment rates for the current period for working any specialty (C) and any qualifications (P) is defined in the projected branded tariff system by the formula:

T with. R. \u003d T Bases × K with × to r × k D.,

Where: t cf - the tariff rate of the working specialty (c) of the discharge (P), rub. / Ch.-Months; T Bases - Basic wage rate - average for organizing wage workers on a planning period, rub. / Ch.-Months; To C - the coefficient of tariff grid in the specialties, is accepted according to Table 2; To P - the coefficient of the discharge tariff grid, is made according to the table 4 (for the 8th and discharge mesh); K D - coefficient, taking into account additional wages on systematic wages (stimulating and compensating payments). Coefficient (K. D.) Allows you to adjust and will include additional payments on specific working conditions on the tariff rates of the corporate system. individual specialistsFor which the administration of the enterprise is installed. For example, the calculated rates are applied to working voltages, and for particlers, an increase in the coefficient 1.07 (7% is half the increase in the tariff net coefficients). In the coefficient (to D.) It is possible to include surcharges on work in heavy and harmful conditions, work at height, allowance for mobile and mobile conditions for the production of works, etc. In the example of calculating the brand tariff system of remuneration, the base rate in the amount of 10 thousand rubles was adopted. and the tariff coefficients of tables 2 and 4 were used for the 1st category (unqualified working) and the 8th category (highly qualified working) tariff rates are calculated for all specialties in the same level based on the characteristics of the discharge mesh according to the diagram 3. According to the accepted source data, it is developed Branded tariff system of remuneration (Table 5) for normal conditions for the production of construction works without stimulating and compensating wage payments.

Table 5.

An example of a company tariff system of remuneration of construction workers

Name of professions


but profession

Qualification discharges

Coefficients on discharges

ArmTurger Asphalt concrete Concrete Waterproofer Hourftic Loader Painter Installer of domestic sanitary and technical systems Installer outdoor pipelines Steel and reinforced concrete structures Deputy Universal Plasterer Electro and gas welder Electrical installation Electrosologist construction
5. The verification of the developed branded tariff system for regulating wages at the enterprise includes the following work: - Checking the minimum rate in the company tariff system to the allowed minimum wage in this area; - checking the compliance of the regulatory wage fund (on tariff and premium systems) and the total wage in the estimates on the program of contracting work scheduled period. In accordance with the current legislation, the minimum wage of the employee at the enterprise cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population in this area. The lower level of tariff wage in the branded grid is equal to 2700 rubles per month. Given the premium-compensatory payments, the total wage of the low-paid unqualified employee will be 3375 rubles (2700/0,8 \u003d 3375), which exceeds the cost of living the working-age population in the region for this period - 3334 rubles / Ch.-Month. The accepted branded procedure for differentiation of wages should correspond with the planned foundation for the remuneration of construction workers in the enterprise, which is determined by the multiplication of the base tariff rate on the number of workers and the working time fund in the planning period. The regulatory fund of the enterprise remuneration of the enterprise is compared with estimated wage indicators for objects belonging to the program of contracting work of the planned period.

Often, the enterprises use a tariff system of remuneration. It can be both government agencies and private companies. But the nuances in the application of this system will differ significantly for them.

What is a tariff mesh and where is it used?

One way to calculate the size of wages is the use of the tariff system. It leads to the rules that are developed by government agencies or specialists within the enterprise. But in the latter case, they must meet state regulations, as well as the rules on the minimum wage of employees in the enterprise.

Each organization solves independently, which wage system is used in it. The TK RF for 2016-2017 consolidated the norms on which the tariff system should be implemented. In the organization, on this occasion, marks should be made in the collective agreement or in the Regulations on the payment of labor. In these local regulations, all the rules and principles of using the tariff system should be spelled out. The management of the enterprise should also prepare a tariff net, which will accrue a salary to employees.

The tariff mesh is to some extent tied to tariff discharges. Since all positions that exist in the enterprise can be attributed to a certain category, and each discharge has its own tariff for labor payment. Most often, the first discharge is obtained by those workers who have the lowest qualifications and so on. If the employee increases the complexity of executable works, then its tariff rank increases.

From this floats that for a more complex and responsible work there are higher wages. In order not to use for each individual group of posts, the tariff coefficients apply. They enable salary for the 1st category right away to the level of the second or third digits.

This is how the tariff mesh is forming, where each category is assigned a certain coefficient. The use of the tariff system in enterprises is far from uncommon, but the tariff mesh on each of them can differ significantly. Private companies often independently develop their tariff nets, taking into account the specifics of the work. It may differ here not only the amount of the salary, but even the number of tariff discharges, because it is developed by the personnel.

Budget enterprises cannot afford to themselves, because there are state norms on them, and all the control of the work process occurs by government agencies. Therefore, in state-owned enterprises, a single tariff scale is applied, which was approved by higher authorities.
Until the end of 2008, a single tariff mesh was operated on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is based on the data set out in it, there have been salary for state employees.

But since 2016, significant changes have occurred in the tariff system of remuneration, which changed the salaries of state employees. Now instead of concept, the tariff category uses "qualified levels" or "qualified groups". Also introduced into the system stimulating and compensatory payments.

The size of the salary itself and the bet on it now establishes the head of the organization or enterprise itself. For this, it must take into account the features of the work, its complexity, the possibility of the employee and the level of its qualifications. There is a certain relationship between employee wages and the salary that the manager receives. The higher the average salary of workers, the more money will be counted for the work of the head. This should allow evenly distributing the company's salary fund with all employees, and not to make advantage towards the leadership.

For private companies there is no compulsory tariff mesh. They can also use the tariff payment system, but the tariff grid can be independently. They are also not required to adhere to the rules of tariffs established by the Government. Also, the employees of such a company can independently decide how much they will have tariff discharges. This allows managers to actually evaluate the specifics of the work of employees, to put forward the requirements for their work.

Discharges to the tariff grid

The tariff rate for 1 discharge every year is installed at the government level and cannot be lower than the minimum wage. If the latter was raised at some point, the Government decides to increase the tariff rate on this category.

Each of the discharges have its own tariff coefficient, which shows how many times the salaries of the second and other discharges are greater than that of the first. You can observe an increase in this coefficient from 1 to 4.5 together with an increase in the number of tariff discharge.

Tariff discharges show how difficult the work of a particular employee is. These data can be taken from tariff-qualification directories, in which the requirements for the employee, its skills, titles or skills are prescribed. Also wages are very dependent on working conditions. Their difficulty is compensated of different kind Dop payments or compensation.

Workers professions are charged in eight digits (from 1 to 8). But this does not mean that qualified workers cannot receive more than one minimum that establishes the eighth bit. The government allows managers of enterprises to increase such employees to work up to 10 or 11 discharge of a single tariff grid (ETS). And if the profession is considered very important (for example, work in medical institution), it is possible to raise a bet and up to 11-12 discharges.

If over the years, the qualification of the employee has grown significantly, then its tariff rate should grow. Employees of the state sphere increase their qualifications through certification. For this procedure, the norms of the main provision on the procedure for conducting certification are used. This document is used only for budgetary organizations or enterprises and optional for private companies.

Total tariff sections There are 18. The last, highest, discharge is obtained by highly qualified employees, often the head of enterprises.

Desks in the tariff grid are divided in accordance with the industries in which employees work. For example:

  • education;
  • forestry;
  • agriculture;
  • health care, etc.
  • industries are also divided into the types of professions and so on.

A new category assignment algorithm

The law on the certification of the budget workers provides writing characteristics to an employee. Such a document should prepare the direct leadership of the employee no later than two weeks before the certification itself. Such an assessment should include such data:

  • compliance of the employee of the position;
  • compliance of the employee of the discharge of labor;
  • competence;
  • attitude to work performed;
  • labor performance;
  • indicators of work outcomes over the past reporting period.

The employee must be familiar with this document no later than a couple of weeks before the certification.

Attestation commission includes:

  • leader of the enterprise;
  • head of the unit;
  • specialists with high qualifications;
  • representatives of the trade union.

Members of the Attestation Commission must hear the certified employee and the head of that unit in which it works.

If the certificate is the head of the organization or enterprise, its certification occurs in commissions, which consist of representatives of higher authorities. Evaluation of the employee's work occurs through an open vote. The decision is made by a majority vote. In accordance with this decision, the head of the organization receives a month to translate the employee to the appropriate discharge of remuneration. All the results of the certification are made to the employee's labor record, where the tariff rank is indicated on a single tariff grid.

Such wage systems such as tariff should be made to a collective feasibility supply, or other agreements in which the norms of labor legislation are contained.

In contact with

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 14-10-92 785 (ed 24-02-95) on differentiation in the level of wage levels of employees of the budget ... relevant in 2018 (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.02.95 N 189) of wages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tariff coefficients 1.0 1.30 1.69 1.91 2.16 2.44 2.76 3.12 3.53 3.99 4.51 5.10 5.76 6.51 7.36 8.17 9.07 10.07 Notes. 1. The size of the tariff rate (salary) of the first discharge is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Rates (salaries) of workers of the remaining discharges of a single tariff mesh are established by multiplying the tariff rate (salary) of the first discharge on the corresponding tariff coefficient. 2. The professions of the workers are charged in accordance with a single tariff-qualifying reference book of works and professions of workers from 1 to the 8th discharge of a single tariff net.

Tariff mesh on discharges for 2018

In practice, it turned out that the leadership, together with the responsibility of the distribution of funds, there is an almost uncontrolled opportunity to increase their own salary size. It is easy to do, reducing the amount of services provided by the institution, which is naturally negatively affected by the quality of work.


It is possible to manipulate the base part, by installing the "Director" salary significantly more than the average at the institution, motivating the fact that many employees work for 1.5 bets. NSOT involuntarily put the management of institutions and his staff in the position of business partners with opposing interests, which cannot but create some social tensions.

Tariffing grid for state employees on from 01 10 2018

Approximately 30% of the total wage foundation should go to ensure the specified payments, that is, it is just that share to which subsidies from the state budget are increasing under the introduction of NSOT. In order to introduce a new payment system, each budgetary institution is obliged to make changes or adopt new regulatory acts, which, in fact, regulate changes in essential working conditions, and therefore, require the consent of the employees themselves.

If you interpret the transition to nonsense as a change in technological conditions or the organization of labor, then the consent of employees is not necessarily. To do this, the employer must make a number of steps envisaged by the Law: 1.


Notify employees in writing about the changes in a two-month term. 2. If the employee agrees to work in new conditions, he must express it in writing.


Unified tariff net for the remuneration of employees of the budget sector

If the state employee is not suitable, he needs to offer vacancies in writing, if any available, including from the currently paid current, as well as in other regional divisions. 4. In the absence of vacancies or disagreement of the employee, it is dismissed from P.
7 h. 1 Art. 77.

TK RF. 5. Comprehensive employees are supplies supplies with new wage conditions prescribed in it (they should not be worse than older): the amounts of payments in the salary, compensation, suggestion, which stimulates part of the salary. Extremely effective in theory, in the process of use of NSOT found several extremely unpleasant "pitfalls".

It was thought that all the funds allocated from the budget were spent inside the institution itself, and those that were saved, go to the wage foundation, from which they are distributed to management as a stimulating part of the salary.

Nuances and rules for using a tariff net for discharges

NSOT deciphered as a "new wage system." This is an initiative that replaces the principle of the accrual of employment to employees of the educational industry from a salary (based on a single tariff mesh) to a differentiated approach.

Upon the usual system, the salary of the employee of the budget sector was calculated, based on the salary (tariff), which corresponded to a certain qualifying discharge on the experience and category of the employee. Employment of labor at each specific time interval did practically no effect on the amount of wages.
NSOT declares a different principle of distribution of salary funds: managers receive the sole law to dispose of their distribution, assigning different amounts depending on the number and quality of labor of each employee of the budget sector, encouraging more successful and qualified.

New salaries of teachers in 2018 Tariff mesh

After official salaries are changed for 2018, the salary table will also be changed. However, the question arises. It is not yet known how the IMF and other international partners of Ukraine will react to such actions.
If we take into account the fact that Ukraine has a big external debt, which does not stop growing, then, perhaps, the creditors do not like it. All this leads to the fact that the situation in Ukraine will be developed in the best way. A large number of different experts and specialists will prophete default in 2020. This, of course, only forecasts, but to avoid such, the authorities need to make considerable effort, because it will be not so easy to change the situation for the better.
Workers who remained winning should also mention that positive changes still touched some.

Who from the state employees will increase the salary from May 1, 2018

In connection with such data, it can still be argued that the official salaries of civil servants for 2018 must undergo certain changes. The growth of salaries and pitfalls about the above-mentioned problem also repeatedly declare representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. This is a very important problem that practically destroys every motivation to work. If you pay attention to how the indicators grew over the past years, it can be understood that such a tendency has begun on the beginning back in 2014. It was then that the growth of official salary stopped corresponding to the growth of the subsistence minimum. As even more immersed in this problem, when comparing the size of tariff rates, it becomes known that representatives of the first discharge have wages, which is approximately 1,700 hryvnia.

Official salaries for 2018 in Ukraine. table

Funds for such payments should appear due to the economy of funds, as well as by expanding the budget allocations at the federal level by about a third. If the temporary volume of the state employee has been maintained at the same level, as well as the level of its official duties, the salary based on NSOT cannot be less than it was.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree, according to which the employees of the budget sphere belonging to certain sectors, and above all, to the educational, are transferred to the NTC. This document covers general issuesconcerning a new approach to the labor remuneration system in budget sectors.
In art.
To do this, you just need to learn about the coefficient, which is indicated in a single tariff grid. This coefficient is a clearly established concept, which is regulated only by the tariff net. That is why any other labor edits and innovations have no effect on the indicator. As you know, for representatives of the first tariff discharge, the coefficient is a unit, and for other discharges it grows in a certain way. That's based on what is the table of official salaries. It should also be said that the tariff date itself is adjusted depending on the profession of a person.

Smaller work is usually equal to the smallest levels. And work that generally requires a minimum refers to the first category.

But the more need professional skills and the more specialized knowledge you need, the more the tariff discharge will be.

The discharge mesh wage to state employees in 2018

Tariff discharges were established depending on the complexity of the work. In order to unify the distribution of workers on tariff discharges, 2 qualification directories were used:

  • A single tariff-qualifying reference book of works and working professions (ETKS);
  • Unified qualifying directory of managers, specialists and employees (EKS).

Both reference book approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. They are constantly updated, since the level of technology development increases, new work standards are introduced. New wage systems in budgetary organizations From December 1, 2008, a single tariff grid was replaced by a somewhat different way to tariff state employees.
If this is a tariff system, the rules of use of which in 2017-2018 are regulated existing standards TK RF, then in a local regulatory act, such as a position on wages or a collective agreement, all components of this system and the principles of their application are prescribed. So, the employer must paint the tariff grid that will be used when salary accrued to employees.

As part of the tariff grid, a binding to tariff discharges is fixed. So, all posts at the enterprise are divided into certain groups - discharges.

Usually the 1st discharge is assigned to the least qualified positions, and with an increase in the level of complexity, the discharge increases. NOTE! Naturally, the more difficult work requiring certain knowledge and skills is established higher payments.

1 . Tariff rate - this is expressed in cash the sizeworker's remuneration for working dutiesdefined qualifications per unit of time.

Tariff rates are installed in enterprises depending .

From complexity, intensity; working conditions and its significance in the form fixedvalues. The amount of wages of employees determines exactly the tariff rate (at the working and volunteers - when determining the amount of payment for the spent time; in workingout partners - when determining piecework rates).

First discharge tariff rate is the initial value of the formation of tariff payment and is the level minimum paymentthe most simple work. It may not be lower than the minimum wage established by law. Tariff rates of the second and subsequent discharges calculated by multiplying the tariff rate I discharge to the appropriate tariff coefficient

2. Distinguish three types of tariff rates depending on the unit tSI of Times :

hourly tariff rates - used in the works for which installed time standards;

day tariff rates - apply on work, the rationing of which is carried out on the standards of development;

monthly tariff rates or salaries - apply for volunteers,serving basic production. Special importance in the organization of wages have time tariffs. Bets, since in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the establishment of some additional payments to the main wage is made on their basis (surcharge for overtime work, for work at night anddr.).

3. Factors affecting tariff rates : \ financial conditionenterprises;

Efficiency of collective contractual regulation wageson the federal, regional, sectoral, local levels;

working conditions,reflecting the effect of a set of factors of the production environment for human performance. Increased wages in severe, harmful, especially severe and especially harmful conditions are established by increasing tariff rates and through the introduction of additional payments to the tariff wage;

labor intensity.Many enterprises are practiced to establish a differentiation in wages depending on the form of remuneration (tariff rates of workers partners above the rates of volunteers).

Question 49. Tariff nets

    The concept of a tariff net

    Parameters of tariff nets

    Types and principles of constructing tariff nets

1 . Tariff mesh - this is a combination of tariff discharges of work(professions, posts),defined depending on the complexity of the works and qualification characteristics of employees using tariff coefficients. Tariff nets are an integral part of the wage organization at the enterprise.

Tariff coefficients show how many times the tariff rates of the second and subsequent discharges above the first discharge rate, and the first discharge tariff coefficient is always equal unity.

Tariff discharges characterize one or another the level is difficultlabor styleor qualifications of workers. The first discharge is assigned to workers having lower qualificationsperforming the most simple work. The last discharge fees are charged top qualification levelperforming the most difficult work.

2. Powerrami tariff nets are :

    the number of tariff discharges;

    tariff coefficients;

    range of the tariff net, i.e., the ratio of tariff coefficients of the first and last discharges of the grid;

    absolute increase in tariff coefficients - shows the difference between the tariff coefficients of the adjacent discharges of the grid;

    relative increase in tariff coefficients - reflects on thehow many percent of the employee's salary increases during the transition from the discharge to the category.

3. In the current tariffing practice for most works and professions, workers are applied six-digit range (Easy, Food Industry, Building Materials Industry, etc.). Workers engaged in oil and gas production, in the rolling and tubular industries of ferrous metallurgy, on the repair of equipment of power plants and networks, are charged on the basis of from seven digits. The smallest of the proportion of the contingent of workers is busy in production, which is characterized by the highest complexity of labor corresponding to eighth category (Plumbing and assembly, welding, the production of products of folk artistic fields, domain and steel-smelting production, etc.).

An example of a six-digit grid is represented in table. five.

Table 5.

Six-digit tariff net.

Tariff discharges

Tariff coefficients

Depending on the nature of the change in tariff coefficients tov from the discharge to the discharge distinguish several tariff species grids.

    tariff nets S. uniform increasingtariff coefficients;

    tariff nets S. increasing progressiontariff coefficients;

    tariff nets S. descending progressiontariff coefficients;

Tariff nets SO mixed charactertheir changes (a combination of uniformity with progression or regressionetc.).

The construction of tariff nets in enterprises should be based on the following principles :

    tariff nets with an enlarged range and with increasingprogressiontariff coefficients tend to strengthen the interest of workers in advanced training, the implementation of complex and responsible works - are established for higher discharges;

    the nature of the grid construct is due vocationally qualifying balancepersonnel enterprises. For example, with a stable shortage of highly qualified workers, their material stimulation is ensured by increasing the progression of the tariff coefficients of the highest discharges of the tariff mesh. The lack of poorly qualified workers and their high fluidity can to a certain extent restrained

increasing the progression of tariff coefficients of the initial discharges of the grid;

The choice of parameters of the tariff grid is largely determined financial opportunitiesenterprises. Thus, the growing progression of tariff coefficients in the tariff grid is more economical than the uniform change.

1. Basic elements

According to the labor legislation of our country, the remuneration for labor worker is established depending on its qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of work performed. The differentiation of wages for these indicators is ensured, as a rule, based on a tariff system of wage.

According to Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the tariff payment system includes:

Tariff rates
salaries (salaries),
tariff net;
Tariff coefficients.

The main element of the tariff system of remuneration is the tariff rates. The tariff rate is a fixed wage of the employee for the performance of a certain difficulty (qualification) per unit of time without taking into account compensation, stimulating and social benefits.

The tariff rate of the 1st category, determines the minimum payment of unskilled labor per unit time. The tariff mesh is a combination of tariff sections of work (professions, posts), determined depending on the complexity of the work and requirements for the qualifications of workers using tariff coefficients.

At the same time, the tariff category is the magnitude reflecting the complexity of labor and the level of employee qualification level, and the qualification discharge - the value reflecting the level of professional training of the employee.

The tariff coefficient establishes the ratio of the tariff rate of this discharge to the first discharge tariff rate. In other words, the tariff coefficient shows how many times the tariff rate of this discharge is greater than the tariff rate of the first discharge. With the help of the first discharge tariff rate and the corresponding tariff coefficients, the size of the tariff rates of other discharges are determined. For example, if the tariff rate of the first discharge is 1100 rubles (today it is the minimum wage), then knowing the tariff coefficient, say, the tenth discharge (for example - 2.047) it is easy to calculate the tariff rate of the tenth discharge, multiplies the tariff rate of the first discharge on The corresponding tariff coefficient is 2251.7 rubles.

Thus, the tariff mesh is a scale determining the relationship in paying for work in the performance of various qualifications. Modern labor legislation focuses on the contractual and local regulation of remuneration. View, wage system Sizes of tariff rates, salaries, premiums, other incentive payments of the Organization are determined independently in collective agreements and local acts. In various organizations, various tariff nets can be installed, characterized by the number of discharges and the degree of increasing the tariff coefficients. At the same time, the payment of labor in the budget sector is established in a centralized manner - on the basis of the so-called single tariff mesh (ETS).

The tariff system of remuneration of employees of the budget sector is based on a single tariff grid approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992. "On differentiation in the level of wages of employees of the budget sphere based on a single tariff net". A single tariff grid (ETC) is a single billing scale of workers' remuneration and employees. It covers all groups of employees of institutions, organizations and enterprises that are on budget financing (with the exception of representative and executive bodies). It contains 18 discharges. Earlier, the ratio of tariff discharges of this tariff grid was established 1: 10.07, i.e., labor payment at the highest XVIII category exceeded labor payment on the first (lower) discharge 10.07 times. However, from December 1, 2001, the ratio between tariff rates (salary) of the first and eighteenth discharges of a single tariff net for the remuneration of employees of the budget sector organizations is set in the amount of 1 to 4.5.

The size of the tariff rate I of the discharge is established by the Government of the Russian Federation and cannot be lower than the minimum wage (minimum wage). Upon increasing the mrometa, the Government of the Russian Federation issues the appropriate decree on increasing tariff rates of ETS.
Each mesh category corresponds to a tariff coefficient, which shows how many times the tariff rates of workers of the second and subsequent discharges are higher than the operating rate of the first discharge. These coefficients are increasing with an increase in the tariff discharge (from 1 to 4.5). Currently, tariff coefficients for calculating the remuneration of employees of federal state institutions were established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 29, 2006 No. 256 "On the amount of the tariff rate (salary) of the first discharge and on interior tariff coefficients of a single tariff net for the remuneration of workers of federal state institutions " Tariff coefficients ETS and the corresponding tariff rates are shown in the table.

The discharge of wages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Interconnected tariff coefficients1 1,04 1,09 1,142 1,268 1,407 1,546 1,699 1,866 2,047 2,242 2,242 2,618 2,813 3,036 3,259 3,51 4,5
Tariff rates1100 1144 1199 1256,2 1394,8 1547,7 1700,6 1868,9 2052,6 2251,7 2466,2 2665,3 2879,8 3094,3 3339,6 3584,9 3861 4950

2. What does the discharges show

Labor discharges in ETC reflect the complexity of the work performed. The dependence of wages from working conditions is provided by various kinds of additional charges and compensation (for working with severe or harmful working conditions in heavy climatic conditions, at night, etc.).

Tariffication different work, professions, specialties, depending on their complexity, is carried out on the basis of tariff-qualification directories. The tariff-qualification guide establishes the requirements that the employee must comply with, that is, what knowledge, skills and skills it should have to fulfill this or that work depending on its complexity. Currently, approved by the USSR State Protection State Protection and the WCSPS secretariat in 1985, a single tariff-qualification reference book of works and working professions (ETS).

ETS establishes the tariff qualification characteristics of working professions in the form of a characteristic of work (which includes this work) and the necessary knowledge of the employee ("should know").

The qualification directory of managers, specialists and other employees was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37. This qualification guide contains three sections: "Official duties", "should know" and "qualification requirements". In the "Official Responsibilities" section lists the labor functions that the person occupies this position. The "should know" includes the requirements for knowledge necessary for the employee to fulfill their job duties. The "Qualification Requirements" section provides for the minimum level of general and special preparation necessary to fulfill this work (level and profile of education, work experience).

Tariffing workers are produced in eight discharges (with i via viii). However, according to the above-mentioned decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On differentiation in the level of wage levels of budget workers on the basis of a single tariff net" dated October 14, 1992. Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises that are on budget financing are given the right to set monthly rates and salaries to some Employees in advanced qualifying discharges. Thus, highly qualified workers engaged in important and responsible works in accordance with the lists approved by the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, monthly rates and salaries may be established - based on the IX and X discharge, and on particularly important and especially responsible work on the list approved by the Ministry Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation - based on the XI and XII discharges.

With the growth of the qualifications (discharge) of the employee, its tariff rate increases. The appropriation of discharges to employees of the budget sector is carried out according to the results of certification. The certification of employees of the budget sector is made in accordance with the main provisions on the procedure for the certification of employees of institutions, organizations and enterprises that are in budget financing, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1992 No. 27, 8/196. In accordance with these basic provisions for each employee to be certified, no later than two weeks before it began its direct supervisor prepared a view containing a comprehensive assessment: compliance with the professional training of employee by qualifying requirements for the post and the category of payment of his labor; his professional competence; Relationships to work and performance of official duties; indicators; Indicators of the results of work over the past period. The certificate employee must be in advance, at least two weeks before the certification, acquainted with the materials presented. The Certification Commission includes the chairman (as a rule, deputy head of the institution, organization, enterprise), secretary and members of the Commission. The attestation commission includes heads of departments, highly qualified specialists, representatives of trade union organizations.

The Attestation Commission considers the presentation, hears the certified and head of the unit in which it works. Heads of institutions, organizations, enterprises undergo certification in commissions organized by higher subordination bodies. Evaluation of the activities of the employee and the recommendations of the Commission are made by open voting by a majority vote. The head of the Organization, taking into account the recommendations of the Attestation Commission within a month, decides on the establishment of employees of the relevant wages. The results of the certification after their approval by the head are entered into the employee's labor book indicating the discharge of payment by ETC.

Tariff wage systems are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulatory acts in accordance with labor law and other regulatory legal actscontaining labor law norms. Tariff wage systems are established taking into account the single tariff-qualification reference book of works and professions of workers, the unified qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, as well as taking into account state guarantees for labor payments.

3. Features of the remuneration of employees of the budget sector

Systems of remuneration (including tariff systems of remuneration) of state and municipal employees are established:

In federal state institutions - collective agreements, agreements, local regulatory acts in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
in government agencies of subjects of the Russian Federation - collective agreements, agreements, local regulatory acts in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
In municipal institutions - collective agreements, agreements, local regulatory acts in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local governments.

Changes made in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by the Federal Law of June 30, 2006 No. 90-FZ provided for the possibility of establishing the Government of the Russian Federation basic salaries (basic salary) or basic wage rates on professional qualifying groups of workers. These basic salaries (basic salary) and basic salary rates are the minimum that in any case should be paid to the corresponding category of employees.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing basic salary is as follows. Currently, when developing a wage system, it is necessary to tariff part The salary was at least the minimum wage, which from May 1, 2006 is set in the amount of 1,100 rubles. At the same time, we are talking about a minimum monthly salary for the work of a unskilled worker when performing simple work under normal conditions. Basic salaries in their essence will be a minimum wage for higher qualifying workers. The size of the teacher's wages, as well as the doctor depends on the set of factors, but even if we are talking about a regular city school, where for some reason one student is studying, anyway, the teacher cannot get less base rate, as in federal, So in regional and municipal institutions. It is assumed that the basic salaries and rates will be approved by the Government already in 2007.

At the same time, under professional qualifying groups, groups of workers' and positions of employees are understood, formed taking into account the scope of activities on the basis of training requirements and the level of qualifications that are necessary for the implementation of relevant professional activities. Professional qualifying groups and criteria for attributing professions of workers and posts of employees to professional qualifying groups should be approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

As assumed, all professions and positions will be divided into five enlarged qualification groups depending on the qualifications. The first group: professions of workers and positions of employees who do not require professional education. The second group: the professions of workers and positions of employees, requiring the availability of initial or secondary vocational education, as well as heads of structural units requiring the availability of initial trade formation. The third: positions of employees requiring higher professional education on the qualifications of the Bachelor, and the positions of managers of structural units requiring the availability of medium professional formation. Fourth Group: employee positions requiring higher professional training "Certified Specialist" or Master's qualifications, as well as heads of structural units with higher professional education. Fifth Group: Unique employees, as well as workers who require a scientific degree or scientific title.

Enlarged qualification groups are divided into professional qualifying groups. These are groups of professions of workers and employee posts, formed taking into account the scope of activities based on qualification requirements for professional education and vocational training. For example, professionally qualifying groups of health workers, pedagogical workers, cultural workers, civilian personnel will be created in almost every industry. Then the profession and positions assigned to the professional qualification group, depending on the complexity will be divided into qualifying levels. The higher the complexity, the higher the qualification level. This is determined by the preparation necessary for work by profession or position, taking into account the availability of certificates, qualifying category, experience and so on.

For each qualification level, the salary range will be set, and within these ranges by qualifying levels will be established salaries of the tariff rate in institutions. The establishment of salaries is related to the competence of the head of the institution.

The wage systems for state and municipal institutions are established taking into account the uniform tariff-qualification reference book of works and professions of workers, a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, as well as taking into account state guarantees for labor payments, recommendations of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Socio-Labor Regulation relations (Part 3 of Art. 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the views of the relevant trade unions (trade union associations) and the associations of employers.

The labor of some categories of budget workers is carried out on the basis of special regulatory legal acts. So, for example, the payment of workers of higher educational institutions is governed by Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate professional education"Dated August 22, 1996, scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions establishes an allowance for official salary (rates) in the amount of:

1) forty percent for the post of associate professor;

2) sixty percent of the post of professor;

3) 900 rubles for the scientist degree of candidate of science;

4) 1500 rubles for the scientist degree of Doctor of Science.

As an example, you can calculate the workshop of the university teacher. Suppose to work in the State University adopted a candidate of legal sciences to the post of associate professor. When you arrive at work, it has been established for the 15th category of ETS. In this case, its earned fee can be calculated by the formula:

Zp \u003d Mrometh x Item Code + NDD + NKN, where

Zp - earned fee;

MTRUTO Code - interior tariff coefficient;

Mrots - minimum wage;

NDD - an adapter for the post of associate professor;

NKN - Admissions for the scientist degree of candidate of science.

Thus, the salary of the associate professor will be:

1100 x 3.036 + 1100 x 3,036 x 0.4 + 900 \u003d 3339,6 + 1335,84 + 900 \u003d 5575.44 rub.

4. What is the remuneration of civil servants

Payment of public civil servants is governed by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" of July 27, 2004 this law enshrines two possible schemes wage of civil servants. The first is traditional - it is based on a civil servant held by his class, as well as the right of serving for additional payments depending on the experience, complexity of work, etc. The second - provides for the remuneration of civil servants, depending on the efficiency and effectiveness of their professional work. To civil servants, the payment of wages of which is carried out in the specified special procedure, the terms of remuneration, established by parts of 1-13 of Article 50 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 (that is, the official salary and Salary for cool chin, various premiums, district coefficients, etc.). At the same time, all guarantees, benefits and compensation provided for by other articles of the law are preserved for this category of civil servants.

By traditional scheme The monetary content of the civil servant consists of three main parts:

- official salary;
- salary for cool chin;
- Additional payments.

1. Official salary is the main element of the monetary content of any employee. It is a remuneration for the professional qualifications of the employee.

2. As for salaries for a cool chin, the analysis of the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation shows that in practice one of the following approaches to the definition of this salary is commonly used:

Establishing the size of the salary for a cool chin in a solid monetary amount (Khanty-Mansiysk JSC, Penza and Tambov region);

The establishment of the size of the salary for a cool chin is proportional to the official salary (Omsk, Smolensk, Sakhalin region);

The establishment of the size of the salary for a cool chin is proportional to the salary by other position (Moscow region);

The establishment of the size of the salary for a cool chin is proportional to another amount (Oryol region, St. Petersburg).

If there is a state employee of the qualifying discharge and class rank (diplomatic rank), it is paid only by one monthly surcharge to the official salary established for the federal state employees of the state body in which he passes.

Official salary and salary for the cool rank together constitute the salary of the monthly monetary content of the civil servant. The salary of the monthly monetary content is the minimum amount that any civil servant will be received for his service to which a cool rank is assigned.

3. Additional payments depend on the presence of a certain seniority of years, the complexity of the work performed, the success of the employees of the tasks assigned to him, etc.

Monthly allowance for the official salary for long service in the civil service. It is established by federal legislation for all civil servants without exception in size:

With the experience of civil service in percent
1 to 5 years 10 years 10
from 5 to 10 years 15
from 10 to 15 years 20
Over 15 years 30

Monthly allowance for official salary for special civil service conditions.The maximum size of this surcharge cannot exceed 200% of the salary. The specific size of the monthly surcharge for the special conditions of civil service is determined by the representative of the employer.

Currently, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the monetary content of federal civil servants" dated April 9, 1997 differentiates the size of the monthly surcharge for the special conditions of the civil service, determining that it can be installed:

- under supreme state positions - in the amount of from 150 to 200 percent of the official salary;
- by major public posts - in the amount of from 120 to 150 percent of the Oclade;
- on leading public posts - in the amount of from 90 to 120 percent of the official salary;
- according to senior state positions - in the amount of from 60 to 90 percent of official salary;
- For junior public posts - in the amount of up to 60 percent of the official salary.

Monthly interest rate allowance for the official salary for working with information constituting the state secret.The amounts and procedure for paying to the state employees of the monthly interest rate allowance to the official salary for working with information constituting a state secret were determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure and conditions for the payment of interest allowers to the official salary (tariff rate) of officials and citizens admitted to state secret" from On October 14, 1994, in accordance with this resolution, officials admitted to the state secrets on an ongoing basis is established monthly interest allowance for official salary (tariff rate) in the following sizes:

For work with information that have the degree of secrecy of "special importance" 25%;
- for work with information that have the degree of secrecy "Top Secret" - 20%;
- For work with information that have the degree of secrecy "Secret" 10%.

This supervision is paid to officials and citizens who are issued in accordance with the procedure established by law to the information to the information of the appropriate degree of secrecy and by decision of the head of the state authority, enterprises, institutions or organizations that are permanently working with the specified information due to official (functional) duties.

In addition, for employees of structural units to protect the state secrets of state authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations, in addition to the monthly percentage, the monthly percentage allowance for the official salary (tariff rate) for work experience in these structural divisions is provided for the work experience in these structural units in the following sizes:

With work experience from 1 to 5 years - 5%;
With work experience from 5 to 10 years - 10%;
With work experience from 10 years and above - 15%.

Monthly monetary promotion. Monthly cash promotion, as follows their names, should be paid to the employee regularly in the amounts established under the federal state bodies differentiated by the Decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, and on the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation regulatory legal acts of the relevant subject. Thus, the monthly monetary promotion acts as a form of material incentives for the successful performance of official duties on the proposed position.

Prizes.Prizes are a different form of promoting civil servants. Unlike monthly monetary cooperation, they are paid not to the very fact of conscientious fulfillment by serving their duties, but only for the performance of particularly important and complex tasks. The procedure for payment of premium is determined by the representative of the employer, taking into account the provision of the tasks and functions of the state body, the execution of the official regulation.

The maximum amount of the awards by law is not limited, however, in the Foundation for the Focal Civil servants, the funds are provided for the payment of premiums in the amount of two salary of monetary content.