Reliable waterproofing of the foundation with their own hands. Waterproofing the foundation with your own hands: how to make the waterproofing of the foundation at home how to make the foundation isolation

Moving experience people, thought out at home with a zero floor, in which you can place all communications, adjustable nodes and collectors, make a storage room, drying room (many mistresses are dreaming about it). And here it starts all the most interesting. As you understand the basis of the house, this foundation and waterproofing of the foundation is simply necessary.

And in order for the basement to be cozy, comfortable and optimal microclimate, it is necessary to make waterproofing the foundation with your own hands. And this applies not only to houses with a zero base, as well as buildings erected on the pile and tape fundament.

From the proper waterproofing of the base depends on the life of the entire housing. In this article, we will talk about how to make the foundation waterproofing.

Impact of moisture on the foundation

Many can say that this is all nonsense, because from the water concrete only the strength is gaining strength and becomes stronger. And it can recruit and hold this strength for many years. But not everything is so rosy, moisture has a negative impact on the whole foundation.

What is the effect of water on the foundation of the house?

Now you understand what impact has moisture to concrete foundation. It affects the state of all components and structural elements.

Foundation Waterproofing Materials

It should be immediately said that there are two ways to protect the foundation from moisture.

The first is the use of waterproofing materials, to protect the walls of the foundation, we will talk about it below.

The second is the use of special brands of concrete (bridge concrete).

This option is used much less often for a number of reasons:

  • The cost of concrete increases by 30-50%.
  • Not every manufacturer is capable of producing data brand.
  • This type of concrete solution can not be transported far, as it is quickly grasped.

We are stirred intensively with a wooden stick and our material is ready for use. The disadvantage of such a material is the service life of about 5 years, after which the bitumen surface will begin to crack.

The surface is purified from dirt and dust, ground. After drying, we apply the composition on the wall with a tassel. And we repeat 2-3 times. The angles should be strengthened with the reinforcing element (fiberglass).

  1. Sprayed materials. It is "liquid rubber", it creates a seamless single layer on the surface of the foundation, if you use a bitumen-latex emulsion and a special spraying device.

If it is planned to apply material manually, it is used for this to use elastomix and elastopases are one-component compositions of "liquid rubber". Approximate consumption per 1 square. m. - 350 gr.

Elastopaz is sold in buckets of 18 kg., It is applied in two layers, dries during the day. After using the remnants can be stored in the bucket.

Elastomix is \u200b\u200bsold in buckets of 10 kg in the kit it is an adsorbent, which acts as an activator. This activator accelerates the process of solidification and after two hours the composition will turn into rubber. Apply in one layer, dries in 2 hours. Storage residues are not subject to.

The lack of using the "liquid rubber" is that the surface treated with this material should be protected from stones and construction garbage during the backbone of the foundation. To do this, it should be covered with geotextile or build a pressure wall.

Clean the wall from dust and dirt. Fort the surface. After the primer is driving, we apply the composition with a sprayer (preferable) or with a bruster and roller.

  1. Plastering materials. It is applied as ordinary plaster with a spatula, used for alignment and sealing seams of the vertical wall of the foundation. Experts recommend using a plaster grid for greater strength. Moisture resistance can provide components (asphalt masts, polymer or hydrobeton), which are part of the mixture.

Plus this technology is simplicity of application, and minus a small service life. Typically, plaster is used to align and surface preparation before applying bitumen or rolled waterproofing.

The most famous materials are hydrotect, penetron and aquatron-6. For better clutch, they should be applied to the wet concrete base. Apply in several layers.

This method was widespread as a repair. That is, when during operation it is required to eliminate leaks in the foundation. Very expensive technology of waterproofing foundation.

  1. Rolled materials. The most common rubberoid on a paper basis. But modern waterproofing in rolls is a polymer modified material applied to the base of fiberglass, polyester or glass chill. Contemporary calane waterproofing is more expensive, but better and more durable. Keeping modern rolled materials include: Rubitex, hydrohotelloisol, technoelast, technoNIKOL and others.

Material can be applied in two ways, sticking and moving. The glue uses different bitumen mastics. And the melting material occurs due to the heating of the burner (gas or gasoline).

Recommend to apply two layers. The advantages include quality and long service life. For disadvantages, a long process and without helpers cannot do.

Recently, the building materials market appeared. Self-adhesive rolled waterproofing material.

Clean the surface from dirt and dust. We apply a layer of bitumen mastic. Here should not be carefully applied, as the mastic is a binding element when the rubberoid is boosting.

Then the rubberoid with the help of the burner is heated and applied to the layer of hot bitumen mastic. Sheets laid overlabs 10-15 cm. If the glue method is used, the surface should be treated with primer, before applying mastic.

Types of waterproofing foundations

There are only two types, it is horizontal and vertical waterproofing.

Horizontal foundation waterproofing is carried out only during the construction of the construction. After building it, it is not possible.

It is possible to use almost on any surface, and most importantly does not give a shrinkage after applying. All just the resulting ships are cleansed from dust and dirt, processing the primer.

Preparing the composition according to the instructions. And fill out as close as possible seams. As soon as the repair make up to grab it should be rich in water. After that, the primer is processed.

This repair makers will help restore the protective functions of your foundation, but specialists are recommended to use penetrating compositions in addition.


It should be noted that the complete protection of the foundation is a combination of vertical and horizontal waterproofing of the foundation. And what material use is your choice, the most important thing to comply with technology.

And most importantly, no insulation will endure a long direct impact of moisture, therefore, drainage from roofs should be provided with roofs, storm systems, formwork, drainage systems, both on Earth and underground.

The foundation is the basis of the house. The durability of the entire structure as a whole depends on its strength and preservation. The foundation is influenced by rain, soil and capillary water, as a result of which he saws and deform. Concrete has a property to choose a good moisture, which, lifting up the capillars, penetrates the walls and gender, providing ideal conditions for the occurrence of mold and other mushrooms. Also important is the problem associated with the operation of concrete foundations in the continental climate, where the freezing and thawing of water occurs annually. Penetrating the pores of concrete water that freezes and pulls out inside leads to the destruction of the integrity of the foundation. To secure your structure from the destructive effects of water, timely waterproofing of the foundation is required. Performed at the construction stage of waterproofing activities will ensure the safety of the house. If you are still tormented by doubts, do or not do, note that in the future the foundation repair will cost more than the construction of the house of the house, and it is not worth talking about the complexity and complexity of work.

The main carrying element of the house requires extremely close attention at all stages of the structure, starting with the calculations and installation and ending with the work on hydro and heat insulation. To say that the waterproofing of the foundation with their own hands is simple, it means that to discuss. The technology itself requires certain knowledge and understanding of the processes occurring in the ground and in concrete, as well as in certain waterproofing materials. Experience is also important, so before making the waterproofing of the foundation, it will not hurt to consult with a specialist and take into account his recommendations.

The first thing to be done is to determine the complex of waterproofing measures. To do this, take into account a number of starting conditions:

  • The level of groundwater occurs;
  • The strength of the "swelling" of the soil in the postal period;
  • Inhomogeneity of the soil;
  • Conditions of the building.

If the maximum groundwater level is below the foundation base for more than 1 m, then it will be enough to perform a coating vertical waterproofing and horizontal using runnerdoor.

If the groundwater level is higher than 1 m from the base of the foundation, but does not reach the level of the basement or it reaches extremely rarely, then for high-quality waterproofing a set of activities will have to expand. Horizontal waterproofing to perform two layers with a missile between them. For vertical isolation, it is necessary to use a coating method, and inland rolled materials. Depending on the budget, which is scheduled for materials for the foundation waterproofing, you can additionally process all concrete elements of the foundation and the basement penetrating waterproofing, stopping the promotion of water in capillaries.

If the groundwater level is above the base of the foundation and the flooring level of the basement, or the area in which the house was built, is famous for frequent and abundant precipitation, which is long and difficult to seep into the ground, then in addition to the previous list of events, it is necessary to equip the drainage system around the entire home.

On the waterproofing of the foundation, the price will depend on the surface area, which must be processed, from the complex of measures, the form and quantity of waterproofing materials. In the very easier case, you will have to spend only on bitumen. And in the most complex one - simultaneously on materials for the coating, rolling, penetrating waterproofing and on the work on the improvement of the drainage or the clamping wall.

For a ribbon and monolithic (solid) foundation, horizontal waterproofing is carried out in two places:

  • At level or below 15 to 20 cm of the floor level of the basement;
  • In the base and in the location of the foundation with the wall.

Important! Horizontal waterproofing can be performed only at the construction stage of the house, so take care of it on time.

Before the start of all the work on the construction of the foundation and the basement, it is necessary to fall asleep fat clap with a layer of 20 - 30 cm, and then thoroughly tamper. The concrete layer is poured on top of 5 - 7 cm. It is necessary in order to equip waterproofing under the foundation. Before laying waterproofing, concrete should dry and well stand out for a minimum within 10 - 15 days. Next concrete is thoroughly coiled with bitumen mastics throughout the area, and the first layer of rubberoid is stacked. Then the surface is again filed with mastic and put another layer of rubberoid. From above is poured 5 - 7 cm layer of concrete, which must be dissolved and challen.

Important! Elimination also refers to measures to ensure waterproofing. It is done according to this technology: on top of fresh concrete after 2 - 3 hours a layer 1 - 2 cm. Cement falls asleep, sidewged through a thin sieve. Then rolls up. After some time, cement should wet from moisture contained in concrete. Next, the surface comes in the same way as with a conventional concrete screed - from time to time is wetted with water until the concrete reaches the strength and does not dry.

After completing the arrangement of the tape or pile foundation, it is also necessary to hydroize it so that the moisture is not climbed up - into the walls. For this, the surface is opened with bitumen mastic, and on top of the rubberoid or other rolled material. The procedure is performed twice so that there are two layers. The edges of the rolled material hanging from the foundation are not trimmed, and it is cut down and then pressed with vertical waterproofing.

Device drainage system

Depending on the level of groundwater and soil structure, the foundation waterproofing device may assume the mandatory presence of a drainage system that will collect and remove excess atmospheric and groundwater into a separate well. Basically, such a need arises with high groundwater and poor penetration of soil.

To arrange the drainage system, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the object at a distance of at least 0.7 m from it. Depth depends on the level of water mirror. Width - 30 - 40 cm. Trenches should be placed with a slight bias towards collecting well or pit. At the bottom of the geotextile, the edges turning on the side of the trench by 80 - 90 cm. We fall asleep gravel or rubble layer 5 cm along the entire length of the trench. Then we lay the perforated drainage pipes with a slope of 0.5 cm for each m. We fall asleep gravel with a layer of 20 - 30 cm, pre-flushing it so as not to clog the pipes. Then we wrap everything in the remaining edges of geotextiles. We remove the pipes into the collecting well. I fall asleep soil.

The drainage system can be performed after the construction of the house or even after some time during operation, if such a need is revealed.

Vertical waterproofing foundation

To perform waterproofing the vertical surface of the foundation, you can use various materials, combining them with each other. Of the options proposed below, you can use one or more immediately depending on the individual construction conditions.

The cheapest to this day is the option of improving waterproofing of the foundation using a bitumen resin. To do this, get bitumen, most often it is sold in Brukes.

In a large capacity (saucepan, bucket, chan), we pour 30% of the spent oil and 70% of the bitumen. The container must be warm up, for this, under it weaving a bonfire or put on the gas stove. When the bitumen is warm up to the state of the liquid mixture, you can begin to apply it to the surface that must be previously aligned.

We apply a bolkum or brush to the surface of the foundation, trying to miss everything carefully. We begin to miss the foundation from the sole itself and finish at 15 - 20 cm above the surface of the soil. We apply 2 to 3 layers of bitumen so that the total thickness is 3 - 5 cm.

Important! All this time, the container with bitumen must be hot so that it does not froze.

Bitumen penetrates and fills all the pores of concrete, preventing moisture in it. Lost 5 years - relatively long. Then it will begin to collapse and crack, passing water in concrete.

To extend the service life of the coating waterproofing, you can use bitumen-polymer mastic, they are deprived of the shortcomings of pure bitumen and more durable. The market can offer masses of both hot and cold applying, as well as polymeric solutions having a rigid or liquid consistency. Methods for applying such materials may be different: with roller, spatula, grater or sprayer.

Waterproofing waterproofing of the foundation with rolled materials

It is possible to use rolled waterproofing materials, both separately and in addition to the coating method.

The most common and relatively cheap material for inlet isolation is rubberoid. Before fixing it on the surface of the foundation, it must be treated with a bitumen primer or mastic, as in the previous method.

Then the rubberoid cannon is heated by gas burner and apply to the vertical surface of the foundation with an adhesive 15 - 20 cm. This method is called the catchment. But it is also possible to fasten the frontier with special adhesive mastics. From above again cover with bitumen mastic and stick another layer of rubberoid.

Important! Before the rubberoid is removed, the edges of the horizontal waterproofing are necessary to wrap down and press, pressing the rolled material from above.

Instead of runneroid, you can use more modern rolled materials: technoNonol, glassizol, rubitex, hydrohotelloisol, technoelast or others. Their polymer base is polyester, which increases elasticity, wear resistance and improve performance characteristics. Despite the higher price compared to the runneroid, these materials are recommended to be used to waterproofing the foundation. But they will not be able to provide sufficient coating strength without mastic treatment, as they do not penetrate the pores.

Instead of inlet waterproofing, you can use liquid rubber, which has a good clutch with the base, durable and non-oxide. And most importantly, the surface is obtained seamless, which provides better protection. If the work on the waterproofing of the foundation is performed manually, on their own, then one-component liquid rubber is suitable, for example, elastopase or elastomix.

The consumption of material by 1 m2 is 3 - 3.5 kg.

Elastopaz It is applied in layers in two layers, it will take at least 24 hours at a temperature of +20 ° C. Sold in buckets of 18 kg, cheaper elastomyx. If the bucket is not completely spent, it can be tightly tightly closed and used later.

Elastomix It is applied with one layer, it will take no more than 2 hours at a temperature of +15 ° C. For sale buckets of 10 kg, more expensive elastopase. If the elastomix bucket is not fully used, the storage is not subject to the mixture, since the adsorbent activator, which is added to the mixture before use, will force the contents of the bucket to turn into rubber for 2 hours.

Which of the materials choose depends on the preferences of the owner and the time frame for execution. Before applying liquid rubber, the surface must be discussed and handled by primer. An hour later we apply a liquid rubber using a roller, a spatula or brush according to the instructions on the package.

The surface treated with liquid rubber may require protection against external influences if the backfill ground contains stones or remnants of construction waste. In this case, the foundation must be covered with geotextile or equip the clamping wall.

Penetrating waterproofing foundation

Penetrating waterproofing is called materials, substances that are capable of penetrating into the structure of concrete by 100 - 200 mm and crystallized inside. Hydrophobic crystals prevent the penetration of water into the structure of concrete and lifting it in capillaries. Concrete corrosion is also prevented and its frost resistance increases.

Such materials as Penetron, "Aquatron-6" and "Hydrotect" refer to penetrating anti-capillary waterproofing, differ in the penetration depth and application method. Most often, internal concrete surfaces of the foundation, basement or basement are treated with similar materials.

It is best to apply penetrating waterproofing on a wet concrete. For this, the surface first purify from dust, and then carefully moisturize. We apply material into several layers. After it is absorbed, the outer film can be deleted.

For alignment and at the same time waterproofing of the vertical surface of the foundation, special plastering mixtures can be used with the addition of moisture resistant components: hydrobeton, polymer concrete or asphalt mastics.

Plastering is made according to the same technology as the plaster walls by lighthouses. So that cracks do not appear for a long time, it is recommended to apply it with a hot way. After drying, the plaster layer must be protected by performing a clay castle and a backdrop with clay.

Screen waterproofing foundation

In fact, this method is a modern replacement of the clay castle. To protect the foundation from aggressive pressure water, bentonite mats are used, which are based on clay. By the way, they can be used in addition to other methods of waterproofing. Clay mats are fixed on the processed foundation using dowels. They are stacked with the allen at 15 cm. Then the pressure wall of concrete is then equipped next to, which will be an obstacle that does not allow swelling matam.

During operation, the paper component of mats is destroyed, and clay is pressed into the surface of the foundation by performing a protective function.

The clay castle is also called up not to let the pressure water to the foundation. For this, the trench is thrown around it with 0.6 m. The crushed stone layer is falling apart. Then the bottom and the wall of the trench trambed a fat clay in several layers with drying breaks. The remaining space is falling asleep or gravel, or clay, and with top to equip the breakfast.

During the spring floods, the clay will not miss the water to the foundation, and the lower moisture will go through the crushed stone layer.

Waterproofing foundation is a responsible business. As part of this article, we reviewed only the most common ways. If you decide to fulfill all the work on your own, remember, the main thing for the success of the case is to correctly choose the materials and the necessary events. Then the foundation will last long and will not require costly repair.

Drainage of the land plot is the most important stage of training for construction. The use of drainage pipes significantly accelerates and simplifies the installation of drainage systems. Drainage pipes are necessary for removing water with a high groundwater level.

Water destroys the building structures of the building, leading them into disrepair, reducing the service life. This is especially true for the underground part of the house, which is exposed to several types of moisture at once. Outside it has a devastating effect of rain and melt water, and in the soil they deliver groundwater in the soil, the level of location of which can vary depending on the season. Waterproofing methods for the foundation of the building depend on its type and method of manufacture (device of ribbon, plates, pillars or piles).

How moisture affects

The paths that water can lead to the destruction of concrete foundation several:

  • Washing out of the structure of particles, the formation of irregularities and the elevation due to aggressive components in rain or groundwater.
  • Destruction when the water penetration into the body of the foundation and freezing it there. The fact is that water is the only substance on the planet, which in the transition to the frozen state expands, and does not decrease in volume. Finding into capillaries, it has a strong pressure on the foundation from the inside, which leads to the appearance of cracks and cracks.

That is why the waterproofing of the foundation is important and should be carried out immediately after the construction of the structure.

Types of moisture protection

In the general case, the foundation waterproofing device is divided into three groups:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;

Depending on the type of base, several methods can be applied simultaneously.

Combined moisture protection

Horizontal is designed to prevent moisture penetration between different levels. It can be made of various materials. It is envisaged for all types of foundations (ribbons, plates, pillars, piles).

Vertical is needed so that groundwater can not affect the foundation. Not all types of foundations need such protection. Required only for tape and column supports at home. Horizontal protection is provided for all types (device tape, stoves, or separately standing supports).

The device of the scene protects the base from the penetration of rainwater and melt in the spring. The width of the design is essential here. If it is insufficient, the moisture takes off for a short distance and will be able to get to the foundation. This type of protection reduces the load on all the others, allowing you to increase their service life.

Vertical and horizontal insulation

Waterproofing rolled material

Waterproofing the foundation can be performed using different means of protection. Separately, it is worth considering vertical and horizontal species and a device of the scene, since materials in these cases will differ quite strongly.

The protection of the Bloan part of the building during vertical and horizontal insulation suggests that materials for the following ways can be used:

  • calane;
  • coating;
  • penetrating;
  • plaster;
  • injection;
  • mounted;
  • structural (additives in concrete).

It is worth it separately with what material is used in each case.


Such design protection is performed using roll options on a bitumen binder. Can be applied or glued material. The specified species involve the presence of a adhesive layer, which is subjected to heating at high temperatures and is glued to the surface. To secure on the basis of insulation without a glue layer, it will be necessary as a connecting substance to apply bitumen mastic.

Towning materials include:

Application Ruberoid - the most common method
  • tol (The material is outdated and it is not recommended to apply it as protection of responsible house designs, but it is worth noting its low cost);
  • pergamine (waterproofing the foundation based on thick dense cardboard, which is impregnated with bitumen binders, cannot be attributed to reliable and durable methods, but will significantly save);
  • ruberoid (remains the leader among rolled insulation due to its affordable price, the service life is quite small);
  • polymer materials with impregnating bitumen Basics of fiberglass or polyester (Here you can bring the following common options for protecting the walls and foundations of the house from moisture: "Locur", "Hydroizol", "TechnoNIKOL", "glassizol", "bikrost", etc.).

The last group is the most reliable option, but the price of such a material can be quite high.

But here it is worth considering their long service life, which will reduce the frequency of repairs. The advantages of the inlet way can be attributed to what it can be provided for various surfaces:

  • concrete;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • asphalt concrete;
  • old waterproofing coating (during repair).

Caution isolation

Waterproofing the foundation in this case is most often using bitumen mastics. To protect the beoled part of the building and walls at home, single-component and two-component compositions are used. In addition to bitumen in the building materials market, you can now find more reliable and modern options:

  • polymeric resins;
  • bitumen polymeric resins;
  • bituminous rubber mastic.

In contrast to the usual bitumen, which cracks at low temperatures, these mixtures with additional additives are resistant to cold. The disadvantage of more modern options becomes their price, which cannot compete with conventional mastics based on bitumen. The latter is better to use to protect the house designs with a deep location of groundwater.

Penetrating isolation

Waterproofing the foundation in this way prevents moisture from entering the capillaries of concrete. This increases the strength of the surface layer of concrete. Waterproofing of the belt foundation in this way is more often carried out using an additional coating or inlet layer.

On average, the penetration depth is 15-25 cm, but some materials are able to plunge 90 cm. It is important to note that such methods are suitable only for concrete. When used on brick and stone, they are useless.

The most common compositions for this method of processing steel:

  1. "Penetron";
  2. "Peneplag";
  3. "Hydrochit";
  4. "Penecrit".
  5. "Osmoshil".

Protection of concrete base from moisture

Technology for the protection of foundations and walls of the house in this way implies carefully purified, skimmed and even base, so it is recommended for use on new buildings.

Painting and plastering isolation

Waterproofing the foundation with their own hands with the use of painting and plaster compositions does not differ in durability and reliability. If possible, it is better to give preference to other ways to protect the foundations and walls of the house, since the average service life of such materials is 5 years.

Injection isolation

Technique of introduction to the base of polyurethane resin

The option is suitable when repairing the grounds already commissioned. Technology allows you to protect the foundation without performing work on the development of soil. Injectors are introduced to supports and deliver an insulating agent. The following materials can be used as raw materials:

  • foam;
  • resin;
  • acrylate gels;
  • rubber;
  • cement-containing mixtures;
  • polymer compositions.

Mounted isolation

Waterproofing the foundation in such a way allows you to most effectively deal with a high level of groundwater and their high pressure. It is used mainly for tape foundations when the underground room is required.

The most reliable method of mounted waterproofing can be called steel caisson. In this case, the design of the walls and the floor of the basement from the inside is crucified by sheets of 4-6 mm thick. The option is very expensive, so it is extremely rarely applied.

Outside, brick walls sometimes take, but this method in most cases is used in conjunction with a calene or coating option. The brick is rather not the protection of the foundation from moisture, but the protection of waterproofing from mechanical damage.


Waterproofing the foundation with their own hands in this case involves the use of the following materials of the scene to protect the design outside of atmospheric moisture:

Manufacturing of Gamesosta
  • concrete;
  • asphalt concrete;
  • clay;
  • paving slabs;
  • diffusion membranes.

The choice of a method for manufacturing a breakfast depends on the preferences of the future owner of the house, architectural solution and availability of materials. The cheapest option of the scene will be its laying of concrete or asphalt. This option is not distinguished by an attractive appearance, but allows you to protect the foundation without large labor costs. In addition, savings on raw materials are ensured. The device of cessation from concrete or asphalt is popular in the mass construction of apartment buildings and administrative and public buildings.

Waterproofing technology depending on the type of foundation

Each type of support under the building needs certain protection options. Before making waterproofing the foundation, it is necessary to find out what will be required for a complete set of events.

Protection of tape fundament

Waterproofing of the belt foundation is different for the monolithic and prefabricated option. First consider the prefabricated option. To prevent damage to the underground walls of the house and flooding the basement, you will need to fulfill such events:

  • the device of the reinforced seam between the foundation plates of factory manufacture and concrete blocks of the basement walls;
  • laying the rolled material in the first seam between the blocks, which is located below the basement floor mark;
  • rolled material is mounted on the edge of the foundation at the seat of the walls and the supporting structure;
  • vertical insulation underground ribbon outside;
  • device unit.

Protection of a belt base

It is important to note that at the place of the docking of the foundation plates and concrete blocks can not be laid materials on a bitumen binder. This can lead to displacement of elements relative to each other. Here only the device of the thickened concrete seam is suitable. The foundation isolation isolation is needed so that the different moisture of material of the reference parts of the structure and wall fences has not led to destruction. For horizontal insulation, calete methods are used.

It is better to perform vertical isolation from the outside, because it will be performed not only the protection of the room, but also carrier elements. With new construction, the walls can be treated with inland or coating materials. From the inside carry out work when repairing. In this case, the penetrating or injection type is used.

If you need to perform a complex of waterproofing work for a monolithic tape, then it is necessary to provide the following activities:

  • vertical insulation;
  • waterproofing based on the foundation;
  • device unit.

Materials are selected as well as for the prefabricated version.

Protecting a column and pile foundation

Simple moisture protection method

Here the most simple type of moisture protection is used. It will be necessary to make only the insulation on the edge of the foundation. Its location depends on the stuffing material. If the binding is made from the same material as the foundation, then the laying of rolled materials is performed at the place of contact of the scutwork and walls. You can consider another option. For example, a wooden house rests on metal piles. In this case, the lower crown of the walls will serve as painter, so the insulating layer is placed on the heads of the support elements.

Protection of the foundation plate

To protect against moisture, it will be necessary to provide for the following events:

  • concrete preparation of skinny concrete to protect the plates from underground water and leveling the base;
  • waterproofing for concrete preparation;
  • protection against external moisture.

Watercover of the foundation plate

For the manufacture of the second layer, rolled methods are used when the plate applies. It is best to stop on modern materials, because after filling the plates, control the state of such isolation or repair is almost impossible. For small buildings with a small degree of responsibility and low water saturation, a polyethylene film is often used.

To protect the slab from moisture, which can get from above, it needs to be treated with penetrating compositions. Sometimes in private house-building resorts to the use of the following method: a solution for penetrating insulation is introduced into a concrete.

Also, after the fill, the slabs will be required to provide laying of the roll material in the places of wallpapers.

Before properly make the foundation waterproofing (tapes, piles, pillars), you need to carefully examine the question. It is important to apply high-quality materials. If you save at this stage of construction, you can spend a large amount of funds for repair during operation.

Very often inexperienced builders after the construction of the foundation neglected by its waterproofing, considering this operation secondary.

As a result of the further operation of the bearing walls, built on a basis, begin to come to dissenting Due to the constant impact on them moisture in the form of atmospheric precipitation and groundwater.

What is waterproofing and is it necessary?

Under waterproofing is understood protection various materials and structures from the harmful effects on them liquids. Basic Concrete and foundation material is concrete.

This material, despite the seeming monolithium, has porous The structure, so it is easily soaked with water (in can find out what concrete you need to use for a ribbon foundation).

Without waterproofing such foundation, bearing walls start cheat And gradually collapse. Application of protective layer increases The life of buildings and structures and significantly reduces their current and overhaul.

Types of waterproofing foundation

By destination Foundation waterproofing is customary to divide on two Views:

  1. Horizontal. Surfaces located horizontally, for example, the foundation sole, the base of the bearing walls are protected;
  2. Vertical. Applied to vertical surfaces, for example, the outer part of the base;

Depending on the used material The protective coating differences the following views Waterproofing:

  • Bituminous. As an insulating material, the bitumen of various species is used depending on weather conditions in the geographical area of \u200b\u200bconstruction;
  • Ruberoid. Insulation is carried out using rubberoid sheets, which are stacked in several layers. When laying protection, not only rubberoid can be used, but also isoplast, pergamine or only;
  • Liquid rubber. This material is made on the basis of bitumen. It has liquid consistency and high elasticity, due to which and received its name.

According to the method of application Waterproofing is the following types:

  • Calane;
  • Penetrating;
  • Rolled;
  • Plaster;
  • Spraying.

Horizontal waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is used for protection walls and soles of the foundation. If you plan to isolate the foundation made from a concrete solution, then the protective layer is stacked before its fill.

To protect the foundation, waterproofing laid to installation Concrete blocks after filling and its special cement layer.

To protect the walls, the waterproofing layer is stacked throughout The perimeter of the foundation base after its final grasp.

Horizontal waterproofing applied Practically with any construction, unlike the vertical, which is sometimes neglected. This is explained by the fact that horizontally equipped protection effectively protects the walls of the building from exposure not only soilovye, but also surface waters.

There are different methods of laying Horizontal waterproofing. Depending on the creation of the necessary degree of protection and cost of construction during its manufacture special Construction Materials.

Bituminous waterproofing

Bituminous waterproofing is used to protect concrete and metal structures. Before laying Mastics foundation carefully dry, otherwise, when contacting bitumen with water will be formed bubbles And waterproofing will be peeling.

For the manufacture of bitumen waterproofing material first meltsAnd then applied to the working surface using a brush or brush. The thickness of the applied layer must be at least 2 mm.

It is best to use bitumen construction grades containing special additives that prevent the destruction of the material at low temperatures.

Attention! Melted bitumen cools literally in minutes, so when working with it it is necessary to observe the time intervals, not allowing premature cooling of the composition. Insufficiently melted bitumen poorly clogs concrete pores. BN-3, BN-4, BN-5, BP-5, DH-1V brands are used for waterproofing work.


Ruberoid coating refers to highly reliable waterproofing, but such protection requires quite large material costs. Before laying sheets, a layer of mastic is applied to the surface.

Between neighboring sheets need to be nesting, minimum 15 centimeters.

Attention! Before laying the regteroid sheets, it is necessary to thoroughly align the surface for their laying! On the uneven surface it will be difficult to ensure the necessary nesting of neighboring sheets, and the waterproofing will be unreliable!

Plaster waterproofing

With this protection method, the surface is covered with special plaster solutionwhich includes water-repellent additives, for example, asphaltovaya mastic.

The solution is applied in the hot state to ensure the best grasp it with the protected surface. The solution is applied by the same technology as with accurate alignment of the walls, with mayakov.

Liquid rubber

The use of this material in the manufacture of waterproofing requires both a special tool and specialists high Qualifications. In this method, it turns out to be protected having high Strength and wear resistance, which can be applied even in hard-to-reach places.

Special place in this technology takes preparation The surface that occupies about a third of the entire time of isolation. The main brands of liquid rubber used in the waterproofing of the foundation are "Profix", "Slav", "ULTRAMAST" and "Masty No. 33".

Equipment with which such protection is applied is special sprayersoperating both from the drive and gasoline engines.

Penetrating waterproofing

Applying this protection does not require careful Preparation of the surface and special tools. Materials used in its manufacture fill it pores In concrete, making it moisture-resistant. Penetrating waterproofing significantly increases time foundation services and is considered samoa Reliable and durable.

Technology The manufacture of isolation is simple - the dry mixture is purchased, for example, Penetronwhich is mixed with water according to the preparation instructions, and then applied to the protected surface using, for example, a roller.

After a few hours, the mixture acquires its final properties. Penetrating waterproofing, along with its advantages, has only one drawback - high Cost.

Rolled waterproofing

Roll materials are often used for waterproofing the building without basement. This isolation based on bitumen is manufactured.

Materials and Concrete Surface itself preliminary Heat with a gas burner, then neatly laid and, slightly pressing, smoothed. Neighboring sheets laid with overlap 15-20 centimeters.


This type of moisture protection is applied using special Building installations, with which a thin insulating layer is located on the surface.

Waterproofing by spraying allows you to reliably protect concrete structures from moisture and can be operated with severe frost and heat. As a spraying material used synthetic Polymers - polycarbomides.

Foundation Waterproofing: General Rules

To date, two types of insulation are used to protect the walls of the building from groundwater and other types of moisture - vertical Waterproofing I. horizontal.

Also elevate additional Constructions, for example, establish water collectors, deploying moisture into special containers or channels.

Before applying the waterproofing layer, the surface must be aligned, cleaned from dirt and dust. For better Adhesive material and concrete clutch are used by special primers.

See video lesson How to make vertical waterproofing of the foundation with your own hands:

  • Device drainage system

The foundation is the main part of the house. The durability of the building as a whole depends on its quality. For the base of the house, soil, rain and capillary waters are affected, which is why it can be asked and deformed. Concrete - hygroscopic material. The moisture, which he absorbs, rises to the capillars, penetrating the walls and floor and causing the formation of mold and fungus. When freezing this water, the foundation may be destroyed. In order to protect the house from destruction as a result of moisture impact, a timely waterproofing device of the foundation is necessary. If you still think, whether to do waterproofing, keep in mind that the repair of the foundation will be more expensive in the future than the construction of the house, and the difficulty and complexity of the work and it is not worth it.

Foundation waterproofing scheme.

It cannot be said that the implementation of such works is an easy task. Waterproofing technology requires certain skills and understanding the processes that occur in concrete and soil and in various materials. Experience has been important, therefore, before performing work, it is necessary to consult a specialist and follow its recommendations.

Waterproofing technology at home

First you need to decide on the complex of construction work on waterproofing. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: the level of groundwater occurrence, frosty powder, conditions of operation of the house, the inhomogeneity of the soil. If the maximum groundwater level is below the basement of the foundation per 1 m or more, it suffices to produce vertical coating waterproofing and horizontal using rubberoid.

The main types of waterproofing foundations.

If the soil waters lie closely from the foundation, but the basement level does not reach, the work complex will have to expand. Horizontal insulation is performed in 2 layers, each of which must be missed by bitumen mastic. For vertical waterproofing, both the occupus and coating method are used. Depending on the budget scheduled for the purchase of building materials, all concrete structures can be treated with penetrating materials that stop the movement of water in capillaries.

If the groundwater is laid above the basement soles and basement floor, you must additionally equip the drainage system. The price of waterproofing the foundation depends on its area, the number and type of materials used. In the simplest case, you will have only bitumen. In the most difficult one, you will have to spend on penetrating, rolled and coating materials, as well as on the arrangement of the drainage system.

Horizontal waterproofing foundation

For a monolithic and tape base, horizontal waterproofing is carried out in 2 places: at the floor level of the basement and in places of the foundation with walls.

Horizontal waterproofing can be performed only at the building of the building, so it is necessary to take care of it on time.

To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

Scheme of horizontal waterproofing.

  • shovel;
  • grease clay;
  • concrete;
  • bitumen mastic;
  • ruberoid;
  • cement;
  • rollers, brushes;
  • adhesive mastic.

Before the construction of the foundation on the bottom of the bottom, it is necessary to float a layer of oily clay with a thickness of 20-30 cm, which you need to carefully tumble. After that, poured a layer of concrete at 5-7 cm. This is necessary for the arrangement of the foundation waterproofing. Before laying the material, the concrete must dry and dial the required strength. Then the concrete is deceived by bitumen mastic, on top of which the rubberoid is placed.

The surface is again covered with mastic and put the second layer of rubberoid. Top poured concrete and perform an iron. It is also included in the complex of work on the insulation of the base. It is done so: on top of the concrete fall asleep sieve through sieve cement and smash it. Cement is worst from the moisture contained in the concrete. Then the surface is periodically wetted by water until it gains strength.

After the ribbon or pile foundation is built, its surface should also be hydroizing to prevent moisture raising into the walls. The surface is covered with bitumen mastic, on top of which rubberoid or any other rolled material. The procedure is performed twice to obtain two-layer waterproofing. The edges of the material are not cut, and they are cut down and pressed with vertical insulation.

Device drainage system

An option with a waterproofing device and a fundamental wall drainage.

Depending on the depth of groundwater and soil type, it may be necessary to arrange a drainage system that serves to collect and remove atmospheric and groundwater into the well. Such a need mainly occurs with poor penetability of soil and high groundwater. To build a drainage system, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the building at a distance of about 70 cm from it. Depth depends on the level of groundwater. Width - 40 cm. The trench should be located with some slope relative to the pit and the well.

The geotextile is placed onto the bottom, the edges are wrapped on the side of the pits by 90 cm. The crushed stone or gravel with a layer of 5 cm along the length of the trench and the perforated pipes are stacked with a slope of 0.5 cm for each m. Then the pre-washed gravel is covered with the remaining edges. geotextile. Pipes are displayed in the collecting well, and the backflow of the soil is produced. The drainage system can be equipped after commissioning.

Vertical waterproofing of the base of the house

Scheme of vertical waterproofing foundation.

To do this, you can use a variety of materials that can be combined. The cheapest is considered bituminous waterproofing of the foundation. This will require bitumen sold in bars. 70% of the bitumen resin and 30% of spent oil are laid into a large capacity. Chanic need to warm up, explore the fire under it. After the bitumen is melted, it can be applied to a pre-aligned surface. The brush or roller bitumen is applied to the surface of the base, starting with its sole and ending 15-20 cm to the surface of the soil. Bitume need to be applied in several layers, bringing the total thickness to 3-5 cm. To the bitumen does not frozen in the container, it must be hot all the time.

Bitumen fills the pores in concrete, protecting it from the penetration of moisture. The service life of such waterproofing is 5 years, after which the coating begins to crack and collapse, passing water into concrete. To extend the service life of waterproofing, bitumen-polymer compositions are used that do not have deficiencies in the usual bitumen.

Powered waterproofing foundation

Scheme of waterproofing foundation Ruberoid.

Rolled materials can be used separately or in combination with coating. The most popular stroke material is the rubberoid. Before fixing it on the surface of the base, it is treated with bitumen mastic. After that, the rubberoid canvas are heated by the gas burner and are applied to the surface with the overlap 20 cm. Ruberoid can be attached using adhesive mastic. Before moving the vertical waterproofing of the edge of the edge horizontal, you need to wrap and press, moving on top of the runneroid.

Ruberoid can be replaced by more modern polyester-based materials that increase their strength, wear resistance and elasticity. But they cannot provide the necessary coating strength without prior applying mastic, as they do not fill the pores.

Scheme of waterproofing the foundation of liquid rubber.

Having waterproofing can be replaced with liquid rubber having a good clutch with the surface. The surface will be seamless, which will provide high-quality protection. If work is performed manually, the Elastomix or Elastopasis is suitable - single-component rubber. "Elastopaz" is applied in 2 layers, each of which should be dried at least 24 hours. Sold in the containers of 18 kg, if the content is not completely spent, the bucket can be sealed and leave material for storage. Elastomix is \u200b\u200bapplied by one layer, it is sold for 10 kg. If the bucket with a mixture is not spent to the end, it cannot be stored, since after 2 hours it will turn into rubber.

The surface covered with liquid rubber requires protection against external influences if the soil of the backfill has an inclusion in the form of stones or construction waste. The foundation in this case is covered with geotextiles and equip the clamping wall.

Penetrating waterproofing foundation

Scheme of penetrating waterproofing foundation.

Penetrating materials are called materials whose substances penetrate into the structure of concrete and crystallized inside. The hydrophobic crystals protect the concrete from the penetration of water into its structure and its raising by capillars. This prevents the destruction of concrete and increases its frost resistance. Such materials such as "Hydrotect" and "Aquatron" are penetrating waterproofing, most often they are treated with the inner surface of the basement or basement. Apply penetrating materials better on wet concrete. To do this, the surface must be cleaned from dust and carefully moistened. The material is applied in several layers. After it is absorbed, the outer layer can be deleted.

For waterproofing and aligning the vertical surfaces of the foundation, plaster mixes with moisture-resistant components can be used. Plastering the foundation just like walls for lighthouses. To prevent the appearance of cracks, the plaster must be applied with a hot way. The plaster layer after drying should be protected by a clay lock.

The clay castle does not allow pressure water to the foundation. To do this, around the perimeter of the foundation at a distance of 0.6 m, a trench is digging, on the bottom of which crushed stone. The walls and bottom of the trench are covered with fatty clay. The remaining space can be covered with clay or gravel, and to make a break from above. During the spring flood, the clay does not pass water to the base, and the extra moisture goes through the gravel layer.

Foundation Waterproofing Device: Work Technology

The foundation waterproofing device starts with horizontal insulation. It is possible to perform it using bitumen, rubberoid, liquid rubber, etc. Materials. They are used for vertical isolation.