Neutron Star. Incredible facts from space why neutron stars are called pulsars

The neutron star is a very fast rotating body remaining after the explosion. With a diameter of 20 kilometers, this body has a mass comparable with solar, one gram of the neutron star weighed on earthly conditions more than 500 million tons! Such a huge density occurs from induction of electrons into the nucleus, from which they are combined with protons and form neutrons. In essence, neutron stars according to properties, including density and composition, are very similar to atomic nuclei. But there is a significant difference: the nucleons of the nucleons attract strong interaction, and in the stars

What represents

In order to understand what these mysterious objects represent this mysterious objects, we strongly recommend contacting the speeches of Sergei Borisovich Popov Sergey Borisovich PopovAstrophysicist and popularizer of science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the State Astronomical Institute. PC. Sternberg. Laureate of the Dynasty Foundation (2015). Laureate of the State Prize "For Loyalty to Science" as the best popularizer of 2015

The composition of neutron stars

The composition of these objects (for obvious reasons) is studied so far only in theory and mathematical calculations. However, there is already a lot. As it follows from the name, they consist mainly of tightly packaged neutrons.

The atmosphere of the neutron star has a thickness of only a few centimeters, but it focuses on all its thermal radiation. The atmosphere is a bark consisting of tightly packaged ions and electrons. In the middle there is a kernel consisting of neutrons. Closer to the center achieves the maximum density of the substance, which is 15 times more nuclear. Neutron stars are the most dense objects in the universe. If you try to further increase the density of the substance, a collapse in a black hole will occur, or a quark star is formed.

Now these objects are studied by calculating complex mathematical models on supercomputers.

A magnetic field

Neutron stars have speeds of rotation up to 1000 revolutions per second. At the same time, electrically conductive plasma and nuclear substance produce magnetic fields of giant values.

For example, the magnetic field of the Earth -1 Gauss, the neutron star - 10,000,000,000,000 Gauss. The strongest field created by man will be in billions of times weaker.

Types of neutron stars


This is a generalizing name for all neutron stars. Pulsars have a clearly defined period of rotation, which does not change very long time. Thanks to this property, they were called "the beacons of the Universe"

Particles with a narrow stream at very high speeds are flying out through the poles, becoming the source of radio emission. Due to the incompatibility of the axes of rotation, the flow direction is constantly changing, creating the effect of the beacon. And, like each lighthouse, the pulsars have their own signal frequency in which it can be identified.

Almost all detected neutron stars exist in double X-ray systems or as single pulsars.


At the birth of a very fast torque neutron star, common rotation and convection create a huge magnetic field. This is due to the "active dynamo" process. This field exceeds the values \u200b\u200bof the fields of ordinary pulsars in tens of thousand times. The effect of Dynamo ends after 10-20 seconds, and the atmosphere of the star takes place, but the magnetic field has time to occur during this period. It is unstable, and the rapid change of its structure generates an emission of a giant amount of energy. It turns out that the magnetic field of the star bursts it itself. Candidates for the role of magnetarov in our galaxy is about a dozen. His appearance is possible from a star, superior to a minimum of 8 times the mass of our sun. The size of them is about 15 km in diameter, with a mass of about one solar. But sufficient confirmation of the existence of magnetarov has not yet been received.

X-ray pulsars.

They are considered another phase of magnetar life and emit exclusively in the X-ray range. Radiation arises as a result of explosions that have a certain period.

Some neutron stars appear in dual systems or acquire a companion, capturing it into its gravitational field. Such a companion will give its substance with an aggressive neighbor. If the neutron star is not less than the Sun, then interesting phenomena are possible - Brasters. These are X-ray flashes, lasting in seconds or minutes. But they are able to strengthen the luminosity of the star to 100 thousand solaries. Hydrogen and helium moved from the compartion on the surface of the baster. When the layer becomes very dense and hot, the thermonuclear reaction is launched. The power of such an explosion is incredible: on each square centimeter, the stars are distinguished by the power equivalent to the explosion of the entire earth's nuclear potential.

In the presence of a companion-giant, the substance is lost in the form of a star wind, and the neutron star retracts it with its gravity. Particles fly according to power lines towards magnetic poles. If the magnetic axis is miserably and the axis of rotation, the brightness of the star will be variable. It turns out X-ray pulsar.

Millisecond pulsars.

They are also associated with dual systems and have the most short periods (less than 30 milliseconds). Contrary to expectations, they are not the youngest young, but are quite old. The old and slow neutron star absorbs the mother of the companion-giant. Falling on the surface of the invader, the matter gives it rotational energy, and the rotation of the star is enhanced. Gradually, the companion will turn into, losing weight.

Ecoplants in neutron stars

The planetary system of PSR 1257 + 12 pulsar, removed from the Sun for 1000 light years, was very easily found. Next to the star, three planets having a mass of 0.2, 4.3 and 3.6 mass of land with periods of appeals at 25, 67 and 98 days. Later there was another planet with a mass of Saturn and the period of circulation of 170 years. Also known to the pulsar with a planet a little massive Jupiter.

In fact, it is paradoxically that planets exist near the pulsar. The neutron star is born as a result of a supernova explosion, and that loses the bulk of its mass. The remaining part no longer has sufficient gravity to hold satellites. Probably, the planets found were formed after the cataclysm.


The number of known neutron stars is about 1200. Of these, 1000 are considered to be radio moles, and the rest are defined as X-ray sources. It is impossible to study these objects, sent to them any device. In the ships "Pioneer" sent messages to reasonable beings. And the location of our solar system is indicated precisely with the orientation for the nearest pulsars. From the sun lines show directions on these pulsars and distances to them. And the intermittentness of the line indicates the period of their appeal.

Neutron neighbor closest to us is 450 light years. This is a double system - a neutron star and a white dwarf, the period of its ripples is 5.75 milliseconds.

It is hardly possible to be near the neutron star and stay alive. You can only fantize on this topic. And how to imagine the dimensions of the temperature, magnetic field and pressure? But the pulsars will still help us in the development of the nebula. Anyone, even the furthest galactic journey, will be not disastrous if stable lighthouses will work, visible in all corners of the universe.

Back in 1932, the young Soviet physicist Lion Lev Davidovich Landau (1908-1968) concluded on the existence in the universe, super-detached neutron stars. Imagine that the star magnitude with our sun would be squeezed to the size of several tens of kilometers, and her substance would have turned into neutrons - this is a neutron star.

According to theoretical calculations, the stars with a core mass, more than 1.2 times higher than the solar mass, after the nuclear fuel exhaustion explodes and the outer shells are discharged with a huge speed. And the inner layers of the exploded star, which no longer hinders the gas pressure, under the action of the forces of grave to be collapsed to the center. For a few seconds, the star volume decreases at 1015 times! As a result of a monstrous gravitational compression, there is a pressing of free electrons into the nuclei of atoms. They are connected to protons and, neutralizing their charge, form neutrons. Lained electric charge, neutrons under load over the overlying layers begin to close quickly. But the pressure of degenerate neutron gas stops further compression. A neutron star occurs, almost completely consisting of neutrons. Its dimensions are about 20 km, and the density in the depths reaches 1 billion t / cm3, that is, close to the density of the atomic nucleus.

So, the neutron star is similar to the giant kernel of an atom, oversaturated neutron. Only, in contrast to the nuclear nucleus, neutrons are not held with internaluclear forces, but gravitational. According to calculations, such a star cools quickly, and after several thousand years, the temperature of its surface should be reduced to 1 million k, which also confirm the measurements made in space. Of course, this temperature itself is still very high (170 times higher than the temperature of the sun surface), but since the neutron star is composed exclusively with a dense substance, the temperature of his melting is much more than 1 million K. As a result, the surface of neutron stars should be ... solid ! Such stars have, albeit hot, but solid, the strength of which is many times the strength of steel.

The force of gravity on the surface of the neutron star is so great that if a person still managed to reach the surface of an unusual star, he would be crushed by its monstrous attraction to the thickness of the trace, which remains on the envelope from the mailing.

In the summer of 1967, the postgraduate student of the University of Cambridge (England) Joselina Bell adopted very strange radio signals. They came with short impulses exactly every 1,33730113 seconds. Exceptionally high accuracy of the repetition of radio pulses imposed on the thought: and whether these signals send representatives of the civilization once?

However, over the next few years, many similar objects with rapid pulsating radio radiation were discovered in the sky. They were named with pulsars, that is, pulsating stars.

When radio telescopes were directed to the crab-like nebula, then the pulsar was also discovered in its center with a period of 0.033 seconds. With the development of nonathmapper observations, it was found that he radiates x-ray impulses, and X-ray radiation - the main and inhibit times stronger than all other radiation.

Soon the researchers guessed that the cause of strict periodicity of the pulsars is the rapid rotation of some special stars. But such short periods of pulsations, which are between 1.6 milliseconds up to 5 seconds, can be explained by the rapid rotation of only very small and very dense stars (a large star centrifugal forces will inevitably rupt!). And if so, then the pulsars are nothing but neutron stars!

But why neutron stars are inherent so rapid rotation? Recall: an exotic star is born as a result of a strong compression of a huge shining. Therefore, in accordance with the crop of preservation of the moment of movement, the speed of rotation of the star should increase dramatically, and the period of rotation is to reduce. In addition, the neutron star is still most strongly namagnichene. The tension of the magnetic field Pa CE surface in trillion (1012) times exceeds the tension of the magnetic field of the Earth! The powerful magnetic field is also the result of a strong compression of the star - reduce its surface and thickening magnetic power lines. However, the true source of activity of pulsars (neutron stars) is not the magnetic field itself, Ci energy rotation energy. And losing energy on electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, pulsars gradually slow down their rotation.

If radio moles are single neutron stars, then X-ray pulsars are components of double systems. Because the strength of the neutron star in Billions of Paradise is Bolita than in the sun, she "tightens" the gas neighboring (ordinary) stars. Gas particles at high speed naughty on the neutron star, heated when they hit its surface and empty X-rays. The neutron star can become a source of X-ray radiation and in the event that it will "wise up" and the cloud of interstellar gas.

What makes a neutron star pulsation mechanism? Do not think that the star simply flies. The situation is quite different. As already mentioned, Pulsar is a quickly rotating neutron star. On its surface, apparently, there is an active area in the form of a "hot spot" emitting a narrow, strictly directed beam of radio waves. And at that moment, when that bundle is directed towards the earth observer, the latter will notice the radiation pulse. In other words, the neutron star is similar to Radiomayaka, and the period of its ripple was injured by the period of rotation of this "lighthouse". Based on such a model, you can rein, why in some cases at the place of the outbreak of supernova, where the pulsar must certainly be, it was not detected. Only those pulsars are observed, the radiation of which is successfully oriented towards the Earth.

33 facts. Famous and not very. About planets, on the structure of space, about the human body and far space. Each fact is accompanied by a large and colorful illustration.

1. Mass of the sun It is 99.86% of the mass of the entire solar system, the remaining 0.14% fall on planets and asteroids.

2. Jupiter Magnetic Field So powerful that every day enriches the magnetic field of our planet billion watts.

3. The largest pool The solar system formed as a result of a collision with a space object is located on Mercury. This is "Caloris" (Caloris Basin), the diameter of which is 1,550 km. The clash was so strong that the shock wave passed throughout the planet, radically changing its appearance.

4. Solar substance The size of the pin head, placed in the atmosphere of our planet, will begin with an incredible speed to absorb oxygen and for the fraction of seconds will destroy all living on a radius of 160 kilometers.

5. 1 plutonian year Lasts 248 terrestrial years. This means that while Pluto does just one full turn around the Sun, the Earth has time to do 248.

6. Even more interesting The situation with Venus, 1 day on which the 243 terrestrial day lasts, and the year is only 225.

7. Martian volcano "Olympus" OLYMPUS MONS is the largest in the solar system. Its length is more than 600 km, and the height is 27 km, while the height of the highest point on our planet, the peak of Mount Everest reaches only 8.5 km.

8. Explosion (flash) supernova accompanied by the release of a giant amount of energy. In the first 10 seconds, the exploded supernova produces more energy than the sun for 10 billion years, and in a short period of time produces more energy than all objects in the galaxy combined (excluding other supernovae).

The brightness of such stars easily overshadows the luminosity of the galaxies in which they broke out.

9. Tiny neutron starsWhose diameter does not exceed 10 km, weigh as the Sun (remember Fact # 1). The strength of gravity on these astronomical sites is extremely high and if, hypothetically, an astronaut falls on it, the weight of his body will increase approximately one million tons.

10. February 5, 1843 Astronomers discovered a comet that was given the name "the Great" (it is the same Martov Comet, C / 1843 D1 and 1843 I). Flying next to the Earth in March of the same year, she "flashed" the sky on her tail, whose length reached 800 million kilometers.

The tail stretching for the "Great Comet" was observed for more than a month, until April 19, 1843, he did not completely disappear from the sky.

11. Warming us Now the energy of sunlight originated in the Sun core over 30 million years ago - most of this time was required to overcome the tight shell of the heavenly shine and only 8 minutes to achieve the surface of our planet.

12. Most heavy elementscontained in your body (such as calcium, iron and carbon) are by-products of the explosion of a group of supernovae, which posted the beginning of the formation of the solar system.

13. Researchers From Harvard University found that 0.67% of all rocks on Earth have Martian origin.

14. Density 5,6846 × 1026-kilogram Saturn is so small that if we managed to put it into the water, it would float on the surface itself.

15. On the satellite of Jupiter, IO, ~ 400 acting volcanoes are recorded. The rate of sulfur emissions and sulfur dioxide during an eruption may exceed 1 km / s, and the height of the streams reach a 500-kilometer mark.

16. Contrary to common Opinion, Cosmos is not a complete vacuum, but quite close to it, because At 88 gallons (0.4 m 3), the spacecraft accounts for at least 1 atom (and how often it is taught in school, there are no atoms in vacuo or molecules).

17. Venus, this is the only planet Solar system, which is counterclockwise. There are several theoritical justifications to this. Some astronomers are confident that such a fate comprehends all the planets with a dense atmosphere, which first slows down, and then twists the heavenly body into the direction opposite from the initial appeal, others suggest that the cause was a fall on the surface of Venus group of large asteroids.

18. Since the beginning of 1957 (The launch of the first artificial satellite "satellite-1") mankind in the literal sense of the word to sing the orbit of our planet with a variety of satellites, but only one of them was lucky to repeat the 'destiny of Titanic'. In 1993, the Olympus satellite (Olympus), owned by the European Space Agency, was destroyed as a result of a collision with an asteroid.

19. The biggest fallen A 2,7 meter "Goba" (HOBA) detected in Namibia is considered to be a meteorite. The meteorite weighs 60 tons and 86% consists of iron, which makes it the largest piece of iron of natural origin on Earth.

20. Tiny Pluto It is considered the coldest planet (planet) of the solar system. Its surface covers the thick crust of the ice, and the temperature drops to - 200 0 C. Ice on plutone has a completely different structure than on Earth and more stronger than steel.

21. Official scientific theory It says that a person will be able to survive in the open space without a surprise for 90 seconds, if all the air from the lungs will immediately exhale.

If a minor amount of gases remain in the lungs, they will begin to expand with the subsequent formation of air bubbles, which, when entering blood, lead to embolism and imminent death. If the lungs are filled with gases, they will simply break them.

After 10-15 seconds of stay in the open space, the water in the human body will turn into a pair, and the moisture in the mouth will begin to boil. As a result, the soft tissues and muscles are swollen, which will lead to complete immobilization.

The most interesting thing is that the next 90 seconds will still live the brain and beat the heart.

In theory, if during the first 90 seconds of a cosmonaut-loser in the open space, to put in the barocamera, then it is separated only with superficial damage and light fright.

22. Weight of our planet - This is a non-permanent. Scientists have found out that each year the land is corrected by ~ 40 160 tons and drops ~ 96,600 tons, thus losing 56,440 tons.

23. Earth force of gravity Squeezes the human spine, so when the astronaut enters the space, it will grow approximately 5.08 cm.

At the same time, his heart is compressed, decreasing in volume, and begins to download less blood. This is a response of the body to an increase in blood volume, for the normal circulation of which is required less pressure.

24. Space tightly compressed Metal parts are sprayed spontaneously. This occurs as a result of the absence of oxides on their surfaces, the enrichment of which occurs only in an oxygen-containing medium (a visual example of such an environmental atmosphere). For this reason, NASA specialists (US National Aeronautics and Space Research (English National Aeronautics and Space Administration)) process all metal parts of spacecraft with oxidative materials.

25. Between the planet and its companion The effect of tidal acceleration occurs, which is characterized by a slowdown in the rotation of the planet around its own axis and the change in the orbit of the satellite. So, every century, the earth rotation slows down at 0.002 seconds, as a result of which the duration of the day on the planet increases by ~ 15 microseconds per year, and the moon is removed annually from us by 3.8 centimeters.

26. "Space Yula" Under the name Neutron Star - this is the fighter object in the universe, which makes around its axis up to 500 revolutions per second. In addition, these cosmic bodies are so dense that one tablespoon of the component of their substance will weigh ~ 10 billion tons.

27. Star Bethelgeuse Located from the ground at a distance of 640 light years and is the closest to our planetary system a candidate for the title of supernova. It is so large that if you put it in the place of the sun, it will fill the diameter of the Saturn orbit. This star has already gained sufficient mass for the explosion of 20 suns and, according to some scientists, should explode in the next 2-3 thousand years. At the peak of his explosion, which will last at least two months, the luminosity of Bethelgeuse will be 1 050 times to exceed the solar, due to which it will be possible to observe her death from the ground even with the naked look.

28. Nearest Galaxy, Andromedais at a distance of 2.52 million years. The Milky Way and Andromeda move towards each other at huge speeds (the speed of Andromeda is 300 km / s, and the Milky Ways are 552 km / s) and most likely come across 2.5-3 billion years.

29. In 2011, astronomers They found a planet consisting by 92% of the super-density crystalline carbon - diamond. The precious heavenly body, which is 5 times larger than our planet and heavier than Jupiter, is located in the constellation of the snake, at a distance of 4,000 light years from the ground.

30. Chief Challenger The title of the inhabited planet of the supplementary system, the "super-ground" GJ 667CC is located at a distance of only 22 light years from the ground. However, the journey to it will take us 13,878,738,000 years.

31. In the orbit of our planet There is a dump from waste development of cosmonautics. Bole 370,000 objects weighing from several grams to 15 tons turn around the Earth at a speed of 9,834 m / c, facing each other and flying over thousands of smaller parts.

32. Every second The sun loses ~ 1 million tons of substance and becomes easier for several billion grams. The reason for this is the flow of ionized particles by expiring from its crown, which was called "Sunny Wind".

33. Over the course of a certain time Planetary systems are becoming extremely unstable. This occurs as a result of the weakening of the connections between the planets and the stars around which they appeal.

In such systems, the orbit planets are constantly shifted and can even intersect, which sooner or later will result in the collision of the planets. But even if this does not happen, then after a few hundred, thousands of millions or billions of years, the planet will be removed from its star to such a distance that its gravitational attraction simply cannot hold them, and they will go to the free flight on the galaxy.

1. The mass of the sun is 99.86% of the mass of the entire solar system, the remaining 0.14% fall on planets and asteroids.

2. The magnetic field is so powerful that every day enriches the magnetic field of our planet billion watts.

3. The largest swimming pool of the solar system, resulting from a collision with a space object, is located. This is "Caloris" (Caloris Basin), the diameter of which is 1,550 km. The clash was so strong that the shock wave passed throughout the planet, radically changing its appearance.

4. Solar substance with a pinch size, placed in the atmosphere of our planet, will begin with an incredible speed to absorb oxygen and for the fraction of seconds will destroy all living things within a radius of 160 kilometers.

5. 1 plutonian year lasts 248 terrestrial years. This means that while Pluto does just one full turn around the sun, the Earth has time to do 248.

6. An even more interesting is the case with Venus, 1 day on which 243 terrestrial days lasts, and the year is only 225.

7. Martian Volcano "Olympus" (Olympus Mons) is the largest in the solar system. Its length is more than 600 km, and the height is 27 km, while the height of the highest point on our planet, the peak of Mount Everest reaches only 8.5 km.

8. The explosion (outbreak) of a supernovae is accompanied by the release of a giant amount of energy. In the first 10 seconds, the exploded supernova produces more energy than 10 billion years, and in a short period of time produces more energy than all objects in the galaxy combined (excluding other supernovae).
The brightness of such stars easily overshadows the luminosity of the galaxies in which they broke out.

9. Tiny neutron stars whose diameter does not exceed 10 km, weigh as the Sun (remember Fact # 1). The strength of gravity on these astronomical sites is extremely high and if, hypothetically, an astronaut falls on it, the weight of his body will increase approximately one million tons.

10. On 5 February 1843, astronomers discovered the comet that was given the name "the Great" (it is the same Martov Comet, C / 1843 D1 and 1843 I). By flying nearby in March of the same year, she "flashed" the sky on her tail, whose length reached 800 million kilometers.
The tail stretching for the "great comet" of the tail was observed for more than a month, until, on April 19, 1983, he did not completely disappear from the sky.

11. Warming us now the energy of sunlight originated in the Sun core over 30,000 million years ago - most of this time was required to overcome the tight shell of the heavenly shine and only 8 minutes to reach the surface of our planet.

12. Most heavy elements contained in your body (such as calcium, iron and carbon) are by-products of the explosion of a group of supernovae, which posted the beginning of the formation of the solar system.

13. Researchers from Harvard University found that 0.67% of all rocks on Earth are origin.

14. Density 5,6846? 1026 kilogram Saturn is so small that if we were able to put it into the water, it would float on the surface itself.

15. On the satellite Saturn, IO, the ~ 400 active volcanoes are fixed. The rate of sulfur emissions and sulfur dioxide during an eruption may exceed 1 km / s, and the height of the streams reach a 500-kilometer mark.

16. Contrary to popular opinion, space is not a complete vacuum, but quite close to it, because At 88 gallons of cosmic matter, at least 1 atom (and as we know, there are no atoms or molecules in vacuum).

17. Venus, this is the only planet of the solar system, which is counterclockwise. There are several theoritical justifications to this. Some astronomers are confident that such a fate comprehends all the planets with a dense atmosphere, which first slows down, and then twists the heavenly body to the direction opposite from the initial appeal, others suggest that the cause has served to fall on the surface of a group of large asteroids.

18. Since the beginning of 1957 (the year of launch of the first artificial satellite "satellite-1"), humanity has time to sing the orbit of our planet with a variety of satellites, but only one of them was lucky to repeat the 'destiny of Titanic'. In 1993, the Olympus satellite (Olympus), owned by the European Space Agency, was destroyed as a result of a collision with an asteroid.

19. The largest meteorite fell on the land is considered to be 2.7 meter "Goba" (HOBA), found in Namibia. Weighs 60 tons and 86% consists of iron, which makes it the largest piece of iron of natural origin on Earth.

20. It is considered the coldest planet of the solar system. Its surface covers the thick crust of the ice, and the temperature drops to - 2000 ° C. The ice on the plutone has a completely different structure than on Earth and more stronger than steel.

21. The official scientific theory says that a person will be able to survive in the open space without a surprise for 90 seconds, if all the air will be exhaled immediately.
If a minor amount of gases remain in the lungs, they will begin to expand with the subsequent formation of air bubbles, which, when entering blood, lead to embolism and imminent death. If the lungs are filled with gases, they will simply break them.
After 10-15 seconds of stay in the open space, the water in the human body will turn into a pair, and the moisture in the mouth will begin to boil. As a result, the soft tissues and muscles are swollen, which will lead to complete immobilization.
Next will be followed by loss of vision, the glaciation of the cavity of the nose and larynx, the formation of the skin, which will suffer from the strongest sun burns.
The most interesting thing is that the next 90 seconds will still live the brain and beat the heart.
In theory, if during the first 90 seconds of a cosmonaut-loser in the open space, to put in the barocamera, then it is separated only with superficial damage and light fright.

22. The weight of our planet is a magnitude of non-permanent. Scientists have found out that each year the land is corrected by ~ 40 160 tons and drops ~ 96,600 tons, thus losing 56,440 tons.

23. The earth's gravity squeezes the human spine, so when an astronaut falls, it will grow up approximately 5.08 cm.
At the same time, his heart is compressed, decreasing in volume, and begins to download less blood. This is a response of the body to an increase in blood volume, for the normal circulation of which is required less pressure.

24. In space, tightly compressed metal parts are sprayed spontaneously. This occurs as a result of the absence of oxides on their surfaces, the enrichment of which occurs only in an oxygen-containing medium (a visual example of such an environmental atmosphere). For this reason, specialists Nasanational US Department of Aeronautics and Space Research (English. National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - agency belonging to the US Federal Government, subordinating directly by the US Department and Financed by 100% of the State Budget responsible for the Civil Space Program countries. All images and videos obtained by NASA and divisions, including with the help of numerous telescopes and interferometers, are published as a public domain and can be freely copied. Treat all metal parts of spacecraft by oxidative materials.

25. The effect of tidal acceleration occurs between the planet and its satellite, which is characterized by a slowdown in the rotation of the planet around its own axis and the change in the satellite orbit. So, every century, the rotation of the Earth slows down at 0.002 seconds, as a result of which the duration of the day on the planet increases by ~ 15 microseconds per year, and it is removed annually from us by 3.8 centimeters.

26. "Space Yula 'called Neutron Star - this is the fastest spinning object in the universe, which makes around its axis up to 500 thousand revolutions per second. In addition, these cosmic bodies are so dense that one tablespoon of the component of their substance will weigh ~ 10 billion tons.

27. Betelgeuse's star is from the Earth at a distance of 640 light years and is the closest to our planetary system a candidate for the title of supernova. It is so large that if you put it in the place of the sun, it will fill the diameter of the Saturn orbit. This star has already gained sufficient mass for the explosion of 20 suns and, according to some scientists, should explode in the next 2-3 thousand years. At the peak of his explosion, which will last at least two months, the luminosity of Bethelgeuse will be 1 050 times to exceed the solar, due to which it will be possible to observe her death from the ground even with the naked look.

28. The nearest Galaxy, Andromeda, is at a distance of 2.52 million years. The Milky Way and Andromeda move towards each other at huge speeds (the speed of Andromeda is 300 km / s, and the Milky Ways are 552 km / s) and most likely come across 2.5-3 billion years.

29. In 2011, astronomers discovered a planet consisting by 92% of the superconduct crystalline carbon - diamond. The precious heavenly body, which is 5 times larger than our planet and heavier than Jupiter, is located in the constellation of the snake, at a distance of 4,000 light years from the ground.

30. The main applicant for the title of the inhabited planet of the extra-free system, the "super-ground" GJ 667CC is located at a distance of 22 light years from the ground. However, the journey to it will take us 13,878,738,000 years.

31. In the orbit of our planet there is a landfill from the waste of astronautics. Bole 370,000 objects weighing from several grams to 15 tons turn around the Earth at a speed of 9,834 m / c, facing each other and flying over thousands of smaller parts.

32. Every second, the Sun loses ~ 1 million tons of substance and becomes easier for several billion grams. The reason for this is the flow of ionized particles by expiring from its crown, which was called "Sunny Wind".

33. Over the course of a certain period, planetary systems become extremely unstable. This occurs as a result of the weakening of the connections between the planets and the stars around which they appeal.
In such systems, the orbit planets are constantly shifted and can even intersect, which sooner or later will result in the collision of the planets. But even if this does not happen, then after a few hundred, thousands of millions or billions of years, the planet will be removed from its star to such a distance that its gravitational attraction simply cannot hold them, and they will go to the consolidated flight in the galaxy.

An excellent cosmic yula one day can destroy the Earth with deadly rays, report scientists.

Unlike the star of death from Star Wars, which was required to approach the planet to blow it up, this sparkling spiral is able to burn worlds that are thousands of light years, like the galaxy of the death already described on our website.

"I liked this spiral because of her beauty, but now, looking at her, I can't get rid of the feeling that I looked in a blow of a gun," says Peter Tuthill, Astronomer of Sydney University.

In the heart of this fiery Space Yula - two hot, bright stars appearing around each other. In such a mutual rotation of the spoolel gas, the flowing gas is pulled out from the surface of the stars and face an intermediate space, gradually intertwining and twisting the orbits of the stars in rotating spirals.

The sequence of 11 shots, combined and blooms, shows the Yula formed by the double star Wolf-Raet 104. The pictures are made in the infrared range of KECK telescope. Peter Tuthill, University of Sydney.

Short circuit

Yula called WR 104, was opened eight years ago at the Sagittar Constellation. She draws in a circle "Every eight months, with an accuracy of a space chronometer," said Tathill.

Both heavy stars in WR 104 will one day be exploded as supernova. However, one of two stars is an extremely unstable star of Wolf-Rai type, located in the last well-known phase of the life of heavy stars before turning into a supernova.

"Astronomers consider the stars Wolf-Rai by ticking bombs," explains Tathill.- "The fuse" of this star almost - from an astronomical point of view - overwhelmed, and it can explode at any time for the next few hundred thousand years. "

When Wolf Rai becomes supernova, it "can throw a powerful stream of gamma rays into our side," said Tathill. "And if such a gamma explosion occurs, we would not really want the Earth to be on the way."

Since the initial explosive wave will move at the speed of light, not can warn about her approximation.

On the line of fire

The emissions of gamma rays are the most powerful of all explosions, which only known to us in the universe. During from several milliseconds to minute and more they can free up as much energy as our sun for all 10 billion years of its existence.

But the most terrible thing in this Yule is what we see it as a practically perfect spiral, according to the latest pictures of the KECK telescope on the harvesters. "So we can see a double system only in the case when we are practically on its axis," explains Tathill.

To our greatest regret, the emission of gamma rays occurs right along the axis of the system. In fact, if the emission of gamma rays will once happen, our planet can be directly on the fire line.

"This is the first objects known to us, which can release the flow of gamma rays in us," said Astrophysicist Adrian Melot (Adrian Melott) from Kansat University in Laurenz, who did not participate in this study. - And the distance to the system is frighteningly close. "

Yula is about 8,000 light years from the Earth, about a quarter of the road to the center of the Milky Way Gaalaxy. Although the distance it seems decent, "earlier studies have shown that the emission of gamma rays may be destructive for life on Earth - if we do not intend to be on his way - and at such a distance," says Tathill.

Possible scenario

Although Yula and can not disseminate the land into pieces, like the star of death and "star wars," - at least not from the distance of 8,000 light years - it can lead to mass destruction and even to the complete disappearance of life, in forms known to us, on our planet.

Gamma rays will not be able to penetrate the atmosphere of the Earth deep enough to burn the soil, but will be able to chemically change the stratosphere. According to the calculations of meld, if WR 104 shoots a duration of about 10 seconds in us, the gamma rays will deprive us with 25 percent of the ozone layer that protects us from malicious ultraviolet rays. For comparison caused by the human factor, the intony of the ozone layer, which created "ozone holes" above the polar regions, reduced the ozone shell by only 3-4 percent.

"Everything will be very bad," Momot says. - Everything will start dying. The food chain can collapse in the oceans, an agricultural crisis and hunger can happen. "

The emission of gamma rays can also lead to the formation of the fog elames the sun, and acid rain. However, the distance of 8,000 years is "too large so that the darkening was anything tangible," the melot believes. - I would say, in general, sunlight will become less than 1-2 percent. The climate can make a little cold, but it should not walk before the catastrophic ice cent. "

Danger of cosmic rays

What is unknown about gamma rays, it is how many particles they spew in the form of cosmic rays.

"As a rule, the splashes of gamma rays occur so far from us that the magnetic fields of the Universe pull out any cosmic rays, which we could observe, but if the splash of gamma rays occurred relatively closely, all high-energy particles will be used through the magnetic field of the galaxy and hit We, - says Melot. "Their energy will be so high that they will arrive almost simultaneously with a light flow."

"That part of the Earth, which will be addressed to the flow of gamma rays, will survive something similar to the nuclear explosion that is not far from the nuclear explosion; All organisms may be ray disease, - adds melot. - Moreover, the cosmic rays can aggravate the effect of the impact of gamma rays into the atmosphere. But we simply do not know how many cosmic rays are enaning gamma rays, so we cannot assess the degree of danger. "

It is also incomprehensible how wide will the energy flow, the released splash of gamma rays. But in any case, the cone of the destruction emanating from Yula will reaches several hundred square light years, while it is suitable for Earth, according to the calculations of meld. Tathill states that "no one can fly out on a cosmole far enough, so as not to fall into the beam, if he really will shoot our side."

Fictional "Star of Death" from "Star Wars"

Do not worry

Nevertheless, Tuchill believes that Yula may be quite safe for us.

"Too many uncertainties," he explains. "The radiation can pass aside, without causing us any harm if we are not exactly on the axis, besides, no one before the end is sure that the stars like WR 104 are able to call Such a powerful splash of gamma radiation. "

Further research should focus on whether the WR 104 is really aimed at Earth, and to study how the birth of supernova leads to emissions of gamma radiation.

Melot and others also reasoned on the fact that the flow of gamma rays could cause massive extinction of species on Earth. But speaking of whether we have a real threat to us, Melot notices: "I would rather worry about global warming."