Pruning pears in spring, summer and autumn. Trimming Young Pears Pruning 3 Summer Pears

Inexperienced farmers claim - the trimming of fruit trees is allowed to be carried out at any time of the year, but an experienced businessman knows that the largest rch will bring spring trimming. For a specific variety, the species exist individual nuances of the procedure.

The purpose of the event is an increase in yield, an increase in the mass of fruits, which means that spring is the most favorable period for cleaning.

The formation of the crown of pear occurs within a few years.

Many inexperienced gardeners believe that for the young plant pruning is an extra measure, but it is not.

The young plant should begin to form a crown, a skeleton - to send branches as it will be convenient to subsequently collect a crop, to carry out sanitation.

If you put everything on a sampling, the village grows up to large sizes, which will significantly reduce the productivity, the quality of fruit.


Phased formation of pear crown.

In order to properly cut, it is necessary to comply with certain rules:

In a year

So ideally the crown of pears should look like.

A year later, the procedure is not repeated - apply another principle . Pay attention to the runs of second order, shortening the stems in such a way as to prevent interference to the growth of the main processes. If in the depths of the crown managed to grow extra branches that prevent access light, air, they are also removed. Required tools for such manipulations - garden scissors, secator, suchkorev.

Among other things, it should be remembered that too early trimming, when freezing is still possible, it is able to entail the death of a seedling, so the temperature should be as stable as possible during manipulation with wood.

Subsequent years

Subsequent years, as the pear will grow, growing the pear, work on trimming will become less - only the sanitary cleaning, elimination of density, should be needed.

After the formation of the crown for a pear, only supporting trimming will be needed.

Cut only old, patients or broken stems. But those stems that interfere with access of light and air are subject to elimination, that is, provoke too much density. If it is necessary to cut thick branches for different reasons, it is necessary to act carefully, since it is easy to damage the trunk and nearby branches, and the wounds can not be heal for a long time. Immediately after the event, it is impossible to fertilize nitrogenous origin.

Trimming adult tree

As for the cutting of an adult tree, many dacms are arguing for a long time, because they are afraid to cut extra units. However, this is an unjustified fear, since severe growth provokes excessive deceit and slowing down the development of wood.

Slashing trimming of the launched pear.

Rules "adult" trimming:

  • removal of stem shoots;
  • preventing hemp;
  • the correct focus on thick growths;
  • cutting slices;
  • deadlines.

First of all, stem shoots are eliminated, that is, those that grow from the central trunk. They are cut off at right angles, and after after drawing attention to branches, growing upwards in parallel to the trunk.

When carrying out the event, it is necessary to act so that hemps are not formed, while preferably not cut off more than necessary, otherwise healing will delay.

In case of removal of branches, the diameter of which exceeds three centimeters , You should act correctly - first be suitable at the bottom, then at the top. Thus, the integrity of the bark will continue, because with a single heap under the weight of the peel branches, it is torn and removed from a large area of \u200b\u200bwood.


For seeding, the sleeve is used garden var.

After trimming, the wounds are closed with garden borants. This measure will contribute to the speedy healing, and the abundant allocation of juice will not attract the attention of insects.

At this stage, it is prohibited to introduce feeding. At this time, the barrel and branches will receive food from the roots, and making feeding breaks the balance and apparently the green part of the tree.

Among other things, spring trimming of an adult tree should not take place too early , the best time is a steadily rising temperature. As in the case of a young church, an adult plant should be trimmed every year, eliminating extra, damaged and improper processes. If the purpose of the trimming acceleration of the start of fruiting, then you need to cut forward the crown.

Trimming the old tree

The thinning of the old pear into young growths that appeared independently when the old branches are eliminated.

It often happens that only old pears remained in the garden plot, but the variety is quite satisfied with the owner and want to extend the life and fruiting. In this case, you need to know how to trim such a plant.

First of all, it should be noted that the trimming of the old pear requires a lot of effort and remedies, because it will have to work great. And it is also desirable to act with the assistant, because alone will be difficult to cope.

To trim the old branches, you have to get high on the tree.

First of all, attention is paid to the top of the crown. The entire upper part is cleaned, including young shoots. It is worth aware of the very beginning that the old woman will have to trim almost half - only after that it will be able to resume full-fledged fruiting. After cutting the tops go to the lower area. Only two rows do not touch the bottom - they leave about seven skeletal units. The distance between the stroke layers should be one meter.

If it is not possible, then you need cut medium segments . Next, eliminated shoots that grow or crossed inside, the old thick branches are spilled. If a pear is not more than five meters, subsequently the harvest will be able to collect it easily, because under the weight of the fruit stems bend. Fruit plant will begin a year after the event.

Types of trimming

Methods of trimming pear crowns.

If you delete everything more superfluous in one reception, fast-growing shoots will soon turn around the crown, which will adversely affect the productivity and quality of fruits.

  1. First view - forming a crown and skeleton . As a rule, this kind of trimming is applied to young seedlings from the moment of landing up to five years.
  2. Next is carried out sanitary cleaning Tree. It is important to know that this species applies to the moment that the active vegetation period comes. The exclusion implies cutting or spilling dry branches damaged by wind or broken processes, knocked stems, affected by diseases or insects of branches. If damage to the bark is noted, but the branch is fresh, it is possible to treat a tree, and not cut into a completely stem.
  3. Third view - supporting, which involves the elimination of volumetric branches . The main goal is to prevent overloads of fruits and subsequent density.

  • If you cut a young seedlingThe conductor is left much higher than maturing shoots - it will form a crown in the form of a pyramid.
  • Plants, which are more than one year It is advisable to fire not only in the spring, but also prepare. This will help the formation of branches, on which the fruits will later develop.
  • If a large number of wolfes were formed after wintering, they are usually transformed into branches, which subsequently turn, or form a skeleton. In case of harsh winter , During which the wood, which is above the wolts, jumped, and larch and shoots are poorly developing due to this, then the entire upper part over the wolf is cut. The second half is used to restore the crown. The second tier is laid only for the second year after landing.

Pear trees not only give us a crop of delicious, juicy, useful fruits, but also decorate the garden in spring blossom. But that the plant was strong and healthy, it is necessary to provide him with a good care, an important part of which is the right trimming. Beginner gardeners often believe that it is necessary to cut a pear only in spring. This opinion is erroneous; It turns out that pruning can be done almost in any time, it is only important to know the basic rules.

Why the pestic requires trimming

The pear refers to garden cultures in need of sunlight. It is necessary for her for growth and fruiting, so the cropping is needed, first of all, to propute the crown. Regular removal of young shoots provides wood the opportunity to give all the strength of the already formed branches. So all the useful substances go to ensure the growth of fruits, and therefore the harvest will be greater and better.

Correctly spent the trimming of the tree, will form a crown and increase yield

In my opinion, it's not just that the pear should give as much juices of the fruits. This tree grows very high and spread, if not triggering. Not only is it sweeping the neighboring plants, it will also be extremely difficult to collect fruit, especially if you have to climb upstairs. On the beds planted nearby, there will hardly be a good harvest: the dense branches will not give any vegetable culture or the slightest chance to get enough sunlight. Here my neighbors did not cut her punch, she broke up stirre and swell, shading off the plot and shook him at the end of the summer with a large number of non-unique fruits. True, the spring tree blooms simply luxuriously. In addition, under such a crown it is good to relax hot day.

In addition, the tree may require a sanitary trimming, namely the removal of patients who are supervised in winter, dry and durable branches. Any damage to the branches can over time to lead to a disease of the plant, becoming a vulnerable place to penetrate bacteria, viruses and malicious insects.

Rules Pruning Pear for each year

Each period has its own climatic features, and the development of the plant in spring, in the summer and in the fall is very different. Therefore, when carrying out trimming in each of the seasons, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules.

Note! In winter, pruning is not categorically recommended. Slices will not have time to heal, there is a big to probabide the death of branches from frost, which will affect the health of the whole tree.

Spring trimming

After the end of strong frosts and before the beginning of the growing season (to the swelling of the kidneys), you need to spend the spring trimming. Works need to be started when the temperature from 5 ° C is set.

Spring trimming must be made before the kidneys start bloom

Before you begin to work, remember the basic rules that need to be adhered to not harm the tree and get the most positive result from it.

  1. Use the secret to work, after having previously convinced that its blades are very sharp. Large branches are better trimmed with hacksaw. Before starting and after the end of the trimming, be sure to disinfect the tools with alcohol-containing means.
  2. First of all, Crohn is thinned. So you will provide access light and air in sufficient for wood.
  3. The following is to shorten the central trunk. It is recommended to cut about ¼ part. Thanks to this, the tree will not go into growth and forms a bowl-shaped crown.
  4. All the places on which cuts were made, it is necessary to smear the protective substance as quickly as possible. It may be a drug rings, oil paint, garden or olifa. Ranne is also recommended to soak any damage on the surface of the tree.
  5. Traditionally use such trimming methods as a cut on the ring and shortening the branches. In the first case, the sleeve is made on the site where the branch is growing from the trunk, at the very base, "under the ring". So that the bark does not happen, first make a cut below, and after the spill branch from the top side. The second method provides accelerating the growth of lateral shoots and waking up the kidneys that are located under cuts.
  6. Pears branches can grow both in horizontal and vertical direction. It is recommended to remove vertical shoots, and horizontal to provide support using the backup if necessary. In addition, it is necessary to cut branches growing in the direction of the down: their productivity is too low.
  7. When carrying out trimming in the spring season, you do not need to feed the pear with nitrogen fertilizers: now it gets enough nutrition from the soil.

If the spring trimming is done correctly, by the next season all sections will heal, the tree will be healthy and ready for crop.

Video: Rules of trimming of pear trees in spring

Summer trimming

In the summer, pruning for pear trees is to enter, or pinzing. This is the name of the removal of spindles from the top of the plants. The september you can easily make nails, and if you need to remove most of the young branch, use the secant.

For pinzing, we spend much longer than on trimming. But this procedure, as the experience showed, really very well affects the plant: As a result, the nutrients coming from the soil are used economically and evenly. I think, all because thanks to the sepure, the growth of escape is suspended, and its optimal length is achieved. At the same time, in the spring of next year, annual escape we shorten, removing it a significant part, on the growth of which useful substances were consumed.

Pinzing can be carried out in different times during the summer, and depending on time, the plant can respond differently.

Pruning pears in the summer season can be done if young shoots too thickened the crown

The purchase spent in June during an active vegetation will delay the growth of shoots. Thanks to this, premature, summer, shoots are faster from the sinus kidneys, and those located close to weakened branches will fix and increase growth. Sheet kidneys will turn into fruit. But remember that the purchase in this period can badly affect the growing vegetation and its wintering.

If you have a piece in the late July, when the growth of shoots ends, it is possible to improve the aging shoots and the best development of the stubborn kidneys.

Video: Rules Trimming Pear Trees in Summer

Autumn trimming

Optimal time for the last year, autumn trimming lasts from the last decade of August to mid-September. It is used on early and mediterranean varieties of pears.

  1. It is recommended to cut a plant too much: it will start spending a lot of strength to recover as soon as possible, and can put a lot of vertical directions. It is better to implement the process in stages: part of the branches to remove this fall, the other - the next one, etc.
  2. The autumn trim should have time to spend before it becomes cool and the temperature will decrease to 0 ° C.

    Have time to spend the autumn trim before the temperature decreases to minus indicators

  3. Start the removal from those shoots that grow at a right angle regarding the trunk. When you finish with them, cutting off those that are located parallel to the trunk or vertical direction.
  4. Landmark for trimming will serve a rings in the bark. It is clearly visible between the base of the branch and the trunk. It is undesirable to make an incisive below it or leave Prenok over him. In order for wood to heal quickly, cut off the branch in the influx: there are fabrics that provide fast regeneration.

    This looks like an annular influx after the branch is cut under the base.

  5. If there are branches with a thickness of 3 cm, which need to be cut, do the following: Expanded from the bottom to about the middle, and then complete the top. Otherwise, you can damage the bark under a sliced \u200b\u200bbranch, and the acute part will simply break under its own weight.
  6. Immediately after the completion of the procedure, lubricate the cuts by the cooking or other means, as when cropping in the spring. Unmasked wounds begin to highlight juice, which attracts insect pests and carriers dangerous to the disease tree.
  7. In this case, feeding when trimming is also not conducted.

Video: Rules of trimming of pear trees in autumn

Rules for the formation of the crown of a pear tree

If you have not been engaged in growing pears before growing, then you probably think that the pruning of the old and young plant is the same process. This is an erroneous opinion; In fact, each age of the tree has its own rules of trimming for the formation of the crown and healthy development of the branches.

Scheme of trimming pear

There are certain rules for pruning the plants from the moment of planting and before the start of fruiting. These also include the crown formation schemes. So that the trimming does not stress for the tree and the cause of his death, use materials and tools:

All tools should be sharpened and disinfected before work. In addition, you will need garden or oil paint to lure cuts.

Pruning pear seedling after landing

As soon as you plant a pear seedling, you need to do the first, the main trimming that persists at once 2 goals:

In the fall of the first year of growth, the trees will not require trimming, since it was carried out when planting in the spring. When performing all the rules, you will provide a pear of good conditions for healthy crown growth and its formation. It will only be enough for you to remove damaged shoots if necessary.

Trimming an annual and young pear

Seduced one-point, which was planted last year, need to trim the trunk at least than a quarter of a total length (25%). It will help Kroneplants become more extensive. Side shoots are also shortened, but they are cut to the first kidney.

After another year of the village's life, the top of the trunk should be shortened by 25-30 cm, and all the branches of the tree - by 6-8 cm. To crack formed correctly, the lower branches should remain longer than the upper. This shape of the crown, similar to the pyramid, is considered one of the best for the fruction of pear.

Having spent all these stages of trimming, follow the rules for the care of a pear plant. They are as follows:

Formation of tiers at a pear seedling

During the year after the landing, the pear village has already passed and fully adapted. At this time, it is necessary to begin the process of forming the crown, which lasts three seasons and consists of several stages.

There are 5 types of crown shape for a pear:

  • scattered-tier;
  • improved longline;
  • spindle-shaped;
  • bow-shaped;
  • half-plan

The diagram used to trim the branches will depend on the selection of the form.

There are different opinions about what kind of crown form is better. For example, newcomers in gardening recommend a liquefied-long form - it is easier to implement, and allows you to fix some errors allowed when trimming. Gardeners with extensive experience, on the contrary, argue that the most practical beliefs are the most practical forms. The first is perfect for a small area, on which pears are close to each other, the second largely facilitates the collection of fruits.


Despite its simplicity, the scheme of the soluble-long crown requires an attentive approach. Consider it in more detail.

  1. In order to form a crown according to this scheme, in the first year of growth, the pear seedling needs to be cut up to a height of 80 cm. If the desired length is not achieved by the village, it is not worth cutting up the top.
  2. The second year is the period of formation of the strain (trunk to the level of the lower branches). To do this, all branches are cut from the central conductor below 50 cm from the soil level. It is necessary to leave 3 the strongest side branches departing from the trunk at an angle of 45 °, and the central escape. The remaining branches are cut.
  3. Side shoots are cut so that their length does not exceed 50-60 cm. Subsequently, they will be formed second-order branches above the lower tier. They should grow at a distance of 40-50 cm from the barrel. The branches left as skeletal (basic derived from the trunk), which did not grow longer than 50 cm, cut to length 35 cm. The central conductor must be higher than the branches of the tier by 20-30 cm. If the conductor is weak, not exceeding the diameter of skeletal branches, not exceeding the thickness of the skeletal branches, It must rise by 40 cm above the line trimming branches.
  4. On the third year, in the spring, you need to leave young shoots, the length of which is 25-40 cm (they will become fruitful). Skeleton branches, if necessary, shorten up to 50 cm. Branches with a diameter. MORE Conductor thickness need to be cut "on the ring."
  5. If the third year of growth, the height of the pear is 2.5-3 m, it is necessary to limit the growth of the tree. This is done by the translation "on the side branch": the conductor is trimmed at the selected height above the young side branch.

So, a pear tree, the crown of which is formed on the principle of a scattered-tier circuit, consists of:

The space between the tiers should be 50-60 cm. Leave the branch for a skeleton, which are located from the main conductor at an angle of 45-60 °. Note that they should not interfere with access to each other. To ensure this, check the difference angle between such branches: it should be at least 120 °. Half-honeycomb branches are recommended only at the lower level.

Video: how to form a scaffolding crown on a fruit tree

Improved longline diagram

This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that it is necessary to leave more skeletal branches. So in the lower yarus there will be 4 skeletal branches, and in order to lay the second tier, you need to leave 5-6 kidneys. Over time, strong healthy shoots will appear over time, half of which will become a burcas of the tier. So pear will have two levels 50-60 cm from each other with 6-8 frame branches.

  1. The lower tier - 3-4 frame branches, the second tier - 2-3 frame branches, the third tier is absent, two single branches are left over the second tier.
  2. Lower tier - 3-4 frame branches; The second tier is 2-3 frame branches, the third tier - 2 frame branches, 1-2 solitary branches are left over the third tier.

Roshenovoid Crown

Professional gardeners have the formation of a belief-shaped crown very popular. The fruiting of the trees with such a crown begins early, and the yield rises. This is due to good ventilating and illuminated branches.

The peculiarity of the spindle-shaped scheme is in a large number of half-melted branches. The method of garters is given a horizontal position. The branches are placed spiral, the distance in 2-4 shooting kidneys is observed between them.

Experienced gardeners most often choose the belief shape of the crown

This scheme has a deficiency: the lower branches will unscrew, complicate the care of the soil around the trunk and cleaning the strain. To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to leave the branches up to 1.5 m in the lower yarus, growing at an angle of 50-60 °. Those branches that grow above must have a horizontal direction.

Video: Rules for the formation of a belief-shaped crown

Bow-shaped crown

This type of crown is also called vase-shaped. The scheme is referred to a unlitting formation, in which skeletal branches are growing at one level (tier) on a 50 cm height strain.

In the first season of growth, the central conductor is cut out. In this case, there are 3-4 frame branches, equidistant from each other. Each has 2 second level allures and 3-4 third level.

Bow-shaped crown is very convenient for harvesting

A cup-shaped crown is well lit by the sun from all sides, besides, it is very convenient when harvesting. The disadvantages include fragility of skeletal branches that are easily broken under the weight of fruits. But on the other hand, such trees have less exposure to fungal diseases.

Semisiappospace crown

This scheme is recommended to apply on pears whipped onto the mid-grades. Also, a half-plane Croon is often formed in small areas where fruit trees due to lack of space disembarking near fences and buildings.

Pear with a half-plane crown - a good option for a small area

The half-plane crown is characterized by the presence of 4-6 skeletal branches located relative to the strain at an angle of 45-55 °. The lower row consists of two branches growing mirrors to each other. The optimal distance between them should be 20 cm. The above forms several next tiers, in each of which 2 skeletal branches. For graval varieties, pears are considered an optimal inter-tiered distance of 100 cm, for the average - 70-80 cm.

Pruning pears on a squeezing

The method of trimming on the feeding of substitution is usually applied on grapes, but also used on fruit trees, including pears. Its purpose is to form a fruit, consisting of one or more fruit branches and directly bitch of replacement. It should remain outside the fruit branch below, so that when pruning, the fruiting escape lengthened slowly.

Trimming pears to substitution lies in the pruning part of the shoots, on which flower kidneys are located, by a third or a quarter of the length of fruiting, and all the remaining - on growth, leaving 2-3 kidneys. As a result of such a procedure, 2 escapes are formed on short cropped branches from the remaining kidneys. The first, in turn, is also cut into fruiting, the second is also short to substitution. When the long branch stops fruit, it is removed.

Proper trimming on the ditch of substitution will help to form new fruit shoots

The swirls on the substitution are located below those that were cut into fruiting. So branches with fruits will not be shown on the outside of the crown.

After reading a lot of information about the bitch of replacement, I concluded that on fruit trees, especially in a pear, you can make such a pruning no earlier than on the fourth year. At this time, Krone is already usually formed, and the tree will soon begin fruiting. But still, trimming on the squeeze of substitution is troublesome. It is really applied to grapes: it's easier to cope with the vines. But with fruit trees whose crowns consist of a variety of branches, you have to tinker. In our garden, we decided not to practice the trimming on the ditch of substitution relative to pears: there are a lot of worries, and some special result we did not notice. No better and no worse than with other types of trimming. But maybe it was necessary to work for a couple of years with this method?

How to rejuvenate old pear pruning

In order for the plant to restore healthy growth and fruiting, it may be necessary for a rejuvenating trimming. It must be remembered that for the old yield pear, the pruning can be destructive.

Such rejuvenating activities will be especially useful if the garden with gross trees got you from the previous owner, who did not care for the plants. In this case, pears can be high and thickened, but not bringing a good crop. It is enough to shorten the tree by circumcalling its top.

Having trimmed the old pear, you rejuvenate the tree and return it fruiting

Well-groomed old pears with a suitable rejuvenation to collect fruits need to be carried out, starting from the cutting of the crown. This is done at the end of winter or with the onset of the first spring heat, to swelling the kidneys. The optimal period is considered to be the air temperature of about 0 ° C.

  1. First, cut the branches with signs of disease and frozen. You also need to remove broken and dried branches that will not be fruit. This will help you correctly appreciate the volume of further work, and Crown will later be better covered with the sun.
  2. The next step is to remove unnecessary shoots that grow parallel to Crone or at a sharp corner. Next, the shoots-competitors are cut, growing too close to healthy, fruiting skeletal branches.
  3. It is allowed to shorten some remaining shoots on a quarter of the length, if you see in this need (for example, they are too long, which may make harvest).
  4. Having finished all the anti-aging trimming activities, treat all sections with garden ward or oil paint, which is better held on the tree at low temperatures.

Rejuvenation conducted by the rules will save the old pear from the lobster. After that, 1-2 years old tree may not give the expected harvest, but over time you will get a good result.

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Many gardeners prefer not to trim the pear, since, upon other favorable conditions, the pear tree often forms an acceptable crown itself, which makes it possible to get a completely normal harvest. However, if you want to get a maximum from the fruit tree, extend the life of his life, then it is necessary to periodically spend the timely pruning of pears, which, as a rule, is recommended to be carried out in the spring.

So, the main and ultimate goal of trimming pear (like any other plant) is an increase in the amount and quality of the crop, as well as the concern for the health of the tree itself (so that it is as long as possible).

Thus, cutting off the pear, you solve the following tasks aimed at achieving the above target:

  • improving access of sunlight;
  • providing optimal ventilation inside the crown;
  • prevention of diseases.

In other words, the trimming of pears is carried out in order to:

  • correctly form a tree, so that it had a comfortable crown and gave stable yields;

Also thanks to the formation of the right crown by trimming the tree becomes convenient to care and the most important thing - harvest.

  • adjust the growth of the tree, i.e. strengthen or reduce;
  • eliminate the frequency of fruiting (so that there is no situation when one year the plant is fruits, and on the next one);
  • increase the quality of the fruit (after proper trimming, the fruits becomes larger and tasty).

Optimal Timing of pear cutting in spring

Spring cutting of pears must be made before the movement of the juice will begin in the shoots (i.e. before the dissolution of the kidneys).

Thoroughly! At the same time, some gardeners are advised to conduct a procedure when they still confidently hold minus temperatures (but not lower than -10 degrees), while others recommend that the air temperature, on the contrary, was a plus (about +5). In any case, the duration of the trim period is to dissolve the kidneys.

Of course, it is quite difficult to specify the exact time: Spring in different regions, depending on the characteristics of the climate begins at different times. The main thing is to have time before the start of the deployment.

However, you can call approximate deadlines. So, the pruning of pears in the spring in the middle lane (Moscow region) is usually carried out already at the end of March - early April, in the south of Russia - in late February-March month. And in more northern (in the north-west - in the Leningrad region) and the cold regions (in the Urals and Siberia), the spring trimming of pears is carried out in the second half of April.

When it is better to cut - in spring or autumn

According to most agronomists, the best time for trimming fruit trees is early spring, and you need to catch the moment before the beginning of the Softness. In addition, the shorter the time between the trimming and the beginning of the sludge, the better. In addition to the conservation of energy, with the beginning of the Software "turns on" its own protective mechanisms of wood, and therefore pathogenic organisms are practically no chance to penetrate inside the "tree system".

As for the autumn trimming, it is noticeably weakening all the trees, they decrease the winter hardiness. Therefore, it is believed that in the fall, it is possible to cut only winter-hardy breeds (varieties), which are well tolerated frosts and are not completely afraid of freezing.

Note! There is rather not indisputable opinion that in the fall, only seed crops (apple trees, pears) can be crossed, but bone (peaches, apricots, plums, cherries) - only in spring.

In addition, the autumn trees, on the contrary, suspend any active protection (own protective mechanisms), while the spores of mushrooms fly by myriads. And during the occurrence of frosts, Cambier frozen, and the overgrowth of the wound is hampered.

Thus, it is better to cut a pear in the spring, it is resorted to the autumn trim only if you have a lot of time in the spring, or a cold-resistant variety.

As for the time, the autumn trimming of pears can be started when the tree completely falls down all the leaves. It is important that the air temperature is positive. The fact is that the trimming must be completely stopped at a temperature of -5 degrees, as the wood freezes and becomes breaking and fragile.

Each novice gardener must first figure out the structure and structure of his pear tree, so that it is better to understand the basic rules of its trimming. And, of course, have all the required tools in your country arsenal. With them and let's start.

Required tools

To perform work on pruning pears, you will need the following tools and means for processing wounds after trimming:

Tip! The entire tool should be in proper and prepared state - the secret must be acute (fulfilled) and clean (and even better before pruning it to disinfect).

Tree structure: its structure

Before starting trimming, carefully inspect your pear tree, its silhouette. And then count what branches clearly look superfluous (in accordance with the following rules) and only after being proceeding.

According to the rules, any tree should have a balanced or rather speaking uniformly branched in all sides of the crown.

Thus, to conduct trimming in all the rules, it is necessary to know the structure of the tree, so first it is worth studying and understanding its structure:

What branches are subject to removal and trimming: what to trim

First, consider which branches are subject to complete removal, and what you only need to cut.

ATTENTION! Be sure to read the material to the end and only after that, proceed to trimming your pear.

Instead of use, do not harm the plant, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of cutting pear in the spring.

Types of trimming

And for beginnings, you will get acquainted with the types of trimming:

  • Sanitary - It is used to clean the crown of pear from patients dried and broken branches. It is necessary, regardless of the season.

Interesting! Sleeping and crushing more often called precisely methods, not species trimming.

  • Thinning - It is carried out to get rid of the tree from unnecessary shoots that thicken and shade the crown. At the same time, the branches are completely "on the ring".

Remember! The more light will fall on the branch above will be yield. BUT lack of thickening and good air circulation inside branches - reliable mushroom protection protection.

  • Protecting (stimulating) -during such trimming, shoots are not completely "on the ring", but only shorten on a certain "kidney" (as a rule, 3 kidney), which helps to increase the branching of skeletal branches and stimulating fruit formations, as well as for the coented branches (that is, . You can promote as annual growth and perennial branches).

Procurement is 3 species: strong (by 1/3), mean (1/4) and weak (1/5). Strong - for the formation of strong shoots, weak - for the laying of fruit wood.

  • Forming- Helps to form the crown of the right shape and create a strong skeleton of a tree. It is used for young trees and, as a rule, purely spring.
  • Rejuvenating- It is used for old trees to rejuvenate them. At the same time, as a rule, each spring is carried out in several stages.

Separate paragraphs will be devoted to forming and rejuvenating trimming, and then we will analyze the basic rules on the first three types (or 1 type and 2 ways) trimming, which are carried out for pears of all ages (especially for older).

Sanitary trim

  • First you need to remove all sick branches. And they need to be postponed separately, and then destroy-burn.

Important! B.olny need to cut to healthy wood.It is desirable to do this "ON RING",method "For Translation."

  • Also to be deleted all Breakdown and abundant Branches, which are most likely also affected by some diseases.

Slashing trimming

  • First, you need to get rid of all curves branches (growing through other branches or crossing, " tongue") and from branches growing inside the crownthat shadow good branches.

By the way! Such branches can be removed completely (cutting off "on the ring"), and you can translate "to fruiting", cutting off "on the kidney", while it should look outside (if you do on the contrary, then the operation will be meaningless).

  • It does not need branches growing under a very sharp angle (that is, the angle of dishevement is less than 40-45 degrees) and forming the so-called "forks", they are also cut off (due to the loads of the fruits, the branch can simply crack and a strong wound is formed).

  • As you understood from the figure above, it is also necessary cut all branches growing down (under a stupid angle).
  • Removal is subject to all wolf(Vertical shoots on skeletal branches, they are also called " wen"), as well as root offspring.
  • You also need to cut all shoots below the first tier (so that they do not hang right above the ground).

In short, pruning is subject to All extra and interfering brancheswhich thickens and shade the crown, and also make it difficult to ventilating the tree.

  • Very important do not leave compete branches (or thus replacing old on new), cutting them "For translation".

This especially concerns the branches competing with the conductor (the main barrel). For example, if they have already become one thickness, and both seek up.

However, thick branches should not trim in one year. It is better to first remove most of the branches of the second order, and the next year already get rid of the competitor completely.

Protecting trimming

  • For better branching and stimulating fruit formations Need to shorten "On the kidney" everything branches continuationone-year increase on 1/3 (on the outer kidney) or even better for 3 kidneys.

Note! No need to shorten the already short branches (up to 20-30 cm), on the tips of which there are floral (fruit) kidneys - on them all the crop. Long (more than 40-50 cm) growth branches (with rovoy kidneys) are subject to trim.At the same time, it is recommended to trim on the third kidney. When trimming, the escape is simply on the outer kidney continues to grow in the same direction. And only the third kidney, if it is left outside, gives a good deviation to the side.

So cutting off the tree, you can change the direction of its branching.Namely it is necessary to have a pear horizontal branches prevailed, OT. vertical You need either get rid of completelyor artificially redirect them.

Tip! It is not necessary to cut all the good vertically growing branches. To give them a more horizontal position, they can hang, pulling down the rope down and tie to a peg in the earth or straight to the tree.

In general, it is believed that pear is, in principle, it is very important to flex a branch even more than the apple tree. The angle should be strictly more than 45 degrees. If the apple tree on branches with an angle is less than 45 degrees can still be born, then pear has no pear.

Video: Spring trimming of pears

How to trim: direct rules trim

Now consider how it is necessary to act during trimming: how to keep a secateur and how you need to produce direct trimming of the branches.

Tip! Cutting blade of the secretmust be Always downstairs.

Wrong, if a the secret is addressed to run down, not a blade.

  • When you delete Branch completelythen pruning is produced "On the ring" (most often "for translation"), when cut only partT. "On the kidney".

It is worth knowing!Do not get involved in cropping "on the kidney", because Many small sections weaken a tree much more than a few big.

  • The essence of the trimming "on the kidney" It is that when you, for example, thin the crown, it is not necessary to cut the young branch completely. Much more efficiently cut it on an external kidney (looking outwardly, and not insight crown or down) to change the direction of its growth. It should be trimmed in such a way that the top of the cut reaches the top of the kidney, and the base base was at the level of the kidney base. Then the slice will heal well.

Important! Cut need on Rostov (Vegetative) Kidney, but not for floral (fruit). Differences See above (Vegetative less than fruit).

  • Trimming "on the ring." The meaning is that it is necessary to cut the branches along the barrel, more precisely, the line dug should pass on the bisector between the barrel axis and be perpendicular to the line to the branch (over the ring influx);

Important! When trimming old and thick branches On the "Ring", follow the rules of the three marbles (propilov):

  1. It is always possible to cut a branch from below, otherwise it can be pulled out under our own weight (severity), which is formed a bark loop (similar to a cut-off burr on the finger). Thus, during the first dug, the branch is cut by 1/3.
  2. The next washed is already done from above, while noticeably above the first. As a result, the branch is cut completely (otherwise it can break down).
  3. As a result, you are formed by Prenok, which will need to be cut by the third dress, while making it at the top of exactly "along the ring" (perpendicular to the branch barrel), leaving the ringlet.

If burrs remain, they should be trimmed with a sharp gardening knife.

Only so you will have a neat and correct cut.

  • Trim branches "ON RING" need to only "for the translation", i.e., on a branch or escape, which will continue to provide a cut with nutrients and heal it. In this case, the branch (escape) of the provision should not be thinner than 1/3 of the cutting diameter.

Tip!If she (new branch of the provision) is thinner, then on the periphery of the cut (at a distance of at least 7 cm from each other) it is recommended to instill (lift) additional cuttings. When they come down, they will perform the role of branches of ensuring, protect and help healing the wound.

  • Pruning should be balanced. If you trim strongly, the plant will give a lot of shoots and the crop will be low. If, on the contrary, trim weakly, the harvest will be too much and the frequency periodity may occur (the next year there will be nothing). Usually, at once Recommended cut no more than 1/4-1 / 3 crownsThis is especially true of old trees, including with their "rejuvenation".

Note! It is very important to observe principle of coented branches, That is, all side branches (skeletal branches) are obeying the conductor (the central trunk) and should not be higher than it. It also concerns the increase in skeletal branches.

Video: how to cut a pear in the spring

Rules for processing wounds (cuts) after trimming

The wounds (sections) remaining after trimming, it is necessary to proceed to all the rules correctly:

  • So that the moisture does not get into the cut and rotting (due to a fall in a solution of mushroom or bacterial infection), it should be lifted with a special means. As a rule, for this applies gardena var..

Important! According to some gardeners, Garden Var is harmful than it benefits. Now more efficient and useful tools for processing wounds after trimming is garden paste-putty "Rannet". However, if you still have frosts (even small), then More efficient will be the treatment of oil paintbecause Garden Var and Pasta "Rannet" at minus temperatures can be frozen and exhaust. Also suitable natural Olife, Linen Oiland zelenk (All do not freeze). And you can mix 1 to 1 iodine and alcohol.

  • Obviously, the smaller the cutting area, the easier it is to avoid a tree. So, if cut with a diameter of up to 2-3 cm, then it does not smell it at all. W. very large sections need to be handled only the edges To protect Cambia from drying.
  • Especially important to shine large cutswhich are done " on the ring "on skeletal branches and staff.

If cancer ulcers are formed on them, they will be very difficult to cure them, which means you can lose the skeletal branch or, even worse, the whole tree (if on the strain).

  • But when pruning "On the kidney" The cut diameter is quite small and the processing does not need.

Video: How to handle cuts of fruit trees

How to cut old and young pears: forming and rejuvenating trimming

Depending on the age of trees, the specificity of the trimming is different - the formation of a young pear (from the moment of planting a seedling) and rejuvenation of the old culture.

Methods (types) of pear formation: types of crowns

Any trimming must be repelled from the formation!

However, it is necessary to understand that the formation and pruning is different actions. If you still have to "see" (go into creativity), then you need to make sections only by the rules.

The formation method depends on what kind of pear (varieties) is the power of growth (which dating is weak, medium-or stronger), the ability to branch. It is also important to know what exactly you want to get: a lot of fruits or you just need a beautifully decorated tree.

Types of crown trees

  • discharged-long;

This is the most popular and simple. Formation. Therefore, further on its example, instructions for the formation of pear - from landing and up to 4-5 years of life.

Video: Master class on the formation (trimming) by type of raremino- Yar Croon

  • non-co-census;
  • claudual (Vaso-shaped);
  • verecheovoid (Spindle Bush);

  • flat forms - palmettes and cordons.

However, recently the formation of pear has become quite popular in the form of spindle. This is especially true if you have small gardenit is necessary to place everything compactso that the branches do not interfere. Applied for dwarf pears (on dwarf inventions).

About such a pruning is very detailed and shown in the next video:

Video: Formation of pear sprouts during the life of a tree

How to form a pear: trim 1, 2, 3, 4-year-old wood

As a rule, a young pear is formed every spring, however, the autumn forming trimming is allowed.

Note! What exactly the branches are deleted, and what to leave exactly how to cut them - everything is described in detail and clearly shown (in the figures) in the previous paragraph "Crimping Rules".

Pruning pears in the spring (or autumn) is performed as follows (on the example discharged-long formation):

Note! As a rule, there are already 1-2 year seedlings.

  • immediately after the spring landing (i.e. we already have 1 or a 2-year-old seedling) - the main branch is cut (the central conductor), or rather the top for 3-4 kidneys (leave a height of 80-100 cm) so that the wood has side branches, otherwise Speaking, the first tier was formed.

All lower kidneys are better to break out that the tree sends all the forces on the development of the top - future skeletal branches of the first tier.

  • for 2 year - the tree formed the side branches, which should be cut on 1/3 of their length (on the outer kidney), and you only need to leave 2-3 of the most powerful (ideal - 3), growing horizontally in different directions, and the rest are cut "on the ring " It should also be cut into the top of the central barrel (conductor) to a height of 60-80 cm from the branching of the first tier (from the highest side branch), so that the next (second) jar of skeletal branches began to form. AND do not forget about the coented (trimming should be carried out at one level).

It is worth knowing! The distance between the skeletal branches tiers should be approximately as follows: 60-80 cm - between the first and second tier and 30-50 cm - between the second and third. Between the branches themselves in one tier - 10-15 cm. The height of the strain - 50-80 cm (but it is possible to 90-100 cm).

  • for 3 year - The side branches are cut again, as well as a young increase (second order branches) on these branches, again on 1/3, "on the kidney." In addition, it is necessary to leave 2-3 branches (ideal - 3) second tiers, also cutting them by 1/3. The top of the central trunk is cut again, but already 30-50 centimeters from the second tier to formed the next (third) tier.

The central conductor (the main barrel) must be one, so all its competitors must cut off "on the ring".

  • for 4 year - The last year of the formation of pear (if you form in 3 tiers). It all is done similarly to the previous year (the continuation shoots are shortened and the side branches are trimmed), in one exception: if you are enough 3 tiers, then 2 strong escapes for the 3rd tier are left, the tip is cut off "on the ring", transfer to the side branch (3 branch).

Do not forget to comply with the principle Coented branches, 1 tier - the longest branches, 2 tiers - shorter, 3 tiers are the shortest.

  • For 5 years and further It is already necessary to carry out a rejuvenating trimming, as well as not forget about the sanitary and thinning.

Tip! The optimal height of the tree, from which it is convenient to collect a harvest - not more than 3.5-4 meters, and even even 2.5-3 m.

Important! Do not forget in the fall or at the end of winter-early spring, especially young, because They still have a thin bark and can easily happen to her burn. Beat to protect against sunburn, especially at the end of winter, when trees on the south side receive a reinforced dose of solar insolation, directly from the sun, and also reflected from the snow. You can, of course, not to bleve, but to pronounce a south side, for example, a wide board or wrap a nonwoven material (spunbond).

Video: Pruning pears for 3-4 years after landing

Rejuvenation of an old pear

If you have an old pear in the garden, which is little fruitful, then it is possible to improve its rejuvenating trimming to improve the yield and increase its life. However, first it is necessary to make sure that the selected tree is old, but healthy, in other words, is not the patient. Otherwise, rejuvenation will only accelerate his death.

If you have a large tree enough, then take the assistant.

The essence of the rejuvenating trimming of pears in the spring is to replace old branches to new, younger and prolific.

Important!Moreover, the rejuvenation of old trees (over 5 years old) should be carried out gradually for several years. In other words, the pruning should be moderate, no need to cut everything (which will be listed below) in the first year.

If you remove too many branches at once, then pear, because This is a strong culture, maybe customize (Release a lot of wolfes). However, everything can easily fix summer tailing(Removing green young shoots, if they grew up "not there" or went to grow "not there").

Step-by-step instruction trimming the old pear in spring:

  • First of all, all patients, dry and broken branches are subject to removal.
  • Next you need to get rid of the lower branches that literally squeeze over the Earth.
  • Fully cut "on the ring" All extra and interfering branches that thicken and shade the crown (growing inside the crowns, cross, competing, growing "fork").

When rejuvenated, the Council is especially relevant, which is better to remove one big old branch than to cut or cut ("on the kidney") a huge number of young thin shoots.

  • Get rid of all the wolfes (vertical branches - "Zhirovikov"), again "on the ring".
  • Page (cut on 3 "kidney") all young shoots, whose height is more than 40-50 cm.

Remember! Trim "On the ring" you only need to remove "per translation" (on the side branch), it is thus the old branches are replaced by younger - the rejuvenating trimming is carried out.

Video: How to cut a very old pear

And you can also see this detailed video about the principles of the rejuvenating trimming of old trees:

Video: How to trim an old and running tree - Spring trimming

By the way! Exists cardinal method of rejuvenating a very old pear. The tree is completely cut at an altitude of about 1 meter (the slice is made by the neglection). Next, the lateral growths (or wolf) begin to appear, which in the future will become skeletal branches and make a new crown.

What to do if the pear grows down up as it is cut to keep the crown

Obviously, trees can not be left unattended. It is enough not to trim the pear a couple of years so that it "flew up" up.

Of course, you can do anything, but you can fine harvest And spend processing pear from diseases and pests,reducing the crown of wood is simply necessary.

So, first of all, in this situation, you must first hold slashing trimming, and at the end remove all the highest vertical branches "Translation" On lateral, in other words, translate the direction of the growth of the main branches in the horizontal position.

However, all vertical branches are not worth cut at times, but you can strengthen their fruiting, having done over each vegetative (growth) kidney small notches Hoven, which will cause the formation of shoots, on which floral (fruit) kidneys will be laid.

Also can be shortened all last year's increasewhich was formed at the tips of the upper branches, i.e. At the very top. Moreover, shortening should not be 1/3 of their length, but by 3 kidneys. Then the tree will not be very run away at the top. Moreover, it is necessary to do every spring, because the tree should grow somewhere and every year to give an annual increase for rejuvenation of the roots.

Video: Pears trimming highly growing up - how to keep the crown

or similar:

Popular mistakes arising during the spring trimming of pears from beginners

The most common mistake when pruning pears and other fruit trees - incorrect pruning "On the kidney",when the trimming is made either below the kidney (in this case, it can freeze), or it is left too large (which simply does not heal, it can be started and an infection will be as follows). Correctly need to do Just above the kidney, wherein bud must be at the level lower cut.

Similarly, concerning trimming "ON RING"When you leave too large foams, where there are completely useless branches, only the taking strength at the tree. Moreover, the pencil himself gradually begins to rot, the bark is hindered. It is also impossible (it is even more dangerous) to cut too low, with the removal of the ring.

Other frequent mistakes made by newcomers during the trimming of a pear:

  • Pruning is carried out in incorrect dates. The worst time for trimming is the middle of summer, therefore, if we carry out the procedure at this time, you can easily weaken the tree and slow down its growth. It is better then in the fall (after the leaf fall), but optimally in early spring, before the dissolution of the kidneys.

  • Do not cut out patients, dry and broken branches.
  • Leaves too much extra brancheswhich shadow the crown and do not give it normal to it (not access air).
  • It is impossible scratch the hollow "before a healthy wood", bring it with bricksor something else, for example, foam etc. Sealing Just like, on the contrary, accelerates rotting Wood trunk I. reduces tree life.
  • No need specifically crop the old branches on which mosses and lichens. They do not harm, but they benefit.

Another thing, if the young thin twigs of the trees are covered with moss, then in this case you need a rejuvenating trimming of the entire tree (first of all the old branches).

Thus, if you annually spend the high-quality spring cutting of pears in all the rules, the tree will surely reward you with a large number of delicious fruits. After all, to give stable yields can only a healthy tree with a correctly formed crown.

Of course, when you read and see the schemes, pictures, then everything seems simple and easy. But for some reason, when you come to your tree, everything becomes incomprehensible.

Well, that's fine. The main thing - no need to fear and just more often practicedbecause everything comes with experience.

In addition, trimming is in a sense a creative process: after all, the same branch (skeletal) can be cut differently.

Tip!Alternatively, you can print yourself cribs with all schemes and rules of trimming.

Video: how to cut a pear in the spring

In contact with

Pruning pears occupies a special place in the complex of measures to care for this fruit tree. This is due to the fact that the annual growths of it are much stronger than many other garden crops. Therefore, if you do not cut a pear every year, the tree will very soon turn into a sloppy lump of the branches of the huge size of the size of the size, while the yield will be very low.

When it is better to cut a pear: in the fall or spring

Mandatory condition for cutting a pear is to find a tree at rest, i.e. That period when vegetation or has not yet begun, or has already ended. It is important that after the procedure of the tree remains enough time to heal all the wounds. Therefore, autumn trimming is practiced in those regions where winter comes relatively late and does not differ in severeness.

If the cooling occurs early, then the risk of frozen the cropped branches is great. In this case, the trimming is carried out in the spring, before the onset of active inactivity.

Objectives and tasks of spring trimming

Spring trimming of pear solves many tasks. Here are the main of them.

  1. Cleaning the crown from the frozen winter, dried, broken snow or wind branches.
  2. Pruning or removing incorrectly growing, thickening crown, intersecting branches, as well as wolf shoots.
  3. Cutting weak, patients damaged by pests of branches.
  4. Lightening the inner space of the crown, improve its air exchange.
  5. Formation of the crown (for young trees).
  6. Maintaining wood dimensions, restriction of its growth up.
  7. Rationing of the future harvest.
  8. Stimulating a uniform turn of wood by changing the direction of growth of lateral shoots.

Timely and high-quality spring trimming will make it possible to form not only beautiful and well-groomed, but also a perfectly fruiting tree, which will delight abundant and high-quality harvest for many years.

Types of trimming

Depending on the purpose and method of conducting, trimming pear in the spring may be as follows:

Timing of pear cutting in spring

The territory of Russia is huge, the calendar timing of the offensive of spring in each region of its own, so the exact time most suitable for trimming pear will differ dramatically. When carrying out work, it is not necessary to navigate the calendar, but on the weather. As soon as snow comes down, and the temperature will steadily stand above the zero mark, you can start trimming. It is not worth postponing. It is important to have time to finish all the work until you begin to swell the kidney.

Important! If the timing of the spring trimming of pears is missing, it is better to postpone this work for autumn. Crop the trees that have joined in vegetation are not recommended because their recovery will take a lot of time.

How to trim the pear in the spring

To manage to make the spring trimming of pears on time, you need to take care of the tools and materials in advance. For work you will need:

  • garden secateur;
  • suchkoreau;
  • saw-knife;
  • ladder;
  • garden var.

Cutting edges need to be sharpened. A poor-quality stupid tool leaves torn edges, such a cut will be for a very long time.

Important! Before starting work, the entire cutting tool should be disinfected, otherwise the risk of infection is in wound.

The following techniques are used for trimming:

  1. Cutting escape "on the ring." They are carried out on the base of the annular influx at the point of diveging the branch. Escape to delete completely.
  2. Trimming "on the kidney." This method regulates or changes the direction of escape growth. It is necessary to choose a perspective kidney, the growth of which is directed to the desired side. Above the kidney Escape is cut off.
  3. Trimming "For promising escape." The method translates growth to a branch growing in the right direction. Above the promising branch, the competitor is removed.

Is it possible to cut a top of a pear

Pruning the central conductor during the first years is carried out regularly. If this is not done, the tree will be very rising. Under favorable conditions, the growth of adult pear can reach 25 m. Working with a tree at such a level is impossible, the optimal height for the garden is 3-4 m. In order for the pear does not go to this envelope, the central conductor is cut annually.

How to trim a young pear

Immediately after planting a pear seedling, it is necessary to shorten its central conductor on 3-4 kidneys. The slice should take place at 0.8-1.0 m from the Earth. Cutting the top of the seedling will give an impetus to the appearance of lateral shoots, of which the 1st fruit tier will be formed in the future. The lower kidneys located near the earth, it is better to repent immediately for the seedling to waste the power on the development of escapes from them. In the future, these branches still have to be removed.

Pruning a seedling after landing has another very important goal. The root system of young pear is quite weak, after transplanting is unable to provide a normal growth of a seedling. With the onset of the heat of the kidney of the young treet, they will actively go into growth, but the roots will not be able to provide them with nutrients. In this case, the seedling just dries. Pruning allows you to reduce the load on the root system and bring the balance of nutrients into equilibrium.

Trimming two-year pear

The two-year-old pear has, as a rule, several side branches from which you need to choose three. To be guided by the following principles:

  1. Branches should be located around the trunk as much as possible. Ideally, if the angle between them is about 120 °.
  2. The distance vertically between the branches should be 10-20 cm.

After the necessary branches are selected, trimmed. At the same time, you need to do the following:

  1. Cut "On the ring" all branches below the bottom.
  2. Selected shoots, which will be to become skeletal branches of the first tier, must be trimmed by 1/3. Clearance should be done on an external kidney.
  3. The central conductor must be shortened by cutting at a distance of 0.8-0.9 m from the place of fattening the highestly located branch of the first tier.

Important! When pruning should be guided by the principle of coented. Escape, leaving from the trunk at a lower point, should not be cut above the escape, whose removal point from the barrel is located above.

Trimming three-year-old pears

Three-year pear trees cut in a similar way. At this time, from branches that depart from the barrel at a distance of 80-90 cm from the first tier, 2 fruit tier is laid. Just as in the previous year, it choose 3 skeletal branches, having a large angle of disheavage and located evenly around the circumference of the barrel. Selected shoots are shortened by 1/3. The branches of the first fruit tier are cut on the same length. The central conductor is cut at a distance of 0.4-0.5 m from the point of fattening the highestly located branch of the 2nd tier.

Important! All other shoots that are separated from the barrel, cut out "on the ring." And also remove all the shoots-competitors, leaving one barrel leader.

For 4 years, the 3rd fruit tier is laid at a distance of about 0.5 m from the 2nd. As a rule, there are 2 multidirectional branches, all other cut out "on the ring." The central conductor is completely cut, and the growth direction is transferred to one of the side branches. An annual and two-year increase in 1 and 2 tiers are cut by 1/3.

How to cut a pear that is 5 years old

By the spring of 5 years, the formation of pear is considered finished. If, before that time, all the trimming was performed correctly, then the height of the tree should be 3-4 m by this time. At the same time, the pear must have 3 full-fledged, fully formed fruit yarus.

Since that time, it is possible to carry out a thinning crown for clarifying the crown, as well as sanitation.

How to cut adult pear in spring

Pruning adult pear in spring is produced according to the following scheme.

  1. Sanitary trim. A tree purification from dry, broken, damaged by pests or diseases of the branches is performed.
  2. Cleaning the trunk. The pear forms a numerous piglet extending from the central conductor. All it needs to be carefully cut "on the ring."
  3. Crawling competitors. Often parallel to the main trunk of pear begin to grow-competitors, having almost zero cast angles. All of them must be removed, cutting out "on the ring", leave one shoot leader.
  4. Limit growth up. Through throughout life, the pear seeks to grow up. This can not be allowed. All shoots of the upper tier, growing up, it is necessary to remove or translate their growth on the side escape.
  5. Crowing crown. It is necessary to fully cut incorrectly growing branches, wipes, crosshair, remove shoots stretching inside and down.
  6. Annual increase should be shortened by 3-4 kidneys.

For adult pear is relevant and rejuvenating trimming. Conduct it for several years, removing for 1 time no more than 1/3 of the old wood. Instead of sawing skeletal branches, a new escape is grown, guided by all the same principles that were previously described.

How to cut an old pear

Pruning the old running pear can become relevant when buying, for example, an adult garden with long-planted fruit trees. In the absence of trimming, the pear rather quickly becomes unsecured and launched with a large number of extra shoots, a huge green mass and rather weak fruit.

Return to life the old launched tree is not easy, but perhaps. To do this, do the following:

  1. On the tree form 2 fruit tiers at a distance of about 1 m from each other from the existing branches. Above the point of fattening the most upper branch, the barrel spilt. Very often, when the old pears are rejuvenated, the upper half of the tree is simply replaced.
  2. Each tier is left 5-7 good skeletal branches. The remaining spill in the barrel.
  3. Skeletal branches are cleaned of broken and patients of shoots, wipes cut out, crosshair, thickening and incorrectly growing branches.
  4. The trunk is completely cleaned by the pores.

With the help of such events, you can restore the active fruction of pear. However, such a cardinal trimming may be too strong wood stress if you make it for 1 reception. Therefore, it is recommended to perform this cycle of events 2-3 times, making a pause of 1-2 years to give a tree the opportunity to recover.

Important! Some gardeners practice the radical rejuvenation of the old pear, completely spilizing the tree with a slanting slice at an altitude of about 1 m. For the next year, the formation of a new tree along a conventional scheme or in the form of a bowl begins.

How to cut a colonum pear

Thanks to the decorative form, colon's pears have gained great popularity. According to fruction, they are inferior to ordinary varieties, but it is not surprising, given the comparative dimensions of the trees. Cutting colon-shaped pears in spring is very simple and is rather decorative orientation. They never shorten the central conductor, and the side branches are cut only in order to keep the tree in the necessary dimensions.

In fact, it is enough to carry only sanitary trimming to care for a colonum-shaped pear, while removing broken and dry branches from the inner space of the crown.

Trimming dwarf pears

The low-spirited trees are especially popular in the northern regions, since they can be covered for the winter and thereby save from frozen. The principle of their formation is as follows:

  1. After landing, the seedling is cut at an altitude of 0.4-0.5 m from the ground.
  2. For the second year, all side branches (there should be 4-5 pieces) shorten on 1/3. The central conductor is shortened by 0.15-0.2 cm.
  3. In subsequent years, the whole year increase is trimmed by 1/3. The central conductor is cut immediately above the point of fattening the highest branch. The total height of the tree does not have to exceed 1.5-2 m

All unnecessary side shoots cut out "on the ring."

Important! If skeletal branches have small outback angles, the direction of their growth can be corrected using special stretch marks from twine or linen clothespins that serves spacers.

How to cut a big pear

The presence on the site of too tall wood can become a big problem. To care for the tree, the height of which exceeds 4 m, is quite difficult, especially behind its tier. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is if there was a big born pear on the site suddenly - reduce its height to acceptable sizes. Then you need to clean it from dead wood, removing all the old dried branches. Further pruning depends on the age and condition of the pear. If it is age, then you can enroll with it just like when trimming old launched trees.

Video for beginners about pruning pears in spring:

Pruning pears in summer

As a rule, no cardinal trimming of adult pear in the summer period is not produced. However, this time is the most suitable for working with a young one-year threshold. Unnecessary non-devented green shoots and wipes can be easily eliminated without a special tool, incorrectly growing kidneys are very easy to rechip the nail. If you hold such work regularly during the summer, the volume of work on trimming on autumn and future spring can be significantly reduced.

Pruning the wolfes on pear

Wolf shoots, or just with wolf, call the processes from skeletal branches vertically up, as a rule, in close proximity to the central conductor. In normal conditions, they are considered as competitors to the leader and are subject to removal, because they do not participate in fruiting and strongly thickening the inner space of the crown. However, in some cases, it is possible to form a complete fruitful escape from the wolf, transferring its growth to the horizontal plane by trimming on the outer kidney or reducing with a twine.

How to form a crown of pear

The method of forming pear is chosen individually, depending on the variety, the region of cultivation and care opportunities. The most often use the following schemes:

  1. Rolling-tier. It is used in most regions, is the most common among gardeners. According to this scheme, three fruit branches from several skeletal branches are formed on one central trunk. The main positive quality of this method of formation is the ripening of a high harvest, however, a significant height of the tree creates great difficulties when working with the top tier of the crown.

  2. Bow-shaped. Such a scheme for the formation of pear crown provides a laying of one fruit tier, above which there is no central conductor. The bowl is formed at an altitude of 0.5-0.6 m on the ground level of four evenly separated from the skeletal branches. It is possible to give them large angles of disheavage using a delay from twine. The cup-shaped scheme of the formation of a pear is good because the tree grows low, and it is possible to work with it without the use of a ladder or stairs. The crown center is well lit, there is no stagnation of air, and this has a positive effect on the quality of fruits. The disadvantage of a cup-shaped scheme is a decrease in overall yield.

  3. Spindle. This method of formation allows you to get a low slender tree, very decorative in appearance. Taruses are not laid at such a formation method, the entire barrel is evenly overgrown with lateral branches with wide angle of disheavage. Extra shoots are removed. The desired branches give a horizontal position using a delay or spacers. The spindle-shaped scheme allows you to increase the density of planting fruit trees and the decorativeness of the garden as a whole. It is used when growing pears on slaboroscale or dwarf-swords.

There are many other ways to form a pear crown with trimming. They can be found in specialized literature.

How to form a pear crown in a young tree

The formation of the crown by trimming the young pear begins immediately after planting a seedlings. At this time, the gardener must clearly determine for themselves what kind of scheme he decides to take advantage of. The north of the cultivation region, the lower the future fruit tree should be, it will reduce its chances to frozen in the winter. The selected scheme should be strictly followed until the crown is formed completely.

How to form an adult pear

After 4 years of life, the pear tree is considered to be fully formed. Further trimming should contribute to maintaining the crown in the necessary dimensions, restricting growth upwards. An adult, a fully formed pear tree, it is only necessary to regularly clean from the vegetable garbage in the form of dried branches, remove thickening stroke and rejuvenate periodically.

If a pear has two barrels, which one needs to trim

If at a young age, it does not cut down competing, then pear can form 2 or even 3 barrels. This often leads to the fact that under the weight of the harvest and the green mass, the tree will simply break out. It is impossible to allow this. All competitors the main trunk (leader) is important to clean up on time. When examining a fork, it may well be that the second barrel is a wolf escape, for some reason remaining on the tree. In this case, it can be safely removed.

Sometimes it happens that the revelation point of the second barrel is below the vaccination. In this case, you can unambiguously assert that it is a dick, and it must be removed. And on the remaining pencils, it is quite possible to instill a cutting of a cultural variety.

Caring for pears after trimming

Most pears respond calmly on the pruning on time. To prevent the dirt or pathogens of the disease in open wounds, it is better to smell their natural oil paint on the basis of olifa or shawpen garden paste. This applies, first of all, large sections, the diameter of which exceeds 1 cm. Unambiguously need to process large sections in skeletal branches and on the strain. Small sections of the tree will drag into itself, without any help.

Important! According to many gardeners, the use of garden var for putting out slices in a pear is undesirable.


Pruning pears is quite complicated, but the necessary procedure. It will be difficult to master it from the first time, so when conducting it, it is better to use the help of an experienced mentor for the first time, and also study the theoretical part before working. There is a lot of information on this topic, so to master all the subtleties and nuances of the trimming of pears in the spring under the power of any novice gardener.

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Growing pear is an easy event consisting of irrigation, fertilizer and trimming, which is performed in spring and autumn. If you annually adjust the krona by removing extra rigs, the pear tree will bring a lot of sweet fruits, please the health. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of this important part of the treasure.

Methods and types of pruning

Pears are cut using two techniques:

  • crocheting - cutting off the painful part of the branch;
  • sluorrow - complete cutting off the escape on the ring.

The adjustment of the height of the tree and the denotoms of the crown makes it easier to harvest, fight pests, diseases. Colon-shaped pear trimming is aimed at thinning growths, giving a decorative species.

On the intended purpose, the following types of trimming are distinguished.

  • Forming. It is used for young individuals before joining fruiting. It provides for the creation of a solid skeleton of a certain form.
  • Supporting. Need specimens that joined fruiting time. Due to the adjustment of the amount of fruit branches, the tree is able to properly distribute the nutrients, which is favorably reflected in the amount and quality of the harvest.
  • Rejuvenating. Applicable to mature copies that have stepped over half of life. Based on the removal of non-pronomous wood. Stimulates the extension of new fruit formations, prolongs the fruiting and life of the culture.

By proper annual trimming, it is possible to obtain sweet juicy fruits, because the sugar is accumulated only under the influence of solar radiation.

When to carry out a pear?

Cropped up pear throughout the growing season. For beginners, it is important to know that the main part of the events is carried out during the rest of the plants.

Spring and summer work

Each spring for maintaining the balance of branches is carried out to form a crown, cut the old shoots, remove excessive pigs, thickening the crown. Of the shortcomings of the spring trimming, unstable weather are noted, a short time.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to the following rules.

  • Pick for the event the term in accordance with the weather conditions of the region.
  • Start adjusting after establishing a stable positive temperature.
  • Check with the forecast of weather forecasters to eliminate return freezes.
  • In the spring, it is necessary to cut a pear strictly before the start of the movement of the juice until the plant is at rest.

In the summer, the plant is not subject to global intervention. Only patients are cut or dodged under the mass of fruit branches.

Autumn trimming of pears

The optimal period of correction work is considered autumn. In the middle strip of Russia and the more severe climate, the trimming of pears should be engaged at the very beginning of autumn. In the south of Russia, a later haircut is admissible, which is held in October.

Autumn works provide for the cutting of damaged and sick branches, shortening annual increases by a third, the adjustment of the silhouette.

If a large number of branches are removed, it is better not to risk the health of the tree and leave some work on the spring.

Too much to cut the tree for the winter is not worth it, the sections are subject to strong extinction.

Winter work

Advantages of winter trimming:

  • you can quickly view the crown due to the lack of deciduous cover;
  • pear is in a state of rest, the sections will not apply a tangible damage;
  • elimination of wound infection with fungi;
  • the absence of juice in the wound surface allows the cut faster to delay.

It should be remembered that the crown formation is permissible in winter only in adult copies that have joined fruiting time. It is necessary to hold an event after the cessation of strong frosts, as soon as the temperature ceases to fall below -15⁰c.

Required tools

To trim fruit crops, you have to get a whole set of tools.

You will need:

  • secator;
  • garden saw;
  • suchkoreau;
  • garden scissors and knife;
  • garden Var or other composition for processing wounds.

All can be bought at the Garden Center. Be sure to maintain sharpening sharpening, keep the tool disinfection before and after trimming.

For disinfection of the tool, you can use a strong solution of manganese, copper sulfate, alcohol, chlorine lime.

Rules of pruning pears

Adjusting the crown of pears in autumn is aimed at achieving high and high-quality crop next year.

It is possible to get the necessary result only if the rules listed below are compliance.

  • It is not possible to remove more than 25% of the total mass of wood. In order not to cause severe stress from the plant, stretch the event for several seasons.
  • The secret must be directed by a small blade to the removable run.
  • Perform a cut on the ring, not allowing the formation of seals or hemp.
  • Skeletal shoots of large size cut out in stages - first inscribed on the bottom, then from above. Such an approach will avoid barking.
  • The wounds are lubricated with a garden harrome or a special composition based on natural paint (olifa).

If the cardinal trimming was performed in the spring, exclude subcording. The tree will redistribute soil resources between the remaining shoots.

How to trim various types of pears?

The technology of trimming depends not only on the time of year, but also from the variety of pears, its age.

The primary formation of a seedling is carried out only in the spring of next year, since the risk of freezing is young. Seedling first after landing will be sick due to damage to the roots. Accelerate the process of adaptation will help trimming part of the shoots.

A young pear in the first 4-5 years need to form the right skeleton capable of withstanding the weight of fruits. Such quality is favored by a rarely long-tier croon of a pyramidal form.

For forming, use the following scheme.

  1. Shorten the height of a quarter seedlock.
  2. Select 2-4 branches to create a lower tier.
  3. Bring the length of the branches and the conductor, cutting the sprigs so that the strab is longer than 20 cm.
  4. The rest of the increments cut.
  5. If the branches grow under an irregular angle (more than 60 °), immediately proceed to bent. To do this, tie them to the peg, tilting in the horizontal direction.
  6. After 1-2 years, you can proceed to the formation of the second tier of the skeleton. The procedure remains the same.
  7. When the plant turns 5-6 years, cut the conductor at the height of the upper branch of the skeleton. This will limit the growth of the tree up.

In the future, the autumn pruning is supportive. Every year a third of year-old growths are removed, the old and sick sprigs are cut off. Sleep the crown by directing taps into the outer side.

Crane adjustment of mature pear

An old pear to increase yields is required by rejuvenating trimming. The event comes down to the removal of branches that stopped fruit. It is best to cut the tree in early spring. Mature copies cut into stages, trying not to apply a serious damage tree. For 3-4 years, you need to leave two tiers of powerful skeletal branches (5-7 pieces), located in a step of 1 meter. In addition to rejuvenation, be sure to maintain the right density, the balance of the branches.

You should not expect a large harvest from a rejuvenated pear. Over time, the tree will distribute resources and resume fruiting.

Formation of coloniary trees

Colon-shaped pear is a low tree growth of up to two meters. This culture has no intense side row. A short fruit sprigs are located on the strain. Pruning is carried out in order to permit and preserve the compactness of culture. To increase yield, in the fall, part of the twigs are completely removed, providing good ventilation and illumination for the development of fruits. The remaining shoots are cut at the level of the second or third kidney. Makushka colonum pear is never cut.

Knowing how to properly trim the pear, you can achieve maximum cultural productivity, avoid possible problems with fungal diseases. The event will help support the necessary gabarities of culture, facilitate the process of care.