Cutting machine from the Bulgarian: how to make a convenient tool with your own hands. How to make a pendulum saw on metal with your own hands? Montage dug

Perform the process of cutting metal and metal structures using machine equipment is much easier, safer and more comfortable than using manual fixtures and tools. But to buy a high-quality machine may not make every lover to crash.

This lies the reason that many prefer to design such mechanisms are handled, applying what is in everyday life, for example, saws or bulgaria.

Why do you need cutting machines?

Country areas always require small fixes: to replace the dilapidated greenhouse rack time, make a fence for a metal metal, repair a garden plate or a trolley - a metal cutting at a right angle or with a bevel is always needed. Perform the blanks for any metal products easier and more quickly at the expense of the machine.

With the help of cutting machines, you can make a breakdown of any materials: steel, cast iron, copper. Cutting is made at an angle of 45º and 90º. Preduct you can make products from pipes of all diameters. As a rule, cutting mechanisms are used for cutting on the dimensional lengths of semi-finished products.

Equipment for metal can also be used to carry out the processing of other materials, eliminating the work of the cutter. The machine made with their own hands, compact, is the ability to install it under a canopy, and in winter it is to rearrange it into the work room.

Need a smooth and rigid surface with lighting. A similar corner can be found on the site of any facilities. Complete and collapsible equipment structures are used. In order to reduce the cost of manufacture, the device can be periodically given to their neighbors for temporary use.

Device cutting machine

Any work that is associated be it with a metal, whether with a tree, requires the execution of the cutting process, for which a special cutting equipment is applied. The use of this device is incredibly extensive: from everyday needs and life, and to large factories and factories.

It should be noted that the machines of this species are mechanisms that will allow the transverse cutting metal.

Cutting machines can produce parts from any types of metal: from copper and PVC profile, and to large steel blanks. Semi-finished products can be cut at direct and acute corners. Using a cutting machine, you can use cutting pipes of large and medium diameters.

The most important mechanism of the apparatus, his "soul", is the electric motor and the working body - the cutting wheel, which are connected to each other by means of gear or belt gears. Each of these types have their own advantages. For example, a belt inherent in an easy course, resistant to various types of loads, less noisy. It can be mounted even on a massive cutting machine.

The gear is oversized, and due to this feature suitable for a miniature homemade cutting unit. Consequently, in the process of buying a cutting mechanism, you need to look at the type of transmission used.

Almost any type of machine is equipped with abrasive circles, but it happens, there are mechanisms on which a carbide drive is installed. Moreover, all such saws on metal are equipped with vice, which reliably fix the product or semi-finished product.

Video: homemade cutting machine with a grinder.

Homemade Metal Cutting Machine: Manufacturing Instructions

The machine, which is made with his own hands, is an indisputable dignity: it is made under the requirements of a particular master and product planned in the future. For work it will be necessary:

  • 24th corner;
  • 10th channel;
  • pipes;
  • welder;
  • rolling bearings;
  • electric drive;
  • capacity for installation of electrical circuits;
  • starting toggle;
  • launch chain;
  • winding;
  • drill.

The progress of work on the assembly:

  1. From the corner number 24 and with the help of the EMS, it is handled by cutting blanks on the frame, its dimensions are 400x600x1200 mm;
  2. Using the welding machine, the welding of blanks is performed;
  3. As a guide, Schweller No. 10 is welded, which at the same time give the strength of the whole structure.
  4. Using screws, two vertical supports are fixed on the chamber;
  5. Using pipes, make a frame 400x600 mm for subsequent installation of the drive and shaft under the required angle;
  6. On the "tail" part of the frame is a stove with a fixed electric motor. It is advisable to apply an asynchronous engine, as it is unpretentious. Depending on future appointment, you can give preference to the motor, the power of which will be in the range of 1.5 ... 3 kW and perform a "dial" from the three-phase network. If you can use only a 1-phase network, select the motor on 1/3 of the power greater than the calculated value, connects using capacitors;
  7. With a lathe, make shaft and flanges, pulley and support. The flange is obliged to perform by 30.32 mm.
  8. Make the installation of support bearings and pulley;
  9. Installation of a box with an electrical circuit is performed directly in the lower frame area.
  10. Between the racks the 12-mm shaft is mounted on which the sleeve dresses. The distance between the shaft and the sleeve must be left minimal, it is necessary to provide a sliding fit.
  11. On the sleeve, with the help of a welding machine, the rocker from the 10th channel (L \u003d 800 mm), the ratio of the arm of the rocker - 1 to 3. Its move is limited by chain.
  12. An electric motor is installed on the area of \u200b\u200bthe short section of the rocker, the long component is a mechanism for cutting.
  13. From the electric motor and before the shaft, a belt transmission is paved.

The price of the capacity for the electrical circuit performed by the personally, will be slightly lower relatively to the bought in the construction store. To extend power to equipment, you need a three-pole circuit breaker, from which the power to the electric motor is extended, the emergency shutdown button and the starting circuit.

Connecting the emergency button is performed directly, the electric motor using the box and automaton. This will ensure complete safety and electrical protection of your equipment.

Based on the above, make a cutting mechanism with your own hands not only cheaper, but also practical, since in the process of its manufacture you yourself regulate its parameters and configure it for future work.

Also, making such a procedure once, you can repair this equipment without any problems. Moreover, if necessary, you can earn, making cutting equipment with your own hands.

Video: Homemade cutting machine for metal with their own hands.

Permanent operations associated with sharp metals and wood materials require the use of a cutting machine. With the help of an electric tool, it seems to be qualitatively, quickly performing metal structures. The disk cutting machine is used to form blanks of the profile tube, channel, rod and other parts of the metal.

Equipment is used in large manufacturing enterprises, ribbon, hacksaw machines are used for mass work. The complexity of the metallic design of special machines does not represent the possibility of applying in limited places. Cutting machine can be used under any conditions, which makes it popular. For cutting operations a disk saw.

Classification of disk cutting machines

Metal cutting machines are divided into 4 main categories. The universal tool applied to all types of metals is the first category disk machine. The disk element of the cutting equipment allows you to handle metal products by large quantities. Follow-up classes differ in power and performance, the cutting machine of the fourth category is applied under domestic purposes, not equipped with full functionality, like professional equipment.

There are a lot of varieties of production, household machines. The main difference is the number of cutting edges, two main types are offered to use:

  1. The design with one disk element has a low power and efficiency. Single-headed machines have limited functionality, low cutting speed. Apply when cutting a single element, it allows you to cut frame profiles or pipes, prepare snap.
  2. The cutting machine with the design of two cutting elements allows you to process the metal at once in several directions. Two headquarters has a rigidly fixed head, the second rotating cutting element moves. The tool performance increases twice, therefore such a tool is applicable in large industries, the conditions of the automated process. When working with a frame profile, one run is enough, which will noticeably saves time.

Several types of cutting machines are used, they are also divided by the method of feeding the tool. It is necessary to competently select equipment by comparable to the requirements for it. Only in this case, it is possible to recoup the costs of cutting the metals upon subsequent operation.

Classification according to the method of feeding the cutting element

There is a large number of machines on sale, before purchasing, it is important to understand how the cutting system of the cutting element works. The cutting element can be supplied in the following ways:

  • frontal feed cutting disk;
  • device with the implementation of the bottom supply of the cutting element;
  • the design, the basis of which is the work of the pendulum.

The metal base of the cutting machine can be outdoor or desktop when used. In the first case, a larger diameter disk is installed, which allows you to cut a greater volume of parts. Board equipment is more mobile, has reduced weight.

Varieties of disk machines

In addition to feeding the tool, various forms have been developed, the design of the cutting saws. The most common is abrasive - cutting, rule - cutting and cutting saws. The selection of the design occurs depending on the specific type of tasks and metals.

Cutting disk machines for metal are used with profiles of various types, non-ferrous metals. Metal design does not have characteristics of high performance, used on small-scale production, with free tasks. It is used with square, chamber metal, depending on the density of the metal, the optimal number of revolutions is selected. The machine is economically located to consumables, it is possible at the expense of a disk metal structure with increased turns and power of the electric drive.

Abrasive - cutting machine is able to process metals of any profile and thickness. Used for cutting single blanks at different angles, up to 45 degrees. It is used in preparatory workshops when cutting long products of metal products. Models with dust suction allow you to comfortably produce cutting in limited space. Also, more expensive modifications provide fluid supply for cooling the disk element, the design of the automatic chamfering.

Cutting metals supplied by bays produce a rule - cutting type of machine tools. In the packaged form or the coil comes several types of steels:

  • rods of different sections;
  • wire;
  • pipe strips;
  • reinforcement steel.

The implementation of the device is designed in such a way that the mechanism captures the start of the material, drives through the rule. The aligned part is automatically cut off, is transmitted to the tray with finished products. Cutting machines of the correct type, regardless of the purpose and dimensions, are completed with various outcristers:

  • driven;
  • mechanized;
  • stationary
  • roller impact.

The main use of cutting machines were obtained in serial production, where high accuracy of cutting is required, a small roughness of the cut. The variety of modifications allows you to choose a disk cutting machine by comparable to the needs and volumes of production.

Disk cutting machine

Metal parts are made of solid steel alloys, for more uniform and sustainable work. The platform consists of a rigid base consisting of metal. The cutting machine is stationary and removable, some species are completed with vice for reliable fastening of the workpiece during cutting.

The disc is made of carbide steel or high-speed elements. Depending on the type of construction, a circle is used with an abrasive surface that allows you to handle chamfer, edges from burrs. Inpatient disk devices for metal work, a gear transmission is used, it provides a reliable connection and durable performance.

The belt type of transmission of mechanical energy is installed on portable devices in which weight is important. Having a small power of the fourth category are connected directly to the disk mechanism.

Making a disk cutting machine Preparing tools and

In the presence of certain locksmith experience and place for working, any disk saw for metal can be made independently. The disk cutting machine for metal involves hazardous actions with a cutting element at high speed. It is important to observe all the design features of the disk device, make accurate calculations before assembly.

It is made of a homemade cutting machine for work with the metal as follows:

  • Safety above all, therefore, protective covers for cutting elements are prepared.
  • To bring the cutting disk to action, you need to connect the electric motor. The drive is selected depending on the type of machine, there may be a belt or gear.
  • Drive pulley is installed on a pre-prepared drive shaft. Purchased or independently made cut-off disk mounted to the pendulum. With this scenario, the upper part of the installation performs the role of a pendulum, which contains the engine and disk.
  • On the frame of the future, the machine is preparing a place for the oppressive and blanks.
  • After setting the pendulum to the frame, the electric motor wires are installed.
  • At the end of the work, a trial launch and debugging of the nodes are performed.

Electric engine is one of the most important components of a metal disk design. You must install the Start button cutting machine, as well as an emergency stop. Engine location is made in such a way as to properly connect the electrical circuit through the machine. The engine fixation occurs on the frame, the best material for the connection is the bolts with nuts. The switch of the switch is located in close proximity to the electrical part of the motor.

Methods of work

The principles of manufacturing the machine with their own hands consist of several rules, which are taken into account before carrying out any actions. The cutting machine is made of primary means and materials, so it is important to observe consistently to obtain a high-quality tool:

  1. The pressure of the cutting element on the metal, the engine torque depends on the correct transmission. A response chain or belt can break through, stroke cutting for metal.
  2. Tears are used to avoid influence of vibrations, suggest comfortable work, safe working conditions.
  3. The cutting angle is selected only in the necessary cases, the range is from 45 to 90 °. In standard situations, masters preferred cutting metals at right angles.
  4. The diameter of the disk of the cutting machine is breeding depending on the type of metal to be processed. Increased diameter can easily cope with thick-walled items. It is necessary to calculate protection, work without casing is unsafe, may cause injuries during disk deformation.

The use of an angular grinding machine as a cutting tool is possible when working with non-scanty blanks. The design of the design exists with two variations when the Bulgarian is fixed motionless, as well as the fastening of the workpiece. In the first case, accuracy is lost, because The item is not attached to the bed, with manual movement of the tool, you must follow the safety rules.

How to calculate the required diameter of pulleys

The diameter of the drive pulley is calculated by agreement with the rated power of the electric motor and the speed. The location on one side can lead to the unscrewing nut, so the pulley or tool for cutting the metal is located on opposite sides of the design. The maximum permissible speed of rotation is marked by the disk manufacturer in the instruction manual. For example, it is possible to take the engine at the maximum rotation speed of the shaft of 1500 rpm, the diameter of the pulley attached to the shaft is 6.5 cm. The required task is to obtain the speed of rotation of the disk at the output of about 3000 rpm, for this it is calculated:

  • The length of the shaft around the perimeter is calculated from the formula 3.14 × 6.5, the result is obtained 20.41 cm.
  • The value is multiplied by the required number of revolutions, it turns out 61230 cm.
  • Further, the result is divided into nominal turnover of the electric drive, which is equal to 40.82, denotes the pulley length around the perimeter.
  • The value is divided by the number π, the result of which the pulley diameter is 13 cm.

For the number of revolutions, you can take the maximum allowable value on the cutting disk, in this case it is necessary to pick up a large power of the electric drive.

How to calculate the length of the drive belt

Performing the calculations of the strap length of the homemade machine comes from the following parameters:

  • radius of the driving pulley fixed on the drive;
  • distance from central dots of two pulleys;
  • parameters values \u200b\u200bfor the axis.

Calculate the length of the belt is not difficult, it is important to take into account some factors. The cutting machine operates under significant loads, therefore the degree of belt tension is important, otherwise the drive will slip. You should select a high-quality product, in the event of a belt break, it is possible to damage the disk or blank.


The table for the machine is a frame made of metal chapellera. It is possible to make a frame from the corner, the connections are made welding.

A channel is installed on the frame from the top, its purpose consists in the direction of parts at the cutting process. The mounting of the racks is performed by a bolted joint, if necessary, a channel can be replaced according to work on the cutting machine.

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An indispensable tool in a domestic workshop, a plumbing shop, on a construction site. There are many industrial models of these tools, but the price is sometimes not available not only to a private master, but also a small enterprise. The output is - a cutting machine for metal with your own hands is completely simple. This requires only certain skills to work with a welding machine, a plumbing tool, and some electrician qualification. Of the materials, too, do not need anything deficient, or inaccessible in free sale.

To work, you will need:

  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • set of dies, taps, wrench.

Buy will have an electrical engine with a capacity of 1.5-2 kW single-phase or three-phase. In addition, you will need two pulleys, shaft, bearings 204 or 205, metal corner, sheet steel 2-4 millimeter thick. When all this is collected, the manufacture of the machine begins.

Drawings can be done by using the material from the Internet, or use ready-made, such as these. But experience shows that it is best to adapt the drawings under the materials that you have in stock. As a rule, the designs made by their own hands are best working when you "customize them" for yourself. Naturally, it should be followed by certain rules and requirements that are put forward to the enhanced risk tool, which the cutting disk machine or the pendulum saw, both homemade and industrial.

Most of the cutting machines for metal that are manufactured with their own hands belong to the pendulum type. More complex in manufacturing, but they can be made in a small workshop or metalworking workshop. So far we will dwell on the most convenient type of cutting machine - disk. The overall design can be seen on the video.

It consists of several main nodes:

  • electric motor;
  • pendulum;
  • drive mechanism;
  • cutting disk;
  • desktop.

Consider them separately.


Depending on the required power of the metal cutting machine and the scope of its use, select the engine power. It must be in the range of 1.5-3kW. If you plan to use a cutting machine in a domestic workshop, a small metalworking workshop, where cutting the profile pipe, reinforcement, angle or other rolled products is relatively rare, and the quality of the billets is used as a thin-walled metal, it is quite enough for power in a half of the kilowatt. For small-scale production, work on the construction site, or the manufacture of carcasses of any destination will require a more powerful engine.

In the presence of a three-phase motor with a power of about 3 kilowatt, it can be connected to 220 volts, using the "Star" scheme of the "Triangle" scheme. But at the same time it must be borne in mind that its power will decrease by 25-30%. The main thing is the number of revolutions specified on the nameplate.

To install on a cutting machine for metal, the engine must have the number of revolutions equal to 2500-3000 per minute. This is due to the fact that it is precisely with such revolutions that the cutting disk works optimally.

For homemade cutting machine for metal, circles with a diameter of 300-400 millimeters are used. Here, too, you need to proceed from the needs of production. It is not worth chaging for too large disk diameter - the farther from the center there is a working edge, the smaller the recent force, and the more powerful engine will be required. The optimal ratio of engine power and disk diameter - 2 kilowatt at three thousand revolutions and 300 millimeters diameter.

Made independently cutting machine for metal first should be safe. On cutting discs, the maximum number of revolutions, in which they can be operated are indicated. As a rule, it should not exceed 4400 revolutions per minute. If you get more - the disc can be destroyed that it is unsafe. If the number of revolutions will be less than 3000, then the cutting speed will be insufficient, and the disk will be strongly overheated and braid. It is these numbers that should be taken as source for calculating the power transmission.

Drive unit

As a mechanism of the drive, it is convenient to use the belt transmission. To do this, you will have to find two pulleys of the same diameter. One of them is planted on the shaft of the engine, the second - on the drive shaft of the cutting disk. The disk shaft is installed on two bearings. It is best to use a scheme when the drive mechanism is located on the left of the disc mounting clouds. It is more convenient to work, and the safety rules are followed. The presser nut mounting nut will not be at risk of turning.

To tighten the drive belt, the engine is fixed in the back of the pendulum on 4 bolts located in longitudinal slots. It can shift towards the central axis of the machine (perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the engine shaft) by 5-7 centimeters. This will allow you to maintain the necessary belt tension and prevent its slipping. It is also easier to replace the belt if the previous one comes to dissent

Console (pendulum)

The console part of the cutting machine for metal is one of the most important. In addition to the fact that it should be carefully balanced, it is reliably welded in compliance with all the necessary sizes, it still has to move strictly perpendicular to the desktop. The base of the fastening of the pendulum is two vertical racks with slots under the pendulum sleeve (diameter 10-12 mm). Make them best of the steel square 40x40 millimeters. The height of approximately 80-100 millimeters, but you can calculate your option.

In the holes of the racks horizontally, the shaft shaft is set to which the rocker is welded, consisting of two levers, the ratio of which one to three. A playground is welded on the short shoulder under the installation of an electric motor. On the long shoulder the cutting circle drive shaft. The ratio of the length of the levers is approximate, it must be calculated so that the engine weight outweighs the weight of the saw part in the assembled (with protective covers). To bring the disk of the included machine in contact with the metal, it is necessary to make a small but tangible force.

For ease of operation to the bottom of the engine, a return spring is attached, and the deviation angle of the pendulum is adjusted by a cable or chain fixed by one end to the table, and the second to the bottom of the long lever.


Optimal dimensions 700x1000x900 mm. It is welded from angle of 25x25 mm and is covered with a steel sheet with a thickness of 3-4 mm, in which the slits in the zone of rotation of the disk are made. A swivel stop and clamp with a swivel clamp is fixed on the table. This allows you to perform cutting both perpendicular and under the desired angle. A very interesting version of the homemade machine is shown in the video. It turns no blank here, but a console with a disc and engine.

Mount the disk type cutting machine for a qualified locksmith does not represent a special complexity. It is important to adhere to some fundamental requirements:

  • correctly calculate the speed of rotation of the disk;
  • adjust the angle of rotation, it must be strictly perpendicular to the plane of the desktop;
  • expose the disk feed force to the cut zone;
  • install an emergency stop button on the handle;
  • equip the cutting machine with protective disk hoods and rotating parts.

Metal cutting machine is an indispensable tool in the domestic workshop, a plumbing shop, on the construction site. There are many industrial models of these tools, but the price is sometimes not available not only to a private master, but also a small enterprise. The output is - a cutting machine for metal with your own hands is completely simple. This requires only certain skills to work with a welding machine, a plumbing tool, and some electrician qualification. Of the materials, too, do not need anything deficient, or inaccessible in free sale.

Materials and tools

To work, you will need:

  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • set of dies, taps, wrench.

Buy will have an electrical engine with a capacity of 1.5-2 kW single-phase or three-phase. In addition, you will need two pulleys, shaft, bearings 204 or 205, metal corner, sheet steel 2-4 millimeter thick. When all this is collected, the manufacture of the machine begins.

In the article we will look at the manufacture of the machine based on the electric motor

Drawings can be done by using the material from the Internet, or use ready-made, such as these. But experience shows that it is best to adapt the drawings under the materials that you have in stock. As a rule, the designs made by their own hands are best working when you "customize them" for yourself. Naturally, it should be followed by certain rules and requirements that are put forward to the enhanced risk tool, which the cutting disk machine or the pendulum saw, both homemade and industrial.

Most of the cutting machines for metal that are manufactured with their own hands belong to the pendulum type. Ribbon machines are more complex in manufacturing, but they can be made in conditions of a small workshop or metalworking workshop. So far we will dwell on the most convenient type of cutting machine - disk. The overall design can be seen on the video.

It consists of several main nodes:

  • electric motor;
  • pendulum;
  • drive mechanism;
  • cutting disk;
  • desktop.

Consider them separately.


Depending on the required power of the metal cutting machine and the scope of its use, select the engine power. It must be in the range of 1.5-3kW. If you plan to use a cutting machine in a domestic workshop, a small metalworking workshop, where cutting the profile pipe, reinforcement, angle or other rolled products is relatively rare, and the quality of the billets is used as a thin-walled metal, it is quite enough for power in a half of the kilowatt. For small-scale production, work on the construction site, or the manufacture of carcasses of any destination will require a more powerful engine.

In the presence of a three-phase motor with a power of about 3 kilowatt, it can be connected to 220 volts, using the "Star" scheme of the "Triangle" scheme. But at the same time it must be borne in mind that its power will decrease by 25-30%. The main thing is the number of revolutions specified on the nameplate.

To install on a cutting machine for metal, the engine must have the number of revolutions equal to 2500-3000 per minute. This is due to the fact that it is precisely with such revolutions that the cutting disk works optimally.

For homemade cutting machine for metal, circles with a diameter of 300-400 millimeters are used. Here, too, you need to proceed from the needs of production. It is not worth chaging for too large disk diameter - the farther from the center there is a working edge, the smaller the recent force, and the more powerful engine will be required. The optimal ratio of engine power and disk diameter - 2 kilowatt at three thousand revolutions and 300 millimeters diameter.

Made independently cutting machine for metal first should be safe. On cutting discs, the maximum number of revolutions, in which they can be operated are indicated. As a rule, it should not exceed 4400 revolutions per minute. If you get more - the disc can be destroyed that it is unsafe. If the number of revolutions will be less than 3000, then the cutting speed will be insufficient, and the disk will be strongly overheated and braid. It is these numbers that should be taken as source for calculating the power transmission.

Drive unit

As a mechanism of the drive, it is convenient to use the belt transmission. To do this, you will have to find two pulleys of the same diameter. One of them is planted on the shaft of the engine, the second - on the drive shaft of the cutting disk. The disk shaft is installed on two bearings. It is best to use a scheme when the drive mechanism is located on the left of the disc mounting clouds. It is more convenient to work, and the safety rules are followed. The presser nut mounting nut will not be at risk of turning.

Metal cutting machine drawing

To tighten the drive belt, the engine is fixed in the back of the pendulum on 4 bolts located in longitudinal slots. It can shift towards the central axis of the machine (perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the engine shaft) by 5-7 centimeters. This will allow you to maintain the necessary belt tension and prevent its slipping. It is also easier to replace the belt if the previous one comes to dissent

Console (pendulum)

The console part of the cutting machine for metal is one of the most important. In addition to the fact that it should be carefully balanced, it is reliably welded in compliance with all the necessary sizes, it still has to move strictly perpendicular to the desktop. The base of the fastening of the pendulum is two vertical racks with slots under the pendulum sleeve (diameter 10-12 mm). Make them best of the steel square 40x40 millimeters. The height of approximately 80-100 millimeters, but you can calculate your option.

In the holes of the racks horizontally, the shaft shaft is set to which the rocker is welded, consisting of two levers, the ratio of which one to three. A playground is welded on the short shoulder under the installation of an electric motor. On the long shoulder the cutting circle drive shaft. The ratio of the length of the levers is approximate, it must be calculated so that the engine weight outweighs the weight of the saw part in the assembled (with protective covers). To bring the disk of the included machine in contact with the metal, it is necessary to make a small but tangible force.

For ease of operation to the bottom of the engine, a return spring is attached, and the deviation angle of the pendulum is adjusted by a cable or chain fixed by one end to the table, and the second to the bottom of the long lever.


Optimal dimensions 700x1000x900 mm. It is welded from angle of 25x25 mm and is covered with a steel sheet with a thickness of 3-4 mm, in which the slits in the zone of rotation of the disk are made. A swivel stop and clamp with a swivel clamp is fixed on the table. This allows you to perform cutting both perpendicular and under the desired angle. A very interesting version of the homemade machine is shown in the video. It turns no blank here, but a console with a disc and engine.

Mount the disk type cutting machine for a qualified locksmith does not represent a special complexity. It is important to adhere to some fundamental requirements:

  • correctly calculate the speed of rotation of the disk;
  • adjust the angle of rotation, it must be strictly perpendicular to the plane of the desktop;
  • expose the disk feed force to the cut zone;
  • install an emergency stop button on the handle;
  • equip the cutting machine with protective disk hoods and rotating parts.

Independent construction of a metal cutting machine

Example of a homemade machine for accurate works

When, for any reason, you have to often process the metal at home - it comes to understand that working with a grinder, at least uncomfortable. Metal cutting is much simpler if there is a cutting machine for metal. With its help, the cut line will become the perfect, and the established process will go much faster.

But if you think about buying such a machine, and to extract prices in the store, you can find that they are very expensive, not every person can afford him. Exit from this position is to make a metal cutting machine with your own hands.

Metal cutting machine homemade

Classification of equipment

So, let's start with general information about metal-cutting machines. Structurally, all of them combines the presence of an electric motor, transmission and cutting disk. Find a drawing for the manufacture of such equipment is not a problem. After reading how the disk cutting machine works, in the process of its construction, with your own hands, the adjustments you need will not be difficult. Now consider the basic principal nuances:

Drawing of the transmission mechanism for cutting machine

More cutting equipment are classified by the type of saw installation:

  • Ribbon machine.
  • Abrasive-cutting.

The latter is designed for cutting thick metal reinforcement, various rods, square profiles and pipes of different diameters. Here you can cut off various solid parts and profiles at different angles. The ribbon machine runs on the basis of a closed cutting saw, so it is not a disk, the saw moves on the pulleys. Immediately it is worth saying that with your own hands it is easier to build a disk option.

Independent manufacture

For self-building disk cutting machine, you will need:

Mechanical part of the cutting machine
  • Steel corner.
  • Welding machine.
  • Bearings.
  • Chain.
  • Turn on and off button.
  • Channel.
  • Electric drill.
  • Sheet steel for the working surface.
  • Electric motor.
  • A box that will accommodate the electrical component.

By collecting all the necessary materials and tools, you can start building. First of all, it is necessary to make the machine frame from the steel corner. First, the drawings are cut out individual elements, pretending to be combined together, and then welcome with their own hands in a single design.

Top to the frame welded guide channel, which will become the basis of the design for fastening the cutting element of the equipment. With this channel, the cutting disk with the engine will be communicated. At the next stage, vertical racks are attached to the chapeller, which are fixed by bolts.

Now you need to cook another frame. It is made individually - for a specific electric motor that will be used in your machine. When choosing an electric motor, look towards asynchronous engines, as they are more reliable and durable. Here is another moment: the more power, the smaller the disk will work.

Installing equipment on the frame

Frame from profile pipes

Now you need to connect the working shaft with your own hands to the electric motor. How it will be done - not fundamentally, if there is an instruction in the drawing, then follow it. If the installation is performed correctly, the equipment is required to work correctly and securely.

Another point: if any item cannot be made independently, please contact a took. He will be able to make the right pulley under the belt or flanges for consolidation.

The engine on the frame is best fixed using conventional bolts with nuts, close to the frame, attach the control panel and the box with the electrical circuit breaker.

The channel on which the cutting element is fixed, must be skilled in the following, as soon as you have been released, it returned to its original position. The spring is most convenient to fix with a clamp and bolts.

Special attention is paid to the electrical component. Mandatory must be present an emergency stop button and a starting chain. In this case, the electric motor must be connected to electricity not directly, but through the box and automatic. The inclusion and start of the electric motor will provide a three-pole launcher, the shutdown button is also powered through it.

With the final installation, do not forget with your own hands also about the protective casing, which will cover your eyes from flying sparks.

Machine manufacturing based on ordinary grinder

Build a cutting machine with your own hands, you can also from the usual Bulgarian. For example, you have a good reliable Makita Bulgarian, and you still do not need a full-fledged machine, as you will use it from time to time. In this case, you just like in the previous version, you need to cook with your own hands and a bed, from a pipe or chaserler to make a movable part for the installation of the grinder.

The cutting machine from the Bulgarian Next, you will have to develop a fastening under your particular grinder. The movable part is also executed, the technology is similar here.

In the manufacture of such a machine, do not forget also that the Bulgarian has such a concept as a reverse strike. This happens when the abrasive disk encourages in the workpiece, and Bulgarian shoots back. At the same time, the disc fragments will fly up in all directions - it can seriously injure the person who works. Therefore, when building equipment, pay attention to the protective casing, if it is not on the grinder.

Collable Machine from Bulgarian

Stationary frame-table for the attachment of the grinder

Now consider another way to make the cutting machine for metal from the Bulgarian. The benefit of such a design is that the machine is collapsing and portable. The tool here will need the same as to perform a full-fledged machine, which we talked about above.

The drawing will depend on the model of a specific grinder.

The first thing you need to know about such a machine - it is performed on the basis of two frames located on the same axis. Here the lower frame is performed in the form of movable clamp and angle, and the mounting for the grinder is made moving along the vertical line.

The spring is present here - it is needed to return the feeding mechanism to the original position. Using a welding machine, you can fix a ruler with a special limiter.

A similar machine starts with a launcher, which is included in the network using a low-voltage relay. By gathering all the details, together the performance of the design is checked at idle. If everything works fine, no mechanisms are rubbed about each other, then such a machine will last long enough.

Considering the fact that various discs can be installed on the grinder, do not forget about the features of the materials that you plan to cut. And, most importantly, never forget about safety techniques when working with metal-cutting equipment.

Video: Homemade cutting machine with a grinder

Metal cutting machine

I have long wanted to build an abrasive into the workshop - cutting machine for cutting metal. It is not always convenient to cut the metal with a grinder. With sharp sheet steel, the Bulgarian copes perfectly, but here it turns out to cut off the corner and profile tubes with a grinder and not always convenient. It is necessary to mark on all sides and cut off the workpiece on one side. Cutting is produced on Earth in a bent body position, holding the workpiece by foot. The back is tired and sparks fly in all directions. And smoothly cut off the round tube even more complicated and longer. It is more convenient to do this on the cutting machine for metal, when there is no need to bend, and the workpiece is secure and safely secured in the machine. Very convenient on such a machine to make a canopy from a cellular polycarbonate or an automatic gate. The machine was made from "what was at hand." I tell and show you what happened to me, and you make your amendments and make the machine even better from the fact that you have. I do not consider it detailed to describe the entire manufacturing process in detail, I do not consider it appropriate, I will only make accents on important (in my opinion) moments.

The manufacturing process must be performed in the following order:

  1. The manufacture of the shaft on which the cutting disk and the pulley of the drive will be installed. The assembly of the entire node and install it on the pendulum (I call the top, movable part of the machine, on which the cutting disk and the engine is installed).
  2. Installing the engine. Connection of the engine with a cutting wheel shaft by a drive belt.
  3. Production of protective casing for cutting disc and drive belt.
  4. Production of the fastening shaft of the pendulum
  5. Making a machine frame with a device for fixing the workpiece, an oppressive, preparation for installing electricians ...
  6. Install the pendulum on the frame.
  7. Wiring.
  8. Trial Start. Adjustment and debugging.

I made the machine in a different sequence and faced constant alterations and fittings, because of which the process was delayed. If I now decided to make the machine, I did everything in this order.

Before starting the manufacture of a cutting machine, I studied the experience of other people from which I understood that:

  • the engine must be installed at least 3 kW. If the cutting disk is 400 mm.
  • drive turnoves should be at least 3000 per minute.
  • on the shaft, the disk is more convenient to position on the right, and the drive pulleys on the left, this will not allow the nut of attachment of the cutting disk to turn away during operation.
  • bearings for the cutting disk shaft fit 205 and 204 (I used 205)

I installed the engine 3 phase, since I have a 380V voltage in the workshop. If you have a voltage of 220 V. In this case, you will have to install starting capacitors, information how to make a lot on the Internet.

Next, see photos of the manufacturing process.

The protective casing rises to replace the used disk new. To do this, you need to unscrew only one bolt M8.

The ability to regulate the tilt of the rocker with the help of metal plates. Bearings on this shaft I did not install, but simply drilled the hole for lubrication on top and drowned them with M6 bolts.

I borrowed vice for the clips of the workpiece at the old cutting machine of the factory production, but I had to remake them a little. These testicles, the pressure screw nut can be divided into two halves, it is very convenient when installing and removing the workpiece.

Returning mechanism can not be done, it is enough just to change the centenary of the rocker shaft.

Spark arrester. Percentage of 97 of all sparks fall into a removable container. In the help of a stubborn bolt (bottom), you can adjust the maximum inclination angle.

How to calculate the necessary diameter of pulleys.

We will proceed from the fact that the cutting disk should rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm. Information on the maximum permissible speed of rotation of 4400 rpm is inflicted on the disks. So you yourself decide how fast you will rotate the disk, the main thing is that no more than 4400 rpm.

To calculate the diameters of pulleys, you need to know:
  • engine rotation speed
  • turnover rotation of the cutting shaft

Example of calculations:

The engine rotates at a speed of 1500 rpm.

The cutting disk should rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm.

We have a pulley on the shaft of the cutting disk with a diameter of 65 mm.

What should be the shaft on the engine?

  1. we consider the length of the perimeter existing shaft: the number Pi (3.14) is multiplied by the diameter. 3,14 x 65mm \u003d 204.1 mm (the length of the shaft perimeter).
  2. the resulting number multiplied to the desired turnover of the shaft: 204.1 mm x 3000 rpm \u003d 612 300 mm / min.
  3. we divide what happened on the engine turnover: 612 300 mm / min / 1500 rpm \u003d 408.2 mm (motor pulley perimeter)
  4. we divide the PI: 408.2mm / 3,14 \u003d 130 mm pulley of this size, we need to unlock the cutting shaft at a speed of 3000 o) min.
  • you have in stock Pulleys of another diameter
  • you have only a suitable pulley on the engine and it is necessary to pick up the pulley on the shaft of the cutting disk
  • you have no pulleys yet, and you plan to buy them or make them.

How to calculate the length of the drive belt?

For calculation, the following data will be required:

  • radius of leading pulley
  • radius of slave pulley
  • distance between the centers of the pulleys.

Example of calculation.

We have two pullees with a diameter of 65mm and 130mm, respectively, they have 32.5 mm radii and 65mm. The distance between their centers is changeable (in order to carry out the tension of the drive belt), for example calculation, take the length between the centers 500mm.

We consider half the circle of each pulley in millimeters and add to the resulting number two distances from their centers (since the belt passes from one pulley to another and returns back to the first).

32.5mm x 3.14 (PI number) \u003d 102.05mm (half of the middle of the first pulley circle)

65mm x 3,14 \u003d 204.1mm (Circle Length of the Second Pulley)

102.05 + 204,1 + 500 + 500 \u003d 1306 mm (required Length of the drive belt).

For more accurate calculation, you need to take the minimum and maximum length of the distance between the centers, choose something mean suitable for you.

Here is a cutting machine!
Do the same. Do even better.
Good luck to you!

Observe safety measures in its manufacture

and operation!

Cutting machine with your own hands: Design, scheme, manufacture | Construction portal

Working a cutting tool, for example, a grinder, many masters understand how much easier to make a metal cutting with the easiest machine - and the work is more convenient, and the cut line is perfect. But when viewing prices for the cutting machine for metal, even if the most primitive b / u-shny, a desire appears to make something like this tool independently. There are several ways to make a cutting machine with their own hands, for example, based on a grinder or disk. All designs have their own minuses or obvious advantages.

Application of cutting machines by life

In the work on the metal it is impossible to do without welding, cutting, grinding and other types of processing. The ability to have the simplest machines, for woodworking and metal, is a huge help of a homemade master. In those places where it is difficult to get to fulfill work, for example, cut off the metal staircase or change something in the attic design, there will be a Bulgarian or circular saw. And cutting equal pieces of reinforcement, rods, small pipes and all kinds of metal blanks is much easier to make on the working surface of the machine.

The same cutting tank can also be used for other purposes to cut aluminum, plastic and other synthetic materials. However, it is not recommended for metal machines to apply for the purposes of woodworking. Given the small size of the household metal-cutting machine and the common simplicity of such a design, it will be easy to place on its estate.

For work on the machine, you will need a well-lit plot in the yard or in the garage, a socket and a flat surface of the floor. And if it is unrelevant, it can always be taken out into the workshop, a storage room or utility room until another use in the economy. Some design of homemade machines can be collected and dismantled, the frame or the base of the design will remain solid.

The homemade machine cutting can also be not only used in the house, but also to lease to recoup the cost of its manufacture - in a word, it is a very profitable device.

Classification of machine tools

Structurally, all metal cutting machines combine the engine with the transmission, the cutting disk and the working surface of the machine. There is drawings on the cutting machine on most sites dedicated to various homemade. Knowing the basics of the principle of operation of this adaptation, it is easy to make their own adjustments to use those materials and mechanisms that are already in the farm.

1. The power of the motor used depends on the intended performance, and it is important to decide before making a cutting machine. Most of the finished cutting machines have quite high power - up to 2000 W. Although the machine for domestic use can have smaller parameters, still do not forget that the metal is everywhere else.

2. To maintain the power of the engine on which the machine will work, it is important to elect a suitable method of kinematic transmission. The most common - belt and friction transmission of friction, each method has its advantages. Gearing transmission - gear, worm, chain, but the last option is most popular. The belt transmission gives the least noise and is used most often on homemade machines, and for more accurate machines it is not suitable due to the probability of belt slipping. However, with any design, the machine is important to remember the safety of safety.

3. Even the homemade machine is desirable to supply visets - for the guaranteed retention of the material being processed. A carbide disk or an abrasive circle - a choice for the master, depending on what is at hand, as well as from the most frequently performed works.

4. The parameters of the metal cutting angle can vary from 45 ° to 90 °, but usually cutting is performed at a right angle. Not every homemade machine has a similar advantage.

5. Disk IDA measurement determines the height of a cut piece of metal, but these parameters can be changed. For example, a wide thin-walled pipe can be rotated by producing cutting, but it is difficult to fix with vice. Place the bulk metal structure on the working surface of the machine sometimes is also problematic. Cutting machines, in most cases, have a working diameter of up to 400 mm.

6. The total performance of the handmade machine for the exact cutting of the metal depends on the speed of the drive turns largely. The high speed of the machine does not directly affect the quality of cutting.

7. The mass and dimensions of the homemade machine are formed depending on the material of the overall construction, which is desirable to supply vibration-erases on the legs.

8. The type of cutting machine - pendulum, with a lower or frontal supply also depends on the supply of the cutting tool. The disk is fed from above during the pendulum feed.

9. A homemade machine can have 2 cutting heads or one, respectively, distinguish between one-headed and two-headed options.

The abrasive-cutting machine is designed for cutting metal reinforcement, rods, profiles, diotover, pipes of different diameters, solid parts and profiles at different angles. Works abrasive circle.

A tape-cutting machine or tape-saw works based on the principle of a closed metal strip with movement by pulleys.

At home, the easiest way to build a cutting disk machine for metal. There are several ways to make a cutting machine with their own hands, but the most simplest method will be most clear.

The process of making the machine based on the cutting disk

To work will be required:

  • steel corner
  • channel,
  • drill,
  • welding machine,
  • electric motor
  • bearing couple
  • launch chain
  • switch,
  • coil,
  • wooden shield or steel sheet for work surface,
  • box to ensure the work of the electric hammers.

1. After the preparation of the entire toolkit makes a frame or a common frame of suitable sizes, for example, from the corner No. 25. Parts of the structure on the cutting machine according to the drawing are measured and cut by a grinder, then proceed to welding. The finished frame can be planted on the vibrationopores of the legs, which will make it easier for the work of the machine. The legs are easier to make from the same profile or tubes of a small diameter.

2. To the resulting table welded channel number 10, which actuates the role of the guide axis, it will become the basis of the design for fastening the cutting part of the machine and connecting the engine. Next, the main details are attached to the schwellor, including two vertical racks that are reinforced by bolts.

3. Further, it is necessary to cook another frame from the profiles - this is the basis for fastening the electric motor and the main cutting disk. On the other hand, the frame is fixed by an electric motor with a power of about 1.5-2 kW. Asynchronous motors are considered the most durable and reliable. Motor will need to be powered by a 3-phase network. We remind you that the larger power engine will provide a more smooth slice and good speed of work on cutting metal.

4. The method of fastening the shaft and the general principle of its connection to the design is not fundamental. The cutting machine, with competent provision of revolutions from the electric motor to the rotating shaft, is obliged to work reliably. It will help him to provide a wedge belt. Some works can be ordered to roll (shaft with supports, pulley under the belt and disk flanges). It is advisable to make the flange flange with a diameter of 32 mm.

5. Next, the support bearings are attached to the sockets of the tip of the upper frame on the chaserler. You can fix the engine and shaft bolts with the nut. Ensuring the operation of the electrical circuit - in the finished box with the switch, which is attached at the bottom of the frame.

6. Compound of racks with a shaft with a diameter of 12 mm is made using a dressed sleeve. So that it does not slide, the sleeve and the shaft attach with the smallest gap with a sliding landing. The sleeve is welded on the sleeve from the channel so that his shoulder is in a 1: 3 ratio.

7. Near the engine it will be necessary to install a rigid spring - to ensure, return, even come from the expander. Springs and chains are easy to secure bolts.

8. The electric motor is installed on the side of the smaller cutting of the rocker, and the shaft is from the main side. Belt transmission will ensure the movement of the shaft.

9. Be sure to need an emergency stop button and a starting circuit, and the engine must be connected via a box and a three-pole automatic machine, and the stop button lead to the network directly. Connecting the machine will provide a three-pole launcher that starts the electric motor.

10. Remember about the spell, which will fly from the disk - provide it with a cover. Work first check at idle, and only making sure the reliability of the design, you can try the cutting of a soft metal, for example, aluminum to adjust all inaccuracies. The working surface of the design can be made metal or wooden and covered with dense plywood, if necessary for work - fasten the vice.

Ground-based machine manufacturing process

There are several ways to make a cutting machine for metal with your own hands - there are some good videos on this topic.

The first way. The simplest device is a frame of a pipe, which will simultaneously serve as a comfortable handle. On the one hand, the welding is fastened with a transverse plank, on which there should be holes for the fastening of the grinder. A moving shaft on a piece of corner will be attached to this basis, the same part can be attached to the floor of the garage or on the desktop. And on the other hand, it is fixed to the spring, with which the machine can be returned to the initial position. With a competent attachment of the grinder, the device will help produce a more accurate cutting of the metal, freeing up one hand.

Do not forget about the reverse strike of the Bulgarian when the tool throws back if the abrasive disk jars. And the fragments of Abrasive on the destruction of the disk can be seriously injured. Fastened to the Bulgarian machine with a closed casing such consequences minimizes. However, the simplest design does not make it possible to perform high-precision cutting, for example, when you need to cut small pieces of steel rods that require further adjustment.

The second method of transformation of the grinder in the cutting machine for metal work. This machine can be made collapsible.

To work will be required:

  • welding machine,
  • drill,
  • steel corner
  • profiled tube
  • channel,
  • spring,
  • relay,
  • identical bearings,
  • pedal,
  • bolts
  • wooden shield or steel sheet for work surface.

1. A preliminary drawing or sketch is required, where all sizes and necessary parts are indicated. The finished drawings on the cutting machine on the metal are on the Internet, but still have to make their own adjustments, using what is already in the farm. A light sketch does not require accurate measurements, it suffices to follow the proportions and have an accurate picture of each design element. And remember that you have to change the frame for different sizes of the worker disc.

2. Two frames on the total axis - the base of the simplest machine frame, and it is better to cook them from the metal. On the bottom it is necessary to welcome the mount, which will consist of a movable clamp and a clamping corner. That part on which Bulgarian will be fixed, you need to make vertically moving on the bottom, like a pendulum. Without a spring, it is not necessary, it is needed to return to the initial position. Additionally welding secure the line with the limiter - for the accuracy of measurements.

3. Starting such a machine will provide a start-up pedal (button) connected via a low-voltage relay, feeding the bulgar from the voltage. Checking the design after switching on must be done at idle. If the circle does not touch the casing, freely rotating, you can use the design in practice - the homemade machine for cutting metal is ready.

4. This design can be collapsible, and other removable discs can be installed on the grinder. When working with other materials, remember the features of the materials during their cutting. Remember the safety and precautionary techniques when performing work on metal.

Hello. Today I want to tell about how I made a cutting machine from the non-needed me. I often have to cut pipes. Especially profile. Who did it, knows that cut off exactly the profile tube with a grinder is quite difficult. It takes a lot of time - it comes from the help of a square to fill in a straight corner every side, then neatly cut through one face. And anyway, it happens that one side turns on half a million in short, and then, when welding, a thin metal of the walls in this place begins to burn due to a loose fit. Ideally, smoothly can only be cut off for one res. And for this you need a cutting machine.

I had no ushm "DWT WS-180S". I was given it free because of the malfunction - the impeller of the rotor and the Bulgarian swatched. The owner wanted to throw it out and offered to give me it on parts for free. I repaired the rotor, replaced the brushes and bearings.

But it turned out that such a Bulgarian I don't need. It is very heavy and massive for the 180th circle. Power there is enough for the 230th (2200 W), but, for some reason, the manufacturer has equipped it with protection precisely under the 180th round. Therefore, she hung in my workshop for several years - I have a more easy "180-ka." I was going to redo the protection under the 230th round (then it would come in handy for work on concrete, for example), but never gathered!)))). After all, the 230th I have ...

And so I came to mind the thought of buying for her a bed and make a cut off stationary machine. But having considered purchased options, I found that they, for the most part, do not have sufficient rigidity, and therefore accuracy! Therefore, I came to the conclusion that you need to do.

What I needed:
1. Actually an ush.
2. Corner steel 50 to 50 and 40 to 40.
3. Crucification of the water pipe DU32-3,5
4. Trumper Waterpipe Du-25
5. Bearing 6202 (2 pcs)
6. Bearing support.
7. Stiletto M14.
8. Profile pipes 15 at 15, 20 to 20, 25 to 25
9. Bolts and nuts M6, M8, M14.
10. Trimming tin.

So for a start, I decided to assemble the mount of the Bulgarian. In purchased versions designed for various grinders, the mount is carried out by three long bolts with locknuts, which affects the rigidity. In addition, consolidating the ESM in three points, it is necessary to have it vertically that a little "steals" the depth of the cut - as a rule, ahead of the gearbox is slightly stretched. And therefore I decided to consolidate it horizontally, at two points, with a dense fit of the frame to the gearbox .. minus such an attachment - it is suitable only to one model of the ESM. But I decided to neglect this, considering that if I have to replace the Bulgarian, then I just welcome the new mount.))))
I cut two pieces of corner 50:

He drilled holes in them with a diameter of 14 mm:

And screwed to the reducer, using the folding points of the handle:

At the same time, I did not find bolts M14, and I temporarily replaced them with trimming studs with nuts. In order to spin and hold them, it was necessary to cut out the slots under the screeper:

After that, I grabbed the corners on each other on the Bulgarian, then I took it off and looked back:

Next, I started making a carriage. To do this, I needed a thick-walled pipe of 32-ki. Since it was necessary to cut off exactly, and at hand there was no cutting machine, I used a wide painting ribbon as a markup:

After that, I cut a piece of pipe Du-25, on 20 mm shorter than 32-ki:

Invested one to another:

Scored from two sides to 202nd bearings:

And pulled the hairpin M14 using the washers and nuts:

Then she cut a piece of the corner and grabbed it to the pipe. At the same time, the electrode is external pipe so as to cook it from the inner:

Now you need to make racks for fastening the carriage. I did from the same corner 50. So that they turned out the same, I pulled their clamp, and in this position cut and drilled holes:

Next, I collected and welded the entire fastener design of the carriage:

The thrust on which will be fastened to the Wax carriage, I made from a thick-walled profile pipe 20 to 20. The optimal length was calculated by experimentally, laying out of the pipes and bars a scheme of the future machine:

It remains to cut and cook everything together:

At this stage, I "TRANSULATED" Bulgarian:

Now the table turns out. I was made of steel from a sheet of steel, 4mm thick, 60 cm thick:

Passed the whole design on this sheet:

From the profile pipe 15 to 15, two square frames made, 50 per 50 cm in size. At the same time, in the pipe, in the seed grounds cut through three walls, the fourth left.

After that, the vertical racks made from the same pipe in the corners, and the resulting parallelepiped secured my design.

At this stage, it was necessary to set a straight angle between the cutting circle and the table. As I said, I excluded all adjustments in the sake of rigidity (read: accuracy) design. In my plans it was easy to adjust the thrust, and then strengthen them in the right position, welding them as an increase in the corner. But when I tried to adjust them first with two mons ... (I-U-y! What is I optimistic!)))). Then scrap! (The result is the same) ..... I realized that it would not have to strengthen the design !! Two thick-walled profile pipes of small length, to the same, wailing on the ends to the corners of the seams of 5 cm long on each side, give incredible stiffness! ...

I was able to adjust, only inserting a two-meter (!) Pipe between them, section 60 to 20. (good, between traction just 60 mm.

So the vertical is exhibited! Now cutting the table:

After that, expanded and lengthened the slot to a small grinder. (In case of installation, for example, a circle of wood.)

By the way ... Initially, I had a thought to make "2 in 1". Those., Provide for the possibility of turning the table with a grinder down, in order to obtain a circular! And I even began to embody it. For example, the caps of all mounting bolts on the reverse side I began to spoke, melted and cleaned to get a smooth circular table:

For the same reason, made symmetrically holes for fastening bolts, which the table is attached to the "parallelepiped" ... But the euphoria from the fact that "Cool I came up with" passed, and I realized that I just "tried", and did not happen for practicality , and for "cool it happened."))))))

And in fact I will not use it !!! After all, I have a circular. And she, in any case, is better than made from the Bulgarian! To the same way, working with a circular with a tree, to put this machine with a circle around the tree next to to trace. And not to turn the table for each board ...
In general, I discarded this stupid venture ....
Then I started the construction of the stop for the workpiece. I put the square to a circle, detected the line at a right angle, and secured a stubborn corner of 40 to 40 on it.

After that, I unscrew the corner and by its holes, attaching this time the kit 45 degrees, drilled the hole in the table.

I forgot to take a picture, but here, I think, it is clear .... Now, to cut under 45, you need to remove one bolt, turn the corner and fix it into another hole.

Next stage. I started assembling instrumental vice. After all, it is possible to cut off only a well-fastened blank. Highed a piece of pipe 20 to 20.

Inserted inside the string of the hairpin M14 and pulled the nuts. At the same time, one nut took a long, connecting:

Welded it.

And processed with a grinder, giving it an external dimensions of the pipe:

Next, I also called, where there was not enough and still processed. (not photographed).
Then she cut out a piece of the 25th tube (in her easily and sufficiently tightly 20-ka) and welded the strip over the trim, so that it could be drilled by the hole, fasten it to the table. It will be a guide:

On the edge of the hairpin, I made a sample and made a handwheel there.

Next, on the edge of the table consolidated a corner with a hole, and collected a vice. The stilette was screwed into the pipe with a welded nut, dressed on her guide, and all this missed through a stubborn corner, laying the support bearing, which was recorded by a cylinder nut: In short, you will understand the photo:

The handwheel handle made from the furniture bolt, put on it with a metal tube.

At the end made a wide emphasis. And it turned out such instrumental vice:

When rotating the handwheel, the pipe with a welded nut gets out of the guide and tightly presses the workpiece to the slope. The only inconvenience is to rotate left.))). But reliable than the eccentric clamp.

Further, I started making protective covers. As I said, the casing on the Bulgarian was under the 180th round, and I decided to use the 230th. (Power is enough. The turnover is also suitable.). In the same way, since I need accuracy, then I will cut in thick circles (2.6, or 3 mm). Because more subtle are a little dangling when pressed. And therefore the number of sparks will be incredible !!! Therefore, I decided to make the most closed casing, and consolidate it directly to the bed.

First I made a cardboard pattern.