A man is artificially replaced by a currant gooseberry Kalina. A surprisingly easy way to reproduction of berry bushes on the plot

The gooseberry, referred to as other words "Northern Grapes", is a long-term shrub, whose berries contain a huge amount of useful trace elements, organic acids, pectins and tanning substances.

Methods of breeding

Having stalks of different ages a bush of the gooseberry will delight with a full harvest of about 5-6 years. The greatest number of berries at the same time is formed on the side shoots of the 3-8-year-old age.

Therefore, for a stable production of delicious harvest of the northern grapes, the bushes should be updated in a timely manner and multiply them.

The reproduction of the gooseberry, for which the chiral, high-yielding, not affected by pests and diseases of the bushes is made in several ways:

  • stalling;
  • grains;
  • dividing bush;
  • seeds.

Gorge reproduction with green cuttings

Green drawing is one of the effective methods of reproduction of the gooseberry. In the second half of June, a sharp knife is required to cut the cuttings with a size of 7-12 cm; To do this, use the increments of the current year with five kidneys. You can reproduce the gooseberry with cuttings in the fall. It is advisable to produce a blank weather in cloudy weather or early in the morning. Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings are recommended to pre-process growth stimulant, after which it is planted for rooting into a substrate from a sand mixture with peat or ground.

The landing should be done under the tilt, at a distance of about 5 cm between cuttings at 10-centimeter aisle, leaving at the top 2 kidneys, and the lower should be placed at the soil level. Around the cuttings need to firmly enhance the ground in order to exclude the formation of voids, after which it is good to moisten and climb. Circling with planted cuttings must be constantly watering and loosening, causing the speedy formation of strong young renal process. The feeders are recommended to produce ammonium nitrate (40 grams), (20 grams) and superphosphate (30 grams) based on the 10-liter water bucket. Under all the conditions of the required care for young sprouts at the end of the season at the exit, high-quality annual seedlings are obtained; The best copies are obtained in rooting cuttings cut from the top of the branches. It is worth knowing that the reproduction of the gooseberry green cuttings is not suitable for all varieties. So, the best results showed the sorts of the anniversary and Russian, which gave 80-100% of survival. To a greater degree of reproduction of the gooseberry with cuttings suitable for currant.

Method of combined shilling

With this method, the reproduction of the gooseberry cuttings is made using young green melting, having a part of the weird increase (3-4 cm) last year. Prepared cuttings should be planted in loose wet ground, blowing the heel and the base for 3-4 cm.

After it is necessary to rush and climb. Formation of roots occurs after a couple of weeks.

Horizontal gag - one of the methods of reproduction

The reproduction of the gooseberry with drains is the method that is the most suitable 3-4-year-old bushes and used by most gardeners due to its simplicity, ease, reliability and sufficient material for landing at the output. With this method of reproduction, recommended for early spring, it is required to use annual, well-developed gains that are conveniently located with the side of the bush.

The soil is predetermined to prepare: it is good to switch, fade and dissolve. From the base of the bush, you need to do some shallow grooves with a depth of 20 cm, in which you should put and pinch young, conveniently located roasting shoots. In the absence of studs, you can use any grain material that can fix the lands on the ground. The brass branches, including their bases, should come into contact with the ground completely, the tops must be vaccinated by 3-4 cm, without outputting them to the surface. After laying, the horizontal grooves should not be poured into the earth, it is done only after germinating the kidneys, the appearance of shoots and reach the length of 5 cm. Only in this case is the first soil powder. The soil with decodes should be maintained all the time in a wet state, regularly watering and controlling so that the water does not blurry the grooves.

Upon reaching the shoots of the length of 15-20 cm them to the very tops, it is necessary to dip with humid or wet land; Giveness must be repeated throughout the summer season; With a strong growth - to discharge the tops (in June), so that the plant spends the force on the branch. It is important not to forget to perform feeding, as fertilizers it is recommended to use an ammonium salt, superphosphate.

The gooseberry, the reproduction of which is produced by the grooves, is best rooted in the wet years, in the dry time the roots stop in the growth in the summer and renew it only in the autumn period when the optimal temperature of the soil and humidity is restored. From the uterine bush, the tank is recommended to be separated in autumn and in the spring, but it is preferable to do it in the spring in this case, because for autumn and winter the root system of a young seedling will well develop and strengthened, after which the finished seedlings are recommended to plant on a permanent place of growth. A dumpled young gooseberry, the reproduction of which is produced by a dummy way, it is required to cut into separate seedlings, sort, to take more weak (with a poorly developed root system) and plant them for friction.

What is a good way to reproduce horizontal letters? Large seed material. From each horizontally laid annual shoot, up to 6 full-fledged shoots with roots - future gooseberry seedlings.

Reproduction with tanks: Method number 2

There is still a method of reproduction with the lesions, compared with the simpler above. For this, you can get a gourmet with a spring or autumn cropping of the gooseberry. Several long young branches should be chopped, touch them horizontally (about 10-centimeter depth). The top (about 12 cm long) at the same time you need to leave and shook it vertically using a peg for this. A year later, full shoots will appear.

Gooseberry: reproduction of lesions

This method is used early in spring; Young annual growths need to be put into the furrows with rows, prank in the middle of the recess of the pit and pour out the earth. The tops need to withdraw the arc to the surface of the Earth, tie to the peg, shorten and dip. In the summer it is required to provide regular watering and feeding. During the season, the arcoid glasses will have to be rooted and become a full-fledged planting material. Such a method from one-year pricing escape gives only one seedling, which is several times less than with a way with horizontal gods. The gooseberry, the reproduction of which is produced by the speakers, is characterized by power and quickly enters into fruiting.

Reproduction by vertical chains

This method is used for older gooseberry bushes or when transferring the plantation of bushes to a new place. Early spring is cut out all the old branches, young shortening on 2/3. This operation will cause the intensive appearance of a large number of shoots. Upon reaching the height of 15-18 cm, the latter should be emphasized up to half, when emphasizing the branch, it is necessary to push and fill all empties. The diplock is produced 2-3 times, as the twigs grow. In June, the roys of the gooseberry need to be discredited, it will cause the branch of the future bush. By the fall, with good irrigation and additional feeding, the tanks will have a good root; They can be swollen for landing.

Division bush

The reproduction of the gooseberry division of the bush is used in most cases when determining the plantation to another place of growth. This method is due to the fact that in the gooseberry, the independence of various parts of the bush is pronounced; Some branches in young age form and develop a separate root system. When digging the bushes they are divided into parts; Younger processes with well-developed roots are used as a planting material. The reproduction of the currant, the gooseberry division of the bush can be made in autumn, after focusing (October-November), or early spring, before the blown of the kidneys (in March).

Reproduction of seeds

Seeds, the gooseberry breeds in the removal of new varieties. The material obtained from free pollination and derived from directional crossing is used.

Currant and gooseberry - valuable berry cultures of our gardens. In our opinion, there should be no dacha area on which these plants would not grow. Productive age currant and gooseberry - 6-8 years, then the crop of berries begins to decline, various pests and diseases are accumulated, the bushes are aging. Gardener has to replace them with new seedlings. So buy?
We offer an output: we grow seedlings yourself, we will use our advice. If you are with us, and we mean, we will not disappear one. And to grow for yourself, on its plot, good, healthy planting material and in fact every gardener can.

Currant and gooseberry breeding vegetatively, parts of plants. The simplest and most reliable way of reproduction of currant - woven stalks. For spring planting, the cuttings are harvested in November. They are binding to bundles and stored in the basement in the sand or in the garden under the snow. It is important to save cuttings during the winter, not allowing their drying. As soon as the Earth finds out, warms up, the cuttings are planted into the ground. The aluminors from the weird cuttings grow up, as a rule, with one stem.
Good results for reproduction of currant and gooseberry gives another method - green cuttings. But this work is performed, of course, in the summer - at the end of June, early July (during the period of intensive growth of shoots). Young gains - the tops of 10-12 cm leaves with 2-3 interstices cut, better in the morning clock. The lower leaves are removed on the cutken, and the remaining shortening half to shorten the loss of moisture with a stalk. The best place for the successful rooting of cuttings is simple film greenhouses or greenhouses. You can use a part of the area of \u200b\u200bgreenhouses or greenhouses, in which the gardener grows cucumbers and tomatoes.
In greenhouses or greenhouses it is easy to maintain high air humidity and the optimal temperature at the soil surface. For the rooting of green cuttings, a special substrate is prepared in advance - a mixture of peat with sand (1: 1). He must keep moisture well and at the same time provide drainage and good aeration. The cooked substrate consisting of peat and sand is placed in a smooth layer of 4-5 cm on a fertile soil of a greenhouse or a greenhouse.
Sugging the cuttings is best in the early morning according to the scheme: 2-3 cm in a row and 5-7 cm between rows, to the depth of substrate 1.5-2 cm, but not deeper. The roots formed on the cuttings from the peatpiece substrate penetrate into the lower fertile layer, which gives them food for the intensive development of the rooted cutting. In the process of rooting, it is necessary to maintain air humidity and substrate. The cuttings watered every day (1-2 times) from the sprayer or from watering can with a small pitch. To avoid the roting of the cuttings, you need to follow the humidity of the substrate, not to allow its convergence. Before the start of rooting takes at least two weeks. After the mass rooting of cuttings, the moisture of the substrate is maintained at a lower level than originally, however, the drying is not allowed. The rooted cuttings at the end of August - early September are planted in an open ground to grow. The cultivation of the planting material from the weed cuttings currants and green cuttings of the currant and the gooseberry is quite simple, and each gardener on its summer cottage can propagate the valuable grades of berry crops, fully providing themselves with the planting material. If there is an excess of cuttings, you can, as already talked, sell or exchange them into seedlings of other plants you need.
Currant and gooseberry can be multiplied horizontal chains, without separating them from the uterine bush. This method is good because it does not require special artificial conditions - greenhouses, greenhouses. For this, early spring, before the blown of the kidneys, choose the strongest annual shoots, as well as 2-3-year-old branches with good increments. They are carefully flexible in a pre-prepared groove of a depth of 8-10 cm. On the bottom of the grooves pour a layer of peat complex or overwhelmed manure and stirred from the ground. The shoots are enclosed with hooks or hairpins and fall asleep soil. On such a shoot from the kidneys grows vertical shoots. Upon reaching the height of 10-12 cm, they are dipped to a height of 4-6 cm with wet soil.
After 2 weeks, it is re-evaporation to 7-10 cm. In the fall, when the tanks are rooted, the branch at the base of the mother's bush is cut off by the secateur and cut it into a number of shoots and planted on a permanent place.
Gardening can breed a currant and gooseberry by dividing the bush To preserve this variety. The bush carefully digs out, freeing the root system from the soil, and divide it so that every part of it had young roots and shoots. From such a method of reproduction of the planting material, it turns out a little.
V. Ponomarenko,
academician Petrovskaya
academy of Sciences
Material from the weekly newspaper "Gardener"

The reproduction of currant and gooseberry with horizontal decodes refers to one of the simplest ways to produce new plants. And they immediately come out several. Winter is coming soon. It's time to think about what we will do with the arrival of spring. And this method is just at the beginning of the warm period.

Even a novice gardener will be able to provide itself with the boarding material without costs. And if you also consider that white and red currant are poorly rooted during stallion, then this solution will be perfect for them. Choosing a dairy bush. It should be healthy, strong, fruitful. Branches for rooting will suit both annual and perennial (two-year). But one condition, they should begun well to the ground.

Reproduction of currant and gooseberry horizontal grooves

When reproducing the currant and the gooseberry, horizontal grooves in the spring around the bush scatter compost or humus to 5 buckets, then the ground is slightly leaving (but not under the bush, but around). The chosen branch begins to gently bent to the ground in the direction of the bush. Prepare than changing. After all, it will need to be fixed in this position.
How many branches can be burned? On one bush, you can nail into reproduction of no more than 2/3 branches. Be sure to leave at least 1/3 of the bush on growth and fruiting.

In this position on the branch, the kidneys will begin to develop, giving shoots awarded up. When they are about 15 cm high, it is necessary to draw the ground with a humorier or compost (as a last resort, simply loose ground) to a height of about 8 cm. The soil should be slightly wet, its pritamimo, so that there is no emptiness and moisturize irrigate. From above Zamulchuєmo thin layer of dry ground. This roller needs to be maintained in a wet state, because it will start its root growth.

After a half months, we still have a set of land of centimeters 5. With good care, maintaining humidity, getting rid of weeds, light loosen until mid-September you will get young plants with the root system. Reproduction with horizontal cutting currants and the gooseberry is cut off from the pancake, digging, divided into pieces - bushes and send to a new place. If the root system in some will be very weak, then it is better for these copies of these copies to a permanent place, but to send to a special garden, intended for planting plants.
Sometimes they keep such drags near the Musician two years, especially if the growth conditions were not very favorable (later warming, early cold, drought).

But not everywhere summer does not differ in hot and humid climate. Therefore, for such zones, it is recommended when reproducing the currant and the gooseberry horizontal bodies, the branch is not simply on the surface of the earth, and enter it into a small, about 5 cm. The groove depth. She also pinch and all further operations will be the same as described above.

Gorge reproduction with leaning

Modifying the shrubs of the lull-born gorge variety or currant in her site is quite simple. If you have a healthy bush of an elite variety with good yield, you can proceed to work.

There are three most popular methods of reproduction of black currant and gooseberry with tanks:

  • horizontal;
  • arcual;
  • vertical.

Start the reproduction of the currant or gooseberry with a gourmet in the spring, when the kidneys have not yet blocked. For the middle strip of Russia, it is mid-April, but it is better to monitor the air temperature (with a steadily positive from +5, you can begin). The disadvantage of this procedure is the difficulty in caring for the mother's bush, and in harvesting, since young shoots limit access to it.

Reproduction of currant and gooseberry horizontal grooves

To begin, it is necessary to inspect the bushes and choose a strong two-year shoots, from which we will make a chain.

The procedure itself passes as follows:

  • The soil around the bush is well exploded, fertilize and watered;
  • Selected shoots are picked up by 2-3 cm, flex to the ground and laid in shallow grooves (up to 10 cm), and then in several places they are attached to the ground using spills from wire or wood. Sprinkled with their soil yet;
  • When the kidneys grow up, about 10 cm height, they are sprinkled to the middle;
  • After a couple of weeks, they again plunge;
  • When young sprouts are completely rooted, they can be digging and disassembled as separate bushes, cutting off from the main bush by the secateur.

The procedure for reproduction is no difference between the leases. The extreme branches are gently strung out to the ground, as in the diagram below. Must with studs in two places to fix the place of rooting, which rushes the land (in the soil there should be 2/3 of all escape). The rest of the branch is displayed outside and pages.

Reproduction of currant and gooseberry vertical chain

Thanks to this method, you can get the largest number of seedlings.

The procedure for reproduction of the currant and gooseberry vertical chain:

  • it is necessary to choose the yields of young bushes and cut a large part of the branches (shorten into two third-time);
  • from the lower kidney, the young shoots will soon begin;
  • when the sprouts are reached 15-20 cm, it is necessary to jumble around the soil around the bush, and to glue the shoots to half of their growth (the procedure will need to repeat several times during the summer);
  • in the fall, shoots are already rooted, and they can be disassembled.

In the middle of the summer it is necessary to make the pinch of the tops of the shoots, it will provide a good branching of the future bush.

Vertical reproduction is also performed on another scheme when the bush is cut completely and all shoots are used as seedlings and searched after rooting. The parent plant is uprooted to replace with young.

Breed currants and gooseberries with cuttings - Woven and green, tanks (horizontal and vertical) and dividing bushes. Seeds spread out only with the aim of removing new varieties.

For growing planting material (seedlings), the uterine currant and gooseberry gooseberry, winter-hard, healthy, that is not affected by pests and diseases and sustainable people are necessary.

Consider the most common, as well as the most affordable methods of reproduction in the conditions of the gardery site.

Reproduction with weathered cuttings.

For this purpose, they take well-affected and sufficient length (more than 30 cm) annual shoots from fruiting bushes.

The shoots on the cuttings is better to cut in autumn: red and white currant - in the first half of September, and black - in early October. By this time, annual shoots have time to crumble, and kidney to form in the sinuses of the leaves.

First, the bushes are cut off entirely, then they are cut into a sharp knife with a sharp knife for about 20 cm long, the leaves are broken. The best cuttings with well-developed kidneys are obtained from the middle part of the escape. On the tops of the shoots and in the lower part of their usually the kidneys are not developed enough. Such cuttings, as well as a thickness of less than 5-6 mm (thinner pencil) - are little suitable. Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings are better to immediately put in advance prepared soil. The soil must be fertilized and deeply processed. The cuttings are tilted, approximately 45 ° to the soil surface at a distance in a row is not closer to 10 cm, and between rows 20-25 cm, so that it is convenient to loose aisle. Above the surface of the soil leave 2 kidneys, and one of them should be at the soil level. The land around the cuttings is tightly crimped, so that it fit to them and did not have voids, they are well watered and mulched by humus. In dry sunny weather, planted cuttings are signed.

For good and rapid rooting and development of cuttings, soil is always wet and loose. This is especially important at first after landing and spring. With good care in the first year, 2-3 escapes grow from cuttings. Next year, early in the spring these shoots are cut off, leaving them with a length of 10-15 cm, and already by autumn (for the second year of growth after landing), seedlings are ready for landing for a permanent place as a two-year. If planted cuttings developed well and have a fairly developed root system, then annual seedlings can be planted at a permanent place.

The cuttings are better to plant in autumn. But if for some reason, their landing is transferred to spring, then it is better to harvest them from the fall and to be stored in a cool basement in wet sand or under the snow. You can cut the shoots for Chernok and at the end of March. Spring the cuttings in the spring should be too early as the soil fell out. Red and white currants, as mentioned above, it is better to plant an early autumn.

The gooseberry with the weathered cuttings usually does not multiply, as they are rooted bad. The gooseberry is well multiplied by horizontal and vertical chain.

Reproduction horizontal gag. In this way, a red and white currant is well multiplied, as well as the gooseberry. At the same time, it is possible to get 3-5 or better seedlings from one break for 1-2 years.

To obtain seedlings by this method, the bush is early in spring (before the blown of the kidney) bend annual shoots and well-developed single-two-year-old branches. They put them in the grooves depth of 5-6 cm and pinch tightly to the ground with wooden or metal hooks. Before stacking shoots (branches), the soil fertre up and explode. To strengthen the growth of side kidney shoots, the tip of escape before laying is shortened by 7-10 cm.

The grooves should not be filled with the ground, they are left open to the appearance of vertically growing shoots. From time to time, the grooves moisturize. When young shoots reached the length of about 10 cm, they are plunged with half a loose ground with a humus. After 2-3 weeks, when the shoots are growing again, the dipping is repeated on a height of 8-10 cm. The diplock is carried out with a damp soil, so it is performed after the rain or the soil is preliminarily poured.

During the summer, the soil near the uterine bushes and tanks contain in loose and wet state, clean from weeds. To preserve moisture after irrigation, the soil is mulched. In mid-September, when the growth of shoots ends, the faded shoots are cut off from the bush at the base of the branch by the secateur. The dug branch is cut into parts by the number of rooted tanks, then they are sorted. Well developed plants are selected for landing for a permanent place. Weakly developed shortening roots and shoots, then they are planted in a shovel for the second year for growing with a distance between the plants of 20-25 cm, obliquely to the surface and somewhat deeper than they grow.