The first Russian football team. History of pre-revolutionary football in Russia

It is believed that football originated more than 150 years ago. And at the same time the Odessa British athletic club was created. The club was founded by the British who lived in Odessa. First, only subjects of the English crown played for the club. It was not associated with discrimination. Ordinary workers did not know how to play football, and there were no teachers, or rather, did not afford such a game. The British played with Romanians, as well as with the teams of English ships. After a few decades, several football clubs appeared, such as: "Sporting", "Odessa Football Circle" and many others. Website " Outside the city"Tell me about those years in the formation of the first football clubs of the Russian Empire.

Century Back Football Sooted to St. Petersburg. He was brought here the British. The first match took place in 1897. At the same time, a football club is created, which shares football lovers. The club was called "a circle of sports lovers." In the same year, the football club held a meeting of teams. "Circle of sports lovers" and "Vasile Society" came to the football field. Guests won the owners, the match ended with 6: 0. This account will forever be remembered by lovers of domestic football.

In the 20th century there was another education - the St. Petersburg football league. This club includes dozens of strongest teams of St. Petersburg. In 1901, the first place is occupied by the Neckov club, which subsequently became the strongest club of the city.

A few years later, on the example of Odessa and St. Petersburg, a football club appeared in Moscow. Then Kiev and Kherson also acquired personal sports clubs. In Russian football, the British played a major role. Only professional players were born in England. Players from Liverpool, Manchester and many other sports cities arrived in Russian teams, where football flourished for a long time.

In difficult time, the national team of the Russian Empire is based under the king. In 1911, in Russia there was an attempt to collect a football team from professional players. The team invited football players from major cities where it was developed. The Russian national team consisted of players in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But Odessans were also included in the national football team. But the team was weak and at meetings have never been able to win. At the end of August, in 1911 several games were held, which ended very smoothly for our team.

A year later, the Russian national team participated in the Olympic Games. A novice football tournament was cracked with 2: 1 in favor of Finland. In the next match, the German national team showed a wonderful game, and the Russians were again unable to recoup. The score was 16: 0. The following matches were played with Norway and Hungary national team. And then the Russian national team could not show their skills.
In 1912, an all-Russian football union is created, which includes more than 30 major cities and as many soccer clubs. In 1912, a football match was held in the Russian Empire, which includes St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kharkov. Odessa and Kiev first also planned to enter the club and show a qualified game, but for unauthorized reasons, teams were held off with participation. In the final of Kharkov lost Moscow with a score of 1: 6. The Kiev team did not solve the participation in the game with St. Petersburg, and therefore was disqualified. In the semifinals, Moscow and St. Petersburg met on the football field and showed a really beautiful game that ended in a 2: 2 tissue. Because of the fog, which was on this day, the match was proposed to be replayed. Here, the St. Petersburg national team broke away from the Moscow national team with a score of 4: 1. The Odessa national team was invited to play from the St. Petersburg national team, but the game did not take place. And in 1912, the Peter national team was proclaimed champion of Russia.

The second championship of Russia took place in 1913. The teams were divided into "Champions of the North". This city included in Moscow, Bogorodsk, St. Petersburg and Lodz, and on the "South Champions". The national team of southern champions includes such cities like Rostov-on-Don, Kiev, Kherson, Odessa. The game began with ½ finals for the north and ¼ for the south. At the southern meeting, a team from Odessa was recognized as an absolute champion, and in the north - St. Petersburg.

The Final met the national teams Odessa and St. Petersburg. The match was held at the southern inhabitants in Odessa and ended with the victory of Odessa. But the game was not intended to end quietly and calmly. The St. Petersburg national team decided to challenge the game and filed a protest. St. Petersburgians did the fact that the team of Odessans was exceeded the limit of legionnaires (there were 4 legionnaires in the team). In turn, the Odessa national team stated that the first time hears about innovations in the rules. As a result, the All-Russian Football Union decided to cancel the match, and the country's championship decided to be considered not played. A year after this incident began the war, and I had to forget about football for a while.

Alexander Lomonosov,
Anatoly Belov

In the era of the USSR, it was believed that the date of the founding of FC CSKA - April 29, 1923. And it would be strange if the club representing the Red, and later the Soviet army had a pre-revolutionary history. But...

First Football Section - in 1911

1 (14) June 1901 at the General Meeting approved the Charter of the Society of Ski Lovers (Olls). F.V.Hennig became the first chairman. The Board of Olls was located at: Mashkov Per., D. 8, apt. 6., Sports station - Sokolnicheskaya Zavod, the angle of the Camera College Shaft and the 2nd Field Per., D. Savvina.

Only in 1911 (according to other data in 1910), the club organizes a football section. The first official match in the Moscow Championship Football team Olls held in 1911. In the Moscow Championship in the class "b", the Olls team spoke from 1911 to 1917, in the Higher League from 1918 to 1922. Achievements: Moscow 1922 Champion (Spring). Olls scored 9 points (4 victories and 1 draw, 15 goals clogged and 3 missed). In the championship composition, Olls advocated: F. Leskunas, K.Smidt, M.Saev, P. Beltev, V.ratov, S.Dmitriyev-Moro, S.Rotovok, P. Savostyanov, M.ratov, K. Tyulpanov, K. Zhiboedov, B.Dubinin, N.Ivanov, S.Nazaretov, S. Bagrov, N. Maitov, Smirnov, Martynov; 2nd prize-1921 (autumn), 1922 (autumn); 3rd winner 1918 (autumn), 1920 (autumn).

On June 11, 1922, in the Finals of the Absolute Championship of Moscow (CFS-Kolomyagi's Cup), playing between the winners of the Higher and Low Leagues, Oll's footballers met with the ISS team, which some consider the ancestor of Spartak, because In its composition, N. Starostin (we will not comment on the legitimacy of such an approval, it deserves a separate conversation). Oll's footballers won with a score of 4: 2.

On June 25, 1922, the Spring Champion of Moscow (Olls) first met with the Champion of Petrograd ("Sport") in the fight for the Tosmeman Cup. With a score of 1: 0 in persistent struggle, Moscow footballers won and actually became club champ chains.

In 1918, almost all Players Olls became the fighters of the Red Army. From the first days of the organization Vsevobuch, most club members passed short-term courses and received the title of instructors for the pre-examination of young people. The chief of this district station Vsevobuch was the chairman of Olls Rebrik Dmitry Markovich. Thus, since 1918, Olls has actually been part of the All-Vovobuch Office and defended his colors, having close ties with the Red Army.

Official birthday

On April 14, 1923, an order No. 160 / R of the chief chief of universal military training of Mehonoshin was published on the establishment of a "experimental naval playground". In this order, he was prescribed to direct the main management of the site and a ski station (a society of ski-sports enthusiasts - "Olls") in Sokolniki.

On April 27, 1923, an order of the RevoNesovets was published, which said the following: "In Moscow, under the central administration of military training of workers, the central sports organization of the Red Army was created -" The Experimental Military Sports Platquinity of the All-Russia (OPD).

On April 29, 1923, two teams of the Vsevobuch will be released in Sokolniki on the football field. The match ended with a score of 3: 2 in favor of the first team. This day, as approved by the Order of the USSR Minister of Defense of June 23, 1963, is the official date of the founding of CSKA. Therefore, the order did not make major changes to the well-established structure of the club, essentially changing only its name - an OPDA instead of Olls, in accordance with the actual affiliation of the team. The former head of Olls D.M. Berric became the head of the OPD. The OPD football team has kept traditional colors (dark blue T-shirts and white panties). The team was carried out the same form after 1928, when it was renamed to the CDC. And only in 1939, she first reached the field in red T-shirts and blue shorts.

OPV footballers held their first official match in the Moscow Championship of Moscow on June 17, 1923 against Russkabel. The result of this match was for the debut not festive - defeat with a score of 1: 3. The goal of prestige, which became the first nude of the army in the official championships, held the leader of the attacks of the OPDA team Konstantin Zhiboedov. The OPDA team performed in the following composition: F. Leskunas, M.Simaev, V. Grigoriev, I.Smirnov, V.ratov, B. Barlyaev, B.Dubinin, P. Savostyanov, M.ratov, K.Tyulpanov, K. Giboedov . The composition of the OPDA team in 1923 does not actually differ from the composition of Olls 1922.

Since 1924, due to the liquidation of the Main Directorate of Vsevobuch, the Army Sports Center was referred to as a pilot-demonstrative playground of the military assistant with the former abbreviated name of the ODB. Accordingly, the name of the football team has changed.

In February 1928, when the country noted the decade of the Red Army, the executive committee of the Moscow Council was transferred to the military department of facilities and a park on the square of the commune, where the central house of the Red Army was located. OPV entered its composition. The football team began to be called the CDU (central home of the Red Army).

At the place of the university could be a stadium

On December 8, 1931, the USSR revisions decided to create an all-harm voluntary physical culture society, to develop its charter and name. A commission was established under the leadership of the Deputy People's Commissar on Military and Maritime Affairs and Deputy Chairman of the Russian RVS of the USSR S.C. Kamenev, on the initiative of which it was decided to name the All-Armenian Physical Society - "Spartak." "In honor of the leader of Roman gladiators, as a symbol of courage, durability, courage and victory," the commission was emphasized in solving the Commission.

For the new Army Stadium Spartak offered two places in Moscow, to choose from. The first option is the Frunze Park named (on the square of the commune), the second - Leninsky (Vorobyev) of the mountains, near the holiday home CAUD and the Gaude-Sunny Base of the Park of Culture and Leisure, which was located opposite the Novodevichy Monastery (it was here, at the foot of the springboard, throughout For many years, army footballers held their fees before the competition). It was planned to have 25 - 30 thousand in the stadium, as they said, numbered seats.

It is now difficult to imagine that it would be if these decisions were implemented in the place of the new building of Moscow University, the Army Stadium "Spartak" would stand. However, the decision to create the All-Armenian Society "Spartak" and remained on paper.

In early April 1941 there was a new renaming to the team of the Red Army. The team of the Red Army performed under this title until June 1941. On June 22, she had to play in Kiev with local Dynamo, but the game did not take place, since the war began on that day.

In February 1951, the central house of the Red Army is renamed to the Central House of the Soviet Army. The football team began to be called the CDSA.

On August 18, 1952 on the day of the scheduled calendar meeting with the Kiev "Dynamo", the CDS team was removed from the draw and disbanded. The formal reason for this was the unsuccessful performance of the USSR national team at the Olympic Games.

In 1953, Army teams of the Air Force MVO and the CDS, speaking at the All-Union sports arena with separate teams, united. On September 30, 1953, the order of the USSR Defense Minister was issued, which was prescribed to create the Central Sports Club of the Ministry of Defense - CSK MO. He was transferred to the sports economy and the states of the physical culture and sports of the CDS, a stadium and a ski station in Sokolniki, a stable and equestrian playpen in Khamovniki, as well as the sports base of the MVA Air Force on Leningrad Prospect. The football team did not exist at that time.

Army team called CSKA

In January 1954, the football team was restored and was still called the CDA. January 15, she spent the first training.

From February 1957, the Football team began to be called CSK MO (Central Sports Club of the Ministry of Defense).

On April 9, 1960, an article under the title "New Names of Army Teams" was published in the Red Star newspaper. Here is its part concerning CSKA:

"The editorial office of the Red Star newspaper received numerous letters from readers, in which proposals were made to change the names of sports teams of the Central Sports Club of the Ministry of Defense - CSK MO who are in competitions for the Soviet Union championship and in international meetings.

Given the proposals of the warriors and the appeal to the teams of the Soviet Army, the "army", the command of the Soviet Army - "Army", is recognized as appropriate to refer to:

Teams of the Central Sports Club of the Ministry of Defense - teams of CSKA, which means the central sports club of the army ... ".

The first match under the new title Football team CSKA held on April 10, 1960 in Tbilisi with Spartak (Vilnius) and won with a score of 2: 0.

By the way

In fact, FC CSKA, formed in 1911, is the oldest of the currently existing Russian football clubs. This is what the official encyclopedic reference book of the Russian Football Union (Russian Football for 100 years "is also approved. An encyclopedic reference book. Under the commission of President RFS V.I. Soloscova. Editor-consultant Secretary General of the RFS V.V.Rodionov. Moscow, Russian Football Union . 1997), and the authoritative encyclopedia of European football, published in Germany (Hardy Grune. "Enzyklopadie Der Europaischen FussBallvereine. Die Erstliga-Mannschaften Europas Seit 1985", Germany, Kassel: Agon Sportverlag. 2000).

Football team CSKA at different times was called

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What football club from now existing in Russia was based on the very first? Football statistics, passionate football lovers and simple fans sometimes were seriously asked by this question, coming, perhaps to various conclusions. This time we studied this topic, by defining the top three of the most worthy candidates.

"Kolomna" - 1906 year of foundation (108 years)

FC Kolomna from the same city in the Moscow region, currently speaking in the Zone "West" of the second division of PFL, de facto is the oldest of the currently existing professional and even amateur football clubs in Russia.

The history of Kolomna football began in 1906, when the first football team - KGO, Kolomna Gymnastic Society was created at the Machine-Building Plant of the Brothers Struve (later -).

Even in the pre-revolutionary period, the team was adopted in the Moscow Football League (MFL) and the Football League of Dumarted Circles (FLDC). In 1911, the Kolomna Football League (KFL) appeared in the city.

And after the revolution, in 1923, the Kolomna team took part in the first USSR Championship, held in Moscow as part of the first All-Union Holiday of Physical Culture. In it, Kolomnitsy reached the semi-final, being in the fourth of the strongest teams of the country.

In the post-war years, the Kolomna's All-Union Arena was first presented in 1948 by the Dzerzhinets team. Two seasons "steam-positioners" conducted in the second group, occupying respectively the ninth and tenth places among 14 participants. Then the "Dzerzhinets" came out only in the championships of the Moscow Region and its society.

But in 1960, the team of the Avangard diesel engineering plant returned to the All-Union level, at which he spent eight seasons in the class B (from 1960 to 1969 with a break in 1961/1962). The best result of the speeches during this period was the fourth place in 1964.

After the reform of the Football Economy of the USSR in 1970 (when the class b) was eliminated by the "diesel engineering" lost a place in all-union competitions. The team began to play the championship of the Moscow region in the highest group, but soon sank into the second.

At this time, a team of heavy machine-building plant (CTS) "Oka" was published in the city, founded in 1923. For its history, "machine-tool builders" became the five-time champions of the Moscow region and the five-time owners of the Region Cup.

In 1988, Oka became the winner of the zonal tournament of the championship of physical culture teams (KFK) and returned to the city of Big Football, in 1989, debuting in the second Allied League.

And in 1990, the revival began. The opposition of two Kolomna teams led to the fact that in the first Russian championship of 1992 both clubs started in one zone of the second league and finished in the neighborhood (in the eighth and ninth positions). In another four championships of Russia, Kolomna was represented by both of these teams, and the best result of the speeches was the second place of Avant-garde in the fourth zone in 1993.

Before the start of the 1997 season, the Kolomna municipal football club was created in Kolomna, which united "Avangard" and "OKU". And before the start of the 1998 season, FC "Kolomna" was united with the Resurrection team "Gigant" - the champion of Russia in 1997 among lovers.

The last major achievement of "Kolomna" falls for 1999, when she ranked second in the center of the second division. The following was followed by a sunset: in 2000 - 12th place; In 2001 - the penultimate 19th place (she had to leave professional football, but the decision of the PFL was left in the center zone); In 2002 - 18th place out of 20 (the club lost a place in the second division and was forced to perform in the amateur championship).

The club held 10 seasons in the third division, where the best result was the sixth place (2008 and 2011/12) and access to the Final Cup of the Moscow Region (2011/12 and 2012). However, in 2012, the "Moscow Region" Zone "Kolomna" ranked first in the one-rod tournament and returned to the second division in the sports principle, where in the 2013/14 season in the Zone "West" occupied the 13th place out of 17.

History of change of names: 1906-1919 - CGO (Kolomna gymnastic society), 1919-1923 - Golutvinskaya SFC (Section of physical culture), 1923-1936 - KFK (Circuit of physical culture), 1936-1942 - "Dzerzhinets", 1942-1945 - "Tractor" , 1945-1952 - "Dzerzhinets", 1953-1993 - "Avangard", 1993 - "Viktor-Avangard", 1994-1997 - "Avangard-Cortek", since 1997 - FC Kolomna.

High achievements: Third place in the USSR Championship (1923), 1/32 Final of the USSR Cup (1936), 1/2 Final of the RSFSR Cup (1990), second place in the second league area / division (1993 and 1999), 1/16 of the Russian Cup Final (1992/93), Winner of the Amateur Zone "Moscow region" of the Third Division (2012), Finalist of the Cup of the Moscow Region (2011/2012 and 2012).

"Chernomorets" Novorossiysk - 1907/1960 years of foundation (107 years / 54 years)

This is also one of the oldest Russian football clubs: It was originally founded in the port city in 1907, disbanded in 1917 and restored in the 1960s. Since then, until 1978, he played in the class of the USSR Championship, and before the collapse of the USSR continued to play in the second league.

The main flourishing of the club from the city of Novorossiysk began in the post-Soviet period. When forming the first championship of Russia, the team received the opportunity to perform in the first league, where she in the second season she became the winner of the western zone, but was not able to enter the top three in the transitional tournament.

In 1994, Novorossiysk again became the triumphs of the one of the first league and received the right to play in the elite of Russian football. In the highest division "Chernomorets" continuously performed until 2001. Twice he managed to get into the six strongest, which allowed the club to make her debut in eurocades.

However, in the first round of the Cup - 2001/02 "Sailors" both times gave way to Spanish "Valencia" (0: 1 at home and 0: 5 on the road). In the Russian Championship - 2001, they also played unsuccessfully, completing the season in the last 16th place.

The following year, Chernomorets won the first division tournament again, and in the 2003 season, he was again unable to resist in the Premier League, but reached the finals of the Russian Cup final. In 2005, after a hard season in the first division, the club lost a professional license.

Renamed in FC Novorossiysk, he performed in the amateur league, where he won the "South" zone, and then in the final tournament and rose to the "South" zone of the second division. Since then, Novorossiyski can not get rid of the status of the elevator team.

So, in 2007, Chernomorets took the first place there and returned to the first division, from which he again dropped in 2009. In 2010, the club advanced to himself returns upstairs, and also became the owner of the PFL Cup among the winners of the second division zones. However, in the 2011/12 season, he could not resist in FNL again.

In the offseason, the team headed the famous and most successful coach in her history, who managed to create a new team, which at the finish of the season-2012/13 only for additional indicators (with the equality of points gained) was given to the leadership in the "South" zone of the Narran "Angushta".

In the previous championship-2013/14, Chernomorets remained on the second line of the tournament table following the Astrakhan "Volgar". Well, this season "Sailors" are seen by the main favorites of the southern zone, divided into two groups after the inclusion of three Crimean clubs.

History of change of names: 1907-1930 - Olimpia, 1931-1941 - Dynamo, 1945-1957 - "Builder", 1960-1969 and 1978-1991 - "Cement", 1970 - "Labor", 1992-1993 - "Hacris" , 1993-2004 and from 2006 - "Chernomorets", 2005 - Novorossiysk.

High achievements: Champion of the RSFSR (1988), owner of the RSFSR Cup (1988), winner of the second Union League zones (1969, 1988 and 1989), 1/16 Final of the USSR Cup (1989/90 and 1991/92), sixth place in the highest League / Division (1997 and 2000), 1/4 Finals of the Russian Cup (1993/94), Finalist of the Premier League Cup (2003), 1/64 UEFA Cup Finals (2001/02), Winner of the First League (1993, in Western Zone and 1994 ), second (2002, exit to the highest division) and third (1992, in the western zone) places in the first division / league, winner of the PFL Cup (2010), winner (2007 and 2010), second (2012/13 and 2013/14 ) And the third (2006) place in the "South" zone of the second division, the LFL champion and the South Zone (2005).

"Banner of Labor" - 1909 year of foundation (105 years)

A team from the city of Orekhovo-Zueva of the Moscow region for many years officially was considered the oldest football club of Russia, at least unfind.

The first football match was at all in the city in 1888. According to Vladimir Lizunov's researcher, this date is based on the memoirs of the Director of the Morozovsky Factory - the Englishman Harry Garsfield (Andrei Vasilyevich) of Charnok, who invited foreign specialists in Russia who can play football.

And in 1909, on the initiative and brothers, Charnel workers of Morozovskaya manufactory officially creates and registered the Charter of the Sports of Nutrition (CSR), which is why the team then received the nickname "Morozovtsy". Before the revolution of 1917, an adult and children's football league were organized in Orekhov.

At the same time, the CSR was first, and later the four-time winner of the Moscow Football League. In the Soviet times, the "banner of labor" flashed the fact that in 1962 he was already in the final of the Cup of the USSR Cup, in which, though he lost to the Donetsk "Shakhtar" with a score of 0: 2.

In Russia's championships, the team of Orekhovo-Zueva made himself twice into the first league / division, but did not manage to gain a consolidate there for more than one year. And after the season - the 2003 club lost professional status for four years. In 2007, the team returned to the "Center" zone of the second division, and from the 2011/12 season began to perform in the Zone "West".

History of change of names: 1909-1935 - CSR (sports club "Orekhovo") "Morozovtsy", CPKFK (Central Proletarian Club of Physical Culture), "Orekhovo-Zuyevo", "Red Orekhovo", "Red Textbook", 1936-1937 - "Red Banner" , 1938-1945 - "Star", 1946-1957 - "Red Banner", 1958-1991 and from 2003 - "Banner of Labor", 1992 (until the 12th round) - "Cunning Foxes", 1993-1996 - "Orekhovo ", 1997-2002 - Spartak-Orekhovo.

High achievements: Moscow Champion (1910, 1911, 1912 and 1913), Finalist of the USSR Cup (1962), Winner of the Second League / Division Zone (1992 and 1998), the winner of the Third Division (1996 and 2006 in the Amateur Zone "Moscow region").

Finally, it is worth adding that the most "elderly" Moscow club is considered to be CSKA, who leads its history since 1911, that is, the time of the education of the Society of Ski Lovers (Olls).

After 12 years, the society was reformatted in the Experimental Platquinity of the Vsevobuch (OPV), in 1928 the team began to be called the CDU (Central House of the Red Army), in 1951 cds (the same, but already Soviet), in 1957 - CSK MO (central sports club), and finally, from the 1960s - the central sports club of the army.

In St. Petersburg, the ancient football club remains "Dynamo", founded in 1922 (by the way, a year before Moscow), even despite several renaming (in "Labor reserves" in the 1950s or Petrotrest in 2000s) or The same team disabilities (in 1953, 1999, in 2003 and 2010).

And, according to the official version of the club, appeared only in 1925, and initially called the Stalinet (then he defended the honor of the Stalin's metallic plant of the city of Leningrad), which he wore until 1940.

Other news, materials and statistics can be viewed at the Russian Football Championship.

Russian football

October 24, 1897 - the first football match took place in St. Petersburg. At first, this game, which was called a "English air game" or "football", perceived as fun for the public.

In the late 1890s, three teams existed in St. Petersburg - "Nevsky Club", "Neck" and "Victoria". And they were prepared predominantly from the British, which "brought" to Russia to Russia at the end of the XIX century. But gradually the "football virus" infected the Russians. The first teams were created, the Championships of St. Petersburg and Moscow were held, and even the first international matches.

The first football team, which consisted only from Russian players was created in 1897 in St. Petersburg at the "mug of sports lovers" (later they began to call "Sport"). And the first real football match took place 24 (12 at the old style) of October 1897.

On that day, the team of the First Cadet Corps met the teams of the Vasileostrovsky Society of Football Players (WIF) and "Mug of Sports Lovers". The latter lost with a large score of 0: 6. The Vasileostrovsk society of football players existed by that time for 6 years. Therefore, as part of this team was mainly the British, who played much better than Russians.

By the way, football was not yet attractive enough to the public. Probably, that is why the story has not kept the authors of the heads of the heads, nor the number of viewers who were present at this first match. But the press did not pay attention to this game. Petersburg journalists wrote about the past match: "The British was distinguished by teamwork and technicality, and Russians - dedication." By condition, the contest was to continue one and a half hours with one break.

Here's how the newspaper "Lesson Petersburg" described the meeting: "Vasileostrovtsy, dressed in blue colors, put five" shooters "on the" Form-Vorter ". They had three on the second line. These were watchdogs. In front of the city or, rather, his gates stood two "beck". Finally, his defender stood in the city itself. "

If we talk about the rules, then the matches of that pore have differed in extraordinary cruelty. Players fought knee-deep in the mud, played almost without rules. Therefore, the footballers often left the field without teeth, with broken hands and legs. Yes, and unlike the game for modern football. For example, the ball rarely stayed on the ground, flying through the air from the player to the player, and from the gate to the gate. And the defenders tried to beat off the ball as much as possible. And the highest "candle" even caused approving applause of the public.

The goalkeepers rarely caught the balls, trying to simply beat them off their hands, and the lower-legs - legs, not seeking to fall on the ground. At the same time, it was considered a special cleaner to repel the flying ball a fist somewhere towards the center of the field or a fist blow on the ball on top of the ricochet from the ground "Grind Candle". That is what caused a stormy delight of the tribune.

As for the forwards, for the attacker, the highest valor was considered to shove the ball into the gate along with the goalkeeper. Judges of football competitions Through the fingers looked at the shocks, the stumps, kicks on the feet, the steps and even the seizures from the rugby arsenal, since it was considered a manifestation of a real sports character, courage and athleticism.

The international debut of the football players of the Russian Empire took place in October 1910, when the Czech team "Corinthians" visited the country (Prague). In 1911, the first attempt was made to create a football team from representatives of several cities. The reason for this was the arrival of the Olympic champions of the time - the UK team (in Russia, she appealed under the name "Russian Wanderers"). Up to this day, the national teams of Moscow and St. Petersburg had the experience of international meetings, but he was extremely insignificant, and no longer a team of another country with us.

And suddenly, at the invitation of the British, who live in St. Petersburg, comes themselves to the people of football. Newspapers wrote about the first of these matches: "Long before the start of the game, the public began to gather, and by five o'clock in the day, all the stands were crowded. In the public - a lively conversation about the upcoming game. No one talks about the possibility of winning the match with Russians, but only about what results will be born. "

Definitely say how many games were played, now problematic. There are two opinions on this. The first - matches that took place on 20, 21 and 22 August 1911 in St. Petersburg were ended with the defeat of Russians - 0:14, 0: 7 and 0:11, respectively. The second - August 22, 1911, the Russian national team held its first international match, which was ranking the Friendship with the England team. In the registers of the Russian Football Union and the International Federation of Football - in the list of official matches of the Russian national team - this meeting did not enter. And the result is unknown.

The first football championship of the country took place only in 1912. At the same time, the All-Russian Football Union was formed, which in the same year was adopted in FIFA. In 1913, the All-Russian Football Union united the football league 33 cities and 155 clubs with a total number of football players about 8 thousand.

And then the First World War began, and about football in our country somehow forgotten. But they remembered him after the revolution and civil war. In 1923, the RSFSR team made a victorious tour of Scandinavia, reheaking the best players of Sweden and Norway. Then we met our teams with the strongest athletes of Turkey. And invariably won.

1930-40s - the time of the first fights with one of the best teams of Czechoslovakia, France, Spain and Bulgaria. And here our masters showed that Soviet football is not inferior to the advanced European. Goalkeeper Anatoly Akimov, defender Alexander Starostin, midfielders Fedor Celine and Andrei StarostinThe attackers of Vasily Pavlov, Mikhail Butusov, Mikhail Yakushin, Sergey Ilyin, Grigory Fedotov, Peter Dementev, under admission, were attributed to the number of strongest in Europe.

And in 1956 the USSR national team won the Olympic gold. But this, as they say, is already another story ...

When they talk about the most oldest football club of Russia preserved to this day, they usually say that - this is FC "Banner of Labor" from Orekhovo-Zuyevo, which was founded on November 16, 1909 English workers of the Morozovskaya manufactory by charakami brothers calledSport Club "Orekhovo" (CSR). CSR was at the beginning of the strongest club since the founding of the Moscow Football League in 1909 and won the Moscow Championship in the class "A" (Cup R. Fulda) in 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 ...

For a general understanding of the question I will clarify the fact that it is not just about the oldest football club in Russia, but about the most older club of Russia, which has been preserved and lived to the present day, in which they play football professionally.

But there are at least one Russian football club, which ancient Sport Club "Orekhovo" (CSR) and which has been preserved to this day:

This is the Kolomna Football Club, which was founded in 1906 as Kolomna Gymnastic Society (CGO), the Department of the Russian Gymnastic Society (RGO), which is part of the Sokolsky Movement in Russia. The history of Kolomna football begins precisely from 1906, when the first football team - KGO (Kolomenskaya gymnastic society) was created at the Struve Machine-Building Plant (Kolomenskaya Society). The form of the KGO team repeated the red and white colors of the RGO, but the emblem was different: red t-shirts with the "KGO" emblem and white panties.

A year later, KGO held his first match with the football players of the British Sports Union (BCS).This game was held in Egoryevsk and ended with the victory of KGO 3: 1.This is a very and very good result, given what BCS, in which only the British played, at that time was a strong team and who was the winner of the first informal Moscow championship in 1909. In the pre-revolutionary period, the Kolomna team was adopted in the "Moscow Football League" and "Football League of Dacha Circles". In 1911, his city league appeared in Kolomna - "Kolomna Football League" ("KFL").

In 1909-1910, Moscow Football League was organized in Moscow, which conducted Moscow Championship. On the Moscow-Ryazan Railway "Football League of Currics" conducted their competitions. The KGO football team was adopted in both leagues and played with the best teams of Moscow and Moscow region: "Union", CFS (Shiryaevo Field - Sokolniki), BCS "Moscow", "SKL", SKS, Zamoskvoretsky sports club (ZKS), CSR (Orekhovo), etc. ...

The beginning of the XX century. Football field of the Kolomna gymnastic society (CGO). From here there are the origins of Kolomna football.

Kolomna footballers have repeatedly conquered the provincial championship and the Cup (Running Prize of Moscow), "Silver Album" - the commander Prishi Football Prize. On the level of Kolomna football those years, many say rows from the Russian Sport magazine in 1912 in 1912: "No need to forget that football teams are organized on the periphery and organized, which in their class of games are not inferior to the metropolitan teams, and, in particular, one of the strongest teams of Kolomna county - Kolomenskoye gymnastic society - when playing with the famous teams" KFS " , "SKL", and others often out of the winner. "

After the beginning of the First World War in 1914, KFL suspended its work. But football teams "Ko. "Olympus", and awakening "continued their activities.Already after the revolution, in 1923, Kolomna team took part in the first USSR championship held as part of the first All-Union holiday of physical culture in Moscow, where Kolomntsians were not lost and could immediately break into the semifinals, thus, in this way, in the fourth of the strongest teams of the country.

Post-war story

For the first time in the post-war years, the Football Kolomna Football Arena was represented by the "Dzerzhinets" team in 1948. Two seasons of steam-positioners spent in the second group, occupying, respectively, the 9th and 10th place among 14 teams. After that, "Dzerzhinets" 11 years participated only in the championships of society and the Moscow region.

In 1960, the team of the heat-friendly plant - "Avangard" - returned to the All-Union Arena to the class "b", where he spent eight seasons from 1960 to 1969, with a break in 1961-62. The best result of the speeches was 4th place in 1964. After the reform of the country's football farm in 1970 (the class "B") was abolished) heat-buildingproofers and lost their place in all-union competitions at all. The team began to play the championship of the Moscow region in the highest group, but soon rolled into the second.

At this time, another team of the "Oka" plant was published in the city's leading roles. Machine-beams are the five-time champions of the Moscow region, the five-time owners of the Moscow Region Cup and the six-time owners of the prize of the pilot-cosmonaut V. N. Volkov. In 1988, "Oka" became the winner of the Zonal tournament of the championship of the KFK and after 20 years returned a big football to the city, debuting in 1989 in the second Allied League. And in 1990, the revival of the "avant-garde" began. The opposition of two Kolomna teams led to the fact that in the first Russian championship of 1992 both clubs started in one zone of the second league and finished in the neighborhood. Even in four Russian championships, Kolomna was represented by both teams, the best result of the speeches was the 2nd place engaged in Avangard in 1993.

Changing the names of the club KGO (Kolomna Himanical Society) - Avangard:

1906-1919 "KGO" (Kolomna Gymnastic Society)
1919-1923 "SPC" (Golutvin section of physical culture)
1923-1936 "KFK" (a circle of physical culture)
1936-1942 "Dzerzhinets"
1942-1945 "Tractor"
1945-1952 "Dzerzhinets"
1953-1993 "Avangard"
1993 - "Viktor-Avangard"
1994-1997 "Avangard-Cortex"

The appearance of FC "Kolomna"

Before the start of the 1997 season, the Kolomna municipal football club was created in Kolomna, which united two Kolomna teams: FC "Avangard", founded in 1906 as KGO (Kolomna Gymnastic Society), and FC "Oka", founded in 1923, as cliff(Club lovers of football). And before the start of the 1998 season, FC "Kolomna" was united with the team "Gigant" (Voskresensk) - the champion of Russia-1997 among amateur football clubs in the Moscow Region zone.

The last major achievement of "Kolomna" falls for 1999 when the club took second place in the second division. The following team followed the sunset, in 2000 - the 12th place. According to the results of the 2001 championship "Kolomna" (19th place out of 20 teams), professional football was supposed to leave, but by the decision of the PFL Kolomna team was left in the "Center" zone. But the next season, taking the 18th place out of 20 teams, the club lost a place in the second division and is forced to act now in the tournament of amateur teams ...

Later, FC "Kolomna" spent ten seasons in the third division, where the best result was the sixth place (2008, 2011/2012) and access to the Final Cup of the Moscow Region (2011/2012, 2012).

In 2012, the LFC championship in the Moscow Region zone was decided to conduct in one circle. Kolomna has intensified by a number of non-resident football players who have experience in higher leagues. In addition, club students showed themselves pretty brightly. This season, the team managed to get the first time in a row in a row to the final of the cup among lovers and Kolometsi in a persistent struggle in a series of post-match penalties by Schelkovskaya "Sparta", and also, most importantly, take the first place in the championship and on the sports principle to rise to the second division.

In the first season, after returning to professional football, the club composition was completely updated, and the team started well: in the first part of the championship, it was only twice in his field. However, with the arrival of the new head coach - Edward Dömin, completely failed the spring segment of the championship, having achieved only one victory - in the last match, the principal rival "Banner of Labor" was beaten with a minimum score. The final thirteenth place of seventeen participants, the club with one of the poorest budgets, recognized as satisfactory.

Season-2015/16 The club spent extremely unsuccessfully: taking the last place, in the 28th match of the Russian championship in football in the Zone "West" was obsessed with only two victories. In total, only 10 points are scored - exactly two times less than the nearest rival, Petrozavodskaya "Karelia" (20). Closer to the end of the season, May 1, the team left the head coach Vladimir Bondarenko. On May 23, he was replaced by an ex-head coach "Podolya" Alexander Bodrov. In the period before the appointment of Bodrov, the acting chief coach of the team was the former player of the club Sergey Piskarev.

September 18, 12016. Football Match "Dynamo-2" (Moscow) - FC "Kolomna" (Kolomna) 1: 1

On May 25, it became known that Kolomna successfully passed the licensing procedure and was allowed to participate in the championship of the PFL and the Russian Cup in the 2016/2017 Cup. At the moment, FC "Kolomna" occupies the penultimate place (13 of 14) in the second League of PFL (Zone "West") ...