Plastic ceiling in the bathroom. Technology. How to make a ceiling in the bathroom of plastic (PVC) panels do it yourself

October 23, 2016
Specialization: finishing of facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

Inexpensive and at the same time, a practical option for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom is its plastic panels. Moreover, their installation is carried out much easier and faster than, for example, plaster and surface preparation to painting. The only one, if you did not come across such work before, you need to get acquainted with some nuances, which I will tell in detail.

A few words about panels

The ceiling panels in the bathroom or plastic lining, as elsewhere called this material, are made of polychlorvinyl (PVC). Recently, there has been a huge range of this material. It is almost any colors and can imitate a variety of surfaces, ranging from wood and ceramic tiles, and ending with marble.

Moreover, due to the presence of a castle of spike / groove, the panels provide a solid surface, without visible joints. All this is explained by their popularity.

The only thing that the finish is durable and possessed the above-described qualities, it is necessary to correctly perform the installation of the material.

I must say that you can perform the installation of panels in several ways:

  • on glue;
  • on mounting planks and kleimers;
  • on the frame.

For different cases, different ways of installation are suitable. Therefore, you will read in detail with each of them.

Installation on glue

First of all, I note that the installation of plastic on glue can be performed only if the surface of the ceiling is smooth and strictly horizontal. To make sure that it is necessary to attach a construction level to it.

In addition, the wiring must be hidden and only wires are displayed for connecting the lamps. Otherwise, you will have to use mounting planks or even install the framework.

The finishing process itself includes several stages:

Preparation of the ceiling

The process of preparing the ceiling looks like this:

  1. in first of all it is necessary to clean the surface of the ceiling from dust and dirt. If there is a whitewash, it must be removed;
  2. then the ceiling must be projected to antiseptic primer. For these purposes, you will need a malarious roller and pallet, which poured soil.
    The composition should be applied using a thin layer so that the fluid does not flow. After drying the soil, the procedure must be repeated;
  3. if there are cracks on the surface, they should be expanded and smeared with putty.

Now you can proceed to the preparation of materials.

Preparation of materials

First of all, you need to carefully measure the room and cut the ceiling panels for the bathroom in length. To do this, you can use the mounting knife or electrolovka.

In fact, this preparation of materials is completed, since all further manipulations are performed during the ceiling cover.

Installation of panels

Instructions for installing panels for glue "Liquid nails" looks like this:

  1. start mounting the corner panel. To do this, clean the bottom surface from dust and apply zigzago glue "Liquid nails";
  2. the prepared lining should be pressed to the ceiling and hold in this position for 15-30 seconds until the glue is grabbed. It is desirable to carry out this work with the assistant so that you can press the panel to the ceiling evenly throughout the plane;

  1. then you need to apply glue to the second part, then docile with its lock connection with the previous one and also pushed to the ceiling. According to this principle, the entire ceiling is placed.
    The only one in the location of the lamps should be cut down the holes. To do this, you need to mark the markup on the panel, after which it is on the markup to drill holes with a thin drill. When the holes are ready, only to connect them with the help of an assembly knife;
  2. before installing the last part, you need to measure the width of the remaining space, and then trim it in width.

On this process of gluing panels is completed. Now you need to glue the ceiling on the ceiling perimeter.

It must be said that before mounting the panels, you can set the guides to the ceiling perimeter to perform the features of the plinths. In this case, the panel, during the installation process, before docile with each other, you need to insert into guides.

Fastening on mounting planks and kleimers

The disadvantage of the above-described method of finishing the ceiling is that the ceiling is discern, accordingly, PVC panels will not be reused. In addition, the ceiling itself, as already mentioned above, should be perfectly smooth and carefully prepared.

If the surface has irregularities, but in general the ceiling is horizontal, then an excellent alternative to the finishing method described above is the fastening of panels on mounting strips and cracks. It should be noted that the price of these fasteners is quite low, so their use practically does not lead to an increase in the cost of finishing.

In this case, the installation process looks not more difficult than in the case of the use of "liquid nails":

  1. the work should be started with the installation of mounting planks, which should be placed perpendicular to the location of the panels themselves. It is possible to fix on the ceiling using a dowel-nail. Keep in mind that all the planks should be located in the same plane, while the step between them should be not more than 40-50 cm.
    It must be said that the planks must be installed not close to the walls parallel to them, but at a distance of about 15-20 cm;
  2. then between the extreme straps and walls, the sections of the slats should be placed in parallel to the location of the panels;
  3. now you need to attach the guides by fixing them on the mounting plars using kleimers. The latter are just pressed into the planks with their own hands until it clicks;

  1. next, you can start fixing the panels. To do this, the panel is inserted into perpendicular guides until it is moved by a spike to a parallel guide, after which it is fixed on the mounting plars using swipes;
  2. then the second panel is also inserted into the guides and docked with the previous panel. From the side of the groove, the detail is fixed by kleimers. According to this principle, the entire ceiling in the bathroom from the panels is collected, the only thing, do not forget to cut holes for the lamps;
  3. At the end of the work, the last part should be trimmed by the guide on the width, after which it is connected to a penultimate panel and insert into the guide. To do this, the side of the guide should be slightly bend.

On this work is completed.

Mounting on the frame

Finally, consider how the ceiling is performed from PVC panels in the bathroom on the frame. The latter allows you to align the ceiling, as well as hide between the cutting of the frame and the surface of the ceiling wiring.

The installation process in this case can be conditionally divided into three stages:

Application markup

So, before making a frame, it is necessary to put markup. This process is as follows:

  1. first of all, it is necessary to repeal around the ceiling perimeter horizontal level, as close as possible to the ceiling itself. This can be done with a water or mounting construction level;
  2. then the horizontal level must be lowered down on the thickness of the frame;
  3. now on the ceiling itself, you can apply the layout of the framework of the frame of the frame in 40-50 cm increments, which are mounted perpendicular to the panels.

Montage Karcasa

Now the framework can be performed on the markup. Most often for this, wooden rails are used, which are attached straight to the ceiling. To align them in terms of level, you can put the gaskets, for example, from plywood.

The rails themselves are attached to the ceiling with a dowel of nails. In the process of installation, despite the fact that the leveling of the rails is carried out on the markup, their position necessarily recheck the construction level.

Before attaching the rails to the ceiling, they must be treated with protective impregnation, preventing rotting.

In some cases, the frame is performed from profiles that are used for mounting drywall. In this case, the mounting of the frame is somewhat more complicated:

  1. by horizontal lines parallel to the location of the panels on the walls are fastened with guide profiles;
  2. then, on the lines of arrangement of profiles, the suspensions are fixed on the ceiling;
  3. next, the guides need to insert the ceiling profiles and secure them with self-stairs in the suspension. In the process of performing this work, align the profiles with the rule, as they can be fed under the weight of their own weight.

Now you can proceed directly to the framework of the frame panels.

The cutting of the frame is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. first of all, around the perimeter of the ceiling you need to install guides by fixing them with self-draws. True, if ceiling plinths will be used, you can not install guides;
  2. then the installation of the first part is performed. If the guides are installed, the lining will start in them, and at the same time, on the side of the groove, it is attached to the frame of self-drawing. If there are no guides, the panel is fastened with self-draws on both sides;
  3. the next part is docked with the first, and from the side of the groove is also fixed by self-draws. According to this principle, the entire ceiling is sized;
  4. the last detail, as in all previous cases, must be cut down before installing.

Tip! Self-tapping screws are better not to screw into the panels themselves, but to have them close to fix them with the edge of the Hats. In this case, you do not risk damageing the facial side of the material.

This ceiling device is completed. It must be said that on top of the frame can be installed mounting strips, after which it is possible to fix plastic lining on them using klyamers, according to the scheme described above.


You can perform the ceiling with plastic panels in the bathroom in several ways, depending on how smooth ceiling. But, in any case, the work is carried out quite quickly and simply. The main thing is not to violate the technology with which I introduced you higher.

Additional information contains video in this article. If you have questions about the covering of the PVC clapboard ceiling, ask them in the comments, and I will gladly answer you.

Polyvinyl chloride is a material that is widely used in various fields of activity, it finds its application and in construction. From PVCs are made to decorate walls and ceilings. Thanks to its cheapness, resistance to adverse external influences and durability, such panels are well suited for finishing the ceilings in the bathroom. The installation here does not require high qualifications and expensive equipment, just to get acquainted with the algorithm of its implementation, which will be set forth in this material.

Advantages and disadvantages

Prices for plastic ceiling panels

plastic ceiling panels

But there are a number of shortcomings that should also be remembered.

  1. If the bathroom is too big, such a ceiling can look inorganized, since the panels are limited long (3 meters).
  2. Installation on a metal frame lowers the ceiling height by several centimeters.
  3. Complex designer decisions, such as the multi-levelness of the ceiling and its bends, are impracticable here.

As can be seen, the disadvantages of this variety of ceilings are insignificant and outweigh by its merits.

Necessary inventory

To independently equip the Ceiling of PVC, you will need the next set of materials.

Decorative profiles are used to make the ceiling of preferred edging, their varieties are presented in the table.

Table. Types of decorative profiles for suspended ceiling of plastic panels.

Types of profilesPurpose

Hides the ends of the panels

Hides the joints of the corners

Connects two standard profiles if they lack their length

Completely hides all the ends

Ceiling profile prices

ceiling profile


Step 1. Straighten the work plan. It is not necessary to strictly comply with all the rules for technical design of the drawings, but it is important to fix all the sizes and intervals.

Reference!There is an option to design a ceiling of PVC, which does not require the creation of an iron frame. In this case, the attachment of plastic blocks will go directly to the rough ceiling. An unequivocal advantage of this method is to preserve the former height of the room.

Fastening of plastic panels on the ceiling "Liquid nails"

But such works are possible only under the condition of a very good condition of the draft ceiling, if it is perfectly even, does not have roughness and damage to the fungus. Here the mount will be carried out with the help of construction glue for plastic or liquid nails.

Step 2. Next, preparatory activities are carried out. If lime is sat down from the draft ceiling, then you need to remove such sections. All loose wires need to be wrapped in corrugated plastic pipes, leaving them free exit only in those places where they will go into lighting devices. The old ceiling is treated with anti-grab solution.

Step 3. Then the horizontal line is carried out around the perimeter of all walls. It will designate the height of the mounting panels. The line must be at a certain distance from the ceiling, which depends on the planned use of the resulting empty space. If there is nothing to be placed, then a five-meantimeter retirement retirement. If you plan to place ventilation or massive lighting devices, then the distance can increase to two or three tens of centimeters.

Step 4. The line is carried out using a level. If a tile has already been laid out in the bathroom, then it is possible to use its extreme seams as a ruler.

Installation of carcass

Step 1. Before starting work, the tile is closed with polyethylene or cardboard.

Step 2. The first starting profile is installed, that is, the UD forms. It is necessary to apply it to the wall so that the lower limit coincides with the lines. Cuts off pieces with a length of the wall.

When the profile is applied to the wall, the holes are drilled every fifty centimeters to insert the dowels there, the opening depth is equal to the length of the dowel with a reserve of 10-20 mm. There are smaller dowels and screwdriver twisted, the first type is more convenient to use. Before drilling the wall, it is necessary to check it for the presence of wiring using the detector instrument.

Step 3.. Then the CD profile is then laid out. It is inserted perpendicular to UD into its grooves. There are two ways to lay these elements: along a long wall or across it. They provide different aesthetic effects: if when laying along the room it seems more spacious, then when laying across it looks more compact. The longitudinal design has one minus: since the profile saves between two grooves at a sufficiently large distance, it takes an additional mounting to the ceiling in the form of suspended structures.

The suspensions are fixed before installing the CD forms. To correctly calculate their future location, when installing UD, make tags on them that will help you determine both the location of the suspension and the location of the CD fastener.

Step 4. If the chandelier is used for lighting, then you need to spend one rail across all the others in the place where it will hang.

Prices for chandeliers

Installing panels

Along the perimeter of the wall right under the base profile, a plinth is installed, liquid nails or glue are used for fastening. The plinth is performed from the same material as the panels themselves, differing from them only with their shape. Some types of plinths are fixed without the help of special means, mechanically attached to the UD panel. F-shaped plinths can be attributed here.

On a note!During the arrangement of the plastic ceiling, you will probably pose the problem of creating the right corners. For the wall panel, it is not necessary, since this element is still not striking. But for the plinths that are in sight and are edging the ceiling, the design of the angles is necessary.

The most time-consuming method is to cut them with a stouch from standard products. But the stub is not always available at hand, and there is not everyone working with it. In this case, you can purchase special nozzles, which are easily attached to the joint of two plinths.

The panels are cut in accordance with the wall dimensions. For convenience, you can make them a little shorter than you need, but with a difference of no more than 5 mm. A profile band is taken, one end of her end is in the groove between UD shape and plinth and attached there. The other end of the strip is attached in the opposite commander; In order for it to turn it there, you need to slightly bend the strip, but be careful, since at this moment it is easy to break it. Each strip has fasteners. The first inserted panel is fixed to the plinth with a screw. Subsequent panels are connected to each other using a press washer. The latter has a half-width, for which the standard panel is cut into two parts. This panel is attached to the profile and plinth community without connecting bolts and washers.

Prices for ceiling plinth

ceiling plinth

Note that the laying of plastic panels occurs perpendicular to the direction of CD forms. In other words, if the CD was laid along the long side of the room, the plastic panel should go across it.

Reference!In addition to parallel and perpendicular, there is also a diagonal direction of fastener of the frame. It requires more accurate calculations for its implementation, but the approximate reference pointing is rather parallel direction than perpendicular.


In advance, place under the lamps. The performance and safety of all wiring is checked. During the laying of plastic blocks, it is not necessary to forget to remove the ends of the wires from the filled areas so that they do not be "closed" between the ceilings. Do not regret the wires, let them be carried out with a spare length, the risk does not reach the wire to the planned place can jeopardize the entire plan of arrangement.

In the right panels, the holes forms of your lighting device are drilled. The easiest way to do round holes, for which it is enough to put on a perforator a special nozzle. The lamp is mounted after installing panels.

This can be considered the process of arranging plastic ceiling completed. And this is another advantage of this material - it does not need any additional facing. After the main work is completed, such a ceiling is a full-fledged home interior element, and the bathroom with it can change beyond recognition.

Video - Ceiling trim in plastic panels

The ceiling of plastic panels in the bathroom is perhaps the optimal finish option. The advantages of this type of ceiling significantly exceed its deficiencies. First of all, it is possible to allocate its relatively inexpensive cost, and of course - practicality.

Plastic panels will serve you faithfully not one year, because they are unpretentious in care, and behave well in conditions of high humidity. It is also worth noting the fact that there is no need to carry out some kind of repair or waterproofing of the already existing ceiling.

Plastic panels are sealed and do not miss moisture, you should not be afraid that water will accumulate behind them, all the wiring, pipes and ventilation channels hide, allowing you to make such a ceiling that are only beautiful, but also to apply some kind of designer solution. Without leaving the topic, I will say that such a ceiling can be made multi-level and even combine different colors and directions (see).

Installation of the ceiling in the bathroom

In order to make an independent ceiling in the bathroom we will need:

  • Drill or puncher
  • Hoven for metal
  • Acute knife
  • Dowels, selflessness with a pole
  • Metal profile for 2,5 cm suspended flows 2.5 cm (UD profile) and 2.5 cm by 6 cm (CD profile)
  • Plastic panels
  • Starting Plank or Ceiling Plinth
  • Level
  • Suspension

Installation of the ceiling of plastic panels is a fairly simple process, and does not require special practical construction skills. Here we gradually tell about the technology of installation, and you will see that it is not only possible to do it on your own (see)

Montage Karcasa

  1. The ceiling decoration in the bathroom with plastic panels, like any work, is read from the preparation of the room, and the markup of the future ceiling. It is advisable to remove from the room all too much - it can interfere with operation. To mark the framework, you need to measure the level around the perimeter, and draw lines on the wall where the new ceiling will begin (see)

Tip: If you have exactly a tile on your wall, you can not use the level, and do all measurements from tile seams

Tip: It is better to plan the room lighting in advance and buy in advance lamps. When choosing some lamps, it may be needed, lowering the ceiling relative to the old - up to 10 centimeters.

  1. UD profile, cut off the length of the walls, having previously measured the desired tape measure, drill holes in it with a 50 cm pitch under a dowel.
  2. Proprust profile to the wall on the markers made, drill holes in the wall, in the fasteners. Securely fix the profile to the wall of the dowels.

Tip: Fast Installation Dowels are better suited for this work, you can clog the hammer

  1. CD profile cut over the desired length or width of the room. It is necessary to consider that the plastic panels for the bathroom are attached perpendicular to the direction of the profile. Then insert it into the guide profile, the distance between the supporting profiles should be at least 40cm.

Tip: Panels can be saved if the distance between profiles is too large.

  1. If the profile has a length of more than 1.5 meters, to impart a rigging design, fix it to the ceiling, using metal suspensions. Also profiles in places insert, it is worth twisted with self-draws

  1. When the frame is ready to proceed directly to the mounting of the plastic panels.

Tip: If you do not plan to use point lamps as lighting, and give preference to a classic chandelier or a ceiling lamp, an additional profile must be installed at the fastening area, for mounting.

Installation of panels

  1. Before mounting the panels themselves, it is necessary to install the starting bar with screws to the guide profile.

Instead of starting rail, you can attach the ceiling plinth

Tip: Install the guide profile is not necessarily, instead you can be glued to the tiled ceiling plinth on liquid nails.

  1. Plastic panels (see) For the ceiling in the bathroom it is worth cutting off the required size, insert one end to the starting rail and slightly begging, install the other end. Block to climb it to the wall and fasten with screws with a pole.

  1. Subsequent panels are mounted in the same way, pressed into the joint to the previous one. It must be traced that the panel is equally over the entire length. It is not worth overdoing with the effort of pressed, because the material is rather fragile, and can be easily broken.
  1. The last panel is cut into a knife in length, and fixed, inserting into the starting bar. It is not necessary to fasten it.

  1. It remains only to remove the traces of our workflow, and the room is ready to use.

Installation of lamps

  1. Before assessing the plastic panels on the bathroom ceiling, take care of the future of the lightening of the room (see). After installing the frame, stretch the wiring to all alleged luminaires. The wire is better not to regret and leave "tails" is more authentic, you can always cut unnecessary. Wiring is desirable in double insulation, and be additionally protected, a plastic corrugated hose. Immediately check its performance.
  2. Having reached the panels before the place where the lamps should be, mark, and do the hole of the desired size
  1. You can immediately install the lamp, and fasten the plastic panel to your place.

  1. Stretch all wires through holes and finish the installation of the ceiling

  1. Connect power to lamps, using terminals, and install bulbs

Tip: With the help of plastic panels, it is possible to visually change the size of the room, placing them in the desired direction. It is even diagonally based on them, which resort extremely rarely, although it is an interesting solution. By making such a ceiling with your own hands, you can save money, and get a lot of positive from the process, because it's nice to do something for yourself. For more information, offer to watch video:

Recently, we could not even imagine that the repair could be so fast, now it can be performed in one day. Modern building materials appeared, which allow you to finish with your own hands very quickly, without the services of hired workers. We recently spoke about, and today we will tell and show how to make a mounted ceiling of plastic panels.

Plastic panels are often used to cover the ceiling in the bathroom, toilet, in the kitchen, loggia or on the balcony. What is connected with such popularity, what are their advantages and disadvantages and how to make installation, we will tell you now.

Plastic suspended ceilings - metal or wooden frame, which is trimmed with polyvinyl chloride panels. The panels themselves are more often called, have different sizes, but the most popular is 2.7 and 3 meters long and 25 centimeters wide. Inside the hollow panel with rigidity ribs, so very lungs and very durable, and on the side edges they have locks for docking, almost like y.

Before heating the ceiling by plastic panels, you need to purchase all components: profiles or frame bars, and special ceiling PVC eaves. If you come to the store for them for the first time, then a wide selection of PVC profiles can put you in a dead end. Let's look at their main types and purpose.

Types of plastic profiles for ceiling

  1. Starting profile is the most used. With it, you can hide ends of the panels, to do this, secure them around the perimeter of the room along the new ceiling.
  2. External and inner plastic corner are needed for a beautiful docking in the corners.
  3. The H-profile will need if you did not have enough length of one panel - it will connect their ends.
  4. Plastic ceiling plinth is needed to hide the ends of the panels. In fact, it is a starting profile, but with the presence of a decorative border.
  5. F-profile is needed to hide the ends. It can come in handy if you decide to separate adjacent walls with different materials.
  6. Universal plastic angle - normal corner in the shape of the letter "g". They can hide any joints.

Advantages and disadvantages

The ceiling decoration by plastic panels has many advantages.

  • You can align any irregularities without removing the old coating.
  • You can hide in the wire frame, ventilation and other communications.
  • Easy to install built-in lamps and backlight.
  • Very simple installation process, the design is much easier than.
  • You can set additional insulation from noise, moisture, sound in the frame.
  • Installation is carried out by dry method using dowels and screws. This means that you do not need to have special skills.
  • Moisture-proof and washable material that is not affected by microorganisms.
  • If necessary, you can mount panels again.

Pendant plastic ceilings have their own minuses.

  • Most of these ceilings look budget, but there are beautiful colors.
  • Having bought cheap thin types of panels, you can regret after installation: Some of them skip the light from the built-in lamps. You need to buy more expensive lamps, in which the inner walls are not transparent.
  • It is impossible to make a multi-level design or bending.
  • You lose part of the height of the room.
  • Seams are visible between the panels.

Preparatory work

We will tell how to make a plastic ceiling, on the example of the finished bathroom. On her walls, it was already produced that complicates the installation process.

In our case, the tile is specifically laid almost to the ceiling itself, about 15 centimeters at a distance. There are 2 ways: Mount the frame right on the tile or above it. If you fix the crate over the tile, then part of the edge will be hidden, which complicates the installation on a narrow corner. But if you stop the profiles on the finished tile, the high probability damage it. Therefore, we choose the first option.

Tip! To secure profiles on the same level with a tile, compare the surface above it with the help of plaster plaster, for example, Knauf Rotband. But be sure to make a painting ribbon on the tile and seams.

Montage Karcasa

Secure the guides to the dowel nails around the wall perimeter. In wet rooms it is better to use galvanized profiles than wooden bars. Mounting after marking on a water or laser level.

Then you need to secure the suspensions that will support the framework from sagging. One dowel on the suspension will be enough.

Tip! Before you drill, it is necessary to check the walls and the ceiling for the presence of hidden wiring. Very often along the ceiling there are wires in the wall and are dispensed boxes. In the best case, hitting the drill to the wiring threatens you with punches and forced repairs, and at worst - the perforator will fail and you will hit you. To search for wires in the wall, you can use special detector devices or invite an electrician.

Plastic ceilings can be lowered almost any height, but the minimum indent is limited to the thickness of the crate and lamps. If the lengths of standard suspensions are not enough, use anchor suspensions with clips that are shown in the photo.

Suspensions for suspended ceilings

The suspensions should be located on the same line approximately with a step of 60 centimeters, and the profiles themselves are about 50 centimeters. The fastening of plastic panels on the ceiling does not require transverse profiles, as opposed to, as they have a different form and are screwed only from one edge. But if you want to hang a chandelier, in this place still have to strengthen the frame, adding a pair of jumpers.

The finished frame should look about as in the photo:

Now you can fasten the plastic starting profile or ceiling, if you want to get a border. Secure it around the perimeter of the room by self-drawing in a step of 30-50 centimeters.

Ceiling border dock

Tip! To beautifully poke the corners of the plinth, cut them at an angle of 45 degrees with a knife on a stub. If there is no stub, you can simply dock the starting plastic strips on each other in the corners, and after attachment it is diagonally diagonally with a knife.

Panel mounting process

So we approached the final stage - the installation of plastic panels on the ceiling. Their fastening occurs across profiles. To the desired length, they can be trimmed with almost anything: with a shavish with small teeth, a jigsaw, a sharp knife. Cut the panels less than 5 millimeters than the width of the room. The edges are best shining the sandpaper so that everything looked perfectly. Do not forget to remove the film from them and try not to remember: the panels are very easy to join.

    • First, insert the side edge of the panel in the starting profile, then bend it a bit and insert the opposite. Then slide the panel close to the wall so that it is in the profile from three sides.

    • The last 4 side of the panel fasten to the frame of self-draws with a wide hat.
    • The following panels are attached in the same way, but only one side instead of the profile will stay on the previous panel.

  • So, the installation of a plastic ceiling to the last panel is passed. To secure it, cut up to the desired width.

Video on how to make a plastic ceiling with your own hands:

Tip! The last panel can be inserted in any way convenient for you, here is one of them: the length of the panel must be a pair of millimeter less than the distance from one wall before the opposite start profile. Insert one side straight into the angle of the wall, and the opposite can be inserted without any problems, slightly shifting. To dock the last panel, you can stick to it tape and move the groove inside the groove. If there are some small gaps, they can be smeared with acrylic sealant.

There is another way: just screw the panels to the frame, and after work, fasten the border on liquid nails in the corners. In this case, there will be no problems with the installation of the last panel.

As for the installation of embedded lamps, you can embed holes under them after installation, during the trim or even before it. It is more convenient to use the nozzle on the drill crown, and if it is not - then the drill and knife. Of course, all wires should be in place before installation, to then connect the lamps.

Now the ceiling decoration by plastic panels is over - the photo of our work looks like this:

The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels is considered the fastest way to carry out the finish. It is externally attractive, allows you to hide defects and disguise ceiling communications. Next, we will analyze the benefits of the material. The article will also describe how to make it from plastic panels.

Advantages of finishing

The material that is used for the production of panels is environmentally friendly. It does not highlight and does not absorb unpleasant odors. The ceiling in the plastic bath has a glossy smooth surface. It is convenient to care for it - it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth with conventional detergents. In addition, different lamps can be embedded in the surface. Additionally, the ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels can be decorated with a plinth.


It should be noted that there are two types of coverage for finishing:

  • Direct seamless.
  • Imitating wood lining or blockchauses.

The second option is suitable more for trimming in the country style. But in the interior of High-tech, a seamless coating looks better. When installing the place of the joints will be practically not visible.

Calculation of material

Before making a plastic ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands, it is necessary to determine the desired amount of consumable material. Panels are available in different lengths and widths. However, there is a popular size. The most common panel with a width of 25 cm and 4 meters long. To calculate the amount of material, the surface area should be calculated. For this, the width and length of the room is measured. The values \u200b\u200bobtained are variable. 10% should be added to the result. This stock is needed to compensate for the material to fit the size.


The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels is installed on a predetermined frame. It can be performed from or metal profile. If the first option is used, then apply the wood of the coniferous rock. The elements of the crate should be well dried and treated with moisture-resistant compositions and antiseptics. If the bar is wet, then over time it is deformed. Experienced specialists do not recommend using wood for the crate. The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels is best attached to metal products. Such a doher is not subject to deformation and create a more rigid and solid foundation. The fixation of the elements is carried out similarly to the installation of the carcass for drywall. Pre-marked with the use of hydroevum.

Some nuances

The starting strapping is carried out by mounting a bar around the perimeter. In this regard, the first value is the actual perimeter of the premises plus 3%. The bearing elements are located along a long wall of 30 cm from the walls and in 60 cm increments. The fixation of all elements of the crate is carried out by self-draws and dowels. The fastening of wooden bars is performed in a step of 30-40 cm. If the rack length is divided into this distance, then you can calculate the number of screws. Another 3% should be added to the resulting number (marriage). Fastening directly the panels themselves to the crate is carried out galvanized screws (25 mm long) with press. The recommended number of fixing elements is about 200 (based on 16 m 2).

Additional elements

The mounting of plastic panels is made in a special PVC profile with a guide groove. We also need a ceiling (starting) plinth. The amount of it is equal to the perimeter of the room plus 5%. These elements are two types. The first option is a combined and starting profile. The second is a rake with a groove to install a separate plinth.

Ceiling in the bathroom of plastic panels: installation secrets

Installation of the coating is carried out in a strictly horizontal plane. In this regard, it is necessary to pre-make markup. To do this, use a water or laser level. After the markup is ready, the fastening of the crates around the perimeter is starting. Dowels are used to fix timber. They are fixed in pre-drilled hole drilled hole. The bar is fixed in increments of 30-40 cm. From the wall element, 30 centimeters should be retreted, parallel to it on the ceiling, the carrier element is fixed. The next bar is fixed after 60 cm. From the opposite wall you need to retreat 30 centimeters.

Installation of lamps: general information

Before making the ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels, you should mark and make holes for lighting devices. In addition, the wiring should be paved. Next is installed for the lamp. Before making a ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels, it is necessary to check the performance of the entire electrician. All wires must have a reliable isolation.

The ceiling in the bathroom of plastic panels: do it yourself

A PVC profile is fixed on the perimeter fixed. For this purpose, the fastening step is used - 30 cm. For smooth docking profile, it needs to be properly trimmed. For this, a carpentry stub is applied. With this device, the element can be cut through a strict angle of 45 degrees. Sheaving the ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels, adjust the elements for the required size. To cut off the desired length, apply a knife and a building corner. The pencil is marked with a line, spend the blade on the front side and the panel is premounced. The first plate is installed in a spike towards the wall. The element is fixed with self-pressing with presss to the brushes of the crate. Previously recommended to cut spike with a knife. The next fitted panel is inserted into the groove first and carefully tapping to the full installation in place. Subsequent elements are set in a similar way. The only thing to remember is that this in the panels under the lamps is predefined a hole. When installing the last element, the trimming will have to do not only in length, but also in width.

Lighting nuances

When using mortise luminaires, the wiring for them is divorced immediately after choosing the lighting lamps, it should be noted that PVC is the material is low-melting, so the heating of it is more than 60 degrees is extremely undesirable. By installing the ceiling of plastic panels in the bathroom with your own hands, you should choose halogen up to 35 W or incandescent lamps up to 60 W. When laying the coating, the elements in which the lamps will be installed, first try on the surface. They make a lamp location mark. Then the hole is cut and the lamp is inserted. Next, the panel is installed in place. For wiring, you can use a copper wire of 1 mm. To connect the joints, a terminal bar is used. It will be indispensable in the case when various wires are used. Over time, they can oxidize. To prevent this, the terminal bar is used. All wiring is displayed in the box installed in the wall.

Duplex structures

The second and the following ceiling tiers are selected similarly to the first. The profile line that limits the second level is also cut off panels. Separating tiers The vertical section closes the band cut from the panel. From the bottom at the transition of the height, the angle of the ceiling is masked by a decorative element, and on top of a baguette.

Additional Information

If a wide plinth of foaming is supposed to be applied as edging, you can not fix the profile around the perimeter. If a metal doom is used, then the strengths of its attachment only on the suspensions will be enough to withstand the relatively small weight of the panels. In general, to install a ceiling of plastic with your own hands, a person who does not have greater experience in the decoration can.