Preparation of the floor surface to laying tiles. Floor base preparation guide for men

As folk wisdom says, the man's initial duties include three points - the upbringing of the son, the cultivation of the garden and the construction of the house. Not everyone has the opportunity to build their own structure, but each can try their strength in repair. Preparation of the foundation of the floor - a completely masculine work, which in turn does not require any special skills, and you can easily do it yourself, the main thing is only to take into account some nuances that can tide you on the way to the perfect result.

First, there is a significant difference between the preparation of the base for the decorative floor and the filling of the floor from scratch, for example, in private homes. Secondly, the technologies on laying the base under various materials are different, and their varieties are plenty - cork, bulk floor, flooring type of linoleum, carpet, laminate, and so on. In our article, we will try to reveal the most important points in the organization of the floor.

Paul on soil

Paul based on soil

We first consider precisely floors from scratch, that is, that gender that is stacked on the ground base. The instructions for their erection comes down to several main tasks:

  • In order for all work to go smoothly, the site under the laying of concrete floor must be carefully planned, compact the soil, in order to prevent the deformation of concrete and its cracking, lay the sand pillow.
  • Its thickness depends on the parameters of the future floor, climate conditions, the level of groundwater raising, soil type, soil freezing depth and ranges from 30 centimeters to 1 meter.
  • The next step of the work becomes a sealing of a bulk cushion with moisturizing and tamping, falling asleep or gravel, the dummy of the resulting base.
  • Next already poured concrete.

Preparation of concrete base

If you have a concrete base, but there is no screed, then the preparation of the base of the concrete sex provides:

  1. Study of the foundation for deformation, cracks, cracks, drops.
  2. Eliminating the identified defects by filling the slotted voids, dismantling and installing a new coating instead of the deformed, grinding of higher points of drops or topping concrete.
  3. Careful cleansing of the base under concrete from dust, dirt, remnants of materials.
  4. Stacking waterproofing to prevent moisture absorption, capillary suck of soil under concrete floors.
  5. Stacking insulation and sound insulation (if necessary).

Concrete floor

Warm floor

If you decide to equip in your home or apartment, then you will have:

  • Eliminate all the unevenness of the floor.
  • To lay hermetically waterproofing.
  • Place the thermal insulation layer.
  • Bring to optimal index temperature indicators, ground and air humidity.
  • Conduct heat carriers.
  • Finish work with a tie of received sex.

Preparation of the base under the warm floor will require the procurement of hydro and thermal insulation materials, coolants, cement mixture from you. For waterproofing, rubberoid or plastic films is most often taken. If we are talking about the latter, then in addition to them you need to buy more and special scotch, which are punctured by all the joints of this material. The film is stacked by the Vangest in order to prevent moisture penetration into the design of the underfloor, which destroyably acts on both the system and the insulation used by you.

Near the walls, the film should go a bit on the vertical surface and cover the lower parts of the walls. For thermal insulation, you can use foam, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam and other, sufficiently dense materials. Do not also forget about some expansion of concrete mass. You must provide compensation gaps that can be filled with damper tape. It stacked along the walls and starts at 2 centimeters above the level of the future floor.

Basis of wood

The preparation of the base is slightly different from the works with concrete base. Of course, priorities are similar - the rough base should be strong, reliable, clean, dry, smooth. The revision of the entire floor design is required. You must make sure that the lags did not touch the fungus and rot, they were not deformed, did not break down. Also important is the step of lag, because if the coating is massively by weight, a more economical option simply will not stand the cargo.

If everything is in order, you can proceed to the study of the levels of floors and the reliability of fixed boards. They should not walk, fade. Not allowed large height differences between boards, leached, holes. They can be easily eliminated either by putty or build up.

All paints and varnish materials must be removed (varnish is removed by whit-spirit, paint is a special construction hairdryer). If all the base is put in order, the turn of antiseptic means has come. At this stage, it is not worth saving - the better you will handle, the longer you will serve the design. Now it was the turn of waterproofing - it is necessarily laid, for example, when the basis of the floor under the tile is prepared. If you want to apply it to the prepared surface, then on top to waterproofing it is recommended to lay a lightweight screed. It can be organized in three ways:

  1. By reducing the screed layer to 3 centimeters using a metal mesh.
  2. Replacing a standard solution with polymer screeds.
  3. Using KS glue with fluid platform base.

Basic floors

If there is a bulk sex in your plans, then your actions can be varied depending on the base. If the base is a tree, then the coating is first cleaned, subjected to grinding, closeing the distance between the flooring, putting the dentin, irregularities. After a draft floor, you need to carefully clean and engage in the installation of a bulk sex.

Bulk base

If the blackspread screed under the bulk floor is cement or concrete, then cleaning also can not be avoided, a vacuum cleaner is used for these purposes. To increase the strength of the concrete base, it is impregnated with special mixtures (impregnation for concrete or cement). Also, the installation of the bulk can be carried out on the old tile. Before you take a similar solution, make sure that the tile is firmly unlocked with the floor, does not stick, it does not have serious deformations and is fixed evenly. If you have doubts, it is better to disassemble the tile, alignment and stripping the base and pour the floor over the cement screed. If you are sure of the quality of the tile fastening, then it is necessary to clean it in front of the floor of the floor, degreased, process to.

Screed as the basis of the future coating

If you need to prepare the basis of the floor on your own under any coating, it is quite possible that you will stop on the usual screed. This interlayer can consist of a concrete or cement mixture, sand, pebbles and other similar materials.

Its functional purpose as follows:

  • Screed lines the irregularities of the base.
  • Creates a strong and rigid stove to which the floor covering will be placed.
  • Stabilizes the microclimate in the premises.
  • May distribute heat (in the case of installation of warm floors).
  • For technical premises, use, without additional finishes.

Floor screed in the apartment

Mostly in residential premises apply a screed on the heat insulators, it is easy to organize with their own hands. In addition to the organization of a solid base for the final floor, this type of screed additionally provides thermal insulation and. This is especially true for people living in panel houses, residents of single-storey buildings with low foundation without basement, owners of apartments at a low first floor.

This type of screeds is divided according to the materials used for:

  1. Cement.
  2. Concrete.
  3. With additives artificial resins.
  4. Anhydride.
  5. Mosaic and so on. Substitutions actually mass, it is absolutely no meaning, and we will concentrate on the two - most popular.

Cement-based screed

As already understandable from the title, this type of screed is made from the cement mixture with the addition of sand and rubble (gravel). Specialist advice recommend adding no more than 25% liquid to the mixture. For such screeds, both light and severe types of solutions can be used. When laying such a type of screed, the organization of compensatory seams is required to prevent the coating damage.

Concrete Based Screed

These ties are performed from a concrete mix of high grades and are complemented by various fillers in the form of rubble, sand, gravel and other additives. Concretes in the degree of their gravity have 5 categories (especially heavy, heavy, lightweight, lungs and especially light), which are used in rooms with different appointments - the more seriously the load, the hardest concrete for the base.

To prepare a concrete coating under the screed, the surface is cleaned, aligned, dried, waterproofing, heat and soundly insulated and only after the work done on the prepared base (if necessary) fittings with a predetermined cell size and blend is poured. The principles of all the main work listed by us are similar, but you can choose exactly the option that meets all your conditions and opportunities. Considering the nuances that we told you about, to fulfill all the work, you can right and reliably! Successful to you work and strong base for family happiness!

For those who want to make high-quality repairs with minimally short terms, the bulk floors will be the perfect solution, as they dry out much faster than ordinary concrete coatings, look beautiful and allow you to spend all work on your own. However, in order to ensure that the result was beautiful and served for a long time, high-quality preparation of the base under the bulk sex and its laying in compliance with all prescribed rules is required. By itself, the polymer or cement material of the filling coatings is easy to fit, but if the base is not properly prepared, then even the most qualitative and expensive coating will not serve for a long time.

Features of the preparation of the foundation

The preparation and fill of the bulk gender should be carried out strictly in a certain sequence in compliance with all prescribed rules for preparing the base and the mixture itself, which in most cases are indicated on the package from the manufacturer's plant. In case of violation of recommendations, the coating is most often cracking or extended from the ground, which significantly reduces its service life.

For high-quality work, you will need:

  • Broom and scoop to remove large garbage;
  • Building vacuum cleaner for capital purification of dust;
  • Grid Sherryanka for sealing seams;
  • Mounting foam or airtight putty for sealing seams and cracks;
  • Putty knife.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the structure is made on a concrete or cement base, less often on wooden. Any foundation based on cement and sand has one significant drawback - this is a high degree of absorption of dust and other foreign particles. It is for this reason that the quality of the grip of the polymer with cement deteriorates significantly. Vacuum cleaner is used to eliminate dust.

Important. When the floor preparation is prepared on a cement basis, it is better to use an industrial vacuum cleaner with a water filter, since cement particles are so small that the conventional dry filter passes most of them back, delaying only large trash. Also, the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner should have brushes for better cleaning.

Next, you should purchase a special impregnation for cement surfaces in the construction store. The task of this impregnation is to close the pores of concrete and small cracks to prevent the dust and the possible appearance of the air bubble in it when laying the polymer material.

If the base under the bulk floor is covered with tiles, then it is necessary to make sure that the tile holds very hard, otherwise it is better to dismantle it. If the tile holds qualitatively, it is also necessary to clean it from dust, degrease the surface and coat with a special polyurethane primer, which will provide a high-quality hitch with a floor.

For your information. When preparing a wooden base, its surface must be thoroughly aligned with grinding and create a rough surface with sandpaper to ensure better adhesion. If the wood is relatively fresh, it is desirable to impregnate with its special solutions that will give additional strength and will not allow moisture to absorb.

Processing concrete seams

Preparation of the surface of concrete or from concrete slabs of overlapping begins with surface cleaning from the remains of the old finishing material. All concrete slabs have shrinking seams that need to be thoroughly cleaned, then coat with primer for concrete and close with mounting foam, splock or sealant. If there are fine holes or cracks on the surface of the plates, they need to be embedded with a moisture-resistant putty using a sickle grid, which will prevent their further expansion and ensure the integrity of the shtalke. A similar seal operation must also be carried out at the joints between the floor and the wall using the shtlock and the sickle grid.

Primer surface of the floor

The preparation of the base under bulk floors with the application of primer, which is designed to provide high adhesion of materials. Experts recommend to apply special soil to impregnating surface with the content of a small fraction of quartz sand, it will make the surface rough and ensure the high quality of the clutch of the materials. The base surface should not be smooth, as this will worsen the clutch and affect the quality of the alignment of the layer. It is desirable to apply in several layers and after each layer to withstand the time for drying at least 4 hours. After applying the last layer of the soil, it is necessary to dry the surface within 24 hours and only then the base under the bulk sex will be ready for further operation.

Installation of Mayakov

Installation of beacons is made only if you need to start to lay the main layer, and on top of it already pour the finishing. If your surface of the floor is quite smooth and you plan to fill the finish layer in the finish, then the beacons are not required.

The preparation of the floor under the bulk floor with the main layer requires the installation of special lighthouses that help control the smoothness of application and avoid different depressions. For bulk gender, there are special beacons that are installed on the surface of concrete using a water level and fasten on the shp can or sealant. Ethics lighthouses can not be removed after the fill.

For your information. The initial main layer is usually made from more coarse materials with low fluidity, it is applied and aligned with the help of the rule and spatula. Many masters, creating a base for bulk floors, make special shrinkage slots in the joints of the floor slabs, it prevents possible cracking when frozen if the layer is thick enough, later these seams close up.

After the surface of the base is prepared and mounted beacons, we can assume that everything is ready and starting to prepare a bulk sex for subsequent fill.

Preparation of the surface.
The first stage of any finish is the preparation of the working surface. This work is especially responsible. After all, for efficient installation of tiles, for example, a perfectly flat surface is needed.
Many continue to work on the old manner - to take the walls or floors as the basis. At the same time, the straight plane is achieved due to various layers of tile glue. And sometimes it is justified. However, nevertheless, the preliminary alignment of the basic basis gives undeniable advantages:
1. Absolute no emptiness under tile;
2.Mong acceleration of the styling process;
3. Stabilization of quality of work.
Before starting the alignment of the floor, it must be carefully cleaned from dirt, dust and fats, and then process to. Of course, the primer must be fascinated.
A very reliable primer is PVA glue, diluted with water. It should be applied to the floor, just pouring puddles and accelerating them with a wide spatula.
It is necessary to mention that the ideal surface alignment can be achieved only by mounting a cement-sand screed by installing beacons. However, as a rule, the screed is not made with a thickness of less than two centimeters, otherwise it will be unreliable. And this means the inevitability of the appearance of an unpleasant step. In addition, if the surface is not too curve, then the screed is not needed at all.
It is believed that the tile must be glued exclusively by level. However, this is not the case, and with a minimum deviation, you can at all forget. By the way, the visual alignment of the floor, as a rule, leads to almost the perfect, in this plan, result.
In addition, the use of self-leveling mixtures is also not recommended. After all, they are even a needle roller, which repeats all the bugs and the depressions on the surface. Sometimes, after such an alignment, they grab the head. Although this method is quite suitable for linoleum, and sometimes under the laminate.
The most reliable tool is the plaster rule. And what it is longer, the quality of work will be higher. Thanks to him, the layer of the mixture used in alignment will be minimal. And in many places - is almost equal to zero. This work is called with alignment to the rule, but it is the meaning of it in order to stick with the beatings (zeros).
As practice shows, the most successful mixture for alignment of the floor is a cement-based tile glue. It is durable and has excellent adhesion. And its elasticity determines the application of the finest layers. But to accelerate the setting into it it is necessary to add a handful of any gypsum mixture. In addition, the presence of gypsum makes a mixless mixture. The main thing is not to overdo it, as it will weaken the solution. The consistency should be like a thick kefir.

Achieve this by the following actions:
1. The starting corner of the room is poured a lane of a mixture with a rule with a rule and a width of centimeters 30. Of course, the approximate layer thickness is already necessary to keep in the head;
Before the fill, it is necessary to "shoot" the surface to the rule and mark the bumps, thus understood, thereby the thickness of the layer.

2. The right rule is tightened to this puddle in a predetermined direction. Stretching the mixture to the place where it is necessary to pour again, the rule is unfolded and lead in the opposite direction;

3. Recovering the previous procedure for a couple of times and eliminating the maximum emission and sink, the same method is added to the mixture;
No need to fear scratches and small shells. They are eliminated by the second layer. And in general, for mounting the tile, the surface should be not smooth, but even.

4. After the wall to the wall, it is necessary to shift in the side, as far as the length of the plaster rule will allow. And repeat the previous process;
5. By holding the entire room in one direction, it is necessary to give a mixture to grab. With the right ratio of the components, it takes place for an hour;
After that, everything is repeated again, only the direction of movement is taken perpendicular to the previous one;
Working in a small and non-polygonal room, these two layers of the mixture are poured and smoothed in just a couple of hours, taking into account the time of setting;
Before laying the tile, the floors should dry in order to gain strength. Twelve hours, basically enough. Further processing consists only in scraping from the surface of various influx and "burrs". This is done with a wide spatula without much effort.
As a rule, two passes in perpendicular directions are enough. But to improve the result, you can stretch the floors again. Especially if the base surface was sufficiently uneven.
Many try to primer everything. However, the most effective tile installation technology eliminates the need to primer the prepared surface.

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The most common type of bathroom or kitchen finish is a tile. The relative simplicity of its laying, hygiene and durability is recognized by everyone. Such a coating does not absorb moisture, it is easy to clean and care if the correct waterproofing is made, it does not pass water to the lower floors, in case of leakage. But the preparation of the floor to laying the tile requires care and scrupulusity.

The only lack of tile-high-cost preparatory work and its laying. Therefore, so that there was no need to redo all the work, you need to properly conduct preparatory work. The basic requirements for the base that the tile is stacked is the horizontal surface and its evenness.

You should also track moisture in the workplace, and also make sure that the surface is well succeeded before laying.

Preparation of floors to laying the tile depends on their structure, often the tile is placed on the cement base, but there are cases when the floors are covered with plywood, vinyl or old tile.

Advantages of a flat surface

General requirements for the surface of any type for laying tile - its horizontal. Preparation of the floor under the tile requires to align the floor before the production of work. The device is smooth and smooth screed ensures that the tile will be laid correctly. It can be said that the smooth floor is the basis of success. In addition, it will give:

  • Great economy of adhesive composition.
  • Reducing the time to lay the tile.
  • High quality work.
  • Larger life of the tiled floor.

The average size of the flow of adhesive for laying the tile, depending on the brand and the manufacturer of the adhesive mixture, is from 4 to 5 kg of solution per square meter. m. These norms apply if the laying is made on top of a smooth screed.

Below we give the options, as the floor preparation should be prepared depending on the coating. But the general rule should be observed for all types of floors - the surface of the screed on which it is planned to put a tile should be well cleaned, especially in the bathroom, where the increased strength of the floors is required. This can be achieved by taking advantage of:

  • grinding machines or just grinding circle;
  • abrasive powder or mixture;
  • various scraper tools.

Preparation of cement plate under the tile

In cases where ceramics have to be placed on a cement screed, for example, in the bathroom, it should be carefully examined and make sure that there are no large elbows and cracks. Such defects inevitably lead to the destruction of the tile, so it should be started to eliminate the revealed irregularities and cracks. Applying chemicals for cleaning the cement surface is not worth it, since chemistry can affect glue that you will make facing.

By its structure, concrete bases are very convenient for covering the cafeter, you should only not forget, before laying to align the surface by level. Horizontality should be withstanding very strictly, deviations should be minimized. By pouring the floor with a special self-leveling mixture, you can achieve a screed alignment and improve the floor structure by achieving its smoothness.

In cases where you make a cement base yourself, it should be remembered that for construction regulations it is necessary to withstand cement floors about four weeks before finishing them by any coating. Accelerate the fixation of the cement base with special means is also not recommended, since such compositions may not be combined with adhesive solutions for the tile. It is possible to pave an insulating layer on a cement coating, it will protect the tiled surface from possible cracks. At the same time, the tile laying is made only using cement-based solutions.

There are cement grounds for which the laying of the tile is not recommended, especially in the bathroom. It is a cement surface with additives for rapid solidification. Such additives create a film on a cement base and complicate tile laying. The presence of such additives in cement is determined by applying a few drops of water to the verified surface. If the drops remained on cement with balls, and not spread over the surface, this indicates the presence of the above-mentioned additives in cement.

Preparation of plywood base

Preparation of wooden floor under the tile is not a very common phenomenon. The generally accepted view of the builders states that plywood base is poorly suitable for styling the tile, because it does not have sufficient strength and stability. If plywood bends under the weight of the tile, it can crack in the process of operation. If you still do not have other options, except, put the tile on the plywood, then its thickness should be at least 28 millimeters and put the plywood, follows a sufficiently durable frame.

Since a very smooth surface is required for durable adjustment of the tile, then the Faneur needs to be objected additionally. In rooms with high humidity - bathroom and toilets, it is recommended to apply over the plywood of an insulating layer in the form of a screed. Such a coating compensates for the deformation of the wooden base under the influence of humidity and temperature in the bathroom and the kitchen.

Preparation of the base with an existing ceramic coating

If in the bathroom or in the kitchen is the old tile, then there are two options for laying a new coating:

  1. I cut the old tile, after which they put a new one.
  2. We put a new finish on top of the existing on the cement solution.

In the first case, there is a hard and painstaking work, while if the base remains uneven after removing the old coating, it will be necessary to align the floor by making a cement screed.

When applying the second option, do not forget to check how the height of the floor changes relative to doors and cabinets. So that the new tile joins well with the old one, the latter should be treated by Eatak, giving it a surface some roughness.

What to do with old linoleum

Experienced builders strongly recommend removing old linoleum coatings, even if they are firmly glued to the floor. It should be deleted with the remnants of glue, especially asbestos. Old vinyl coatings often contain this very harmful material for the body. Asbestos must be completely removed from the floor surface, it is better to entrust professionals.

In some cases, it is possible on top of the linoleum to carry out a screed device then with a cement-based adhesive, you can glue the tile to the floor. At the same time, check carefully compatibility of the tile glue with a cement coating, which was put on top of the vinyl base.

Ceramic tiles are popular in the interiors when finishing floors and walls. Their beauty, durability, ease of care attracts consumers. From the thoroughness of preliminary preparation of the base, the life of the decorative coating depends.

What is this article

Requirements for surfaces

The preparation of the floor under the installation of the tile includes a number of mandatory work, which allow you to make the future basis of high-quality, smooth, capable of withstanding intensive loads. What to pay attention to:

  • the presence of irregularities;
  • check strength;
  • protection against moisture, mold, fungus;
  • surface purity;
  • clutch of materials.

Removal of floor covering

To estimate the amount of intended work, it is necessary to remove the old coating. If a tile is laid on the base, it is dismantled together with cement mortar, with a perforator with a nozzle or a chisel. If the linoleum, laminate, parquet, is laid, then it is removed using a fir-handed tool. It is important to clean the surface from the leaks of glue, spots or paints with a 3% hydrochloric acid solution.

Paul is the following types:

  • concrete (draft, with a screed);
  • wood;
  • with an old screed;
  • with a ready-made basis.

Depending on the type of floor covering, the floor preparation for laying the tile will take different amounts of time, means, materials and tools. When working with any of the surfaces, follow a certain order:

  • assessment of floor quality. The presence of irregularities, the gaps, the strength of the base, the degree of slope;
  • correction of the identified deficiencies;
  • cleaning;
  • treatment with antifungal protective impregnations;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • applying a screed;
  • drying;
  • primer.

Preparation of concrete floor

General rules that are used to prepare the floor to lad out the tile.

  1. With the help of a rule of 2 m, the protrusions are noted more than 3 cm, remove them. The gaps and joints are expanding, processed with soil, cementing;
  2. Remove with a vacuum cleaner from the surface of dust, sandbreaks, rub oil stains. Treated with impregnation from mold;
  3. Make waterproofing. For this, it will be suitable: thick plastic film, geotextile, mastic, bituminous rolled materials, waterproof varnishes and paints. In rooms with high humidity, the film continues on the walls (up to 30 cm). In the residential premises, it is convenient to handle the mixes of the joints between the floor and the wall, plates;
  4. The type of screed is selected depending on the edge of the floor or the most protruding part. So:
    • the height difference is up to 3 cm, corrected using a solution (tile glue), to which the tile will be laid or, the entire surface is poured by a self-leveling screed. It should be noted that the rapid drying of the mixture is achieved due to substances that form a film interfering with a good setting of the coating with a base on the floor surface;
    • up to 10 cm use cement-sand tie. The thicker its layer, the longer it dries, possibly the appearance of cracks;
    • over 10 cm lay out the clamzite, and after the solution is poured for alignment.
  5. Drying. Complete frozen of the cement mortar occurs in 28 days. When using quick-drying mixtures - depending on the manufacturer;
  6. Primer. Allows you to improve the properties of the clutch of the surface with the facing, get rid of dust residues, has antiseptic properties, protects the moisture from excessive absorption. Rolled over the surface with a roller in several layers. The choice of a priming solution is due to the type of screed;
  7. After complete drying of the primer (up to 12 hours), the preparation of the surface for laying the tile is completed.

Floor preparation with an old screed

If there is a screed on the concrete base, it is necessary to estimate its condition. If there are small cracks, the depressions, they need to be expanded, to handle the soil and close with a solution that will be used when laying the decorative coating. If the screed when climbing with a metal hammer makes a deaf sound, it is necessary to completely remove it. Further, the whole process occurs in the method described above.

Preparation of wooden floor

The floor prepared for laying the tile should be smooth, clean, durable. It should be remembered that wood is subject to expansion and compression, these properties may affect the strength of the surface, as the final result.

If the floorboards do not creak, do not be suggested, then all the cracks are migrated to the mounting foam or sweeping, the surface is ground, waterproofing for wooden surfaces is placed. Then, the reinforcing mesh is stacked with a cell of 10 cm, poured with self-leveling solution for wood.

If the floor goes a chance, then you remove all the floorboards. The lags are treated with an antiseptic, falling asleep between them. Between the wall and stove leave the space up to 2 cm (the gap for expansion depending on the humidity), which is then gate. Further, the plates are soaked, carry out work according to plan.

Laying on the finished decorative coating

There are cases when linoleum is well glued to the surface and, it is difficult to remove it. To improve the grasp of glue with the base, it is permissible to process the floor with emery paper to better prepare it for laying the tile. When laying out a new tile on the old one, it is necessary to sweat its surface, check the tile is highly attached. The falling slices of the tile are removed, and the space under it is filled with tiled glue. You should make sure that the new layer of tiles will not prevent the door opening.

After all the preparatory works, the training of the floor under the tile is completed. It remains only to lay a tile on the finished surface.

How to prepare walls for laying out decorative elements?

The surface of the wall, as well as the floor, should be clean, smooth and durable. The tile laid on such a basis will last for many years. The order of work on the preparation of the wall under the tile is as follows:

  • cleansing the surface from old coatings;
  • alignment;
  • soil treatment.

If there is an old tile, paint or wallpaper on the walls, it is necessary to carefully remove this material, as it will worsen the adhesion between the solution and the wall. In the absence of coating, the preparation of walls to laying the tile will take the minimum amount of time. It will be necessary to evaluate the type of wall flaw: concave, curved, with slopes, with irregularities at the joints. Depending on the height difference, use:

  • plastering cement-sandy mixture (for bath) with differentials up to 6 cm or plaster mixes for kitchens and corridors;
  • the use of plasterboard sheets - over 6 cm;
  • the use of metal profiles and GKC with significant surface curvatures.


The wall with the help of a chisel is applied notches, the grater gives it a roughness. Purify the surface from dust, ground with a suitable solution (depends on the wall porosity). If curvature is within 1 cm, then plastering is not required. If more, then you need:

  • install the beaches on the edges of the walls, stretch the thread and secure the rack solution;
  • apply stucco on the wall with a spatula and evenly distribute the rule;
  • wait for drying;
  • remove beacons;
  • fill the holes with residues of the solution;
  • after complete drying, the plaster rubs;
  • the surface is so primed.

Use of plasterboard sheets

With curvature more than 6 cm, pre-processing of walls is required before laying tiles with plasterboard. First, you need to remove dust from the surface and apply a primer. Next, prepare sheets, and starting from the floor to glue them to the wall using the level and rubber hammer. The mounting glue is applied to the surface of the GLC with a step of 40 cm. The seams wipe the finish putty. After drying, the surface is ground.

Metal profiles and plasterboard

In strong deformations, the preparation of walls under the tile is performed using metal profiles. With the help of self-samples, the design is collected, the distance between the attachments of 50-60 cm. Sheets of plasterboard material must go to the profile half the width. Between the wall and sheets lay waterproofing.

Tile is a beautiful, durable material. And to the question of how to qualitatively prepare the walls for laying the tile is to approach the scrupulously and responsible.