Approaches in consulting. The concept of "psychological counseling" in domestic and foreign psychology

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav Wise"

Institute of Continuous Pedagogical Education

Department of Psychology

Topic: "The role of the theory in consulting.

Contribution of various theoretical approaches to consulting "


under the discipline "Fundamentals of advisory psychology"


female student 3562 s / y

V.N. Novikova

V. Novgorod 2015


1. Definition of the concept of "Psychological Counseling", 3 different authors

2. The main stages of counseling, the task of the client and the consultant at each of the stages

3. Three theoretical approaches to psychological counseling. Consider the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe approach and the role of the consultant in the advisory process

4. Requirements for the identity of the psychologist-consultant




Psychological counseling as a profession is a relatively new area of \u200b\u200bpsychological practice, separated from psychotherapy. This profession arose in response to the needs of people who do not have clinical violations, but seeking psychological assistance. Therefore, in psychological consultation, we are faced primarily with people who have difficulty in everyday life. The range of problems is truly wide: difficulties at work (dissatisfaction with work, conflicts with colleagues and managers, the possibility of dismissal), the unpleasurness of personal life and troubles in the family, poor performance in school, lack of confidence and self-esteem, painful fluctuations in decision-making, difficulties in Testing and maintaining interpersonal relations, etc. On the other hand, psychological counseling, as a young region of psychological practice, has not yet have strictly outlined borders, in his field of view you get a variety of problems.

1. ABOUTthe conception of the concept "nsinochological counseling 3 different authors

Psychological consulting is professional assistance to the patient in finding a solution to the problem situation. Professional counseling can conduct psychologists, social workers, teachers or doctors who have passed special training. Healthy or sick people can act as patients who present the problems of an existential crisis, interpersonal conflicts, family difficulties or professional selection. In any case, the patient is perceived by the consultant as a capable entity responsible for solving his problem. This is the main difference between P. K. from psychotherapy. From the so-called "friendly conversation" P. K. Differs in the neutral position of the consultant. Using the transactional terminology, the "friendly conversation" is held in the position of the child-child, psychotherapy - the parent is a child, and P. to .-- In the standpoint of an adult. Modern tendency erasing boundaries between psychotherapy and P. k. In the 40-50s. Professional counseling originated and spread due to the social request due to psychological education, psychotherapists, mainly psychodunic directions, and based on the experience of psychotherapeutic practice (mainly client-centered psychotherapy). Recent years, an affiliate approach and consulting experience enriches psychotherapy.

Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - S.-PB.: Peter. B.D. Carvasarsky. 2000.

Psychological consulting. Specific relationships between two people, at which one person helps to help himself. This is a way to communicate, allowing another person to study his feelings, thoughts and behavior. To come to a clearer understanding of yourself. And then open and use its strengths, relying on domestic resources for a more effective disposal of his life through the adoption of the right decisions and committing targeted actions (defining the British Association of Consulting Psychologists). Psychological consulting consultant

Psychology. AND I. Dictionary directory / trans. from English K. S. Tkachenko. M.: Fair-Press. Mike Cordwell. 2000.

Consulting psychological is a form of practical psychological assistance in the form of advice and recommendations based on preliminary study of problems that are disturbing customers, as well as the study of the clients themselves and their relationship with the surrounding people.

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. M.: Ast, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

2. The main stages of counseling, Customer Tasks I.consultant at each of the stages

1. Preparatory stage. At this stage, the psychologist-consultant meets the customer on a preliminary recording available about him in the registration journal, as well as for the information about the client, which can be obtained from third parties, for example, from an employee of a psychological consultation, which has received an application from the client to consult. At this stage of the work, the psychologist-consultant, in addition, is preparing for consultation itself. The time of work of the psychologist-consultant at this stage is usually from 20 to 30 minutes.

2. Starting stage. At this stage, the psychologist the consultant personally meets the client, meets him and configures on collaboration with the client. The same for its part makes the client. On average, this stage in time, if everything else has already been prepared for consultation, can take from 5 to 7 minutes.

3. Diagnostic stage. At this stage, the psychologist consultant listens to the confession of the client and, based on its analysis, clarifies the client's problem. The main content of this stage is a client's story about himself and about its problem (confession), as well as psychodiagnostics of the client, if it is necessary to conduct it to clarify the client's problem and finding its optimal solution. It is not possible to accurately set the time to carry out this stage of psychological counseling, it is not possible, since much in its definition depends on the specifics of the client's problem and its individual characteristics. Almost this time is at least one hour, excluding the time required for psychological testing. Sometimes this stage of psychological counseling can occupy from 4 to 6-8 hours.

4. Recommendation stage. The psychologist-consultant, assessing the necessary information about the client and its problem at the previous stages, at this stage, together with the client, develops practical recommendations for solving its problem. Here these recommendations are specified, clarify, concretize in all essential details. The average time, usually spent on the passage of this stage of psychological counseling, ranges from 40 minutes to 1 h.

5. Control stage. At this stage, the psychologist the consultant and the client agree on each other about how the practical implementation of the Client of the practical councils received and recommendations will be monitored and evaluated. There is also a question of how where and when a psychologist-consultant and the client will continue to discuss additional issues that may arise in the process of implementing the recommendations developed. At the end of this stage, if this is necessary, the psychologist-consultant and the client can agree on each other about where and when they will meet the next time. On average, work on this, the final stage of psychological counseling takes place for 20-30 minutes.

If you add all the above, you can establish that the passage of all five stages of psychological counseling can be needed (without time, allocated to psychological testing) from 2-3 to 10-12 hours.

The psychotherapeutic orientation of psychological counseling can be noted in the consulting model proposed by MK Tutushkina and her colleagues noted that, regardless of whether a one-time consultation is carried out or a prolonged work is carried out in the form of a number of psychotherapeutic sessions, consulting can be considered as a dialectical process that includes a number of stages (Tutushkina M.K., 2001):

1. Conclusion of a contract between the client, which comes from a voluntary order for a consultation, and a consultant who gives consent to assist, ensuring security and support during counseling.

2. Clearing request and analysis of the problem situation. At this stage, the consultant must be navigated on the client's problem, carefully listening to it, using open questions to rephrase and asking for reliable information. At the same time, the consultant reflects its feelings and feelings of the client, helping him to plunge into the problem and approach the production of a psychotherapeutic goal.

3. The flow of the problem and formulation of the psychotherapeutic goal, refinement of the contract. At this stage, as the conditions and the situation of the problem, the analysis of the feelings and relationships of the client is determined to it, the essence of the problem is determined, that is, the psychological difficulty that prevents the client to find a way out of the current situation, while the main thing is the awareness of the importance of the essence of the situation from a psychological point vision.

4. Finding ways to solve the problem. At this stage, the client's consent is necessary to study their own psychological difficulties, the search and adoption of responsibility for chosen solutions.

In the process of counseling, the client occurs changes, which can in one way or another to influence his personality and life in general. In any case, the client is given the opportunity to receive a new experience, and the deeper it is aware of this, the more favorable the consequences of consultation, therefore, its effectiveness will be.

The training and correctional nature of the focus of psychological counseling can be noted, in our opinion, in the approach, proposed by A.F. Bondarenko, in connection with this, at each stage of the counseling process, a psychologist solves the relevant tasks (Bondarenko A.F., 2000):

1. The initial stage. The step of entry into the situation of psychological assistance. The challenges of the psychologist at this stage, the fundamental for the establishment of working relations, are as follows:

· Support customer motivation to work together;

· An explanation of the true (realistic) opportunities for psychological assistance and the correction of unrealistic expectations;

· Expression of readiness to understand, accept the client and to provide him with possible psychological assistance;

· Trial setting of the goals of psychological assistance and the definition of indicative terms and results of work;

· Studies, if necessary, own difficulties in work related to possible counterpermore or emerging projections.

2. The stage of operation and residence of the situation of psychological assistance. Includes work with personal material of the client: experiences, relationships, feelings, dreams, value meanings. Possible tasks of the psychologist leak out of the logic of its actions and the phenomenology of the client's experiences, among them:

· Ensuring emotional reacting;

· Strapping and symbolic satisfaction of certain french needs;

· Creating conditions for insight and catharsis;

· Reinforcement of the desired direction of action (retraining);

· Providing conditions for personal reflection and accommodation of a situation of free and responsible choice.

3. Stage of entry into a new experience. This is the stage of personal transformations and attempts to attempt to a different way to stay life free from previous delusions and problems. This flows the following possible tasks in the activities of the psychologist:

· Emotional and existential support;

· Reinforcement of tendencies to personal reorientations and transformations;

· Help in savopation with personal and situational anxiety caused by changes in the vital world;

· Straceing of value-semantic or behavioral obstacles blocking the implementation of the necessary actions.

4. Stage of entry into everyday life with enriched new experience. This is the final stage of work. Its significance reflects specific tasks facing a psychologist:

· Advanced client and underline the time boundaries of both traumatic issues and the end of the consultative process;

· Analysis of elements of dependence in the client's behavior and assistance in achieving independence and self-sufficiency;

· Override and rethinking the situation of psychological assistance as a person granted to a person to understand its own motives, values, goals and elections;

· Finding the "golden middle" between the trends of hyperteks, patronage and emotional removal from the client.

Each of the stages has its duration. The consequences of counseling can be considered from the point of view of changes occurring in the individual personality, and the degree of its satisfaction with the results of consulting.

R. Kochunas, referring to V. E. Gilland, proposes the structure of the process of psychological counseling in the form of a system model, which is focused on the research and training character of psychological assistance (Kochunas R., 2000):

This system model that covers six closely related stages reflects the universal features of psychological counseling or psychotherapy of any orientation.

1. Study of problems. At this stage, the consultant establishes contact (RAPORT) with the client and reaches mutual trust: it is necessary to carefully listen to the client speaking of their difficulties, and show maximum sincerity, empathy, care, without resorting to estimates and manipulation. The client should be encouraged for an in-depth consideration of the problems that have arisen and fix its feelings, the content of statements, non-verbal behavior.

2. Two-dimensional definition of problems. At this stage, the consultant seeks to accurately characterize the client's problems, establishing both emotional and cognitive aspects. Clarification of problems is carried out until the client and the consultant reach the same understanding; Problems are determined by specific concepts. The exact definition of problems makes it possible to understand their causes, and sometimes indicates solutions. If there are difficulties, ambiguities in determining problems, then it is necessary to return to the study stage.

3. Identification of alternatives. At this stage, the possible alternatives to solving problems are discussed and openly discussed. Using open questions, the consultant encourages the client to name all possible options that he considers suitable and real, helps to push additional alternatives, but does not impose their solutions. During the conversation, you can make a written list of options so that they are easier to compare. There should be such alternatives to solving problems that the client could use directly.

4. Planning. At this stage, a critical assessment of the selected alternatives of the solution is carried out. The consultant helps the client to figure out which alternatives are suitable and are realistic in terms of previous experience and true readiness to change. The preparation of a realistic problem solving plan should also help the client understand that not all problems are solvable. Some problems require too much time; Others can only be solved partially by reducing their destructive, disorganizing behavior of the impact. In terms of solving problems, it should be provided for what means and methods the client will check the realism of the selected solution (role-playing games, "rehearsal" of actions, etc.).

5. Activity. At this stage there is a consistent implementation of the problem solving plan. The consultant helps the client to build activities taking into account the circumstances, time, emotional costs, as well as with understanding the possibility of failure in achieving the goals. The client must learn that the partial failure is not yet a catastrophe and should be continued to implement a plan to solve the problem by tying all actions with the ultimate goal.

6. Evaluation and feedback. At this stage, the client together with the consultant assesses the level of achievement of the goal (the degree of resolution of the problem) and summarizes the results achieved. If there is no need to clarify the decision plan. In the event of new or deeply hidden problems, you need a refund to the previous stages.

This model reflecting the advisory process helps only better understand how concrete counseling occurs. The real consulting process is much more extensive and often does not obey this algorithm. The allocation of stages is conditionally, since in practical work some stages are closed with others, and their interdependence is more complicated than in the presented scheme.

3. Threetheoretical approach to Psicreative consulting.Consider the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe approach and the role of the consultant in the advisory process

The importance of the theory in psychological counseling, as in other areas of psychological practice, is difficult to overestimate. It can be said that an attempt to qualify to help another person in resolving his problems without supporting the theoretical viewing system is similar to flight without landmarks. In psychological consultation, the role of the card is performed by the theory of personality, which opens a broad perspective of understanding the client's problems and indicating the effective methods of their permission. The theory helps a consultant to formulate dynamic hypotheses that explain to the client of the problem, and allows you to feel safe when a collision with a chaotic, disorganized inner world of some customers. BRAMER, SHOSTROM (1982) emphasize that the consultant who has not learned the theoretical foundations of his profession, not familiar with the studies made in this area, will not be able to do anything for the client, except for the use of private equipment.

Each theory performs four main functions: summarizes the accumulated information; makes more understandable complex phenomena; predicts the consequences of different circumstances; Promotes the search for new facts (George, Cristiani, 1990).

These functions are quite suitable for any theory underlying advisory practice. The theory helps a consultant to summarize experience with the most different customers, to understand the nature of most of their problems and the forms of conflict manifestation, contributes to the effective application of specific methods. Thanks to theoretical training, the Consultant may put forward hypothesis in its practical work and anticipate the results of counseling.

Each consultant based on the practice "constructs" its theory, which most often relies on already known theoretical paradigms, or orientation (psychoanalytic, behavioral-cognitive, existential-humanistic). With the accumulation of experience, adjustment, expansion, strengthening the theoretical base is constantly occurring. What does the choice of one or another theoretical orientation depends? First of all, it determines the point of view of the consultant to human nature. Each consultant to choose one or another concept as a basis for practice, depending on the characteristics of his personality, worldview, theoretical and psychological sympathies. At the same time, we emphasize the incomprehension of statements about the truth of the postulates of any single psychotherapeutic school, contrary to other schools. The results of numerous studies show that in practice with orientation for any direction, it is possible to achieve similar consulting efficiency, not as much the theory itself is crucial, which is the maturity of the personality of the consultant and its vocational training, which implies the high integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Currently, an eclectic consultation is distributed in the world, which is an attempt to integrate the best parties to various schools. Of course, it is meant not a set of different theoretical principles, views or accumulation of methods and techniques that have proven practical effectiveness regardless of the context of possible application. Eclectic consulting relies on the system integration of several theoretical approaches in the desire to find a single start and verify how the new system "works" in practice. It can be said that the creation of an eclectic approach in consulting is the result of all professional activities. Most specialists, a long time working in the field of psychological counseling and psychotherapy, create their own theoretical system, usually the eclectic, most appropriate personality and the worldview of each of them.

Most counseling theories were developed exclusively practitioners on the basis of their own experience and observations. Until now, most theories are worn, to some extent, unfinished character, and none of theories are sufficient to apply to all situations. Even the same theory for the same client in some period may be inadequate. Consultants must carefully choose their theoretical positions and regularly revise them.

Some theoretical models are more complete, others are less and successfully working consultants know what theories are more perfect and for what reasons. Hansen, Stevic & Warner (Hansen, Stevic & Warner, 1986) lead five signs of a good theory.

1. Clarity, ease of understanding and informative. The theory is consistent and consistent.

2. Comprehensiveness. It gives an explanation for a wide range of different phenomena.

3. Definition and Heuristichnost. It, by virtue of its logic, generates a study plan.

4. Specificity in choosing means of achieving the desired result. The theory contains a way to achieve the desired result.

5. Usefulness for its adherents. It provides guidelines for research and practical work.

In addition to these five qualities, a good theory is the one that does not contradict the personal worldview of the consultant. SherTzer and Stone (Sherzer & Stone, 1974) believe that the theory of counseling should be approached by a consultant like a good costume. Some theories, as well as costumes, need fit. Therefore, good consultants are aware of the importance of alternating theoretical approaches. Consultants who want to be multilateral and effective should learn many theories of counseling and know how to apply each of them without a violation of its internal integrity (Auvenshine & Noffsinger, 1984).

The value of the theory. The theory is the foundation of successful consulting. It requires a consultant accuracy and creative approach in the conditions of deep personal relationships established for the purpose of growth and understanding of the essence of what is happening (Gladding, 1990). The theory has an impact on how the information received from the client is conceptualized, as interpersonal relationships develop, as the norms of professional ethics are complied with and how consultants see themselves as professionals (Carey, Neukrug, Mcauliffe, Pratt & Lowell, 1990). Without theoretical justification, consultants act unsystemantly, by the method of trial and error, and risk to make an incorrect step and not reach the result. Brammer, Abrego & Shostrom (Branner, Abrego & Shostrom, 1993) emphasize pragmatic importance for consultants of a carefully developed theory. The theory helps to explain what is happening in the consultancy process, and also allows the consultant to predict, evaluate and improve the results of its own actions. The theory provides the structure of scientific observation in the process of counseling. Theoretization stimulates the production of new ideas and establishing unity of views on counseling. Consequently, the theory of counseling can be very practical, helping to comprehend the observations of consultants.

Fight and Pine (Boy & Pine, 1983) specify the practical value of the theory, believing that the theory of consultants is primarily responsible for the question "How?", Not "why?", Ensuring the structure within which consultants may act. Consultants resting on the theory can better meet the requirements of their profession, because they have the grounds to do what they do. Fight and Pine pointed to six features of the theory that help consultants in practice.

1. The theory helps consultants to detect the internal unity and the relationship of a variety of life phenomena.

2. The theory causes consultants to explore relations that otherwise would be out of sight.

3. The theory provides guidelines consultants in their work and helps E to evaluate themselves as professionals.

4. The theory helps consultants to concentrate on the necessary informational and indicate that they should look.

5. The theory helps consultants to promote customers in effectively changing their behavior.

6. The theory helps consultants to evaluate both old and new approaches to the consulting process. It is the source base, on which new advice approaches are being built.

"The main criterion for evaluating any counseling theory is how well it provides an explanation of what is happening in the consultancy process" (Kelly, 1988, p. 212-213). The value of theories as methods for organizing information "depends on the degree in which they correspond to the reality of human life" (YOUNG, 1988, R. 336).

Purity of theory and eclecticism. At the beginning of its history, consulting was a profession in which the purity of theory (commitment to one theory) was a condition and relevant necessity for job seekers. It was important that consultants could identify their activities in line with one of less than half of the possible theories (psychoanalysis, behaviorism, a client-centered approach, etc.). However, with the flow of new theories - cognitive, behavioral and affective, formulated in the 1960s, the idea of \u200b\u200bcommitment to one specific theory began to lose popularity and significance. The development of training microbics (training skills with people who are common to all theories of assistance) has accelerated the departure from narrow theoretical positions. Their place occupied eclectic consulting.

Many professional consultants (approximately 60-70 \\%) consider themselves eclectic in the use of theory and methods (Lazarus & Beutler, 1993). This means that to meet the needs of its customers, they use various theories and methods. As the needs changed, consultants must move away from one theory and move to another (such a phenomenon is called consulting with the change of style). Style change depends on the level of client's development (Ivey & Goncalves, 1988). To act effectively, consultants should take into account how customers have advanced in their structural development (according to the Terminology of Jean Piaget). For example, a client who is not oriented in the environment may need a therapeutic approach that focuses on "emotions, bodily sensations and experience based on momentary experiences (" here and now ")", whereas for the client with a higher level of development better The "formal-operating" approach is suitable, where it is focused on thinking of its actions (Ivey & Goncalves, 1988, p. 410). The main thing is that the consultants and theories correspond to the level at which customers are located, helping them develop as a person as a whole.

The eclectic approach may be risky if the consultant is not familiar with all the processes involved. Sometimes a non-communal approach is weakly prepared consultants sarcastically called an "electric" approach; Such consultants are trying to apply any and each of the available methods without parsing. The problem of the "electrical" orientation is that consultants often bring more harm than good, if they do not understand much or at all what it means to "help" the client.

To overcome this problem, Mac-Brides and Martin (McBride & Martin, 1990) offer a hierarchy of eclectic techniques and indicate the importance of a solid theoretical base as a guide. The lower, or the first, the level of eclecticism is actually syncretism. It is an amorphous, non-systemic combination process together unrelated clinical concepts. This approach is found in conditions when novice consultants are forced to formulate their own advisory theories without preliminary verification of their empirical models in practice. The second level of eclecticism is traditional. It combines "an ordered combination of comparable features from various sources into a harmonious integer" (English & English, 1956, p. 168). It is more thought out than syncretism, and theoretically more worked.

At the third level, eclecticism is described as a professional or theoretical, or as theoretical integrationalism (Lazaurus & Beutler, 1993; Simon, 1989). This type of eclecticism requires that consultants capture at least two theories in order to try to make any combination. The problems associated with this approach are that it implies a certain degree of equality of theories (which may not be) and the existence of a criterion, "allowing to determine which portions or parts of each of theories to leave or delete" (Lazaurus & Beutler, 1Q93 , p. 382). It differs from traditional models in that the traditional eclectic approach does not require possession of any theory.

The last level of eclecticism, called technical eclecticism, is presented in the work of Arnold Lazarus (Lazarus, 1967). According to this approach, procedures from various theories are selected and applied in practice "without compulsory attributing them to theories that they are generated" (Lazaurus & Beutler, 1993, p. 384). The idea is that techniques are actually used in working with clients, and not theory. Consequently, if the situation allows, after proper assessment of the state of clients, consultants can use behavioral methods (such as developing confidence) in combination with existential techniques (such as confrontation in the dispute about the meaning of life).

This latter approach is in one row with the approach of Cavanahs (Cavanagh, 1990), offering as a healthy eclectic approach to consulting. This approach requires consultants of the availability of (1) strong knowledge and understanding of the applied counseling theories; (2) the basic generalizing philosophy of human behavior, which combines the disparate parts of various theories into a meaningful collage; and (3) flexible means of adaptation, approach to the client, and not vice versa. Consultants, the following models, can be pragmatically and efficiently operated in the eclectic scheme. For a real sensitive eclectication consultant, critical variables are the theory and aggravated flair, allowing you to determine which approach to use when, where and how (Harman, 1977).

4. Consultant Personality Requirements

Almost all scientists involved in theoretical and methodological research in the field of psychological counseling and psychotherapy, note the importance of personal characteristics of the consultant. Different authors celebrate different personal features, but everyone converges that the client cannot not pay attention to the personality of the consultant, and all that the latter says what does, refracted through the image that he created from the client.

M. Balint spoke of the complete oblivion that psychotherapy is not theoretical knowledge, but the skills of the person. K. Rogers emphasized that the theory and methods of the consultant are less important than the exercise of their role. A. GOMBS experimentally compared successful consultants and unsuccessful, revealed that the differences lies in the personality features. Z. Freud noted that psychoanalyst is not necessarily a medical education, but the observation and ability to penetrate the client is necessary. A. Adber said: "Treatment technique is laid in you." A. Storr expressed the idea that psychotherapy and psychological counseling is considered unusual professions, since many people are difficult to imagine how entire days can listen to other people's stories about accidents and difficulties.

In fact, it turns out that the main technique of psychological counseling is to use yourself, their personality as a tool. The awareness of this situation is an important stage on the way of becoming a professional.

It is very obvious that a person has no special genes responsible for being a successful consultant or not to be. In general, of course, the personality of the consultant, as well as the identity of any other person, is formed on the basis of natural, biological features, but the value of these factors is not very large, although still takes place.

Still, no one is born consultant. What is most significant - no one finally becomes a consultant. Required qualities are developing throughout the professional life of a consultant specialist.

There are many studies in this area, however, the model of the ideal consultant has not yet been built, different authors indicate different personality features. Here is an exemplary list of these properties:

The openness of the consultant (its manipulation is at least not noticeable for the client),

Heat (sympathy, manifestation of living emotions),

Attentiveness (he does not ignore anything, draws attention to important moments),

Good intuition in communication (the client can - and in a certain sense even must even - hide some of the most important circumstances, and often about these circumstances can only guess the smallest peculiarities of behavior, a little changed intonation or a long pause - for example),

Live interest in people (a new customer for a consultant - as a new country in which he has not yet been; it is easier to lose interest in people, if you believe in your own all-in-law),

Sincerity (loves the truth, seeks to her, not lying),

Flexibility (easily adapted to the client, the features of counseling, sharp shifts in the mood of the client),

Tolerance (client's shortcomings are not condemned, although non-standard behavior is not condemned too),

Logicality, objectivity, rationality (possession of its speech, the ability to build chains of reasoning, reasonableness, the ability to see any situation as if from above),

Emotional stability (some confusing life history of clients can "knock out a king" of an unprepared listener),

The ability to cause confidence (the client comes with its secrets, he will not share them with a person who "radiates a threat"),

Ability to respect (the slightest disregard may forever push the client),

The lack of an inferiority complex (if the consultant does not even say out loud - it will start to compare itself and the client, finding out which of them "cooler" if it will demonstrate his wealth to the poor client or on the contrary to envy his consistency, then such a consultation can pour out at all at all channel).


The goals of the consultant and the client eventually contact, although each consultant refers to its system of common goals corresponding to its theoretical orientation, and each client is their individual goals that led him to a specialist. Very often, the wording and reformulation of targets occur in the process of counseling in the interaction of the consultant with the client. The implementation of the consultant's goals depends on the needs and expectations of the client. To successfully combine your common tasks and specific goals of the client, it is necessary to ask questions from the very beginning to be a customer: "What do you expect from our communication?", "What are your desires?" etc. Customers tend to have only the most general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat consulting is and what to expect from the consultant. When a client does not own any information about consulting, it is not capable of properly formulate goals. If we inform the client about the duration of the conversations and in general about what usually occurs during advisory meetings, it is easier for it to understand the possibilities and restrictions on counseling. Most customers comes to psychological counseling, hoping that the consultant will immediately provide some help. In this situation, the consultant must remember the main goal of consulting - to help the client understand that he himself is the person who has to decide, act, change, actualize his abilities.


1. Abramova G.S. Practical psychology: studies. For universities. - M.: Academic project, 2005. - 491 p.

2. Pakalyan V.E. Psychological counseling: studies. Available for universities. - SPb.: Peter, 2008. - 252 p.

3. Kochunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling. M., 1999.

4. Sapogova E.E. Consultative psychology: studies. Available for universities. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 352 p.

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Do I need to rely in psychological counseling on any psychological theory? This question still remains rather controversial and discussion. Those specialists who oppose the hard separation of counseling and psychotherapy, consider the advisory of the initial stage of psychotherapy and, therefore, defend the point of view that the consultant, like a psychotherapist, must be a specialization according to one of theoretical directions in psychotherapy, to obtain the appropriate certificate and further work in The framework of this approach. Those who consider psychological consulting individual from psychotherapy a type of professional activity, follow the point of view that consulting has its own technician system, while psychotherapeutic techniques calculated, as a rule, are not suitable for long-term work with the client, are not suitable for counseling.

What is the role of the theoretical approach in consulting?

Even if a psychologist uses an eclectic approach from the point of view of counseling technology, i.e. Uses a variety of techniques to achieve a result on a specific problem, its theoretical views specify the direction of searching for sources of the client's problem, perform the role of a "card", indicating effective ways to resolve this problem. Without support, the theory of advice will be imposed intuitive and will be more like a life-free conversation than professional work.

The theory helps to formulate advisory hypotheses, makes it possible to feel safe when a collision with a chaotic inner world of the client.

So, the functions of the theory in psychological counseling may be the following:

  • 1) the generalization of the accumulated information;
  • 2) makes more understandable complex mental phenomena, explains their mechanisms;
  • 3) predicts the consequences of different circumstances;
  • 4) contributes to the search for new facts, nomination and verification of advisory hypotheses.

The theory helps a psychologist to summarize experience with the most different clients, to understand the nature of their problems, contributes to the effective use of specific methods.

Each psychologist on the basis of his own practice designs its theory, which relies on one of the known paradigms. With the accumulation of experience, adjustment, expansion, strengthening the theoretical base are constantly occurring.

What does the choice of the theory depend on? Basically - from the view of the consultant to the nature of man. What is a person? What congenital trends does he have? Is he free in his choice? Can it change? It is the answers to these questions will help choose theoretical approach.

In the practice of counseling in orientation on any theoretical direction, one can achieve similar consulting efficiency. Not so much the theory itself is crucial as the maturity of the personality of the consultant and its professional training, which implies the high integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Many psychologists believe that they use an eclectic approach. However, as a rule, with a more thorough analysis, it is found that eclectic consulting is based on the system integration of several theoretical approaches in the desire to find a single start and check how the new system works in practice. The creation of its own eclectic approach is the result of the entire professional activity of the psychologist - consultant.

Example from practice

Research A. F. Bondarenko was devoted to the professional identification of a psychologist. Researchers tried to find out what theories are psychologists-consultants and psychotherapists enjoy in Russia. 46 psychologists have been interviewed with experience of practical work from one year to 20 years, including 18 foreign ones.

The most pronounced approaches were:

  • Eclecticism (80% of respondents who gave such an answer turned out to be domestic psychologists);
  • gestalt therapy;
  • Rodgerism;
  • behavioral therapy;
  • I do not know (100% of those who gave such an answer were domestic psychologists, there were no such answers among foreign psychologists).

The following approaches were less pronounced:

  • existential psychology;
  • transactional analysis;
  • Adler psychotherapy;
  • rational and emotive therapy (radi).

The most weak was presented by psychoanalysis.

Classification of theoretical approaches used in psychological counseling. In modern psychology, there are many theories and approaches. And every day all new appear. For modern counseling, eclecticism is becoming increasingly characteristic, mixing theories, the use of a wide variety of techniques. It is possible to distinguish the following main theoretical approaches.

Classic approaches.

  • 1. Deep psychology (psychoanalysis) and its modifications, including modern ne-penaliza (Horney, Fromm, Salllyland).
  • 2. The behavioral approach and its modern form is a cognitive-behavioral approach (Bandura, Beck, Ellis).
  • 3. Existential humanistic approach (Rogers, Oil, Alport, Perlz, Frankl).
  • 4. Eclectic approaches connecting the principles of various main classical approaches - transactional analysis (Bern), psychosynthesis (asshairs), neurolynguistic programming (NLP).

Non-classical directions.

  • 1. Body-oriented psychotherapy (Reich, Lowen, Alexander, Yanov, Feldencrais, etc.).
  • 2. Hypnotherapy.
  • 3. Meditative therapy.
  • 4. Transpersonal therapy (S. Grof).
  • 5. Artherapy, including many variations.

Within the framework of this textbook, a detailed analysis of all approaches in consulting and psychotherapy is impossible. To obtain this information, contact special literature. Consider only the main classic theoretical approaches that are most often used in psychological consulting. The basis of each approach is the understanding of the nature of man, as well as the role of the consultant (therapist). Therefore, the nature of the advisory contact is largely dependent on the choice of a theoretical approach, and the consulting process itself.

  • Bondarenko A. F. Personal and professional self-determination of the domestic psychologist-practice // Moscow psychotherapeutic magazine. 1993. No. 1. P. 63-77
  • See: Nelson-Jones R. Theory and Consultancy Practice. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000: Bondarenko A. Psychological assistance: Theory and practice. M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2000, etc.

Reading time: 3 min

Psychological consulting is a relatively new professional sphere of psychological practice, which is a kind of psychological assistance. This direction is rooted from psychotherapy and is directed on a clinically healthy individual who can independently overcome everyday difficulties. In other words, the key task of this technique lies in the help of individuals in finding out the exit of the established problematic circumstances, over which they win without any assistance not in a sense, awareness and change in ineffective behavioral patterns for making fateful decisions, resolving current living difficulties, achieving the intended goals . At the purpose of the task of psychological counseling, they are divided into a corrective impact, and the tasks asked to achieve personal growth, self-development and vital success by the client.

Basics of psychological counseling

Consultation is a combination of activities facing a subject to the subject in resolving everyday problems and making fateful decisions, for example, relative to family and marriage, professional growth, the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction.

The purpose of this method of psychological support is to assist individuals in comprehending taking place on their life path and achieving the intended goal, based on the conscious choice during the permission of emotional problems and interpersonal difficulties.

All definitions of psychological counseling are similar among themselves and include several important positions.

Psychological counseling contributes:

Conscious choice of personality to act according to his sole discretion;

Learning to new behavior;

Personality development.

The core of this method is considered to be "Consultative interaction", which is happening between a specialist and subject. The emphasis is on the liability of the individual, in other words, consulting recognizes that an independent and responsible personality is able to accept and make decisions under certain conditions, and the task of the consultant is to create conditions that encourage the volitional behavior of an individual.

Objectives of psychological counseling are borrowed from various psychotherapeutic concepts. For example, followers of the psychoanalytic direction, the task of consulting is seen in transformation into conscious images displaced in unconscious information, assistance to the client in recreating early experience and analysis of displaced conflicts, restoring the basic personality.

It is quite easy to predetermine the goal of psychological counseling, since the goal depends on the client needs and theoretical orientation of the consultant himself. Below are several universal counseling tasks, which are mentioned by the theorists-practitioners of various schools:

Promote the transformation of behavioral reactions for more productive customer's life, raising the level of satisfaction with life even if there are some indispensable social limitations;

Develop the ability to overcome difficulties in the course of collisions with new daily circumstances and conditions;

Ensure the effective adoption of important decisions;

Develop the ability to make contacts and maintain interpersonal relationships;

Easy the growth of personal potential and.

The psychological counseling approaches are characterized by a common system model, which combines the stages from each other among themselves.

In the first stage there is a study of problems. The psychologist establishes contact with the individual (report) and reaches mutual confidence: the psychologist listen carefully to the client who tells about his everyday difficulties, expresses the maximum empathy, extreme sincerity, care, does not resort to evaluation and manipulative techniques. The consultant must choose an incentive tactics that contributes to an in-depth consideration by the client of its problems, and to note its sensations, the content of replicas, non-verbal behavioral reactions.

At the next stage there is a two-dimensional determination of the problem situation. The consultant is directed to the exact characteristic of the client's problem, emphasizing both emotional and cognitive aspects. At this stage, there is a clarification of problematic issues until the client and the psychologist will not be equally seen and understood. The problems formulate specific concepts that make it possible to comprehend their causes, and in addition, often indicate possible paths of their permission. If there are ambiguities and difficulties in determining problems, then it should be returned to the previous stage.

The third stage is an alternative identification. It establishes and discussed potential solutions to problems. The consultant with open questions encourages the subject to list all possible alternatives that it finds suitable and realistic, contributes to finding additional options, while its own solutions does not impose. In the process of the conversation, it is recommended writing a list of alternatives to facilitate their comparison and comparison. It is necessary to find such options for solving a problematic question that the subject could apply directly.

The fourth stage is planning. It is critical assessment of the elected alternatives. The consultant helps a subject to understand which options presented are suitable and show themselves realistic in accordance with previous experiences and today's readiness to change. The preparation of a strategy of a realistic solution of difficult situations is also aimed not to gain an understanding by the client, which is not all the difficulties of solvable: some of them require the cost of a temporary resource, others - it is possible to resolve partially by reducing their destructive and disorganiser effects. At this stage, it is recommended to provide problems in the aspect of solving problems, which methods and methods the subject will be able to check the realism of the decision preferred to them.

The fifth stage is directly activity, that is, there is a consistent embodiment of the planned strategy for solving problems. The psychologist helps the client to build activities, given the circumstances, emotional and temporary costs, as well as the possibility of failure to implement the goals. The individual must realize that the partial failure does not yet become complete collapse, so it should be continued to implement a difficulty permit strategy, directing all actions to the final goal.

The last stage is to evaluate and maintain feedback. The subject together with the psychologist at this stage is evaluating the degree of achievement of the goal (that is, the level of solving the problem) and summarizes the results achieved. If necessary, it is possible to detail and refine the decision strategy. In the event of new or discovery, deeply related problems should be returned to previous stages.

The described model reflects the content of the advisory process and helps it is better to understand how concrete counseling stems. In practice, the consulting process is much more extensive and often not always guided by this algorithm. In addition, the allocation of stages or stages is conditionally, since in practice some stages are connected to others, and their interdependence is much more complicated than presented in the described model.

Types of psychological counseling

As a result, people belonging to various age categories, free and in relations, characterized by the variety of problems, are needed in the help of psychological orientation, which are characterized by the presence of problems, psychological consulting is divided depending on the problematic situations of customers and their individual features for species, namely the individual psychological, group, Family, psychological and pedagogical, professional (business) and multicultural counseling.

First of all, individual psychological counseling (intimate personal) is distinguished. Individuals on matters are addressed to this type of counseling, deeply affecting them as a person who provokes the strongest experiences that are often thoroughly chosen from the surrounding society. Such problems can be attributed to psychological disorders or behavioral disadvantages that subject wants to liquidate, difficulties in personal relationships with close or other significant persons, all sorts, failures, diseases of a psychogenic nature that require medical care, deep discontent with themselves, problems in intimate sphere.

Individual psychological counseling simultaneously requires the relationship-client and trust, open relationships to interact between them. This type of consulting should be carried out in a special situation, since it is often reminded by confession. Also, he cannot wear an episodic or short-term character, due to the content of the problems, on the solution of which he is targeted. In the first turn, individual counseling assumes, greater psychological pre-configuration of the psychologist and the client itself on the process, then a long and often difficult conversation consultant with a subject, after which there is a long period of finding the exit from the difficulties described by the client and directly solving the problem. The last stage is the longest, since most of the problematic issues of an intimate-personal orientation is not instantly solved.

A variety of this type of counseling is age psychological counseling, which includes mental development issues, the peculiarities of education, the principles of teaching children of various age-related subgroups. The subject of such counseling is the dynamics of the development of children's and adolescent psyche at a certain age stage of formation, as well as the content of mental development, which is a significant difference from other types of consulting. Age psychological consulting solves the problem of systematic control over the course of the formation of mental functions of children to optimize and timely correction.

Group counseling aimed at self-development and the growth of the participants in the process, exemption from everything that becomes on the way to self-improvement. The advantages of the described type of psychological assistance before individual counseling include:

The team members can explore their own relationship with the environment and acquire more effective social skills, in addition, have the opportunity to conduct experiments with alternative forms of behavioral response;

Customers can discuss their own perception of others and receive information about their perception by the group and individual participants;

The team reflects, in some way, familiar to its participants;

As a rule, groups offer participants understanding, assistance and assistance, which increases the determination of participants to learn and resolve problem situations.

Family consulting involves assisting in matters related to the family family and relationships in it relating to interaction with other close environments. For example, if an individual is disturbing the upcoming choice of satellite of life, the optimal construction of relationships in the future or current family, regulation of interactions in family communications, prevention and proper exit from intra-family conflicts, the relationship of spouses among themselves and with relatives, the behavior during divorce, the solution of various current in-family problems , he needs family psychological consulting.

The described type of psychological assistance, requires consultants to know the essence of intrameal problems, ways to exit serious situations and methods of their permission.

Psychological and pedagogical consulting is in demand when it is necessary to deal with difficulties that have a relationship with training or raising children when it is necessary to increase the pedagogical qualifications of adults or teach the management of various groups. In addition, the described speculation of counseling have the relationship of the psychological justification of pedagogical and educational innovations, optimization of funds, techniques and training programs.

Business (professional) counseling, in its turn, is characterized by a so many varieties, how many professions and activities. This kind of help is considering issues that are emerging in the process of occupation by professional activities. This includes issues of professional orientation, improving and formation of the individual of the abilities, organization of labor, increasing performance, etc.

Multicultural counseling is aimed at interacting with individuals who perceive different social environment, but at the same time try to cooperate.

Efficiency of advisory assistance to customers, differing in cultural and indirect features (sexual orientation, sexuality, age, professional experience, etc.), and in addition, the ability to understand these customers, their requirements are interconnected with the cultural characteristics of a psychologist and a manner adopted in a certain social culture Organization practices of psychological counseling.

Consultative work requires a number of personal qualities and specific characteristics from a psychologist-consultant. For example, an individual practicing this technique must certainly have a higher psychological education, to love people, to be sociable, insightful, patient, good and responsible.

Psychological counseling of children

The tasks of psychological support of children and adults are similar, but the approaches of psychological counseling and methods of work of a specialist must be modified, as a result of children's non-independence and immaturity.

Psychological counseling of children and adolescents is characterized by a certain specificity and is a non-isolated more complex process, rather than advising adults.

Highlight three key features of psychological counseling of children:

Todders almost never on their own initiative for professional help do not turn to psychologists, often they lead their parents or teachers who have noticed some deviations of development;

The psychocorrection effect must occur very quickly, because in children one problem provokes the emergence of new ones, which will significantly reflect on the development of a children's psyche in general;

The psychologist cannot be entrusted with the responsibility for finding responses and solutions to existing problems, since in childhood, mental activities and self-consciousness are not yet sufficiently formed, in addition, in the life of a child, all significant changes are almost entirely dependent on their relative environment.

Most of the explicit differences between the child from the adult subject are in the communication level used by them. Dependence of the child from parents forces the psychologist consultant to consider their vital difficulties in one bundle with each other.

Problems of psychological counseling of children are in insufficient understanding. The baby is limited in its own communicative resources, because, in the first turn, he underdeveloped the ability to share and integrate the external environment with mental experiences, secondly, its verbal abilities are also imperfect, due to the lack of experience of communication. Hence, in order to achieve effective communication, the consultant has to be based on behavioral methods, more than on verbal. Due to the peculiarities of children's mental activity, the gameplay in therapy has become widespread simultaneously as one of the key methods for establishing contact and effective therapeutic techniques.

Due to the disconciliation of the baby in children's psychological counseling, adult is always included. The importance of the role of an adult has a dependence on the age category of the child, the sense of responsibility for it. Usually a child for psychological counseling comes with a mother. Its task is to provide a psychologist-consultant preliminary data on the baby and assisting in the planning of correctional work. Communication with the mother provides a specialist to give an assessment of its place in children's issues, its own emotional disorders and get an idea of \u200b\u200bfamily relationships. The lack of help from the close environment of the kid, in particular, parents, seriously complicates the process of achieving positive transformations in the child.

Parental relationships and their behavior have a decisive value in children's development. Therefore, often, family psychological counseling or psychotherapy of parents can perform a leading role in the modification of the medium in which there is growing, formed and raising their child.

Due to the insufficient resistance of children to the impacts of external conditions, environmental environments and inability to control situations in which they are, a specialist, providing them with assistance, puts greater responsibility on their own shoulders.

With a correctional work with an emotionally unstable baby, in the first turn, you need to change the home furnishings: the more comfortable it will be, the more effective the process will go.

When a child begins to become successful in the regions, in which there was no further failure, his attitude to the external environment will gradually change. Since he becomes aware that the world around him is absolutely not hostile. The task of the consultant is actions in the interests of a small individual. Often, the decision of some problems can be the premises of a child in a camp on vacation or school change. In this case, the psychologist must promote the translation of the crumbs to a new school.

The immaturity of children often does not allow formed a clear correction strategy. Because kids do not know how to separate imaginary from the real. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to separate real events, from situations that exist solely in their imagination. From here, all correctional work should be built on the basis of mixing the represented and really existing, which does not contribute to the achievement of rapid sustainable results.

Psychological counseling of children and adolescents has a number of rules and is characterized by specific techniques for conducting.

First, an important condition for the establishment of contact with children (adolescents) and its further maintenance is confidentiality. The consultant should be remembered that all the information obtained in the consultation process should be applicable solely for the benefit of children.

The next equally serious condition for effective advising adolescents and children is considered mutually directed confidence. According to the existential concept of Rogers (humanistic approach), there are several conditions for the relationship between the consultant specialist and the client, which contribute to the personal growth of the individual: the ability to empathize from the consultant (empathic understanding), authenticity, imperfesting personality acceptance of the other. Very important for a practical psychologist is the ability to listen to the partner. Indeed, often, the most effective therapy is to provide an individual opportunity to speak out, without fear of negative evaluation by a partner or condemnation. Empathic understanding means the ability to sensitively perceive spiritual experiences, the inner world of the partner for communication, correctly understand the meaning of heard, grab the inner state, capture the true feelings of the client.

Authenticity implies the ability to be a honest attitude to his own person, the ability to openly exercise emotions, sincerely express feelings, intentions and thoughts.

Refluiably acceptance of the individual involves the adoption of a subject as it is, that is, without excessive praise or condemnation, willingness to listen, to take the right of the interlocutor to own a judgment, even if it is not a coincidence with a generally accepted consultant's opinion.

Features of psychological counseling children are also in the absence of children of any motivation to interact with the consultant. Often they do not understand why they are examined, because they are not disturbed due to their own disorders. Therefore, psychologists often require their own ingenuity to establish contact with a small individual. This, first of all, concerns shy, durable kids, children with and violations of behavioral patterns that have a negative experience of interaction with adults. Children and teenagers, with the described features and problems, in consulting reception at a specialist, are experiencing emotional overvoltage, which is expressed in high affectivity and increased in relation to a specialist. Problems of psychological counseling of adolescents and babies also conclude the complexity of establishing contact with them. An essential barrier in this usually acts distrust by kids, secrecy and impairment.

The process of counseling small individuals can be divided into several stages:

Establishment of mutual understanding;

Collect the right information;

Clear definition of a problematic aspect;

Summation of the results of the consultation process.

Methods of psychological counseling

The basic consulting methods include: observation, conversation, interview, empathic and active hearing. In addition to basic methods, psychologists also use special methods resulting from the influence of individual psychological schools based on a certain methodology and a specific personality theory.

An observation is called targeted, intentional, systematic perception of phenomena phenomena, aimed at studying their changes due to the influence of certain conditions and finding the meaning of such phenomena if it is not known. A psychologist's consultant must have the ability to watch the verbal behavior and non-verbal manifestations of the client. The basis for understanding the incomplete behavioral response is knowledge of various options for non-verbal speech.

A professional conversation consists of a variety of techniques and techniques used to achieve the relevant result. A huge role is carried out by the techniques of dialogue, stimulating statements, approval of the client judgments, brevity and clarity of speech consultant, etc.

The functions and tasks of the conversation in consulting are to collect information about the state of the psyche of the subject, to establish contact with it. In addition, the conversation often has a psychotherapeutic effect and helps to reduce the anxiety of the client. The advisory conversation is a means of entering problems, exciting customer, serves as a background and accompanies all psychothechnics. The conversation can carry a clearly structured nature, occur on a predetermined strategy of the II program. In this case, the conversation will be considered an interview method that happens:

Standardized, that is, it is characterized by a clear tactic and sustainable strategy;

Partially standardized, resting on plastic tactics and sustainable strategy;

Freely managed diagnostic, based on the strategy strategy and absolutely free tactics, depending on the specifics of the client.

The empathic listening is called the type of hearing, the essence of which lies in the exact reproduction of the feelings of the interlocutor. Such a type of hearing involves caring from the estimation, condemnation, avoiding the interpretation of the hidden motives of the interlocutor's behavior. At the same time, it is necessary to demonstrate the exact reflection of the experience, the emotions of the client, to understand them and take.

Promotes a more accurate and correct understanding of each other's interlocutors, which allows you to build confidence and emotional support atmosphere. In addition, the active hearing helps to expand the awareness of the problem by the subject. In psychological consultation, this method is mandatory.

Psychological advice to children and parents has differences in the methods used. Since for children, all the above methods must be adapted to the degree of maturity of babies and modified. Since children, often, behavioral manifestations are the main means of expressing feelings, the success of the consultant depends on his ability to observe, understand and ability to interpret the actions of crumbs.

Psychological counseling techniques

Specific techniques that the consultant applies at each stage of the consulting procedure and within these stages are called consulting techniques. They are universal, successfully used at any stage of counseling, and specific, which are most suitable for a separate stage of the process.

Technicians should be considered in accordance with the stages of the psychological consulting model.

The first stage - the beginning of work and the first procedure, marked the meeting of the subject with a consultant. Applications applicable to solving this task include: a greeting of an individual, holding it in place, choosing an individual of its place in the room, choosing a consultant for themselves, methods for establishing psychological contact.

Welcoming techniques are carried out through standard phrases, for example: "nice to meet", "glad to see you."

The technique "holding a potential client to the place" is appropriate with the primary visit to the subject of consultation. It looks like this: the consultant goes ahead of the individual, indicates the path to him and skips when entering the office ahead itself.

Setting a positive customer mood is the second procedure of this stage. The main equipment here will be the establishment of a rapport. It is possible to establish it to all that it is capable of making a favorable impression: tidy, observance of the communication zone, a benevolent expression of the face.

The third procedure is exemption from psychological barriers. The client feels the excitement that will help to remove special techniques. For example, you can give him a little time to one, to include calm, unobtrusive music, which will also promote the creation of a favorable climate.

The second stage is to collect information. The first procedure covers the diagnosis of the client's personality, within which the following methods are applied: observation, conversation, interview.

Clearing the essence of the problem and the definition of customer resources is the second procedure. Applated techniques: dialogue and hearing.

Activation of the client's memory is the third procedure. Used techniques: assistance in the formulation of statements and determining genuine senses, psychological support for the subject, provoking the client, the saturation of the pause. In order to provide a subject of assistance in determining these feelings and their handling of a verbal form, the methods of active listening are used.

Technique "Pause" assumes use by a consultant Pause. He can fill them with a question or metaphor or "keep pause".

At setting the words of the client, the provoking technique is based on. Her goal is to help the subject to see from other sides to the difficult situation.

The third stage is to draw up a strategy. The first procedure includes the definition of probable outputs from problem events. For this purpose, the following techniques are applicable: advice, informing the individual, belief and clarification.

Technique "Council" suggests the nomination of the consultant and further joint discussion.

Technique "Informing" speaks for himself. It is important that the information reported by the consultant complies with such requirements as objectivity, availability, specificity.

The "belief" technique consists in logically outlined argument proving the correctness of the judgment expressed.

Technique "Clarification" applies with the detailed and concrete explanation of the judgment of the consultant regarding the client's problem.

The second procedure is the coordination of the Action Plan. Applicable techniques: Finding multiple solutions, concretization of the expected result, stimulating issues, establishing a solution algorithm.

Before developing a specific strategy, you need to maximize the likely solutions. For this, the Diltx technique is suitable. Suggest a subject to come up with incredible ways to solve the problematic issue. Assumptions should be at least twenty.

Psychological counseling of children and parents also has differences in practitioners related to children's non-deformation and non-independence.

Stages of psychological counseling

Nomov developed a consulting model, including the following basic stages of the psychological process: preparatory, tuning, diagnostic, recommendatory, control steps.

Acquaintance of the consultant with a potential client on information about him received from others, for example, from a psychological consultation specialist who has taken an application for consultation from the future client, as well as on the recording that is in the registration journal occurs at the preparatory stage. In addition, this stage involves the preparation of a consultant for consultation. It lasts an average of 30 minutes.

The second stage of psychological counseling marks the meeting of a subject with a consultant. A psychologist gets acquainted with a potential client and configures on a joint interaction with the client. The duration of this phase is no more than 7 minutes.

At the diagnostic stage, the consultant listens to the client confession, clarifies and clarifies the problem, based on its analysis. The key content of this stage is the narrative of the client about his own person and about the problem. This story is referred to as confession. In addition, the described stage may include psychodiagnosis of the subject, if necessary, to clarify the problem of individual and finding an optimal solution. It is impossible to accurately establish the necessary time to pass this stage, since its establishment depends on the characteristics of the problem and individual characteristics of the client.

The recommendation stage involves the formulation by the Client and the consultant of practical recommendations to resolve the problem. At this stage, the earned recommendations are specified, specify, are detailed. The average duration is up to 60 minutes.

The control stage includes the establishment of control standards and the procedure for assessing the practical implementation of practical councils received by the Client. The average duration is up to 30 minutes.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "Plyomed"

Clinical approach or Deep Consulting Concept (A. I. Podzhin)

The clinical approach or the concept of deep counseling (Prigozhin, 2003) is based on a systemic approach, but has significant additions. The task of a clinical approach: working with facts, not to perceive them literally, but to see them new causality. At the beginning of the 30s. E. Mao, F. Rotlisberger, J. Dixon in studies of the behavior of factory workers collided with a paradox: with a deterioration in the illumination, the development increased. With a more attentive consideration of this fact, it turned out that workers, feeling the attention of scientists, tried, so to speak, comply with, and the very illumination worsening was perceived as a kind of test and made additional efforts in the work. This case was simple but learning. The fact was the relationship of improving the development with a worsening of illumination, but the reason was in the reaction of workers to the experimental situation.

From the point of view of A. I. Prigogina, "think clinically - it means not so much to support the service, how much to treat the organization."

The main provisions of the concept of deep counseling:

"A) deep counseling comes out on the levels of unconscious and uncommitted demand, forms demand for those consulting services that are adequately diagnosed or otherwise estimated;

  • b) Deep consulting joins the process and project managerial counseling, etc. Counsession (Counseling) and Individual Counseling (Couching);
  • c) deep counseling initiatively, since it takes an independent position in relation to the information, estimates, orders coming from the Client Organization; It is not so much for the client, how many leads it;
  • d) Deep consulting involves a wide range consultant who owns a large set of methods that can offer a variety of consulting products to the Client (this may be one consultant or a cumulative - group, firm).

I spent an orcdiagnosis on a good, strong firm. During the diagnostic interview, asked among others the usual question:

"How do you see the prospects of the company? Is there a strategy? " All respondents answered approximately one thing: "Prospects are generally good, but the leadership has no strategy, although it is a pity - our head is used to thinking today." Finally reached the general. He outlined me a very thoughtful and impressive image of the future firm with a breakdown of two, 5 and 10 years. I convinced him to make a report at the meeting of the main team. Two weeks later we left for a seminar, where the staff went in their own way, specified, corrected the presented strategy. For it, new functions began to develop, and then the structure, revised motivation. I worked a lot with the head individually: helped him solve problems in relations with a number of subordinates, told about the newest developments on the methodology of strategic management, motivation, etc. attracted a lawyer, marketer, psychologist to work with him. Worked for more than two years.

It all started with the fact that I found that the office, the recovery style of the leadership is an obstacle to the development of the firm, proposed to combine the interests and opportunities of employees to enter a new stage of the organization's life. Notice - it was my opinion, and not the opinion of the client. The latter even objected to at first.

Of course, so understood deep counseling is not always possible. Often, the head of the firm requires something one and does not accept anything else. However, in order to have ways to problematize the client to reduce the number of such failures. If, of course, the consultant itself is ready for this. "

  • A. I. Prigogin shares his experience: "... if the modern general director tells me:" I have no difficulty with motivation, I have difficulties with synnestications, "then I accept this statement as an element of some more broad problem situation. At the level of the shops and sections, their chiefs show me serious concern that it is attitude to work to work, to his discipline and quality. And then for me the present problem of this organization is noncommunicable vertical, weakness of feedback from sites and shops for higher management. And this problem is certainly manifested by not only the motivation attitude. As it turned out, the information from the bottom up to the enterprise is very distorted or blocked by the long-established tension, it is hardly antagonistic of different control levels (Decree. C. S. 162).
  • Topic 21. Characteristics of sensations
  • Topic 22. General Perception Characteristics
  • Topic 23. Characteristic of meremic activities
  • 1. Duration of preservation
  • Topic 24. Types of memory and their features
  • Topic 25. Thinking as the highest mental cognitive process
  • Topic 26. Basic forms of thinking
  • Topic 27. Main types of mental operations
  • Topic 28. General Speech Characteristics
  • Topic 29. Imagination and its types. The role of imagination in mental activity
  • Topic 30. Mechanisms of recycling of representations in imaginary images
  • Imagination and creativity
  • Four-step model of the creative process of Wallace
  • Topic 31. The main concepts of psychological diagnosis.
  • Topic 32. Classification of modern psychodiagnostic methods and techniques.
  • Topic 33. Basic principles of planning and conducting psychodiagnum surveys
  • Topic 34.The main stages of processing and interpretation of results
  • Topic 35. Ethical aspects and basic principles in psychology psychology
  • 1. Convenience:
  • 2. Competence:
  • Theme 36. History of formation of psychodiagnostics as a type of professional activity
  • Topic 37. Requirements for the construction of psychodiagnostic techniques.
  • Topic 38 Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere.
  • Topic 39. Psychodiagnosis of the development of babies and preschoolers.
  • Topic 40. Diagnosis of psychological readiness for school
  • Topic 41. Diagnostics of the motivational sphere and identity orientation
  • Topic 42 Approaches to the diagnosis of intelligence. Intellect models.
  • 2 Model TERSTONEN Multifactor
  • Topic 43. Diagnostics of the intellectual sphere of personality
  • Topic 44. Methods of study of intelligence d. Waxer
  • Topic 45. Diagnosis of psycho-physiological characteristics of a person
  • Topic 46. Diagnosis of interpersonal relations in the team
  • Topic 47.Diagnosis of interpersonal relations in the family
  • Topic 48. Projective methods in psychological diagnostics
  • Topic 49. Interpretative projective techniques.
  • Topic 50. Expressive (Picturesque) Projective Methods
  • House. Wood. Man (J. Bukom).
  • Topic 51. Psychogometric techniques and methods of preferences
  • Topic 52 Impressive techniques Additive projective techniques
  • Topic 53. Tests of achievements and criterion-oriented tests
  • Topic 54. Diagnosis of creativity.
  • Topic 55 Diagnostics Damage and Personal Types
  • Theme 56 psychodiagnosis of character.
  • Theme 57 Diagnostics of Professional Self-determination
  • Topic 58. Diagnosis of self-consciousness and self-esteem
  • Topic 59 Diagnostics of the Emotional Personality
  • Theme 60 Diagnostics of the Volifiable Sphere and Personal Conduct
  • Topic 61. Psychological counseling: goals, tasks, principles.
  • Topic 62. Professional preparation of a psychologist-consultant.
  • Question 63. Organization of psychological consultation
  • Topic 64. Organization of the psychologist Consultant
  • Topic 65. Types of activity of the psychologist-consultant
  • Topic 66. Evaluation of the activities of the psychologist-consultant
  • Topic 67. Stages of psychological counseling
  • Question 68. Technicians of psychological counseling
  • Meeting a client in psychological consultation.
  • Start a conversation with the client.
  • Removing the psychological tension of the client and the activation of his story at the stage of confession.
  • Technique used in interpretation of customer confession.
  • Actions of the consultant at the cottage to the client of advice and recommendations.
  • The technique of the final stage of counseling and the practice of communication consultant with the client at the end of the consultation.
  • Topic 69. Testing in the practice of psychological counseling
  • Topic 70. Supervision as a type of professional cooperation
  • Topic 71. Types and forms of the Supervision
  • 1. The easiest and most common is a group discussion:
  • 2. Balitov Group
  • 3. Role-playing game
  • 4. Steam supervision on the group.
  • 5. Supervision on the principle of "Milan School" of family psychotherapy.
  • 6. Supervision on the principle of "Aquarium".
  • 2 Group Supervision with Supervisor (or several supervisors).
  • 3 one on one, supervision with equal colleague.
  • Topic 72. Personal-centered approach in psychological counseling
  • Perceptual or subjective view system
  • Why people behave inadequate
  • 73. Existential approach in psychological counseling
  • Building a consultative process.
  • In 74 psychoanalytic approach in consulting
  • Briefly about psychoanalysis
  • 2.) The work of a psychologist with protection mechanisms:
  • 1. Submission of ideas about transfer and counterpermore
  • 2. Interpretation of dreams
  • In 75 Individual Consultancy Style and Rescue Phenomenon in Advisory Practice
  • 1. Terminal selection of consulting style.
  • 2. The dependence of the consulting style from the personality of the psychologist-consultant.
  • 3. Mattering and provoking style. Support and "pushing" customer.
  • 2. Consultative space: guardianship, manipulation, confrontation, inspiration.
  • 3. Empathy as a professional and important quality of the consultant. Empathy as a state. Empathy as a process.
  • In 76 group counseling and psychotherapy
  • I.D.Yalom (1985) allocates the 3 most important phases of the psychotherapeutic group -
  • 4 The main stages of the development of the group (Kochunas):
  • In 77 basics of family counseling and psychotherapy
  • In 79 psychological assistance in the selection stage of the marriage partner
  • 1.Social demographic.Har-ki family members (co -ogram, geogram)
  • Topic 81. Correctional events in the work of a psychologist-consultant with family
  • General characteristics of methods and techniques of psychocorrection
  • Correctional procedures and solving the client's existential problems
  • 4. Using relationship consultant customer in order to identify pathology.
  • 5. The consultant teaches the client to the alphabet of the language of intimacy.
  • 6. Healing attitudes at high levels of intimacy.
  • Topic 82. Help the psychologist-consultant family in a divorce situation
  • Topic 83. Types of psychotherapeutic intervention in consulting
  • I Stage - Identification (identification) of non-adaptive thoughts
  • II stage of cognitive psychotherapy - distance
  • III Stage Therapy - Checking the Truthfulness of Nonadaptive Thought
  • Types of Gaming Psychotherapy: You can select several directions, depending on which theoretical model uses a psychotherapist:
  • Topic 84. Individual and group psychotherapy in family counseling
  • Topic 85. The concept of business counseling, its goals, tasks and methods
  • Topic 86. Principles of Psychological Assistance by Phone, Phone Consulting Ethics
  • Topic 87. Techniques for the provision of psychological assistance by phone
  • Topic 88. Activities of the psychologist in the organization
  • III. Psychological consulting staff and managers of structural units
  • Topic 89. Correctional-developing work in the organization.
  • Topic 90. Coaching as a type of organizational counseling
  • In 74 psychoanalytic approach in consulting

    The main provisions of psychoanalysis in the works of 3. Freud and its followers.

    Features Construction of the advisory process: the goals of counseling and its procedure. Psychoanalyan techniques: Dream analysis, transfer analysis, free associations. Work of a psychologist with psychological protection mechanisms: transfer, regression, sublimation, displacement, denial, projection.

    The ratio of a psychologist to the client and its influence on the result of counseling.

    Modern psychoanalysis of its similarities and differences with classic.



    Basic provisions

    Purpose P / t

    Psychodynamicon the-


    1) the main reason in


    1) confrontation

    governing body

    personality in It

    nice problems ^ -


    2) Clearing

    (psychoanalysis (Freud 3.),


    pressure and transformation


    3) Interpretation

    individual psychology


    instinctive impulses;

    4) Processing

    Adler, analytical

    as a result.

    2) development of the problem of training

    psychology jung k.

    Source pro-

    provided by struggle between

    volga psychotherapy O.

    blems - internal

    internal impulses;

    Rank and TD.


    3) insight - necessary and


    a sufficient condition is solved.


    The main procedures of this direction: confrontation; clarification; interpretation; Working. Kon. frontistration - Customer recognition of specific mental phenomena to be studied. Clearing - Placement of detected phenomena in the "sharp focus" for separating important points from insignificant. Interpretation - definition of the basic meaning and / or cause of events. Processing - Repeat, careful study of interpretations and resistance until the material presented is not integrated in the understanding of the client.

    Specific methods of work depend on the flow within this direction. For Freudas, the main method was the method of catharsic; For Jung - the active imagination method; For Horney - a method of joint analysis of the life path; For Sullivan - method of psychiatric interview.

    Briefly about psychoanalysis

    1) in the narrow sense of the word - psychotherapeutic method developed by Z. Freud In the late 90s. XIX century for the treatment of psychoneurosis. Psychoanalysis as a method of therapy is to identify, then bringing to consciousness and experiences of unconscious traumatic ideas, impressions, mental complexes. 2. ) In the broad sense of the word psychoanalysis call various schools of dynamic psychotherapy. Moreover, it may be not only about theoretical platforms of these schools, but also about the institutionalized movement, which is carried out on their base. Psychoanalysis as a movement leads to a circle of supporters of Z. Freud, who united around it in 1902 and founded in 1908 a Vienna psychoanalytic society.

    In the theoret. Plan classic psychoanalysis reformed in the 30-50s. A. Freud, H. Hartmann, D. Raipportet al. Unlike Freud, the main attention paid by the unconscious mechanisms "it", in modern classical psychoanalysis a large the value is attached to the preliminary mechanisms of "I", aimed at adapting to a social environment..

    Other directions (schools) of psychoanalysis, significantly less institutionalized and influential, were founded by students separated from Freud - A. Adler, O. Rankov, as well as K.-g. Jung, who only brought himself with him with a Viennese society for a short time.

    The concepts of Sigmund Freud and its followers concerning the problems of human culture, culture and development of society belong to the so-called sociobiology that declared themselves to almost complete ignoring social factors of the functioning and development of society. First of all, the role of social relations and relations in the behavior and activity of people is ignored. Each individual is considered by itself; The driving forces of his behavior are seen in his biological needs and instincts.

    Freud's special meaning gives the psychosexual development of a person, the influence of its instinctive sexual-biological energy (libido) on the "life of his feelings" and behavior. Sexual self-knowledge of the child means on Freud, "the first step towards its independent orientation in the world." In the future, the behavior of the child, and then the young men and an adult are largely determined by its sexual energy. Moreover, sexually biological energy is declared the basis for the development of human culture.

    A long time in philosophy dominated the principle of anthropological rationalism, a person, his motives of behavior and Being itself was considered only as a manifestation of conscious life. This look found his bright embodiment in the famous Cartesian thesis "Cogito Ergo Sum" ("Thought, therefore, I substitute"). The man in this plan performed as a "intelligent man." But, starting from the new time, the problem of unconscious is becoming increasingly in philosophical anthropology. Leibniz, Kant, Kierkegaor,

    Z. Freud presented unconscious as a powerful strength that opposes consciousness. According to his concept, the human psyche consists of three layers.

    The lowest and most powerful layer - "it" (ID) is beyond consciousness. In terms of its volume, it is comparable to the underwater part of the iceberg. It focuses various biological attractions and passions, primarily a sexual character, and displaced from the consciousness of the idea. Then follows a relatively small layer of conscious - this is "I" (EGO) of a person. Top Plast of the Human Spirit - "Super-I" (Super EGO) is the ideals and norms of society, the scope of the defense and moral censorship. According to Freud, personality, the human "I" is forced to constantly torment and break between Szillla and Charibda - unconsciously condemned "it" and the moral and cultural censorship "above-I". Thus, it turns out that his own "I" - a person's consciousness is not a "owner in his own house." It was the "It" sphere, fully subordinate the principle of pleasure and pleasure, has, according to Freud, decisive on the thoughts, feelings and acts of man.

    A person is primarily a creature, managed and movable by sexual aspirations and sexual energy (libido).

    Dramaticism of human existence is intensified from Freud in that among the unconscious attacks there is a congenital tendency to destruction and aggression, which finds its limit expression in the "death instinct" opposing the "instinct of life". The inner world of man turned out to be, therefore, also the arena of the struggle between the two entry. In the end, Eros and Tanatos are considered by both the two most powerful forces determining human behavior.

    Freudovsky man turned out to be woven from a number of contradictions between biological entreprenences and conscious social norms, conscious and unconscious, instinct of life and the instinct of death. But as a result, the biological unconscious beginning turns out to be decisive. A person, according to Freud, is primarily an erotic creature managed by unconscious instincts.

    The founder of psychoanalysis Austrian doctor is a psychopathologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). The main ideas of psychoanalysis are set forth in his works: "On the other side of the principle of pleasure" (1920), "Mass Psychology and Analysis of the Human" I "" (1921), "" I "and" It "(1923 ) And others. Classical psychology to Freud studied the phenomenon of consciousness as they manifested themselves in a healthy person. Freud, like a psychopathologist, exploring the nature and causes of neurosis, came across the region of the human psyche, which was previously not studied before, but which was of great importance for human vital activity - the unconscious.

    The opening of the unconscious, study of its structure, influence on an individual and social life was the main merit of Z. Freud.

    The deep layer of the human psyche, according to Freud, functions on the basis of natural instincts, "primary deposits", in order to gain the greatest pleasure. As the basis of primary deposits - purely sexual attractions. Later, he replaces the concept of "libido", which covers the entire sphere of human love, including parental love, friendship and even love for his homeland. He hypothesize that the human activity is due to the presence of both biological and social implities, where the main role is played by the so-called "life instinct" - Eros and "Death Intinct" - Tanatos.

    Since the individual is confronted with the external reality, which is opposed in the form of "it", "I" stands out in it, seeking to curb unconscious attractions and direct them in the direction of socially approved behavior with the help of "super-i". Freud did not absolize the power of the unconscious. He believed that a person could master his instincts and passions and consciously manage them in real life.

    Psychoanalysis problem In his opinion, it is that the unconscious material of the human psyche translate into the area of \u200b\u200bconsciousness and subordinate to its goals.

    Freud believed that psychoanalysis can be used for explaining and regulating public processes . A person does not exist isolated from other people, in his mental life there is always a "other", with which he comes into contact. Mechanisms of mental interaction between different instances in personality find their analogue in the cultural processes of society.

    People, he emphasized, are constantly in a state of fear and concern from the achievements of civilization, since such can be used against a person. The feeling of fear and concern increases the fact that social instruments regulating the relationship between people in the family, society and the state oppose them as alien and incomprehensible forces. However, when explaining these phenomena, Freud focuses not on the social organization of society, but on the natural leaning of a person to aggression and destruction. Contradictions between the culture and the internal aspirations of a person lead to neurosis. Since culture is a property of not one person, but the entire mass of people, then the problem of collective neurosis arises.

    Psychodynamic theory

    The historical period in which was created:1890-1939

    Freud created his theory on the basis of natural scientific knowledgeand the rationale for the empirical validity of theory output from clinical observations on clients in the process of therapy.

    Definition of personality.The personality is a genetically determined result of the dynamic unconscious interaction of all its components: ID, ego, superano, subject to the laws of nature along with other alive organisms.

    Personality structure.

    1. ID (it) is primitive, instinctive, congenital. Aspects of personality. It is an intermediary between mental and somatic processes in the body.

      Ego (I) is responsible for making decisions. Trying to satisfy the desires of the ID through their correlation with the circumstances of the outside world.

      SUPERAGO (Just-I)- moral and ethical personality component. Consists of two subsystems - conscience and his ideal. The superago is formed in the process of socialization. The process of formation can be considered completely finished when parental control is replaced by self-control.

    The main theses, key concepts and principles.

      Levels of consciousness, instincts are the driving force of human behavior; The main instincts are the instincts of life - Erosand death - Tanatos.

      The most powerful among the vital instincts are sexual instincts.

      The source of instincts is the need that caused the current state of the body.

      Personality development passes five psychosexual stages: oral - 0-18 months, anal - 1.5-3 years old, phallic - 3-6 years old, latent - 6-12 years old, genital - Pubertat (puberty).

      The consequence of inadequate discharge of sexual energy is anxiety.

      The source of the primary alarm lies in the inability of the newborn to cope with the inner and external excitation.

      Types of anxiety: realistic, neurotic, moral.

      The main psychodynamic function of anxiety is to help a person in avoiding the conscious identification of unacceptable instincts and impulses and encourage them to meet acceptable ways at a convenient time.

    The implementation of this feature helps protective mechanisms of the Ego: displacement, projection, substituting, rationalization, reactive education, regression, sublimation, denial.

    The main provisions regarding the nature of man.

      All manifestations of human activity are biologically determined, that is, they are subordinated to certain laws and determined by instinctive forces, in particular, aggressive and sexual. It follows that Freud considered people mechanistically.

      Irrationalism plays an important role in human behavior, since people are subject to uncontrolled instincts, which are mostly outside the sphere of consciousness.

      Freud believed that the study of a person is possible only as a whole - human behavior cannot be understood outside the dynamic interaction of all its components: ID, ego, superago.

      Despite the long-term time segment, which the theory was created, Freud never changed its main direction - constitutionalism: ID - the theory is a congenital constitutional basis for personal structure and development, that is, what a person is, is the result of genetically inherited factors .

      Freud is more than other researchers, adhere to the idea of \u200b\u200bunchanged, believing that an adult is the result of early childhood experience. Otherwise: the structure of an adult personality is a psychosexual stage on which fixation occurred.

      Freud was inclined to adhere to the opinion of the prevailing of subjectivity, but this is not the key position of its theory.

      Since Freud, with an explanation of the causes of behavior, adhered to the traditional model of studying the inner world of the Individual, then it can be ranked in theoretics preaching a proactive view of the nature of man. However, Freud's proactive is very limited and can be characterized as a moderate bias in the direction of proactivity, because from its position individuals are not fully proactive: they are reactive to the extent that their instincts are sent to external objects, and the last, in turn, speaking in quality of incentives provoking a certain type of behavior.

    8. Freud occupied a homeostatic position: in a psychodynamic theory, a person, mostly, encourage the ID to "satisfy the instincts" and is never looking for anything for violating this homeostatic balance.

    9. Since Freud considered a person as a biologically detected organism, insisting that a person obeys the laws of nature on a par with other living organisms, we can conclude that Freud adhered to views on the scientific knowledge of the essence of a person.


      psychoanalytic therapy- study of the unconscious to aware of the hidden motives that manage behavior;

      anthropology, forensic, art and any other sphere, in which there is a need to explain human behavior.

    Basic concepts and ideas of Freudian

    Psychoanalysis (from Greek. Psyche -Jew and Analysis-decision) - part of psychotherapy, medical research method, developed by Z. Freud d d diagnostics and exhaustion of hysteria. It was then reworked by Freud in the psychological uy of doctrines y, aimed at a study of hidden connections and the foundations of human mental life. This doctrine is based on the assumption that a well-known complex of pathological representations, especially sexual, "supplanted" from the sphere of consciousness and acts from the sphere of the unconscious (which is thinking as the area of \u200b\u200bthe domination of sexual aspirations) and in all sorts of masks and vestments penetrates consciousness and threatens spiritual unity I enabled in the world around him. In Dais TV AI of such ousted " complexes"We saw the reason for the forgetting, reservations, dreams, false actions, neuroses (hysteries), and their treatment tried to conduct in such a way that when interviewing (" analysis ") could be freely called these complexes from the depths of the unconscious and eliminate them (by conversation or relevant actions), namely to give them the opportunity to respond. Proponents of psychoanalysis are attributed to sexual (" libido") A central role, considering the human mental life as a whole as a sphere of domination of unconscious sexual aspirations to pleasure or to displeasure.

    Based on the foregoing, the essence of psychoanalysis can be viewed at three levels:

    1. Psychoanalysis - as a method of psychotherapy;

    2. Psychoanalysis - as a method of studying the psychology of the individual;

    3. Psychoanalysis - as a system of scientific knowledge about worldview, psychology, philosophy.

    Having considered the main psychological meaning of psychoanalysis, in the future we will refer to it as an ideological system.

    As a result of the creative evolution, Z. Freud considers the organization of mental life in the form of a model with its components various mental authorities marked with terms: it (ID), I (ego) and above-I (super ego).

    Under it (ID) was understood as and more promotion and a centance, which covers all the inborn, genetically primary, subordinate the principle of pleasure and anything knows about reality or anything about society. It is originally irrational and immoral. Its requirements must satisfy the instance I (EGO).

    The ego is a principle of reality, producing a number of mechanisms that allow adapting to the environment to cope with its requirements.

    Ego mediator between incentives, walking both from this environment and from the depths of the body, fromone side, and response moving reactions on the other. The ego functions include self-preservation of the body, improving the experience of external influences in memory, avoiding threatening influences, control over the requirements of instincts (emanating from ID).

    Of particular importance was supposed to be supervised (super-ego), which serves as a source of moral and religious feelings controlling and punishing agent. If the ID is predetermined genetically, and I am a product of individual experience, then the super ego is a product of influences emanating from other people. It arises in early childhood (due, according to the frame, with the EDIP complex) and remains almost unchanged in subsequent years. Super-I formed thanks to the mechanism of identifying a child with a father, which serves as a model for him. If I (ego) decides or make an action in favor of it (ID), but in counterweights above-I (super-ego), then it is penalted in the form of elooms conscience, feelings of guilt. Since the excessive energy drops from the ID, there is still cruel, even sadistic. From stresses experienced under pressure from various forces, I (ego) is saved using special "Protective mechanisms" "-displacement, rationalization, regression, sublimation, etc. The displacement means an involuntary elimination of feelings, thoughts and aspirations to action. Moving to the region of the unconscious, they continue to motivate behavior, put pressure on it, are experiencing in the form of anxiety feeling. Regression - Scrollings no more primitive level of behavior or thinking. Sublimation is one of the mechanisms by which the forbidden sexual energy, moving to non-sufficient facilities, is discharged in the form of activities acceptable to individual and society. A variety of sublimation is creativity.

    Freud's teachings became famous primarily by the fact that he penetrated into the caches of the unconscious, or, as the author himself sometimes said, " underworld"The psyche. However, if you restrict ourselves to this assessment, you can lose sight of another important aspect: the discovery of complex, conflict relations between consciousness and unconscious mental processes, burly behind the surface of consciousness, according to which the subject of the subject slides during self-observation. The person himself believed Freud , It does not have a transparent, clear picture of a complex device of its own inner world with all its currents, storms, explosions. And here it is called for psychoanalysis here with his method " free Associations". Following the biological style of thinking, Freud allocated two instincts moving the behavior instinct of self-preservation and sexual instinct, ensuring the preservation of non-individual, but all kinds. This second instinct was erected by Freud into the category of psychological dogma (Jung's reference) and named - libido. The unconscious was interpreted as a sphere saturated with the libido energy, blind instinct, which does not know anything other than the principle of pleasure, which a person is experiencing when this energy is discharged. The depressed, displaced sexual attraction was decrypted by Freud for free from controlling the Associations of his patients. For such a decoding, Freud called psychoanalysis. Exploring his own dreams of Freud, came to the conclusion that " scenario"Dreams with its apparent absurdity is nothing but the code of hidden desires, which is satisfied in the images - the symbols of this form of nightlife.

    The idea that unconscious motives are influenced by our daily behavior, considered by Freud in the book "Psychopathology of everyday life" (1901). Various erroneous actions, forgetting names, reservations, the descriptions are usually taken by random, explain their weakness of memory. In Freud, the hidden motives are breaking in them, because there is nothing accidental in the mental reactions. Everything is causally due to. In another work, "wit and its attitude to the unconscious" (1905) jokes or puns are interpreted by Freud, as the discharge of the voltage created by the restrictions, which impose various social norms on the consciousness of the individual.

    The scheme of the psychosocial development of the individual from infant age to the stage, on which natural attraction arises to the face of the opposite sex is considered by Freud in the "three essays on the theory of sexuality" (1905). One of the leading versions of Freud is the Oedipus complex as the eternal formula of the boy's relationship to parents: the boy is attracted to the mother, perceiving the father as an opponent who causes hatred and fear.

    During World War II, Freud introduces adjustments to its instinct scheme. Along with the sexual person in the psyche there is an instinct of the desire for death (Tanatos as an antipode Eros), according to Freud, this instinct includes self-preservation instinct. Named Tanatos meant not only a particular burden of death, but also to the destruction of others, the desire for aggression, which was built into the rank of the famous, laid in the very nature of a human intention.

    Features of building an advisory process: goals, consultation and its procedures. According to the point of view of Freud (based on the study of the hysterium), the function of a neurotic symptom is to protect the patient's personality from an unacceptable unconscious trend of thinking and at the same time in some satisfaction of this trend. It followed that when studying an analyst of the unconscious trend, its disclosure and informing the patient about it (that is, when he makes the unconscious conscious) disappears Raison D "Etre symptom And, accordingly, the symptom itself. At the same time there are two difficulties:

    - first of all, it is found that part of the patient's psyche prevents this process and has analytics resistance, When the latter is trying to reveal the unconscious trend. It is easy to guess that this is the same part of the patient's psyche that had previously rejected the unconscious trend and thereby contributed to the appearance of this symptom.

    - even if it is possible to overcome this obstacle, and the analyst will be able to conclude the nature of this unconscious trend, to attract the patient's attention to it and provide him with comprehensive information about it, then in this case it is not possible to cope with the symptom. The awareness of these difficulties had a great theoretical and practical significance. In theoretical plan, it became obvious that the patient ambiguously realizes the unconscious trend: he can get an intellectual idea of \u200b\u200bher from the analyst, not aware of it "real."

    To explain this phenomenon, Freud resorted to the figurative allegory. He presented a psyche in the form of a map. The initial unconscious trend was in the same area of \u200b\u200bthis card, and the new information about it reported by the analyst to the patient is to another. Only in the event that both of these impressions could be "collecting together" (regardless of what was meant), the unconscious tendency "real" became conscious. This prevented the power inside the patient, a kind of barrier, obviously, the same "resistance", which counteracts the analyst attempts to investigate the unconscious trend and contributed to the emergence of the symptom. Overcoming this resistance was an important prerequisite for the "real" realization by the patient of the unconscious trend. A practical result appeared in this place : Our main task as analysts lies not so much in the study of this unconscious trend, but in the elimination of the resistance rendered by the patient.

    Psychoanalyan techniques.

    Method of free associations

    Indication:the presence of the client an unconscious problem.

    Purpose:awareness of the problem.


      the client in a free order expresses his thoughts about his experiences;

      analysis of the sequence and content of statements;

      analysis of blocks;

      awareness of an unconscious problem.

    Dream analysis (from the position of Freud)

    Indication:clearing hidden from consciousness of experiences.

    Purpose:interpretation of depressed experiences in an acceptable form for consciousness.


      the client's story of a meaningful dream for him from the past ("remembered") or the present;

      initiating a customer specialist for free association about the content of the dream-tested by him;

      disclosure of the latent detention of a dream and its interpretation by a specialist;

      awareness by the client of events provoked the dream and disclosure of their genuine value.
