Up to the greenhouse tomato bushes during flowering. What to fertilize tomatoes during flowering

Tomatoes need macroelements and nutrients. For strong seedlings and a rich crop, three elements are needed: nitrogen (N), Potassium (K) and Phosphorus (P). When feeding, tomatoes during flowering and fruiting should also receive magnesium, calcium, manganese, sulfur, iron, boron, molybdenum, cobalt and zinc.

Macroelements in the dressing of tomato during flowering and fetus tying play a big role:

  • enrich the soil and improve the germination of seeds;
  • activates the life processes of the plant;
  • improve the fruit ovary, reduce the number of empty flowers;
  • participate in the synthesis of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • increase the stability of crops to sharp temperature drops, to drought, damage to diseases and pests.

Signs of macro and trace elements for tomatoes

The appearance of the bushes will make it clear whether you need to feed tomatoes:

  1. The leaves are minced and yellow, the veins on the underside become blue-red - nitrogen shortage.
  2. The stem is thin, the bottom side of the sheet is red-purple, the ovary sucks, the vegetables are small - the lack of phosphorus.
  3. New shoots wrinkled, bronze stains, crop matures unevenly - potassium deficiency.
  4. The leaves are brittle, tightened up, prematurely fall - little magnesium.
  5. The growth of the stem ceases early, flowers are falling - a lack of calcium.
  6. The lower old shoots are sharply yellow, the stem thickens - the lack of sulfur.
  7. The stalk growth point is black, the fruits acquire an ugly shape, die fabrics in vegetables - little boron.
  8. On the upper young leaves, pale yellow spots appear - the lack of manganese.
  9. The yellowing of the leaves with a deficiency of iron is similar to nitric starvation.

Pretty Tomato during flowering and fruiting

Before the appearance of buds, a healthy sapling has already 6 - 8 pairs of leaves. Bushes should be dark green, not overgrown, with thick stem and large leaves. This will serve as a signal to the fact that the nitrogen content in the feeding of tomatoes should be reduced. When an overlapping nitrogen in a seedling will develop a green mass, the extra steps will be formed, the fruits will not be bought.

Video: Excellent feeding, raising the number of barriers in the tomato

For this vegetable, phosphorus, as well as potassium, is necessary for the crop. You need to feed the tomatoes during the flowering period and the growth of fruits every twenty days. The optimal method of making potash and phosphate drugs at this stage is watering under the root of the diluted concentrate.

Mineral and organic substances can be alternate. Before making the drug under the root, the plant needs to spill a little clear water, so as not to wish the roots of chemicals. It is also recommended to make zinc and boron, magnesium and calcium with leaf spraying of bushes

What can be filing tomatoes during flowering and ripening fruits:

  1. "Monophosphate potassium. Calculates 46% of phosphorus, 34% of potassium. Cost rate 10 - 15g per 10 liters.
  2. "Diammophos". As part - N9: K25: P25. Scheme of dilution of the substance - 20g on the water bucket.
  3. "Superphosphate double." Contains phosphorus 46%, as well as calcium sulfate, ammonium phosphates and iron. Dilute 100g superphosphate for 10 liters of warm water.

Comprehensive fertilizers

What fertilizers need tomatoes for good fruiting? If the bushes are developing normally, they have no signs of oversupply of nitrogen, then integrated drugs can be used. They are easily dissolved in water, suitable for sheet processing and for watering under root, contain trace elements in the desired concentration. Experts recommend:

  1. "Kemira Lux". Packaging - 100g. Suitable for use in the open soil and in the greenhouse. Conducts nitrogen 16%, potassium 27%, phosphorus 20.6% and trace elements. Dilute - 10g per 10 liters.
  2. "Pure sheet for tomatoes." Packaging - 1.2kg, 350g and 100g. Mineral concentrate with nitrogen 16%, phosphorus 8.7%, potassium 20%. Consumption - 10g per 5 liters.
  3. "Farm baby for tomatoes." As part of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and organic matter. Produced in packing 50g and 250ml. Consumption rate - 10g on a bucket of liquid.

Fertilizers for extractive treatment

Tomato feeding in the period of fruiting includes a spraying of fertilizers on the sheet. They contain all trace elements in an easily accessible plant form, which are absorbed by 90% after the application. Preparations for leaf feeding tomato during the growth of fruits in the greenhouse and in the open soil are produced in liquid form and in the form of powder. The role of such trace elements is large:

  • accelerate maritime;
  • improve taste quality;
  • increase the shelf life of the crop;
  • increases resistance to disease.

  1. "Quantum for vegetable crops." Complex, highly concentrated chelate. Contains nitrogen 5%, phosphorus 5%, potassium 7%, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, boron and humic and amino acids, apply twice: before starting the bootonization and three weeks after the first processing. Consumption rate 30ml by 10 l water.
  2. "Recarriage for tomatoes." Chelate concentrate with phosphorus content 40%, potassium 60%, sulfur, iron, molybdenum, magnesium, copper, boron. The rate of consumption is 25g by 10 liters.
  3. "Boric acid". Consumption rate - 10g per 10 liters of water. What do you need a microelement Bor:
  • contributes to the pollination and formation of the promiscuity;
  • increases the harvest to 20%;
  • promotes better instructional calcium.

The role of humate for feeding tomatoes

Humata - substances with humic acids. Humine substances are extracted from peat and contain about 50 macro and trace elements. Some elements of these acids are not absorbed by the cultures of the soil, so they are translated into water-soluble potassium salts or sodium.

Human preparations when filtering tomato during fruiting in the greenhouse and open ground is not recommended to be used simultaneously with phosphate substances and with calcium spitter

Make humats need three weeks before collecting the first harvest. For spraying, use a filtered concentrate without frequency of raw materials.

How humats affect the plant:

  • prevent swelling of the wound;
  • accelerate the timing of ripening vegetables;
  • reduce the content of nitrates and radionuclides in the crop.

What kind of humatic drugs can be filing tomatoes for the rapid ripening of fruits in June - August:

  1. "Humat potassium", "Sodium humat" and "Humat + 7" - produced in a dry and liquid form. The concentration of the active substance in different manufacturers is different, so you need to follow the instructions on the package.
  2. "Gera for tomatoes" is a gumyatized, granulated substance. Contains the main elements and salts of humic acids. The drug is brought in a dry form in the dosage of 5g under the bush.

Video: How to feed Tomatoes in potassium humate

Organic Fertilizers for Tomato

Such substances are obtained as a result of processing products of the vital activity of plants and animals. For feeding tomatoes during fruiting, all types of organic fertilizers are suitable. Consider the main types of organicists:

  1. Wood ash. They are obtained in the process of burning wood, therefore it does not have nitrogen. Contains potassium in high concentration, as well as calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, manganese and boron. The method of introduction - watering under the root of 100g ash by 10 liters of water.
  2. Biohumus. Rained foliage, grass or manure. Contains the water-soluble form of elements, amino acids and humic substances. For feeding during the flowering and growth of tomato fruits, Gumisol preparation can be used. It increases yield, strengthens taste. Consumption rate for spraying - 250ml per 10 liters of water.
  3. Cow and horse manure. It has the desired elements for cultures. Use dry manure. 1 kg Hurrying to insist at 10l water for 5 days. Next, each liter of the resulting liquid is diluted on the water bucket. End to bushes for 1 liter of finished liquid.
  4. Bird litter. It has three to four times more useful trace elements, so you need to breed concentrate 1l by 20 liters of water.

Useful tips on top dressing tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open soil


  1. Choose comprehensive formulations with potassium, phosphorus, boron, magnesium. Use preparations with minimal nitrogen content in the composition.
  2. Alternate the introduction of mineral and organic substances.
  3. To accelerate the growth of fruits, remove the leaves on the stem to the first brush with the urging and pinch the tops of the escape on which vegetables are formed.
  4. Make fertilizer under the soil pexting in the fall. Use 50g superphosphate and 20 mg sulk potassium per square meter of the plot.
  5. In the spring when planting seedlings add 10g nitroammofoski into each well.
  6. Side sites in place where this vegetable will grow. Plants such as radish Oilseed, Lupine, Facelium, mustard, alfalfa improve the structure of the soil, accumulate nutrient elements in it.
  7. In the greenhouses of polycarbonate after sheet processing, be sure to air seedlings; Close the greenhouse when the leaves are completely dried.
  8. Observe the rates of breeding chemicals according to the instructions, do not exceed the number of treatments.
  9. Provide regular and sufficient watering during the bootonization and crop maturation. With a lack of irrigation, emptywell is formed, and the marking is sat down.

So, tomatoes during flowering and fruiting need macro and trace elements. Their shortage in the soil will lead to a crepe of the wound, weak flowering and fruiting. During this period, a dose of application of nitrogen preparations should be reduced and the compositions with a large content of potassium and phosphorus should be applied.

Enrich the bushes by magnesium, boron, calcium, gray, iron is better using spraying on the sheet. Due to this method, the necessary elements are rapidly absorbed by the plant through the leaf plate.

It is also recommended to alternate the introduction of mineral and organic feeding during the flowering and ripening of fruits. For convenience, it is possible to make a scheme of fertilizer of vegetables for the entire season with a list of selected preparations. In it, to paint the standards for making chemicals and organic organics and calculate how much drugs need to be purchased.

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You can take any comprehensive fertilizer, but add ash or calmagnesia to aisle. Very useful and extractive feeding of microelements during flowering. For tomatoes, a solution of boric acid is used, since BOR contributes to the tie of fruits.

Seed treatment before sowing

The main assistants in the fertilization of tomato flowers are ordinary bees or bumblebees. The presence of insects in the conditions of the greenhouse is vital, since there is a limited or completely absent air circulation. For artificial pollination of tomatoes, hydroponics are used.

  1. With sharp fluctuations in temperature or its increase in the daytime above the mark at 30 ° C, it is necessary to spray the blooming inflorescences "Tomato", which is capable of ensuring artificial fruits. An important condition for the cultivation of tomatoes and obtain a decent harvest is the organization of ventilation in the greenhouse. The absence of intensive respiration in plants leads to a decrease in the strings and a decrease in the quality of tomatoes. In the hot, sunny days to organize ventilation is necessary no later than 8:00.
  2. The first feeding is carried out 12-14 days after planting seedlings into the soil when forming uncess in the first inflorescence. The feeder is carried out using "Yara Mila Complex" - 30 g per 1 m², "Kemiro-Universal" - 80 g per 1 m² or "weaving-universal" - 60 g per 1 m². 12 days after the first feeding, the second is carried out in the process of which 30 g "Yara Mila Complex" is introduced on 1 m². The third feeding occurs 13-15 days after the second using 25 g of Yara Mila Complex for 1 m². To obtain large fruits, specialists are recommended immediately after formation of obscenities to process "List" with a "benefite" solution - 60 ml per 10 liter of water and repeat the procedure 2-3 times every 10 days. Accelerate maturation, improve the color of the tomatoes, increase their sugar, transportability will help the treatment with a solution "Sweet" - 30 ml on 10 liters of water. Prevent the yellowing of the leaves at the moment of the fuel pouring will help the extraordinary feeding of seedlings with a solution of "Speedfol Amino Calmag" with a solution of 30 ml on 10 liters of water.
  3. After the appearance of 30% of the shooters from the surface of the boxes, they remove the shelter film, and the boxes are exposed to light. The moment of the disclosure of the cotyledon indicates the need to reduce the temperature to 18-20 ° C during the daytime and 15-16 ° C at night. Such actions will help protect seedlings from pulling. After 7-10 days, the temperature is raised in the afternoon until 20-22 ° C, at night to 17-18 ° C. If the process of growing seedlings passed not in cassettes, then with the appearance of the third real sheet, the seedlings are peeling into a pot in a diameter of at least 8 cm filled with soil mixture. The seedlings of tomatoes can also be carried out on racks with soil, 10 cm height. The transplanted seedlings of tomatoes are poured with a 0.1% extraxol-55 solution and put in shadow for 1-2 days for successful, rapid rooting. If the soil did not warm up to the temperature + 15 ° С, do not hurry to dive seedlings into it. The root system of tomatoes at temperatures below 15 ° C practically does not function.
  4. Tomatoes in the greenhouse must be illuminated from the morning to the evening with the sun, any shadow reduces the yield. Tomatoes are very light-loving plants. Tomatoes are not afraid of cold weather. The greatest enemies for these plants are freezing and dampness. Therefore, it is not necessary to forget about ventilating in the greenhouse. With the onset of sustainable solar weather, the greenhouse can be opened on 1/3 of the upper part of the end sides. On hot days you can reveal completely western part of the greenhouse to cooling. Such actions will contribute to good ventilating and access bees during flowering period.

The next feeding is carried out 15 days after the second reset. To prepare the composition of the feeding, take 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate and bred in 10 liters of water, while having thoroughly stirring. One pot should pour 1 glass of the resulting solution. After 15 days, re-feeding.

The yield of tomatoes directly depends on the correctness of the care of seeds.

Tomato - hardly the most long-awaited and favorite fruit on our table. Juicy appetizing tomatoes were brought to Europe from South America. Tomatoes were grown in ancient as a decorative decoration and only later they began to appear on the tables of rich lords.

Most people, and I, including, try to do without chemistry and use organic fertilizers - they are not only the best, but also safe. Use ash, chicken litter and various weeds. If such a possibility is not provided, you will have to purchase different fertilizers in the store.

With the flowering of the first brushes, watering with diluted by manganese, together with 25 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulphate (on a 10-titilitone water bucket).

This type of technology is effective if it comes to the industrial level or in the case of high landing density. In addition, for the cultivation of greenhouse crops, you can use the following method: at the time of blooming daily at midday time, shake the plants for the spread of pollen. The weather should be dry and warm, after a while, spend light splashing so that the pollen adhere to new inflorescences.

Care for seedlings: temperature, watering, feeding

Tomato varieties react differently to the emergence of certain diseases. Whatever varieties you choose, a number of preventive work will help to avoid the occurrence of diseases and protect young plants from ailments and death. To prevent the disease with fungal diseases 2 weeks after planting seedlings per permanent place, spray the bushes with copper-containing fungicide - 70 g of "Ordan" or "Kurzat P" on 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out with a frequency of 12-15 days. Secondary processing is recommended to be carried out by a systemic fungicide: "Staters" - 2 g per 10 liters of water, "Tanos" - 20 g per 10 liters or "quadris" - 6 ml on 10 liters of water. High efficiency in the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases have systemic fungicides:

The cultivation of juicy and delicious tomatoes in the greenhouse is difficult to submit without properly organized irrigation. Among the basic recommendations should be remembered as follows: A key role in the growing of fruits is playing tillage when planting tomatoes.The cultivation of tomatoes in the greenhouses makes it difficult to access the bees to the flowes, which makes pollination not quite efficient. Flowers of tomatoes can be performed manually, gently shaking the brush inflorescences. Flowers shakes produce every 3-4 days in warm sunny weather. In order for pollen to sprout on the pistil, it is necessary to pollinate to accompany the flowering spraying with water. After spraying, the greenhouse is ventilated to prevent the soil and air to disappoint, since the increase in moisture reduces the taste qualities of the fruits and the level of sugar in tomatoes.

Before the fallout seedlings begin to temper. It is brought to the balcony at a temperature not lower than 12 ° C, covered with a film.

The seed cramps are produced in the refrigerator for 1-2 days at a temperature of + 1 ° C, periodically spraying them with water. After all the procedures, the seeds are immediately sown in the soil.

Tomato seedlings begin to plant early spring, then in a month - two hardened, and in the end of the spring, the beginning of the summer is planted in a greenhouse.

You can feed the tomatoes with infusion of a cowboy. Very tomatoes like this fertilizer. On 10 liters of water use 1 liter infusion cowboat.

To speed up the flowering, iodine is used, and thanks to this reception, the yield of tomatoes increases. For feeding plants, the flowering phase will need 30-40 drops on the water bucket.

We often have cases when from year to year tomatoes in the greenhouse are amazed among the same diseases. In order to avoid this situation, regardless of the chosen technology of cultivation and tomato grade, it is necessary to perform measures for autumn preparation of the greenhouse for a new seedlings.

In the process of cultivation, do not water seedlings with cold water, its temperature should not be below 16 ° C. Attach the maximum effort so that the plant remains dry, and the water fell directly into the root system.

Disembarking tomatoes in the ground

If the picking of the tomato seedlings is carried out directly into the soil of the greenhouse or a greenhouse, it loses 50-60% of the roots when transplanting. As a result, the seedlings are poorly rooted, its growth and development stops. To improve the survival rate of seedlings a week before its transplantation, a knife in two perpendicular directions, ride the greenhouse soil to the depth of no member 10-12 cm and span it with a solution of "Speedfol amino Marin" at the rate of 30 ml on 10 liters of water.

Manual pollination is used as an additional method, it is best to pollinate, undoubtedly, bees. Pollination with the help of bees significantly increases yield, since the pollen of tomatoes sticky, which prevents the flowers to pollinate themselves. Tomato flowers do not have nectar and smell, so to attract the bees of the last "trains". Pollination of tomatoes is carried out by bee families pollinating cucumber flowers. Beehives with bees are transferred to greenhouses with blooming tomatoes and feed insect syrup, flavored tomato flowers. Thus, bees will work intensively in tomato greenhouse. However, with the flowering of other fragrant honey-bearing plants, the bee can be transferred to them. That this does not happen, tomatoes should be grown so that they began to bloom before other dusty colors.

To grow a strong bush, the upper part of the plants are cut off. From the sinuses of the lower leaves appear shoots - steppes. The two upper stepsing leave, the rest of the lower - remove. Thus, the plant is formed in 2 escapes, which when disembarking in the ground will be linked to the grinding. The passing procedure is performed 20-25 days before landing in the ground.

Seeds of tomatoes are evyted from 5 to 25 February in the drawers, each variety is separate. The soil for growing seedlings are prepared as follows: take 1 part of the turf, peat and humus. A liter river sand can be added to the finished mixture, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and as many wood ashs.

Now tomatoes are grown not only professional agronomas, but also lovers. Cashing this issue is seriously, you can achieve excellent results if you grow tomatoes in the greenhouse. Caring for these wonderful fruits is a fairly interesting and time-consuming process. To get a good yield of tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare seeds to sow, in time to reconvert the seedlings, it is properly watering, maintaining the appropriate temperature regime, to ensure good pollination of flowers, to send the plants in a timely manner.

You can feed the tomatoes with soluble fertilizer "Agrikola". Used both root feeding and extraxnealing (spraying from the sprayer).

The use of heteroacexin is a growth stimulator that increases the veins of fruits during flowering. This method is particularly useful in poor natural illumination. Heteroacexin Dilute in the ratio of 20 g per liter of water and spray each floral brush from the spray gun, as a result of which the fruits of large size are formed, rich in the content of vitamin C and sugar.

Flowering and features of pollination of tomatoes

In September, remove the bushes of tomatoes from the greenhouse. Often, there are disputes among specialists about whether to pull the plant with the root or will be enough trimming under the root. If you encountered a fungal disease, the roots are better to remove, as they can be infected.

"Ordan" or "Kurzat P" - 60 g per 10 liters of water;

The presence of a dry substrate can provoke phytoophulas.

Early yield

In places of rosters, new numerous roots will appear, allowing seedlings to take care of a permanent place. For the future harvest, it is very important to observe moisture, temperature and illumination modes. At the initial stages of the growth of seedlings, the air temperature is maintained on sunny days within 20-22 ° C, at night 15-17 ° C. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the temperature must be reduced to 18-20 ° C during the day and 13-14 ° C at night. 2 weeks before the transplantation at a permanent place, the temperature is lowered to 16-18 ° C.

Many agronomists use a little secret to attract insect pollinators to a greenhouse: the open entrance hangs the container with jam, honey or other sugar deals. The smell of sweets will attract bees, which will subsequently begin and for pollination of tomatoes in the greenhouse.


Cases greenhouse: the cultivation of tomatoes

Before planting seedlings at a permanent place, at the end of April, it is started to temper. On warm days, seedlings are brought to the balcony at a temperature not lower than 12 ° C, covering the film overnight. Hardened healthy seedlings has a bluette-purple shade.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred for 6-7 days before sowing, then distributed evenly into the boxes for seedlings. In the boxes with the earth, the grooves are made, the depth of which is 1.0-1.5 cm. The distance between the grooves should be at least 5-7 cm. Puffed ringes with a solution of sodium humate solution, the temperature of which is 35-40 ° C. Seeds are sown in cooked row. The distance between future plants should be at least 1.5-2.0 cm. The grooves fall asleep, without watering from above. Drawers with crops put in a warm light, with air temperature of 22-24 ° C. So that the plants start to give shooters faster, the boxes are recommended to cover with a film.

The processing of seeds to the crop is produced in 4 stages:

Landing seeds and care for them

It can be filled with a solution of boric acid. This, by the way, will help to increase yield.

When squeezing flowers, stir in a bucket of water a spoonful of boric acid. This fertilizer consumption corresponds to spraying area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. m.

It is also necessary to remove plant residues: mulch and weeds.

"Acrobat" - 50 g per 10 l;

Do not allow at the initial stage of growing excessive moistening tomatoes, which can cause a number of root system diseases.

Properly grown seedlings are sage vertically and plunge into the soil to the level between the first real and seedlist.

Tomato seeds of growing seedlings

To get early tomatoes, seedlings begin to grow as early as possible. Typically, tomatoes, depending on the variety, the interval between shoots and the ripening of fruits is 120-130 days. Improving external conditions: good light, a sufficient amount of heat and moisture, a good soil composition, timely feeding, the correct care - will help grow yields of tomatoes 10-20 days earlier. Earlier seedlings have time to quickly grow stalk and give greater harvest than young and fragile. When evining seedlings, it is important to consider the locality where the plants will be grown. In the northern regions, where a short cold summer prevails, seedlings should be sowed 70-80 days earlier. At the same time, artificial lighting, the necessary temperature regime, is used. Finished to planting seedlings should have 8-12 leaves and one or two inflorescences, while the plants themselves must reach the height of 20-35 cm. The first 3 weeks of tomato seedlings have only Control moisture and temperature mode. Temperature should be maintained 16-18 ° C, and at night - 13-15 ° C. Such care needs to ensure that the second leaf is on the plant appears, within 30-35 days from the beginning of germs. During all this time, the seedlings should be watering only 3-4 times. This is explained by the fact that in the period of low light, which falls on March, excessive soil moisture provokes excessive stretching of seedlings. Watering seedlings should be warm water, a temperature of 20 ° C under the root, not falling on the leaves.

Tomato Fertilizer in Teplice

Tomato seeds require preliminary preparation before landing.

You can use the Zeruza preparation, which is used to increase the number of groats. Use it as an extraordinary feeder.

During the flowering period, tomatoes are good to feed organic fertilizers. The feeder must be prepared in advance. For this weeds collected in their own vegetable garden (nettle, swan, drinking and all that grows), put in a large capacity, add ash, bird litter (1 part of the litter on 15 parts of water), manure (1 part of the manure on 10 parts water). If there is no avian litter and manure, you can restrict ourselves to grass and ash. All mix and leave for a week to come and wander. Before use, mix again. Pouring 1 liter on one plant. You can also and mineral fertilizers, such as phosphorus, Selitra, Ammonia, but this chemistry can be dispensed without it.

Any feeding should be used in liquid form, because so nutrients are actively digested by plants and soil.

Regardless of which method of growing tomatoes was chosen, after their cleaning, the whole area is densely fall by radish oilseed or white mustard. In the process of vegetation, these plants are distinguished by a substance capable of destroying the pathogens of fungal diseases. In the spring of the procedure, repeat, aligning mustard with bean (pea, vika) or cereal (rye, oats) cultures.

"Ridomil Gold" - 25-40 g per 10 liters of water.

Features of tomatoes irrigation in greenhouse

Before the flowering of the second brush, the roots of the bush must be in a not very wet environment. After that, the amount of moisture is slightly increased, then until the end of the vegetation gradually decrease, thereby excluding the probability of cracking of tomatoes.

  1. The smaller the plant will lose the roots in the transplant process, the higher the survival rate and more active in the initial growth.
  2. Tomato care is quite responsible and troublesome business, but harvesting these beautiful juicy fruits delivers much more pleasure and benefit. After all, tomatoes are famous not only by their excellent taste, but also the content of vitamins, minerals and many other elements necessary for the human body. Thanks to the content of potassium, iron, folic acid, tomatoes are extremely useful for the cardiovascular system, improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the total tone of the body and improve health as a whole.
  3. Care for tomatoes that are planted in a greenhouse is more complicated. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture and the temperature regime of the environment.
  4. Drawers with a seedler every day need to turn the other side to the window so that the plants get enough light.

Warming seeds.

During the flowering, tomatoes lack nitrogen, so instead of a cowboy you can use the drug "Azophoska".

I fed tomatoes with the infusion of dandelion, wormwood and nettle.

Tomato garter in greenhouse


For the winter, leave the greenhouse open and do not fall asleep until the beginning of February so that the soil is stronger than freez.

Also worth paying attention to the contact fungicides:

Hybrid tomato varieties are more resistant to various diseases and pests.

How to win the crop in disease

At the permanent place of the bush of tomatoes, it is advisable to land in the evening or on cloudy days, then the seedlings are better leaving and is gaining faster. After planting seedlings to the greenhouse, spin it under the root of clean water, then a solution of "radio amino" or "Speedfol amino Marina" - 30 ml on 10 liters of water. The consumption of the solution on one plant will be 0.5 liters. After a week, repeat the processing with a smaller dosage - 15 ml on 10 liters of water. If the greenhouse is equipped with a drip irrigation system, "radio amine" and "Speedfol Amino Marin" are made according to the same scheme - 60 ml per 100 m² during landing and 30 ml in a week.

Tomatoes (semi-technicenant, intederminant and determinants) in film shelters and greenhouses are grown, as a rule, by the method of seedlings. Seeds implemented in branded packages exclude the possibility of infection with causative agents of diseases and pests, do not require pre-sowing preparation. The following technology of growing tomatoes in the greenhouse is focused on this method.

  • The ripe seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in the first half of May. When landing tomatoes, it is unacceptable to plant them in the same place for several years, in order to avoid disease. It is impossible to plant tomatoes after potatoes and eggplants, since these cultures of the same family of grated, respectively, their diseases are the same. If you still have to land tomatoes after listed crops, before disembarking, you should remove the top soil soil from the greenhouse, after which the soil is hot with a hot solution of copper sulfate.
  • Seedlings must be well ventilated, so it should not be installed very close to the window glass with seedlings.
  • Care of seeds during processing by chemicals.

I would not recommend you to feed the tomatoes with any industrial preparations, it is best to use any organic type of chicken litter. I know that some gardeners are still used for feeding, but I advise you to make a solution from ash, but simply sprinkle it around the stems, well, and water as needed. This method will not only feed your tomatoes, but the pests will scare many.

  • We must take two good handfuls of nettle, two handfuls of dandelion, two handfuls of wormwood (crushed), put in a plastic bath, poured with water, added a pinch of yeast and a glass of ashes, all stirred and insisted for about 10 days.


"Polym" - 80 g per 10 l;

Who will pollinate tomatoes?

Watering greenhouse tomatoes is carried out in the morning clock with an interval of 2-3 days, spending 100 m² of landing 700-1200 liters of water. For all varieties of tomatoes, the cultivation of which is carried out in the greenhouses, even one-time drying is dangerous.

Autumn preparation of greenhouse

To grow good fruits in a greenhouse, they make the ridges, the distance between which is 60-70 cm. Use the fertilizer in the beds to add humus, peat, sawdust and a little sand. Before planting tomatoes, the soil is watered with a solution of manganese: on 10 liters of water - 1 g of potassium mangartee.

  1. At first, while seedlings grow in a common drawer, you do not need to feed the soil.
  2. Soaking in pure water.
  3. Better organic fertilizers have not come up yet. Therefore, fertilize tomatoes while flowering is better than ash and chicken litter.
  4. After the infusion was ready, I took 1 liter of this infusion and diluted with 10 liters of water, the smell of course not from pleasant, but for tomato and other vegetables it is a good feeding.

Let a complicated, but fascinating process of growing fragrant and delicious tomatoes will give a long-awaited result and a good mood.


"Bravo" - 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Pay attention to the fact that 2 weeks before harvest is forbidden to organize abundant irrigation. This warning is dictated by the fact that during this period the root system is weak and subject to various kinds of damage. The technology of proper irrigation involves the frequent supply of water in small volumes. The total amount of water, which is necessary for normal growth and fruiting plants is from 0.5 liters in cloudy weather and up to 1.6 liters in hot, sunny days. On heavy drum and clay soils, watering is infrequent (once every 2-3 days), since it is capable of holding moisture inside for a long time. On the light sandy and sampling soils, the problem of surface cracking occurs, since this type of soil is unable to keep water and requires frequent irrigation.

The method of growing tomatoes involves the introduction of mineral fertilizers to the root. The procedure is carried out every 10-14 days. Experts are recommended to carry out a tomato feeding together with their irrigation. 12 days after planting tomato seedlings for permanent location, it is necessary to carry out the "right" solution of "Speedfol Amina", prepared at the rate of 20-30 ml on 10 liters of water, and "Plantofol 10:54:10" "- 25-35 g per 10 liters of water. With the beginning of the flowering of tomatoes in a greenhouse to improve the fertilization of colors, stopping the sickness of uncess and flowers, increasing the brushes and the elimination of the vertex rotting of fruits is carried out processing plants "on the sheet" "Speedfolis amino flowering and fruiting" - 30-35 ml on 10 liters of water. A mixture of "boropleus" has proven well - 20 ml with "Speedfolis Amino Calmag" - 20-35 ml on 10 liters of water. After 12 days, processing is repeated. If the cultivation of seedlings is carried out in hot weather conditions, conduct a third processing of a similar dosage.

If the main goal is to obtain a very early harvest, grow seedlings with a blooming first inflorescence for a period of 40-60 days for intederminant varieties of tomatoes, and with a first brush formed, but until the first flower discloses - for determinant and semi-technicenant tomatoes. In addition, it is possible to land in the greenhouse seedlings at the age of 35 days grown without dive. Tomato seedlings landed at a permanent place when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm reaches the mark + 15 ° C. The optimal air temperature for the growth and full development of tomatoes in the greenhouse is considered to be 22-25 ° C.
Landing seedlings are made vertically, immersed in the ground only the pot with the root. The distance between the tall tomato rafts is 50x50 cm, while the plants are planted in a row or in a checker order. When landing it is worth avoiding the distance of 80-90 cm from each other: yield falls from this! This is explained by the fact that the free plant is strongly branched, that is, all nutrients will not go to the development of fruits, but on the deciduous system.
The most important growth conditions, in the first three weeks, the temperature regime and the necessary humidity are for seedlings.
Charging seeds.
If there is no one, nor the other, you can buy ready-made solutions with organic baking salts.
On 1 bush it is necessary to 1 liter of the divorced infusion under the root.

Tomato - self-polishing heat-loving vegetable. The most favorable temperature for its growth and fruitful development - 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. Polycarbonate greenhouse is an ideal place for cultivation, the necessary temperature for the growth of tomatoes will be maintained here, there will be no increased air humidity, but its required level will be supported. The plant requires a sufficient amount of light, with its lack of leaves pale, the stems are pulled out, and the resulting buds fall.

How to feed tomatoes while flowering?

1% extraxol-55 solution can become on the protection of the crop. The technology of growing greenhouse plants involves spraying in the bootonization phase, in the process of flowering the third brush and when the fetus achieved the size of the walnut size. "ExtraCol-55" - a liquid suspension of phosphorification bacteria, the main food of which is disputes of mushrooms. Cotton scoop - insect whose caterpillars can destroy up to 50% harvest.

3 days after planting, the plants are tied with a twine to the wire, which must be pulled in advance at an altitude of 2.2 m. The lower part of the twine is clinked to the plant under the second sheet, the top - to the wire with the method of the sliding loop, which allows you to weaken the tension when tuning around the stem. Plant twist is held weekly, Tomato's stem is wrapped with twine. With proper garter, one turn should accounted for 1.5-2 intercause. Tomatoes of an inteterminant type in greenhouse conditions are formed into one escape, semoreterminants - in one, less often in two escapes, regularly eliminating side shoots (meats).

For tomatoes, it is desirable that the greenhouse is equipped with an irrigation system.

10-14 days after landing, tomatoes are tied to the grinding. The lower steps are removed, leaving 2-3 cm columns.
A month later, two or three leafs appear on seedlings, the first dive is produced - the transplant of each plant into a separate pot. The pot, in which the first time dive tomato seedlings should be 8x8 cm. Plants there will develop about 25 days. The soil for peaked seedlings is preparing exactly the same as for sowing seeds. Before planting plants in the pot, the soil is watered with a solution of potassium mangartage, in the proportion of half the tablespoon on 10 liters of water. When picking, the rejection of weak and unsuitable plants produce.
For the rapid growth of seedlings, seeds are recommended at a temperature of 45-65 degrees for 3 hours. Such a procedure can be carried out at the battery or on special heating devices. But here the main thing is to observe the measure: an excessive heat may damage the structure of the seed.
Tomatoes and generally other plants are best to feed and fertilize only by natural products, chemistry should be excluded. Use manure - dilute it in a bucket with clean water in an exemplary proportion one part of the manure and ten parts of water. Stir everything thoroughly and let the day be imagined, stirred again before subferring and water the root.
But after the feeding, it is necessary to hide the tomatoes with an estimated water.

In a large tank throw nettle, dandelions, lops and other weed plants, birds litter (1:15 to the amount of water) and cow manure (1:10), do not forget to mix all the components more often.

The time of abundant flowering of tomatoes is a signal to the second feeding of the plant. Flowers of his small, yellow, fifth, inflorescence collected in curl (brush). There are many ways to feed tomatoes during flowering and each dachane uses only its tested time method. About some of them will be discussed below:

How to feed tomatoes while flowering?


Insect years accounts for the beginning of May, therefore it is important to conduct a number of preventive measures, protective measures. With a frequency of 14 days, the processing of tomatoes insextecides is carried out: "Avant" or "Carragegen", "Regent", "Furi", "Arrivo", "Fufanon" or "Fastak". The procedure can be carried out at any temperature, with the exception of Fufanon, which is used at a temperature mode below + 28 ° C. From year to year, cases of lesion of tomatoes ticks are rapidly. The fight against their misfortune can be organized with the help of acaricides or insectoacaricides: "Clipper", "Talstar", "Phytoverm", "Aktellik", Omaite. Treatment of tomatoes of fungicides and insectoacaricides are combined with leaf fake plants.


At the beginning of ripening, thanks to the leaf feeding "Speedfolis Amino flowering and fruiting" in a dose of 35 ml per 10 liters of water, it is possible to speed up the aging of tomatoes and increase the content of vitamins and carbohydrates in them. In stressful situations, the maximum efficiency has the treatment of tomatoes "izabion" or "megaphol" by a dosage of 20-40 ml per 10 liter of water for seedlings of open soil, 20 ml on 10 liters of water - for greenhouses. The efficiency of the cultivation process largely depends on the proper nutrition of tomatoes and the ratio of nitrogen and potassium during the growth of plants. In the feeding of tomatoes of a greenhouse type, the ratio varies in the range from 2.5: 1 to 1.5: 1. Maximum approximately close to this ratio of nitrogen and potassium "Kemira-Universal", "weaving-universal", "Yara Mila Complex" and "weaving-flower" - mineral fertilizers.

Seeds sew in the first half of February in cassettes or special boxes filled with loose, air-permeable, nutritious soil mixture based on peat with the addition of mineral fertilizers and sand, blowing them by 1.5-2 cm. Soil mixture in boxes a week before the moment of direct Seeding seeds shed "extracene-55" (0.1% solution) at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water. Soil processing makes it possible to avoid the disease of the seedlings "black leg". Cassettes (boxes) After sowing are covered with a plastic film and put in a shaded place. The soil temperature, optimal for germination of seeds varies within 24-26 ° C. Due to this temperature and high humidity of the soil, the seeds of tomatoes ride for 4-6 days.

Before flowering and fruiting tomatoes watered every 5-6 days. During the vegetation, feeding plants is especially important. Tomatoes feather liquid cow or ready-made fertilizers "ideal", "fertility" every 10-15 days. To increase the crushes of fruits, tomatoes spray with a 10% boric acid solution along flower brushes and leaves.

Picked seedlings are grown at a temperature of 20-22 ° C day, and at night - 16-18 ° C. Watering seedlings in pots should be no more often 1 times a week before good soil blotch. 2 weeks after the dive, tomato seedlings are fed with such a solution: 1 tablespoon of nitroposki is bred in 10 liters of water. On 1 pot accounts for half a cup of fertilizer.

After heating, the seeds are treated with chemical solutions to avoid possible diseases of young plants. First, the seeds are treated with a pharmaceutical manganese solution in proportion of 1 g of manganese for 1 cup of water. In the tissue bag, the seeds are soaked for 15-20 minutes in the prepared solution, and then washed with water. The seeds are then soaked in solution that contributes to their nutrition and development. In 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of ash is breed, or a liquid fertilizer "ideal", or ¼ teaspoon of sodium humate. In one of the prepared solutions, the seeds of tomatoes are lowered for 12 hours. Before processing chemistry, it is very important to carefully read the instructions for the use of chemicals and keep the desired proportions. Since improper care using compositions can cause great harm to human health.

Elena Lilia

You need to feed the tomato only by organic (natural fertilizer) - as high it all good for human health. Use simple humid plants from your garden or manure, but not concentrated, and dilute it with simple water so that it does not destroy the plant itself. You can simply disturb the plants to quit under the roots and water them with the usual schedule.

Such feeding should be held ten days once.

D y m k a

Evenly scatter dry mineral fertilizers in aisle: 20 g of phosphoric fertilizer, 15 g of 40-hipotier potash salt, 12 g of Selitera, ammonia per 1 square meter. m., then pour out the earth.


To pour the earth or spray with flowers by boric acid, diluted in a ratio of 1 g of water.

In the mitlider method there is no looser of soil, weeds appear on the rod rarely.

Steying are removed at a periodicity of 3-4 days one by one, leaving small hemps in 5 mm. After tying the fruits of the first inflorescence, remove the leaves of the bottom of the plant. Specialists do not recommend removing more than 2 leaves per reception. By the time the fruit of the first brush is ripening, all the leaves below it must be removed. After collecting the fruits of the first brush, remove the leaves to the second. Growing technology involves removing steps and leaves only in the morning. In each fruit brush it is advisable to leave up to 6 fruits. For the lower three brushes, this rule is mandatory, otherwise the fruits of the fourth brush will be small. It is possible to increase the number of uncens using the technology of shaking and tapping through the blooming brushes, moreover, the growth regulators are well established: "Boroplus" and "Speedfol Amino flowering and fruiting".

At the temperature of the soil below, 24 ° C, the tomato seeds shoot slower or puments.


It is necessary to care for tomatoes by observing moisture not more than 65%. It should be remembered that tomatoes do not like high humidity. Watering should be moderate in the evening and under the root, since the falling water on the leaves is undesirable, especially on a sunny day. The temperature regime in the greenhouse should also be observed: 20-28 ° F, and 15-16 ° at night.


After 3-4 weeks, they produce a second pickup seedlings into large pots, 12x12, cm. Care of seedlings after a second diver is the same as after the first. The second picking is necessary to brake the growth of plants, as it is necessary to achieve the growing of strong stable plants, and excessive stretching of the stems makes seedlings fragile and vitally unstable.

After chemical treatment, the seeds are placed in pure water or in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours. It is important that the solutions and water be temperatures are 24-25 ° C.


During the flowering period for feeding the tomato, it is better not to use chemistry, but to give preference to organic. It is best to use humus, pour weeds, and any water, add a bit of ash and let it all overdo it for about a week. You can also use chicken litter or manure.


When tomatoes began to bloom, it is important not to overdo the nitrogen fertilizers. After all, in this phase of its development, tomatoes, like all representatives of the plant world, need potash fertilizers for good flowering and in phosphate - for the formation of fruits. Therefore, choosing fertilizers for tomb feeding during flowering period, read the composition, potassium and phosphorus should be in proportions more than nitrogen.

Variety tomato greenhouse

4100 03.10.2019 5 min.

During the flowering period, each plant especially needs to be careful, no exception and garden crops. Tomatoes during this period not only need to regularly water, but also make feeding for them. It depends on this, whether buds are formed by the wound, which will be the quality of the future harvest. Without care and timely fertilizer bushes, tomato of good fruiting from them will not wait.

Features of care

Some gardeners to get vegetables before the deadline, grown them in a greenhouse. Such a way implies artificial pollination.


It lies in a periodic shocking of plants among himself, it is necessary to spend it in the morning while in the closed greenhouse is not hot. Another way out in such a situation is to install in the greenhouse of the fan, which will ensure the movement of the air in all beds with tomatoes, and also warn some diseases of tomatoes without giving air to it.

You can use a small soft brush and drive it in colors, but it is necessary to do it carefully to accidentally do not disrupt them. Pollen the collected brush falls on the pestle and the marking is formed if it is incorrect to pollination, the tomato buds will simply fall.

How the yeast feeder is used for the tomato seedlings, and how to make a solution properly, read by.

In the open ground, the planted plants spray with honey or sugar to attract bees, they are pollinated by tomatoes.


When flowing this culture, even in the case of landing of tall varieties, it is impossible to water the plant on top of a large jet of water. When, it is better to use the divider or water the young sprouts under the root.

An excellent solution will be the installation between them with special spinning sprinklers, only they are required to be periodically transferred. Watering should be moderate, but constant. But than watering tomatoes for a good crop, you can learn from.


The squeezing of tomatoes occurs just during the flowering of its first brush. In particular, it concerns tall varieties. On their long stems can form a lot of lateral shoots from the sinuses of the leaves. Removing unnecessary sprouts should be produced when they reach 3 cm, you should not wait for greater lengths. If you leave high tomatoes to grow with them, then it may be that the bushes will be scattered, and the fruits will grow small.

Their first brush is laid after 6-10 sheets, the side escape at the same time appears from the sinus of each forming leaf. Up to the first tie on the plant is up to 8 additional branches. All of them take the strength from the bush without leaving them for the normal formation of fruits. Stems stepsing are located below the tomato barring, so more nutrition is obtained, and this is fraught with the underdevelopment of fruits.

Pasching is pretty much time-consuming occupation and it is better to combine it with a garter of plants. Before it, it is necessary to inspect the bushes and decide which stems should be deleted, and not to do it at random.

Most often, stepsing provides that the bush will develop into one stem, so all additional sprouts are removed, but if the plant has a powerful stem, then it can well withstand and feed two escapes from it.

How and what?

To tomatoam during this period, two types of feeding can be applied:

  • Extra corner. This is an economical way to make fertilizers.
  • Root. It is more popular among gardeners, as it is believed that all useful fertilizer components are absorbed by the root of the plant better. It is carried out during irrigation or after it. How to use mineral fertilizers for cucumbers in the open ground Find out.

Extra cornering subcortex

The selected variants of mineral and organic fertilizers are applied to the plant using a pulverizer. Its volume is selected depending on the area of \u200b\u200blandlined tomatoes. Some of these fertilizers settle on the leaves, and those remnants that did not have time to absorb themselves with rain and go into the soil.

Extra-cornering plant feeding is made not only during flowering, but also during the tying of buds. The concentration of solutions used for spraying is significantly lower than those that are poured under the root.

If the extraordinary feeder is carried out in a greenhouse, then immediately after it is carried out to carry out the air ventilation to prevent the humidity in it. Fertilizers are entered in the evening, then the beneficial substances will be better absorbed, as on a sunny day, they will be evaporated anymore than to be absorbed by the plant.

On the video - than to feed the tomatoes during flowering:

The spraying solution should be 1%, that is, you need to take 1 gram of fertilizer for example and dissolve it in 100 ml of water.

Effective recipes for spraying of tomatoes:

  • A quarter of a cup of sugar to dissolve in one liter of brew whey and add 8 drops of iodine to them, then pour half a variation of the resistant fluid. It will also be useful to learn about how applied.
  • Dissolve birch mushroom - chagu in water to brown condition.
  • In five liters of water to dissolve 5 ml of greencraft and 5 trichopol tablets.
  • Dissolve five yeod droplets in half a water and add 0.5 liters of Prostokvashi.
  • In 10 liters of fluid, dissolve over 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate, urea and boric acid.
  • Make a weak solution of manganese.

But how is the mangalls from the weeving on the strawberry, find out.

One of the above recipes will definitely be a favorite tool for the protection of tomatoes, as well as the active formation of their fruits.

Root subordinate

For the first time, it is carried out almost a week after disembarking tomatoes in the ground. The second time it is used two weeks after the first feeding. The third most effective, it is carried out during the flowering of tomato.

Some gardeners break the first inflorescences so that the bush is better formed and immediately after that conduct root feeding. For the best binding, a whole cocktail is prepared from nutrient for tomatoes of components: 1 kg of ash and 1 gram of boric acid, which are dissolved in 5 liters of water, but it must be boiled. The consumption of such a composition is 1 liter under one bush.

On the video - the root feeding of tomatoes:

Among proven fertilizers, the following recipes are distinguished:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Potassium sulfate, connected to the floor of a cowboat or chicken litter and 7 grams of boric acid. All these components need to be divorced in 10 liters of water.
  • Divorced soft yeast in the water well stimulate the development of marks. They can be used in quality, as well as in open ground, several times per season.
  • Dissolved in five liters of water a teaspoon of Selitra also well affects future fruits.
  • Can be made not only during flowering, but also after it. A glass of ash is needed to dissolve in 10 liters of water and insist within 3 hours.

The ideal option will be the alternation of two varieties of feeding. But even if you choose one of the recipes and apply it regularly, you can significantly improve the state of the plant and help the best formation of tomatoes.

Growing tomatoes in the greenhouse, always want to get the highest yields. It will be possible to make it if you correctly pick up feeding and on time from applying.

Any gardener growing tomatoes in the greenhouse wants to get the best harvest from its favorites. It is very important for this that the tomatoes should be filtered during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse. The entire future crop of plants growing in greenhouse conditions depends on the choice of correct and suitable feeding. From this article, you can find out and correctly pick up the necessary feeding.

For proper growth of tomatoes in any conditions are the following compounds:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Potash.
  • Phosphate.
  • Magnesium.
  • Zinc.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Calcium.
  • Sulfuric.
  • Born.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Manganese.
  • Chlorine.

Although nitrogen and potassium are faster than tomatoes, phosphorus is considered the most necessary for the development of fruits. 94% of phosphorus is used to form fruits, and only 6% is absorbed by stems and foliage. When the phosphorus lack of phosphorus deteriorates the development of the root system and the failure rate of fruits is reduced.

Signs of nutrients shortage

The fact that tomatoam lack nutrients can be seen visually.

  • When nitrogen lack, the old leaves of tomatoes change the shade on yellow and soon fall. Young foliage minor and change their color to the light green shade. Plants begin to stick.
  • The lack of potassium can be determined by the young leaves of tomatoes that begin to spin inside. Old foliage turns around the edges.
  • With a lack of phosphorus foliage acquires a bluish shade. Stems become brittle, and the root system begins to dying.

The lack of these substances is very critical for plants. This should be considered, choosing something to feed tomatoes while flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse. As a fertilizer, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers, such as nitroposk. This fertilizer contains the correct ratio of these substances.

Kush Tomatov

  • Magnesium shortage is characterized by turning the leaves of tomatoes up. A well-noticeable yellowness is manifested between the veins.
  • With a lack of zinc on the leaves of tomatoes, spots appear. They have a brown color and different sizes. Soon, such leaves dry out and fall. New leaves have abnormally small sizes. Also, there may be spottedness.
  • The lack of molybdenum is manifested in changing the color of the leaves onto the light green. There are small brown spots between the veins.
  • With a lack of calcium on the tips of the young foliage, light yellow spots appear. On the fruits, the lack of calcium can manifest itself in the form of vertex rot. Such fruits are very quickly falling.
  • Signs of sulfur lack visually can resemble a lack of nitrogen. However, it becomes visible differences that the symptoms are first on young leaves, and only then start spreading to older leaves. The stalk of the tomato bush becomes very fragile and brittle.
  • Fitting of flowers without the formation of zagazi becomes a sign of lack of boron. Begin to die out the points of growth, and the steps begin to appear very actively. Such a phenomenon is found quite often, therefore, as a means than to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse, boric acid is very popular.
  • The symptom of the lack of iron becomes the lightening of the leaves, but the alkali color does not change. In some cases, they can become almost white. Tomato bush slows down in development.
  • With a lack of copper, the leaves begin to twist and wither. Leaf tips are covered. Young foliage becomes smaller, and her color acquires a bluish shade. Flowers are falling.
  • The yellowing of young leaves at the base is a sign of a lack of manganese. The drawing of the sheet becomes mosaic.
  • With a lack of chlorine between the veins of tomatoes, yellow spots appear. Young leaves become underdeveloped. Tops of Tomato bushes begin to wither.

If the first signs appear, the lack of nutrients must be made into the soil or as an extraordinary feeding the necessary elements. Otherwise, the plant may die.

When to conduct feeding

In total, 4 planned feeding of tomatoes are performed for the entire crop season. Below you can learn how to feed tomatoes while flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, and when you need to perform feeding data.

Use of mineral fertilizers

  • First feeder - 14 days after the transfer of plant seedlings into the soil. At this time, seedlings are coming in a new place and it is necessary for additional meals. For early rooting, tomatoes need phosphorus, and nitrogen is required for a set of deciduous mass. As organic fertilizers containing a complete set of necessary substances, a cow manure is used. Paul liters of the cowboat is diluted with a bucket of water. Under each bush, it is necessary to pour 1 liter of the obtained infusion. If it is not possible to use the organic, it can be replaced by complex mineral mixtures.
  • Re-feeding Tomato is held after 2 weeks from the first. The purpose of this feeding is considered to consolidate the effect, as well as increasing the resistance of plants by external factors.
  • The third feeding is produced in the mass flowering phase. At this time, the ovary is actively formed, and there are more phosphorus and potassium plants. Mineral fertilizers can use complex mixtures containing both elements. Wood ash is used as natural fertilizers, which contains a large amount of phosphorus.
  • The fourth feeder is carried out during the main period of crop maturation. Just like in the flowering phase, tomatoam is needed phosphorus and potassium. The use of nitrogen fertilizers is recommended to reduce, except in cases of lack of this element.

Correctly choosing, than to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, you can significantly increase the yield of bushes and speed up their maturation.

Fucking with flowering

After successful pollination on the bushes of tomatoes, fruits begin to form. As mentioned earlier, the main part of phosphorus is consumed for their growth. Therefore, fertilizers that contain phosphorus will be useful as feeding.

Preparation of organic fertilizers

  • As a fertilizer, ordinary wood ash, iodine and boric acid are often used. For the preparation of the solution, 2 liters of wood ash will be required. It must be dissolved in 5 liters of boiling water. After dissolving ash, this solution should be left for cooling. After that, you should add water so that the total volume was 10 liters. A small iodine vial is added to the finished mixture and 10 grams. Boric acid. The resulting mixture is the day, after which it becomes ready for use. On each bush requires 1 liter of such a mixture.
  • Instead of iodine, you can use a manganese, which is also an important element in the growth of tomatoes. Application does not change.
  • Boric acid is used to increase the pollinability of tomatoes. She lures insects, pollinating flowers, and also prevents the falling of flowers to pollination.
  • It is not recommended to use in the flowering phase of the pesticides. They scare away any insects, including bees. Deciding than to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, it is impossible to prevent natural pollination processes.

Facial feeding

As a rule, in fruiting, the same feeders are used as in the flowering phase. Experts recommend at this time to exclude denunciation with nitrogen fertilizers. They contribute to the development of the deciduous mass of tomatoes, and for this reason, the ripening of fruits may decrease.

It is necessary to limit the growth of tomato bushes, pinching the tops. This will significantly reduce the receipt of beneficial substances to support useless foliage. Old folia can be cut off.

Mineral fertilizers

Strongly born bushes of tomatoes and the active appearance of stepsing becomes a sign that it is necessary to reduce the amount of nitrogen-containing substances.

To accelerate the ripening of fruits and improve their flavoring characteristics, a solution is prepared: 2 Article is dissolved in water bucket. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. Spoon of sodium humate. This fertilizer is used as root fertilizer.

Clear rules about how to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in a greenhouse does not exist. Each gardener uses those tools that help him increase the yield of tomatoes.

Care for tomatoes

In addition to the right fertilizers, Tomatoam also needs proper care. Caring for tomatoes does not differ in high difficulty and consists in periodically carrying out several activities:

Now knowing how to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting in the greenhouse, each gardener will be able to grow only the best tomatoes. The time and strength spent in the cultivation of plants will pay off with interest at the end of the yield season, when the crop collection will come.

Every gardener wants to raise a rich yield of tomato on his homeland. But with the ignorance of important moments of care, including how to correctly feed during flowering, long-awaited crop can not wait.

To obtain a rich harvest, as well as for tying new inflorescences, a blooming tomato bush needs: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

The lack of these nutrients can be determined by the appearance of the plant:

  1. Nitrogen shortage - the leaves begin to turn yellow, gradually lifting up.
  2. The lack of phosphorus - foliage acquires purple color, with a steadily moderate temperature.
  3. Potassium exhaustion - the lack of potassium is manifested in the discoloration of the leaves, if the plant does not eat, the leaves acquire the brown shade and dry.

If the plant does not fertilize during flowering and in the formation of fruits, tomatoes will grow sour with a unwarked core.

If the tomatoes do not fell during flowering - they will grow up with an immature core

Undercalinking tomatoes during flowering

Fucking blooming tomatoes, plays an important role in the formation of uncess and when growing in a greenhouse and in the open ground, which in the future leads to the ripening of a large amount of fruits. Excess fertilizer, as bad affects the plant, as well as the disadvantage.

As a feeding for tomatoes, you can apply:

  • Mineral fertilizers
  • Organic feeding

Also used two method of application:

  • Extrannevaya
  • Root


Nowadays, eyes scatter from a large amount of mineral fertilizers. But not everyone knows how to feed during the flowering period of tomatoes or to speed it up.

Tomatoes will not develop well if the soil be poor phosphorus and potassium. As phosphoric and potash fertilizers, you can apply:

  • Chloride and potassium sulfate

Before making fertilizers, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the instructions for use.

You can also use phosphorus-potash fertilizers: potassium monophosphate. Method of preparation: in 10 liters of water to dilute 15 grams of matter. This amount can shed 1 square meters. Meter of tomato ridge.

Outbupping nitrogen digitally affects blooming tomatoes. Nitrogen contributes to the large increase in the green mass, which leads to the redistribution of nutrients from the formative fruits to emerging steps.

In order to enrich nitrogen soilYou can add comprehensive fertilizers to it. They are good because all the necessary substances in which vegetables need are in equal proportions.

Complex fertilizers for blooming tomatoes:

  • Kemira
  • Universal
  • Rasianin
  • Effectton
  • Signor Tomato

When using mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to remember that:

  • Nitrogen content should be less than potassium and phosphorus
  • Fertilizers must contain: iron, calcium, boron, zinc, sulfur and magnesium
  • Chlorine and its components, should not be included in

Upborm Organic

Organic fertilizers can be purchased in the store, and you can prepare yourself.

Nowadays, the majority of gardeners refuse to bait tomatoes with mineral fertilizers and give preference to the organic matter. Since organic not only feeds the plant, but also protects it from numerous diseases.

The humats are not only powered, but also improve the structure of the soil. With the annual mapping of this drug, tomatoes will be good fruit even on the poor earth.


Yeast fertilizer increases the growth and development of the plantAnd therefore it is so necessary for blooming tomatoes.

Cooking method:

  • 100 grams of fresh yeast dilute in a liter of warm water. The solution to bring to the volume of 10 liters, after the formation of yeast foam. This quantity is enough to fertilize 15 bushes.
  • 10 grams of dry yeast on the water bucket. Let laugh for 2 days. The resulting solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Together with yeast feeding, add to the ground woodwood.


To prevent tomatoes, you can use wood, straw, or peat ash. It contains a large number: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, without them, the blooming plant is not to do.

Mode of application:

  1. Once in 7 days, the tablespoon of ashes is being plucked under the bush of tomatoes
  2. A solution of ash, plants are watered 2 times a month (100 grams of ash diluted in 10 liters of water). One bush should receive a half-liter solution.


When using iodine mortar, the number of prizes increases, and the fruits ripens much faster.

Cooking method:

3 drops of iodine dilute in a bucket of water.

Vegetable fertilizer

- A good choice for feeding blooming tomatoes.

Method for cooking on a 200 liter barrel:

  1. 5 buckets of weed grass (better to take nettle)
  2. 10 liters Korovyaka
  3. Fresh yeast kilogram
  4. Kilogram of ash
  5. 3 liters of milk or serum

The contents of the barrel leave for 14 days to insist. Water under each bush in lithra infusion.

Extra cornering subcortex

Extra-corner feeding is necessary for blooming tomatoes under adverse conditions.


Cooking method:

In a three-liter jar, milking 300 grams of sainted ash. The resulting solution must be boiled for half an hour and dissolve in a bucket of water. In the finished solution, the grated economic soap is added and left to appease for a day.

When spraying with this solution, the result appears right in the eyes. Buds begin to bloom, and the appearance of the tomatoes will improve.


30 Drops of iodine are added to the liter of milk. Everyone is thoroughly mixed, add art. A spoon of hydrogen peroxide and adjust to 9 liters of water.

This feeding will not only give tomatoes the necessary meals, but also protects the plant from diseases.

Boric acid applies when the air temperature holds within +30 degrees. At high temperatures, the plant blooms, but does not form the fruits.

10 grams of powder diluted in a glass of hot water, stirred until complete dissolution. The finished solution is added to the water bucket.

This solution of tomatoes spray during flowering, once a week.

Favorable days for feeding tomatoes

Feeder spend:

  1. After transplanting seedlings for permanent location
  2. Normally developing tomatoes feed - 3-4 times per season
  3. Tomatoes, lagging in growth - 5-7 times
  4. Untrevive tomatoes - every 10 days

The feeding is made in a well-spilled soil, in the morning or evening.

For blooming tomatoes, feeding a great set. What solution or drug apply, solve each yourself. Proper and timely application of fertilizers affects the quality and amount of harvest.