Paint camera with water curtain with your own hands: step-by-step leadership, dignity and disadvantages. How does the painting camera with a water curtain work? Why do you need a water curtain? Video and camera diagram from what a water curtain painting cameras do

. on the organization of filing painted products, ─ on deadlock and passing. In case of individual production, the dead-end painting chambers of periodic action are more often used, and with large-scale ─ passing painting chambers.

. painting cameras can be Open and closed (open and closed type). Closed painting chambers provide complete isolation of the working area from the surrounding space. This allows at the expense of the coordinated operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation, maintain inside the chamber the pressure other than atmospheric, thereby preventing unmanaged emission of pollution. The housing of the open paint chamber forms a partially closed space. The number of open opening depends on the coloring technology, the location of the workplace (outside the camera or in the chamber) and the method of loading-unloading the painted products.

. features of the device filtering system give the basis to allocate two large class of painting chambers ─ dry painting chambers and cameras with hydrophiltrom.

Cameras with water curtain in regulatory documentation

How important is, a paint chamber with hydrophiltra or painting chamber with a water curtain is said in a number of existing regulatory documents.

"Air, sucks from painting chambers, cabbage of floor lattices, is subjected to cleaning from the resulting aerosol of paintwork. Cleaning should be carried out, as a rule, "wet" in the hydrophiltra. " This position is contained "Sanitary rules in painting works using manual sprayers. Sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions " .

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2001 No. 37 "On approval of intersectoral rules for labor protection under the painting works" Even more categorically. Paragraph 3.52: "Exhaust air from premises for works with LKMs, local ventilation systems and local suns must be purified from aerosols of the LKM" wet "in the hydrophiltra."

Not only the sanitary and hygienic aspect is important, but also the fire safety requirements. "PPBO-109-92. Fire safety rules on railway transport " : "Painting works by spraying paintwork materials should be carried out in painting chambers made of non-aggravated materials and equipped with hydrophiltra. Without hydrophilt filters or other efficient devices for trapping spray paints and varnishes, the system of local suits of painting cabinets, cameras and cabins are not allowed. "

Color ─ is very important

Painting cameras ─ relatively young type of equipment, in contrast to the paints or paints and varnishes (LKM), which humanity enjoys not one tens of thousands of years.

At least, such ages have the most ancient of rock paintings, for the application of which mineral powders, charcoal, lime, clay, and later animal fats, the secret of living beings and other biomaterials were used. The chemical industry has expanded this arsenal with a variety of synthetic colorful compositions that have made the world much brighter. Of course, the brightness of the sky, water, minerals and plants remained the same, but the noosphere (or the anthroposphere) began to play with all the colors of the rainbow. It happened yet. And because the color, being an integral part of the design, turned into one of the most important tools for promoting many products, incl. industrial products. In addition, the thin layer of paint has gained important economic importance, providing protection for millions of tons of steel products and corrosion structures.

How important is the color, and therefore, the equipment for staining in general and painting chambers in particular can be judged by the example of the automotive industry and a huge, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, the auto service industry. For them, the quality and cost of staining ─ one of the main trumps in a competitive struggle, and the functionality of painting chambers largely determine the economic efficiency of production.

Prerequisites for painting cameras

food in the second half of the XIX century. In 1887, the method of spraying paint compositions was invented in the United States. (This, by the way, stimulated the appearance of the LKM with the previously unprecedented properties, for example, quick-drying). The first new technology was adopted by furniture manufacturers . But soon, and in a much larger scale, it began to be used in the rapidly sabotous course of the automotive industry.

Interest in spray staining by many industries gave a powerful impetus for the development of enterprises producing such devices. But at the same time, with all certainty, I put the task for them to ensure acceptable working conditions for the operating personnel. The answer to these challenges became paint chambers, with the help of which it was possible to localize the effect of paint fragments that did not fix on the painted surface. "Colorful fog." Tumans, as a rule, are called aerosols, the dispersed phase of which is represented by liquid droplets . Of course, accompanying the process of pollution staining, often very toxic, fogs are not exhausted, ─ sufficiently remember their component as a pair of solvents.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, funds such as an ordered air circulation system and air purifying filters were brought to implement the innovative concept for that time of the technological concept. Some would be outwardly not similar to modern painting chambers of installation, imprinted in photographs of the first half of the 20th century, they have changed much. Because, as a result of scientific and technological progress, dry and hydraulic filters, fans, pumps, equipment for applying LCMs and LKM themselves have changed (sufficiently recalling powder coatings, to apply powder painting chambers).

The range of tasks solved with painting cameras has expanded. As at the beginning of its existence, they help minimize the harmful effects of paint compositions on the health of working , Only today against the background of more stringent and detailed regulated requirements of national labor protection legislation. Another major task was added to this, at the beginning of the 20th century so acutely not yet standing, ─ loading on the environment .

And of course, the use of painting chambers allows provide modern quality standards painting Thanks to the systems of air filtration, removing even the smallest dust. And due to the automation of technological processes and increasing energy efficiency, it is possible to increase productivity and make the staining process more economical.

Water painting cameras successfully cope with these tasks. They are easy to operate, since the presence of hydrophilters simplifies the cleaning of fans, filters, pipelines and air ducts from LKM particles. The presence of water contributes to an increase in fire safety, minimizes the possibility of increased concentration of explosive substances. Water curtains with high efficiency are purified in a working (painting) area of \u200b\u200bair from solid paint and glue particles, solvent vapors, aerosols and other contaminants.

Principle of operation of any paint chamber lies in the creation of a directional air flow. The outer air enters the working area. The quality of staining will be the higher, the better it is prepared, ─ with filters is cleaned of hard inclusions, has the desired temperature and humidity. Already in the "spent" form, contaminated in the working area as a result of contact with the LCM, it is cleaned by filters of exhaust ventilation and is displayed in the environment.

If part of this work is performed by hydrophiltra, such devices call water painting chambers or a water curtain chamber. "Part of the work" ─ Since the presence of hydrophilters does not cancel the use of dry filters working together with them, usually located in front of the exhaust fan of finishing filters of fine cleaning.


Since the basis for the allocation of paint chambers with a water curtain, in a separate class of equipment, served as the use of hydrophilters, they (hydrophilters) have deserved full right, be the first to be presented when considering the device such cameras.

Term " hydrofilter In this case, it means an air filter that cleans air with water that serves by filtering material. The reservation "In this case" is due to the fact that sometimes hydraulic filters are called hydraulic filters, i.e. filters used to clean the liquids in hydraulic systems.

The use of air hydrofilters is not a monopoly of painting chambers. For example, they are installed in ventilation systems for cooling air, protection against sparks, removal of soot, soot, fats, elimination of foreign odors.

In general, for all hydrophilters ─ purification of polluted air occurs when it interacts with water. Depending on the constructive design, screen (cascading), nozzle and uncormal hydrophiltra are isolated. They differ according to the principle of supplying water purifying air and as a result of this work features.

In the on-screen hydrophiltra, water curtains are created using overflow water distribution devices and shields. In nozzles ─ for the formation of water curtains are nozzles.

Pump and non-visible bubble-vortex hydrophiltra are also used, air purification in which, occurs as a result of its active mixing with water. Their name comes from French Barbotage - mixing. Principle of operation ─ Gas transmission or steam (in our case of air) through a layer of fluid (in our case of water).

In the on-screen hydrophiltrator, the airflow containing the particles of the LKM and the solvent pair is fed to the screen covered with a solid layer flowing through it by it, the turnover of which is ensured by the pump. Faced with water, large particles lose speed and flow with it in the bath located under the screen. Pollution overcoming this barrier are removed when the air flow passes through the water curtains located behind the screen. Clean air helps to make a drop-waveler capable of "processing" vertical and cross-air flows.

Along with Frontal, side curtains can be installed. A more efficient colors of the colorful fog provides an active water floor (or active water tray) ─ closed bath with lattice, possibly beaten in the concrete floor of the workshop.

In the nozzle hydrophiltra, water is sprayed with nozzles. As a rule, screw or tangential with a hole diameter of several mm.

Screw nozzles form a more stable torch, but tangential is easier in manufacture and less often clog. The nozzle step is set depending on the angle of the jet cone (usually 70-75º) and the effective torch length.

The shield from sheet steel or polymeric materials mounted between the rows of nozzles helps to create a directional air flow by preventing it from the hit between water torches.

Water consumption depends on the rate of its flow to inclined shields or the screen, as well as the number of curtains and areas of their cross section (i.e. the thickness of the water layer, which is usually several mm). The turnover of water is almost closed. Almost ─ because due to the losses for evaporation and the removal of particularly contaminated waters, its margin has to be periodically resumed. The sludge of hydrophiltra painting chambers with a water curtain is accumulated by a special water purification system from paints and varnishes.

In order for the water constantly in motion, anti-letters additives add to it.

Corpus ─ "Classic" and not quite

Mandatory attribute of the painting chamber ─ housing. This is not always a "classic" housing with floor, walls and roofs. It can consist of one of the front wall. There are tubeless technologies for applying LCMs used, for example, for coloring of large-format products. And in many such devices, the air is purified using hydrophilters. They may have a different constructive execution. For example, tubeless installations with lower suction consisting of hydrophiltra, exhaust ventilation systems and a pumping unit. For staining of vertical surfaces, the lifting sites are used, ─ air polluted by particles of LKM is used in the slot formed by the surface with the surface and the hydrophiltra wall of such a platform.

The presence of side walls and roofs contributes to the creation of a directional air flow and prevents contamination from painting cabins nearby near the workspace from painting cabins nearby.

Pain Camera Cases can be solid or modular. The most common material for their manufacture ─ sheets (panels) from galvanized or stainless steel with a thickness of 0.8-1.5 mm. There is experience in using plastic with anti-adhesion coating, with a thickness of 10 mm. The advantages of such a solution ─ the residues of the paint are worse than the surfaces of the camera and easier to remove them.

The dimensions of the painting chambers are determined by the organization and the size of products, for the staining of which they are intended. Organization of work ─ This is where, ─ inside the chamber or outside it, ─ is located workplace whether it is necessary to rotate the products in the process of staining, whether the suspension conveyors having the amplitude of the swing, etc. are used for transporting them.

Ventilation system

The ventilation system ensures the required direction of movement and the uniformity of the waste air flow to be cleaned, ─ from the working area to the hydrophilter.

Typically use centrifugal and axial fans of medium and low pressure, the parameters of which are determined, based on the amount of air, which must be removed from the painting chamber per unit of time. The fan can be installed on its roof. But at the same time, especially in the case of powerful and "revolving" fans, it is necessary to prevent the noise and vibration effect on the camera body.

In the open paint chamber, all clean air or its main part goes through open openings directly from the workshop, and its disadvantage in the room fills the workshop ventilation. To increase the amount of the painted aircraft of the air, an inlet air pipe equipped with a valve opened during the operation of the paint equipment can be used. This is relevant for painting chambers located in small rooms.

Trends in the development of staining technologies used in mechanical engineering, woodworking, construction of construction and other metal structures, ─ wherever painting chambers with water veins are used, ─ are determined by the progressive tightening of environmental protection requirements and sanitary and hygienic requirements, as the most important segment of labor protection. As well as the need to increase economic efficiency by increasing labor productivity, energy and resource saving, improving the quality of work.

It is possible to comply with them by increasing filter efficiency using new structural materials, energy-saving ventilation and pumping equipment, increasing automation and robotization of technological processes. This means that painting cameras with water curtains will have to change. To a greater degree of content than in form. However, this is what they do for many decades.

Or furniture is a rather complicated and responsible process, which is most often trusted to specialists who have equipped cameras. However, it is quite possible to make such a device yourself, while you will succeed not only to save money, but also organize your own business. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements that are important to keep to achieve the best effect.

Preparatory work

Painting chambers are made using a list of specific tools, as well as materials. Among other things, it is important to find the room in which the equipment will be located. A garage can perform as it. Fueling the heat fan, ventilation system and heat gun. This list is mandatory. When expanding the list, you can add doors, fans, gates, lamps, control panel, etc. Everything will depend on the desire and financial capabilities. The camera should be automated and have the ability to perform not only the painting of the car or other products, but also their drying. As functional components there are supply ventilation, which is equipped with multi-level filters for cleaning. This needs to be attributed to the chamber for staining and further drying, a heat pump, ventilation and automation. Ventilation equipment should work on the exhaust principle and have a air filter.

Preparation of the room

Paining cameras are manufactured taking into account the requirements that are presented. The walls should be refractory, washable and most sealed. With the listed items should not have particular difficulties. The walls are most often made of steel and well insulated. Two layers that will form the basis of the system should be filled with heat-saving safe materials. Paul also needs to be performed taking into account some rules, among them it is necessary to design the design of this part of the room using several layers of the lattice coating, which will ensure the removal of air. Must lay the basis for spare and entrance doors that protect the car from dust and other contaminants coming from the street. That is why tightness is so important. The door should be easy to open, which will ensure the safety of the wizard.

Lighting system arrangement

Painting chambers are made taking into account the arrangement of a suitable use of daylight lamps, you can provide the best visibility and lack of glare, as well as unnecessary shadows. According to technological rules, the light should be from 600 to 1000 lux. The most successful and effective option is the use of luminescent lamps, which are located on the side walls and under the ceiling. However, this approach implies some drawbacks, during the coloring the master will not have visibility of the lower part of the car or product. In order to eliminate unnecessary glare and an insufficient amount of light, you need to position large oblong lamps along the wall. Painting cameras are made based on the requirements of the free space, which will guarantee the convenience of work. You should not choose a room whose area is less than 4 x 6 meters. The camera is recommended to be installed on a concrete basis, but it is worth considering that this approach is very expensive. You can resort to an alternative solution that involves using a metal frame as the basis. You need to position under the floor valve, exhaust system and filter.

Ventilation system device

The paint chamber should have a high-quality ventilation system, as it serves one of the key factors. The system should be equipped with a filter, which will ensure air purification, excluding the deposition of paint fog. There are single-engine and two-dimensional installations on sale. The first kind of air pumps over the top, as a result, the fog is deposited down and is output through a special hole. Two motors provide injection and suction of air. When the paint chamber is manufactured, it is possible to provide it with a air filter. It is best to choose a two-phase variety, this model will be able to capture large contaminants, and will also get rid of small particles. It is important to choose ventilation systems, the air speed of which is equal to the limit of 20 to 25 cm per second.

Selection of drying for painting chamber

If the drawings are presented in the article, it is important to provide it with drying. Heat generators, which can be found in the modern market, work on spent oil, gas and fuel. Depending on the needs of the chamber, you can prefer a different power generator, it can be equipped with an automatic timer and other functionality. For drying painted cars and products, they are most often used in operation and ensure the necessary effect with significant financial costs.

Camera internal space device

It is necessary to completely exclude inside the presence of all kinds of materials on which dust is capable of gathering. Furniture, carpets, fabric materials and soft corners can be attributed here. At the same time, the owner will be able to simply clean the cleaning, ensuring the normal state of the indoor space.

Camera selection

When painting cameras for furniture are manufactured, the walls and ceiling are most often painted in white. Experts recommend using powder paint for this. Such an approach will ensure the correct color reproduction, and also facilitates the process of staining. It is advisable to equip the camera with a utility room, in which all sorts of objects, equipment and equipment will be stored.

Equipment for coloring

If the paint chamber will be made, the instruction presented in the article can be used by you for these works. It is important to prepare equipment for staining. Sprouts are suitable, which can operate at high and low pressure. The first type implies the need to use a compressor that injected air, creating pressure for staining.

As for the low pressure pneumatic devices, they function on compressed air. You can find and which can be pneumatic and electric. Expensive equipment is combined machines that combine the first and second type of devices. Such systems combine the best characteristics of airless and air methods. The paint chamber, which is presented in the article, can be equipped with one or several of the above devices. Specialists recommend using airless equipment, as it is the most optimal and efficient. At the same time, particles of varnish and paint will be sprayed from the pistol under the impressive pressure.


If you have a paint chamber with a water curtain, you can use airless equipment that ensures the savings of materials consumed during the work. If we are talking about a powder chamber, then with the help of it will be able to save solvents. This equipment allows you to work with the operation of single-engine ventilation, ensuring high-quality coating of the surface of the car body or any other product.

An excellent business solution is painting cars at home. But to be able to paint cars, little experience and painting equipment, it is also necessary to have a room in which vehicles will be made. In organizations where they are engaged in painting cars, painting works in a water curtain chamber have long produced. It is no secret that such a device can be made with your own hands, only putting some efforts and spending a small amount of money to buy some equipment. You can buy it ready, only the cost of it will be very high, and not everyone is ready to invest. In order to make a device with a water curtain with your own hands, some knowledge will be required.

What is the camera

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The paint chamber with a water curtain is a closed room that is made of stainless steel and has a supply and exhaust ventilation. This ventilation is created using electric motors. The main part of the device is the heating tan, which contributes to the heating of the room to the required temperature and maintain it during painting works. The camera also includes lighting, which must be distributed across the entire area evenly, and have a sufficient light stream. It is best to place them not only on the ceiling of the room, but also by side walls. The device also includes equipment for painting works, and other auxiliary instruments.

Planning Camera for Painting

Knowing that the painting chamber consists, it is necessary to determine the placement where the arrangement will be made, and make a project, by location of the main structural elements. An excellent placement for the construction of the device can serve as a garage, or to build a new extension, which will take longer and according to finance. For the manufacture of the device, you will need design elements from which it will be based, heating and ventilation systems, filtration and lighting.

Manufacturing Camera for Painting

Having made a layout, it is necessary to carry out all technical calculations, and start assembly.
First of all, a new room is built or a frame of the garage is collected. Total dimensions should be: 10 meters long, 8 meters width, height is 3.5 meters. The paint chamber accordingly has a size: 4 meters wide and 6 long.

    1. Installing the gate.
      The gate to use the best insulated so that there is no suction and loss of warm air, it is trimmed by a professional flooring. In the place of contact of the gate, he is insulated with a special adhesive tape. Places with slits, it is necessary to apply the mounting foam.
    2. Floor design. The base of the floor of the concrete, inside of which the hole is made, and the metal tube is displayed on the street with a diameter of 150 mm, for air outflow. On the floor there is a metal grille over the entire surface of the room at a height of 15-20 cm.
    3. Walls. The walls are trimmed by a professional flooring, and inside insulating, you can make a sandwich panel.
    4. Air exchange system. Composite elements: two electric motors and metal pipes with diameters of 100 mm and 150 mm, respectively. For supply ventilation, an electric motor with a capacity of 5 kW is used for exhaust at least 7 kW.
    5. Ceiling. It is made of professional flooring, with insulation. A metal frame for inflow of air is mounted in the ceiling. Electro-calorifer, which will serve warm air to the room, is installed on the street.

  1. Air cleaning. It is carried out using filters and has three level cleaning.
    • Level 1. A frontal water curtain is created, which is carried out by draining uniform streams of water;
    • 2 level. Air purification inside the device. Contributes to filtering and cleaning air from paint waste;
    • 3 level. Dry filtration. Promotes full air purification from paint particles and performs the function of protecting the fan from paint sticking.
  2. Lighting. LED or fluorescent lamps on the ceiling and walls of the room are mounted.
    Automatic control sensors and control over the system of supply and exhaust fans and filters are also installed.
    By mounting everything you need for a water chamber, an equipment for painting is installed.

How to work

Electrocalorifer pumps air from the atmosphere to the closed space of the room. Passing through the system, the air is cleaned with filters, each of which provides a certain cleaning.
The room raises the temperature due to the work of the Tan. The process of painting begins. Below on the floor, the air begins to fall out from the chamber, using the exhaust fan. The highway has water curtains that contribute to the detention of paint particles. Here the air passes all three levels of cleaning, if such is pre-installed. By the same principle, cameras with water curtain and factory production.

Positive moments of the device do it yourself

  1. Free system planning.
  2. Great savings.
  3. The ability to save on all composite elements.
  4. The ability to use the main parts of the structure.

Disadvantages of the device

  1. Inaccuracies are possible in counting, or unfinished in the installation of the device.
  2. There is no possibility to automate the entire process, since the elements of the device consist of separate parts.
  3. There are no guarantees for the performance of such a device.


The cost of the construction of a water curtain camera can take a long time, but its cost will be about 4,000 dollars. You can buy the factory from $ 20,000 and higher. To start a business, the best option is the construction of your own hands, which is much more profitable for the novice business.

If you decide to repair cars, then you need to get a paint chamber.

The most reliable and fast way to purchase it is to contact the Ural Stanted Industrial Company in Yekaterinburg. Our specialists will be able to quickly choose the option suitable for you at reasonable prices.

Of course, there is another way, but it is more complicated and, unfortunately, not quite reliable.

Construct a water paint chamber

Before proceeding with the work on the equipment of the paint chamber in Yekaterinburg, it is necessary to schema sketches schematically, in which a clear idea will be seen from which basic elements is the main design.

In general, the painting chamber is a hermetic box equipped with supply-exhaust ventilation. Electric motors are used to create such a ventilation system. The main part of the equipment includes a heating tan, which allows to maintain a high temperature throughout the paint process.

The chamber must be equipped with light instruments that allow you to get uniform illumination throughout the box area.

For a small amount of work as a boxing can be used a private garage. If there is no such, you can organize a small building, which naturally will entail additional financial costs.


The next step after the design of the painting chamber with water curtain is technical calculations. They must be carried out with scrupulous accuracy, since incorrect calculations can lead to the infallible functioning of the equipment.

An exemplary chamber arrangement scheme is as follows:

  • Door installation. They should be hermetic and insulated.
  • The design of the floor consists of a hole and pipes that go out for air outflow.
  • Walls are insulated and trimmed by a professional flooring.
  • The air exchange system includes metal pipes and two electric motors.
  • The insulated ceiling is performed from the corrugated floor. The ceiling is mounted metal grille for air flow.
  • Air purification is carried out thanks to the system of three-level filtering.
  • Lighting is carried out thanks to the ceiling and side lamps.

Little pleasant is that the cold air penetrates the warm room, cooling it, because in this case it turns out that the street will be at sunset. Not only does it create not comfortable conditions, it is also noticeably reflected on the health and wallet. You can overcome this problem with the help of a heat curtain, which is a reliable barrier between the inner and outdoor air.

They differ in the heat source, that is, such equipment can be electric and water. The water heat curtain wins the efficiency of use, since the heating element is hot water. However, this type of device, as elsewhere, has excellent advantages, at the expense of which it is becoming increasingly popular:

  1. Protection of the building from heat loss.
  2. Cold air protection, which, thanks to the veil, can not penetrate the room.
  3. Creating a barrier that does not allow you to penetrate the streets of exhaust gases, dust and insect.
  4. Alignment of the temperature gradient.
  5. Protection against drafts, which positively affects health.
  6. Additional room heating.
  7. The ability to maintain the door in the open position.
  8. The ability to create coolness in hot weather.
  9. Efficiency due to less heat loss and the fact that the source of energy is not electricity, but water.

Principle of operation and installation

The principle of operation is quite simple: a powerful fan creates a high speed air flow that forms a "invisible barrier", thanks to such a system, warm air cannot leave the room, and the cold penetrate into it. Water curtain heat source - hot water. It turns out that a central heating is needed for the operation of the device.

Installing such equipment, of course, is hard, but this does not matter to any comparison with the fact that when operating, the overhead is low, and the power is very high. The scope of water curtains mostly applies to industrial buildings that have large open opening. The device is indispensable in restaurants, shops and warehouses, that is, those in those places where the doors open very often because of the large stream of people.

Installation is usually done above the door. Installation over the opening means that the veil is horizontal, and on the side of the opening - vertical. It must be remembered that the vertical curtain should be high no less ¾ of the height of the opening that needs to be protected. This is the only difference in this type of device from horizontal.

Main element

The main element of the design is the radial fan, which is necessary for creating the necessary air flow. Such a turbine should be united and located along the entire length of the device. It helps to create a uniform stream. The engine is attached to the side of it.

However, often manufacturers decide to locate the engine in the center, and in its sides, small turbines. The reason for this location of the elements is the complexity of the manufacture of a turbine with a length greater than 800 mm. How much is the installation method is effective? Of course, such a simplified veil will cost less, but in the central part of the air flow will be "failure", which significantly reduces the protective properties. In addition, the heating elements will be blown unevenly, and this leads to their earlier breakdown.

What is managed by a water curtain?

The water heat curtain is accompanied by at least two switches, one of which should turn on the fan, and the other is the heating elements. Heating power regulators can also be installed, which have two or three steps. Fans can be two-speed. The air curtain may have a thermostat that turns off the device or heating elements when the target temperature is achieved.

There is a built-in and wired control panel, it all depends on the selected model. However, the built-in type is used on curtains having a small size that are installed for windows and doors. This is explained by the fact that the ability to get to the buttons depends on the distance. Accordingly, the use of remote controls that can be installed in the desired place is more rational.

Sometimes there is a terminal switch, which is convenient because it turns on the device only at an open gate. It turns out that the switch starts to work when opening the doors or gate. Its use is very convenient in warehouses and in the hangars.

Selection of curtains

The following factors affect the choice of air curtain:

  1. Device length.
  2. Power.
  3. Performance.
  4. Type of instalation.
  5. Method of control.

We have already discussed the last two factors, now it will be about other three.

  1. Performance. It is from it that the air flow rate and the installation height depends. For an example, take the doorway, the width of which is about one meter, and the height of about two meters. In this case, "pumping" curtains should be from 700 to 900 cubic meters per hour. With this performance, the air flow rate will be about 8 meters per second at the device output, and about 2 meters per second at the floor level. Of course, the price of such devices is not small, therefore, to protect small openings, devices with lower performance are used. Since water curtains are used more for industrial buildings, it is impossible to save on this factor, otherwise the effectiveness will be minimal.
  2. Power is also an important factor, if we consider that the equipment can heat the air in the room, although this factor is not at all necessary. For example, take a building in 10 square meters, which does not heal, and the height of the ceilings is about three meters. The power required under such conditions is 1 kW. However, in this case, the building must be capital, that is, the ceiling and walls must have good thermal insulation. It is not necessary to choose a device with a high power for well-heated places or even the device without a heating function. It is worth saying about the features of the heating function: the air will never be hot at the yield, even if the power is maximum, it will be only warm. This is your explanation: the heating elements have a high blowing rate.
  3. Length. It can range from 600 to 2000 millimeters. The length from 800 to 1000 millimeters is very popular, such devices are installed above the standard opening, therefore it is not suitable for industrial facilities, where water curtains are often used. How to calculate correctly in this case? It should be the same as the width of the opening or a little more. This is important so that the flow of air completely overlap the opening and did not give the cold air to penetrate the room.

All this information will help you choose a water curtain correctly, as it plays an important role in creating comfortable conditions. Installing such equipment will say that concern for people is an integral part of any organization.