The last speech of Yeltsin for the New Year. "Those who stand in power for many years should leave"

I place here the last appeal of the President of Yeltsin to the peoples of Russia on December 31, 1999. Perhaps this is one of the most fateful texts in the history of the latest Russia ...

Dear Russians!

It remains quite a bit of time to the magic date in our history. Coming 2000. New century, new millennium.

We all tried this date on ourselves. They pretended first in childhood, then, I matured how much we will be in 2000, and how much our mother, and how many our children. It seemed sometime: so far this extraordinary new year.

That day and came.

Dear friends! My dear!

Today I last appeal to you with New Year's greeting. But that's not all. Today I last appeal to you as president of Russia.

I decided. Long and painfully thinking over him. Today, on the last day of the outgoing century, I'm leaving my resignation.

I heard many times: "Yeltsin will hold on to power with any ways, he will not give it to anyone." It is a lies. The point is in the other. I always said that I would not retreat from the constitution. That in constitutional deadlines must pass the Duma elections. So it happened. And I also wanted the presidential election presidential elections on time - in June 2000. It was very important for Russia. We create the most important precedent of civilized voluntary transfer of power, the authorities from one Russian president to another, newly elected.

And yet I accepted another solution. I'm leaving. I'm leaving before the deadline. I realized that I needed to do it. Russia must enter the new millennium with new politicians, with new persons, with new - smart, strong, energetic - people. And we are those who have been in power for many years - we must leave.

Looking, with what hope and faith, people voted in the elections in the Duma for the new generation of politicians, I understood: I did the main thing. Russia will never return to the past. Russia will always move only forward. And I should not interfere with this natural course of history. Half a year still hold on to power when the country has a strong person worthy to be president, and with which today almost every Russian binds its hopes for the future?! Why should I interfere with him? Why wait half a year?

No, it's not for me! Not in my character!

Today, this is an unusually important day for me, I want to say a little more personal words than usual.

I want to ask you for forgiveness. For the fact that many of our dreams with you did not come true. And what seemed to us simply, turned out to be painfully hard. I apologize for the fact that I did not meet some hopes of those people who believed that we were one jerk, in one fell, we could jump out of the gray, stagnant, totalitarian past in a bright, rich, civilized future. I believed it myself. It seemed to be one jerk - and all overcome. One jerk did not work. In something I was too naive. Somewhere problems were too complicated. We were filled forward through mistakes, through failures. Many people at this difficult time experienced a shock.

But I want you to know. I never said that, today it is important for me to say it. The pain of each of you responded pain in me, in my heart. Sleepless nights, painful experiences: what should be done to people at least a little, at least a little live easier and better? I did not have a more important task.

I'm leaving. I did everything I could. And not health, but for the aggregate of all problems. I replace a new generation, generation of those who can do more and better.

In accordance with the Constitution, resigning, I signed a decree on the establishment of the duties of the President of Russia at the Chairman of the Government of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. For three months, in accordance with the Constitution, it will be the head of state. In three months, also in accordance with the Constitution of Russia, the presidential election will take place.

I have always been confident in the amazing wisdom of Russians. Therefore, I have no doubt what choice will you do at the end of March 2000.

Saying good, I want to tell everyone from you: Be happy! You have deserved happiness. You deserve happiness and calm.

Happy New Year! With a new century, my dear!

New Year's television appeal of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. On this day, December 31, 1999, the first president of Russia announced resignation.

(Video from the archive of the Presidential Center B.N. Yeltsin)

How Boris Yeltsin recorded New Year's congratulations(fragment from the book)

"On December 28, 1999, as usual, the recording of the New Year's television for the country was held. This is always in the representative hall of the Kremlin - Christmas tree, big golden watches, a familiar ritual and New Year's text. A group of ort, just a few people - director, operator, sound engineer, Illuminator, - worked assembled, carefully. I wished the Russians of a happy New Year. Stand up. Forecast text on televisofler.

The faces of the spectrants stretched out. I didn't do any comments before the recording, it was a complete surprise for them. "Why, Boris Nikolaevich?" - "We need to work on the text. I give three days. We will write on December 31st".

Television drivers have already been upset: "Boris Nikolayevich, why is the 31st? And when they are installed when? And if any comments or, God forbid, a failure of some? Why is such a zadietot?" - "I repeat once again. We will write on the 31st."

And went to the exit ...

Well, I could not, I could not explain to these cute, executive people, what was the reason for my unexpected "whim". Thank God, the surprise did not cause it, only a little chagrin: they are accustomed to my character, to expression and surprises.

"What if some of them suspect something?" I even slowed down from this thought, the adjutant knocked down from his feet, looked at me in surprise, also slowed down slightly.

Long Kremlin Corridor always gives time to calm down, come into yourself and think.

It was worth thinking about ...

I have never kept such an important decision in secret even from the nearest assistants from the presidential apparatus.

Solutions I always loved to take alone. And implement quickly. The decision did not tolerate the Volokat, conversations, delay. Every hour it loses strength, efficiency. Therefore, as a rule, I immediately turn on the "drive belt", the mechanism of implementation: first of all, of course, the head of my administration; behind him - assistants, analysts, lawyers, office; Then the spokesman, television journalists, information agencies are also included in the work. With every minute, it will be learned about it an increasing number of people, with each minute of the solution, as it were, waves.

So it was always. Throughout the eight years of my stay at the main post. As president of new Russia ... "

(Documents, photos, video)

In a person who survived the "dashing nineties", this period is associated with crime, queues, popularization of American culture. And yet, the president who carries the German orchestra and the dancing "Kalinki Malinka". It was the time of limitless freedom, wild capitalism and revaluation of values. There is no accurate periodization, but we can assume that the era of gangsters and universal ruin ended when Yeltsin left the president's post.

early years

Rode was from the Sverdlovsk region. He was born on February 1, 1931. The childhood of the future politician was held in the city of Berezniki: here his father worked on the construction site of the chemical factory. After graduating from school, Boris Yeltsin entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Received a specialty builder engineer. In the student years he was engaged in sports, played for the city team on volleyball.

Sverdlovsk Obma

In the mid-fifties, Boris Yeltsin's career began. He mastered several construction specialties. Entered the party. In 1975, he took the post of Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee. At his order, a high-rise building was erected in the city, which local residents are called differently: "tooth of wisdom", "white house", "party member". Yeltsin also organized the construction of the route, which connects Sverdlov with the northern part of the region. Thanks to his active activity, the inhabitants of the barracks found accommodation in apartment buildings.

Moscow Golkom.

The post of Secretary of the Moscow City Committee Boris Yeltsin has occupied since 1985. With his arrival, the cleaning of Moscow party apparatus began. He deprived the posts of many officials in the MGS CPSU. Under Yeltsin, a ban on demolition of buildings having historical significance was introduced.

People's Deputy of the USSR

Yeltsin did not win in the 1989 elections. But one of the deputies refused the mandate in his favor. The first Russian president was one of the most scandalous personalities in domestic politics. In 1989, he was invited to the United States, and, as the media argued, performed in a drunken state. However, this story was perceived as a provocation against Yeltsin, whose views were different from the official ideology. In 1990, the future president fell into an aviation accident. The newspapers appeared hints that this catastrophe was organized by the KGB staff. In May of the same year, Yeltsin was elected by the Chairman of the Supreme Council, which a considerable role was played by notes in the press.

Augusta Putch

In June 1991, the first nationwide Yeltsin gathered 57% of the vote in Russia. Two months later, an event occurred, which is associated with millions of residents of the post-Soviet space with riots in Moscow and the endless "Swan Lake" on television. Yeltsin played a leading role here, turning the House of Councils of Russia to the Resistance Center. So did not become a huge multinational state. Let's not go into the details of the economic and ideological crises that have engulfed the country at the Millennium Sunset. Let us turn to the main part of today's narration - to that a significant day when Yeltsin left the president's post.

Courageous deed

When did Yeltsin come from the post of president? At the peak of a complex position in Russia. Many politicians and experts today are called Yeltsin's deed unprecedented, courageous. Although some believe that this step was somewhat late.

The policy of Yeltsin is criticized, paying special attention to miscalculations in the international arena. At the same time, researchers note numerous merits, including the creation of the Constitution.

When Yeltsin left president

The first president created an impression of an eccentric personality. The way Boris Yeltsin left the president's post, ordinary citizens perceived as a surprise, quiet. December 31, the country as usual celebrated. This day for each former citizen of the USSR is connected with Salat Olivier, Soviet champagne and the speech of the president. It is usually predictable, low-consuming. But not the last New Year's speech of the first Russian president. This performance struck the whole world, and later gave rise to many legends. So, Boris Nikolayevich later attributed the words "I'm leaving, I'm tired." He did not pronounce them.

When did Yeltsin come from the post of President of Russia? A few minutes before the new millennium. Citizens tuned to the carefree celebration, for fun talk and view New Year's programs. But it was not there. From December 31 to January 1, the night was devoted to the conversations about Boris Nikolayevich and his successor. Televishers with amazing speed mounted a whole film dedicated to the life and activities of this outstanding personality. There were no traditional shows with the participation of pop stars on this New Year's Eve. Only politics.

Presidential marathon

Famous politicians and public figures love to write memoirs. More precisely, order by professional writers of books about themselves. Boris Nikolayevich did not exception. In 2000, the book "Presidential Marathon" was published, which contains an answer to the question "Why did Yeltsin left the president's post?".

There is a version that he did not plan to participate in the 1996 elections. By that time, the Chechen campaign was played by the last role in the last role. The main opponent was the leader of the communists of Zyuganov. Perhaps that is why he decided to run for a second term. President Yeltsin needed a successor. But back to the events of 1999.

Boris Yeltsin, according to the book "Presidential Marathon," said Alexander Voloshin, and daughters Tatiana. Wife learned about it only in the morning of December 31. About the upcoming resignation from the post of President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin informed Haine Josephs a few minutes before he sat down in the service car and went to the Kremlin. By the way, Boris Nikolayevich's relatives were immensely glad. For the nine years of his presidency, as a widow of Yeltsin later, they were tired of a lot.

On the eve of the elections in the Duma. The new party "Unity", led by the then little-known, but the inspired by Putin's sympathy showed good results. This was the impetus to the adoption of an important decision. But why exactly December 31? Why did Yeltsin come from the post of President of the Russian Federation in the last hours of the outgoing year?

Brilliant move

By his resignation, Boris Yeltsin predetermined Vladimir Putin's victory at the upcoming presidential election. According to the majority of political experts, it was a brilliant move. In addition, Yeltsin refused to voluntarily. And this step could be regarded as a courageous deed. After all, no one has ever refused the power of the Russian and Soviet rulers at his own request. It was an unprecedented event in domestic history.

The last years of his Board Yeltsin often replaced some people with others. The legendary became the scene in which the President of Russia pronounces the phrase "not so dreamed!", After which his subordinates in a hurry occupy the "right" places. Despite unexpected actions that many seemed strange, Yeltsin managed to form an effective team.

For six months before he uttered a New Year's speech, which later entered the story, the State Duma deputies attempted to remove him from presidential duties. A commission was created that prepared the document. It contained accusations of the collapse of the USSR, the unleashing of the Chechen war, the genocide of the peoples of Russia. In December, approached zero. Putin's prime minister, meanwhile, gained great popularity.

Yeltsin left the president's post suddenly, on New Year's Eve. Thus, caught the surprise of his opponents. Putin was appointed acting, which in that significant night uttered his first New Year's appeal to Russian citizens. The Prime Minister signed a decree on the same day, which guaranteed Boris Yeltsin to protect against prosecution.

The last appeal of Yeltsin was solemn, emotional. Having uttered the final phrase, he was silent, and according to his face, as the operator later claimed, tears were blown. Russians were in extreme excitement. They did not know that they were waiting ahead. And I was waiting for their new era - the era of a strong ruler, who is unlikely to utter a similar speech.

December 31, 1999 B.N. Yeltsin signed a decree on his care from the post of President of the Russian Federation. Spouse of the first Russian president N.I. Yeltsin recalled: "Boris Nikolayevich behaved restlessly all night, very early woke up. Began to gather. Said that there will be a record of New Year's television. I was surprised - the 28th was already entry on television. Why again? Well, it did not work out, says today will rewrite. They began to gather, some kind of suit was chosen (for television you need certain colors), and already at the exit, he suddenly looked at me somehow very carefully and said: "You know, I accepted the decision: I'm leaving my resignation. It will be my television. Watch TV". At 11:00 on December 31, 1999, Yeltsin in the presence of Patriarch, who did not know why he was urgently invited to the Kremlin, handed out Putin symbols of presidential power, as well as the Parker handle, which he signed decrees. "The government should not be drawn into any political campaigns. The main task for it remains to ensure economic growth and social well-being. This is a paramount task, "said V.V. Putin at a government meeting. The decision of Yeltsin on resigning Putin called "accurately verified". According to him, after announcement by Yeltsin, the growth of all assets of Russia in all markets amounted to 5%. In March 2000 V.V. Putin, supported by the apparatus, almost with the whole press and a huge mass of voters, easily won G.A. Zyuganov and many other candidates are already in the first round.

Farewell speech B.N. Yeltsin

Dear Russians!

It remains quite a bit of time to the magic date in our story. Coming 2000. New century, new millennium.

We all tried this date on ourselves. They pretended, first in childhood, then it was rising, how much will it be in the 2000th year, and how much our mother, and how many our children. It was once somewhere - so far this extraordinary new year. That day and came.

Dear friends! My dear! Today I last appeal to you with New Year's greeting. But that's not all. Today I last appeal to you as the President of Russia.

I decided.

Long and painfully thinking over him. Today, on the last day of the outgoing century, I'm leaving my resignation.

I heard many times - "Yeltsin will hold on to power with any ways, he will not give it to anyone." It is a lies.

The point is in the other. I always said that I would not retreat from the constitution. That in constitutional deadlines must pass the Duma elections. So it happened. And I also wanted the presidential election presidential elections on time - in June 2000. It was very important for Russia. We create the most important precedent of civilized voluntary transfer of power, the authorities from one Russian president to another, newly elected.

And yet I accepted another solution. I'm leaving. I'm leaving before the deadline. I realized that I needed to do it. Russia must enter the New Millennium with new politicians, with new persons, with new, smart, strong, energetic people.

And we are those who stand in power for many years, we must leave.

Looking, with what hope and faith, people voted in the elections in the Duma for the new generation of politicians, I understood: I did the main thing. Russia will never return to the past. Russia will always move only forward.

And I should not interfere with this natural course of history. Half a year still hold on to power when the country has a strong person worth being president, and with which today almost every Russian binds its hopes for the future!? Why should I interfere with him? Why wait half a year?

No, it's not for me! Not in my character!

Today, this is an unusually important day for me, I want to say a little more personal words than usual.

I want to ask you for forgiveness.

For the fact that many of our dreams with you did not come true. And what seemed to us simply, turned out to be painfully hard. I apologize for the fact that I did not meet some hopes of those people who believed that we were one jerk, in one fell, we could jump out of the gray, stagnant, totalitarian past in a bright, rich, civilized future. I believed it myself. It seemed to be one jerk, and all overpower.

One jerk did not work. In something I was too naive. Saying problems were too complicated. We were filled forward through mistakes, through failures. Many people at this difficult time experienced a shock. But I want you to know.

I never said that, today it is important for me to say it. The pain of each of you responded pain in me, in my heart. Sleepless nights, painful experiences: what should be done to people at least a little, at least a little live easier and better? I did not have a more important task.

I'm leaving. I did everything I could. And not health, but for the aggregate of all problems. I replace a new generation, generation of those who can do more and better.

In accordance with the Constitution, resigning, I signed a decree on the establishment of the duties of the President of Russia at the Chairman of the Government of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. For three months, in accordance with the Constitution, it will be the head of state. In three months, also in accordance with the Constitution of Russia, the presidential election will take place.

I have always been confident in the amazing wisdom of Russians. Therefore, I have no doubt what choice will you do at the end of March 2000.

Saying good, I want to tell everyone from you: be happy. You have deserved happiness. You deserve happiness and calm.

Happy New Year!

With a new century, my dear!

By the way

The weekly "Arguments and Facts" (N 45 in 1999, p.23) cites answers to questions of readers associated with the Calendar Surprise of 2000, which the head of the State Astronomical Institute of the State Astronomical Institute. PC. Schtenberg, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor N.Brins. (I suppose a completely competent specialist in the "problem-2000").

Question: "On television, it is a matter of television:" We are about to enter the XXI century "... So when will the XXI century comes?"

Answer: "For scientists, it is quite obvious that the XXI century and the third millennium compete on January 1, 2001. The account of years, as is known, is conducted by ordinal numerical, and there was no zero year ... "(allocated by me).

Here you have the whole tale about the "zero year"! Well, since no "zero year was not" and "the account of years ... is conducted by ordinal numerical", since the first year, it became, the XX century and the second millennium should end up 2000, and the XXI century and the third millennium - Start 2001.

You can understand the first Russian emperor, who, when publishing its decrees of December 19, 1699, on the reform of the calendar in Russia and on December 20, 1699, "On the celebration of the New Year" mistakenly believed that January 1, 1700 is not only the beginning of the new year But also the beginning of the new century. The transition to Christian christianity very much wanted, apparently, to combine with accession to the new, XVIII century.

You can understand the first Russian president B.N. Yeltsina, who wants his departure from big politics to combine with the "last day of the outgoing XX century."

But it is difficult to understand the erroneous opinion on this issue of the others: "mathematicians, economists, engineers, politicians, etc.

Apparently, many influences the magic of round dates. But each of the mistakes can be justified with the words of another poet, K. Vyazemsky: "And living in a hurry, and feel hurry."

So, with the coming 2000 of you, dear colleagues and friends!

With the last year of the XX century and the second millennium, cute!

Boris Yeltsin is a person whose name will always be inextricably linked with the newest history of Russia. Someone will remember as the first president, someone will invariably see in it, above all, a talented reformer and democrat, and someone will remember voucher privatization, a military campaign in Chechnya, default and calls it a "traitor." Like any outstanding politician, Boris Nikolayevich will always have supporters and opponents. Within the framework of this publication, we will try to see and understand the last days of his presidency than they were caused by their chronology, the logic and significance of this act of renunciation and the transfer of power. This day is already our story, but the story is recent, entertaining and meaningful. How and why this happened, these reasons and details of this event will probably find out only our descendants. But here is one of the versions of the resignation of B. Yeltsin and the transfer of them to the power V.V. Putin.

At the end of his presidency, B. N. Yeltsin had a ball of insoluble problems, which for the most part itself created, if briefly: ranging from strikes and Chechnya and ending with relations with their "partner" - USA (everyone knows that about their resignation m . S. Gorbachev first did not report not to his people, and B. N. Yeltsin also entered the President of the United States, after his election by the President of the Russian Federation). This can also include increasing health problems.

It was necessary or to give up finally, which was "fraught", or somehow deal with the "partner", which was even more "fraught."

Yeltsin chooses the second option. Why the second? Now you can only guess.

This is how one of the versions of the events looks like.

In recent years, the presidency (1991-1999) B. Yeltsin stubbornly searched for a successor to himself, but every time was disappointed in his choice and alternately noted one candidacy for another. So, they did not receive their chance of Schoyko, Nemtsov, Society, Soskovac, Chernomyrdin, Kiriyenko, Stepashin, Aksenko.

But in the end, the choice was made in 1999 (dates are different) Yeltsin announced his choice of Putin.

One source claims that by the beginning of May 1999, President Yeltsin accepted the decision on the transfer of his power to Putin.
On August 5, at a meeting with Putin, Yeltsin reported that he wanted to appoint him to his chairman of the Russian government.

Yeltsin himself writes that his first conversation with Putin on the appointment of him and. about. President of Russia took place on December 14, 1999, five days before the election of the State Duma of the third convocation. According to the memories of Yeltsin in the book "Presidential Marathon", Putin then replied that he was not ready for such a decision. The second conversation about the transfer of power took place on December 29, 1999. On that day, Yeltsin rated Putin's mood as more decisive, then he informed the successor that he finally decided to leave from his post on December 31 and informed Putin on the exact scenario of the transfer of power on this day.


On August 9, 1999, Putin was appointed first deputy and acting chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. On the same day, in his television, President Yeltsin called him his successor. On August 16, 1999, Putin was approved as Chairman of the Government with 233 votes of deputies of the State Duma (84 against and 17 abstained).

On December 30, 1999, in a number of Russian publications, Putin's program article "Russia at the turn of the Millennium" was published, in which he outlined his idea of \u200b\u200bthe past and about facing countries. According to Putin, Russia needs strong state power and consolidation of society. Referring to economic problems, he declared the need for policies aimed at combating poverty, ensuring the growth of the welfare of the population and improving the efficiency of the Russian economy.

Boris Nikolaevich decided to leave the president's post in less than two weeks - reports Yeltsin Tatyana Yumasheva in his blog.

On the evening of December 28, Boris Yeltsin invited the head of the Administration of the President of Alexander Voloshin and the former chapter, in those times of Advisor Valentina Yumashev (in those years he was not yet her husband Tatyana Borisovna - approx. Ed.) The conversation lasted for about an hour, after which everyone was driving. But after half an hour, Boris Yeltsin called Tatiana to himself.
"I came to him, after the contrary," recalls Tatyana Yumashev. "He looked into my eyes and said:" Tanya, I made a decision, December 31, I'm leaving my resignation. "

In the morning (29.12.) Dad in the Kremlin met with Vladimir Vladimirovich and told Putin that he decided to leave exactly December 31, on the eve of the new year. After talking V.V. Putin was also in some embarrassment.

The Prime Minister then rose to the Voloshin, called Tatyana Yumashev.

Vladimir Vladimirovich told that he asked Pope not to leave, "the daughter of Yeltsin states. "I saw that in fact Putin is not easy to bother with the idea that after two days the whole responsibility for the country will fall on his shoulders. No one will not be at the back. And with this will have to live for many years.

According to the testimony of Host Yeltsina, the New Year's appeal to the Russians was recorded on December 28, 1999. From morning on December 31, going to work, Yeltsin, told her that the New Year's appeal would be rewritten. And already at the exit, he said: "You know, I accepted the decision: I'm leaving my resignation. It will be my television. Watch TV".

In the afternoon of December 31, Yeltsin records the appeal to the people, in which it is reported that it is resigned and that the fulfillment of the duties of the president in accordance with the Constitution is assigned to Prime Minister V. V. Putin.
It is not known before the appeal, or after, Yeltsin has collected members of the Security Council, the Prime Minister and all the security officials.

3. "Patriarch Alexy came to the Kremlin at the request of the Pope. He wanted the Patriarch to find out about his resignation not from television news. They remained friends until the last days of the Pope."

4. Boris Yeltsin transfers Vladimir Putin a decree on his appointment and. about. president.

Having fulfilled all the formalities, the president handed Putin a nuclear suitcase, a modern symbol of presidential power. In addition, Yeltsin sent letters to the Chairman of the Federation Council and the Chairman of the State Duma, in which he informed about the cessation of the fulfillment of the duties of the president and on the temporary execution of the authority of the President Vladimir Putin.
Before leaving his office, Yeltsin is still talking about something with Patriarch Alexia II and Putin.

5. The last time Boris Nikolayevich sat in the presidential chair.

At about 14 o'clock, Yeltsin left the Kremlin and went to the country residence Gorki-9.
He never came to the Kremlin.

In appeal to the Russians B. N. Yeltsin said: "I realized that I need to do. Russia must enter the new millennium with new politicians, with new persons, with new - smart, strong, energetic - people. And we, those who stand in power for many years, we must leave ... Looking at what hope and faith, people voted in the elections in the Duma for the new generation of politicians, I understood: I did the main thing. Russia will never return to the past. " B. N. Yeltsin said he should not interfere with the natural course of history, and the country has a strong person who can be president.

From that moment on, the Presidential Decree, which said:

"one. In accordance with part 2 Art. 92 Constitution of the Russian Federation stopped from 12 hours 00 minutes on December 31, 1999. Fulfillment of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation. 2. In accordance with part 3 of Art. 92 Constitution of the Russian Federation Powers of the Russian Federation temporarily performed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from 12 hours 00 minutes on December 31, 1999. "

Thus, the Chairman of the Government V. V. Putin was appointed to the acting president.

At about midnight, Yeltsin's speech was repeated, then spoke with New Year's appeal to citizens of Russia and. about. President Putin.