Proper ceiling plaster - step-by-step guide. Playing the ceiling with your own hands for each plaster mix for the ceiling

The ceiling is the most visible part of any room. The walls can be occupied by furniture or anything else, but this part of the room, except for the lighting devices, has nothing to occupy. Depending on the lighting of irregularities and other flaws of the ceiling can be clearly visible. In our country, many prefer to repair or build with their own hands. Plastering the ceiling - the process is far from simple, but at the modern level of technology development, indeed, you can do it on your own.

Necessary mixtures and building materials

The market of modern building materials offers the consumer the widest range of various mixtures for plastering surfaces of any type. And all that remains to make a person who has conceived to start repair is not mistaken in choosing. It is from this that will depend quality and durability of the coating.

Only a few decades ago the most common material for the work of this class was considered a mixture of cement, sand and lime. Such a solution was applied with a thin layer, if necessary, the process was necessary to repeat. And with all the positive aspects of this method, for example, low-cost and ecology, the durability of the solution left much to be desired. Cracks and chips appeared in the first year after repair. Therefore, it has recently almost displaced ready-made dry plaster mixes based on polymers. To one of the most common types of such mixtures belong Plaster Knauf.

Finished mixtures greatly facilitated work. They allow you to apply a rather thick layer of material - up to 50 mm, which is essential reduces Surface treatment. The only thing worth considering when working with this building material is rapid drying. Since the time of their frozen is limited, as a rule, it is from 30 minutes to an hour. It is important to take into account the timeline required for development One portion of plaster to avoid unnecessary spending on a dried solution.

Sealing butt stoves

Basic problem when preparing the ceiling to repair make up joints Plate overlap. Inserting joints produced a few days before the process of plastering.

At the beginning of the joint, you remove everything that you can, in order for nothing in these places. Then a special brush is thoroughly cleaned dust and sand. When all possible dirt is removed from the junction, it proceed With the brush of the primer of deep penetration.

After drying the soil (about 24 hours), the first layer of plaster mortar is applied. As a rule, when stucking the docking seams used reinforcement. For reinforcement, a polymer mesh is used, which is stacked into the solution. After the placing the grid into the solution, the layer of plaster with the help of a toothed spatula is applied. The solution must be completely dry outAnd only after that the second, final, layer of solution is applied.

There are such slits in the stoves, which in the way the way to close impossible Because of their size. In this case, there are two options, but in any case, the joint before that is carefully prepared for the seal.

Preparation options for large joints:

  1. Mounting foam. Before sealing the slit, it is well wetted with water. Full foam drying occurs after a day. After that, the excess foam is cut off, you need to trace so that at least one centimeter of the solution to go into the joint, after that, the foam is processed with soil, and then - by ordinary technology.
  2. Using a vet. The segment of the fabric is wetted in the primer (or concrekontakte) and with a spatula thoroughly tamper into the gap. After that, the rag should dry at least a day, and then - on the already known technology.

If you come to this question in good faith, there will be no cracks on the ceiling. You can also completely exclude their growth. But from the emergence of new cracks, none of these methods will help, so it is so important to work extremely high-quality construction materials, observing technology and the correct sequence of repair.

Any process of finishing the premises provides for thorough preparation of the ceiling space. It is very important to achieve the perfectly smooth and smooth surface in the process of the work done, which can be comfortable and safely applied to the finishing layer. For this, the entire old coating is completely removed, and if there are any metal products (nails, screws, and so on), they should also be removed. The smoothness of the surface is a sign of good quality done earlier. At the end of the dismantling stage, the smallest particles of repair and even dust residues are thoroughly neutralized.

After the ceiling is completely cleaned from old finishing residues, and cracks and sharp transitions are eliminated, you can proceed to the primer. Skip this stage is not recommended. Thus, the main goal of primer surfaces is ideally prepared it to apply the finish layer, namely plaster. Experts recommend using high-quality primer types, so that the walls will serve as longer as possible, and the process of working with it was fast and comfortable.

Priming is usually carried out by a painting roller, and if there are cracks or recesses that it is not possible to eliminate, then these places must be additionally treated with a special tassel. It should be soft and with a long pile.

Modern finished primers tend to dry up to 24 hours. It is recommended to provide the most comfortable temperature in the room. It is strictly forbidden to heat the rooms, as well as allow drafts. It is impossible to produce shuttering until complete soil drying. During the drying, the primer cannot be allowed to enter the walls of dust and other microparticles, which are often formed during the repair work. Otherwise, the priming will have to repeat.

Walking process

Even if the mixture for final processing is chosen as high quality, it is not necessary to fully rely on the fact that it will last long. In many ways, the durability of plaster depends on the hand of the present master.

Preparation of the mixture:

  1. In advance prepared container pour the amount of warm water recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. Slowly pour the mixture into the liquid, to periodically stir.
  3. Mix the solution thoroughly with a building mixer to a state of homogeneous casher. Leave for insistence for 15-20 minutes. Re-mix the mixer.

It is recommended to apply a plastic spatula with a putty, you can also use rubber tools that have recently become popularity. For leveling layer it is better to use special metal tools. Each layer is recommended to dry from 16 to 24 hours.

Plaster ceiling using lighthouses

Among the homework, not many know how to plaster the ceiling correctly. There are two technologies for plastering surfaces - with the use of lighthouses and without them.

The use of lighthouses accelerates and simplifies the work, and also allows you to cope with it plaster with a little experience. However, the use of such technology is not always possible. So, if the ceiling has large irregularities (for example, at the joints of the overlap panels), it is recommended to use a suspended ceiling or the use of drywall. This is due to the fact that throwing the thick layer of plaster on the ceiling is problematic, besides, it can fall off, even if you bring several times.

However, it is not always possible to use a suspended ceiling. In this case, you can do without lighthouses. It is necessary to make shockting from the walls to the center of the ceiling so that the ceiling butt and the walls are smooth, and the difference of several centimeters is visually visually noticed.

  1. Before installing lighthouses, it is necessary to mark up. For this purpose, the lowest corner is originally selected. With the help of a construction level or a laser pointer of the planes, a marking line is performed on the walls. After the manipulation, the layer of plaster will be understood, which will need to be imposed. After that, lighthouses are installed - these are perforated galvanized profiles with a protruding back. The height of the lighthouse ranges from 6 to 10 mm.
  2. For their installation, cords are stretched that will help withstand levels. After installing the mixture, you need to give a good dry. And after the solution grabbed enough, the lighthouses need to be removed, otherwise, if they leave them, the metal will begin to rust, and rust stains are very difficult to delete.
  3. After drying, the plaster close the holes left after the beacons. For such work, the spatula is perfect. As soon as everything is completed, the surface must be enjoying well.

Grout and final work

Grout - the final stage of equalizing the future ceiling. The elimination of the estimated errors on the aligned surfaces takes not much time. But it is necessary to spend carefully and slowly. By the way, the grout process can not only be used to impart the surface of the ideal smoothness, but also to be used in the process of creating a designer drawing (plowing) with special tools. However, smooth and even ceilings are a classic that most people adheres to.

For alignment, use several types of terkons:

  • Wooden;
  • Plastic;
  • Foam;
  • Metallic;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Spongy.

Specialists and construction companies with a large metro station use a special electric tool for grouting - machine for plaster. But for repair, with their own hands, the simplest construction tools that do not require high costs are perfect.

For the grout, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of putty on the wall, give it to dry. To test the readiness of the layer, you can touch it with a spatula, if it does not stick, it means that the surface is completely ready. Slightly mix the grater and smooth movements in one direction to start the "polishing" of the surface.

On this plaster, the ceiling with their own hands can be considered over. If you have any questions, you can contact the Internet, where a lot of video for beginners about how to plaster the ceiling with your own hands. It will help to deal with all the nuances!

Smooth ceiling is one of the components of modern repairs. One of the methods of alignment is the plaster ceiling. The technology is not very complicated, but requires accuracy. With modern materials and tools, this work can be done with your own hands. It cannot be said that it will be easy, but it is possible to cope without the skills of plaster.

With lighthouses or without

There are two technology plaster ceiling - with lighthouses and without. Right - to do with lighthouses. Then the surface of the ceiling is obtained in the same plane. However, there are ceilings with a very large height difference. Put the ceiling layer of plaster thickness of 5 cm dangerous: may fall. Even if you make several layers with the application of the primer after everyone, the guarantee that such a large layer will hold on, there is still no.

The whole idea is to make a ceiling on some plot. It will not have noticeable drops, visually will look like smooth. And the fact that in different angles the distance to the floor will be different for several centimeters, "on the eye" cannot be determined. With this technology, the main task is to make a smooth bog of the ceiling and walls. This line is very clearly tracked and should be straight. If you choose this ceiling plaster technology, you need to start plastering from the walls to the center.

The better plastering

For plastering ceiling, you can use a conventional cement-sandy solution, or the same, but with the addition of lime. But it is desirable to apply a small layer. At least such a mixture is the cheapest, recently it is used infrequently - can fall or go cracks.

The place of the usual solution was taken by plaster based on polymers, which have better clutch, less often gives cracks. Their disadvantage is a high price. But redo the ceiling after the applied layer falls, it is not cheaper. Therefore, they prefer to immediately make the stream of flow from modern mixes. Some types of similar materials recommended for ceilings are shown in the table.

NamePurposeColorLayer thicknessType of binder
Plastering mix of Knauf RotbandTo shock the smooth surfaces of the walls and the ceilingWhite gray5-50 mmGypsum with polymer additives
Plaster-adhesive mix of Knauf SevenTo restore old plaster surfaces, including facadesGrey Portland cement with polymer additives and reinforcing fibers
Stucco Bergauf Bau InterierFor plaster indoors with normal humidityGray / White5-40 mmCement with polymer additives and perlite filler
PlasterFor interior facilities with normal humidity 5-50 mmBased on plaster with chemical and mineral additives

If the experience of plaster works is small, when choosing a composition, pay attention to the time until the released solution is frozen. During this period, it is necessary to align the whole solution, because then he begins to fit, loses elasticity. Of the longer life of the "life" of the waves, which are shown in the table. But not everyone likes to work with it, many say that with Knauff is easier, although they are less than the time of frozen - 50-60 minutes, but it is more than enough even in the absence of experience.

Primer, why need and what better

Normal ceiling plaster without thorough primer you will not work. It improves the adhesion (grip) of the plaster mixture with the basis. Basically, all problems with falling and peeling trim on the ceiling due to the fact that the basis has not been trunk. Because this stage do not miss. More in addition, if there are several layers of plaster, each of them is desirable to treat primer (with full drying).

First, we prepare the base - we clean from old coatings, and then we proceed with the primer. For this, the composition is pouring into a painting bath, take a roller on the length of the handle (telescopic barbell) and distribute the composition on the ceiling. If there are some recesses - notches, defects on the surface of the ceiling, in which the roller is simply not placed, they are pre-processing with a brush dipped in primer.

Now about what a primer for the ceiling is better. According to the masters, this "concrete contact" of the company "Knauf". After drying (24 hours), a rough, sticky film remains on the surface. It is perfectly "clinging" to the putty. Only one moment: you need to follow so that the primer dries, dust did not fall on it. Otherwise, there will be no effect from such a processing. Maybe only worse.

How to seal the joints of the plates and rusts

When plastering a concrete ceiling made of reinforced concrete slabs, the main problem is the sealing of joints and rusts - recesses in the fields of joints. They are close a few days before the overall plaster ceiling begins - it is necessary that all materials "grab".

First, from the junctions remove everything that happens. Then, everything is cleaned with a brush from dust, sand. Prepared joints are labeled primer. Most often "concrete contact" is recommended. This processing is at times reduces the possibility of detachable of the applied plaster layer. If this option is not suitable for any reason, you can use any impregnation of deep penetration, but the effect will not be that.

Such seams on the ceiling - not uncommon

After drying the impregnation (24 hours from the date of application) a solution is applied. If a layer is required more than 30-35 mm, it is better to apply it in two layers. Setting the first, the relief shape on it on it. After a day, when the solution serves, apply a second layer. It is already leveling in a ceiling.

With a large layer of plaster stakes, plates are sometimes reinforced by a layer of painter stacks. It is needed in order for plates during seasonal plates on the seam, there are no cracks. It is unlikely that someone will trigger the grid to the ceiling, it is usually easy to fit. In this case, after applying the first layer of plaster, a strip of a polymer plaster mesh is stacked, it is carried out by a toothed spatula, deepening it into the solution and, at the same time, forming a relief to apply the second layer.

Sometimes the Rust (crack in the seam) is very deep and close it is not possible. It is also pre-cleaned from the sprinkled parts and sand, processed by "concrete contact". After there are two options:

Maybe there may also be a question than to close the stakes of the plates on the ceiling. It is usually used one of the compositions with polymer additives, and you can also use good tiled glue. It also has a considerable amount of polymers. It is said that after such sealing the joints do not crack.

Plaster ceiling for lighthouses do it yourself

If you ever be easier for you. The plaster of the ceiling though slightly different, but not dramatically. The greatest difficulty is that there are hands to keep raised up - they get tired, also tires the neck - comes to throw the head.


First, the ceiling is cleaned from all available finishing materials, up to bare concrete. After the surface remove dust. If there is a building vacuum cleaner (not household, it will throw), it is convenient to work for them, if not, just a large brush to remove all the dust and sand.

If the ceiling is made of reinforced concrete plates with large rusts, they close them. After drying the solution in the rusts, primer is applied to the clean surface. After 24 hours of operation, you can continue.

The first stage of the ceiling plaster - installation of beacons, but first need to determine the maximum and minimum difference of heights. It is more convenient to do with the Laser Plane Builder. It is installed under the ceiling, turn on the scan of the horizontal plane. It is measured in a certain number of points measure the distance from the ceiling to the glowing beam. In this way, the maximum and minimum deviation is found. The thickness of the plaster layer should be a little more of the most significant deviation.

The same operation can be done with a water level, but it will be much more complicated. To begin with, it is necessary to apply horizontally around the perimeter of the walls at some arbitrary distance from the floor. One end of the level is fixed at this mark. With the second, we go around, moving the distance from the water column in the level - to the ceiling. So calculate the same maximum and minimum points.

Deciding with a layer thick, choose lighthouses. These are galvanized perforated sheets with a protruding back. These backs and will be supports when solving the solution. The height of the backrest can be 6 mm and 10 mm. Choose the one that is slightly larger than the maximum deviation found.

Lighthouses are set in increments, slightly less than the length of the rules - the tool that is leveling and cut into the solution. With the length of the rule of 1.5 meters, the beacons are set at a distance of 1.1-1.3 m. Long work with unaccustomed is difficult, shorter - it is not worth it - too many seams. First put extreme lighthouses, retreating from the walls of 20-30 cm. The remaining distance is divided so that the distance between the beacons was at the specified framework.

Fasten the lighthouses on the gypsum solution, mix it thick. Upon installation line of the lighthouse (can be burned on the ceiling) is the islands of this solution. Lighthouses are pressed into it, exposing their backs in one specified plane. If there is a plane builder (level) everything is simple - exhibit on it - the beam must slide on the back.

If we work with a water level, we carry the required "clean" ceiling level on the walls, stretch several cords so that they are directed along the lighthouse. On these cords and insert the backs of the planks. By putting all the lighthouses, check the plane by the rule with a bubble level installed on it.

Distance between the beacons on the ceiling - 1.1-1.3 meters

After the gypsum grabs (there must be a few hours), you can begin the ceiling plaster.

Application and alignment of plaster on the ceiling

At this stage, it will require sustainable building goats with a large platform between them. From the tools - a small spatula and a building falcon - a playground with a handle.

Built the selected plaster mixture strictly according to the instructions. The solution should be homogeneous, without lumps. A solution is superimposed on the falcon from the tank, then with the help of a small spatula, the consignments are stacked on the ceiling. It is more convenient, probably to send a solution with a sharp movement of the brush, but you can simply "adjust" to the ceiling. Here everyone chooses its way.

Filled with plaster Distance from one lighthouse to another. The width of this strip for the beginning is 50-60 cm. When laying should not be achieved a homogeneous surface. It is filled with chaotic strokes.

We take the rule, lay it on the lighthouses, move to yourself, shaking from side to the side. With this movement on the bar, a certain amount of solution remains.

He is removed by a small spatula and send it to the ceiling - on the unfilled part or where the pits were found. By filling out the pits, again pull the rule. These are the main techniques of the plaster ceiling, they repeat them until the site becomes smooth.

So, gradually, one band is filled, then the second, and so - the whole ceiling. It is left to dry 5-8 hours.

Removing beacons and entry of rusts

When the solution grabbed, but not dry, the lighthouses take out. If you leave them, the metal will begin to rust, rusty divorces can appear on the ceiling.

The rules that remained after lighthouses are filled with the same solution, align in one level with the plane of the ceiling with a wide spatula. It makes sense to use melting - it is too long. After that, we can assume that the plaster of the ceiling is finished with their own hands. It remains to wait for her complete drying. It will take from 5 to 7 days - depending on the composition.

Plaster ceiling is an important stage of repairing the ceiling surface. No matter what kind of design method is chosen (staining, wicked, whitewashing), first you will have to align the ceiling. For this, purchased or independently prepared compositions are applied.

How to plaster ceilings: with lighthouses or without

Under plasterboard design, robes, suspended or stretch ceilings, plaster is usually not needed. Before starting work, you remove the old finish, then the overlapping is ground. But if the ceiling is supposed to be painted, the base base should be perfectly even, since the paint will even make noticeable defects on the surface.

You can fly the ceilings by one of two technologies: with the use of beacons and without them. It is better to work with lighthouses to get a flat plane. But sometimes ceilings are found on which there are significant height differences. On such surfaces, too thick layer of composition will fall off.

Professional masters for such cases are recommended to install drywall structures, and then cover them with plaster. Plasterboard lines the ceiling, while the final finish will have to spend less time. However, the suspension system will reduce the height of the room. In this case, it is better to shook the ceiling without lighthouses.

The main task of the technology is to make the ceiling smooth in separate areas. Then the height differences will not catch the eye, and the surface will look smooth. In this case, all work starts from the center of the room.

What to plaster the ceilings correctly: choose a mixture

From what plaster for the ceiling is selected, the procedure for preparing and applying a solution depends. Each package is provided with instructions where the exact proportions of the dilution of the mixture are indicated.

Suitable for plastering concrete ceilings. The advantages of such compositions are strength and long-term operational period. In addition to performing the main function of the leveling of the plane, cement plaster - universal material, which is used for internal and external work.

Buyers alarming the myth that cement-based mixtures crack after drying. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion. Cracks on the surface appear as a result of the violation of the technology and preparation of plaster:

  • if the proportions of the components are not met. Cement is a material that is sensitive to sudden temperature fluctuations and humidity. As the cement is drying, it gives shrink. That this does not happen in modern compositions add fine sand. Fillers make the plaster dense, so in the process of frozen the mixture, the voltage on the layer of plaster becomes less;
  • forced drying will negatively affect the plastered surface. Cannot be used to accelerate drying construction hairdryer, fan or other equipment. This will lead to the fact that outside the layer of plaster covers the crust, and the inside will remain raw.

Used to shock the ceilings from wood or drywall. The result is a smooth and smooth surface.

Such compositions have the following advantages:

  • quickly dry compared to cement counterparts. On the full drying of the layer is enough 3-4 hours;
  • well adhere to the ceiling surface;
  • absorb excess moisture, do not give it back;
  • the composition of gypsum mixtures includes quartz, perlite or limestone sand. These additives give the composition with useful properties, increase the quality of work.

Since the material will quickly dry, it is also necessary to work with plaster plaster too quickly and breed such a number of mixture that it will work out for one approach.

Used to plastering ceilings from clay and concrete floors. The advantages include:

  • the solution can be prepared independently of natural clay, which reduces the cost of finishing;
  • material is environmentally friendly and safe for health;
  • resistance to sharp temperature differences;
  • the clay property quickly restore allows you to repair a damaged ceiling section without replacing the entire coating.

Modern purchased compositions

According to professional masters, the following types of plaster differ high quality:

  • KNAUF ROTBAND based on plaster is used to finish smooth ceiling and wall surfaces;
  • Knavel Seven - Cement plaster with polymer additives is used to restore old plastered surfaces. Suitable for outdoor decoration;
  • BERGAUF BAU INTERUER on a cement-based cement-based fillers is used to finish the premises with a normal level of humidity;
  • The canvas is a gypsum mixture for interior decoration with normal humidity.

If there was no experience in working with plaster, choosing the composition, take into account the time of the complete pouring of the diluted mixture. During this gap, it is necessary to fully develop a solution. Of the listed species, the volatile is longer, faster than the remaining Knauff.

Any coating that is applied on the ceiling slab is a multilayer composition. In this case, each layer must be performed qualitatively. Otherwise, the result of all work will suffer.

The spacure mixture is better grabbed with concrete overlap, if the ceiling before applying the composition to handle the primer. Staining will also be faster and easier if you are primed by plastered ceilings. At the same time, the adhesion of the two materials will not only improve, but the paint will fall evenly.

Another plus in the piggy bank of the primer mixture is to ensure the strength of the decorative coating. Especially if the materials are prone to cracking and squeezing.

There is a primer that prevents the appearance and development of mold on the ceiling surface. Bactericidal components that are part of such a primer make the ceiling safe for humans.

Conditionally primitive compositions are divided into three types:

  • deep penetration, penetrating the injection of the material being processed. For example, "Ceresit";
  • strengthening. The glue components included in the primer, prevent cracking and squeezing surfaces. The disadvantage of this type is that the composition is not recommended for the processing of solid and dense surfaces, since after drying it is formed by a polymer film that is peeled and disappears with the finishing material. But for loose ceilings this species is better suitable for the rest;
  • general purpose that improve the adhesion of decorative layers of materials based on the adhesion. Such formulations are used in the preparation of the ceiling surface under painting.

How to plaster ceiling: rusting

For sealing seams, it is better to use plaster on a plaster basis, which quickly grasps, plastic, fuel in operation. Dry the mixture to divert to a homogeneous consistency, break the lumps. From the ceiling, remove the old finish, the rusts are silent using construction tools (chisel, drill or perforator), remove the dust and extra garbage from the recesses, clean the joints with a metal brush. Straighten the rusts with a deep penetration composition and go to the sealing:

  • too deep rusts fill in the mounting foam, wait until it dry, remove the extra pieces with a knife;
  • a small number of plasters apply to the ceiling with a small spatula. Strokes must be neat with a light pressure so that the solution filled the space between the slabs of the overlap;
  • excess the solution, remove the spatula along the direction along Rusta. If you work across, recesses are formed, which will be shown stronger after the mixture is frozen;
  • at the same time, correct other surface defects;
  • after the solution is grabbed, reinforce the joints with sickle. The junction of the neighboring plates should be in the middle of the tape;
  • mesh Melt a layer of solution with a thickness of 3-5 mm.

If the work is performed correctly, the result is a smooth and smooth ceiling with missing seams between overlap plates.

The plaster of the ceiling will be easily and quickly, if it is high-quality to prepare the ceiling to work.

Surface preparation

Before applying a plaster mixture, the ceiling surface is primed up. For concrete floors, one layer of primer is enough. The composition will be relocated to the ceiling and create an adhesive layer for layer of plaster. If there are joints between the slabs of the overlap, they first work with them, only then pass to the alignment of the ceiling plane.

If the work is carried out on painted or bored ceilings, the old finish is blurred with a soap solution and remove the spatula. After that, the two layers of primer are soaked. At the time of drying, each layer is given 1-1.5 hours. The composition should dry well before plastering the ceiling.

When the surface is projected, they estimate unevenness on the ceiling with a roulette, applying the measuring device alternately to all areas to find the lowest point. From it will be exhibited lighthouses on plaster or alabaster.

Lighthouses are perforated planks with a protruding back. It serves as the basis for alignment of the plastering mixture. Before proceeding with the ceiling plaster with your own hands, the lighthouses are installed:

  • first on the ceiling apply markup. The first lighthouse is set to 30 cm from the wall, the following - in increments of 120-130 cm;
  • as each lighthouse is placed immediately check accuracy with the help of a construction level. The resulting indicator is transferred to opposite walls;
  • self-tapping screws are screwed into the walls and stretch the heading thread, according to which alignment is done;
  • when the beacons are exhibited, it is waiting for a complete solid to the solution and begin to stucked the ceiling.

To get a smooth surface, a spatula and falcon use. Using the second tool, the mixture is thrown into the ceiling. The algorithm of action will be as follows:

  • the dry plaster is diluted with water so that the composition of the consistency resembles a thick sour cream;
  • apply a cooked solution on the ceiling with a squaring or smears. Choose the option yourself with which it is easier and more convenient to work;
  • it is better to apply 50-60 cm strips of 50-60 cm, gradually filling the space between adjacent beacons;
  • further, the rule is installed on the beacons, the mixture of the tool is moving. So that the plaster is tightly adjacent to the ceiling, the rule is slightly shacked;
  • the solution that remains on the instrument is removed by the spatula;
  • check the site on evenness. With defects and recesses, a mixture is added;
  • leave the surface to dry out for 5-8 hours.

If the ceilings are placed in a wooden house, a special metal mesh mesh is fixed on the ceiling surface with 10x10 cm cells or puff a two-layer dranco, deepening nail heats into wooden slats. It is necessary to prevent the mixture cracking after frozen. The plaster is applied in two layers, each thoroughly roll up with a spatula and dried.

Rusta, formed after the extraction of beacons, fill in the same composition as shuffling. The rule for work is no longer needed, leveled the ceiling with a wide spatula. It remains only to wait for a complete drying of the surface. It will take 5-7 days.

The plaster of the ceiling with their own hands is a simple process, but requiring accuracy and high-quality materials. At the same time, no stages of work cannot be left without attention. Only then plastered ceilings will turn out to be smooth and smooth, ready for further finishing.

Video on the topic

Many who have come across finishing works know that the most difficult thing is to achieve the perfect levels of surfaces. But many people live in homes, where the ceiling coating is made of plates that form irregularities and terrible joints. If the floor and walls turn out to be more comfortable areas, then perform the ceiling plaster - not for everyone. At the same time, use other options for alignment - simply inexpedient or impossible. Therefore, you need to be patient and follow the necessary rules.

Before starting work, an eternal dilemma occurs - what material is better to use? Doubts appear due to the wealth of choice, which is now available from buyers. Indeed, building stores are filled with various mixtures, but it should be stopped on three main:

  1. Ready solutions based on polymers. They meet all the needs that occur when the ceiling plaster is held with their own hands. There is a significant drawback - a high price. Given that you have to correct big irregularities, then financial costs will be quite large.
  2. Cement-sand mixtures. These are excellent materials that additionally add lime. To work with them requires a certain skill, but they do not give shrinkage (with proper use).
  3. Gypsum compositions. It seems that this is the optimal option for self-use. Of course, they will not go to the surface themselves, but to plaster with such mixtures is much easier. In addition, they have excellent adhesion with concrete bases.

Plastering mixes for the ceiling

On a note! You need to be attentive when choosing a material. The fact is that many manufacturers indicate their packages that the composition is intended exclusively for work with ceiling structures. This is a marketing trick, because such a product will cost several times more expensive than identical options.

Choosing a method for performing plastering works

The plaster is performed by two options:

  • with the use of lighthouses;
  • without their use.

The second way is better to leave for specialists who have such tremendous experience that they do not need unnecessary devices. Alone, this option can be used only when the ceiling is pre-aligned with HCL plates. In this case, it turns out that the applied layer will perform the role of the finishing coating. It is only required to sharpen plasterboard and his joints.

Immediately it is worth noting that it is often necessary to provide for the use of a reinforcing grid, and work is divided into several stages. That is, if the layer is more than 50 mm, then it should not be applied immediately, but to engage in its consistent formation.

Attention! If the alleged layer is more than 5 cm, while the work is carried out on a large area, then it is better to refuse to immediately immediately. The fact is that the likelihood of cracks and collapse is great.

We offer to further watch the video, where it is told about how to plaster the ceiling with your own hands without lighthouses.


Many have a question - why is it necessary? After all, modern materials, and especially the inscriptions on them, they say that they can immediately apply. Therefore, many who decided to twist the surface without preprocessing, fall into the unpleasant situation. Namely - it is simply falling off with pieces and is covered with numerous cracks. And all because there was a violated technology that implies mandatory priming.

The event itself is pretty simple, you only need to make a pretty primer and apply it to the required sections. But there are some tricks:

  • Working with the base - the composition is applied in two layers. The first impregnates the pores and binds them, the second fixes and strengthens the result.
  • In the event that the ceiling plaster is performed in several stages, it is required to apply primer after each layer. To do this, give the surface to dry, and after ground. You do not have to save. Costs are not so large, but the effect is significant.
  • If the ceiling is preparing under painting, then before staining it is necessarily covered with such a mixture. Two positive points are reached at once. First, the paint consumption decreases. Secondly, the surface is much more beautiful.

Priming is a mandatory and very important stage of plastering work.

It is impossible to allow dust to be treated with a solution. Otherwise, the whole effect will be reduced to zero, and it can also be worse. We'll have to re-clean the ceiling.

Seeling junctions

As already noted - most of the apartments have ceilings that are made of reinforced concrete plates. There are constructions that have significant deviations. In this case, the plastering will be quite complicated and expensive. And if it can be avoided, then it is better to do this.

On a note! The main disadvantage of tension ceilings and plates of GLC is a decrease in the height of the room. It is lost at least 10 centimeters. But, if the layer of plaster is expected more than 40-50 mm, then this option becomes quite controversial.

In any case, it is necessary to close all the joints (seams) of the plates.

The joints between the slabs of overlapping are to be supplied, regardless of the end finish of the ceiling

This is done as follows:

  1. The old composition is completely removed. It is better to use the hammer and chisel.
  2. It happens that the plates drop gives the mixture. It is necessary to clean such a plot.
  3. The surface is cleaned with a metal brush and dust and dirt are removed. It turns out that the gap is formed, which can be deep enough. For its sealing use two ways:
    Everything is poured by mounting foam. This is done carefully so that there are no significant protrusions. If such are available, then waiting for complete drying - they are cut by a construction knife.
    The gaps are clogged by ragwhich is pre-impregnated with liquid plaster.
  4. Be sure to grind the site, penetrating into the depths of the seam.
  5. Further, the joint is smeared by the first layer of plaster. He must hide the gap.
  6. Without giving him to dry, stick the reinforced ribbon. Apply the second layer.

Step-by-step instruction of plaster seams between concrete slabs

On a note! It should be remembered that over the plates or in the layer of old plaster - the electrical cable passes. You need to be careful. If you have the opportunity, it is better to change it to a new wire. To not redo the job later.

If there are no cracks in the ceiling plates, then their junctions are processed a little differently:

  1. The seams are slightly expanding and ground.
  2. Apply an aligning layer of the mixture and give it to grab.
  3. Install the reinforcing tape and align the surface with the second layer.


Before plastering the ceiling, you need to take care so that the tool is always at hand. It will take:

  • Drill sufficient power. Of course, there are special stirrers, but they are expensive, it is impractical for home repairs (if it is a one-time job).
  • Nozzle for mixing the solution (mixer).
  • Rule. There are options that have a built-in level. It is very convenient.
  • Set of spatulas.
  • Falcon.
  • Level, better laser.

Main works

How shtacking will be carried out depends on the curvature of the surface. If it is insignificant, then work will be performed pretty quickly and simple:

  1. The ceiling is ground in two layers.
  2. The plaster is applied to the ceiling and distribute it to the rule.
  3. If required, then add still mixtures. The result should be a smooth surface.

But it is completely different things when the error is more than 6 mm. You will need to use lighthouses. Only so will be able to get a really smooth ceiling.

Tips for experienced masters:

  • By kneading a gypsum or other dry solution, it is necessary to wait 10-15 minutes. After that, repeat the stirring. This time is required that the mixture fully acquired its properties.
  • For greater convenience, when a large area of \u200b\u200bwork is assumed, it is better to collect the device, called the goat. The process is quite tedious, because it will have to keep the hands raised and throw the head.

The ceiling plaster begins with the already described training. You must perform all the specified works.

The installation of beacons should be started with the definition of height drops. In order to do it quickly and accurately, it is better to use the decales to build planes (laser). Do this:

  • The device is installed above the ceiling.
  • Include horizontal scan.
  • Make promresses in several places. Measure the distance from the ceiling to the horizontal beam.
  • All readings are fixed on the ceiling.
  • Immediately becomes visible where there are minimal and maximum differences.

Why is it required? By defining these indicators, you can calculate the required layer. It is done according to the principle: up to 5 mm are added to the largest deviation.

On a note! If there is no laser device, you can do with a simple level. For this, horizontally betonated around the perimeter of the walls. For the point of retirement take the total distance from the floor. The level is applied in one end to the line, and keeping the room for the second - bypassing the room. So, it is possible to calculate the necessary indicators.

You can install lighthouses. They represent a bar with perforation. They have a protruding back, with which the solution is equalized. Dimensions in these devices can be different, but it is better to select those that will be slightly greater than the largest deviation.

Installation is performed as follows:

  1. Based on the length of the rule. It is better to use a tool that will be no more than 150 cm. The distance between the beacons is done less (120-130 cm).
  2. Lighthouses exhibit, retreating from the walls - 30 cm.
  3. Fastening profiles is made on the gypsum mixture. It is kneaded to a dense state.
  4. Lines are placed on the ceiling. This is done for convenience. Immediately you can apply a solution without distracting the promresses. Do it point.
  5. Lighthouses are pressed, immediately check the accuracy of the installation. To do this, there must be a level. Using it, the desired indicator is transferred to two opposite walls. Screw the screws and stretch the cord. It is carried out on it.
  6. By putting all the lighthouses - wait for the solution to dry.

If there is an opportunity, then the acquisition of a laser level will be an excellent help. It makes it possible to quickly align lighthouses.

Application of the mix

How to stack the ceiling and get a really smooth surface? To do this, you will need a spatula and falcon. The second tool is used to transfer the solution.

Technology is as follows:

Full drying will come only in a few days. If you need to apply more than 2.5 - 3 cm layer, then the reinforcing grid is pre-laid. It must be fixed. To do this, use selflessness and dowels.

If you have any questions, see the video, where the entire process of plastering the ceiling surface is described in detail using beacons.

Naturally, to finally understand how to plaster the ceiling correctly - you need to purchase an initial experience. And it is very easy to do if you follow the unacceptable rules that are given above. Of course, there will have to make considerable efforts, because even professional masters consider this work quite complicated.

To carry out modern repairs before registration of the ceiling surface, it must be made as smooth as possible. One of the alignment methods is the plaster ceiling. It uses not too complex technology, but requiring accuracy. You can do this job if you wish yourself.

Methods of ceiling overlap

In practice, one of two technologies use - plastering the ceiling by lighthouses and without their use. The correct one is considered the first of the options, since then the ceiling surface is obtained lying in the same plane.

But sometimes you can meet the ceiling, which has a large height difference. Apply to the surface 5-centimeter layer of plaster is dangerous, as it is most likely to fall off. Even if you do a few layers with the application of primer, there is no guarantee that the finish will hold.

In the case when the ceilings are of great curvature, experts advise them to align them with mounting of suspended ceiling designs from plasterboard. True, not in all rooms height allows you to pick up 10 centimeters from it. In such a situation, you should not doubt whether to plaster the ceiling with the use of beacons.

The essence of this technology is that on a certain section, the ceiling surface will become smooth. It will not be too noticeable drops, it will look even. And the fact that the distance to the flooring in different angles is different for a couple of centimeters, "to the eye" is impossible to determine.

The main task that should be solved when applying this technology is to make the maximum smooth interface with walls. The resulting line should be straight. When applying this option, you need to start plastering from the walls to the center.


Before starting repair, it is necessary to decide what is better to stucify the ceiling. You can use standard cement-sandy solution or add lime to it. Stuccoing is better to apply a small layer. Such a mixture is inexpensive, despite this, it is used in recently infrequently, since it can disappear or be covered with cracks.

Instead of a conventional solution, it is better to use plaster based on polymers, as they differ in durable clutch and less frequent cracks. But these compositions have a drawback - high cost. Many homemade craftsmen prefer modern mixtures to then not redo the job when the applied layer falls.

When choosing plaster for the ceiling, it will not hurt to take advantage of specialists:

  1. When plastering the smooth surfaces of the ceiling and walls, the mixture of the Rotband can be well established, having white or gray. It can be layered from 5 to 50 millimeters. Polymers are added to this gypsum plaster for the ceiling.
  2. To restore old plastered surfaces, including facades, a plaster-adhesive mixture of Knauf Seven-colored seven is suitable. It consists of portland cement reinforcing fibers and polymer additives.
  3. If you have to use compounds in rooms with a normal level of humidity, you can purchase Bergauf Bau Interier or a canvas.

In case of insufficient experience in conducting such work when making a decision, what to choose plaster for the ceiling should be paid attention to the time that will be required to froze the native mixture. During this period, it is necessary not only to apply the solution, but also to align it, because then it loses elasticity.

Of the above plaster compositions, the greatest time period on the use of the mixture is available at a canvas-canvas, made of gypsum with biological and mineral additives. But not to all masters like working with this plaster, they give materials TM KNAUF, despite the fact that they are frozen for 50 to 60 minutes. True, it is quite enough, even if there is no appropriate experience.

Application of primer

There is a certain technology, how to plaster the ceiling correctly.
The qualitative result will not work without careful applying the primer. It contributes to improved adhesion between the basis and the resulting solution.

As a rule, problems with peeling plaster arise due to the fact that the surface has not been trunk. For this reason, this stage is better not to skip. If the plaster is superimposed in several layers, each of them should be processed by primer, and only under the condition of complete drying.

First of all, the base is purified from old materials, and then soaked. The composition is poured into a greasy tray, take a roller on a long handle and distribute the composition along the ceiling surface. If it has various defects in the form of recesses and recesses, in which the roller does not fit, they are treated in advance with a brush, lowered into the primer mixture.

According to experts, the best primer for the ceiling is "concrete contact" from the company "Knauf". A day after its application, it dries, after which a sticky, rough film is formed on the surface. The putty is much better cling to such a coating.

The main thing is to ensure that the dust does not hit the primer while it dries. Otherwise, there will be no such processing of the desired effect.

Sealing joints plates

The main problem that occurs, if necessary, plastering the ceiling made of reinforced concrete slabs, this seal the joints and rusts. Deepends in places of dusting plates need to be eliminated a few days before the start of plastering the entire ceiling surface, as the materials must be captured.

First, from the locations of the docking remove everything that is possible. Then the recesses are purified from dust and sand. The jokes are processed by primer, it is better to use "concrete contact". After its application, the likelihood of detachment of plaster decreases several times. In the extreme case, you can use another impregnation of deep penetration, but the result will not be the result.

When the impregnation is driving a day, begin to lay the solution. If it is necessary to obtain a thickness of putty over 30 - 35 millimeters, it is advisable to apply the mixture into two layers. After laying the first one with the help of a toothed spatula, you need to form a relief. After drying the solution, which goes about 24 hours, laid the second layer, which is aligned with the ceiling.

If a thick layer of plaster has to be applied, the stakes of the slabs are better reinforced by a painting mesh. It will prevent the appearance of cracks in the case of seasonal plates. The grid to the ceiling is not nourished, and fasten the composition. In this case, when the first layer of plaster is applied, the polymer mesh is placed, the spatula is carried out, deepening it into the mixture and at the same time forming the relief for the next portion of the solution.

It happens that the crack in the seam is too deep, and it is impossible to eliminate it in such a way. Then it is treated with "concrete contact".

  1. Grinding by mounting foam. Its amount should be about 1/3 of the volume of the slit, the walls of which are wetted for polymerization of foam with water. After a day, the primer is applied and plastering in two - three layers.
  2. The rag is wetted by a concrete and clogged into the gap. Leave for 24 hours and attached.

To seal the stoves on the surface of the ceiling, use the composition with polymer additives or high-quality tiled glue.

Features of the application of plaster for beacons

If there are skills to prepare the surface of the walls, then it will be easier to cope with work. The fact is that the plaster of walls and ceilings has a lot in common, although there are still differences. The most difficult at the same time is the need to keep hands raised up. They quickly get tired, like the neck, because you have to throw the head.

Preparatory stage

Before you twist the ceiling with your own hands, its surface is cleaned from old materials to the most concrete base. After removing dust, using the construction vacuum cleaner. If there is no such device, then they use a large brush so that there is no sand and garbage.

If the ceiling is made from reinforced concrete slabs and there are large rusts in it, they need to be seen. When the solution is dry on them, primer is applied to the clean basis. A day later, you can continue to work.

The installation process of Mayakov

The first thing they do when they perform the ceiling plaster for beacons, they are installed. But first determine the minimum and maximum height difference using a special laser device - level. The plane builder is placed under the ceiling and turn on a horizontal scan.

Then at several points measure the distance from the ceiling surface to the glowing beam. As a result, the maximum and minimum deviation value is determined. The plaster is placed in a layer, which has the thickness exceeds the largest deviation.

The same operation can be performed using a water level, but it will be much more complicated:

  • first, at an arbitrary distance from the floor on the walls around the perimeter of the room, a horizontal line is applied;
  • one end of the level is fixed at this mark;
  • with the second, the room is circulated to lift the distance between the water column in the level and the ceiling, determining the minimum and maximum points in this way.

After the layer is determined, the beacons are chosen - perforated
Galvanized strips, whose backrests are. They will become supports for aligning the solution. The height of such a back can be 6 and 10 millimeters. You need to choose products in which this value exceeds the maximum deviation.

Lighthouses are exposed in a step, a little less than the length of the rule - tool for leveling and cutting the solution. When its length is 1.5 meters, then the planks are plated with an interval of 1.1 - 1.3 meters. First, they retreat from the walls 20 - 30 centimeters and set extreme lighthouses. The remaining distance is divided so that the interval between the straps is in the specified parameter.

A gypsum solution is used for fastening the beacons, kneading it thickly. Along the line layout line, small handles of this mixture are applied. Lighthouses are pressed in them, exposing their backs in the desired plane. If there is a level, the beam should slide from it.

When the work is performed using a water level, it is transferred to the walls of the ceiling surface and stretch several cords so that they are sent along the lighthouses. According to this markup, the backs are put. After installing all lighthouses, the plane check the rule with a bubble level installed on it.

A few hours later, when the gypsum grabs, begin the final stage of the work, having previously decided than plastering the concrete ceiling.

Applying plaster

For further work, steady building goats are needed, and a spatula and a playground with a handle (falcon) are needed. The selected stucco composition is bred in accordance with the instructions. It is necessary that the solution is homogeneous, without lumps.

The putty is laid out on falcon and small portions with a spatula are placed on the ceiling. The solution fill the distance between the beacons. First, the bandwidth makes the size of 50 to 60 centimeters, and there is no need to achieve a homogeneous surface.

Then they take the rule, refrigerate it on the lighthouses and move to yourself, shaking out of one on the other side. As a result, it remains a little solution. It is removed by a spatula and applied to the ceiling - on its unfilled part or where there are holes. The on again move the rule.

These actions are repeated until the surface area becomes smooth. Then fill the second strip and so on. The ceiling is allowed to dry for 5 to 8 hours. When the solution was grabbed, but even finally did not dry, you need to remove the lighthouses, otherwise they can be powered and rusty divorces can manifest on the surface.

Rusta after slats are filled with a solution and a wide spatula align in one level with the ceiling plane. At full drying of plaster leaves about 5 - 7 days.