The correct installation of lag for the floor is an instruction on installation. How to make a wooden floor set lags by level

To date, one of the most popular ways to create a floor is to lay a wooden coating on lags. The article will discuss how the floor lag is set for the floor and what is their meaningful advantage that causes such high popularity.

Floor creation technology on lags

Such a high popularity of the framework from the lag under the laying of the flooring was obtained due to the low cost and simplicity of work on its installation. Also, the design, which form lags are formed, is very strong, reliable and durable.

Such a technology for creating sexes most suits the owners carrying out repairs in the newly rebuilt house with their own hands. Moreover, the work performed under the instructions below will create high-quality floors.

The photo of such coatings will differ little from the best samples produced by construction companies, and the physical characteristics will certainly, not worse.

Typically, the design of the floor with the base of the lag is as follows:

  • base under the laying of all layers: Concrete screed or stove, wooden beams or brickwork in the form of columns;
  • waterproofing floor, protecting from moisture inner side of the coating;
  • a set of plywood or drywall substrates on which the framework of the lag will be fixed;
  • directly lags taking into account all the features of the stacking specified in this article;
  • on top of the lag, the membrane is paved for insulation from the emitted pair and condensation of moisture;
  • next, the design is trimmed with floorboards, this flooring and protrudes the final base for laying outdoor coating.

Device of a reliable base

If the installation of the floor lag is carried out on the base of wooden beams there is no need to produce additional base treatment. The bars will simply be fixed on the ends of the beams with the preservation of height on the entire covered area. Substrates do not need.

As for working with a concrete basis, there are two main options for mounting a frame of lag:

  • using linings for installing bars at a single level;
  • pre-alignment of the base.

If everything is clear with the first, in the second case, it will be effectively used to use a point maletper with minor surface defects, or create a solid screed to eliminate any irregularities and deformations. In some cases, there is enough covered and lobby layer of sand of the desired thickness. Naturally, you need to foresee the fastenings for lag of the floor, without which it is not necessary.

The height of the columns can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the layer of the solution used by mounting. It is possible to increase the service life of bricks by means of rubberoid layers laid on top and bottom of the column for the purpose of additional waterproofing (more details: ").

Determination of optimal sizes

Before making the acquisition of materials, it is necessary to determine which laugs are needed for the floor and choose their optimal dimensions. The main rule regarding the purchase of BRUSEV is that wood should be dry and correspond 2-3 classification varieties.

As for proportions, the height of the cross section of the bar must be 2 times higher than the width. Moreover, the height of the lag should be enough to put in the emptiness between the adjacent bars layer of the insulation and leave at least 2 centimeters for high-quality ventilation.

As for the interval, with which the flooring is made for the floor in a wooden house or any other building, the distance is selected based on the parameters of the board, selected for the mounted frame of the mounted frame. For example, for the 4 centimeter thickness board, there is enough interval of 70 centimeters, and a smaller sample in 2.4 centimeters will require lag mounting every 40 centimeters.

The standard and most popular step between lags is half the meter. This distance is enough so that the strength of the laid base is high, and in between the bars, the insulation was placed without cropping. The rigidity of the sexes will be high.

Montage Lag.

Proper installation of lag for sex with your own hands is made as follows:

  • lags must be pre-installed clearly by level. For this you can use wooden chops if the height of the bar is not enough;
  • before properly put lags in the center of the room, it is necessary to make a strapping around the perimeter. To do this, edge lags with a gap to the wall of 5-10 millimeters are installed. You should not leave any wedges in this interval, since such an element may entail various sources of coating during operation;
  • next, all intermediate bars are mounted. It is necessary to position them perpendicular to the window openings so that natural lighting falls on the flooring longitudinally. In the same way, the floor cladding is also produced, since the rays of sunlight make visually inconspicuous seams, which will make high-quality photos and with visual inspection the floor will be more aesthetic;
  • before putting lags for the floor, it is necessary to choose the method of their attachment, and then make installation so that the design is fixed, but the attachments were not tough. If you overdo it and strongly attract lags to the floor, the effect of excess vibration may appear and any blows on the floor will lead to the propagation of sound through the overlap to the lower levels of the building. Specialists are advised to adhere to the rule: less details - less risk of various noise and creak.

Moreover, the self-tapping screws should be available on all areas of the board or sheet, which is lagged. In the case of plywood fasteners there should be twice as much, and the lags should be made much closer to the strength during operation the coating is not deformed.


The article describes in detail how it is properly putting the lags. It is worth remembering that only accurate compliance with the instructions, accuracy and accuracy during the work will allow you to achieve a good result. If there are always difficulties, you can always contact the specialists who will install all the sex in the shortest time, saving forces and funds of the customer.

Wooden floors still occupy prominent places in the rating of modern flooring. In most cases, the wooden floor is arranged on lags, which play the role of "skeleton" for floor design. The choice of material for the design and the proper laying of lags with their own hands directly affect the strength and durability of the floor covering.

What is lags

Installation of wooden lag.

Lags are longitudinal and transverse beams that are installed on the floor of the room. They are attached to the boards, of which in the future, the wooden floor is formed. For lag, traditional building materials are usually used, the basis of which is wood:

  • the plates disheveled from the login, the diameter of the cross section of which in the thinnest part reaches a value of 160 mm and above;
  • overted logs whose thickness is more than 150 mm;
  • dual, installed on the rib boards, the total thickness of such a ligament should be 200 mm;
  • a wooden boss of rectangular cross section, the dimensions of which are determined by the upcoming load of the floor;
  • ready adjustable lags.

A tree for lag is recommended to squeeze and treat various impregnation, protecting wood from rodents and various insects.
Sometimes adjustable structures made from reinforced concrete reinforcement or metal channels are used. Particularly durable lags increase the permissible load on the floor several times. Such elements are used in the construction of industrial premises and public areas.

Lags simultaneously perform several functions:

  • create a smooth surface for the floor and correctly redistribute the load on the foundation;
  • forming the air gap between the base of the room and the lower surface of the floor. Such an underground can be used to store rarely used things or for laying various communications;
  • the space between lags can be filled with heat and soundproofing materials. This procedure will largely reduce the noise load in the room and reduce heat consumption;
  • provide the ability to quickly replace a cracked or fallen lag without destroying the surface of the floor.

Lag laying scheme

Wood for Lag.

As a lag, you can choose the bars of inexpensive wood conifers, 2-3 grades whose humidity does not exceed 30%. Since adjustable lags are always hidden by flooring, it makes no sense to stop on expensive rocks. The height of the bars for lag of the floor should be one and a half or two times to exceed its width - such elements provide the maximum strength of the future floor. The height of the bar is selected depending on the width of the span. If the final flooring has a sufficient thickness and safety margin, a step can be made wide, for a thin coating of the structural bars must be located often.

An example of calculating the number of lags and distances between them

We will make a simple calculation determining the number of lag and the required distance between them. For example, the length of the room in which the floor covering will be installed - 12 meters, and the width is 150 cm. Suppose that the floor board is standard, and has a thickness of about 2.5 cm. The limit distance between lags oscillates in the area of \u200b\u200b50 cm. Number of required lag Denote as x. The width that is all adjustable lags \u003d 0.15x. The number of lumen between lags will be 1 less than the number of lag. The free distance between all lags used is 0.5 (x-1). The first adjustable lags are stacked at a short distance from the wall - about 0.03 meters.

We make a simple equation, deciding which you can find the number of lag: the length of the room is equating to the sum of the lag of the floor and the free space between them:
12 \u003d 0.15x + 0.5 (x-1) + 2 * 0.03;
Hence X \u003d 19,13.
Since the quantity cannot be fractional, rounded the resulting value to the nearest integer. We get 20.

The distance between the lags is easy to calculate as follows:
We take the sum of all distances: 12-0.06-20 * 0.15 \u003d 8.94 m.
Number of distances: 20-1 \u003d 19.
We divide the sum of all distances by the number of distances 8.94 / 19 \u003d 0.47. This value will be a minimum step.

Installation of logs on wooden floors

Installation of the lag is also produced along the concrete base of the structure, and on the slabs of the overlap. If wooden beams are the base for the walls, it is better to mount the elements to their side walls. The fastening of the lag to the beams is performed by self-draws or screws, the length of which should be at least one and a half times greater than the width, and the diameter of the hole is more than 6 mm. Adjustable lags, as a rule, already have all the necessary holes.

If there is a big gap between carrier beams, you can apply adjustable lags in two layers. First lay the preliminary layer, fixing the structure in the usual way. On top of it, the second layer is placed with the calculated distance between the planks. You can also try to use the larger sections, adjustable lags or as a facial floor covering of the Fanur or Fiberboard of a large thickness.

Installing lag in two layers

Installation of lag on a concrete base

Before laying adjustable lags on a concrete base, you must perform a tie of the floor, after which it is possible to install a layer of waterproofing to the working surface. To do this, the base is put a polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 2 millimeters. This will prevent the appearance of dampness and mold and will prolong the service life of the floor.

After that, the lags themselves are installed. For each of the bars, a sound insulation gasket 3 centimeter thick. As such a gasket, you can use a technical cushion or pieces of foamed polyethylene.

The solidity of the resulting design can be determined by the construction level. If the Bar Loe is uneven, separate areas can be fixed, putting solid plywood or plastic wedges as slicing as gaskets. It is important that the material for lining is solid and durable. Such lined lines are fixed with the help of self-tapping screws or nails driven at an angle. At the same time, it is impossible to rigidly connect these wooden bars with the base of the floor.

Adjustable lags

You can find ready-made adjustable lags in which there are already openings for plastic bushings. There are such materials more traditional, but the speed of their laying is much higher.

Experienced masters do not recommend hard to attach neither traditional nor regulated lags to the base of the floor. In this case, the level of noise indoors is significantly increased, and the design is faster loses its operational characteristics. But it is also not worth putting them on insulating material. The optimal option is to lay on a solid surface without securing. At the same time, the insulation layer should be located in the gaps between the lags. So significantly increases the strength and durability of the base of the floor and the final flooring.

  1. After the installation is completed, the lag should check their level or rack. If promotes are seen - low bars need to be aligned.
  2. If the bar in the design connects to the screws, their locations should be searched to avoid cracking of the wooden surface of the bar. For this, the drill is used with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters less than the diameter of the self-press.
  3. For lag, it is better to use a whole piece of wood, without bitch and cracks. If the length of the bar is not enough, you can form a lag of several pieces of wood, tightly engage in each other. At the same time, the joints in adjacent rows should be shifted relative to each other at a distance of at least 0.5 meters. If adjustable lags are used, the need for "homemade" disappears.
  4. If the pipeline or communication should be laid between the lags, the protection of the wooden structure should be collected. Electrical wiring is desirable to enter into a plastic corrugation - this will significantly reduce the likelihood of a fire when the wiring is closed. Pipelines for water supply or heating should be well insulated in order to avoid dampness.

The installation is completed with flooring flooring. And simple, and adjustable lags allow you to install a rough wooden floor, which will later be covered with a linoleum, for example, and a finishing option - for example, parquet laying. The choice of floor materials on the lags is large and depends only on the taste and capabilities of the owner of the room.

The wooden floor in the house is a traditional approach to the issue of creating a beautiful and reliable sexual basis. But the one who is not a specialist in construction business is unlikely to know that the wooden flooring is arranged as the floor on the lags. What is it, and how does such a design be constructed?

First you need to decide on the concept of lag. These are wooden browns that are installed across the room and are the basis for the wooden flooring. In essence, this is a supporting design that must comply with the criteria for strength and reliability. In addition, it must be even so that the upper edges of the brushes make a single horizontal surface. It is from these characteristics that the quality of the lag design depends.

There are several types of foundations to which you can install lags:

  • On the beams.
  • By supporting columns.
  • On a concrete base.

Let's look at each option and determine how the floor can be built by lags, and also find out what materials are necessary for this.

Paul beams

What is the beams? These are longitudinal supports whose ends are resting on the base of the foundation of the building. Logs can be used as beams, large sections, metal profiles, or reinforced concrete jumpers. Let's say straight nor metal nor reinforced concrete in private construction today. It is expensive and difficult in terms of installation work. Yes, and the log today is not in honor, because they have an uneven surface, so further work with them is difficult. Therefore, the optimal option is a square or rectangular bru.

So, the beams are installed, now lags are mounted on them. Since these two elements are made of wood, each other can be copped with conventional wood screws or hairpins through the through hole. Today, a more simplified method of compound has appeared on the market, where special metal fasteners are used. It is usually used for these purposes a metal corner with mounting holes.

Lagged construction has the high criterion of even the top of its edges. Therefore, they must first be aligned before starting to fix the beams. Remember that the alignment method is the same in all gender structures by lagas regardless of the type of sexual basis.

How to align lags in the same plane

There is a simple technology that gives one hundred percent result. To do this, you need to set two lags at a certain height in one horizontal plane, which are located near the opposite walls. It is easy to do if you know how to use such a tool as the level. True, it will be necessary for this and the hydrorer, and the usual construction. You can use the laser level. He simplifies work and accurately puts lags in planes. By the way, it is in the last version that there is no human factor, which in any case will give a small error.

If some end of the lags need to lift, the wooden stand is stacked, which can be cut from the same bar. If it is necessary to lower the end, then you have to rush a small layer of wood from the bottom end to which the lag and rests on the beam. So, two lags are exhibited, now there are several rows of durable thread between them. Note, you need to pull the thread so that they do not resist. Here you have a plane - horizontal and smooth. It is according to it that the intermediate elements of the lag design will be installed.

As you can see, carrying beams plus lags are a serious and very strong foundation that can withstand heavy loads. Specialists in one voice assure that this is the optimal version of the floor, if we talk about safety and reliability. At such a reason, you can lay the floorboards or Phaneur, OSB or chipboard plates, even the Superfield of Knauf.

Wooden floor bars

Check horizontal

When it comes to an outdoor base, many try not to avoid expenses, knowing that the quality of accommodation depends on the quality of the floor. Typically, the floor on the lags on supports is constructed, on the contrary, if someone wanted to save suddenly. In any case, this option seems like that. But this is an imaginary savings, because the floor on the beams, firstly, is built faster, and, secondly, according to the cost it will be even cheaper. Although the beams themselves are not suiced. So what is the savings? The fact that the stages of the construction of sex on the columns are so much, and they use such a large number of building materials that the benefits of this is no.

Let's all in order. How does everything happen? First of all, a soft soil layer is removed from the soil. Typically, it turns out that it is removed to a half-meter depth. Then the zero level is then selected, and the floor itself will be constructed. Its height is usually slightly above the basement base. Then the location of the supports is determined.

What does it depend on?

  1. From the thickness of the genital boards.
  2. From the thickness of the lag.

For example, if the thickness of the floorboard, which will be used as the board of the floor, has a size of 25-40 millimeters, the distance between the lags should be in the range of 30-40 centimeters. If the thickness of the board is 45-50 millimeters, then the distance between lags is 80-100 centimeters.

And what is the distance between the columns in one row, that is, along the lags? This indicator will depend on the thickness of the lag. The thicker it is, the more distance, the less support you need. As you can see, everything is interconnected, and it will not be possible to get savings. We win somewhere, but somewhere lose. So choose the best option that you seem right, but take into account the moment that, the thicker the board, the stronger the floor.

Support columns

Installation of insulation

Now, with regard to the support pillars. For their facilities, you can use various building materials. It may be a brick, a metal profile - a pipe, a corner and other, reinforced concrete post, filled with your own hands exactly at the place, or a stone.

Attention! Regardless of what material supports are constructed, it is necessary that their upper planes are smooth and were in one horizontal.

The process of column facilities must begin with the foundation device for them. It uses separate foundations for each support. Therefore, it will be necessary to cancel small pitchers with a size of 40x40 or 50x50 cm and a depth of 30 centimeters, which are poured with a concrete solution with a reinforcing metal wire frame. If you have decided to build a pillars from concrete, then you need to immediately install the frame and under the post, connecting it to the foundation grid.

Let's start with concrete pillars. After the foundation will dry well - usually it takes 28 days - you can install a formwork from the boards around the reinforcing frame from metal fittings. It is enough 3-4 joined pieces. After that, a concrete solution was poured into the formwork, made according to standard recipe. After seven days, the formwork can be removed. And you can only load pillars in 28 days when the concrete will take its brandal strength.

You could see that this option is very long-term, so many builders give their preference to brick columns. For them, the foundation is necessarily poured, on which the rolled waterproofing material is stacked. Now the column rises. If there are many of them, the masonry is made in one brick, and if there is little, then in two or a half. All again depends on the distance between the columns. Prerequisite - waterproofing of the surface of each support.

Installation Lag.

Floor Device Scheme

This lag design is based on the edges on the base of the foundation and the intermediate support columns. It is hardly possible to achieve one hundred percent coincidence of the surfaces of the base and the supports in one plane is unlikely to succeed, so you will have to set lags by horizon. See the previous section of the article - the technology is the same.

A few words about the mount. Usually, in this design, the lags are attached to the columns with anchors or metal corners. In the second embodiment, you will have to use two types of fasteners:

  • Lags are attached self-drawing.
  • Anchors pillars.

Concrete base

For those city inhabitants who decided to make a wooden floor in their apartment, we will also advise the lag system. It can safely be put on the concrete floor, the main thing is that it is durable and smooth. Although it is possible to default about even the smoothness, because such a wooden system can hide enough different differences. But the screed is usually poured on the concrete slab, and it already creates a smooth surface. So in this regard there should be no problem.

So, how ladies are installed on concrete, or rather, how they are attached. There are three options:

  1. Through the timber, where the fastener is or self-tapping, or anchor.
  2. On buses that are cut from the bar. These are small rails 10-15 centimeters long.
  3. On self-leveling mechanisms.

Laying of boobs

Everything is quite simple with a through mount, it is important to set lags here and make a hole in the floor under fasteners, so the perforator can be useful to you here. It's a little more difficult with the bumps, because you will have to first install the bugs themselves, fasten them to the floor and only after that set the lags. By the way, the reference railings are a kind of mechanism that simplifies the process of exhibiting the lag in the plane. The exhibited vessels are attached to the bosses of self-drawing - do not forget to install lining.

Installation of Lag using leveling mechanisms is one of the simplest ways of facilities of a lag design. Currently, manufacturers offer various variations in the execution of leveling mechanisms that can be made of metal or durable plastic. The basis of this design is a bolted joint, it can be a hairpin or a bolt itself. It is important that the mechanism can withstand sufficiently large loads. The mechanism itself is attached to the concrete base by anchors, but the lag to it bolted.

Floor floor

  • In independence, what kind of design will be mounted on the concrete floor, it is necessary to be applied to the waterproofing material. Most often, the thick polyethylene film is used for these purposes.
  • Any lag can be used under the laying of communication networks. Faweser, the distance from the base to the wooden flooring allows you to do this.
  • The same can be said about insulation. The only thing to pay attention to is insulation of the heat-insulating material, which is stacked on top of the lag, and the parobarrier laid below.
  • The heating system "Warm floor" can also be used as a house insulation. Paul in lagas it allows you to arrange it.
  • Mandatory processing of all wooden elements by antiseptic and anti-view compositions.

Conclusion on the topic

The floor on the lags is the only qualitative solution to the arrangement of wooden flooring. But this is not a very simple process. It is associated with a sufficiently large number of materials and stages. But, according to the masters, you can cope with it, if you accurately comply with technological norms and requirements. It is important here to choose the right one of the three options that we suggested. And all the nuances of the structure you can find on our website in individual articles.

Publications on the topic

The floors are a design in several layers. The part visible after the end of the arrangement of the floor, which primarily performs the decoring function, is a finishing floor. Under it is a draft basis, from the correct installation of which the qualitative characteristics of the floor depend on: noise insulation, lack of screens, thermal insulation, evenness, etc. The classic variant of the rough base is the floor on the lags. It is about their arrangement that will be discussed.

Lags are laid across the premises of the bars, on which the flooring is stacked for a finishing floor or the finishing wooden floor. The timber can be made of metal, polymeric materials or concrete. But most often used wooden lags. The principle of laying is about the same for lag from any material.

Floor arrangement on lags have a number of advantages:

  • ease of execution and the ability to replace items if necessary;
  • the presence of space between lags allows to lay thermal insulation, communication and with such a structure, the underground is ensured;
  • creating a flat surface for the main floor;
  • uniform distribution of load on overlapping;
  • durable design.

Among the disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish the susceptibility of wooden lag with moisture, resulting in a geometry of the floor, as well as the appearance of a screens. But to reduce the likelihood of these problems can be correct installation with compliance with all nuances.

Features of the installation of Lag.

Installation of lag for the floor can be made with your own hands. The main thing is to comply with certain rules.

First you need to choose a material that does not hit your budget. At the same time, lagows should well perform their functions. The ideal option is the bars of coniferous trees, as they are impregnated with a resin, providing additionally moisture resistance. Larch is dear, so pine, fir or fir-firing beams from the second or third grade with humidity of about 18% are used more often.

A lag timing must have a rectangular cross section, and the width should be less than a height of about 2 times. The larger the distance between the points of the support for the lag, the greater the cross section of BRUSEV:

  • for a two-meter span, the height of the lags must be 11 cm, and the width is 60;
  • for three-meter - 15x8 cm;
  • 4 m - 18x10 cm;
  • 5 m - 20x15 cm;
  • 6 m - 22x18 cm.

Note! When choosing a section of lag, take into account the width of the insulation layer, from which it should be 3 cm for ventilation to the floor.

The distance between the lags should be an average of 50-60 cm. If thick boards are stacked on the lags, the distance is allowed to zoom in to the meter. For the floor from the tile lagows you need to mount at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

From the first and last lags to the wall leave a distance of 2 cm, which is filled with mineral wool. Lags according to the rules laid across the room.

Wood floor elements are mandatory treated with antiseptic means.

These are common nuances of installation of the lag of rough floors in independence from what reason the bars are stacked.

Installation instructions Lag on the ground

When laying the lag on the ground, the support for them is not only the woodlock or the beams of the lower strapping of the house, but also often special columns that will be prepared. They are constructed after the soil will prepare. But we will first describe the process of erection of support pillars.

Poles are constructed from bricks. But pre-prepare the foundation.

Installation of lag on the ground

The installation of the lag includes the steps described below.

Step 1. Align and till ground.

Note! The fertile layer is recommended to clean, replacing it with a rammed layer of gravel and sand for 10 cm each.

Step 2. Install the reference pillars described above.

Step 3. They laid the first lags pendulums to the walls and 2 m from each other.

Step 4. Check the level, horizontally lie bars relative to each other and relative to the ground. If necessary, where the lags be bombed can be inserted lining, but to fill the places to cut off the plain. Such adjustments can be carried out only with deviations by 1mm to the temporal meter of the lag.

Step 5. Put the rest of the bars, checking them with the level.

Step 6. Fix the lags to the columns and beams with metal corners and screws. At this stage, the installation of lags finish, starting to lay the remaining parts of the roughing floor or piston boards.

Laying Lag on concrete overlap

Laying and reconciliation of lighthouses Lag: 1 - Pure floor level; 2 - lag; 3 - sound insulation gasket; 4 - level; H - Moss Thickness

Installation of logging on concrete overlap is option not only for private houses, but also for apartments. The entire installation process is easier than to lay the lag on the soil and includes the following steps.

Step 1. Carefully clean the surface of the overlap from the garbage.

Note! If the slab is uneven, then sometimes poured a concrete tie or produce sandy beam.

Step 2. The concrete is first placed first polyethylene as waterproofing, while the edges of the film should be 10 cm to enter the walls.

Step 3. The walls of the lag are noted on the walls.

Step 4. Where the lags will lie, labeled the noise insulating layer of a soft chipboard or sand-slag mound.

Step 5. As with the installation of the lag on the ground, lags first ladder. For all lags, including the first, put the mounting wedges that will allow to align the bars.

a - leveling of the level of intermediate lag; b - displacement of the joints of the lag lag; B - control of lag under lag;
1 - Lagged lags; 2 - intermediate lags; 3 - soundproofing gaskets; 4 - check rail; 5 - jog in the trip; 6 - the same in principle; 7 - Level

Step 6. They laid all the lags, align them, and the wedges with bars are fixed with screws.

Note! Sometimes the lags are placed on the floor without wedges and attached to the concrete base with corners. There is no general opinion from the masters.

Installing lag on beams

In some cases, the lags are installed on wooden beams of overlapping and fixed to them. The styling is the same as in the cases described above, and begins with montage of lighthouses. Sometimes the overlap beams themselves perform the lag function if the distance between them does not exceed 60-80 cm.

The lag laying methods described above are classic options. However, regulated floors are becoming increasingly popular, in the lags of which there are special holes for fasteners, which are racks with bolts. The racks themselves are fixed to the base using anchors.

This design greatly simplifies the installation process, including the floor adjustment, carried out by the level using the key and fasteners bolts.

Adjustable lags practically eliminates the appearance of a syringe and improves floor ventilation, but increases the cost of the floor, as it requires very high-quality components.

In conclusion, let's say that whatever the option of installing the lag you choose, with the right approach you will get high-quality and environmentally friendly draft floor. The main thing is to comply with the rules and carefully carry out all the work on the laying of the lag.

Video - lags for the floor do it yourself. Laying Lag on concrete

Video - Installation of draft floor from lag

Old floor we disassembled yesterday.

Preparation of level

In this case, they decided to do this: we need to go to the level of the threshold, and we put the laminate on top. In general, on the red brick put in lags.

Now we will put a laser level and will try to put the entire brick to the desired height. We will put lags more often to do not beat the board on top of the lag, and throw the OSB panels immediately on the lags.

Here are our OSB panels with a thickness of 10 mm. We will make two layers with a turn - we will turn straight to the lags. Lags have a cross section of 100 mM. In this place it turned out 25.5 cm, here is already below: 25.8-25.7 cm. In general, we will be repeated from this point.

We do calculate what depth the brick. 25.5 cm minus 2 cm. 2 cm is two OSB layers. Plus 2 cm - we get 27.5 cm, plus 10 cm - the thickness of the lag. Total 37.5 cm. Approximately 5 mm we give to Aquaisole. Total we need to get 38 cm. There will be 11 lags, the extreme intercourse, measured the distance, divided into 10 passes - it turned out, the lags will go around 29 cm. Now in some one place will be put up brick, and then will be repelled from him.

We put a 38 cm brick, it will be as a lighthouse. Now we will lower the laser below, put the car valve on this brick, reach it with a greasy tape, and then we will put the remaining bricks on it.

The laser was set below.

We put the valve and make a mark.

We start installing the valve. It can be seen how bricks should be omitted - approximately a centimeter by 4.

Expose on a laser beam.

Ray just on the planned line.

We completely leveled bricks, they all stand in the level.

Installation Lag.

Lagi we step down, cover the antiseptic.

So we treated them. We prepare the first layer.

First, fasten through one, then simply in the ends diagonally the following.

Lugi equal in the same way as a brick, in a laser level. Putting places pass the plane.

The first layer was sewn, completely flashed. Thought how to sew the second layer to get a complete gleaming. It can be done so that the sheets go in the reverse order, but then the leaf is still falling on the seam.

There was another option - to take a sheet in length. But then in the middle there will be a solid band.

Stopped at this option:

We have two pieces left.

From here we will throw a whole sheet. One sheet will cut in half. Thus, it turns out an excellent gleaming.

The first layer we fucked in the intersection. The design is quite powerful, in two layers everything is fine with everything. Everything turned out exactly, in terms of level.

There are small gaps, but it is not scary for laminate.

Removed the level to the threshold, it is for this point. We danced from her, it was clearly reached.

All rights to video belong: Aleksey Stopchik