Professional vacuum chamber type packers. Vacuum chamber type packers (principle of operation) Vacuum Chamber type packaging machines

Vacuum packaging devices belong to the class of professional industrial vacuum packaging machines of chamber type and are designed for packaging under vacuum both food and non-food products. They are characterized by complete functionality, ease of control and a wide area of \u200b\u200bapplication of packaging material, both soft film and aluminized. Packed products and goods are protected from oxidation, mold, rot and dampness.

Principle of operation:
the principle of operation of such cars is that the vacuum is created in the chamber. The order of work, on chamber vacuum machines Next: Pre-set parameters of the machine (vacuum depth, time or sealing temperature), then the unwrapped edge of the package with the product laid in it is stacked, the top cover is tightly pressed, the pump automatically turns on, upon reaching the desired vacuum The machine switches to seam sealing mode. As soon as weigious happened, the camera depressurization begins, after which the roof of the vacuum machine opens automatically. Possible packaging of several packets at once, which significantly increases productivity. Packages are used both two and three-layer, with an inner polyamide or lavsan, the melting point of which is much lower than that of polyethylene, which is usually an external layer of the package. Such a composition of packages and allows you to increase productivity by overlaying one package on another, up to three packages. The use of ready-made packets when packing on chamber machines has a number of restrictions, in particular when the package of incorrect-shaped products is observed, remain deformed the edges of the package, which gives the package not an attractive view.

Vacuum packer (Packaging machine) is a specialized equipment designed for automatic packaging of food and non-food products into polyethylene or folgized packages of various sizes in vacuum. Vacuum packaging today is one of the most sought-after achievements of the modern industry. Her useful properties for food products do not know equal:

  • There are no conditions for breeding bacteria and the oxidation of the product, which increases its shelf life from 3 to 5 times
  • Vitamins and nutrients are preserved as much as possible.
  • Exhausting is prevented, tangling and mixing of foreign odors improves product quality (conservation of aroma, ripening in the package)
  • Selling products are guaranteed
  • The packaging can be subjected not only solid slicing products, but also bulk substances and liquids (broths, soups, etc.)
  • Pollution prevents
  • Easy and beautiful packaging makes it possible to professional presentation of goods, brand creation
  • Maximum decreases the volume of packaging material, products becomes compact
  • Commodity turnover increases and costs reduced due to an increased shelf life

With regard to storage of non-food products, electronics, pharmaceutical products, textiles, etc. Packaging Provides: Anti-corrosion protection Antistatic properties Protection against dust and moisture protection against falsification and counterfeit decrease in the volume of packaging material Almost every vacuum apparatus offered today in the equipment market is fully automated. Its use allows to reduce the temporary costs of product packaging and frees employees from additional load. Depending on the method of work, packaging units can be divided into two types: chamber and tubeless. Belessless simply pumps the air from the package and then seals its edges. Chamber packer has a vacuum chamber in which the goods are packaged. The second type of apparatus is more common and used in small and medium industries.

Equipment can have a desktop or outdoor design of various designs. The housing and chamber are usually made of stainless steel, which makes the devices resistant to aggressive effects of the external environment and prolongs their life. Covers can be made of the same material or be glass for the possibility of monitoring the sealing process. Setting the parameters in modern models is carried out using the electronic control unit, and the information is derived to the digital scoreboard.

The model range of packaging machines is highly varied. Machines with different performance have the chambers of various volumes and differ in power, power consumption and dimensions.

The demand of the packaging equipment is explained by the wide range of its use, both as a separate element and a combination with other devices, such as Sous Vide Ermostats, carrying out low-temperature cooking products in vacuum packaging.

The quality and speed of product packaging depends on the technical characteristics of the aggregates, as well as on the quality of consumables. That is why, by purchasing a packaging machine, it is also necessary to pay attention to vacuum packages that are made from different polyethylene varieties and there are different sizes and density.

Chamber Vacuum Packer It is the most popular type of equipment, as its functions and specifications allow you to use the product in almost any trade and catering enterprises. The main difference and advantage of models of vacuum packaging equipment of this type - camera presencewhich allows you to optimize the operation of the device and make it more convenient and practical in use.

What vacuum chamber packter to choose

The assortment of the online store Petro-shop represents a wide selection of products of different price range, performance, power and functionality. For example, if the industrial company SPb needs an industrial vacuum chamber type packer, it will be offered to buy a TURBOVAC product, but for a restaurant or network of large supermarkets, preferably budget and less powerful VIATTO vacuumators, Hurakan, Indokor and others.

Most often vacuum packer with camera are chosen according to the following parameters.:

  • the number of chambers is one or two;
  • the number of welding planks - from one to four;
  • availability of programming function - and the number of programs;
  • the view and quality of the weld;
  • the ability to create a gas-substituted environment;
  • requirements for the power grid - 220V or 380V.

The more specifically formulated equipment requirements, the easier it is to choose a suitable model of a two-chamber vacuum packaging machine.

Select the vacuum chamber packer according to the number of cameras

The greatest demand among shops, cafes and restaurants SPB enjoys single-chamber vacuum packer. The principle of its work is extremely simple, since all basic functions of the equipment are automated. It is only necessary to place the product in the packaging package into the chamber and close the cover to start the working cycle. Its sequence includes pumping air from the chamber, pressure leveling, directly vacuuming the product and sealing the package by means of strong heating of the polymer used.

A little differently working 2-chamber vacuum packer. Its feature is one flip cover and two cameras that are served alternately. This allows you to optimally spend the efforts of staff for the preparation, placement and removal of vacuumable products, while obtaining the packaging speed is twice as much as on single-chamber counterparts.

What a vacuum packer to buy a chamber, solves only the company SPb, focusing on its needs and working tasks.

Select the vacuum chamber packer for aeration function

Aeration or gas filler function - One of the most sought-after in chamber vacuum equipment. And although such a service is trying to offer tubeless vacuum vehicles today, the level of their quality is significantly lower, which has chamber models.

Creation of a gas-substituted environment - The need and convenient solution, providing packaging food products:

  • freshness for a very long time;
  • complete preservation of vitamins and nutrients;
  • attractive for buyers appearance;
  • ideal taste;
  • packing compactness.

The choice of a gas-solid medium is carried out directly at the trade or catering company, based on the type of the product being pavers.

Select vacuum chamber packer for functions

Chamber vacuumator offers an excellent choice of work opportunities, allowing not only to guarantee high-quality and durable packaging of products, but also to optimize many workflows.

Among the most sought-after functionsthat offer vacuum chamber cars:

  • "Additional vacuum" ("Vacuum +", Extra-Vacuum). This feature allows you to manually increase the vacuum time to minimize the residual pressure indicators in the vacuum package. The option is necessary for packaging meat, fish and other porous products that have a high percentage of gases in their compositions.
  • "Soft Vacuum" ("Soft Air"). It is necessary for packaging products of the "gentle" consistency, such as muffins, pastries, cheeses, and is to slow down the processes of vacuuming and depressurization.
  • "Pickling". It is the automatic change of several working cycles for the best impregnation of marinade placed in it products.

Additional options for chamber vacuumators

Considering the functions of packaging equipment, you should not ignore and have additional work options. Chamber type vacuum packing machine possesses many opportunitiesWhat makes it in demand in almost all areas.

  • Marking date. An additional option that allows you to simply storing product information, packaging date and other data.
  • The presence of silicone inserts into the chamber. Often for chamber vacuum equipment additionally acquire special silicone liners to adapt the camera volume for different types of products. This allows you to not acquire different models of vacuumators for specific commodity groups, but simply "modify" the size of the chamber with the help of silicone inserts. It is also worth noting the benefit of the inserts to accelerate the vacuuming cycle and reduce the consumption of the supplied gas-modified mixture. Inserts are quickly installed and removed, not slowing the pace of personnel.
  • The number of welded slats. The more welded slats, the higher the performance of the equipment. If there are two welded planks in the vacuumator, they are located on the opposite sides of the working chamber. This means that you can position the package and one way, and to another, providing in one time the seal of two types of products or even more.
  • Double weld seam. Useful options for the reliability, strength and durability of the packaging for many companies.
  • Availability of programs. The ability to program equipment allows you to optimize the work with the most commonly packed products, setting the vacuum depth in advance, the duration of the cycle, the temperature of the seal.

Application of chamber vacuumators

Vacuumators with a camera - today one of the most sought-after types of packaging equipment. They are used in all manufacturing and trade and warehouse areas, helping to establish a commodity in the most efficient way. If we consider the scope of application of vacuum chamber packters globally, then them can be found in branches:

  • trade - for packing and selling a variety of product groups;
  • financial sphere - when counting and sorting bills;
  • logistics and warehouses - to ensure the convenience of storage of various products itself;
  • pharmaceutics and chemical industry - storage of drugs, preparations, reagents;
  • public diet - preparation of molecular dishes and optimization of work by training semi-finished products, cutting, vegetables;
  • production - packaging of manufactured products.

Chamber or tubeless? How to choose a vacuum packer right?

Often, the trade, production and consignment of St. Petersburg arises a natural question: what vacuum packter buy? Chamber? Tubeless? Or both at once? The answer lies in the advantages of each type of equipment. If you evaluate the advantages of a non-chamber solution, then it is one - the packaging of oversized products. Advantages of chamber vacuum packers - especially when compared with the tubeless analogues - much more:

  1. A large number of features and additional options. The presence of auxiliary capabilities increases the performance of the equipment, expands its spheres of use, facilitates staff work.
  2. Low additional costs. Careless equipment service is more consistent, as it obliges to acquire special corrugated particularly strong packaging packages. In the case of chamber models there is no such need.
  3. Ability to use programs. An increasing number of chamber models is available with programming function, allowing you to install automatic packaging criteria for a variety of products and products.
  4. Work in intensive mode. Only chamber equipment can work uninterrupted more than 4-6 hours per day, without losing functionality and operational advantages.
  5. Cost. The company "Petrohladotechnika" offers many chamber solutions for the price of non-chamber models, facilitating the choice of buyers between these two types of vacuum equipment.

Chamber Vacuum Packers SPB from Petrolade Engineering

The online store "Petro-shop" offers an excellent range of vacuum chamber packers from various manufacturers. The price of products varies from budgetary values \u200b\u200bto compact solutions to high performance on high-performance industrial options.

The choice of functions, cost, manufacturers, brands helps buyers to make the right solution and purchase vacuum chamber packaging optimal quality. In the absence of the right positions, the company "Petro-shop" works "under the order", guaranteeing the rapid delivery of products to the client. By Lo and St. Petersburg, the company offers delivery, installation and service; To other cities and regions only sending equipment by transport companies.

If you decide to do business in the field of catering, first you should purchase an industrial apparatus for vacuum packaging and package set. Take advantage of tips to buy suitable goods.

Features of vacuum packaging

Manufacturers offer many devices with different options. To help you do not get lost in the process of choice, consider some nuances of the equipment.

Manual or automatic?

Features of manual control

  • Ability to set the time of packaging and pumping air through the timer setting.
  • Full control over the amount of dumped air.
  • Allows you to adjust the results for the user request for different products.

Features of automatic control

  • A setting is available only sealing time.
  • Pumps the air automatically (except for the use of the pulse mode).
  • "Feels" under the request for ease of use, automatically adjusts the duration of vacuuming.

Vacuum cycle - Extraction of air.


Gasization . Chamber-type machines can be equipped with a gas filler function: remove oxygen, replacing it with a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which subsequently protects the product from damage. It is used, for example, for packing meat delicacies.

Pulsation mode . Manufacturers call it differently: the "pulse" mode, a pulse pulsating. When using it, air leaves outwards with separate jokes, which contributes to the preservation of the integrity of the product. "Pulse" is relevant for fragile products, such as muffins and desserts. In the usual mode, the air is pumped out for the set time, as a result of which soft confectionery products are deformed, while in this mode you control the process manually. The option is useful in marinion, because Allows you to leave fluid inside.

Seating string : When the vacuum cycle is completed, the seating string heats the package using two wires (protected material coated, such as Teflon) to seal it and prevent oxygen reproduction.

Roll Storage / Package Speaker . This option is typical for some tubeless machines. It allows you to install a roll in such a way as to absolve as much as you need, and cut off the package. Seal one edge, place the product inside, start the usual cycle from the open edge. Actual for enterprises using many packages of various sizes.

Types of vacuum machines

How does he work . The package is placed outside. Air is output from the open side. When the cycle is finished, polyethylene is heated and glued, the package is sealing.

For whom it is intended . These devices are usually used in everyday life or small commercial enterprises.

Application. External packers are not suitable for liquids (soup will fall out or leaks). A small amount of marinade is permissible, and the option "Pulse" in this case is very useful. But if you plan to do a lot of blanks every day, then you should think about the chamber vacuum car. This does not apply to most types of meat, cheeses, products having a thick consistency, - with such raw materials the device will handle perfectly.

What should be considered when buying . Do you want to pack products into special vacuum cans? Do you need the option "Pulse" for delicate products and marinations? What about storage in a roll so that you can cut suitable packages? Then this equipment is what you need. However, keep in mind that it is designed for a small load.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that although the packers of the tubeless type are cheaper chamber, vacuum packages are more expensive for them. Therefore, with regular use, the chamber machine will even save you money in the long run.

How does he work. The package is placed in the chamber located inside. The air is removed from the chamber to balance the pressure inside and outside the package (what allows liquid packaging). Then the air is pumped out, the packet is sealing by heavy heating of polyethylene.

For whom it is intended. It is used in catering organizations that use the car daily with a large load or need to be packaged for liquids. Such enterprises like meat processing plants or points of product preparation that use Su-type technology will benefit from the purchase of a chamber type packer.

Application. With no restrictions! Unlike the previously type apparatus, the chamber easily copes with packages full of fluid, which is indispensable for marinating.

What should be considered when buying. The most important selection criterion is the purpose of equipment. If you pack large items in large packages, you will need a wide sealing band. If you are planning to work with large volumes, consider as an option to purchase a packer with two, three or even four strokes of sealing.

Think about the use of a gas system that will help even more extend the life of packed goods.

Packages and accessories

Differ in style, size and destination.

Lava brand products have advantages:

  • do not contain bisphenol a;
  • suitable for cooking Su-View technology.

Many packages can also be used for cooking, frost, use in a microwave. When buying, pay attention to the product description and a list of restrictions for each type. Take into account the fact that most packages are intended for packers or chamber or tubeless type (not for both!).

Packages for chamber type packers are available in two types:

  • Standard. They usually cooked in advance from three sides, the fourth remains open to final sealing.
  • With lightning on one side. The opposite side is left open to be able to wind the package, but then re-open it when it is necessary using zipper.

Packages for tubeless packers. They are also two types:

  • Structured for packaging various types of products. Refusion allows you to completely roll out the air.
  • High-quality. They are characterized by all the features of the previous ones, also they contain a layer of a scholar material that enhances the density.

Roll packages. These are rolls from which fragments of the specified size are cut. Used only for tubeless devices.


Containers. Perfectly suitable for pickling, storage of liquid products, such as soups, as well as for gentle products that you risk remembering when sealing into a regular package. Be sure to make sure that your packer is equipped with an appropriate accessory port and a suitable hose, with which the container is connected to the car to roll out air.

Sealer to protect against punctures. Used where they pack especially hard or sharp objects capable of piercing the bag. Just place the seal in the "dangerous" place before running the vacuum cycle, and it will provide an additional layer of protection.

Cooking on Su-View technology

Another plus vacuum packaging. Technology Su-type is a process in which drummed products are prepared in a bath with water at relatively low temperatures.

For the first time practiced in Europe, the preparation method is gaining popularity in North America and Russia. Compared to traditional methods, Su-View has several key advantages:

  • Good results with minimal training costs; Dishes are prepared on a water bath for the set time, then removed and produced if necessary. Monitor accounts only over time and water temperature.
  • Low temperatures significantly reduce the risk of cutting or digestion and practically exclude weight losses.
  • The food retains nutritional value, aroma and texture.
  • Since natural quality products remain unchanged, you can do without oil, salt and spices.
  • Since products are immersed in circulating hot water, they are heated evenly. Steak of medium readiness will be homogeneous in the middle and at the edges.
  • Finished dishes sealed in vacuum packaging, easy to warm up later.

And the best news: Technology Su-View is wonderful simple! Insert funds to a vacuum packer, satisfying your needs, thermostat circulator Su-type - and your enterprise is equipped for the release of culinary masterpieces.

A vacuum packer is a device with which you can significantly extend the storage period of food products. This device is often found in stores where perishable products are sold. In a vacuum packer can wakuum food - This is its main purpose. Packages with artificially created by vacuum inside can be placed in a refrigerator or freezer, where products will retain their freshness much longer than the usual.

It looks like the device is quite simple: most often it is a small device made of standard (more often glossy) plastic. Household apparatus, as a rule, have standard dimensions of 30 by 15 per 10 cm and weigh no more kilograms. Compact dimensions and low weight allow you to easily use the device not only in the store, but also at home.

The vacuum packer works on a simple principle: after pressing the start button of the procedure, the inner part of the package is sealed, from there the entire air rolls out. It is important to rinse products before the procedure starts, it is necessary for their proper storage in a vacuum state.

In some cases, the vacuum effect is needed for the storage of certain household items, to protect them against destroying environmental impacts (oxidation, degenerative processes, etc.).

It is quite simple to use a vacuum packer, and this can be considered one of the main advantages of the device. The operation of the device implies special packagesfor vacuum packer. It is these consumables that help hold a state close to vacuum inside. In addition to the ease of use, the advantages are long-term storage of products and the preservation of their useful properties for the entire storage time (fruits and vegetables retain the whole complex of vitamins).

Varieties of devices

The vacuum packaging device may be tubeless and with the presence of a special compartment for vacuuming.

The freezed version is much less. Food Vacuum Packer Home has no camera. Air rolls out immediately from a special package. But the absence of a chamber allows packaging not only food products, but also other various items. The device can be both manual and semi-automatic. Such a device is well suited for both products (meat, cheese) and for other household items, for example, for small clothes. But, as a rule, on this and the positive aspects of the home vacuumator ends.

Due to the low power and ease of technology, the instrument simply cannot provide decent oxygen pumping rates from the package: as a rule, it is about 89%, against 99% in the case of professional gadgets.

Powerful household vacuumator, rather, exception to the rules. If high performance and preservation is required for a longer period, it is best to stop your choice on a professional vacuum packer.

Chamber aggregate

A chamber vacuum packer is distinguished by the presence of a special compartment in which air pumping from the package with the product. This feature imposes certain requirements for the size of the vacuumable product. Worth such a device is much more expensive and works in automatic modeHaving a full-fledged control panel. Industrial vacuumator for products is different from home size. Its main purpose remains the same.

  1. Wakuuming finished products for subsequent implementation. Often, work occurs with large volumes.
  2. Wakuuming expensive foods for subsequent long-term storage in the process of transportation (deep freezing or cooling). Vacuuming helps to cope with the problem of land depriving many products of their taste.
  3. Wakuuming food for its preparation (so-called "Molecular kitchen").

A professional vacuumator is significantly different in size, unlike the domestic option, it can be desktop, as the camera needs to be set somewhere. Of course, industrial vacuum packer has big power Compared with kitchen. The time of its continuous operation is significantly increased (up to 4 hours per shift with a cycle from 10 to 30 seconds, it all depends on the value of the evacuated object). The quality of the assembly and the material material is also significantly refused, and the comparison will not be far away in favor of the household appliance.

There is a vacuumator with gas filling option. Such evacuation allows you to maintain a natural look and taste of food throughout the long period. The device itself is equipped with gas-filled equipment with an active mixture for feeding to the chamber.

The packter can be both independent and embedded. The difference is the need to install and presence for installation in the kitchen or in an industrial premises.

Terms of choice of device

Select a vacuum packer for home is quite simple, just adhere to a few simple recommendations.

  1. Decide on what is required from the device: compactness or performance, functionality or affordable price, performance or ease of operation.
  2. Examine the market and select several models you like, of which to conduct further comparison.
  3. Focus on a proven manufacturer, which has a positive user experience with other home appliances.

For household processing And subsequent storage (fruit and vegetable freezing) can be approached by the most affordable manual option without additional technological options. For those who wish to know all the delights of the new-fashioned "molecular chemistry", a comprehensive solution is suitable with the function of gas filling, but it will have to pay extra for technological equipment.

It is important to pay special attention to the material of the case, make sure that it is durable, and the details are well adjusted to each other.

Popular models

Consider the top 5 models of vacuum packers, which should be closed if you plan to buy this device.

The rating of vacuum packers for the House of 2017 opens the apparatus from the well-known narrow specialized brand "Lava". This is a high-tech vacuum apparatus sold at a price of 18794 rubles. This device is belessalessThat allows packaging things and products of various sizes and dimensions (how much the original packages allow). The case is made of durable high-quality ABS format plastic. The maximum performance is 2100 packages per hour. Power is 500 W. Welding plate has a length of 340 mm. The device is powered by a conventional home network 220 V.Ves instrument 4.4 kg.

A distinctive feature is a convenient wig of packages by pressing one button.

The lid opens automatically After the end of the process. The device is supplied as standard equipment and one color solution without choosing. The manufacturer offers a whole year of warranty service to all components. The device has very compact dimensions, so that he always has a place on the kitchen table.

The only thing that knocks out beyond the benefits is no universal packages. Consumables are difficult to purchase, and if they manage to find them in the presence of a household appliance in some store, then the price of them can be an unpleasant surprise. Otherwise, the device turned out to be strong and reliable with a simple and understandable interface, classic design. Wonderful sample of a standard domestic vacuumator for everyday use. Suitable for household needs and small sealing volumes.

  • verified and reliable manufacturer;
  • strong body of high quality plastic;
  • high performance;
  • easy and understandable from the first minute operation, option "Wakuuming in one press";
  • small dimensions;
  • not heavy;
  • long service life.
  • the cost is quite high;
  • consumables are difficult to find and cost they are not cheap;
  • the length of the soldered seam.

The top vacuumators of 2017 continues the model from the DZ brand. This decision focused primarily on industrial scale. The packaging machine is desktop and has a single camera for pumping air. Production capacity reaches 1000 W values. Packaging is carried out at a speed of one to three packets per minute. The cost of the device is 49,400 rubles, which automatically refers it to the class "All in one".

The device can be operated not only in small businesses, restaurants and fast food, but also in the banking sphere, since with the help of this gadget, you can pack banknotes.

For personal use, it will take a rather spacious kitchen. The body of the apparatus is completely made of stainless steel, the functional transparent cover is located on top. Two welding planks. The device feeds from the household network 220 V. Separed circuit is fixed in the range from 0.2 to 2.8 seconds, depending on the density of the seam. The device is able to work on an industrial scale, performing high-quality packaging, both food and household items, money, shallow utensils, clothes (gloves, fur products, etc.) for subsequent storage. The only significant disadvantage that may make a certain percentage of buyers think to think - it is pretty high price The apparatus itself. However, it uses universal packages from various manufacturers, so on the maintenance of the device you can save significantly. A wonderful solution for small businesses, both in the area of \u200b\u200bsmall production and catering.

  • beautiful assembly;
  • high degree of reliability;
  • wonderful performance;
  • optimal power;
  • balanced electricity consumption;
  • the presence of two welding planks;
  • rapid seam seam;
  • effective vacuuming;
  • classic appearance.
  • high price;
  • large dimensions;
  • due to the camera type of operation, the size of vacuumable things is limited to the volume compartment.

In search of a solution, what a vacuumator is better to buy for the house, it is worth seeing to the model from the manufacturer "Finar". It is designed primarily for household needs, long-term storage of small items placed in the package and food products. Due to the high degree of vacuuming, foods practically do not change their organic characteristics. The cost of the device is 9675 rubles. Compact dimensions will allow storing the model right on the table. Convenient fixation allows you to effectively use the device under any conditions. A distinctive feature of the vacuum packer from "Finar" is the length of the soldered seam: it is 300 mm.

The device runs from the usual outlet, with a power of 220 V. The maximum power of the device with a load is only 190 W, but this is quite enough for successful vacuuming. During the hour, the device is capable of pumping 0.6 cubic meters of air, and this is a very good result. The manufacturer declared the level of vacuum to 80%. The consumables use branded packages or containers. There is significant reducing breeding bacteria.

The housing is made of high-quality plastic. The technology is based on a dry sample pump. The front side of the device is a digital control panel. Management options are implied both manual and automatic evacuation. Due to the effective power of the soldering, the finished products can be maintained even longer than the stated term. A wonderful solution available for the price and pleasantly surprising with its capabilities. Ideal for home needs.

  • the classic appearance of the housing, made in the style of minimalism, without any excess;
  • two control modes, manual and automatic;
  • low electricity consumption;
  • high efficiency of dry pumps;
  • high degree of reliability;
  • thanks to the compact dimensions, the device is very convenient to store, it does not take up much space;
  • level of vacuum up to 80%;
  • the length of the soldered plank.
  • problem with the purchase of consumables;
  • included delivery is a small number of packages;
  • price including all discounts remains quite high.

At the second position of the vacuum packer from the company "Phonusakuum". Excellent solution for home billets. Lovers of long-term storage of fresh fruits and vegetables will be able to appreciate the cost of the device, which is 8562 rubles. Its characteristics also deserve separate consideration. The main features of the model are ergonomics, high functionality and very simple mechanical panel control. Wakuuming occurs "Pressing one button".

Another wonderful feature is the possibility of packaging in vacuum corrugated packages (rolls), as well as thermal packages for molecular kitchen.

One year warranty service is provided to the device. The device reaches 250 W power. The pump is capable of pumping 13 liters of air in one minute, the length of the soldered plank is 330 mm. The final effect is 200 Millibar Vacuum. Management occurs only in automatic mode. The device feeds from the usual outlet 220 V. in the vacuum packer installed self-lubricating pump. The case is made of plastic using ABS technology. The model is equipped with the possibility of adjusting the temperature of the soldered seam.

Lovers of modern "vacuum cuisine" will be happy to use the thermopholes for the preparation of environmentally friendly and useful dishes. Given the cost, the vacuum packer from the well-known manufacturer of the "nonsenakum" can be called one of the best solutions for home use. The model has several unique capabilities, while selling at an affordable price. Reliable and simple solution for performing everyday tasks.

  • strong body of reliable plastic;
  • the possibility of using thermobackets;
  • various models of consumables (corrugated packages, rolls);
  • high reliability;
  • classic design;
  • verified brand;
  • adjustable temperature of the seam;
  • the length of the soldered plank.
  • consumables must be purchased separately and the price of them differs significantly depending on the retailer;
  • vacuuming only up to 80%
  • mechanical control;
  • no manual mode.

The best vacuum rating packter - from Oberhof. This is a German brand known for its reliability and durability. The perfect build quality will allow to exploit this device for many years without breakdowns. First of all, the design of the device is drawn to: corrugated cover It looks original and concisely, which will allow you to fit into any interior of modern kitchen. For accommodation, it will not be necessary a lot of space, dimensions 360x150x76 mm.

The vacuumator allows you to pump up the air not only from the packages, but also from the containers, for this kit there are 2 special hoses suitable for different types of valves. And the increased strength of the sea seam guarantees the safety of products. In addition, the user will find a plug in the configuration, with which you can wakuum the Bottles of Wine, preserving the taste and aroma of the drink.

Important! The operation of the device is possible in two modes: dry and wet. This allows you to vacuum products together with liquid, for example, meat with marinade.

Leere T-15 runs from a regular 220V outlet. The power of the device is 110 W, and the maximum possible pressure level is 0.8 bar. Total provided 2 levels of pressureThe minimum can be packaging the most fragile products without damage. The model will perfectly suit the hostesses that use Sous Vide cooking technology. From additional functions, it should be noted the ability to stop the device at any time, as well as the "Auto / Stop", so that the vacuumator independently perform air pumping and sees the package. A wonderful solution for domestic use, the perfect combination of affordable prices, high quality and functionality.

  • affordable price;
  • interesting case design;
  • the ability to work with containers, bottles;
  • high reliability;
  • verified brand;
  • suitable for Sous Vide;
  • 2 modes of operation;
  • 40 packages for vacuuming as a gift;
  • durable seam.
  • no missing.


Vacuum Packer for Home - Reliable Assistant in such an important and useful business as saving food life of food. This is a simple and understandable device that can be purchased at a relatively affordable price. Some models are endowed with the option of supporting thermobackets, but most often it depends on the brand of the manufacturer. The market presents devices of various price and technical range, so every buyer will find what it is like him.