Production of wire fences. Wire Panel Fences

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Factory of perimeter solutions "Entraza" offers private and legal entities to order a fence from barbed wire. We guarantee low price level and high quality products. Fences made from our material will serve at least 50 years. Fences - functional and inexpensive solution providing the protection of the site from the penetration of people, wild animals, livestock. Easy installation also speaks in favor of such a barrier.

Features and characteristics

Protective part is a clarified or galvanized barbed wire (GOST 285-69) with a diameter of 2.5 mm, with huts every 75 mm spikes. The spatial location of the spikes causes the impossibility of light penetration through the strained lines.

The main characteristics include:

  • strength - for the manufacture use low carbon steel;
  • corrosion resistance - galvanized prevents chemical processes of alloy destruction;
  • good flexibility - to break the wire with hands on bending almost impossible.

Important. Galvanized material serves much longer than made of ferrous metal. In the latter case, the absence of a protective layer reduces the service life.

The use of prickly barriers is the most rational:

  • when applying pastures and cattle pons;
  • for the fencing of private land plots;
  • to organize the protection of territories with industrial objects located on them.

In fact, in this way, you can disappear any obstacle or plot.

How much does it cost to put a fence from barbed wire

The cost of the construction of the fence is made up of the cost of buying a wire, including support pillars, and payment for work.

The calculation of the amount of material is carried out on the basis of:

  • the perimeter of the site - than it is more, the greater the number of products will need;
  • type of fence - protection tension at the top of the existing fence in 2-4 lines or full overlap from the ground level;
  • the frequency of the location of individual lines, including direct and diagonal.

The cost of payment of the brigade of installers, which will be placed directly depend on the scope of work.

Offer from our company

In our company you can profitably buy the required number of protective materials for the construction of perimetral fences. We will produce to order and deliver the desired volume of products to the object.

Products are available in bays weighing 35 kilograms, convenient packaging does not require use during work or unloading heavy equipment. Deliveries without intermediaries directly from the manufacturer, thanks to which buyers have the opportunity to purchase goods at extremely low rates. Products are delivered to the customer with their own vehicles or with the help of transport companies in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Miass, Ufa, St. Petersburg and in other regions.

Hydza is a well-known and recognizable trading mark among specialists engaged in perimeral fences.

A spiral security barrier ("Hydza") is set to protect against overlap. In this article, we will talk about the type of barbed wire called "Egorza". You will receive answers to the following important questions:

  • What fences are fixed barbed wire?
  • What types of protective barriers are set on fences from corrugated and other fences?
  • What advantages will be the installation of barbed wire?
  • What are the shortcomings?
  • How to install a barbed ribbon on the fence?

What fences install

"Eros" can be installed on any design, but, for example, fences from a wooden stakeholder and other easily damaged structures are rarely complemented by barbed wire from above. In such cases, it is often attached to the external parties of fences or laid on the Earth.

From above, the safety barrier is most often installed on the fences that it is easier to climb than to break. Especially relevant fastening of "Eros" on a concrete fence or other capital construction.

Note! There are a large number of ways to protect the fence from a professional flooring or a different material with the help of a barbed wire "Entra". In the Scheme below you will find the most popular installation options.

Types of "Erosy" used to protect fences

The following varieties of "EGOZ" are used to protect fences from clutzing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the installation of "Eros" for the fence

Installation of "Eros" for a fence - a great way to protect the territory from intruders. Dismantling properly and securely fixed "barbs" requires serious time costs.

In addition, the following advantages of the installation of the barrier design on the fence are distinguished.

  • The ability to make a fencing under tension. This will significantly increase the security.
  • Reliability. "Holyz" is resistant to corrosion. The service life of the "Spiny made under GOST" is more than 25 years.
  • Availability. Buy a spiral or flat safety barrier can afford anyone.
  • Easy installation. Installation of "Eros" on the fence passes quickly.
  • A large number of installation options and application objectives. For example, for additional protection of the territory and fencing from animals and attackers, you can stretch "Eros" on the ground with one or both sides of the fence.

The disadvantages of the installation of "Eros" include only the deterioration of the appearance of fences.

Installation of "EGOZ" on the fence

Required tools and additional materials

In addition to the brackets and the "spines" for the installation of a protective barrier on the fence from above, you will need:

  • drill;
  • a stepladder or goat;
  • fasteners for brackets;
  • thick steel wire-broach;
  • installation brackets and ticks for them.

Stages of work

Installing the protective barrier on the fence takes place in four stages.

  1. Fixing brackets. Attach them to the pillars of the fence.
  2. Installation wire-broach. Secure it between the brackets (from above and below).
  3. Installation of "EGOZ". Gently stretch it along the broach.
  4. Fixation. Attach the "barley" to the brackets and broach with the help of brackets and ticks.

As you can see, nothing complicated.

Results of work

As a result, you will get reliably protected fence.

How to install "HPS" on the fence
(useful tips)

Properly install "HPS" to the fence - half of the way, it is also important not to suffer during work. Therefore, security equipment should be followed.

  • Installation must be carried out in dense protective clothing, since it is possible to cut too much. It is especially worth taking care of the protection of hands and wrists. Tolstick crags designed for welding works are best.
  • Support (a stepladder or goat) must be as reliable as possible. If you fall from it right on the wire, high risk of serious injuries.
  • If possible, use the help of one or two partners.
  • When installing a protective barrier on a metal fence, the brackets can be welded to the columns. So it will be more reliable.

Barbed wire (in the life of the "spin") - wire with spikes located around the perimeter. Used when erecting the most simple and cheap fences and helps to improve existing ones. For the construction of the fence, only supports and wire itself will be needed, and the installation will be even in force inexperienced workers.

Excursion in history

For the first time, the new method of the fencing of the territories at which a thin and flat steel hot-rolled wire should be used, invented in France in the distant 1860. After only five years, the "barbed" with diamond teeth became a patented product. But then it was used extremely rarely.

The changes arrived in 1872 after the presentation by the American Henry Rose the wire fence made from small boards, to which the segments were screwed with acute wire. The fence was shown to farmers Illinois. Many tried to improve the design shown, but best did Joseph Glidden and Isaac Elwood. Their product gained popularity, and by partners founded by approximately 270 tons of finished products in 1875.

By 1900, there were no farms in the United States, in which animal centers were not protected by the fences of such a plan - "barbed" reliably protected cattle. In addition, the fence was cheap, which also became a huge impetus for the development of American animal husbandry.

Main types of barbed wire

Nowadays it is accepted to divide into three groups:

  • "Thread" with spines;
  • reinforced ribbon with spines (ACL);
  • reinforced twisted tape (ACL).

Materials listed above make many domestic enterprises. The most famous was the products of the brands of "Hydza" and "Gurza". Sometimes it is called it - in accordance with the name of the manufacturer's company.

The standard "thread" with one base is a barbed galvanized wire, which is manufactured in our country in accordance with the State Standard 285-69. The diameter is 2.8 millimeters. The material is distinguished by a low price and ease.

For installation works, vertical poles (supports) will be needed, which are swap in the ground, and between them stretch the "barley-thread". The permissible distance between the supports should not exceed three meters, otherwise the wires can be saved. Experts recommend carrying out additional reinforcement, pulling another "thread" across the main one.

The installation can be performed at an angle, and in a vertical order, the essence remains unchanged:

  • the pillars are bought into the ground (if the length of the fences is insignificant, the supports can not be concreted);
  • through welding to the columns, the segments of the metal of the metal or reinforcement are attached, and "Hurza" or "Eros" is fixed to them.

It is worth noting that the "threads" can be used as a decorative decoration of low hedges and flower beds. Small segments can be painted in different colors, creating an unusual landscape design.

Reinforced ribbon

"Thread" is the most common variety of "barbs". It is used in sites with a small area. In large objects, apply wires made from reinforced ribbons . Fences from such materials may be as follows:

  • flat barriers (safety barrier) in the form of flat spirals;
  • mesh with rhomboid cells;
  • mobile barriers made from bulk spirals;
  • fences with different cross-section of bulk spirals;
  • spicy spikes mounted on fences.

The reinforced barbed tape of "Entra" is also from a galvanized material, but covered with an additional layer of material. Two-component material costs more ordinary "threads", is distinguished by increased strength.

Installation is not possible without special devices and tools. In particular, the grinding machine of the angular view or Bulgarian, as well as special reinforcement scissors, will be needed. Therefore, it is advisable use tape as an additional strengthening element.

Twisted ribbon helps protect the upper part of the fences. From it you can make barriers from animals, laying tape with waves on the ground.

When laying and installing, the safety regulations should be adhered to: working in protective clothing and gloves, use suitable tools, as the "enemia" often spawns in the most inappropriate minutes, which is fraught with injuries.

Manufacturing process

The manufacturing method depends on the type of "barbs". For example, barbed tape is released by stamping from metal-roll sheets, steel trimming, profile residues. And "Threads" make from galvanized wire. Spines for them are made of the same material, giving pieces a pointed shape and winding them on the base.

Most of all effort and finance is spent on the production of twisted wires. The fact is that at the initial stage there are ordinary "threads", then twisted using a special machine. Such a wire is distinguished by increased protective characteristics of future fences due to enhanced technical parameters.

Fences of increased security. If you want to protect your site from the encroachment of thieves and from the penetration of other not desirable people, we offer you a fence of increased security, using barbed wire.

As the maffers you know perfectly well that the priority after buying a country real estate is to install the fence. After all, the fence will be a face and defender of your future or built at home. The appearance depends on how qualitatively the installation of fences was produced, the price of which varies depending on the material.

Barbed Wire Fencing and Fences

Unfortunately, in modern realities, especially in Moscow, a spiny fence - an attribute of not only secret enterprises or correctional institutions. To ensure additional safety, such fences are used in personal sites, industrial areas or even children's, sports fields. This is a great way to increase the security of personal ownership, while maintaining aesthetics. After all, the metal protection installed on top of the main fence is practically not noticeable and will not affect the appearance of the site.

And there is no need to build a new fence completely from this material, it is possible to doodel a barbed wire of almost any design. The prevalence of this option provides the following factors:

Cheap material; High degree of protection of the design; Non-flat installation.

The materials presented on the market are diverse: a traditional barbed wire along the entire length is equipped with spikes, but more dangerous, and, therefore, reliable, difficult to overcome, tape equipped with sharp blades.

Installing barbed wire on the fence

Installing barbed wire on the fence, though a relatively simple procedure, but quite dangerous and requiring certain skills and the presence of tools. That is why it is recommended to entrust the work of experienced specialists. Premium Stroy offers services for the arrangement of protective fences and the installation of acute protection on the ready-made fence.

Options for equipping the fence protection are diverse and depend on the required level of security of the territory: Rings can be installed in several rows, vertically or horizontally, at an angle, use various materials.

For fastening or ribbon, metal brackets are most often used, which are welded to the columns. A stretched wire is fixed on the installed bracket, inside which the fixing string is pulled.

If you choose on a simple fence, fully made of the studded material, you should know that its device involves the preliminary installation of carrier metal pillars with welded frames, which subsequently stretch the wire wire.

Whatever option you choose, our masters will spend all the work qualitatively and in the shortest possible time.

To date, there is a huge amount of fences that differ among themselves on the set of basic functions, appearance and price category. If there is no need to upward expensive fencing from stone and brick, you can choose a more budget, but no less functional option - a wire fence.

Photo. Wire fence

Features and species

Wire fence is not limited only by a chain or other similar options. It can have a stronger design, different shape and parameters, as well as to be made in the form of ready-made panels, the installation of which is much easier and faster.

The fence of their wire panels, for example, is widely used to protect the territory of commercial enterprises, schools, kindergartens, parks, parking and others. Such fences are easy to use, are durable and have an attractive appearance.

The fence from the barbed wire is also common, which, however, is not distinguished by special decorativeness, but it copes perfectly with its main protective features.

Depending on the design features and fence parameters, several types are distinguished:

  • without applying additional coverage - today it is rarely used because it will strongly hang corrosion;
  • galvanized - covered with a thin layer of zinc, which gives wire additional characteristics;
  • with a polymer layer - coated with a color polymer coating, most often green or blue;
  • galvanized and polymer coatings - a universal version that is not afraid of corrosion and looks good.

Fencing with ribs for additional stiffness

The fence may also have a different form. Construction cells can be rectangular or square and have different size. Some species also assume the presence of ribs for additional stiffness.


The fence made of welded wire and its other analogues are distinguished by the following positive characteristics:

  • excellent traffic frequency;
  • strength, resistance before the exposure to the factors of the external environment;
  • a wide selection of forms, sizes and color solutions;
  • good decorative indicators;
  • low price material;
  • good protective indicators;
  • the ability to further connect to modern security systems, in particular the use of wires under voltage;
  • fast and easy installation;
  • easy repair.

Barbed wire bar under voltage

Implementation of installation work

Before making a fencing from the wire, you need to decide on it, since the installation in this case will be different. If we are talking about panel wire fence, then you need to perform the following:

  • Preload the territorywhere the fence will be installed using a conventional rope.
  • Install support pillars. To do this, the pits of a depth of about half a meter are first digged, where pillars are inserted and attached. After the supports are concreted, the sections themselves are applied. This is simple enough, because in such structures for these purposes there are special fasteners - clamps or clips.
  • Additional security elements. The metal base of the structure allows you to connect additional systems to the fence, in particular use the extraction fence.

Tip! Such a design does not provide for the use of the foundation. However, the presence of the basis will not only make the fence more durable, but also give it a more attractive appearance, which is visible in the photo.

Mounting work is performed a little differently, if we are talking about barbed wire. To do this, it is also necessary to install the support pillars - they can be driven into the ground or be concreted. There are also special pillars that are intended for these purposes. In any embodiment, the distance between the two supports should not be greater than 2-2.5 meters.

As for how to make a barbed wire, then this is a rather laborious process that requires a lot of time, perfection and patience. It will be easier to buy a ready-made option, especially since it is quite inexpensive.

All pillars should be firmly installed, because the fastening of the barbed wire to the fence will be accompanied by the tension of the supports inside. Barbed wire on the fence is attached quite quickly, all work can be executed in a few hours.

Tip! Working with barbed wire is quite dangerous. Even minor wounds are very painful and heal for a long time. To protect themselves, it is necessary to take care of protective gloves and tight clothing.


Such a fence is widely used for a variety of purposes. They are durable, reliable, easy to install and unpretentious in operation. Build a fence from the wire with your own hands is quite simple. The process depends on the selected fence. If we are talking about panels, they are attached to supports with specially prepared items. In the case of barbed wire, it will need to be attached manually. It is also done relatively simply and does not take much time.