Plants with shallow roots. Beautiful, decorative, blooming, frost-resistant, low shrubs for summer cottages

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Uriscouched root system:

  • I also found the information such: it is difficult to harde the stumps with deep rod and developed side roots (oak, pine, larch), easy to cake trees with side, superficial roots (aspen, alder, spruce).
  • The easiest way to fill the space around the trees and shrubs is to create a green carpet under them, which will close bare areas not only under large trees, but also under low shrubs without harm to themselves. Create it, of course, with the help of soil rims and shafts close to them with decorative leaves. In addition to the decorative effect, green plantations will allow suppress the distribution and development of weeds, significantly simplify the care of the garden, saving enough of you a lot of time, which is usually spent on weeding. Actually, the green carpet may not necessarily be only green: combining plants with beautiful foliage with seals, planted by clearing and "walkers", you can create colorful, highlighting shady places from the inside, carpets that are more reminiscent of the pechework style.
  • Tsuga Canadian
  • Maple ashrenanese
  • Oak red
  • Pine (most species) - less deep on heavy soils
  • Elm Rashavoy
  • Apple tree (types and varieties) - not very deep
  • Loch narrow-mounted - mediterranean
  • Maple flavored
  • Inventing decorative compositions from plants, we must take into account their maximum dimensions. After all, trees and shrubs tend to change - grow, gain mass and increase in size. It is equally important to know the details of the "underground" life of root systems of large plants. Because under the ground are like inverted branched crowns. At some - a pyramidal (rod root system), others have almost spheroid (urine).
  • Pine, spruce, palm tree, cypress
  • Selecting the plants for your green rug, pay attention to the period of their decorativeness: the longer your plants will be attractive, the more stable and colorful will be the design of your garden. So, if the soil ribs are good only in the active garden season, then such evergreen handsome handsome, like a hardy and unpretentious, and besides, and quickly growing ivy, Barwinka, Pakhisandra, clutch will cover the soil not only in spring, summer or autumn, but also in winter The period without losing its attractiveness regardless of the season and weather, and decorative-deciduous stars, such as host, so spectacular that the lack of a winter dress is easy to forgive. The Top Pahisandra pleases the eye of the foliage of a juicy green color, a dense and magnificent carpet of carved leaves, under which free soil is not visible. But the host with its large heart-hearteds with the pesting patterns fills the shady places with charm and light. And let it appreciate it more precisely for the decorativeness of foliage, flowering that lasts all summer is also very attractive. Barwinka is a plant. Easy, but such a cute thanks to modest leaves and amazingly bright flowers. It grows in the shade, and in the sun, durable, blooms very long and easily settle even under shrubs. Much more space will be required to beckle of Thongs with its powerful shoots, but bright foliage, for winter changing yellow-green patterns on pink-green, it is worth allowing other cultures. And to dilute the green sea of \u200b\u200bleaves and bring summer bright paints to it. Teenylebiy annuals - begonias, mimeulyus, balsamines, nasturtiums, some types of fine geraniums.
  • Tuya Western
  • Robinity False (White Acacia) - in maturity
  • Spruce (most species)
  • Cherry Maghalebck
  • Pear Ivolet
  • Hawthorn smooth
  • Alder gray - not very deep

Rod root system:

  • Sharp maple - not very deep
  • Birch Hang - Shallow
  • The deeper the roots, the more good grounding, therefore, the conductivity of EL charges. Current - more, respectively, lightning "prefers" this tree to another, provided that there are no higher trees nearby, as a static charge is accumulated anymore on higher trees.
  • If shrubs can be "arranged" only the covering of soil and precipitated plants with rare enclosures of blooming textures, then under the trees you can arrange a real mini-flower garden (if, of course, we are not talking about a pear, lime, oak, an apple tree or a cherry with a surface root system ). The ideal combination for registration of areas under the trees is considered a combination of perennials that are not afraid of competitors and are well evolving even in the cramped conditions of crushing ornamental herbs and tepenubivy ferns. They play in contrasts, create the effect of the motley sea and only emphasize the beauty of the soloist trees.
  • Cherry ordinary
  • Pine Wolich
  • Iva (many species)
  • Clean ordinary
  • Pear ordinary
  • Hawthorn round-headed
  • Alder black - often very deep
  • Maple field - not very deep
  • Fluffy birch
  • I always believed that zipper hits the highest trees.
  • Some of the best plants capable of living in the shade is the magnificent stepper with its unique long inflorescences from bizarre bells, a bright cuff, an impressive epimedium, touching lounge. They definitely do not call imperceptible "crumbs"! The original blooming rug can be made up of a plush-owned cycle, which produces pink flowers in the late summer. It will not be superfluous in the collection of shadownased perennials and an impressive Astilba with its open-fibular loose pancakes or akveliya with elegant flowers, which is considered to be a ramped plant. But sometimes even too bold paints for shadow need balancing with the help of more restrained, but not less beautiful plants. Decorative School, the shielder excellent "reassure" blooming perennials and create a landscape effect in a rustic circle. But Gerani is better to plant in the scattered shadow along the edge of the crown as a kind of edging. By the way, geranium is the only plant that is suitable for creating a monofer from high perennials. Its root system is so compact that it is even possible to plant geraniums even next to the capricious beauties. Sit a few bushes in the rolling circle and after a few years you will get a surprisingly hardy and colorful geranium mat.
  • The empty soil under the trees and shrubs looks unattractive, and the weeds extending through free areas take a lot of time and strength. It is quite difficult to find a solution to this problem, because, on the one hand, the crown of large trees and shrubs is too tight and does not provide sufficient lighting for landing the lawn, and, on the other hand, planted plants may interfere with the development of the main actors of the Garden. And the more thick, the trees and shrubs have a dense crown, the more superficial root system, the more difficult the task of placing the place around them. But this does not mean that there is no solution to such a problem. Among the garden plants there are many very beautiful and unpretentious perennials, which their roots will not interfere with the development of shrubs or trees actually, as well as a great many "lungs" of soil workers who not only feel well in the shade, but also create favorable conditions for the development of trees. The main thing is to choose a magnificent accompaniment for specific species and varieties of trees.
  • Poplar Chinese

Surface root system:

  • IRGA Canadian
  • Ash narrow
  • Cheerful oak
  • Hawthorn one-stop
  • Alder Black "Imperialis"
  • Horse chestnut ordinary - more or less
  • Black Birch
  • Maybe just these trees and above?!
  • In the shade of huge trees, you can even plant small blooming shrubs, such as low rhododendrons. They should be surrounded by only one plant, because the accumulation of the different floor mats will look too screaming. To Rododenndrons, for example, you can put the clearing of Derena Canadian, which will be a surprisingly elegant duet with blooming handsome hands, or a contrasting dark flying ivy.
  • Not all trees "love" the neighborhood with other plants. "Peace-loving" linden, apple tree, oaks are as if created in order for their rich zone to be decorated with lush plants and bright colors. These trees have a compact, not too wide and deep root system, which allows you to plant a variety of plants in the shade of crowns, even perennials that actively use moisture and nutrients of the soil. It is fully for them to rank and pears with cherries. Under such trees that will not give up the neighborhood with other cultures in the rolling circle, plants for creating as a beautiful carpet as possible are planted quite tightly, with one square meter to 12 saplings of soil workers, about 7 average or 3 major perennials.
  • Poplar balsamic
  • Cypress Gorochoploda
  • Japanese bugger
  • Gesture laxative
  • Hawthorn symbolistic
  • Fir (most species) - deep
  • Lyetsug Menzisa
  • Ginkgo double-bladed
  • Thick roots are the best conductors than minor - they have more moisture, they have a large area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the earth.
  • There are two main types of root systems. In most oaks, some pines (for example, rigid and swamp) and many other trees this system is rod: the base of the trunk goes into a large vertical root, which is gradually narrowed and branches like an overhead part of the tree. This main root is usually complemented by pressing, horizontally diverging from the base of the barrel. In the case of the urine root system, characteristic, for example, for Ilmov, beeches and maples, the wood has only such horizontal roots, and the main among them is not noticeable. Inside each of these types, numerous options are observed. In addition, the trees of the same species can form a rod root system on powerful fertile soils and urine - on raw or stony places.

Soil plants to fill the space under the trees and shrubs.

It is much more difficult to arrange a zone under such representatives of trees as a maple is in -uret or birch, because their roots are located very widely and develop horizontally, close to the surface of the soil. Herbatous perennials in such trees are inappropriate, and the soil collens will need help: to pour a layer of compost with a palm with a palm with an additive of the gardens of garden soil between the roots with the addition of a gardens of garden soil, to climb the plants to climb them with large sawdust or bark and wait until the plants come true and distribute the plants. . Starting should be started with several plants. The landscaping of the ribric circles of Birch and Maple is not the same season, and most importantly in it - stock patience and allow plants to gradually develop independently. Twice a year between plants should be launched a new compost and double-blade with organic fertilizers, as well as provide additional watering into drought.

Poplar white "Niveya"

Maple pruring

Velvet Amur

Ryabina Aria

Elm Gladky

Robinity False (White Acacia) - in youth

Lipa (most species)

Maple red - Shallow

Trees. Vile trees, with a minimum root system, growing vertically?


Because a more advanced root system contributes to a cluster on a larger charge tree, which attracts lightning
About the diameter is a rule, it is believed that the diameter of the root system is close to the diameter of the crown.
But there are among trees and such plants that create a very strong shadow in which only units of plants can take place, and they are "scared", releasing poisonous substances. Thus, the wood and chestnut in the leaves contain poisons, which, after fastening, fall into the ground and suppress the growth of plants in the attractive zone. Robinnia is even more cunning: poisons allocate not only the leaves, but also the roots. Next to these plants, the lush carpet will not create.

Soil-levels are low-spirited plants with escape and horizontally growing root system. They cover the plot of a living "carpet", forming a solid intimidated cover. Garden soil workers include representatives of different types of plants, but especially decoratively look at the landscaped design of flowering perennials of this group.

Properly selected soils practically do not have drawbacks, except for irrepressive desire to seize new territories. The population must be controlled.

Selection for dry plots

These are flowering plants capable of growing on poor soils without additional watering and feeding. On the contrary, such an additional concern can lead to an undesirable rise in the vegetative mass, which reduces not only the intensity of flowering and decorativeness, but also prospects in terms of wintering.


Honored leader of this group. Come on leafy succulents - plants adapted to a long lack of moisture due to accumulation of it in special tissues of fleshy leaves and stems. They grow there, where it would seem, nothing can grow, easily rooted and transfer drought. There are evergreen dense fruitful branched shoots that can not only step horizontally, but also lifted to small hills. Due to this, it is indispensable for masking hatches, concrete surfaces, incl. those that are impossible to get out of the soil. Can grow in narrow strips of land between stones or plates. Do not amazed with fungus or garden pests.

There are many varieties of cums, differing in the shape and color of flowers and leaves - yellow, burgundy, bluish, sizo-green, purple. Can land with a mixture, creating a lightweight and bright sieve motley. Blossom continues 3-5 weeks in the middle of summer. Seamless decorative patterns for saving decorativeness should be cut to a common flower bed.

The main danger to clerk and other winter-selene ground sawmills is a massive stall of snow, especially in relatively warm winter, causing spontaneous. The thickened landings are especially affected. Therefore, when choosing a place to eliminate plots where snow accumulates.

Molded (stone rose)

Another soil crewlet from the category "plant and forget". Name Stone Rose How it is impossible to more transmits the external image of this plant, which in itself looks like a flower socket. Unlike other covers, it grows more slowly, but retains its incredible beauty throughout the season, regardless of flowering.

The stone rose is indifferent to drought and frost, with bright sunlight gives brighter leaves in a burgundy purple spectrum. There are about half of the species in the incredible variety of forms and colors.

Choice for clay soils

For landing on a heavy clay soil, it is necessary to give preference to either insatiable "water protection" or aggressor plants that are distinguished by the constant emissions of air escapes and underground chains. In addition, they must be frost-resistant and unpretentious. To withstand the conditions of permanent overvocation and the shortage of air exchange is capable of Barwin, Bolotnaya Belozor, Siberian Brunner, hoofing, marsh bow, host, garden forget-me-not, and some others.

Soil rods for which you can walk

We are talking about garden paths with a small "pedestrian flow." Living flower walkway between bushes and trees is amazingly beautiful and unusual. And much more economical paving slabs and other paving materials. Flowers are planting between stunned cobblestones in the ground without sharp corners or large flat stones. The main load will fall on the stone basis, and the fact that it will get in colors, they are quite capable of incurring, if they correctly pick up. In addition, the touch of your feet will only enhance their fragrance.


The best varieties of thyme for garden cobbled tracks is the Bogorodskaya Grass, a chamber, thyme creep. Their fragrant and elastic shoots form dense cover. They will great handle the load and every time they will give you their delicious fragrance. Preference should be given to solar sites.

Laurentia River

But this plant with miniature asterisks of colors will survive in the most shaded corners of the garden, but will be glad and the open sun. Flowers are so small that externally landing looks like a pale blue cloud. Blossom starts at the turn of spring-summer. The rapidly growing grade Blue Star Crewriper will be an excellent alternative to lawn grass.

Ayuga (Labor)

Super Living Flower, fully justifying its name. Emits a spike with tiny blond flowers, losing on the background of very colorful colorful foliage. Does not impose requirements for lighting and does not require care. Forms a beautiful garden lawn in darkened garden corners.


Will growless to grow on the most scanty soils and in the most spartan conditions, unless they give it finally and completely dry. Squeeze it on a path, in the stones on the road, hurry on it - just give him the opportunity to freely shake and start shooting at your pleasure. In the end of the spring, the tender yellowness will bloom, and in a soft climate, it will save its color even in winter.

Use instead of lawn

The above and many other blooming soil perennials are quite capable of withstanding physical exertion, which means they can replace the lawn. Consider their advantages in relation to lawn herbs.

  • Unpretentious and do not require regular care events - haircuts, spring aerations, and so on.
  • For their sowing, such careful soil preparation is not needed.
  • Many species live perfectly in the shade.
  • On the inclined areas, the lawn grass may require the installation of a special retaining grid, which significantly increases the cost of the process. Soil workers, on the contrary, strengthen the slope.
  • Almost do not require watering unlike cereal mixtures for lawn. May grow in moisture-insulated soils.
  • Have bright colors.

Plants for which they go, require more moisture. Such landings must be periodically water.

Accounting for the area of \u200b\u200bpropagation of the root system is very important when creating compositions from wood plants and planning landings of the lower tier. In an ideally composed composition, all the soil layers are mastered by roots of different plants, and they will minimally compete with each other for moisture and food.

Knowledge of the propagation features of the roots will make it easier to facilitate gardening and avoid numerous complications. For example, it is not necessary to make a pavement under a robinium, the roots of which will raise the tile. It is especially important to provide for trees with surface roots not oppressed perennials in nearby flower beds. It is better to put the root protection membrane with their close neighborhood.

Plants with rod roots, like pines, get moisture and nutrition from the lower layers of the soil. They are resistant to drought and wind, leave the living space to shrubs and herbaceous plants, and do not compete with them. However, they usually suffer at a high groundwater level, painfully transfer a transplant.

On the other hand, views with surface roots, like birch or will, tightly fill the surface layer of the soil, taking themselves all moisture and food. They are better adapted to the overwhelmed soils. Under their canopy, there are few opportunities for the growth of other plants. Often such species are depressing when the soil is overporing.

From Deliki: This table will help to avoid many errors in the preparation of wood-shrub compositions. Legend you will find below, under the table.

Russian name Latin name Plant size Easy content
Plants with deep (rod) root system
Hawthorn bleeding, b. Crataegus Sanguinea, c. Monogyna. *** ++
Ordinary pear, Ivolovaya Pirus Communis, p. Salicifolia. ** +++
Cheerful oak QUERCUS Robur. **** ++++
Maple isolate Acer Pseudoplatanus. **** +++
Kishtan Konsky Aesculus hippocastanum **** +++
Larch Siberian Larix Sibirica. **** ++++
Red cedar Juneperus Virginiana. ** +
Nut black Juglans Nigra. **** ++++
Pine ordinary, s.Kedrov Pinus Silvestris, p. sibirica. **** ++++
Lavroliste poplar Populus Laurifolia. **** ++++
Clean ordinary Fraxinus Excelsior. **** ++++
Views with a dense compact root system
Maaak's honeysuckle, etc. Lonicera Mackii. ** +
Veschina ordinary Corylus Avellana. *** ++
Lipa Plotovate Tilia Platifillum, t. Cordata. **** ++++
Single-color fir Abies Concolor **** ++
Pseudootsuga Menzisa Pseudotsuga Menziesi. **** +++
Plum Chinese Prunus Salicina. ** +++
Mountain ash Sorbus Aucuparia. *** +++
Tis berry Taxus Baccata. ** +
Apple tree Nedlavetsky Malus Niedzwetzkyana. *** ++
Plants with surface root system
Velvet Amur Phellodendron Amurense *** +++
Birch hung Betula Pendula. **** ++++
Deren white Cornus Alba. ** +
Oak red and swamp QUERCUS RUBRA, Q.PALUSTRIS **** ++++
Spruce ordinary Picea abies **** ++++
Iva Ostroland Salix Acutifolia. ** +++
Irga Kruglyoliste Amelancier Rotundifolia. ** ++
Maple Silver, Red, Ginnala Acer Saccharinum, A. Rubrum, A.Ginnala ** (****) +++
Larch Gmelin Larix Gmelinii. **** +++
Magnolia star Magnolia Stellata. ** +
Robinini pseudoocation Robinia pseudoacacia **** ++++
Rhododendron Yellow and Dr.Vid Rhododendron Luteum. ** ++
Pine Gorna Pinus Mugo. * (**) ++++
Snowy year white Symforicarpus albus. * ++++
Tuya Western Thuja Occidenthalis. *** +++

Conditions adopted in the table

Large tree, height of more than 8-10 m (****)
Small tree, height up to 10 m (***)
Large shrub, height from 2 to 3 m (**)
Small shrub (*)

Does not require (++++)
Practically does not require care (+++)
Small care (++)
Regular care (+)

When planning the garden of his dreams, the plant selection process is most attractive and exciting. Landing should be harmonized with all elements of the garden. It is the vegetation that is remembered in the garden primarily. It should be borne in mind that each plant has its own characteristics and a tendency to a certain type of soil. When all questions with the preparation of the soil were carried out, go to the selection of plants. This is done taking into account their requirements for illumination, moisture, soil nutrition and accessories to the climatic zone. You can, of course, create collections and gardens complex in care, but for this you need a conscious, responsible decision. Just considering the above items, plants will grow well and delight you with the magnificity of greenery and the riot of paints. But, itself, the main rule is to start working with plants with love. Many experiences have been conducted proving that the plants react to your attitude towards them.

The presence of a wide range of plants (unless of course you collect the collection) does not mean the garden is beautiful. The focus is on appearance, texture, form of leaves, color, dimensions, flowering time of plants. It will not be superfluous with the views of the root system. These data should be considered when preparing landing and determining the location of plants.

In garden centers, plants are now sold in containers (closed root system). From such plants it is easier to make a composition and it is possible to plant them almost all year round, with the exception of the period when the land is frozen. Transport container plants is easier and the survival rate is better. Check the container plant or not easy - just get the plant from the container. Whom must be intertwined with roots and do not fall apart. But if the roots came out of the drainage holes, it means that the plant was not transplanted for a long time and it will be in the oppressed state (you need to pay attention to such things). Major copies are often sold in "Balotes" - prepared by the root com in burlap, placed in a metal grid. This is also a closed root system. Burlakovin in the ground overtakes over the season, and the grid decomposes for 3-4 years. Therefore, such plants are planted in the grid, only cuts up the upper part - this is done to the ability to grow the trunk. In the spring and autumn, they transplanted and plant plants with an open root system - such a planting material costs cheaper, but the dates of the landing are reduced.

Typical root systems of wood plants:
1 - rod unbreakable root system, basic roots at normal development Very deep (fir, ginkgo two-sighted, larch, pseudo-dust, male marsh, gentle male, sharp cutle, grab, tree-like (bear walnut), linden melachatny, Alder black, birch, beech, Lirogendron, Berry Tissing) Fig. one
2 - the rod root system is undiscreterable in youth, with an extensive age, on normal soils deep (European larch) rice. 2.
3 - deep, branched root system. With the age of a rod root branches off due to the rise of the mass of the side roots (oak pissile, rowan, pseudolitan, hawthorn, plum, pear, ash, ordinary) Fig.3
4 - The rod root system is unbreakable in youth, with an extensive age. On normal soils, deep, on heavy soils - flat (pine ordinary) rice. four
5 - Surface root system. Basically, the roots are very superficial, often located radially (birch bearded, Pine Griffith, Oak Red, Clay, Robinia, Willow, Cypress, Tuya, Tsuga, Spruce, Deer, Magnolia, Sumy) Fig. five

It should be known that not all plants carry the effect of roots and crowns of other trees. There are a number of plants that are still pretty unpretentious next to more powerful neighbors. This is: Samshat, Deren, Leschina, Becklets, Ivy, Holly, Biryuchi, Honeysuckle, Piracker, Currant Alpine, Buzin, Snowy Year, Tess, Magonia, Mascoliy Year, Henomelles, Lilac, Barwin.

The territory of our sites is usually small. Therefore, it should be known in the face of the plant that inappropriately use in small areas (unless, of course, it is not decided to plant one - two largest plants). Types of high plants Height which is in a mature age from 4 to 20 meters: Single-color fir (15m), Lavson Cypress (5m), larch (18m), spruce (14m), spiny spruce (15m), Austrian black (15m) Field Kleon (15m, Diameter of Krona 12m), Common Clain (30m), Silver Clain (30m), Kanchin Konsky (25m), Waterfront or European (25m), ash (up to 35m), Cherry oak (40m), Oak red (up to 20m), Robinini (12m), Willow White (Crown diameter and height 20m), Lipa European (up to 40m), Lipa isolate (up to 20m).

But currently, our market is very rich dwarf species and varieties of decorative plants. With their help, it is possible to make even very small rockers and mixborads, make a beautiful focus on the Alpine slide, replenish the collection or carry out a single landing in front of the window, or in the lawn. When selecting plants, it is very convenient to use Polish directories selling in garden centers. Here are not only placed photos of plants, but also indicate their shape and size relative to the human figure. Eye can please dwarf fir, spruce, tui, juniper, birch, barberries, spiries, colon-shaped oaks and rowan, a lot of stammer forms of coniferous and deciduous plants.





It would be nice to know that there are the concepts of frost resistance and winter hardiness of plants. Frost resistance - This is the ability of plants to withstand low temperatures, characteristic of a certain climatic zone. BUT winter hardiness - Plant endurance with frequent environmental change (then a sharp cooling with strong wind and frost, then warming, then snowfall, etc.). Each type of plants there are still its distinctive characteristics, for example: Kanchtin Konsky is not a leaving from our places, it is frost-resistant and can grow both in sunny and shady spot. Alder black requires moistened soil and does not tolerate lime soils. Beech Forest and Grab tolerate trimming and require fresh soil. Well tolerates trimming and birch, but you need to know what time it is to do, so that it does not dry by the loss of juice, but in general, this plant is unpretentious. Lipa mellite not tolerate soil seals. And the oak is black - the heat-loving and growing very slowly.

Exists plant classification In relation to the lighting, the acidity of the soil, the attitude to the influence of the environment and industrial emissions, the soil seal in the roots, wind-resistant and windproof plants. It is necessary to highlight groups of plants that carry short-term flooding: wildfields, ashenoen, pseudoplatanny, alder, aronym, birch, holborate, derente white, holly, magnolia, plum, rhododendron, elderberry, snowy year, linden, lem, rowan, Kalina, Aristorochia , Clematis, honeysuckle, larch, spruce, ordinary pine, Weimutova, Thuja, cypress. But plants that suffer a constantly elevated level of water are very little: the deren will give a weak increase, and the method will require a long time on restructuring, and not our plant.

Heavy clay soils For Belarus are not uncommon. You can completely replace the soil on the site, carry out drainage work, make the desired slope for removing the water and plug the sand pillow, but in this case, we are talking about the soil layer 60cm. From the surface to the depth. For annual and herbaceous perennial plants, this is a solution to the question, but for trees and high shrubs that the root system goes deep into a few meters - this is a help, but as long as the plant is young. Therefore, it is better to get rid of yourself from frustration in the future and explore the list of plants suitable for your conditions. Moreover, the list of plants is pretty large: male, alder, rhine, deren, wood, kisystrian, hawthorn, bearer, beech, forzing, ash, ivy, holly, oak, currant Alpine, Rosehip, Blackberry, Iva, Clematis. From coniferous: cypressovik, larch, microbiota, spruce, pseudootsuga. It should be remembered that some varieties of the above plants can be very whimsally, but the individual approach is important. And species plants calmly carry these conditions.

Very important indicator - soil acidity. In the past, we already talked about the fact that acidic soils predominate in Belarus, but for coniferous, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and some other plants need a special substrate. It must be added to the landing jam and mix with the existing soil. Consider many loved hortensia - On the physiological origin of the flower change in these plants. How to get blue hydrangeas? It is very important to choose the right grade. Clean blue painting is possible only in a pink-colored variety, whose flowers contain a sufficient amount of dolphinidine peeling. There are no white colors of this coloring substance, so they will never become blue. Such dark-pink varieties like "Hamburg" contain a small amount of delphinidine in its flower cells. They dominate the red color, they will give purple, which can also be interesting. Only with sufficient aluminum into the soil before the start of flowering guarantees the production of pure blue. Aluminum can be made for plants in the soil with a low pH value, because It is sufficiently decomposed only with a value less than 5.0 and may be stroked by plants. Aluminum sulfate contributes from 1.5 to 5 per M. Kub. Hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthe gentle variety "Bouquet of roses" easily changes the color even with weakly acidic soil. But it should be noted that the plants with blue colors are much lower than with blue and pink. Mixed color instances can be the largest.

Plants for acidic soils: Coniferous - fir, cypressovik, ginkgo, juniper, spruce, microbiota, pine low or cedar stabel, pine beamutov, ordinary, griffith, pseudotussuga, tess, thuja, tsuga. Deciduous - Ratchmaken, Dabing, Dale, Loch, Eric, Dark, Hydrangea, Holly, Yuva, Magnolia, Phahisandra Top, Species of Phackles, Bolotnaya Oak, Red, Some varieties of currants, raspberries, blackberries, roses, elderberry, blueberries. Rowan, Kalina, Spirea, Lilac, Deer - withstand acidic soils.

If with moisture and acidity we are more or less understandable, then "include" sunlight in shady corners And from the northern side of the buildings will not work. But Nature took care of it. If there are conditions, it means that there are plants for them. Well feel without bright sun green varieties of barberrys, shadow shadow: Samshet, Grab, Deer, Leschin, Kisser, Hawthorn, Becklets, Beech, Goltery, Gamamemelis Virginsky, Ivy, Hydrangea, Holness, Kerry, Biryuchi, Honey (blooming will not Abundant), some varieties of magnolia, PAKHISANTRA, bubbler, Pieris Japanese (in our zone winter under the shelter), cherrymukha, rhododendron, some gorgeous varieties, rosehip, elderberry, rowan, varieties of viburnum, Lipa largest, belching Tsackov, Clematis, Aristorochia. From coniferous plants: fir, types and varieties of fir trees, cypressovikov, Tsuga, microbiota, thuja western, folded, turkey bitten.

It should be noted another very important point, which is usually not paying attention - in nature there are poisonous plantsand they are widely used in landscaping. If there are small children in the house, their attention is often attracted to berries on decorative plants, they often break the bark from branches or take parts of plants. All parts of the plant, and 10-12 berries - fatal dose for children. Beesquesta has poisonous parts, 36 berries are fatal for an adult. Paduba - poisonous fruits and leaves, 30 berries are fatal for adult. At the bobvik - all parts of the plant are very dangerous, 4 Boba is a deadly dose for a child. Sumy is dangerous bark and milky juice. Juniper - poisonous parts of the plant, 20gram are fatal, especially dangerous shoots of shoots. Duman, Lily of the Lily of the Lily, also belong to poisonous plants, but they are not as dangerous as the above.

Allergy - Cooked disease and need to know allergens of natural origin. The most numerous group of allergens penetrating the body is mainly from the air and with direct contact with the skin: pollen of plants (most of the pollen are ejected by plants in the morning), spores of the mold mushroom, mildew, the juice of some plants, which is distinguished when damaged. Two periods are celebrated when pollen is constantly in the air - it is spring, when flakes of deciduous trees and summer, flowering time of herbs. For this period you can leave. I do not want to create the image of plants of enemies, each of the following has unique properties on beauty. Deciduous trees: Iva goat, alder black and gray, poplar, aspen, lump, birch, ash, jasmine. Lawn herbs can not be brought to flowering and sharpen on time. Cereals and dissemination: oats, rye, wheat, rice, drink, timofeevka, hedgehog, ambrosia, mealist meadow, spurred, chamomile, oatmeal, plantain, rags, breadstate, decorative cereals, yarrow, asters, chrysanthemums, gelenium. Many herbs bloom during flowering of poplars and precisely herbs cause allergic reactions, and poplars are only the source of the fluff. Plants causing phytodermatosis: nettle, wolf lyco, dandelion, marine white, swan, wormwood bitter, grained, ivy leaves, primrofit plants.

Root systems should not strongly overlap each other, intertwine and grow together. It is unacceptable that they compete for water and nutrition or with growth stumbled on obstacles - foundations and communications.

In the form of the root system - it is not necessarily a mirror reflection of the outlines of the crown. It may seem that if the krona is flat and balanced, then with the root system the same picture. This is not quite so.

Sometimes roots do not go beyond the projection of the crown (cherry felt). Sometimes the branches are scattered, and the root of the rod, which goes deep into (some pines, the oak pile. And it happens, Crown is a column-like, and the root system is superficial (column-like shapes and varieties of ordinary).

In addition, the root system of some plants can change. Young robinine pseudo-surchant has a urine root system, and in adulthood - similar to the surface. Soil and environmental conditions are important: the pine ordinary in the sands forms a deep rod system, and on wet heavy soils - urine.

The root system of plants is also amenable to formation, as well as their ground part. This is what is done in nurseries - periodically (once every 4-7 years, depending on the type) of the plant "roll" from one school to another. That is, they dig out, form the ground part and cut the root system. Cropped roots begin to branch, the compact urine system is obtained. It is very convenient during transportation and landing - it can be honestly placed and straighten into the landing. And with the rod root it is impossible to contact it - it does not tolerate bending and twisting.

The rod root system is peculiar to plants living there, where the groundwater lies deeply (on sandy soils). It provides a plant high resistance against wind - roots go deep into the piles. That is why mast pines on sandy shoots stand under the winds as if nothing had happened. And the mighty forest fir, with their sailing crown and the surface root system, the strong wind poured relatively easily - such defeated giants a lot in any forest.

Roots work like water pumps. But it does not mean at all that they are certainly shuffled to aquifer. If the water is close, the root system can be urine, or even superficial - but it performs its task successfully. For example, an adult birch birch most often has an average medium-type root system - between the urine and surface, and its roots per day "roll out" from the soil about 200 (!) Water liters. That is why the birch is often made in the black list of "dried land" and strive to emerge the garden before breaking. And in vain - sometimes after that, the plot turns into a swamp.

Place of planting plants need to be chosen by the type of its root system and according to the individual "ratio" to the level of groundwater. The general rule is simple: plants with a surface and urine root system relative to the tolerant of high water standing, with a rod system - intolerant. If the water is standing near the surface, then almost all plants will suffer from shocking roots and will soon die (except for particularly water-loving species).

Another problem is how to plant plants on the mastered areas near the facilities and buildings. If the root system is superficial, then it can come across the wall of the foundation, if the urine and rod - on the communications are laid in the soil. And not only will suffer itself, but also harm the buildings. There are well-known norms to help this avoid.

The tree is put on to plant at least 5 m from the wall of the building and at least 1.5 m from the sewer tube, a shrub - at least 1.5 m from the wall and at least 1.0 m from the pipe.

However, the norms are given with some reinsurance. If the tree is a spreading crown and a branched root system, then it really should not be closer than 5 m from the wall of the house. If this is a column-shaped tree with a rod root (for example, the form of the Fastigiat of Pine Ordinary), and the garden lodge stands on the tape base, then it is not so strictly observed.

It has been established that the average depth of possible winter freezing of the soil in the middle lane of Russia is 1.5 m. In fact, this figure is extreme and very conditional. Such a freezing is possible only in nosemage harsh winters in areas where there is no vegetation cover. Usually in winter on the surface of the Earth, it is formed only a freezing crust. And root systems of wood plants in the ground are not freezing so much - otherwise there would be no forests for a long time. After all, the spruce is withstanding the freezing of the root system only to -23 ° C, and when -24 ° C fabric roots, the tree is dying.

The trouble is that many inexperienced gardeners believe that the landscape of the Earth for one and a half meters deep into the annual norm, the usual case for plants. And they begin to mindlessly plant them in the containers, on the retaining walls, in the gardens on the roofs ... Naturally, outdoors, without the protection of the soil, these landings are dying from the root freezing.

Firms engaged in winter landing of large-leaveders sometimes dig trees in advance and leave them in anticipation of the customer stand outdoors, with an unspecified clickene room. Week-other strong frosts - compends through, roots are dying. In winter it is impossible to see it. Only at the beginning of the summer, the customer becomes clear that he paid money for planting a "fresh-frozen" plant.

If the plant is spilled from all sorts of interference, its root system is developing normally and reaches those sizes that are needed to power the crown. These sizes are different. For example, a two-meter rhododendron has a root system surface and non-screens. And at the apple tree, it comes to almost the edge of the projection of the crown, and then others are located just those roots that feed the plant. Therefore, the rolling circle with a diameter of 1 m, the swallowed apple tree with a diameter of the crown 5 m, is meaningless. Neither watering nor the feeder at such a distance from the effect of the effect will not give, it is better to apply an extractive feeder on Krone. That is why it is necessary to know exactly how great space occupied by the root tree of the tree.