Repair kitchen from scratch. How to perform kitchen repair: What you need to consider and how to avoid mistakes

The kitchen itself will not be cozy, modern and beautiful, if not to equip it in your taste. How to repair in the kitchen, when you do not have the concept, where to start?

After all, now the construction and facing materials are expensive, and still need to hire masters. However, it is not necessary to do this. I will tell you where to start the arrangement of the kitchen, and what important moments take into account.

Good repair you can make your own hands. To do this, you need to know exactly what room should be in the end and move towards the goal according to the design and plan.

How to design the kitchen?

To visually imagine the location of furniture and kitchen equipment, you will first need to make a detailed drawing.

Planning and measurements

Draw everything that will be in an updated room, indicating the dimensions of each interior item:

  1. At the first stage, measure Kitchen furniture, sink, hob.
  2. Then specify the location pipes, heating radiator, sockets, ventilation channel and exhaust.
  3. After that, proceed to measurements Household appliances. For example, microwave, refrigerator, television, kitchen combine, dishwasher and washing machine, etc.

I advise you to make equipment measurements and open doors. At least, for the refrigerator and microwaves it must be done.

  1. Now you will need to think about the location of the measured furniture and equipment. If you want to put a new kitchen set, dock it on the plan with washing, hob and built-in equipment.
  2. Determine the size and number of drawers On the working surface of the furniture, as well as the arrangement of the handles on them. Do not forget to plan the backlight, the quantity and location of open shelves, eaves, glass doors.

  1. Select the dimensions of the apron and determine Facing material for it. The best option for apron is a ceramic tile.

Choose materials and count how much they need them

Think how to make repair with your own hands cheap and beautiful:

  1. Pick up the design and color gamut kitchen. If it is small, the optimal option is light tones in finishing and furniture that make a room wider and higher.

  1. Then make a list of the necessary construction and facing materials.. They need a lot:
  • plaster and spacure To align the ceiling and walls in the kitchen, as well as a band screed, if it is uneven;
  • glue for wallpaper and tiles;
  • plasterboard and profiles for ceiling and possibly walls;
  • paint, tile, linoleum And other finishes for all surfaces.

  1. You still need to buy new electrical outlets, wire, as well as pipes for water supply, sewage and ventilation. If you have a need to change the window, make a list and it.

Calculating the number of necessary materials, find out their cost and make a rough estimate. So you decide on financial spending that you will come. If the cost is not under force, try to replace one or another material for a cheaper option.

Start repair - get rid of extra and change eyeliner

Before starting repair, you will need to free and prepare space.

We end up and break, all that can

  1. First, remove all the kitchen equipment out of the room. Then remove the furniture, leaving only the built-in. If the repair is assumed to be overhaul, disassemble it.
  2. After that, free the walls, the floor and the ceiling from the old cladding. Felt the tile and floor tiles, remove the paint, wallpaper, linoleum, remove the plinth.

Keeping and water-emulsion paint can be easily removed if they are pre-wetted with warm water. From the old wall decoration and the ceiling of another type (oil, latex, acrylic paint) you can get rid of a special cleaning.

  1. If the kitchen is subjected to redevelopment, bring the old partitions and remove the door. If you plan to change the window, dismantle it together with the box.

Having finished cleaning, you can start repairing the kitchen with your own hands.

We deploy engineering communications

Installation of engineering communications start with wiring. Points for outlets are located so that it is convenient to use kitchen equipment.

Electrical outlets you will need a working area:for refrigerator, microwave, exhaust, hob, television, etc. Provide a rosette and for local illumination.

Next, do the ventilation system. Replace its old air duct with new pipes. In order for the ventilation to be effective, that is, forced, you will need a tilt with a fan. Set it at a height of 60 cm above the hob.

Water and sewer systemit is better to collect from metal plastic and polypropylene pipes. They are light, but durable, durable, are not afraid of temperature differences and are convenient in the installation.

Installation of engineering communications - the case is responsible and requires certain skills. If you do not have them, then make the repair of this stage to trust the professionals.

Registration of the ceiling, walls and floor

After completing the preparatory stages of the repair, you can start facing work.

Start from the ceiling. It can be done:

  • mounted from plastic panels or sheets of plasterboard;
  • tension from polymer or tissue cloths;
  • it is possible and a completely inexpensive option - just to paint the surface.
  1. If you stayed on painting, choose moisture-resistant paint. For example, water-dispersion acrylic, latex or silicone composition.
  2. Before coloring Ceiling surface Align the plaster and throw the putty.
  3. If you chose a stretch ceiling,consider - it is necessary to mount it after cladding the walls.

  1. Budget version of wall cladding - It is to salab them with wallpaper. Best of all, if they are washing, as they will splash water on them, accumulate fat and soot. A good solution will be the wallpaper for painting. They are practical and beautiful.
  2. Plot of walls in the working area In most cases, facing the cafeter. However, you can separate all walls in the kitchen with tiles. This decision will be very practical.
  1. If the floor is concrete. You can make a screed for it from the finished self-leveling mixture or homemade cement-sandy solution.

  1. When wooden floors. Check for strength and replace the flooring for the needs, then align them plywood.
  2. If you want to install a system of warm floors. First, align the base with the screed. Then put the heating wires or pipes. Do it, as the manufacturer's instruction recommends. Next, fill the warm floors with another layer of screed.

Aligning the foundation, put the selected flooring: linoleum, tile, laminate, etc.

How to install plinth

Making repairs in the kitchen, do not forget about floor plinths. Metal or plastic planks are best suited for the kitchen. Wooden plinths are impractical, as water and cleaning agents are afraid without a protective coating.

Normal Length of Plastic Plinths- 2.5 m. To calculate how much you need, measure the perimeter of the kitchen, add 2 m of the reserve to the resulting digit and divide the number by 2.5. According to the number of internal and external corners, buy also angular elements.

Cutting the plastic plinth is convenient saw by metal. It is necessary to install them, starting from one of the corners or doors. Planks plastic dowels are attached.

In addition to floor plinths, there are ceiling analogs (baguette). They close the slots between the ceiling cladding and the walls, emphasize the adjunctions between these surfaces and make the design of the room more aesthetic.

Ceiling baguette may be plaster or plastic. The last option is installed after the wall cladding and the ceiling.

Final Repair Stage - put furniture and kitchen equipment

  1. If you decide to renew all when repairing in the apartmentYou will have to change the kitchen door. It can be made from MDF, tree. It can also be completely glass or with glass inserts.

However, such a door needs constant care. Laminated analogue from MDF is more practical and no less beautiful. In addition to the ordinary swing door, you can put sliding. This canvas will save in the kitchen a lot of space.

  1. Next Put the kitchen set According to drawn initially plan.
  2. Then you need to install washing. The best option, if it is from the steel-stainless steel.
    As a template for sinks in a tabletop, use its cardboard packaging. Before making a hole, outline its outline in the cardboard. Then cut the seat with an electric jigsaw. By installing the sink, fasten it in tension with self-draws. Next, install the mixer.

  1. Latest Repair Barry - Kitchen Equipment Installation. With the microwave, refrigerator and dishwasher, you will not have. They need to just put on the place and connect to sockets.
    If a washing machine is installed in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, you will have to attach it to sewerage and water supply. Connect the hob to the gas pipe with a special hose.


Make repairs and kitchen design with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is here - everything is competently planned, to acquire a sufficient amount of materials and do everything neatly, slowly. The video in this article will help you understand how to update the kitchen in the dwelling. Ask questions in the comments if they have arose.


Where exactly do not begin to start?

Let us immediately tell you what exactly it is not worth it and think until you do the right disassembly and you will not calculate exactly how much spend on the masters.

Well, now let's go to the same time with what it is worth starting.

Here you have two ways: economical or for the rich. If you have a second case, then your first step is a challenge of a designer who will draw you a project and calculate building materials.

But, I must say, the event is so ... for the rich, which can cost exactly as much as all kitchen furniture.

Do not think that if you hired a designer, you will not have to do anything.

Yes, he tortured you with calls and offers of trips to show the material, options for furniture or lighting.

You win, except that you will be driven by a handle and bring to those materials that have already been selected. And far from the fact that you approve them to come, by the way.

But, let's turn to the way that excludes the call of the designer.

Moreover, he is one for everyone, practically there is no difference, in a private house you or in the apartment, in Khrushchev or new building.

What are the main steps at the start before repairing?

In this block, we will list you in short, the entire step-by-step program where to start repairs, and lower each stage and explain why the sequence is as follows.

1. Attentive study On the Internet of the work stages that you plan to produce. You need to read about everything you plan to spend money. Without this database, each second master will try to "shove", contemplating money more than necessary, and work to make more halno and simple.

Therefore - at the first stage - foreign theory and information. Knowledge is power! Read about everything, ranging from electricians, wires of wires to shtcloth and decorative finishes.

You need to know better masters, how it is all done as it costs and how it should look like. Only, in this case, you will make work qualitatively and for relevant money.

2. Clear Mastersand the definition of the approximate plug of prices in all types of work you want to produce.

Intrusion, standard (This is not a sequence, but for now just a list):

  • Dismantling partitions and doors
  • Dismantling outdoor coating
  • Disassembly and cleaning (broken) walls
  • Dirty ceiling work (cleaning, alignment, putty)
  • Installing a new window (usually, the dismantling of the old is included in the price)
  • Plumbing work
  • Electrical work
  • Replacing heating radiator
  • Paul alignment (screed)
  • Laying "Apron" on the working wall of the kitchen
  • Installation of water tap and shell
  • Painting works on the walls (alignment, putty, "pautinka")
  • Painting of walls (or sticking wallpaper)
  • Ceiling decoration (painting or mounting suspended)
  • Laying flooring and installation of plinth
  • Fastening a baguette on the ceiling
  • Installation of lighting devices

Here, in general, and all starting works, which implies overhaul. You, maybe there will be other ideas: Instead of a plated ceiling, you will want from drywall, curly or, maybe stretched.

And most importantly do not forget the most important moment: Ask at the masters who will make one or another work that it is necessary to buy for this or that stage. Suppose that it is necessary to lay a tile? - Tile, glue, cross, finish grout.

What is necessary for the installation of "slopes"? - Profile, plasterboard, insulation, aluminum corners. And everything is in such a spirit.

And so on each one, right up to the carnation!

Do not hesitate to ask the masters and check their list with what they write on the Internet. Masters can miss some moment, they are also people.

If you do not calculate each rush, you are waiting ahead of many surprises and disorders. For each stage of the work, it is necessary to purchase the main and additional material, and it is just few people take into account. And he is not cheap!

And without counting in this moment, your limit of money can end faster than you think and you will be alone with a buckle with a bucket ... And this is scary for a beginner, believe me.

No, of course, if you are in my own master and have experience, then this recommendation does not concern you. We are talking about "simple mortals", which were not close to the spatula, mortar and drill.

3. Drawing up a list of exemplary consumables - After you talk to the masters, you will already have a large half of the list in your hands. But you think a little more and enter the fact that it was not discussed with the masters: a window, a radiator, chandelier, lamps, a tile, furniture.

4. The fourth step is a trip to the hypermarket of building materials and an exemplary miscalculation in the money that you may need.

Attention! First, look after and record the price on the main (drywall, shtakulavka, wiring, pipes), and then only go to the decor section.

Why is that? And because it is a very very seductive department of the store. And you, well, simply will certainly want to buy something like. And you light up this, yes. And then go to the section of important things, you will understand that you do not really grab and decide to save a little on the quality of tiles or wallpaper ...

In general, if you comply with this particular sequence, then you will avoid annoyance and an unpleasant feeling when I want something, but ourselves.

5. Next - you return home and sleep, Putting the cherished list under the pillow. Why is that? And because for the night, you will certainly scroll in your head three hundred fifty three options and change your mind! And you will be extremely pleased that I did not bought the wampus yesterday that laminate.

6. Now you can dial the masters you chose earlierand discuss the date when they begin to work. At the same time, you need to get your wallet and postpone the money that you will have to give for work.

Be sure to do so! If you do not calculate a little, you have to stand to clap your eyes in front of the repairmen and darid about the delay of payment. It is terrible and inconsiderate. Do not bring yourself to such a shame because of the elementary carelessness.

7. After that you can safely go to the store And buy what you will need first. And if, the Stroyarket is far from you, you can buy in advance material for all types of work. Sleep calmly, you have already postponed money and furniture.

Well, now, let's look at exactly the order of repair work in the kitchen,so that you are aware of which masters call the first, and what at the very end.

Kitchen repair stages

1. Dismantling of old doors, partitions, tiles, floor

This is all the dirtiest work. Here you will have a lot of dust and garbage, also - a lot of noise: jackhammers, perforators, and so on.

The most important moment Which should not be forgotten at this stage - garbage collection. It will be simply a reasonable amount if you are capitally repairing the kitchen of the Soviet form, for example.

Most likely you have to break the screed on the floor, as, in old houses, from old age, it cracks or soaked with pipes from the pipes ... Also a large garbage leaves if you shoot the old tile from the wall (after all, it was previously considered a good tone to diminish the whole kitchen tiled) .

Draw your attention to It is necessary to negotiate the collection of garbage in bags - it is necessary in advance, and also to clarify whether his loading in the car is included in the price of dismantling and how much such a car will cost.

And do not forget about the little thing - bags. They, it seems, are inexpensive, but when they need to be fifty, you begin to understand that they are not so available.

2. Preparation of walls and ceilings

Here we are talking about the preparatory work, that is, cleaning surfaces from old paint, shtalkes, wallpaper and other things that can interfere with getting to concrete.

It is also dirty work that must be done first in order to not so much (and not to wash, therefore) not in time installed new radiators, windows, pipes ...

3. Building or transferring partitions

And this is also not the cleanest job, if we are talking about brick. If you want to make a plasterboard partition (which we do not recommend that, due to excessive harvester), it is better to put it too at this stage.

4. Installing a new window

Well, here, as they say, no comment. Call the measurer, after a couple of days you will bring windows and immediately dismantle old. Do not forget to buy a mounting foam if the wizards say.

Important! Do not break down the protective film with the profile of the frame, since the dirt, putty, soil, paint, etc. will fall on the windows.

Maybe you now have a logical question in my head: And why then put the windows now, if possible, when will everything be clean?

It is impossible then, because when dismantling the old frame, large pieces of the goat fall out, and you will need to re-make the slopes.

5. Electrician

Here you need to make the replacement of wires and mark all the outputs where the technique will be.

Also, at this stage "output" outlets, switches, outputs to lighting devices. It is "output", but the lids themselves are about them on them later, when the walls are finished completely.

People's Protection Wisdom reads - there is no rosette.

It is extremely important that you have had a clear understanding where the refrigerator will stand, whether there will be a TV in the kitchen and which technique will be built-in.

6. Water and pipes

Now the line of plumbing. He will make you a new layout of pipes, put the valves, cranes, plugs and everything is all that you need in a new kitchen.

Do not forget to make "outputs" to household appliances: the typewriter was washing and dishwasher.

7. Where will the radiator be?

Often, in the houses of the old building, the radiator is very uncomfortable and not to the place. You can transfer it, "making up" pipes and put the plugs.

The radiator itself, you hang when everything is clean, because it is now that there is no need to install it, then with difficulty wash away from the construction dust and droplets of building materials.

8. Laying the tile on the "Apron"

Please note that at this stage we do only apron (not the floor, even if it is also a tiled) and only from tile.

If the apron is from other materials, Suppose, plastic or glass, then it must be put after it will be performed.

The tile can always be laundered, but this is one. It is put up to a finishing splock, then with the help of a solution to form beautiful and neat sides, which are moving to the wall.

9. Plasterboard works

This includes slopes, first of all, the rest, where you intend to use this material.

For example: suspended ceilings, braces made of drywall, box for electricity around the ceiling perimeter, box cornis, etc.

It is possible that some of these works (partitions from GCL, FALS-Walls) can be made at earlier stages.

10. Expanding the corners and cracks

This is an important stage, and you must trace the masters. The extension of the angles and cracks means that the master must fully clear the places where the solution in the corners or seams is already creptable.

If the angles are good not to clean, then the put shnoter will not come to make a perfectly smooth corner of the room. The consequences of such flaws then "audit" when sticking wallpaper and installation of furniture.

11. Starting alignment of the ceiling, walls and slopes

If your ceiling is not very smooth, then before putting it clean, it should be aligned. As a rule, if the skew is small, then "pull out" with its plaques, with the use of arms.

Before you begin to the shplanie, you need to brand the wall. It is better not to save and walk a couple of times, it will be cleaner, which means that the material adhesion will be better.

IMPORTANT: Save the starting layer of putty is not so quickly. Sometimes it may take three to four days (depending on the layer).

It is very important to ensure that the masters are used in places where it is necessary to make a large layer of shtlock. reinforcing mesh ("Cleft"),otherwise, you will go cracked on the ceiling and the walls exactly at the moment when they finish the work, they will say goodbye to you and slammed the door. It is exaggerated, of course, but the essence you understood.

12. Sticker ceiling baguette (if it is)

It is now necessary to glue baguettes on putty. Do not forget this, because, the plinth passed later, on the glue "Dragon" - it looks just awful.

13. Finish coating by putty

Here you can use a simple shtakulavka, and you can, the so-called silicone. Very good thing, by the way. Although it is much more expensive, but the surface comes white and smooth as the testicle.

There will be no such effect from the usual finish.

14. Pouring screed

Well, finally, we approached the final stage of draft works - the floor. Pour the screed and while we rest until the floor finally dry. The process is long, but it is impossible to hurry.

Why is the floor done at the end? And because the workers in the shp can constantly drag iron staircases, goats, and this can all damage the fresh screed and leave dents on it.

15. Ceiling design

Here it may be or painting, or pasting wallpaper. If you have a stretch ceiling, then you should also put it now, since the next step is the painting of the walls.

After all, the painted walls do not want to dump at all, and the masters on stretch ceilings can do it inadstantly.

16. Installation of kitchen door

It is at this moment that there are doors, because of the paint, which you will paint the walls, save them is easy, but from the one that drips from the ceiling - well, no way at all.

Therefore, the best solution will put the door immediately after painting the ceiling.

Important detail: do not put the platbands. When you fully paint the walls, then finally collect the door.

17. Painting of walls

Very many interested: What is the first, wall finishing or floor laying?

Our answer is the walls, if you have painting, since, work is dirty and drop floors floor.

If the wallpaper, then you must first take the floor, To be where to unbelieve the canvas, for the missed glue.

18. hang radiator

You have already prepared pipes, and no welding is needed. Just hang the radiator, it is clean work (if we are talking about modern, of course).

If, suddenly, you put the cast-iron, then they must be installed before the shtlings of the walls, as welding will be applied and not the fact that the workers will save the wall.

19. Now the floor turn

And here also does not matter what kind of coating you use. If laminate, do not forget about the substrate, because the knock of the laminate is a very nasty thing. For other materials, focus on the tips of the masters and the manufacturer.

If the floor is tiled, then the drying process can take a couple of days. And only after that you can move to the next step.

20. Installation of lighting devices

In general, we are engaged in the final lifting of the light of all kinds, and at the same time the eaves, as, usually a drill is needed for fixing modern chandeliers. And since she is in the hands of the master, why not kill two hares?

Also, you can set the technique so that you can already do measurements and order kitchen furniture.

21. Installation of kitchen furniture, sinks and countertops

All these things are made at the same time, practically. All the same, you will not put the kitchen, but the masters, so you do not need to know, in what sequence something is being done on this, the final stage.

Nevertheless, we highly recommend attending all this when installing all this, in order to control the installers to do everything right. This is especially true of the quality of the installation of the frame headset and its facades. Everything should be perfectly equal.

22. Household appliances

Appliances are also connected now (before that it was just installed in place, as you remember). Difficulties may occur only when installing the built-in refrigerator. It will be necessary to tinker to put it in a niche and hang facades. You can connect the rest of the same devices with your own hands, there are no difficulties here.

23. We make general cleaning

Most of the garbage will be removed workers, but believe me, you will still have a lot of work after them. There should be perfect clean in the kitchen, so you will have no less than a day.

But you should be pleased that the repair has already been completed and left very little.

24. Slip the kitchen

Now you can enter the dining table and chairs, the sofa, if it is. Unpack boxes with dishes and kitchen utensils and fill the new headset.

On the windows hang curtains, put the houseplants, hang pictures or other decor. Well, do not forget to fill the refrigerator :)

That's all! Your kitchen is ready and you can call guests! We told you the maximum accurate action plan from scratch and it is simply impossible to paint more. We really hope that the information will be useful to you.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to make a design-design kitchen design
  • What stages of repair kitchen need to know and what are their features
  • Where to start overhaul kitchen
  • What nuances need to take into account, starting the kitchen repair in Khrushchev
  • How to avoid mistakes while repairing in the kitchen

What do you imagine when hear the phrase "cozy kitchen"? Surely the first thing you think, will be a smoking mug of coffee and the aroma of hot freshly baked pie. Comfortable kitchen area - a place where your entire family is going. That is why it is so important that this part of the apartment is truly comfortable, with a beautiful and modern interior. If you are wondering what to start repairs in the kitchen in Moscow, then you should explore this article. You can finish quickly, efficiently and without errors.

Repair kitchen from the very beginning

In order to present the future view of the kitchen, which she will get after repair, it is necessary to create a bulk drawing, reflecting the placement of furniture and kitchen appliances. On each items depicted, specify its exact dimensions.

First of all, we produce meals of kitchen furniture, plates, sinks (noting the location of the pipeline, ventilation, batteries, windowsill and sockets). Then we measure the refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, TV and other household appliances.

Kitchen equipment (for example, microwave or refrigerator) We measure in a position with open doors.

The next step is to determine where the measured items will be located. So, if you are going to buy another kitchen set, the drawing must reflect how the new thing will be located relative to the plate, washing or other embedded equipment. We indicate the size of the kitchen apron, the number and size of the boxes, we also note how the handles are located on them. The drawing should also depict the planned backlight, open niches, eaves, glass doors.

Do not forget about the markup of places for mounting sockets so that the connection of the kitchen appliances was as comfortable as possible.

Repair kitchen with your own hands: where to start and what stages to take into account

Stage 1. So, where to start repairing in the kitchen? Previously, we have already noted that the decoration of the kitchen should begin with development of design project.You can perform it on your own or contact the designer for help. The fact is that the functionality of the kitchen zone is subject to specific laws. Therefore, if you independently develop a design project, you should well understand in the subtleties of separation of the kitchen room to these same zones. Otherwise, you will have to study the nuances directly during the preparation of the design project, which can negatively affect its quality.

Stage 2. Counting materialsthat will be required for repair.

  • Walls. The wall decoration can be made from ceramic tiles. Also for the kitchen fit the vinyl or cork wallpapers. It is necessary to accumulate the walls with the use of glue with a special composition to prevent the appearance of mold. Want to put paint on the walls? Then pre-process the surface impregnation, it will prevent the formation on the walls of the fungus. In operation in the kitchen perfectly showed itself a water-level paint, which is worth it for greater strength to apply in two layers.

  • Floor. The first flooring, made from the tube, has high sound insulation characteristics and wear-resistance. You can also use ceramic tiles. Parquet looks gorgeous, but the process of cleaning the coating will not cause you delight.

  • Working surface. It is usually made of layered plastic. If your budget is not limited, choose a working surface from an artificial stone or a unlawed tile. Materials such as natural marble, granite, slate or tree, visually look canceled, but care for such a working surface is not an easy task. Increased attention should be paid to the selection of material for the surface of the sink, because water will constantly fall on it. It is recommended to pick a sink with ears of steel so that the process of washing the dishes was more convenient.

Stage 3. We begin the decoration of the kitchen.

  • The surface of the ceiling.

The ceiling finish can be carried out using drywall, ceiling panels, plates, or choose a tension option. Economical and fast method - apply to the surface of the ceiling water-repellent water-based paint.

  • Wall decoration.

Kitchen walls must be moisture-resistant, especially the working surface. The apron can be made of tile, plastic or glass panels.

  • Flooring.

Floor material should be resistant to moisture. Linoleum, tile or cork are widely used as the floor covering.

Try to stick to the finishing plan. Otherwise, if you decide to paint the ceiling last time, the consequences will be sad. The stuffed floor covering the ceiling paint splashes.

So you decided to make the kitchen repair. Where to begin? The sequence of work may be like this:

  1. We remove excess furniture, carpets, interior items from the room. Preparation of space to repair begins with his release.
  2. We remove the old paint or wallpaper from the walls and the ceiling. Only after that you can proceed to dismantling the floor covering.
  3. We collect and endure the gathered construction garbage and waste.
  4. If necessary, we carry out the installation of new wiring. We deposit where it is necessary, sockets and switches.
  5. We produce the installation of wires for lighting devices.
  6. Install a new plumbing.
  7. We make the ceiling finish.
  8. Align the walls, carry out cosmetic repairs.
  9. The final stage is laid linoleum, laminate or floor tiles.

Overhaul of the kitchen: where to start and what you need to know

Suppose you have decided on overhaul and reconstruction of the premises. Usually under these terms understand the dismantling and transfer of partitions, an increase in space through the use of a balcony or loggia and so on. How to start repairing in the kitchen with your own hands in this case? First of all, prepare the plan for finishing works. In addition to it, the redevelopment project is being developed, which must be legalized.

Before deciding where to start repairing the kitchen, analyze the scale of the upcoming work. Determine what state is the system of communications, carrier parts, plumbing, window and doorways. If there are suspicions that the water supply, the sewage system or wiring is faulty, should be accepted for help to professionals. They will be able to assess the volume of the upcoming repair. Mark the list of necessary actions for finishing and replacing parts of water supply and heating systems. Then get acquainted with the proposals from several companies presented in the market. Use the latest technology and development to make the kitchen repair in a short time.

It is important even before you start repairing the kitchen, to understand what to start gradually dismantling work:

FirstlyRemove all plinths and platbands.

Secondly, remove hinged shelves and built-in racks.

Thirdly, dismantle the ceiling finish, which can act as whitewashed or painting.

Fourth, dismantle the old door boxes and window blocks. Instead, install new double-glazed windows and door structures.

Fifth, remove the finish from the walls of the walls: Let's lean old wallpaper, paint or bliss. If the wall was lined with a tile, disassembly is made with the cement basis.

At sixthRemove the old floor covering together with the substrate.

Upon completion of dismantling work, building waste should be removed from the kitchen. After that it is important to make a dry and wet cleaning of the room. This will allow you to eliminate dust and dirt particles that can interfere with quality repairs.

Before you start a draft finish, you should spend installation of the required engineering communications:

Where to start repairing the kitchen in Khrushchev

Housing owners in Khrushchevka do not know how much such apartments are miniature. Usually the sizes of kitchens in them are only 5-7 square meters. It is obvious that the owners of such apartments strive only to one: to use the existing area as efficiently as possible. How to start repairs in the kitchen in Khrushchev? With the choice of color solutions for finishing, as well as furniture. This will allow you to create a comfortable setting looking at this effectively.

We select the color palette, as well as finishing materials

To visually expand a small kitchen, having endowed the space "air product", choose bright shades. The finishing of kitchen walls can be performed using the following materials:

To finish the ceiling, it is also worth using light colors. The tensioning semi-convex or glossy ceiling will reflect the light, so the boundaries between the ceiling space and the walls will be blurred. If you want to make the kitchen more voluminous, then choose a backlit plasterboard ceiling.

Almost every kitchen in Khrushchev is maximally forced furniture, since the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is limited. Therefore, it is recommended to use white tone for floor finishing to visually unload space.

Selection of furniture

The location of the kitchen headset in Khrushchev is standard: it is set either linearly along one wall, or along two adjacent walls (angular option). You can visually alleviate the furniture, choosing bright shades of facades that can also be two-color.

Further in the photo - an example of a kitchen headset with glass doors, which works organically in a small room. No matter what option you choose: with a metal framing or without it - in the end you will get a visual effect of ease. Glass is installed only in the top doors, however, and this will be enough.

Increase the ergonomics of the workspace in the kitchen in Khrushchev - the task is not simple and for only the real professional-designer. On one or two small walls, the stove, washing, refrigerator should be placed. It is clear that the work surface is as follows too small. Therefore, multi-level countertops are very often used.

Another way out is to purchase retractable countertops. If they are not needed, you simply move them under the main work area. When you need more workspace - send them back.

Secrets, how to avoid mistakes while repairs in the kitchen

Any repair work should be made with full responsibility. Show patience to make the end result pleased.

Summing up our article, we give a list, where to start repairing the kitchen to minimize the likelihood of errors:

  1. Start repair work can be used only after a plan has been developed with a clear sequence of actions.
  2. Apply materials for repair and finishing only with the instructions that can be found on the package.
  3. The finish should be performed from materials with high performance characteristics. Good materials should be resistant to aggressive or chemical exposure, to be moisture-resistant, do not respond to physical and mechanical impact.
  4. Work without disturbing construction technology.
  5. Buy finishing and building materials worth only in specialized stores.
  6. By mounting the wiring, you need to know the number of electrical points, as any errors allowed will be almost impossible to correct.
  7. Compact furniture will best fit into a small kitchen, expanding the space.
  8. A sufficient number of boxes, storage compartments in the kitchen headset will make the cooking process most convenient for you.
  9. Apply for help only to professionals who have tolerance and special permissions (for example, to work with gas equipment).

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Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

And especially the kitchen, is the beginning of a new stage and creating an updated interior. Many the kitchen is associated with the atmosphere of coziness and a pleasant smell of home meal. By deciding to transform this room, you should trace the aesthetics and functionality harmoniously combined with each other. Repair is associated with many with fundamental changes and causes a sense of fear and doubt whether to make a conceived. Not all ideas and ideas can be fully implemented, since the parameters of the room and the features of the planning dictate their conditions. However, with a competent approach and the presence of a well-thought-out strategic plan, you can achieve a chic result.

Features repair

Repair is often associated with the occurrence of many inconvenience, dirt and dust, with financial costs and long-term work. To achieve a qualitative result, you will have to be in all the subtleties of the repair process and create a detailed project plan. After all, you can create an original interior and implement any idea, transforming the kitchen to unrecognizable. The room can be combined with the cabinet, living room or loggia, while dividing the space on various zones. Before starting repairs, it is worth considering some features of the kitchen:


To have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the kitchen will look like in the end, it is worth paying the time to create a well-drawn drawing. Here you can clearly depict the placement of furniture and household appliances in the apartment, put the exact dimensions of all items and decorative elements.

Why make a detailed plan:

How to prepare a project plan:

  1. Make accurate sink measurements, plates and furniture. At the same time, be sure to consider the location of all pipes, the holes for ventilation, windows and doors, batteries, as well as the presence of niches or protrusions.
  2. It is also necessary to know the size of the microwave oven, refrigerator, dishwasher and other techniques.
  3. Decide on the location, it will also affect the sequence of repair work. If you plan to install retractable boxes, it is necessary to take into account their number, sizes and direction. The arrangement of the handles on the doors is also very important.
  4. It is worth determining the location of lighting devices, backlighting and additional light sources. At the same time, think out where the outlets will be mounted, as well as measure the distance from the socket groups to the floor.
  5. Remove the measurements of length, widths and heights from window and doorways. Measure the distance from them to the walls, ceiling and floor. All these parameters are very important and affected the result.
  6. Consider all the present niches, protrusions, decorative stucco and architectural structures.

Choosing materials

It is worth making a detailed list of all building materials and their quantity. It can be paint for facing of surfaces, decorative plaster, wallpaper of all kinds of species, cement-sand mixes for a screed floor, putty, primer and other materials for finishing. In order not to get lost in a wide range, it is also important to determine the type of repair:

Sequence of work

Repair work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Planning and replacing wiring.
  2. Exhaust system
  3. Replacing the old shell and plum.
  4. Check the condition of the sewage and water supply.
  5. Installation of kitchen apron, equipment of the working area.
  6. Facing the ceiling, walls, and then the floor.
  7. Alignment of lighting devices.
  8. Installation of household appliances (stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machines, etc.),

Observing the correct sequence, you can repair the kitchen with your own hands and get the necessary result:

Flowing over the repair, drop all doubts and do not be afraid of difficulties. Planning well and thinking all the nuances, you can get a chic result that will delight all households.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 7 minutes

The kitchen is the main place in any house. It is most often going to all family members for the meal. Therefore, it is so important to create an atmosphere of comfort, which has a calm unhurried meal for a pleasant communication. How to properly start repairing in the kitchen? To its arrangement should be approached with marginal responsibility. Especially if it is decided not to attract specialists to repair, but to produce work with your own hands.

Kitchen repair stages

The initial stages of repair can be divided as follows:

  1. To make the idea of \u200b\u200brepair, think over every trifle, for which you need to clearly understand what you want to get as a result.
  2. Make a decision to realize your idea.
  3. Start the task, start making repairs. The first step is the main one.

The repair process is not so terrible, as it seems at first. The difficulties will arise necessarily, but you can solve everything. In addition, what will be the satisfaction of the work done with your own hands, when the conceived masterpiece is turned out! Now from lyrics - to the repair process.

Preparatory work

The kitchen performs many features. As a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bthis space is limited. Therefore, it is very important to correctly arrange all the objects of furniture and household appliances to use it it was convenient. Where to start repairing the kitchen correctly, what should be considered in the first place?

When cooking food in the kitchen will always be wet. Therefore, the material for finishing surfaces and furniture need to choose moisture-resistant, which are easily clean. Make the right choice without professionals is difficult.

  • First you need to make a scheme of a future kitchen. The sketch will make it possible to determine the color solution of the room, the right arrangement of furniture and other items. This will help in choosing accessories.
  • Calculation of the necessary materials. This stage should be entrusted to specialists. It is necessary to competently consider the plumbing and sewer system, the location of the electrical wiring ,.

The main stages of work

If the replacements of door and window openings are required, start from dismantling and replacing windows. If necessary, create new partitions. Walls, floor and ceiling are aligned.

Walls, as a rule, are made of detergent wallpaper or tiles. Put the cafeter.

After all the work is made, surfaces are finished and thoroughly dried, you can engage in installing household appliances and furniture.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the right light. The high ceiling can be issued with multi-level lighting devices. If the ceiling is low, point lighting is suitable.

Separately, it is necessary to create lighting over the working area. Ideally - set backlight on the bottom of the suspended lockers. The dining area also requires additional lighting. Here you can stay on the wall lamp.

The last stage will be an alignment of accents, for which various accessories are used, which are designed to make the kitchen individually and cozy.

When planning the room should not be forgotten that the main "backbone" of the kitchen make up three items: a stove for cooking, sink and refrigerator. They must be in any kitchen. Moreover, the convenience of using the room depends on their location. These items should be located nearby.

People who decided to finally stop living in monotonous old walls, comes to mind to make capital alteration of the entire kitchen room. Here are some dangers. In order not to make widespread errors, it should be sorted out where to repair is starting to pay attention to first? The main stages of it in more detail.

  • The start of repair is always very long and time consuming. It's not too interesting with your own hands to harde the old floors, pull the wallpaper blackened from old age, lift the flooring. The main thing at that time is to gain patience and make all the garbage. Next will follow more pleasant work on creating a new space.
  • First of all, electrical wiring is created. The layout of the location of sockets and switches is made. If you do not do it right away, then it will be difficult to add another item to the right place.

The main places where sockets will be required:

  1. electric stove;
  2. hood;
  3. wall near the working area;
  4. place under the TV;
  5. microwave location, dishwasher;
  6. refrigerator.
  • The finish is always done from top to bottom, from the ceiling to the floor. Before starting the finishing of the ceiling, you need to decide on the type of exhaust and its location.

There may be two options here:

  1. installation of convector;
  2. ventilation channel.

The second option is excellent when creating two-level ceilings that allow you to hide the ventilation pipe. The best option for creating a ceiling is. It is easy to work, allows you to realize any form.

  • Wall decoration requires primer all old surfaces. Corners are recommended to be issued. They are mounted on plaster. Be sure to launch the depressions, cracks.

High-quality putty and primer surfaces make up the basis for good kitchen repairs.

  • Marking of the working area. It is possible to separate it with tiles or hang it. When the wall is cleaned, the tile is very important to withstand the following parameters:
  1. the horizontal level of the wall should be perfect;
  2. the angles should be exactly 90 degrees;
  3. correctly select the height of the design of the working area. It follows to the height of the plate.

Tip! In places where you plan to hang hinged cabinets in the kitchen, you can save a little on the material.

  • Preparation of walls. It includes work on putty. It all depends on the selected design material. The wallpaper does not require an too large layer. And if the choice fell on, then work should be done most carefully. The surface is then polished.
  • The next step is placed on the floor. The perfect material for this is. It can be put on her own hands, the process should proceed slowly, neatly. Here you should also withstand the horizontal level. This is very important, otherwise then the furniture will not get up evenly.

All dirty works are done, you can start the finish finish.

Common bugs when repairing the kitchen

Starting repairing in the kitchen with your own hands, many allow the same mistakes. They subsequently turn around the inconvenience of the operation of the kitchen space. To avoid this and do everything correctly, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances.

  1. When determining the working surface and floors, it is worth choosing non-porous materials. Otherwise, difficulties with cleaning will occur. Smooth tile is much better cleaned. Especially one must not make wooden floors.
  2. Do not create bulky ducts. They look not aesthetically and occupy useful space. If the plate is located far from the ventilation hole, it is better to choose an exhaust that does not need an air duct.
  3. An unimportant solution is a lot of seams on the work apron. When pasting this wall with wallpaper, you should think about protecting, for which you need to choose the material is holistic. For example, a big glass.
  4. In a large kitchen, you should not make a work surface along one wall. This creates an additional inconvenience when cooking. It is better to create a P-shaped area where all the necessary devices are located within walking distance.
  5. Narrow passages between furniture. This prevents the free movement of the kitchen and opening boxes and cabinets. You should withstand the distance of at least 1.2 meters. Furniture It is worth choosing with slightly protruding handles, especially in angular cabinets.
  6. Replacing attachments with open shelves. This gives space of airiness, ease. But at the same time, it gives a lot of cleaning problems and continuously maintaining order. Furniture floor elements are more convenient with boxes than with shelves.
  7. The glossy facade is beautiful and elegant, but completely impractical. Cleaning will need daily.
  8. Not enough space for small household appliances can be a big problem. It is worth considering that the hostess uses a variety of small devices. They require free location and access to electricity.
  9. Heavy cabinets can only be hung on the capital wall. Plasterboard partitions simply will not stand them.
  10. The ideal location of household appliances is at the human belt level.
  11. Lack of lighting - the main problem of the kitchen. Lighting should be multi-level. It is convenient to place switches so that you do not have to go to them through the dark room.

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