Ryzhova Environmental education in kindergarten. Environmental education in preschool institutions (theory and practice) Ryzhova Natalia Alexandrovna

The book analyzes the content and modern state of environmental education of preschoolers in Russia, a review of programs is made. Practical recommendations for the creation of a developing objective environment, working with parents, environmental assessment, childcare cooperation with other institutions and organizations, the use of the "Ecological Dow" passport ". Pedagogical models of work organization in kindergarten are offered. Particular attention is paid to the structure and content of the author's program "Our House - Nature". The book also gives examples of abstract classes with children and materials to work with parents.
For teachers of pre-school institutions, additional education institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical educational institutions, other organizations working in the field of environmental education of children.

Age features of preschoolers and environmental education.
Specialists allocate a number of ages in the development of a person, each of which represents a qualitatively special stage of mental development and is characterized by many changes constituting in the aggregate of the peculiarity of the personality structure of the child at this stage of its development. L.S. Vygotsky considered the age of as a certain era or stage of development, as well-known, relatively closed period, the value of which is determined by its place in the general development cycle and in which the general laws of development find every time a qualitatively peculiar expression. It is extremely important to approval by the author about that. With the transition from one age stage to another, new formations arise, which did not exist in the previous period, are rebuilt and the development itself changes itself.

In a number of papers, an elementary school is considered as the first stage of the system of continuous environmental education. However, environmental education in elementary school cannot replace the pre-school level. They complement, but are not mutually exclusive. Pre-school age is different from other ages features of living conditions and requirements that are presented to the child at this stage of its development, the peculiarities of his relationship with the world around the world, the level of development of the psychological structure of the child's personality, his knowledge and thinking, a set of certain physiological features.

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  • Evaluation of environmental impact and environmental examination of engineering projects, Vasilenko T.A., Overtova S.V., 2019


Environmental education of preschool children

"Our house is nature"

doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences,

scientific Director of the Project "We and Nature" (Early Environmental Education) of the joint pilot project of the Department of Education


The current problems of the relationship between a person with surrounding gray can be solved only under the condition of the formation of an ecological worldview in all people, increasing their environmental literacy and culture, understanding the need to implement sustainable development principles.

With the adoption of the Laws of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Environment" and "On Education", the prerequisites for the legal framework for the formation of a system of environmental education of the population are created. "Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development" (taking into account the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Signed by Russia), the relevant government decisions take environmental education in the category of paramount state problems. These documents imply the creation of a system of continuous environmental education in the regions of the country, the first link of which is pre-school. It is in preschool age that the foundations of a person's worldview are laid, its attitudes towards the surrounding world and the system of values \u200b\u200bare formed. Of particular importance, environmental education acquires from the point of view of the implementation of education ideas for sustainable development, in particular within a decade of education for sustainable development announced by UNESCO in 2005. Currently, almost all countries consider early education of children, its quality, content and methods of working with preschoolers from the standpoint of sustainable development ideas.

Explanatory note

The main objective of the program "Our House - Nature" is to educate from the first years of life of a humane, socio-active, creative person who can understand and love the world, nature and carefully treat them.

Necessary prerequisites for the implementation of this Program - the organization in the kindergarten work to familiarize children with the outside world and nature (which is currently part of any kind of kindergarten), the ecologization of all types of children's activities, creating an environment for communication of children with nature, training of teachers , cooperation of children, parents and teachers, developing training at the examples of the nearest environment. Environmental education is considered not as a separate direction of work of the pre-school institution, but as an integral part of the daily life of the child.

"Our House - Nature" is the author's program that provides continuity in the environmental education of preschoolers with elementary school on the subjects "Environmental Peace", "Environmental Science". Special attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and a person's place in it. Children form the first ideas about the existing relationships in nature and on this basis - the beginning of the ecological worldview and culture, responsible attitude towards the environment, to their health.

Since ecology is, first of all, the science of the relationship of living organisms with each other and the environment, the emphasis is on the development of elementary and quite scientific ideas about the relationships of existing relationships (especially in the senior preschool). Children learn to understand how closely the natural components are interconnected, and how living organisms depend on the habitat. A person is seen as an integral part of nature. Such an approach allows children to elementary understanding the problem of human relationships with the environment and the consequences of people's activities.

It is important for moral aspect: the development of ideas about the intrinsicness of nature, an emotional positive attitude towards it, the ability to see the beauty and uniqueness of nature, the development of the first skills of environmentally sound and safe behavior in nature and in everyday life, including resource saving. Children also acquire initial skills that allow them to participate in the rating practical activity on the protection of the nature of the native land.

This program is designed to work with children from 2 to 7 years. At the same time, the teacher takes the selection of blocks of blocks and builds its classes, taking into account the age of preschoolers.

Environmental education is considered as an integral part of general education. The program focuses the teacher to the systemic approach in environmental education. The implementation of the program is based on the integration and activities of the child. All sections are connected with each other, and the final topics are a generalization of the previous ones. Thus, the Forest (Community) classes (community) is studied after the "plants" blocks, "animals", "soil", which give preschoolers of certain ideas about living organisms and their relations with the environment. 4 levels of the program stand out. The first level is represented by the "I and Nature" block and introduces the child to the world of nature, introduces its components (water, air, plants, animals, etc.) and the environment. At the second level, each component is considered separately (the blocks "Water Magician", "Air-Invisible Air", "Sun, Looking in Occasheko", "What we have under your feet", "Soil - Live Earth", "that in the house-nature is growing "," Who lives in the House-Nature "). At the third level (Block "Forest House"), the relationships of living in inanimate nature are considered. The fourth level is represented by the "Man and Nature" block and is devoted to the problems of nature conservation, resource saving, assimilation of the rules of behavior in nature and in everyday life.

The program has an emblem in the form of a house-nature, which partly explains its name.

The program is built on the principles of educational training and is aimed at the development of the child's personality as a whole: the ability to compare and summarize their own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world; On improving the speech of preschoolers, their thinking, creative abilities, culture of feelings. The training priority is given not to simple memorization and not mechanical reproduction of knowledge, but to understanding and evaluating what is happening, joint practical activity of the teacher, parents and children. The ultimate task of the program is not to master the child of biological (environmental) knowledge, but the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, the ability to empathize nature and the desire to preserve it.

The program contains a basic component, which is specified with local conditions: ecological and geographical, national-cultural. As already noted, it consists of a number of blocks, each of which, in turn, includes a complex of topics. In the first block "I and Nature", children get acquainted with various, accessible to their understanding, environmental components. Subsequent blocks provide additional information about each component ("air", "water", etc.). Then they are considered in relationships. The final block "Man and Nature" is generalizing in relation to the preceding.

In each block two parts are highlighted: training (initial information about nature) and a raising component (understanding of the importance of nature, its aesthetic estimate, careful to it).

The implementation of the Program involves the design of the educational environment and an integrated approach in organizing work. Ecological knowledge and skills Children receive not only on specially organized classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world, but also during walks, excursions, games, reading books, classes in visual, physical activity, at musical classes, etc. Much attention is paid to jointly with adults and independent activities of children: conducting observations, experimentation, theatrical, musical activity, etc.

It is assumed to be a creative use of the program as an educator: it can, given the time allocated for classes, as well as the level of development of children and its preparation, choose a certain amount of information. In addition, individual blocks can serve as an addition to basic and additional programs. However, the greatest effect is achieved with systematic work with children for all blocks.

The program can be used by preschool institutions of both overseas type, supervision and recovery and correction. It was developed and tested as part of a scientific experiment on the environmental education of preschoolers based on institutions of different types. Currently, the program has been successfully implemented and received recognition in all regions of Russia, and a part of the methodological recommendations is also known in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Israel, Serbia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Poland, USA, Holland and other countries.


1 . Block of classes "I and Nature"

Training component. What is "nature". Sun (light and heat), water, air (wind), plants, animals, soil as components of nature. The significance of nature in a person's life. Child as part of nature. The relationship of various components of nature (soil, water, plants, animals, etc.).

Raising component. Awareness of the child's value in the human life and the formation of a careful attitude towards the world around him, the formation of cognitive interest, the ability to see the beauty of nature, an emotional relationship to it.

Block "Water"

Training component. Water in nature, reservoirs, precipitation (rain, snow, dew, hail). The main properties of water: transparent, without color, odor and taste, dissolves some substances (on experiments). Various states of water (ice, water, steam). Acquaintance with a cycle of water in nature (travel drip). Water in the life of land plants, animals (including indoor plants and animal corners of nature). Water plants, animals. Their fitness of life in water. Use of water by man. Water in our house, the need to save water. Pollution of water bodies and the influence of this factor on the life of plants and animals. Water and our health.

Raising component. Conscious, careful attitude towards water as an important natural resource. Economical use of water in everyday life. Environmentally competent behavior during rest on the shore of the reservoirs. Aesthetic perception of water in nature (beauty of rivers, lakes, drops of dew, sparkling snow).

3. Air section "Air"

Training component. Air value in human life and other living organisms. Air around us. Air properties. Wind - air movement. The role of the wind in the nature and life of a person. Waves, hurricanes, storms. Air as habitat living organisms. Flying animals (birds, insects). The spread of plant seeds by the wind. Features of the structure of seeds, dilated by the wind (on the example of individual plants). Clean and polluted air. The role of plants in maintaining air purity. Sources of pollution: cars, plants, factories. Clean air and our health.

Raising component. Knowledge of air pollution sources, understanding the danger of polluted health for health and understanding of the need to avoid polluted places (do not play in places of accumulation of cars, near garages, near businesses, etc.). Planting plants on the streets, in kindergarten and home, care of them, understanding the role of plants in air purification. Education of a negative attitude towards factors polluting air.

4. Block of the "Sun"

Training component. The sun is the light source and heat. The change of night and day. The role of light in the life of plants and animals (on the example of indoor plants and animal corner of nature). Night animals, animals living underground in the absence or lack of light, their features. Seasonal changes in nature. Animals living in cold conditions and heat, their features. Natural zones: Tundra, Taiga, Wide Forests, Steppes, Desert, etc. The role of the sun in a person's life. Legends and tales of the sun. Sun and our health.

Raising component. Care for animals Corner of nature and indoor plants in terms of providing them with light and warmth. Emotional attitude towards the sun. Beauty of nature under different lighting conditions (sunsets, sunrises).

5 . Block of classes "Stones, Sand, Clay"

Training component. Sand properties: Fruit, looseness, ability to skip water. Sand and clay around us. Clay properties: density, plasticity, viscosity. Animals and desert plants and other sandy and clay habitats, fitness of living organisms to life in such conditions. As a person uses sand (construction, hourglass, etc.) and clay (dishes, building material, Dymkovsky toy). A variety of stones (rocks, minerals) in nature. Acquaintance with the collection of stones. Distinctive signs of stones (solid, do not scatter). Precious and building stones. Mountains and their inhabitants. Caves, volcanoes.

Raising component. Development of aesthetic taste of children (acquaintance with samples of folk clay toys, stone products). Education of a careful attitude towards natural materials and made from them subjects. Formation of emotional, careful attitude to plants and animals.

6. The "Soil" classes

Training component. Soil as the top layer of the Earth: "Living Earth". Soil inhabitants (on an example of a rainwater worm, clock), their features and a role in the formation of the soil. The value of the soil for the life of plants, including those grown by a person. Man and soil. The need to protect the soil.

Raising component. Development of plant care skills in a group, houses, on the territory of kindergarten (coppe, soil looser on the beds, making fertilizers, housekeeping). The formation of a careful attitude towards the soil and its inhabitants. Understanding the values \u200b\u200bof soil animals in nature. Rules for behavior when processing plants and soil.

7. Block "Plants"

Training component. A variety of plant species in nature. Trees, shrubs, herbs, their characteristic signs. Parts of plants (root, barrel, leaves, etc.). Communication of plants with insects and other animals. Plants - food of animals and man. Plant development (for example, 1-2 plants of the nearest environment). The effect of light, heat, water on the life of plants. Wild, cultural, indoor, medicinal, poisonous plants, plants of primrose. Why plants need protection. Rules of behavior in relation to plants.

Raising component. Education of aesthetic attitude to plants, the ability to admire them and carefully treat them. Understanding the role of plants in nature and in human life. Formation of plant care skills. The rules for handling unfamiliar plants and the ability to distinguish poisonous plants.

8. Animal classes block

Training component. The main distinguishing features of animals. A variety of animal world. Acquaintance with some representatives of birds, animals, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mollusks. Their distinctive features. The value of external features in animal life. Feeding animals, ways of movement. Habitat, the "dwelling" of animals (hollow, nest, nora). Seasonal changes in animal life. The reproduction of animals on the example of 1-2 species living in the territory of the region, the area. Man and animals.

Raising component. Educating a careful attitude to animals, an understanding of the need to exist all species without exception, the unauthority of their division on "harmful" and "useful", beautiful and ugly. Formation of pet care skills, living corner inhabitants. Understanding the need to protect not only the animals themselves, but also their "houses", habitat. The rules of behavior in relation to animals during their stay in nature. Help animals living next to us.

9. Forest classes block

Training component. Forest as an example of a community. The relationship of living organisms with each other (plants and animals, plants and plants, animals and animals). Interrelation of wildlife with inanimate (water, light, heat). Forest as "house" for plants and animals. Different types of forest and their features (coniferous, wide, tropical, etc.). The consequences of the destruction of trees (the disappearance of animals, plants, anthills, mushrooms, etc.). Forest and man. The value of the forest as part of nature; His role in human life. Forest and our health. The reasons for the disappearance of forests on Earth. Forest protection.

Raising component. Careful attitude towards all forest residents, compliance with the rules of behavior in the forest, understanding the consequences of environmentally illiterate behavior (boning, the destruction of trees, collecting plants for bouquets). Ability to see the beauty of the forest.

10. Block of classes "Man and Nature"

Training component. Generalization of the knowledge obtained in the process of studying previous blocks. Nature as habitat, man, animal and plants. Relationship of a modern man with nature. Facts of the negative and positive impact of a person in nature. Extinct animals. Red books. Examples of rational use of nature by man. Creating reserves. Protection of rare species of animals and plants. Ancient people and nature. How to live in friendship with nature.

Raising component. Fastening the rules of environmentally friendly and safe human behavior in nature and resource-saving skills. Aesthetic perception of nature. Participation together with adults in practical environmental activities, environmental holidays, including land day.

Pedagogical University "First September"

N.A. Yerzhova

Environmental education in kindergarten

Course curriculum "Environmental education in kindergarten"

Lecture number 7.
Methods of environmental education preschool children


2. Travel droplets. M.: Pre-school Education No. 11, 2003.

3. Wizard water. M.: Pre-school education № 12-13, 2004.

4. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. M.: Karapuz, 2000.

5. Ryzhova N.A. Our house is nature. M.: Karapuz, 2005.

6. Ryzhova N.A. Soil - Living Earth. M.: Karapuz, 2005.

7. Ryzhova N.A. What we have under your feet. M.: Karapuz, 2005.

8. Ryzhova N.A., Ryzhov I.N.My Moscow. Ecological atlas for children and parents. M., 2005.

9. The world of nature and child. Ed. LM Manenutsova and P.G. Samorova. SPb.: Accident, 1998.

Environmental education is carried out using various methods and forms of work. They are quite well known (their detailed classification and description are given, for example, in the book "The World of Nature and the Child" edited by L.M. Maneutsova and P.G. Samorova). I would like to dwell on the problem of the environmentalization of various types of activities of the child and use in the practice of working teachers of an integrated approach.

As you know, the child will know the world around the various types of activities specific for each specific age. The educator should always be remembered that the ecological education of the preschooler is based on an activity approach, since it is the activity forms a child's psyche. Under the environmentalization of the activities of the preschooler, we understand the enrichment of its content due to the ecological component. For the purposes of environmental education, all types of children's activities can be used to one degree or another, respectively, and in methodical approaches. A number of principles can be distinguished that need to be taken into account when choosing methods and forms of work on environmental education.

Principle of scientific relations.The teacher in its work applies only scientifically based forms and methods of work, corresponding to a specific age of children who take into account their psychophysiological features. Thus, school methods of environmental education cannot be mechanically transferred to preschool institutions, although it sometimes happens. The teacher should not forget that the main activity of the child-preschooler is a game, while in primary classes, training activities are becoming.

The principle of positivismit assumes the upbringing and training of children on positive examples. So, in the practice of environmental education, the prohibitions with which teachers introduce children are widespread. First of all, these prohibitions are associated with the study of the rules of behavior in nature. Our analysis of the abstracts of classes on this topic of teachers from different regions showed that in most cases children only receive information about what could not be done. Beyond the conversation of the tutor with preschoolers, there is information about what you can do and need. We give examples of fragments of abstracts of such classes: "Do not break the branches of bushes and trees, not to leave garbage in places;"; "Do not tear it (Cube) Never! .. take care of this flower! .. Never drop it and do not let others!" (conversation); The release of lightning posters "Do not divorce fires!"; Demonstration of posters on the topic "Rules of Conduct in the Reserve": you can not make noise, throw garbage, tear flowers, trample grass, scare animals, collect mushrooms and berries, take a young on hand "; "Do not tear flowers! Do not pull out! Do not clog! Do not throw garbage! " All these prohibitions are often drawn up in the form of environmental signs illustrating what cannot be done in relation to nature. But the child must have an alternative - if this can not be done, what can I? It seems necessary for the simultaneous use in working with preschoolers of three types of signs: prohibiting, permissive (for example, the flowers should not be riveted, but you can sniff them, admire them; the beetles cannot be collected, but you can observe them) and recommendations (you need to water the plants on the flower bed, Turn the feeders on trees, etc.). In many kindergartens, for example, signs show that in nature it is impossible to breed fires. But the reality is such that a person sometimes has to do it. In addition, on vacation, it is always nice to relax at the fire. The question is where it is to breed a fire and how to repay him. If we show the child a forbidden sign with the image of the fire, we must explain that the fires can be dissociated only in specially designated places for this, in areas safer from the point of view of fire (for example, on the sandy bank of the river), etc. Otherwise, in real life, the child simply will not be able to apply learned rules.

It is important to remember that for the child of preschool age, learning slogans and rules is not particularly difficult, but the effectiveness of such an approach from the point of view of environmental education is zero. The task of acquaintance with the rules is to create a certain type of behavior in nature in a child, and the behavior of independent, independent of the fear of punishment or adult praise, is not achieved in this way. In order for the child to follow certain rules, it must be aware of their importance and emotionally felt the consequences of their non-compliance.

Principle of problem Ensures the creation of the educator of problem situations, in the decision of which the child is involved. An example of such situations may be the elementary search activity of children, experimentation, active observation. The problem situation is characterized by the following features: the child has the need to solve the task, there is an unknown, which must be found and which is characterized by a certain degree of generalization; The level of knowledge, the skills of the child is sufficient for active search. So, in the training program "Our House - Nature", in the process of experimenting, the child (with the help of an adult) puts forward its hypothesis, then checks it in practice and concludes conclusions, summarizes the results, compares them with their assumptions. For example, in the process of experimentation with ice and water, the teacher invites children to express their assumptions about what is happening with a piece of ice when lowering in water container. Children speak: "Thinks, melts, will swim, nothing will be", etc. Do not evaluating these statements, the teacher offers each child to test his assumptions during the experiment. Children perform experience, watch his move, and then the educator asks preschoolers to determine whose assumptions were true, and whose - no. At the end of the lesson, the results are discussed and summarized by children in conjunction with the educator.

Another example of the application of the principle of problem is the creation of adult situations in which the child must show his knowledge, skills and skills. Thus, in the class of block "Water", the teacher introduces children with the need to save water and the causes of such a need (the topic "Why water must be protected"). Some time after completing the work on the block, the educator leaves a water tap not completely closed in the group (briefly!) And observes the response and behavior of children. Another option: in the yard on the grass is left "trash". The tutor is watching the reaction of children while walking. Precious situations are especially popular with preschoolers, solving which you need to help the fabulous hero. Problem learning is closely related to the principle of systemity, as it implies the developed system of gradually complicating tasks.

The principle of systemism.As already noted, the most effective is the systemic organization of work with preschoolers. So, for each block of the program "Our House - Nature" has developed and tested its own system of classes implemented through various types of activities of the child. The annual work plan of the institution reflecting the structure of the program "Our Home - Nature" is drawn up with an ecologist and senior educator. All blocks are studied in a strict sequence, as well as the themes within the blocks themselves. To implement the principle of systemics, every specialist of the preschool institution will agree on the time of its exercise on the appropriate subject with the teacher-ecologist.

Systemicity is also manifested in organizing work with parents, in coordination of the work of a kindergarten with various institutions, while simultaneously implemented by a kindergarten of all the main components of an environmental education system.

Principle of clarityallows you to take into account the visual-shaped and clear-effective thinking of the child preschooler. The use of this principle assumes that in order to solve the goals and objectives of environmental education, the teacher chooses objects, processes available for understanding and developing a child of a certain age, which he can observe directly in its surroundings. The principle of visibility means also constant use in working with children of visual material: illustrations, benefits, video materials, paintings, posters, models, layouts, etc. Thus, for the program "Our House - Nature" has developed a number of visual benefits, games, lists of recommended for use on a particular topic of refrigerations of paintings, slides, movies, cartoons are created. The principle of visibility is also taken into account when organizing various types of child activities in a developing objective environment.

The principle of humanisticity First of all, it is manifested primarily in the choice of teachers of the humanistic model of education, implying the transition from authoritarian training and education for personal-oriented, on the pedagogy of the cooperation of an adult and child, the dialogue form, when the child becomes an equal member of the discussion, and not just a trainee. This approach is especially important for preschool pedagogy, as it is difficult for a child without an adult to realize himself with a partner in communicating with adults. Such a model contributes to the development of the identity of the child, his readiness, and not just a training for school. In the process of environmental education, the teacher must give preference to work methods that are not sent to the mechanical reproduction of knowledge (simple memorization of certain facts), and on the formation of the ability to independently think, evaluate the relations of a person and the environment, to understand existing (elementary) interrelations. Thus, the principle of humanisticity involves the transition to a new type of teacher relations and a child, when both of them participate in the educational process, while the child is provided as much independence to express their feelings, thoughts, independent knowledge of the surrounding world by experimenting. With this approach, the child has the right to an error, can express any points of view. Experience has shown that this model is introduced in many preschool institutions not as fast as I would like. Often, caregivers try to speak in classes as much as possible, instantly correct children if they made some inaccuracy in statements, do not offer children to evaluate each other's answers and think. With this approach, everything explains the teacher, and the answers of children instantly assessed them: "wrong", "not so." The child is not given the right to argument to their statements, the tutor does not try to trace the course of the child's thoughts, the logic of which is often different from the logic of an adult. As a result, over time, the preschooler loses interest in such classes or tries to respond only so that the tutor is pleased. Do not develop original, non-standard thinking, fantasy.

And one more important point: the teacher should not be afraid of questions of children (because it is impossible to know absolutely everything!). Answers to unexpected questions of children (and there are more and more such today) He can be found in literature together with the child.

The monologue form of training prevailing in kindergartens needs to be replaced with a dialogue, when a child is an equal companion of an adult. As experience shows, with this approach, it is important to take into account even the fact of the place of the teacher and the location of children in the room. An analysis of the practice existing in preschool institutions has shown that most often the educator stands on children, located opposite them, even during experimental work. Children are planted at the tables, cause to the board, require a raise hand to answer, that is, the school type of training is reproduced. Partially this approach is due to the requirements of primary school teachers, but it does not take into account the age characteristics of a child preschooler.

In kindergartens working under the program "Our House - Nature", the humanistic, dialogue model of training is being introduced. Classes are organized in such a way that children can speak as often as possible, to actualize their own experience, to assume fantasize. So, questions are regularly discussed by "What will happen if ...?" (Water will disappear, the river is polluted, the tree is cut down ...). Teachers create situations that encourage preschoolers to express their assumptions, check them in practice, draw conclusions. For example, children compound fairy tales, come up with non-existent animals, which, however, must be adapted to real environmental conditions. In the classroom, the teacher operates "at the level of children" - sits along with them at the tables during experimentation and performs the same experiments, becomes an active participant in games, etc.

Principle of sequence Located with the principles of systemicity and problemability. For example, environmental classes should be carried out in a certain logical sequence reflecting the structure of the program blocks and those within them. This principle is also reflected in the system of consistent deployment of knowledge - from simple to more complex. It is applicable to both learning children of different ages (for example, a sequence of presentation of materials to children from 3 to 7 years old) and to teach children within one age (sequence of material presentation in the medium or preparatory group).

The principle of security assumes that the forms used by the teacher and the methods of work should be safe for the child. There are cases when children, without amendments to age, were involved in research, originally designed for schoolchildren. So, for example, in one of the preschool institutions, children 5-6 years have taken samples from obviously dirty reservoirs. Moreover, they were asked to smell and carefully consider these samples. Such an approach may be extremely dangerous to health and even a child's life. The practical activity of preschoolers should exclude potentially dangerous territories for them and methods of work.

The principle of security also implies that the educator does not forget about the appeal "not harmful!". That is, in the process of observations organized by him, experiments should not be affected by objects of nature. (We have already spoken about this lectures No. 2 in the subsection "The manifestation of traditional approaches in the method of working with children.")

The principle of integration. The implementation of this principle in the selection of techniques and in the organization of environmental classes is currently begins to be carried out in the work of a number of preschool institutions. An integrated approach involves close cooperation of all teachers of the preschool. An important feature of the application of the principle of integration is that the classes of educators, specialists are combined by one topic, but each of them decides on the tasks of its own program. For example, in the CRC-kindergarten No. 1908 of Moscow for the occupation of the Ecologist's teacher, a certain time is given in the schedule - 1 hour per week. This is the so-called "main occupation" that the environment is conducted with a subgroup of children in the environmental room (sometimes in collaboration with other specialists, educators), in the corner of nature, in the laboratory or on the street. To implement an integrated approach to work, the whole team is included. The teacher-ecologist together with the Senior Educator is developing a system of environmental contents for educators and specialists. So, for example, according to the "Water" block, a teacher-ecologist conducts research work with children in the laboratory. Educaters during walks are watching snow, ice, innai, puddles, streams, fog (depending on the time of year), read literature recommended by the teacher-ecologist, hold games, listen to musical works, draw, give preschoolers the opportunity to experiment with water , Watch the inhabitants of the aquariums in groups. The music leader picks up the work from its repertoire associated with the subject of the block (songs, dancing, classical and modern works), participates in the preparation of staging, theatrical productions, environmental holidays. The physical education instructor not only organizes various moving games, but also adapts for its purposes some ecological fairy tales. So, on the fairy tale N.A. Ryzhova "How Bear Stump Lost" developed an interesting occupation, including competitions, games. The ecological room and the izostudia are located nearby, and after environmental classes, children are moving in an office, where the material is fixed in the visual activities. For the purposes of environmental education, the folklore room, and the corner of nature, musical and physical halls are used. Much attention is paid to environmental education in artistic work.

Principle of activity.As already mentioned, activities are the basis for the ecological education of the preschooler. In the process of familiarizing the child with nature, traditionally much attention is paid to the care of indoor plants, animal corner of nature, work in the garden. However, from the position of environmental education, it is necessary to expand the framework of such activities through the participation of children together with adults (especially parents) or older children in various environmental action, assessing the condition of their home, yard, territory of kindergarten, groups (for example, which plants grow around We, whether they are enough, as water is used and the like at home). This approach allows you to make the child's activities more meaningful and necessary for him personally.

Building a system of classes with children on an activity basis is a distinctive feature of the program "Our House - Nature". Therefore, we consider examples of activity and integrated approaches on the example of the activities of this program.

An example of an integrated approach

One of the integrated classes is developed by us together with the Collective of the CRR - kindergarten No. 2333 of Moscow. All educators and specialists of this pre-school institution worked on the topic "I and the River" (watering unit "Water"). The teacher-ecologist acquainted children with the problem of reservoir pollution, and the exercise occupation included theatrical, game activity, experimentation, conversation, viewing the cartoon fragment and its discussion. Then, children in the music hall portrayed various aquarium water and plants (fish and water plants in the aquarium), danced, got acquainted with the musical images of nature, depicted the sounds of nature with the help of musical instruments. At the same time, the music director performed the tasks of its program: familiarization with software works, fixing dance movements, developing a feeling of rhythm, coordination, acquaintance with a variety of musical instruments. In the midst of the preschoolers reflected the "mood" of the river with the help of paints and various technical techniques. At the same time, the teacher on the visual activity also solved its tasks: the children got acquainted with various drawing techniques, colors, reproductions of pictures of famous artists. And finally, the physical education instructor, engaged in children by his program in the gym, held a moving game. The guys participated in the usual relay, but at the same time they solved the task associated with the general environmental theme. Performing various exercises, they traveled to the table, on which the cards with the image of animals were laid out, and chose marine or river among them (each team is a set). In conclusion, preschoolers during a walk with educators visited the nearest pond and looked attentively who lives in it, as far as he was clean, determined his "mood" (by analogy with the "mood" of the river), etc. Parents asked to go with children on the pond, river and discuss certain issues. In the same way, work was organized on other blocks of the program "Our Home - Nature".

Use of different types of child activities for environmental education

Consider possible options for using various types of child activities for environmental education purposes on individual examples.

The game.The gaming direction is actively developing in the environmental education of preschoolers. You can distinguish three main approaches to game methods: the creation of new games with environmental (environmental) content, environmentalization of traditional games and adaptation of the people's games.

In pre-school pedagogy, the game has always played a big role in familiarizing with nature.
In recent years, a number of recommendations for gaming methods have been developed in environmental education. So, to each block of classes of the program "Our House - Nature" a set of various games has been created. According to the features of the content and rules among environmental contents, the following can be distinguished:

    Scene-role games Invite the presence of natural, environmental or environmental content and the existence of certain rules. As part of the program, a number of such games have been developed that help children get acquainted with various natural phenomena, processes. So, for example, in the process of the game "Traveling droplets", children become droplets of water, which Mom Tuchka lets walk to earth and help people, plants, animals. On earth, the droplets first merge into the streams, then in the river and, finally, fall into the ocean. On the way, they watered plants, sing animals, etc. When the sun hesitates, the droplets return to the mother of the tune and tell her about what they saw and what they did on Earth. As a result, children of 5-6 years in the game form get the first ideas about the cycle of water in nature. Another game - "trees and worms" - We are developed specifically for the first acquaintance of children with soil formation processes. Children are divided into two teams. Each team has its own "tree", which falls out the leaves in the fall, and its "rain worm" with the glass cups. In the process of the game, following certain rules, the children "change" the fallen leaves of the tree on the soil, which the "rain worm" gives. Thus, the presentation of children on the formation of the soil and on the role of living organisms in this process (rain worm) is enshrined.
    With the ecologization of traditional plot roles, it is important to comply with the principles of the scientific and availability of detention. Interesting experience accumulated in kindergarten No. 149 Togliatti. To the game on the topic of the family, at home they successfully include a number of issues of the housing ecology, the game "Store" - questions about the protection of animals.

    Didactic games Environmental content is currently very diverse. Many such games are developed by the teachers themselves. Among them can be distinguished and subject games that suggest the use of natural material: cones, pebbles, shells, etc. Natural material allows you to organize a number of games that promote the development of the child's thinking. For example, objects can be classified according to different features (color, size, character of origin, form). It is important that children also participate in collecting natural material.
    Mind games.An analysis of the practice of environmental education in preschool institutions has shown that such well-known games like "KVN", "Brain Ring", are very popular with educators, "KVN", "Breun Ring", "What? Where? When?". They can be successfully used for the purposes of environmental education of senior preschoolers, however, subject to their adaptation to the pre-school level (in some cases, such games are not transformed into creative competitions, but into mechanical reproduction of children of various, pre-harvested texts).

    Independent game.Recently, many teachers and educators note that due to the active distribution of television and video equipment, computers of preschoolers have become much less to play on their own. Child observations also showed that environmental content is rarely included in an independent game. This is due, in particular, with focusing the attention of teachers and parents in school-type classes, training for school. Some preschool institutions Even the holiday of dedication to the "young environmentalists" are carried out in the form of a school exam: the child must choose a ticket with questions on the table and answer him the examination committee. Creating conditions for an independent game requires special attention from the tutor.

Examples of games to the program "Our Home - Nature"

Moving game "We are droplets" (block "Wizard Water")

purpose: Secure ideas about the cycle of water in nature.

Materials and equipment: Paper crowns for children with a drawing of droplets, one crown with the image of the sun, suit, or an element of a mums of a tucci (for example, a hat).

Children get paper crowns with drawings of droplets. The teacher puts on the same paper crown with a cloud pattern. She is Mom Tuchka, and the guys are her kiddy-droplets. Children surround mom with a tucca jump around her, water dance. Then she let go to the ground, gives the instruction to behave well, do not indulge, pour plants, wash the earth and return back. Children run up to the sides, then collected together, become each other, forming a stream (the streams should be several). Then, by the command of the tutor, the streams are connected together (double rows), forming a river. The river flows into the ocean - children make a wide circle. Mom Tuchka reminds them that they are droplets, calling them home. The sun appears, the children are circling, one is returned to cloud. She asks them to tell about what each of them did on Earth. For this game you need to choose musical accompaniment.

Game "Trees and worms" ("Soil - Live Land" block)

Purpose: show "Magic transformations" of leaves in the soil (cycle of substances).

Materials and equipment:make out of thick paper (suitable packages from the milk, juices) leaves (dried or paper, by the number of game participants). Prepare the same cups with Earth (and use packaging material for these purposes). It is enough to fill the cups half. In addition, you will need hats (or paper crowns) - two depicting a rainworm and two with the image of a tree. If children know how to read, you can make the appropriate inscriptions.

Divide the participants into two teams. Each team should have his own "worm" and its own "tree". At one end of the room on the floor on the same line, but two circles are drawn at a distance of each other (you can simply put sports hoops). This is the "minks" of worms. From each team there is a child who performs the role of a rainworm. It becomes in the middle of the circle. Here, in a circle, there are also cups on the floor. In the opposite end of the room, two circles for children will be created similarly to the role of "trees". Children - "Trees" also become in the middle of their circles. They hold the leaves in their hands. Thus, the "worm" of each team is opposite its "tree". On each of them - the corresponding hats. The remaining participants of the game become each other, each team - near their tree. According to the team leading "Autumn!" Guys, depicting trees, throw one sheet to the floor. The participant standing closest to the "wood" should raise this sheet as quickly as possible and attribute him to his "worm". Having received a sheet, "worm" raises a glass of a glass with the ground and gives it a participant of the game, which, in turn, quickly (without scattering the earth) returns to his "tree", gives him a glass of earth and becomes behind other team members . "Tree", having received the Earth, puts the cup to the floor and drops the next sheet. He picks up the second member of the team, etc. The teams repeat the actions until the last participant brings the cup with soil to his "wood". As soon as the "tree" receives the last cup with the Earth, it "grows" - depicting his child, and with him and all members of his team raise hands-branches up. Wins the team whose "tree" has grown first.

Labor in nature

In preschool pedagogy and psychology, there is no unambiguous opinion on the allocation of labor as an independent activity of the child due to the specificity of the final product of such activities. So, V.V. Davydov, T.V. Dragunov and others argue that it is too early to talk about the work of the preschooler as a special independent form of activity, but separate work tasks allocate. Labor activity of the child preschooler always contains element of the game, imitating the life of adults. In any case, "labor in nature" is traditionally considered an integral part of the acquaintance of preschoolers with the outside world, and in recent years - and environmental education of preschoolers, and is actively used in the practice of the work of kindergartens. In the process of labor in nature, the preschooler learns to subjugate its activities, its desires of certain social reasons, to understand that his work will benefit people, retain animals, plants.
At the same time, the organization and results of labor in nature are estimated by different specialists ambiguously. So, N.F. Vinogradova notes that as agreed (preschoolers - elementary school) sharply decreases the number of children positively related to work with natural objects. The author explains this in the lack of knowledge and specific labor skills, not the formed ability of the need for such labor and proposes to change its organization, paying attention to the implementation of a number of principles under which it understands the knowledge of the knowledge of moral rules for the objects of nature, the improvement of labor skills and environmental skills, Availability of labor for a particular child, the participation of children in the process of labor from its start before the result is obtained. It seems to us that the specified areas can be supplemented by the implementation of a personal-oriented approach and consideration of gender features. First, the educator must take into account the individual characteristics of the child (one child likes to water the plants, the other is to feed animals, etc.). In practice, the approach is prevalent in kindergartens when children regardless of their mood, desires are obliged under the guidance of an educator, all together at this particular time to water the plants or pouch the beds. At the same time, the adults themselves are far from definitely relate to the cultivation of indoor plants and animal content. An adult has the right to choose different types of employment, the child in kindergarten is usually deprived in kindergarten, which dramatically reduces its interest in the very process of care for wildlife objects. In addition, the educator often does not explain what caused the need for such actions of children (why the animal needs to be regularly breeded, and the plant is to water, etc.), that is, the child does not feel the importance of his actions, he does not have a sense of responsibility for the state Natural objects. The preschooler also requires a clear labor motive.

As experience shows, some preschool institutions create a garden on their territory in order to obtain large yields to submit them at exhibitions, competitions, etc. At the same time, the educational role of such labor for children is sharply reduced, since the tasks set before the team can only mascerate adults (educators, parents, etc.). Children participate in the labor process only at individual stages, as a rule, when planting plants (after all, the main growth of plants and harvesting occurs in the summer, when many children do not attend preschool institutions). With these positions, the cultivation of plants on mini-gamns, in greenhouses, in room conditions throughout the year, when a child can track the result of its work from beginning to end. To increase the efficiency of labor activities, the requirements for the educator towards the child in the labor process must take into account the possibilities of a child of one or another age, that is, labor in nature should be sat for each particular child.

It is extremely important to develop an emotional and positive attitude to the object with an emotional and positive attitude to the object, to show that this object is alive, that he needs a careful attitude of this child ("Without your help, the plant can dry, and the guinea pig will die if her Do not give water and food ").

The problem of taking into account gender features in preschool pedagogy began to rise only in recent decades. Specialists have proven that girls and boys have significant differences in the perception of the surrounding world, motivation of behavior, etc. These differences are brightly manifested in relation to labor in nature, but practically not taken into account by teachers. So, according to the observation of educators, girls are more prone to long-term courtships for plants, gladly rubbing leaves, transplanted, watering plants, while boys prefer more dynamic activities and more often choose for animal care, not plants. Considering this, the teacher must approach the organization of the child's work from the position of variability, offering children various types of children:

Care of homemade, decorative animals and indoor plants;
- work on the gardens of different types;
- planting trees, shrubs;
- content in the order of the territory;
- Sat and safe cleaning of territories (forest, park, river bank);
- repair, restoration of books, toys, etc. (economical use);
- feeding birds and other animals, taking into account their biological features;
- creation of feeders, additional habitats for animals, taking into account their natural features.

At the same time, the child's labor activity in nature in nature is inappropriate to include the collection of living organisms (so, some kindergartens in the sections of their programs "Ecology and Labor" allocate tasks to collect herbarium of forest, meadow plants).

Traditionally, in preschool pedagogy, it was assumed that human labor in nature has only positive results. However, this does not always correspond to reality. Many modern environmental problems are generated by the illiterate approaches of people to their work. Thus, the same agriculture, the mass organization of unauthorized gardens, the illiterate use of nadogymicates, mineral fertilizers created a lot of environmental problems. Therefore, the child's labor activity should be organized so that he has already been formed elementary, but environmentally competent ideas about agricultural work.

In the process of work, the preschooler has the opportunity to apply his knowledge in practice, acquire new, clearly make sure there is a different relationship in the nature of various relationships (plant, animal - and the environment). He has the necessary care skills, a sense of responsibility for living organisms.

Search activity

The fundamental difference between this activity is that the image of a goal that determines this activity is not yet ready and is characterized by uncertainty, instability. During the search, it clarifies, clarifies. In our opinion, search engines from the point of view of the process of environmental education is one of the main activities of the child. As the main view of the search activity N.N. Falks allocates special children's activities - experimentation, stressing that this "truly childish activity" is leading throughout the preschool age, starting with infancy. In it, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently affecting various ways to those surrounding it objects and phenomena for the purpose of their more complete knowledge and development. In the program "Our House - Nature", experimentation is given a large role in familiarizing the child with the peculiarities of the components of nature, their properties and relationships. So, we have developed experimentation cycles with natural material (water, sand, clay, stones, soil), etc. Each cycle is constructed in such a way that as assignments are made before preschoolers, increasingly complex tasks are set, which creates a favorable soil for the development of the child's thinking. In order to develop in children the ability to create the creative use of knowledge obtained in the process of such experimentation to each experimental cycle, a complex of so-called "creative tasks" was developed. During the execution of such tasks, the child must be based on the experience gained during the execution of experiments.

N.N. The podkakov allocates a special kind of so-called "social experimentation of preschoolers in various life situations", when children (consciously and unconsciously) "trigger" in adults or peers various forms of their behavior in search of the most acceptable options. Environmentalization of this type of activity can manifest itself through the involvement of children in a variety of environmental situation situations. This approach is of great importance for the formation of the skills of the environmentally friendly and safe behavior of the child.

Experimental examples (senior preschool age)

Theme "Acquaintance with Air"

Purpose:to help children "see" air, prove that it is everywhere that the air is transparent, "invisible."

Materials and equipment:water containers, transparent cups, cocktail tubes, cups with soap solution for each child (you can use and ready-made sets for soap bubbles), balloons, toy or homemade fans, bowl with water, ball (any inflatable toys), plastic bag (latex gloves).

Experience 1.The tutor shows the children an empty glass and asks if there is anything in it. Then the preschoolers carefully study their cups and respond to the same question. The educator proposes to check whether the cups are really empty.

Children turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the container with water. At the same time, the cup must be kept very smooth. What happens? Does water fall into a glass? Why not? The educator discusses these issues with the guys, listening to their hypotheses. All together are concluded: there are air in a glass, it does not allow water there.

Experience 2. We repeat the previous experience, pre-secure with a piece of plasticine at the bottom of a glass of a piece of paper, fabric or wool. Be sure to let the children touch them before lowering the glass into the water and after, discuss why paper (fabric) is not coming (in the discussion, children should use the results of the first experience).

Experience 3.. Once again, plunge the cup into the water, but already in the inclined position. What appears in the water? (Children answer.) Seen air bubbles. Where did they come from? The air comes out of the glass, and water occupies its place.

Experience 4. Children blew into the cups through the cocktail tubes and watch what happens (warn the guys so that they do in moderation, otherwise nothing will remain in the cups).

Experience 5. Put the cups with soap mortar before children and offer to blow through the straw (for example, through the same cocktail tube) soap bubbles. Discuss why they are called soap, which inside these bubbles and why they are such lungs fly.

Experience 6. "Air is lighter than water." Offer children to "drown" balls and other inflatable toys and discuss why they are not drown.

Experience 7.. "How to catch the air?". Try together with the children to "catch" the air into a plastic bag (do not forget about security), rubber glove, fine fabric, etc. How do we define that the air "caught"?

Experience 8.. "Is it possible to weigh the air?" Take a stick for about sixty centimeters. At its middle, secure the rope, to both the ends of which tie two identical balloons. Touch the stick over the rope. The stick hangs in a horizontal position. Offer the children to think what happens if you protrude one of the balls with a sharp object. Pass the needle one of the inflated balls. Air will be released from the ball, and the end of the stick to which he is tied will rise up. Why? The ball without air became easier. What happens when we protrudes and the second ball? Check it in practice. You will again restore balance. The balls without air weigh the same, just like inflated. It is possible to carry out this experience in large plastic toy scales.

Experience 9. In order to make sure that the flame pollutes the air, do the following experience. Light a candle (of course, observing caution). What do the guys see? Flame burns. Can it pollute the air? After all, we do not see anything except the flame. Then hold over the flame of the candle (at a distance of 1-2 centimeters) glass or porcelain (but not plastic!) Cup, in one word, the subject of a material that is not melted, will not light up and will not warm quickly. After some time, you will see that this item has darkened below - covered with a layer of soot.

Theme "Acquaintance with the Wind"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the fact that the wind is the movement of the air, discuss the role of wind in nature and in the lives of people.

Materials and equipment: Small tanks for each child (you can use packaging materials) with water. For attractiveness, you can create white, black, red, yellow sea, touched water. Make a steady sailing boat with children in advance (they should not be too small, otherwise, as experience shows, they immediately turn over in water). Beautifully look at the boats with multicolored sails. Prepare a pre-fair (it is better to make them together with children). We also need small containers with sand (or cans) and a cocktail tubule, a sandy desert illustration.

Note.Element of the game - in class children become "winds".

Experience 1. Children blow water. What happens? Waves. The stronger to blow, the more waves (but in everything you need to know the measure, if you look too much, the sea will disappear at all!).

Experience 2.. Children "let go of a lot of sailing boats in large swimming (put in the bowl with water) and blow on the sail, the boats float. So large sailing ships are moving thanks to the wind. Experiment: What happens to the boat if there is no wind? And if the wind is very strong? Storm begins, and the boat may cause real collapse.

Experience 3.. For this experience, use the fans made in advance by the guys themselves. You can take and real Veter, which you, for example, have prepared for costume dancing. Children are mashed by fan over water. Why did the waves appear? The fan is moving and how to customize air. The air also begins to move. And how the guys already know, the wind is the movement of the air (try, so that during the experiments the children made as many independent conclusions as possible).

Experience 4.. And now fan of fan in the face. What do we feel? Why did people invent a fan? And what did we replace the fan in our lives? (Fan.) Good Show pictures depicting women in the costumes of the last century, with verses.

Experience 5. Put in front of each child a container with fairly high edges and with a small amount of sand. To improve research safety, you can use a glass jar with dry sand, closed with a hole with a hole, inserting a rubber hose in the hole. Sand in tanks (bank) - imitation of the desert. Again turn into the winds: Sustilly, but quite a long time in the sand. On sand in the tank, you need to blow through a cocktail straw, in the bank - through the rubber tube, then it will not fly away to the sides. What's happening? First, waves appear, similar to the waves in a bowl with water, but only sandy. If you have a little smaller, then sand from one place will move to another. The most conscientious "wind" will appear sand hollyk.

Creative task. Offer children to consider the picture with the image of the sandy desert with the vegans and assume why such hills appear in the sandy desert. It is important that preschoolers, remembering the previous experience, came to the conclusion that the wind creates them. They are called these sandy hills by vegans. When the wind blows from different sides, many different hills arise. So, with the help of wind, the sand travels in the desert.

Experience 6. Consider illustrations with the image of the desert. On the verachans, there are no plants at all, or they are extremely small. Why? Probably something do not like them here. And what exactly, you now find out with the children. "Put" (stick) in the sand wand or dry blade. Now children must blow on the sand in such a way that he moves towards the sticks. If they correctly do this, with the time of the sand, almost falling asleep all your "plant". Dut it so that the upper half is visible. Now the wind blows straight on the plant (children with straw carefully blow the sand from under the wand). In the end, the sand near the "plants" will not remain, it will fall. Return again to the question of why there are few plants on the vegans. The wind will fall asleep with their sand, then blows it, and there are nothing to hold for the roots. In addition, sand in the desert is very hot! In such conditions, only the most endless plants can survive, but there are very few of them.

The topic "What are sand and clay"

Purpose:to acquaint children with the features of sand and clay, compare what they differ, and find manifestations of these substances in everyday life (combination of experimentation and observations on walks).

Materials and equipment: Cups with sand and clay for each child (you can use multi-colored cups from yogurt, sour cream or flat packaging containers), cups with water, sheets of paper, spoons, magnifiers. All this can be placed on a small tray. During walks, offer the guys to find a stick or branches on the ground, similar to the trees, which in the class "turns" in the trees. Each child should have a personal "tree." In addition, it is necessary to prepare sand and clay. Sand should not be too small and clay. Well fits coarse-grained river (lake). Clay is better to take natural, as the available white clay used for the manufacture of dishes and crafts is somewhat different in its properties. Where to find clay?
In the nearest brick career, in the construction kittle, in the trench, in the pit for the cellar. How to determine that you are clay in your hands, not a loam? Take a bit of the ground and try to roll between the palms the oblong sausage. If there is a thin sausage with pointed tips, which is easily flexed into the ring, is a real clay. This is important, since in nature clay and sand are often mixed in different proportions, and their mixture will not give the desired results during experiments.

Experience 1.Take a cup with sand and neatly satisfy a little sand on a sheet of paper. Is the sand free? Easily. Now let's try to pour out clay cup. What is easier to pour out sand or clay? Sand. Therefore, they say that the sand is "bulk". Clay sticks with lumps, it is impossible to pour out it so easy from the cup as sand. Unlike clay sand - loose.

Experience 2. With the help of magnifying glass, carefully consider, from which the sand is consisting of (from grains-sand). What do the grains look like? They are very small, round, translucent (or white, yellow, depending on the variety of sand). Are the sands alone on another? What are similar and what is different? Some children can say that the grave is similar, others - what is not, and you do not need to dissuade them. It is important that in the process of comparison, the guys carefully considered sandy grains. Then consider the same pockets of clay in the same way. Are the same particles in clay visible? In the sand, each sand is lying separately, it does not stick to their "neighbors". And in clay - merchants, very small particles. Something clay looks like plasticine. If you have a magnifying glass with a big magnification, let the children consider clay, put into powder. Dustkins, which can be seen, much less grain. Sand consists of sandbreaking, which do not stick to each other, and clay from small pieces, which as if firmly took up their arms and pill to each other.

Experience 3. During this experience, it should not be forgotten about the safety of children: because the sands can get into the eyes or in the nose. To avoid this, you can conduct experiences in three-liter glass jars. Put the jar on the side, pour out a thin layer of clay or sand, close the polyethylene lid. At the bottom of the lid, make a hole for the rubber tube, through which the air can be blown through the jar. One end of the tube will be in the bank, in the other insert the usual rubber pear. You can even try to blow the air ball into the tube or use the cycling pump.

Create a strong air flow in the bank - toy wind. What happens to the sands? They are easily moving, blown away. Then let's join the clay lumps. What do we see now? Can clay pieces move just as fast, easy, like grain? No, they are confused harder or do not move at all. Such experiments can be carried out with moistened sand and clay.

Experience 4. Take a wand and try to "plant" her in turn in the cups with sand and with clay. Imagine that we plant a small tree. What makes it easier to put it? Dry clay firmly, stick in it difficult. But in the sand, the wand swells the grains of sand, which "do not hold on with each other", and therefore it is easier to stick it. We have already found out that the sand is loose.

Experience 5. Carefully nallem a little water into a cup with sand. Purge sand. How did he become? Wet, wet. And where did the water disappeared? She "climbed" in the sand and "cozy arranged" between the sands. Let's try to "plant" wand in wet sand. In what sand it makes it easier - in dry or wet? Then pour some water into a glass with clay. Watch how the driver is absorbed: quickly or slow? Slow, slower than in the sand. Part of the water remains on top, on clay. For greater clarity, you can simultaneously pour water into both cups and follow, in which water is absorbed faster. Plant "Detish" to wet clay. It is easier to plant a wand in wet clay than in dry. Recall: When a man is planting a plant on a garden or trees in the parks, gardens, he wates the ground, if it is dry. In wet land is easier to plant plants.

Experience 6. Slopim from wet clay long sausage, balls. Imagine that we are making rainworms. Then try to create the same worms and balls from wet sand. What happens? From the sand of the sausage-worm, it is impossible to loose, and the balls are fragile. If the balls are still turned out, gently fold them on the table and leave to dry. What happens to the balls when they dry? Sand balls will break down, and clay will become dry and strong. And what can be made of wet sand? Remind the guys as they play with sand and molds, make cakes. What sand is eating cake from dry or wet? If you have the opportunity, offer children right at the lesson to make two slices.

Experimentation in the laboratory must be associated with observations on walks, excursions:

1. Pay attention to the children on the sandbox during the rain and dry weather. What is the difference between sand? Let the children try to blind castles made of dry and wet sand. What does the expression mean: "Build castles on the sand"? (Experience number 6.)

2. Invite the children to pass first on the wet sand, and then for crude clay. Where are the clearer traces? What happens with the traces when the earth dries?

3. After the rain, children often bring dirt on shoes. Where does she come from? Offer children to walk in rubber boots on the sandy path and on the clay. What kind of dirt is easier to wash? Why? After the experiments, the children werehed hands. What faster washed - sand or clay? (Experience number 2.)

4. Carefully examine the plots on which water accumulates after the rain and stand puddles for a long time. Where are puddles appear more often - on the sand or on clay soil? Check assumptions on the example of your site, park, square. (Recall your experience number 5 when the water absorbed into the sand and in the clay.)

5. In windy weather, watch the sand - does his wind take? (Experience number 3.)

The topic "What are pebbles"

Purpose: To acquaint children with a variety of stones, their features, meaning for a person.

Materials and equipment: For each child - a set of small pebbles for experimentation, different color, surface quality (smooth and rough), hardness, shape, one pebbles - marine or river (rounded), two small silica. Bowls with water in which a child can lower the pebbles. Sand tray for imaging images. Landscape layout (its description is given in the "Ecological Room" subsection). Samples of large stones at the ecologist. The drawer of sensations in which there are several stones. Pieces of plasticine and foam.

Structure occupation

Pebbles on the tables in children are hidden under napkins. Ecologist offers a child to determine what is inside the drawer of sensations. Initially, the child must say that he feels - what is the subject to the touch? (Smooth, rough, angular, with sharp edges, etc.) Which of the guys saw the stones? Where? Mountains consist of stones. Who was in the mountains? (If you can, show the slide of the mountain landscape.)

Exercise 1.Find the biggest and smallest pebbles.

Task 2.Choose the most beautiful and explain your choice.

Task 3. Close your eyes and choose the smoother, the most routine pebble, then the most uneven. Carefully consider the most round stone. This is marine pebbles. How do children think why he has no sharp corners? And before were there? These pebbles from the sea (river). The water moves the pebbles, they hit each other, all sharp corners gradually disappear, pebbles becomes round. Create a fairy tale "What the pebbles whisper" (Obruch "№ 2, 1997).

Task 4. Consider pebbles through a magnifying glass. Who sees what?

Task 5. In one hand to take pebbles into another - plasticine. Squeeze both palms. Compare what happened to the pebble, and what - with plasticine. Why? Pebbles solid, harder plasticine.

Task 6. Let's try to scratch something on the chamber. What happens? You can look through a magnifying glass. Why say: "hard, like a stone", "worth how stone"? You can knock pebbles about each other. What's happening?

Task 7.What will happen if we put pebbles into the water? Does he drown or will swim? Throw pebbles into the water, watching what happens with water (circles are formed). Can the pebbles swim? And a piece of foam? Lower the foam, compare. Why is the foam flooding, and there are no pebbles?

Task 8. I will take a foam and lower a few more pebbles in a bowl. Let's try them to the touch in water and take it out. What changed? What color are wet pebbles compared to dry?

Task 9. What is the best to draw a pebble? We try. Chalk, coal.

Task 10. Let's make a musical instrument. Put stones into a metal jar from under coffee or tea, close it tightly and rummet. If we put different pebbles, then the sound will be different (you can then go to the group). How does one pebble thunder? Two? Etc.

Task 11.Show children match and two silica. What do they think they have in common? The tutor takes two silica and knocks them with them, gives children to sniff them. What smells? Once ancient people mined the fire with these stones, and now we produce it with the help of a match. But there are also silicon lighters where a special wheel carries a spark from an artificial pebble. Let the children imagine that they are ancient people who need to register a fire with a silica (this preschoolers are engaged in particular pleasure).

Conclusions: Pebbles are solid, they differ in color, shape; Pebbles are changing the color in water, they are heavy: drown in water.

Modern Children and Nature

In conclusion, we will focus on one important moment. It is no secret that modern urban children often feel the fear of nature, for them she is unfamiliar and stranger. Many educators noted that during experimentation with sand, clay, the soil preschoolers, at first they were simply afraid to take in the hands of "Dirt" - for this they were punished at home. And only after the teacher's persuasion, accustomed to natural material, they began to mess with great pleasure with sand and clay. When communicating with animals, some children noticed: "Fu, they are nasty, badly smell, bite!" Many urban children at all represent the connection of food with nature objects. They are really confident that "boards grow on trees," and "Milk is only in the store." Of course, not all children are, however, "alienated" from the nature of children every year becomes more and more. Without communication with nature (including urban), it is impossible to raise a person who can live in harmony with the outside world. Yes, and is it possible to love what you are afraid of? What is the way out of the situation? Kindergarten should strive to bring their pupils as much as possible in the nearest green zones (including together with parents), create relevant conditions in the garden, in groups, teach children unusual in the usual, to pay their attention to the fog, rain, trees , animals that surround us daily.

Unfortunately, sometimes the preschool institutions themselves exacerbate the alienation of the child from nature, and from the best motives. Going on the parents, they seek to download it as much as possible: in the morning Mathematics, reading, French, English, then music, rhythm, chess, swimming pool, and so every day from morning to evening with a break for lunch and sleep. Add to this also the homework tasks of the school type. With such intensive training for school, to the "future life", the child has no time to live its normal, naturally for the preschooler life: to play yourself, watch the objects of nature, experiment. I even had to hear that the caregivers had no time to walk with children! But this is a completely unacceptable situation. The child should develop harmoniously, and very much in the development of the child can be achieved, without planting it ahead of time for the desk, but giving the opportunity to communicate with nature. Parents can show the recreation role of nature, teach the use of walks in the forest, traveling to the country for the cognitive development of the child. Another Yang Amos Komensei wrote: "It is necessary to learn so that people, as far as possible, they acquired knowledge not from books, but from the sky and land, from the oaks and beats, that is, they knew and studied the most things, and not other people's observations and evidence About things. " This expression acquires special importance today.

Questions for the lecture

1. What does an integrated approach in environmental education mean and what is it needed for?

2. What is the basis for environmental education from the point of view of the technique?

3. Do you use active and integrated approaches to environmental education in your work? To answer this question, analyze the abstracts of your classes.

4. List the principles of the selection of methods and forms of work of environmental education. Do you implement them in your practice?

5. What is the coordination of the work of educators and specialists in the field of environmental education? Is such cooperation organized in your kindergarten?


1 Preschool Education S. 61 N. Ryzhova Environmental education of preschoolers from the position of the new paradigm currently between the goals and objectives of the environmental education of preschoolers and its content there is a certain contradiction. It also manifests itself in choosing objects and techniques. The essence of the contradiction is as follows: the declared goals and objectives of environmental education are based on a new environmental paradigm (Bio (ECO) centrium), and the selection of content and techniques is often produced on the basis of the old anthropocentric paradigm. This problem seems to us most relevant precisely for the pre-school pedagogical system. For many years in our society, they prevailed, as we have already said, anthropocentric, essentially a consumer approach, in accordance with which a person was considered a measure of all things, the "Lord and the owner" of nature, able to change it to meet their needs. Many researchers, including I. N. Ponomarev, noted the need to move to a new paradigm of the view system, which is based on the Bio (ECO) centrism. Its essence: when solving any problems, priority is given not to socio-economic, but natural factors. The ultimate goal of the new paradigm is also a person, but not directly, and indirectly, through the preservation of its habitat. G. A. Yagodin noted: "We must again and again ask our eternal questions: Who are we? Children of nature or her lords? Why did they come to this world? Consult or create? " The main differences between traditional and new approaches are shown in Table. 1. Table 1 Ecocentric or Biocentric Anthropocentric Paradigm Paradigm Man Part Nature (Eco \u003d I) Peace for Human (Ego \u003d Ya) Measure of Things The Uniqueness of Life Measure of Things Man Coordination of Needs Calculation of Nature Benefits, Environmental Requirements Her utilitarian value Respect for all forms The life of the man "Host", the "king" of nature, as already noted, in the system of continuous ecological education, it is a pre-school link to the greatest extent still retains traditional approaches. For the first time, the question of the need to refuse the preceding stereotypes in the environmental education of preschoolers was raised by us in 1997 in the left column of Table. 2 are examples from the methodological literature on the environmental education of preschoolers (old

2 paradigms), in the right possible embodiments of the interpretation of these examples from the position of the new paradigm (biocentric). So, how does the old paradigm manifest itself in the content of environmental education? 1. The stereotype "Man King, the owner of nature" is most characteristic of the methodological and artistic children's literature. And only in the second half of the 90s, he began to gradually disappear from it. In accordance with this table 2, the old (traditional) paradigm of the new (biocentric) paradigm of nature (forest) gives us berries, mushrooms, the nature of "house" for living beings, in volume therefore we must protect it with a person and a person; Self-satisfaction nature Tree gives us wood. What is valuable fir? Pine has a large population of the "House" tree for animals; His connection with other plants, the value for air purification, aesthetic, cognitive importance, the role in the human life of the mushrooms edible and inedible, poisonous role of mushrooms in the cycle of substances (on the nearest examples in the garden, park, in the forest) and in the lives of other organisms (communications With trees, animals) Help nature, improving it, multiply wealth take into account the laws of nature, act in their framework, helping primarily organisms that live in a changed environment, the cricks are not harmed next to us. Food harmful and useful organisms are powered by plants Dangerous and edible, beautiful and ugly roles of each organism in nature (on separate examples), their place in food chains, intrinsicness focus on growing cultural focus on communicating with objects of natural nature cutting branches, gathering Herbarium, Calves Organization of observations for wildlife objects for collections and directly in nature, without making observations in kindergarten damage A person seems to be a measure of things, and the objects of the environment are valued in terms of danger or utility for people; It is assumed that a person can change the nature for creating the most comfortable conditions for his life, without regard to natural patterns. 2. Stereotype "Harmful and useful animals, plants." In widespread so far in the environmental education of preschoolers, the classification of living organisms ("harmful, dangerous and useful") is reflected in the consumer approach to nature. As a result, preschoolers already at the subconscious level formed a negative attitude towards predators, poisonous plants, mushrooms. Often children find themselves in a difficult position: at first they are talking about the dangers of poisonous

3 mushrooms, and then that all mushrooms need to be treated carefully. Consider specific examples. Thus, the author of one of the benefits notes that many parents often say: "This snake of poisonous, it needs to be killed,", "Tiger the beast is terrible, bloodthirsty," adding: "And pedagogically it would be correct to explain that both animals are on the verge of extinction, That, by virtue of its rarity, cannot cause significant damage. " The same author rightly indicates that in nature there are no harmful and helpful animals, harmful and useful people in relation to man, "but further it divides animals in harmful and useful (" Toads are useful to feed on worms, harmful beetles, clouds, caterpillars, bare Slugs ... "). Similar contradictions are found in the book M. M. Markov's "Corner of Nature in kindergarten" for example, for example, the author does not recommend catching butterflies, since there are few of them in cities and suburban zones, however, "so that the children understand what Harm bring the racetracks by plants, "she also proposes to put them in a cage along with plants and conduct observations. That is, children receive information that the butterflies need careful attitude, and at the same time that the caterpillars (the Stage of the Butterfly Development!) Are harmful, so they need to be destroyed. This is one of the numerous paradoxical examples of the manifestation of the old paradigm. From the position of ecology (and not agriculture) leaves of plants, caterpillars (butterflies), birds are links of one food chain, and each of them performs its role in nature. The following are quotes from programs, abstracts of classes and methodical recommendations of various authors confirming the widespread dissemination in the preschool pedagogy "harmful and useful" terms (in brackets are given by the author). "Indeed, not only flowers, but also herbs, so they do not need to tear!" (and if not useful? In addition, it is not clear what is meant under flowers, and what under herbs, because all herbaceous plants have flowers); "Useful plants in the northern forest Plaintfousin" (incorrectly incorrectly, because these plants are not related to the Northern Forest). "What benefits bring woodpeckers and other birds?"; "... such a small bug brings more benefits"; "Heather can be disrupted? It is impossible he is a honey! " (Logical continuation of this phrase If the plant is not a honey, then it can be disappeared.) "Tlima not only depleted plants, suck juices, but also contaminate the leaves with their discharge, as they say to the plants" (already on the selection of words, it is clear how the author himself relates to This insect, obviously not approve of its existence at all. Accordingly, the same negative attitude to the phrase will cause this phrase and a child). In one of the articles, issues are offered for environmental quizzes on the use of plants: from the linden bark it is recommended to make a canvas for sleep; Forest leaves, berries to use to power; Participants

4 games should be called animals, one way or another related to the production of drugs (Maral Panta, Badger Fat, etc.). (Such information is undoubtedly useful in terms of ensuring the safety of human activity, but it is unlikely to call such a victorian environmental.) How did the expression "harmful and useful natural objects" appeared? We consider animals that we can use in our purely utiltaround purposes. The same those who create any inconvenience to us, we awarded the "harmful" label. All "harmful" animals, plants somehow compete in the fight against a person for resources, cause damage to harvest, etc. In one of the interests of nature, for example, it is argued that not all predatory birds are harmful, but only those that eat Other birds (man hunted on these birds). But their counterparts who eaten forest mice, pools are recognized as useful because the latter is lying (!) Fruits and seeds of trees, shrubs ". This approach is anti-ecological, and it is not possible to immediately understand which negative impact is on the formation of ideas about nature in children. As a rule, many predators fall into the category of "harmful" and many predators (wolves that attack sheep; foxes who steal chickens; eagles, warming chickens, etc.). Such a classification is eligible from the point of view of agriculture, but not to environmental education, especially children of preschool age. For children are 3-6 years old are very susceptible to the words "bad", "good". So, our survey showed that the word "harmful" they identify with the words "bad", "bad", "naughty", because the children themselves sometimes hear in their address: "What are you harmful! And when you just fix it - and will you behave normally?! " Sometimes for "harm" is punished and physically. It means that "harmful" animals, in the presentation of preschoolers, are also to blame and should "be corrected", "become good"; Otherwise, "they will punish" them "(so they reasoned the children of one of the preparatory school groups). As a result, preschoolers make quite logical conclusions: the less "harmful" animals, the better, so they do not need careful terms and protection. An indicative example illustrating the possible negative consequences of such a consumer approach describes B. Ryabinin: the boys shot out a crow from the slingshot. What for? To "execute her as a predator (this bird steals chicks, eggs, it means harmful)." The children learned from teachers about the "harmfulness" of the crow. The author condemns such an approach, noting that the "harmfulness and usefulness of a particular creation will be clear when his consciousness is strengthened." Another example, from modern life: Five-year-old girl catching beetles, rainworms and climbing them in her palm, runs to dad with a question: are they good or harmful? As it turned out, the girl was going to crush all the "harmful" insects, which heard in kindergarten. So, by the time of admission to school, children have already formed ideas about the wolf and other predators as about "bad, evil" animals, and about hares and other herbivores "good,

5 kind. " From here, children do conclusions: a bad wolf is not needed, it can be killed, and therefore it makes no sense to guard. Of course, in a converted person, people have competitors "pests", with whom they are forced to fight, because in artificial communities there are no laws regulating equilibrium in nature. Calling insects, birds "pests of agriculture", we must remember: in vivo, they play the role assigned to them, they are necessary to maintain natural equilibrium. For example, room mole in vivo performs an important function (processes wool, fur of dead animals, i.e., participates in the cycle of substances). When the mole spoils our fur coats, it just honestly fulfills the role that Nature was replied. How should she know that in front of her an unbelievable object? Please note: all "pests" live next to us only because we ourselves create favorable conditions for them to provide food, water, habitat. Why do we have permanently (but unsuccessfully) to fight the Colorado beetle, and in natural conditions it does not multiply in such quantities? Because, firstly, in vivo, he has so-called. "Enemies" (animals, viruses), which limit its number. Secondly, in nature, you will not find such single plantations such as a potato field; Typically, several different types of plants are growing on one site, with which different insects are connected. Not limited to meals, in the absence of natural "enemies", the Colorado Beetle quickly develops new territories. Why are cockroaches, mice are becoming in homes, and in many cities there is a sharp increase in the number of rats, raven? Because we, people, create comfortable asylum conditions for them, feed (food waste, trash in landfills, etc.). In the natural conditions, the number of all these animals is also governed by the laws of nature (limited amount of food, "enemies", illness). Thus, we must clearly separate the two environments: in one of them, an artificial, created by a person, the laws of nature are not in full. Therefore, the number of many dangerous and unwanted animals for us, which we call "harmful" (cockroaches, rats, mice) should be regulated by the people themselves. But in another medium in natural ecosystems, all these species live according to the laws of nature and play their own role in maintaining equilibrium on the planet. Therefore, in vivo, to share them in harmful and useful meaningless. 3. Another stereotype of pre-school pedagogy The need for a careful attitude towards natural objects, their protection is explained only from the point of view of using them by a person. Expressions "Forest our wealth, because he gives us berries, mushrooms, nuts," "Nature Our wealth, because it gives us ..." As an argument, 82% consumes the need for a careful attitude towards nature

6 passed teachers of preschool institutions working in the field of environmental education. From the same positions, other communities of the rivers, lakes, the sea are also considered: "The White Sea is a treasury ... But the main thing his wealth is a fish" (such an approach is faithful from the position of a fisherman, but not an ecologist; from the point of view of environmental education, it is important to show a child All the inhabitants of the sea, their connection between themselves). If you follow such logic, the swamps whose role in maintaining environmental equilibrium is very large, in our protection do not need. Undoubtedly, we must explain to children how natural resources are used, what they mean for a person, but first of all should talk about the intrinsicity of nature. Many teachers offer to conduct classes "to familiarize themselves with the useful medicinal plants, with their appearance, the terms of the collection and the main list of diseases from which they cure." In our opinion, information on the treatment of specific herbs of concrete diseases is of interest to the teachers themselves and is not very interesting than 4 6-year-old children. At best, at the end of such classes is proposed to take care of medicinal plants (again, for what we need). For example, one of the authors as an explanation of the need for a careful attitude towards nature offers the following option: "Why does a person need nature? That's right, she feeds a man, clothes, shoes, gives everything necessary for life. " The need to preserve plants is justified only by their benefit for people: flowering plants are less and less, and they "decorate our land, please people." As a result of such "environmental education", children are formed by consumer attitude towards the world around the world, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for a careful relationship only to those objects of nature, which are of practical importance, and the necessity of such a relationship to "useless" objects for it, which is contrary to the idea of \u200b\u200bintrospectiveness of all species without exception. The bright manifestation of such a relationship is, for example, the following statements of children: "Birchs are needed in the city, because they can be cut, it turns out the hemps where you can relax" (the answer to the question "for what trees in the city" of a six-year-old girl are needed); "Wolves are bad, evil, they need to be driven out of the forest, they should not be protected, only hares from wolves should defend; "Only rare plants are required to guard, and a lot of daisies, they can be collected as much as you want," etc. 4. It is very common and another stereotype: the division of natural objects on beautiful and ugly, dangerous and non-hazardous. At the same time, the relationship of the tutor itself to one or another object is of great importance. So, in the abstract of the ecological classes of one of the kindergartens, it is argued that "the jellyfish can not be touched because they are burning!" (Of course, it must be said about this, but from the point of view of environmental education, children should know that jellyfish perform their function in the community of the sea).

7 Emotionally painted negative attitude of an adult to those or other objects is well traced in many works on the environmental education of preschoolers and extremely negatively affects the perception of these objects (spiders, snakes, toads, frogs) by children. The negative attitude of the teacher to the frogs (and to the swamp) is manifested, for example, as follows: "Let's offer frogs to move to the swamp, they are not a place in the lake! Unfortunately, I hear the drinking frogs ... "(fragment of environmental classes). Therefore, in the "invisible string of nature" developed by us as an object for studying animal bonds with the environment, it is a frog. A classic example is a suspicious attitude of a person to the cuckoo: it seems to be a pretty, but she has one bad feature to throw their own eggs in other people's nests, as if throwing their children. Curious condemnation can be felt in many abstracts of classes. True, sometimes its disadvantages are trying to "balance" advantages: "The cuckoo not only puts the eggs in other people's nests, but also eats such caterpillars of which, besides her and Orioles, no other bird is eating. After all, among them there are shaggy. And the cuckoo eats them all in a row: (By the way, the caterpillars are mentioned again, and the beauties of beauty grow out of the shaggy. Now, if the cuckoo changed his "immoral" behavior began to have nests and to surround, as it should be a respectful mother, his offspring, then she would have answered all the criteria for the perfect bird. In fact, the cuckoo only occupies its ecological niche in nature and instinctively makes what the best contributes to its preservation as a species. Retreating eggs in other people's nests is just a device that has appeared as a result of natural selection. It really plays a big role in the survival of this species and cannot be assessed as good or bad, especially since the cuckoo actually creates optimal conditions for the development of its chicks and from this point of view is an almost perfect mother. Almost all environmental education programs, guidelines limit the acquaintance of children with the kingdom of fungi with the study of edible and poisonous, which is important in terms of child safety, but does not reflect the roles of mushrooms in the cycle of substances in the formation of the soil. So, most of the children responded by us 5-6 years have already formed a negative attitude towards poisonous fungi and plants, which is expressed in the definitions of "bad" "evil", "unnecessary". Forty-eight percent of preschoolers consider it necessary to relate only to edible mushrooms (especially for boominuses, brezers), explaining that they are "delicious, useful, beautiful, very much we need, they can be failed with potatoes." And only 9% of preschoolers noted that "Moomoras are needed for the beasts to be treated." None of the children knew why mushrooms grow on the stump, on old, dry trees. But after classes on the program "Our House Nature" (the "Soil Live Land" block) of preschoolers have changed dramatically. They realized that the visible part of the fungi is only part of this

8 living organism; that the mushrooms decompose the dead remains, turning them (together with other devotor organisms) into the soil; What they do not accidentally coexist with certain plants, as they help each other to survive: the plants may die, their satellites can die. And with these positions, it is completely unimportant, edible mushrooms or poisonous. To any of them need to be taken carefully. Teachers often allow themselves in the presence of children (who have not yet been formed their own attitude to the objects of nature) of the expression type: "Fu, what a muck! What an unpleasant, throw it (her) now! " As already noted, it usually refers to frogs, hover, rain worms. To the question "Why don't you love any other animals?" Most educators responded by us answered: "They are wet, slippery, naked, unpleasant, etc.". However, in the presence of children, their emotions must be kept. In children of this age, the emotional rejection of the animal passes into the practical plane: a wobble worm need to crush it. And from the point of view of environmental education it is extremely important to form a careful attitude to all living things without exception, regardless of whether it is or not. The perception of the beauty of nature, of course, enhances the emotional attitude towards her child and therefore is an extremely important educational point. However, from the point of view of environmental education, it is necessary to understand the child that the appearance of any body is the result of its adaptation to life under certain conditions, to teach to understand the beauty as a manifestation of expediency, to realize the need for the existence of any body, regardless of our sympathies and antipathies. It is not necessary to love all animals, all plants, but respect all forms of manifestation of life are necessary. As a positive example, it is falsely to bring the program of the Pchelftsev "irreversive values \u200b\u200bof a small homeland" (Ivanovo), in which it is noted that there are no harmful animals in nature, each performs its important function, it is necessary to show the value of foxes, wolves, lynx in nature. " However, in general, as experience shows, educators are extremely difficult to move away from the established stereotypes reflecting the traditional approach. So, one of the authors rightly points out: "In nature, only good or bad," but immediately adds: "Butterfly is good, because she is beautiful, happy children, pollinates flowers, and bad because butterfly caterpillars eat leaves" (The question arises: bad to whom? Man, his garden? And in nature the number of caterpillars is regulated by natural processes). Estimated judgments in relation to nature objects should be excluded from the environmental education of preschoolers. From the position of biocentrism (ecocentrism), living organisms cannot be good or bad, useful or harmful. They have equal to

9 people are the right to exist, each of them plays his own, exceptional role in nature. Evaluation judgments can only be used to characterize the actions of a person in relation to the world of nature, the animals cannot flow poorly or well, their behavior is determined by biological laws. Undoubtedly, elementary knowledge of medicinal, poisonous, edible plants, mushrooms are needed, but not this information should be the core of environmental knowledge. Children should get an idea that all organisms are needed in carefulness without exception, regardless of the degree of danger or utility for a person. Our goal is to show the child that any living organism is included in the complex chain of natural relationships and its loss can cause unpredictable consequences. 5. There are other stereotypes in preschool environmental literature, such as "to improve nature", "help nature", "multiplying her wealth." It has the right to exist, but only if parallel to the child is given information about the need to comply with the laws of nature. In practice, the desire to "improve" nature often turns into negative consequences. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to improve nature, multiplying her wealth reflects the approach from the position of the "man owner of nature". With this stereotype, perhaps the most difficult to part. It is difficult to realize and recognize the fact that wildlife lives in its own laws, is perfect without a person. Sometimes his desire to "help" turns into unpredictable consequences, as this help does not take into account natural patterns. In one row with this stereotype, such widespread statements are also standing as "plant trees (plants) well", etc. Naturally, if we plant trees in the city, it's fine, so we mouth should know where when and What ^ plants plant. After all, it is no secret that many of them die because the requirements of these plants were not taken into account for habitat. So, striving to "improve" nature, a person has brought foreign species of plants and animals to new habitats, believing that it will benefit the enrichment of flora and fauna. Negative consequences of such "improvements" have now been well known: new species began to displace local, disrupting the natural balance, capturing significant territories. When the Australians sat down around their homes, prickly borrowed plants, they were sure that they were doing a good thing, but the time passed, and the "barley" began to "leave" from human housing, independently population. And people were forced to fight a plant, which not so long thoughtfully improved. The same happened with rabbits. In the absence of predators, they were dispersed in such quantities that the locals began to lead the exhaustive struggle with them. Australians were brought in their country wonderful cats

10 pets that love in other countries. But for the nature of Australia, this love turned around the tragedy: cats began to exterminate local animals, break the bird nests. Result: Many local species are under threat of disappearance, and the authorities take orders to limit freedom of movement of cats at night. Well, ask you, we should not teach children to help nature? No, this is not the case, we are responsible for those who have tamed! It is necessary to help animals, plants living next to us, take care of them: it can be trees near our house, a plant of a flower bed, hungry in winter urban birds in a word, those whose well-being depends on us, our actions. Care for live organisms, care for them is a huge emotional impact on the child. But at the same time, he should understand: in the wild, human assistance, if it really is necessary, should be well thought out. The survey shows that most senior preschoolers and younger students are convinced that all the trees need to be careful, and the question "How do trees grow in the forest?" Many of them are confused. Another example. Walking through the forest, the child the laws of morality, he seeks to help him, takes himself in his hands, returns to the nest. However, according to the laws of nature, the chick after contact with a person is doomed to death: adult birds will no longer accept it, counting now "foreign". In nature, many rules, laws cannot be evaluated from the point of view of human morality. In the hungry years, some of the predatory birds with only two chicks, the eldest scores to death of the younger. From the point of view of a person, it is terrible, but in terms of nature it is advisable. For the survival of the form it is better to have in the offspring of one strong chick, than two squeezed, who will not be able to have their own offspring. Therefore, the moral education of the child must be combined with elementary knowledge of nature. Very often, the help provided by nature does not take into account its laws. So, as aid, cleaning with children of autumn leaves in the parks, in areas and even in the forest (!), While it is important to show the role of these leaves in the cycle of substances from the position of ecology. Another example. Having exhausted birdhouses in the forest, the park, the educators do not take into account the optimal amount for this territory, nor the need for placement at a certain distance from each other. Experts believe that the cause of the death of protein in many forest parks of Moscow is "assistance", which people have to have these animals, feeding them unusual for protein food. Surprisingly, an ancient Chinese fairy tale is an excellent illustration of the foregoing. Discuss it with children. Why a seagull died. Residents of the principality Lou never seen the sea. But it happened that the sea gull flew into their principality. She was completely unlike those little multicolored birds that they fluttered with songs in the forests of the principality Lou. The colonic bird was caught and brought to the prince. Prince

11 saw a seagull, surprised and said: there are no such birds on earth. So, this is a heavenly creature. And therefore I order to all treat this bird as a creature of divine origin. " The seagull was placed in the best temple. Three times a day were in the temple of the princely musicians and performed in honor of the Divine Creature more pleasant. But the sea seagull never heard before either the hong blows or the drum battle. And every time the musicians hit the gondas and beat the drum, the heart had a heart from fear. Three times a day brought her servants on the gold tray of fragrant pineapples. But the seagull used to eat ordinary fish ... and she did not touch them. Three times a day brought her best princely wine in a silver jug. But the seagull could only drink sea water ... from a permanent fear, from hunger, from thirst for sea gull died. The servants reported to the prince, and he, saddened, exclaimed: "Didn't I delay the rumor of the Divine Being with the best of my musicians? Didn't it feed it with excellent disasters? Didn't it pick it up with centenary wines? Why didn't it want to live? " The prince did not understand that the poor gull died from inappropriate worries. For if it is impossible to contact a person with a bird, then with the bird can not be treated as with a person. Thus, we must clearly distinguish the actions of people in the environment and in natural conditions. The child from childhood should be understood that it is possible to "improve nature", to "help" it can only be amended by a human environment: in the city, village, Park, on the site of kindergarten, in a lively corner. It is to such a situation that the well-known expression of A. Saint-Exupery is suitable: "We are responsible for those who have tamed." In the natural conditions, any activity, including "Help", should be based taking into account the laws of nature itself. The manifestation of the old paradigm in the choice of the old anthropocentric paradigm is pretty brightly represented in many guidelines for the environmental education of preschoolers. For example, the choice of objects for observations is often based on the traditional look of the man of the measure of all things. The consumer approach in this case is manifested especially paradoxically: harm is harmful, sometimes they are even destroyed to solve environmental education problems. For example, it is often recommended to cut to observe the branches of various trees. In one of the benefits, an abstract of the classes "Comparison of trees and shrub branches" is given, one of whose tasks is the upbringing of "careful attitude towards trees and shrubs." To conduct a classes, the educator will need "branches of trees and shrubs brought from the forest": Poplar, linden, birch, elderberry, currant, cm size (one branch on

12 every child!) And large branches of deciduous and coniferous trees cm long in vases. Observations are illustrated by the poem "We collected branches in the forest, brought them to kindergarten ..." Consumer approach is reflected in the selection of proverbs allegedly environmental content: "Near the forest to live hungry not to be", "That in the forest will be born in the yard good " In another manual, it is recommended to use for acquaintance with insects "Models of living or dried insects, in particular dried bees (!)". The same authors are offered when meeting preschoolers with "wild colors" (Snowdrop, bell, lily of the lily, chamomile, etc.) to collect bouquets of the living colors that "will be a good addition to the holiday." In some kindergartens, you can even meet transparent containers with formalin, in which floats the prepared frog, on the example of which children should, apparently, get acquainted with the inner structure of amphibians. The "man of the measure of all things" appears in the collection of collections of living objects, the use of stuffed, etc. It is possible, from the point of view of cognitive activity of the collection of butterflies, beetles, stuffed animals, birds give the child a more real idea of \u200b\u200banimals than familiar with the pictures . However, from the position of environmental education based on a new biocentric paradigm, from the bioethics position, such an approach should be excluded from the practice of kindergartens and replaced with environmental observations, viewing slides, video films. In addition, ecological education involves first of all the formation of a child with an emotional, careful relationship to objects of wildlife, the ability to see their beauty, and not a detailed knowledge of the characteristics of each type of animal. Thus, in the environmental education of preschoolers, a change of old, traditional anthropocentric paradigm on a new biocentric, which predetermines the rejection of a number of stereotypes formed in previous years. Nature should not be considered only from a utilitarian point of view. First of all, it is necessary to show her uniqueness, beauty and versatility (nature of the life of all creatures of all creatures, including a person; object of knowledge, satisfying his ethical and aesthetic needs; and only then the object of human consumption). We must protect nature not because she gives us something, and therefore she is self-valley. N. Ryzhova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Center "Preschool Childhood. A.V. Zaporozhets

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Characteristics of the program "Our House - Nature" author - Natalia Alexandrovna Ryzhova: doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Scientific Director of the Project "We and Nature" (Early Environmental Education) of the Joint Pilot Project of the Department of Education of Moscow.

Modern problems of human relations with the environment can be solved only under the condition of the formation of an ecological worldview in all people, increasing their environmental literacy and culture, understanding the need to implement sustainable development principles.

It is in preschool age that the foundations of a person's worldview are laid, its attitudes towards the surrounding world and the system of values \u200b\u200bare formed.

Environmental education is considered not as a separate direction of work of the pre-school institution, but as an integral part of the daily life of the child.

The main objective of the program "Our House - Nature" is to educate from the first years of life of a humane, socio-active, creative person who can understand and love the world, nature and carefully treat them.

Necessary prerequisites for the implementation of this Program - the organization in the kindergarten work to familiarize children with the outside world and nature (which is currently part of any kind of kindergarten), the ecologization of all types of children's activities, creating an environment for communication of children with nature, training of teachers , cooperation of children, parents and teachers, developing training at the examples of the nearest environment.

Special attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and a person's place in it. Children form the first ideas about the existing relationships in nature and on this basis - the beginning of the ecological worldview and culture, responsible attitude towards the environment, to their health.

Since ecology is, first of all, the science of the relationship of living organisms with each other and the environment, the emphasis is on the development of elementary and quite scientific ideas about the relationships of existing relationships (especially in the senior preschool). Children learn to understand how closely the natural components are interconnected, and how living organisms depend on the habitat.

A person is seen as an integral part of nature. Such an approach allows children to elementary understanding the problem of human relationships with the environment and the consequences of people's activities.

It is important for moral aspect: the development of ideas about the intrinsicness of nature, an emotional positive attitude towards it, the ability to see the beauty and uniqueness of nature, the development of the first skills of environmentally sound and safe behavior in nature and in everyday life, including resource saving. Children also acquire initial skills that allow them to participate in the rating practical activity on the protection of the nature of the native land.

Environmental education is considered as an integral part of general education. The program focuses the teacher to the systemic approach in environmental education. The implementation of the program is based on the integration and activities of the child.

The program has an emblem in the form of a house - nature, which partly explains its name. (picture 1)

The program contains a basic component, which is specified with local conditions: ecological and geographical, national-cultural. It consists of a number of blocks, each of which, in turn, includes a complex of topics. All sections are connected with each other, and the final topics are a generalization of the previous ones.

Our House - Nature Program

1 . Block of classes "I and Nature"

Training component . What is "nature". Sun (light and heat), water, air (wind), plants, animals, soil as components of nature. The significance of nature in a person's life. Child as part of nature. The relationship of various components of nature (soil, water, plants, animals, etc.).

Raising component . Awareness of the child's value in the human life and the formation of a careful attitude towards the world around him, the formation of cognitive interest, the ability to see the beauty of nature, an emotional relationship to it.

    Block "Water"

Training component. Water in nature, reservoirs, precipitation (rain, snow, dew, hail). The main properties of water: transparent, without color, odor and taste, dissolves some substances (on experiments). Various states of water (ice, water, steam). Acquaintance with a cycle of water in nature (travel drip). Water in the life of land plants, animals (including indoor plants and animal corners of nature). Water plants, animals. Their fitness of life in water. Use of water by man. Water in our house, the need to save water.

Pollution of water bodies and the influence of this factor on the life of plants and animals. Water and our health.

Raising component. Conscious, careful attitude towards water as an important natural resource. Economical use of water in everyday life. Environmentally competent behavior during rest on the shore of the reservoirs. Aesthetic perception of water in nature (beauty of rivers, lakes, drops of dew, sparkling snow).

3. Air section "Air"

Training component . Air value in human life and other living organisms. Air around us. Air properties. Wind - air movement. The role of the wind in the nature and life of a person. Waves, hurricanes, storms. Air as habitat living organisms. Flying animals (birds, insects). The spread of plant seeds by the wind. Features of the structure of seeds, dilated by the wind (on the example of individual plants). Clean and polluted air. The role of plants in maintaining air purity. Sources of pollution: cars, plants, factories. Clean air and our health.

Raising component. Knowledge of air pollution sources, understanding the danger of polluted health for health and understanding of the need to avoid polluted places (do not play in places of accumulation of cars, near garages, near businesses, etc.). Planting plants on the streets, in kindergarten and home, care of them, understanding the role of plants in air purification. Education of a negative attitude towards factors polluting air.

4. Block of the "Sun"

Training component. The sun is the light source and heat. The change of night and day. The role of light in the life of plants and animals (on the example of indoor plants and animal corner of nature). Night animals, animals living underground in the absence or lack of light, their features. Seasonal changes in nature. Animals living in cold conditions and heat, their features. Natural zones: Tundra, Taiga, Wide Forests, Steppes, Desert, etc. The role of the sun in a person's life. Legends and tales of the sun. Sun and our health.

Raising component. Care for animals Corner of nature and indoor plants in terms of providing them with light and warmth. Emotional attitude towards the sun. Beauty of nature under different lighting conditions (sunsets, sunrises).

5 . Block of classes "Stones, Sand, Clay"

Training component. Sand properties: Fruit, looseness, ability to skip water. Sand and clay around us. Clay properties: density, plasticity, viscosity.

As a person uses sand (construction, hourglass, etc.) and clay (dishes, building material, Dymkovsky toy).

Animals and desert plants and other sandy and clay habitats, fitness of living organisms to life in such conditions.

A variety of stones (rocks, minerals) in nature. Acquaintance with the collection of stones. Distinctive signs of stones (solid, do not scatter). Precious and building stones. Mountains and their inhabitants. Caves, volcanoes.

Raising component. Development of aesthetic taste of children (acquaintance with samples of folk clay toys, stone products). Education of a careful attitude towards natural materials and made from them subjects. Formation of emotional, careful attitude to plants and animals.

6. The "Soil" classes

Training component. Soil as the top layer of the Earth: "Living Earth". Soil inhabitants (on an example of a rainwater worm, clock), their features and a role in the formation of the soil. The value of the soil for the life of plants, including those grown by a person. Man and soil. The need to protect the soil.

Raising component. Development of plant care skills in a group, houses, on the territory of kindergarten (coppe, soil looser on the beds, making fertilizers, housekeeping). The formation of a careful attitude towards the soil and its inhabitants. Understanding the values \u200b\u200bof soil animals in nature. Rules for behavior when processing plants and soil.

7. Block "Plants"

Training component. A variety of plant species in nature. Trees, shrubs, herbs, their characteristic signs. Parts of plants (root, barrel, leaves, etc.).

Communication of plants with insects and other animals. Plants - food of animals and man. Plant development (for example, 1-2 plants of the nearest environment). The effect of light, heat, water on the life of plants. Wild, cultural, indoor, medicinal, poisonous plants, plants of primrose. Why plants need protection. Rules of behavior in relation to plants.

Raising component. Education of aesthetic attitude to plants, the ability to admire them and carefully treat them. Understanding the role of plants in nature and in human life. Formation of plant care skills. The rules for handling unfamiliar plants and the ability to distinguish poisonous plants.

8. Animal classes block

Training component. The main distinguishing features of animals. A variety of animal world. Acquaintance with some representatives of birds, animals, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mollusks. Their distinctive features. The value of external features in animal life. Feeding animals, ways of movement. Habitat, the "dwelling" of animals (hollow, nest, nora). Seasonal changes in animal life. The reproduction of animals on the example of 1-2 species living in the territory of the region, the area. Man and animals.

Raising component. Educating a careful attitude to animals, an understanding of the need to exist all species without exception, the unauthority of their division on "harmful" and "useful", beautiful and ugly. Formation of pet care skills, living corner inhabitants. Understanding the need to protect not only the animals themselves, but also their "houses", habitat. The rules of behavior in relation to animals during their stay in nature. Help animals living next to us.

9. Forest classes block

Training component. Forest as an example of a community. The relationship of living organisms with each other (plants and animals, plants and plants, animals and animals). Interrelation of wildlife with inanimate (water, light, heat).

Forest as "house" for plants and animals. Different types of forest and their features (coniferous, wide, tropical, etc.). The consequences of the destruction of trees (the disappearance of animals, plants, anthills, mushrooms, etc.). Forest and man. The value of the forest as part of nature; His role in human life. Forest and our health. The reasons for the disappearance of forests on Earth. Forest protection.

Raising component. Careful attitude towards all forest residents, compliance with the rules of behavior in the forest, understanding the consequences of environmentally illiterate behavior (boning, the destruction of trees, collecting plants for bouquets). Ability to see the beauty of the forest.

10. Block of classes "Man and Nature"

Training component. Generalization of the knowledge obtained in the process of studying previous blocks. Nature as habitat, man, animal and plants. Relationship of a modern man with nature. Facts of the negative and positive impact of a person in nature. Extinct animals. Red books. Examples of rational use of nature by man. Creating reserves. Protection of rare species of animals and plants. Ancient people and nature. How to live in friendship with nature.

Raising component. Fastening the rules of environmentally friendly and safe human behavior in nature and resource-saving skills. Aesthetic perception of nature. Participation together with adults in practical environmental activities, environmental holidays, including land day.

And so, the implementation of the Program involves the construction of the educational environment and an integrated approach in organizing work. Environmental knowledge and skills Children receive not only on specially organized classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world, but also during walks, excursions, games, reading books, classes in visual, physical activity, at musical classes, etc.

Much attention is paid to jointly with adults and independent activities of children: conducting observations, experimentation, theatrical, musical activity, etc. It is assumed to be a creative use of the program as an educator: it can, given the time allocated for classes, as well as the level of development of children and its preparation, choose a certain amount of information. In addition, individual blocks can serve as an addition to basic and additional programs. However, the greatest effect is achieved with systematic work with children for all blocks.

Thus, it can be concluded that the program is built on the principles of educational training and is aimed at the development of the child's personality as a whole: the ability to compare and summarize their own observations, to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world; On improving the speech of preschoolers, their thinking, creative abilities, culture of feelings.

The training priority is given not to simple memorization and not mechanical reproduction of knowledge, but to understanding and evaluating what is happening, joint practical activity of the teacher, parents and children. The ultimate task of the program is not to master the child of biological (environmental) knowledge, but the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, the ability to empathize nature and the desire to preserve it.

Our House - Nature Program N. A. Ryzhova: It can be used by preschool institutions of both overseas type, supervision and recovery and corrective. It was developed and tested as part of a scientific experiment on the environmental education of preschoolers based on institutions of different types. The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This program is designed to work with children from 2 to 7 years.

1. Ryzhova "Our House - Nature"

2. https://nsportal.ru/sites/default/files/2015/04/22/nash_dom_priroda.doc