Homemade bed drilling machine under a drill. Desktop drilling machine with your own hands: schemes and drawings

Home drilling machine (simply drilling) This equipment, the urgent need for anyone who at least something will once craft. Cleells sometimes make drillings with 2-speed transmission, tables for details having more than 3 degrees of freedom and even two-coordinate drilling-milling machines with CNC, see fig. below. But in this publication, we will consider the manufacture of a drilling machine with their own hands - such that is just drilling and milling - but for sure, clean, and confidently keeps its accuracy for a long time, subject to episodic short-term overload: stable processing accuracy is the main requirement for metal-cutting equipment. Which in amateur structures is performed, unfortunately, most often only due to a random coincidence.

Metal or tree?

Wood drilling "machine" -master

Beginners always seem to work on a tree easily and simple. A spoiled billet will be combined into small crafts or fuel. Perhaps, therefore, recently there is a real tune: homemade machines with responsible wooden details. As a result, monsters appear on the light, which probably would surprise Archimedes, see Fig. on right. However, remember: the best achieving accuracy on the tree +/- 0.5 mm. In metalworking cutting the greatest permissible error by default is 0.375 mm (in England and the US 0.397 mm \u003d 1/64 inches). On this, the question of using the tree as the main construction material of the machine is closed without discussion, which, they say, the tree is also deformed to the orders of the metal, wears and is damaged. Well, and lovers of deep internal self-satisfaction in products are free will for their money and work.

Drilling device

Fantasy The indispensable condition for any creative success, but in mechanical engineering it is useless without accurate calculations and reconciliation with verified solutions. The history of machine-tooling has thousands of years - inhibitory turning and drilling machines with a foot drive are used already at the end of the Stone Age. On the subject of this article, a proven sample is a desktop vertical-drilling machine of an industrial design. According to him, we will check, choosing and deciding how it is better to make a drilling machine personally: in operation there are single specimens of floriders, which passed for 100, and they still hold accuracy.

The desktop vertical drilling machine is shown in Fig.:

Its main modules of the bed, column, console and table for the part. Composite parts of the main nodes are slightly highlighted in color, and their components with flowers are grinding. The simplest table (not counting the wooden chumbach) - vice. Turning table allows you to also produce some milling operations. The bed is usually tightly attached to the workbench or other reliable support.

Screw clamp - Console Console Console Mini Machine

In operation, the console using a lifting switching mechanism, the slider is installed in the desired position, according to the size and configuration of the processed part, and fix. The spindle supply to the workforce is carried out by a separate feed mechanism. In amateur and industrial for home use, the lifting-turning mechanism is most often the operator's hand, and the lock is the screw clamp, see fig. on right; On TB and more is permissible. But what should be sure to be in the design of the drilling machine according to the requirements of the same PB, so this is a jackhammer or just a bunch: if you throw the handle of the feed, the spindle or carriage with it should automatically bounce upwards. In home drills, the chipper most often the spring installed in a suitable place, see below.

Note: Industrial production, sale and use in enterprises and in workshops IP drilling machines without a hopping device are prohibited by PTB.

Do or buy?

The electric drill is already ready-made drive, transfer, spindle and cartridge in the monoblock. Put it on the machine carriage - and you can drill. According to the accuracy, the decision, generally speaking, is not optimal (see below), but in many cases acceptable, but delivering from the need to order expensive accurate parts of increased accuracy, see below. In view of which the beds for the installation of a drill are now sold except that not on the street with trays; Prices are available. Choosing such to make a drilling machine from a drill, follow primarily by the mode of operation of the equipment; It depends on it:

  • Episodic drilling / milling for oneself with accuracy, it turns out - the bed is plastic cast or steel stamped. Mechanism feed lever with crankshaft (see below). Bearings of carriage sliding (see below) Steel steel or with kapron liners. Prices are $ 20- $ 30.
  • Regular drilling for yourself or to order with conventional engineering accuracy. Processed materials - to the hardness and viscosity of ordinary structural steel. All the same, but the sliding bearings steel according to steel (worse) or with bronze bushings, and the bed is cast iron cast or (more expensive) also composite vibrating absorbing. Prices - $ 30- $ 40.
  • Regular drilling and milling of any tool tool materials with periodic tool overloads and / or with increased accuracy - gliding bearings only with steel bronze, steel iron. The mechanism of feeding the gears (even see below); Console vibrating absorbing. Prices - $ 60- $ 180.

Note: As a rule, a swivel-sliding table for a part is optional to the beds for a drill, allowing individual types of milling. Price within $ 20.

Choose a bird

Fear for a drill (which sellers for some reason are persistently referred to as racks). It is necessary to choose not by the manufacturer ("China" - not "China"); Now in the market and "German China" is fully, not to mention the products of post-Soviet states. You need to check the design.

The first - samples with plastic not caprony liners of sliding bearings are definitely rejected: the beating and rails of drill more than 0.5 mm will appear on the 10th - 20th "hole" and will further increase. The second is the backlash console. We take it for the far end, we shake up and down and on the sides when clamped the lock. A noticeable "chatter" should not be (the tactile sense of a non-monitored person feels 0.4-0.5 mm beating).

Next - inspection of the structure, see Fig. below. For ordinary drilling, it is suitable for poses. 1. The perfect option is on the pos. 2: Tsanging clamp drill, offset of the Wide column reduces the vibration of the console by an order of magnitude, and turning its bass to 45 degrees, you can mill from your hand with an accuracy "How can you know" the part on the regular non-sliding table, removing a pair of table fixtures, because At the same time, its displacement manually relative to the horizontal working axis of the console will be linear.

But the sample on the pos. 3 Do not take anyway. First, the column of his column is low and its fastening is unreliable. Secondly, the longitudinal grooves under the table facilitate the manual milling "how it will work out", but, unlike diagonal, do not quenitate the vibrations of the bed. Moreover, they will concentrate, where they are shown by the arrows (a tide under the column is taken too narrow) and from there straight to the column and the table.

What is cheaper?

Suppose the price of your favorite window does not suit you. Or a drill if the "breakdown", with a shock mechanism, formerly in work on building structures and the patron beating is visible to the eye. Then the first thing we find out if the wizard owning a turning machine of increased accuracy (not rude 0.02 mm). What, by the way, is not a fact - the machine of increased accuracy is very expensive and never pays off on the stream of community orders. But, we set, found. Take the drawing in fig. On the right, we go to him and ask whether it will be able to sharpen it from steel no worse than 30xgs, and how much will take care. "This" is the drawings of the spindle of the desktop drilling. The rest of its details can be turned on the usual machine, or found in the collaps on the iron bazaar or in her chem. Most likely, it turns out that buying a bed + table is cheaper, and if you estimate the expenses for the rest, then it may be drawn up and the drill of increased accuracy. There are such on sale; They can be found in the absence of a shock mechanism and a collar specifically for installation in the bed: an accurate steel cuff is hoping on it.

If you still do

Nevertheless, there are cases where the self-made drilling machine will either be cheaper or at all for nothing, or the best drill on the bed will not replace it. The fact is that the column from the working body (tools - drills, cutters) is also transmitted to the column other than bending and vibratory loads. Due to this difference shoulder lever from the axis of the column to the neighbor to it and the distant edges of the tool; Cutlery loads from the cutter, ricking the material alone with an order of magnitude more than from the drill. Therefore, to obtain the accuracy of processing the drill on the bed over 0.1 mm is unreal (why - see below), but for example, under the thread M3 you need a hole 2.7; Under m2.5 - 2.2, and the processing error in this case turns out to be unacceptable. In general, to make a drilling with your own hands makes sense, despite the costs if:

  1. You are a radio amateur and work with components with a pitch of 2.5 and 1.25 mm ("" thousands "with a step of 0.625 mm are mounted only on the plane). Then you need a drilling machine for printed circuit boards with accuracy not worse than 0.05 mm;
  2. You are engaged in other subtle wood and metal work. Eg, make a beautiful elegant box or a reliable cache in the house, applying only manual drilling, is impossible;
  3. Drilling / milling you from the case for the case for yourself and the accuracy will suit you what will be released, and in the honeycombs a lot of metallochlama.

Note: In the latter case, you were lucky, suddenly the old children's bicycle came out somewhere. Pipes of his frame from excellent steel, and the wheel sleeve is almost ready-made spindle; Only an adapter with a Morse cone under the instrumental cartridge remains to order. Working thoughtfully and gently, from the old bicycle you can make a drilling machine with an accuracy approach. 0.1 mm, or in fact a gift box for a drill, see for example. video:

Video: Rack for drill do it yourself


But, let's say we need accuracy higher, and it is necessary to mill the grooves, without losing it. In this case, the layout diagram of the machine acquires paramount importance.

The optimal option is the location of the spindle and drive on different sides of the column, pos. 1 in fig. The heavy motor in this scheme acts as counterbalance of seismous buildings: reflects in antiphase vibration and spindle loads from the spindle. In the column area, each other is partially quenched. Quenching as much as possible if the center of gravity of the carriage is accurately along the axis of the console, and the higher the thinner drill and less pressure on it. Those., The accuracy of the machine on fine work increases, and at the same time it withstands rather significant overloads without her loss.

Note 4: Making a drill to accurately work with a direct drive to the spindle and the location of it and the drive on one side of the carriage, if there is a ready-made vibration base, for example. from the old microscope (under 2), etc. optical devices.

In mini machines for printed circuit boards and jewelry work, an unpleasant effect is observed: to obtain accuracy above 0.05 mm, the column has to do disproportionately thick, pos. 3. It is caused by the fact that its ability to absorb vibrations and twist loads is determined by the cross-sectional area, which decreases the part in the square. For boards under the components with a pitch of 3.5 mm conclusions, as well as fine fitter-joinery operations of a rather accuracy of 0.05 m. At the same time, bending stripping column have the basic effect on its deterioration. To parry them, it is enough to apply a dual column of a rod 10-14 mm from ordinary structural steel, pos. 4. If a rather ordinary accuracy is 0.375 mm, then by driving the column, the drilling machine for episodic works can be done even from drills and water propylene pipes, pos. 5. Its resource to the loss of accuracy is small, but also the material is cheap and processing to order does not require.


An important role for the accuracy of the drilling is also the device of the spindle mechanism (carriages in the drill machine): jerks and / or uneven feed force at least increase the drill bit. When drilling a thin carbide drill, in this case, its development, breakage and as a result is an irreparable damage to the workpiece.

In the machines and the beds for the drill of the increased accuracy, the transmissive feed mechanism is used (on the left in Fig.), Providing its complete uniformity and, which is especially important for manual feed, a precisely proportional to the resistance of the instrument's instrument. For this, a toothed rack and a gear-tribe with a well-defined teeth profile are evolvent. Otherwise, the feed will go jerks even with absolutely smooth jamming on the handle. Make a "knee" a couple of rack-gear with the same evolvent teeth unrealistic; It is not possible to choose a suitable ready-made pair. Therefore, the transmotable-cutting mechanisms of feeding in homemade drills are extremely rare.

More often make a simple single-dimensional feeding mechanism, in the center in fig., But this is not optimistic. At the beginning and at the end of the workstop, when the smoothness of the feed and the accuracy of the drillings is especially important, it is not enough in hand, and in the middle of the course it is redundant, which is growing like a chance of jamming of the instrument in a viscous material. From these shortcomings, the mechanism of feeding with a crankshaft lever, on the right; In addition, it additionally extinguishes the vibration of the console. The shoulder ratio of knees take approx. 1: 1.

Table with feed

The drilling of fine fragile / viscous parts is obtained more accurate, and the probability of care and breakage of the drill is less, if the spindle is fixed fixed, and the table with the part is supplied up to it, therefore, in many drillingings for thin work, the table is supplied with a separate feed mechanism. According to the inertia of thinking, it is also often made tooth-roll, see for example. Further. But, given that the mass of the table in this case is much more than that part, the table with the lever feed turns out to be at all worse, but is fully accessible to manufacture at home. Its device is shown in Fig.:

The nuance is one: so that the clip does not lead to the assembly, it is tightly inserted into the through hole of the base and weld from below (from the exhaust). You need to boil the Ohma-2 electrode or thinner with a constant current of 55-60 and short diametrically opposite grabs ("tytches"). Dimensions of the table for printed circuit boards and jewelry work 60-150 mm in diameter; Thickness 6-12 mm. The diameter of the table shank is 12-20 mm; Length by the size of the feed + (20-30) mm. The tube under the shank (wall thickness from 1.5 mm) It is desirable to dilute or fly and pass the sweep so that the shank walks in it smoothly without noticeable backlash. The short arm of the lever makes a length of approx. equal to the diameter of the table; Long - what you want.


Let's see once again in Fig. with factory fabrics. The designs of their consoles with semi-frame carriages are similar; They are quite rational, but designed for automated and robotic production: precise casting and then finishing on the place on the CNC unit and the laser measurement.

The diagram of an analogue of the console with semi-grade of amateur development is given to the left in Fig.:

The first thing that attracts attention is to be cut 5 parts from a thick steel sheet, stitching (treated with end mill) on the evenness and parallelism of the sides. The second, end sections of inserts, shaped dark gray, should also be smooth, clean, parallel. Those. And here without a milling machine can not do. Finally, outside the production conditions, perform the sliding pairing of the slider and the guide carriage (shown by the arrow) with a backlash of less than 0.1 mm unreal. I estimate the ratio of the arm of the lever - the crossbill of the drill is obtained more than 0.5 mm.

The design of the console of the drilling machine, a little technological in mass production, but adapted for the manufacture by handicrafts, is shown on the right in Fig. (The feed mechanism and drive with the bracket are not conditionally shown). Moreover, in it, the drill bit on the heterogeneity of the material causes the carriage chains on the column and the guide to the opposite sides, and the side care of the tool does not exceed the size of the back in the sliding liners. Only one item is cut out of the thick plate - the slider 4. The exact processing is only needed in the column clamping area and the installation of the guide, and 3 bronze liner bushings will definitely welcome at the place of any medium qualification turning, if you give it a column and guide carriage (they can be Cool with normal accuracy).

So that the entire assembly node on welding has not behaved, cooking needs as before. Case: Ohma-2 electrode or thinner, the constant current of up to 60 A. The seams boil also alternately by grabs: "Bag" on one, the same on the same far located symmetrical. Then grabs the neighbor to the first seam, the same on the diametrically opposite to him, etc., etc., until all the seams are wrapped.

Note: The accuracy of the machine with the described console will be higher if it is not collected on the welding, but on the screws with the sizing high-strength glue for metal (cold welding). First, everyone is collected without glue, unwinding the closure on parallelism and tighten the fasteners. Then the screws alternately turn out, the glue is dripped in from the socket and toughe it tight. Mouored business, but to produce a homemade floring with a drill bit less than 0.02 mm actually. If, of course, the spindle and the cartridge are not fettered worse.

Errors in design

All efforts to make a boring machine with their own hands will go to the pump, if with its design, fundamental errors were made. The most common of them are shown in Fig.:

Typical errors in the manufacture of drilling machine

Pos. 1 is this console or how? For a long time of the tool, this frame will not stand for a long time. About accuracy and talk no. Pos. 2, in addition: to make a column of a burglar drill machine cannot be. The bending loads pipe keeps, but against the twisted powerless, and the vibrations only enhances.

Pos. 3 - Make a florid from the old seducing photographer is great, especially since it has been completed at least with the initial but optical accuracy. But! The magnifier rod holder is not designed to focus on the tool. As a result, when drilling an organity, the care of the drill on the supply of 20 mm reaches 1.5 mm (!). A bracket is silhouusin: This material does not absorb vibration, quickly gets tired, and the bracket breaks less than the 200th hole even when driving printed circuit boards.

Pos. 4 - Dowing the column in the transverse direction does not give anything. The stability of the machine to loads will be no higher than on a single pin of the same diameter. Pos. 5, in addition: an intimitive spring, asymmetrical relative to the axis of the column, does not quit vibration and twist loads, but enhances them. Since then, it was necessary to put 2 identical springs on both racks. It would be better to make a column, as shown here:

Video: Drilling machine from drill do it yourself

Pos. 6 - installation of the drive and spindle on one side of the column, and even asymmetric, does not reduce, and increases vibration, because They are transmitted to the column in the phase, see above. Pos. 7 - Where is the chipper? Yes, it can not be here, once the drive of the helix feed. The screw can accurately set the slider (which is not here at all), which is not necessary on the home machine in general, but in no case serve a carriage! This construction is slightly populated by fragments of drills and chips, and the eyes of the operator in close proximity to the danger zone.

Collapse of structures

Samples of successful technical solutions, as well as not such essential constructive flaws, consider on examples of several homemade drilling machines.

For a radio amateur, model store, a miniaturian and / or jeweler, an interest can represent a simple mini-drilling machine with a direct drive (drawings are given in Fig. Right). The feature of the design - the drive motor is rigidly attached to the slider, and the feed is only from the bottom. The vibration damper and the absorber of the twist load is the massive electric motor itself, exactly as an anti-seismic cargo on high-rise buildings. Due to this, all the details, in addition to the Morse cone with the adapter on the motor shaft, can be made of conventional accuracy: the accuracy of drilling is determined by the beats of the motor shaft + the beating of the cone with the adapter + the beating of the drill itself. The table with the transmission mechanism changes without problems changing to the lever. The engine is better to use the collector DC: in asynchronous motors with a condenser starting due to the non-uniformity of the rotating magnetic field and slip the rotor in it the rotation of the shaft is less uniform. In addition, the speed of rotation of the collector motor is well adjustable at least a simple rheostat, and to adjust the speed of the asynchronous engine, you need to change the feed current frequency. The same - for synchronous with a magnetic rotor. The maximum rotation frequency of the motor shaft is 800-1500 rpm. Power on the shaft for drilling holes up to 3 mm - 20-30 W; For holes up to 6 mm - 60-80 W.

Note: For milling, this machine is not suitable, because Motor shaft bearings are not designed for lateral loads and the machine in this mode will quickly lose accuracy.

Here in fig. There are drawings of the already full-featured drilling mini-machine of the same purpose also with direct drive:

It is equipped with a separate spindle, which allows, first, refueling the maximum diameter of 6 mm in the cartridge; For 8-10 mm drills, the engine is weak. Secondly, make the milling of dental boras. Apparently, the author of the structure often applies this particular operation, based on which the motor rotation speed is selected. Without decreasing it, drill on this machine is needed by carbide drills, and for the use of ordinary supplement the design of revolutions; In this case, the motor is needed at least 60 W. Stagging the lack of this machine is a simple feed lever drive - easy to remove: the feed lever is replaced with the crankshaft without the improvement of the rest of the parts. To increase the processing accuracy, it is also desirable to put the second jack-free spring (pos. 14 in Fig. And 9 in the specification; there is still integrated) symmetrically the first, on the other end of the leash of the spindle. A more serious lack of design - the jackhafts do not participate in the quenching of vibrations and the vibrations. At the speed of rotation of more than 5000 rpm, their effect on accuracy practically does not affect, but already at 1500 rpm, the drill bit on the working move increases approx. twice.

Drawings of a drill mini-machine, conceived as full-fledged, but with annoying errors, are given in rice; The design of the carriage is similar to the console in the pre. Designs.

Thanks to the installation of a strong jackhaft in the appropriate place here it turned out to be a hard to firm the spindle in the carriage, which at first glance reduced the number of parts requiring increased accuracy of manufacture. But only when the table is submitted from the bottom, and then the fixation of the slider 5 and the carriage 4 pairs of screws 17 and 16 acc. Unreliable and spoils the column; It would be better to apply screw clamps. And when feeding the liberated carriage, the lever only its articulation prevents the carriage. The backlash of any of the hinges of the lever is 0.02 mm, taking into account its ratio with the knee's shoulder length, will give lateral care of the drill on 2 mm and more, parry that is possible only with hand. In this machine, it would be more appropriate to the console with an additional guide carriage described above; In this case, it would be possible to achieve the tool beating due to the backlash in the interfaces of the machine itself no more than 0.02-0.03 mm.

On this rice. - drawings of the beds for a drilling machine from a drill with a semi-grade carriage, "almost like this".

It is all good, and something is even better than the "firm": plates 5, preventing the side displacement of the carriage, perfectly "catching" and suppress the tool vibrations in their most nudy. The question arises only one thing: how to do it all if in the garage (shed) not having to sleep in anticipation of the master's hand Machina, worthy of a small machine-building plant? It is easier to make a drilling machine from a drill as shown in the video:

Video: Homemade Stand Machine for Drill

The old Soviet joke is integrity:

"His dear comrade Leonid Ilyich his visiting a certain industrial enterprise. Going along the workshop, suddenly the Secretary of the hand stops the retinue, is suitable for one to the worker in the machine:

- Comrade Tokar ...

- Yes Petrovich I ...

- Okay. Comrade Tokar Petrovich, tell me frankly - do you drink vodka?

- And however, like! We use!

- And if the bottle costs 10 rubles, will you drink anyway?

- Will.

- A 25?

- Will.

- And 50?

- Will.

- A 100?

- I'll still be.

- Petrovich, ..., so where can I take so much money for salary?!

- Gee ... what happened here ... This phytulka (shows) how half a liter cost, it will cost. "

To whom the joy, who alas, but those Petrovich, the Secons and production relations are no more. And it will not - completely ineffective turned out to be.

About steering drillings

A fairly popular request on this topic is also the "drilling machine from the steering rack of a passenger car." It seems to be the finished transducer of the rotational motion into linear, and even with the geoidal gear ratio: to slightly "peck" the drill, "catching microns" do not need a hand. You only need to adapt to the rail to the rake, make a drill holder (see fig. Right), and ready, see video.

It is advisable to make a drilling machine with your own hands in those situations when the need for drilling holes in detail of various configurations will arise in the home workshop or garage, as well as made from different materials. It should be noted that such a device allows you to get holes with a sufficiently high level of quality.

When a homemade drilling machine is required

In industrial or repair enterprises, where the drilling operation is considered the most common, a special device whose models can have a different functionality are used to perform it. So, it can be a compact desktop drilling machine, characterized by the simplest design, or equipment equipped with several working spindles and numeric software.

For drilling holes in various materials, which is performed in a homemade workshop or garage, you can use equipment made by your own hands. Naturally, for use at home, the simplest device is necessary, which can be made from components and materials that are practically in any garage or domestic workshop.

And in this article we will not leave an unanswered the question of how to make a drilling machine at home, while spending the minimum of funds. This will help us drawings and the experience of many masters who have already passed this path.

The need for such mini drilling equipment for metal, wood or plastic most often occurs with those who are used to independently perform various repairs in their home or apartment. Also quite often, the construction is puzzled by radio amateurs.

It would seem that a conventional drill can be used to perform such an operation, but this tool is not always able to provide the required quality and accuracy of the completion of drilling operations. Homemade, except for its compactness, has another important quality: you can install the drills of various types.

Complete drill drill

To make a small, but functional drilling machine for your homemade workshop, do not have to acquire special materials and components. The design of such a convenient and useful desktop device contains the following composite elements:

  • the base that is also called the bed;
  • the mechanism that ensures the rotation of the working tool (a conventional drill can be used as such a mechanism);
  • device to provide feed;
  • the vertical rack on which the rotation mechanism is fixed.

The rack on which the drill will be mounted, can be made of chipboard. This material is quite capable of withstanding the weight of such a device. The bed of such a mini machine must be more massive, as it protects the entire design from the occurrence of vibrations, which may adversely affect both the quality and accuracy of the obtained hole and the comfort of work.

As a material of the bed, this can be used as a conventional furniture plate, the thickness of which is more than 2 cm. It is the most convenient to apply for this the base of the old photovoller, slightly frozen its design. Sometimes an old microscope is used, but it is a rather rare option, since such an aggregate will not be sufficiently large and its application will be limited.

What quality and accuracy will provide a homemade drilling machine depends mainly on how correctly and reliably compound its base and vertical rack. Important elements of such a micro machine are two guides, which will move the shoe with a drill fixed on it. Such guides are best made of two steel strips, which must be securely fasten to the rack using screws.

In the manufacture of the pads, it is advisable to use steel clamps that securely fix the drill on it. In addition, in order to avoid unwanted vibration processes when drilling, in the junction of the pad and drill, it is necessary to install a gasket of thick rubber.

After that, you need to make a mechanism for filing such a mining machine, which should ensure the movement of the electric drill in the vertical direction. The production schemes of such a mechanism can be different, but it traditionally contains a lever and a spring in its design, which is attached to one end to the rack, and the second to the block with a drill. Such a spring gives the mechanism of feeding greater rigidity.

A drilling machine from a drill, which is not planned to be removed from it, can be made more convenient in operation, if you disassemble the native switches of the drill and mount a separate button on the mini equipment bed. Such a button will always be at your hand and will allow you to quickly turn on and off the device. As you can see, the drilling machine from a drill is completely easy to do, for this it is quite closely reading these instructions or watch the training video in this article.

Example of a drill machine in more detail

As an example, we consider in more detail one of the variants of the self-made drilling, collected at home.

Making machine using an asynchronous engine

The lack of an excess electric drill in the farm is not a reason to give up the idea to make a drilling machine with their own hands. To drive a mechanism of rotation of such equipment, any electric motor can be used. Such engines that have previously been installed on various techniques will probably find in the garage or workshop of any homemade craftsman.

It is best for the manufacture of mini drilling machine suitable asynchronous engines, which are equipped with washing machines. If you have such an engine, you can confidently apply it to make home drilling equipment. Making drilling equipment with such an engine at home is somewhat more complicated than using a drill, but the power of such a machine will be much higher.

Given the fact that the weight of the asynchronous engine is greater than the mass of the usual drill, you will need a more powerful base and a rack to place the feeding mechanism.

In order for such a mini boring-additive machine less vibrated during the operation, you need to install the engine to a powerful base and position it as close as possible to the rack. But it is important to withstand the right distance, since the ease of installation of the belt transmission depends on it, due to which the rotation from the engine will be transmitted to the drilling head.

In order for you to make such a machine at home, you will need the following structural elements:

  • gear;
  • hexagon to which pulley will be put on;
  • two bearings;
  • tubes in the number of two pieces, one of which must be with internal thread;
  • the clamping ring, which must be made of durable steel.

The hexagon is also connected to a metal tube, bearing and clamping ring. Such a connection must be very reliable that the obtained node is not collapsed in the process.

The mechanism necessary to ensure the tool in such a mini machine should consist of a tube on which the inscriptions and gears are predefined. The tube will move through the connection of its teeth with the audit data. In this tube, the height of which should correspond to the magnitude of the required tool supply, then the axis with the hexagon is brought.

It is not necessary to spend money on a desktop drilling machine, because it is not so difficult to make it yourself. To do this, you will need to purchase, make or use the former use of items. We will tell you about creating several designs, and you can pick up your model for assembly.

Drill is almost every host building or repairing his home or apartment that is repaired by household and garden technology, various crafts from metal and wood. But to perform some operations, the drill is not enough: you need special accuracy, you need to drill a hole at a right angle in a thick board or just want to facilitate your work. This will require a machine that can be performed on the basis of various drives, parts of machinery or household appliances, other infrident material.

The type of drive is a fundamental difference in the designs of homemade drilling machines. Some of them are made using a drill, mainly electric, others - using engines, most often - from unnecessary home appliances.

Desktop drilling machine

The most common design can be considered a machine made of manual or electric drill, which can be removable, to be able to use it outside the machine, and stationary. In the latter case, the inclusion device can be transferred to the bed for greater convenience.

Main elements of the machine

The main elements of the machine are:

  • drill;
  • base;
  • rack;
  • fastening a drill;
  • mechanism feed.

The base or bed can be made of solid solid wood, furniture shield or chipboard. Some prefer a metal plate, a chawler or brand as the base. The bed must be massive to ensure the stability of the design and compensate for vibration when drilling to obtain neat and accurate holes. The size of a tree of wood is at least 600x600x30 mm, from steel sheet - 500x500x15 mm. For greater stability, the base can be made with eyelets or holes for the bolts and attach it to the workbench.

The rack can be made of a bar, round or square in the section of the steel pipe. Some masters as a base and racks are used by the framework of an old photographer, a non-bandic school microscope, other details that have a suitable configuration, strength and mass.

Fastening the drill is carried out with the help of clamps or brackets with a hole in the center. The bracket is reliable and gives greater accuracy when drilling.

Features of the constructions of the drill feed mechanism

The feeding mechanism is needed for vertical movement drill along the rack and maybe:

  • spring;
  • hinged;
  • design by type of screw jack.

Depending on the accepted type of mechanism, the type and device of the rack will also differ.

In the drawings and photos, the main designs of desktop drilling machines, which can be made from electrical and hand drills are given.

Spring mechanism: 1 - Rack; 2 - metal or wooden profile; 3 - slider; 4 - manual drill; 5 - the fastening clamp drills; 6 - screws for attaching a clamp; 7 - spring; 8 - A kit for fixing the rack 2 pcs.; 9 - screws; 10 - focus for the spring; 11 - barbell bolt for fastening the stop; 12 - base machine

Spring-lever mechanism

With a spring-hinge mechanism: 1 - bed; 2 - washer; 3 - Nut M16; 4 - depreciation racks 4 pcs.; 5 - plate; 6 - bolt M6x16; 7 - power supply; 8 - thrust; 9 - spring; 10 - M8X20 bolt with nut and washers; 11 - cartridge for drill; 12 - shaft; 13 - cover; 14 - handle; 15 - bolt M8X20; 16 - Holding; 17 - rack; 18 - a glass with bearing; 19 - Engine

With a hinge workless mechanism

Rack operating on the principle of the screw jack: 1 - bed; 2 - guide groove; 3 - thread M16; 4 - sleeve; 5 - Nut welded to the sleeve; 6 - drill; 7 - pen, when rotating which moves drills up or down

Drill milling machine: 1 - base machine; 2 - Supports of the lifting plate of the table 2 pcs.; 3 - lifting stove; 4 - table lift handle; 5 - movable drill holder; 6 - extra rack; 7 - Screw fixation of the drill holder; 8 - Fasteners of the drills; 9 - main rack; 10 - chassis screw; 11 - Drum with Nonius scale

Machine from the automobile jack and drill

The carriage is made of furniture guides

Mini-machine made off microscope

The base and rack from the old photo exhibitor

Machine from hand drill: 1 - bed; 2 - steel fittings; 3 - grooves for fastening a drill; 4 - nut fastening drill; 5 - drill; 6 - slider; 7 - Tubes Guides

Video 1. Step-by-step guide for an inexpensive machine. Stanne and Rack - Wooden, Basis of Mechanism - Furniture Guide

Video 2. Drilling machine - jack from "Zhiguli" and drill

Video 3. Spring-lever rack for a drill

Video 4. Step by step creation of a steel rack for a drill

Machine based on steering rack of a passenger car

The steering rail for the car and drill is quite massive products, so the bed must also be massive and, desirable, with the possibility of fixing the machine on the workbench. All items are performed on welding, since the connection on bolts and screws may be insufficient.

The bed and the support rack are welded from channels or other suitable rolled products, a thickness of about 5 mm. The steering rail is fixed on the rack, which should be longer than the rail by 70-80 mm, through the handwoods of the steering column.

To make it more convenient to use the machine, drill control is carried out in a separate unit.

Video 5. Drilling machine based on the steering rack from Moskvich

The order of assembling drilling tabletops:

  • preparation of all elements;
  • fastening the rack to the bed (check vertical!);
  • assembly of the movement mechanism;
  • fastening the mechanism to the rack;
  • fastening a drill (check vertical!).

All mounts must be made as reliable as possible. Steel unintended structures are desirable to connect welding. When using any kind of guides, you need to make sure that the transverse backlash is not formed when moving.

Tip! For fixing the part in which the hole is drilled, the machine can be equipped with visits.

You can also find ready-made racks for a drill. When buying, you need to pay attention to the mass of the design and the size of the working surface. Lights (up to 3 kg) and inexpensive (up to 1.5 thousand rubles) The racks are suitable for performing holes in a thin plywood sheet.

Drilling machine using asynchronous engine

If there is no drill in the farm or it is not desirable to use it in the machine, you can perform a design based on an asynchronous engine, for example, from the old washing machine. The scheme and the process of manufacturing such a machine are quite complex, so it is better to make a master with sufficient experience of performing turning and milling works, the assembly of electricity.

Device of drilling machine with an engine from household appliances

To get acquainted with the design, we present assembly drawings and detail, as well as the characteristics of assembly units in the specifications.

Details and materials for the manufacture of the machine are shown in the table:

Table 1

Pos. Detail Characteristic Description
1 Stanina Clate textolite, 300x175 mm, δ 16 mm
2 Heel Steel circle, Ø 80 mm May be welded
3 Main stand Steel circle, Ø 28 mm, L \u003d 430 mm One end is sharpened for a length of 20 mm and the thread M12 is cut on it.
4 Spring L \u003d 100-120 mm
5 Sleeve Steel Circle, Ø 45 mm
6 Stop screw M6 with plastic head
7 Print TR16X2, L \u003d 200 mm From clamp
8 Matrix nut TR16X2.
9 Steel sheet, δ 5 mm
10 Bracket of the running screw Duralumin sheet, Δ 10 mm
11 Special nut M12.
12 Flywheel driving screw Plastic
13 Washers
14 Quadrused block of driving drive pulleys of the clinorem Duralumin Circle, Ø 69 mm Changing the number of spindle revolutions is performed by permuting the drive belt from one stream to another
15 Electric motor
16 Block condenser
17 Duralumin Circle, Ø 98 mm
18 Screw M5 with plastic fungus
19 Returning springs spindle L \u003d 86, 8 turns, Ø25, from wire Ø1,2
20 Duralumin Circle, Ø 76 mm
21 Spindle head see below
22 Duralumin sheet, Δ 10 mm
23 Drive belt Profile 0. Drive wedge belt "zero" profile, so the same profile have the streams of the plot block
24 Switch
25 Network cable with fork
26 Tool lever Steel sheet, Δ 4 mm
27 Removable handle lever Steel pipe, Ø 12 mm
28 Cartridge Instrumental cartridge number 2
29 Screw M6 with puck

The spindle head provides progressive and rotational motion. It is mounted on its own database - duralumin console.

Details and materials for the manufacture of the spindle head are shown in the table:

table 2

Pos. Detail Characteristic
1 Steel Circle Ø 12 mm
2 Steel pipe Ø 28х3 mm
3 Bearing 2 pcs. Radial rolling bearing № 1000900
4 Screw M6
5 Washing pads Bronze
6 Lever arm Steel sheet Δ 4 mm
7 Special Screw M6 with a corrugated button
8 Nut Low nut M12.
9 Steel Circle Ø 50 mm or Pipe Ø 50x11 mm
10 Bearing Radio-resistant
11 Cutting stop ring
12 Steel Circle Ø 20 mm

Drilling machine collected

The electrical circuit depends on the type of engine.

Simple electrical scheme for 2M112 factory machine

Homemade machines for drilling printed circuit boards

Mini Machines for drilling boards by radio amateurs also borrow drive from various low-power devices. At the same time, cutters for trimming photos as levers, soldering iron, collet pencils instead of a cartridge. The location of drilling is highlighted by LED lanterns - opportunities for technical creativity is enough.

Simple electrical control circuit

Video 7. Mini-machine for drilling boards

The drill is a universal type of tool, by means of which you can drill holes of different diameters in various types of materials. The disadvantage of this tool is the need to keep it with two hands when carrying out drilling events. For stationary drilling of holes in a variety of materials and billets, more conveniently use the drilling machine. Not everyone who wants to buy it especially for such purposes, therefore a drilling machine from a drill can be constructed independently. How can this be done, find out in the material.

Before proceeding with the production of a self-made drilling machine from a drill, you should find out what these types of devices are. Products are divided into the following types:

  1. Radial drilling. The most effective view of the machines to drill holes in large and medium sizes of details. The vertically drilling type of the machine is also called stationary, as it is that such devices are often used in repair shops, shops, garages and various enterprises. The accuracy of drilling with such an aggregate is ensured due to the fact that the drill is applied to the workpiece.
  2. Vertically drilling. The principle of work is that the drill is fixed, and the harvest itself moves.
  3. Horizontal drilling. Apply on production to process long-term parts.
  4. Multi-spindle. Apply in the case when you need to drill, cut into the thread simultaneously and exercise.
  5. Specialized. Aggregates for deep drilling.

In the production of electronic circuit boards, tabletops are used in which the cutting tool moves with the help of the handle. For private use, it is recommended to make a radial-drilling type of tool, where instead of the engine and pulleys, an ordinary electrical drill will be used.

How to make a simple drilling machine

The advantage of independent production of the drill machine is the ability to upgrade the product. As an upgradation, you can create a machine with vice for a drill, which will allow you to fix the workpiece with subsequent processing. For the construction of a self-made machine for a drill, there is no need to acquire special materials and completeations. All that is required to assemble the device is a healthy components that are in the garage for each wizard. For the manufacture of a machine for a drill with their own hands, it will be necessary to make such composite elements:

  • Stanna.
  • The working mechanism presented in the form of a drill.
  • The stand of the vertical species to which the drill will be attached.
  • Handle or mechanism for feeding the cutting element.

Drawings in the manufacture of a drilling machine from a drill with their own hands will help speed up the process of producing the device. But for a start, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail by making outline on paper. After that, it is possible to embody everything into reality.

  • As a fastening for a drill (pads), you can use such material as a chipboard. You can fix the tool with other similar materials, but it is important to take into account that the design should be fixed and reliable.
  • The massiveness of the bed plays an important role, as this will ensure the stability of the apparatus. As a bed, a regular workbenk is well suited. His weight will eliminate the occurrence of vibrations when working.
  • The vertical stand must be securely fixed on the bed. The main details are guides through which the pads will be moving with a drill. The height of these guides and the entire rack should be chosen on the basis of how long drills you will use, and from the planned thickness of the billets.
  • To secure a drill, it is recommended to apply clamps or sheets of steel. To eliminate the occurrence of vibrations, it follows between a drill and connecting pads to lay a gasket from rubber.
  • From a drill to make the machine at all is not problematic, especially if there are suitable materials. An important point is the mechanism responsible for moving the tool up and down. The schemes of such mechanisms may be different, but the simplest design is the presence of a lever with a spring. Spring is fixed in one end to the rack, and the second to the block.

If you do not plan to remove a drill from the landing place, you can disassemble the tool, and output the "Start" and "stop" button from it to a more convenient place using the optional switch. This will allow you to respond quickly in cases where the drill is encouraged in a drilled billet. Below is several options for ready-made self-made drilling devices from a drill.

Other options from drill machines

Wrongs for itself to make a drilling machine for home use, it is important to determine the disposable set of components. This article is presented for informational purposes in order to give an idea for making a homemade machine. Options for the production of which, a huge set, an old microscope, jack, various tripods and other aggregates can be used. Not so much important that it is taken as the basis, like what happens to you in the end.

If it is planned to work on a boring machine with a tree, and a thickness of up to 2-3 mm thick, then it can be built from wooden parts that is not difficult to find.

If it is planned to work mainly with metal blanks, then the device is better made from steel components. Such an aggregate will be much more reliable, and most importantly, he will be able to cope with its destination.

Even for a beginner will not be difficult to make a homemade drilling machine for the house. The main thing is to be patient and time, and you will definitely work out. And do not forget that no matter how it was, but such an aggregate is homemade, so observe the safety technique when working with it.

Good afternoon! In this review, I will show how you managed to make a small simple drilling machine from the purchased rack under the drill and existing, but rarely used, manual electric cries. I tried to make a complete and convenient adaptation for amateur and domestic needs, no complaints about professional use. As always, in the review Description of the process, drawings, and the result.

All previous years for drilling holes, I was quite a screwdriver, well, very rarely hand drill. This was enough, there were no problems on the details with a small thickness. Another question is the drilling of clearly vertical holes in a large thickness of the material, sometimes it turns out to control the vertical of the drill, sometimes not very.
Making a smaller hole with a larger diameter drill: Often, when drilling, the initial center of the hole could and shift, depending on how the drill is found there.

To avoid all these problems, the responsible details and billets should be drilled on a boring machine, which is naturally not.
I have already reached the condition when the drilling machine is needed, but what exactly I want from him, what parameters are important for me, and what you need to choose - I do not know yet. Therefore, to develop experience and forming future needs, for better and effective investments in the drilling machine in the future, I decided to exercise on a homemade machine from a rack for a hand drill.

You could just buy a rack, place a drill in it and use, but I needed to make a convenient turning on and off drill, as well as convenient adjustment of the speed of rotation. Therefore, I decided to make a small pedestal for the rack, with the controls placed in it, as well as a drawer for drills and other accessories.
And at the very basis of the rack, I decided to make a wider table for placing and fixing blanks for drilling. During the design, it turned out such a design (rack and drill in the model Others, took from 3D Warehouse):

The design of the box is as follows, with an organizer installed in it for frequently used drills:

Drawings with dimensions:

After examining the open spaces of the network and reviews, a fairly well-known rack for a drill with all-metal column and cast-iron bases and a carriage was selected. ()
Several photos of unpacking and assembly:

People in the reviews write about the backlash in the plastic guide carriage, and a small luft at the point of the column-carriage, but not everyone. I got the play of the plastic guide, which was cured simply with a piece of plastic from the folder for papers. The backlash disappeared at all, the carriage began to go up-down tight, but the thick silicone grease removed this problem. Excellent rack, heavy, monumental!

In the quality of the working part of our machine, an old, but the vigorous drill of Interskol Du13 / 780.R:

Drill tightly went into the receiving nest on the rack, no backlash, fixation is excellent:

We start collecting our pedestal with a box. Flying details of the pedestal. In the project I laid 10 mm thick, but it happened that I had an already started sheet of 12mm, which I have for some reason took 10mm, my sizes and I could not understand why):

We collect on the self-tapping screw and PVA:

Food the details of the inner drawer, the bottom of the plywood box 6mm:

Collect the box:

We prepare and gluke back and front pedestal plugs:

For drawer, use furniture ball guides:

For fastening the box to the hinges, put a sheet of plywood and put four 10 ruble coins to create a uniform gap between the drawer and the base of the pedestal:

We drink and glue the front panel of the drawer on the PVA, the gaps also adjust the coins:

Do not forget to make a handle for opening a box:

As a filling for controlling / off and adjusting the revolutions, it was picked up in the covers such a kit: a relay with a coil 230V, two buttons, C NO and NC contacts, and a symbol speed controller (2000W) with Aliexpress:

On the front panel, mark the holes under the button and the controller potentiometer:

Drills holes. Under the potentiometer handle, it was necessary to make a slight deepening with a dreamer with a cutter, since the thickness of the front panel is 6 mm, and the knob is normal on the potentiometer shaft did not sit down:

We try the buttons:

On the rear plug of the block of the buttons, I decided to put a rosette under the plug of the drill, as well as the gland input for the power wire from the network:

We take the top cover of the pedestal, placing and drills the holes for fastening the base of the rack (the top cover of the pedestal was not glued, fucked only on the self-tapping screw):

Go to the manufacture of a boring table. We will do from two plywood sheets:

We connect two sheets into four self-pressing, place and cut the jigsaw of the groove under the column of our rack, we refine the dremel:

Location Corners:

We place, we take the milling and groove cutter f10mmm on plywood stop make the grooves under the movable fittings of the table, as well as rounding tables:

We disassemble our detail, take the bottom sheet, place and drill in it holes for fastening the table to the base of the rack:

On the back, for the attachment, it was used here such fasteners with a thread M8 to drown the hats, made a deepening with a densem:

We take the top sheet of the table, placing and drinking a square hole 70x70 mm under the broken liner. Liner with mixture relative to the center so that it can be turned over and use all sides of the liner square:

We glue on the PVA both sheets of our table:

We are preparing clips for the table. They made them from trimming plywood, a little squeeed the resulting heel, so that a good clamp of thin parts was obtained. An opening of 8mm under the pressure bolt has a little developed in the longitudinal direction so that the bolt in the details can be deviated relative to the vertical axis.

We try our clamp in action, use a long furniture bolt M8, washers and a carrying nut:

We take all the details of the machine, grind and coated with oil:

We put all the components of the power and control system, buttons and relays are connected according to a self-grade scheme:

We make an inclusion check, all put and fix the wires:

From the bottom of the pedestal, we put the rubberized legs:

Fresh drilling table to base rack Naiki M8:

Insert the box, we look at what happened:

Go to the manufacture of an organiser for drills. All parts of the horizontal branch of the organizer from plywood 6mm. We cut the base according to the drawing, drink thin strips of plywood, and we collect flights on the PVA:

We write the dividers of 6mm wide on the table (for such operations, I had to make a zero gap of aluminum on the sawing table, since the original surface of the table was already worn out, and strong chips went on the plywood):

Glue separators through a template 14 mm on PVA. Depth and width (6x14 mm) branches taken at the calculation of his fingers so that I could easily take a small drill from the bottom of the department:

The vertical organizer for the very chassis drills (two compartments under the metal drill and wood) decided to make 12 mm from plywood, but on top of gluing a strip from plywood 6mm, since it is very bad in the end of plywood:

We try our vertical organizer to horizontal:

We mark and twist already on our table holes in the organizer by all accessible drills, from 8mm to 1 mm with a pitch of 1 mm diameter:

We are trying on both organizer in the box:

Covered with butter new details, put in the box. The vertical organizer put on small loops so that it could be thrown into a fully vertical position and have access to the drills in the lower separation.
Before the horizontal organizer, it was glued in the box that stopped from a piece of plywood 6mm, after it in the box a little later there will be an organizer under cutters, cenks and other major drills. Also prepared several square replacement liners:

We collect all the details of the machine, we turn around and secure a drill cable so that I did not interfere:

We work:

The drilling machine was suitable. Drilling is so much more convenient, and most importantly more precisely and more careful. No, of course, maintaining revolutions, it would be even comfortable with him, but I'm already starting to get used to what speed should be put on the drill and the power of diving for the material, so as not to delay the drill, but also not to spoil the workpiece or part of high speed. This all experience is being worked out. I will work on it, I will understand what I need and important from the machine, which parameters will be critical to me, so that it is possible to consider the "adult" machine in the future.

In the nearest plans to make small vice machines for vertical fastening of blanks and grinding drum, I need them for approaching projects.