The most expensive number on the car. The most expensive numbers on the car in Russia and the world

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By purchasing a new car, many people seek to establish the so-called "beautiful" numbers on it - with an unusual combination of letters and numbers or from a series of license plates attached to a certain government structure. Thus, motorists demonstrate their high status and income level. In the future, the most expensive numbers on the car in Russia will grow in price, so it is also a good way to invest.

For many car owners, the car is not just a vehicle, but a favorite toy. They belong to it, as a friend (or girlfriend), try to keep it in perfect order, acquire expensive decorations for the cabin. Such people are important every trifle, including the license plate. The expensive state number does not give the owner no privileges, does not save from problems and fines. Its main purpose is to satisfy the ambitious owner, emphasize its high position in society.

Car lubers are glad to buy such non-standard numbers and are ready to spend considerable money on them. For wealthy people, a kind tradition appeared: to acquire elite license plates as a gift to friends or a beloved girl.

The sale scheme is quite simple. Some cheap car is bought, put on accounting with numbers that are planned to sell. Then the old car is sold together with the "beautiful" numbers, the buyer registers the car, removes them for storage, gets new license plates, and returns the car to the former owner. Next, the new owner puts on accounting for its car with "beautiful" numbers.

Prices for elite rooms vary from 40 thousand to 11 million rubles. The average cost is 200-300 thousand rubles.

Luxury number - high status and wealth of the car owner

Confrontation: Deputies disagree with traffic police

Representatives of the traffic police not once suggested to legalize the sale of "beautiful" numbers for cars, as it is necessary to combat corruption among employees. In 2010, regulatory acts were developed and presented for consideration regulatory acts regulating the auctions for the sale of license plates on vehicles. However, they were not adopted: the deputies considered that the same service could not be assessed in different amounts.

In 2011, the head of the traffic police V. Fedorov presented a bill "On Registration of Vehicles" for consideration by the State Duma, according to which the owners of the machines receive the right to independently choose the alphanumeric designation of the license plate. Among the deputies there were disagreements: some were agreed with the project, others offered to introduce an increased state duty for "beautiful" numbers. The bill was adopted in the first reading, but did not go further.

This law has many supporters, but there are those who oppose his adoption.

Peter Schukumatov, Member of the Public Council of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Popular blogger: "This system must be simplified, you need to give motorists the opportunity to choose the numbers that they like. Otherwise, these numbers at auctions will buy a dealer. They are the only ones who say thank you because they have a task will simplify. "

On August 4, 2019, the Federal Law "On State Registration of Vehicles" comes into force, but there is no point on the official issuance of "beautiful" numbers in it. So lovers of elite numbers will still be able to buy them only with hands.

The survey among the population "Whether a bill is needed, allowing trade" beautiful "license plates," showed:

  • for - 68%;
  • against - 32%.

The bill is needed - the management of the traffic police is confident. When will the deputies understand?

Clear Room Sales Schemes

There are many intermediary firms in the market in the market.

Dealers have developed several ways to get the necessary signs of cheaper:

  • Search on the Internet and social networks of those who are willing to sell such numbers.
  • 20-30 cars are recorded at once, from issued state officials, those who may be of interest are selected.
  • View ads for the sale of used cars: In the photo you can catch interesting rooms.

Mediation firms are a lot, this is a profitable business: buy numbers cheaper, and sell them more expensive. For example, there are cases when intermediaries bought a car with the desired numbers for 500 thousand rubles, and then resell it for 3 million rubles. It is easy to calculate what amount can be screwed on such a transaction.

Dealers have accumulated rich experience in finding and buying "beautiful" numbers

Unclean stories

With so-called threshing rooms, a lot of interesting things are connected, somewhere even scandalous stories that caused a stormy public resonance. In 2013, Moscow began to issue license plates with the new code of the region 777. The combination of A001AA 777 got a young woman, the owner of a modest small car, which was loudly announced by the management of the traffic police. However, later in the network photographs appeared photographs of the Mercedes GL with this number, which, naturally, caused a wave of indignation from citizens.

Then bloggers began to upload photos, on which you can see that the most beautiful numbers from the 777 series are installed on expensive cars. Information appeared that the number of A777AA 777 was sold for 15 million rubles. People looked forward to when a car with this number will appear on the streets of Moscow. To lean the brewing scandal, the traffic police leadership decided to establish this sign on the VAZ-2114 police car.

Would you pay for the "beautiful number" a high price?


Curishes with unusual numbers are found abroad. In the United States in many states is officially forbidden the number sign T1N2NO. It would seem that the usual set of letters and numbers, however, if you read it backwards, it will turn out: Oh, Shit! ("Oh shit!").

Prices for rooms in different regions of Russia

"Beautiful" rooms on the car - the cheapest pleasure, in different regions of Russia prices are different. The table presented will help to figure out, in which regions the number uses the number will cost more, and in what - cheaper.

Locusing prices for unusual license plates in different regions of Russia

Thus, the variation of prices in the regions is small. It is clear that the cost depends on the popularity of the number and demand for it. The least interesting numbers can be bought enough cheaply - from 15 thousand rubles. It does not cause surprise and the fact that the highest prices in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the farther from the center, the lower the cost of cherished numbers for cars.

Rating of the most expensive numbers in Russia

Rich people are ready to lay out for "beautiful" license plates almost the cost of the car itself. Once there are such buyers, it means there are also appropriate proposals. Prices for some particularly popular autonomer in Russia are simply translated.

  1. "Round", that is, multiple 100 are found on premium machines (for example, X500RV). Price - 125 thousand rubles.
  2. Mirrored rooms in which the first and last digit are repeated (for example, 424, 939). Price - 150 thousand rubles.
  3. The AAA777 combination is often found on the presidential administration machines. Price - 325 thousand rubles.
  4. 777 777 is the capital Ponte when the numbers of the numbers coincide with the region number. Price - 1.85 million rubles.
  5. The numbers from the top ten from 001 to 009 emphasize that the owner of the car is the first in everything in life, both in business, and financially (for example, B001VV). Price - 4 million rubles. (
  6. Rooms in which three identical numbers and letters also coincide (for example, M888mm). Price - 5.9 million rubles.
  7. License plate of the elite series NNN777 77. The price is 10 million rubles.
  8. AMR series, Ekch (with such rooms, members of the government, the State Duma, Council of Federation, the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office). Price - 11 million rubles.

People's decoding of the special member of the Ekch - "Food, as I want"

Sale of rooms from the AMR series, Ekch in Russia is considered illegal, sellers and buyers are twisted, as they can. At the same time, many Russian human rights defenders openly speak out to be officially allowed to trade similar numbers.

Victor Travin, President of the Board of Legal Protection of Car owners: « There is nothing illegal here. We do not have the concept of "SPECOMER". All registration marks are absolutely the same, with the exception of those approved by the Government Decree and belong to the special category of vehicles. "

Poll of residents of Moscow on the topic « How do you feel about installing on a car expensive numbers ":

  • sharply negatively - 61%;
  • indifferent - 25%;
  • positively - 9%;
  • i want such a number - 5%.

Most people consider buying « beautiful "rooms of empty money. Nevertheless, a huge number of proposals for the sale finds their buyers, it means that it is still necessary for someone. Deciding for such a purchase, you need to remember that this pleasure is quite expensive, moreover, such transactions are made unofficially. Therefore, it is advisable to preliminarily weigh everything for and against.

So far, in Russia, the idea of \u200b\u200bselling "beautiful" car registration signs at the auction has not yet embodied, in the United Arab Emirates, the State Organization Roads and Transport Authority only for the last three auctions earned 141148,000 dirhams at the rooms - or 38 million dollars. What numbers are so expensive and who bows them?

The record price per room at the auction at the moment is $ 14,200,000: in 2008, under admiring applause, the number with the number 1 of the Emirate Abdu Dhabi bought a certain Said Abdul Jafar Al Huri, who hung it on his Bugatti Veyron. All this happened in a country with a very small indigenous population, of which 72,000 have a state more than a million dollars.

Other UAE Emirates are less than the size and "poorer" Abu Dhabi, so the room with a cherished unit in the Emirate of Sharjah cost the owner into a funny $ 4900,000. But the paradox is that it is still much more expensive than any car to which he can hang. The same "veyrov" 450 pieces were released, and the notorious unit on the number plate is only one.

The two-digit number will be noticeably cheaper - from 500,000 to $ 20,000 dollars. And among the three-digit, indexes of car models are very popular: 488 (like the Ferrari model), 911 (Porsche), 918 (again Porsche), and four-digit bought from the year of birth or the date of the World Expo-2020 exhibition, which will be held in Emirates in three years. .

Curishes happen and when a person buys a number, makes a deposit, but cannot cover the full cost of the lot. Last November, a certain Abdulla Al Makhry bought a license plate with one digit of Abu Dhabi Emirate for $ 8,400,000 and issued a check with auctionists to the amount that was simply not on the account.

Al Makhry was going to somehow resell the number even more expensive and covered costs, but Roads and Transport Authority simply did not give him a won the lot, sending a job in court.

Gradually, a special circle of interested people was formed around the sale of rooms in the UAE, who not only try to increase their status, look steeper in the eyes of business partners or play a successful wedding party, but also to make money on whose vanity.

The cost of rare license plates is only growing, and investors are in no hurry to hang them on cars - it can bring down the price and exclusivity.

One of the famous merchants in this market, Abdulla Al Hammadi, owns a family of thousands of license plates, a total cost of about $ 190,000,000. Not so long ago, he reconciled for 7,600,000 bucks, the number once cost him only $ 3,200,000.

Supporting excitement and exclusivity, Roads and Transport Authority are not at all existing combinations on sale, and carefully choose the rooms for a specific auction, assigning them a certain starting price. Sometimes such a big thing that it is not always possible to kill.

So, for example, it happened to the Dubai number 2 Q series, the auction for which was started with the amount equivalent to 8900,000 US dollars. This lot is still unsold. But the top five with the prefix D for the same price went to the businessman Balvinder Sakhani.

Hindu Sakhani was born in Kuwait, lives in Dubai, engaged in the Emirates construction and says that he managed to stay in a plus even during the global economic crisis of 2007-2008. His passionate figures began 20 years ago, when he bought a private phone number for $ 300,000 in Kuwait.

Sakhan Ballooner (on the photo on the left)

Now, according to Sahani, he has three most beautiful phone numbers in India, Kuwait and the UAE, as well as 15 car numbers, a total cost of about $ 100 million.

The joy of buying a room for the sake of vanity and appeaset, according to the Hindu, very soon comes on no - the interest of the Sahani in the other: he is obsessed with numbers as such, as well as its happy number - nine.

Therefore, Ballooner buys only the ninth house on the street, equipped personal office on the ninth floor, and its most expensive license plate, combination of five and the letters D - the fourth letter of the alphabet, gives nine!

In many countries of the world, the sale of automotive registration signs through the auction is absolutely legal, and at the same time there are quite a few people ready to smoke to become the owner of the "beautiful" number.

Sometimes during the auction, it comes to the absurdity, and rare car numbers go with a hammer for the amounts that many times exceed the cost of the car itself. What existing registration signs are the most expensive?

"VIP 1"

In 2004, the VIP 1 car number was sold in the UK for 62,000 pounds sterling (approximately 5.3 million rubles), and in 2008 it acquired it to Russian Oligarch Roman Abramovich, paying more than 24 million rubles for him.

During the auction in Scotland, one of the bidders paid more than 34 million rubles per room "S1". At one time, the latter was set to one of the very first cars in the country. We are talking about the car of 1903, which, to all of the time, also belonged to the Scottish Lord Kingsburg.

The buyer of the sign, who preferred not to disclose his name, said that such a rare sign plans to establish on his old Red Skoda.

"25 o"

In 2014, the Agency for Licensing Drivers and Vehicles of Great Britain established a record amount for the number "25 O", but this did not embarrass the owner of the local car dealership of Ferrari John Collins, who acquired this registration sign for 44 more than a million rubles.

To upset at such a large amount, a man decided due to the fact that this number is effectively combined with Ferrari 250 SWB belonging to him. By the way, the latter and itself costs a fortune, namely, about 10 million pounds sterling (over 855 million rubles). Such a high price is due to the fact that once this copy of the Italian dual timer belonged to the rock star Eric Clapton.

In 2008, the businessman from Bradford Afzal Khan did not regret money and paid about 37 million rubles (at the current course) for a sign with the "F1" index, which in Britain for the course for 109 years. This room was set to Mercedes SLR McLaren, and then "moved" to Bugatti Veyron Super Sport Carbon Edition.

By purchasing a registration sign, the businessman expressed confidence that over time the "F1" number will become only more expensive. In 2018, he put it on sale, requesting 14.4 million pounds sterling. However, at the moment you have to pay so crazy money for the rare number and did not find it.

The most expensive sign in the world today is considered the number "1". ABU Dhabi Said Abdul Gaffar Huri, who at auction in the Arab Emirates paid for a registration sign with a single over 641 million rubles at the auction in the Arab Emirates, was wanted. A record transaction took place in 2008, but over the past years no one could beat her.

As for Russia, we will definitely buy "beautiful" rooms yet, although in recent years officials are actively discussing such an initiative. However, many people acquire the registration signs that visited them illegally, using the services of shadow sites and the office.

You're accustomed to distinguish the automotive rooms on the roads in color (white belongs to simple mortal, blue - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yellow - Taxi, Red - diplomats, black - military), but traffic police officers before waving (or not waving) their magic wand Wand, distinguish rooms and other criteria. What? Read

In Bukukov

AMR97 - Main in Russia Federal special veneer which was replaced by the so-called flag numbers with the tricolor (with the exception of AAAFL), so that they are not once again talking about their integrity.

The first three dozen (A001 MR97 - A136 MR97) - Government rooms and numbers Administration of the President (former Waafl), including license plates belong to the automotive of the Office of the President, Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation, the State Duma and some other high departments. Numbermarks from A137 MR97 to A201 MR97 are enshrined at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. And the number A202 MR97, which is applied to the BMW-740, marks the appearance on the road of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

30 cars travel around in Russia with license plates from A370 MR97 to A400 MR97 and enjoy different federal structure of humanitarian and social character, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Russian Foreign Ministry, the FSIN of the Russian Federation and others. BUT! BUT 375 MP97 was for some reason fastened for filmmakers Mikhalkov N. S.

License plates OT. A 401 MP97 to A489 MR97belong to the subject of the executive branch in places - governors. And that's it.

A501 MR97 - A589 MR97 Awarded to the leaders of the legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Speakers of regional councils.

A601 MR97 - A697 MR97 - Here is a kaleidoscope from different federal structures, such as the Ministry of Defense, Rosfinmonitoring, State Feldgerer Service, FSKN;

Eighth dozen with abbreviation amr It belongs to the highest foreheads in the FSB, including the federals and A698 MP97, A699 MR97 are enshrined.

Ninth dozen series of the most thoughts in Russia numbers, right up to A999 MR97 Rosatom RosSvyazokhankultura RF, Rossvyazokhransculture of the Russian Federation, Rosaeronavigation of the Russian Federation, Rossatat of the Russian Federation, FSFR RF, FTS of the Russian Federation, FAS RF and some other departments.

ECH99 / EKH177 / EKH97 - Cars of the Federal Security Service and other depository authorities with state immunity, which still silence the word below .

HKH77- De Yura Series belongs to the FSB, and the de facto part of the numbers with this series was successfully sold.

AOO77, VOO77, Mo77, Soo77 - All cars with such rooms belong to the automotive of the Office of the President of the President. But! If, with such numbers, the car with a beacon is felda, and they have no benefits on the road.

COP77 - In the past, the numbers belonged to the Constitutional Court, but after the abolition of the "flags", the numbers of this series were hung instead of AACFL on cars without lighthouses.

Ere177. - About 300 rooms with this series recently went to the State Duma to replace "Flag Trollers"

AMR77, VMR77, CMR77, MMR77, OMR77, TMR77 - In general, this series for astronauts, but not so long ago the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to start a large sale of these rooms, including private owners. In addition, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs use this series today.

RMR77 - Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Punishment, Prosecutor's Office and other executive lawyers.

AMO77. - Almost all cars of this series belong to the Moscow City Hall.

NAA99, TAA99, CAA99, HaA99 - Rooms, on a special written request (Popusive), closed in automotive databases. Basically, it belongs to the FSB and some Research Institute, but there are steep private traders. Also, part of these numbers left to persons held under the Witnesses Program, so you can meet on rusty zhiguli.

"Food as I want"

The traffic police here's already as a few years in a row intends to deprive individuals the opportunity to buy thoughts on the "black market", taking this thing through the state auctions, but then the intentions are not going on number platesguaranteeing immunity on the roads continue to be sold. And find them, thanks to the Internet, it does not constitute. At one of them, our correspondent was also to find out the rates.

So. The leader in the illegal market of numbers is NNN 777 77. The price of this "handsome" about 10 million. Rubles. And most importantly - it is in stock.

For sale and a room with recognizable abbreviation AMR77 And for him "Sellers" ask 2 million wooden. And here per So-called "Slir" ("188 ... 188") with the new Moscow index want "total" 150 thousand rubles. Lucky roads at number "777" In stock did not turn out. In a special deficit and recently appeared Series of Her & BBB which some car owners have already got.

The active action of the "license market" of Russia speaks the fact that about a year ago bloggers developed the topic that some Tolstosum bought a number A777AA777 For 15 million rubles, but the traffic police in the "protest sign" against such a blatant corruption on the roads, demonstratively established this license plate for a service car of the Moscow MVD - VAZ-2114.

And now the main thing. Such rejoices of beaks and digitally actually they occupy a lower cast in the hierarchy "labeled on the road." None of the above numbers in this section guarantees its owner already any priority and immunity before the traffic police officers, and before other road users, too. Except that evil traffic cop once again wants to stop To look at "Blouth", well, or in his pockets. Such rooms are just beautiful. And expensive. After all, in fact, all the same rooms of the De Yura are the usual ordinal number of Russian signs of the Russian Federation, distributing a private car by the letter of the law. Prices with many zero sets asked the market: they are glad to buy private individuals and intermediaries.

The average price in the Moscow market of "beautiful" license plates with three "steep numbers" - 888,100, 007, etc., is $500-$600. "Too beautiful" three-digit numbers on autonomers may cost up to $ 1500. And in order to purchase such and cheaper, and with the guarantee - it is better to contact the traffic departments right away.

But besides the market, just beautiful numbers, exist in Russia and market numbers "Useful" , among which the number of state values, fixed in high ranks turn out to be. The latter simply rent their numbers "for rent" for indecently big money. So, the above-mentioned series numbers E *** KH77- E *** KK99assigned FSO and the people deciphered as "Food as I want" Today, they are used by some individuals who used "the services of landlords" with the federal status for (by rumors) $70 000 .

Series X *** kh77 and 99 (decrypt how you yourself want) belonging FSBAlso was repeatedly seen in the use of individuals. The latter (again, according to rumors) gave for pleasure to drive around with such numbers of about 40,000 USD.

Ride on Russian roads and cars with a series C *** SS77owned by Ministry of Communications . The traffic police though has the right to stop cars with such numbers, but it does not in Moscow. Question price - $ 4000 . Similar series C *** CC99 Enchantable for tax police and customs of Moscow, which is also reputable among traffic police officers. Per $ 3000 Such rooms can be acquired.

Series To *** kk99 At first, Feldsvyazy and Fapesey was given, but she didn't need something very much, but he began to diverge and left among private owners. $ 2500.


Last Pisk Moscow Road Fashion - Dear foreign cars, such as Mercedes W220, ML, Gelendwagen, Audi A 8, Toyota LC100, etc. In battle police coloring with beams and lighthouses and blue police numbers.

The cost of the service "Blue Room" in Zlato-Favorov - from 20 to 40 thousand dollars. In year. And what is the most interesting - all legally! Provides this service private security of the capital, hearing strong roots in the mayor's office. Businessman simply writes a statement addressed to the head of private security with a request to put protection for his property. They say, on her car I drive jewels and thus I give my foreign car the guard to that be bdilant. Today, the capital travels about 300 cars with "blue" on the bumper, which, however, will not stop and far beyond Moscow.

Levak federal significance

And here he is olympus "Laughty Power" on the roads - Deputy Federal Numbers. The deputies themselves have tried that according to the law, the people's chosen one was entitled to a whole set of license plates with a tricolor on his personal car. Like, for security reasons. But, as a rule, the deputies are enough service machines, and indefensive, they also have enough, and their license plates of federal value they sell For the amount with four and even five zeros. In C. and, of course. The most diluted - rent numbers by tax 20-30 thousand cu in year.

Some prices for some cool series of rooms have managed to get our edition:

AAA77 ≈ $ 4.500. In 93-94. distributed for free to all in a row

Aaa99 ≈ $ 4.000. Owned by FSB

Aaa97 ≈ $ 3000.On the 220th Mercedes with the number 001 belong to A.B. Pugacheva, the same with the number 010 on the RX-300 Lexus - Deputy. Head of the State Traffic Polit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

AMO77 ≈ $ 2.500. Basically belong to the Moscow City Hall and its Kumany, Shatam, the chances and tests.

AMO99 ≈ $ 2.000. The very first number in this series with number 777 was issued to the son of Luzhkov, but today Era Luzhkova left and the rooms are not quoted among the traffic police officers.

COO77, 99 ≈ $ 2.000. At the same time, such numbers are very "recognizable" for traffic cops, as they are the only numbers from the special sector * oo, which can be bought in principle. Part of the 77 series belongs to the Constitutional Court.

AMM77 / MMH77 ≈ $ 8.000. For the most purpose, it belongs to the Moscow Miscovers and Firefighters, which has excellent immunity on the roads.

Series * MP77 - from $ 5.000 BE $ 12.000 . Belong to financiers: banks, funds, the numbers are attached "all-time" missions for the protection of the protection of objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Ltd.97 ≈ $ 2.500. The rooms of this series received a number of cultural and art figures, such as A. Malinin (on Hummer - 003) and M.Halkin (on Bentley - 070), from which the patosiness of the series on the roads on the face.

RMR77. The newly emerged series enshrined at the Ministry of Justice. Expected on sale in the near future.

Kkk77, xxx99, nnn99, уу99, ite99 - for such numbers in the black market asked to $ 1.500, but for some reason they do not work in any way, so do not bargain.

While our authorities do not dare to resolve the legal sale of automotive state leaders through auction, in many countries of the world, a long time ago, anyone can, giving their own car of individuality. We found for you the 5 most expensive car numbers, which have acquired car owners around the world.

License plate "1"

Cost: 641 766 113 rub.

This license plate was acquired by Businessman Abu Dhabi Said Abdul Gaffar Huri in 2008. This is not only the most expensive room sold at auction in the Arab Emirates, but also the most expensive automotive state number in the world.

Room sign "25 O"

Cost: 44 324 646 rub.

The record price established by the Agency for Licensing Drivers and Vehicles of Great Britain was paid by the owner of the Ferrari Motor Show by John Collins in 2014. Now this number takes an honorable place on Ferrari 250 SWB, once belonging to the rock star Eric Clapton. The car itself costs 10 million pounds sterling (855,688 150 rubles).

By the way, in the standard license plates of cars in Britain, the region code, service identifier and an arbitrary sequence of three characters are usually indicated. The value of this room for the buyer was that the state number is similar to the name of the Ferrari 250 model, which he acquired.

License plate "F1"

Cost: 37 703 759 rub.

In 2008, a businessman from Bradford Afzal Kan (in the photo) gave a huge amount of money for the registration license plate "F1". Today, this is more than 37 million rubles.

Han installed the number on his Mercedes SLR McLaren, saying:

"I think this is a good deal, because it is probably worth 10 times more"

Later he turned out this room at Bugatti Veyron Super Sport Carbon Edition. Last year, the businessman put this number for sale for 1.2 billion rubles (14.4 million pounds). True, there was still no man who is ready to lay out an incredible amount for this number.

Here is a link to the auction of British license plates, where you will see this state number at the top. For reference: the number "F1" is used in England for 109 years.

License plate "S1"

Cost: 34 569 801 rub.

In 2008, at auction in Scotland an anonymous participant acquired the number sign "S1", belonging to one of the first owners of cars in Scotland - Lord Kingsburg (the car was purchased in 1903). According to the buyer, this room will be used on the old Red Skod.

License plate "VIP 1"

Cost: 24 387 112 rub.

This state license plate was bought by the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich in 2006. Two years earlier, the number was sold in just 62,000 pounds of sterling (5,305,266 rubles).

How much are the VIP numbers in Russia?

Unfortunately, in our country, as always, where big money is spinning, it does not work out without the shadow sphere. In Russia, but it is officially impossible to do this. Therefore, in our country, workarounds of the gray purchase of a threatening state number are invented. For example, today in the messenger telegrams there are plenty of closed groups where beautiful license plates are exhibited. Also on the Web you will find a lot of sites and a contactor engaged in the sale of license plates on cars.

But such prices, as in the UAE or Great Britain, we, of course, are not. Nevertheless, for some license plates, prices may reach up to 5-10 million rubles. In most cases, beautiful license plates are 100-300 thousand rubles. And only for some alphanumeric combinations and regions, people are ready to upload more than 1 million rubles.

However, soon, it is quite possible that the authorities will finally derive this market of car numbers from the shade. Most likely, this will happen soon. Recall that from this date the traffic police will stop issuing license plates. Instead, the traffic police authorities will only assign an alphanumeric combination of the number in automatic mode. The bulk owners themselves themselves will do in specialized accredited MBA companies.