Scenario game program "We are for a healthy lifestyle". Scenario "We for a healthy lifestyle" for younger students

Success and Victory ...

About the healthy sense of life

We must discuss the issue.

How to live for many years?

How to achieve big victories?

Become fun and successful

And beautiful to be, of course!

Do not grieve, do not lose heart

Before difficulty not to pass!

Do not be afraid of drafts,

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - Yes!

Diseases - no!

His posture is easy for you to find out:

He is like a mattress! And what is this?

Song of Lovochka sounds.

Heels will eat and walk,

Three sweater, two servers,

Leading sing chastushki:

1. I hurt constantly.

Orvi Yes Orz!

Only hardening became

I can sleep on draft!

Holiday script

  1. The topic is very important one

On fighting and school, and family

  1. We have the sun and wind

They took a flamm

With alcohol and smoking

We are talking today.

We develop muscles:

He brings us always,

Without parents, of course

We are in sports nowhere.

  1. Together games and hiking

Relay and tournament,

We are going together in nature

Some health peace!

  1. Help help

We and the school, and the family.

After all, the unity of the Spirit with the body -

This is a goal for us alone!

(Sports dance)



Leading:Competitions, quizzes, matinee, evenings, lecture on the themes:

  • "Our health is in our hands!"
  • "Three China Health"
  • "Family - a healthy lifestyle"
  • « Ten Health Rules »
  • "Journey to the country" Health "and others.

Leading. Systematically at school work is carried out to combat bad habits.

  • And what are bad habits?
  • This smoking!
  • This is alcoholism!
  • This is addiction!
  • They harm human health.
  • The saying is true: "Lost money - I lost a little, I lost time - I lost a lot, and health lost - everything lost! "
  • But do we always take care of our health?
  • Not! (Together)
  • Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin!
  • Remember!
  • Birds die if they only bring the glass wand moistened with nicotine to their beak.
  • The rabbit dies from one fourth drop of nicotine.
  • Dog from one second drop.
  • Each repurchased cigarette reduces human life for 5.5 minutes.
  • Higher harm smoking infects children's body:
  • Anemia,
  • Digestion disorder
  • Heart diseases,
  • Worsening memory
  • Slowdown in mental and physical development,
  • Another destructive habit of human health is alcohol.
  • Remember!
  • After 10-20 seconds after receiving, alcohol reaches the brain.
  • Alcohol circulates in the body until full decomposition for 2 weeks. In this case, the heart suffers, the liver, kidneys.
  • Remember!
  • The brain reacts even on the meager doses of alcohol: the memory is reduced, attention, disappears sensitivity, mentality,
  • Cynicity appears, mallance, aggressiveness.
  • Remember!
  • Figures and Facts:
  • Per year per man in Russia accounts for 160 bottles of vodka
  • Thousands of people die every year from drunkenness without reaching 30 years of age
  • It is impossible to stay on us alone when it happens!

Very scary becomes

If you hear this terrible word "plague"!

Above the planet over the whole world

Pulls black hands she!

  • Addiction! One of the worst habits and human diseases.
  • Drug, like a ruthless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get the next dose, accept it!
  • Drug addiction spawned an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
  • Say drugs - no!
  • Call drug addiction!

On any actions ready

For the sake of loving children.

2. In it - miser paternal tears

And ruined hundreds of fate

In it for the life of the coming threat

And fragments of broken hopes.

3. This word sounds like a curse,

Bringing only grief and fear.

On the fight with him we must rise:

Our life is only in our hands.

(Pupils are published with candles)

  1. We live in a beautiful century,

We are lucky with you

In the 21st century

We have given to live with you.

  1. We dream of good,

And we want everything to

Did not hurt and lived

Very long on earth!

  • Life is good! This is a gift that is given to man only one day.
  • And we themselves depends on what content we will fill your life.
  • Great when a person seeks to fulfill his dreams!
  • Great when the sun shines and poultry twist!
  • Great when you have real friends and when you love and wait at home!
  • Great when you are surrounded by happy and healthy people!
  • Great when the fire of good and faith burns in your soul!
  • Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, the symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparkle from this fire will be lit in the heart of every person faith in the fact that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, consent.
  • A century of healthy life!

(Song on the motive "Hope")

The topic is very important one

Gathered us together in this room

On fighting and school, and family

For a healthy lifestyle stood up.

We are talking to drugs we "no!",

And smoky, and alcoholism,

How much did they bring us trouble

How many young people stole live!

Health! It is not important.

After all, children know about it.

Let it break up the negative light

Health on our planet!

Scenario "Agitbrigada for a healthy lifestyle"

  • Majorova Irina Ivanovna, primary school teacher

Sections: Sports at school and children's health, extracurricular work

1 presenter. Welcome to all who found time
And came to school for the health of health!
Let the winter knocking the snowfall in the window,
But in the hall we have warm and light
We are growing here, we tear here
And gain, naturally, the weight!
We are always healthy, with charging friend,
We are sport with physical education,
Like air, needed
And with them order, comfort, purity,
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!
Health care with small years,

It will save us from pain and troubles!

2 master Our speech is devoted to health and sports. It is never too late to reaches improvement. It is better to make this step today than tomorrow.

Reader reads a poem, everyone repeat the words "who will answer why?"

Reader. We run faster wind.

Everything. Who will answer why?
Kohl jumped two meters.

Everything. Who will answer why?
We have a smile on my lips.

Everything. Who will answer why?
Can bridge make Julia,
By rope I climb
Because with physical education
We are long-standing friends.

The game "Who more?"

Name the types of emotions. ( Joy, delight, admiration, sadness, sadness, fear, surprise, shock, grief, fright, rage ...)

Learn to manage your feelings and emotions. Try in difficult moments to keep a good mood, self-confidence, fight with despondency, avoid gloomy thoughts. And then the gloomy day will seem light.

Strusting the song "Smile"

Lead 2: That's how our trees have grown fruit: our solutions in favor of health.

What should I do to live healthy and happy for many years?
- Finish the proposal: A healthy lifestyle is ... (reading, decisions taken on "decisions tree")

Lead 1:(Output) Compliance with the rules healthy image Life strengthens health, raises the will and character of a person.

What new and interesting did you know today? What did you study?

Lead 2:Health is an invaluable heritage of man.

Lead 1:In meetings and partings with close people, we wish them good health, since this is the basic condition and pledge of full and happy life. Everyone from the young age should take care of his health, how not to harm its body.

Lead 2:A wise person prevents diseases, and does not treat them. (Ancient Chinese saying). Show, with what mood you leave our meeting!

We wish you good health, excellent marks, happiness, cheerfulness and good mood. Be healthy!

Scenario Events for Healthy Lifestyle Holiday Holiday Free Download

Scenario of Events on Holiday Holiday

Attention attention! We begin the celebration of youth and beauty ...

Optimism and good mood ...

Success and Victory ...

We are starting a holiday of health!

About the healthy sense of life

We must discuss the issue.

How to live for many years?

How to achieve big victories?

Become fun and successful

And beautiful to be, of course!

Do not grieve, do not lose heart

Before difficulty not to pass!

Do not be afraid of drafts,

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - Yes!

Diseases - no!

Granny Granny runs on the scene, in the hands of a scarf, a package with buns, asks from leading:

Granny: Oh, guys, you have not seen my granddaughter?

Leading: Grandma who is your granddaughter? Maybe he is in the hall or on stage!

Granny: No! These guys are slim and strong. And the posture of them is not letting the "zy", and smile pretty. And they have breakfast, it can be seen, in the morning ok: Cashk with milk or fun with a kefirchik! And those who are in the hall, well, won, in the first row, appear, and perfectly learn, the top fives are on the joy of mom and dad, and the grandmother, of course!

Leaders: Of course! We have all such in the hall!

Granny: his name is, of course, Vova.

His posture is easy for you to find out:

He is like a mattress! And what is this?

When the boy loves to sleep very much.

On the scene it turns out a dubbed lady:

Little Johnny: Granny! I'm lost! I'm hungry! I got sick! I'm chikhu now! APCH! I will not go to school tomorrow! (Sits on the chair, sneezes, depicts a patient. Near Granny runs)

Song of Lovochka sounds.

Granny: He in the morning I am on the bake,

My Vovik loves to chew.

Heels will eat and walk,

And maybe the whole five minutes for a walk!

Three sweater, two servers,

And it will freeze, will grieve!

Leading sing chastushki:

1. I hurt constantly.

Orvi Yes Orz!

Only hardening became

I can sleep on draft!

Leading: Our meeting is coming to the end, guys,

But health holiday does not know borders.

And what about health it is necessary to take care

We showed you, will show life!

Smile Beautiful, Sleeping Figure,

The success of studies depends on us.

To us Kvorki, sadness will forget the road,

After all, our health is in reliable hands!

Holiday script "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

  1. The topic is very important one

Gathered us together in this room

On fighting and school, and family

For a healthy lifestyle stood up.

  1. We have the sun and wind

They took a flamm

With alcohol and smoking

We are talking today.

  1. When only functions are swarming in my head,

When the spells froze in the eyes,

Diseases are easily treated with us,

We run as soon as possible in the gym.

  1. Live helps us physical education,

Light, like a light fluff.

We develop muscles:

In a healthy body healthy mind!

  1. We are friends with sports since childhood,

He brings us always,

Without parents, of course

We are in sports nowhere.

  1. Together games and hiking

Relay and tournament,

We are going together in nature

Some health peace!

  1. Help help

We and the school, and the family.

After all, the unity of the Spirit with the body -

This is a goal for us alone!

(Sports dance)

Leading:Not only sports, trips to nature help us. In our school there is a huge work on promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Leading:Clock communication I. parental meetings About the benefits of vitamins, about the need for hot nutrition

Leading:Competitions, quizs, matinees, evenings, lecture on themes.

On fighting and school, and family
    We have the sun and wind
They took a flammWith alcohol and smokingWe are talking today.
    When only functions are swarming in my head,
When the spells froze in the eyes, Diseases are easily treated with us, We run as soon as possible in the gym.
    Live helps us physical education,
Light, like a light fluff. We develop muscles: In a healthy body healthy mind!
    We are friends with sports since childhood,
He brings us always,Without parents, of courseWe are in sports nowhere.
    Together games and hiking
Relay and tournament, We are going together in nature Some health peace!
    Help help
We and the school, and the family.After all, the unity of the Spirit with the body -This is a goal for us alone!
(Sports dance) Leading:Not only sports, trips to nature help us. In our school there is a huge work on promoting a healthy lifestyle.Leading:Clock of communication and parental meetings about the benefits of vitamins, about the need for hot nutritionLeading:Competitions, quizzes, matinee, evenings, lecture on the themes:
    "Our health is in our hands!"
    "Three China Health"
    "Family - a healthy lifestyle"
    « Ten Health Rules »
    "Journey to the country" Health "and others.

Leading. Systematically at school work is carried out to combat bad habits.

  • And what are bad habits?

    This smoking!
    This is alcoholism!
    This is addiction!
    They harm human health.
    The saying is true: "Lost money - I lost a little, I lost time - I lost a lot, and health lost - everything lost! "
    But do we always take care of our health?
    Not! (Together)
    Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin!
    Birds die if they only bring the glass wand moistened with nicotine to their beak.
    The rabbit dies from one fourth drop of nicotine.
    Dog from one second drop.
    And for a person, the deadly dose is 2-3 drops.
    Each repurchased cigarette reduces human life for 5.5 minutes.
    Higher harm smoking infects children's body:
    Digestion disorder
    Heart diseases,
    Worsening memory
    Slowdown in mental and physical development,
    Another destructive habit of human health is alcohol.
    After 10-20 seconds after receiving, alcohol reaches the brain.
    Alcohol circulates in the body until full decomposition for 2 weeks. In this case, the heart suffers, the liver, kidneys.
    The brain reacts even on the meager doses of alcohol: the memory is reduced, attention, disappears sensitivity, mentality,
    Cynicity appears, mallance, aggressiveness.
    Useful alcoholic beverages!
    Figures and Facts:
    Per year per man in Russia accounts for 160 bottles of vodka
    Thousands of people die every year from drunkenness without reaching 30 years of age It is impossible to stay on us alone when it happens!

Very scary becomesIf you hear this terrible word "plague"!Above the planet over the whole worldPulls black hands she!

    Addiction! One of the worst habits and human diseases.
    Drug, like a ruthless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get the next dose, accept it!
    Drug addiction spawned an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
    Say drugs - no!
    Call drug addiction!

Scene "Court of Narcazania"

Judge. Dear jurors, viewers! Our court received a statement. The affected side is maternal pain - asks to recognize the guilty side of the defendant - drug addiction. The word is provided to the prosecutor.

Prosecutor. IN last years One of the most serious problems is the problem of drug addiction, the spread of which occurs in Russia with threatening pace. Over 20 thousand crimes are performed on the basis of drug addiction. Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, and among children - 42 times! Exhausted, with felt veins of the body, a disregard view of anything unrelated. Incoherent speech. And most importantly - a complete lack of interest in life, indifference to what is happening around. The drug addict does not need anything ... In addition to the dose: here it is dragging, slightly dying.
A minute later
Where I got, God gaze! On the joys of artificial paradise The world can On my face to read it! .. And how many of them are raw in light, Whose fate is sweet, and then garbage! .. From this simple powder ...Judge.The word is provided by the accused - addiction.
Addiction.I am accused of having a destructive effect on the younger generation. I ruined a lot of teenagers and glad to it! Everyone who deals with me is not necessary to have an education, hobbies - still apply their abilities will not succeed. Do not live. Friends are also not needed. Drug addicts have no friends. And what enjoyment to observe how drug addicts are dragging everything from home, they even go to murder! And the breakdown is the top of my work! This pain is inhuman. As if the whole gate of sadists took inside. Bones are flattened, the joints are turned, the insides are broken into parts. You start slowly go crazy. It is difficult to break with me: it hurts and hard. Even if you are cured, then the refund can happen even after 10 years! This brain will give a return order. And next to me, my unchanging companion - AIDS. So - welcome to artificial paradise, from which there is no exit, except for one - death!
Prosecutor. Now, listen to the main witness, whose words cannot be left indifferent. This is maternal pain.
Maternal pain.My dear! From my own experience, I know how hard to lose children. Believe me, not a single mother, no father want to evil her child. Pain from the death of the child remains for life. But can you call life without you, without a son or daughter? The child is a drug addict - it's scary! Children, do not die, do not make us unhappy! Do not deceive us more, do not ride in flour from pain. We already have no strength and tears! We are tormented by fear when you leave: maybe you are already dead! Not!!! Return, we will save you, save your love!
Judge.So, gentlemen jurors, you must make a fair sentence, you need to save our world from grief and suffering that people brings a terrible word - addiction!
  1. Drug addiction - a terrible word:
In it suffering and pain mothers,

On any actions ready

For the sake of loving children. 2. In it - miser paternal tears And ruined hundreds of fate In it for the life of the coming threat And fragments of broken hopes.
3. This word sounds like a curse, Bringing only grief and fear. On the fight with him we must rise: Our life is only in our hands.
(Pupils are published with candles)
  1. We live in a beautiful century,
We are lucky with youIn the 21st century We have given to live with you.
    We dream of good,
And we want everything toDid not hurt and livedVery long on earth!
    Life is good! This is a gift that is given to man only one day.
    And we themselves depends on what content we will fill your life.
    Great when a person seeks to fulfill his dreams!
    Great when the sun shines and poultry twist!
    Great when you have real friends and when you love and wait at home!
    Great when you are surrounded by happy and healthy people!
    Great when the fire of good and faith burns in your soul!
    Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, the symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparkle from this fire will be lit in the heart of every person faith in the fact that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, consent.
    A century of healthy life!
(Song on the motive "Hope")
The topic is very important oneGathered us together in this roomOn fighting and school, and familyFor a healthy lifestyle stood up.We are talking to drugs we "no!",And smoky, and alcoholism,How much did they bring us troubleHow many young people stole live!
Chorus: Health! It is not important.After all, children know about it.Let it break up the negative lightHealth on our planet!


The purpose of the event is:

Promotion of healthy lifestyles


The formation of motivation to a healthy lifestyle, conscious abandonment of bad habits and dependencies that promote the development of various somatic and mental illness;

Systematization and summarization of schoolchildren's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of an active life position.

Location:assembly schoolroom.

Form of holding:an interactive conversation with elements of the conversation and speech of students of grade 10 from the presentations "We choose health!"

Responsible:Filatova T.A. - Deputy Director for BP.

Event flow:

Leading: Hello guys! Ii say "Hello",and this means that I wish you all! Did you ever think about why in greetings of people laid the wish of each other? Health for a person is one of the main values.

And our goal today, promote a healthy lifestyle, awaken in you a steady motivation to a healthy lifestyle so that you, after this event, deliberately abandoned bad habits, if you have.

I will start an event from Heinrich Heine: "The only beauty I know is health." Yes, I agree with this statement and add that health is a state of full physical, spiritual andsocial well-being, not just the absence of diseases or physical defects.

Spiritual and physical health is 2 essential parts of human health. They must be in harmony. Physical health

affects spiritual life. Spiritual health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with him, with relatives, friends and society.

Today we will try to answer the question about what is a healthy lifestyle.

We will understand with you to keep health, and so that it is enough for a long and active life. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which also suggests a refusal of bad habits - a refusal of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Presentation of students of grade 10 "bad habits"

How do you think it is a habit? (Habit is a feature of a person to get used to some actions or sensations.)
- What are the habit? (Good and bad, harmful and useful.)
- What good habits do you know? (Brush your teeth, do a charging, engage in music, dancing, sports, collect mushrooms, etc.)
- What habits are harmful to humans? (Smoking, drunkenness, drug addiction, game, etc.)
- How do you understand the proverb: "Poverty is from laziness, and the disease is from irrelevant"? If a person is not used to work, he will be poor. And if he is not accustomed to fight his bad habits, he will be sick. So guys, we found out that bad habits appear from the inability of a person to keep themselves. Bad habits carry poverty and illness to man.

We have prepared you a game "Lucky case".

1. Do you say that charging is a source of cheerfulness and health? Yes

1. In the manner that the lack of the Sun causes the depression in humans? Yes

2. Will that gum preserves teeth? Not

2. True, in the summer you can stock vitamins for a whole year? not

3. Will that chocolate bars come in 5-k. harmful products Power? Yes

3. Draft, what do you need to drink a 2-channel milk daily? Yes

4 Is it true that bananas raise the mood? Yes

4 Fatitions that sweet drinks are included in the 5th of the most harmful food? Yes

5. Will it make more than 10,000 people from smoking every year? Yes

5. Draft, that a minute of laughter is equal to 45 minutes of passive recreation? Yes

6. Does that carrots slow down the process of aging organism? Yes

6. Do you agree that stress is useful for health? Not

7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? Not

7. Do you agree that potato chips are good for health? Not

8. true that "owls" love to work in the morning? not

8. Will the sausages are useful for health? not

9. true that most people do not smoke? Yes

9. Will it, that a young growing body weekly requires 30 species of a variety of products? Yes

10.The smoking is easy to book? Not

10 Is it true that you can become a drug addict from one injection? Yes


Smoking is a voluntary poisoning of its body by nicotine and others harmful substances. All organs of the human body suffer from tobacco. Smokers have a bad memory, bad physical health, unstable psyche, they slowly think. The smokers faster drifts the skin, the voice will appear, yellow teeth. Tobacco smoke brings great harm "Non-smoking".

There are several ways to quit smoking. The main thing - you need to really want to free yourself from the harmful habit, to show my will. ( accompanied by slides about the dangers of tobacco)

My choice is not smoking

Positive consequences

Negative consequences

I will not be affected by bronchopal


Reduce the risk to get sick with diabetes lung cancer.

I will have a healthy complexion.

Less susceptible to vessel diseases.

The teeth deteriorate faster, have a yellowish color.

Earthy face color.

Spasms of limb vessels, brain, leading to loss of performance.

And now let's consider situations that can happen with each of you.

    The elder brother asks you: "Take a cigarette's father so that he does not notice, and give me."

    On the school yard high school students smoke. One of them offers you a cigarette: "Sign!"

    You came to a friend play in computer games. His parents are not at home. On the kitchen table You saw a beautiful bottle in a wicker basket. Friend says: "This is a good grape wine. Let's try".

    Marina says: "I invite you to my birthday. There will be no ancestors, but the sister with friends promised to come. " You know that sisters are smoking and drinking friends, so you don't want to go to Marina.

- Well done! You coped with the task, and now we are confident that in such situations you will not be confused, and take the right decision.


Alcohol is the most common drug, killing annually great amount of people. This is a poison that destroys the internal organs of a person. Drunk man who lost human appearance is an unpleasant, repulsive spectacle. There are many crimes on the soil of drunkenness, families are destroyed, loved ones: mothers, wives, children. ( accompanied by slides about the dangers of alcohol)

My choice is not to drink alcohol

Positive consequences

Negative consequences

Will be healthy my heart, liver, kidneys

I will have a clear light mind.

No sorry in the family, drunk fights.

The body is not in the stressful situation.

The prosperous device of his personal life.

Reducing memory, intellectual ability, scattered.

Degradation of personality.

Quarrels, family scandals.

The inability to arrange your personal life.

Intertility in choosing buddies.

Changing the appearance of an alcoholic face.

Early death.


Drugs - Piva is even more serious, getting used to them, a person cannot live without them, pays great money to die faster. He becomes a drug addict from the first time. His drug poisons acts strongly and quickly. A person who uses drugs does not belong to the sake of drugs goes to any crimes. Drug addicts have three ways: prison, a mental hospital, death.

(accompanied by slides about the dangers of spices and burst)

My choice is no drug

Positive consequences

Negative consequences

Have a family.

Caring for the family.

Good health.

Achieving goals.

Preservation of material means, their use on domestic needs.

Drug addiction.

Lack of moral installations.

Violation of the Law, which has been criminalized

Lack of a normal family.

Man in constant search for psychoactive substances.

Permanent material difficulties.

Lack of work, permanent earnings.

Numerous diseases caused by discharging organs.

The risk is sick of AIDS

Reducing visual acuity, hearing.

Early atherosclerosis.

Early death.

A healthy lifestyle is social behavior - i.e. Refusal of health destroyers. What can be attributed to health destroyers? (bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.)

This is a personal hygiene which includes skin care, oral cavity, clothing hygiene.

This is rational nutrition . Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Food should be full and include vitamins and minerals.

Motor mode . This includes morning gymnastics, swimming pool, sports sections, hardening. After all, it is not in vain that the movement is life.

If the numbers speak the language, then human health depends:

15% - medicine;

15% - heredity;

15% - ecology;

50% - lifestyle.Please pay close attention to this figure. From what lifestyle in the future you choose for yourself, your health and physical and spiritual depends on.

"Questions from hats."

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What kind of substance is in a hat? (Water).

2. In the hat - the substances that the person needs in the number of only a few milligrams per day. But without them a person is sick and quickly getting tired. Not in vain and the name of them is formed from the Latin word "life." (Vitamins, Vita- Life).

3. Name the subject of personal hygiene, which is in the hat. They need to use no less often 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is a complex complex of salts, macro - and trace elements, it is not for nothing that it is called "live water". What is in a hat? (Mineral water).

5. The hat is a vegetable, which is useful in the prevention of such a disease as flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat is vegetable, which slows down the process of aging the human body. (Carrot).

Health is an invaluable happiness in every person's life. All of us is inherent in the desire to be healthy and strong, keep your mobility, vigor, energy and achieve longevity as possible.

Exercise "Wall Health"

And at the end of our event, we will collect with you the "Wall of Health". We have multicolored bricks on the table, which have written a lot of interesting and useful classes, but there are bad habits among them. (Play sports, read books, there is a lot of sweet, there is a lot of roasted and smoked, do the morning gymnastics, watch a lot of TV, follow clothes, harden, smoke, wash, to play computer games for a long time, clean your teeth long Do not brush your teeth, eat alcoholic beverages, eat correctly, observe the mode of the day, in time to teach the lessons, do the music, draw, nibble nails, help your mother). Each of you will choose the bricklike liked and, after reading, decides, to attach it to the "Health Wall" or throw it into the basket.
Children to music take turns to the table and, making a choice, attach bricks on the wall image. You can suggest students to comment on your choice. Well done! You did everything right choiceSo we got a strong wall.

Film« Health School ".

Leading: Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. Our health is influenced by many factors: both climate, politics, and economics, and a lot more. Something we cannot change. But it depends a lot and from us. To be healthy to live long and happily, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And it is under the power of every person. The choice is yours!

We invite you to take an active part in the poster competition "Healthy Be Fashionable".

Registration, equipment, props. Book Exhibition: "Road to Good Health" with subsections: "We charge life batteries," "To Charging!"

Posters: "There is no greater victory than the victory over himself!", "Sport is health!", "Want to be strong - run!".
Projector and screen for showing presentations, balls, balls, sticks, buckets, onions.

Leading. Hello! People often say when meeting is a good, kind word. They wish each other health. So we appeal to you - hello, dear participants, guests.

Welcome to all who found time,
And we came to our health
We will be healthy, with charging friendly.
We are sporting with physical education, like air is needed.

Leading. Students 9 grade school number 1 came to congratulate you with the opening of classes.

Student 1. Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here, in the reading room,
We are sport, decrease compatible.
We will devote this glorious holiday with you perfect games.

Student 2. Abu-Ali Ibn Son "Medical Tips"
It is proud of slim mill.
Sitted Sitting A century is subject to all flaws.
With gymnastics friends
Always cheerful if
And live a hundred years
And maybe more.
Medications, powders feeling a false path.
Natural is treated - in the garden and in a clean field.

Student 3. To grow us strong
Three four. (Tops)
Clever, skillful,
To grow healthy,
We are charging!
To charging - become!
Once again! (Tools right - left foot)
Islands. (Hands Shows Circle)
Three four! (Tops)
We sailed. (Hands makes "Swimming"
Five six! (Tops)
Go here! (Right hand forward palm up, left palm down)
Seven eight! (Tops)
How many pines! (Hands up alternately.)
Nine ten! (Tops)
We are on the way! (Imitation step with fingers of both hands)
Drawn (tops)
To ten. (Tilt head forward)

Leading. Health is an invaluable gift that the nature prevents man. Do you know that 10% of health is laid in us genetically, 5% gives medicine, and 85% depends on ourselves from our lifestyle. Therefore, no health is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. And often we waste this gift by the back, forgetting that it is easy to lose health, but it's very difficult to return it very much.
It is better to be active and healthy than passive and sick! It is better to go through life with a bright smile than with a grimace pain. Skills of a healthy lifestyle are as needed as air, water, food!

Leading. So, the strongest, most resourceful and friendly teams arrived.

First team: "Singing"

Motto. Be healthy!
Always healthy!
Our best friends Sun, air and water sun, air and water our best friends.
River. Sport love, strong to be,
The word we gave the world to the world on earth.
Song. We are the Southern District, we are a friendly detachment,
We are made of cool guys.
We will always help us the commander - we are together the team, we are together family.
Our team is called "Shadow"
Move, people, we are always ahead!
Team Second: "Vitamins"
Motto. We can't without movement we always have a spark tense your challenges,
All around recharge.
River. Once, two, three, four, three, four, times, two sports high achievements are a dispute of high goals.
Song. Sport and health,
Dexterity and power.
We must say this school.
Challenged once gentle children:
No lesson
Better in the world.
Leading. You can start our cheerful starts! Proverbs, because folk wisdom reads the truth, proverbs, and you will continue.

Proverbs for team 1:

Take care of a dream dress, and health ... (fruit)
Purity - Half ... (Health)
From health ... (not treated)
It would be health, but happiness ... (there is)
Where health is there ... (beauty)
Move more - live ... (longer)
After lunch, restrains, after dinner ... (like)
Onions seven ailments ... (treat)

For team 2:
Not in the forest disease walks ... Health care is the best ... to each of its own illness ...

Commands answer.
Leading. How does good morning begins? (Guys respond). Someone believes that to spend in the morning the precious time for charging, when that and looked late to school, unforgivable luxury. And completely in vain. It is proved that it is the charging that helps to wake up and make the body work. To be benefit, charging needs to do at least fifteen minutes. Making charging every morning, you increase immunity at least by 50%. You know that the charging do not for the tick, but for the sake of your health.
Leading. And now we go to the main competitions.

"Breath! Do not breath"

The task of players is to inflate one air balloon. Who will quickly cope with the task, the team wins.

Leading. How good that games are in the world!
Second test.

Relay "Hold the Ball"

Players get up in pairs. Each participant of the game - a wand of 35-40 cm. One is in the left hand, and another - in right hand. Each pair is given a ball. Holding the ball with chopsticks, run distance and, without stopping at the finish, return to the start line. Which team will be able to do it faster, the team will win. If the ball fell, it should be raised and continue to run, then convey another pair, etc.

Relay "Jumping Ball"

Players get up pairwise against each other. The ball needs to be brighhed to the foreheads to a certain place and back, then pass the second pair. Etc.

Outfoot with bow

The target will be a bucket, and onions - a garden onion. The bucket is placed at a distance of two meters. The finish line launches the bulbs, their number is equal to the number of team members. At the signal, players throw a bulb in a bucket. The team earns so many points as the bulbs will be in her bucket.

Quiz for teams

1. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? (not)
Comment: Chewing gum deducts only
The chewing surface of the teeth, and the most dangerous in terms of caries zones in the intervals between the teeth with the help of chewing gum will not clean! Best tool Control with caries - toothbrush.

2. Is it true that bananas raise the mood? (Yes)