Edible mushrooms. Edible and poisonous orange mushrooms what kind of orange mushroom

It happens that the mushroom fits an orange mushroom in the forest and begins to doubt its edible. Although this color is found in the mushroom kingdom is not so often, it is not always it is a sign of a poisonous plant. There are completely edible orange mushrooms, although they look very exotic. In general, the fungal map of Russia is very diverse. In some regions you can find even truffles (and this is the most expensive mushroom). But orange mushrooms are much more exotic, although not so appreciated in the global market.

Boostry, Ryzhikov and their properties

Not all orange mushrooms look like an illustration for a fantastic novel. A bright orange hat is typical for (although it can be more pale, that is, yellow, and brighter, right up to red). This mushroom grows both in deciduous and pine and mixed forests. As clearly from the name, most often it can be found under young osinkles, but he meets under the pines, and under the birch.

The boletus is a rather large mushroom, the diameter of his cap can be up to 30 cm. But the flesh in the mushroom is white, it is usually a little pink on the fault, but with time green, and then black. There is no pronounced taste or smell of this mushroom. But it possesses the unique composition of amino acids, and in addition, it contains many proteins (and largely proteins in mushrooms are similar to animal proteins, but they are digested worse, and those are contained in the boosion systems, are contraindicated to people with chronic liver disease). Supports are either dried, or prepare fresh, this mushroom cannot be stored. Proteins are larger in the fresh product.

Ryzhik is another orange variety of edible mushrooms, which enjoys well-deserved popularity. It usually leads in pine forests. Redheads have a large, up to 15 cm in diameter. It has a bright orange or reddish tint. Fresh redheads are highlighted in a large amount of milky juice, though it is not caustic. Ryzhiks are appreciated for their delicate taste and aroma, with them they prepare many traditional Russian dishes, and they do not even add seasoning.

Bear Ears: Thin Aroma and Bright Paints

There are exotic types of mushrooms, which are called the people of bearish ears. In fact, their correct name is Sarkoscith Ala. It sounds not very appetizing, although the "" Gourmet's special enthusiasm does not cause. Other are found in the literature, moreover, more romantic names of the name - for example, Alaty Elf Bowl. In any case, these are edible silent mushrooms. They are common all over the world and were well known before Botany gave them a scientific description in 1772. Bear ears are found in Europe, and in North America, and even in Africa and Asia.

Why is it not popular with such a wide distribution? Mostly due to small size and bizarre and colors that scare many mushrooms. And he has a harsh flesh. In fact, the Mushroom is a bearish ear well to culinary processing, and on the table it looks even unusual, but beautiful.

These mushrooms grow on decaying tree trunks (therefore they are called saprophytes). Their fruit body really resembles a bowl, and not always red, sometimes bright orange. And only the inner side of the bowl has such a bright color, and the outer part is brighter.

Elf Bowl appears early, in winter, but the garbage collection usually occurs in March. The mushroom is small, the hat has in diameter up to 5 cm, and the leg rarely grow more 2 cm, and it also has an unusual form - it narrows the book.

As for culinary treatment, the Sarkoscith of Alaya does not even need a preliminary coach, it can be frying immediately. It has a subtle aroma and a bit unusual, but in general, a pleasant taste.

There are also similar to the bear ears of mushrooms called Alevium Orange. They also belong to the class of edible. In shape, they first resemble a ball, but then as they rise, they begin to straighten, and then they are already like a saucer with edges raised up. This brightly colored bowl is going to gradually moisture, so this comparison is quite fair. The description of these mushrooms would be incomplete without specifying the size. As a rule, the diameter of the cap is 2-4 cm, as well as the bear ears, but at the same time there are more large copies with a diameter of a 10-cm hat. The feet in the mushroom is short and weakly pronounced. Only the inner surface of the bowl is bright, outdoor lighter and covered with white fluff. These mushrooms possess a pleasant smell.

Although an orange anuryology can be seen on a stump, this mushroom can grow on any sunny sections in the garden or in the meadow, they are found in urban parks - they usually grow along the paths. In addition, Aleveria can grow well on the site of the former fire.

These mushrooms love warmth, in the southern regions they can be collected already in May, but most often it is still done in June, and the reproduction peak falls on August. But after all, at the end of May and in early June, you can collect the best copies - soft and gentle to taste.

Mostly Alermian appreciate the lovers of exotic cuisine. This mushroom is dried, and then they prepare soups from it. By itself, the taste of the Aleurria is expressed weakly, but many connoisseurs like a subtle fragrance, as well as what their caps are crunchy after cooking.

Mushroom Rogatik Orange (video)

Progrickosoviki and their properties

What are the mushrooms that grow under apricots? In everyday life, of course, the believer. But they have a scientific name -. Moreover, although their folk name itself is associated with the orange appetizing fruit of Apricot, in fact the hats of these mushrooms have white-gray, less often brown-gray. But the plates are distinguished by a dirty pink tint. As the mushroom agrees, it becomes more brighter, and then the plates will even blush.

These are conditional edible mushrooms. They have a dense and pretty fibrous pulp. Some believe that such mushrooms can be poisoned. In fact, not all varieties of Entoloma are well studied, so that some kind of belant can be not good. However, it grows not only under apricots, but also under other fruit trees.

Entolists grow not only under the apricots. Although this mushroom is considered to be a garden, it can be found in the forest - under oaks, birch and rowan, wherever there is a soil rich in nutrients. In urban conditions, it can grow right on the lawn. In the garden grows under apple trees, pears and pink bushes. Most often there are large clusters of this mushroom, alone, it appears very rarely.

Interestingly, in Russia most often the hostess is negotiated by Entoloma, preferring a more fragrant white mushroom or chanterelles. And in the southern regions it is a rather popular mushroom. It is rapid about 20 minutes, and then cooked roast, solid or marinate. But in the countries of Western Europe, the believes are quite popular. There are many traditional dishes with these mushrooms. Well, perhaps, the whole thing is that in the northern regions of Russia, this mushroom did not fit at all.

Entoloma has a dangerous double, and there is a competitor. In the latter case, we are talking about the Entol and a pale brown. This is an edible mushroom, although sometimes it looks not quite so because of his brownish-greenish hat. It grows mainly in the garden, on lawns or in the thickets of shrubs. You can collect it in May and June. But caution must be taken, because in the color and form of the entolome, the poisonous is very similar to it. Although among the poisonous varieties of these mushrooms, grayish-hidden and yellowish hats are also found. More for them is characterized by an unpleasant ammonium smell. There are 2 more types of this mushroom - Spring and Entoloma Entoloma. Both varieties are considered to be poisonous. With edible varieties, they do not coincide in the appearance time. But in order to navigate in the field, this is not enough, because regional climatic conditions must be taken into account. So the main landmark remains the smell.

Rutovik sulfur yellow (video)

Poisonous mushrooms

Not all orange mushrooms can be eaten. For example, false chanterelle belongs to the number of poisonous. The second of its name is a govirushka orange. It is characterized by a hat from the real chanterelle, or rather its tint and edges. If the real chanterelles are always light yellow, then the govarus has a reddish-orange shade (sometimes it is even brighter, copper). By sight, such a mushroom reminds a funnel with a practically even edge, while the real chanterelle it will always be deposited. His leg grows up to 10 cm and usually has a pressed bowl form.

From the real chanterelle of govari differ not only by appearance, but also the smell. Chanterelles have a characteristic aroma with fruit notes. False chanterelles are distinguished by an unpleasant smell.

Local atlas of mushrooms, you can find another poisonous variety, possessing a bright color. This is a coat of orange-red. It is known and under other names - for example, a mountain or teddy package. These are inedible, moreover, deadly mushrooms. They really possess orange color. It is possible to distinguish them according to a characteristic cap resembling a hemisphere (as it becomes flat with lowered edge). Plates in mushroom thick, wide. They are also painted in orange. The surface of the hat is distinguished by dryness and matte petty texture. In the central part of the hat usually there is a small tubercle. The feet of the mushroom narrows to the base. But it has a lighter shade, right up to lemon yellow.

What is dangerous it contains a very strong toxin, which can even lead to a fatal outcome. But at the same time acts toxin not immediately, but after some time (it can take a fairly long term - about 5-14 days after use). This is perhaps the most. Toxin, which is contained in them, it will not be possible to destroy any heat treatment, be it cooking, drying or frying. The poisoning is manifested by rather painful symptoms. At first, a person torments almost unbearable thirst, then severe abdominal pain can appear, and if the measures are not accepted on time, then toxins may irreversibly affect the work of the liver. Medicine is known cases when a person survived after poisoning by a web, but then he was forced long, at least a year, to be treated from the consequences.

Interestingly, not all web poisonous, although many varieties have a bright beautiful tint. However, the nutritional value of even the conditionally edible co-cart is small, his taste is not expressed, there is no special aroma (poisonous varieties have an unpleasant odor). But to distinguish a poisonous variety from edible is hard even an experienced person. Therefore, it is desirable not to collect such mushrooms at all so as not to be subject to unnecessary risk.


A bright hidden color is distinguished by a grid-caustic. Her red-orange caps look very attractive, but all of her parts have a bitter taste, and when touched to the language or lips, you can feel a strong burning sensation. The problem is that externally, they are practically different with conventional raw materials. A brighter shade appears only as the "aging" of the mushroom. Symptoms of intoxication with its use resemble the symptoms of classic food poisoning.

Mushrooms are beautiful peculiar representatives of the kingdom of wildlife, differing from each other by color, shape of a hat and even taste. Their appearance is simple and veil, original and caricature. Probably, each mushroom at least once in his life admired the grace and grace of these protein delicacies.

Did you ever come across an orange mushroom? If so, then you probably drew attention to his bright cheerful color and thought - was he edible? This body will be devoted to this article. What is a mushroom where does it grow? Is it possible to eat in food? Moreover, a little lower we will analyze another, no less important question: "How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible to not get confused and not to make a fatal mistake?".


First of all, it should be mentioned that neither in biology, nor in Botanica there is no separate family or species called "Orange Mushroom". When we meet in the forest of representatives of this color, we are talking only about the variety of individual color, and not about the collective name of a specific subspecies. What are the bright, rich-orange color? Let's briefly get acquainted with some instances of mushroom families and learn the conditions for their growing.

Support and his description

The most common orange mushroom is a boletus. This family is considered completely edible and combines many subspecies. First of all, this is the boletus red, yellow-brown and oak. It is their hats that are bright, rich in orange color.

The boletus is red (called another redhead, or beauty) has a very tasty fleshy flesh white. The hat of this species can reach thirty centimeters in diameter, but often dimensions vary from four to fifteen centimeters. In the color of the Hats of this large orange mushroom, the red or reddish shades are most often dominated. It is worth mentioning that the color depends on the conditions of growth. For example, in the forests, where the aspen trees prevail, the mushroom hat has dark red shades. If poplar is more common, then the hat becomes slightly grayish, if the forests are mixed - then orange or yellow-red.

Gray scaly feet of the mushroom, expanding to the bottom, also have a different length (from five to fifteen centimeters) and thickness (from one and a half to five centimeters). The boletus is red not capricious against trees with which it comes into natural symbiosis. They may be oaks, birch, beech, rashes, and, of course, aspen and poplar. Gribraction season - from June to October. Most often it can be found under the young trees, in raw oxygen and even along the roads. Delicious redhead in any preparation. However, many recommend to remove his legs, as they are pretty severely taste and difficult to digest people in the gastrointestinal tract.

Headiness yellow-brown - Another kind of orange mushroom. Its semi-shaped hat with a diameter of five to fifteen centimeters can sometimes reach 25 cm. It has a dry rough skin of orange or yellow-brown. White dense flesh of the mushroom with a cut begins to shine. The leg of the yellow-brown bolet can be very thick (2-4 cm in diameter, sometimes reaches seven centimeters). Its length is also diverse and depends on the parameters of the entire instance: from eight to fifteen centimeters and above. The boletus yellow-brown prefers to create mikurizu with birch. He loves to grow in mixed forests and pinemas. Ripening season: from June to September, sometimes until November.

Redhead Oaks (or Obabok) - orange mushroom, growing in the north of our country. It forms symbiotic associations with oaks, starting to appear from the middle of the summer until late autumn. The semi-shaped Oakabka Obabka Hat in diameter may vary between eight and fifteen centimeters. Usually her skin has a chestnut color with an orange tint. The flesh is white, has brown-gray streaks, on a cut can be painted black. The cylindrical leg of a mushroom with a height of 10-15 cm and a thickness of 2-3 cm has small flakes and can thicken at the base.

Such common redheads

Ryzhik - Another kind of orange mushroom. They differ bright orange, even red color. Very appreciated for their taste, some subspecies are even considered delicacies. His color, the fries are required to such a substance as beta-carotene, which is converted to useful trace elements (vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, vitamin A).

Also, this family is rich in mineral salts of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and even calcium. Moreover, these mushrooms contain a natural antibiotic - lacitrium, which is used in inflammatory diseases and is used in complex therapy in the treatment of tuberculosis. Let's talk about some species of these edible orange mushrooms.

Ryzhik real

Sometimes it is also called the Meltnik delicate. It refers to lamellar mushrooms, fully painted in orange. Smooth and brilliant hat of this type in diameter can reach from 4 to 18 centimeters. Its surface with brown stains, in crude weather there is a sticky and unpleasant to the touch. Frequent and thin plates, orange, like the whole mushroom, when pressed, can become slightly green.

The leg of a real low (up to seven centimeters) and thin (two centimeters with a diameter) can be covered with a soft light flush. A dense pulp also has an orange color, green when stammer. Meltnik Delicious often occurs in a pine or spruce boron, where he hides in thick grass or among the moss. Sensing season: from July to October.

Ryzhik spruce

With an orange hat from the family of raw materials. Its cylindrical leg (three-seven centimeters height and one centimeter thick) is quite brittle and hollow inside. Orange pulp, green with a break, has a fruit aroma and taste. A small orange plant hat has a diameter of four to eight centimeters. Plates, descending and frequent, are a little lighter than the HAT itself. The color of the mushroom itself can vary between pale pink and dark orange. Grow out from summer to autumn in hiding in a hollow-up natural litter.


This is another kind of lamellar mushrooms. The orange color of the Hat, dense and fleshy to the touch, in diameter varies from five to fifteen centimeters. The flesh of the mushroom has white, on which dark red spots are chaotic. At the breakfast, the pulp allocates thick, blood-scary juice. Frequent and thin plates placed under the bottom of the Hats, deeply downwardly on the leg of the rim. The leg itself is small, about four-six centimeters high, narrows to the bottom. It is covered with a raid and is elected red pits. The color legs are different: orange, pink and even violet. This type of mushroom is not much disseminated in Russia, most often grows in coniferous forests of the mountainous slopes.

Japanese rhymes

These mushrooms are found in the valleys of the Primorsky Territory under high-temperature fir trees. Hats of this species, a diameter of six to eight centimeters, are decorated with all sorts of oath colors, while the plates have brighter, saturated colors of orange shades. The feet of the mushroom (five to eight centimeters of height and one or two centimeters thick) is often the hollow inside and brittle, also differs bright orange.

Small varieties

Bear ears (or Sarkoscith Alaya) is small orange mushrooms common worldwide, but rarely used in folk cooking. The flesh of these mushrooms is very elastic, but edible, especially delicious after frying on a preheated pan. Hats of this species, diameter up to five centimeters, usually possess orange-scarlet. Mushrooms grow on the constructed trunks of trees covered with a layer of soil or dry foliage. Appear in the cool time of the year (early spring or even in winter).

Another type of small mushrooms is alevium orange, distinguished by its unusual appearance. The fruit body of the mushroom is a saucer, diverse in shape and size. In height, these representatives of eukaryotov usually do not exceed five centimeters. This small, bright orange mushroom has a thin cartilaginous pulp, pleasant to taste and aroma, as well as a short, little pronounced leg. Aleverium Orange grows in a variety of frosting, can even meet in parks, on lawns and between stones. Grows in the soil from summer to the end of autumn. Use this mushroom in cooking after drying, for example, adding into soups or roast.

Its fruit body is inhomogeneous, thickness up to seven centimeters and the size of a hat from ten to forty centimeters. Weight can reach nine kilograms. The flesh of the mushroom is soft and juicy, sour taste, with an unusual lemon smell. However, if the Blutch agitates, then its food and aromatic qualities quickly deteriorate. Young mushrooms are used in boiled and fried, for salting and as a filling for pies. After drying, they become brittle, fibrous and very light, can be stored for a long time in a frozen form. If the mushroom is old or growing on coniferous rocks, it is impossible to eat it, as it can cause all sorts of allergic reactions and poisoning.


Lisicious is a whole family of mushrooms with an orange leg and the same hat. Not all of them are edible, as it may seem at first glance. Tasty and nutritious are the names of mushrooms: velvety chanterelle, chanterelle faceted and a screw yellow.

Hat velvety chanterelle Small, about four or five centimeters. The leg is also small, sizes of two or three centimeters. Orange flesh - gentle and slightly sour taste. The mushroom settles in acid soil, mainly among hardwood.

Fassel grained - A very beautiful representative of wildlife, having a fibrous fruit body size from three to ten centimeters. Forms mikurizu with oak, grows from June to October. To the poisonous foxes include such species like a false chanterelle and oily mochelter, which occurs quite rarely, mainly in the Crimea.


False fox. - Inedible orange mushroom, similar to chanterelles. His other name - Hovwashka Orange. From their edible counterparts, Hovwashka is distinguished by a red-orange tint of a hat and almost smooth edges, as well as an unpleasant smell. The mushroom hat varies between two and six centimeters in diameter, and the leg, usually very short, rarely reaches four centimeters. And yet, a false chanterelle is considered a conditional inedible product, as it is successfully used in the cooking of other countries after long and thorough heat treatment.

Orange-red coat - Another type of poisonous mushrooms, considered deadly. The hemispherical Hat of therapist in the heart itself has a small tuberculk, and the leg, small height, narrows to the base.

So, we briefly reviewed the description of different mushrooms with orange colors. And now let's briefly discuss how to distinguish edible mushroom from the inedible.

Mushroom pickers on a note

  • First of all, mushrooms that can not be eaten, differ in that when cutting them, the flesh is painted in unnatural color and makes an unpleasant smell (slicer or medicinal). Sometimes the caps of such varieties have a sticky flare.
  • Also look at the appearance of the mushroom: if it has no insects or worms inside or outside, then it is most likely a poisonous mushroom. Moreover, the failure of many species is also indicated by the absence of a tubular layer placed under the Hat.
  • And the most important rule: do not try mushrooms to taste! If you doubt - it is better not to cut off. We go to the mushroom hunt only with knowledgeable people. Do not collect everything in a row, hoping to paint at home.

Poisonous mushrooms In its composition there are deadly toxins and that is why they are strictly prohibited in food! Even after a long and thorough treatment (drying, soaking, seating, etc.) poisonous mushrooms may not lose harmns. Before you go to the forest to collect mushrooms, you need to know at least in theory what some look like types of poisonous fungiwhich may be met in our forests. Every person who loves to go for mushrooms should clearly remember that putting unknown mushrooms in the basket is not worth it. After all, even the smallest poisonous mushroom, recycled together with the rest of mushrooms, is able to lead to difficult consequences.

Poisonous mushrooms - These are mushrooms, when using which in ordinary doses, a person gets severe poisoning. By the nature of the actions of toxins poisonous mushrooms are divided into three groups:

  • mushrooms with a local irritant action (food intoxication);
  • mushrooms, causing violation of activities in the central nervous system;
  • mushrooms, causing poisoning, leading to death.

The first signs of poisoning mushrooms - what to do when poisoning mushrooms

The first signs of mushroom poisoning are similar to many other pathologies:

  • vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, high temperature.
The case may end, but sometimes after the first symptoms develop a heavy lesion of the liver, pancreas, kidneys. May come death. That is why self-medication cannot be engaged in any way! If you filed mushrooms and felt bad, immediately contact the doctor.While the ambulance is driving, drink with small sips of 4-5 glasses of boiled water indoor temperature (weak solution of manganese or soda solution). It is done in order to cause you vomiting and rinse the stomach. Mushrooms' mortality rate is very high - from 50 to 90% by regions of Russia. Tragic cases are known when whole families died.
In general, mushrooms are very heavy to digest the product. Do not recommend mushrooms to children, older people, as well as those who suffer from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, even healthy people do not use mushrooms with alcohol and starch-containing products, in particular with potatoes.

Poisonous mushrooms in the forests of Russia

Mortality from poisoning to poisonous mushrooms reaches in some cases 90%! Especially dangerous to poisonous mushrooms for the children's body. The main distinguishing feature of poisonous fungi is fatally hazardous substances in them, and not the external similarity or the absence of any "normal" mushroom sign. Therefore, going to the mushroom hunt, it is important to know well with representatives of poisonous fungi.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - pale leaf

Pale cheagle - they didn't eat the most poisonous mushroom! Pale refining poisoning is better to prevent! The appearance of this mushroom is practically much different from the other mushrooms growing in the forests, so it is easy enough to simply confuse with edible mushroom.
The color of the hats of this rigging has a yellowish-brown, pale greenish or greenish-olive color. Usually the center of the Hat is darker in color than its edges. The structure of this type of fungi is rather fleshy, with strips of a cylindrical shape of a pale green color. From above on the leg is located ring of striped and pale or white.
Pale refraining (photo) forms mikuriza with deciduous species of trees, grown in mixed and deciduous forests. Fruit starts at the end of summer to the end of September. Pale tower (pictures) has a strong toxic effect.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - False Open

Mushroom has a convex cap to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the hat is predominantly yellowish with a red or orange tint and darker color in the center. The mushroom has a thin, smooth, hollow, fibrous leg. The flesh of the mushroom is light yellow, has a bitter taste and unpleasant smell.
Falconoen lives from June to October.
Most often it can be found quite large groups on rotting wood.
Mushroom is poisonous and causes disorder of digestive organs. After 1-6 hours, signs of poisoning immediately appear: vomiting, loss of consciousness, nausea, excessive sweating.
The false-bench looks like an external signs with an autumn, winter, summer and gray-lamellar.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - Fastener False (Orange Govitka)

This poisonous mushroom has a bright colors hat from orange-red to copper-red. The shape of a focus cap is false resembles a funnel having a smooth edge. Plates of bright red mushroom, winding. The leg is about 10 cm long and 10 mm wide, often to the base is narrowed. The focus is mostly growing in a warm period of season from July to October, near real chanterelles. Also, this type of mushrooms often grows by families, in rare cases singly.
Flame False can easily be distinguished from edible chanterelles: the real chanterelle has a bright yellow color, concave, smooth top and wavy along the edge of the hat. The leg is dense and elastic, a little darker hats. A characteristic feature of chanterelles is their pleasant fruit fragrance. False fodder devortions are outwardly brighter, yellow-orange color, with a hollow and a thin leg. The edges of her hats are smooth, unlike the real chanterelle. And most importantly: the flesh of false chanterelle has a very unpleasant smell.

How to distinguish a poisonous mushroom - how to distinguish edible mushrooms

It is no secret that many poisonous mushrooms are disguised as edible. So, let's deal with how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible. It should be remembered that even edible mushroom may be the cause of poisoning.

Perevan mushrooms with opened as an umbrella, no food value. Such a mushroom is best to hang on the twig - let the disputes will be separated around the district. But if the hat is deployed, like the dome, means mushroom has already released disputes and poison is formed in it, similar to the body. It is dangerous, it is the main cause of poisoning.

Differences of poisonous and edible mushrooms

We will deal with what differences in poisonous and edible mushrooms need to know beginner mushrooms. What is worth paying attention to the collection of mushrooms, which should alert mushroom lovers and how not to become a victim of poisonous fungi.
White mushroom Description: White mushroom distinguishes thick and dense leg, brown hat, white flesh, pleasant taste and smell. White mushroom is easy to distinguish from poisonous.
Danger: Change color on a break, bitter taste. Do not confuse the white mushroom with poisonous yellow - on the cut it pink it.
Boosynovik Description: The boletus is distinguished by a dense, a brown-red hat, the flesh shines on a break. So you can distinguish the edible mushroom of the boletus from other mushrooms.
Podberezovik Description: Podberezovik is distinguished by a white leg with bright flakes, a hat on top of a drowned, a white hat from below, the flesh on a white break. These are the main differences between the edible mushroom, so distinguishable booties from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: The mushroom grows not under his tree.
Oily Description: Maslenok (butter) has a yellow leg and the same cap with white traces along the edges and sticky, as if lubricated oil, leather from above, which is easily removed with a knife. Learn to distinguish poisonous mushrooms.
Danger: Change color on a break, reddish sponge layer, bitter taste.
Mochoviki Description: Mochoviki have a dark green or reddish velvet hat, a yellow leg and a sponge layer. These are the main signs on which the edible mushroom mushroom can be distinguished from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: Lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.
Lisuk Description: Chanterelle - dense, apricot or light orange, plates from under the hats smoothly go to a dense and durable leg. Method to distinguish edible mushroom chanterelle from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: Red-orange color, empty leg.
Ryzhik Description: Ryzhik - Plate mushroom of the corresponding color, separating the milky juice - orange and not bitter taste. So distinguish edible mushroom Ryzhik from twin mushrooms.
Danger: white, bitter, caustic milky juice.
Wood Description: Soon they are sick with families on the stumps, roots, trunks of the dead trees. Opel-colored Opel Hat is covered with small black flakes directed from the middle, under it - whitewastered plates, on the leg - white ring or film.
Danger: Grows on Earth, a yellow or reddish hat, without scales, black, green or brown plates, there is no film or rings on the leg, earthy smell.
Grup Description: Gruce is a plate mushroom, white, with fluffy edges, white and caustic milky juice, grows by styles next to birch. So you can distinguish a germ from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.
Danger: Rare plates, sharp screaming and stone hardness at a break, lack of birches nearby.
Waveley Description: Waves - a plate mushroom with a shaggy pink hat, bent along the edges, white and caustic milky juice. These are distinctive features of the wave.
Danger: The wrong hat is not pink, unfolded, without shaggy.
Syrozhuya Description: Syroezhka - Plate Mushrooms, Easily break, hats of different colors - pink, brownish, greenish, skin with them is easily removed. So you can distinguish edible mushrooms of raws from inedible.
Danger: Red or brown and black hat, pink leg, reddened or darkened soft film on the leg, rough and rigid flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste.

Reliable methods of distinguishing edible and poisonous mushrooms
, Therefore, the only way out is to know each of the fungi. If the species affiliation of mushrooms is questionable, there is no case them. Fortunately, among hundreds of people occurring in nature, many are distinguished so clearly pronounced signs that it is difficult to confuse them with others. However, it is better to always have a determinant of mushrooms at hand to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from edible mushroom.

How to determine poisonous mushrooms

Poisonous mushroom, know: There are two ways to withdraw pois:

  1. Turn out mushrooms for 15-30 minutes, then drain the decoction and rinse the forest gifts in running water. For loyalty, the procedure can be repeated twice. Only then mushrooms can be frying, marine, add to soups.
  2. Dry mushrooms. By the way, it is necessary to do it in a warm, but well-ventilated room, having driven into a thread and joining, and not spreading on the battery or on the stove. In the first case, the toxin goes into the decoction, in the second - evaporates.

Both of these methods do not act only on one mushroom - pale toading.

We wish you a pleasant quiet hunting. And remember that brought home mushrooms need to be treated on the same day. The exceptions are plate mushrooms - they can soak them overnight.

Below are color images of some edible mushrooms, and their detailed description of their description, which will practically help the novice mushroom with the external signs of collected mushrooms, and will also provide an opportunity to make sure that the collected mushrooms are edible.
It must be remembered that mushrooms have a large variability of form, size, colors and consistency. Depending on the nature of the soil, surrounding vegetation and weather, the appearance and consistency of the mushroom can change significantly, but the experienced mushrooms will not be mistaken.
Often, the mushrooms of the same species grow in the neighborhood, whose changes are not so cutting and which are like transient to the usual in appearance of mushrooms.
The descriptions of mushrooms are designed so that the characteristic of the hat, the lower sporing layer (sponge or plates), is described, then the leg, the mushroom pulp its smell and taste, as well as the color of the spore powder.

White mushroom.
Local names: Borovik, Belovik, Korovnyak.
Hat - fleshy, in young mushrooms of pale yellowish color. Later, the hat becomes chestnut-brown, sometimes dark brown (in white mushrooms growing in pine bodies). Hat round shape, convex, then more flat. The top surface of the hats is smooth, the bottom surface is spongehous, small, the young mushroom is white, in a more mature - yellowish with a greenish tinge.
The flesh is a dense, pleasant mushroom smell and taste, white color is saved on a break.
Spore powder - brown or yellowish brown.
Place and growth time. Coniferous and deciduous forests, mainly under the pine, fir tree, birch and oak. White mushrooms appear from half of July to half of October.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, most highly valued for their excellent taste. Suitable for all types of culinary manufacture and blanks; For soups, roast, marinade, salt and drying.
Similarity with a white mushroom has its unfortunate double - bile mushroom.


White mushroom
Taste nice
Lower surface hats white, yellowish, greenish
Flesh on white

Bile mushroom
Taste intensely bitter bottom surface hats white, then pink and dirty pink flesh on a fad is slightly pink

Photo of a white mushroom (click to enlarge):

Photo on the left - Mountainamoeba, photo on the right - Joselu Blanco.

Polish mushroom.
The hat is fleshy, chestnut, in dry weather velvety, and raw - slightly sticky, the shape of the hats rounded, the edges at the young age bent inside, then straighten, and later bend up. The bottom surface of the Hat is spongy, yellow-green (when pressing is painted in a bluish-green color).
The leg is more or less elongated, smooth, yellowish or light brown, loose consistency.
Flesh - in young age white, dense, later yellowish and soft; At the breakfast lightly blue. The smell is pleasant.
Spore powder - brown.
Place and growth time. It grows mainly in coniferous forests in summer and autumn.
Eating food. Edible, good mushroom taste, used in boiled, fried, as well as in salt and dried.
With poisonous mushrooms does not have similarity. The incredible bile mushroom mentioned above may be similar to the form in the form, but the characteristic distinguishing feature of the Polish mushroom is painting in the blue-green color of the spongy surface of the hat with a slight pressure.

Photo of the Polish mushroom (click to enlarge):

Photo on the left - Maja Dumat, photo on the right - Tomasz Przechlewski. Boost.
Local names: Osinovik, Krasnyuk, red mushroom, redhead.
The hat is semi-like, fleshy, slightly velvety, red, then drow-red, sometimes orange. The bottom surface of the spongy, fine, white or gray.
The leg is cylindrical, the bottom is thickened, white, covered with longitudinally located flaky fibrous dark scales.
The flesh is dense, white on a break surface will first shine, then becomes purple-black. The smell is not expressed.

Place and growth time. It grows mainly under the aspen, as well as in Berezovo-pine forests from mid-July to mid-September, sometimes later.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom, is used in the fresh form for frying, cooking soups, as well as for zero and drying. The disadvantage is the darkening of mushrooms during processing.
Similarities with poisonous or inedible mushrooms has no.

Photo of the boost (click to enlarge):

Photo (from left to right) - Zakwitnij! PL EJDZEJ & IRIC, MIRAN RIJAVEC, MAJA DUMAT. Podbirovik.
Local names: Birchovik, Scoops, Obabok.
The hat is first semi-shaped, curved, smooth, and raw weather slightly mucous, various colors tones, from light yellow to dark drone. The bottom surface of the spongy, fine-pour, light grayish, with separate rusty spots. The upper skin is very subtle, not removed, as is observed in other spongy mushrooms.
The leg is cylindrical, narrowing up, dense, white, coated with longitudinal gray flakes-like fibrous scales.
The flesh is white or grayish-white, the color does not change on a break, relatively quickly becomes loose and spongy, in crude weather it is very water. The smell is poorly expressed.
Spore powder-brownish-olive color.
Place and growth time. It grows in bright deciduous forests, mainly under the birch, from June to the end of September.
Eating food. Edible, good to taste the mushroom, in fried and boiled form is little inferior to the taste of white mushroom, goes for marination, pickles and dryers. When processing darkens. The lower half of the legs should be cut off, as it is a small-scale - fiber and hard.
Similarities with poisonous mushrooms has no. Some similarities are noted with a birch at the inedible bile mushroom.


Taste nice
Lower surface of a light gray hats with rusty spots. White flesh, not changing color

Bile mushroom
The taste of intensely bitter bottom surface is white, then the pink and dirty pink flesh is white, on a fond of a poorly pink. The most distinguishing feature is the bitter taste of the fungus.

Photo Podberezovka (click to enlarge):

Photo (from left to right) - Jason Hollinger, JÃrg Hempel. Oilly ordinary.
Local names: Basic, Chat, Zhelek.
The hat is semi-like, later convex, mucous-oil, in crude weather is richly covered with mucus, in dry - brilliant, silky, yellowish brown-brown color. The edges of the cap are connected to a white leg, a rather dense film, which is breaking down with age, forming a ring around the legs. The bottom surface of the spongy, light yellow, is easily separated from the base.
The leg is cylindrical, dense, yellowish, has a closer to the hat easily disconnected film ring.
The flesh is white or light yellow, soft, the color does not change on the break. The smell is weaklyodovy.
Spore powder - yellow-hidden color.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous forests under the pines from mid-July to mid-September.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom. It is used for cooking in soups and for frying, as well as for salting and marination. For drying less suitable. When processing, skin with mushroom cap should be removed.
Similarities with poisonous mushrooms has no. Slightly similar to inedible mushroom lamb, having a bitter taste. At the lamb, the bottom surface of the hat has rusty-red.

Photo of an ordinary oil (click to enlarge):

Photo (left to right) - Jason Hollinger, Charles de Martigny. Mochovik green.
Local names: Penpet, submarine, reshetnik.
The hat is fleshy, semi-shaped, over time it becomes open, velvety, brown-olive color. The bottom surface of the spongy hats, with uneven large-scale angular pores, bright yellow, and then greenish yellow. The top skin from the hat is not separated.
The leg is more or less cylindrical shape, a slightly sophisticated downward book, at the top of a burying, the bottom is yellowish,
The pulp is light yellow, there is a slightly blossom. The smell is weaklyodovy.
Spore powder - from light hidden-brown to brownish-olive color.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous and mixed forests, mainly in forest edges and glades, from June to late September.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, satisfactory taste. It is used in fried and boiled form, as well as for drying and salting,
Similarities with poisonous mushrooms has no. Lightly similar to the inedible mushroom lamb, but, as well as the butter, it differs from it the colorful bottom of the spongy layer.

Photo of the Green Mokhovka (click to enlarge):

Photo (left to right) - Mukhrino FS, Jason Hollinger. Ryzhik.
The hat is fleast, first flat, then a funnel-shaped, with the edges wrapped inside, smooth, slightly mucous, red or orange color with darker concentric circles (a type - boron redhead) or orange color with a clear bluish green tone with the same concentric circles ( A variety is a spruce Ryzhik).
Plates - orange, with greenish spots, descending, frequent.
The leg is at first dense, later the hollow one color with a hat.
The pulp is broken, white, but the breakfast will quickly blossom, and then green, it highlights a rich not burning on the taste of the juice of an argent color. The smell is pleasant, refreshing, spicy.
Spore powder - white with a weak yellowish or pinkish tint.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous forests, mostly spelled, and in young people from the end of July to the end of September.
Eating food. Edible, delicious high quality mushroom. It is predominantly for salt and marination, but can also be used in fried. For drying is unsuitable.

Photo of the Ryzhka (click to enlarge):


Photo (left to right) - Furtwangl, Ian Sutton.

Syroezhka greenish.
The hat is first semi-shaped, later prostrate and slightly concave, fleshy, rigid, light greenish, and then green, more or less rough skin from the hat is not separated; With the growth of the mushroom, it is easy to break and gives cracks. The edges of the hats are smooth.
Plates are free or attached, often branched (priced), thick, white, or slightly yellowish color.
The leg is rigid, dense, later hollow, white or slightly yellow.
The flesh is tough, brittle, white, without a very pronounced smell.
Spore powder - white or with a slightly yellowish tint.
Place and growth time. Mushroom grows in bright deciduous and funny forests, under the birch, on the edges from July to October.
Eating I eat. Edible, good mushroom taste, the best among raw materials. It is used in fried and boiled form, as well as for salting.
To a certain extent, the greenish cheese can be resembled with poisonous mushrooms (causing fatal poisoning) from the pale refrain group, but there is no absence of a ring on the leg and dupts for the lower end of the legs with a swap. In addition, greenish cheeseing has a fragile consistency, which does not have a pale loyal.

Photo of griming greenish (press to enlarge):

Photo commenterster.eu and bogiphoto.com. Green cheese.
The hat-at first is semi-like, then prostrate and slightly concave, with a rumbled edge, fleshy, olive-green or yellow-greenish color, in old mushrooms The color of the hats varies and goes into gray-brown or gray-lilac.
Plates are free or attached, frequent, narrow, uneven lengths, sometimes branched at the legs, white.
The leg is quite dense, smooth, in old mushrooms loose, easily crumbling, white.
The flesh is at first dense, but then it becomes soft and easily crumbling. The smell of ordinary mushroom.
Spore powder - light yellowish.
Place and growth time. It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, often under the birch, on forest roads, in shrubs and forest glads from July to September.
Eating food. Edible, good to taste mushroom. It is used in fried and boiled form, as well as in bed.
Green cheese can have to a certain extent similarity with mushrooms from the pale refining group, but the absence of a ring on the leg and is sharply different from them at its base, as well as the fragility of its consistency.

Stock Foto Green raw (click to enlarge):

Photo wikipedia. Food cheese.
The hat is first semi-shaped, later depressed in the center, red or red-brown, with a purple tint, in the center - darker, and young copies, on the contrary, brighter color. The edge of the hats is smooth or sloping. Skin does not die or separates only around the edge of the Hat.
Plates - attached or slightly sliding, branching, sometimes shortened, narrow, white. When drying the mushroom, the plates take a yellowish tint.
The leg is white, solid, smooth, the book is somewhat narrowing, wrinkled.
The flesh-dense white, often there is rusty yellow spotty, especially in places made by larvae. Smell with a slight fruit or mushroom tint. There is no smell in old mushrooms.
Spore powder-white color.
Place and growth time. It grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, you can also meet in the meadows in July and August.
Eating food. Edible and very tasty mushroom. It is consumed in soups, for frying, salt and home drying.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms have no food cheese.

Photo of food raw materials (click to enlarge):

Photo FunghiepaSaggi.net and santharellus.kzl.

Local title: Green.
The hat is first convex, then the prostrate, adhesive, smooth or slightly covered with flakes with curved edges; Dense, fleshy, brownish yellow, olive yellow, greenish yellow color or olive-brown color. The center of the hat is darker. Top peel is easily removed.
Plates - Frequent, Wide, Attachment Attachment To Floor Floor, Serious Yellow
The leg is short, first the dinner, then extends, dense, gray-yellow. Often the feet of the fungus half hidden in the ground. The hat is towering little above the ground and easily breaks.
The flesh is dense, white or slightly yellowish, under the shell cap - yellowish-greenish color. The smell is not expressed.

Place and growth time. Grows in sand conifers, more often than pine forests from September to November.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, tasty. It is used and harvested in any form. Before use and preparation, it is recommended to remove the skin from the cap, the plates in the case of their contamination should be cut off. Grinding mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed in water, as they are often contaminated with sand.
The greenstock is sometimes confused (abroad) with a fatally poisonous pale toadstool, from which it is easily distinguished by yellow coloring plates, as well as the lack of a rings and a cheerful thickening mushroom with a collar.

Photo of the greenstone (click to enlarge):

Photo SkyNet.be and Gmlu.wordpress.com. A row.
Local name; A row of gray.
The hat is convex, with uneven edges, dark gray, ash with a purple tint, in the center dark with radiant stripes, adhesive, fleshy, slightly covered with scales, which the old mushroom cracks around the edges. The upper skin is easily separated.
The plates are relatively rare, wide, white (with yellowish age), in the place of attachment to the leg, the laid.
The leg is strong, dense, smooth, cylindrical, white or slightly yellowish; Immersed more or less deep into the soil, so the hat is weakly issued above it.
The flesh - loose, brittle, white, in the air is gradually weakly yellow. The smell is a poorlyar.
Spore powder - white.
Place and growth time. Growing groups in sandy, coniferous, less often deciduous forests in September to the first frost.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom. Suitable for cooking, frying and pickles. Before use, it is recommended to remove the top leather from the hats and laundered the sticking sand.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms has no.

Photo Rogging (click to enlarge):

Photo stridvall.se and healing-mushrooms.net. Wet.
The hat is very adhesive, mucous, first convex, then flat-convex, grayish-brown with a purple tint. The edges of a young mushroom hat are connected to a blank with a transparent film, remaining in an adult mushroom in the form of an unclear ring on the leg.
Plates - sliding, soft, rare, first light, then gray, brown or almost black.
Cylindrical leg, on the surface of the mucous, white and only at the bottom of the outside and inside the bright yellow color. Has the remains of the ring.
The flesh is soft, white, with a weakly yellowish tint, odorless.
Spore powder - dark brown.
Place and growth time. Growing groups in coniferous forests, in MCU, under the firings, from July to October.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom, although it looks neappety, as it is covered with mucous skin. Before use in food, this skin is removed. Young instances of wets are suitable for all types of culinary processing, especially for marination.
Similarities with poisonous inedible mushrooms have no wet.

Photo Mikruchi (click to enlarge):

Photo wikipedia. Cap split.
Local name: Forest champignon, chicken, cheeky, rispins, turkey
The hat is first the cap, then flat-convex, gray-yellow, straw yellow or hidden color, along the edge of the striped, the top of the hat is covered with a mild ripple.
Plates - weakly surprised or free, frequent, whitish, light-clay shade, later become rust-brown, have gear edges.
The leg is cylindrical, dense, whitish (over time it becomes yellowish), in the first hours of life, connected to the edges of the cap film, remaining on the leg in the form of a yellowish ring. At the base of the leg, the remnants of the total covered in the form of an increased collar, but more often the remains of the collar disappear or unlikely.
The flesh is soft, often watery, white, under the skin of a yellow-walled hat.
Spore powder - rzavo-hidful color.
Place the time of growth. It grows often with groups in coniferous and mixed forests from August to October.
Eating food. Edible, delicious mushroom, not inferior to the taste of a real champignon. No wonder this mushroom is called "Forest Shampignon" in separate locations. Young mushrooms can be used in boiled, fried, salty and especially in pickled form.
The cape's cap has similarities with poisonous mushrooms from a pale refrain group and mushrooms, which differs in the absence of whitish scales and the presence of mildew on their cap, as well as a rusty spore powder. In the poisonous agaroves, the spore powder has a white color.
In old copies of the ring cap, the plates have rust-and-brown color; In pale and brass and amoorors, the plates will save white to old age.

Photo Cap Killy (click to enlarge):

Photo drustvo-bisernica.si. Shampignon ordinary.
Local name: Peter.
Slap - semi-shaped, fleshy, smooth or scaly, whitish, yellowish or light brown.
Plates are free, frequent, first pale pink, then pink, finally, when ripening the dispute black and brown.
The leg is dense, thick, cylindrical, short. In the young mushroom, the edges of the cap are connected to a white bedspread, remaining later in the form of a clear leathery white ring on the leg.
The flesh is dense, white, slightly pinking on a break. The smell is pleasant
Spore powder - black and brown color.
Place and growth time. Grows in the gardens, parks, gardens, on the boulevards, on pastures, landfills, fields, meadows, and in general on the worried land from July to September; in the south earlier. Cultivated all year round in champignons, oranges, mines, etc.
Eating food. Very valuable edible mushroom, excellent taste. It is suitable for any species of dishes, in a bed and marinade. Old mushrooms with black and brown plates of tasteless.
Champignon has similarities with mortally poisonous mushrooms from the pale leafing group, which differs in the following main signs: the pale leaflers are only white and never pink and black and brown, the tube's base is enclosed in a volley (the remainder of the total covers). SHAMPINON WILLS, as well as a tuberous thickening of the base of the legs are missing. There is a spore powder of white, and the champignon is black and brown.

Photo of the ordinary champignon (click to enlarge):

Photo Operations of the present (click to enlarge):

Photo Nathan Wilson and Mukhrino FS Fox.
Local name: Spliene.
The hat is first convex with a wrapped edge, then almost flat and later funnel-shaped, with unevenly very wavy edges, fleshy. Color hats, like the whole mushroom, egg-yellow.
Plates - naughty on the leg, narrow, WilcyTo-raid, the same color as the Hat.
The leg is short, solid, expanding up, directly goes into a hat, yellow, smooth.
The flesh is dense, rubber, light yellow, never worms, the smell aromatic, resembles dried fruit.
Spore powder-light yellowish color.
Place and growth time. Grows in mixed forests from June to late September.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, with a relatively good taste, is used in boiled, grilled, pickled and saline. It is recommended to collect young copies.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms, chanterelle does not have a chanterelle, has a similarity with a false chanterelle, previously erroneously considered a poisonous, but in reality that is an edible mushroom. False chanterelle differs from the true reddish-orange color, especially the color of the plates, more round edges of the hat and full of the leg. This mushroom is often assembled by mistake along with a real chanterelle.

Fresh photo (click to enlarge):

Stock Foto Sandra Cohen-Rose and Martin Jambon Blackberry yellow.
Local name: Kolchak yellow.
Hat - flat-convex with uneven surface, dense, yellowish. Outdoor edge, as a rule, windbladder. On the bottom surface of the cap, instead of the plates, there are thick sitting and turning onto the leg of the spies whitish, and then yellowish-pinkish color, very brittle and easily erased with finger from the surface.
The leg is dense, solid, white or yellowish, upstairs expands, turning into a hat.
The flesh is light yellowish, brittle. The smell is pleasant.
Spore powder - white with a yellowish tint.
Place and growth time. Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests with nests from August to October.
Eating food. Edible mushroom, medium taste. Only young people are used (with the size of a hat up to 6 centimeters), since with age, the consistency of the fungus grubes and bitter taste appears. Can be used for cooking, frying and drying.
Similarities with poisonous and inedible mushrooms blackberry yellow does not have.

Photo blackberry yellow (click to enlarge):

Photo Tomasz Przechlewski and Norte Blackberry motley.
Local name; Kolchak is motley.
The hat is first semi-shaped with a wrapped edge, and then a slightly smoke-shaped, gray-brown, coated with large, concentrically located, lagging dark brown scales. On the bottom surface of the cap, instead of the plates are densely sitting siebs of grayish color, which are somewhat "avoiding the leg.
The leg is short, dense, smooth, top white, bottom gray brown.
The flesh is rather dense, whitish, then red, dense with a weak spicy smell.
Spore powder - brown.
Place and growth time. It grows in dry coniferous forests, on the sandy soil from August to November.
Eating food. Edible mushroom with a specific taste. It is consumed only at a young age (with the size of a hat to 6 centimeters), since adult mushrooms have a tough, a bitter taste appears.
Similarities with poisonous blackberry blackberry does not have a motley.

Photo Blackberry Pins (Click to enlarge):

Photo FRED Stevens and Svims.ca 

Together with plants and animals, mushrooms represent the third kingdom of organisms: they were taken separately, since they are inherent in the properties of both previous kingdoms. Mushrooms are found in water, on land, in the soil. My study is engaged in mycology. Not all of these products for man are useful, but there are mushrooms that are used in food. They are appreciated for a special taste and a rich composition. The mushrooms contain fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, but most importantly, they are a source of protein, which, together with other products, replace vegetarians meat.

In small quantities (200-300 g) mushrooms can be every day.

White Mushroom (Borovik)

This mushroom is the most valuable, tasty, fragrant and nutritious. White mushroom has a large fleshy hat and thick blooming white leg. Moreover, the colors of the hats - depending on the age and place of the growing mushroom - can be bright, yellowish and dark drone. White mushrooms growing in a pine forest, the caps are usually darker. White mushroom can reach enough impressive sizes - a hat to a half-meter in diameter, and in height - up to 30 cm.


The fungus is quite large, a gray or grayish-brown hat from 5 to 20 centimeters in diameter. The leg is very dense and due to stiffness in food is not used. There is a bouquet oyster, which sometimes has up to 30 mushrooms with a total weight of 2-3 kilograms. To grow oyster, it is necessary to prepare the segments of the trunks and bumps of hardwood trees with a diameter of at least 15 centimeters, 25-30 centimeters long. Thin thin segments give a smaller harvest. Weshes develop in a wet environment, and the segments must be loaded into the water for 1-2 days.


Hat mushroom made of milecraft. 5-20 cm Hat in diameter, in the middle of a concave, slightly mucous, with a shaggy edge, whitish with unaware concentric zones. The leg is small short, thick, hollow. Puller caustic. Grows in spruce, birch and mixed forests since the beginning of summer to late autumn, singly and groups. A very valuable edible mushroom used in food only saline. A small hat can reach 25 -30 centimeters in diameter, first convex, then a breadth, with a downward down-sole edge, sticky, from white to greenish-brown, sometimes almost black, with poorly noticeable concentric zones. Removal plates or slightly descending, frequent, narrow, whitish, darkening.

IVISHENNE (omolator)

Hat mushroom from group of plate. A 3-10 cm hat, the young mushroom is convex, then becomes an indelible or even funnel-shaped, with a wide tubercle in the middle, with a roughly wavy edge, white, whitish or yellowish. The plates go down to the leg, white, later become dirty pink. White leg, short, book thinner. The pulp is soft, dense, white, with a strong mild smell. The color of the pulp on the break does not change. The templenik's characteristic smell is obliged to presence in the tissues of unsaturated aldehyde of Trans-2-Nonenal. The Ivishyn is growing in wide forests, gardens, gardens, sometimes in the meadows from July to October. It is rare and not good.


Forest fungi with bright yellow, less often with pale yellow color. A 3-10 cm hat, in the form of a twisted umbrella or a funnel; The leg almost grows with a hat. The main value of chanterelles is that this mushroom is almost never worm. You can find chanterelles from early summer to late autumn. They are especially like coniferous forests, birch and mixed: Elovo-Berezovaya. Like many mushrooms, chanterelles grow by families or groups.


One of the most common types of edible mushrooms in the European part of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The people say that the oils appear when the pine blooms.
Grow in young spruce and throat big families. These are mushroom-tanniers. Oil and on open solar lawns on green moss, on sand hillocks, Kosoyram, with a rare young pine forest. In Ukraine, the oil can be found mainly between young artificial pine areas, where the grass is growing, or in the old cluttered needles.


Refers to the genus of tubular fungi and grows from the beginning of summer to autumn in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests by single or small groups. The mosshik hat is semi-like, over time it becomes convex, and then flat. It is velvety, dark green or brown-brown, sponge layer bright yellow. The flesh of the Mohovik is solid, pale yellow, the old mushrooms are white, on the breaking shine. Mokhovik is a first-class edible mushroom that can be used without preheating for cooking hot dishes, for salting, marination, drying. The entire mushroom is used: a hat and leg.


These are thin and brittle wood black mushrooms. Externally, they look like charred paper. Have the smell of haze and crispy sweetish pulp. These mushrooms are widely used in Vietnam, Thailand, China. Muerry grows on trees trunks. For the first time on Muerhi muerh, they began to use the imperial receptions in Japan. Now you can buy Muer in the store of oriental spices at a fairly affordable price.


Family mushrooms. Collect them start from the end of August and to autumn frosts. He loves old stumps, roots of coniferous and deciduous trees, and especially often settled on oak and birch stumps, even in the districts of permafrost. The cap of the present okey has a form of a ball, convex, then straightened, velvety, brown-yellow. The edges of the caps first embarrassed deep into, then straightened, striped. From above on the header, there is a small brown scales. The plates are extracted by the book, whitish, then light brown and are often covered with rusty spots. Dog is long, fibrous, yellow or brown, darker to the bottom. In young people, the leg is connected to the edges of the cap with a white film, which is then bursting and remains on a blank ring. It is this ring that helps to distinguish them of real from poisonous (unreal, brick-red and unreal sulfur-yellow). The pulp of the autumn okey is thinly fleshy, whitish, with a pleasant mushroom smell.


Refers to the genus of the Obabok and grows from the beginning of summer to late autumn in bright deciduous, mainly birch, and mixed forests by single and groups. Very often, the boletvik grows along the edges of forest roads. The boletus hat is up to 15 cm in diameter, semi-like, later paddle-shaped, naked or thinner, dry, in crude weather slightly mucous, different colors, from light gray to dark brown, almost black. White flesh, does not change the color, sometimes it pose a little, with a pleasant mushroom smell and taste. The tubular layer is easily peeling from the pulp, whiteish, then grayish, sometimes with dark brown spots. The leg of the boletus is up to 15 cm long, diameter up to s cm, solid, cylindrical, slightly expanded, whitish, covered with scales from gray to dark brown, old mushrooms are hard, fiber.


Refers to the genus of the Obabok, grows in foliage, mixed and pine forests by single and groups from June to October. Especially loves young oxes, but forms mikurizu and with birch, pine and other trees. The boletus hat is up to 30 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms floor with a spherical, adjacent tightly to the leg, later convex, flat, dry, fleshy, velvety with a changeable color from white-and-orange, bright red. The flesh is white, on the fault slightly pink or blue, green, then drawn, without much smell and taste. The head of the boletus is long up to 20 cm, with a diameter of up to 5 cm, solid, cylindrical, thickened at the bottom, easily separated from the hat, white-gray, covered with oblong flake-and-shaped pebbles of white, brown-black.


This is one of the types of champignon fungi more familiar to us. Their distinctive feature can be called quite large sizes and a hat that can be completely disclosed. Moreover, its diameter often reaches 15 centimeters. By the way, it is because of such a feature with Portobello, much more moisture is evaporated in comparison with other types of fungi, due to which its structure is more dense and fleshy. It is surprising that, being a delicacy, Portobello often grows in not very attractive natural conditions - on pastures, along the road, and sometimes even in cemeteries.


Refers to the margin of the family of raw materials of the plate, grows in pine and others with a large admixture of pines forests, especially in young pine forests, preferably on sandy soils from July to October, single and groups. A redhead hat with a diameter up to 15 cm, the fleshy is first convex then funnel, with a slightly wrapped down edges, smooth, slightly mucous, orange, red-orange, with concentric zones of different color intensity, fading. The bottom surface of the hats is brown, with frequent, running to the bottom of the plates. The plates first earned, then descending on the leg, orange, with pressure drill, green. The flesh is thick, dense, creamy-orange, blossoms on break, then green, highlights plenty of bright orange light milky juice with a resinous smell, which is green in the air. The leg in the rods up to 10 cm long, with a diameter of up to 3 cm, cylindrical, first dense, then the hollow, smooth, one color with a hat, inside the white, when pressing green.


This is a collective name related to the nature of the lamellar (family of ordinary) fungi. More than 2.5 thousand representatives of this family are classified. Most of these mushrooms are edible, but there are also poisonous representatives of the family. The edible orders include: gray, topolate, scaly, massive, literal, yellow robes, gigid, Matsutak. The main part is referred to as conditional and edible mushrooms.


Refers to the group of sample fungi, grows with early spring in coniferous and mixed forests on fertile humid soil, rich in lime, on old fires, forest cutting, along the forest roads, on the edges. Hat in curls up to 15 cm high, up to 10 cm in diameter, ovately rounded, hollow, ocher-yellow, yellow-brown or light brown with uneven cells resembling bee honeycomb, surprisingly below the leg. The feet of wax length up to 10 cm, up to 5 cm thick, cylindrical, smooth, hollow, slightly extended below, whitish or yellow-brown. The pulp of furry wax-white, thin, brittle, with a pleasant mushroom smell and taste. Spore powder yellowish. The mushroom is considered conditional edible. It is recommended to boil them before use for 10-15 minutes, the decoction to merge, after which you can fry, stew, use in soups. Smorks can be dried and used three months after drying.


It belongs to the family of a raw family of raw group of lamellar, grows to singly and groups from the beginning of the summer of late autumn in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, on the edges, glades, among the moss. A raw hat with a diameter of up to 10 cm, young mushrooms are semi-shaped, then flat-convex, slightly intended in the center, fleshy, dry, with a slightly eddeless or smooth edge, color varied, often with large blonde spots, the skin of the hat does not reach the edge, removed from labor. The flesh is dense, white with nutty sweet taste, with a pleasant fruit smell. Plates are frequent, narrow, attached or slightly sliding legs, white, yellowish. The leg of the cheese makeup is dense, short, up to 4 cm long, diameter up to 3 cm, cylindrical, solid, slightly narrowing to the bottom, slightly wrinkled, white.