The diagram of a children's sandbox with a lid with their own hands. How and from what to make a sandbox

Country plots actually requires attention and care all year round. Adults engaged in troubles can not pay for children enough time. Therefore, it is very important to organize leisure guys in the country. The ideal option is to build a children's playground. And start the device of the children's corner is better from the sandbox. The sandbox made by his own hands, even as an independent element, will take a long time for a long time.

To choose the place of installation of the future sandboxes and materials for its manufacture, considering the following factors:

  • Children, even passionate play, need to be supervised. Therefore, the sandbox must be installed so that the child is always in love with adults.
  • The sun rays can harm the child's health, lead to sunlight and burns, but also a solid shadow is not the best option. Therefore, it is desirable part of the sandbox to arrange in the shade, and the part in the open place so that the sand can sleep after the rain.
  • Drafts and excess moisture also negatively affect the health of children. Therefore, the sandbox should be away from the water and not stand outdoor.
  • From the trees, especially old, often lifted pipes and dry leaves. Therefore, in order to avoid pollution of sand, the design is better to set away from them.
  • Some plants lead to allergies, and some attract stress insects. Therefore, you need to trace so that there are no plants of honeycomb and plants causing allergies.
  • A well-treated tree and reliable fasteners will help to avoid bypass and injuries.
  • Solid materials such as stone, brick or iron can also harm, so it is desirable to abandon their use. And of course, you need to trace the lack of sharp corners, nails, cords, and so on.

In addition to entertainment, sand games perform developing and psychological. Soft bulk material soothes and liberates the nervous system, contributes to the development of creativity, shallow motility of hands, prettiness.

Different types of sandboxes: pros and cons (table)

Classification parameter View Description
Constructive featuresOpen sandboxTypical simplest design that performs the main function - playground
Closed sandbox
  • The presence of the cover allows you to save baby crafts, protect sand from weathered, from garbage, excessive moisture and unpleasant "gifts" from animals that can use sandbox as a toilet.
  • Under the lid it is easy to store children's inventory.
  • And the lid that is transformed into the benches will give an extra room for recreation and games.
  • Natural, eco-friendly material is easy to handle. With good tools, even an inexperienced master will cope with the manufacture of the simplest design.
  • It is important to polish the details well, rounded the corners and ribs to avoid injuries.
  • The only minus - the wood is short-lived. She dries, rotates, can get a bug. You can avoid this, if you carefully treat the future sandbox.
  • Plastic - Durable, Durable, Safe, Beautiful Material.
  • This model is easy to dismantle, remove storage or transported to another place.
  • The main disadvantage is a sandbox from plastic not for everyone to pocket.
Other materialsTo this day, for the manufacture of sandboxes, other materials are used: brick, stone, metal. But these materials do not guarantee security to children. Hard, sharp surfaces increase the risk of injury.
Type of allocationIn-depthSandbox can be deepened in the ground, which is very effective to strengthen the base. In this case, drainage is needed with a thickness of about 15 cm, in order to avoid moisture accumulation. It is then covered with agricultural or dense film, in which holes are done every 10 cm. Such a base will prevent the germination of grass, the appearance of insects and mixing the sand with the soil.
RaisedThis design is installed on a concrete base or grass. It should be envisaged that even the smallest child can independently get into it, for which low-side flights are made of 380-400 mm high, which are half fall asleep with sand.
ConfigurationFigure sandsConstructions in the form of cars, ships, flowers, animals and so on, serve as an additional game detail.
Gaming centersThe simplest example is a sandbox from hemp. A child can not only play with sand, but also run through the design itself.

Photo gallery options

Not necessarily adhere to the traditional square form Using automotive tires
It is necessary to protect the child from the sun rays: a bright large umbrella will help The cover will help protect the sand from garbage and moisture The bright cover is transformed into comfortable seats, thereby adding a place to relax More intended, but harder in the manufacture of an option with a solid lid Can serve as a separate game element Such a sandbox allows the child not only to play with sand, but also to face sides, to warm up a little Typical sandbox - easy to manufacture To protect children from the sun can be made canopy Also protects sand from pollution The original boat will delight your child Another version of the sandbox in the form of a ship

Preparatory work

Given everything above, it is more convenient and practical to make an in-depth wooden sandbox with a lid.

Drawings and sizes of children's sandbox

Initially, you need to decide on the size of the future design. If there are plenty of children and on the site is enough space, you can make a large sandbox in size 2x2 m. For games of one or two kids, it is enough to make a square design of 1.5x1.5 m.

Despite the simplicity of the design of the future sandbox, it is better to have a visual scheme before your eyes. Thus, you first need to draw a drawing, which will help determine the desired materials, correctly calculate the size and quantity.

Looking for a drawing, you can see that the side boards on both sides should be slightly longer in order to formed the right closed angle.

How to choose Material

Take into account the following facts:

  • Tree tree - Returns. The durability of the design may depend not only on the quality of treatment, but also from the tree of wood: pine, linden or larch less resistant to rotting.
  • Future design sides must withstand heavy loads. To ensure strength, you need to use boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm.
  • It is extremely inconvenient to sand and polish the already assembled design. It is desirable before the assembly prepared details are well polished and process the antiseptic, which will avoid unprotected places. Iron loops will be more prudent will also paint in advance.
  • The main thing is not to forget that inside. The sand should be clean, without the content of extraneous impurities, it is good to face. Therefore, it is better to give preference to river or quartz sand, after preferring it through a small sieve, which will help get rid of dust, possible insects, foreign objects.

Materials and tools (for design size 1500x1500 mm)

When purchasing materials, it is impossible to discount the availability of the basis. For the construction of the base will be required:

  • ceramzit, small stones or river pebbles for drainage;
  • agrofiber, dense polyethylene or plywood sheet.

The base of the sandbox is the framework with the parties of 1500x1500 mm. For the manufacture of the frame you will need:

  • bar 50x50x450 mm (for angular elements) - 4 pieces;
  • bar 50x50x1000 mm (to strengthen the angles) - 1 piece;
  • board 30x150x1500 mm (short walls short) - 4 pieces;
  • board 30x150x1560 mm (lateral long) - 4 pieces;
  • sealer - 1620mm;
  • self-tapping screw 45 mm - 50 pieces.

To the finished frame and the transformer lid will be attached. It is necessary to prepare the following materials for it:

  • board 20x125x1560 mm - 12 pieces;
  • bar 30x30x250 mm (for seat fastening) - 4 pieces;
  • bar 30x30x450 mm (to strengthen the back) - 4 pieces;
  • loops (canopies) 40 mm - 12 pieces;
  • self-tapping screw 45 mm - 50 pieces;
  • self 25 mm - 60 pieces.

For processing and decoration you need:

  • antiseptic for wood processing;
  • tree primer;
  • paint or varnish for staining.

Materials are ready, but without tools, the process will not move from the place. Therefore, it is necessary:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • pegs with rope tied to them;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw or electrolybiz;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper;
  • drill and rolled;
  • sculpture or screwdriver set.

Step-by-step instructions: manufacture and installation of wooden sandbox with lid

Work is better to spend in several stages. First of all, it is advisable to assemble the frame of the sandbox, then make the base and install the box at the prepared place. And only after this make the installation of the cover.

Assembling corps

Spanking and processed by antiseptic boards bonded together in the form of a square with the help of angular elements - long bars, not forgetting to pre-outline and drill holes for self-tapping screws.

If between the first and second tier to glue the usual insulation, the boards will be more dense to each other and the sand will not be poured into the slot.

To avoid sand rash through the slots between the boards, it is advisable to glue the usual insulation

To give greater strength to the future sandbox, it is necessary to reliably fix the angles with the help of additional bars.

Attached diagonal Additional bar gave reliability

Embers of angular bars, about 15 cm long will be in the ground, so they must be covered with olphoi, bitumen or waste machine oil. Now the skeleton of the future sandbox can be carefully transferred to the installation site.

Future sandbox frame ready for installation

Construction of the base and installation of the frame

The site selected taking into account all the tips and recommendations, align and purify from garbage. For more accurate markup, it is necessary to add 15-20 cm on each side to the sizes of the future sandbox. We make markup with the help of pegs with a rope stretched on them, checking the correctness of the corners.

Remove the top layer to a depth of about 20-25 cm, making a small slope to the center. This is necessary so that the water that fell into the sandbox does not accumulate, but hit the drainage. In the center we make a yam with a diameter of about 50 cm and about the same depth. Fill it prepared for drainage material.

Then you need to pour a five-meantimeter layer of sand and carefully tumped it.

On the resulting "pillow" with a stele, the base itself, which can be from different materials. The main thing is not to forget to do the holes in it at a distance of about 10 cm from each other, again to prevent moisture accumulation.

We install the finished framework for the resulting base. Now you can proceed to the main stage.

Installation of the cover transforming in the seat

Thoroughly screw to the sides of two boards on each side. Then proceed to assembling the moving parts of the cover. To do this, fasten the remaining boards in pairs with the help of bars.

The elements resulting from the first steam will perform the function of the seat, and the elements with long bars will serve the back. The protruding parts of the bar will perform the function of the support, not allowing the back to be folded.

Attach the element "Seat" to firmly screwed boards with the help of three loops located at the same distance from each other. The loops should be on top, and the bars connecting the seatboards must be located below.

We attach the back to the seat, also with the help of loops, not forgetting that this time the loops "look" inside the box, and the bars are located outside.

In this embodiment, the last stage is quite problematic, because the detail of the back has to be screwed in fact on weight. There is another way. First, it is copped with each other to the back and seat, and only then put them on top of the box and attach to rigid attached boards.

Attention! To avoid possible injuries, it is important to "drown" hats of self-tapping screws. It should also be checked that the cover is easy to open and closed.

Final finish

So, the sandbox is ready! Now it is desirable to smooth out possible corners with sandpaper or grinding machine. After that, even if all wooden and iron parts have already been processed, it is better to walk with an antiseptic.

You can simply cover the lacquer the resulting design, but it is best to paint. And then fantasy comes to the rescue. Do not forget that this is a playground for children's games. And the children love bright colors very much. Color the sandbox with different colors. Additionally, you can draw patterns, cheerful pictures from hand or drive through stencils. The main thing is that the children are satisfied, and in the new sandbox they were cozy.

So that small builders did not broadcast sand around the site, it is better to make a separate path to the sandbox.

Video: Master class on the manufacture of transformer sandbox do it yourself

Easy to please the child, making a bright, beautiful sandbox with your own hands. It does not matter whether it will be a simple box with sand or an interesting design. The main thing is that the sandbox pleases the eye was safe, comfortable. And then the child will receive nothing comparable pleasure. And if children are satisfied, then happy parents.

Warning in the sand is an indispensable attribute of children's summer happiness. And if there is no shortage of lack of lack of lack in the sandboxes, then the child risks at the preservation area to risen without the usual entertainment. If your baby is growing up, it's time to engage in the construction of a sandbox in the country's yard. We tell how to design and build a functional and durable sandbox with a lid with your own hands.

Sandbox with lid: design features

Getting Started, think over the main details in advance, starting in size. The sandbox should be quite deep and roomy so that it could easily scroll on her one and a half year old baby, but so that the five-year-old child was not cramped there. For this purpose, dimensions are suitable 1.5 m x 1, 5 m: Such a sandbox will not take a lot of space and 3-4 children will be spread with convenience.

Calculate the height of the structure so that the sand layer is at least 15 cm. Do not forget to leave the space for seating from above. With a width of the board at 12 cm, you can build a sandbox in two boards, that is, a height is 24 cm. This is quite enough for the baby to not only sculpt the kulichki on his "building site", but also built a sand castle.

But do you need a lid sandbox? For those who love the order and take care of the health of children, the answer is obvious.

The lid protects the sand:

  • from scattering throughout the territory;
  • from overclocking during rain;
  • from garbage, branches, rotten fruits;
  • from the encroachment of dogs and cats to arrange a toilet there.

The cover will protect sand from pollution and will become a comfortable bench

The simplest lid serves a shield shot down from the boards, which the sandbox is covered after the game. Make it easier, but such a cover is very heavy and cumbersome, takes an extra room on the site during the daytime, and it is difficult to move it from place in place. Therefore, we propose to stay on the transformer lid: its construction will take longer, and the result will justify. Build the lid, which when opening turns into a table and / or a comfortable bench with a back: They will enjoy not only the child, but also adults to join him.

Design sandbox-transformer (photo gallery)

Where to begin

First you want to stock materials and tools. We offer a list of minimal necessary, without which you can not do.

Building materials:

  1. Boards: For the construction of a frame 1, 5 m x 1.5 m, two pieces with dimensions 32x120x6000 mm are needed; For the cover two plaques with dimensions of 20x120x6000 mm.
  2. Bar 2 pieces 50x50x1000 mm for bonding housing and backrest.
  3. Agrofiber 1600x1600 mm for doning.
  4. Door loops 6-8 pieces. To obtain a more reliable design, use the wiring loops.
  5. Saws.
  6. Staples.
  7. Impregnation for wood, veil, paint.


  • saw (electrolovka);
  • screwdriver;
  • stapler;
  • device for grinding (planer, Bulgarian + grinding wheel, sandpaper, etc.);
  • roulette.

Construction step by step

Let's start with the framework of the frame. To do this, we saw the boards to the segments we need. With a standard length of 6 m. We divide each board for four equal segments than we provide waste-free production.

Boards thoroughly grind and polished to achieve a smooth surface. Oranges, obtained in the sandbox, we are definitely not needed. For the sandbox to serve for a long time, treat the boards with solid from fungi and rotting. The antiseptic will protect the pest and will prolong the life of the product.

We saw the timber on four equal pieces of 25 cm and grind them.

We collect the sandbox housing, bonding the timber

We collect a bunk case of eight boards, bonding the boards in the corners with a bar. Carefully drive the hats of self-tapping screws (nails, screws) so that they do not protrude beyond the surface of the board and bar. Between the boards, curse the strip of the self-adhesive seal, then the sand will not wake up in the slot.

Clell the bog of the boards by self-adhesive seal

Measuring the dimensions of the resulting frame with maximum accuracy, proceed to the manufacture of the transformer lid. It can be done on one side of the sandbox table, and with another shop, and you can arrange two shops in front of a friend. Consider the first option.

Sandbox transformer with a bench and table

The first board is attached to the sandbox with self-draws, the second is attached to the first with the help of two door hinges. Thus, we can adjust the size of the table and make it wider if necessary.

For a shop, we will need six identical boards, two of which will go on the seat, two - on the back and two - on the mounting to the frame. How it should look, depicted in the diagram:

Scheme of benches for sandbox

Loops screw to the outer side of the cover so that the internal strips be fucked when opening up. For fastening and fixing the back, use a grinding bar. Calculate it length so that when opening the cover it has provided a stable stop for the back.

The bar must provide a good focus for the back

IMPORTANT: so that the loops do not rust, squeak them on both sides before installing.

With the active use of the sandbox of the self-sufficiency, it may not be enough for reliable fastening of the loops: with a frequent opening / closing, they quickly begin to fall out. For greater reliability, use bolts for fixing.

To, be carried away by sandy excavations, the baby did not start digging the ground from the depths, make the bottom in the sandbox. It will not allow to penetrate the clean sacred sand not only land, but also undesirable insects and plants. For the bottom, a dense agrofiber is suitable, which has a high moisture permeability, which will exclude stagnation of water in the sandbox.

Tensioning the agriculture along the bottom of the sandbox and fix the brackets around the perimeter.

Sandbox with your own hands (video)

Installation and care

Choose a suitable place on the territory. Do not place the sandbox in the open area to avoid overheating and sunburn during the all-consuming game. It is better to establish a design in a partial shadow - from home, fence or bushes. Make sure that at midday the clock, the place for the future sandbox is protected from the sun.

On the selected area, roll a smooth boothelter with a depth of 3-5 cm. A little more than the stem square so that it is easy to "sat down." You can make a sinking from gravel.

If you want a sandbox to be established thoroughly, use a longer bar for fastening the box, then the legs are formed in the corners of the design, which can be chopped into the ground.

Boiled under the sandbox

Choosing between sea, career and river sand to fill the sandbox, we recommend to stay on the latter. It is clean and does not contain impurities and salts, but still it is better to sift it, then the sand will be without pebbles and dirt, soft, gentle, pleasant in work.

So that the children's "construction site" looked cozy, surround it with lawn grass and move the track to it.

Now the sandbox is absolutely "ready to use" and can be allowed into her first small builders to test the object. It remains only to fill it with bright buckets, blades and molds as final strokes. The sandbox made on such technology is simply obliged to serve for many years.

The harder the design of the sandbox, the longer the time and effort will go to its construction. At the same time, the good, made on the conscience, the thing will deliver the joy of not one generation of kids. After all, sandy fun develop small motility, creative thinking and simply give the joy of careless childhood. And for this it is a little try to try.

From the sandbox, the device of a full-fledged children's playground, consisting of many elements (slides, swings, house), which will be added as the child grows.

According to parents, the sandbox is a place for games where you can take a child for a long time. Psychologists claim that the sandbox for children plays an important role: the hands of the hands are developing, creative abilities are formed, perseverance and patience appears.

Children's sandbox do it yourself for giving

Before dealing, how to build a children's sandbox in the country, you need to get acquainted with what kinds of types are types, and choose the appropriate option for specific conditions.

Sandboxes for children are two varieties:

1. According to constructive features:

  • open sandbox (simple design);
  • closed sandbox. Popular among users, since
    Allows you to protect sand from: garbage, rain, wind, animals. Besides
    this, a children's sandbox with a lid protects sand from weathered, allows
    Store under the lid toys (Children's inventory: Austo, Sockeys, Shovels,
    rake, etc.), and can also serve as an additional platform for the game (if
    Transformed into the table and chairs).

2. By manufacturing material:

  • plastic, metal, wooden

Each of the materials has its advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic sandbox

Does not overheat in the sun, has a compact size,
easy, convenient to move, transport, and during the absence you can hide in
Nozpostroy or garage. Among the disadvantages - instability to ultraviolet

Metal sandbox

Provides long-term use, but not safe
For children, as well as corrosion and labor consuming.

Wooden sandbox

The optimal version, since the tree is environmentally friendly
Safe and accessible.

So consider how to build a children's sandbox from
Tree - independent technology using sweater materials
(funds). Let's start with the open, since it is the most easily implemented option.
For beginners without construction experience. Making just a few
hours, and in the presence of a competent drawing, the cover to it can be attached to
any time.

How to make a sandbox with your own hands - step by step instructions

Stage 1 - Drawing of a sandbox of a tree

Despite the fact that the design is simple, detailed scheme
sandbox to afford rationally calculate the amount of material and right
Select a place to install.

Often the sandbox from the tree is a square
A given height, enclosing sand from the spreading.

Sandage drawings (for simple design) is shown below.

Drawing of sandboxWooden sandbox scheme

Design can be more complex: including
Highchairs, shops, tables, lid, roof, slide, etc. or sandbox
Machined in the form of a car (car), boat-ship, house-castle.

The scheme below gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is
Sandbox in the form of a car (sandbox machine).

In any case, the functional purpose of the basic
Designs are the same - a fence that protects sand.

Council. Planning the construction of the sandbox should be taken into account
What the number of children it will be calculated.

2 Stage - material for sandbox

The table lists a list of building materials with
sizes and quantity for the manufacture of simple sandboxes with dimensions
1500x1500 mm, 300 mm high.

Lumber Purpose number Note
Bar 50 * 50 * 450 Corner element 4 things. Bar 150 mm. processed by antiseptic
Board 30 * 150 * 1600 Side walls of sandbox 8 pcs. Carefully grind and covered with a primer for a tree.
Board 30 * 150 * 1600 Frames for seating, folding toys, etc. 4 things. It grinds and covered with primer for wood.
Self-tapping screws, 45 mm. For fastening 50 pcs.
Geotextiles For the bottom 2 rolls Can be replaced by film
Antiseptic For wood processing
Primer for wood To protect wood
Paint For staining 1 bank (1 liter) Oil or acrylic
For a closed sandbox (with a lid), you will additionally need
Bar 30 * 30 * 1600 2 pcs. The timber is poured into parts depending on the width of the lid
Board 20 * 125 * 1600 or plywood, 18 mm. 12 pcs. sheet
Piano loops (canopies) 4 things.
8 pcs.
for folding lid

for the cover transforming in the seating

Pens 2 pcs.

Material prepared for site

Construction of sandboxes for giving with their own hands - Tips

  1. the length of the bar depends on the height of the sandbox, which, in its
    The queue is determined by the age of the child. The height of the sandbox should be like that
    So that the child could step over it. The optimal height is 300 mm (150 mm remains
    for docking and fixing the design).
  2. the thickness of the boards should be at least 30 mm. This will provide
    Sufficient design strength and will save the tree from cracking.
  3. plywood - indispensable in the manufacture of complex structures,
    Such, for example, as a sandbox in the form of a ship (boat). From her
    The shaped products are made round, oval form.
  4. boards are better to handle before starting the installation. In this way,
    There will be no unprotected parts of the sawnwood.

Tool: saw, grinding machine, drill, drill,
Screwdriver, pencil, roulette, level, pegs and rope, paint brushes.

3 Stage - Place Marking for Sand

selects space for installation. With the help of stakes and rope
denotes the external perimeter of the structure;

inside the outlined square selected ground to depth
300-400 mm. You can do without it and pour sand over the soil, but he
Quickly come into disrepair, because it is mixed with soils during the game. TO
There are ants and other insects in it;

drainage is satisfied - a tightly rammed pillow from
Crushed stone / gravel and sand. The pillow will allow water freely to drain into the ground, and the sand
Faster drying. Additionally, users recommend laying geotexyl,
He does not interfere with the flow of water, but protects sand from below from insects or moles.

Council. When using polyethylene, you need to drill in it
Holes for water drain.

Many users complain that around the sandbox
After the rain, puddles appear. This is eliminated by arranging the pillow and for
The perimeter of the sandbox is a drainage laid on 400-500 mm. Around the sandbox will allow
Water quickly flock down.

4 Stage - the manufacture of children's sandbox with their own hands

Brief construction technology:

  • in the corners marked with the rope, stakes are driven - support
    future sandbox;
  • each side is installed on one coated
    antiseptic board;
  • then the second row of boards is nailed;
  • for arranging seats on the top of the design horizontally
    The treated boards are installed (2 from the opposite sides, 4 each
    Parties) or corners of plywood - the most budget option.

Council. It is important to trace the hats of the screws to reliably
Drown in wood and did not cause injury.

Second option how to make a sandbox from a tree

The method involves a few other execution order
works, namely: first the manufacture of sandboxes, then preparation of the place
Installations and further installation of the sandbox. Such an option is convenient when work
are held together, because The design, though light, but quite cumbersome and
It is uncomfortable to install it in this order.

Step-by-step instructions for making sandbox with their own hands
(master class) is shown in the photo.

Construction of sandbox with their own hands - master class - 1Construction of sandbox with their own hands - master class - 2Construction of sandbox with their own hands - master class - 3Production of sandbox with their own hands - 4Making sandbox with your own hands - 5Making sandbox with your own hands - 6Sandbox do it yourself - 8Sandbox do it yourself - 9Sandbox homemade - 10Sandbox homemade - 11Sandbox homemade - 12Sandbox from wood - 13Sandbox from wood - 14Sandbox from wood - 15Wooden sandbox on their own - 16Wooden sandbox on their own - 17Wooden sandbox on their own - 18Wooden sandbox on their own - 19Wooden sandbox for cottages - 20Wooden sandbox for cottages - 21Wooden sandbox for cottages - 22Wooden sandbox for cottages - 23Wooden sandbox for cottages - 24Wooden sandbox for cottages - 25

5 Stage - Production of the Lid for Sandbox

Since, children's sandbox with a lid for giving more
Attractive option - Consider how to make a lid for the sandbox.

The easiest option will be a removable lid representing
It is a shield chocken from the board, but its significant drawback is needed
Clean the lid before the game.

Therefore, it is more expedient to make a design with two doors,
which are transformed (reveal and fold) into seats. In the photo below
The two options for the sandbox cover are shown - folding and transforming
In the seat. Pay attention to the two extreme boards on both sides - stationary.
They are securely fixed, it will allow the child and even to sit on the lid,
Without afraid to break it.

Children's sandbox with lidWooden sandbox with lid

Sandbox option with an awning (soft lid, twisted into a roll)

Children's sandbox coveredChildren's sandbox with tarpaulin

6 Stage - Device Roof for Sandbox

Taking into account the fact that children want to play in the sand at any time
Day, you need to take care of protecting them from direct sunlight.
To do this, over the sandbox you need to install a visor. It can be beach
Umbrella or stationary roof made in the form of fungus / canopy.

Sandbox roofRope-fungus for sandbox

7 Stage - Sand for Children's Sandbox

How to choose sand for sandbox?

It should be noted that GOST (18322-78 (ST SEV 5151-85) and GOST
R 52301-2004) regulate maintenance requirements
equipment of playgrounds, but do not contain recommendations for sand,
In addition, it is necessary to provide certificates when selling sand.

However, users have identified as sand for
Sandboxes and impose following the following requirements for it:

  • lack of extraneous impurities / subjects;
  • good sweeping;
  • dobiality. Small sand pieces (fractions less than 0.1 mm)
    Can get into the lungs of a child. To eliminate them, sand is usually washed and
    dry or sift through a very small sieve;
  • formability (good to be pulled out in the oak);
  • humidity. Sand should be dry;
  • hygienicity. Sand should not contain livelihood (bugs,
    Spheres, worms, etc.).

What sand is better for sandbox

Choosing the sand better to give preference:

  • river, not career. He is cleaner in itself;
  • sifted, not containing foreign objects;
  • quartz sand is the perfect option. He is clean and good

Finished sand for children's sandboxes can be bought in the store.
The availability of a quality certificate guarantees its purity and lack

How much sand is needed in the sandbox?

In order to fill the sandbox with a size of 1500x1500 mm.
It is necessary to prepare about 0.5 m.Kub. Sand.

The average price per bag (25 kg) sand for children's sandbox
shown in the table.

Children's wooden sandbox do it yourself - video

How and where to correct the children's sandbox

So that the sandbox served for a long time and did not imagine threats
For children, you need to adhere to several recommendations in its manufacture and

  • do not use metal elements;
  • do not leave the boards are unlocked;
  • ensure the existence of a shadow;
  • place in well viewed place;
  • ensure the absence of prickly shrubs, plants
    honeycomb and allergens;
  • use high-quality wood and other construction
  • provide reliable fastening;
  • lack of electrical wiring, hoses, pipes, etc.


Wooden sandbox with lid or open - it
opportunity not only to please the child, but also to show their creative
abilities. And the sandbox in the form of a table, cars, hexed or round - not
only makes a child, but also allow to decorate the country area extraordinary,
creative design.

Tags: Sandbox Playground Wood

Older children will always find a lesson in the country, but you need to entertain the younger. It is important that the kids are in sight and in a secure place. Therefore, it is worth thinking about creating a children's sandbox with their own hands on the plot. Model options are distinguished as the material for the construction. The main thing is to take into account not only the safety and comfort, but also the wishes of the children themselves.

Closing sandbox

The comfortable children's sandbox will help with their own hands on the country to decorate the site and will give the opportunity to relax from the permanent supervision of children. Well-groomed and neat place for the game of kids is difficult to imagine without sandbox. This design, if desired, can be complemented by swings and benches, sports complex. To create a children's sandbox, you will not need a lot of time, do not need expensive material. The simplest models can be built, practically no experience in construction. Well, if there are skills, for example, wood threads or drawing, the site can be turned into a real work of art.

Square sandbox with protective awning

What is important to take into account before the construction of the sandbox.

What places are not suitable for sandbox

It is impossible to place a playground in the distant corners of the site and for various buildings, bushes and trees. Because of the obstacles, parents will be difficult to monitor the kids. If the sandbox is not viewed from the window, it should be visible from the courtyard.

Folding sandbox

Wet dark areas at the cottage is not a place for the sandbox. It can not be placed in lowlands - these are the coldest places. The soil and sand in the shady places hold longer to moisture, especially in the spring, when snow melts, and on rainy periods in summer and autumn. Playing on wet sand, children can be cold and get sick. The nizenas are constantly in the shade, and the sand, even if he dried, does not have time to warm up in the sun.

Sandbox from linear polyethylene in the form of a crab

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe playground, consisting of sandboxes and other structures, there should be no old sick trees. First, during the game on the heads, the children will constantly hide the trunk. Secondly, with a strong wind, there is a risk that the branches will fall on his head. If there are no open places in the garden, the trees must be checked annually for dry branches and constantly cut them.

Sandbox truck

Too open place is also not suitable for the sandbox. In the heat, children may arouse their head, which will lead to a thermal or sunny blow. It is better to choose space covered from the sun at noon, but quite well lit in another day of day. To create a light shadow in the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's sandbox, you can use man-made canopies protecting from the Sun.

Sandbox from a tree with a roof

What material to choose

To build a children's sandbox, you can use both new material and what is found in garage reserves. These may be objects that are enough to handle, in this form it is convenient to use them to create a sandbox or decorative elements.

Sandbox with protecting awning and seats

What can be built from:

  • bars and logs;
  • boards;
  • summer tires;
  • plastic bottles;
  • grids and various awnings.

In addition to the sandboxes from the primary materials on the playground, you can build roller trees, trampolines, ladders and turnstiles, playing tables with a bench, etc. This is especially convenient if children of different ages - everyone will find a lesson in the shower. Children need a movement and active rest, they constantly play, run, climb everywhere where you can climb. Therefore, it is important to equip the pad to ensure that the games are safe.

Bright sandbox with seats

Sandbox, with his own hands built in the country, can emphasize the landscape design, without knocking out of it, or be an independent bright object. Often platforms for children are complemented by awnings that are simply necessary in summer in hot weather. Canopy is made of tarpaulin or awning. If possible, you can build a full-fledged roof with skates and tiles.

Sandbox shoe

The same material can be used to create a sandbox with a lid. It is necessary to take care of the sand from the rain and the activities of animals. The sandbox cover can be transformed into comfortable seats for children who are folded when picked up.

Sandbox with mobile lid-house

How to determine the sizes of the sandbox

It is necessary to choose the dimensions, based on the age and number of children, the area of \u200b\u200bthe yard and the shape of the sandbox itself. When choosing the necessary parameters, it is important to take into account several factors.

Small sandbox with side
  1. Age and growing small players.
    The lengths of the legs of the toddlers of the three-year-old age are still not enough to cross the battlehead above 20 cm. For older children, it is not an obstacle, so you can make a sandbox bootier - 30 cm.
  2. Amount of children.
    If the child is alone, it may well have enough sandbox 120x120 cm with sidelights of 20 cm. For children, their friends will come to visit, to join the sand together and build locks or play with forms. Sandbox 170x170 cm Enough on three children under 5 years old. These are standard sizes, but nothing prevents the design even more.
  3. The depth of sandbox for the game.
    The sand should be so much that children, playing, could not get to the ground. Usually, the standard sandbox takes no less than a ton of sand, which must be periodically reproduced over time.
  4. Height of the whole design.
    If there is a canopy or roof, they must be high enough to the child, standing on the side, could not hit his head or get his hands. Otherwise, he may try to climb the roof, which creates some risks.

So, the size of the children's sandbox in the country should allow children to sit comfortably and stand, and the height of the side should not prevent the game.

Sandbox in the yard

Preparation of the foundation

So, let's say, the size of 170x170 cm is chosen with a height of 30 cm. Such a sandbox is enough to play two or three children from 3 to 5 years. Before the construction of sides, seats and roofs (if required), it is necessary to prepare the base on Earth.

Small sandbox with lid

For work, pegs will be needed, durable cord or rope, marking tape. The cord is needed to highlight the perimeter of the construction site on Earth. Now dig a hole 170x170 at a depth of 30 cm. The center (diameter is about 50 cm) of the sandbox must be deepened to 70 cm. The resulting pit must be filled with rubble or shallow pebbles, it is drainage to leave excess water.

Sandbox transformer in decomposed state

A pit for children's sandboxes should have downlinks to the center. Such configuration will allow sand faster to dry after heavy rains or melting of snow. The drainage well in the center of the structure will take off excess water to the ground.

Sandbox fungus

Erecting sandboxes

For the construction of sides, it will be necessary:

Do I need to make a sandbox with a lid?

A wood lid or tarpaulin is not a mandatory attribute of a sand facility, but it can benefit, protecting sand from garbage, branches from trees, animals, etc. Also, it is a reliable protection from animals that will decide to shit where children play. The sandbox can be covered by the night of the usual awning, made in terms of facilities. You can independently lean the lid from the remaining boards, it is very convenient. It is enough to bring down a simple flap of wood in terms of facilities.

Sandbox with her own hands will give a child a lot of pleasant moments

The two-riveted lid is even more convenient, but more difficult to manufacture. The simplest part is to put two shields instead of one. It will be necessary to mount the loop to the sides and doors, to attach the handles and, possibly, a tag. In the open form, the shields are beyond the side, as a result, convenient benches with the back are obtained, so it disappears the need to purchase additional items. The swing lid can even open kids 4-5 years without the help of adults.

Simple square sandbox from several boards with sunscreen umbrella

Benches and tables

So that the kids are not cold, sitting on the cold sand and earth, in small age they should be accepted to a healthy lifestyle. Seating on cold can provoke various inflammatory diseases of the pelvis organs, which, of course, does not pass without a trace. For the seating of children, you can put the bench right on the side or make individual seats. It looks good next to the sandbox. A full-fledged wooden shop, supplemented by a table. If desired, such a table can be in the sandbox - it is convenient to lay sand from the molds on it.

Simple square sandbox with angular seats and sunscreen umbrella

If the design is not square, but polygonal, the seats are usually located on two or three opposite faces. It will not be superfluous to arrange a place to storing toys - scoops, buckets, small robles and molds. This will allow maintaining a platform in a neat form.

Simple Square Sandbox with Wide Side Side

Sunbeam protection

A classic umbrella or "fungus" will protect the playing kids from the sun. A full-fledged roof of a square shape tree is convenient - it is quite high, so as not to knock on her head adults and children, and protects against rain. But such a roof has a flaw - during a sunny day the shadow is discarded into different parts of the children's sandbox. In the country or in the courtyard of a country cottage in such an attribute there is no need, it is enough to put a lightweight collapse of the southern side of the site or use the awning. Unlike the roof, such canopies are easily cleaned and transferred to any place, it is convenient and practical.

In the absence of children, the sandbox can be used as a corner of a sandy beach

Where to take the sand

Sandbox, with her hands filled with river sand, the most optimal option. River grains are small enough, there are no garbage and acute items. In addition to the sand from the river, a quartz suits. Such sand is additionally processed by special means that scare insects and animals. The impregnation is safe for children, however, there are sandy "cakes" anyway is not recommended. To fill the standard children's sandbox (170 to 170 cm), at least one ton of sand is needed.

Sandbox with her own hands is an easy way to diversify the country area and entertain children. If you wish, you can build entire gaming towns with turrets, walls, multi-level facilities. For decoration, paints, carved figures of animals or fabulous characters, bright soft pillows on benches, etc.

Video: how to make a sandbox do it yourself

To paint the sandbox in the color suitable for you, it is necessary to choose high-quality paintwork materials. Most convenient and quickly can be done on the company's website

Photos of examples of the ideas of sandbox designs: