How much to put a horse manure under potatoes. How to apply horse manure in the garden and garden as fertilizer

All plants that grow in gardens or gardens need to be fed. To get a good harvest of berries, vegetables or fruits, please yourself with beautiful colors, be sure to use fertilizers. Modern shops offer the widest choice of various chemical fertilizers. But many gardeners are preferred to act in the old manner using the most natural fertilizer - manure. Horse manure is very popular as fertilizer, how to apply it for feeding various crops? This will be discussed in our article.

Horse manure as fertilizer

What is horse manure? These are feces of horses, which consist of an animal eruptions. The composition of the manure also includes elements of the litter used in the content of horses in the stable. Most often it is straw, which is also valued, since it contains liquid highlights of horses.

In its composition, horse excrement is unique. They contain potassium, nitrogen, calcium and other useful substances. This complex of useful substances is a powerful catalyst affecting yield and vegetation. Especially a lot in the dung phosphorus, which is easily absorbed by plants from the soil.

Despite the fact that endless disputes are being conducted on numerous horticultural forums about the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers, the use of manure is proved by centuries-old application. It is used in the agricultural and agrotechnical industry. It helps to increase the resistance of cultures with negative external factors and diseases, achieve a high yield.

Horse manure has several advantages over other natural fertilizers.

  • It is more dry, easy compared to chicken, pork manure, better and faster decomposes.
  • At a temperature of 70-80 degrees, horse's litter is already heated and begins to give heat, cools very slowly. It is believed that it can hold heat for about 2 months.
  • Another advantage: it is very rarely affected by the pathogenic microflora, so safe.
  • Well breaks the soil, without contributing to the acidification.
  • Supports thermal, air and water balance.
  • Sats soil with carbon dioxide.
  • Fills nutrient stocks.

Types of horseman

Horse manure as fertilizer is used in various species that depend on the degree of decomposition. It happens in the form of humus, in the rewind and semi-proverse form, and also uses fresh horse manure. How to apply different types of fertilizers? Consider more.

Fresh horse manure

How to use horse manure for fertilizer? Most often for soil fertilizer use fresh excrement. They highlight more nitrogen and heat. But you need to understand that in the fresh form such fertilizer can cause the root system burn. To protect the roots, you need to use the dung feeding in the fall, when the garden is drunk. When putting it into the soil before the winter, he has time to decompose, the plant planted in the spring will not suffer. They will benefit the soil rich in useful substances.

How to determine the freshness of manure? It is easy to make an eye. In the fresh fertilizer it is easy to see sawdust and straw. Over time, the organic composition changes, mature manure becomes dark, little differing in structure. In the spring, horse litter can also be used, but only as biofuels for greenhouses and greenhouses. It is arranged warm beds for growing zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins. It can be made in the soil of it under the early potatoes.

Horse manure can be composed with sawdust, peat, grass, straw, sawdust, old leaves. A good compost is a mixture of manure and peat. If we talk about quality, manure with sawdust is the worst option. The most affordable is a mixture with straw. Fresh litter is often used for the manufacture of liquid feeding.

Semi-proverse manure

Semi-stewed horse lubs is distinguished by dark brown. They can easily lose their structure. They feed most often garden crops: potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin, as well as flowers. At the peopling is added in a semi-liquid form. For the second year after such feeding, you can plant beets, strawberries, carrots, tomatoes. Effectively use for mulch roses.

Pereted manure

In appearance, well-overwhelmed manure is a black homogeneous mass. It is easier than fresh twice. Such a fertilizer is good to feed the soil. Effectively apply horse manure as a fertilizer seedlings in proportion 1 part of the manure into 2 parts of the Earth. Well tolerate such feeding garden flowers, early potatoes and fruit trees.


Horse humus as fertilizer can be used for feeding any garden crops. Fully decomposed manure becomes useful fertilizer. In the soil, which fertilized by humus, plants grow well, their fruits improve their taste characteristics. At Luka and radish goes bitterness. Gardeners are actively using fruit trees with mulching, adding 5 buckets of fertilizer under each tree.

Horse manure as fertilizer: how to apply

When fertilizing the garden in the autumn period, the equestrian manure is laid out with a layer of about 50 cm throughout the area. Then the tops are placed on top, falling asleep all the ground with a layer of up to 35 cm. No longer needed: the norm is about 800 g of the manure per 100 square meters of the Earth. When applying compost - 200 g on the same area. The garden needs to be immediately replicated so that nitrogen did not have time to destroy.

Fresh in the spring is made only for crops that develop and grow for a long time. When organizing the greenhouse, fertilizer is laid by a layer of 20-30 cm under the soil. The optimal norm is 4-6 kg / 1 kV. meter. It is recommended to displaced the soil, spilling it with a weak solution of manganese. For two days, the soil layer is covered with polyethylene. Then you can land seeds.

To prepare a liquid feeding from horse manure, you need to mix 2 kg called with 1 kg of sawdust, pour all 10 liters of water, mix, leave for two weeks. Purpose regularly. When applying to dilute with water 1: 6. You can use liquid feeding for watering plants under the root. To do this, the kilogram of manure is diluted with 10 liters of water.

Horse manure for potato fertilizer

Horse manure is applied in a fresh form in the fall, it is added to the ground on the plot where the potatoes are planned in the spring. Some gardeners believe that the use of horse manure, which has already renovated, more efficiently. The development of tubers and the growth of potatoes occurs for a long time, you can make feeding and spring. On 1 square meter of the Earth will need 5 kg called. If you pour a little semi-proverse manure into each well, where potatoes will be laid, you can get larger fruits.

Note: 5 kg of manure mixed with sawdust, and 7.5 kg of pure manure fits in the 10-liter bucket.

Fertilizer roses by horse manure

Fresh manure is used for roses. It is brought in autumn, at the same time plunging the bushes. In the spring of the plant will already receive all useful substances. You can re-feed the roses when they start blossom.

Fertilizer of berry cultures

Horse manure is suitable for feeding strawberries and strawberries, as well as other berry crops. To do this, use liquid fertilizers made from water and manure in the proportion of 10: 1. It is necessary to insist the mixture for about a day.

During the landing of berry crops, dry horse manure is used, it is pre-falling asleep on the beds.

Mulching is carried out in advance with a prepared compartment from the horse being called, leaves and straw. The mulch is placed in the aisle strawberries, strawberries and raspberries. Layer thickness - no more than 10 cm.

Contraindications for the use of horse manure

The use of horse manure has many positive moments, but there are several points when using organic fertilizer is not recommended.

If a raid of fungal origin was formed on the manure, it is impossible to use it in the greenhouses, he lost his ability to heal.

With a dense soil in a greenhouse, manifold will be too slow, hydrogen sulfide and methane will have a negative impact on the root system of plants.

When bookmarking in wells with potatoes, caution must be taken, there is a possibility of infection with a pair.

Congestion storage methods

So that all nutrients are fully preserved in the manure, it needs to be properly stored. For this use two ways: hot and cold.

Hot storage method

Dung stored in a pile of loose state. Air is well penetrated into it, it provokes an enhanced microflora growth. After 6 months, it becomes two times easier, but he loses half of the nitrogen.

Cold storage method

This method is more effective, since it does not overheat, retains the maximum amount of nitrogen. The main thing is to hold the correct stacking to eliminate oxygen access. The appropriate place is selected on the site, the barrage is constructed or a pit is digging. A peat, straw, hay or sawdust with a layer of about 25 cm is poured onto the bottom. On this layer, a layer of 15 cm is poured onto this layer.

From above, everything is covered with earth or peat layer 20 cm to protect against external influence. Make several layers so that the total height amounted to one and a half meters. For the winter, the construction is closed by a film. It is necessary to ensure that the manure is not overwhelmed and was not too wet.

Those who do not want to look for a storage space constantly monitor the state of fertilizer, can purchase a packed manure that is sold in specialized stores. There is always a concentrate of manure, and even manure in granules.

Granulated manure

Use granular horse manure easier and more efficient than fresh. In the spring, it suffices to distribute the fertilizer on the site and switch the soil to the depth of about 10 cm, then rolish with water. It will take about 15 kg of dry mix.

You can first make a fertilizer in water. To do this, pour the granules with cold water and let it brew 2 weeks. The resulting solution is well stirred and poured into beds. It is necessary to follow the proportions, so it is necessary to pre-examine the information on the package. There is a form of granulated manure, which does not require long-term insistence. It is dissolved in cold water, and after four hours, fertilizer is ready for use.

We hope our information about the horse manure will be useful. This is an excellent organic fertilizer that is suitable for feeding potatoes, celery, fringe crops, spinach. And it is not necessary to keep horses to ensure that this fertilizer. Horse manure can be purchased on the nearest stable or buy its granular analog in the store.

Horse manure with sawdust is a valuable nutrient organic fertilizer, but unfortunately, very rare. To use it regularly for the summer cottage, you need to have an equestrian plant or at least a neighbor who keeps horses.

Fresh horse manure is superior to concentrations All available types of animal organics: chicken, cow, goat and pork, so it is necessary to use it carefully, and it is better to use it after the end of fruiting.

Features of horse manure and advantages

The use of horse manure as fertilizer is justified from the point of view of use for the soil, as plant residues are equipped with soil microorganisms. They recycle the organic, highlighting humic acids into the soil. In this form, nutrients are quickly and fully absorbed by plants.

Horse manure contains nitrogen, potash, phosphoric substances and trace elements - all that is necessary for the supply of plants in spring and summer during flowering, fruiting. The advantage is that the fertilizer of the soil with horse manure does not contribute to the multiplication of the pathogenic flora, since bacteria and fungi do not begin in a horsepower.

If you use a substance for the preparation of compost, then it is much more effective than the other types, since the combustion temperature reaches almost 80 degrees.

This means that when ripening it disinfects all other components: plants, soil, kitchen waste and the outlet is completely sterile compost.

This feature of fresh horse manure is used both for plants of open ground in early spring and for greenhouse crops for heating the root system of seedlings. Heat is highlighted for two months, but the depth must be at least 30 cm, In order not to burn roots with nitrogen substances.

Konsky manure as fertilizer is mixed with peat, sawdust and straw. In the first place in efficiency is straw. Since this is a floral component, it is decomposed in the soil over time and also helps to restore the soil.

In second place peat - it loves its rainworms and actively absorb, highlighting the humats into the soil. Sawdust, especially fresh, is undesirable to mix with a nitrogen containing azot. Wood absorbs most of the nitrogen substances.

Types of manual

For the fertilizer of the garden use horse manure as a rift substance or humus, if it is brought into the spring period. The fresh substrate is brought in autumn, so that during the winter period he managed to decompose and the extra ammonia disperse. Then by the spring of the plant will receive all nutrients in an accessible form.


Fresh horse manure as fertilizer is used for both vegetable and decorative plants. But it is necessary to take into account the concentration of active substances, especially nitrogen. Most often, the summer residents prefer to breed it with water, insist, and then breed it for watering. This method reduces the risk of root damage in young plants.

The best way is to step down horsephas in autumn with a soil and pour. Perform an event after harvesting. The fertilous area is well suited for growing plants that consume nitrogen in large quantities - tomatoes, potatoes.

If horse manure with sawdust is used as a fertilizer, the wood will absorb most of ammonia and makes it less dangerous for plants.


If the horsepower give a little lie down, then it will turn into a semi-proverse substrate. This fertilizer form is less dangerous, but it still needs to be diluted in the spring before seeling into the ground.


A year later, he was leaving the horse manure turns into a rift substance. It is brought into the soil without fear that the roots will suffer and will not restore. For a uniform distribution of nutrients, it is diluted with water, dripped or simply scattered over the surface of the soil.

The last option, as applied by a reworked horse manure as a fertilizer, not very successful, because the bacteria will be difficult to get it on the surface of the soil and recycle. Therefore, it is better to drag.


The use of horse fruit is completely safe, as it passes 2 to 2.5 years from the date of its formation. There are a lot of potassium and phosphorus in the substance, the optimal amount of nitrogen, so plants accelerate their growth, bloom well and tie fruits that are distinguished by taste, dimensions and long-term storage.

From the moment of obtaining fresh litter and up to the stage of the humus substance decreases in volume, since almost all liquid evaporates. Compared to other types, horse manure dries less, since it contains initially less moisture, which makes it more economical when buying.

In granules

Horse manure in granules is a shopping form of fertilizer. Some manufacturers apply a special substance on the granules to remove the specific smell. It is suitable for indoor plants or greenhouses with decorative cultures. The shell dissolves in the soil, and the granular horse manure begins to decompose as a whole organic.

Mostly, the granules make out of a recoverable substance so that buyers can use it immediately after the acquisition. Although it is recommended to first read the instructions, how to apply horse manure in granules as fertilizer.

Storage methods

In order for nutrients to be better preserved, you need to properly store horse humus, granulated manure and fresh litter. Nitrogen is the main active ingredient of the litter, so it must be saved. To do this, the litter is mixed with peat or straw, less often with sawdust. The fluid that flows when the decomposition of fresh manure will be absorbed into dry plant components and hold them.

Purchased granular mixtures are stored in a closed form. If the granules are covered with a shell, then high humidity can accelerate its dissolution. Therefore, the bag with horse manure granules is closed and put in a dry cool room.


Not a very effective way, since the horse manure is quickly decomposed and loses many nitrogen.

Method of laying:

  • fold the horsephas without sealing in a stack of not more than 50 cm high;
  • when the temperature begins to rise, add the following layer of 50 cm, and so on.

From above, it can be covered with a layer of straw or peat that the distinguished carbon dioxide absorbing and evaporated less.

Video: Mulching planting in the garden with horse manure


The most productive option. How to organize a bourge for storing horse manure with a cold way:

  • Make a bourge board: the height is 1.5 m, length - it does not matter how much, width - no more than 2 meters. This is important, since it is necessary to control the access of oxygen. If more air will come to horse manure due to a small width or height, the method will turn into hot. Fertilizer will lose force.
  • To bottom to lay a layer of peat or straw. If there is no - sawdust, but preferably leaving a year or two. It will be drainage. Some are placed layer of oilcloth, and then drainage substances.
  • Laying a layer of horse manure height 20 cm. It is the same layer of soil or peat. Everything is carefully compacted. The air must be the minimum amount. So layers are stacked up to a height of 1.5 m. From above - the last layer of the Earth.
  • In the end, it is necessary to build a shed so that the rain does not get into the Bourge.

With this method, the activities of soil microorganisms will be suspended, and the temperature inside will continue at the level of 30 degrees. The bourge should not have wide gaps - the boards are nourished tight.


In this form, the storage of horse manure should be carried out in a closed form. How to cook:

  • Storage capacity is filled with horse manure on 1/3.
  • Poured with water to the edges.
  • When slightly dissolve, mix well and cover tightly with a lid.

It is believed that the use of horse manure as fertilizer in liquid form is possible only after its fermentation. It is not right. In the process of fermentation, an important component - nitrogen is distinguished. Therefore, the fermentation process should occur in the soil. You can avoid fermentation, it is simply tightly closing the lid of the dung alive. In the spring it is bred by water again and watered the beds.

How can not be stored

Fresh horse manure It is advisable to immediately put in a bourge for cold storage or prepare compost out of it to avoid the losses of the nutrients. If the litter is left open-air - without litter and shelter from above, it rains and the sun will destroy most of the beneficial components.

The humus can not be left in air - it dries and decreases in volume.

In purchased mixtures there are instructions, how to apply horse humus like fertilizer:

  • autumn;
  • spring;
  • in summer.

If the humus was made independently, then apply it in the following volumes:

  • in the fall - Bucket of fresh manure per meter square;
  • in the spring, only overwhelmed manure - 5 liters per square;
  • fresh litter can be scattered through the snow and the extra nitrogen will disappear until the landings;
  • in liquid form in spring for each bush - 1 liter of working solution;
  • in summer in liquid for each plant - 1 liter.

In the spring after the sealing in the ground, a humus or recoverable substance should be waited for 2 to 3 weeks. Rainhery and soil bacteria during this time have time to recycle the organic and when planting plants will be able to eat.

How to use horse manure autumn:

  • scatter and swing with the top layer of soil;
  • make a dung alive in the deepening and cover the earth.

The granular horse manure is used in the fall to improve the physicochemical indicators of the soil, as well as under the sowing of the Siderats, whose roots are left when the tubules are left, along which air and water enters the soil.

Video: The value of horse manure when planting potatoes

Undercalinking plants

For which plants, the use of horse manure is useful:

  • vegetables, especially tomatoes and potatoes;
  • fruit trees, especially when introducing young seedlings to the hole;
  • for berry shrubs having a surface root system - the litter warms the roots in winter, and the spring nutrients stimulate the flowering and formation of berries;
  • decorative colors - increase in the sizes of the blooming, cut flowers longer stand in a vase.

Mineral single-component fertilizers are sometimes added to horse manure - potassium sulfate or superphosphate.

Fruit trees

Maybe someone does not know that the horsepower can fertilize fruit trees after harvesting. For this:

  • digging the crown diameter at least 30 cm depth;
  • a solution is done - third buckets poured water;
  • the liquid is poured into the recess and closes the layer of land.

In the humus you can add wood ashes and superphosphate.

Caution! Ash are not added to fresh horsepie

Berry shrubs

For berry shrubs make mulch from straw. To do this, first the bushes are abundantly watered with water in the fall, when they have already dropped the foliage. Then watered with a solution of dunglazhi, after which the layer of straw around the shoots are placed. Such a "blanket" warms well the root system.


Use horse manure as potato fertilizer can be in two ways:

  • in the fall, overcoat the soil with fresh horsepower;
  • add humus to the well when landing.

The first way is easier for labor costs and more efficient in the amount of nitrogen entering the ground.


Perennial plants can offer fake-based feeders, which lay in the borate for at least a year. Of them make a working solution: first stir third buckets of manure with water, Let stand and dissolve.

The next day Break alone 1/1.0 And watered plants. It is desirable that the liquid completely fell into the ground to prevent the loss of nutrients. Such feeders are useful to flowering plants: roses, astramen, gladiolus, cockerels.

Important! Furinations of coniferous ornamental plants are carried out only by humus or a horsepart-based compartment. High content of nitrogen conifers contraindicated

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The nutrient content in dung - potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus salts are high, so this type of organic additives is called complete. Most of all nitrogen and potassium, phosphate compounds are less, therefore, the excrement of cattle is sometimes combined with other fertilizers of organic or artificial origin. The presence of nutrient components depends on the method of storage of the substance.

Making animal waste into the soil allows you to increase the harvest not only in the current season, but also in the following years, therefore this type of fertilizer can be called economical.

What is useful organic soil fertilizer

The use of animal vital products is useful not only for plants. Thanks to plant residues and other chemical substances that are in excrement, microflora actively multiplies in the soil.

Soil microorganisms are involved in the mineralization process, which begins on the second month after making fertilizers. First increases the number of ammonifying bacteria, actinomycetes. Their amount is then reduced, but the population of phosphobacteria increases.

For example:

  • in the semiconded manure of ammonifying bacteria contains more than 2 million in 1 gram, after 2-3 years, their amount decreases by a third;
  • phosphobacteria in the fresh substance is a little more than 2 million, in the semi-proverse of 58 million, in the revival - 157 million in 1 gram.

When the fertilizer enters the ground, the number of bacteria increases from 3 to 20 times, which prevents the loss of nutrients, since the soil microorganisms begin to process them and translate into a form that is faster and better absorbed by plants.

Video: When and what manure can be delivered to the garden

The microflora activation process occurs faster if nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers are introduced into the ground simultaneously with manure.

The presence of humus in the ground is the main condition for the harvest. Making the manure to the soil in the fall increases the amount of humus - organic matter, the product of the decomposition of plant, animals of residues and microorganisms. Gumus includes humic and humus acids, Gumin.

The substance has a black color, therefore it is considered to be than the soil, the higher the harvest will be. The largest content of the substance in the black earth ground. Microorganisms and mushrooms recycle the organic in simpler compounds. For example, the excrement of rainwrites is humus.

But in order for the soil to be loose, a large amount of organic substances should be in the soil - ash, sedients, cattle waste, so that the microorganisms have a power supply.

The number of soil bacteria can be supported by special uh drugs, but when using some mineral fertilizers, the permanent amount of microflora does not achieve, as there is no vegetable nutrition.

Important! To support the activities of soil bacteria and rainwoods you need to make a vegetable or animal organic in the soil - korovyat, the remains of plants, ash, bone waste

Types of manure depending on livestock conditions

The household uses a cow (korovyat), horse, sheep (Kizyak), pork manure with straw litter. Species differ in the number of nutrient elements, consistency. Depending on the conditions of animal content, the fertilizer contains straw impurities, sawdust or other substances.

  • nitrogen compounds;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • magnesia;
  • sodium salts;
  • potash salts.

In order to subsequently use the manure as a fertilizer, animals make a litter of straw. Losses of nitrogen substances, ammonia, depend on the presence or absence of plant component of manure, having a porous structure and absorbing chemicals. Wheat stems or rye have a structure in the form of a hollow tube, where the dung alone is delayed and is preserved longer.


HEVE WITH CORODS CREATE MULTINUALLY SUMM. Then the fertilizer harvesting is for use next year. Is it possible to make fresh manure in autumn? You can, then only in clean beds. Ammonia acts oppressing on the plants, so its use is dangerous spring.

You can not calculate with the dosage and burn the root system. For the winter, extra ammonia disappears, the rest of the substance is recycled by the soil microorganisms and the spring plant receive full nutrition.

The composition of the cow manor includes urine of animals, which is the main supplier of nitrogen. The larger the litter is used, the more fertilizers can be obtained, because plant residues are decomposed and also serve me with plants.

Cow manure decomposes more slowly than other species, so you can make it less likely. This property has been applied on sandy soils, where the nutrient content is quickly reduced. Slow mineralization of substances from a cowboy allows plants to receive food regularly over the entire growing season.

Horse dung

It is considered a better fertilizer, since the food for horses is more expensive. Consequently, excrement contains more useful substances. After cleaning the stables, the excrement is folded into a bunch, where in the absence of special measures to preserve the nutritional components, they will destroy.

Pork manure

The difference between pork waste from the horse in the fact that pork null is decomposed for a very long time. It depends on the chemical composition of excrement - most of all from enzymatic substances. To accelerate the overloading of residues in the soil or in a compost pile, pork manure is mixed with horse, if there is such an opportunity.

According to the consistency, pork waste is smaller, so pigs should be to retain more straw to collect manure to fertilizer.

By their nature, pigs allocate more urine than feces. To detain ammonia, you need a porous or tubular material. In extreme cases, sawdust, which also absorb nitrogen wells.


Is it possible to make carrying damage in autumn and under what plants?

Sheep feces are not very valued in gardening as a fertilizer, since the animals distinguish little urine, therefore, all ammonia is in manure. The remaining substances are potassium, phosphate acid are in sufficient quantities.

Fekes are poorly mixed with underlining material, but quickly decompose. To form humus in the ground, any type of manure is used. If necessary, fertilize plants with mineral fertilizers. Suitable for any crops - vegetable, ornamental, but better to apply in a complex with minerals.

Stages of decomposition: Fresh manure, semi-proverse, humus

The fresh is the manure that is complicated not more than 6 months ago. During the storage, it is turned over several times to provide oxygen access. In the process of learing, the manure highlights a large amount of heat - burns.

The temperature rises to 70 degrees and plant residues are burned, turning into a homogeneous mass. Under the action of temperatures, larvae and eggs of helminths, weed seeds die. Fertilizer becomes safe for use.

But it happens in a year after the manure is composed of stacks and cover the peat layer to reduce the loss of volatile substances. Therefore, the semi-proverse substance is more expensive than fresh. It is called semi-proverse manure.

Semi-proverse manure contains about 75% water, that is, it is loose and homogeneous in structure. Suitable for all plants and soils. The volume of the semi-surround substance is 50% of the initial amount.

Rewind excrement 1.5 - 2 years. After another six months, the substance turns into humus, the volume of which decreases at three to four times, but this fraction is considered the most environmentally friendly and nutritious.

How to cook humus - storage conditions

When stored, it is important to maintain nutrients that will consume plants. To do this, it is better to use a cold way in which the losses of substances are not more than 1%. To do this, equip special storage facilities in which the manure is shrinking the earth or peat.

Peat is the most valuable material, as it is able to absorb water 7 times more of its own weight. Thus, decaying excrement absorbed into peat litters and nutrients are not lost.

Video: Ase about manure-humid

It is not advisable to store manure in small piles. In winter, the moisture is weathered, and the substance freezes. In a large heap, the safety of the organic matter is higher.

Most of all losses occurs from the number of nitrogen compounds. You can avoid as follows: add phosphoritic flour. Nitrogen substances in a chemical reaction are connected to phosphate that for plants is greater value.

Fertilizer with cowbow fall: rules and features

Making a manure in autumn simplifies the fertilizer of the Earth. When it is better to put manure into the soil - in the fall or in spring - it depends on what fertilizer is available: overwhelming or fresh. Fresh substance is not hazardous when fertilizing empty beds. During the winter period, the litter is completely dissolved, and the loss of nutrients is not more than 1%, as with a cold storage method.

Fresh manure in the fall in the country stimulates the growth of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, so potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers who need nitrogen in large quantities will grow well on such a garden.

How to properly make humus autumn:

  • it is better not to leave the level on the surface - it is mixed with soil or buried;
  • you can cook trenches and fall asleep there substance, then close the ground.

How to properly make excrement in the fresh form:

  • in the form of a solution - 1 shovel on the bucket of water;
  • in a mixture with mineral fertilizers;
  • in a dry form, rehabilitated with soil.

In the dry dosage of organic fertilizer 1 square meter 1 bucket. You can not use alkaline organic or minerals - ash, lime with fresh manure. The neutralization chemical reaction can reduce the nutritional value of nitrogen components, and the plants will turn yellow.

Spring fertilizer

In the spring period use semi-proverse, overwhelmed manure or compost.

The optimal option is one or biennial. Such fertilizer is brought immediately to the wells, without fearing to harm the root formation process. Fresh korovyat must fly in soil at least 3 weeks. Only after that you can plant plants. For 3 - 4 weeks, extra ammonia disappears, some of the organic people have time to recycle the soil worms - bacteria, mushrooms and worms.

It should be borne in mind that after applying fresh manure, there will be a lot of work on the removal of weeds. 1 kg contains more than 7,000 seeds of weighing herbs.

If in the spring, the use of fresh cow excrement is urgently needed, because the dates are violated, it is possible to wash the conventional wood ash to the cowboy - about 1 cup on the bucket. This will reduce the acidity and protect the roots.

How to use the overall

A good effect of humus gives on depleted and heavy soils: sandstones, clay, loams. It is advisable to observe dosages, since the excess of the amount of fertilizer adversely affects the development of plants. The optimal amount of 2 - 3 tons per weave.

It is impossible to disturb the humus. The maximum age should not exceed 3 years, as the oxidation of substances included in the composition, the destruction of the organic and the loss of nutrients occurs. The most useful fertilizers are aged 1 - 2 years.

Konsky manure is considered the best organic fertilizer from the moment of domestication of the horse. However, it is necessary to apply it with the mind. With incorrect use, this substance can not increase yield, but harvest.

Horse manure consists of a litter and animal feces, which are a substrate of digested plant feeds. In its composition, it is not inferior to most chemical fertilizers, but, unlike them, does not destroy the soil and does not accumulate in plants.

Horses - source of high-quality fertilizer

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The colom is only one kind of beds of the day. The quality of the final product will be highly dependent on the material that was used as a litter, and, accordingly, it turned out to be mixed with feces and urine, hitting the final product. Straw, the presence of which in the manure of mass consciousness is not disputed, it is only the most common option. In terms of benefits for plants, it is approximately in the middle. The most useful, albeit the rare itself, is the litter of peat. The most harmful, although it is also rare - a litter of sawdust.

The main chemical elements and compounds that are part of the horse manure

WaterIts content is 71.3%. It is slightly less than in a pork and much less than in a cow. In other words, horse manual land and more concentrated.
Organic compoundsThey are present in an amount of 25.4%. It is clear that, the higher this indicator, the greater the nutrients go into the soil.
NitrogenIts percentage ratio is 0.77%. This, as in the preceding paragraphs, is higher than in pork and cow's manure. It enters the manure in the form of a straw litter, which absorbed the urine of the animal. Straw absorbs nitrogen well and holds it. This element is an important part of the DNA of plants, chlorophyll, enzymes, proteins, proteins and amino acids are synthesized from it. It is clear to its importance for the normal development of gardening crops.
PhosphorusIt is contained at a concentration of from 0.3 to 0.7%.
PotassiumIt can be contained from 0.2 to 0.8%
CalciumThis element is about 0.35%.

In addition, horse manure boasts the following advantages:

  • ruffiness. Very important characteristic. Adding to the soil of a loose substance makes it easier, air and increases its ability to delay moisture. Especially beneficial this substance affects severe clay soil;
  • high temperature decomposition. This makes it indispensable for bookmark to greenhouses;
  • no oxidizing effect on the soil;
  • small weight. Bag on 50 liters, scored to the top, weighs 35-49 kg. This characteristic does not affect productivity, but very important. Thanks to her, a kilogram of horse manure will significantly exceed all the other "varieties" of this substance. Thus, even despite the higher cost, buying it may come out more profitable;

  • lack of characteristic odor of feces;
  • stimulation of the vital activity of soil microorganisms and rainworms. This is very important, since even one-time feeder improves the soil, because the activities of worms and microorganisms are very important for her fertility;
  • lack of seeds of weighing crops. The structure of the horse digestive tract is such that the seeds eaten along with grass or hay are digested almost completely and can no longer.

In addition, during decomposition, horse manure highlights the carbon dioxide that plants eat, and a lot of heat.

What form can and where you can buy

The horse manure is divided into several categories, depending on the decomposition stage and the specifics of cooking. It is useful to understand them, as these categories are used in different ways.


It is a mixture of feces and urine with straw, it is formed in the process of cleaning the tennis and leftages in which they contain horses. Provided from their owners. Often you have to read that it is almost impossible to get a fresh horse in a litter, as few people hold horses. But this opinion is not true. You can get fresh manure everywhere, although you have to search.

The easiest way to make residents of district centers, small cities and villages surrounded by rural areas. But the townspeople should not despair. The easiest way is to find a forum on the Internet on which the owners of horses are communicated from your area and ask there.

Straw, which is included in its composition, has a brown color and a halted look. The semi-proverse is considered to be manure that was kept in the correct conditions from 6 to 12 months. According to some indicators, the most important of which is the concentration of nitrogen, this form exceeds all the others, including humus. Case it from calculating 3 kg per 1 m 2, usually with a peroxide. It is especially useful for bulk crops, cabbage and cucumbers. If the semi-proverse manure was introduced into the soil in the fall, then the next year, all the roots, tomatoes and strawberries grow well on such beds.

As this substance decomposes in the soil, a lot of nitrogen is distinguished, a significant part of which is absorbed by microorganisms. Therefore, it is better to make it in the fall so that the soil has managed to be saturated with nitrogen.


This is a substrate that has deposited at least 3-4 years. The most useful form, since the concentration of useful soil microbes and worms reaches a maximum, the chemical elements are transmitted to easily digested by plants of the form, and straw disintegrates into separate fibers. It looks humid like crumbly brown mass, homogeneous or with small splashes of solid elements. Fecal smell is completely absent. This is the hardest variety, compared to fresh, it loses about a third of the volume. But be careful - after five years of storage, it turns into ordinary soil, albeit with several improved properties.

It is used to fertilize all country crops without exception. Moreover, it is noted that its contribution not only accelerates growth and increases the size of the fruit, but also improves their taste.

This wonderful fertilizer must be said separately. As it was written above, fresh manure is dangerous under the roots, as it can burn them. To avoid this, experienced gardeners are preparing a null tincture.

For its manufacture, there is any tightly closing capacity, for example, a big barrel. In it, fresh manure is poured with water in proportion 1x1, stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass, closed tightly and leave alone for 10 days. The resulting infusion, if there are no other instructions, just before use is diluted with water in proportion 1 part of the infusion on 10 parts of water.

Good results showing the use of such an infusion for flowers immediately before the flowering period. You can also add the dung tincture into water for watering other plants. Water should be the color of weakly brewed tea.

Dung infusion can be bought in stores.

Granulated manure

An excellent example of how modern technologies help gardens. This is the usual manure that is turned into granules on the following technology. First, it is crushed to a homogeneous mass, then heated to 75 degrees. Mixed with straw shredded into dug, dried, passed through the molding machine, the resulting granules are pesticing. As can be seen, no "chemistry", which is fear of many gardens, is not added, and the granules can be safely used even ideological fans of "natural". They are used to feed almost all country crops, the recommended amount is 10-15 kg / 100 m 2. They are usually sold for weight in the markets and in stores. Shelf life is three years.

Prices for feed granulator

Granulator Cord


Horses owners can prepare manure on their own.

Denniki is cleaning once a day, separately lying large feces are selected during the day. It is also necessary to fold them separately, it is the most valuable manure, clean, without impurities of the litter.

Denniki, from which the manure will be harvested, should not be assessed by sawdust. They greatly worsen the quality of the final product. It is best to use peat as a litter. If it is impossible - straw.

Usually, the sulfted manure is loaded into the wheelbarrow, disappear to the storage point and simply pour out to the ground. So you can not do. The precious nitrogen is oxidized by oxygen and goes into ammonia, which is useless to plants. It is necessary to immediately lay the manure on storage, if it is planned to be used nearby, or cheat into bags, if you plan to sell or disappear to the site. Filled bags must be tied.

Storage methods

Proper storage of this natural fertilizer is very important. With incorrect nitrogen, the chemical reaction with oxygen, which is contained in atmospheric air, is oxidized, turns into ammonia and disappeared. Based on this, it becomes clear that the primary task is to organize storage so that the substance has in contact as little as possible with air.

The most common way is that the pit is growing in the ground. It is laid so that to the edge remained at least 10 cm. This gap falls asleep with sawdust and straw. The pit is covered with a film and pressed her edges to the ground with bricks or other weights. If the tab is happening in the summer, when a few weeks have been to hot dry weather - you can generously pour the contents with water, and only then cover.

Store it in both the compost piles, laying layers with garden weeds, peat, fallen leaves and other vegetable organic. This method is considered one of the best, since the released fluid is absorbed by vegetable layers and, thus, is saved.

Prices for garden composters

Garden composters

The first and the last layers are made of vegetable raw materials or peat, their thickness should be at least 20. Height height should be about 1.5 m. From above, it is covered with a film.

Methods of application

Useful of all manure for heavy soils. On dry and loose to achieve a noticeable effect, it will be necessary to make it several years in a row. Fresh manure is slowly mineralized, so it should be used with mineral fertilizers. The humus is deprived of this shortage, so additional fertilizers are not needed. The substrate of any freshness can be made under the winter, even freshly fresh in the occurrence of sowing. The average rate of application is 5 kg per 1 m 2. It is useful to know that approximately 7.5 kg of manure is placed in the usual bucket. This will help measure the desired amount without having weights.

This natural fertilizer has a pronounced cumulative action, the benefits of it reaches a maximum on the second or third year of continuous use.

It is best to make a manure during complete loosering of the beds, which is usually happening in spring and autumn. It takes about one bucket. Fresh brought in autumn, semi-proverse and humus - autumn.

Use manure and for soil mixture to seed out, especially tomato. For this, there are 2 parts of the garden land and 1 part of humus or semi-proverse manure.

The most vivid cases of failures when applying this type of fertilizers are associated with the introduction of fresh excrement directly under the roots of plants during the growing season. Do not do it. The product has not yet developed contains too much nitrogen and highlights too much heat. All of the above can seriously damage the root system.

As biofuels for greenhouses and greenhouses

Enjoying, fresh horse apples make a lot of energy, the local temperature increase can reach 33 degrees. In parallel, the soil enrichment with valuable substances. In particular, carbon dioxide, which is particularly distinguished by a lot, serves as the main source of plant nutrition. It is especially useful for cucumber sprouts, the introduction of fresh manure to the greenhouse into which the cucumbers planned, increases yield. Therefore, the young litter is perfectly suitable for "heating" greenhouses. You can make it either in the spring or in the fall.

Greenhouse on the dung "pillow"

For flowers

The species included in the pink family (the most popular in Russian gardens are roses and decorative rose robes), always react positively to watering the diluted manure infusion. It is also useful to scatter between bushes a small amount of semi-proverse manure, or use it for mulching. Other flowers also useful to water aliens, especially during flowering.

For cabbage

Belococcal feeds with this fertilizer twice for the season, and the last one is minimum two months before the pickup of the kochanov. Otherwise, part of nitrogen can accumulate in them as nitrates. The feeder is produced by nascular influence, on the bucket of which is added by a glass of ash. Water through this mixture predominantly in the evening, from the calculation of the glass on the bush.

Color watered two times, but somewhat on another scheme. The first watering produce two months after disembarking seedlings in the ground. In the bucket of water dissolves a tablespoon of urea and 2 glasses of the dung infusion. On one plant, 2 glasses of this mixture are poured.

The second time feeding the same mixture was produced when Kochan reaches the size of walnut. Under the bush poured in liter.

For cucumbers

This culture is also watered with a mixture based on the dung infusion. Processing is best done in the evening.

The first feeding is made when plants begin to bloom. A glass of infusion is taken on the water bucket, on a teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Make a glass of the resulting fluid under the plant. The second time, watering produced after 2-3 weeks, the third one after the same period of time. The composition is the same.

Grow cucumbers and "null" beds. In addition to the fertilizer, this method provides this thermal-loving culture comfortable temperature for it, as the manure, decomposing, heats the soil.

Semi-proverse manure is mixed in half with straw. This mixture is densely destroy the garden (the second option is falling asleep into wide transverse trenches) and leave alone until light smoke appears above it, indicating that isothermal processes are launched. This means that the "process went" and you can use fertilizer for appointment. It takes about a week. After that, the beds are plugged, watered with water, are covered with polyethylene and left at one day for two days, after which they are revealed and coated with a layer of soil.

For carrots

If the landed carrot is bad and slowly growing, it is fed by nasty influence. The first time it is done when the bulk of plants on the garden has already released the fourth sheet, last - 2-3 weeks before harvesting.

For potatoes

During the planting of potatoes in the hole, a handful of manure mixed with Earth is put in proportion of 1: 1. In addition to increasing the crop, such a mixture scares the wire.

For apple trees

Annual feeding apple tree with horse manure will help make a tree healthier and increase yield. Do it always fall after collecting fruits, once a year. A shallow trench is digged around the tree so that she is glad to be shued by a ring at a distance of a half-meter from the trunk. The trench is filled with fresh manure or dung influence, give to stand and fall asleep the earth.

Video - Making a grounding into the soil

When you can not use manure

Despite the undoubted benefits, this substance cannot be used thoughtless, there are contraindications.

  1. It is necessary to observe the rules and the frequency of making this fertilizer. Overdose can harm.
  2. The horse manure cannot be made later than two weeks before harvesting. Otherwise, it will be accumulated in plants in the form of nitrites and nitrates, which are harmful to the human body in large doses.
  3. You can not use manure covered with mold and fungal flare.
  4. Under potatoes, only manure from proven stables or granulated. Pass is transferred through manure.
  5. It is unacceptable to introduce fresh manure directly under the root plant of the plant.

As you can see, they are not so much. In other cases, horse manure, especially in the form of humus, can be applied.

To improve the growth and development of garden plants, various types of fertilizers are used. Among the large number of substances, the basis of which are organic compounds, horse manure uses extremely popular. It includes almost all nutritional elements required by plants. Due to the high concentration of the organic, it is important to know how to apply horse humus like fertilizer to not harm vegetables.

Composition of horseman

Horse manure is a mixture of the excrement of the animal and the litter, on which it sleeps. The output composition is no worse than chemical fertilizers. As a litter, straw is most often used, which is used as an independent fertilizer. When decomposition, it stresses and makes the soil nutrient.

Dry stems of grain crops, of which the straw consists, contain the trace elements necessary for the full development and growth of plants. Some animals for the floor covering in the stable use wood sawdust. They hold well in the soil. Chips from coniferous trees saturates ground with acid, which is necessary for feeding cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots.

Horse manure 70.1% consists of water. The number of organic substances is about 24%. Such a high concentration contributes to the enrichment of the soil by all the necessary nutritional components. One of the main chemical elements included in the horsepie is a total nitrogen - 0.58%. Ammonia nitrogen in horse manure 0.19%, and it should decompose before fertilizer falls into the soil. This substance is part of proteins and amino acids necessary for the normal existence of any plants.

In addition to nitrogen in the structure of the manure there are other important nutritional elements: phosphorus (0.28%), potassium (0.64%), magnesium (0.14%). Due to this composition, manure has positive characteristics.

  1. Porous texture. If you get into the ground, the loose mixture makes it air and contributes to the deduction of moisture.
  2. Ability to improve vegetables nutrition. When breaching is distinguished in large quantities of carbon dioxide, contributing to the improvement of the photosynthesis of green plants.
  3. The high temperature of rotting accelerates the process of decaying complex chemical compounds. This contributes to rapid soil enrichment with nutrients.
  4. The probability of reproduction of pathogenic microbes and soil infection is minimal.
  5. Small weight. Granulated manure is packaged in typical bags whose weight does not exceed 40 kg.

General rules for use

In order to reasonably use horse manure to fertilize the garden, you should follow certain rules. Fresh manure is better to make autumn under the poppop. By the spring he will decompose so much that it will serve as food for soil bacteria. It is added to the clay soil in large quantities than in sandy.

Because of the high temperature of the decomposition, it is undesirable to make a surge in a fresh form as a roasting dressing. Semi-gearing litter looks dry due to the loss of a large amount of moisture. It is brought in the spring in the amount of 4-6 kg per m². For effective and economical use, organic fertilizer is laid in the holes, thoroughly mixing with the earth.

The humus can be used for summer feeding. During this period, they cover the Earth with the purpose of its mulching. Gumus is used not only in its pure form, but also in the mixture with other substances. Apply manure with sawdust is needed in a 1: 1 ratio. A large amount of horsepower (up to 15 kg per 1 m²) even heavy clay soils turns into suitable vegetables for cultivation.


The main task in storing the horse humus is to losses its beneficial substances minimal. Nitrogen, which is part of the fertilizer, is of particular value for grown plants. This chemical substance quickly disintegrates on nitrites and nitrates. The latter are well soluble and easily washed off with water.

Consequently, when storing, manure should not be in contact with water. In case of decomposition of complex nitrogen compounds, ammonia is allocated. This substance in large quantities is toxic for people. To avoid poisoning, a bunch of manure should be placed at the end of the site.

The best way to store manure is the formation of embankments with a width of about three meters and a height of up to two meters. The formed bunch is compacted and coated with straw. Shoots of weeds from seeds located in the composition of manure or brought by the wind are cut off.

Tip: "The compost pile is better to do from the northern side. If there are no such places in the country, you can put around the pumpkin, its wide leaves will serve as sun protection. Also, the good shadow will create densely planted sunflowers. "

Recipes fertilizers

Horsepad is used as fertilizer for vegetables, strawberries, fruit trees, as well as for flowers. The exceptional composition makes it possible to use manure in various kinds.

Fresh - delivered from the stable. In this form, it is better to make autumn, after collecting the last harvest. High heat transfer allows it to be used as biological fuel. For this, it is layered by layers of about 30 cm high, pre-taking the land from weeds and residues of cultivated plants. During the winter months, he has time to decompose, and the heat allocated in the process does not give the earth to drag.

Well blood soil is necessary for early ripening of zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage. Semi-dried horses excrement have a porous structure. To feed the plants, they are recommended to be breeding with water and bring to the sections where the coarse, carrots, potatoes, berries will be grown. The humus is considered the most significant and necessary for the garden. It takes several years. Thanks to its properties, it provides a full growth to most plants. When feeding fruit crops make up to five Vöter humus under one tree.

To preserve moisture, the fertilizer covers the coil circles. The use of humus under berry shrubs is also very popular. One fertilizer is made by three buckets per square meter. For mulching strawberries and raspberries, the pumping excrement is mixed with dry foliage or straw and laid out a layer of about 10 cm in height. Liquid manure is a liquid concentrate. Implement it in bottles with a volume of 5 liters. Many gardeners make such a fertilizer.

Cooking "horseman". Freckled nettle is placed in the container and completely poured with water. After 3 days, the mixture is added to the mixture from the calculation 1 part of humoring by 10 parts of infusion. Everyone is well mixed and insist 2-3 days. The finished concentrate is brought under roots or spray the leaves. Potash-nitrogen fertilizer in the form of a man-where can be taken anywhere where horses are bred. This type of feeding is well suited for tomatoes.

Granulated horsepower is convenient during transportation. It is also an excellent alternative to fresh in areas where there is no possibility to purchase "Naturprodukt". Manure in granules - entirely natural main fertilizer, possesses the same characteristics as fresh. It is more concentrated - 1 kg of granules contains as many nutrient elements as 4 kg of fresh substance.

Fertilizer has no repulsive smell. In the granules there are no seeds of weed grass, the presence of which is characteristic of fresh manure.

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and, by observing all items, start making feeding.

Almost all the colors are very whimsally to the soil. Improve its quality is capable of horse humus. Fertilizer made in the flowerbed in the fall, not only enrich the soil with nitrogen, but also protects the root system of flowers from freezing. In the fresh litter high nitrogen content. The excess of this chemical element in tomatoes contributes to the extension of the green mass. Therefore, feed the tomatoes is better than a compost or horse metering, diluted water. Strawberry takes a large number of nitrogen-containing elements from the ground. Horse manure for it is an ideal fertilizer, but use it only in a strongly diluted water (per 100 liters of water 5 kg of manure). The impex is watered with strawberries.

Despite all the positive characteristics of the horse humus, it is unacceptable in separate circumstances. The presence of a fall on the surface of horsepower indicates the presence of pathogenic fungi. The use of such fertilizer can lead to plant infection with diseases. In the gardening beds under the cucumbers, it is necessary to make only completely pumping fertilizer. Not to the end of the decomposed manure highlights ammonia, which is dangerous for cucumbers. This applies only to the feeders conducted in the spring or summer. Competent and accurate use of horse humus as a fertilizer will allow to grow healthy and severe plants that can give rich yields.