Modern materials for building a bath. What is better to build a bath

Own bath in the country area or in the country house - the dream of many owners. The benefits of bath procedures are obvious - they strengthen the Spirit, improve blood circulation, improve the condition of the skin, are effective prevention of colds.

Today, the construction market offers a lot of building materials for the construction of a bath.


All private wage steers must comply with SNiP standards. Requirements for the rules for the development of household plots are set forth in Snip 30-02-97, the requirements for the creation of the projects of the household plot - in SNiP 11-106-97. You need to start building a bath from familiarizing this documentation.

It is important that the requirements for the construction of a bath turn out to be tougher than standard standards for residential premises - this is due to the high fire hazard of the bath buildings due to the presence of the furnace.

When buying materials, it is necessary to navigate not only for personal preferences and cost, but also on the compliance of the products offered to the facilities inside the steam room and in adjacent rooms.

Materials applied to the construction of an object must comply with the following requirements:

  • provide high thermal insulation indicators;
  • have a necessary fireproof threshold;
  • eco-friendly - not to allocate toxic compounds during operation and heating;
  • enjoy resistance to moisture.

It is almost impossible to find the material simultaneously corresponding to all specified requirements. However, special processing or use of auxiliary materials allows you to achieve a balance. For example, wood is an environmentally friendly and warm material, characterized by durability. Increase moisture and fire resistance of wood allows impregnation with antipirens.

Planning the construction of the bath, it should be understood that even small sizes of the structure needed preliminary design. Drawing up drawings and the presence of calculations guarantees obtaining high-quality and reliable design, so it is better to start with the creation of the project.

Do not forget that the bath should be built at a distance of 10-15 m from residential buildings.

What material to choose?

When installing the bath, the characteristics of the climate, its size and floors are taken into account. For example, if a bath with accommodation is assumed, for example, having a second floor or used attic, then a solid foundation is required, selection of certain materials for the construction of walls.

The walls of the tradition in tradition are laid out of wood or brick. However, today the construction market offers new materials. Each of them has characteristic advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of one or another option should be approached.

The mandatory element of most baths is insulation. Exceptions are only paired in the country, which are used only in the warm season, it is desirable that they are built of wood.

The outer decoration of the bath allows you to increase the protection of the material of the walls, give the structure to the external appeal. It is recommended to choose a single finish for home, baths and other buildings, which will create a single exterior.


Wooden buildings are a kind of classic. Depending on the variety of wood used, the structure will have certain characteristics. Among the popular varieties are distinguished by the breeds described below.


This wood thanks to the secreted resin is protected from the occurrence of mold and the appearance of pests. Material of moisture consists, pleasant in appearance has a low cost. However, in the heating process, the pine sends a resin that can be burned.



At first glance it seems that the aspen is the optimal variety for the organization of the steam room. It has such qualities as high density, which over the years only increases, moisture resistance, the ability to keep the heat and a pleasant reddish shade. However, due to increased density, the material is difficult to process, and also has a lot of value. The main feature is the release when heated substances that negatively affect a person (the head begins to hurt).



Wood beautiful reddish shade does not give a shrinkage, does not release toxic substances when heated. Prevent the rotation of the material allows the use of special impregnations. Of the disadvantages it is worth noting the body's ability to darken several years of operation, as well as high cost.

Bani construction can also be conducted from the bar - rounded or profiled. The first form is considered environmentally friendly and attractive, in connection with which the design does not need external and inner cladding. Thanks to the ability to connect the bars at different angles, it is possible to implement diverse design solutions. Another advantage is high thermal insulation. Should know that The material gives a shrinkage, so it is important to comply with the technology of installation and give a building time for shrinkage of a church.

The profiled bar is solid and glue. Unlike a rounded analog, it does not give shrinkage. Thanks to special impregnations (antipirens and antiseptics), it is possible to increase the performance characteristics of the material.

The one-piece option is environmentally friendly, because there are no adhesive components in its composition, and the adhesive timber has greater strength, not subject to cracking.

The bath from the tree is well kept heat, removes gases and toxins. With low weight, it does not require additional reinforcement of the foundation. It is worth noting the environmental safety of wood - during heating process it highlights useful elements. The tree can absorb moisture, so the walls are "breathable", moist air does not accumulate in the room, steam in the bath - dry and light.

However, this ability is negatively reflected in the state of the wood itself - it darkens, raws and rot. Finding "Golden Mid" allows the use of special impregnation. Another minus material is its increased fire resistance. Increase the fire safety of the tree allows antipyrin treatment. Finally, shrinkage of wood is about 13%, which is quite a lot, therefore, after a year and a half after construction, the bath will have to be caught again.

To build a bath, it is unacceptable to use birch, beech and maple.

The frame of the bath is considered a budget option - this is due to the lower cost of the frame compared to brick and brusade baths. However, it should be borne in mind that during the installation of frame baths will increase spending on insulation and internal cladding of the structure, while it will have to abandon the use of mineral wool and foam thermal insulation materials and search for another material, which would be distinguished by moisture resistance and fire safety.

The advantage of frame baths is high installation speed (on average 2-3 weeks), which is due to the small weight of the material. This, by the way, allows you to abandon additional strengthening of the foundation. Finally, such a bath can be collected at any time of the year, including at temperatures up -15c.

The construction material is environmentally friendly, "breathable", and in its heat-insulating characteristics, the frame design is not inferior to analogs from a bar or brick.


The most important advantages of such material are the following positions:

  • long service period (the average period of operation is 15-20 years, however, in practice, this period is 2.5-3 times longer than);
  • external attractiveness and lack of need for external cladding;
  • fire resistance - material is not a fuel;
  • small moisture-absorption coefficient, which ensures the durability of the bath and the absence on its plates and fungus.

However, the brick is characterized by considerable weight, therefore, under the pair, it is necessary to perform a ribbon base.

This causes the duration of the building process - it is necessary to build a concrete foundation and wait when it gains strength. Laying brick walls also takes a lot of time. In addition, the material is more expensive in comparison with frame or block bath.

The walls of the brick do not "breathe", so during construction should leave ventilation gaps.Warming the bath is better from the inside. When erecting a brick structure, it should be borne in mind that it will warm up for quite a long time - about 1-1.5 hours.

The most convenient for work is a red one-and-a-half or gas-silicate brick. The ceramic brick used has sloping holes, which significantly increases the thermal efficiency of the material. In addition, it is durable, attractive outwardly.

Full-year brick has a large margin of strength, so it is recommended to use it for the construction of bearing walls and parts of a building under high loads. Silicate brick has high thermal insulation indicators, but it is characterized by a democratic value. For cement mortar, cement is required, the vintage strength of which is at least M200.

For the construction of the walls, the red brick is used, for the pair zone - refractory or ceramic. The basis of refractory brick is a mixture of clay, susceptible to dry pressing. The result of this technology is a complete brick with impeccable smooth shape, a smooth surface and high ability to absorb moisture. Only such a material is capable of carrying out gaseous waste arising during the combustion process, and at the same time not to collapse under the influence of high temperatures. The brand of such brick should be at least M200.

Ceramic brick is obtained by high-temperature firing clay solutions. Thanks to this technology, a hollow brick is obtained, which has high thermal insulation. A ceramic brick bath warms up faster than from a full-scale analog, which is achieved due to the presence of cavities in this material.

However, ceramic brick is rapidly destroyed under the influence of hot moisture, which implies high-quality steam-and waterproofing of the bath.

For laying a bath furnace, a chamotte brick is used, which is the only material capable of withstanding an open fire. It is the basis of clay, in which quartz grains, graphite powder and other additives are added. Raw materials are burned at high temperatures that reach 1500C.

For a bath furnace, the chamotte brick of the brand SB-5 and SB-8 is suitable, which is able to withstand temperatures up to 1400s. Chammatory brickwork is conducted on refractory clay or special mixtures. An ordinary cement solution will not fit - under the influence of heat it cracks.


Blocks during the construction of the bath are gaining increasingly popular, which is associated with the simplicity of installation of such a design, high speed of construction and availability of material.

When the bath is erected, gas or foam blocks are usually used, considered a type of cellular concrete. They are based on cement and quartz sand, as well as foaming agents. The product has a correct rectangular shape and is characterized by increased strength. Achieve strength allows processing in special autoclaves.

Among the advantages of the material, the following indicators are distinguished:

  • fire resistance;
  • high strength;
  • low weight - due to this you can refuse to further strengthen the foundation;
  • easy to use - if necessary, the material easily cuts into pieces of hand, in it you can make holes with a drill.

The explicit minus material is considered to be hygroscopicity of blocks. Avoid the absorption material of moisture allows special processing of blocks, as well as the use of a hydro and vaporizole system.

The thermal conductivity of the material varies depending on its density: the less the density, the lower the thermal conductivity, and therefore the warmer of the bath. This is due to the fact that low-density blocks contain a small amount of air bubbles.

When heated, they expand and prevent the heat output to the outside - the effect of the "thermos" is obtained. The average thermal conductivity coefficient of blocks is 0.072-0.141. If moisture gets inside the material, this indicator is reduced.

Cement glue is used for mounting blocks. The use of cement is unacceptable because it contains water.

The more durable type of aerated concrete blocks is gasosilicate analogs. Their enhanced reliability is due to the presence of quartz sand in the composition.

The most affordable variety of blocks are slag blocks. In their composition - cement solutions and waste of coal and other industries (slags). This material is distinguished by low moisture resistance, therefore not recommended for use for the construction of a bath. Refrigerated, the material becomes fragile.

In addition, slag blocks have low thermal insulation indicators, therefore, when erecting a pair of slag blocks, it is necessary to take care of a reliable heat and waterproofing system.

Before use, the material should be withstanding in the open air during the year - it is necessary that harmful evaporation and toxins will deteriorate from the blocks.

A better equivalent of slag blocks are almost hollow ceramzite-concrete blocks. Thanks to the voids inside, the material is characterized by the smallest weight compared to the rest of the blocks, which speeds up the installation process and does not require strengthening the foundation.

The material of the material is a cement mixture and clay (burned fine-phrase clay). It is characterized by environmentally friendly, low thermal conductivity (depends on the clamp fraction - on average is 0.15-0.45) and low moisture absorption. This allows you to create an inexpensive and warm steamzitoblocks from the ceramzitoblocks, which will serve several decades. It is important to use for construction materials M100-M150. Less durable blocks are suitable only for building facing.

Ceramzit blocks are optimal for the construction of a bath in the northern regions, since the frost resistance indicators (and therefore the duration of operation) are 2 times higher than that of foam blocks, and 5 times higher compared to gas blocks. The insulation recommended basalt fiber with a foil paper layer. When laying thermal insulation, it is important not to forget to leave 2-3 cm of the air gap.

Another budgetary type of block is a ceramoblock. It has a cement mixture and ceramic powder, which allows us to talk about the environmental friendliness of the material. Like clay analogs, such a material is characterized by low weight and durability. However, the cerarmoblocks have high thermal conductivity, which forces to mount a thicker thermal insulation layer.

For construction, the blocks whose strength is at least M100 should be used.

A rock

The stone bath looks monumentally and unusual. Material has a multitude of advantages: fire safety, low shrinkage, long service life. The stone is publicly available and has a low cost. Shrinking stone bath is only 5%.

However, along with positive qualities, the stone has a lot of minuses, because of which he received a small distribution during the construction of a bath.

The complexity of construction is one of them. Due to the incorrect forms of stones, it is not easy to create the construction of the right form. The stone does not keep warm, therefore it requires careful thermal insulation, as well as increased raw material consumption for oven ignition. In addition, the material has low gas permeability, so in the stone bath you need to provide a powerful ventilation system to prevent air stagnation.

Since the stone is distinguished by large dimensions, the wall thickness of the bath will be very large - on average it is 75 cm. For comparison: the thickness of the stone masonry is 51 cm, wooden walls - 15-20 cm. Large sizes and, accordingly, the weight of the material requires the strengthening of the foundation.

In addition, the stone buildings do not "breathe", condensate is formed on their walls. Level such a deficiency is possible only by organizing ventilation and a powerful vapor barrier system.

Despite the low value of the material, the construction of a stone bath will cost more than the construction of a bath, even from an expensive variety of wood. This is due to the feature of the installation of a stone steam room, a large number of thermal insulation material, complexity of processing and the large weight of the stone itself.

Other materials

For the construction of the bath, you can use other materials, such as blocks from arbolit. Their foundation (up to 90% of the composition) is wood waste, pre-crushed to the desired size. They are poured with a mixture of cement with the addition of liquid glass or calcium chloride. The latter prevent wood destruction under the influence of resin acids, and also accelerate the process of solidification of concrete.

The material has the following features:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high hygroscopicity, which determines the need to use high-quality waterproofing;
  • low cost.

In addition, other positions can be noted:

  • Higher heat capacity of the material compared to the heat capacity of air, which means the ability to create a favorable microclimate in the bath. First, the air is heated in the room, and then the walls. In a brick bath, everything will be around.
  • The low strength of the material, which means inability to withstand large loads. This makes arbolite blocks suitable exclusively for low-rise construction.
  • The need for external facing of the building from Arbolita. For these purposes, it is better to use lining (most affordable, in terms of price, option), brick or wood impregnated with moisture-repellent mixtures.

In addition to the choice and purchase of materials for walls of the bath, difficulties may occur when choosing materials for the foundation and insulation.

Below are the types of foundations that can be applied during the construction of a bath.


It is a "ribbon" of concrete, which is located around the perimeter of the structure. Due to this, the belt foundation is considered not only the most durable and reliable, but also the most expensive.

Such a base is required under brick and stone baths, as well as buildings of large floors (more than one floor, baths with attic).


It has concrete bases, columns located at equal intervals from each other. The columns are connected by wooden profiles, on which the walls are then stacked. The advantage of the foundation is the simplicity of installation, as well as the ability to put them in uneven areas. Suitable for small wooden baths in one floor. This type of foundation is recommended for wooden baths, as it allows to provide additional ventilation of the room, which is important in conditions of high humidity.


This type of something is similar to the barbecue option, but instead of concrete columns use piles screwed into the ground. The advantage of the method is the ability to build even with frozen soil, that is, in the winter. For baths of a large area or floors after installing piles, concrete fill is performed, and in some cases - the welding of piles around the perimeter.


This type of foundation is suitable on moving soils, including in the proximity of groundwater. An easier option is to use finished plates. If you need to save, then resort to the reinforcement of the base, after which it is poured by concrete.

Having considered the features of the materials used usually for the construction of the bath, one can decide on choosing a specific option.

The most qualitative is the wooden bath of ate and pine. Ideally, if it is produced in the northern regions - such material is distinguished by increased strength and moisture resistance. This option will allow you to maintain the necessary microclimate in the steam room, will give pleasant sensations. Having warmed up, wood fills the air with forest aroma, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the person. In addition, wooden baths are attractive and durable.

If you choose thermo-modified wood, then it will not absorb moisture and swell, and therefore will last longer. This material recommends to sow at least the "wet" places of the bath. In addition, thermomomometric wood has a lower thermal conductivity compared to conventional trees. If the tools allow, then you can sew a bath with thermomomodified clap - this will make the design warmer and save on the insulation.

Wood for wooden baths should be harvested in winter, because at this time of year it has a greater density, and therefore moisture resistance.

If logs are used, their diameter should be 18-25 cm. If the log diameter is greater, then it will contribute to the high heat loss. The log logs should be the same - the maximum permissible difference between individual logs should be not more than 3 cm, since otherwise they will not firmly fit together in a litigation.

For the lower crowns of the structure, larch is suitable as a more moisture-proof material, not afraid of mechanical exposure and frosts, the rest of the crowns from pine or ate. Avoiding the separation of coniferous rocks of the resin allows special processing or using thermal extension. Another option is not to use coniferous breeds for interior steaming. For these purposes, the cedar is well suited (expensive), alder, poplar and linden - these varieties of trees are characterized by increased moisture resistance and the ability to keep heat.

High-quality logs do not have dark spots on a slice, the slice itself is solid, and the core ranks a third of the log cutting and is distinguished by a uniform dark color. The surface of the logs has a dark or light yellow color, without harsh, cracks and resin pockets. Similar requirements are presented to the bruus.

During construction, you should choose a profiled bar having better processing - this is the material that has passed the chamber drying. If the tools allow, then you can choose a glue bar. In addition to a more aesthetic appearance, it gives a smaller shrinkage, not "turned" during operation. However, the glue version is not suitable for those who are looking for an environmentally friendly material, as well as people suffering from allergies, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The cheapest variety of timber is considered an unstructured option. The reduction in the cost is due to the fact that it will dry not in special chambers, and in the fresh air. However, the low cost of the material does not always mean the cost-effectiveness of the construction process. When using an incomplete timber, high-quality thermal insulation is required, outdoor and interior decoration. In addition, the material gives a shrinkage, so after the construction of the basis of the bath it is recommended to wait for a year before proceeding to further construction.

The tree before use must be treated with impregnation that increases its waterproofing abilities, fire and biostostility. Similar processing is recommended to repeat every two years during operation.

If the structure is cheaper, it is worth paying attention to the ceramzite concrete. Build the design will be able to quickly thanks to the convenient size of the blocks. At the same time, it can be of any sizes: in 2 or even 3 floors. Material has low thermal conductivity and durability.

In an effort to build a budget steam room, you do not need to choose the cheapest materials - fenosine and slag blocks or aspen. Such a bath is just about 10-12 years old, and during operation there will be a lot of trouble.

If you analyze the value of the material, the most expensive for the construction of the steam room is considered a tree. If you have calculated in the cubes, it is 2 times more expensive compared to bricks and blocks. However, when analyzing the total construction cost, wood uses cheaper. This is due to the lack of large spending on the foundation (some types of baths, for example, the collected bath-barrel, do not require the usual foundation), thermal insulation, outdoor and internal decoration.

An expensive wooden material for the construction of a bath is a log, a bar has a slightly smaller cost (the cost varies depending on the type). Following it, the price of the price is on the price, which is an arm shred from opposite sides (especially popular in the Scandinavian countries), and a double bar (it is two boards with grooves - the insulation is concluded between them, usually mineral wool).

It is important to choose the right insulation. Some baths require better thermal insulation, while other options imply only interventional insulation. However, regardless of the material used, any bath requires ceiling insulation - this is due to the fact that warm air always strives to top.

For insulation of the ceiling in the bath, where the attic operation is not expected, bulk insulation (clay, sawdust) can be used or a clay ceiling is performed. When organizing the mansard, it is recommended that the use of tiled materials is recommended or the organization of the scary of the attic room with the addition of components that provide thermal insulation into a concrete composition. Ready mixes can be found in stores. For baths with an attic requires insulation of the roof of the roof of mineral wool or foam materials.

Wall insulation requires all baths, with the exception of log. This is especially true of block and brick pairs. The frame structures suggest the presence of a "standard" thermal insulation material inside the frame. However, if you plan to turn the bath in winter and at the same time stay in a rather harsh climate, that is, it makes sense to take care of the additional insulation of the walls.

Mineral and basalt wool are considered the fire-resistant insulators. Such material is able to withstand heating to 800 C, which is due to the features of the production of materials - the stone rocks are heated to 1500 C.

If the year-round use of the bath is assumed, the heat insulation is also required. The choice of material depends on the type of foundation and features of the floor laying. For screw baths, the draft and finishing floor is required, between which layer of mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam or infernoble.

Ceramzit will suit the pile foundation. It is important that it is different sizes: the larger will delay the heat, small - fill the space free between the balls of clay. Since hygroscopic ceramzite, and during wetting loses its heat insulating properties, it is important to carry out high-quality hydro and vaporizolation.

Create a comfortable atmosphere in a steam room and protect the walls from the exposure to high temperatures allows internal insulation. Protecting the walls with a layer of insulation and waterproofing, the owner protects them from moisture exposure and thus extends the battery life. For greater heat efficiency of the pair zone, with its decoration, it makes sense to use a double layer of insulation. The zone around the furnace - walls and gender - additionally thermal with protective screens. If we are talking about a wooden building, a refractory layer is needed, performed from an asbestos sheet coated with iron.

The minimum thickness of the insulation for brick baths operated and in winter should be at least 10 cm.

When choosing a heater and flooring, it is important to acquire this option that, when heated, does not allocate harmful components. From this point of view, the use of linoleum is unacceptable.

In the zone of the steam, it is not recommended to use mineral wool, which is due to the release of phenol formaldehyde resins from it, which are a binding component of the insulation, when heated. HOT is also unsuitable for use in a pair, as it has high hygroscopicity. In the pair zone, it is not recommended to use foil polyurethane foam, as well as polystyrene foam and foam, which, when heated, over 60 ° C is isolated toxic substances. However, they can be mounted in the zone of the washer and the pre-banner - that is, where the temperature does not reach the indicated indicators.

From the point of view of environmental friendliness, preferably the use of basalt wool. The disadvantage of the material is a tendency to shrink, which means the thinning of the insulation layer during operation.

The foamed glass is used on the walls withsting large loads, such as brick. It is the optimal insulation for the bath - retains heat, does not burn, does not give a shrinkage, it is distinguished by biostoconducy and ecology. The disadvantage is only high cost and the need to strictly observe the installation technology.

Outdoor thermal insulation is usually combined with decorative cladding, choosing suitable materials for this. Brick and block baths do not need outdoor insulation, if their seasonal use is assumed.

Log bats are always insulated outside. For this purpose, natural or synthetic insulating materials can be applied. The most common natural insulation is Jute, as well as flax, their combined options and moss. Their main advantage is absolute ecology, and the disadvantage is the complexity of the insulation process.

Synthetic insulation are represented by insulating tapes and combined materials.

Separately, the insulation based on sheep wool, which is considered an optimal option for a bath from a profiled timber. The material is distinguished by practicality, since it performs the functions not only insulation, but also moisture, windproof material. It is important that in the process of use of the bath material is not thinned. Among the disadvantages it is worth noting a high price, as well as the risk of appearance in the insulation of moths.

Wooden models received the greatest distribution to create the door in the bath. From the use of the science version should be immediately abandoned - it is breeding under the influence of moisture. The best option is the door from the array.

It is boards or glued shields with a thickness of up to 5 cm. The cheaper option is a frame design - a frame of bars, covered with clapboard on both sides. If necessary, the insulation can be laid between the frame and clapboard. The best variety of wood in this case is Lipa.

Own bath in the courtyard of a private house or is the dream of many country area owners. Everyone knows that the bath serves as a place not only for regular washing, but also for healthcare procedures - healing pairs cleans the pores, improves blood circulation and gives vitality. In addition, a tradition has developed that it is this building often turns into a kind of "club", in which it is so great you can spend time with friends or loved ones.

Therefore, before the hosts planning the creation of such a useful "complex", the question of how to build a bath is better to build a bath, so that it was possible at any time of the year to create and maintain an optimal microclimate. The choice of material directly affects the creation of a healthy, relaxing bath atmosphere.

In addition, the correct selected material is the key to the durability of this structure. It is required to take into account the fact that the inner surfaces of the walls will be constantly exposed to wet hot air and temperature drops.

The modern market offers a wide variety of various building materials suitable for the construction of walls of houses, economic, utility and other specific buildings. However, it is worth considering and figure out what of them is ideal for the bath.

How good is the Russian cozy bath. Many owners of country sites are dreaming about her. Imagine this idea to life is real. To do this, you need to invest and money. If there is a construction site on the countryside, proceed to the construction of the soap, as it is also called. But note that the main dignity of the bath in the interior decoration, and not in the appearance of the structure.

Having even small skills, a room, equipped for a man washing with the simultaneous action of water and hot air, can be built with their own hands. If you are not sure about the abilities, hire a team of professionals for inner cladding. But for any builders you need a look, so you need to be aware of how the interior should look in the bathroom.

Photo 2. log house of russian baths from pine

It is not recommended to use metal parts with an internal sewing room even for fastening a wooden bar. These tips are given to ensure security in the bath, after all, touching them with them, you can easily burn. If you use fasteners, then only hidden, for example, kleimer.

Facing steam room

The small size of the steam room does not imply decorate the room. Nothing should interfere with the free circulation of hot air. Then a moldful fungus will not be installed in the bath, and condensate will not be assembled on the walls.

For steam finishing, it is not recommended to apply a lining made of coniferous wood trees, since when heating a fir, larch or pine is isolated adhesive resins. The best option is cedar lining and cedar shelves. Cedar cladding for a long time retains initial beauty and does not overheat, and it also smells wonderfully. You can also combine a tree with a brick. These materials are also not afraid of high temperatures and humidity.

Photo 3. steam finish Lipoye

It is impossible to use wood-chip or linoleum in the steam room. These materials when heated becomes toxic and fire hazing. In a wet room, they quickly deform and lose aesthetic appearance.

Shelves in a steam room make stationary. The best option is to place it at a deaf wall. Sun bed can be rearranged. The surface of them should be perfectly processed. No irregularities are allowed, due to which a sharp piece of wood can be supplied under the skin.

Shelves, like the lining in the steam room, must be treated with a special heat-resistant Wax Hartwachs Gnature. Thanks to this procedure, you will not only extend the life of the finish twice, but also you can easily wash green splashes from a broom. The pair will always be clean and new.

Photo 4. Steam in the Russian bath

So that on the upper shelf it is convenient to sit, the distance between it and the ceiling must be at least 1.2 m, but the width is made up to 1.5 m, then you can lie comfortably on it. Steps are made of different sizes. The lower they are, the less width.

Interior decoration of the pre-banker

The pre-equipment is assigned the functions of the hallway, respectively, the interior decoration in this room should be comfortable, to rest. Of course, the size of the room depends on the free area on the plot, but still dackets try to make it more.

The material for interior decoration is selected taking into account the specifics of the pre-banner. There is an increased humidity here, so it must maintain heat. The tile here will not be placed here, as it creates a feeling of coolness. So you need to choose facing wood. She quickly absorbs heat and leisurely gives. In addition, wooden lining exudes a pleasant smell, which has a beneficial effect on the body.

The walls are separated by wooden panels, and it is placed as desired in different directions. The ceiling coating is performed from a wooden board, and vaporizolation must be arranged.

In the car wash, you need to install a high-quality ventilation system for a good air exchange. If the surface is finished with wooden lining, it is necessary to stack it thoroughly up. It will not allow water to get under the trim. To facilitate cleaning, the walls are separated by tiles. Such material is practical and durable.

The floors in the washing room are decorated with a cafeter, but it is necessarily necessary wooden rims that can be led by their own hands, or rubber rolled coatings to ensure safety. If you use the wavy tile, the walkways apply optional.

Interior decoration of the rest room

For the main bathrooms, the main thing is practicality, and for a relaxing room - aesthetics. As it is clear from the title, it serves to relaxation, that is, to relax. The rest room is separated by wooden clapboard, but here you can use wood coniferous rocks, such as spruce or pine, as well as larch and cedar.

A good material for the inner lining of the bath is a cedar, characterized by a very pleasant aroma and the ability to withstand, without changing its geometry, the highest loads. In this breed of wood there are tanning substances that protect the lining from rotting.

Photo 6. Barbecue area

With the interior decoration of the bathrooms, you do not need to save in the trifles, then the perfect original house for the adoption of water procedures and the restoration of forces will appear.

When finishing the bath is unacceptable using chipboard and fiberboard, linoleum, plastic panels. It is unacceptable for the presence of paint surfaces, and even in a pre-training, use natural oils or waxes.

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From the point of view of the construction engineer, - the object with a special thermal magnitude. Therefore, compared to conventional "dry" buildings, the requirements for materials are increased here. Materials for construction are chosen on operational qualities. It:
  • thermal conductivity - it largely "answers" for the heating rate;
  • strength - not the main criterion for one-story building, but it should be withstanding with a solid layer of Martov Snow, and this is a few tons;
  • durability - largely depends on the first two qualities, but for several decades there should be enough such an object.
  • density and poroskost.b In many ways, these are close concepts. Since at least once a week is experiencing a powerful steam and heat "attack", its walls should be parremen.
You can build from wood, bricks, various types of cellular blocks (foam concrete and gas-silicate). And with the advent of modern high-quality heat, steam and waterproofing materials, the baths began to erect on the mixed, so-called frame technology.

In addition, the choice of used technology is influenced by the tradition of "bath case" of a particular region, and just the availability of certain construction materials. So, in Karelia, no one will be "cut down" from anything other than wood, and high-quality brick will prefer in the steppe regions of the Russian Federation. Here with him and start a review.

Brick version of the bath

First of all, we clarify that it is possible to use for construction Only red ceramic burned brick. White silicate easily absorbs moisture and for "paired procedures" is not recommended. And although in his strength and durability, no one doubts, but he will have to warm up such a design for quite a long time.

Main lack of a brick bath - Large heat losses due to high thermal conductivity. To reduce it and simultaneously create a relaxing heat molded atmosphere, the walls should be bred from the inside reflective vaporizolation (for example, one-sided foil foam), and on top of it additionally volatile.

The most important and indestructible plus bricks - high fire safety. Agree that for the construction, which is drowning, it is an important factor.


Often you can meet baths from slagoblocks (not to be confused with cellular blocks!) With good heat engineering performance. However, slags themselves are the hubs of heavy metals, damage to human health. Slagoblocks should generally be considered only as a forced stage of development of the building materials industry, which has become a response to a sharp deficit of quality in the 50s. Now another time, and apply such blocks for the construction of residential premises and the bath is unacceptable.

Replaced vibropressed blocksmade from concrete mix. Excellent building materials from the point of view of strength and ease of installation, but it has one disadvantage - weak heat protection requiring additional. Therefore, the next step of the "block" direction was the use of cellular blockswhich have an increased thermal resistance.

Mesh blocks There are foam concrete and aerated concrete. Moreover, the second is significantly better than the first. Them advantages - durability and non-flammability. But the walls of them should also be bled from the inside the same materials as bricks. Of course, such blocks are not lit and the fire is not supported.

Bath frame

Frame technology, which took a significant segment in cottage construction, trying to penetrate the bath "market." The essence of the carcass is competently thought out and conscientiously laid in the wall structure "Pie" from layers of vapor barrier, and waterproofing (if you transfer to the direction from the inside of the house). Outside and inside such a wall should be lined with finishing panels.

Heat engineering highlight technology is that material must persist dry. Otherwise, he completely loses his insulating properties. And if, in the usual residential room, the vapor barrier barrier is successfully copes with such a task, then in the conditions of regular zharoy-smear "attacks" to resist them for a long time he will not be easy. A somewhere, there is a slit, in the body of mineral wool (100-150 mm thick) penetrates hot wet steam and leads heat insulation. Therefore, the modern technology "KARCASA" did not find even wide use in the bath.

Wood is different

In Russia, it is customary to build from the tree - the most environmentally friendly material. Thanks to the ability of wood, it is well to pass the air, the room has independently regulate the humidity. The tree has a slight thermal conductivity and long holds heat, which is especially important in.

However, there are stains in the sun, and the woods are disadvantages. Tree, like a natural natural product, susceptible to rotting. Therefore, wooden is less durable compared to the same bricks, for example. The main "Eaters" of wood are constant rains, aggressive insects and, unfortunately. However, their "antidote" was already invented against all these misconducts. The spiders will protect some special chemical compositions, and from the fire - others.

Important: No need to go on aggressive advertising and hope that one universal composition will protect from everything in the world. According to experts in the field of household chemicals, it is not necessary to use the compositions with the catchy name "all in one" type. For antifungal protection, take one special solution, and against the bugs is another.

What kind of wood is preferred?

The highest pilot in the bath is considered bolotnaya fir dried to the root. But how much is it and where to find it?

Traditionally used dry I.. In different regions of our immense homeland, their preferences based on the predominant type of local wood. So, for example, in the seaside edge of the bath make from or out. Yes, so lay a log so that its northern side, more dense by definition, was outside. The trick is small, and it is necessary to consider it too.

Another detail - the presence of resin in rocks. She, on the one hand, favors a bunny process. But to feel it literally not everyone will be nice. To exclude the resin once and forever, experts advise protrude thoroughly. At the same time, the resin is evaporated from all sinuses completely.

Also for facing indoors is used board: There is no resin in it initially.

Select design

Deciding with the rocks of the tree, go to the designs. Here it can be used either traditional or planed.

If we talk about preferences, then in the minds of our people still lives

The real Russian bath of time immemorial was built from logs. Tree - the material is traditional for construction, the benefit of the forests in Russia has always been enough. In a wooden bath breathe easily and freely.

The atmosphere of the real bath pair allows you to get full and with nothing comparable pleasure. Today's builders are also not lagging behind their ancestors, offering various options for wooden baths. Along with traditional logs, baths are built from logs of rounded, bar of different types: profiled, glued, as well as baths frame.

Someone gives preference to pair of bricks or concrete blocks, some build combined structures: first wooden log house, which is then also plated brick. The choice of materials for the construction of the bath depends on the financial capabilities of the owner, its wishes and requests, the climatic conditions of the region.

Bath lining - indispensable building material

It is always important to take into account the features of the site, desired layout, size and decoration of the bath. If you make a bath for a family, then you should not get involved in pompous and huge structures: they will cost expensive, and not always good. Often compact, cozy baths are much more preferable, and the comfort and couples in them are the most shared.

For fans of noisy companies, the baths are needed large, which require a thorough project, careful compliance with all the rules of construction, and then of the same neat care and operation.

And no matter what you will build a bath, the main thing is that building materials for the baths were high-quality.

How to choose materials for building a bath

So how to choose building materials for a bath? There will be logs for the Bani chopped, and it is necessary to watch the fibers in them are straight. If the fibers in the logs are curved, twisted, then during precipitation, such a log house can go cracks.

Baths made of logs are distinguished by special beauty and strength of the compounds, because such logs are processed on special equipment. During construction, it is almost a year to wait for the shrinkage of a cut, and only then start all the finishing work.

Many consider the best material for the construction of a ball profiled timber. Beautiful surface, clear verified lines, low thermal conductivity - all this makes such a bar very popular in the construction of baths. Important:

  • wait time after the construction of the walls (shrinkage goes);
  • carefully cross all the gaps.

Another option for the construction of a bath is a bath from a glued bar. This building material came to Russia from Scandinavia and already has many fans. Among the advantages of the glued timber:

  1. Smooth and smooth surface that eliminates the need to finish;
  2. Installation of a bath from it is carried out yearly, the assembly goes on the principle of the constructor.
  3. No deformations and shrinkages, after the construction in such baths, you can immediately take all the procedures.
  4. The glued bar exceeds the heat, does not rot, does not affect the fungus and insects.

Glued bar

True, it should be borne in mind that such material is expensive, but the bath, built from the glued bar, will have a whole eternity.

Frame buildings are not as well known, but also have their admirers. Baths built on frame technology have a small weight, which allows you to save on the foundation, easily erected and are not subject to deformations. Here the main thing is to correctly choose materials for insulating the bath to save a larger amount of heat. The timing of their installation is very operational and you will not even notice how neat and beautiful buildings appear on your site.

For brick baths take an ordinary white or red brick, but in no case is not silicate. The internal decoration of the bath requires special attention and selection of materials.

Bath roof material

The material for the roof of the bath is chosen taking into account the style of the construction of the materials used for walls, climatic conditions and, of course, financial capabilities. In the form, one usually make single-table or double roofs, in some cases - broken. In a huge variety of modern roofing materials, you can choose any option: slate, rubberoid, metal tile, ondulin, bitumen tile and others

Sometimes they pick up the roof on the bath in one color with the roof of the house, so it creates a harmonious ensemble of a country site. An important element of any roof - rafters, which should be without cracks, do not have bitch. Usually they are made of wood, most often ate or pine.

Bath wall material

As mentioned above, the best material for the bath is a tree.

If we build a log bath, then the logs should be the same in thickness, without jams and cracks. The log house is put in "Paw" or "Obla", it all depends on your choice and the work system of the builder's master. All gaps are caught to ensure heat indoors.

Baths from a bar are built much faster, the technology is usually designed to the smallest detail. Special belt materials are used as insulation.

Refractory materials for baths are brick or stone. Laying of walls is carried out in normal order, such baths are durable and fireproof, but require careful finishes and insulation.

We choose the materials for the trim bath

What are the materials for the sauna and the bath to choose as a finish? The choice is wide: from traditional planed boards to modern eurograms, block house and ceramic tiles.

Tree and there is noise competing, because it may be better and more paints of wooden surfaces emitting the aroma of nature itself.

Finishing materials for baths are most often made from linden or aspen, less often - from pine or spruce. Lipa is considered expensive, but very high-quality material, the finish of it has an attractive appearance, does not cause burns during heating and does not darken over time. Also, a popular material for the interior decoration of the bath is aspen, its only drawback - it quickly becomes dark.

It is the liquid, aspen, as well as an exotic tree Abashi, recommended as a pair and washing finish. Shelves for the bath is also preferable to do from them.

Wood coniferous breeds during heating highlights adhesive resin, so it is better to use pine and spruce in rest rooms, pre-bankers or tamburas.

Any finishing material should be without bitch, otherwise it will be very easy to get a burn. And, of course, the whole finish should be beautiful, smooth, without roughness and jar.

Parosolation materials for a bath

Insulating materials for the bath are designed to save heat, reduce the effects on the walls and ceiling of humidity and temperature drops, as well as extend the operation of the construction of the construction. These include warehouse materials for baths and thermal insulation materials for baths.

As a vapor barrier for the pair, choose foil, but in no case is not runneroid. It can be used for prebates and relaxation rooms, it is also well suited in these facilities of Kraft paper.

Polyethylene is used, but already less likely, still now there are better vapor barrier materials for the bath.

Foil-plated materials for baths that combine and insulation and vapor insulation are very popular. For example, polypropylene with foil allows you to hold a very high temperature in the steam room for a long time. Fiberglass coated plates from the same foil are also distinguished.

Calculation of materials for the construction of a bath

We will not build a bath from undergraduate materials, it requires an approach, thorough preparation and only then thanks for the care of fervent and excellent park.

How to make calculation of materials for the construction of a bath? The most good advice is to contact the specialists who will produce all the calculations and will tell you the approximate cost of building. But even by their own calculations you can buy the required amount of materials. So, what we have:

  • material for walls and roofs baths,
  • edged boarding boards
  • boards for the ceiling and interior decoration,
  • waterproofing,
  • vaporizoation
  • materials for insulation Baths,
  • roofing materials.

This list is possible to add a number of materials, it all depends on your desires. The number of procurement materials is calculated in each particular case, because it is directly connected with the size of your bath, its area and your budget. There are special tables where detailed lumber costs are given depending on the method of finishing, the arrangement of interior.

In any case, a competent approach, carefully verified calculation of materials for the bath helps you avoid excess spending and at the same time build a good and durable bath.