Walls at the cottage inside insulation. Technology of internal warming of the country house

If the cottage is operated year-round, it is important to inspire it well. Someone can say: why warm if heating has been conducted? And then, that only it can be achieved not only to save accounts, but also the right microclimate, where there is no danger of condensate and fungus.

In addition, if heating and insulation are not competent, then the house is destroyed faster, as all conditions of the mode of operation are not respected.

If heating and insulation are not competent, then the house is faster than destroying.

If the house does not hear, it will still be good to inspire it, then there will be a plus temperature in it, which is favorable on all its structures.

If the house does not heal, it would be good to insulate it

In addition to outdoor insulation, it is necessary to take care of the internal. Wall insulation inside is one of the most effective measures, but also one of the most expensive, so it makes sense to carefully approach the choice of insulation, as well as study the process technology.

The most common insulation for walls inside walls in the country is mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam and foamizol. Before designating their pros and cons, let's say a few words about why it should be insulated from the inside, and not outside the house.

If you are not strong in such concepts as thermal inertia, then you will have to believe the word that the warming of the cottage is best to do with complex. Imagine the house design as a puff pastry. So, the layers of the insulation of the wizard are in such a way that the heat insulation in the direction from the outer layer to the internal decreased, and vaporizolation, on the contrary, increased.

If this order does not observe, then the house from the tree will not receive the desired microclimate. There may be such negative consequences as the appearance of condensate and even mold. Therefore, be sure to ensure that the insulation is comprehensive and correct.

The layers of the insulation of the wizard are in such a way that the heat insulation in the direction from the outer layer to the internal decreased

But often it happens that it is impossible to warm outside outside, it is undesirable or not for the pocket. Then you can restrict and purely internal works. But it is necessary to take into account that in this case the dew point will be launched in the building, and this means that in addition to the heat insulating layer, it is necessary to do and waterproofing. Let us dwell in more detail in this case, since the topic of our article is not the insulation of the walls outside, but internal insulation.

So, the factors of achieving the best result:

  • The thermal insulation should be monolithic and dense;
  • Competent selection of insulation. It is best that it is fooled (like foam, and the foil layer was applied on both sides of the material).
  • Preference to famous material manufacturers and thoroughly follow the work technology.

Thus, before heating the cottage, it is necessary to clearly understand that this case is serious and responsible. Carefully rectify to all stages of work, and the result will delight you for many years.

Choosing a heater for walls inside the house at the cottage, you may encounter various concepts and numbers in which you need to navigate to make the right choice. The main ones are:

  • Coefficient of thermal conductivity. What it is lower, the more subtle layer of the material can be used.
  • The absorption coefficient of moisture: similarly, strive to lower.
  • Fire resistance: here, on the contrary, the higher the indicator, the better - it displays the fire temperature.
  • Durability: Obviously, the longer the service life, the more profitable and better.
  • Ecology: Here the indicators must be standard recommended for the use of indoors in which people live.

In addition to the above, other indicators may be important. For example, sound insulation. Someone is not important if your country house is in a quiet grove. And someone has noisy neighbors, rolling parties every weekend.

Penoplex - Hit Sales

The most popular insulation for walls inside the house at the cottage of recent years is polystyrenex (PESEROPLEX). The material is compacted white granules, according to the composition of this foamed polystyrene and air. In the people of Penoplex are often confused with foam, however, these are completely different materials, since the first is favorably different from the second integer number of characteristics, among which and compressive strength (achieved due to the fact that the molecules are very chained interconnected by each other).

Polympoth characteristics:

  • This insulation of walls inside the house on the cottage has excellent thermal insulating and sound insulation properties;
  • Pushes water;
  • Durable, resistant to compression;
  • It does not appear on mold, fungi, the material does not rot;
  • Absolutely safe: it is even used in the food industry, so environmentally friendly;
  • Resistant to burning and temperature differences;
  • Little weighs, easily processed, it is relatively inexpensive.

Thanks to this, the recruitment of almost the perfect properties of the Penoplex is most in demand as the insulation of the walls inside the house at the cottage and in other rooms.

Warming technology

First you need to prepare the surface of the wall, for this it is equalized and all flaws are aligned. Mighting the above rule, on the wall first place the waterproofing layer. To do this, you can use conventional polyethylene, consolidating it with a scotch. If you have thought out and external heat protection, the waterproofing layer will not need.

The insulation stoves should be well and evenly wrapped with glue, which is pre-mixed to eliminate the formation of lumps. When installing the plates are applied in a checker order, tightly, the joints are well treated with glue and the mounting foam.

Also, each slab must be fixed with plastic dowels. The next step is to apply the adhesive layer on the insulation, to which we break the reinforced grid, immersing it into the glue using a roller. At the end, you must stack the walls and perform the finishing finish.

Plus the foster means is that it is easy to work with him, and it can not even do it without a professional.

Mineral wool

If you thought about how to insulate a country house for winter accommodation, then the Mineral Wat came to you, undoubtedly. It is used for exterior, and for inner walls. Minvatu is obtained by processing the volcanic rock, glass or slag, producing thin fibers from the centrifuge from the desired substance. Minvata is released in rolls, but it can be the form of plates and mats.

Pluses of material:

  • High quality thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • Vapor-permeable material that will help "breathe" the walls;
  • Refractory;
  • Water resistance, does not absorb moisture;
  • The material is environmentally safe and not toxic;
  • An important advantage is to preserve the volume, and therefore, thermal insulation qualities are very long.

The process of insulation, as in the previous case, begins with surface preparation: close up of slits, alignment of the walls. The steps of vaporizolation remain unchanged. A wooden crate is placed on the waterproofing polyethylene, it is made by the parameters of the Roll of Minnvati. In the crate of the crates, insulating material is tightly stacked, the joints should be glued with adhesive tape.

On mineral wool, it is necessary to place another vapor insulation layer, which is nailed directly to the wooden crate. Finish insulation of wall decoration.

You can do this work independently, even if you are not a specialist in construction matters. The minus material is that rodents can start in it, so it is necessary to take into account by making special processing.

Foil insulators

These are the materials of the new generation that have a layer of foil with one or both sides. Foil itself does not save heat. Its function is to reflect warmly at home. It also acts at the same time as a waterproofer, which is very convenient. Foil heaters include:

  • Foamed foil polyethylene;
  • Foil Minvat;
  • Foamed polystyrene with aluminum coated polystyrene.

To perform work with these materials, it will be necessary to traditionally prepare the walls, then mounted the crate, laying the insulation into it. As in other cases, it is necessary to lay it very tight, it is better to apply aluminum tape to gluing the joints. If you use foil mineral wool, then on top of the insulation you need to make a waterproofing layer.

Important: With one-sided foil foil, placing with the inner side. Completes the process of stitching the crate and wall decoration. Note that the foil will work only if there is an air layer between it and the coating.

Alternative - Wood-fibrous plates

This is a great option for self-insulation, since all work is very easy to produce. The main thing - the walls must be clean and dry. It facilitates the task that the plates can be mounted directly on the old coating, on the plaster. For mounting, they buy special nails, which are equipped with a blended cap. When the insulation is completed, right on the wood-fibrous plate can be glued with wallpaper or perform other finishing works as desired.

Also used for insulation:

  • Ceramzit;
  • Foamizole;
  • Polyurethane foam.

New trend is an eco-insulation.

This is a very eco-friendly material that is obtained from cellulose. It can be mounted both dry and wet. True, special equipment is necessary for the latter. A dry method can be implemented independently. Plus, eco-friendly ecology, the walls "breathe", work quickly pay off.

If you have a task to insulate your country house, do not think that it will require fabulous financial investments and attracting specialists. You can choose the option to your taste and wallet, if you carefully examine the theory, and almost everything will be able to perform work.

Holidays on a wooden dacha - the dream of any inhabitant of our country. Strive for your dream and, one day, she will surely come true.

Good hazing of cottages - a deposit of comfort and comfort

When building or acquiring a cottage house, the question is often becoming the question: "How to perform insulation with your own hands?" This is quite understandable - everyone wants to have a cozy warm place where it is pleasant to relax and distract from the hassle and urban bustle, and the cold and drafts do not quite contribute to this.

The insulation of the cottage with their own hands is the task of the responsible, requiring a serious approach, attentive to study this issue and careful fulfillment of all works, but quite suling to everyone who has hard work, accuracy and an increase. If it is pretty trying, pay attention to every site of work, do everything right and scrupulously, your efforts will be rewarded.

Where to start and what to pay attention

Modern technologies offer many different methods and materials of thermal insulation of the country house. But first, you should decide how we are going to perform thermal insulation - from the inside or outside.

As a rule, the external method is used when we want to protect the facade from the influence of external atmospheric factors, when we do not want to reduce the useful area of \u200b\u200bpremises by facing the walls with a thermally insulation layer when the house is high humidity and there is a risk of fogging walls inside under the thermal insulation layer - this can lead To the formation of mold, fungi, freezing of moisture droplets and, as a result, their destruction.

The heat insulation method from the inside is used if the installation of the thermal insulation layer on the facade is not applicable or inconvenient due to any reasons or if it is important for us to maintain the initial type of facade. It should be noted that in this case the dew point is placed inside the house, so it is necessary to put waterproofing between the walls and insulation. Otherwise, condensate can be formed, which is undesirable - this can cause their jigsaw.

See also: Wooden walls to secure insulation?

After we decided how we carry out the insulation of the outer walls for the house - from the inside or outside - choose the insulation. Consider various types of materials suitable for the thermal insulation of the cottages of giving with their own hands.

Thermal insulation of the country house with their own penplex

One of the most popular thermal insulators of the new generation is Penoplex (polystyrene foam). This substance consisting of firmly lucked white granules is essentially a combination of air and foamed polystyrene. Many confuse him with foam, but these materials differ in each other.

The polystyrene foam due to the special manufacturing technology has inside the structure more durable intermolecular bonds, higher compressive strength and a number of other characteristics that are absent from the foam.

To date, Penoplex is very popular among those who deal with such tasks as warm-ups. This is due to its following characteristics:

  • Excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation properties;
  • Water-repellent characteristics - polystyrene etching absolutely does not absorb and does not miss moisture. Therefore, it can be used for the heat insulation of the walls both from the inside and outside;
  • High resistance to compression;
  • Resistance to rotting, mold, formation of fungi;
  • High ecology - Pleeping perfectly gets perfectly with a human body, because of which it is used even for the production of packages in the food industry;
  • Non-toxicity - it does not distinguish any of things harmful to the body;
  • Nonseasing;
  • Resistance to moisture and temperature drops;
  • Small share - that is why all installation work with it so easily perform with their own hands;
  • Good workability mechanical way with the easiest tools;
  • Quite a democratic price, which makes this material available.

The insulation of the cottage house of the penplex is performed as follows:

  1. We prepare the surface of the walls, aligning it, closeing the cracks and cracks;
  2. In the case when we carry out the installation of the thermal insulator inside the house, we put waterproofing - the usual polyethylene, which is secure using the assembly tape. In the case of outer heat shields, waterproofing for fasteners is not required;
  3. We prepare the adhesive solution, following the humps and hardness at its stirring;
  4. Plates of polystyrene foam smear glue and crepary to the surface of the walls. Lay out their online and chess;
  5. The slots between the plates are smeared with a glue or bleach the mounting foam;
  6. Additionally, fix each plate with plastic dowels;
  7. Majm insulation on top of the adhesive mass, we put the reinforcing mesh and rush it with a roller so that it turns out to be inside the adhesive layer;
  8. After drying, we carry out the facing of plaster and finishing coating.

Working with the penplex is easy, they do not require any construction skills, except for patience, hard work and accuracy, and can be performed with their own hands.

The insulation of the country house with their own hands with mineral wool

Another popular material that can be carried out by the heat-stash dachas both inside and outside is mineral wool. This is a material that is obtained by processing volcanic rocks, glass or building globs with different rocks. The molten substance is placed in a centrifuge, wherein, under the influence of centrifugal force, sprinkles through the walls in the form of thin fibers, which are then precipitated in a special chamber and are collected in a single fibrous mass. Mineral wool is produced in the form of rolls, plates and flexible mats. It is characterized by the following properties:

  • Excellent insulating and soundproofing capabilities;
  • High vapor permeability, which allows you to create the effect of breathable walls;
  • Basalt wool has high refractory qualities, which allows it to be used in areas with high temperatures, where other materials, for example, the penplex, are not applicable;
  • Nonhygroscopic;
  • Non-toxicity and high environmental friendliness;
  • Failure - it practically does not discourage its volume over time and, as a result, does not lose its heat insulating qualities.

However, when working with mineral wool, its considerable weight should be taken into account. It should also be remembered about its vapor permeability - for this reason, it is necessary to use waterproofing and thermal insulation in the complex with it.

Thermal insulation of the country house with the help of mineral wool from the inside and outside looks as follows:

  1. We prepare the surface of the walls - thoroughly dry them, align, close all the slots and cracks;
  2. Regardless of how we carry out the thermal insulation of the cottages - from the inside or outside, as mentioned above, the use of vaporizolation is necessary. In this capacity, we use a dense polyethylene film if we place the insulation inside the country house, or the rubberoid with an external method. At the joints of polyethylene glue with scotch, rubberoid - bituminous mastic;
  3. Directly on the waterproofing, mounted vertically, cutting from wooden bars, which are placed on the width of the mineral wool roll;
  4. Inside the root, we place the insulation, tightly pushing it and gluing on the joints of the adhesive tape;
  5. At the top of putting vaporizolation - it can be a dense polyethylene, feeding it to the bars of the root;
  6. We perform the trimming of the finish coating in the form of a lining, feeding it on the bars of the root.

Working with mineral wool, as with the penplex, is quite simple and quite performed with their own hands.

Thermal insulation of cotton walls from within foil heat insulators

Modern technologies are offered for the insulation of the country house from the inside a very convenient material of the new generation - foil insulation. This is a layer of insulation with one or two foil layers applied to it. Foil is a substance with extremely high thermal conductivity and in fact no insulation has no properties. However, due to its gloss, it reflects thermal radiation inside the room. In addition, from the foil side, the insulation does not need any waterproofing. The following types of foil insulation distinguish:

  • Foamed polyethylene with a foil layer applied to it. The foil layer is bilateral or one-sided. Varieties with an applied self-adhesive layer are produced, which simplifies its installation;
  • Foil mineral wool;
  • Foamed polystyrene with aluminum coating.

Fungalized insulation mounted as a rule inside the country building in such a way that the foil reflects heat back to the room. The process is as follows:

  1. Thoroughly align and clean the surface of the walls, close the cracks and cracks;
  2. I am mounted on the wall to the cut from BRUSEV and inside it by placing the insulation, following not to leave the gaps. At the joints glue it with a special aluminum ribbon. If we use foil wool, it is necessary to attach waterproofing on the wall, as described above;
  3. After placing the insulation of the foil inside the room, we feed the finish coating on the cut.

In order for the reflective properties of the foil to work, an air layer is necessary between it and the finish coating.

Wood-fibrous plates

Another material that can be used for the thermal insulation of the cottage from the inside, are wood-fibrous plates. They are very easy to use and have a fairly affordable price.

For mounting wood-fibrous plates, the walls do not require some special training. Just clean them and dried. Plates can be attached even to the old plaster. We mount the fibrous stoves of jack using special nails with a combed cap. After mounting on the surface of the plates, it is possible to glue the wallpaper or coat them with any other suitable decorative coating.


As we were able to make sure, in modern construction there are enough options for the thermal insulation of the country house with their own hands capable of satisfying every taste and budget. A little patience, accuracy, hard work and smelting - and your cottage will become the cozy comfortable place where it is so pleasant to distract from worries, take a break from urban noise and bustle and gain strength for new life accomplishments.


Home \u003e\u003e\u003e \u003e\u003e Objects \u003e\u003e\u003e House insulation \u003e\u003e\u003e How to insulate the country house outside and from the inside?

Country sites have long ceased to be a place of planting vegetables and fruits. For a modern person, this is an opportunity to relax from the bustle of the city. Because the attitude towards country houses also underwent a change. Stayed in the past dilapidated summer houses. It comes to replace a full-fledged home, for the possibility of year-round accommodation, with heating and insulation of structures.

For what you need insulation

Many believe that if the house from the brick or slagoblock is not needed. He is so reliable and durable. But the reliability of the construction does not affect energy consumption. For heating, even a small buildings will need a large amount of energy. If you calculate the cost of work on the warming of giving for winter accommodation and the cost of heating can be seen.

Under the influence of temperature difference, any material is destroyed. Outdoor building structures every winter undergoes freezing and thawing processes. Quality insulation will reduce the likelihood of the destruction of elements of the house from temperature and atmospheric influences.


In the process of installing the insulation, the device of hydro and winder is provided. They become an additional protection against moisture and drafts. As a result, together with the processing of the frame, it turns out reliable protection against mold and fungus.

The thermal protection of the foundation retains the base of the house from the soil. Moisture contained in the soil masses, freezing, expands. Thus, the soil starts to put pressure on the wall. Horizontal soil insulation makes it possible to avoid a heap.

The vertical protection of the base and the foundation creates a barrier on the way of cold and moisture. In this case, the floor does not freeze in the house and the base under the building itself.

Warming of the walls of the cottage

Warming the walls of the country house are needed outside. Internal work is possible in extreme cases. When insulation, the following problems may occur from the inside:

  • wall freezing;
  • the formation of condensate in the thickness of the wall;
  • destruction of structures due to the large temperature difference in winter;
  • education fungus and mold under the layer of insulation.

With the outer insulation of the walls at the cottage, the layer of heat-insulating protects the wall from frosts. Natural factors do not affect the design. In addition, with a high density of finishing and the warming of the wall is protected from mechanical damage.

There are two technologies of warming walls of the cottage outside:

Frameless insulation

In the first case, the material is mounted on the surface of the wall with a solid layer. The main fixation occurs due to gluing on glue or cement-sandy solution. It is possible to produce work with glue even at minus temperatures.

Additionally, the plates of the insulation are fixed with plastic dowels. They are attached no later than three days after installing the insulation on glue. But not earlier than the complete grasp of the adhesive mass. Installation in this way is also called "wet" due to the presence of wet processes in technology.

It is convenient to apply this technology in brick or slag block wall cloth. In the case of wooden-frame construction, the framework will have to fill the unedged board or phanel. The insulation is fixed on the created surface. Fixation occurs at the expense of the dowels, since there is little adhesions with high adhesion to the tree.

For the warming of cottages outside the wet method, only dense insulation are suitable:

  • styrofoam;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • tight mineral mats.
Extruded polystyrene foam fastener technoplex eurolex styrex URSA XPS Primaplex

On the insulation, the reinforcing fiberglass mesh is fixed on the glue. It increases the seizure of the plastering solution and insulation. On top of the grid is applied with a layer with a layer of no more than 20 mm.

On top of the plastering solution, after it drying, painting is made. Only facade paints are applied. Their color does not fade under the action of ultraviolet and there is an opportunity to wash the facade.

Frame method

It creates such insulation under the panel finish:

Mineral wool insulation Stone (basalt) wool glass wool Urs Isoovol Knauf Rockvul Tehtonolikol

Before starting work, you need to draw a drawing of all facades. This is necessary to count the frame elements. Rakes are installed at the length of the finishing panel. Another element is attached in the middle of the length. With this method, it is better to use a soft insulation. Pick or cut mats by 10-15 mm wider than the distance between the frame. In this case, between the racks and the insulation, the slots and purge are excluded. Defects occur due to the vices of the tree, the irregularities of the walls or inaccuracy of the installation.

Windproof is tensioning over the laid insulation. In her role is the usual PVC film. Also, the film serves moisturearrier. Under the outer finish can be asked moisture, which will worsen the properties of insulation.

In order to avoid posting, wooden elements are antisept. You can purchase an already processed material. It is distinguished by a greenish tint.

Inner insulation

By choosing high-quality materials and observing the technology internal installation, you can achieve good results. The main thing is to correctly calculate the solar thickness. When the device indoors is particularly important.

Trust the calculation is better to specialists. It will be not very expensive to cost such a service. But the owners will be confident in their costs of insulation and in case of failure there will be someone to be responsible.

For internal works, often the smaller thicknesses of insulation are used than for external. This is due to the fact that it is only necessary to keep heat, not too worrying about outdoor drops.

When using mineral wool and foam plastic, the layer thickness is 50 mm. Moreover, it is 100 mm from the outside, and even 150 mm of protection from the cold.

Mounted frameworks for frame or gluing. It all depends on the option of finishing the room and the destination of the room. The frame method is more convenient with a significant thickness of the solar of the cottage from the inside.

Most country houses are built with saving area. Therefore, there are no dimensions in them. An important role in choosing the insulation material plays its thickness. The thinner of the layer, with an equal heat transfer coefficient, the more priority material.

Penopolinetylene (PPE) Penophol Isolon Thermaflex Energoflex Vilaterm

Currently, Penofol is in great demand. His advantages:

  • a wide range of operating temperatures from -60 to + 100 ° C;
  • reflecting effect from 95 to 97% of the heat flux;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient 0.037-0.051 W / m * C;
  • moisture absorption of 0.7% for the material of class A and 0.35% for the material of class C;
  • heater thickness, ranging from 3 mm.

Thanks to the foil layer, the coating simultaneously performs moisture and vaporizolat. It can be used not only in rooms with a normal microclimate. Similar insulation serve for mounting in:

  • bathrooms;
  • saunas;
  • baths.

Cork cloth is often used due to its texture. The beauty of the surface eliminates another finishing finish.

The plug fastening occurs by gluing to the wall or fixation with decorative cloves. Plus it is that you can warm the curved surfaces, niches and bulges. You can even apply such insulation even in the nursery. It is natural and eco.

Liquid thermal insulation actor Alfatec Warm plaster

To save space indoors, insulation paints and plastering are used. In this case, the insulation is growing proportional to the layer thickness.

Floor insulation

Cold air accumulates at the bottom of the room. Because the warm floor is important for the health of the winter guests of the country house. The temperature of the lower part of the room allows for two degrees from the total temperature of the surfaces.

Differently occurs the insulation of the floor of concrete and wooden. It all depends on the difference in structures.

Wood floor insulation

Paul on wooden lags involves the location of the insulation layer between the bearing elements. In this case, the "Pie" design is as follows:

  • Lower part of the rubberoid or dense film with the fixation of the board;
  • Device insulation;
  • installation of moisture insulating coating in the form of a film or plywood sheets;
  • Finishing device.

In this case, the insulation can act as bulk and mature materials. Special requirements, in addition to compliance with the calculated thickness, no, if it is not the floor in the bathroom. In this case, there must be improved moisture insulation. Preference is given to moisture-proof materials.

It is possible to insulate the floor and above the lag. In this case, a 20 mm board is mounted on the beams. Her insulation is stacked. Minus such a method in the concept of design level.

Polyurethane Foolder (PPU) Eco

For insulation of an existing floor, it is convenient to use eco-friendly or polyurethane foam. Materials are mounted by injection. In this case, it is enough to dismantle one or more finish boards. In the resulting space, the supercharger sleeve is shoved and the material is supplied under pressure.

Warming is carried out without unnecessary dirt and dismantling work. The polyurethane foam layer also serves as an additional hydrobarier.

Warming of concrete floor

It is possible to warm this type of construction over and from the inside. Technology of surface insulation Heal insulation in the country:

  • waterproofing is done with an occasion of the wall;
  • floor lags are mounted;
  • between the lag, the insulation is stacked;
  • a waterproofing film is satisfied;
  • stacked a draft floor or immediately finished covering.

Cake insulation inside the floor is as follows:

  • grabbed the base;
  • devices of cement-sand base 100 mm;
  • the device of the heat insulating layer in 100-150 mm thick;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • laying reinforcing grid;
  • pouring leveling screed;
  • the device of the finishing floor covering.

With this embodiment, the insulation has a considerable load. Choose a material is worth a density not lower than 35 kg / m3. In this case, the base is not sent and the surface of the floor will remain smooth.

It is possible to warm the concrete floor with additives. Such a technology can become an additional to the main insulation.

The composition of the solution, when they are injected:

  • sawdust;
  • foam balls;
  • glass or silicone granules;
  • ceramzit.

Mixing proportions are different under different types of insulation.

Ceiling insulation cottage house

Warm ceiling can:

  • over the supporting structures (insulation of the floor of the attic);
  • inside the floor lag;
  • from the inside of the room.

The first version of the ceiling insulation in the country is suitable for single-storey country houses and the premises of the upper floor. This case serve as materials:

  • sawdust;
  • equata;
  • ceramzit;
  • algae mats;
  • granulated foam.

These types of materials are most economical. And since neither the strict requirements for strength and the thickness of the layer, it can be saved.

Inside the lag, as with the insulation of the floor, soft mats will be applied. They fit the guns, excluding the possibility of blowing.

Warm the ceiling from the inside can be with the already finished design. The disadvantage of the method is to reduce the height of the room. This is not critical at high ceilings in 2.8-3 m.

In this case, on the basis of the ceiling, a wooden or aluminum doom is screwed. The frame is notched:

  • stretty ceiling;
  • suspended design;
  • plasterboard.

In the resulting space is laid insulation. It should be light and fireproof. The plane of the ceiling passes the electrical cable and there is a possibility of fire.

In the process of isolation, you should not forget about the insulation of the doors in the country. Through window and doorways take up to 37% of heat. Door insulation occurs by:

  • installation of double design;
  • installation of the insulation inside the canvas;
  • sealing slots between elements and nodes;
  • sealing joints.

The windows are insulated with the film and sealing of the joints by mounting foam, felt or liquid tree. Warming the veranda in the country requires the idea how it will be used. If as a terrace for tea drinking in air, it is enough to simply put open glazing. If as part of the house for winter accommodation, then the methods are the same as for the rest of the rooms.

In the case of competent warming in the country will be warm in winter and cool in the summer. It will significantly reduce the cost of heating and air conditioning.


Warming of the country house: Materials, Mounting technology Outdoor and internal thermal insulation

Is there a need to improve the energy efficiency of the cottage? Such a problem is becoming increasingly relevant due to the increase in energy prices. In order to save on the heating in winter and on air conditioning in the summer, it is necessary to insulate the country house from the inside and outside.

Let's try to figure out how relatively inexpensive and simply increase the heat-saving characteristics of the country house.

Outdoor thermal insulation of cottages

Economy heat

Country buildings, until recently, used purely as seasonal housing. And only with the use of modern technologies and thermal insulation materials, such houses have become suitable for everyday year-round operation.

Approximate parameters of heat loss

Solar cottages with their own hands is a comprehensive multi-step work, the professional implementation of which allows you to make housing more comfortable and economical.

Planning events aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of housing, the following points should be taken into account:

  • the heat insulation of the walls outside the order of magnitude is more effective than the use of thermal insulation from the inside;
  • installation of insulation indoors, as a rule, leads to a decrease in the useful area;
  • heat loss are reduced by sealing entrance doors, windows, floors, cracks and cracks;
  • a comprehensive approach to the arrangement of thermal insulation provides the most tangible results.

Continuing the topic of an integrated approach, we note that the waste of money and time will be partial insulation of the country house. For example, if you managed to reduce the degree of thermal conductivity of the external walls, but the floor or windows remained without insulation, the costs of heating will remain without much changes.

And only simultaneous and equally high-quality thermal insulation of all structural elements in the building makes it possible to improve the performance characteristics of the entire construction object as a whole.

The result of the insulation of the facade

However, we should not forget that the price of excessive housing sealing is negative consequences in the form of degraded ventilation and reduce the oxygen content in the room. Therefore, it is so important to approach an increase in the energy efficiency of the country house professionally and responsibly.

Tip: In order to reduce the amount of heat loss through the windows, it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of new windows based on PVC profile. Enough glass in the old frames put on the sealant and press the new head.

Remember that the sealing of the slots in the frame and painting significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of the window block.

Warm cottage outside

Currently, there are many different ways of heat insulation of a country house. Everyone can choose exactly the way that most complies with its needs and opportunities.

Solar cottage Outside is a universal solution that will suit each construction, regardless of its configuration and sizes. The thermal insulation performed outside, unlike internal work, does not spend the free space, which is very important for small cottages.

Materials for reducing the thermal conductivity of walls and overlaps

A distinctive feature of the outer insulation of the country house is the use of insulating material in combination with finishing work.

The implementation of projects of external insulation of low-rise individual residential facilities is carried out using materials such as:

  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene foam.

Mineral wool is the optimal choice for the insulation of wooden houses. At the end of the installation of the heat-insulating material, the structure should be seen with wooden or plastic clapboard.

In the photo, thermal insulation by mineral wool

Polystyrene-based insulation is blocks with sizes adapted for mounting on various types of buildings. This type of thermal insulation is used everywhere to increase the energy efficiency of concrete brick and slag cloth walls.

Important: Instructions of insulation using such blocks also implies the need to subsequent plastering or in siding.

Installation of polystyrene blocks

Outdoor thermal insulation

The principle of external heat insulation

Installation of outdoor thermal insulation is a comprehensive work consisting of the following steps:

  1. Production of crates from wooden bars, the thickness of which is 2-5 cm exceeds the thickness of the heat insulating material.
  2. Installation of insulation.
  3. Installing the waterproofing layer (used dense polyethylene or runner).
  4. The improvement of the ventilation system. To do this, the Rack Frame is mounted directly to the crate and, at the same time, performs two functions: acts as the basis for the installation of the facade elements and creates an air layer between the external trim and thermal insulation.
  5. Decorative decoration of the construction object using materials selected at their discretion.

It should be noted that this method of isolation is classic and most in demand. There are other methods, for example, when the heat-insulating material is placed directly to the wall surface, top with a film waterproofing, and only after that an idle is installed. In this case, the drying made of wood also serves as a frame for mounting siding or lining.

In addition, there are expensive and more efficient technology of thermal insulation of walls: in particular, we are talking about insulation using cross-frame. For this, the insulation is laid according to a special scheme in two layers.

Housing insulation from the inside

Doors, windows, ceiling overlap walls and floor, in vague form, are good heat conductors. That is why the outer insulation of the house must be duplicated by the internal installation of thermal insulation.

Internal installation of polystyrene blocks

According to statistics, insulation of plastic windows and other no less popular ways to increase housing energy efficiency guarantee a good result. But ideally, the optimally protected house should be a box without a single gap.

For this, the scheme of the warming of cottages from the inside is carried out, which provides for the following work:

  • the floor is moved and, in the intervals between the lag, the polystyrene foam in the granules is falling asleep;
  • sealing door and window blocks;
  • suspended ceilings are made to create an air heat insulating layer;
  • loggia or attic warming;
  • the attic room is insulated.

The market presents a wide range of insulation, among which, to fill the space under the floor boards, you can purchase clamzite, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, fiberglass, etc.

Floor insulation ceramzit

Wall insulation from within is also an effective way to increase the energy efficiency of the country house. The insulation technology provides for the use of various insulation, but the largest polystyrene plates obtained the greatest popularity.

Installation technology consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation of the surface of the walls, plastering and alignment;
  • Installation of plates of thermal insulation on special glue;
  • Installation of reinforcing grid;
  • Chisty plastering;
  • Painting or shook wallpaper.


Warmed house - warm and comfortable in it!

Do you know that discomfort in the room is felt if the difference in air temperatures and the surface of the walls is more than 6 ° C. The thermal insulation made using special materials allows this difference to minimize.

The insulation of its country house is not an easy, but completely executing the task with which, most likely, cope with yourself. Many interesting on the topic you will find in the video in this article.


The insulation of the country house. What to warm like

The insulation of the house of the country type should be engaged directly when the structure is erected. Then you can confidently count on the effectiveness of events, the opportunity to relax in the house even in the cold season.

Photo 1 - cottage. Warming at home

Of course, if the construction of the insulation works did not take care, or it was time to change the insulation material, then the process should be carefully planned, given all the areas to be insulated.

The main source of distribution of cold indoors is the floor, walls. Therefore, special attention is paid to these surfaces.

Photo 2 - cottage. Floor insulation

Photo 3 - Cottage. Wall insulation

The existing summer country house is not difficult to insulate. Usually, experts use "selective" insulation when finishing all or some sources spreading cold:

  • window;
  • floors;
  • doors;
  • underground;
  • inclined roofing areas;
  • attic rooms (attic);
  • inter-storey floors;
  • facades;
  • hollow walls (block structures, frame houses).

Photo 4 - heat loss

Selectively isolate the most significant sections. With a non-limited budget, improved thermal insulation of all listed parts of the general structure is possible.

From the inside effectively will be insulated all surfaces: floors, ceilings, walls. You can use as the most insulating material:

  • mineral (stone) wool;
  • fiberglass;
  • polyfoam (polystyrene foam);
  • extruded foam;
  • ecoWhat.

Initially, the old coating is removed up to the draft frame. Then the clogging is performed. Further (if necessary), a new framework is made or its parts are changed. After the finishes are ready, the insulation is stacked. Stacking is preferably such a sequence:

  • lining (chipboard, fiberboard);
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • parosolation.

The first coating is mounted on top.

Photo 5 - laying insulation

Wall surfaces are pre-cleaned. If necessary, the treatment of wooden structural elements with antipirens, antiseptics, guaranteeing the protected materials from unwanted lesions insects, mold, fungal manifestations.

Subsequently use vapor barrier, waterproofing film that protects the walls. After it is necessary to build a frame base - the crates in which the insulating material is stacked. The doom is wooden, metal. The choice depends on the need for further finishing of surfaces.

Photo 6 - cottage. Professional insulation of outdoor walls

After installing the crate frame, insulation plates are stacked, the rolled material or the space is filled with a special insulating foam (then the laying technology changes somewhat - it is necessary to pre-lay plywood sheets, scattering emptiness, where the insulation is "mocked").

After laying the insulation, a waterproofing film is superimposed. Next - surfaces designed for finishing, for example, wooden lining.

The technology of effective ceiling insulation is similar to the process of insulation of floors, walls. Also required pre-cleaning of the surface. Next, it is necessary to fix the waterproofing (possibly vapor barrier).

Photo 7 - Mansard ceiling insulation

Then the shell framework is mounted (usually from wood). After - laying a pre-selected insulation. The end of the work is the installation of a "clean" ceiling.

Outdoor insulation usually includes the following steps:

  • cleaning the facade;
  • laying vaporizolation;
  • arrangement of frame crate (wood, metal);
  • laying insulation (slabs, rolls);
  • laying waterproofing;
  • installation of the finishing (facing) coating.

IMPORTANT! In addition to the listed types of insulation, it is also possible to use eco-foam, which, with the help of a special installation, fill the voids of the crate.

What to insulate your country house - choose to you. When selecting material, follow the price indicators, and also pay attention to the quality of the material.

Photo 8 - varieties of insulation

A varieties of siding panels are often used as facing of facade surfaces:

  • vinyl;
  • metal;
  • ceramic;
  • wooden (Block House).

Each species has decent characteristics, attractive species, coloring options, surface shape.

A significant considerable part in the construction of houses of the country type is the foundation. For how long, high-quality will be the foundation, so much durable, the house itself will be reliable.

Photo 9 - Ribbon Foundation

The cost of the foundation is usually 1/3 of a part of all costs necessary for the construction of construction. The type of foundation is chosen by the project according to existing climatic factors, the species of soil composition, the level of groundwater passing on the specified section and happens:

  • tape;
  • columns;
  • pile.

It is also possible to use solid reinforced concrete slabs.

Photo 10 - cottage. Foundation columnal

The price of foundations varies, depending on the size of the base, materials used in its formation, the complexity of earthworks.

The most expensive is a ribbon foundation designed for brick houses or buildings with increased weight, if necessary in additional basement.

Budget options for foundations - columnar.

The roofing design of the country house is different. Traditional duct roofs received the greatest prevalence.

If there is a attic of the attic of the lone of the roof. Also, when implementing all kinds of design projects, the roof options can be completely different, as well as materials with which the selected solutions are embodied.

Photo 11 - cottage. Decisions of the roof

Roofs of country houses are built all sorts of configurations:

  • single one;
  • tents;
  • double;
  • walm;
  • half-haired;
  • conical;
  • vaulted;
  • dome;
  • conical.

Interesting solutions are possible with an attic. Common types are roofs with a single-sided or flat roof.

Figure 1 - cottage. Types of roofs

The broken roof is usually preferred in view of the receipt of a larger space, an attractive design.

This roof is built in gradually, according to special technology:

  • the lifting construction is made of lumber;
  • an attic space, a useful future owner, is distinguished by racks;
  • racks are connected by run;
  • on top of the hanging rafters;
  • stropile "legs" fixed with tights;
  • form a frontal frame.

Figure 2 - cottage. Scheme of a broken roof

After the end of framework works, waterproofing is carried out followed by insulation. Then the roofing coating itself is stacked, finishing works are carried out inside the formed attic.

How to warm the roof of the house

To the question "Is it possible to do something with it, or better to forget about warming up from the inside of the country house and do the heat insulation of the walls outside?" The answer is as follows: "Yes, with the right approach to the thermal insulation of a private house built from any materials - bricks, aerated concrete, a log, stone or shield building, all these problems are quite solved"

So that after insulation, from the inside of the country house, you did not face unpleasant consequences, the thermal insulation of the walls, gender and the ceiling must be completed with the following recommendations (relevant for those who work with their own hands):

  • Mandatory presence of a vapor barrier film. At the same time, it is better not to save on the quality of the film, as well as on materials for sealing its joints;
  • The materials used for the warming of a stone, brick, wooden, or a house of aerated concrete, from the inside, must have a minimal thermal conductivity. It is best that this indicator for the insulation is less than that of the wall itself;
  • When installing the heat insulator, it is necessary to take care that there are no voids between it and the wall of the private house. The maximum dense contact can be achieved by uniformly blancing the adhesive on the rear surface of the insulation;
  • To reduce the humidity inside a private house, it is best to make forced ventilation and put;
  • It is necessary to make a thorough calculation of the thickness of the heat-insulating material for insulation of walls and the ceiling, based on the climatic conditions of your region;
  • Before mounting the insulation, the surface of the walls and the ceiling of the log and shield house is covered with special compositions preventing mold.

Of course, for the most high-quality insulation, it would not be superfluous to carry out the complex thermal insulation of the walls outside the house, but if in view of any reason you cannot do it, be calm, even without insulation of walls outside, the execution of the above-described rules ensures that the internal thermal insulation will be effective and timing.

2 What to warm?

Requirements for thermal insulation materials for internal installation differ from those that are extended for insulation of walls outside.

As mentioned above, one of the basic requirements is minimal steam conductivity, but this factor can be compensated for by the presence of high-quality vapor barrier material.

The insulation for the interior decoration of the private house should be environmentally friendly - this is one of the key characteristics to be paid to.

Also important is the thermal conductivity of the material, since it directly depends on how thick the insulation will need to be used.

In our same interests, it does not apply for the inner insulation of the walls and the ceiling of the log, shield, or a house of aerated concrete and brick thick insulation, which will reduce the useful space of the room.

2.1 Mineral wool or polystyrene foam?

2.2 Warm walls from the inside of the house

The insulation of the inner surface of the walls of the house from a tree or aerated concrete polystyrene foam is performed in one layer on a pre-prepared surface. In general, the algorithm for performing work with his own hands is as follows:

2.3 Warm floor inside the house

The expanded polystyrene can be insulated both the lag and the floor under the concrete screed. With the heat insulation of the lag gender, with their own hands, the insulation plate is simply adjusted in size and declined between lags. In this case, the plates will not experience any loads, and you can do any polystyrene foam.

For thermal insulation, the screed houses from a housekeeping, or a garden shield house, it is necessary to use special high-strength polystyrene plates. The sequence of layers of the insulated floor looks like this:

  1. Film for waterproofing (installed with an adhesive in 10 cm);
  2. Layer of insulation;
  3. Reinforcing mesh fixed by conventional solution;
  4. The pure screed (as a rule, the thickness of the screed in 5-8 cm is quite enough).

2.4 Warm the ceiling at home

The heat insulation of the ceiling by slab insulation has the following sequence:

  1. The ceiling is cleaned from contamination, aligned and ground;
  2. Glue composition is uniformly applied to polystyrene foam plates;
  3. Plates are tightly glued to the ceiling;
  4. After drying the adhesive, the slab insulation is additionally fixed by umbrella-shaped dowels;
  5. On top of the insulation, a spacion grid is installed;
  6. The surface of the ceiling is aligned with putty.

2.5 Nuances of the insulation of the country house do it yourself (video)

If the cottage is a favorite place not only for summer holiday, but also often visited in the cold season, then the premises of the country house will have to warm well. And however, who said that insulation (willing to say correctly - thermal insulation) should serve only in winter? It is at least necessary in the summer heat - a comfortable coolness will be maintained in the rooms in the most sultry days.

For thermal insulation works, you can use different material. Especially since the modern range of insulation is so rich, which allows you to choose the optimal option not only on the operational characteristics, but in price, depending on the budget of the family. Nevertheless, the "rate" is still always recommended to do on high-quality thermal insulation material, and it must comply with a number of important requirements.

In this publication, let's try to figure out which insulation for walls inside the house in the country looks preferable and why. Let us dwell on another important issue - which thickness of thermal insulation will provide comfortable conditions in the house at any time of the year.

Requirements for insulation for residential buildings

Any material selected for the repair or construction of residential buildings must meet certain physico-technical requirements, sanitary standards, as well as be safe. Not exception and insulation.

The main criteria for selecting thermal insulators to which it is necessary to pay attention must be attributed:

  • Environmental Safety. Materials should not only contribute to the creation of a comfortable temperature regime in the house, but not to harm the health of its inhabitants. Therefore, the insulation should not, in the process of operation, spoil in any way a healthy atmosphere in the rooms.
  • Energy saving characteristics. The insulation must have the minimum possible thermal conductivity.
  • Foreign safety. Most building materials, including wood, without which, when erecting a house, one way or another, do not do, are flammable. However, the danger of modern products produced on a synthetic basis is not only possible in the possibility of rapid ignition. No less terrible phenomenon is the allocation of toxic combustion products. Therefore, when choosing a heater, it is worth paying attention not only to its combustibility class, but also on its smoke-forming abilities. The heat insulator ideally should be non-combustible (NG) or have minimal flammability (M1) (many materials are far from this). The smoke-forming ability is denoted by the letter "D", and its lowest level - D1, to which should strive.
  • Sound insulation features. It is not necessary to think that this quality is not so important for country houses - after all, silence and peace ... Even with a noisy city, you can buy a neighbor - an amateur to listen to loud music, which in silence will just be heard on a very long distance. It is impossible to prohibit neighbors in the dachas to use the use of power tools, work in personal carpentry workshops, the use of equipment for processing the site. Other violations of the factors can be a lively track, passing nearby, Railway Highway, etc.
  • Parry permeability of the heat insulator. With this parameter, since we are talking about insulation from the inside, you need special caution. In fact, when the material is "breathable", this is generally not bad. But if the record indicator of the walls themselves will be lower (as well as it usually happens), then the saturation of the insulation placed indoors is not saturated. It means that reliable vapor barrier and efficient ventilation of the rooms are of particular importance. With this criterion in the bundle, the hygroscopicity of the material should be considered, that is, its ability to drink moisture. It will certainly be minimal.
  • Durability of the material. This factor is also worth paying special attention, if, of course, there is no desire to produce repairs every three to five years. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, it is not necessary to acquire the insulation of the unverified manufacturer, even if it has a suitable cost. In this case, it is better to overpay, but get confidence in the warranty periods specified by the manufacturer.
  • The ability of the insulation to hold the original shape. This quality can be denoted as material strength. During operation, different loads are affected by the insulation - dynamic, vibration, statistical and others. Under the influence of these impacts, poor-quality materials may be deformed or decrease in size, forming "bars" in thermal insulation. And the entire insulation system will become ineffective.
  • Resistance to biological and chemical impact. When the private house is insulation, an important factor is the absence of unwanted "guests", such as insects and rodents. Therefore, it is worth choosing a material that will not be a favorable medium for their habitat. In addition, the components of the insulation should not be susceptible to rotting, as well as decomposition under chemical influence. They should not serve as a nutrient medium for microflora - mold, fungus, moss, etc.
  • Compatibility with the material of the walls of the building. So that the insulation "worked" as it is expected from him, it should be well combined with the material of the base, which is planned to be thermally insulated. In addition, choosing the thickness of the insulation, it is also necessary to take into account the thickness and material of the structure of the structure. This will be discussed in detail below.

Varieties of modern thermal insulation materials

In order to insulate the walls of any private home from the inside, one or more types of thermal insulation materials can be applied. To understand which one is most suitable for a particular structure, it is necessary to consider the characteristic features of each of them.

So, the following heat insulators are most often used for the insulation of the walls:

  • Mineral wool - glass and basalt, for example. This material comes on sale in rolls and mats.
  • Polystyotiyol - produced in rigid plates.
  • Equata. This insulation is made of natural cellulose, comes on sale by the scattering or in the form of mats. The loose version of the material can be applied on the wall "wet" by spraying or just falling down in the cavity.
  • Polyurethane foam and foamizole. These insulation are sprayed on the walls, forming a seamless solid coating.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about what characteristics has

To take the first step to the selection of the material, to begin with, it is worth considering their positive parties and explicit disadvantages:

IllustrationName of insulationDignity of materialDisadvantages of material
Basalt (stone) wool- Class of flammability NG;
- has low thermal conductivity;
- The modified version of the insulation does not absorb moisture.
- hygroscopicity of the usual, non-modified insulation;
- high price.
Glass Vata.- It has good thermal insulation characteristics;
- high vapor permeability;
- Available cost.
- refers to the grade grade G1 (weakly farming);
- hygroscopic;
- insufficiently high stability of forms, weak resistance to vibratory spending, a tendency to gradual tracking;
- It does not differ in environmental cleanliness.
Ekwata.- environmental purity of the insulation;
- low thermal conductivity;
- long service life;
- Resistance to biological yield.
- is a weak-threshable material - G1;
- hygroscopicity;
- With dry stacking (squeezing), there is a tendency to peer, therefore requires periodic replenishment of the heat insulating layer.
- low thermal conductivity;
- moisture resistance;
- low weight plates;
- not toxic in conventional temperature conditions;
- has a long service life;
- has high mechanical strength;
- Resistant to biological influences.
- Guryuch (no matter how the opposite claim);
- when melting and burning under the influence of high temperatures, toxic gas, dangerous to human life, is distinguished;
- Do not vapor permanent (which, by the way, in certain conditions can be regarded as dignity).
Polyurene Foolder- moisture resistant;
- has a pronounced low thermal conductivity;
- forms a solid seamless insulated layer;
- long service life;
- not toxic in normal conditions.
- refers to the combustion system of G1 (weakly farming);
- not vapotile (about the controversy flawed already mentioned);
- For applying, special equipment and experience with it is necessary;
- A fairly high cost of material and work on its application.

The table below shows the comparative characteristics that allow the parameters of the above-mentioned materials on the "digital level":

Name of materialDensity,
kg / m³.
Coefficient of thermal conductivity,
W / (m × ° С)
Vapor permeability
mg / (m / h / pa)
Moisture absorption
kg / m²
Glasswater15 ÷ 40.0.039 ÷ ÷ 0.60.55 ÷ 1.0
Basalt Vata.30 ÷ 50.0.035 ÷ ÷ 0.60.1 ÷ 0.5
Extruded expanded polystyrene foam35 ÷ 45.0.030 ÷ 0.0350.0 ÷ 0,0130.01 ÷ 0.05
Polyurene Foolder30 ÷ 80.0.024 ÷ 0.0300.0 ÷ 0.0050.01 ÷ 0.05
Equata (mats)33 ÷ 75.0.038 ÷ 0.0450.3 ÷ 0.50.3 ÷ 0.8.

It is necessary to clarify that today the modified insulating materials with improved technical and environmental characteristics are available. However, only major manufacturers are engaged in their production, which are highly responsible to the quality and potential possibilities of their products. Naturally, the cost of such products is much higher, but they will last longer, without hurting neither the building or the health of residents at home.

You may be interested in information about how it is correct

The parameters of such thermal insulation materials will be presented below.

Basalt thermal insulation

This type of insulation materials is different as a stone cotton, as they are produced by the melt method of gabbro-basalt stone rocks. Products from this raw can be called the optimal option for thermal insulation of surfaces inside the house. If it were not for one nuance, which would be said.

Basalt insulation have very low thermal conductivity. Materials on a stone basis are more suitable for the insulation of residential premises, since their fibers have greater elasticity. Thanks to this quality, mats have a higher density, and also differ in high strength characteristics. Fibers have a sufficient degree of elasticity, and therefore not so brittle as the glass gamblers.

Basalt insulation are manufactured in rolls and mats. Some material options are equipped with a layer of aluminum foil capable of enhancing insulation due to the reflection of thermal flows inside the room. In addition, the foil becomes a parobarrier, which in such conditions is of particular importance.

And now - about the nuance itself, which still puts doubt on the feasibility of such a process as. Consider whether the use of mineral wool is permissible for insulation from the inside?

In general, the optimal structure of the insulating structure is such in which the vapor permeability of each subsequent layer (in the direction of the room to the street) is higher than that of the previous one. In such a situation, water vapors will simply be freely entering the atmosphere. Mineral wool with the location of it indoors under these requirements does not fit.

The fact is that with such a structure of the thermal insulating "cake" the dew point will be precisely in the thickness of Minvati or on the border between her and the wall. That is, it is here that condensate in the cold season will be formed. Since the vapor permeability of mineral wool will always be higher than any wall material, and the high concentration of water vapors is in the room - this is a normal phenomenon, it is impossible to exclude gradual wetting and the insulation itself, and the walls.

The output is to provide a strong layer of reliable vaporizolation from the room, so that water vapors simply have no chance of penetrating mineral wool. And plus ventilation should be ensured in the house. Under such conditions, mineral wool will show all its advantages.

The general characteristics of this insulation were shown in the above table. However, large manufacturers produce improved product options, while the technical characteristics of the insulation will differ in their indicators.

« Knauf.»

« Knauf."This is a well-known German manufacturer of various building materials known to the Russian consumer with its quality. The company not one ten years old supplies its products to Russia, has established the production of materials and directly in the territory of the Russian Federation. And these products fully comply with the requirements of GOST and sanitary and epidemiological standards, which is confirmed by numerous quality certificates.

« Knauf."Supplies to the Russian market several brands of basalt insulation, both universal and intended for different sites of the building. For example, the insulation ruler "Insulation" is the products of the Profi-class and is used for thermal insulation of various objects. For private buildings, the manufacturer provides a separate line of products, taking into account not only the thermal insulation capabilities of the material, but also the "human factor" is "Teploknauf House", "Teploknauf Dacha" and "Teploknauf cottage". All thermal insulators are vapor-permeable and non-combustible (NG).

The rest of their operational characteristics are presented in this table:

It should be noted that the ruler of insulation produced in the form of plates is expanded by the products "Cottage +" and "House +". They differ from the materials called in the table, its thickness of 100 mm.


Rockwool is constantly working on the modification of its products, improving its characteristics. All the linear of basalt insulation of this manufacturer belong to the class NG, that is, to non-combustible materials.

Despite a very wide variety of thermal insulation products of this manufacturer, for the insulation of the walls of the country house is optimal to stop its choice on "Rockwool Light Batts Scandik" or "Rockwool Light Batts"

Special processing of material in the process of its production gives blocks water-repellent qualities. Special convenience is compact packaging - after its opening, the slab quickly takes the specified source size. In addition, one edge of the plates is made "spring-loaded" - for light and dense mounting between the latch of the crate.

The main characteristics of the "Rockwool Light Batts" heat insulator look like this:

Operational parameters of insulationIndicators
Coefficient of thermal conductivity (W / m × ° C):
- Calculated value at T \u003d 10 ° C0,036
- Calculated value at T \u003d 25 ° C0,037
- Operational under the terms "A"0,039
- Operational under the terms "B"0,041
Class of CultureNG
Fire safety classKm 0.
Parry permeability (mg / (m² × h × pa), no less0.03
Moisture absorption with partial immersionno more than 1 kg / m²
Dimensions1000 × 600 mm
thickness50, 100 or 150 mm


This insulating material is made by a domestic manufacturer who is well familiar to the Russian consumer.

The modified basalt wool Tekhnonikol is also a non-combustible material (NG) as the manufacturer reports on its packaging. The thermal insulators of this manufacturer are manufactured under strict control, according to the established guest standards, and also fully comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements of the Russian Federation.

This table presents the most popular variants of the basalt insulation Tekhnonikol, as well as their technical characteristics:

Brand materialCompressibility,%, no moreParputability, mg / (m × h × pa)Moisture absorption, kg / m²Density, kg / m³
"Rocklaight"0.037 ÷ 0.04130 0.3 2 30 ÷ 40.
TECHNOLITE0.036 ÷ 0.04120 0.3 1,5 30 ÷ 38.
"TEWOROLL"0.036 ÷ 0.04155 0.3 2 25 ÷ 35.
"Technoacoustik"0.035 ÷ 0.040.10 0.3 1,5 38 ÷ 45.
"Technobock"0.035 ÷ 0.040.8 0.3 1.5 40 ÷ 50.

For the insulation of the walls, any brands "Technoacoustik" are well suited, since they have a low thermal conductivity coefficient and optimal density. In addition, the "technoacoustik" is designed to insulate the house from external noise, so it can be called a multifunctional material.

Glass Vata.

The glass gamble is made of fibers obtained by molting glass combat and quartz sand, as well as other natural additives. As a binder for compounding fiberglass to a single structure, phenol formaldehyde resins are used. The stiffness of the plates and mats is acquired as a result of pressing with simultaneous heat treatment. The heat insulator obtained as a result of pressing glass fibers in blocks or mats, has a sufficiently high stability of forms, but not the most outstanding vibration resistance.

Glass wool is a good sound and heat insulator, has resistant to chemical impacts and resistant tolerate temperature differences. Its operating temperature range vary from -60 to + 180 degrees. However, if this is exceeded, the fibers themselves are not damaged, but the binder of their substance is destructed, so the matte structure is sintered, deformed or disintegrated.

Specialists do not recommend using glass wool for the insulation of residential premises. This is connected not only with its high hygroscopicity. The point is also the possibility of contacting microparticles in the air of the room, which represents a pretty serious threat to the health of residents at home. Therefore, if for any reason for insulation, it is glass gambled that is selected, then after its installation in the crate, thermal insulation should be sealed with a polyethylene film or a vapor insulation membrane. However, as we saw, basalt wool needs exactly in the same protection.


"Isover" is a high-quality thermal insulator produced on innovative equipment in accordance with all the requirements of existing standards.

"Isover" is made in mats and plates, so it may differ in its density. The slab material has a higher density, and it can be used to insulate the walls under shocking. The materials with elevated density include "Isover OL-A" and "IsOVER OL-E". But shuttering of mineral wool insulation is permissible only on the outside of the wall.

The glass gambler "IsOnder" manufacturer positions like a non-flammable insulation, that is, relates it to the class NG.

The sale presents several variants of glass wool, which is designed for insulation of various parts of the house. The main characteristics of these products look like this:

Brand insulationThe coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / (M × ° C)Compressibility,%, no moreParputability, mg / (m × h × pa)Moisture absorption, kg / m²Density, kg / m³
ISOVER Light0.035 ÷ 0.040.10 0.3 1,5 38 ÷ 45.
"IsOnder Standard"0.036 ÷ 0.04155 0.3 2 25 ÷ 35.
"Isover optimal"0.036 ÷ 0.04120 0.3 1.5 30 ÷ 38.
"Isover facade"0.035 ÷ 0.03830 0.3 2 30 ÷ 40.

In addition to the above options , "IsOVER" produces other brands of insulation materials. Moreover, the company continues to develop and launch innovative products that are able to withstand the necessary loads in a certain area of \u200b\u200bstructure.


Another well-known brand of insulation materials are products "URSA". The manufacturer uses innovative technologies in the manufacture of its products, trying to minimize the flaws of glass wool. Thanks to this approach, the URSA glass gamble is characterized by increased durability and special strength. Plate density and mats greatly simplifies installation work.

Since "URSA" produces a large range of insulating products, it will be difficult to choose the desired version of the material. We give a hint - for the heat insulation of the country house, the insulation of the URSA GEO line is recommended. They are safe for the health of residents of the house, adapted as much as possible to the conditions of private construction.

The "URSA GEO" line includes the following products:

Type of insulation "URSA GEO"The coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / (M × ° C)Paropropusability mg / (m × h × pa)
"M-11"0.04 0.64
"Mini"0.041 0.64
"A private house"0.041 0.55
"Universal Plates"0.036 0.51
Light0.044 0.35
"Scope Roof"0.035 0.55
"Noise protection"0.04 0.6
"Frame"0.035 0.64

In addition to those presented in the table, this series of materials includes other insulation suitable for thermal insulation of private houses.

Speaking of any of mineral wool insulators, it is impossible not to say about their common drawbacks that may well affect the choice of material.

  • Binding in most brands are phenol formaldehyde resins that are toxic substance. Throughout the period of operation of a warmed design, the emission of harmful connections will be observed. Some leading manufacturers claim that, in the manufacture of their products, these components are no longer used, as they are replaced by environmentally friendly binders. Check this statement without special devices is quite difficult, and you have to take on faith. Nevertheless, it is better to give preference to insulation with Eco marking.

  • Another problem of mineral wool are rodents, which are perfectly adapting in this material, arranging their nests in it and doing moves. It will be possible to get rid of these neighbors, only disassembled the skin and replacing the insulation to another of its option. If measures have been taken to protect against these ubiquitous animals in the country house, then mineral wool can be purchased for the insulation of the walls. In another case, it is better to give preference to more dense insulation or the options that mice are bypassing.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

Many people think that extruded polystyrene foam is the same as the foam acquaintance. But it's not at all. Yes, the initial raw material for their production is similar, however, they differ from each other not only by appearance, but also by their technical characteristics. Inexpensive for the price of foam until recently, it was used everywhere for insulation of both internal and external surfaces. However, it has a large number of significant drawbacks that caused a complete abandonment of this material in many countries of the world.

Starting repair, many, wanting to save, prefer precisely foam, but before making your choice, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bits negative qualities.

  • Flammability material. The foam is not just burning - it melts and spreads over the surface, becoming a flame spreader. At the same time, from the molten mass is highlighted so toxic smoke that literally several inhales can cause poisoning incompatible with life.
  • Polyfoam (expanded polystyrene) - polymer is not chemically stable. And with long-term operation, under the influence of temperature drops and other external factors, it also begins to allocate substances harmful to the environment - free styrene. These evaporation will not be able to keep the plaster or brick layer, and they will penetrate the room.
  • Polyfoam has air permeability, and therefore mice will calmly sear in it. They not only easily thrash this material, but also arrange their nests in it. Especially often it is found when the plates of the foam have a rather large thickness of 70 ÷ 100 mm.
  • Polyfoam is not dirty, it is quite quickly destroyed - it begins to crumble. As a result, the material loses its thermal insulation qualities.

Extruded expanded polystyrene is made from the same raw materials as a familiar foam. But with its manufacture, a completely different technology is applied.

The finely small structure of the plates of polystyrene is created due to the melting of polystyrene granules. Foaming and hardening additives are added to the molten mass. As foaming agents are used non-freon compounds.

The advantage of extruded expanded polystyrene can be called its high density. Thanks to this quality, the material is not attractive for mice. Plus, he is impenetrable for steam and air, so rodents do not suit nests in it. Maximum what they can harm him is to glue his edge.

The extruded polystyrene foam has a non-low thermal conductivity coefficient, high compressive strength, has good frost resistance. In addition, the insulation is not subject to biological striking and chemical decomposition therefore it is often used even for the insulation of buildings foundations.

However, as for his flammability is a controversial issue. Manufacturers are positioning polystyrene foam, like a deposit and self-fighting, that is, not supporting burning. The practice shows that he still focuses when exposed to open fire, it is often capable of burning, and just like foam, it allocates toxic smoke. They are trying to fight with it - many materials of this group pass a special processing that increases their fire resistance. But to non-combustible still as far!

Extruded polystyrene - practically zero vapor permeability. And this factor is just on the hand for the insulation of the walls from the inside. That is, the placed layer of plates by itself becomes a good parobararier, and the structure of the material is definitely inside will always be dry, that is, they simply condensed in it. True, it still does not eliminate the need to create a common hermetic vapor barrier under the layer of finishing, or, at least - from hermetic "sealing" of seams between stoves laid on the wall. No less and the requirements for creating an effective ventilation system are required - they are mandatory with any type of internal insulation.

In the construction market, both well-known and completely unfamiliar manufacturers are represented in the construction market. Sometimes you can meet the plates that have no marking at all. It is clear that it is not necessary to expect some guarantees from such materials. Therefore, if the choice is stopped on this insulation, you should give preference to well-known brands.


The most popular in the Russian market can be called extruded polystyrenexes "Penoplex". These are the products of the domestic producer, which manufactures several varieties of material that differ in some characteristics.

The names of the slabs are talking about their purpose - this is a universal material "Comfort", "Roofing", "Fundam" and "Wall". Accordingly, two types of plates are used for the heat insulation of wall surfaces - "comfort" and "wall", performed by plates of "roof", etc.

Polystrax plates (namely, such a conversational name is most often practiced) are produced in a large range of thicknesses - from 20 to 100 mm (20, 30, 30, 50, 60, 80, and 100 mm). Linear dimensions - 1200 × 600 mm. Plates of type "Comfort" can be released in length and 2400 mm.

The main characteristics of the insulating material "Penopelex", indicated by the manufacturer, look like this:

- thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.030 W / (M × K);

- moisture absorption - no more than 0.2 ÷ 0.4% of the total volume;

- vapor permeability - 0.007 ÷ 0.008 mg / (m × h × pa);

- a group of flammability - g2 - g4;

- range of operating temperatures - from -50 to +75 ° C;

- Durability declared by the manufacturer - 50 years.

  • "Polyurex C", designed for the heat insulation of the walls. Contains components in its composition - antipyrins that reduce the risk of fire. High thermal insulation properties, minimal moisture absorption, resistance to temperature drops, as well as the grooves provided for compounding plates, make the insulation of the walls of the house with reliable and durable.
  • "Polyurex Comfort" is a universal plates, which can be applied in different areas of the structure, ranging from the roof and ending with the foundation. In this regard, it may well be applied to the insulation of the walls of the country house from the inside.
  • Polyurex F is designed for the thermal insulation of the foundation. Due to the fact that this insulated building area is in the ground, the plates are manufactured without adding flames. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for mounting in other areas, as they refer to the combustibility group.
  • Polyopleks K "is used to insulate roofing and floors, but may well be used for thermal insulation of wall surfaces.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about what the insulation


The plates of the extruded polystyrene foam "Styrodur" are not so popular as Penopelex, although also have decent technical characteristics.

Several species of this thermal insulation material are available on sale - it is 2500 seconds, 2,200 s, 2800 Cs, 3035 Cs, 3035 CN, 4000 CS, 5000 Cs. The difference between the plates primarily is their density and compressive strength. The surface of all stoves is protected by a smooth, more durable layer of material, and Styrodur 2800 C and Styrodur 2800 Cs are equipped with a corrugated coating.

In order for the cohesions of the plates, the cold bridges did not form, various options for connecting locks can be provided on their ends. These plates also differ in each other.

Thanks to its strength characteristics, as well as different locks, this insulation is well suited for the inner insulation of the walls of the house.

Name characteristics and units of measureDigital marking of the insulation "Styrodur"
2500 C. 2800 C. 3035 S. 4000 S. 5000 S.
Thermal conductivity coefficient in dry state, W / m × to0.029 0.029 0.029 0.03 0.03
Density (at least), kg / m³25 30 33 35 45
Moisture absorption in 24 hours,% of the volume0.13 0.13 0.13 0.07 0.07
Compressive strength at 10% of linear deformation (no less)0.2 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.7
Surface platessmoothriflennySmooth or riflesmoothsmooth
Linear sizes of plates, mm1250 × 600.1250 × 600.1265 × 615.1265 × 615.1265 × 615.
Plate thickness, mm20,30,40,50,60 20,30,40,50,60 30,40,50,60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 30,40,50,60,80 40,50,60
Operating temperature range, with-180...+75
A combustion groupГ2.
Frost resistanceMore than 300 cycles

Plates "Styrodur" are made only in light green color, so they are difficult to confuse with other similar materials. The heat insulator under normal operating conditions is not toxic, the freon is not used in its production. In addition, the material does not have odors, therefore it can be used to insulate the internal surfaces of residential buildings.

Polyurene Foolder

Polyurethan, as an effective insulation, appeared in free access relatively recently, but already managed to prove its reliability in the thermo- and sound insulation of the premises. Polyurethane foam application is made by spraying, for which special equipment is used. The material can be applied to several layers to achieve the necessary thickness of thermal insulation.

The composition applied to the surface, after foaming and polymerization, forms a monolithic layer on it, as the space is expanding and fills. In addition, the ready mass has excellent adhesive abilities, so when spraying, it is firmly fixed almost on any surface of the walls and the ceiling.

This material is used for thermal insulation both internal and outer surfaces, and is particularly well suited for use in regions with low winter temperatures. The thermal conductivity coefficient of polyurethane foam is very low, and is from 0.025 to 0.030 W / m × to. That is, among the insulation under consideration, he is in this indicator an absolute "champion".

Due to the fact that the structure of polyurethane foam decomposes under the influence of ultraviolet, it must be mounted under decorative cladding.

When insulating this material at home from the inside, a frame design is installed on the wall to fasten the facing material. And between her racks and jumpers, the composition is sprayed. After the frosting of the polyurethane deposited on the wall or ceiling, speaking outside the frame of the surplus, formed during its expansion, are cut off.

Perhaps you will be interested in information on how to do it yourself

Polyurethane foam has a low moisture-absorption index, therefore retains its thermal insulation qualities with any humidity. Parry permeability is practically zero. And since the coating is obtained seamless, solid, you can do without additional vaporizolation.

This material may refer to different fireproof groups - from G1 and even to G4, depending on the additives made to the composition. However, polyurethane foam, as a rule, does not become a focus of the emergence of a fire and by spreading fire. It quickly harbs the inclusion of the oxygen necessary for the combustion of oxygen into its structure. And the gases formed during the thermal decomposition are still not so dangerous as the polystyrene foam.

Excellent material for internal insulation. But special raw materials and equipment are required for its application, the availability of skills in work. And the cost is very high. All this limits its widespread use for such purposes.


Equata is not all familiar material, so it is not so popular. But it is successfully used for the insulation of residential buildings both from the inside and outside. The main advantage of this insulation is its environmental purity. Equodata made of cellulose fibers, which are processed by boric acid, which protects the material from the occurrence of mold and makes it unattractive for rodents.

Plates are molded from fibers, or an eco-star is on sale and are intended for laying so-called "wet" method - spraying.

The scattering is used and dry, most often this method is used for thermal insulation of horizontal surfaces, such as ceiling overlap or floors in the house. Another method of insulation is to fill the closed space (specially provided cavities) with dry eco-art. For example, in a frame partition, covered on two sides plywood sheets.

The "wet" method of application can be called the optimal option of laying. However, it makes it difficult that this process is the factor that special equipment is required to conduct it. This means that the insulation will have to invite a specialist.

Eco-meat applied by the "wet" method forms a monolithic seamless layer on the surface, which reliably protects the room from the cold. The material retains its thermal insulation qualities throughout the entire life.

If it is planned to produce insulation yourself, then the optimal option will be ready, molded plates. They are installed between the labels of the crates as well as mineral wool, the Muspist. Of course, with internal insulation, this will again require a reliable vapor barrier barrier - the hygroscopicity of EcoWati is considerable.

When mounting with a dry way, both on the horizontal surfaces and when the empty space is filling, the wool can give shrinkage over time. Therefore, conducting insulation, it is necessary to be well seal.

Equata for its flammability refers to the group G1 (weakly combustible material) due to special processing in the production process. When burning cellulose, it does not allocate overly dangerous toxic products for a person.

The market presents several varieties of this material of various manufacturers. For example, it is worth paying attention to the Finnish manufacturer "Termex".

Equata "Termex" comes on sale in packages weighing 13 kg and has the following characteristics:

- thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.040 W / (m × ° C);

- density, depending on application - 35 ÷ 79 kg / m³;

- Soundproofing capabilities at a layer of 25 mm - 9DB.

Ekwata freely misses water vapors, and for external insulation - nothing better and do not come up with. But for the inner - this again becomes a problem that has not been mentioned above. Such a thermal insulation design will require a very reliable vapor barrier. Equodata is a lot of hygroscopicity, and it may be shortly to literally to swell in water, after the time all its insulating qualities.

* * * * * * *

So that the insulation of the country house was high-quality and safe, when choosing a heat-insulating material, it is necessary to carefully examine its characteristics, as well as methods of use with all the nuances. It is recommended to acquire insulation of well-known manufacturers who have long been working on the building materials market and managed to conquer authority.

As we have seen, insulation can be produced in a large thickness range. A layer thickness of polyurethane foam or eco-house can be regulated by an employee. In any case, it is necessary to know what the thickness of the insulation will be guaranteed to cope with the task of reliable thermal insulation of the walls. And this question should also be considered.

What is the thickness of the insulation?

Each of their home owners is able to produce such a heat engineering. Now we "arrange" his understanding of the calculation algorithm and a convenient online calculator.

What is the calculation?

Try to imagine any abstract insulated design. Since we have the topic - wall, then this example and leave.

So, the multilayer design will include the very wall of the house, folded from a particular material. Often, it is often provided for its finish. The same - and on the inside, well, the layer of insulation, the thickness of which is required.

In order for the houses of the house, a comfortable temperature was maintained at any time of the year, all this multilayer design should have a certain total heat transfer resistance. And it consists of resistances of each of the layers.

Here it is appropriate to make a reservation - the external facade finish, organized by the system of the ventilated facade, is never taken into account. It does not introduce the wall in general insulating quality walls.

Where to get the necessary data?

What should be the total resistance, shows its normalized value set by SNiP for each region, taking into account climatic features. This indicator is easy to clarify in any local construction organization. Or, even easier - to determine it at the map-scheme below. In this case, for further calculation, it is necessary to take the meaning of "for walls", which are allocated with purple color.

The thermal resistance of any of the layers is easy to determine - for this, the thickness of the saline (pronounced in meters) must be divided into a table coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material from which this layer is made.

RC \u003d.HC /λC.

RC - thermal resistance of the layer, m² × k / W;

HC. - layer thickness, m;

λC. - thermal conductivity coefficient of material, W / m × K.

It is clear that too thin layers (for example, membranes) take into account the particular sense. But some options for outer and interior decoration are completely capable of influencing the common heat engineering characteristics of the wall structure.

So, if you calculate all the thermal resistance of the layers planned for future arrangement and summing them, it will still be not enough to achieve the normalized value. This is the most "deficit" and should cover the layer of thermal insulation. The difference is known, the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation - also, and therefore nothing prevents the need to find the desired thickness:

Well \u003dRy × λY.

Well- the required thickness of the insulation, m;

RY - "shortcomings" of thermal resistance, which is required to be filled with thermal insulation;

λY. - The thermal conductivity coefficient of the selected insulation material.

To simplify the reader as simplify, a special online calculator was drawn up. When calculating, it is possible and not to take into account the insulation qualities of the decoration layers - simply their thickness is left by default zero. And otherwise - everything is simple, and, probably, does not require special additional explanations.

The result will be immediately shown in millimeters - it is more convenient. The resulting value is minimal, and it usually leads to standard thickness of insulating materials, somewhat rounded in a large side.

Warm makes sense and outdoor door, and interroom, especially leading in cold utility rooms or an entrance hall. Our main task is eliminate gapwhich sooner or later are formed between the door and the box. And with this you can cope with enough ways:
  • put seals (this option is suitable if the slots are small);
  • if it blows out of the door - to fix a special sealing brush on it (buy a finished product or make your own hands from thick rubber or other girlfriends)
  • hang a dense curtain.

If you need a fast and efficient way, it is the last option that is most successful. The main thing is that the material of the curtains is really dense (summer sieve curtains from the cold will not save us). Such an element of insulation is able to become a bright and original part of the decor of the room. Well, if you are not worried about little, you can use even old woolen or cotton blankets.

Here, perhaps, someone contemptuously wrinkles the nose: "Fi, old-fashioned!" - Well, because sometimes it is precisely such old-fashioned things better than modern "frills". I will give an example from practice. In a new house, I have a large (approximately 1.5 x 2 m) opening in the wall, which separates the warm residential premises from the cool hallway. Doors or some other fundamental structures in this opening so far in my plans are not included, but the heat saved somehow necessary ... There was an old plush curtain just a suitable size. Many told me: "What is it in it? All warmth will still go to the gap between the wall and the ceiling, and the curtain will not hold anything. " But since none of the advisers did not suggest anything better, all the past winter, this curtain worked safely. The difference in the temperatures in the premises that it separated could reach up to 3-4 degrees. And in the rustic summer house, I have an entrance door in a warm (residential) part, part of it always walked with a cotton blanket - it is extremely simple, but efficiently.


I will say a few words at once. Today he is considered almost obligatory. Meanwhile, take a look at the old rustic houses - you will find a lot of insulated roofs there? And in a holted hut and in the bubble frost heat. Why?

The insulation of the roof makes sense if the second floor (attic) is residential. If it's just a attic, then focus on heat ceiling (overlaps). Even those who are familiar with physics badly, for sure it is known: warm air is lighter than cold, and therefore rises up. And breaks into the atmosphere through the slots in the ceiling, if any. The ceiling that does not allow the heat to "escape" from the house - one of the most important items of good insulation.

Perhaps the most economical and simple option will be foam. But, from my point of view, its advantages and advantages on that and are exhausted. It is suitable if you need to warm up quickly and quite inexpensively (though, save on the quality of the material and choose a foam with minimal density, I would not advise; optimally - PSB-C 25).

I will not go into details - this topic can safely devote a separate article. I just say if you want better warming, buy polystyrene foam plates with milled edge - They are joining the mustache. Attempts to firmly adjust the usual smooth edges of the plates are doomed to failure: there will still be slots between them, which, when shrinking wooden supporting structures, can also increase. Well, through these slits, it goes without saying precious warmth.

Is there an alternative? Within the framework of a limited budget - I'm afraid that there is no (if there are special builders who will correct me, I will be extremely grateful: for me this question has a great practical value. Earthly dumping, which was used in old village houses, is now practically not used.

Sometimes you can meet the recommendations Close the ceiling from the inside penophol (Options: anti-energoflex and the like). It is really fast, simple and relatively inexpensive (depending on the material brand and its manufacturer). But (the subjective opinion of the amateur - do not judge strictly) I still think that this is not the best option for residential premises ... Who tried - let's discuss in the comments, share your experience and impressions. I especially want to find out how much such insulation can affect the level of humidity in the room (is the condensate on such a ceiling?).


Cold floor - trouble of most wooden houses. Today there are many ways to resolve this problem, but we are this time, as you remember, talking about the most simple and cheap options. Therefore, the topic, for example, we will not be considered. And what then can you do?

The first is to insulate residential premises around the perimeter: no matter how well the floor fit and the plinth is selected, the gap between the floor and the wall exists. If the basement is not insulated, the cold air will penetrate from these gaps from below. And here it is just a foam to help us: the strips of this material (foil layer inside the room) are fixed using a furniture stapler (or small nails, if there is no stapler) so that one edge can enter the wall, and the other lay on the floor. Quickly, simple - and in the room it becomes noticeable warmer. Check!

Use foam and for continuous heat insulation of the floor (here already who does it: someone fixes it from the basement side, someone uses instead of a substrate for flooring, but the reviews I heard only positive and from those and from others).

The second is the floor surface. Household rugs in rustic houses, in addition to the decorative function, have a purely practical: this is an additional insulation. So if there is carpets, palaces, paths and mats - Welcome them to the floor, and it will be warm for you. Read more about this in the article.