Stylish bedroom for a man. Design room for a guy: ideas and examples

The bedroom in each house is a special place to be equipped in accordance with the character, age and wishes of its owners. Men's bedroom in this regard special. It must be comfortable, functional, practical - and simultaneously stylish.

Room furnishings

The overall furnishing of the room depends on many factors, especially from its area and preferences of the premises. But in most cases there are necessarily the following things:

  • Bed.Many strong sex representatives prefer a spacious and free sleeping place. For this reason, it is better to choose a double bed or a sofa bed with a sliding mechanism "Book". If the bedroom has a small area (for example, 9 square meters. M), a modular sofa can be a sleeping place.
  • Wardrobe.It must be compact and roomy at the same time. It is necessary to take care that it has not only a place for hangers and a sufficient number of shelves for clothes, but also additional shoe boxes. Men also love when they reign order in their things.
  • Work zone.It can consist of both an ordinary table and chair, and from one chairs. It all depends on what kind of cases are performed in this part of the room.

  • A variety of devices and electronic equipment.Some men love to install a home theater or TV in their bedroom. In this case, it is best to install them on the walls or special shelves, directly opposite the bed. This will make it easier to make the use of the devices themselves, and also do not litter space.
  • Decor.Many men love the reasonable use of decorative elements to decorate their bedroom. It can be small statuettes, beautiful sconters or paintings. The main thing is that such decorative additions to meet the interests of the man himself.

Sometimes the interior of the bedroom can be complemented by other elements - for example, bedside tables, coffee table or chairs. It is necessary to remember the reasonable use of space and that men usually do not like when too many unnecessary things surround them.

It is also worth noting that the bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation, so one should not overload it with additional furniture or decorative elements.

Color palette and materials

Selecting the range of colors in which the general design of the male bedroom will be performed, it is worth remembering about two things. First, this is a place for relaxation, and secondly is a place for a man's sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon too bright and catchy colors. Experienced designers also do not recommend using too many different shades in the interior and try to combine them among themselves.

The men's sleeping room and recreation can be performed in two or more colors, most preferred of which are:

  • the black;
  • grey;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • dark beige;


  • white;
  • dark burgundy;
  • turquoise;
  • color of natural pearls.

The best materials that are used in the arrangement of the bedroom for a man are considered natural species of trees, metal, impact-resistant glass and semi-precious stones. If we talk about the tissues that will also be in the bedroom in the role of curtains, curtains or covered, then velor, atlas or silk will be perfect.

Not necessarily use all these colors, fabrics and materials together. Each of them has its own purpose and is suitable for use when choosing some single bedroom design.

Interior design styles

All interior items described at the beginning of the article should be selected so that they are combined with the overall design of the bedroom itself. Experts allocate several options for making a bedroom for a man.


Such a bedroom is distinguished by restraint and conciseness, there are almost always no decorative elements. Such a bedroom is ideal for a successful man who builds a career and is not distracted by outsiders.

A minimalistic bedroom usually contains a bed, bedside tables, a wardrobe. The best colors for such an interior will be beige, blue and brown.


This room is characterized by calm brown shades, convenience, luxury and minimalism at the same time. Such a bedroom is suitable for a person who has already achieved a lot and prefers to relax in comfort and with amenities. The best colors for decoring the bedroom in this style will be brown, gray, light beige, white.

The interior must include bed, bedside tables, wardrobe. On the walls there should be pictures on the windows - gorgeous lambrequins, and on the ceiling - chandelier in the classic style.

Modern style

This option is ideal for a young man who is actively developing in all spheres of his life. The best colors for designing such a room will be black, gray, white. The best materials for furniture and decor are a tree, metal and glass.

In such a modern bedroom, there must be a TV or a cinema, there must be a convenient working area. The prerequisite for the design of the bedroom in this style is that all items in the room must have clear edges, and some one of them should immediately focus on themselves.


This interior design is still new. The basis of such a design is its full personality and uniqueness. During the design of the bedroom, any materials and colors can be used. The prerequisite is that it is the bed itself becomes the main emphasis in the room.

This style is also characterized by the fact that the room itself is zoned by several parts (with the help of furniture or false walls), thereby simultaneously hiding the bed and causing attention to it.

There are other options for the interior design of the bedroom - for example, Provence or Art Deco. However, experienced designers strongly recommend refusing to use their use when arranging men's bedrooms. In the first case, the room is obtained too soft and not sufficiently male, and in the second case, on the contrary, too clean. However, if the man likes such design options, they can be safely embodied.

Choosing some particular space of bedroom design for a man, it is worth remembering that the recommendations on its design are familiarized. It is quite possible to change something or clean, create your own option of a room that will have to do with its owner.

In this video you will see even more ideas for the design of the men's bedroom.

Starting the decoration of the bedroom for a man is necessary from the selection of an interior style, as well as to carefully plan the location of all its elements. The idea is to harmoniously combine style and practicality, the second is sometimes more important than the first. The bedroom men should not be overwhelmed by superfluous accessories, furniture items and other things, everything should be convenient and not necessarily ideally, the main thing is that the man focuses in his bedroom "with closed eyes" and could find any thing.

Furnished furniture, bas-reliefs and fringe, exquisite panels with images of colors, all this is absolutely no need to be a tired man who dreams of relaxing after a hard working day. Not that it does not have taste or him is alien to contemplating the aesthetic beauty of the bas-reliefs of his bedroom, he just does not have time for it, and a special desire. From this we conclude that the bedroom of the men are likely to fit the styles of High-tech and minimalism, of course, when choosing a style, it is necessary to rely on tastes and preferences of a particular person, however, from the experience of the designers we see that in most severe sex prefers exactly such styles interior.

Create interior bedroom

The strong gender advantage chooses two styles in the design of its bedroom - it is high-tech and minimalism. They are easy to be manufacturable and comfort. Thanks to the decor, tissues, mixing textures and properly disposed flower accents, the bedroom of the men will easily turn into a relaxing place.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the central link of the future interior, it can be almost any big thing - a bright representative of this stylistic direction: bed, wardrobe, painting, panels and more.

After that, relying on the central link, we gradually form the interior, collecting it in the elements: futuristic walls and ceiling with built-in lamps, an abundance of complex equipment, embedded furniture, complex and functional, but completely deprived of a complex decor.

The windows can be made with light fabrics, without bright drawings, frills, lambrequins. Colors that prefer men are dark green, gray, dark beige, brown, blue, steel, black. The bedroom should not be overloaded with accessories they should be quite a bit, but they must reflect the character of a person, his inner world. It can be photos within, collective poster or statuette or something else. Direct clear lines, simplicity of forms, combining rationality and practicality in a rest room, this is what most representatives of strong sex will appreciate

Furniture and textiles in the men's bedroom

The practical component is the base of the bedroom of a man.

  • As already noted, the bedroom men should be comfortable and match its habits, needs, psychophysiological characteristics. The bed that occupies the "central" place in the bedroom must be selected with the growth in the growth and complex of a strong sex. As a rule, we choose wide and long beds with a powerful base and a rigid mattress. A convenient bedside table with practical point lighting is installed next to the bed, and the plasma TV is striking, as a rule.
  • As for the storage system, in the dressing room for a man, it should be as much hangers and rods as possible, in order for clothes and costumes to always be in an impeccable tailoring condition and did not swear on narrow shelves. It is best to provide for wardrobes and corner cabinets. The rhythm of the life of a modern man and the expanding wardrobe require such a storage organization that would allow you to quickly find the right thing if necessary: \u200b\u200bclothes, shoes, tie, etc. In addition to the main elements, modern wardrobe systems have a number of specific components - hooks, trouser hangers and ties, baskets, shoe stands, accessories holders, drawers and boxes. With the creation of an ergonomic storage system in the men's bedroom, there will be a permanent order, it will not want to return to chaos.
  • For the design of the workplace, any man will also come seriously. If the bedroom area allows you to combine the bedroom with the office, but in a small room you need to find a place for the table. The main attributes on it will be a designer lamp, organizer, and a photo frame and a photo frame. A good table must supplement the chair and a leather soft chair.
  • The textile elements of the men's bedroom should be practical, it is necessary to exclude "capricious" fabrics and materials, and use only those that are easily erased and cleaned. But this does not mean that men with taste cannot choose expensive and sophisticated materials, such as velvet, silk or atlas. Curtains or curtains are better to choose from heavy tight fabric that does not pass the light to create a half-making atmosphere as if in the lair of a predatory beast. On the floor, instead of carpets in the men's bedroom, you can meet an artificial skin skin. The animal themes may have a bedspread or plaid on the bed.

Thus, in the men's bedroom, everything should be under the owner - rich, stylish and ergonomic. Of course, much depends on the taste and preferences of a person, its character, position in society, income, but one remains the main thing - the male interior is the presence of equipment, the predominance of simple, functional furniture, decoration of unusual objects - from the models of machines to the statuette of Krishna.

Photo of male spalien

Today, no one is surprised by the fact that a man or woman creates the interior only for himself, without taking into account the possibility of the appearance of a second tenant in the apartment. In this article we would like to give tips on creating a bedroom for a man and with a male character. What does a fundamentally distinguish her from the bedroom of a girl or a couple? - No abundance of parts and decorations, bright colors and complex forms. Men are just no need. Easy, thoroughness, and practicality - this is what is looking for a man in his house.

The color scheme will also be not peculiar to the female Bouire: black, gray, blue, brown. But, if women would consider such an interior gloomy and dull, then for a man these colors give peace of mind and the foundation of the interior.

Initially, in order to create a bedroom for a man, you need to decide on a stylistic solution. The most impact men's styles: the most common minimalism, discreet and cold High-tech, glamorous AR deco, air sea style and old good classic. Now we will analyze all the styles in order.

Men's bedroom in the style of minimalism

Minimalism, as you know, the style is discreet, laconic, not burdened with a large number of details. This is the place where a man sleeps, rests, reads, reflects. Therefore, the space should be clearly zoned. The zone of sleep, rest, also in the bedroom men will be a dressing room or a system of cabinets. There it is necessary to highlight a place for numerous shirts, suits, make a suspended system for storing trousers. It is necessary to place as much horizontal shelves as possible, which will always be useful - for T-shirts, sweaters, bed linen, for storing things in the offseason. In short, everything should be comfortable and at hand - to not spend a lot of time looking for things.

In the bedroom in the style of "minimalism" there is a place, but without excesses:

- A large bed with a soft headboard, emphasizing the Harizm of the host, and has a strong sleep.
- Bedside table lamps to conveniently read in bed before bedtime
- Dense curtains made of heavy fabrics, to create comfort and imparting intimate privacy. Bedside stands or lockers for books, and other little things, chest of drawers and things.

In the bedroom in the style of "minimalism", all things are a continuation of each other.

All colors gently harmonize each other, no screaming color spots. As a rule, it is a gamma in black, gray, brown, blue colors. Decorative elements are photographs in black and white gamma, calm in color and plot paintings, any original elements, be it a sconce, mirror, photos within, abstract figurines, etc. In short, in minimalism - everything is just the most necessary.


High-tech men's bedroom

The main distinguishing feature of the style of Hi-Tech is its pronounced manufacturability. And the bedroom will not be an exception. At first glance, the High-Tech bedroom can make the impression of a cold, uncomfortable space. But this impression is incorrect, because thanks to the dosage decor, tissues, mixing textures and properly placed flower accents, the bedroom will easily turn into a relaxing place.

Select the basis of the interior, the so-called "Basic Color Spot". They can be a luxurious bed, a wardrobe, a picture on a wall or a photo in a stylish frame, a large mirror or stylish floor lamp.

Next, pushing out this spot, we begin to collect the entire interior, like a puzzle: walls of different textures, a futuristic volumetric ceiling, which is built-in complex lighting. The windows can be untreated, and can be decorated with light transparent tissues. Color range - black, gray, white, dark beige, brown. Materials emphasize male power - steel, concrete, stone, marble, granite, mirror, gloss for walls or ceiling.

Bedroom for Men in Art Deco

Art Deco is a luxury and wealth, connected with art. In the title is the essence of the style - "decorative art". In the Art Deco, there is where the richness of the decor, textures, geometric shapes and forms is roaring. And you should not be afraid to overload interior and make it too fried and romantic. AR Deco can afford it. And although the woman does not live in this bedroom, elegance and elegance are imprinted here.

Furniture - gorgeous design, accessories - expensive, beautiful, luxurious. The bed is the most important place in the bedroom - can be decorated with crystals or stones. Finishing and materials are only the most exquisite, most expensive: red and ebony, ivory, velvet, silk, satin, gilding, natural stone, crystal. Color range in the men's bedroom Art Deco: gold, silver, beige, plum, dairy, burgundy, sandy.




Men's sea style bedroom

The entire space of such a bedroom is filled with a warm summer day atmosphere at sea. This style is characterized by air, often all furniture and finishing of the same color - for exaggerated ease. On this basis, the entire decor as it is soaring in the air.

Color grade in the colors of the sea and the sun: blue, blue, white, yellow, sand, pearl, turquoise. To emphasize this can be an abundance of the decor in this topic - paintings and photos with sea landscapes, ships statuents, chaps, lighthouses, vintage cards on the walls, seaside decor.

For lighting, lamps and bedside lamps are ideal, which are used on ships and yachts. Furniture made of light wood, untreated or artificialized. On the floor, the deck laying of the array of wood array will look at the floor.

The ceiling can be dragged to white chiffon or cotton to give the effect of clouds above your head. A man will feel here in his element.

Classic men's bedroom

The classic, as you know, never says. The bedroom in the classic style, if made with a taste, many years will delight the owner and will not require alteration.

The classic style is very versatile, - tell me, - how to add a male bedroom? And it is very simple: we take furniture from a dark tree, put on the floor to the floor of an oak or maple massif, the walls are lining to the Venetian coating of neutral colors or with embossed matte wallpaper.

At the ceiling, we will install false beams, to give the interior of the thoroughness. We will make decor elements, and the choice is great here: paintings, photos, flowers in massive pots, vases, figurines, dense curtains with classic ornaments, floor carpets or artificial animal skins instead of them, beautiful massive lamps and chandeliers. And everything should be under the owner to become a beautiful, rich, with the predominance of dark and strong male colors. And to create contrast, add bright colors - beige, sand, gray, white, coral.


What does the interior of the bedroom "masculinity"? - high-quality furniture, a bed with a powerful base, a concise headboard, monochrome curtains on the windows, the absence of a large number of parts and decorations, restrained monochrome prints. Color gamut like a strong floor - black, gray, steel, blue, blue, white, brown, dark green. Men's accessories: photos and paintings in massive frames. In short, everything that can confirm - a real man lives here.

Any woman on shopping disassembled eyes. She seems to be forty, who looks at every thing, and can not be determined with the purchase option.

But what can I say about men at this moment? As you know, the female psychology is so multifaceted, but men are much easier in men.

In this article we will discuss some aspects of creating a male bedroom. There will be no female intervention, only a purely strict male business style.

In order for a woman to feel very comfortable, she will need a lot of things. The male interior unlike female is not so overloaded with superfluous elements of the decor, and other details.

Simply put, the male floor is to manage the standard assortment of things, and only those that are really used.

In terms of selection of colors for home interior, men more evaluate cold and strict colors. This can be attributed black, gray, blue and brown.

It is worth noting that each of these colors has its own symbolism. Here, for example, brown means a solid position in life. It is usually chosen by those who are firmly on their feet.

For men, these colors give calm and thoroughness.

To create a beautiful male bedroom design, you should decide on the choice of style. Compared to women, men are not so choice is great. But what they like is able to surprise and link a pleasant impression on any woman. Common choice of men:

  • Minimalism.
  • High tech.
  • AR Deco.
  • Classic.

Now pay attention to the detailed description of the above styles.


Men's bedroom in minimalism is a fairly successful choice. Restraint and concise allows you to fully relax.

And a man who works intellectually definitely should count on a good place to rest in order to replenish its spent forces to achieve new goals.

Reading and reflection will not be successful if the room is too overwhelmed by superfluous interior details. In addition to the bed itself, there must be a jiggle cabinet.

It is necessary for a convenient location of things, for a man does not always have time to iron their shirts.

Therefore, it is worth organizing a suspension system that would preserve things in good form. In addition, there will be horizontal shelves. They usually store T-shirts, sweaters and bed linen.

The most important thing is to save time when searching for that, or other clothes. In general, this style is perfect for men who constantly love to work.

High tech

The interior of the Male Bedroom in the style of "High-Tech" implies a high level of technological. At first glance, the room in this style will seem cold and uncomfortable.

But in fact it is just the first erroneous point of view. Dosage decor, fabrics, mixed textures, color accents perfectly have a relaxing.

This style, like the previous one, is not overloaded by something superfluous. It has a concise, rational, clear approach. All this is suitable for confident men who do not throw promises to the wind.

Art Deco

The modern men's bedroom is framed under the style of "Art Deco" looks greatly luxurious. Nevertheless, here not only emphasizes the financial status of the owner, but also its own tastes, as well as creative thinking.

Style name means "decorative art." Here are full of different beautiful elements of decor, textures and geometric shapes. But all these things are not overloaded, but give romanticity.

Only the most elegant man on the planet lives in such a bedroom. Pay attention to the photo men's bedroom in this style, and you will see how rich art can be.


Good classic never agitates, and always remains in fashion. The classic look goes to the trend of modern fashion. We will pass the year, and you will be unnecessary to change everything radically or redo.

A man who has achieved a lot, and considers himself a free, independent bird in life, will choose this particular style. Wallpapers in the men's bedroom are chosen by matte. The floor is wooden, like the furniture itself can be made of maple or oak.

In order to find out the ceiling, the beams cling, which looks very aesthetically.

What is up to extra details, so they can not be called superfluous. Pictures, vases, old photos, curtains, carpets, skins of animals and a lot of things will be more than ever by the way.

Stock Foto Male bedroom design ideas

A young man's room is a special place in the apartment. Here he is not only sleeping, but also spends time with friends, engaged in his loved business. The interior of the room should be multifunctional and comfortable, but without frills. Have an attractive appearance, harmoniously combining colors and shades. Choosing the design, it is necessary to take into account the age, preferences and wishes of the owner. This will allow access to the housing that pleases the eye, convenient and functional.

The design of the room for a young man should be multifunctional and cozy

Choosing a room design worth considering the owner's preferences

Thinking the design of the room for a young man stands to the smallest detail

Most of the free time a person spends in his room. Guys did not exception. This must be taken into account when arranging the room. First of all, it should meet its principles and wishes. Sometimes such execution contradicts common sense. Therefore, it is worth adjusting the interior. It should contribute to the proper development of a young man, the formation of its nature.

To equip the room design for a young man is easy. First you need to divide it on the functional zones. Each has its own purpose:

  • relaxation;
  • work;
  • reception of guests;
  • personal space.

Their presence is typical for the standard interior design option. If you need to emphasize the individuality of the owner, then you can abandon some imposed clichés and opinions. The main thing is that the room is spacious and functional. Men love freedom in everything.

Design must contribute to the right development of man

The room must be multifunctional and spacious

It is important to make room design for a young man with a highlight. It may not be alone, but to be present in each functional zone. This will allow them to allocate, emphasize individuality. Each part of the room is designed to perform certain tasks. Therefore, it will be necessary to create an atmosphere in it, which will configure emotionally and psychologically on this process.

Men prefer minimalism in the interior. The ideal design idea for them will be the installation of the most necessary furniture. Its location should be so that the room has free space. Do not climb the area of \u200b\u200bthings. They must have a useful feature and correspond to the zone in which there are. This will allow rational to use space.

The room must necessarily be a workplace.

The lighting in the room should not be too bright

The room for a young man rarely boasts big sizes. This significantly complicates the process of its arrangement. It is necessary not only to choose the proper design of the male room, but also competently place everything you need. A number of secrets will help in this process.

With the arrangement of the room for a man with a small area, the following conditions must be observed.

  • Use transformable furniture. Do not install a bulky cupboard, the bed that takes a lot of space. Perfectly suitable. If necessary, it is easy to make a comfortable sleeping place.
  • Install sliding doors. This will allow rationally to use each meter of the room. Near the wall place a writing desk or organize a zone of receiving guests.
  • Get rid of extra. All things must be stored in the closet. Thus, a free space appears on the table, sofa.
  • Circuit interior according to minimalist style requirements.
  • Combine zones. In this case, their functional importance should be saved. The living room will be a great bedroom, the work area can be used to implement creative ideas.

Furniture in the room you need to place competently

The room must be all the most needed.

What shades to use?

Neutral tones are not the best idea for making a young man's room interior. Such a color scheme will lead to the fact that the room will turn out to be a boring, navigating longing. To live in a similar setting of darkness is unlikely to someone will be nice. Remedy will help the speaker and expressiveness, which is added to the design. This will allow the general picture of the room style, taste, originality. The atmosphere will be interesting, PRESENTATION.

The use of bright colors must be moderate. Their main task is to distinguish between the space, highlight the zones. Registration of a part intended for rest is carried out using calm restrained colors. The work zone requires encouraging shades, and the living room is cool.

In the room it is worth using dark or neutral shades

Dark color will be suitable for the guy

Bright shades should not be a lot

When creating the interior, it is necessary to determine with the main tone. It is chosen according to the design style. Great beige, blue, burgundy, green. They can be combined with any style as modern and classic.

Wall mural in this case is not appropriate. They create a contrast, use a combination of a variety of palette in the design. Interestingly looks light paints with warm shades. Thematic direction will emphasize accessories and decor items. At any time, they can be removed and the room will play new paints. Statuettes, posters protrude as such elements.

Lightly paint looks with dark

Wall mural is not always relevant in the room.

What style to choose?

The powerful room does not accept the motley paints and saturated elements. The contrast created must be soft and moderate. Install the necessary and simple furniture. An excellent assistant in creating such an unobtrusive interior will be minimalism. For this style, smooth lines, free space and a large amount of light. You can implement such a designer idea in any room.

You can arrange a living space in the style of Hi-tech, modern. To do this, it is enough to make new details that characterize the owner. They look interesting and original.

Minimalism style suitable for the guy

It is advisable to use modern and functional furniture

Wood imitation perfectly suitable for the interior of a room for a guy

For ambitious guys, the combination of several styles will fit well. With a competent approach, it is possible to obtain no chaos and chaos in the room, but an interesting combination of different directions. They must be close to the requirements and fit into the overall picture.

Classic style is appropriate for the work area, and loft rest. Such a contrast will be insignificant. Each part has characteristic features, individual and harmoniously combined with others. This interior option is innovative. It is not easy to change it, so in the arrangement it is necessary to consider everything to the smallest detail.

In some cases, the combination of styles will be appropriate

In the arrangement of the room you need to think through the smallest detail

Simple, comfortable and stylish

The wishes of a young man - a fundamental factor in the arrangement of its living space. This is the first thing you need to learn how to start repair work. The owner must feel comfortable.

As a rule, young people want to get simple, comfortable and stylish housing. Therefore, the following requirements are presented to its design.

  • Flower gamut is non-commercial. There are bright elements.
  • Interior functional. Each item performs its task.
  • The style is brief and pronounced. Perfect minimalism, high-tech, loft, art deco.
  • The presence of zones. It is necessary to highlight a place to sleep, accept friends, creativity, solving the necessary tasks.
  • Finishing materials are practical and do not require special care.
  • Textiles in minimal quantity. Ladvory is better not to apply.
  • On the windows of blinds, rollers and other similar designs.

Convenience and practicality of the interior are important for the owner. But do not forget about the external data of the room. This a lot will tell about the character, the interests of the owner. The room must be made stylish and beautiful, fill the harmony and comfort. Interior overload and loss of practicality are not appropriate.

The guy's room must be comfortable, simple and stylish.

Convenience and practicality of the interior - Important for the owner

The interior should not overload unnecessary details.

Modern design idea

The times of hanging on the wall of carpets, the placement of a large number of furniture, the use of unnecessary smallest things in the interior design for a long time in the past. Designers offer new accommodation options for housing. The room for a young man is no exception. Modern style embodied modern trends and requirements.

Such a designer solution involves using smooth lines in the interior. Curves are applied to dilute, giving the stycle of the buffint. The room is drawn up in one color scheme. Walls do not attract attention. Monochromicity leads to their loss. A sense of increased space is created.

As a flooring, a small rug is used. It is accommodated near the sofa. Single and repeats the shade of the walls. Furniture has a straight geometry. At the expense of large windows in the room a lot of light. One element protrudes as an accent. Do not be sprayed into many items.

The room is better to decorate in one color scheme

Emphasize attention is on one subject

Bedroom two guys

To equip the bedroom of two guys in different ways. To begin with, it is worth determining the age of tenants and the size of the room. The spacious room will easily become two sofas or beds. On a small area it is better to use bunk structures. This will save space. Moreover, such furniture is functional and convenient. The materials for finishing the room is better to choose light tones. They will allow visually to expand the room.

If the guys are students, then you will need to install two or one spacious table. The cabinet may be one. The main requirement to it is a capacity. It will need to decompose the clothes of both tenants. The wardrobe is perfect. In such a room, you will need to consider the requirements of each owner. It is a little more difficult, but maybe.

Video: Male Room Design

50 Photo of room design ideas for a young man: