Hair haircut for September month. Lunar calendar Strizhek

The summer sun, the sea and the beach is the best medicine that allows you to restore the spiritual equilibrium and fill the stocks of vital energy. But dry, hot air and salt water can significantly spoil the structure of your hair, disrupt the balance of moisture, provoke the literacy, increase the number of sequential ends.

The first step that you should do to return the hair well-kept views and health is to go to the hairdresser. But before that, be sure to choose a good day for September 2018.

Calendar by day

When drafting a calendar, astrologists take into account the phase of the earth's satellite, its passage through a certain zodiac constellation and the lunar days. These parameters affect the force, the structure of the strands, their ability to withstand external negative impacts.

In addition, the specified values \u200b\u200bcontrol the streams of the space energy obtained by the person.

If the totality of all factors has a positive impact, after working a hairdresser, you will notice the improvement of the overall hair condition, will involve success, well-being, happiness and career growth in your life.

    Short haircut or long hair?

  • 01.09 - If your weakens have thinned, stopped bias, today a great day for a campaign to the master. His work will return to strands lost beauty, and the new image will be incredibly attractive. You will not only be satisfied with change, but also gain lost confidence, strengthen health and material stability;
  • 02.09 - Most experts do not advise on Sunday. But if this date is suitable for you, try to visit the salon until 12 o'clock in the afternoon. The change of image does not harm hair and will open new financial sources;
  • 03.09 - Any hairdresser's manipulations better plan on the second half of the day. The strands will be filled with strength, and you get the stock of the necessary energy, which allows to overcome obstacles on the way to the intended goals;
  • 04.09 - The hair will begin to fumble, about decent laying will have to forget. Hairstyle will be inaccurative. You will not only be unhappy with the result, but also weaken the immune system;
  • 05.09-06.09 - After the haircut, the strands will be confused, their growth will slow down, the structure will worsen. Problems with vision are possible. It is better to spend time on strengthening, nutritious or moisturizing;
  • 07.09-08.09 - Successful days for haircuts in September 2018. The hair will become dense, shiny, lush, strong, elastic. In addition to a good mood, you will feel the tide of strength, your potential will fully open, gradually increases material wealth;
  • 09.09 - Discard the haircut on this day. The change in the length in the new moon will cause the neurdes, reducing immunity and problems;
  • 10.09 - Excellent day to change the image. The hair will be filled with energy, health, the sequesters will not appear for a long time. The new hairstyle will hold the form for a long time and need a minimum of stamping tools so that it remains perfect. You will notice how the overall health has improved, ceased to disturb chronic diseases;
  • 11.09-12.09 - Prepare for the fact that the strands will become lifeless, faded. There is also a likelihood of loss of material stability;
  • 13.09-14.09 - The outcome of the haircut is difficult to predict. It is possible to deteriorate the condition of hair and relationships with the surrounding people. Better transfer a visit to another day;
  • 15.09 - unfavorable date, which will negatively affect the appearance of strands and its own confidence;
  • 16.09 - You can cut in the afternoon. The structural characteristics of the rods will remain unchanged, but it will be able to strengthen health and disclose internal sensuality;
  • 17.09 - The master must complete his work until 16.00. Otherwise, the hairstyle will turn out to be ugly, and the immune system will weaken;
  • 18.09-19.09 - Successful days for haircuting in September 2018. Eviating the procedure will affect hair, stops falling and fragility, will increase the luxuriousness and volume. You protect yourself from trouble, malaise, troubles, cease to experience discomfort when communicating with unfamiliar people, exacerbate intuitive abilities;
  • 20.09-22.09 - You can decide on the cardinal shift of the image. This applies not only to the length, but also the color of the strand. New hairstyle will attract good luck, material benefits, career growth, will return the mental harmony;
  • 23.09-24.09 - If you take care of your hair, set aside a visit to the master. Otherwise, you will have to restore their structure for a long time and deal with dandruff;
  • 25.09 - Interference in length or color strands is undesirable. The full moon is recommended only to people with a protracted "black stripe";
  • 26.09 - Unlucky day. The work of the master is able to harm the rods;
  • 27.09-29.09 - Haircut has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair: returns the shine, strengthen the roots, the loss will stop. A new image will allow you to establish personal life, gain confidence, improve emotional state, open additional sources of income. But astrologers warn that 28 numbers any manipulations with hair must be completed until 12.00;
  • 30.09 - strands will cease to be styling, will begin to be confused, it's a little. The haircut is able to establish the work of the internal organs and fill the force to achieve the intended goals.

According to the assurances of astrologers, the most successful days for the haircut are 1, 7, 8, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, September 29th.

You will be satisfied with the work of the master, you can return health, power, shine strands, attract positive changes to life. But do not forget that the beauty of the hair largely depends on the right care. Therefore, after hot summer, be sure to please them with a course of restoring procedures.

The lunar calendar of the haircut will help determine a favorable and unfavorable day for a radical change in the image. It refers to recommendations for every day that relate to manipulations with hair.

With the help of a lunar calendar of the haircut, where the recommendations are selected for every day, you can easily improve your life and learn what to expect in the future.

On the lunar calendar for September 2018, the cyclic shift of the Moon phases will be held in such a sequence:

Full moon - September 25 at 05 hours 52 minutes.
Waxing Crescent - from 10 to 24 September 2018.
Waning moon - from 1 to 8, from September 26 to September 30, 2018.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the influence of the Moon on the fate and state of a person, here are the advice, when it is better to cut hair this month:

September 2 (Sunday) - a day favorable for any hair manipulations. However, it is worth cutting hair to lunch. Thus, beauty and health will be involved in life.

September 5 (Wednesday) - not the best day for any hair manipulations. The haircut should be transferred the next time.

Moon Calendar Strizhek for September 2018 - When Hair Stream

September 6 (Thursday) - the haircut on this day will lead to the fact that a close person will be worried about you.

September 7 (Friday) - a neutral day for a haircut. The change of image on this day will not affect her career or health.

September 8 (Saturday) - Hair cut on this day will bring you happiness, as well as attract beauty and health. Hair dye will bring success in life.

September 9 (Sunday) - the haircut on this day will come out perfect and will certainly raise the mood.

September 10 (Monday) - the most popular day for manipulations with hair. After the haircut, the hair will begin to grow soon.

September 11 (Tuesday) - a visit to the hairdresser will have a positive effect on your health. Special benefits will be with a haircut with hot scissors.

September 12 (Wednesday) - On this day, you can cut the tips, firing your hair, but the cardinal changes are not recommended.

September 14 (Friday) - not a prosperous day for haircuts in the morning, after 12:00 you can exercise any manipulation.

September 15 (Saturday) - a good day for classic haircuts. Haired can be experimenting as pleased. In any case, the haircut will have a positive result.

September 16 (Sunday) - a hike to the hairdresser is best assigned after 12:00 hours. New haircut or hair coloring will make sexy, energy and confidence will increase.

September 18 (Tuesday) - a prosperous period for hair recovery, haircut and hair staining will have an excellent result. Hairstyle will save the form and color for a long time.

September 20 (Thursday) - the haircut on this day will be useful, will bring confidence, and painting will bring money to an outstanding color.

September 21 (Friday) - the change of image after 12 hours will improve financial position, will bring success in the career plan.

Haircuts in September 2018: the hair condition depends on the haircut on the lunar calendar

September 23 (Sunday) is a very bad time for haircuting long hair, after that two weeks there may be health problems.

September 28 (Friday) - a good day for changing the image. Haircut will give strength and improve your health.

Lunar calendar Strizhek It was drawn up in antiquity, by long-term observations of the influence of the moon on health and hair growth.

First of all, the lunar phases have a direct impact on the growth of your hair. If you make a haircut during the growing moon, the hair will grow much faster than after the haircut at a decreasing moon. If you often like to change the hairstyles, you just need your hair to grow quickly. In this case, it is better to choose a date for a haircut when the growing moon is in I or in the II quarter. If you, on the contrary, do not like to visit the salon hairdresser, pick up the day when the moon is old. This will help you Lunar calendar haircut 2020. A haircut on a decreasing moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevents their loss, but they will grow quite a long time. To the new moon, you need to refrain from haircuting hair, because these days the haircut shortens the life of a person.

Along with the pheasies of the Moon, the lunar days play a huge role for hair cutting. The lunar cycle lasts up to 30 days, and each lunar day has its own characteristics.

The ligailed horoscope below is based on the lunar calendar and the effects of the moon on health and hair growth. Moon days are divided into favorable, unfavorable and neutral hair cuts. More detailed explanations to the lunar calendar of the haircut can be found on the page "". Monthly Moon Calendar Strizhek for 2020 will help you choose the right visit time to the hairdresser.

Moon Calendar Stregging for March 2020

with the lunar days, phases of the Moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable daysfor haircuts and hair coloring


Lunny day

Moon in the sign of the zodiac

Phase Moon

Favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts and hair coloring

7, 8 lunar day

Moon in Gemini

Waxing Crescent


8, 9 lunar day

Moon in Gemini

First quarter

9, 10 lunar day

Moon in Gemini

Waxing Crescent

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

10, 11 lunar day

Moon in cancer

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

11, 12 lunar day

Moon in cancer

Waxing Crescent

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

12, 13 lunar day

Moon in Lev

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

13, 14 lunar day

Moon in Lev

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

14, 15 lunar day

Moon in Vid.

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

15, 16 lunar day

Moon in Vid.

Full moon

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

16, 17 lunar day

Moon in scales

Waning moon

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

17, 18 lunar day

Moon in scales

Waning moon

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

18, 19 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio

Waning moon

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

19 lunar day

Moon in Scorpio

Waning moon

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

20 lunar day

Moon in Streltsy

Waning moon

20, 21 lunar day

Moon in Streltsy

Waning moon

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

21, 22 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn.

Last quarter

Neutral day for haircuting and hair coloring

22, 23 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn.

Waning moon

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

23, 24 lunar day

Moon in Capricorn.

Waning moon

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

24, 25 lunar day

Moon in aquare

Waning moon

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

25, 26 lunar day

Moon in aquare

Waning moon

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

26, 27 lunar day

Moon in Fish

Waning moon

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

27, 28 lunar day

Moon in Fish

Waning moon

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

28, 29 Lunar Day

Moon in Fish

Waning moon

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

29, 30, 1 lunar day

Moon in Ovne

New moon

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

1, 2 lunar day

Moon in Ovne

Waxing Crescent

An unfavorable day for haircut and hair coloring

2, 3 lunar day

Moon in Tales

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

3, 4 lunar day

Moon in Tales

Waxing Crescent

Favorable day for haircut and hair coloring

21st lunar day. Moon in Tales

Burst the drafts and cold drinks: on this day you can easily pick up the aneg, as well as a very Jazvima neck. It is impossible to delete in this area, moles and papillomas. For a haircut, one of the best this month, especially ate you want the hair to become stronger. Maunda can also be planned to visit the gynecologist, therapeutic procedures and even the operations on the genitals. Most likely, you will do without consequences.

22nd and 23rd moon days. Moon in Gemini

In the first half of the day you can carefully clean the skin in the neck area. Do not visit the dentist to cure teeth located on the lower jaw. Ears also need to punch at another time. In the afternoon, you are more in the fresh air, avoid punched rooms and do not breathe sharp chemical smells. Manicure do without applying varnish, just well treat your nails, lubricate them with lemon.

23rd and 24th lunar days. Moon in Gemini

In the first half of the day, give up meat products. Excessively cold drinks and products are better not to use: respiratory diseases occur now almost from scratch. In the afternoon, load yourself to work, try to be physically active, do not starve. You can walk a lot to strengthen hip readings. You can cut.

24th and 25th lunar days. Moon in cancer

In the morning, sleep - today it is necessary to save energy in any available way. Preference to give vegetable food. It is on this day that he is healing sex, so it's time to meet with your loved one. Useful exercises that strengthen their knees. But the breast is better to do at another time. The skin in the neckline zone can only be washed and moisturized. It does not yet be reborn.

26th lunar day. Moon in cancer

On this day, try to improve the liver operation with the help of herbal teas with a choleretic and soothing effect. Do not load the stomach, using heavy food, - it can draw up against such an appeal. Also help the body restore the normal water balance - drink more water. You can cut your hair, but it is better to choose another time for the color.

27th lunar day. Moon in Lev.

Very nice day for hair care. There will be particularly effective procedures whose goal is to make hair more thick. Preferences give the tools that need to be applied to the hair in warm form, hot may be harmful and worsen the structure of the hair and the condition of the scalp. It is allowed to trim the tips of the hair. It is not necessary to get involved in sweets - and therefore the means, the content of honey, until you apply.

28th lunar day. Moon in Lev

Sange your heart - reduce a little physical activity, even if in different days it is for you the norm. Plan on this day you can treat eye, even operations on them. Also effective will be the treatment of varicose veins, vascular diseases, especially on the legs. It is not recommended to apply the methods of care using electrical appliances. Oils are also transferred not always well. You can cut.

29th lunar day. Moon in Vid.

On this day, the impact of any cosmetic tools on the skin and hair should be minimized - the best if you use only soap, taking a shower. Maintain cleanliness during the day, and this applies not only to the body, but also thoughts. Therefore, do not communicate with those who are in the poor arrangement of the Spirit. Salons and hairdressers today can become a source of infection. It is impossible to cut.

30th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. New moon

The time has come when the body regulates its work independently, and it is better not to interfere with this. Follow the work of the intestine, do not allow constipation and aggravation of colitis. Try to do without injuries of intestinal wastewater. Do not expose yourself colonaturation. Foot-sensitive feet, so you can remove organized skin, ingrown nails and corns, make a pedicure.

1st and 2nd lunar days. Moon in scales

In the first half of the day, plan your affairs about a month, including care: write down what number you are going to do. In the future, you will be able to easily stick to the planned plan, and you will be able to fulfill everything. Drink so much fluid as you need, but watch no edema: today they appear very quickly. Hair is better not to cut, but the nutritional mask will be by the way.

2nd and 3rd moon days. Moon in scales

In the morning, the diet is appropriate for you. Follow the best sensations "I want - I do not want." Your body at this time unmistakably tell you, in which products you need, and which you do not need. Take a face: you can even make plastic surgery on it, not to mention permanent make-up. For the haircut, the day is very good, especially if you want to look fashionable.

3rd and 4th lunar days. Moon in scales

This day is not better suitable in order to replenish the reserves of decorative cosmetics and buy new perfume. Prelay the appropriate articles in journals or the Internet to deal with the new items that appeared on the market for care products. If you are going to the hairdresser, do it in the first half of the day, when you read it clearly, what exactly want to get as a result.

5th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Perhaps during the day you will have to correct your plans, from some, most likely, you will have to refuse. All because you will notice that the familiar rhythm of life will have to be reduced, the circumstances will prevent the bustle. Also on this day it is necessary to perceive everything as signs: if, for example, you are not the one that you planned to take the shelf with a shelf with a shelf, perhaps it is fallen to you and come in handy. We do not plan a visit to the gynecologist today.

6th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Try to keep your feet warm so as not to provoke an attack of cystitis and do not get out of the ovaries - this day is easily. Pay attention to the neck. If there are problems with its mobility, it is today that you need to start performing a cycle of exercises aimed at developing appropriate joints. You can clean the neck from papillom and pigment stains, removing wrinkles on it. You can cut.

7th lunar day. Moon in Streltsy

If necessary, plan on this day the removal of glands and adenoids, as well as the treatment of respiratory organs. You can also do the most complex manicure, increase your nails on your arms, treat them if necessary. Warming up the joints of the hands will be effective and will improve their condition. Less go, as the hip joints are too vulnerable and the excessive load may be destructive for them.

7th and 8th lunar days. Moon in Streltsy

Today, follow the condition of your liver. Refuse excessively heavy and oily food, as well as alcohol. Drink mineral water. Anti-cellulite procedures in the hips on this day are simply foles, rather, on the contrary. You can begin to perform a cycle of respiratory gymnastics, as well as exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the hands and forearm. Ldla haircuts Choose a prestigious hairdresser.

8th and 9th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn.

In the first half of the day, rejuvenating procedures - the effect will be long and resistant. And the skin, and the hair for a period as if we can consolidate in the state in which they will be after care. In the afternoon, attend beauty salons only if you can not postpone these visits. Pay attention to how hygiene is maintained, since there is a risk of picking up infection.

9th and 10th lunar days. Moon in Capricorn.

In the morning, maintain a good appearance on your own. You do not need to adopt someone else's negative mood, and the master is most likely precisely in this and will be. On the second half of the day, take care of the care of the chest and neckline - here you can even make deep cleaning, whitening, delete papillomas. Take care of the knee joints: jumping and squats can now become a source of injury. You can cut.

10th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn.

On this day, with the help of beauty professionals, you can literally transform. If you have such a task in front of you - it is today and try, and take care of the face and hands. Sample the new images for yourself, choose the one that the most appropriate. Moreover, you will be satisfied with the result, which will also have a positive effect on self-esteem. Not only haircut is useful for hair, but also any strengthening procedures.

11th lunar day. Moon in aquare

Today, control your own eccentricity and in care to go already beatenly, choosing those techniques, in the effectiveness of which were convinced personally. New products for you try on the other day. The green light on this day is lit for physical exertion - they can even increase them to take care of the heart. Just do not overdo it. It is not worth cut, since it is a great probability to cut down with scissors.

12th lunar day. Moon in aquare

Choose shoes without a heel to conserve ankle from stretching and dislocation. You should also take care of the eye, so reduce the amount of work at which the eye load is large enough. You can visit an ophthalmologist to objectively assess the state of your bodies of vision. Opera in front of this day is not necessary. You can face, and the condition of the hair will improve regardless of whether the popular master cuts you or not.

13th lunar day. Moon in Fish

Listen to your feelings before going to the beauty salon. You may need to choose another, not the one that you visit constantly. If the master does the same mistakes all the time, then such changes are called and they must be made today. The skin of a stop and nails on the legs are vulnerable, so the pedicure is unlikely to have the effect to which you expect.

14th lunar day. Moon in Fish

Today you can begin to implement the most serious methods of care. Especially if it concerns the intestine. The most radical methods for cleaning it and establishing work are allowed. You can schedule on this day the surgery of the umbilical hernia. Take care of the legs: Wear comfortable shoes, new shoes will wear at another time, if you do not want to erase the legs to the blood and for a long time to treat these wounds. You can cut.

15th lunar day. Moon in Fish

On this day, it is important to maintain not only the external attractiveness, but also the harmonious location of the Spirit. Practices of first psychological self-help will be useful, any relaxing exercises and procedures, sedative herbal teas. If you notice the manifestations of allergies on the skin, take action immediately. Try not to use water, whose purity is not sure. Start postpone.

16th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Full moon

Today, refuse meat, preference give food easy. It is necessary to care for the skin of the face and hair at a minimum, avoiding any coarse impact, as long-term consequences of such procedures are likely. You can treat the kidneys, crush the stones in them, if necessary, to make an operation on the kidneys. As prevention, drink renal teas, the prevention rotate the formation of edema.

17th lunar day. Moon in Ovne

Do not try to make absolutely all the procedures scheduled for the month, although it will pull it. Outly energy splash in communication, work. Headache may torment. This is one of the best days to establish their cause. It is better to go to the dentist on another day if you want to avoid excessive pain in the treatment or prosthetics, as well as significant blood loss.

18th lunar day. Moon in Tales

Today we need to look more likely in the mirror - it will definitely do not deceive, and will reflect all your advantages, and tell me what to improve. Change the mirror that you do not like. Clean procedures can be performed on the neck, but only light, radical removal of the imperfection of the skin, attribute to another time. It is impossible to make operations on the thyroid gland, remove glands, wrinkles on the neck. You can cut.

19th lunar day. Moon in Tales

On this day are engaged in yourself. You can not trust your hair and skin of foreign hands: they can not be very clean and become a source of contagion, as well as transfer the negative mood and non-optimous thoughts of another person. So this day will go around a beauty to guiding the beauty. Do not delay a visit to the gynecologist, but the diagnosed diagnosis is to double-check.

20th lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Today, it is good to ventilate those rooms in which you plan to stay for a long time. Breathing organs are very vulnerable. Therefore, it is not worth it, for example, painting hair with chemical dyes and use the smelling varnishes for manicure. You can treat the gallbladder, make operations in this area. You can carry out wraps aimed at getting rid of cellulite on the hips. Haircut is not reborn.

21st lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Hiking on this day will help to help those who want to lose weight in the hips. But the exercises designed to improve the shape of the hands and the forearm can turn into injuries and stretching tendons. You should not load voice ligaments - it can become silent for a long time. Therefore, speak less, try to avoid hypothermia, so as not to recover for a long time. You can cut.

A cool autumn comes to change the sultry days, it's time to think about the campaign to the master. Recovery procedures after the merciless sun or new staining? Lunar hair cutting calendar for September 2018 will help determine the optimal time for salon procedures.

September 1

The decreasing moon in the Taurus favors caring manipulations with hair. You can safely be recorded on the haircut, after the moster of the master, the curls will delight with glitter and silky. For recovery of the champions, it is not necessary to use professional tools. Oil-vitamin masks will be returned to her life, filling them with force and radiance.

September 2

Descending luminaries under the patronage of twins. Not the most favorable period to cut hair on oracle. After visiting the hairdresser, the curls will be disobedient, growth will slow down. It is better to sign up for biowaway or toning of hair into a similar shade close to natural color. The natural palette will improve the general condition, will present confidence.

September 3

The decreasing moon remains in the field of the twins, on this day the zodiac sign does not favor a cardinal change of image. Staining should be entrusted to the proven master. You can crush the hair by packing or permanent procedure. It is worth following their own intuition, it will allow you to choose optimal care to enhance creative potential.

4 September

According to the location of the heavenly shone in the twins, the creative haircut and hair color will suit. You need to be prepared for experiments, try new images. Especially paying attention to the volume styling, lightness and airiness will bring the desired pacification. An ambiguous day for curling, the form will hold well, but the hair structure will suffer.

September 5

Heavenly luminaire is under the influence of cancer, it is not recommended to change the image on the lunar calendar, recording on the haircut. But if you wish to break the connection with the past, start a new life, you can safely go to the master. Painted, brown curls worth pamping spa treatments, home or professional care will be positively affected by the state of strands. It is not recommended to use resistant paints, possibly uneven attitudes of the pigment. It is better to take advantage of tinting balms or sprays, albeit for a while will give a deep saturated color.

6 September

According to the lunar calendar, a favorable period for hair coloring. But preference should be given to natural shades. Drammary, wheat overfills will be filled with internal confidence, will help in resolving complex, conflict issues. There should be a natural volume in the laying, you should not choose tight weaving or starting. Unstable mood is easy to neutralize by making a head massage.

September 7-8

The best days for various manipulations with hair, the moon is under the influence of a lion. You can go to the salon or arrange spa treatments at home. Any impact stimulates growth, hair will become more dense, elastic. An excellent period to get rid of the accumulated offensive and disappointments, with the coar of the tips, an energy update occurs.

9th of September

Heavenly shine goes under the adoption of the Virgin. The most favorable day to gain financial well-being, taking advantage of the energy fluxes of the Universe. It is useful to carry out restoring procedures by adding a mask from natural ingredients to the main care. A critical day for haircuts, the heavenly body is in the New Moon phase can lead to the weakening of the protective properties of the body.

10 September

According to the Tibetan calendar, the growing moon in the scales is a good period for hair care. For men - haircuts and restoring procedures, favorably will affect the hair condition, you can forever solve the problem of alopecia. For women, procedures will be suitable, allowing the shine and shine to give curls, it is useful to pass mesotherapy to solve the problem of falling out.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull.

But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

September 11-12

The moon in the scales does not affect the overall state of the curls. You can cut your hair, paint, refreshing the usual image, but experiments with appearance should be postponed. If an important event is planned, it is better to abandon manipulations, the solution to the issue can break.

September 13-14

Hair cut, along the lunar calendar during the effect of scorpion, can lead to disappointments, appearance of false hopes. In September 2018, these adverse days for experiments. The period requires maximum concentration on current affairs. Weaving and high tails will be concentrated on realized purposes. Strengthen energy potential will allow essential oils for aromaacetic, relaxing and tonic at the same time.

September 15th

According to the lunar phases, the luminaire is under the auspices of Sagittarius. It is not recommended to a woman, hold a haircut, laying. Hair will grow rapidly, but will be delivered to the troubles of their owner. Staining will also not bring the desired result as a monophonic and coloring difficult to fulfill on this day. Pigment quickly loses intensity, saturation, is unevenly distributed in the stem structure.

September 16-17

Extremely unfavorable period to cut hair. Any aggressive impact will weaken internal resources. The growing moon in Sagittarus leads an unstable emotional state. Herbal rinsing will help restore equilibrium. To grow hair, children can be made of aromaradstone, followed by brackets of braids.

September 18-19

Favorable days for hair cutting, the moon under the influence of Capricorn stimulates the growth of new healthy curls, reinforcing energy potential. You can go to experiments with color, staining will be successfully, it will be able to cope even with the gray. The energy of the cosmos reveals internal freedom, but do not forget about the affairs of the urgent. Toning in natural shades will solve health problems, gain a mental balance.

September 20

Lunar day under the influence of Aquarius favors staining in cold shades. It's time to think about experiments, extravagant haircuts and styling. Innovative ideas will not only increase confidence in their own irresponsibility, but also will open up new opportunities in the implementation of conceived plans.

September 21-22

It's time to care for hair, conducting strengthening and restoring masks. In the period of the growing moon, the tips can be attached, then the curls will grow faster, without sections and confusion. A hair curling can weaken strands, lead to falling out. It is useful to carry out nutritious procedures, you can refer to professionals or deny yourself at home.

September 23-24

Adverse days for haircuts, staining, and even the washing of the head can lead to the appearance of dandruff. The new hairstyle will not please the result, the general irritation will affect the relationship with loved ones. Reduce the negative impact of the moon in fish can be a tight beam or openwork weaving.

September 25

Full moon - not the best period to cut, paint, curl curls. Successfully passes the launching procedures, will allow to gain inner calm. It's time to reap the fruits of active work, it is recommended to tie a high tail to preserve the energy potential.

September 26

The decreasing moon in the Aries adversely affects the condition of the hair. After the haircut, the structure may worsen, the strands will quickly lose the form. Improve well-being will help head massage. For laying it is worth using cosmetics with collagen and vitamins, with professional products, curls will acquire shine and radiance.

September 27

The moon under the influence of the Taurus patronizes external changes. According to Oracle, the best day for staining, the new color will bring a lot of positive emotions. To save the form as long as possible, it is necessary to sign up for a haircut. The accent will be a dynamic cheeve, which will bring lightness, flirt, new acquaintances.

September 28-29

Any haircut and hairstyle will bring disappointment. It will inevitably grow internal tension, neutralizing that will help the procedures with vegetable oils. It is necessary to control the emotions as much as possible, not to go on the mood. They will help to cope with the influence of the moon in the Taurus combing the crest from natural materials.

September 30th

Neutral day for haircut, curling. For painting it is worth staying on a nut and gold gamut, brunettes will suit the chestnut tone. Internal potential is activated, which can be strengthened using spa procedures.

The correct lunar calendar will determine the optimal period for visiting the master. The magical transformation of appearance will be beneficial and on the mood. Energy potential will increase to achieve the desired goals.

You can get acquainted with the most favorable days for hair cuts in October on this page.

When to cut hair in September 2018?