Road work technology. Five years warranty for road repair Warranty on asphalt coating GOST

Asphalting today is the easiest, fast and economical way to build roads and repair work. For the production of a new asphalt, an asphalt crumb formed during dismantling is used.

Requirements for road asphalting

Asphalting of roads must be carried out in strict accordance with all the technical requirements for project documentation. All actions performed by workers must meet the documentation, otherwise the risk of violation of technology and obtaining poor quality results.

The asphalt should be laid at an air temperature of at least +5 degrees in the fall and +10 degrees in spring time. Asphalting cannot be made during rain, snow and other precipitation. It is necessary to carefully disassemble the old asphalt coating before putting a new one. Only subject to all requirements, you can guarantee a qualitative result. Specialists of the company "Beak" always comply with all the technical requirements, which makes it possible to ensure the high quality of road work.

What does the shelf life depend on

The service life of the asphalt coating depends primarily on the observance of technologies during its laying and using quality materials. The guaranteed service life of asphalt is about ten years. However, during operation, under the influence of natural and technogenic factors, this period may decrease. With bad weather conditions and intensive operation of the road cover, the dates of the asphalt service can be reduced to five years even with a thorough compliance with all technical requirements for its laying.

How to extend the service life

Extend the life of the road surface can timely repair, elimination of pits, irregularities and cracks as they appear. Repair works do not require large financial and time costs, unlike the laying of a new asphalt.

High-quality road asphalting from the company "Beach"

Employees of our company have great experience of road work. We always have a wide selection of all the necessary special equipment that allows you to perform any work at a high level of quality. Therefore, we offer our customers a large selection of road works: road asphalting, repair work, overhaul, dismantling of old asphalt coating, laying of paving slabs and other activities.

Asphalt coating in modern construction remains still the most reliable and in demand. The life lifespan is at least 7 years subject to the rules of laying and operation. The evenness of the finished asphalt, the relative cheap coverage and long service life - the main differences from other types of arrangement of the road.

Asphalt species

The hot asphalt mixture consists of sand, bitumen, gravel, mineral additives. The composition is prepared from the ingredients taken in a certain proportion, heated to a temperature of 120 ° C. Asphalt should be used for 4 hours from the moment of manufacture. Transferred raw materials in special containers to ensure a constant temperature. The laying of asphalt is carried out using heavy machinery: asphalt pavers, rollers and vibrating plates. The ambient temperature is allowed not lower than 5 ° C when working on laying asphalt. In hot weather, the asphalt canvas can collapse if the rules of operation of the road can be violated. It is possible to fully use the strip covered with asphalt, you can 6 hours from time to laying.

Hot asphalt mixture
Hot asphalt mixture
Hot asphalt mixture

In the cold asphalt, a liquid bitumen is used and a number of special additives to give a strength product. The road can be operated almost immediately after laying. For tamping, a hand tool is used along with a special equipment. High quality persists when working in temperature mode from -20 ° C to + 40 ° C. Many customers stop sufficiently high cost of the product with the same quality indicators with hot asphalt.

Cold asphalt mixture
Cold asphalt mixture

Asphalt crumb - shot and crushed layer of old coating - is used mainly for the invertation of roads.

Asphalt crumb
Asphalt crumb
Asphalt crumb

Laying asphalt

To properly put asphalt fabric, ensuring the proper quality of the future road, it is necessary:

  • make the markup of the area for asphalting: to determine the boundaries;
  • outline the place for water flow after natural precipitation;
  • bypass underground communications so that in case of repair, do not destroy the coverage of the road; Remove roots of large trees;
  • determine the purpose of the asphalt fabric to correctly calculate the depth of the pit and the cost of the material;
  • provide construction with special equipment or devices;
  • calculate the necessary slope of the road, which ensures the flow of rainwater into the drainage system.
Asphalt laying technology:
  • remove the top layer of soil using an excavator or similar technique. The depth of the pit is calculated depending on the destination of the road;
  • limit the width of the coating to ensure the decent quality of the road strip;
  • purchased to fall asleep and compact first with a 50-60 mm chubble, and then a fraction of 20-40mm. You can use broken bricks, stones or concrete slabs;
  • from above, the layer of river sand is thoroughly tamped. For better sediment, the layers can be moistened;
  • the final stage is the laying of the asphalt itself by a layer, respectively, the target operation of the road.

Each layer is tamped separately to ensure decent quality and durability of the finished coating.

Warranty period of road cover

The draft law on the establishment of a warranty service life was submitted to the State Duma. If he is accepted, companies engaged in construction or repair roads will have to restore the coverage at its own expense in the event of the destruction of the roadway before the expiration of the warranty period.

In this case, the duration of the warranty will be set by the standards. So the bottom layer of the coating should be served at least five years, the base is at least seven years. For earthwork coverage, the service life will be from 10 years, and the asphalt coating will have to count no less than 4 years. The transitional and lower type of the upper layer must be served at least 3 years.

In addition, the warranty on bridges, overpasses and various overpass will be over 8 years old, barrier fences will serve for more than 5 years, and signal columns will come into disrepair only after 4 years. Road signs will stand without replacement for 3 years. Road marking should serve at least 9-15 months with the exception of temporary markup. The warranty period begins to act from the moment of delivery. In the event that a defect was detected, the warranty period will begin to act since it is eliminated.

Currently, quality and guarantee requirements are prescribed in the documentation at the conclusion of the contract. It is assumed that this way builders will be more responsible to relate to their work and provide proper quality of services to comply with the requirements. The road wear rate in Russia today shows that most contractors carelessly relate to their obligations for the construction or repair of roads or various structures, so in the government they decided to legally consolidate the responsibility of the road services. Source: Jcnews.Ru

Asphalt laying technology

Asphalt laying is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but at the same time an effective way of a road surface device. The complex of works includes: earthworks, base device, laying asphalt, arrangement of the territory.

The work performed at the professional level will allow not only a reliable and sustainable road cover, but also will provide its long-term service life. Start City Group specialists will help to choose the optimal option of the base and material for laying asphalt, based on your wishes.


Asphalt (or asphalt concrete mixture) is a rationally selected mixture based on mineral materials to which sand, crushed stone, mineral powder, liquid bitumen substance belong. All substances are selected in optimal quantities and mixed in the heated state.

Crushed stone, which is part of the mixtures must comply with the requirements of GOST 8267 and GOST 3344. It is allowed to use gravel or crushed stone produced by foreign standards, provided that their quality complies with the established Russian standards.

Scope of applying asphalt concrete wide: construction of roadway, squares, sidewalks, parking sites, park area for cyclists, airfields, floors of floors in industrial buildings and in many other areas.

To date, the asphalt concrete mixes, depending on the mineral component, is divided into:

  • Sandy;
  • Rubble;
  • Gravel.

The structure of each species has its own characteristics that determine the efficiency of using the selected material.

Asphalt concrete mixtures are also classified depending on the size of mineral grains:

  • Fine-grained - less than 2 cm;
  • Coarse-grained - up to 4 cm.
  • Sand - up to 1 cm.

The amount containing in the mixture of solid filler depends on which group it belongs to the asphalt concrete. Distinguish 3 groups: A, B, V.

Technology laying. Stages. Materials

To date, two technologies of the Road Litter Device are used:

  • hot asphalting;
  • cold asphalting.

Each of them has its pros and cons:

  • Hot asphalting. The mixture is prepared from viscous and liquid oil bitumen. Laying can be carried out in winter. The temperature of the mixture should not be less than 120 degrees. Before laying asphalt, a piece of the road to which the asphalt concrete mixture will be applied is dried with special technique.
  • Cold asphalting. The mixture is prepared from liquid oil traffic bits. Placement works are carried out only in the warm season, since this technology does not produce dyeing water. Cold asphalting is often used in stalking.

Professional work on the laying of the road surface require significant cash investments. After all, for this it is necessary to attract special equipment and experienced qualified specialists.

The laying of asphalt consists of several stages:

1. Development of design and estimate documentation

Each site is individual: it has characteristic of the size, relief and configuration, the characteristics of the soil, remoteness and features of the access roads. On the basis of these criteria after the expert departure, the total area, the volume and preliminary cost of work is determined.

2. Development of the territory, earthworks

Preparation of the territory for the device of the asphalt canvase begins with the removal of the upper layer of the soil. As a rule, bulldozers and loaders are involved to remove a large soil layer. To recall the base surface, graders are used. According to the specified marks, the formation of road "trough" with its further seal is carried out.

If an old coating is present on the asphalt plot, then it is destroyed by a road cutter. In proper processing, the old coating can be reused.

3. Preparation of the foundation

There is a queue of the formation of a "road pillow". For this, two layers of the road "pie" swell: first the sand is placed either a sandy-gravel mixture, and to give everything a special strength, the crushed stone of a large fraction is embanked, and then a small fraction to minimize emptiness. Each base layer is aligned with a grader and thoroughly tamper. At the edges of the site installed onboard stone. So that the asphalting was high-quality before laying asphalt, the surface of the site is spilled by bitumen.

4. Laying asphalt

The finishing layer consists of asphalt concrete. This material is delivered by dump trucks or is preparing directly on the most road-construction site. The standard ABS composition includes: mineral powder, sand, crushed stone and liquid bitumen.

A mixture of a uniform layer is distributed over a given territory. Asphalt concrete-layers are used to lay the latter mixture. Asphalt punch is carried out by several rinks for the best serial seal. Our company has a private material basis - a modern fleet of special equipment, which has about 40 units of equipment that fully ensures the entire road construction process.

It should be noted that the technology of laying asphalt concrete and materials used may have some differences depending on further operating conditions. For example, new technologies are applied to extend the life of motorways - modified gel-shaped oil bitumen (mac-bitumen).

Road time

It should be noted that the asphalt procedure is seasonal operation and directly depends on weather conditions. It is recommended to produce all work in dry weather.

In autumn and spring, the temperature should not be less than +5 degrees. After all, the mixture is hot product. Therefore, all manipulations with it should take place as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to cool. Otherwise, the asphalt will be impossible.

Terms of operation

The life of the asphalt coating is directly dependent on the loads, traffic intensity of transport, from weather conditions, compliance with the technologies of laying and quality of materials used.

The guaranteed period of operation is approximately 7 - 10 years. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that with intensive operation, the specified period may be reduced. Extend operational period will help timely repair work of the roadway, which include eliminating pits, drawdowns, cracks and irregularities.

Destruction of asphalt concrete coating: causes and types

It is always convenient to go to the car on a flat and smooth freeway, developing more speed. By no means rare the quality of the track does not allow it to do, since the coating has a deviation from the norm and is unsuitable for high-quality ride. Over time, under the pressure of the wheels of machines, especially large trucks, the influence of adverse natural conditions in the form of rain, hail, sharp change of temperature, asphalt concrete flooring loses its primordial appearance. Covered with small cracks, holes, potholes, which shortens the time of high-quality operation of the highway. Riding for such worn roads leads to damage to cars and can even lead to an accident.

Causes of destruction

As a result of the use of coatings from asphalt concrete, they are subjected to various deformations. Wearing roads is formed due to external and internal influences on asphalt concrete coatings. Defects on covering from the influence of external factors include:

  • power loads from automotive wheels;
  • atmospheric precipitation (rain, temperature changes, thawing, snow, freezing).
The main causes of destruction are non-compliance with the technology of laying or repairing roadbed and the impact of cars.

Internal factors associated with the destruction of asphalt concrete coating arise as a result of incorrect preparation of the project for roads, their construction and repair:

  1. The destruction of the road surface leads incorrect design of the asphalt concrete road highway. Inaccurately conducted studies, calculations and mistakes in determining the intensity of the vehicle flow can contribute to the formation of defects on the road from asphalt concrete and lead to the destruction of the road structure, namely: the integrity of the asphalt layer on the road surfaces will violate; The base ground will see; reduced the strength of the ground pillow; The wear of the asphalt concrete flooring follows.
  2. Old techniques are applied and low-quality materials are selected when working with an asphalt coating. Most recently, hot asphalt concrete mixtures were used for mounting, laying asphalt concrete mixtures, which included poor-quality bitumen. It caused damage to the root flooring and worsened the strength characteristics of the finished mixture for the asphalting of the road surface. However, construction does not stand still, and today the latest polymer-bitumen materials are being developed and introduced, capable of significantly improving the properties of the material and the future route. Various additives in the mixture were gained great popularity to: improving the clutch, increase the resistance to water and the formation of cracks. Thanks to these additives, the durability of the road canvase to minus temperatures is provided. To avoid defects and wear of the roadbed, it is necessary not only to apply new mixtures for laying asphalt, but also to choose new technologies that will allow stabilize and strengthen the weakening of the reasons for the base. To prevent the destruction of coatings, use the reinforcing grid that will strengthen the road construction and increase the duration of the operation of the asphalt web.
  3. Defects and wear on the asphalt concrete coating occur due to the incorrect technological process when the road construction is erected. Destruction is formed due to the mistakes made when laying asphalt and the repair of the track. Contribute to the emergence of defects of violation of the rules for transporting asphalt concrete solution, as a result of which the mixture is supplied to the wrong temperature. When the laid mixture is sealing, air bubbles were not removed or, on the contrary, the solution was too sealed, then the asphalt can be caught to crack and decrease. The destruction of the route may arise as a result of poor-quality preparation of land fabric and work on the installation of road facilities.
  4. Defects on the road surface are most often formed as a result of weather conditions when the moisture penetrates the asphalt fabric during the rain, and the hot rays of the sun spoil the upper layer of the track - the adhesion of the asphalt concrete strength is carried out, which leads to the formation of chosel. In the period of minus temperatures, the gathered moisture in the layers of asphalt concrete is capable of increased in the amount and thereby destroy the structure and sealing of asphalt.
  5. As a result of large loads from vehicles, road linen is destroyed. High loads on the surface of the track are due to an intense flow of vehicles, as a result of which the capacity of the bandwidth in 24 hours is exceeded and as a consequence - the resource of the track of the track is reduced. The increase in the axial load due to the operation of the road coating by vehicles with heavy lifting capacity leads to the destruction of the asphalt concrete canvase, the formation of a gauge and cracks.

Damage to the pavement from asphalt concrete may occur as a result of the complex effect of external and internal factors.

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Main types Defects

Typical road defects.

Asphalt damage are the following types:

  • Break. It is a slot on the asphalt plot where the flow of vehicles is passed. If it does not pate cracks in time, they can increase in size and turn into a large diameter break.
  • Expiration of service. The destruction associated with the long-term operation of the canvas, on which the repair was not carried out, affect the thickness of the asphalt layer.
  • Reducing the strength of asphalt concrete. As a result of large loads from heavy trucks, the canvas drawdown is formed and the destruction of the upper coating layer in the form of irregularities, chipping and gauge.
  • Potholes. Destroying in the form of chosel - this is a recess with a sharp break of the edges that occur due to improper masonry of asphalt concrete using low-quality materials.
  • Peeling. The formation of peeling on the road surface due to separation from the top layer of the coating particles. It is formed due to constant variable effects on the road surface of the frost and thaw.
  • Climatic influences. During the period of melting of the snowmates, a large amount of fluid is formed, which is capable of destroying the track of the track, which entails a decrease in the strength characteristics of the asphalt concrete.
  • Darking. This type of damage occurs due to the violation of the laying or repair of the roadway, namely, work at atmospheric precipitation or minus temperatures.
  • Cracks. The slots are formed on the road surface as a result of a sharp change of temperature regimen.
  • Drawdown There is a drawdown due to the selected low-quality materials for laying the web, as well as as a result of insufficient compaction of the asphalt mixture or soil.
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How to prevent road damage?

The measures taken will prevent further destruction of the road.

Preventing the destruction of asphalt concrete coatings includes integrated measures to eliminate the problem areas of the track. Timely detection of damage will prevent further formation of chosel, faults and improve the strength characteristics of the asphalt canvas.

Methods to combat damage make it possible to maintain the necessary transport and operational indicators of the route, maintain the integrity of the design and coating, and also increase the duration of the service life of the automotive surface. These methods include:

  • The use of the latest materials, equipment and technologies for laying asphalt on automotive tracks. Polymer mixtures are used, which are added to the solution at the stage of its manufacture, which are necessary to increase heat resistance in the hot season, when the coating can be exposed to direct sunlight and high temperatures. Polymers in the asphalt mixture reduce the formation of cracks during the period of low air temperatures, and prevent the formation of chosel during the use of the route.
  • In the process of the road surface device, all the rules and requirements for the installation of the automotive track should be adhered to: carry out a thorough sealing of the soil and asphalt mixture, add a binding component-bitumen to the solution in the required proportions so that the necessary adhesion is ensured and the coating roughness has improved.
  • To avoid the formation of road damage, it is important to repair not only needful, but also for prevention. The late work of work worsens the state of the roadway and leads to an increase in costs to give road coatings of a standard state. Belated canvas repair leads to the use of more reinforced thick layers of road surface and high costs for repairing road clothing.
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People are faced daily from the asphalt concrete, therefore this part of the road construction should have not only high strength and quality, but also convenience during the operation of the canvas. Different potholes, cracks, rhesis and other damage to the road, capable of making a lot of trouble both pedestrian and vehicles.

In order for the pavement does not deteriorate, it is important to comply with technological methods and recommendations for its installation, to carry out repair work on time and prevent an increase in already existing damage.

Laying asphalt on SNU and GOST

Road coatings from asphalt are common and extremely popular. This is due primarily to the durability and durability of this option. In order for these conditions to be fully fulfilled, a number of conditions must be met. Asphalt laying technology is distinguished by certain difficulties, but if everything is done correctly, costs will pay off with impeccable coating and trouble-free operation.

Types of asphalt coating

In the production of asphalt mixture, bitumen materials (resins) are used, as well as the reinforcing filler. His role is played by major sand and mineral rocks of a certain fraction. All materials should be of good quality, and depending on the type and purpose of the coating, other ingredients are added.

Types of asphalt:

  1. First class coatings. Used to lay tracks, capable of withstanding heavy loads. The technology provides for the use of mineral filler up to four centimeters. Such coatings are maintained by loading vehicles and intensive use.
  2. Second class coatings. Used for asphalting areas, sidewalks and pedestrian roads. The largest inclusions of the asphalt mixture reach 25 mm.
  3. Coatings of the third class. The priority in this case will be the plasticity of the mixture. Mineral particles of minimum size (up to 15 mm), which allows to obtain a dense fit of the composition. Such a coating is equipped with places of utility use (private courtyards, areas of institutions, sports grounds).

The proportions and norms of manufacture are regulated by GOST, but many manufacturers ignore such a rule and use cheap substitutes. This is not displayed as an asphalt mixture, so it is preferable to order this product from truly proven companies, for example, representative offices of road technologies.

Application technologies:
  • Hot asphalt. Its technology requires the use of special equipment, as well as compliance with a number of conditions. First of all, this temperature of the finished mixture and air environment. It is unacceptable to put the cooled asphalt, as well as perform work at negative temperatures. The second important point is the speed of laying hot asphalt. If the work is not fulfilled in accordance with the GOST, the quality of the coating will be bad. Hot asphalt is used for laying new roads and sidewalks. After applying, the coating should not be used for some time to ensure sufficiently strong grip.
  • Cold asphalt. Its nomes are also regulated by GOST and SNiP, but in production, bitumens of other brands are used, which rapidly harden and do not require a certain temperature. You can lay cold asphalt in a wider range of ambient temperatures (allowed to - 5ºС). Most often, this method is applied when performing the pattern of roads, or to perform asphalting on its own.

You can purchase cold asphalt not only directly from the manufacturer, but also in construction stores. Sealed packaging allows you to preserve its characteristics up to several months. At the same time, by strength and service life, the cold mixture is significantly inferior to an alternative version, so the use on lively tracks or places of active use is somewhat limited.

Preparatory work before laying asphalt

An important condition for the correct installation is compliance with the requirements of GOST and SNiP for surface preparation. These standards provide for several stages, which will also depend on the quality of the future road.

How to prepare the surface:
  1. Clear and post asphalting. If necessary (swampy terrain, possible problems with the soil) are performed by geodesic studies.
  2. The top layer of the soil is removed completely. For the motorway, it is possible to build a special embankment, but for a pedestrian road from asphalt is not required.
  3. On the bottom of the trench, the sand "pillow" falls asleep, after which it is necessary to establish a special material - geotextile. It will prevent the displacement of building materials of large fractions in the sand.
  4. In the resulting kit, it is necessary to float the crushed stone of different sizes. The faction of the material will depend on the appointment of the coating. The largest crushed stone is used for laying highways. Layers are located in descending order - from large to fine-grained materials.
  5. The number of preparatory layers also depends on the further use of the road. After installation, the material is well attached by a special roller. This will provide a reliable coupling, eliminating possible problems with operation.
  6. To strengthen and prevent the appearance of cracks on the finished coating, a reinforcing grid is used.

GOST on asphalt laying is regulating all possible nuances associated with the performance of such a coating. This process is characterized by complexity, because even if there are special equipment, most of the work still requires manual labor.

As the asphalting is performed

Asphalt laying rules for the most part depend on the type and appointment of the coverage, but some standards cannot be changed. Such rules are clearly spelled out in GOST and SNiP, and it is they who provide durability and quality of future roads and sidewalks.

According to the requirements of GOST asphalting roads and sidewalks should be carried out under suitable weather conditions. The production of the mixture is also determined by the standards of these documents. Laying asphalt SNiP (building standards and rules) also determines the quality of the finished work, and from the preparatory work phase to the final cycle.

Basic requirements of standards:
  • Immediately before laying asphalt, a heated bitumen or bitumen emulsion is applied to the prepared surface.
  • Laying hot asphalt should be carried out exclusively at the positive air temperature (not lower than 5 degrees).
  • The mixture must be a certain temperature, so it is supported in hot (not lower than 100 degrees) before applying.
  • The thickness of the asphalt mixture is determined by the appointment of the coating. Asphalt is applied by plots of a certain length, after which it is aligned and compacted.
  • The layer seal must begin immediately after the backfill. For this, a special technique is used - rink, vibropress or asphalt paver.
  • You must stick the applied layer for at least a day, but for cold asphalt this time can be only a couple of hours.

Modern additive - plasticizers allow the laying even at negative temperatures. This mixture is called asphalt concrete. It is quite expensive and most often used for emergency road repair in winter.

Final work

After asphalting on the portion of the future road, it is necessary to apply a special impregnation. It provides a dense hitch with asphalt and gives the coating an attractive appearance.

Distinguish the following impregnation options:
  1. Asphalt emulsion. Among all species is the most affordable, but not always justifying the mixture. Most often applies to road sections without intensive load or sidewalks.
  2. Coal tar. The reliable foundation that gives it also the aesthetic appeal of the finished coverage. It is not affected by petroleum products, differs in a long use.
  3. Acrylic polymers. Adding special components to the mixture allows you to obtain an elastic and durable coating. There is an opportunity to even change the color that is used for an additional decor of the territory.

When choosing the finishing layer, it is worth considering not only the financial question, but also the main purpose of the project. From how intensively the road surface is used, it is necessary to repel when the mixture is selected.

Creating an asphalt coating is an important process, because it determines the quality and durability of future roads and sidewalks. Classification of mixtures and application process is determined by the requirements of GOST and SNiP, as well as types of road works. In order for the coating to light up the maximum time, even with intensive load, it is important to choose a reliable manufacturer. "Road technologies" guarantee the speed and compliance with all quality requirements.

Evaluation of the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coatings in real operating conditions

Under conditions of modern high-speed intensive movement, asphalt concrete coatings are subjected to multi-cycle effects of vehicles, which is dynamic and is one of the main factors to reduce the transport and operational state of road surfaces, their destruction. It is known that the destruction of the asphalt concrete under the action of multiple loads is due to the processes of fatigue, i.e. Education and accumulation of microdefects with a gradual decrease in time strength.

The study of the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coatings is devoted to the work of Sall A.O., Radovsky B.S., Rudensky A.V., Bakhrah G.S. and others. Increased interest in the issues of fatigue destruction of road surfaces is due to the transport flow increasing every year on the one hand, and a decrease in the real terms of the service of asphalt concrete coatings on the other hand. That is why in a number of foreign methods of designing road clothing, the calculation of the fatigue of the material of the bending layer is considered the main thing when determining the required thickness of the layers of the structure (the method of oil company Shell, Finnish standards for design, etc.). An important conclusion was obtained during the development of "manual for mechanically-empirical design of new and reconstructed road clothing" (USA), in which much attention is paid to issues of fatigue cracking (two types of fatigue cracking are considered: ascending and descending). It is that asphalt concrete coatings with a thickness of 7.6 - 12.7 cm (3-5 inches) are susceptible to the greatest fatigue destruction. An increase or decrease in the asphalt coating thickness leads to an increase in its fatigue durability. Given that in the Russian Federation on the roads III, IV of the technical category, the thickness of a two-layer asphalt concrete coating is 10-12 cm, increased attention should be paid to the development of measures to increase the resistance of asphalt concrete disruption.

The method used in our country, the method of calculating non-fastened road clothes on strength provides for the purpose of the thickness of the individual structural layers, based on the calculation of the structure as a whole on a permissible elastic deflection with the testing of the resistance of the monolithic layers to fatigue destruction from stretching during bending and shifting the soils of low-society structural layers. At the same time, the calculation of the design on the resistance of the monolithic layers to fatigue destruction, in our opinion, has a number of disadvantages: - the inconsistency of the period of the year, during which the number of applications of the calculated load, and the calculated parameters of asphalt concrete layers are summed up. For example, for the European part of the south of Rostov-on-Don-Elista-Astrakhan, for example, according to Table. P.6.1. ODN 218.046-01 The number of estimated days a year is 205, which covers a period with different temperature and humidity factors. In this case, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the elastic modulus of the asphalt concrete during the calculation of the tensile stresses in the lower layer of the asphalt concrete correspond to low spring temperatures; The calculated total number of application load applications for the service life is determined taking into account the number of estimated day in the year, which does not correspond to the real conditions for the occurrence of fatigue phenomena in asphalt concrete coatings, because According to clause 6.1. ODN 218.046-01 "The calculation is considered a day during which the combination of the state of the ground of the earth canvas in the humidity and the temperature of the asphalt concrete layers of the structure provides the possibility of accumulating the residual deformation in the ground of the earth canvas or the little-connected layers of road clothing," and fatigue damage accumulates over the entire period operation;

the values \u200b\u200bof tensile stresses arising in the asphalt concrete layer during the passage of vehicles are changed during the year, depending on the temperature of the coating and humidity of the ground canvase. This means that when calculating asphalt concrete layers on resistance to fatigue destruction, climatic factors of the region must be taken into account, and in the current regulatory document, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the elastic modulus of the asphalt concrete are accepted the same for all road-climatic zones.

Along with the disadvantages stated, the limitations of the current regulatory document on the design of non-rigid road clothes in their design should be noted. Traditional design methods provide for the location of the layers with a decrease of the strength characteristics of the material in depth. At the same time, porous, or highly porous asphalt concrete, which has the smallest resistance to fatigue destruction, is placed in the bottom layer of the coating. Proceed by road clothing, the lower layer of which has a higher modulus of elasticity is not possible, since it is impossible to calculate the calculation for a permissible elastic deflection in accordance with one 218.046-01. More than 25 years ago A.O. Salle, B.S.Rudovsky and others. Designs resistant to fatigue destruction were proposed, in which the elastic modulus of the lowest layer of asphalt concrete is more than a layer located above it. In 2000, the same principle was observed when designing roadswear in Southern California on a highway with a very intense movement. At the suggestion of a group of specialists from the University of California, headed by K. Montismit built the following construction of road clothing: a layer of wear from a highly pharmaceutical drainage mixture (25 mm), coating (75 mm) from a dense asphalt concrete mixture on a polymer bituminous binder, intermediate layer (150 mm) from A dense mixture on high viscosity bitumen, the lower layer of asphalt concrete (75 mm) with the same grain composition and bitumen, as well as intermediate, but with a higher bitumen content.

The coating and the intermediate layer were chosen so as to provide minimal rut formation in the hot season, and the dense bottom layer with an increased bitumen content should ensure high fatigue resistance during bending. The studied studies and operating experience of roads show that an increase in the thickness of the traveling layers of road clothing ( Particularly incoherent bases) in conditions of intensive speed movement does not provide the desired service life of the road structures, although it increases their general modulus of elasticity. To increase the durability of road structures requires a search for new efficient design solutions and their testing.

In our country, a significant experience has been accumulated by material science solutions to increase the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coatings: a decrease in the porosity of asphalt concrete, an increase in the viscosity of bitumen, the introduction of modifying, strengthening additives (polymeric reinforcing, etc.), the use of reinforcing mess. However, the lack of methods and requirements for the fatigue strength of asphalt concrete mixtures in repeated loads, eliminates the possibility of a targeted selection of compositions of asphalt concrete mixtures of increased fatigue strength, which sometimes leads to erroneous solutions when choosing a type of mixtures, justifying the expediency of using polymer and reinforcing additives.

In modern conditions of high-speed intensive movement of vehicles for an objective assessment of the durability of materials of structural layers of road clothing, it is necessary to move on to new methods of their tests, corresponding to the conditions of loading to the actual effects of the transport flow. Such test methods are currently being carried out in many countries. According to the project of European standards (PREN 12697-24), for example, the definition of fatigue strength is carried out at a load frequency of 10 Hz, 25 Hz, as well as in the frequency range from 1 to 60 Hz.

Thus, the solution to increasing the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coatings should be a comprehensive and complex, comprehensive: at the design stage of non-rigid road clothing, including the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coatings, taking into account the peculiarities of loading at a given climatic environment in different periods of the year; analysis of the effectiveness of constructive solutions to increase the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete solutions Coatings; testing of the fatigue strength of asphalt concrete mixtures in repeated loading for selection of compositions that provide the given operational properties of the asphalt concrete; at the stage of operation of automobiles, the characteristics of the dynamic effects of vehicles, taking into account the actual loving of road surfaces; calculation of the fatigue durability of operated asphalt concrete coatings and predicting the residual resource of road surfaces Given the real load; testing of fatigue strength Asphalt concrete, selected from the coating. For estimates of the fatigue durability (residual resource) of asphalt concrete coatings, we have developed a comprehensive experimentally theoretical method. Its essence is as follows:

- At the first stage, the dynamic characteristics of the loading of asphalt concrete coatings on this road during the year are calculated on this automobile road. The operating rate of the road surface and high-speed motion modes determine the level and frequency response of the dynamic effects of vehicles. The calculation of the dynamic characteristics of the loading of the road coating is performed using the developed mathematical models of the system "Road construction - soil" for a given composition of the transport flow. At the same time, seasonal changes in climatic factors characteristic of this region are taken into account. This method (calculated-theoretical) can be implemented both in the design of new road structures to substantiate the most efficient and durable asphalt concrete coatings and during the operation of roads to calculate the residual resource of road coatings in the real dynamic effects of the transport flow. For the operated roads, it is advisable to use an experimental method at which the dynamic characteristics of the loading of the asphalt concrete coating are determined during natural measurements using the vibration meter;

- At the second stage, the durability of asphalt concrete coatings is performed under operational loading mode. Currently, a laboratory installation for testing asphalt concrete is developed in DorTransnia RSSU for fatigue destruction at a dynamic (vibratory) effect in a wide frequency range (from 0.5 to 100 Hz). The loading mode with laboratory tests is taken in accordance with the previously calculated asphalt coating loading characteristics. The curves of fatigue destruction for various types of asphalt concrete mixtures allow you to choose the type of mixture, pick up the composition and substantiate the feasibility of using polymer and reinforcing additives to increase the durability of the road surface. Tests for fatigue destruction of asphalt concrete from the coating of operated roads with real loading modes make it possible to predict the residual resource of asphalt concrete coatings and reasonably appoint the types and deadlines for repair work.


In a modern high-speed intensive movement, the impact of vehicles on the road construction has a significant dynamic nature, which leads to an increase in loads on road structures and a decrease in the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coatings.

The calculation of road clothes used in our country to resist monolithic layers to fatigue destruction has a number of disadvantages, which does not allow at the design of road clothing to make optimal solutions to increase the fatigue durability of asphalt concrete coatings.

To increase the durability of road structures, the search and testing of new effective structural solutions is required, to the number of which include, for example, the device of the lower layers of asphalt concrete coatings of dense mixtures with an increased bitumen content that ensure high fatigue resistance during bending; The device of reinforcement furnaces and the methods for the fatigue strength of asphalt mixtures and requirements for the fatigue strength of asphalt mixtures in repeated loading eliminates the possibility of a targeted selection of compositions of asphalt concrete mixtures of increased fatigue strength, which sometimes leads to the erroneous solutions when choosing the type of mixtures, the substantiation of the expediency of using polymer and reinforcing additives . For an objective assessment of the durability of materials of the structural layers of road clothing, it is necessary to switch to new methods of their tests, corresponding to the conditions of loading to the actual dynamic effects of the transport flow. Dynamic exposure to traffic flow on the road construction is due to the level of road surface and high-speed motion modes. It is proposed to calculate the dynamic characteristics of the loading of the road surface on the basis of the developed model of the "car - road" system for a given composition of the transport flow, or to determine them during experimental measurements using the Vibration Measuring Complex of Doodransnia RGSU.

6. To assess the residual resource (fatigue durability) of asphalt concrete coatings, taking into account the real dynamic loading, a complex experimentally, a theoretical method based on the developed mathematical model of VAT system "Road construction - soil" and experimental tests of fatigue destruction of asphalt concrete with real loading modes.

Literature B.S., Merzlikin A.E. "Guidelines for the mechanics and empirical design of new and reconstructed road clothing" (USA) // Science and Technology in the Road Industry. 2005, №1, p.32 - 33.One 218.046 - 01. Design of non-rigid road clothes. -M., 2001. - 146 S.Salle A.O. On the question of the design of road clothes with asphalt concrete accounting / tr. Somponia, vol. 105. M, 1979, p. 142 - 155.Rodensky A.V. Road asphalt concrete coatings. - M.: Transport, 1992. - 253 S. Liepolov S.K., Seleznev MG, Uglova E.V. Dynamics of road structures. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House "South". 2002 - 260 S.Iliopolov S. Investigation of Dynamic Transport Impact in Pavement Design / IX International Conference. Kielce. 2003, with 451 - 457 Partly characteristics of various types of road surface vehicles (micropograph) Average high-speed modes of movement of vehicle vehicles for the dynamic impact of vehicles on the road (model "Car - Road") 1 EDUCTURING STRUCTUREAGEMPERTING-FREE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXPOSURE OF VARTOING FACILICS OF TRANSPORT WORKING FREE CONTACT SPECIFICATIONS Dynamic VAT Asphalt concrete coating (model "Road construction - soil") Seasonal changes in climatic factors painting the characteristics of the dynamic loading of the asphalt concrete coating during the year testing of asphalt concrete samples on resistance to fatigue destruction at a given loading mode of the loading of the service (residual resource) of the asphalt concrete coating of the fatigue durability (residual resource) of asphalt concrete Coatings

Road coatings from asphalt are common and extremely popular. This is due primarily to the durability and durability of this option. In order for these conditions to be fully fulfilled, a number of conditions must be met. Asphalt laying technology is distinguished by certain difficulties, but if everything is done correctly, costs will pay off with impeccable coating and trouble-free operation.

Types of asphalt coating

In the production of asphalt mixture, bitumen materials (resins) are used, as well as the reinforcing filler. His role is played by major sand and mineral rocks of a certain fraction. All materials should be of good quality, and depending on the type and purpose of the coating, other ingredients are added.

Types of asphalt:

  1. First class coatings. Used to lay tracks, capable of withstanding heavy loads. The technology provides for the use of mineral filler up to four centimeters. Such coatings are maintained by loading vehicles and intensive use.
  2. Second class coatings. Used for asphalting areas, sidewalks and pedestrian roads. The largest inclusions of the asphalt mixture reach 25 mm.
  3. Coatings of the third class. The priority in this case will be the plasticity of the mixture. Mineral particles of minimum size (up to 15 mm), which allows to obtain a dense fit of the composition. Such a coating is equipped with places of utility use (private courtyards, areas of institutions, sports grounds).

The proportions and norms of manufacture are regulated by GOST, but many manufacturers ignore such a rule and use cheap substitutes. This is not displayed as an asphalt mixture, so it is preferable to order this product from truly proven companies, for example, representative offices of road technologies.

Application technologies:

  • Hot asphalt. Its technology requires the use of special equipment, as well as compliance with a number of conditions. First of all, this temperature of the finished mixture and air environment. It is unacceptable to put the cooled asphalt, as well as perform work at negative temperatures. The second important point is the speed of laying hot asphalt. If the work is not fulfilled in accordance with the GOST, the quality of the coating will be bad. Hot asphalt is used for laying new roads and sidewalks. After applying, the coating should not be used for some time to ensure sufficiently strong grip.
  • Cold asphalt. Its nomes are also regulated by GOST and SNiP, but in production, bitumens of other brands are used, which rapidly harden and do not require a certain temperature. You can lay cold asphalt in a wider range of ambient temperatures (allowed to - 5ºС). Most often, this method is applied when performing the pattern of roads, or to perform asphalting on its own.

You can purchase cold asphalt not only directly from the manufacturer, but also in construction stores. Sealed packaging allows you to preserve its characteristics up to several months. At the same time, by strength and service life, the cold mixture is significantly inferior to an alternative version, so the use on lively tracks or places of active use is somewhat limited.

Preparatory work before laying asphalt

An important condition for the correct installation is compliance with the requirements of GOST and SNiP for surface preparation. These standards provide for several stages, which will also depend on the quality of the future road.

How to prepare the surface:

  1. Clear and post asphalting. If necessary (swampy terrain, possible problems with the soil) are performed by geodesic studies.
  2. The top layer of the soil is removed completely. For the motorway, it is possible to build a special embankment, but for a pedestrian road from asphalt is not required.
  3. On the bottom of the trench, the sand "pillow" falls asleep, after which it is necessary to establish a special material - geotextile. It will prevent the displacement of building materials of large fractions in the sand.
  4. In the resulting kit, it is necessary to float the crushed stone of different sizes. The faction of the material will depend on the appointment of the coating. The largest crushed stone is used for laying highways. Layers are located in descending order - from large to fine-grained materials.
  5. The number of preparatory layers also depends on the further use of the road. After installation, the material is well attached by a special roller. This will provide a reliable coupling, eliminating possible problems with operation.
  6. To strengthen and prevent the appearance of cracks on the finished coating, a reinforcing grid is used.

GOST on asphalt laying is regulating all possible nuances associated with the performance of such a coating. This process is characterized by complexity, because even if there are special equipment, most of the work still requires manual labor.

As the asphalting is performed

Asphalt laying rules for the most part depend on the type and appointment of the coverage, but some standards cannot be changed. Such rules are clearly spelled out in GOST and SNiP, and it is they who provide durability and quality of future roads and sidewalks.

According to the requirements of GOST asphalting roads and sidewalks should be carried out under suitable weather conditions. The production of the mixture is also determined by the standards of these documents. Laying asphalt SNiP (building standards and rules) also determines the quality of the finished work, and from the preparatory work phase to the final cycle.

Basic requirements of standards:
  • Immediately before laying asphalt, a heated bitumen or bitumen emulsion is applied to the prepared surface.
  • Laying hot asphalt should be carried out exclusively at the positive air temperature (not lower than 5 degrees).
  • The mixture must be a certain temperature, so it is supported in hot (not lower than 100 degrees) before applying.
  • The thickness of the asphalt mixture is determined by the appointment of the coating. Asphalt is applied by plots of a certain length, after which it is aligned and compacted.
  • The layer seal must begin immediately after the backfill. For this, a special technique is used - rink, vibropress or asphalt paver.
  • You must stick the applied layer for at least a day, but for cold asphalt this time can be only a couple of hours.

Modern additive - plasticizers allow the laying even at negative temperatures. This mixture is called asphalt concrete. It is quite expensive and most often used for emergency road repair in winter.

Final work

After asphalting on the portion of the future road, it is necessary to apply a special impregnation. It provides a dense hitch with asphalt and gives the coating an attractive appearance.

Distinguish the following impregnation options:

  1. Asphalt emulsion. Among all species is the most affordable, but not always justifying the mixture. Most often applies to road sections without intensive load or sidewalks.
  2. Coal tar. The reliable foundation that gives it also the aesthetic appeal of the finished coverage. It is not affected by petroleum products, differs in a long use.
  3. Acrylic polymers. Adding special components to the mixture allows you to obtain an elastic and durable coating. There is an opportunity to even change the color that is used for an additional decor of the territory.

When choosing the finishing layer, it is worth considering not only the financial question, but also the main purpose of the project. From how intensively the road surface is used, it is necessary to repel when the mixture is selected.

Creating an asphalt coating is an important process, because it determines the quality and durability of future roads and sidewalks. Classification of mixtures and application process is determined by the requirements of GOST and SNiP, as well as types of road works. In order for the coating to light up the maximum time, even with intensive load, it is important to choose a reliable manufacturer. "Road technologies" guarantee the speed and compliance with all quality requirements.

Technical requirements

EN 13108-6: 2006





The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions "

Information about standard

1 developed by the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Research Institute of the Transport and Construction Complex" (ANO "NII TSK") and an open joint-stock company "Asphalt concrete plant No. 1", St. Petersburg (OJSC "Abz-1", St. Petersburg Petersburg)

2 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization of TC 418 "Road Economy"

3 approved and commissioned by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of September 14, 2011 No. 297-st

4 This standard has been developed taking into account the main regulations of the European Regional Standard EN 13108-6: 2006 "Bituminous mixtures. Technical conditions on the material. Part 6. cast asphalt "(EN 13108-6: 2006" Bituminous Mixtures - Material Specifications - Part 6: Mastic Asphalt ", NEQ)

5 introduced for the first time

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" informational indicator annually, and the text of the changes and amendments - monthly published information indicators "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards issued information indicator monthly. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system- on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

GOST R 54401-2011

National Standard of the Russian Federation

Road roads

Asphalt road casting hot

Technical requirements

Automobile Roads of General Use. Hot Road Mastic Asphalt. Technical Requirements.

Date of administration - 2012-05-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard applies to the asphalt pavement pavement hot and on the mixture of asphalt concrete road cast hot (hereinafter referred to as the mixtures of alloy), used for the coating device on public roads, bridge structures, tunnels, as well as for the production of patch repair, and establishes specifications for them. .

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses regulatory references to the following standards:


A type

Maximum size

mineral grains

parts, mm.


From 40 to 50

New construction, capital and meal repair


From 30 to 45

New construction, capital and meal repair, sidewalks


From 20 to 35

Sidewalks, Bicycle Tracks

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Mixtures cast must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this Standard for the Technological Regulations, approved by the Independent Manufacturer.

5.2 Cereals of the mineral part of the mixtures of cast and asphalt concrete on their basis, when using round sieves, must match the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table

Table 2

Grain size, mm, smaller *

































* Full aisles of mineral material, as a percentage by weight.

The grain compositions of the mineral part of the mixtures of cast and asphalt concrete on their basis, when using square sieves, are shown in the application.

The graphs of the allowed particle size compositions of the mineral part of the mixture of the cast are given in the application.

The physico-mechanical properties of mixtures of cast and asphalt concrete on their basis are determined in accordance with GOST R 54400.

Table 3.

Mixture Types

1 porosity of the mineral island,% by volume, no more

Not normalized

2 residual porosity,% by volume, no more

Not normalized

3 water saturation,% by volume, no more

4 The temperature of the mixture in production, transportation, storage and laying, ° C, not higher

5 Tensile strength when split at 0 ° C, MPa (optional):

Not normalized

no less

no more

* The values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the maximum temperature of the mixture from the condition of using polymer-bitumen binders.

** The values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the maximum temperature of the mixture from the condition of using bitumens of oil road viscous.

5.5 The maximum temperature indicated in the table is valid for any location in the mixing mechanism and storage and transportation tank.

5.6 The values \u200b\u200bof the depth of the depth of the stamp depending on the purpose and location of the mixtures of cast and asphalt concrete on them are indicated in the table.

Table 4.

Type of work

Range of index of the pressure of the stamp for the types of mixtures, mm

1 roads for general use with the intensity of motion ≥ 3000 aut / day;

bridge structures, tunnels.


upper layer


From 1.0 to 3.5

Increase after 30 minutes

No more than 0.4 mm

Not applicable



coating layer

From 1.0 to 4.5

Increase after 30 minutes

No more than 0.6 mm

2 roads for general use with intensity< 3000 авт/сут

Upper Coating Layer

From 1.0 to 4.0

Increase after 30 minutes

No more than 0.5 mm

Not applicable

Device of the bottom layer of coating

From 1.0 to 5.0

Increase after 30 minutes

No more than 0.6 mm

3 Pedestrian and cycling paths, transitions and sidewalks

The device of the upper and lower coating layers

Not applicable

from 2.0 to 8.0 *

from 2.0 to 8.0 *

4 All types of roads, as well as bridge structures and tunnels

Verkhnaya member repair

coating layer; device

aligning layer

From 1.0 to 6.0

Increase after 30 minutes

Not more than 0.8 mm

Not applicable

* The increase in the index of the pressure of the stamp over the next 30 minutes is not normalized.

The depth of the depth of the stamp at a temperature of 40 ° C for the first 30 minutes of the test and (if necessary) increase the indicator of the depth of the stamp for the next 30 min, the tests are determined in accordance with GOST R.

5.7 Mixtures cast must be homogeneous. The homogeneity of the mixtures of the cast is estimated in accordance with GOST R 54400 by the coefficient of variation of values \u200b\u200bof the indicator of the depth of the dummy of the stamp at a temperature of 40 ° C for the first 30 minutes of the test. The coefficient of variation for mixtures of cast types I and II should be no more than 0.20. This indicator for a mixture of cast type III is not normalized. The indicator of the homogeneity of the mixture of the cast is determined with the frequency at least than monthly. The indicator of the homogeneity of the mixture of the cast is recommended for each manufactured composition.

5.8 Requirements for materials

5.8.1 For the preparation of litter mixtures, crushed stone obtained by crushing of dense rocks is used. Crushed stone from dense rocks, which is part of the mixtures of cast, must comply with the requirements of GOST 8267.

For the preparation of mixtures of cast, crushed stone fractions from 5 to 10 mm are used; Over 10 to 15 mm; Over 10 to 20 mm; Over 15 to 20 mm, as well as mixtures of these fractions. There should be no extraneous clogging impurities in the crushed.

Physical and mechanical indicators of rubble must comply with the requirements specified in the table.

Table 5.

Values \u200b\u200bof indicators

Test method

1 brand for framingness, not less


2 abrasion brand, not less

3 stamp on frost resistance, not lower

4 Weighted seeds of lamellar grains (lamb) and needle-shaped in a mixture of rubble fractions,% by weight, no more

7 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides,A. Eff, BC / kg:

Up to 740.

Up to 1350.

5.8.2 For the preparation of mixtures of cast apply sand from sefs of crushing, natural sand, as well as their mixture. Sand must comply with the requirements of GOST 8736. During the production of mixtures of cast for the upper layers of coatings of roads and bridge structures, sand from sefs of crushing or a mixture with natural sand, containing no more than 50% of natural sand. The grain composition of natural sand in size should correspond to the sand not lower than the shallow group.

Physico-mechanical sand indicators must comply with the requirements specified in the table.

Table 6.

Values \u200b\u200bof indicators

Test method

1 grade of the strength of sand from the sections of crushing (source rock), not lower


4 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, BUT Eff, BC / kg:

For road construction within the settlements;

Up to 740.

For road construction outside settlements

Up to 1350.

5.8.3 The mineral powder is used to prepare the mixtures of cast and activated, corresponding to the requirements of GOST R 52129.

The permissible powder content of sedimentary (carbonate) rocks from the total mass of the mineral powder should be at least 60%.

It is allowed to use technical dust of the main and medium rocks from the dust collecting system of mixing plants in an amount of up to 40% of the total mass of the mineral powder. The use of hydroxide dust of acidic rocks is allowed under the condition of its content in the total mass of the mineral powder in an amount of no more than 20%. The values \u200b\u200bof dust indicators of the UROS should comply with the requirements of GOST R 52129 for MP-2 powder.

5.8.4 For the preparation of mixtures of litter as a binder, bitumens oil road viscous brands BND 40/60, BND 60/90 according to GOST 22245, as well as modified and other bitumen binders with improved properties on regulatory and technical documentation, coordinated and approved by the Customer in The established manner, subject to ensuring the quality indicators of the asphalt concrete cast from these mixtures at no lower than those set by this standard.

5.8.5 When using asphalt concrete, cast on bridge structures, in the upper and lower layers of road coatings with high intensity intensity and calculated loads on the axis should be used by polymers of bitumen. In these cases, preference should be given to polymer-bitumen binders based on styrene-styrene-styrene-styrene-styrene-styrene-styrene styrene styrene and PBW 60 according to GOST R 52056.

5.8.6 When designing mixtures of cast type of binder should be appointed taking into account the climatic features of the construction area, the appointment and place of use of the structural layer required (projected) deformative properties of the mixtures of cast and asphalt concrete properties based on them. The suitability of the binder to achieve the required functional characteristics of museums of cast and asphalt concrete on them is confirmed in the process of mandatory and optional tests specified in GOST R 54400.

5.8.7 In the production of laying mixtures, it is permissible to use binders modified by introducing deflectors into their composition, allowing to reduce production temperatures, storage and laying of laying mixtures by a value from 10 ° C to 30 ° C without deteriorating fluid-belands. The introduction of deflements is produced in bitumen (polymer-bitumen astringent) or in a mixture of litter in the process of its production on the asphalt mixing unit.

5.8.8 The specified composition of the mixture of cast should be provided in the process of its production on the asphalt mixing unit. It is forbidden to change the composition of the mixture by cast after the completion of the process of its production by administering to the mobile crossover of binder, petroleum products, plasticizers, resins, mineral materials and other substances in order to change the viscosity of the mixture of cast and physicomechanical characteristics of cast asphalt concrete.

5.8.9 The use of recycled asphalt concrete (asphalt translucent) is allowed as a placeholder in a mixture of cast. At the same time, its content should not exceed a 10% mass fraction of the composition of the mixture by cast for the device of the lower or upper layers of the road surface and the patch repair and a 20% mass fraction of the composition of the mixture by cast for the device of the leveling layer. At the request of the consumer, the permissible percentage of asphalt production content in the mixture of the cast may be reduced. The maximum grain size of rubble contained in the asphalt storage should not exceed the maximum grain size of rubble in the mixture of cast. When designing mixtures of laying with the use of asphalt production, the mass proportion of the content and the properties of the binder in this aggregate should be taken into account.

6 Safety and Environmental Requirements

6.1 When preparing and laying, the mixtures of cast must comply with the general security requirements for GOST 12.3.002 and the requirements of fire safety according to GOST 12.1.004.

6.2 Materials for the preparation of mixtures of cast (crushed stone, sand, mineral powder and bitumen) must comply with the hazard class not higher than IV according to GOST 12.1.007, referring to the nature of the harmfulness and degree of impact on the human body to low-wave substances.

6.3 The norms of extremely permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during the work of the work should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bestablished by GOST

6.4 The air in the working area in the preparation and laying of mixtures of cast must satisfy the requirements of GOST 12.1.005.

6.5 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in the mixtures of cast and cast asphalt concrete should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bset by GOST 30108.

7 Rules acceptance

7.1 Acceptance of wall mixtures produced by parties.

7.2 Party consider any amount of a mixture of cast one type and composition produced at an enterprise on a single mixing unit for one shift, using a variety of single delivery.

7.3 To assess the compliance of mixtures of licensed requirements of this standard, acceptance and operational quality control are carried out.

7.4 Acceptance-completed control of the mixture of cast is carried out on each batch. When receiving testing tests, water saturation is determined, the depth of indulgence of the stamp and the composition of the mixture of cast. The indicators of the porosity of the mineral island and residual porosity and the indicator of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides are determined by selecting the compositions of the mixture by cast, as well as with the change in the composition and properties of the source materials.

7.5 With the operational control of the quality of the mixtures of cast in production, the temperature of the mixture is determined by the mixture in each shipped car, which should not be lower than 190 ° C.

7.6 On each batch of the mixture shipped by a cast consumer issues a quality document containing the following product information:

The name of the manufacturer and its address;

Number and date of issuance of the document;

Name and address of the consumer;

Order number (batch) and the amount (mass) of the mixture of the cast;

Type of mixture cast (number of the manufacturer's nomenclature);

Temperature of the mixture by cast when shipping;

The brand of the binder used and the designation of the standard on which it was produced;

Designation of this standard;

Information about the added additives and asphalt production.

At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must provide the consumer with complete information about the released batch of products, which includes the receiving and trial and testing data produced during the selection of the composition, in the following indicators:

Water saturation;

Depth of indulgence of the stamp (including an increase in the indicator after 30 minutes);

Porosity of the mineral part;

Residual porosity;

Homogeneity of the mixture of cast (according to the results of the tests of the preceding period);

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;

Granulometric composition of the mineral part.

7.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a control check for the compliance of the mixture supplied by casting the requirements of this standard, observing the sampling methods, the preparation of samples and tests specified in GOST R 54400.

8 Test Methods

8.1 Porosity of the mineral island, residual porosity, water saturation, depth of indulgence of the stamp, composition of the mixture of cast, tensile strength when split cast asphalt concrete is determined according to GOST R 54400.

In the case of use in the selection of grain compositions of square sieves to determine the grain composition of the mixture, the mold must be used a set of sieve in accordance with the application.

8.2 Preparation of samples made of mixtures of cast and asphalt concrete on their basis for tests are made according to GOST R 54400.

8.3 The temperature of the mixture of the cast is determined by a thermometer with a measurement limit of 300 ° C and an error of ± 1 ° C.

8.4 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is taken by its maximum value in the mineral materials used. This data indicates a document on the quality of the enterprise-supplier.

In the absence of data on the content of natural radionuclides, the enterprise - the manufacturer of the mixture of the module carries out the input control of the materials in accordance with GOST 30108.

9 Transportation and storage

9.1 The prepared mixtures of the cast must be transported to the place of laying in Kohchers. It is not allowed to transport the mixture by cast in car dump trucks or other vehicles in the absence of stirring and temperature maintenance installed on them and the functioning systems.

9.2 The maximum temperature of the mixture by cast during the storage must comply with the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table, or the requirements of technological regulations on this type of work.

9.3 Mandatory conditions for transportation of mixtures of laying to the place of installation:

Forced mixing;

Elimination of segregation (bundle) of the mixture of cast;

Cooling protection, atmospheric precipitation.

9.4 In the case of long-term transportation or storage of a mixture by cast in stationary flocks on asphalt mixing plants, its temperature should be reduced during the period of the intended storage time. When storing a mixture of a resulting from 5 to 12 hours, their temperature should be reduced to 200 ° C (when using polymer-bitumen binders) or up to 215 ° C (when using viscous oil bitumen). After the end of the storage period, immediately before the production of styling work, the temperature of the mixture is increased to the permissible values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table or in the technological regulations on this type of work.

9.5 Time that has passed from the production of a mixture by cast on an asphalt mixing unit to a complete unloading of it from a mobile crossbox when laying into a coating should not exceed 12 hours.

9.6 Called mixture is subject to disposal as construction waste in the following conditions:

Exceeding the maximum allowable storage time of the cast mixture;

The unsatisfactory prefabitability of the mixture, the loss of the ability to be a molded mixture and the ability to spread along the base, crumpledness (incompleteness), the presence of brown smoke emanating from the cast mixture.

9.7 Measuring instruments tracking the temperature of the cast mixture on the asphalt mixing installation and in Kochra (stationary and mobile) should be calibrated (calibration) with periodicity at least once every three months.

10 instructions for use

10.1 The device of coating from the mixture of the mold is carried out in accordance with the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

10.2 The mixture of cast should be placed exclusively in a liquid or visco-fluid state that does not require seal.

10.3 Laying mixtures of cast should be made at ambient air temperature and underlying structural layer not lower than 5 ° C. It is allowed to use mixtures of cast at ambient temperature to minus 10 ° C for the production of work on the removal of an emergency on the carriageway of roads with asphalt concrete coatings. In these cases, measures should be provided for ensuring sufficient quality of the adhesion of the asphalt concrete cast with the underlying structural layer.

10.4 Mixtures cast for the device of road coatings, sidewalks and patching should be unloaded directly to the surface of the underlying structural layer or waterproofing layer. The surface of the underlying layer should be dry, clean, deemed and must meet the requirements for asphalt concrete and monolithic cement concrete grounds and coatings.

When laying a mixture of cast on a concrete base or asphalt concrete coating prepared by the cold milling method, a pretreatment of such surfaces with a bitumen emulsion according to GOST R 52128 with a flow rate of 0.2 - 0.4 L / m 2 in order to ensure proper clutch of the layers. The accumulation of the emulsion in the reduced places of the surface of the base is not allowed. Mandatory is the requirement of the complete decay of the emulsion and evaporation of the moisture formed during the start of laying the mixture by cast. Use to process the surfaces of bitumen instead of a bitumen emulsion is not allowed.

Processing the emulsion of the underlying layer made of cast asphalt concrete is not produced when the lower and upper coating layers are arranged from the cast asphalt concrete.

The processing of the emulsion of the underlying layer of cast asphalt concrete is allowed not to be made at the device of the upper layer from the rubble-mastic asphalt concrete mixture according to GOST 31015 at the time interval between the device layers no more than 10 days, as well as in the absence of traffic in this period by the underlying layer.

10.5 The value of the maximum permissible longitudinal and transverse slopes of the road construction, when using a cast mixture, ranges from 4% to 6%, depending on the characteristics of the specified composition of the mold mixture and its viscosity.

10.6 The mixtures of all types of all types are allowed to be laid as a mechanized manner using a special device for moving the mixture of cast (finisher) and manually. The required workability of the litter mixtures is achieved by the manufacturer by adjusting the specified composition and selection of bitumen binders, the introduction of deflements during the production of the mixture by casting, provided that the asphalt concrete is maintained by the cast strength characteristics specified in. Adjustability control can be done by changing the temperature mode of the mixture by cast during its laying, taking into account the fulfillment of the requirements for the minimum and maximum permissible temperatures of the mixture by cast. The mixture intended for mechanized laying may have an increased viscosity and a lower spreading rate over the surface during unloading.

10.7 The final stage of the road coating device with a molded asphalt concrete layer is a rough surface device, carried out by inserting "hot" in accordance with the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

10.8 Physical and mechanical indicators of rubble used for the device of the rough surface of the top layer of coating from the asphalt concrete casting by the insertion method "hot" must comply with the requirements provided in the application.

For the device of the rough surface of the upper coating of the coating of the asphalt concrete of the road-cast hot method of inserting "hot" using a fractional crushed stone of erupted rocks of fractions from 5 to 10 mm, over 10 to 15 mm and a mixture of fractions from 5 to 20 mm according to GOST 8267 with consumption 10 - 15 kg / m 2.

When the bottom layers of the coatings from the mixtures of cast, in order to further provide adhesion with the upper layers of coatings from all types of compacted asphalt concrete, the rubble is the distribution of the erupted rocks of fractions from 5 to 10 mm "hot" with a flow rate of 2 - 4 kg / m 2. It is allowed not to make the sprinkling of the lower layer of rubble when the device of two-layer coatings from the asphalt concrete, subject to the absence of motion along the bottom layer of the coating.

To ensure proper clums of surface treatment with asphalt concrete, it is recommended to use crushed stone treated with bitumen (black crushed stone). The content of bitumen should be selected so as to eliminate its drainage, flipping of rubble or uneven coating of the bitumen of the surface of rubble.

Physical and mechanical indicators of rubble used for the device of the rough surface of the upper layers of the coating from the asphalt concrete, the insertion method must comply with the requirements presented in the table.

Table A.1.

Values \u200b\u200bof the indicator

Test method

Stamp on the drum of rock, not lower


Brand of abrasability of rock, not lower

Mark for frost resistance, not lower


Weighted average grain content of plate (lamb) and needle shape in a mixture of rubble fractions,% by weight, no more

Total specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, BUT Eff, BC / kg:

For road construction within the settlements;

Not more than 740.

For road construction outside settlements

Not more than 1350.

The recommended temperature range of the mixture by cast at the beginning of the distribution process over its surface of grain mineral materials range from 140 ° C to 180 ° C and should be clarified during the work of the work.

For the device of a rough surface of pedestrian tracks, sidewalks and cycling paths, natural fractionated sand with a flow rate of 2 - 3 kg / m 2 is used.

Table A.2.

Size of control sieves, mm





Full residues,% by weight






















Figure B.3 - Grain composition of type II mixture (round sieve)

Figure V.4 - grain composition of type II mixture (square sieve)

Figure V.5 - Grain Composition of the Mixture of Type III (Round Sita)

Figure V.6 - Grain composition of type III mixture (square sieve)


SNiP 3.06.03-85 Automobile Roads

Keywords: Mixtures Asphalt-concrete road cast hot, asphalt road cast, hot, road coating

Asphalt laying is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but at the same time an effective way of a road surface device. The complex of works includes: earthworks, base device, laying asphalt, arrangement of the territory.

The work performed at the professional level will allow not only a reliable and sustainable road cover, but also will provide its long-term service life. Specialists START CITY GROUP. It will help to choose the optimal version of the base and material for laying asphalt, based on your wishes.


Asphalt (or asphalt concrete mixture) is a rationally selected mixture based on mineral materials to which sand, crushed stone, mineral powder, liquid bitumen substance belong. All substances are selected in optimal quantities and mixed in the heated state.

Crushed stone, which is part of the mixtures must comply with the requirements of GOST 8267 and GOST 3344. It is allowed to use gravel or crushed stone produced by foreign standards, provided that their quality complies with the established Russian standards.

Scope of applying asphalt concrete wide: construction of roadway, squares, sidewalks, parking sites, park area for cyclists, airfields, floors of floors in industrial buildings and in many other areas.

To date, the asphalt concrete mixes, depending on the mineral component, is divided into:

  • Sandy;
  • Rubble;
  • Gravel.

The structure of each species has its own characteristics that determine the efficiency of using the selected material.

Asphalt concrete mixtures are also classified depending on the size of mineral grains:

  • Fine-grained - less than 2 cm;
  • Coarse-grained - up to 4 cm.
  • Sand - up to 1 cm.

The amount containing in the mixture of solid filler depends on which group it belongs to the asphalt concrete. Distinguish 3 groups: A, B, V.

Technology laying. Stages. Materials

To date, two technologies of the Road Litter Device are used:

  • hot asphalting;
  • cold asphalting.

Each of them has its pros and cons:

  • Hot asphalting. The mixture is prepared from viscous and liquid oil bitumen. Laying can be carried out in winter. The temperature of the mixture should not be less than 120 degrees. Before laying asphalt, a piece of the road to which the asphalt concrete mixture will be applied is dried with special technique.
  • Cold asphalting. The mixture is prepared from liquid oil traffic bits. Placement works are carried out only in the warm season, since this technology does not produce dyeing water. Cold asphalting is often used in stalking.

Professional work on the laying of the road surface require significant cash investments. After all, for this it is necessary to attract special equipment and experienced qualified specialists.

The laying of asphalt consists of several stages:

1. Development of design and estimate documentation

Each site is individual: it has characteristic of the size, relief and configuration, the characteristics of the soil, remoteness and features of the access roads. On the basis of these criteria after the expert departure, the total area, the volume and preliminary cost of work is determined.

2. Development of the territory, earthworks

Preparation of the territory for the device of the asphalt canvase begins with the removal of the upper layer of the soil. As a rule, bulldozers and loaders are involved to remove a large soil layer. To recall the base surface, graders are used. According to the specified marks, the formation of road "trough" with its further seal is carried out.

If an old coating is present on the asphalt plot, then it is destroyed by a road cutter. In proper processing, the old coating can be reused.

3. Preparation of the foundation

There is a queue of the formation of a "road pillow". For this, two layers of the road "pie" swell: first the sand is placed either a sandy-gravel mixture, and to give everything a special strength, the crushed stone of a large fraction is embanked, and then a small fraction to minimize emptiness. Each base layer is aligned with a grader and thoroughly tamper. At the edges of the site installed onboard stone. So that the asphalting was high-quality before laying asphalt, the surface of the site is spilled by bitumen.

4. Laying asphalt

The finishing layer consists of asphalt concrete. This material is delivered by dump trucks or is preparing directly on the most road-construction site. The standard ABS composition includes: mineral powder, sand, crushed stone and liquid bitumen.

A mixture of a uniform layer is distributed over a given territory. Asphalt concrete-layers are used to lay the latter mixture. Asphalt punch is carried out by several rinks for the best serial seal. Our company has a private material basis - a modern fleet of special equipment, which has about 40 units of equipment that fully ensures the entire road construction process.

It should be noted that the technology of laying asphalt concrete and materials used may have some differences depending on further operating conditions. For example, new technologies are applied to extend the life of motorways - modified gel-shaped oil bitumen (mac-bitumen).

Road time

It should be noted that the asphalt procedure is seasonal operation and directly depends on weather conditions. It is recommended to produce all work in dry weather.

In autumn and spring, the temperature should not be less than +5 degrees. After all, the mixture is hot product. Therefore, all manipulations with it should take place as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to cool. Otherwise, the asphalt will be impossible.

Terms of operation

The life of the asphalt coating is directly dependent on the loads, traffic intensity of transport, from weather conditions, compliance with the technologies of laying and quality of materials used.

The guaranteed period of operation is approximately 7 - 10 years. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that with intensive operation, the specified period may be reduced. Extend operational period will help timely repair work of the roadway, which include eliminating pits, drawdowns, cracks and irregularities.

It is always convenient to go to the car on a flat and smooth freeway, developing more speed. By no means rare the quality of the track does not allow it to do, since the coating has a deviation from the norm and is unsuitable for high-quality ride. Over time, under the pressure of the wheels of machines, especially large trucks, the influence of adverse natural conditions in the form of rain, hail, sharp change of temperature, asphalt concrete flooring loses its primordial appearance. Covered with small cracks, holes, potholes, which shortens the time of high-quality operation of the highway. Riding for such worn roads leads to damage to cars and can even lead to an accident.

Causes of destruction

As a result of the use of coatings from asphalt concrete, they are subjected to various deformations. Wear houses are formed due to external and internal influences on. Defects on covering from the influence of external factors include:

  • power loads from automotive wheels;
  • atmospheric precipitation (rain, temperature changes, thawing, snow, freezing).

The main causes of destruction are non-compliance with the technology of laying or repairing roadbed and the impact of cars.

Internal factors associated with the destruction of asphalt concrete coating arise as a result of incorrect preparation of the project for roads, their construction and repair:

  1. The destruction of the road surface leads incorrect design of the asphalt concrete road highway. Inaccurately conducted studies, calculations and mistakes in determining the intensity of the vehicle flow can contribute to the formation of defects on the road from asphalt concrete and lead to the destruction of the road structure, namely: the integrity of the asphalt layer on the road surfaces will violate; The base ground will see; reduced the strength of the ground pillow; The wear of the asphalt concrete flooring follows.
  2. Old techniques are applied and low-quality materials are selected when working with an asphalt coating. Most recently, for installation, styling of the asphalt mortar and repair, the hot, which included poor-quality bitumen were used. It caused damage to the root flooring and worsened the strength characteristics of the finished mixture for the asphalting of the road surface. However, construction does not stand still, and today the latest polymer-bitumen materials are being developed and introduced, capable of significantly improving the properties of the material and the future route. Various additives in the mixture were gained great popularity to: improving the clutch, increase the resistance to water and the formation of cracks. Thanks to these additives, the durability of the road canvase to minus temperatures is provided. To avoid defects and wear of the roadbed, it is necessary not only to apply new mixtures for laying asphalt, but also to choose new technologies that will allow stabilize and strengthen the weakening of the reasons for the base. To prevent the destruction of coatings, use the reinforcing grid that will strengthen the road construction and increase the duration of the operation of the asphalt web.
  3. Defects and wear on the asphalt concrete coating occur due to the incorrect technological process when the road construction is erected. Destruction is formed due to the mistakes made when laying asphalt and the repair of the track. Contribute to the emergence of defects of violation of the rules for transporting asphalt concrete solution, as a result of which the mixture is supplied to the wrong temperature. When the laid mixture is sealing, air bubbles were not removed or, on the contrary, the solution was too sealed, then the asphalt can be caught to crack and decrease. The destruction of the route may arise as a result of poor-quality preparation of land fabric and work on the installation of road facilities.
  4. Defects on the road surface are most often formed as a result of weather conditions when the moisture penetrates the asphalt fabric during the rain, and the hot rays of the sun spoil the upper layer of the track - the adhesion of the asphalt concrete strength is carried out, which leads to the formation of chosel. In the period of minus temperatures, the gathered moisture in the layers of asphalt concrete is capable of increased in the amount and thereby destroy the structure and sealing of asphalt.
  5. As a result of large loads from vehicles, road linen is destroyed. High loads on the surface of the track are due to an intense flow of vehicles, as a result of which the capacity of the bandwidth in 24 hours is exceeded and as a consequence - the resource of the track of the track is reduced. The increase in the axial load due to the operation of the road coating by vehicles with heavy lifting capacity leads to the destruction of the asphalt concrete canvase, the formation of a gauge and cracks.

Damage to the pavement from asphalt concrete may occur as a result of the complex effect of external and internal factors.

Main types Defects

Typical road defects.

Asphalt damage are the following types:

  • Break. It is a slot on the asphalt plot where the flow of vehicles is passed. If it does not pate cracks in time, they can increase in size and turn into a large diameter break.
  • Expiration of service. The destruction associated with the long-term operation of the canvas, on which the repair was not carried out, affect the thickness of the asphalt layer.
  • Reducing the strength of asphalt concrete. As a result of large loads from heavy trucks, the canvas drawdown is formed and the destruction of the upper coating layer in the form of irregularities, chipping and gauge.
  • Potholes. Destroying in the form of chosel - this is a recess with a sharp break of the edges that occur due to improper masonry of asphalt concrete using low-quality materials.
  • Peeling. The formation of peeling on the road surface due to separation from the top layer of the coating particles. It is formed due to constant variable effects on the road surface of the frost and thaw.
  • Climatic influences. During the period of melting of the snowmates, a large amount of fluid is formed, which is capable of destroying the track of the track, which entails a decrease in the strength characteristics of the asphalt concrete.
  • Darking. This type of damage occurs due to the violation of the laying or repair of the roadway, namely, work at atmospheric precipitation or minus temperatures.
  • Cracks. The slots are formed on the road surface as a result of a sharp change of temperature regimen.
  • Drawdown There is a drawdown due to the selected low-quality materials for laying the web, as well as as a result of insufficient compaction of the asphalt mixture or soil.