Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines: SNiP, characteristics, types of thermal insulation and requirements for them. Thermal insulation of pipelines of thermal networks: insulation heating the thermal insulation device of pipelines

In the practice of private construction, it is not so often that there are situations when the heating communications are required not only to dilute on the premises of the main house, but also to reach them to others, near the buildings. It may be residential flaghelves, extensions, summer kitchens, household or agricultural buildings, for example, which are used for pets or poultry. The option is not excluded when, on the contrary, the autonomous boiler room itself is located in a separate building, at some distance from the main residential building. It happens that the house connects to the central heating industry, from which pipes stretch to it.

The gasket of heating pipes between buildings is possible in two options - underground (channel or infantal) and open. A less time-consuming is seen the process of installing local heating mains over the ground, and to this variant in the conditions of independent construction are resorted more often. One of the main conditions for the efficiency of the system is properly planned and high-quality thermal insulation for open-air heating pipes. It is this question that will be considered in this publication.

What is thermal insulation of pipes and basic requirements for it

It would seem, nonsense - why insulate the already almost always hot pipes of the heating system? Perhaps someone can mislead a peculiar "game of words". In the case under consideration, of course, the conversation will be correct, operating the concept of "thermal insulation."

Thermal insulation works on any pipelines pursue two main objectives:

  • If the pipes are used in heating systems or hot water, then heat losses are reduced to the fore, maintaining the required temperature of the pumped liquid. The same principle is also fair for production or laboratory installations, where technology requires maintenance of a certain temperature of the substances transmitted through pipes.
  • For pipelines of cold water supply or sewer communications, the main factor becomes insulation, it is eating a drop in temperature in the temperature pipes below the critical mark, preventing the freezing leading to the system failure and strain pipes.

By the way, such a precautionary measure is required for the heating mains, and for DHW pipes - no one is completely insured against emergency situations on boiler equipment.

The cylindrical shape of the pipes predetermines a very significant area of \u200b\u200bpermanent heat exchange with the environment, and therefore significant heat loss. And they naturally grow as the diameter of the pipeline increases. The table below shows how the heat lifting varies depending on the temperature difference inside and outside the pipe (Δt ° column), from the pipe diameter and on the thickness of the thermal insulating layer (data is given, taking into account the use of insulating material with an average thermal conductivity coefficient λ \u003d 0.04 W / m × ° C).

The thickness of the layer of thermal insulation. MM. ΔT. ° С External pipeline diameter (mm)
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 150
The magnitude of heat losses (per 1 lineage meter of the pipeline. W).
10 20 7.2 8.4 10 12 13.4 16.2 19 23 29 41
30 10.7 12.6 15 18 20.2 24.4 29 34 43 61
40 14.3 16.8 20 24 26.8 32.5 38 45 57 81
60 21.5 25.2 30 36 40.2 48.7 58 68 86 122
20 20 4.6 5.3 6.1 7.2 7.9 9.4 11 13 16 22
30 6.8 7.9 9.1 10.8 11.9 14.2 16 19 24 33
40 9.1 10.6 12.2 14.4 15.8 18.8 22 25 32 44
60 13.6 15.7 18.2 21.6 23.9 28.2 33 38 48 67
30 20 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.5 6 7 8 9 11 16
30 5.4 6.1 7.1 8.2 9 10.6 12 14 17 24
40 7.3 8.31 9.5 10.9 12 14 16 19 23 31
60 10.9 12.4 14.2 16.4 18 21 24 28 34 47
40 20 3.1 3.5 4 4.6 4.9 5.8 7 8 9 12
30 4.7 5.3 6 6.8 7.4 8.6 10 11 14 19
40 6.2 7.1 7.9 9.1 10 11.5 13 15 18 25
60 9.4 10.6 12 13.7 14.9 17.3 20 22 27 37

As the thickness of the insulation layer increases, the overall heat loss decreases. However, note that even a rather thick layer of 40 mm does not exclude the heat loss completely. The conclusion is one - it is necessary to strive to use insulating materials with the minimum possible coefficient of thermal conductivity - this is one of the main requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines.

Sometimes the heating system of pipelines is required!

When laying water and sewer communications, it happens that, due to the peculiarities of the local climate or the specific conditions for the installation of one thermal insulation, it is clearly not enough. You have to resort to the forced, to the installation of heating cables - more details, this topic is considered in a special publication of our portal.

  • The material that is used for thermal insulation of pipes, if possible, must have hydrophobic qualities. Little current will be from the insulation that has soaked water - he and the heat loss will not be prevented, and will soon collapse under the action of negative temperatures.
  • Thermal insulation design should have reliable external protection. First, it needs to protect against atmospheric moisture, especially if the insulation is applied, capable of actively absorbed water. Secondly, the materials should be closed from the effects of the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight acting on them destructive. Thirdly, we should not forget about the wind load capable of disrupting the integrity of thermal insulation. And, fourth, there is a factor of external mechanical impact, unintended, including from animals, or due to banal manifestations of vandalism.

In addition, for any owner of a private house, probably, it is not indifferent to the moments of the aesthetic appearance of the laid heatedrass.

  • Any thermal insulation material applied on heat insulation must have a range of operating temperatures corresponding to real application conditions.
  • An important requirement for insulating material and external cladding is the durability of use. No one wants to return to the problems of thermal insulation of pipes, even once a few years.
  • From a practical point of view, one of the main requirements is simplicable installation of thermal insulation, and in any position and on any complex area. Fortunately, in this regard, manufacturers do not get tired to please be convenient for applying developments.
  • An important requirement for thermal insulation - its materials must also be chemically inert, and not to enter into any reactions with the surface of the pipes. Such compatibility is the key to the duration of trouble-free operation.

The issue of cost is also very important. But in this regard, the variation of prices from specialized is very large.

What materials are used for insulation of overhead heating

The selection of thermal insulation materials for heating pipes during their outer gasket is large enough. They are a roll type or in the form of mats, they may be destroyed for the installation of a cylindrical or other figured form, there are insulation that are applied in liquid form and acquire their properties only after froze.

Warming with foamed polyethylene

Polyethylene foamed rightly refer to very efficient thermal insulators. And what is still very important, the cost of this material is one of the lowest.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of foamed polyethylene is usually in the range of 0.035 W / m × ° C - this is a very good indicator. The smallest isolated bubbles filled with gas, create an elastic structure, and with such a material, if its roll variety is acquired, it is very convenient to work on complex pipes on the configuration.

Such a structure becomes a reliable obstacle for moisture - with the right installation, neither water nor water pairs to penetrate the pipe walls will not be able to.

Polyenethylene density is low (about 30 - 35 kg / m³), \u200b\u200band thermal insulation will not waste the pipes.

The material with some assumption can be attributed to the category of low-dangerous from the point of view of ignition - it usually refers to the class of M-2, that is, it is very difficult to ignite it, and without an external flame it quickly fades. Moreover, combustion products, in contrast to many other thermal insulators, do not represent any serious toxic hazard for humans.

Roll foamed polyethylene for the insulation of external heating mains will be inconvenient, and unprofiled - you have to wind out several layers in order to achieve the required thickness of thermal insulation. Material is much more convenient in the form of sleeves (cylinders), which provides an internal channel corresponding to the diameter of the insulated pipe. To put on the pipes usually, the length of the cylinder on the wall is made an incision, which, after installation, you can take a reliable scotch.

Wear isolation on the pipe - labor is not

A more effective type of polyethylene foam is a foam, which has on the one hand. This brilliant coating becomes a kind of thermofer, which significantly increases the insulation quality of the material. In addition, this is an additional barrier from moisture penetration.

Penofol may also be a roll type or in the form of profile cylindrical elements - especially for thermal insulation of pipes of various purposes.

And all foamed polyethylene for thermal insulation is precisely the heat paints are used infrequently. He, rather, is suitable for other communications. The reason for this is a fairly low temperature range of operation. So. If you look at the physical characteristics, the upper limit balances somewhere on the verge of 75 ÷ 85 degrees - the structure of the structure and the appearance of deformations are possible. For autonomous heating, most often, the temperature of the temperature is enough, however, on the edge, and for central - thermal resistance is clearly not enough.

Insulation elements made of polystyrene foam

All the well-known polystyrene foam (in everyday life it is more often called foam) is very widely used for various types of thermal insulation work. It is not an exception and insulation of pipes - for this, special details are made of foam.

These are usually semi-cylinders (for pipes of large diameters there may be segments in a third of the circumference length, 120 °), which for assembly in a single design are equipped with a lock connection by the type "Schip-groove". This configuration allows you to fully, throughout the surface of the pipe, ensure reliable thermal insulation, without the remaining "cold bridges".

In everyday speech, such details were called "shells" - for the obvious similarity with it. Many types of types are produced, under the various outer diameter of insulated pipes and different thickness of the thermal insulating layer. Typically, the length length is 1000 or 2000 mm.

For the manufacture, the polystyrene foam of the PSB-from various brands is used - from PSB-C-15 to PSB-C-35. The main parameters of this material are shown in the table below:

Estimated material parametersBrand polystyrene foam
PSB-C-15U PSB-S-15 PSB-C-25 PSB-C-35 PSB-C-50
Density (kg / m³)to 10up to 1515.1 ÷ 25.25.1 ÷ 35.35.1 ÷ 50.
Compressive strength at 10% of linear deformation (MPa, not less)0.05 0.06 0.08 0.16 0.2
Bending tensile strength (MPa, not less)0.08 0.12 0.17 0.36 0.35
Thermal conductivity in a dry state at a temperature of 25 ° C (W / (M × ° K))0,043 0,042 0,039 0,037 0,036
Water absorption in 24 hours (% by volume, no more)3 2 2 2 2
Humidity (%, no more)2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4

The advantages of foam, as a thermal material known for a long time:

  • It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • The small weight of the material significantly simplifies insulation, for which no special mechanisms or devices are required.
  • Material is biologically inert - it will not be a nutrient medium for the formation of mold or fungus.
  • Moisture absorption is slightly.
  • The material is easily cutting, fit under the desired size.
  • Polyfoam is chemically inert, absolutely safe for the walls of the pipes, from which material they would be made.
  • One of the key advantages - the foam applies to the most inexpensive insulation.

However, he has a lot of flaws:

  • First of all, it is a low level of fire safety. Material cannot be called non-flammable and non-propagating flame. That is why when used for the insulation of ground pipelines, fire gaps should be left.
  • The material does not have elasticity, and it is convenient to apply only on direct pipes of the pipe. True, you can find special curly details.

  • Polyfoam does not apply to durable materials - it is easily destroyed by external influence. Negatively, ultraviolet radiation is also active. In short, overhead areas of pipes, insulated with polystyrene foam shells, will necessarily require additional protection in the form of metal casing.

Usually in stores where the foam shell is sold, and galvanic sheets are also offered, sliced \u200b\u200bin the desired size corresponding to the diameter of the insulation. You can use the aluminum shell, although it is definitely much more expensive. Sheets can be fixed with self-drawers or clamps - the resulting casing will create anti-vandal, anti-flexing, waterproofing protection and an obstacle from sunlight.

  • And yet, not even this is the main thing. The upper limit of normal for the operation of temperatures is all around 75 ° C, after which the linear and spatial deformation of parts can begin. No matter how cool, it may not be enough for heating this value. Probably, it makes sense to search a more reliable option.

Warming of pipes with mineral wool or products based on it

The most "ancient" method of thermal insulation of external pipelines - using mineral wool. He, by the way, is the most budget, if it is not possible to acquire a foam shell.

For thermal insulation of pipelines, various types of mineral wool are used - glass gamble, stone (basalt) and slag. Slotovat - the least preferable: it, firstly, most actively absorbs moisture, and secondly, its residual acidity can be very devastative to steel pipes. Even the cheapness of this wool does not justify the risks of its application.

But the mineral wool based on basalt or glass fibers is fully suitable. She has good thermal resistance indicators of heat transfer, high chemical stability, material is elastic, and it is easy to put it even on complex areas of pipelines. Another advantage - one can, in principle, is completely calm in terms of fire safety. Preheat mineral wool to the degree of ignition in the conditions of outer heating paintrass - almost unreal. Even the exposure to open flame will not be the reason for the spread of ignition. That is why Minvatu is used to fill fire gaps when using other pipe insulation.

The main disadvantage of mineral wool is a high water absorption (basalt to a lesser extent being subject to this "death"). It means that any pipeline will require mandatory protection against moisture. In addition, the structure of the wool is unstable to mechanical effects, it is easy to destroy, and it should be protected with a solid casing.

Typically, a solid polyethylene film is used, which is reliably covered by a layer of insulation, with a mandatory overlap of the bands per 400 ÷ 500 mm, and then on top of all this is closed with metal sheets - exactly by analogy with the polystyrene foam shell. Ruberoid can also be used as waterproofing - at the same time, 100 ÷ 150 mm of the adhesion of one band to another will be sufficient.

The thickness of protective metallic coatings for open areas of pipelines is determined by existing gtales for any type of thermal insulation materials used:

The material of the protective coating layerMinimum metal thickness, with external insulation diameter
350 and less Over 350 and to 600 Over 600 and up to 1600
Ribbons and stainless steel sheets0.5 0.5 0.8
Sheets of thin-sheet steel, galvanized or with polymer coating0.5 0.8 0.8
Aluminum sheets or aluminum alloys0.3 0.5 0.8
Aluminum ribbons or aluminum alloys0.25 - -

Thus, despite the seemingly inexpensive price of the insulation itself, its full-fledged styling will require considerable additional costs.

Mineral wool for insulation of pipelines can act in another quality - it serves as a material for the manufacture of finished thermal insulation parts, by analogy with cylinders from polyethylene foam. Moreover, such products are produced both for direct portions of pipelines and turns, tees, etc.

Typically, such insulation parts are made of the most dense - basalt mineral wool, have an external foil coating, which immediately removes the problem of waterproofing and increases the effectiveness of insulation. But from the external casing, it will not be possible to leave anyway - a thin layer of foil from a random or intentional mechanical impact will not protect.

Heat insulation Polyurethane Fière

One of the most efficient and safe in the operation of modern insulation materials is polyurethane. He has a mass of all kinds of advantages, so the material is used almost on any designs that require reliable insulation.

What are the features of polyurethane foam - insulation?

Polyurethane foam for insulation of pipelines can be applied in various types.

  • The PPU-shell is widely used, usually having an external foil coating. It can be collapsible, consisting of half-cylinders with groove-cream locks, or, for pipes of a small diameter - with a cut in length and a special valve with a self-adhesive back surface, which greatly simplifies the installation of isolation.

  • Another method of thermal insulation of heating mains polyurethane foam is a spraying of it in liquid form with the help of special equipment. The created layer of foam after complete hardening becomes excellent insulation. This technology is particularly convenient for complex junctions, turns of pipes, in nodes with shut-off-adjusting reinforcement, etc.

The advantage of such technology is also in the fact that due to the excellent adhesion of polyurethane foam spraying with the surface of the pipes, excellent waterproofing and anti-corrosion protection are created. True, Polynesuretan himself also requires mandatory protection - from ultraviolet rays, so without casing, it will not be able to do without casing.

  • Well, if the gasket is required enough of the long heatingwork, then, probably, the most optimal choice will be the use of pre-insulated (pre-isolated) pipes.

In fact, such pipes are a multilayer structure collected in the factory conditions:

- The inner layer is, in fact, the steel pipe itself of the desired diameter, according to which the transfer of the coolant is carried out.

- External coating - protective. It can be polymer (for gasket heat paint in the thickness of the soil) or metal galvanized - what is required for open areas of the pipeline.

- A monolithic, seamless layer of polyurethane foam, which performs the function of efficient thermal insulation is flooded between the pipe and the casing.

On both endpoints of the pipe, a mounting area is left for welding work when assembling the heating main. Its length is calculated in such a way that the thermal flow from the welding arc will not damage the polyurethane foam layer.

After the installation, the remaining areas that have not been solarmed are ground, covered with polyurethane foam shells, and then - metal belts, comparing a coating with a shared external pipe cover. Often, it is precisely on such sites that fire gaps organize - they are tightly filled with minvata, then it is possible to hydroize the rubberoid and everything is also closed above the steel or aluminum casing.

The standards have a specific sorting of such sandwich pipes, that is, it is possible to purchase products of the desired conditional diameter with optimal (conventional or reinforced) thermal insulation.

The outer diameter of the steel pipe and the minimum thickness of its wall (mm)Sizes of shell of thin-sheet galvanized steelCalculated thickness of the thermal insulating layer of polyurethane foam (mm)
nominal outer diameter (mm) minimum steel sheet thickness (mm)
32 × 3.0100; 125; 140 0.55 46,0; 53,5
38 × 3.0125; 140 0.55 43,0; 50,5
45 × 3.0.125; 140 0.55 39,5; 47,0
57 × 3.0.140 0.55 40.9
76 × 3.0160 0.55 41.4
89 × 4.0.180 0.6 44.9
108 × 4.0.200 0.6 45.4
133 × 4.0.225 0.6 45.4
159 × 4.5250 0.7 44.8
219 × 6.0315 0.7 47.3
273 × 7.0400 0.8 62.7
325 × 7.0450 0.8 61.7

Manufacturers offer such sandwich pipes not only for direct sites, but also for tees, turns, compensators, etc.

The cost of such pre-insulated pipes is high enough, but with their acquisition and installation, a whole range of problems is solved immediately. So such costs are seen quite justified.

Video: The process of production of pre-insulated pipes

Insulation - foamed rubber

Peer-insulating materials and products made of synthetic foamed rubber are very popular recently. This material has a number of advantages that bring it to the leadership positions in the insulation of pipelines, including not only heating mains, but also more responsible - on complex technological lines, in the machine, air and shipbuilding:

  • Foamed rubber is very elastic, but at the same time has a large margin of tensile strength.
  • The density of the material is only 40 to 80 kg / m³.
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient provides very efficient thermal insulation.
  • The material over time does not give a shrinkage, fully maintaining its original shape and volume.
  • Foamed rubber will be difficult and has the property of fast self-filing.
  • Material is chemically and biologically inert, it never appears neither foci of mold or fungus, nor insect nests or
  • The most important quality is practically absolute water and countertility. Thus, the insulation layer immediately becomes and excellent waterproofing for the surface of the pipe.

Such thermal insulation can be produced in the form of hollow tubes with an inner diameter of 6 and to 160 mm and a thickness of the insulation layer from 6 to 32 mm, or in the form of sheets that are often attached to the Self-stroke function from one side.

The name of indicatorsValues
Length of finished tubes, mm:1000 or 2000.
Colorblack or silver, depending on the type of protective coating
Temperature range of application:from - 50 to + 110 ° С
Thermal conductivity, W / (m × ° C):λ≤0.036 at 0 ° C
λ≤0.039 at a temperature of + 40 ° С
Parry perpeturation resistance coefficient:μ≥7000
Degree of fire hazardGroup M1.
Permissible change in length:± 1.5%

But for open-air heating parts, ready-made insulating elements made using ArmaFlex Ace technology with a special protective coating "ArmacheK" are particularly comfortable.

ARMACHEK coating can be several types, for example:

  • "Arma-Chek Silver" is a multi-layer PVC-based shell having a silver reflecting spraying. Such a coating provides excellent isolation protection and mechanical impacts, and from ultraviolet rays.
  • Black coating "Arma-Chek D" has fiberglass high-strength, but retaining excellent flexibility base. This is an excellent protection against all possible chemical, weather, mechanical impacts that will retain the heating pipe in immunity.

Typically, such products according to ARMACHEK technology have self-adhesive valves, hermetically "sealing" insulating cylinder on the body of the pipe. Figure elements are available, allowing installation in complex areas of the heating main. The skillful use of such thermal insulation allows it to quickly and reliably mount it, without resorting to the creation of additional external protective casing - it simply does not need.

The only thing that is probably hampered by the wide use of such thermal insulation products for pipelines is still a high price of real, "branded" products.

Prices for pipe heat insulation

Heat insulation for pipes

New direction in insulation - thermal insulation paint

It is impossible to miss another modern insulation technology. And it is all the more pleasant about it, as it is the development of Russian scientists. We are talking about a ceramic liquid insulation, which is still known as thermal insulation paint.

This, without any doubt, the "alien" from the sphere of space technology. It is in this scientific and technical industry that the problems of thermal insulation from critically low (in open space) or high (when starting ships and landing the descent devices) are particularly acute.

Thermal insulation qualities of ultra-thin coatings seem just fantastic. At the same time, such a coating becomes canceled by hydro and vapor insulation, protection of the pipe from all possible external influences. Well, the heating agent adopts a well-groomed, pleasant eye look.

The paint itself is a suspension of microscopic filled with a vacuum of silicone and ceramic capsules suspended in a liquid state in a special composition comprising acrylic, rubber and other components. After applying and drying the composition on the surface of the pipe, a thin elastic film is formed, which has outstanding thermal insulation qualities.

Names of indicatorsunit of measurementValue
Color of paintwhite (can be changed under the order)
Appearance after applying and full of frozenmatte, smooth, homogeneous surface
Elasticity of film filmsmM.1
Adhesion coating on the power of separation from the painted surface
- to the concrete surfaceMPa1.28
- to the brick surfaceMPa2
- To SteelMPa1.2
Coating resistance to temperature difference from -40 ° C to + 80 ° Cwithout changes
Coating resistance to temperature +200 ° C for 1, 5 hoursyeah, cracks, detachals and bubbles
Durability for concrete and metal surfaces in a moderately cold climatic area (Moscow)yearsat least 10.
Thermal conductivityW / M ° C0,0012
Parp permeabilitymg / m × h × pa0.03
Water absorption in 24 hours% by volume2
Temperature range of operation° S.from - 60 to + 260

Such a coating will not require additional protective layers - it is strong enough to cope with all the impacts.

This liquid insulation is implemented in plastic banks (vendors), as well as ordinary paint. There are several manufacturers, and among domestic, you can especially note the brand "Armor" and "Corundum".

You can apply such a thermocracy by aerosol spraying or the usual method - roller and brush. The number of layers depends on the conditions of operation of the heating main, the climatic region, the diameter of the pipes, the average temperature of the transferred coolant.

Many experts believe that such insulation over time to replace the usual thermal insulation materials on a mineral or organic basis.

Video: Presentation of ultra-thin thermal insulation of the brand "Corundum"

Prices for thermal insulation paint

Heat insulation paint.

What thickness of the heat insulation is necessary

Summing up on a review used for thermal insulation pipes of materials heating materials, it can be obtained by the performance of the most popular of them from the table - for clarity comparison:

Thermal insulation material or productAverage density in the finished design, kg / m3Thermal conductivity of thermal insulation material (W / (M × ° C)) for surfaces with a temperature (° C)Range of operating temperatures, ° СA combustion group
20 and above 19 and lower
Mineral cooker plates120 0,045 0.044 ÷ 0.035From - 180 to + 450 for mats, on fabric, grid, fiberglass canvas; up to + 700 - on a metal gridNon-combustible
150 0,05 0.048 ÷ 0.037
Plates of heat-insulating from mineral wool on a synthetic binder65 0.04 0.039 ÷ 0.03From - 60 to + 400Non-combustible
95 0,043 0.042 ÷ 0.031
120 0,044 0.043 ÷ 0.032From - 180 + 400
180 0,052 0.051 ÷ 0.038
Thermal insulation products made of foamed ethylene polypropylene rubber "Aeroflex"60 0,034 0,033 From - 55 to + 125Wemologies
Mineral Cylinders and Cylinders50 0,04 0.039 ÷ 0.029From - 180 to + 400Non-combustible
80 0,044 0.043 ÷ 0.032
100 0,049 0.048 ÷ 0.036
150 0,05 0.049 ÷ 0.035
200 0,053 0.052 ÷ 0.038
Mineral Wool thermal insulation cord200 0,056 0.055 ÷ 0.04From - 180 to + 600, depending on the material of the mesh tubeIn mesh tubes made of metal wires and glass filaments - non-combustible, the rest of weakly
Mats from glass staple fibers on a synthetic binder50 0,04 0.039 ÷ 0.029From - 60 to + 180Non-combustible
70 0,042 0.041 ÷ 0.03
Mats and wool from super-thin glass fiber without binder70 0,033 0.032 ÷ 0.024.From - 180 to + 400Non-combustible
Mats and wool from super-thin basalt fiber without a binder80 0,032 0.031 ÷ 0.024From - 180 to + 600Non-combustible
Perlite sand, strolled, small110 0,052 0.051 ÷ 0.038From - 180 to + 875Non-combustible
150 0,055 0.054 ÷ 0.04.
225 0,058 0.057 ÷ 0.042.
Heat insulation products made of polystyrene foam30 0,033 0.032 ÷ 0.024.From - 180 to + 70Gorry
50 0,036 0.035 ÷ 0.026.
100 0,041 0.04 ÷ 0.03
Heat insulation products made of polyurethane foam40 0,030 0.029 ÷ 0.024.From - 180 to + 130Gorry
50 0,032 0.031 ÷ 0.025
70 0,037 0.036 ÷ 0.027
Heat insulating products from Polyeneetylene50 0,035 0,033 From - 70 to + 70Gorry

But surely an inquisitive reader will ask: and where is the answer to one of the main emerging issues - what should be the thickness of the insulation?

This question is quite complicated, and there is no unambiguous answer to it. If you wish, you can use bulky calculation formulas, but they probably understand only by qualified heat engineering specialists. However, not everything is so scary.

Manufacturers of finished thermal insulation products (shell, cylinders, etc.) usually laid the necessary thickness calculated for a particular region. And if the mineral wool insulation is used, then you can use the data of the tables, which are shown in the Special Code of Rules, which is designed specifically for thermal insulation of pipelines and technological equipment. This document is easy to find on the network by setting a search query "SP 41-103-2000".

Here, for example, a table from this reference book regarding the above-ground placement of the pipeline in the Central region of Russia, when using mats from glass staple fiber M-35, 50:

Type of droverning heating
innings freight innings freight innings freight
Averaged temperature coolant, ° C
65 50 90 50 110 50
Required insulation thickness, mm
45 50 50 45 45 40 40
57 58 58 48 48 45 45
76 67 67 51 51 50 50
89 66 66 53 53 50 50
108 62 62 58 58 55 55
133 68 68 65 65 61 61
159 74 74 64 64 68 68
219 78 78 76 76 82 82
273 82 82 84 84 92 92
325 80 80 87 87 93 93

Similarly, you can find the necessary parameters for other materials. By the way, significantly exceed the specified thickness the same set of rules does not recommend. Moreover, the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the insulating layer for pipelines are also defined:

The outer diameter of the pipeline, mm Limit thickness of the layer of thermal insulation, mm
temperature 19 ° C and below temperature 20 ° C and more
18 80 80
25 120 120
32 140 140
45 140 140
57 150 150
76 160 160
89 180 170
108 180 180
133 200 200
159 220 220
219 230 230
273 240 230
325 240 240

However, do not forget about one important nuance. The fact is that any insulation with a fibrous structure in time inevitably gives shrinkage. And this means that after some time, its thickness can be not enough for reliable thermal insulation of the heating pain. Output one - even when installing insulation, immediately consider this amendment for shrinkage.

To calculate, you can apply such a formula:

N \u003d ((D. + h.) : (D. + 2 h.)) × h.× Kc.

N.- The thickness of the laying of Minvati, taking into account the correction to the seal.

D.- the outer diameter of the pipe to be insulated;

h.-Bought the thickness of the insulation according to the Table of the Code of the Rules.

Ks.- shrinkage coefficient (sealing) of fibrous insulation. It is a calculated constant, whose value can be taken from the table below:

Heat insulation materials and productsKC seal coefficient.
Mineral wool mats 1.2
Mats thermal insulation "TEKHMAT" 1.35 ÷ 1.2
Mats and canvases from super-thin basalt fiber when laying on pipelines and equipment with conditional passage, mm:
Du ≥ 800 with an average density of 23 kg / m32
̶ The same, with an average density of 50-60 kg / m31,5
Mats made of glass staple fibers on the synthetic binder brand:
M-45, 35, 251.6
Mats from glass staple fiber "URSA" stamps:
̶ for pipes with Du up to 40 mm4,0
̶ for pipes with Du from 50 mm and above3,6
M-15, M-172.6
̶ for pipes with Du up to 100 mm1,8
̶ For pipes with Du from 100 to 250 mm1,6
̶ for pipes with a Du 250 mm1,5
Mineral cooker plates on the synthetic binder brand:
35, 50 1.5
75 1.2
100 1.10
125 1.05
Plates made of glass staple fiber brand:
P-15, P-17 and P-201.2

To help the interested reader, the special calculator is located below, in which the specified ratio has already been laid. It is necessary to enter the requested parameters - and immediately obtain the required thickness of mineralizing insulation, taking into account the amendment.

Thermal insulation is important in the heat resistance device. Not only thermal losses depend on the quality of the insulating structure of the heat pipe, but, which is equally important, its durability. With appropriate quality materials and manufacturing technology, thermal insulation can simultaneously perform the role of anti-corrosion protection of the outer surface of the steel pipeline. Such materials, in particular, include polyurethane and derivatives based on it - polymer concrete and bion.

Thermal insulation is arranged on pipelines, fittings, flange connections, compensators and supports for the following purposes:

reduce heat loss when transporting it, which reduces the installed power of the heat source and fuel consumption;

decrease in the temperature of the coolant temperature supplied to consumers, which reduces the required coolant consumption and improves the quality of heat supply;

reducing the temperature on the surface of the heat resistant and air in the maintenance places (chambers, channels), which eliminates the danger of burns and facilitates the maintenance of thermal pipelines.

The main requirements for thermal insulation structures are as follows:

1) low thermal conductivity both in a dry state and in a state of natural humidity;

2) small water absorption and a small height of capillary lifting of liquid moisture;

3) small corrosion activity;

4) high electrical resistance;

5) Alkaline reaction of the medium (pH\u003e 8.5);

6) Sufficient mechanical strength!

It is not allowed to use materials subject to combustion and rotting, as well as containing substances capable of separating acids, strong alkalis, harmful gases and sulfur.

The most severe conditions for the operation of heat lines occur during underground channel and a particularly infantal gasket due to the moistening of thermal insulation with soil and surface waters and the presence of wandering currents in the soil. In this regard, the most important requirements for thermal insulation materials include small water absorption, high electrical resistivity, and with a non-channel gasket, high mechanical strength.

As a thermal insulation in thermal networks, it is currently used mainly from inorganic materials (mineral and glass wool), lime-silica, associated, volcanic, as well as compositions manufactured from asbestos, concrete, asphalt, bitumen, cement, sand or other components for the Breaknal gasket: bitumertic, asphaltizol, armogenobetone, asphalt ceramzite concrete, etc.

Depending on the type of products used, thermal insulation is divided into wrapping (mats, stripes, cords, harnesses), piece (plates, blocks, bricks, cylinders, semi-cylinders, segments, shells), filling (monolithic and lit), tight and flowing.

Wraper and piece products are used for all elements of heat networks and can be both removable - for equipment that requires maintenance (oil compensators, flange connections) and non-removable. Fasten them with the help of bandages, wires, screws, etc., made of galvanized, cadmiro-baths or corrosion-resistant materials, and a coating layer. Pouring and flowing insulation is usually used for elements of thermal networks that do not require maintenance. Mastic insulation is allowed to be used for shut-off and drainage reinforcement and gland compensators, provided that removable structures are performed for the lipovers and reinforcement oil seals.

The heat-insulating structures of steel pipelines with an overhead and underground channel gasket, as well as with a chamberless gasket in a monolithic shell, are usually made up of three main layers: anti-corrosion, heat insulating and coating. The anti-corrosion layer is superimposed on the outer; The surface of the steel pipe and is performed from loose and wrapping materials in several layers (isola or brizol on isol mastic, epoxy or organosilicate enamels and paints, glass enamel, etc.). On top of it, the main thermal insulation layer of wrapping, piece or monolithic products is stacked. It is a coating layer that protects the thermal insulating layer from the effects of moisture and air and from mechanical damage. It is performed with an underground laying of two or three layers of isola or brizol on the isol mastic, asbestos-cement plaster on a metal grid, a barlication with various impregnations, pholoisol, and with an overhead laying - from sheet steel sheets, aluminum, aluminum, glass cement, glass fiber, fiberglass, glass etc.

Channel heat pipes. In the channels with an air gap, the insulating layer can be performed in the form of a suspended or monolithic structure. In fig. 8.25. An example of the execution of the suspension insulating structure is shown. It consists of three main elements:

but) anti-corrosion protective layer 2 in the form of a 1 multiple layers of enamel or isola superimposed on the steel pipeline, which have sufficient mechanical strength and having high electrical resistivity and the necessary temperature resistance;

b) heat insulating layer 3, made of material with a low thermal conductivity coefficient, such as mineral wool or foam glass, in the form of soft mats or solid blocks stacked on top of the protective anti-corrosion layer;

in) protective mechanical coating 4 As a metal mesh that performs the role of the supporting structure for the heat insulating layer.

To increase the durability of the heat resistant, the carrier design of the suspension insulation (knitting wire or metal mesh) is covered on top of the sheath of non-corrosive materials or asbated plaster.

Fig. 8.25. Thermal lifting in the non-voluntary channel with air gap

1 - pipeline; 2 - anti-corrosion coating; 3 - thermal insulation layer; 4 - protective mechanical coating

Babeless heat carriage. They find justified use in the case when reliability and durability are not inferior to heat pipelines in non-voluntary channels and even exceed them, being more economical compared to the latest in the initial cost and labor costs and operation.

Requirements for the insulating structures of infantal heat lines are the same as to the insulating structure of heat lines in the channels, namely, high and resistant heat, moisture-, air and electrical resistivity.

Changless heat pipes in monolithic shells. The use of infantal heat lines in monolithic shells is one of the main ways of industrialization of heat networks. In these heat pipelines, the steel pipeline, combining heat and waterproofing structures, is superimposed on the steel pipeline. The links of such elements of the heat pipeline up to 12 m long delivered from the factory to the construction site, where their laying is performed in the prepared trench, the butt welding of individual units among themselves and the cover of the insulating layers on the butt compound. Fundamentally heat pipelines with monolithic insulation can be applied not only nonsense, but also in the channels.

Modern requirements for reliability and durability are quite complete, heat-driven with monolithic thermal insulation from a cellular polymer material type of polyurethane foam with closed pores and an integral structure made by molding on a steel pipe in a polyethylene sheath (type "pipe in a pipe").

In this case, the pre-insulated pipelines are performed with a high-pressure polyethylene sheath. The space between the shell and the pipe is filled with rigid polyurethane foam. In polyurethaneuces, copper conductors are laid for monitoring the presence of moisture in the thermal insulation of the pipeline.

Due to the good adhesion of the peripheral layers of isolation to the contact surface, i.e. To the outer surface of the steel pipe and the inner surface of the polyethylene shell, the long-term strength of the insulating structure is significantly increased, since, with heat deformation, the steel pipeline moves in the soil together with the insulating structure and does not occur the end gaps between the pipe and insulation, through which the moisture can penetrate the steel surface. Pipes.

The average thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam heat insulation is depending on the density of the material 0.03 - 0.05 W / (M ∙ K), which is approximately three times lower than the thermal conductivity of most widely used heat-insulating materials for thermal networks (mineral wool, armogenobetone, bitumertic, etc.).

Due to the high heat and electrical resistance and low air permeableness and moisture absorption of the outer polyethylene shell, creating additional waterproofing protection, the heat-hydrochlorizing structure protects the heat pipelines not only from heat losses, but that is equally important, and from external corrosion. Therefore, when using this design, the insulation disappears the need for a special anti-corrosion protection of the surface of the steel pipeline.

The use of pipelines with polyurethane foam insulation reduces thermal energy losses 3-5 times compared with existing types of heat insulation (bitumertic, bitumecite, foam concrete, etc.) and obtain annual savings of about 700.0 Gkal / yearper 1 km.

The construction of thermal networks with expanded heat insulation is carried out several times faster than channel and cost 1.3-2 times lower, and the service life is 30 years in the durability of the usual designs of 5-12 years.

Bitumoperlitis, bitumecoramzit and other similar insulating materials on a bitumen binder have significant technological advantages that make it possible to relatively simply industrialize the manufacture of monolithic shells on pipelines. But along with this, the specified technology for manufacturing the shells needs an improvement to ensure the uniform density and homogeneity of the bitumertic weight both around the perimeter of the pipe and its length.

In addition, bitumertic insulation, as well as many other materials on a bitumen binder, with long warming at a temperature of 150 ° C loses water resistance due to loss of light fractions, which leads to a decrease in the anti-corrosion resistance of these thermal conductors. To increase the anti-corrosion resistance of bitumertic in the process of manufacture of hot molding mass, polymer additives are introduced into Portland cement, which increases the temperature resistance, moisture resistance, strength and durability of the structure.

Babeless heat pipelines in flowing powders. These heat pipelines are used mainly at small diameter pipelines - up to 300 mm.

The advantage of infantless heat lines in flowing powders compared with heat-leading monolithic shells is the simplicity of the manufacture of the insulating layer. For the construction of such heat lines, there is no presence in the construction of thermal networks of the plant, to which steel pipes must be pre-acting for overlaying a monolithic insulating shell. Insulating bent powder in the appropriate packaging, for example, in polyethylene bags, is easily transported over long distances by rail or motor vehicles.

The self-adhesive foam concrete, pelitobetone, asphalt or asphalt concrete is used as such powders.

As is known, in two-pipe thermal networks, temperature modes, and, consequently, the temperature deformations of the feed and return pipelines of the specifically. Under these conditions, the adhesion of the layer of thermal insulation to the outer surface of steel pipelines is not allowed. To protect the outer surface of steel pipelines from adhesion with an insulating array, they are covered outside the layer of anti-corrosion-mastic material, such as asphalt masts, to filling with liquid foam-cement mortar.

Limited constructions of thermal insulation of infant pipelines.From cast structures of infantal heat pipelines, some use was obtained by heat pipelines in a foam concrete array as a material for the construction of such thermal pipelines can be used pelitobeton. Steel pipelines mounted in trenches are flooded with a liquid composition prepared directly on the track or delivered in a container with a production base. After grappling, the betobetonic or pelitobeton array is covered with soil.

Control questions

1. What are the basic requirements for the designs of modern thermal pipelines? Name the sorting of pipelines of the thermal network and the types of fittings used.

2. Compare underground heat pipelines in passing channels, indispensable and vagueless. Name the advantages and disadvantages of each type of gasket and the main areas of their appropriate application.

3. Name the design of modern compensators of temperature deformations of pipelines of thermal networks. How is the calculation and selection of P - shaped compensators?

4. Describe the design of the pipelines of thermal networks. Bring the calculated formula to determine the resulting effort acting on a fixed support of the heat pipe.

5. What are the main features and requirements for thermal insulation structures of thermal pipelines?

Thermal insulation of pipelines is a method actively used to reduce thermal losses of certain systems, to reduce the temperature of communications, directed for safe daily operation. Pretty problematic without the use of this technology to guarantee in winter smooth operation of networks, since the risk of freezing and, as a result, the failure of pipes is extremely large.

Thermal insulation of pipes provides a number of technical regulatory documents, which must be compliance with the design, installation and exploitation of engineering systems of residential and public buildings, and other objects of various purposes.

More information is set forth on the site:

It should be noted that under industrial thermal insulation, there is a thermal insulation of pipelines, containers, as well as equipment and tanks.

Thermal insulation is carried out to prevent the cooling of the fluid present in the pipes or to avoid formation on condensate equipment. If the heat loss is not so important, then this technological process is necessary for compliance with TB.

Different versions of insulators are treated for insulation of pipes used for gas transportation.

The thermal insulation of the gas pipeline is carried out by means of a special varnish or paint, but usually resort to modern protective materials that meet all the requirements for this, namely:

  • the insulator for the gas pipeline must be endowed with the potential of the monolithic, uniform device on the pipe;
  • the material for thermal insulation of the pipeline must be characterized by a low coefficient of water absorption and have high waterproofing qualities;
  • protect the design from destructive ultramostution.

Warming of underground networks

Thermal insulation is a prerequisite for laying and water supply systems, and sewage systems. The insulation of pipelines will help to avoid freezing and exclude heat loss.

All work on isolation should be carried out according to the requirements, clearly formulated and prescribed in SNiP.

Requirements for thermal insulation

Regulatory documents contain detailed information on materials and work methods. It also identifies the applied standards to the contours of thermal insulation, presented certain recommendations.

Types of thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation is divided into species with certain properties and is made in the following forms:

  • sensations;
  • cylinders;
  • mats;
  • half-cylinders;
  • rolls.

Types of thermal insulation:

The list outlined above is not exhausted by this, the market is regularly updated with the new options in this area.

Thermal insulation of mineral wool

Mineral wool from all the types of insulation presented for today is characterized by the smallest cost, the plus is both the installation of insulation. Thermal insulation of mineral wool pipelines - process:

  • the roll roll is cut by strips 200 mm thick (across) and they further wind the pipes, first a layer of mineral wool (100 mm thick), on top - tightly layer of fiberglass;
  • mineral wool should be laid evenly, it should not be frozen.

Mineral wool is considered as thermal insulation of large diameter pipelines, applicable for the heating tracks of urban networks and for sewage systems, for sewer systems of small diameter and for water pipes - not practiced.

Thermal insulation of external pipelines

The selection of thermal insulation materials during the outer laying of the heating pipes is large enough and are offered as a roll type matte.

The compliance of the material allows them to give them a curly shape for the convenience of installation, insulation are proposed, applied in liquid form, their further qualities are manifested after frozen.

Removable thermal insulation in galvanized casing is widely used on linear portions of pipelines.

The foamochetic in the form of tubes or rolls, depending on the diameter of pipes, is used as thermal insulation of pipes and parts of process pipelines, is installed in several layers, depending on the necessary thickness of thermal insulation.

An interesting method for thermal insulation is the coating layer, with the species of which actually read on the site:

Thermal insulation materials used on pipelines laid outdoors and directly on the ground surface will allow hot water not to cool down to the consumer, and all kinds of pipes are insulated:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • polymer;
  • metal plastic;
  • composite.

Moreover, during self-thermal insulation of communications in a private house, it is easier to work with pre-insulated pipes and self-adhesive insulation, and as an assistant to eliminate the shortcomings, it is recommended to use additional winding, for example, aluminum tape.

Calculation of heat loss. With a method for calculating possible heat loss by pipeline, taking into account the actual temperature of the coolant and air of the surrounding system, properties and thickness of thermal insulation can be found here:

Heat-insulating materials for pipelines, among which polyurethane foam and glass gamble, in all its qualities are highly efficient insulating materials.

Polyurethane foam, as a pipeline insulation, is an environmentally friendly and efficient insulation. It is characterized by a neutral smell, not susceptible to the fungus, endowed with increased resistance to harmful media, is not destroyed, completely harmless to humans and the environment.

Directly for large-diameter pipes, a spraying method is used, as a result of which seamless solid insulation is formed, a peak decrease in heat loss is guaranteed. Spraying is carried out at the site of the work of work, using special equipment for thermal insulation of pipelines, uncomplicated and speed of procedures - a clear advantage. For work on insignificant diameter pipes, shells based on polyurethane foam, providing a high level of thermal insulation, this method is available at its cost.

Thermal insulation with the use of glass gambles meets all the requirements for thermal insulation materials.
The material is offered in the form of rolls, mats, plates of different thickness, size and density. Glasswater during installation is somewhat inconvenient and needs additional isolation and sealing, which increases the cost of work and their duration.

Drawing up estimates for pipeline insulation

Works on thermal insulation of pipelines are impossible without making a preliminary estimate, where "step by step" is prescribed by the entire sequence of work performed, on the basis of which the cost of work is formed.

You can get acquainted with the rules for drawing up the estimate on the site:

How are the work on the insulation of pipelines

Thermal insulation should be carried out, according to current standards and rules, which guarantees effective energy saving and an increase in the duration of useful uses


Installation of thermal insulation of pipelines, based on the article, is actually done by means of various materials, but taking into account certain factors and, above all, from the direct appointment of the future system paved.

For example, thermal insulation of high temperature pipelines transported on it is better to produce with the use of cylinder insulation (PPU shell), additionally flaked with foil cardboard or foil.

Brief thermal insulation pipeline


  • complete completion of mounting work (plumbing, welding);
  • stripping with steel shields (manually) either using sandblasting machines of the surface and joints of the pipeline, degreasing;
  • test of the strength and tightness of welds (visual inspection, pressure test, control (if necessary) with special equipment));
  • applying special stores - epoxy primers (as an example).

It is interesting to get acquainted visually with the installation process:

The basis of each technological process is the economic efficiency, which is influenced by the set of many factors. One of these moments, important for many industries (chemical, refineries, metallurgical, food, utility services and many others), is thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. In an industrial scale, it is used on horizontal and vertical devices, reservoirs for storing various liquids, in various exchanger and pumps. Highly high demands on thermal insulation processes of use of cryogenic and low-temperature equipment. The energy industry uses insulating elements during the operation of all types of boilers and turbines, batteries and various water tanks, depending on the site of use, these or other requirements are included in the SNIP. Thermal ensures the preservation of the invariance of the specified parameters in which their safety occurs, reduces the loss.


Thermal insulation is one of the most common types of protection that has found its use in almost all industries. Thanks to it, it is ensured by the trouble-free operation of the majority of objects that pose a threat to human health or the environment. There are certain requirements for the choice of material and installation. They are collected in SNiP. The insulation of pipelines must comply with the standards, since it depends on the normal functioning of many systems. Almost all the requirements listed in the documentation are mandatory. In most cases, thermal insulation of thermal conductors is a key factor for smooth operation and the functioning of energy facilities, housing and communal services and industry. Additional quality that has thermal insulation of pipelines is to ensure the requirements used in the field of energy saving. Competent, performed by all standards insulation of pipelines makes it possible to reduce heat loss during its transfer from the supplier to the end consumer (for example, when providing hot water supply services in the housing and communal services system), which in turn reduces the general energy costs.

Requirements for structures

Installation and process of operation of thermal insulation structures directly depend on their purpose and installation site. There are a number of factors affecting them relate to temperature, humidity, mechanical and other effects. To date, certain requirements have been adopted and approved, in accordance with which the insulation of pipelines and subsequent installation is calculated. They are considered basic, including them is basic in the construction of structures. To them, in particular, belong:

Safety in relation to the environment;

Fire hazard, reliability and durability of materials from which the construction is manufactured;

Heat engineering.

The parameters characterizing the operational properties of thermal insulation materials include some physical quantities. It is thermal conductivity, compressibility, elasticity, density, vibration resistance. Important importance and flammability, resistance to the effects of aggressive factors, thickness of pipeline isolation and a number of other parameters.

Thermal conductivity material

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of raw materials from which isolation is made, determines the effectiveness of the entire structure. Based on its value, the desired thickness of the future material is calculated. This in turn affects the load value, which will be provided by the heat insulator on the object. When calculating the value of the coefficient, the entire set of factors that have direct influence on it are taken into account. The final value affects the choice of material, the method of its laying, the necessary thickness to achieve the maximum effect. It also takes into account the temperature resistance, the degree of deformation at a given load, the permissible load, which the material adds to the isolation design, and much more.

Life time

The operational period of thermal insulation structures is different and depends on the set of factors directly affecting it. In particular, the location of the object and weather conditions should be attributed to them, the presence / lack of mechanical influence on the thermal insulation structure. These factors are key to influence the durability of the design. Increase the service life helps the application of an additional special coating, which significantly reduces the level of exposure to the environment.

Fire safety requirements

Fire safety standards are defined for each of the industries. For example, for gas, petrochemical, chemical industries, in the composition of thermal insulation facilities, the use of difficult-scale or non-combustible materials is allowed. At the same time, not only the indicated indicators of the selected substance, but also the behavior of the thermal insulation facility with a common fire. The increase in fire-resistant is achieved by applying additional coating resistant to high temperatures.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for structures

When designing objects, in which specific technological processes should be protected with increased sterility and purity requirements (for example, for the pharmaceutical industry), the leading value has certain norms. It is important for such premises to use materials that do not affect the same situation for housing and communal services. The insulation of pipelines is carried out in strict accordance with the established standards, it must be ensured by the reliability and safety of use.

Domestic manufacturers of protective materials

The thermal insulation material market is diverse and can satisfy the needs of any buyer. Here is the production

the Kling of both imported and domestic manufacturers. Russian companies are engaged in the release of the following types of thermal insulation materials:

Mats that are flashing on both sides fiberglass, in plates from minerals or kraft paper;

Mineral wool products based on corrugated structure (with its help industrial insulation of pipelines);

On a synthetic basis;

Products based on glass staple synthetic fibers.

The largest manufacturers of thermal insulation materials are: OJSC TERMOSTEPS, Nazarovsky TSTI, Mineral Wat (CJSC), OJSC URSA-Eurasia.

Foreign manufacturers of materials

Products of foreign companies are presented in the market of thermal insulation materials. Among these are allocated: "Partek", "Rockwool" (Denmark), "Paroc" (Finland), "Izomat" (Slovakia), "San Goban escape" (Finland). All of them specialize in various types and combinations of fibrous thermal insulation materials. The most common are mats, cylinders and plates that can be without coating or coated on one side (for example, aluminum foil can be used as it).

Rubber and foam materials

The largest distribution of foam thermal insulation materials was foaming foam. It is used in two types: in the form of tile products and spraying, is used mainly to protect with low-temperature production. It is a developer of synthetic resins (in Vladimir), and its subsidiary - CJSC "Izolaan". The insulation of pipelines is carried out and materials on a synthetic basis. In this case, the protection is subject to equipment operating under conditions of negative and positive ambient temperatures. The main suppliers of such materials are the firms "L'Isolante K-Flex" and "Armacell". It looks such thermal insulation as a tube (cylinders) or boiler-leafy products.

Thermal insulation of pipelines is a set of activities aimed at preventing the heat exchange of the medium transported on them with the environment. Thermal insulation of pipelines is applied not only in hot water heating and supply systems, but also where the technology requires transportation of substances with some particular temperature, such as refrigerants.

The meaning of thermal insulation is the use of funds that have thermal resistance to heat exchange of any kind: Contact and implemented by infrared radiation.

The greatest use, expressed in numbers, has thermal insulation of pipelines of thermal networks. Unlike Europe, the centralized heating system is dominated by the entire post-Soviet space. Only in Russia alone, the total length of the heat network is more than 260 thousand kilometers.

Significantly less often isolation for heating pipes finds the use of private households having an autonomous heating system. Only in several northern regions, private houses are connected to the central heating area with the placement of heating pipes on the street.

Some types of boilers, for example, powerful gas or diesel, the requirements of the joint venture of the SP 61.13330.2012 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines" is prescribed separate from the placement building - in the boiler room, separated from the heated object by several meters. In their case, the fragment of the strapping passing through the street necessarily needs insulation.

On the street, insulation of heating pipelines is required and when there is an open location, and with a hidden gasket - under the ground. The last way can be channel - a reinforced concrete chute is placed in the trench first, and pipes are already placed in it. The infantal way of accommodation is directly in the ground. The used insulation materials differ not only on thermal conductivity, but also vapor, waterproof, durability and installation methods.

Not so obvious the need for insulation of cold water pipes. However, without it, it is not necessary to do when the water supply is laid by an open landfinder - pipes need to be protected from freezing and subsequent damage. But also inside buildings, the water pipes are also available - to prevent moisture condensation on them.

Glass gaming, mineral wool

Proven practice operation insulation materials. Meet the requirements of the SP 61.13330.2012, SNIP 41-03-2003 and fire safety standards with any method of laying. It is a fiber with a diameter of 3-15 μm, according to the structure close to crystals.

Glasswater is made of glass production waste, minvat from silicon-containing slags and silicate waste of metallurgy. The differences of their properties are insignificant. Released in the form of rolls, firmware mats, plates and crimped cylinders.

Materials It is important to keep care and be able to apply. Any manipulations must be performed in protective overalls, gloves and respirator.


The pipe is wrapped or plated by cotton, providing a uniform fill density over the entire surface. Then isolation, not too transmitting, fixed with a knitting wire. Material is hygroscopic and easily wet, therefore, the insulation of the outer pipelines made of mineral or glass wool requires the installation of a vapor insulating layer of material with low vapor permeability: rubberoid or polyethylene film.

The coating layer is placed on top of it, preventing sediment penetration - the roofing casing, galvanized iron or leaf aluminum.

Basalt (stone) wool

More dense than glass gamble. Fibers are made from the melt of gabbro-basalt rocks. Absolutely non-flag, briefly withstands the effects of temperatures up to 900 ° C. Not any insulating materials can be in contact with the surfaces, heated to 700 ° C.

The thermal conductivity is comparable to polymers, varies from 0.032 to 0.048 W / (M · K). High performance indicators make it possible to use its thermal insulation properties not only for pipelines, but also with the arrangement of hot chimneys.

Available in several versions:

  • like glass gamble, rolls;
  • in the form of mats (stitched rolls);
  • in the form of cylindrical elements with one longitudinal slot;
  • in the form of pressed cylinder fragments, the so-called shell.

The last two performances have different modifications that differ in the density and the presence of a heat transfer film. The cylinder slot and the edge of the shell can be made in the form of a thickening connection.

SP 61.13330.2012 contains an indication of the thermal insulation of pipelines is required to comply with the requirements of the safety and environmental protection. Basalt cotton wool itself corresponds to fully.

Manufacturers often resort to tricks: To improve consumer indicators - to give it hydrophobicity, greater density, vapor permeability they use impregnation based on phenolofehyd resins. Therefore, 100% safe for a person cannot be called it. Before applying basalt wool in a residential room, it is desirable to study its hygienic certificate.


The fibers of the insulation are stronger than that of glass gambles, so the hitting of its particles into the body through lungs or skin is almost excluded. However, during the work, it is still recommended to use gloves and respirator.

The installation of the roll canvas does not differ from that method, which isolation of the heating pipes with glass gamble. Heat shutter in the form of shell and cylinders is attached to the pipes using the assembly tape or a wide bandage. Despite some hydrophobicity of basalt wool, a waterproof vapor-permeable shell of polyethylene or rubberoid is also required to isolated with its help pipes from polyethylene or rubberoid, and an additional, from tin or dense aluminum foil.

Foamed polyurethane (polyurethane foam, ppa)

More than twice reduces thermal losses compared with glass gamble and mineral wool. Its advantages include low thermal conductivity, excellent waterproofing properties. The service provisions - 30 years old;. The operating temperature range from -40 to +140 ° C, the maximum withstanding for a short time is 150 ° C.

The main grades of the PPU relate to the combustible group of G4 (strong-horror). When the composition is changed using an additive of anti-epires, they are assigned g3 (normal-horritable).

Although polyurethane foam is perfect as an insulating material for heating pipes, keep in mind that the SP 61.13330.2012 allows the use of such thermal insulation only in single-family residential buildings, and SP 2.13130.2012 limits their height in two floors.

The heat insulation coating is available in the form of shell - semicircular segments with tongue locks on the ends. There are also ready steel pipes in isolation from polyurethan With a prevention shell of polyethylene.


Shells are fixed on the heating tube using screeds, clamps, plastic or metal bandage. Like many polymers, the material does not tolerate the long-term exposure to sunlight, so the open ground pipeline when using the PPU-shell need a coating layer, for example, from galvanized steel.

For underground chamberless placement, thermal insulation products are laid on waterproof and temperature mastic or glue, and isolate with waterproof coating outside. It is also necessary to take care of the anti-corrosion treatment of the surface of metal pipes - even the cocked locking pinch is not tight enough to prevent the condensation of water vapor from air.

Polystyrene foam (foam, PPS)

Released in the form of a shell, externally practically not different from polyurethane foam - the same dimensions, the same castle compound "Schip-groove". But the temperature range of application, from -100 to +80 ° C, with all this external similarity makes it impossible or limited to its use for thermal insulation of the heating pipeline.

Snip 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" states that in the case of a two-pipe heat supply system, the maximum feed temperature can reach 95 ° C. As for the inverse heating risers, it is not so unambiguous here: it is believed that the temperature does not exceed 50 ° C.

The insulation of the foam is more often used for cold water pipe and sewage pipes. However, it can be used on top of other insulation with a higher admissible use temperature.

The material is inherent in a number of certain drawbacks: the string (even with the additive of flames), it does not tolerate chemical effects (dissolved in acetone), shied with balls with long-term exposure to solar radiation.

There are other, non-polystyrene foams - formaldehyde, or short, phenolic. In fact, it is a completely different material. It is deprived of these disadvantages, successfully applies as thermal insulation of pipelines, but not so widespread.


The shells are fixed on the pipe with a bandage or foil tape, it is allowed to be glued to the pipe and between themselves.

Polyethylene foamed

The temperature range in which the use of high pressure polyethylene is allowed, from -70 to +70 ° C. The upper limit is not combined with the maximum temperature of the heating pipe, usually taken during the calculations. This means that as thermal insulation of pipelines, the material is unsuitable, but can be used as an insulating layer on the heat-resistant.

Polysto foam isolation found almost non-alternative use as protection against the freezing of pipes of water supply. Very often it is used as vapor barrier and waterproofing.

The material is produced in the form of sheets or in the form of a flexible thick-walled pipe. The last form is more often used, as more convenient for the insulation of the water supply. Standard length - 2 meters. Color varies from white to dark gray. Perhaps the presence of a coating of aluminum foil reflecting IR radiation. Differences relate to internal diameters (from 15 to 114 mm), wall thicknesses (from 6 to 30 mm).

Application provides a temperature on the pipe above the dew point, which means it prevents condensate.


A simple way with worst vapor insulation results - cut the foamy material for a small deepening along the side surface, reveal the edges and wear onto the pipe. Then wrap along the entire length of the assembly tape.

A more difficult solution (and far from always feasible) is to block water, fully disassemble the warmed plots of water supply and put on whole segments. Then collect everything back. Polyethylene consolidate with screeds. In this case, only segments of segments will be a vulnerable place. It can be glued or closed with scotch.

Foamed rubber

Foamed synthetic rubber with a closed structure - the most versatile material for maintaining heat and cold. Designed for temperature range from -200 to +150 ° C. Complies with all environmental safety requirements.

It is used as insulation of cold water pipelines, insulation of heating pipes, often occurs in refrigeration systems and ventilation systems. Pipes for heating, laid inside buildings and rubber, do not require the installation of a vapor insulating layer.

Externally similar to foamed polyethylene, also produced in the form of sheets and flexible thick-walled pipes. Installation is also practically no different, except that such thermal insulation of pipes can be attached to glue.

Liquid insulation

Technology that allows you to independently spray foam from polyurethane composition on ready-made designs. Excellent adhesive properties allow you to use it not only for insulation of pipelines, but also apply on other elements that need insulation: the foundation, walls, roof. Coating, in addition to thermal protection, provides hydro, vapor barrier, provides anti-corrosion resistance.


Properly performed installation of thermal insulation is the key to the fact that the pipe does not lose heat, and the consumer will not freeze. The freezing of the cold water supply pipeline invariably leads to its rupture. Until recently, fiberglass has been glasswater on hidden and open heating materials on hidden and open heating materials. Its disadvantages arise one of the other. Such a coating requires constant control.

Even with insignificant damage to the protective surface layer, vapor permeability and hygroscopicity reduces all savings on no. Moisture is the cause of low thermal resistance and premature destruction. Significantly improve the situation will help modern insulating materials with a cellular structure, inert to the effects of steam and water: polyurethane foam, foamed rubber, polyethylene foam.